SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 19 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/- RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM TWITTER FaceBook Like: Parsi Times Maneck Baug Opens >Pg. 04 Visiting Parsi Homes >Pg. 05 On Our Bucket List >Pg. 08 Dr. Mehta, Ahmednagar Pg. 10 No Uterus... No Entry Pg. 13 Home Delivered Burgers Pg. 20 SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊dĂůŬƚŽŚĞĂƌ 02 ƌĞŐƵůĂƌWĂƉĞƌǁĂůůĂĂŶĚĐŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Editorial RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Dear Readers, Salgreh of Adenwalla Agiary at Lonavla The Anniversary of Atash Padshah Saheb will fall on People spend their lives saving so that they can holiday in far off places and Saturday, 6th September, 2014, Roj Behram, Mah Fravardin. experience cultures other than their own. We are indeed lucky to be part of To commemorate this auspicious occasion a Jashan ceremony a country where our neighborhoods are multi cultural and we can enjoy so ZLOOEHSHUIRUPHGDWDP$OO3DUVL,UDQL=RURDVWULDQV PXFKMXVWE\ZDONLQJDFURVVWKHÁRRUODQGLQJ,KRSH\RXKDYHPDGHLWD are requested to attend. SRLQWWRYLVLWDIDPLO\IULHQGRUZRUNIULHQGGXULQJ*DQSDWLDQG,KRSHWKDW you get to taste interesting Modaks and enjoy a wonderful culture next door. Farvardivan Parabh The Farvardiyan Parabh Hama Anjurnan Jashan will be held on One of our Contributors in the Letters to Editor Section quotes Zarathustra from Yasna 30.2 Friday 5th September, 2014 (Farvardiyan Mahino Farvardiyan when she says ‘hear the best with your ears, see it with your eyes and think before believing Roj) at the Guzdar Pavilion, Doongerwadi, Mumbai at DQ\WKLQJ·7KHVHZRUGVDUHEHDXWLIXODQGUHOHYDQWDQGLIZHDUHWRUHÁHFWRQWKLQJVWKDWPDNHXV 5.30 pm. The Jashan will be led by Vada Dasturji Khurshed good human beings and great Zoroastrians, we must add these thoughts to our daily practice. Dastur Kekobad Dastur with other mobeds, followed by a ,WLVHQFRXUDJLQJWRVHHWKDWSHRSOHIURPDOOGHPRJUDSKLFVHJPHQWVHQMR\RXUVSUHDGDQGZULWH Humbandagi. in to us. Over the years our Letters to Editor Section has matured and some of the Letters are Such events create an inmate Community fervor and a sense of togetherness which is the need of the hour. Rekindling our not only questions to the Community but give us the answers we are all looking for. As a Parsi devotion, invoking the blessings of the departed and praying =RURDVWULDQP\VHOI,HQMR\UHDGLQJWKHVHOHWWHUVDQGOHDUQLQJDERXWZKDWRWKHU&RPPHPEHUV for their progress in the ethereal world. The Community needs KDYHWRVD\,WLVHDV\WRGLIIHUHQWLDWH/HWWHUVWKDWFRPHLQZLWKHDUQHVWFRQFHUQDQGWKRVHWKDWDUH to support such initiatives and attend the function. a cocktail of propaganda and poor judgments. But yet again, it would be irreligious of me to tell Ervad Nadir Modi (Ms.) Bákhtawar Merchant you how to read into them… just refer to Yasna 30.2! Kersi Limathwalla Kersi Commissariat Freyan. Rusi Bhumgara Zarir Bhathena Salgreh of J. D. Amaria Sodawaterwala Agiary Salgreh of J. D. Amaria Sodawaterwala Agiary, 135 Years on Roj Farvardin, Mah Farvardin. Date 05-09-2014 Jashan at 10 am. FaceBook Like: Parsi Times TWITTER Ceremony perform by Panthaki Ervad Pervez Karanjia. 6XSSRUW0UV-RNKL UG$XJ,ÀQGWKDWDFFRUGLQJ faith’ are stagnant and static for in each Parsi residence. Is that $ERXWWKH%33/HWWHUV Dear Editor, to this person and his fellow ever. Such Traditions and tenets are feasible now in 400 sq feet match Dear Editor, I fully agree to the views Trustee, Traditions and Customs are not sacrosanct for ever. ER[ÁDWV" Mr. Khojeste P. Mistree writes, expressed in the article. I and supposed to be treated as stagnant When something is not feasible VIII) Were Solar Panels or and I quote : my family believe in the ancient and not changeable. (according to to be practiced, the same cannot Ozone gas exhausts part of the “... this litigation was not practice of Dokhmenashini and them) be forced down the throats of poor original Dokhmenashni system? LQLWLDWHGE\%33LQWKHÀUVWSODFHDQG would like our dead bodies to IF SO: Humdins. Is it a fact that bovine urine was thrust upon us to fault us now be consigned to our Dokhmas. I) I would like to know from V) I have no intent in being from Panjrapole is sprinkled on for spending funds to defend our Nevertheless, we think it is upto these two BPP Trustees, if Muktad personal but yet cannot resist asking the rotting bodies in Dokhmas? action of supporting and enforcing individuals to choose; and for those ceremony is not a part of ‘time these two sitting BPP Trustees, Is that within the tenets of the High Priests’ directives, which who want to be cremated the tested tenets and practice of the if the ladies in their families still “Traditional” Dokhmenashini? Can are vital to safeguarding our prayers for the deceased should not faith’. A person claiming to possess practice monthly segregation these two Trustees or anyone religious traditions, is to unfairly be denied. ¶DFDGHPLF H[FHOOHQFH· LQ WKH ÀHOG during the period of their menses. explain Fire in Dokhma which target us!” I wish a person of Mrs. Jokhi’s of Religion should know that till Otherwise, they too would be took place two years back? Was it Mr Khojeste Mistree excels calibre having a clear mind could be IRXU WR ÀYH GHFDGHV DJR 0XNWDGV liable to be called REFORMISTS not an attempt to burn bodies in playing victim card when things do the Chairperson of the Mumbai Parsi were held for 18 days. Curtailment dishonouring ‘Time Tested Tenets mass cremation? And what about not go his way, but can he show Panchyat. Leave aside the ability of to 10 days came from the side of and Practices of faith!’ the palm of a female found near us any verse from any Zoroastrian keeping the (Instead of punishing the clergy in 1970’s or so. Is that VI) In his Article titled Jokhi Fire Temple some two years scriptures that mandates that ) Priests (Mobeds) for performing not a change from ‘practice of ‘Religious Implications of Mixed back. Is Mistree still awaiting DNA conversion to Zoroastrianism is prayers for the dead who had opted faith’? Marriages, Dastur Kotwal has said 5HSRUW"+RZGLGLWÀQGLWVZD\LQ a SIN or, is there any historical to be cremated, I feel they must be II) Is it not a fact that a “There is no custom or usage to a residential area? Is transparency evidence from the ancient times commended to do the right thing, century ago, it was the Priests who support marriages between Parsis not important? Is the Community that says that Mobeds who were inspite of Fatwas of High Priests visited houses of the families and and non-Parsis. A custom has legal not to be apprised of the facts? involved in conversion were banned prohibiting our prescribed prayers. performed house to house Muktad sanctity only when it has been IX)Our youngsters need to by any Zoroastrian High Priest In the matter of denying the prayers and “Behras” (Vases) were followed and transmitted from know that our grandmothers in throughout the History? If yes, is right to Navjote, of children of maintained in individual houses. times immemorial. It should be the earlier centuries were not it not a fact that the priests who mixed marriages, our High Priests Has this “Tradition” not undergone GHÀQLWHZLGHO\DFNQRZOHGJHGDQG allowed to go to School and at performed Christian Wadia (father- must change the practice of not a change? Why are Muktads held practiced without obstruction from best an old “Mehtaji’ was allowed son) Navjotes HAVE NOT BEEN allowing the right of Navjote to only in Fire Temples these days? any member of the Community. in the house to coach them in their BANNED. Is it his case to adopt children of Parsi mothers. III) (a) It is a well known fact that AND. \RXQJHU GD\V LQ ZULWLQJ *XMDUDWL different strokes depending on the And lastly, I fully endorse the Vansda Navjotes were performed in The religious view demands and simple arithmetic. status of the priest? Headline of Mrs. Jokhi’s Article. the last century but did the Board that a Zoroastrian lady married Learning English language I have not come across any such “LET US SOLVE COMMUNITY of Trustees of BPP then even think to a non-Zoroastrian ceases to be was a strictly forbidden for them earlier incident of ostracizing of MATTERS WITHIN OURSELVES”. RI 2IÀFLDOO\ %$11,1* WKH 3ULHVWV Zoroastrian upon marriage and, during those times. Since the a Zoroastrian Priest nor any such Sarosh Bharucha who performed such Navjotes? therefore. she is not entitled to spouses of both these persons are scriptural evidence about a blanket III (b) Why the Priests who the after-death ceremonies as reportedly well educated, by that prohibition on Conversion. On the 'R1RWPLVJXLGHWKH converted Wadia father/son per the doctrine of Dokmenashini. standard have they already not contrary, most of the Persian Kings &RPPXQLW\ businessmen in the late 20th Hence, her mortal remains cannot violated ‘Time Tested’ Custom? were married to non Zoroastrians Dear Editor, Century have not been DEFROCKED be consigned to the Towers of Enumerating the several and their children were not just It is an old saying and an oft till date? Is there any difference Silence.” &+$1*('&86720675$',7,216 initiated into Zoroastrianism but repeated saying that one can fool between what Mirza and Madon So if the Opinion of “High” Priest TENETS WILL BE ENDLESS. There is they also inherited the right to All for some time, Some for All do to earn a living and those who .RWZDOLVVRVDFURVDQFWDQGWKHÀQDO a limit playing on the sentiments rule. If any such tenet against times but Not All for All times. The performed these Navjotes? word, then even Er. Jal Bulsara and of a geriatric Community and now mix marriages and Navjote of object of this letter is to stop the III (c) Why the Priests who his team at Doongerwadi should be I assume it is time to expose such their children was in existence Worst Among Parsi Irani Zarathostis performed at Doongerwadi defrocked as they have performed elements who are out to misguide then why is there no evidence of from misguiding our youngsters in Uthamna of late JRD Tata not been PDQ\ *HK 6DUQDV RI 3DUVL IHPDOHV the electorate.
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