Basic Meridian 61C Configuration Example
174543 Basic Meridian 61C Configuration Example Key ParIS Listing for a 9-1-1 Conliguration (I) Top Cap Module: provides air e"haust and environmental monitoring. Redundant 61C ullng Motorola'Iaa060 Call Processor and Releale 23 loftware (2) Inlelli.ont Peripheral Equipmenl: contain. tholrunk.line and :\IF cards. (2 Columnlor 1 Bay) (al Dici••' liM Canh (NTaOUUI)o Each aid ,~m 16 Voice 3M 16 DIU! portS I'. Tna.k ell"1I fNYIOU ••). Ext. ~ suppiOfU II Tnriu Ie) ~"'d·fl"fq~'· (ilreh INTACJ'M~ This card 4tmdn the ~tF lO.nct uKd in '101·1 ANI. 1 QN per columll cd) TI c••nl'lft'll rriwlll~ Rlill' ..",..tan CilnII - Uted 10 dcl;"'cr C.ller lD 10 the PSAP (dl 'ttip""nl [~ifllM'" ' ....r/R", Cue"'." ~nD2IAB)' One ror. each IPE shelf. (1) Top CapModule (el COIll,rOUtr Clint t~nDlIliC). Pro, ide!; itlterf3C"'K bcI"ecn lhe Supcrloop S,-"",on. Card;and the IPE ~odule. (1/ Top C.p "'pOOle to IP£·,\tAX (~TI RII1IA). ( (NT7000BAI (I) CCR·IP[ (NTI RlllllA" tOpC","IIU (NT7000BA) (3) CoreF."etwork ~Iodule: contain. a "olorola 68060 CPL:, 'Iemory. Di.k/CD ROM, Superloop 7Iletwork cards., (;1) C.,., .,,,1 Dicil ~..r"J fNTlIDI7).. One fot QCh COrcINCf"OB .\1oduk. This card P'O' Mfa d;altonc,1Pd de,ock's ,he: DThIF lann (2) hleUigeT1l Peripheral (bl SUIMr'tMp Su...", C.rlb (NT.DU.-.A). One (or lOxh Corc:JNet ~lodule Pnn ides 01 lime Ilice (or each QII ~ pmcc:ss EqUipment Module te) C.....'III [14uip_.t ' ...eor (I'liInD~A.'" PO" a' (or the Cof'dNC1 !\lodulc(S) (NT8037EC) 2) htelligent Peripheral (d) "ull'~,..'1lftM Seri.1 Oat.
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