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Quaternary International, Vol http://www.paper.edu.cn Quaternary International, Vol. 45/46, pp. 135-142, 1998. ~ i Pergamon Copyright © 1997 INQUA/Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved. PII: S 1040-6182(97)00011--6 1040-6182/98 $19.00 THE SEQUENCE OF QUATERNARY GLACIATION IN THE BAYAN HAR MOUNTAINS Zhou Shangzhe and Li Jijun Quaternary Glacial and Environmental Research Center of China, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China Four periods of Quaternary glaciation in the Pleistocene have been found in the area of the Bayan Har Mountains. They represent, respectively, the two stages of the Last Glacial age; the penultimate ice age, and an earlier ice age. During the late stage of the Last Glacial age, glaciers developed only near the mountain ridges of the Bayan Har. In the earlier stage, glaciers expanded down to the piedmont of the Bayan Har Mountains and were as much as 40 km long. In the penultimate ice age, an extensive ice cover developed, depositing an areally widespread till sheet. Erratics were transported 60 km from Bayan Har peak to Qingshuihe town to the south, and to Yematan land to the north. Granitic erratics are also distributed over elevated geomorphological positions, such as Chalaping Ridge. The area of ice cover encompassed up to 50,000 km2. Furthermore, evidence including glacial landforms and sediments shows that a larger glaciation existed in this area in an earlier time, possibly during the third most recent (ante-penultimate) glaciation. The scale of this glaciated area is greater than those of the more recent events in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, extending over 80,000 km2. This glaciation covered the source area of the Yellow River from Xingsuhai in the west to Duogerangtan in the east, including the areas of Gyaring and Ngoring lakes. Based on the extent and locations of the glaciations, the Bayan Har Stage and Galalahai Stage of the Last Glacial age; the Yematan Ice Age; and the Huanghe Glacial Age can be recognized. © 1997 INQUA/Elsevier Science Ltd INTRODUCTION Mountains is 5268 m a.s.1, and is located at 34°15'N, 97°30'E. The Bayan Har Mountains also represent the The Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, termed 'the roof initial watershed between the Changjiang (Yangtze River) of the world', is the focus of more and more attention and the Hwanghe (Yellow River) (see Fig. 1). because of its important position in global change The orientation of the Bayan Har Mountains is research. The problem of Quaternary glaciation on this controlled by two fault groups, with a north-northwest plateau is always one of the focal points. Whether the alignment. The mountains are composed of gray-green entire Qinghai-Xizang Plateau was covered by a large ice feldspathic sandstone, slate, and limestone of the Bayan sheet in the Pleistocene, or alternatively if a model of Har Group. Near the summit is an exposure of granite. limited glaciation is more realistic, has been disputed The Bayan Har area is one of the two lowest heatedly in recent years. Some geographers did their temperature centers in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (the utmost to propose the viewpoint that the plateau was other is the HoH Xil area), because temperature is covered completely by a large ice sheet during the Last controlled by the Mongolian High pressure system in Glacial Maximum (Kuhle, 1987). However, most scien- winter and by the establishment of the Southeast Asian tists suggest that the viewpoint of Kuhle is not convin- Monsoon system in summer. Precipitation during the cingly documented, because only evidence for montane latter period makes this area the most humid center in the glaciers and ice caps has been found on the plateau (Shi inland plateau region. For example, the annual precipita- Yafeng et al., 1991; Derbyshire et al., 1991). Recent work tion is 300-400 mm in Madoi, four times more than in the in the Bayan Har Mountains (Fig. 1) is significant for the HoH Xil area in the interior of the plateau. resultion of this dispute. BAYAN HAR IN THE LAST GLACIAL AGE BAYAN HAR MOUNTAINS Many big rivers diverge from the summit section of the As the source area of the Yellow River, the Bayan Har Bayan Har to Changjiang and Huanghe. The valleys Mountains are known worldwide. The mountains lie in display typical glacial U-shaped cross-sections, and well- the eastern part (33o-35 ° N, 95°-101°E) of the Qunghai- defined moraines are preserved. The Galala River Xizang Plateau, oriented northwest-southeast, and a originates between Bayan Har summit and Bayan Har relative relief of about 1000 m above the plateau surface Pass, and flows initially to the northeast, then to the north. (4300 m a.s.l.). They extend discontinuously approxi- It is a great glaciated valley. The valley mouth and the mately 600 km, from east of Kunlun Pass to the western area directly below are flanked by large moraines along edge of the Zoige Basin. The summit of the Bayan Har both sides. The moraines extend downwards to 4400 m IThe project was aided financially by National Natural Science elevation, where Galala Lake, with an area of 24 km 2, is Foundation of China. impounded by the moraines. The Heihe River, which 135 转载 中国科技论文在线 http://www.paper.edu.cn 136 Z. Shangzhe et al. 80 90 1190 4 .... I .... 30' i 8-0-........ 00 16o FIG. I. Location of the Bayan Har Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau x-axis °E, y axis °N. flows out of the lake, is a tributary of Huanghe. The these valleys at 4406 m elevation. The end moraine is moraines have heights of 100--200 m, with distances of 120 m high. The distances from the moraine to the 8-10 krn between the two sides. The terminus of the headwaters of the three branches are 56 km, 46 kin, and moraines is 44 km from the headwaters, indicating that a 50 km, respectively, indicating the occurence of large, huge valley glacier developed in the past. At the mouth of coalescing mountain glaciers. These glacial valleys and the valley, at 4507 m a.s.l., there is another end moraine. sediments demonstrate the northeastern part of the which has been eroded by the river, and above the glaciation affecting Bayan Har during the last glacial moraine there are numerous small lakes. The upper age. Above 4580 m elevation, where the three branches moraine is 21 km from the headwaters, showing that the join, smaller moraines are evident from topographic glacier also stopped here for a long time, and thus maps. Similar situations are found in the north and the represents another glacial event. southeast. West of Galala River are other rivers, including Across Bayan Har Pass along the Qingkang Highway, Gaerlawang, Lelahewang, and Lela rivers, which also the headwater region of the Zhaqu River, the upper flow in glaciated valleys. The Lela River, flowing to segment of Yalongjiang, is located. This river also flows Nyoring Lake, is the largest of these streams. As in the through a large glaciated valley, and till deposits can be Galala valley, moraines are present in these glaciated seen everywhere. The terminus of the last glaciation troughs. Together, these troughs and moraines, including appears to have been near Zhalagou. those of the Galala valley, constitute the glaciation system In addition to the main peak of Bayan Har Mountain, of the north slope of the summit section of Bayan Har. there exist other relics of the last glaciation in the area. Laqu Mr. (5175 m a.s.1.) and Zengbugongmazha Mt. For example, 75 km south of the Bayan Har summit, is (5226 m a.s.1.) are located 60 km southeast of the summit. Sexichayima (5131 m a.s.1.), around which very typical The Baeangchun River, a tributary of Yalongjiang, flows valleys and moraines are distributed. At the west bank of southward from this area. In this valley, thick till deposits Zhaqu, near Sexichayima, a large glacial deposit is are well preserved. The lateral moraine is up to 200 m in present, and glacially striated stones are extremely height. The Baeangchun consists of two branches. The common in this till. The moraines are tens of metres in glacier responsible was a composite feature, and the height, and the deposits originated from the mountains moraine formed from the confluence is approximately along the north bank of the Tongtian River. The glacial 300 m high. It is 33 km from the end moraine, situated at valleys are more than 20 km long. 4400 m a.s.l., to the headwater area. Relatively smaller In the west section of the Bayan Har is another moraines can be found at 4600 m in the two tributary important center of glaciation. In this area, where valleys, and above these moraines are many small lakes. elevations exceed 5000 m and the highest peak, Gong- These glacial relics represent the glaciation system of the malongzangu, reaches 5336 m a.s.l., many glaciated southest slope of the Bayan Har summit section during valleys are distributed normal to the northwest-southeast the last glacial age. topographic divide. These glaciated troughs extend l0 to Another large branch of Huanghe in this area is Requ, 15 km from the plateau summits. In addition, between which flows to Huanghe to the east of Yematan after Gyaring Lake and Qumarleb County, mountainous areas meeting the Heihe. Its upper section is named Chaqu, and higher than 5000 m a.s.1, display glaciated valleys, originates from three tributary streams which rise undoubtably the products of the last glaciation. respectively to the east of Bayan Har Pass, and from The evidence from these well-preserved topographic two other summits at 5249 m and 5175 m a.s.l.
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