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TOMORROW NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE-E Vol. XXXI, No. 14 ST 119.1 GYM use 1 are crus O.K. 4 1.o.c. DANCE TONIGHT . s U.N.C. an: TOMORROW NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE-E Vol. XXXI, No. 14 STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH, N. 0., JANUARY 26,1951 Offices: 10 and 11 Tompkins Hill M «a?a U.olMd.SludenIsKillCG Backs Pep Club19' NSA By Heavy Vole ‘ Committee To Check All Means Of Support College Park. Md.—The Univer sity of Maryland’s petition-demand- SCheVIak's Motion squa’hed 15-7 ed referendum sent the Nation" CHARLIE HAMILTON Student Association down to de- By feat by 607 to 422 after heavy vot- The Campus Government Tuesday defeated Treasurer ing. Harvey Scheviak’s motion to “withdraw any and all sponsor- The vote settled the Question of ing support” from the Pep Club and voted to investigate all affiliating with NSA after a four- year debate which was brought to possible means that CG might take to co-ordinate future ac- the fore again when the student tivities of the two organizations. council voted NSA in by a one-vote —________———-. By a vote of fifteen to seven the margin. Council killed Scheviak’s revised Non-Political Vote College Union Pics proposal. Last week he introduced a A significant factor concerning a motion proposing that the Council the referendum was that voting Displayed in Library “withdraw all financial and moral was not generally governed by po- support” from the spirit promoting litical affiliation. The ranks of the A photographic exhibition group. parties, Greek organizations and in- showing the facilities and activi- Explaining the word, “sponsor- dependents were not congealed, but ties as student unions in various ing,’’in his amended motion, Sche- were more or less fluid, often being colleges and universities through- viak said that when the Pep Club split sharply. out the nation is now on display was organized last year it was in the lobby of the D. H. Hill Misses Ammo An interesting facet of the refer- sponsored by the Campus Govern- Gym Fire endum was that the students who Library at State College. ment and was so stated in the “Only a miracle” saved a charred. voted in the Engineering building The exhibit includes 50 photo-. Club’s Constitution. He declared box of live ammunition from ex- defeated the proposal by 3-1,' while graphs and is designed to ac- that the present size of the Club ploding during a two-alarm fire the remaining voters defeated the quaint the public with the work indicated that the organization was in the Military Department’s sup- proposal by only 4-3. of student unions. The display capable of functioning by itself ply room in Frank Thompson Gym- Dance lessons Opposing Arngments was prepared by the National and, therefore, needed no further nasium early Monday afternoon, \ Opponents argued that the money Association of College Unions.‘ help from CG. Military Custodian Horace C. The IDC and the‘ ' College NSA would cost should be used for The showing is open to the Following the defeat of the with- Thomas revealed Tuesday. Union will sponsor a series of activities, that student in- public without charge and will drawal motion, Hillarey Daughtry came after a more campus His statement dancing lessons for beginners terest is completely lacking and be featured through February 3. called upon the Council to deter- thorough search on Tuesday of the The library is open Monday mine how the Pep Club could best starting Saturday, February 3. that NSA has an impractical, me smutty Army and Air Force sup- istic constitution. through Saturday from 8 a.1n. serve the Student Body and recom- ply room uncovered a charred wood- The lessons will be given in the THE DIAMONDBACK. 09m“ until 10 p.m., and on Sundays mend action that CG might takein en box containing the target Gym from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Danc- newspaper, reports that only 37 from 2 until 10 p.m. the future to aid the Club in ac- range’s daily supply of ammunition. ing partners will be provided by attended an NSA forum The exhibition was shown at complishing its aims. ‘ Discovers Fire persons Daughtry’s motion was approved local girls’ colleges. held the night before the election. the University of Minnesota The fire, which was discovered and prior to its State College ap- and referred to the Investigations Custodian Five of these were participants at 1:10 p.m., by Gym four were faculty members. pearance. It will move from Committee by President McCracken Harold Haynes, resulted in damage State College to the University for further study. to clothing and office equipment of Florida after February 3. As for financial support given the estimated at $1,000. Haynes says Arrangements for the local Pep Club by CC, McCracken re- that he located the blaze after Denies Hillsboro Charge; vealed that CG has given no money observing smoke pushing up be- displays were made by Jerry Er- to the Club this year. The $200 re- tween the east wall and main floor dahl, director of student union ceived by the Club for this year’s of the'.Gym. activities at State College. operation came from the Student Fire Chief A. B. Lloyd said he Johnson Will Cooperate Activity Fees, he said. believed the fire was caused by a When the question was raised as smouldering cigarette in a waste- By PAUL FOGHT to what a withdrawal of CG sup- Valley” is not as serious a prob- paper basket and stated that his Hillsboro Street’s “Death Coliseum Sludy Group port meant, McCracken stated that men had difficulty in gaining en- lem as pictured according to Raleigh’s Director of Public no money would be appropriated by trance tO the building since the the Council to the Pep Club there- Safety, Carlisle Johnston. However, on Monday Johnston heavy doors leading into the ROTC Named By Harrelson after, and that he, as a member of supply room were locked. \ stated that he is anxious to cooperate with college officials the Student Activity Fee Commit- Doors Locked and student leaders in sponsoring a safety education program Chancellor J. W. Harrelson has tee, would feel obliged to convey the After calling the Fire Depart- on the campus. announced the appointment of a Council’s wishes and go on record” ment Haynes related that he ran . 12 member Coliseum Planning as opposing any further Pep Club around to the supply room located Johnston and his aide, Police Cap- lating a traffic code, they, and not Committee to make a detailed study appropriation by the Fee Commit- in the southeast corner of the Gym tain J. H. Hayes, quoted the results the motorist, will be cited to court. of the operation of the big arena tee. basement and tried without success of a speed survey conducted on In reference to the possibility of and submit recommendations for In addition, he said, it would to enter the locked door. The flames Hillsboro last summer to prove that establishing a reduced speed zone its future operation to the Admin- mean that the Council could no appeared to have originated from a there is very little speeding done on on Hillsboro, Director Johnston said istration. longer approve the Pep Club’s re- wastepaper basket, he stated, and the street that is usually pictured that he would like to establish the The committee, which is com- quest for midstripe seats at ath- spread to nearby, desks and storage as a “rat race” or spillway. area as a school speed zone. Re- posed of representatives of the letic events. Under the present counters. , Radar Check duced speed zones were recently four campus groups using the agreement with the Athletic De- Tech. Sgt. James A. Thompson . On June 26 the Police Depart- established for all the Raleigh city building, is charged with the job partment, the Council must approve says that he, Cadet Regimental ment clocked all traffic passing the schools, but they cannot be enforced of recommending policies for ad- this privilege. Supply Sgt. Samuel R. Blake and intersection of Hillsboro and St. as speed zones since the state law mitting private groups and setting Harold Strawbridge, Pep Club an unknown student left the room Mary’s Street with a radar plotting sets the speed for residential sec- rate schedules. President, appeared before the at 1:00 p.m., after issuing supplies device. During the one hour test tions at 35 miles per hour and pro- Council meeting to defend his or-. of the Drum at 35 miles vides no exceptions. Private groups would include to some 20 members 589 cars were clocked civic organizations, commercial ganization a g a i n st Scheviak’s and Bugle Corps. per hour or less and only eight ve- No Law charge of last week that the Pep Ties and Insignia hicles were found to be traveling shows, and any other body not di- A motorist traveling less than rectly connected with State Col- Club has not benefited “the students Supplies hardest hit by the blaze, between 36 and 41 miles per hour. as a whole.” Strawbridge stated explained Thomas, were ties and Johnston and Hayes claimed that 35 but more than the posted speed lege activities. in a school zone cannot be cited for that his group has “tried and that insignia. Three desks. were destroy- the four traffic lights on Hillsboro In addition, the 12 appointees is all God expects.” ed along with some property rec- between Oberlin Road and Brooks speeding, but only for failure to will attempt to determine a stand- ords and many of the uniforms will Ave., are set to control the traffic operate his car in a reasonable and ard basis for charging rental fees.
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