Alumni Gazette of the College of William & Mary in Virginia Volume V
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ALUMNI GAZETTE OF THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY IN VIRGINIA VOLUME V. WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1937 -NO. 3 ANNUAL HOMECOMING CEL 13TH W.&M. DEFEATS V.P.I. FOR FIRST TIME- CAMPBELL STUART INDIANS MEET W & L ON GRIDIRON TAKES GUILFORD AND AMERICAN U. RECEIVES DEGREE PARADE AND_PICN1C ON PROGRAM Indians 1 DELIVERSJDDRESS The annual Homecoming Day celebration at the College will take placd V.M.I K«f"r:,/v5." ERNEST GOODRICH NAMED Saturday, November 13th, and will include a program of events that will A Surprise; Guilford and American TO BOARD OF MANAGERS Descendant of Colonial Governor last the entire day. Recent victories of the Indian football team have prediw U. Fail to Score. Dinwiddie was Guest of College cated a greater interest on the part of the College alumni everywhere and Youngest Alumnus Ever Elected; and Presents Relifs to Williams- it is expected that a record crowd will return for Homecoming and witness Just as the Alumni Gazette stated the William and Mary—Washington and Lee game that afternoon. Alumni Was Active as Student Leader; burg Restoration. in its last issue, the result of William returning for this celebration have increased in number every year for thai and Mary's opening game with Navy Outstanding Scholar Now With Sir Campbell Stuart, K. B. E., past four years since the College and the town people started contributing was no certain criteria of what the Labor Department. Chairman of the Imperial Communi- generously to make the program colorful and interesting. Indian gridders would do in future cations Advisory Committee and a di- Important features of this year's program will be the gridiron clasH Ernest W. Goodrich, '36, was elect- games. rector of the London Times, was a in the afternoon, the parade of floats in the morning, and the presentation! ed to the Board of Managers of the For, since that disastrous start, guest of the College October 6th, of the Alumni Medallion to John Peyton Little, Jr., '74, second oldest living Alumni Association, at a meeting of coach Branch Bocock's boys have when he received the honorary de- alumnus of the College, who is returning to Williamsburg with his wife, the Board held in Richmond, Friday, done all right for themselves— gree of Doctor of Laws at a formal from their home in Clearwater, Florida, as invited guests of the Colleges* October 8. Goodrich is the youngest and have done it despite numerous convocation held in Phi Beta Kappa Mr. Little is literally returning from the 'dead', for the records ot alumnus ever elected to the Board. injuries to regulars and despite de- Hall. Hon. George Campbell Peery, the Alumni Office and the last two alumni catalogs have listed him as While a student, he distinguished sertions which have cut the squad Governor of Virginia, attended the having died. It was not until last himself in scholastic attainments and strength to 25 men. ceremonies and participated in the ■ ■ ■ ■ . January that Dean Grace WarreBl as a student leader. He is a Phi In four games played this month, program. Landrum received word from a friend^ Beta Kappa; was President of the William and Mary has emerged the Sir Campbell is a descendant of advising her of Mr. Little's where?* Wrangler's Debating Club, President victor three times without being scor- Robert Dinwiddie who was Lieuten- abouts and that he was actively em of Phi Delta Gamma Forensic Frater- ed upon. The lone loss was suffered ant Governor and Commander in gaged in the lumber business in Flor-f nity, and President of the Phoenix to V. M. I. on October 2, when the Chief of the Colony of Virginia from ida. Mr. Little was born August Uj Literary Society. He was Vice-Pres- Cadets rallied in the last half to win, 1751 to 1758, and while in Williams- 1854, the son of a Williamsburg doc* ident of the Debate Council and the burg, he presented to the Restora- tor who owned a drug store on Dukej 20-9. International Relations Club and a tion a collection of relics and heir- of Glouchester Street. In acknow- Following that defeat, the Indians member of the Wythe Law Club, Eta looms belonging to Dinwiddie which ledging a telegram of congratulations pulled one of the state's major upsets Sigma Phi, Student Religious Coun- are to be permanently kept in the re- on his eighty-third birthday from in whipping V. P. I., 12-0, and on two cil, and of Omicron Delta Kappa, na- stored Governor's Palace. President Bryan, Mr. Little wrote] succeeding Saturdays, the Tribemen tional honor fraternity. Mr. Bryan, President of the Col- that the College had always had ai waltzed through Guilford and Amer- Goodrich's home is Dendron, Va., lege, presided at the ceremonies, fol- warm place in his heart and that it ican University by scores of 37-0 and but for the past two years he has lowing a full academic procession, was the dream of his life to somedajfj 38-0. been working with the Labor Depart- and introduced Dr. James Wilkinson return to the scenes of his boyhoocL The Bocockmen will meet a big ment in Washington. He studied law Miller, head of the department of Mr. and Mrs. Little, as guests of thai test this Saturday when they meet at William and Mary, is a member Philosophy who, representing the College, will participate in the Home- University of Virginia's aerial-threat of the Virginia Bar Association, and President and Masters of the College, Little, Jr. coming program, and Mr. Little will eleven in Charlottesville. William since living in Washington has stud- read the address of welcome that was ride in the parade. and Mary have never beaten or even ied law at George Washington Uni- extended to Dinwiddie when he be- The parade will form on Jamestown! scored upon a Virginia football team, versity where he received his degree came Governor. Governor Peery was Road and will proceed down Duke of- but the jinx may be cracked Satur- October, 1937. Gradually advancing then presented and replied to the ad- SORORITIES PLEDGE 132 Glouchester Street promptly at eleveij day. in position, he is now an attorney for dress of welcome by reading Govern- o'clock, being led by Professor t. Against V. M. I.'s clever red-clad the Labor Department and presently or Dinwiddie's original reply. The IN ANNUAL RUSH SEASON Tucker Jones, Grand Marshall, whcS team, the Indians played excellent, doing field work on the Wages and life and services of Governor Dinwid- will be accompanied by the presidents and at times, inspired football, but Hours bill that will come before the die were recounted by Dr. Louis Tri Delta Leads With 21 While Pi of the men's and women's student next Congress. lack of capable reserves and an in- Knott Koontz, Visiting Professor of Beta Phi and Gamma Phi Beta governments, and president of senior ability to cope with the brilliant run- He has been the affairs of Colonial History. Tie with 19 Each. class. There will be two groups oi! ning of the Cadet's Paul Shu finally the Washington Alumni Club being In presenting Sir Campbell for the floats sponsored by student and civis Secretary at the present time. He Nine campus national sororities took its toll. degree, Mr. Bryan said that he had organizations that will compete foe ended their formal rushing season William and Mary led V. M. I., was elected to the Board of Managers distinguished himself 'as a servant cash prizes contributed by merchants to fill the vacancy of Charles P. Mc- Sunday, October 10, with 132 women 9-6 at halftime on the strength of a and defender of his country in the of Williamsburg. Professor T. 3d Curdy, Jr., who resigned to become accepting bids to membership. Tri- Stubbs, Jr., has been named chairman! safety and a half-foot touchdown field of journalism and under the Executive Secretary of the Alumni sterner arbitrament of arms. As a Delt lead the nine in pledging 21, of the judges who will decide the) plunge by sophmore Lloyd Phillips, Association. Goodrich will serve on writer, editor, publisher and soldier; while Pi Beta Phi and Gamma Phi prize winners in each competition* of Lynchburg. The score came after the Board until the next annual a trusted and successful administrat- Beta tied for second place with 19. Members of the faculty who will Pete Bunch, senior halfback, had meeting of the Alumni Association or, he demonstrated once again the Those pledged were: judge the student floats will be: Miss passed 28 yards to co-captain and next June. exhaustless vitality and the invicible Pledges were: Delta Delta Delta— Martha Barksdale, Dr. R. G. Robb„ end John Coiner. faith of the persistent Scotch. Dr. Elizabeth Blair, Brooklyn, N. Y.; El- and Dr. Charles F. Marsh. Civic Rugged Paul Shu swept 12 yards izabeth Bowden, Norfolk, Va.; Nan- The Board of Managers of the Al- James Hardy Dillard, Rector of the judges will be: Mrs. Van F. Garrett* for V. M. I.'s initial score in the cy Causer, Elmira, N. Y.; Dorothy umni Association held a special meet- Board, of Visitors, accepted the pre- Rev. J. C. Faw, and Mr. Comer CL opening period, passed 14 yards to Chick, Oscawana-on-the-Hudson, New ing in the Byrd Room of the John sentation and conferred the degree, Jackson. A new feature of the paradal Trzeciak for the second six pointer, York; Jean Cox, Norfolk, Va.; Martha ! Marshall Hotel, Friday, October 8.