1. Molotov and Malenkov are out, Gromyko becomes foreign minister ••• Egypt reopens the Suez Canal ••• Kennedy wins Pulitzer for PROFILES IN COURAGE ••• Eisenhower sends troops to Little Rock ••• USSR launches: Sputnik I... For 10 points, what was the year? 1957 2. His stories about Broadway gangsters and gamblers, told in lively slang and the present tense, were collected in BLUE PLATE SPECIAL (1934), MY OLD MAN (1939), and GUYS AND DOLLS (1932). For 10 points, name this writer. Damon Runyon 3. Discovered by Louis Vauquelin in-1797, the biggest known deposits of this element are found in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Its atomic number is 24, and it's used as a decorative and protective plating, especially on cars. For 10 points, name this element. Chromium (not chrome) 4. The Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution. The Treaty of Versailles ended the first World War. For 10 points, what treaty ended the War of the Spanish Succession? the Treaty of Utrecht 5. Four ••• six••• eight ••• or ten... For 10 points, how many time zones cover the United states, from Nome, Alaska to San Tva.n; PuerTo Rk,,? eight 9. Born in 1885 in Bordeaux, he won the 1952 Nobel Prize in Literature for such novels as THERESE, VIPER'a TANGLE, and LE MAL, and for biographies including the LIFE OF JESUS· (1937). For 10 points, name this French author. Francois Mauriac 7. It is equal to 108 Maxwells. For 10 points, iofha t is ~ this unit of magnetic flux in the MKS system of measurement? Weber 8. Baseball's All-Star Game has been part of the season for almost 50 years, and the National League holds a commanding lead over the American in number of games won. In fact, the American League hasn't won since... For 10 points·, since what y~ar? 1971 9. During the Mississippian and Pennsylvani oan periods, he suggested, all continents were joined. In the early Mesozoic period, they began to drift toward their present positions. For 10 points, name this German geologist, father of "plate techtonics." Alfred Wegener

10 0 Once called the Collegiate School of Connecticut , it was renamed in 1718 for a wealthy donor. For 10 points, name this Ivy League college. Yale- EMORY COLLEGE BOWL DO NOT DUPLICATE OR TRADE TULANE UNIVERSITY - 1982 NIT (2)

11. Alaska's flag shows the Big Diuper and the North Star--and Alaska is the northernmost of ' the United states. For 10 points, what is the northernmost of the contiguous United states, and' calls itself the "North star State~? Minnesota 12. Thomas Gainsborough painted portraits. Hieronymus Bosch painted religious allegories. For 10 pOints, what was the favorite subject of French painters like Camille Corot (core-OR), Nicholas Poussin (Pooh-SAN), and Claude Lorraine (Lore-EN)? Landscanes

13. On March 10,1982, all nine planets we~e alrno5t · in line with each other--something that happens only once in' ~co years. For 10 points, what is the popular name for this phenomena? the Jupiter Effect 14. Jacob had ten sons but only one daughter, whose abduction led to the slaughter of an entire city by her brothers. For 10 points, name her. Dinah 15. In 1905 the Colorado River flooded thi·s sink in southeastern California, and created an shallow saline lake 250 feet below sea level. For 10 points, name it. the Salton Sea 160 From the beginning of the first Crusade to the end of the War of the League of Augsberg ••• from the Black Death to the CIA ••• from the Ba.ttle of Hastings to the Great Fire of London ••• For 10 points, how many years separate these pairs of events? 600 (1096-1696, 1347-1947, 1066-1666) 17. For 10 points, what do Henry Jo Pye, John Kay, , , , and have in common? they were all poet of England 18. In i917 Ernie Shore pitched the only perfect game in relief. For 10 pOints, who was the starting pitcher Shore relieved, wlio was ejected after walking the first batter? Babe Ruth (the runner was caught stealing, and Shore then ---- retired 26 straight batters) 19. Sdn of Tros and Kallirrhoe (Cal-IR-oh), he was so extraordinarily: beautiful that Zeus carried him to Olympus to be cup-bearer to the gods o For 10 points, name this boy. 03·anymede 20. He independently discovered Charles' law of gases. In 1808 he reported that when gases reac.t, the volumes are always in the ratio of small whole numbers--and thus got a law of his own. For 10 points, name this French chemist. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac 21. They're found in Iceland, New Zealand, and northwestern Wyoming. They're hot springs that throw water and steam into the air at periodic intervals. For 10 points, what are they? geyser s r-E;;M~O::R::Y:-::C:-:O~L-L-E-G-E':"'B--O-WL--" DO NOT DUPLICATE nn ry,...... • -- TULANE UNIVERSITY - 1982 NIT (3)

22. She made her film debut in 1949 in IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME. She was ~o-and-a-half years old. She won a Tony in 1967 for FLORA THE RED MENACE, and another in 1977 for THE ACT. In between" she won the 1972 Academt Ward for Best Actress for CABARET. For 10 points, name her. Liza Minelli 23. The Russian surrealist painter who did "The Liver is the Cock's Comb" shares his last name with the psuedinym of Alexey Maximovich Peshkov, who WJ:'ote THE MOTHER and THE LOWER DEPTRSo For 10 points, what's the common name? Gorky (Arshile and Maxim) EMORY COLLEGE BOWL DO NOT DUPLICATE ORTRADS TULANE UNIVERSITY - 1982 NIT (4)

1. BONUS: 30 The Watergate hearings, led by Senator Sam Ervin, held the attention of the world in 1973 and 1974. For 5 points each, name the six senators who sat on that committee with Ervin. Howard Baker, R-TN Jc.'>~fh Montoya, R-NM ~Jw~r~ Gurney, R-FL Herman Talmadge, D-GA Daniel Inoye, D-HI Lowell weicker, R-CT

2. BONUS: 25 For 5 points each, name the three sons of Noah. For an additional 10 points, name the son who was cursed because he "saw the nakedness of his father." Ham, Shem and Janheth are the sons; ~ was cursed 3. BONUS: 35 ' For 5 points each, name the alkali metals. For an additional 5 points, name them in ordero Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Radium 4. BONUS: 30 The United States likes to elect generals. For 10 points, name the African nation led by these officers: 1. Once a Sergean~ Samuel Doe is now president of this West A£rican nation Liberia 2. Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings heads another West African country Ghana 3. For 10 points', what is the rank of Libya IS Muammar el- Qaddafi? Colonel 5 • BONUS: 30 For 10 points each, name the amendment to the: Constitution most affected by these Supreme Court decisions: 1. Miranda v. Arizona (1966) 5th (self-incrimination) 2. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) ~ (right to counsel) 3. Engel v. Vitale (1962) ISt (prayer in schools) 6. BONUS: 20/ 25 Four running backs from the University of Southern California have won the Heisman Trophy. For 5 points apiece, and an additional 5 points for all four, name them. Mike Garrett, O.J. Simpson, Charles White, Marcus Allen 70 BONUS: 30 In Greek mythology, Bellerephon killed the Chimera--a beast which had the head of one animal, the body of another, and the tail of a third. For 10 points apiece, what were those three animals? the head of a lion, the body of a goat, tail of a snake ( or seX"Dent)

EMORY COLLEGE BOWL DO NOT DUPLICATE OR TRADE TULANE UNIVERSITY . - 1982 NIT (5) 8. BONUS: 30 "Of the making of books there is no end." So says the book of Ecclesiastes. For 10 ~oints each, who "made" these books? 1. THE BOOK OF THE DUCHESS (1369) Geoffrey Chaucer 2. THE BOOK OF MORMON (1830) Joseph smith 3. THE BOOK OF DANIEL (1971) E-.L. Doctorow 9. BONUS: 30 Before there was Six Flags Over Georgia, there were six fla.gs over Texas. For 5 points each, what ~ountrie5 did these six flags represent? France, Suain, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the Confederate States of' America Cor: the Confederacy), and the USA -~ . 10. BONUS: 30 According to John Maynard Keynes, GNP = C + I + G + (E-M). The quantity (E-M) is the balance of trade--Exports minus Imports. For 10 points each, what do C, I, and G stand for when computing the Gross National Product? C = Consumution, Consumer expenditures, etc. I = Private Investment G = Government spending, etc. 11. BONUS: 30 During his personal reign, from 1661 to 1715, Louis XIV involved France in tour major wars--one from 1667 to 1668, one from 1672 to 1678, one from 1688-1697 and one from 1701 to 17l~. For 10 points each, name any three of those four warso 1667-1668: the War of the Devolution 1672-1678: Dutch Wars 1688-1697: the War of the League ot Augsberg, or the Nine Years' War -- 1701-1714: the war-o£ the Spanish Succession, or (in the-- colonies:) Queen ~is War 12. BONUS: 30 E.B. White wrote STUART LITTLE, and Dickens wrote LITTLE DORRIT. For 10 points each, in what works will you find these little people? 1. Little Eva UNCLE TOM'S CABIN 2. Little Nell TEE ~ CURIOSITY §li.Q1: 3. Little Buttercup E.M.S,. PINAFORE 13. BONUS: 25 Nine States of the United states have peaks over thirteen thousand feet high. - For 5 points each, name any five of those stateso Alaska Hawaii Utah Calilornia Nevada Washington Colorado New Mexico Wyoming


14-. BONUS: 25 - Landscapes, Portraits, or Abstract-tions. For 5 points each, is each o~ the following painters most famous for his Landscapes, his Portraits, or his Abstractions? 1. John Singer Sargent Portraits 2. John Constable Landscaues 3. Clyf~ord still Abstractions 4-. Hans Holbein, the younger Portra~ts 5. Vasily Kandinsky Abstract~ons

14-. BONUS.: 30 For 10 points each, name the three states named for famous women. Virginia, ~ Virginia, and Maryland

15. BONUS: 25 Nothing is as old as yesterday's newspaper--unless it's yesterday's best seller. For 5 points each, give the author of these #1 non-fiction best-sellers from recent years: 1. ANGELS: GOD'S SECRET AGENTS Billy Graham 2. IF LIFE IS & . BOWL OF CEERRIES-WHA.T AM I l)OING IN TEE PITS? Erma BOmbeck 30 YOUR ERRONEOUS ZONES: Dr. Wayne 0, Dyer 4-0 TEE BOOK OF LISTS: Wallechinsky and Wallace (if only one given, ask for more information) 5. the NEVER-SAY-DIET BOOK Richard Simmons · 16. BONUS: 25 For 5 points apiece, name . the five kinds of leukocytes found in the human body. Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Neutrouhils, Eosinouhils, Basouhils

17. BONUS: 30-20-10-5 For 30 points, identify this agile politician a~ter one clue. I~ you need two clues, you'll earn 20 uoints, 10 uoints after three" ~~ues, and, 5 points· after four·. You may answer aftex each clue. 1. He became Bishop o~ Autun in 1788 and represented the clergy in the Estates General. . 20 After the Revolution, he joined the middle classes, and helped draft the Declaration of the Rights o~ Man. 3. He was foreign minister for the Dixectory, and after Napoleon put down the Directory, he was foreign minister for Napoleon. 4-. After the defeat of Napoleon in 1814-, he switched sides again, and helped restore the Bourbon monarchy. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

18. BONUS: 25 For 5 points each, naI!le the fictional char·caters based on these real-life models~ 1. Dr. Joseuh Bell Sherlock Holmes 2. William Brodie Dr. JeckY!! contd TULANE UNIVERSITY - 1982 NIT (7)

18. BONUS (contd) 3. Josiah Henson Uncle Tom 4. Alexander Selkirk RobinsonCrusoe, 5. Huey Long , \th.llie stark 19. BONUS: 35 In the 1972 summer Olympics, Mark Spitz won 7 gold medals o For 5 points apiece, name the seven events in which he won the medals o 100 m freestyle (Do ~ accept answers given in yards) 20cr m freestyle IOU m ~erfly ~ m butter ~ m freestyle relay EUcr m freestyle relay ~ m m;[Iey relay (There is no other medley relay, so distance is not necessary)

20. BONUa":. 25 Rome has many emperors but only five good ones. For 5 points each, name the five so-called "Good Emperors." Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian (or Adrian), Antoninus ~, and Marcus Aurel:Lus