Therese Gotlib Final

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Therese Gotlib Final Therese Gotlib Media Professional (213) 407-7793 ▪ ▪ 7660 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036 Screenwriter and Director An outcome-focused individual with a strong educational/internship background in film production, cinematography, and television/theatre direction along with the passion for coordinating all the activities of direction on the film-set. Familiarity with the direction/production processes and motion graphics/animation along with the strong ability to understand and resolve all the issues emerging during the development and televising of a film. Passionate to be involved in all the aspects of the film industry with an aptitude for creating unique scripts for the films, organizing story structure and character development while building rapport with all the stakeholders working on the film studio. Collaborative communicator; possess excellent interpersonal, team management, and presentation skills with a strong dedication to liaising with producers, writers, and artists in completing film development projects. ✓ Demonstrated ability to produce, direct and edit short films along with keenness to provide script coverage, character breakdowns, and casting breakdowns. ✓ Talent for bringing fresh/innovative ideas for film screenwriting/direction, prioritizing key projects, and completing assignments with timeliness and quality. SIGNATURE STRENGTHS • Project Planning & Management • Film Development Process • Graphic/Video Design • Drafting & Editing • Team Training & Leadership • Production/Lighting Design • Creative Writing • Video Editing PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND CREDENTIALS Bachelor of Science in Film, Los Angeles Film School, Los Angeles CA, Ongoing Transfer credits in bachelors of film, Cinema and Television Design Center, Mexico City, MX, 2019 Transfer credits in bachelors of film and television, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago IL, 2017 Full IB Diploma, 2016 Filmmaking and Advanced Filmmaking, New York Film Academy, New York, NY, 2015 Filmmaking and Advanced Filmmaking, New York, NY, 2014 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mosaic Media Group • Los Angeles, CA Jan 2020 – Present Script Coverage Intern Render the script coverage; manage assistant desks, and attend phones. Visit the media house every 15 minutes to observe and register the requirements at that point while delivering copies of the script to the relevant parties. ❑ Enlisted and provided character breakdowns, casting breakdowns, and casting submissions completely. Ezra Productions • Los Angeles, CA Oct 2019 – Present Production Intern Play a supporting role in the art planning/direction, detailed-research, and location scouting. Utilize the research to provide scripts in line with the content concepts while conducting additional research as necessary. Deploy technical camera and lighting skills to televise interviews and on-location segments. Orchestrate raw and finished footage, images, audio, and scripts for use in editing as well as choosing well- prepared footage. Execute sound mixing, titles, and color correction along with recommending/selecting the music while liaising with the director, industry experts, and other stakeholders throughout the post- production process. Regularly update Ezra Productions’ social media accounts, post creative content for Instagram and Twitter, and follow new pages and secure new followers while staying constantly engaged with the influencers. Author blog entries on behalf of Ezra Productions by effectively using the SEO keywords. ❑ Employ a variety of styles and techniques involving the design of graphic elements and editing of sound/ light deploying video editing equipment ensuring an immersive viewing experience. Therese Gotlib Page | 2 ❑ Redesign and edit the content to ensure the logical sequencing and seamless running of the video. ❑ Successfully completed the company’s multiple projects requiring the editing work well within the timeframe. Adler and Associates • Los Angeles, CA Oct 2019 – Jan 2019 Post Production Intern Performed editing on the movie trailers, executed the post-production functions and worked in conjunction with the directors and producers on current projects in post-production. ❑ Combined efforts with the marketing team to ensure alignment of project expectations with the captioning videos for distribution. ❑ Acted as a key resource in performing detailed and accurate proofreading of subtitles in Spanish as well as in English. La Saga ( • Mexico City, MX Jan 2018 – Jan 2019 Administrative Assistant Involved in a wide range of assignments as an administrative assistant, undergoing the opening of main celebrity fashion line while revamping and standardizing the material prepared by other writers or establishment personnel ensuring clarity, conciseness, style, and the right terminology. Screened and selected photographs, drawings, sketches, diagrams, and charts to demonstrate material with maximum effect. Enabled in laying out material for publication; scheduled meetings for CEO and performed receptionist’s duties including attending phones and guiding guest stars. ❑ Served as an assistant to the most renowned news anchor and journalist, Adela Micha in Mexico City. ❑ Efficiently handled celebrities' social media profiles along with collecting material and completing writing assignments in alignment with the orders’ set standards. Demian Bichir • Mexico City, MX Sep 2017 – Oct 2017 Intern Procured and distributed supplies needed during the film production; prepared food for the staff members, and managed coffee runs. Answered the telephones and guided the callers on the questions/requests, registered the message of each caller, and transferred calls to the concerned individuals while arranging schedules/calendars for all the events and meetings. ❑ Adequately addressing the needs of the actors while remaining present for all the shoots. Televisa • Mexico City, MX Jun 2015 – Aug 2015 Assistant Welcomed the walk-in visitors and examined the background of all the guests in order to grant permission to meet with the specific individuals. Attended the phone calls, provided adequate information to the callers, and received messages on the behalf of visitors/callers while routing the calls to the relevant parties. Organized/scheduled all the travel arrangements for executives. Opened, categorized, and coordinated the incoming correspondences including the emails and faxes to the relevant department. ❑ Interacted with individuals, special interest groups, and other stakeholders on behalf of executives, committees, and boards of directors. TECHNICAL SKILLS Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After - Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition, Avid, Cinematography, Microsoft Office Suite, Google Suite HONORS & AWARDS MUN Best Delegate, 2016 | Honor Roll, 2016 | New York Film Academy, 2015 | SOCAPA, 2014 PORTFOLIOS AFFILIATION Therese Gotlib Page | 3 Ayudando Dando, 2016.
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