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Weather Dfitrfbuffon 1 turn, lmt»r*,ri, ItMMfly Today fair tofey aad uaifU. lftdi ta- WDMNK dlMy M ulfcg * 19,600 ». Cindy tomorroir with a duaet of rate. High la the low XOHDAY ntmxxHniBAr-tsr. an Dial SH 1-0010 Mt. See weather, page L Issued dtliy. Mondty through Friday. Second Clati Poittgt VOL. 84, NO. 185 Paid «t Rid Bank and at Additional M«Ulu« Otticei. RED BANK. N. J.. MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE SCOUT'S HAPPY BIRTHDAY — Mrs. Georg« Blair, Button- wood Dr., Shrewsbury, por- trays Juliette .Low, founder of the Girl Scouts in top Ask Shore Rail Merger photo as Janet Thompson, left, stands at attention and Susan Sharp places a contain- State Plan Would Combine CNJ, PRR Facilities er of "Dimes for Daisy" con- tributions on the 50th birth- TRENTON (AP) — A massive!be spent over the next 10 years He suggests air conditioning and the state and federal govern- ty in the railroad field, but railroad rejuvenation program, either replacing or improving ob- equipment should be placed in ments, Palmer said in the 44- idded: day "cake" at Girl Scout aimed at modernizing commuter solete cars. He said that 91.2 per the passenger cars. page report. "Although federal action is es- birthday rally yesterday in lines and carrying a {126 million cent of the 1,455 passengers cars State, U.S. Funds The report noted there has been ;ential, the railroad passenger Asbury Park. Both girls are price tag. has been recommended in suburban service are more Money to finance the program evidence of the federal govern- iroblem will not be solved until by the N. J. Highway Depart- than 25 years old. would come from the railroads ment recognizing its responsibil- ill levels of government and all from Troop 257, Shrewsbury. ment. >arties at interest recognize their In bottom photo, Stanley Me The program was proposed in :c5ponsibility . and get down Intosh of Little Silver shows the second annual report of the o actual business." Division of Railroad Transporta- TV weather girl Carol Reed The report said that the Hudson tion released Saturday byJSwight & Manhattan, Jersey Central, where all the bagpipe's noise R. G. Palmer, state/highway Pennsylvania and Eric-Lackawan- comes from at the rally in commissioner. jZ—. na Railroads are all involved in the planning. But rehabilitation Convention Hall. Scouts from It suggests electrification of several commuter lines, consoli- of the bankrupt H&M must be Troop 303, Little Silver, are dation of the Jersey Central Rail assured before the other phases left to right, front row, road's shore run with the Penn- can be started. Denise Dilger, Rachel Doan sylvania Railroad, replacement of Bi-state legislation giving the obsolete railroad cars and a gen- 'ort of New York Authority pow- and Deborah Panas, and back eral improvement of facilities. r to take over the H&M, reha- row, Palmyra Dal Pra, Betty Palmer said $85 million should (See RAIL PLAN, Page 2) Wylie, Barbara Gregory, Jan- •t Giench and Ellen Wich- mann. Counter Russia Peronist Asks Test Victory Ban Talk GENEVA (AP) - Russia an- nounced readiness today to Join In negotiations with the United Frondizi Orders States and Britain on t nuclear weapon test ban treaty. Federal Control The Russians proposed that NEXT TO GO — Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter, right, slated for the next orbital Jic three nuclear powers form In Argentina flight by an American, lift next to his boss, Robert R. Gilruth, at ceremony Satur- a subcommittee of the 17-nation day at Langley Air Force Bate in Hampton, Va. Directly behind them art aitro- disarmament conference. BUENOS AIRES (AP)-Presi- The Soviet declaration teemed dent Arturo Frondizi today or- naut John H. Glenn, Jr., and Mrs. Glenn. Gilruth it director of manned Space- certain to revive active work on dered federal control In all prov- craft Center at Langley. Carpenter wai picked last week to replace Donald Slay- he test ban, which has been inces where Peronisls won in ton on a space trip scheduled for late April or early May. IAP Wirephoto) locked In stalemate for the past yesterday's nationwide congres- week. sional and provincial elections. Deputy Foreign Minister Val- The president wi.'l name ci- Terrorists Pledge Fight erian Zorin, making the an- vilian or military leaders to head nouncement at a news confer- - the government in the provinces ence, made clear Russia would where followers of Peron gave like to have France join In. The the president and his government Paris government is boycotting a sharp setback in yesterday's t h e disarmament conference, election of provincial governors Algerian War Ends however. and some members of his con The United States was reported grcss. to have told neutralist nations at Should the president continue 9 the conference it is determined federal control past May 1, when Co resume testing in the atmo- the officials elected yesterday are But 'Peace Is Tense sphere next month unless Russia to take office, the action could changes its policy toward a test have the effect of nullifying the ALGIERS (AP) — The cease-fire in the Algerian war went into effect at ban quickly. results of the election. Secretary of State Dean Rusk Latest unofficial returns showed the stroke of noon (6 a.m. EST) today, ending 7% years of savage warfare and his aides, working behind the that followers of ex-dictator Juan between France and the nationalist rebels. scenes over, the week-end, urged D. Peron won more than 30 scats Even as the cease-fire became official, the French army and police forcep the middle group of Raritan Twp. Must Decide in the National Congress and 10 nations' to persuade the Soviets Rovernors' posts including that of remained on the alert to combat the European Secret Army pledged to keep to accept a test ban treaty pro- Buenos Aires Province, which is Algeria French. viding for international controls second to the presidency in po- More bloodshed threatened before Algeria gains independence as the under against cheating. litical power and prestige. What's lira School Day? ground army of European The Russians showed no sign Frondizi acted at about 5 a.m of relaxing their opposition to RARITAN TOWNSHIP —Shall tions at its next regular meeting, teaching principal at St. John's after Argentina's armed forces settlers defiantly pro- foreign inspectors on their soli. the new high school day consist April 20. school annex, Will become acting chiefs met with Interior Minister claimed: "Now the rea| Zorin reiterated the main Soviet of seven or eight classroom In other business, the board principal of West Keansburg, and Alfredo Vitolo to consider wheth- Praise, Jubilance condition for a test ban treaty— fighting has begun." that any ban be policed only by periods? Should the lunch per- announced that Austin Sherman, Richard Ellerman, leaching prin- er to form a military junta to each nation's scientific equip- iod be 27 minutes or 40 minutes? principal of West Keansburg cipal at Hazlet School, will be deal with the crisis. As the first show of ment for detecting explosions How many study hall periods School, will become principal of come acting principal of Hazle Ask Intervention strength, the secret army called a general strike in Algeria's ma- from afar. should there be per day? the new Lillian Drive School in and St. John's. The military bosses called on Greet Cease-Fire jor cities for 24 hours and urged However, Zorin implied a will- These are questions with which September. Anthony Bruno, (See RARITAN, Page 2) Frondizi to intervene and de- the Board of Education wrestled Europeans to remain indoors. By the Associated Press ernment in exile in Tunis to de ingness to talk out problems with manded the resignation of Vitolo, dare the Soviet Union's readines Friday night, but there were no The walkout that went into ef- The Algerian cease-fire today the West. who had mapped the strategy of to establish diplomatic relation answers. fect at midnight crippled Algiers brought praise in the West, jubi- India and the other neutralists Sunday's election. Vitolo report- with it. The school superintendent, Dickerson Resigns edly already had submitted his but the" French army was In lance in the Arab world, relief were themselves pressuring the R. Thomas Jannarone, favors resignation, but Government tight control of the capital. among the neutrals—and a rush Indian Defense Minister V. K. United States trying to get Pres- the eight-period day, with 45 House sources said Frondizi had Jean Morin, French delegate by (lie Communists to the leaders <rishna Menon, in Geneva for theident Kennedy to modify his de- minutes each regular period, to not decided whether to accept it. general, appealed to both Euro- of the new Algeria. disarmament conference, summci cision to start atmospheric give students more elective pos- County Planning Job peans and Moslems to1 remain up the general neutralist reaction blasts in late April if Russia does Jubilant Peronisls hailed the The joy over the armistice in sibilities and because of antici- calm. He told the Europeans, "1 declaring: not meanwhile agree to a treaty FREEHOLD — Monriiouth Mr. Dickerson also said thai outcome as a /"recall" for their the bloody North African rebel- ban acceptable to the West. pated heavy enrollments in the County Planning Board's indus- exiled leader, but there was doubt know the solution (the cease- "We hope this is the beginning salaries paid to comparabl lion was tempered by refusal of The three-way struggle over school. trial representative, Reid N. jobs averaged $9,500 annually in the military, which threw Pfron fire) is not the one you wanted of real peace in Africa and will J x the underground European Secret testing continued to overshadow Several board members want Dickerson, has resigned to be- out in 1955, would permit his' f-o 'jut it is a solution of reality." lead to an extension of nationalist many other areas.