\ I 1 April1990 President's HCIIA Member Appointed To Fifth Circuit Rhesa H. Barksdale, HCBA member Among civic activities, he served in Column and partner in the Jackson finn of Butler, 1982-85 as chairman of the Mississippi Snow, O'Mara, Stevens & Cannada, was Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program. He appointed to the United States Court of is a layreader at St. James Episcopal Church, Judith J. Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on March 12, An avid runner, he has participated in three Johnson 1990. He began serving· on April 1st. marathoris. He is married to the former Born in Jackson in 1944, he is the fourth Catherine Carson Davis, and they have This is my last month as president of the of six sons of the late Mr. and Mrs, John three children. flindsCounty Bar Association. I have many Woodson Barksdale, Jr. He graduated in people to thank for their help and cncour 1966 from the United States Milittry Acad agcmcnt,espcdally the Board of Directors emy. A Vietnam veteran, he served in the and Officers, Leonard Van Slykc, Tommy U.S. Army from 1966 to 1970, He rose to Furby, Pat Bennett, Hal Miller, Jay Tmvis, the rank of Captain and eamcd decorations Rick Courtney, Richard Montague, and including the Silver Star, Bronze Star for Hall Bailey. In addition, I want especially Valor, Purple Heart, and Vietnamese Cross to thank and commend Pat Evans, who has of Gallantry with Silver Star. done a mastc.rful job as our new Executive Barksdale graduated first in his class Director. from the University of Mississippi School I want to recognize and thank the chair of Law in 1972.
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