SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 19 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/-

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Maneck Baug Opens >Pg. 04 Visiting Parsi Homes >Pg. 05 On Our Bucket List >Pg. 08

Dr. Mehta, Ahmednagar Pg. 10 No Uterus... No Entry Pg. 13 Home Delivered Burgers Pg. 20 SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊dĂůŬƚŽŚĞĂƌ 02 ƌĞŐƵůĂƌWĂƉĞƌǁĂůůĂĂŶĚĐŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Editorial RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Dear Readers, Salgreh of Adenwalla Agiary at Lonavla The Anniversary of Atash Padshah Saheb will fall on People spend their lives saving so that they can holiday in far off places and Saturday, 6th September, 2014, Roj Behram, Mah Fravardin. experience cultures other than their own. We are indeed lucky to be part of To commemorate this auspicious occasion a Jashan ceremony a country where our neighborhoods are multi cultural and we can enjoy so ZLOOEHSHUIRUPHGDWDP$OO3DUVL,UDQL=RURDVWULDQV PXFKMXVWE\ZDONLQJDFURVVWKHÁRRUODQGLQJ,KRSH\RXKDYHPDGHLWD are requested to attend. SRLQWWRYLVLWDIDPLO\IULHQGRUZRUNIULHQGGXULQJ*DQSDWLDQG,KRSHWKDW you get to taste interesting Modaks and enjoy a wonderful culture next door. Farvardivan Parabh The Farvardiyan Parabh Hama Anjurnan Jashan will be held on One of our Contributors in the Letters to Editor Section quotes Zarathustra from Yasna 30.2 Friday 5th September, 2014 (Farvardiyan Mahino Farvardiyan when she says ‘hear the best with your ears, see it with your eyes and think before believing Roj) at the Guzdar Pavilion, Doongerwadi, Mumbai at DQ\WKLQJ·7KHVHZRUGVDUHEHDXWLIXODQGUHOHYDQWDQGLIZHDUHWRUHÁHFWRQWKLQJVWKDWPDNHXV 5.30 pm. The Jashan will be led by Vada Dasturji Khurshed good human beings and great Zoroastrians, we must add these thoughts to our daily practice. Dastur Kekobad Dastur with other mobeds, followed by a ,WLVHQFRXUDJLQJWRVHHWKDWSHRSOHIURPDOOGHPRJUDSKLFVHJPHQWVHQMR\RXUVSUHDGDQGZULWH Humbandagi. in to us. Over the years our Letters to Editor Section has matured and some of the Letters are Such events create an inmate Community fervor and a sense of togetherness which is the need of the hour. Rekindling our not only questions to the Community but give us the answers we are all looking for. As a Parsi devotion, invoking the blessings of the departed and praying =RURDVWULDQP\VHOI,HQMR\UHDGLQJWKHVHOHWWHUVDQGOHDUQLQJDERXWZKDWRWKHU&RPPHPEHUV for their progress in the ethereal world. The Community needs KDYHWRVD\,WLVHDV\WRGLIIHUHQWLDWH/HWWHUVWKDWFRPHLQZLWKHDUQHVWFRQFHUQDQGWKRVHWKDWDUH to support such initiatives and attend the function. a cocktail of propaganda and poor judgments. But yet again, it would be irreligious of me to tell Ervad Nadir Modi (Ms.) Bákhtawar Merchant you how to read into them… just refer to Yasna 30.2! Kersi Limathwalla Kersi Commissariat Freyan. Rusi Bhumgara Zarir Bhathena Salgreh of J. D. Amaria Sodawaterwala Agiary Salgreh of J. D. Amaria Sodawaterwala Agiary, 135 Years on Roj Farvardin, Mah Farvardin. Date 05-09-2014 Jashan at 10 am. FaceBook Like: Parsi Times TWITTER Ceremony perform by Panthaki Ervad Pervez Karanjia.

6XSSRUW0UV-RNKL UG$XJ,ÀQGWKDWDFFRUGLQJ faith’ are stagnant and static for in each Parsi residence. Is that $ERXWWKH%33/HWWHUV Dear Editor, to this person and his fellow ever. Such Traditions and tenets are feasible now in 400 sq feet match Dear Editor, I fully agree to the views Trustee, Traditions and Customs are not sacrosanct for ever. ER[ÁDWV" Mr. Khojeste P. Mistree writes, expressed in the article. I and supposed to be treated as stagnant When something is not feasible VIII) Were Solar Panels or and I quote : my family believe in the ancient and not changeable. (according to to be practiced, the same cannot Ozone gas exhausts part of the “... this litigation was not practice of Dokhmenashini and them) be forced down the throats of poor original Dokhmenashni system? LQLWLDWHGE\%33LQWKHÀUVWSODFHDQG would like our dead bodies to IF SO: Humdins. Is it a fact that bovine urine was thrust upon us to fault us now be consigned to our Dokhmas. I) I would like to know from V) I have no intent in being from Panjrapole is sprinkled on for spending funds to defend our Nevertheless, we think it is upto these two BPP Trustees, if Muktad personal but yet cannot resist asking the rotting bodies in Dokhmas? action of supporting and enforcing individuals to choose; and for those ceremony is not a part of ‘time these two sitting BPP Trustees, Is that within the tenets of the High Priests’ directives, which who want to be cremated the tested tenets and practice of the if the ladies in their families still “Traditional” Dokhmenashini? Can are vital to safeguarding our prayers for the deceased should not faith’. A person claiming to possess practice monthly segregation these two Trustees or anyone religious traditions, is to unfairly be denied. ¶DFDGHPLF H[FHOOHQFH· LQ WKH ÀHOG during the period of their menses. explain Fire in Dokhma which target us!” I wish a person of Mrs. Jokhi’s of Religion should know that till Otherwise, they too would be took place two years back? Was it Mr Khojeste Mistree excels calibre having a clear mind could be IRXU WR ÀYH GHFDGHV DJR 0XNWDGV liable to be called REFORMISTS not an attempt to burn bodies in playing victim card when things do the Chairperson of the Mumbai Parsi were held for 18 days. Curtailment dishonouring ‘Time Tested Tenets mass cremation? And what about not go his way, but can he show Panchyat. Leave aside the ability of to 10 days came from the side of and Practices of faith!’ the palm of a female found near us any verse from any Zoroastrian keeping the (Instead of punishing the clergy in 1970’s or so. Is that VI) In his Article titled Jokhi Fire Temple some two years scriptures that mandates that ) Priests (Mobeds) for performing not a change from ‘practice of ‘Religious Implications of Mixed back. Is Mistree still awaiting DNA conversion to Zoroastrianism is prayers for the dead who had opted faith’? Marriages, Dastur Kotwal has said 5HSRUW"+RZGLGLWÀQGLWVZD\LQ a SIN or, is there any historical to be cremated, I feel they must be II) Is it not a fact that a “There is no custom or usage to a residential area? Is transparency evidence from the ancient times commended to do the right thing, century ago, it was the Priests who support marriages between Parsis not important? Is the Community that says that Mobeds who were inspite of Fatwas of High Priests visited houses of the families and and non-Parsis. A custom has legal not to be apprised of the facts? involved in conversion were banned prohibiting our prescribed prayers. performed house to house Muktad sanctity only when it has been IX)Our youngsters need to by any Zoroastrian High Priest In the matter of denying the prayers and “Behras” (Vases) were followed and transmitted from know that our grandmothers in throughout the History? If yes, is right to Navjote, of children of maintained in individual houses. times immemorial. It should be the earlier centuries were not it not a fact that the priests who mixed marriages, our High Priests Has this “Tradition” not undergone GHÀQLWHZLGHO\DFNQRZOHGJHGDQG allowed to go to School and at performed Christian Wadia (father- must change the practice of not a change? Why are Muktads held practiced without obstruction from best an old “Mehtaji’ was allowed son) Navjotes HAVE NOT BEEN allowing the right of Navjote to only in Fire Temples these days? any member of the Community. in the house to coach them in their BANNED. Is it his case to adopt children of Parsi mothers. III) (a) It is a well known fact that AND. \RXQJHU GD\V LQ ZULWLQJ *XMDUDWL different strokes depending on the And lastly, I fully endorse the Vansda Navjotes were performed in The religious view demands and simple arithmetic. status of the priest? Headline of Mrs. Jokhi’s Article. the last century but did the Board that a Zoroastrian lady married Learning English language I have not come across any such “LET US SOLVE COMMUNITY of Trustees of BPP then even think to a non-Zoroastrian ceases to be was a strictly forbidden for them earlier incident of ostracizing of MATTERS WITHIN OURSELVES”. RI 2IÀFLDOO\ %$11,1*  WKH 3ULHVWV Zoroastrian upon marriage and, during those times. Since the a Zoroastrian Priest nor any such Sarosh Bharucha who performed such Navjotes? therefore. she is not entitled to spouses of both these persons are scriptural evidence about a blanket III (b) Why the Priests who the after-death ceremonies as reportedly well educated, by that prohibition on Conversion. On the 'R1RWPLVJXLGHWKH converted Wadia father/son per the doctrine of Dokmenashini. standard have they already not contrary, most of the Persian Kings &RPPXQLW\ businessmen in the late 20th Hence, her mortal remains cannot violated ‘Time Tested’ Custom? were married to non Zoroastrians Dear Editor, Century have not been DEFROCKED be consigned to the Towers of Enumerating the several and their children were not just It is an old saying and an oft till date? Is there any difference Silence.” &+$1*('&86720675$',7,216 initiated into Zoroastrianism but repeated saying that one can fool between what Mirza and Madon So if the Opinion of “High” Priest TENETS WILL BE ENDLESS. There is they also inherited the right to All for some time, Some for All do to earn a living and those who .RWZDOLVVRVDFURVDQFWDQGWKHÀQDO a limit playing on the sentiments rule. If any such tenet against times but Not All for All times. The performed these Navjotes? word, then even Er. Jal Bulsara and of a geriatric Community and now mix marriages and Navjote of object of this letter is to stop the III (c) Why the Priests who his team at Doongerwadi should be I assume it is time to expose such their children was in existence Worst Among Parsi Irani Zarathostis performed at Doongerwadi defrocked as they have performed elements who are out to misguide then why is there no evidence of from misguiding our youngsters in Uthamna of late JRD Tata not been PDQ\ *HK 6DUQDV RI 3DUVL IHPDOHV the electorate. And me and my any High Priest taking objection? to believing that a small coterie are banned by BPP till date? Why such married to non Parsis. -- simply on friends will do the same with What “safeguarding our religious out as Reformists to alter customs selective application of fatwas? WKH EDVLV RI VLJQHG DIÀGDYLW WKDW logic, reasoning, examples and traditions” are you talking about, and Traditions. Their modus- IV) I do not belong to the alleged deceased women was following illustrations, in short the facts and Mr. Khojeste? operandi being suppressio veri and fringe ‘aristocratic’ class with any Zoroastrian Religion. Why has this the truth. All diseases manifest symptoms. suggestio falsi. intermarried family members but been allowed? Regards, Red eyes, runny nose and a hacking Reading the letter of BPP yet, I cannot concede that ‘time VII) It was a practice in the Homi Dalal Contd. on Pg. 12 Trustee Desai in your issue of the tested tenets and practice of the olden days to have a hearth (Fire) POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. ‡”‡•‡”˜‡‘Ž›–Š‡”‹‰Š––‘Ǯ‡†‹–ˆ‘”“—ƒŽ‹–›ǯƒ†–Š‡”‹‰Š––‘‘–’—„Ž‹•ŠŽ‡––‡”•‹–‡†‡†ˆ‘”–Š‹••‡ –‹‘ǡ–Šƒ–™‡Ƥ†Ž‡••–Šƒ•—‹–ƒ„Ž‡‹–‘‡‘”‡š’”‡••‹‘Ǥ ˆƒ›‘‡Šƒ•ƒ›†‘—„–•ƒ†‹••—‡•ƒ„‘—––Š‡ ‘–‡–‘ˆ–Š‡Ž‡––‡”•ǡ–Š‡›ƒ”‡ requested to contact the individual authors if his/ her details are mentioned. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 , 2014 03

Community Coverage Jehangir R. J. Cama no more amous for starting the Ahmedabad’s FÀUVW OX[XU\ DQG business hotel Cama Hotel Ronnie Screwvala owner in the 1960’s, hotelier and of Mumbai Kabaddi team, philanthropist Jehangir R. U Mumba was thrilled as his J. Cama breathed his last on Monday. Mr. Cama team won the match against was 76 and suffered lung Jaipur Pink Panthers, defeating infection, diabetes and He also served as them 45 v/s 31 on the 27th of triple-vessel coronary President of the Adult August. artery disease. Training Centre Trust for the He is survived by his Blind, National Association wife Mehroo, son Rustom for the Blind (Gujarat State and daughter Laila. Branch), Saddbhawna Rural Apart from leading Development Trust and Jit o be declared several family-run Mehta Balshala Trust. He a National companies like Cama funded and helped set up at TMonument any Motors Pvt. Ltd., Cama BPA; the Computer Training structure of Historical Resort Hotels Ltd., Cama Institute, the open air theatre value needs to have Hotels Ltd. and Cama and the lift in our professional existed for at least 100 Farm Orchards Pvt. Ltd., building and also supported years as stipulated by the he was also known for his support for multiple eye-surgeries in Ahmedabad to make the city Ancient Monuments and charities and was the President of Blind People’s ‘cataract-free’. Archaeological Sites and Association (BPA) in Ahmedabad since 2007. Remains Act, 1958. Homi Bhabha’s YOU’VE bungalow in Malabar Contest #2 WON +LOOV GRHV QRW IXOÀOO WKH Rs.2000/- requirements of the Act CASH even though on 20th August, the Department of Atomic Energy What I about Parsi New Year… (DAE) had written to the Chief Minister saying the bungalow should be declared an ancient and historical monument under the State Act. Burzin Mistry’s Winning Entry Aspi Chinoy, counsel for the Godrej family, the new owners of the bungalow, informed the court that even though there was H[WUDÁRRUVSDFHLQGH[DYDLODEOHRQWKHSUHPLVHVWKH\ZRXOGQRW It’s a new day celebrated with much eccentricity & elane, utilize it to alter the bungalow for six to eight months to enable the state to take a decision. Having chicken legs with Parsi pegs, Janak Dwarkadas, counsel for the NCPA, which sold the Doing majaa masti with a spread of TANDOROSTI! bungalow to the Godrej family for Rs 372 crore in an auction, VDLGWKHPDWWHUZKLFKKDGEHHQÀOHGWRSUHYHQWWKHVDOHRXJKW to be disposed of in view of the Centre’s stand and the statement Winners may contact the Parsi Times Office from 11 am to 5 pm (Monday to Thursday) on 66330405 made by the new owners. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 04 In Focus

On the 24th of August Maneck Baug was launched on the premises of the Sir J J Agiary in Pune.

ore than 250 invitees, their Chairman, Mr. from Mumbai and Meher Anklesaria, MPune, attended a thanked Sir Jashan ceremony at Maneck Jamsetjee and the Baug, Sir J J Agiary, Pune, other Trustees of the performed by the Panthaky, Fund for upgrading Ervad Kaipashin Raimalwalla and revamping the and other Mobeds from the facilities in the Agiary. The Jashan preceded Agiary complex the inauguration of Maneck over the past 5 Baug - a newly constructed 6 years. On this room facility located in a quiet occasion, Sir Jamsetjee unveiled in the Main Hall of the and sheltered portion of Sir J Agiary a portrait of Late Ervad Eruchsha Dastur, a former J Agiary compound. Maneck Panthaky, who had served the Agiary for more than 30 years. Baug has been so named to 0DQHFN%DXJLVGHVLJQHGDVD/VKDSHG*URXQGÁRRUVWUXFWXUH perpetuate the memory of Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy, 7th Baronet. with 6 well appointed Air-conditioned rooms with attached After the Jashan, Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy, 8th Baronet, bathrooms and a central Lounge cum Dining Room. Guests staying welcomed the guests and thanked all those who had generously DW0DQHFN%DXJFDQWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIWKHIUHH:LÁIDFLOLW\ contributed towards the successful completion of the Project. that has been provided in all rooms. Visitors to Maneck Baug are Sir Jamsetjee and the Members of the Local Managing Committee greeted by a large Asho Farohar donated by Rusi & Banoo Boocha presented Mr. Firdaus Masani of M/s SEW Engineering (India) of M/s. Russel Fabricators. The vast open areas encircling Maneck Pvt. Ltd. with a framed Silver salver for his unrelenting and Baug have been tastefully landscaped through the concerted generous professional support to Maneck Baug. Commemorative efforts of Mr. Behram Engineer and Mr. Hoshang Jamshedji. Silver mementos were also presented to other donors and Since 2009, the Fund has undertaken repairs, renovation and professionals. On behalf of the Local Managing Committee, refurbishment of the Main Agiary building, including the Dadgah and Muktad Rooms. In 2012, through a generous contribution made by the Faridani brothers, the central Courtyard and an Otla was relaid and repainted. Last year, the Fund converted an underutilized Otla into an Air-conditioned Multi Purpose Hall. Alongside this, the Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Kitchens were renovated and upgraded. A new Overhead Water Tank was also constructed to ensure that all the facilities in the Agiary Complex receive continuous supply of running water. In order to prevent any further nuisance from the adjoining Cow shed at the rear, a 10 feet high GI Fencing was erected all along the rear Boundary Wall. With the opening of Maneck Baug, the Agiary has added a new dimension to the existing facilities - one that will be of great service and convenience to Parsee and Irani Zoroastrians visiting Pune. It is expected that Maneck Baug shall very shortly become operational. )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 , 2014 05

P.T. Contributor and Founding President of the “Super Silvers Senior Citizen Group of Rustom Baug,” Mrs. Kumi Daroowala talks about how the spirit of love and camaraderie of the New Year Celebration should spill over into the rest of the year with visits to Old Age Homes and Parsi Wards. The The NCPA is the home of dreams and creativity. On the 21st of August, Parsi Times Super Silvers practice what they preach! joined in a special celebration in the birth centenarian month of Founder Dr. Jamshed Jehangir Bhabha.

t began, as most great things do, with a dream. The strength Iof this dream gave it wings, propelled solely by the resolute mind behind it… that of late Dr. Jamshed Jehangir Bhabha. And so was born the National Centre for the Performing Arts. In his birth centenarian month, the National Centre for the he holy Muktad and Gathas are over and so are the Nataks Performing Arts, India’s premier and Feastings. But how many of us dedicated our time and arts and culture institution Tenergy to ignite a sparkle in the life of those in Parsi Homes celebrated his legacy by hosting of the Aged and Parsi Wards? These not so fortunate brethren the best of performing arts on lead a lonesome and isolated life longing for some companionship. 21st August, 2014. Yes, I am sure there are some individuals who have shared their In the NCPA Journal he wrote, time and money for these poor old abandoned souls. We wish and “The long-term Master Plan for pray more such persons come forth next time. the National Centre drafted by We, the Senior Citizens Group of Rustom Baug try to follow me in 1966 may seem much too the tenets of our religion of compassion and caring by visiting the ambitious and big, requiring for Masina Hospital Parsi Wards and Dosibai Home for the Aged and also its full realization, hundreds of the J.J. Parsi Ward around Navroze and Khordad Saal every year. crores of rupees, but in planning We conduct Humbandagis during the time of Muktads in our a pioneering institution, it seems prayer hall and have been inspired by the knowledgeable speeches to me to be better to ‘think big’ of our Dasturjis that charity is not just giving money but also giving and ‘start small’ rather than your time to our poor brethren. ‘think small’ and ‘start small’” We visited the clean and well maintained Masina Hospital Mr. K.N. Suntook, Chairman, Parsi ward on Friday 15th August. We sang monajats and patriotic NCPA, speaking about the numbers and many old patients heartily joined in. We mingled Celebration said,, “It is a with them, listened to their problems and distributed sadras and matter of great honour for us snacks to all the patients. The staff was most cooperative and to celebrate Dr.Bhabha’s 100th special thanks go to Ms. Cyrusi who is the administrator and who Birth anniversary. He was a with the help of her staff keeps the premises clean and hygienic. visionary who saw India’s need Dosibai Home for the aged in the same Masina Hospital for an all-encompassing world- Compound was a sad contrast. The dark and dingy interiors and the class performing arts centre. sad looking inmates distressed us. Many ladies in our group were His efforts have given us the in tears. The aged administrator of this home, Mr. Burjorji Katrak, ÀUVW PXOWLYHQXH PXOWLSXUSRVH 93 years makes life miserable for the inmates. If ably restored cultural centre to be built in and renovated this Home can be an asset to our community. We South Asia. We are looking sincerely hope good sense prevails and the new Trustees will make forward to celebrating his legacy this an ‘Ideal Home’ where the inmates can live a peaceful and by building and expending on the joyous life. Rustom Baug tenants consider the residents of Dosibai marvelous infrastructure left to Home as their neighbours and wish to help them, unfortunately us.” they are not allowed to do so. We sincerely request the new The celebration consisted of performances from all trustees to visit the home and invite interested parties to meet the genres featured at the NCPA regularly. It began with them for future development on the basis of the old age home of a performance by the students of the NCPA Special Music Navsari. Training Program, led by Marat Bisengaliev, Music Director Next we visited the J.J. Parsi Ward on 22nd August to wish our RI WKH 6\PSKRQ\ 2UFKHVWUD RI ,QGLD ,QGLD·V ÀUVW IXOO\ friends there, ‘Khordad Saal Mubarak’. It was a pleasure celebrating professional orchestra and the members of the orchestra as there within the clean and airy environment. We would like to an ode to Dr. Jamshed Bahabha, who was a great western applaud Ms. Arnawaz Mistry, the dynamic force behind the success music enthusiast. This was followed by a performance by and upkeep of this ward. Here again we sang songs and met the the Aditi Mangaldas Dance Company – The Drishtikon Dance inmates, some so cheerful and friendly. We realized how much Foundation, which demonstrated the celebrations of life. they value a few gentle words spoken to them. Some inmates Indian music was represented by well-known musicians sang monajats and really enjoyed the evening. A donation of Rs. Rakesh Chaurasia and Jayateerth Mevundi presenting 10,000/= was given for the much needed pampers and ‘lenghas’ compositions by music director, the late Mr. Shriniwas Khale. for the inmates. The festivities continued with acclaimed performances by Sandwiches sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Kersi Guzdar of ‘Grub theatre artistes. ‘Tumhari Amrita’ by Shabhana Azmi a combined tribute to the late Farooq Sheikh was Corner’ and snacks and toiletries sponsored by Jal Auto Hirers were followed by Indian actor Rajit Kapur presenting Shakespeare’s sonnets such as the passage of time, given to the inmates. ORYHEHDXW\DQGPRUWDOLW\'DUVKDQ-DULZDOODD*XMDUDWLÀOPWHOHYLVLRQDQGVWDJHDFWRUZDVRIWKH We once again extend our sincere appreciation to Ms. Arnavaz SOD\´5RDG5DJHµDQGÀQDOO\6KLDPDN'DYDU·VGDQFHWURXSHEURXJKWWKHFHOHEUDWLRQVWRDQHQGZLWKD Mistry for her dedication and service to all the patients. modern dance performance. Dear Freyaan we write this report to you not to show-off The event was curated by Dr. Vijaya Mehta, former Director of Programming at NCPA and a close about our work, but to inspire other like-minded Zoroastrians to aide of Dr. Bhabha. She said,“Creating such a centre was Dr. Bhabha’s biggest dream. The NCPA was extend their love and generosity to these forgotten persons of our like his baby and he literally put his heart and soul into it. He was passionate about the arts and that community. It is we, who come back from these experiences, feeling LVZK\IRUKLVFHQWHQDU\FHOHEUDWLRQVZHDUHSUHVHQWLQJKLPZLWKD¶ERXTXHWRISHUIRUPDQFHV·RI so blessed and thankful to Ahura Mazda for our lives. Thanking you various genres that he would have relished” and wishing you and Parsi Times all the success for the New Year. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 06 Classifieds Travel Comfortably in 7KHWUHQGVHWWHUVRIWKH&RPPXQLW\ )256$/( 3+272*5$3+<9,'(2*5$3+< Brand New A/c were all at the Lakme Fashion ,1129$6.2'$5$3,' $50$,7< 5$6+,'' Week Winter Festive 2014 from Reasonable Rates & with DANAIE %$0$1%(+5$0 the 20th to the 24th of the month. Excellent Service. Persian Sweets, First Parsi Lady Videographer +HUHDUHDIHZSLFWXUHVIURPWKH To Udvada, Navsari, Palladium Hotel, Mumbai. Surat, Mahableshwar, Dry Fruits, Famous Press Photographer Photo Courtesy: Farokh Jassawalla Shirdi, Goa etc. Zoroastrian Carpets, Ex. Special Executive Magistrate Contact Navaaz Ladies Garments HD. VIDEOSHOOTING 9819244454 / 9322279869 PHOTOGRAPHY & ALBUMS CLASSIFIEDS Jehangir Sorab Irani Wedding, Navjotes, 24110788, 97692 24266 Birthdays & Engagements SHYAM TRAVELS Free Home Delivery Contact: 6/3, Khareghat Colony, %86,1(662))(5 Travel in A/c Innova and Honda city to Udwada / Hughes Road, Mum-7 SPITAMAAN CREATION Navsari / Surat / Shirdi / JOSHUA OIL [email protected] )$,5'($/6+23 Nashik / Pune / Panchgani Rheumatic Pain, Armaity: 9820188266 at Boyce Agiary Estate - / Mahabaleshwar etc. and Stiff Joints Pain, Muscular Rashid: 9820224667 Tardeo. all over India. Pain, Low Backaches, Embroidered Kurties, 1 day Udwada – Rs.5,000/- Lumbago & 6(59,&(6$9$,/$%/( 1LJKWLHV ZHVWHUQ 2XWÀW for 7 persons ,QÁDPHDW$Q\&RQGLWLRQV Sadra, Kusti, Toran. 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On readymade Sadra 9819408576/9819648099. & Lehenga of same size, Qty. 1 dozen, 1 Sadra & Lehenga of same size free. &$7(5(56 &2,16127(6&2//(&7,216 AUTHENTIC ,17(5,25(;7(5,25 BHING NE GHARUB HOME MADE PICKLES Protection from Rain, (PRAWNS, GHARUB, Sun-Rays, Mosquitoes, GORKERI, METHIU, Fixed/Folding Roof, CHHUNDO & MIX VEG) Mosquitoe Roll-up Net, WITHOUT RESERVATIVES PVC-U Windows, Doors, 6HHQDW,QGLD·V7RS%DQNVDQG%DQNLQJ$ZDUGV1LJKW« AT REASONABLE RATES. 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Contact: Cyrus 0DQDJHPHQW DW 'HXWVFKH %DQN DFFHSWV WKH $VVHW 14 Years Experience Muthkarni, Vashikaran, Khambatta: 26042635, Quality Award for Best Foreign Bank from Mr. Arun Kersi Black Magic. -DLQ&0'3RODULV)LQDQFLDO7HFKQRORJ\ 9820895967, 9820257919. +919892014580, Any Work 100% Satisfaction. 7RS  0U .DL]DG %KDUXFKD ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU +919892922006 RAZA BENGALI DW +')& %DQN /WG DFFHSWV WKH 2YHUDOO *URZWK Washing Machine / 09756434001 Performance Award for a Private Sector Bank. &$5+,5( Dishwasher / Dryer/ TEMPO Trucks available Microwave Oven / ON HIRE. We Undertake 7$527 9$&$1&< Refrigerator / AC / LCD / CLASSIFIED Parsi Owned & Driven contracts of shifting PLAZMA / LED ASK ANY QUESTION. Required a full/part- household furniture, etc, RATES SWIFT D’ZIRE CAR Contact NATIONAL Get Accurate Answer on time Female Assistant (A.C. & IN GOOD (SAHIL) 9773158833 / with skilled labout. phone. Pay later Rs 300 for NGO with 1-2 years 5XQQLQJ7H[W&ODVVLÀHG CONDITION) Rs. 10/ per normal word 24034358 Contact Dutta per question. experience with good Rs. 15 / per bold word AVAILABLE ON HIRE One Year Gaurantee 9821319228 / 9820006236 Mistry 9769658808 command over English and FOR OUTSTATION AND &ODVVLÀHG'LVSOD\ basic computers. Contact (4cm X 4cm) Box WITHIN MUMBAI. Hufrish: 22846962/ Please do note that while we are happy to bring the Community together via our Classified Section we are not responsible and do not endorse any product or Rs.500/per insert PLEASE CONTACT service advertised in our Classified Section and will not be held responsible by any third party for the content of the ad space. [email protected] On Every 3 Classified, 1 Free ROHINTON - 9223395255 Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at Dangat Media Private Limited, Mehra Centre, Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 CommunityCoComommunity Coverage 07 ACHIEVING PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE The members of the Indian Association of Secretaries & Administrative The play ‘Darling... Hamna Nahi’ was a huge success. As promised, we bring to you P.T T.. Professionals had amidst them the jovial and inspiring Prof. Dr. Firdos Shroff last Reporter Delaveen Tarapore had a chat withth month. P.T. Contributor Sybil RibeiroÀOHVDUHSRUW Mrs. Roshan Tirandaz.

Delaveen: How has your journey from actingg on stage, to movies, to direction been like? Mrs. Roshan: Stage is instant. There can bee no retakes, neither expression wise nor dialoguee wise. My experience tells me that I like working in cinemacinema but I thrive on Stage because if I wish to delivereliver a certain dialogue in a particular way, I managenage toto deliver it better on Stage because it comeses to me instantly. Where direction is concerned, ‘Darling…Darling… +DPQD 1DKL· LV P\ ÀUVW GLUHFWRULDO GHEXW WKRXJKWKRXJK in my career of 31 years I have always striveded to live up to my director’s expectations. Delaveen: What characteristics according to you signify a strong theatre personality? he YMCA Colaba meeting of the Past All-India President, Veera Mundroina Mrs. Roshan: An artist who is committed, punctual, open Association began with Yvonne then introduced our speaker for the evening, WRVXJJHVWLRQVZKRLVDÁH[LEOHFRZRUNHUDQGDERYHDOO TAlphonso, our All-India President Prof. Dr. Firdos Shroff, who had a long list of a humble soul, to me he projects signs of a true theatre welcoming six new members. She then invited TXDOLÀFDWLRQVDQGDFFRODGHVWRKLVFUHGLW personality. the two new members present - Ms. Sandra 3URI)LUGRVH[SODLQHGWRXVKLVÀQGLQJVDQG Nazareth of Forbes & Co. and Ms Marilyn research on the topic of “Achieving Professional ‘Darling... Hamna Nahi’ the comedy by Centre Stage Noronha of McKinsey & Co. Ltd., to introduce Excellence” in simple words interspersed with Productions, Dinyar Tirandaz’ Troupe was a super hit themselves. She also reminded the members humour. The evening of learning was full during the festive season. Here are some moments… of the Member-get-Member award and of fun, with jokes and laughter throughout. encouraged the members work towards this The important points were highlighted so goal so that our tribe increases. beautifully with the help of a slide presentation. The Golden Rules were summarised as follows :- sª $OªNOTªCOMMITªANªERROR sªª$AREªTOªVENTUREªOUTªª7INNNERSªDONTªDOªDIFFERENTªTHINGSªªª ª 4HEYªDOªTHINGSªDIFFERENTLY sª 4HINKªPOSITIVELYªANDªBEªTHEªCHANGE sªª2EMOVEªTHEª@)ªFROMªYOURªEGO sªª2EMOVEªYOURªDESIRESªANDªYOUªWILLªGETªPEACE

Like: Parsi Times Newspaper Parsi Like: sªª"ELIEVEªINªYOURSELFªnª&EELªIT ª$REAMªITªANDª!CHIEVEªIT sªª&ACEªWHATªYOUªMUSTª&ACEªª4HENªYOUªBECOMEªLARGERªª ª THANªYOURªPROBLEMSªANDªYOUªLEARNªTOªCONTROLªTHEM sªª$OªNOTªREACTªTOªAªSITUATIONªª!CCEPTªTHEªUNEXPECTED FaceBook sªª4EAMª7ORKªnª4OGETHERªEVERYONEªACHIEVESªMORE sªª+EEPªYOURªMINDªCALMªª*USTªASªYOURªBODYªSHOULDªHAVEªª ª FOOD ªYOURªINTELLECTªSHOULDªREMAINªALERT All religions were beautifully explained by learn.” One of our members Khurshid Avasia Prof. Dr. Firdaus Shroff, which can be summed shared a beautiful experience connected with up as God resides in each one of us. So, look the above learning. inside yourself for peace. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks We were all inspired and enriched by the proposed by Sybil Riberio after which Prof. SURJUDP DQG WKH ZRUGV RI $OYLQ 7RIÁHU ZLOO Firdos Shroff was felicitated with a token of keep ringing in our minds for a long time.... appreciation by All-India President Yvonne. “The illiterate of the 21st century are not those who do not know how to read and write, )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP but those who do not learn, unlearn and re- SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 08 In Focus

At Parsi Times we love when the youth understand the meaning of charity and tolerance. The worldwide phenomenon of the ICE BUCKET CHALLENGEE had us searching for the young Parsi Do Gooders who decideddeci to participate. We picked a few shivering heroes! P.T. Writer Roshni MogalMogal reports.



Psychologist: Psychiatrist: A Psychologist specializes in issues $ 3V\FKLDWULVW LV D TXDOLÀHG pertaining to the mind and relationships. doctor who administers medical He/ she must obtain a Master’s Degree in treatment for curing ailments of the mind and relationship issues. He/she may prescribe medication Ms. Yoshita Dave Counseling DQG HYHQ UHTXLUH WKH SDWLHQW WR Psychologist; CBT & REBT get hospitalized if necessary. Practitioner A Psychiatrist deals with issues that are biological in nature and Most of the people UHTXLUHLPPHGLDWHDWWHQWLRQ have misconceptions about Psychologists. There are many Psychotherapist: who believe that Psychologists $ 3V\FKRWKHUDSLVW LV D FHUWLÀHG can read minds but it’s not practitioner who utilizes a true as they are no ‘super- VSHFLÀF WUHDWPHQW DSSURDFK LQ humans’. A few believe, that alleviating the mental turmoil of Psychologists must be strong the subject before practicing professionally. SDWLHQWV 7KH\ GR QRW UHTXLUH D and ‘problem free’ but that’s a Most of the Psychologists utilize one or University Degree for practicing myth too as they are as human more treatments approaches; however, professionally. as we. They do have their they are a few who do have specializations Since, a Psychotherapist utilizes share of problems but it’s the LQVSHFLÀFWKHUDS\WHFKQLTXHV D VSHFLÀF WUHDWPHQW DSSURDFK KH approach they use to tackle Learning is an on-going part of a may end up utilizing the same tool ZLWK WKH LVVXHV WKDW GHÀQHV Psychologist’s life. regardless the need of the patient. them. In a nutshell, a Psychologist has a broader Perhaps, the best way of FRQFHSWXDO EDVH WR LQFRUSRUDWH VSHFLÀF clearing these misconceptions treatment approaches for treating patients. It is essential to note that just as we visit a physician for physical ailments, so we is to look at various branches He/she utilizes ‘Talk Therapy’ for helping must approach a Psychologist/ Psychotherapist/ Psychiatrist for issues pertaining of Psychology and understand out people in getting rid of stress and to the mind. the scope of work of each in depression. $FFHSWDQFHDQG$WWHQWLYH$GGUHVVLQJRIWKHVLWXDWLRQLVWKHÀUVWVWHSWRZDUGVDOLIH isolation. free from problems!

Victor Daruwala, Promo Producer at Comedy ZYA Pune is back! Central, India - 24 years :: Donated- $10 I feel the ALS ice bucket challenge might be one of the most innovative & fun marketing techniques to raise money for an organization. It’s got the entire world involved including biggies like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Charlie Sheen, etc. raising over 80 million 86'ROODULQDPDWWHURIDIHZZHHNV,WGHÀQLWHO\KDV created some mad buzz & awareness. Yes, people are saying it’s a waste of water, but then again as Indians ZHVKRXOGÀUVWWKLQNDERXWWKHDPRXQWRIZDWHUZDVWHG during Holi or when our gadi dhowawalo comes & uses buckets of water on our bikes & cars. In comparison to WKDW WKLV LV GHÀQLWHO\ D EHWWHU FKRLFH LI \RX·UH VWLOO feeling guilty about wasting that water, have a bath with that water. At the end of it all millions are being he Zoroastrian Youth excitement. The children of raised with a little twist of fun, so I don’t think it’s Association of Pune Poona Zarthosti Seva Mandal’s harming anyone. I also suggest, every Bawa take up this Tunder the leadership of Sunday School performed challenge as well donate to every cause in whatever Hormuz Pundol, kick started ‘Chaiyye Hame Zarthosti’ as way possible. You just need to have a big heart. I did their revival of sorts with a the opening act, followed by my bit by donating 10$ & spreading the word. packed and busy Khordad Sal a small welcome speech by function. the President Mr. Hormuz Friya Pavri, Media Student, 22 years :: The event held at the Pundol. Later the audience Donated- $10 Ladies Club, Pune was packed was entertained by singers Like many others, I too was challenged to complete with all elements of Bawa Dilzeen, Mansha and Vahbiz, the ALS ice bucket challenge. Even though the campaign with Bezan on the Guitar KHOSHGLQUDLVLQJPLOOLRQVRIGROODUVLWUHFHLYHGÁDFN and Behnaz on the Keyboard. for wasting water. After much contemplation, I took up Young Mitzi sang Hero by the challenge in a good stride and also donated money Mariah Carey. Natasha and to the organisation and urged others to do so. The idea Aisha put up a dance. Freyan of wasting viable resources does sound stupid, but we Bhathena, Founding Editor must acknowledge the idea behind a brilliant campaign of Parsi Times mingled with that has engaged and educated the masses. We must the ZYA team and audience also learn to implement such marketing strategies to and even spoke to the packed tackle some grave issues our country has been dealing with. room encouraging Parsi in the age group of 18 to 45 to join )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP the ZYA Pune. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 10 Profile

Dr. Mehernosh Mehta, an M.Com, MBA (Finance), Ph.D. has his work cut out at all times! His dual responsibilities of being the Director at IMS Ahmednagar and Trustee at the Ahmednagar Anjuman keep him busy on Sundays too! It was on one such Sunday that P.T. Writer Khushroo P. Mehta caught up with him at his IMS office and struck up a deep rooted conversation about his family history, his own life and his involvement with IMS and Ahmednagar Parsi Anjuman.

Parsi Times: Good morning Sir, Nice P.T.: Those are some very creditable meeting you personally after several laurels for you and the institute. Looking conversations over the phone. Please back to the last seven years, how would tell our readers about the history of your you sum up your time here? family at Ahmednagar. Dr. Mehernosh: , ÀQG DGHTXDWH Dr. Mehernosh: Welcome Khushroo, satisfaction to have led and managed I am happy that PARSI TIMES is keen to a prestigious management institute in know about Parsis in smaller cities too. a small city like Ahmednagar and put My family tree starts with the “Satha” up its name on the map of India with family of Ahmednagar which mixed pride. The result is here to see today as with the Damania family and later the I represent the best amongst the best. Mehta family [from Navsari] connected P.T.: Now, I would like to know the other with them through a marriage between part of your responsibility, more towards my father Burjor Mehta and my mother the Parsi Community at Ahmednagar. Meheru Damania. I am the third How did these happen and how long has generation main branch of this century it been now? and a half, old family tree. Dr. Mehernosh: Since our family P.T.: Ahmednagar has a history of has always been instrumental in the spiritual Avatars’. How were you or your development of the Parsi Community at family connected with them? Ahmednagar, it was easy for me to adopt Dr. Mehernosh: I am happy to be a part WKHVH TXDOLWLHV RI D JHQXLQHO\ KHOSIXO of the Avatar story and so is my family. nature and therefore I am today the My father Burjor was very close to Avatar Meher Baba School Pune, Graduation from Ahmednagar College, Secretary of the Anjuman for the last 12 years and a and so was everyone in my family. Infact, I am lucky too Post Graduation and Ph.D. from Poona University, Trustee to it for the last 15 years. as my name was chosen by my mother from the three (PUMBA) Institute. P.T.: Since you are a man of big achievements, what names suggested by Avatar Meher Baba himself. These P.T.: :KDWKDVEHHQ\RXU-RESURÀOH so far and which has the Anjuman achieved under you and how has the were Mehernosh, Darayus and Sarosh. Thereafter, my city has been your residence? Community developed at Nagar? life has been a blessing of Baba’s love. Dr. Mehernosh: I have always been a Nagar man, Dr. Mehernosh: The Anjuman has always supported P.T.: That’s a great start to your life. Tell us about and love to be placed here. Prior to 2007, I worked as all Parsi families at Ahmednagar in their needs and \RXUOLIHF\FOHVRIDULQWKHDFDGHPLF¿HOG a “Reader” at Ahmednagar College for a period of 23 this itself is an achievement for an Anjuman in a small Dr. Mehernosh: I was born and initially brought up in years. With all my experience through the years, I was city. We provide medical and educational assistance to Mumbai. I did my schooling at J. N. Petit Technical High appointed as a Director at IMS in 2007. members from the Ahmednagar Anjuman and in some P.T.: As a Director at IMS, what are the major cases from other cities too. In the recent years the achievements and changes brought about by Anjuman has build a new boundary wall around the you in the last seven years? Dokhma. Apart from these we have 3 to 4 Gambhar Dr. Mehernosh: There have been many, dinners every year which are eagerly attended by Parsis all of them progressive; however these are from Ahmednagar, Aurangabad and occasionally from worth a mention. I introduced additional other cities too. batches to accommodate more students. We P.T.: It’s been an informative and engrossing chat with started language lap for rural students. We \RXWRGD\,UHTXHVW\RXWRVXPLWXSZLWK\RXUJROGHQ publish our own research journal separately words to Parsi Times Readers. for students and faculty respectively. Dr. Mehernosh: This is for all Parsis wherever they Recently we have set up an Entrepreneurship are, to go ahead and take advantage of being a Parsi, Development Cell (EDC) to promote & as all doors of opportunities are open to us. Give and encourage youngsters to start their own JHW DGHTXDWH UHVSHFW VWULYH WR GR ZKDWHYHU JRRG small business ventures. Today we are a is possible in their jobs and circumstances in life. NAAC accredited institute and more recently Ushta Te. we have received “Most upcoming B-School Award” from ASSOCHEM. )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 , 2014 Bend it like Bawa 11

%$'0,1721 2014 BWF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS India was represented in force at the World Championships. However we failed to make a mark. The Commonwealth Games Champion and World Number 27 Parupalli Kashyap didn’t get lucky while his German counterpart Dieter Domke was in top form, beating Kashyap in a closely fought hour long men’s singles tie. Doubles Champions Ashwini 3RQDSSD DQG 7DUXQ .RQD ORVW WKHLU ÀUVW URXQG 7KH /DGLHV Doubles team of Ashwini Ponappa and her got a Binaisha M. Surti walkover in their opening game to enter the second round of the Championships but lost that one. Dewalkar and Chopra advance to the second round after a great opener of a match where they beat the Hong Kong SDLU


7(11,6 U.S OPEN 2014 The U.S. Open is underway and the stars KDYHWKHÀQDOVLQVLWHDVWKH\YDQTXLVKHG the lesser known! Andy Murray survived a scare in his U.S opener yet defeated Dutchman Robin Haase even as a painful cramp struck him without warning. Former champion Maria Sharapova GHIHDWHGKHUGRXEOHVSDUWQHU0DULD.LULOHQNRWRUHDFKWKHQGURXQG A shocking defeat came when Mikhail Youzhny was sent packing home by the Australian teen Nick Kyrgios in a brilliant victory. Novak Djokovic wasted no time in seeing off Argentinian challenger 'LHJR6FKZDUW]PDQZLWKDZLQZUDSSLQJXSWKHPDWFK\HWDJDLQZLWKDYLFWRU\ )LYHWLPHFKDPSLRQ5RJHU)HGHUHUDGYDQFHGLQWRWKHQH[WURXQGZLWKD  YLFWRU\ over Australian Marinko Matosevic. Ana Ivanovic is on a winning roll as she beat her American counterpart Alison Riske with a straight set victory to start off her U.S Open attempt. Serena Williams began her bid for a 3rd consecutive 862SHQWLWOHZLWKDYLFWRU\RYHU$PHULFDQ7D\ORU7RZQVHQGLQOHVVWKDQDQKRXU 3ROLVKWKVHHG$JQLHV]ND5DGZDQVNDZRQWKHÀUVWURXQGPDWFKDJDLQVW&DQDGD·V6KDURQ)LFKPDQ LQPLQXWHVDQGQGVHHG6LPRQD+DOHSZRQEHDWLQJ\HDUROG'DQLHOOH5RVH&ROOLQV

&5,&.(7 SURESH RAINA’S CENTURY- A MATCH WINNING INNINGS :LWKWKHÀUVWPDWFKEHLQJDEDQGRQHGZLWKRXWDEDOOEHLQJERZOHGGXHWRUDLQ7KHVHFRQG PDWFKNLFNHGRIIRQ-XO\ZLWKDSURPLVLQJ,QGLDQVLGHSOD\LQJTXLWHZHOOWRJHWRYHUWKH SOXVPDUN,QGLDÀQLVKHGRQDKLJKZLWKZLWK6XUHVK5DLQDVFRULQJDFHQWXU\06'KRQL and Rohit Sharma getting another half century each. Raina coming into the squad did add the freshness to the side which was missing. With rain interrupting the match England needed 295 LQRYHUVE\WKH'/PHWKRG(QJODQGLQUHSO\ZHUHDOORXW-DGHMDSLFNHGXSZLFNHWV Suresh Raina was the man of the match. Credit goes to the entire team for setting the game up with an all round India won by 133 runs.With this major change let us all hope that good fortune comes the Indian Team’s way... )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 12 Letters to the Editor Dastoor Bode who performed Vansda proclaiming that they have BUT unfortunately he prefers to Now I do not wish to be Contd. from Pg. 02 Navjotes banned? Interestingly, you disowned their sons for marrying remain silent. personal but you say that any cough are all symptoms of the and your ‘High’ Priests who want outside the fold. Can anyone guide me what is other form of marriage other than common cold. Self-righteousness is to justify a ban on the two priests Coming to his comment that the exact position? I wonder how Ashirwad is performed are not valid a spiritual disease, it makes a person over conversions have no issue BPP Trustees have been ‘elected’ Dr. Kotwal is said to be applicant to and children born out of such union GLVSOD\ XVXDOO\ VPXJ  DUWLÀFLDO about using the services rendered by the Community with a mandate SC to be one of the intervener as are illegitimate or in other words,- moral superiority derived from a by the progeny of these very people for traditionalism, may I point out High Priests - in case of Ms. Goolu Bastards. Now recently it has come sense that his beliefs, actions, or from Vansda as helpers in Agiaries that all Trustees have been elected Gupta as well as in Ban Priests to light the most guarded secret DIÀOLDWLRQVDUHRIJUHDWHUYLUWXHWKDQ and as pallbearers at Doongerwadi by a fraction of the total population Case. Please correct me if I am of your family. Your younger son those of the average person. Same because it suits you and because of Mumbai Parsis. (Please, note wrong. I feel that some of our high Dosu is married to Non Zoroastrian is with those who call themselves you know that without them many that you Mr. Mistree, were elected priests are thoroughly exploited by called Ms. Vyoma Shukla. I don’t “Traditionalists Zoroastrians” and Agiaries would have shut down as with mere 5,000 votes). That so called self appointed scholar of see anything wrong. I bless the refer to those who don’t agree none of your “Doodh Pav” followers apart, the Trust deed of BPP does Zoroastrianism. couple for the bold stand. Now can with their position as “Reformists” would want to do the job they do. not mandate anyone to impose his I enclose herewith my open you publicly say that the marriage or “ones with PERSONAL AGENDA”. In Gathas (Yasna 49. 1-2), version of Religion on anyone in the reply to Dr. Kotwal which he failed of your son is illegitimate? In You don’t become holier or more Zarathushtra invites “mighty” Community. Besides, if the Trustees to answer, in spite of my sending my case a child is born to them will religious if you call yourself a Bendva to join him in praising Ahura were so serious about WAPIZ brand mail, to him - repeatedly. Possibly you describe your grand child as Traditionalist, you only exhibit that Mazda. Bendva refuses the offer. of Traditionalism, why are the after reading an open letter he may Illegitimate? you resist change and moving with What does this tell you? Bendva was Priests who performed Uthamna respond. Here you being a High Priest, times and by no means are these an important person who did not of late JRD Tata and that too at Homi Dalal there is an opportunity for you to plus points. Nature is not static. follow Mazdayasni. Zarathushtra Doongerwadi not been banned? change your views on the subject. It evolves all the time around us. ZDVWU\LQJWRLQÁXHQFHKLPWRDFFHSW Does WAPIZ brand Traditionalism You can read the full article You are renowned for changing Ultimately, those who don’t change Ahura Mazda as the God, which he and concept of Tenets have by Dasturji Dr. Kotwal called your own opinions. For example with time, go extinct, this is the refused. If this is not an attempt SELECTIVE APPLICATION? ‘RELIGIOUS IMPLICATIONS OF MIXED you were against Wadias’s Navjotes law of Nature (ASHA). The right to proselyte, what exactly is it? And lastly, It would be MARRIAGES’ on but changed your mind possibly word to describe those who resist Even your own mentor, Mary Boyce, SURÀWDEOH IRU 0U0LVWUHH DQG 0U IRUDÁDWLQ&XVURZ%DXJDQGOLIH change is “backward”. /HWWHUIURP+RPL'DODOWR emphatically says, Parsu/Persians Desai to visit BPP Website and read 'DVWXUML)LUR].RWZDO time dole, (the term pension Mr. Mistree then goes on to converted to Zoroastrianism under under ‘Activities’ - Doongerwadi if would be inappropriate since justify calling the two priests Dear Dr. Firoz Kotwal, WKH LQÁXHQFH RI 0HGLDQV DIWHU it is not stated as follows, ‘Kindly Regarding your opinion that \RX ZHUH QRW HPSOR\HG LQ ÀUPV performing the Navjotes of children migrating to Anshan (original note that the Doongerwadi staff is RI :DGLDV 

lady with the maximum By Nozzer Pardiwala of the other lady she asked, aggression and white hair, ‘But donation bothers them! Many eyebrows were ‘Your two grandchildren are Aunty, what do you think shall Before questioning them raised, this time. married outside. Wouldn’t happen of my Bhabhi, who has vocally, I questioned myself, I smiled, when she looked you want that their and their Nozzer Pardiwala got her Uterus removed. Will within! into my direction and said, loved ones name be mentioned she be allowed to cross the Why am I sitting with this ‘Not all white haired, oldies are in the prayers by the Dasturji. t is amazing, at times, BRIDGE?’ bunch of GOD-made humans stupid.’ Almost, as if, she had Wouldn’t you like to witness to be among a group of It was not curiosity, on who pretend all the times to be read my mind. the Navjote of their children as white haired, staunch, my part, simply, my streak to I God themselves! ‘But...’ The fanatic tried a Great- grandmother?’ old gentlemen and ladies. needle. I questioned. interrupting. The aggression of the white Especially when the issue on The lady responded, `It’s Isn’t religion something The wise, humble lady haired oldie had turned to hand is a topic, as grave as, sad, but, what can we do? man-made and if it is so, isn’t spoke, ‘If…! We in our prime numbness. Organ Donation! We can just pray for her. there scope of amendments would have thought like this Finally, a young lad, truly Amazing, because out of She should have known it. with changing times. gentleman, we would be a the youngest amongst us, who almost a dozen individuals Thankfully, my uterus is in I questioned. bigger and better Community, all that while had been a silent present in the conversation, place.’ The very Community which not a snobbish minority.’ observer, spoke… ‘I was at the maximum of them believed To that I asked, ‘…And is known for its philanthropic Donating organs or not, is Agiyari yesterday morning that donating organs, was your teeth’. generosity, comprises of some entirely your personal choice and I happened to wear incorrect! ‘You young chaps! Don’t individuals who actually and decision, but not donating shorts.’ He softly, hesitatingly I didn’t raise my eyebrows, know anything about our miserly believe that organ them on the basis of some started to share. ‘I was shouted assuming they were worried at, and told very sternly by the about medical corruption. Dasturji to not enter the Agiary Medical corruption! Never in shorts.’ His voice gradually heard of? Let me explain. gained some weight. ‘I was You may have donated your damn angry. I felt humiliated. organs. Your organs may reach I wear my Sudra and Kusti the needy recipient too, but at always. I say my prayers every a cost. day. I visit the Agiary and This was not at all the Atash Behram. But it never reason for their being against ever occurred to me, that organ donation. Their reason wearing shorts too could be was more religious. against the belief of a steadfast, It’s believed by some ritualistic priest. I was carrying or maybe many, that if we the anger all through the day were to die one day… we are and in fact, I was so annoyed, all surely going to… but if IRUWKHÀUVWWLPH,GLGQ·WGRP\ we were to, with any of our kusti prayers after bath, today. organs missing. Our Spirit or When I sat here listening to $DWPDRU6RXOZLOOÀQGLWYHU\ this amazing chat about how GLIÀFXOWWRWUDQVFHQGIURPWKH organ donation was against earthly plane to the other side our religion, my blood boiled of existence. and I was about to leave the Now! I raised my conversation when this old eyebrows! Not only that, I also lady spoke. I am glad we still started vividly imagining the religion. I am sure you must donation is incorrect. religious belief, is foolish. I have prudent old people left sign board, which would read, have forgotten your kusti Leaving our bodies; amidst am old, little absent minded, in our Community who surely ‘Souls with organs intact keep prayers as well. Teeth, hair and the woody, devoid of vultures weak, very spiritual, at times can relate to our generation, left, souls with missing organs nails don’t come in this list.’ hilltop of a crowded-modern- silly, but I am not a Fool, for however crazy, we may be at keep right.’ I was simply amazed at urbanized-city; to decay is sure. I believe, my connection times.’ The knowledgeable, know the fact that she called me accepted because it’s a custom with Lord Almighty is a very Getting up from his chair he DOOVHOISURFODLPHGÁDJEHDUHUV young, knowing very well we never dared to question. personal affair and I would kissed the old lady’s forehead of our Community (Silly! The that I am forty. What I was I questioned. not encourage any dictates and left bidding us Good white haired oldies, chatting in equally amazed with, was Have we really evolved? from any third party. It’s Night, he said, ‘I have to visit our group) very aggressively KHU FRQÀGHQFH LQ SURFODLPLQJ Or, are we still the same purely between me and my the Agiary before the doors are tried to prove their point by doctrines of our religion, as if primitive MAN without Parvardegar. Keep out of it!’ shut.’ saying, ‘Donating organs is she had, hard and soft copy feelings, who left the dead 6KHÀUPO\UHWRUWHG Two of them in our against our religion.’ both emailed to her straight in the forest mercilessly and As we all attentively group started discussing the God! I feel like, I am a from heaven.’ moved ahead in search of food. listened to her like school formalities of Organ donation. traitor! No, no, I am a sinner! I Her supporters joined in, Finally, I gathered courage kids listening to an interesting One of the old gentlemen told to myself. Because, I have ZLWK HTXDO FRQÀGHQFH DQG to ask aloud… the white haired explanation, she continued. even asked the lovely lady, lost almost three - quarters of aggression. old lady and the forty plus ‘Can’t we as a Community, about the legalities of opting my large intestine to medical But what shocked me most young man, ‘Can’t we be more old and young alike, wise and for cremation. While each one Mish Mash! Medical Mish was to know that not all were accommodating and bring not so wise, aggressive and drifted into conversation of a Mash! Never heard of? Maybe, white haired, some were as about changes in our rigid not so aggressive ones; come probable new wave of change, shall explain it in some other young as me. beliefs?’ together and bring about I overheard the not so wise article. How strange are these To that a truly wise old changes for a new tomorrow?’ old lady ask the wise one, ‘If With my intestine gone, people? I wondered!!! lady, with equal amount of Can’t we, as a dwindling my granddaughter wishes will I be able to transcend, They aren`t bothered with white hair, humbly replied, ‘I Community, think of accepting to conduct Navjote of her I started wondering. My the stink that blows through, have donated my organs.’ our own children who have children, would there be some reasoning mind said, ‘Rubbish! straight from the Dokhma All eyes turned to her. married individuals of other Dasturjis willing to do it?’ The old lady is stupid.’ (where our loved ones body ‘I have even signed a legal Community, instead of Meanwhile, my humorous lay) into our nostrils, to the document, stating that I would discarding them?’ )HHG%DFN VLGH WDNHV D ÁLJKW , DVN WKH point of suffocation. But organ FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP like to be cremated.’ Looking into the direction

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mumushroomushroom IIRDPRD RU ZDVDEL MHOO\ 7KH\ just want VLPSOH ust like fashion, food also has its own trends. It’s hard to explain how these XQFRPSOLFDWHG IRRG DQG WKDW LV H[DFWO\ ZKDW Jtrends come about but food has become quite WKH ER\V EHKLQG +RW 5RFNV %%4 DUH DOO DERXW fashionable and when a dish or a particular 6ULNDU6KHWW\DQG1HYLOOH3DWHOWDNHJUHDWSULGH type of cuisine gets popular, suddenly there will LQ GLVKLQJ XS WKHLU OLS VPDFNLQJ EET JRRGLHV be a spurt of )URP EXUJHUV ZLWK FKLFNHQ restaurants and RUEHHIVWDFNHGZLWKEDFRQ outlets serving ham fried eggs and cheese, the same thing. As a patron, I yearn to WRKRWGRJVLQIDYRXUÁDYRXUV This happened WKH PHQX KDV SOHQW\ WR with the see something different on a FKRRVH IURP DORQJ ZLWK D watermelon side of fries of your choice and feta salad. I menu. I wait for chefs to get  FKLOOL IULHV SDUPHVDQ DQG saw it on every SDUVHO\RUHYHQMXVWJRRGRO menu till I got creative and experiment. cheesy fries. They’ve even so fed up of it JRW D VSHFLDO SHDQXW EXWWHU I haven’t eaten EXUJHUIRUWKRVHRI\RXZKR it in ages despite really enjoying it. Sushi has OLNHWKDW become a rage where it doesn’t just feature in the +RW5RFNV%ETLVQRWDUHVWDXUDQWXQOLNHRWKHU hand full of Japanese restaurant smattered across IDVWIRRGMRLQWVEXWLVRQO\DGHOLYHU\PRGHO7KH the city but in NLWFKHQ LV RSHUDWLRQDO IURP )ULGD\ WR every second Wednesday and shut on Thursday. It Oriental, VWDUWVDWSPDQGVXUSULVLQJO\LVRSHQ Pan Asian WLOO  DP PDNLQJ WKLV WKH LGHDO SODFH or ‘ World WRRUGHUIURPODWHQLJKWZKHQ\RXJHW Cuisine’ DQDWWDFNRIWKHPXQFKLHV:KLOH+RW based 5RFNV %TT LV MXVW D IHZ PRQWKV ROG restaurants. WKH\·YH DOUHDG\ PDGH WKHLU SUHVHQFH As a IHOWDWPDQ\ patron, I out door yearn to see HYHQWV OLNH something various different music on a menu. IHVWLYDOV LQ I wait for chefs to get creative and 0XPEDL experiment. The joy of eating is discovering 'HOKL DQG QHZÁDYRXUVDQGWH[WXUHVEXWVDGO\,IRUPD %DQJDORUH PLQRULW\DVPRVWSHRSOHZDQWIRRGWKH\DUH Their forte use to and can identify. The average joe isn’t is to cater +2752&.6 WKHOHDVWELWFXULRXVDQGKLVSDOHWWHLVIDU to private from adventurous. There is nothing wrong parties and %%4 ZLWK WKLV HLWKHU)DPLOLDU IRRGV FDQ PDNH corporate WKHEHVWPHDOVDQGWXUQRXWWREHFRPIRUWLQJ7KH events where they promise to provide an entire ‘ +91 (0) 7506 540 915 average diner doesn’t want de gustation menus, EETH[SHULHQFH·