

This engineering statement is prepared on behalf of Media-Com Television, Inc.,

licensee of Low Power TV Station WAOH-LP - Akron, , in support of comments in

MM Docket 87-268, the DTV allotment proceeding. WAOH-LP operates on Channel 29

with a maximum peak visual of 60.6 kilowatts utilizing a direc-

tional antenna. The draft table of DTV allotments contained in the Sixth Further Notice

of Proposed Rulemaking in MM Docket 87-268 proposes to allot Channel 29 to

Youngstown, Ohio, as a DTV allotment for use by WKBN-TV, whose present NTSC

operation is on Channel 27. The WAOH-LP transmitter site lies 21.3 kilometers inside

the predicted 43.8 dBu noise limited contour for the proposed DTV operation of WKBN-

TV on Channel 29. Thus, it is obvious that continued operation by WAOH-LP on Chan-

nel 29 would cause interference to the DTV operation of WKBN-TV proposed in this

draft table, since it is impossible to provide the required protection to a cochannel facil-

ity, either DTV or NTSC, from a transmitter site located within its protected contour.

The WAOH-LP transmitter site also lies within the predicted noise limited contours

of the DTV facilities proposed in this draft table for three other stations for which DTV

channels have been proposed which could possibly receive interference from the pres-

ent operation of WAOH-LP:

WQHS-TV ,OH Channel 28 WBNX-TV Akron,OH Channel 31 WFMJ-TV Youngstown,OH Channel 36

Based upon the DTV system performance capabilities outlined in Appendix A of this

Sixth Further Notice, however, it appears extremely unlikely that the present operation of WAOH-LP would result in actual interference to the DTV operations proposed in this

---- CARL E. SMITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS ---- draft table for WBNX-TV or WFMJ-TV. On the other hand, it appears that there might a chance of actual interference to the DTV operation proposed in this draft table for

WQHS-TV, particularly in areas in close proximity to the WAOH-LP site in the main lobe of the WAOH-LP directional pattern.

Based upon the information outlined above, it is obvious that the implementation of the DTV facilities proposed in this draft table of DTV allotments for WKBN-TV ­

Youngstown, Ohio, would force WAOH-LP to cease operating on Channel 29. The implementation of the DTV facilities proposed in this draft table of allotments for

WQHS-TV - Cleveland, Ohio, could also have the same result. The spectrum available for television use in the Akron area is sufficiently congested that available channels for

LPTV use which comply with Sections 74.705,74.707, and 74.709 of the FCC Rules regarding protection of TV broadcast stations, LPTVITV translator stations, and land mobile operations on UHF TV channels are extremely scarce, if not nonexistent, even if the proposal in this proceeding to allot additional channels for DTV use is not consid­ ered. Effectively doubling the number of TV broadcast stations in this area which will require protection consideration by allotting a DTV channel for use by each existing TV broadcast station during the transition period will make it virtually impossible, under the present interference rules, to locate an alternate channel for use by WAOH-LP during this transition period under the displacement rules which apply to LPTV stations. This scarcity of available channels for displacement use is further aggravated by the pro­ posal in this Sixth Further Notice to employ only the "core spectrum" (Channels 7 through 51), with the remaining portion of the spectrum presently allocated for televi­ sion use eventually being recovered and used for purposes other than television broad­ casting.

---- CARL E. SMITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS ---- The present "UHF taboos", which restrict the ability to operate LPTV stations on channels in addition to the cochannel and first adjacent channels to TV broadcast sta­ tions and other LPTVITV translator stations operating in the same general area, developed to protect earlier generations of UHF TV receivers from interference due to receiver overload, receiver induced intermodulation, local oscillator radiation from the receiver, and other similar phenomena. Since the time when these taboos were estab­ lished, tremendous strides have been made in receiver technology, eliminating or significantly reducing the need for many of these taboos, which significantly impact the availability of channels for use by displaced LPTV stations. For this reason, the need for each of these taboos should be thoroughly reviewed and appropriate modifications, including the elimination of unnecessary restrictions, should be made prior to the implementation of any OTV allotment plan, to insure that unnecessary restrictions do not force an operating LPTV station which must vacate its present channel as the result of interference to a OTV operation to cease operation altogether due to a lack of avail­ able channels upon which to claim displacement relief. Alternatively, a liberal waiver policy should be adopted with regard to these taboos to achieve the same result.

LPTV stations are also presently able to invoke terrain shielding under certain circumstances to document that no interference will occur to an NTSC facility even though the standard prediction techniques may predict that such interference will occur.

It has not been explicitly stated that this terrain shielding waiver policy will be extended to cover situations involving predicted interference to a ON facility. In order to avoid the inequity of precluding use of a channel where no interference would actually occur due to terrain shielding, the FCC should explicitly extend this waiver policy to the pro­ tection of ON facilities, to insure that no LPN station which is displaced by a new

---- CARL E. SMITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS ---- DTV operation is forced to cease operation because it could not propose displacement to an alternate channel upon which no actual interference would occur.

Finally, this Sixth Further Notice also notes that existing border agreements with

Canada preclude activating land mobile operations on Channels 15 and 16 in Detroit,

Michigan, and Channels 14 and 15 in Cleveland, Ohio, and proposes to eliminate the restrictions which apply to these channels as they pertain to proposed DTV allotments.

Section 74.709 of the FCC Rules continues to require that these channels receive pro­ tection for land mobile use from LPTV and TV translator facilities. Since these chan­ nels cannot be utilized for land mobile use, the protection requirements to these chan­ nels outlined in Section 74.709 of the FCC Rules should also be eliminated, again to insure that an operating LPTV station which is displaced by a new DTV operation is not forced to cease operation because restrictions which serve no purpose in preventing interference preclude the use of channels upon which displacement relief could be claimed.


25 43 49 55 fl'lllCh 88413 Dawp3283342 S...... StrHl" Camp "15551 Tiny Akron station 666938 DlltiIlOl67990 Turtltt 33753n W1dgtt"'92'8 BIIItfII BelItv.... Duclllllt 1833532 Barney 0'22938 T.fI.X 48990 669025 F11nt1tOM 1832803 Lamb Chotl21209 ~47261 provides big-time IIIgIc t1at154893735 1IItIoCk" Shining v56731 90 IIld 9 ClUb 4574984 842396 Rovers 0'56483 IlIItruetlonll TV 858822 Wrbr 2926IIl667 The 7110 Club Ranger 77803 3364261 Lucasville coverage NtwIdtJlIh 72939416 RIII.mln 67025 Banler 79071 JfIlny Jones S..m.Strftl " LIteItyIM of ttl. JW Channel 8 had the only 3384025 74280 Rich 10006 TOM FERAN S..me StrMt" Cleveland TV reporter in 383209 W Lucas\'ille as the prison Dtlignlng 1843919 Rogers 0'25025 HlWaH FIvt-O moo standoff slogged to resolution RaInbow ..-54071 IOVIE: Inltrlletlonal TV yesterday. but it was a tiny station in 412629 Spani....TV MOVE: Akron that provided Northeast Mtpzlnt 55754 "11It SItllCt' Ohio's most eXiended coverage, ~'AftW ~Thomas) WAl Channel 29, a low·power, Amtrlcanl92007396 limited-range station owned in NewIdepIh 9768193 Tom 5379433 Plld 89938 common with WNIR-FM/I00.1. began TELEVISION CRITIC Sclenct &430984 Chip .m98700 Earthworka broadcasting the live. pool feed of 875241 Barrier 16483 Til. 0'5278700 the prisoner release about 3 p,m, Bill Klaus. TV-29's vice president for ....meStrMt" Darkwlng 5360735 SandltgCW93532 episode will be shown back-to-back, 66551 operations, said the station planned Goof of5366919 Rllnbow"gg716 with the show's season finale frorri 9. ' to carry the feed "beginning to end," to 11 p,m. Monday. ABC's . Rogers 0"66990 Growing 2073445 Rogers t"64532 A·T.am At the rate the release was 46735 promotions say it "could be your last ,: Lamb Ch0915754 N. Court 52no71 S...... StrHl" progressing, he said after three look at one of America's favorite .' 4989&4 SandIegOo'I2667 PItrOI52749ll4 TJ.Hook.r hours. that could easily be until 9 series" - as though it somehow 93984 p.m. MtcNtllL.hrer " Cope of5361464 Sanditg00'94261 weren't up to ABC whether the show 855735 "People here in Akron have gets rePlewed for next fall. That, .. , Stir Trek: G.n." MacN.llllt/lrer " ~~.IY to Hllven relatives in there," he said, "They 2657209 8062! decision, by the way;is supposed to Buelnt_ 92803 can see them coming out There have be announced May 11,".' AmtrlCl~2174 StIr Trek: Deep Nature" MOVIE: been close-up shots so you can see 993n "unltr 1ft Spect' faces:' • Local viewers will be able to see, HatureSCtn.81209 Spaca 0'2633629 former WKYC anchor and reporter .:' :f:dBrimley) The pool feed was provided by Mysteryl" Th. Untouchlbl...... Am.rlca O"603n Tony Harris again starting in June -'. 98241 2646193 Cincinnati's WLWT-TV. sister station Th. sea 45377 on WOIO Channel 19 - when Fox ., ofWKYC Channel 3 here, which had TV joins the hottest network trend ;;.,: ,Europa 22984 N.WI 16 Dapof Glory: 90 and 9 Club two satellite trucks on the scene, TV­ 2649280 41754 by launching a weekl:-; prime-time ":. PlttI 19712 StouI'88 48700 29 also carried the audio feed from news magazine. No title, time or .:; WLWf of two anchors describing Pr.vlew.67280 MASH 7107342 Serv.d? 65822 Hon.ymoon 92990 premiere date have been set for the, events. The same live video. without -based show, Fox says it;:.~ jChlrli.Rose G. Girl. 5838919 Else.hert 4255735 Paid 73087 the commentary, 6 531803 ran on all three will have no host. hut 'AlII feature .. t: De.lgnlng 4554120 ChlrlltRolt Stmta of Sin p.m. newscasts in Cleveland 8959584 Francisco 741859 Harris and fellow correspondents ... , , Sign Off Lov. 1402743 yesterday. Ron Reagan and Andria Hall, a,"., Love 7543743 SlgnOn Th. Untouchlbln Channel 8's Martin Savidge former Boston TV anchor. 363120 delivered a live report that P. Court 1018548 overstated the drama of the pictures • WUAB Channel 43 has added to .'. Paid 3860878 Paid 445584 ("You have not seen anything like its "Ten O'Clock News" staff Nancy 6 Might3849385 Sign ott this before on television:' he said), Mauer. formerly p,m, news' but his was the most sober producer for WOOD·TV in Grand " ., assessment of a situation that was Rapids, Mich" joined last month as .:1 I:: DSC ESPN FAM HBO weekend producer. Christy Carlson,; )' .-;, elsewhere reported to be winding ~ SptCtr.872483 Aug" 681193 IIO'VW:' down in anticlimax. previously an anchor. producer and . =,8 ...... , reporter for ABC affiliate KOLO·TV .0'<1 tt'.,.;" sptCtr. 851990 F1lnt1ton.59noo It was, Savidge said, not working in Reno, Nev.. will arrive in two SplCtr.249006 Gidget 614272 Bab1l241464 out at all the way corrections officials weeks as a full-time general- .• SptCtr. 2483n Popey. 743323 Plnocchlo 240735 had hoped. assignment reporter, Her experien~~ ~:~'" e "We are starting to wonder if. • ~. ~.=nt D1acov' Body 239629 Th.Wllton. IIOVIE: Includes pohtlcal coverage and radlo .ry 578280 'Ife SlId, She Slid' indeed. it will end tonight:' he said, news, ' Ji:~, Shaping 886071 (KeWl Bacon).- noting that fewer than 100 prisoners Europa 783025 SptCtr.141025 Th.700C/ub 120532 , \, had emerged from the prison, with • Interesting counterpoint to ". :. S93984 I student workshops on . Ch.f.799071 SptCtr. 155613 darkness beginning to fall. communications careers: The.. ',.',J,., ....;:-., Gourmet 992551 FJtntll358193 F1l1hback 600193 MOVE: . With the siege well into its second Cleveland chapter ofthe National '1ttIrt lilt• WIlttI' . week, other TV stations dropped 3. Kerr 993280 fit359822 PIId Program. (IIoIlnie Bedtlla);, Academy ofTelevision Arts & :, 'i 297919 back to coverage from sister stations '~ EaYea6551 BodltI242193 48lI822 , Sciences will present "Life After '0,),<­ •.. ,~ -: and exchange partners closerto the Television:' it$ second workshop to:,~,,·-r:;· " iomeworU 511735 Shaping 960087 " ,.' ... ~b~m !~ '" scene. The standoff had put "address the needs of individuals -", ~ii' cover~ng.a, ~,:\...'.' story Hi'v¢-hour receil,(l!lyoffs.',' Guest s~akers at,;'::-'-rt ....;:~.; .l;!1; drive away .;:- acOstlyrwaitinggam~ the workshop Saturday will discuss,:·:~ ..;, lourmet 2.12218 TENNIS: ZOrro ..r11648 ~~~'~}J; Itsta:ff nd'TPc::nlll't'p'f frl'lm : 1 ~~.~; t.· _. ~.• ~. "," ,,"'.... VI'II",UM'" Dullin a ~y, ~ PageA14, 23, 1993 The Beacon Jaurnal

:steve l.ieblert, execunve 0lreC­ tor of the Ohio Funeral Directors Association, said the coroner called him on Thursday morning to say Only WAI tackles they wouldn't need louse an emer­ gency response team of funeral di­ rectors. "We have been on can 10 days. all-day He officially released our team. broadcast I'm delighted to get this thing set­ Some television anchors be- Tbe Longest Yard with a parade tled without baving to be needed," come unglued when a newscast of callers, only occasionally did Gehlert said. runs short and they are asked to WAI bring the Lucasville picture During the siege, rumors of a fill a few back to full size and air the audio. massacre in L Block had circulat­ minutes of "I'm not saYing every minute ed, and' officials didn't know air time with- was riveting, but it was certainly whether they'd find any more dead out using a pertinent," said Klaus, who on people when it ended. script. They Thursday was crowing about his They also didn't lmow exactly ought to try station's efforts. how many people were inside to filling for Perhaps the most amazing begin with, it tunIS out. They had sev- as- said 450 inmates were inside L en hours. peet of Wednesday's local te1evi- Block, but on Thursday, Ohio De­ Thatwas sion coverage was this: The lead partment of Rehabilitation and the unenvi- story at 11 p.m. on Cleveland's Correction spokeswoman Sharron able position most popular news station, WJW Kornegay said officials bad made a Norma Ra- (Channel 8), 't Lucasville! mistake: 409 prisoners had been shid found Believe it or not, half an hour herself in when her bosses at Cin- .after the release of the final hos- inside. cinnati's WLWl' agreed to become Channel 8' bstitute How many in the riot­ took part part of the solution to the hostage tages, S 50 co- ing and hostage-taking was un­ anchors, Wayne Dawson and Deb- crisis in Lucasville and air live, hi Kern, began the sbow by teWng known. 17~nty Early Thursday, 129 inmates wall-to-wall coverage of Wednes- viewers all across the who had been in L Block were day's negotiated surrender. broadcast region about a double Moments of real action were murder on the east side of Cleve­ transfeITed to the Mansfield Cor­ widely spaced. Suspecting that, land rectional Institution, Kornegay only one broad- . said. caster picked up the entire 3: 45- Making that decision even to-11 p.m. marathon. more odd, Channel 8 was the only 5earchlnl for trap. That would be WAI (Channel Cleveland station with its own Ie­ Demolitions experts from 29), the low-power Akron station porter on the scene. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base available over three of the area's While the other stations bor­ in Dayton were going through L 17 cable systems - or, if you live rowed reporters from sister sta­ Block on Thursday to check for close enough, via antenna. tions or news cooperatives. Chan- booby· traps. Negotiators had been 'The biggest of those cable sYS- nel 8 staffer Martin Savidge was told some traps were set, though terns, 95,OOO~subscriber Warner right at the prison. But Savidge none had been found by Thursday Alaon, picks up WAI occasionally, didn't show up until 11:15 - well afternoon. and on Wednesday aired only seg- after the other stations had told Teams from the Ohio Highway ments of the broadcast. their Lucasville tales. Patrol and the FBI were gathering "1 got a zillion calls when they Of course, that did enable evidence inside the block to use in cut us off" for about two hours, Channel 8 to promote him three prosecuting inmates responsible for said WAI General Manager Bill different times before be actually the deaths of the guard and their Klaus. "Viewers wanted to Imow appeared. fellow prisoners, said Col. Tom why we cut out. We didn't." When Savidge finally showed Rice of the patrol. Warner did, in order to air its own up, the only thing he brought to It could be three weeks before local-access shows. the party that the others had not those teams finish, R1ce said. But even WAI seemed to lose was this: "They are talking about L Block is severely damaged, .interest after a while. At 10 p.m., explcmves and bodies," he said of and of.6cers entering from an at­ as the prison crisis was approach- a report he had overheard on a tached gymnasium had to ~ear a ing its resolution, WAI went ahead police radio. " .•• We're not path along a corridor. with its regular talk show, News- sure what it means." "All of the things you can imag­ talk with Ken Jurek, and shrunk Viewers weren't, either. PLAAAA ine would be in a penal institution the already grainy pictures from So we tried to ask News Direc- are now all over the place," Rice Lucasville down to less than one- tor Phyllis Quail. but she did not TaklnC time ou said. quarter of the screen. return a phone call. BowIInC Green. Rice would not say how close As Jurek doodled on a note pad SCIoto County the patrol came to stonniDg the and .lI~ft_.~ ev...... I.h.1Y from the Sta/t writer Bob· D)e' COW!IS. with ..... 323rd block. Clev;n~dia;;t~e movie 10cal television and radio. . UIV ~----_._-_._'_._------••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sixty Something television gives older adults a voice • Weal talk show focuses on interests, hobbiffi of senior citizens BY SHANI BELL guests have included discussing Broam Jaumal sUJtfwriJRr legal issues of importance to older adults How to make those crunchy-peanut­ and an 83-year-old Senior Olympics sprinter. butter arthritic joints feel more like "The show has exceeded my finest mayonnaise. Getting your money's worth for expectations," Gardner says. "The very first dusty antiques. These were just two of the show, phone calls came in saying that it was topics covered last month on Senior Talk. so nice to have a show that's geared to The hour-long TV show, with host Dick senior citizens. It was very gratifying." Gardner, is one of a kind. It's the only A life resident of the Akron area, Gardner Northeast Ohio talk show focusing on the was born in 1929 and raised in the EIlet 'Mea PHIL MASTURZO{Beacon Journal pholD hobbies and interests of seni6r citizens. of Akron. He attended Kent State Univcsity The show, which airs at 1 p.m. Thursdays for two years before he went to fight in the Show host DIck Gardner hears from Marilyn Mannarino ofTower on Channels 29 (WOAID and 35 (WAX), City 1itIe Agency on 5enIor Talk, a local program aimed atthe made its debut in April 1995. Gardner's See TALK, Page D4 over-60 audience. --~---""'-'- Sunday mornings turn to local pet talk show for tips

with a goal to have 50,000 pels By Cece Simon .' adopled nationwide. Record-Courier Aboul People wriler The show holds fundraisers Bil·lac Pet Talk Show on around the area. During past fund­ WAOH-TV (Channel 29) will be raisers, it has collected canned celebrating ilS second anniversary foods and pel supplies for the Hu­ this month. The show features vet­ mane Society and the APL McCoy said.' "The people in this erinarians from the surrounding community are extremely gener­ communities each week and view­ ous and caring. When the people ers may call in and ask behavioral were told what 'was needed. they or medical questions about their were more than willing to help pels. The last few minules of the out" . show are devoted to the'Humane The Talk Show will have any Society in Akron and the Animal pets on the show. it has had a Protective League in Portage wide variety such as calS, dogs. County. It is an educational and ferrets. gerbils, birds. fish. snakes fun show for the whole family to and reptiles. McCoy who had a enjoy. lerrible fear of snakes had to over­ Michelle McCoy is the host of come the fear and actually hold a the show. She said. "The show boa. has really grown over the past two It is a very educational show. years, the phones ring non-stop." February was Pet Dental Health This week is "Be Kind to Ani­ Month. The show did a segment mals Week." Over the weekend on how 10 clean your dOR or eat's there was a "Pet Adopt-A-Thon," teeth. The performed actual dem­ onstrations of mainlenance care for the dogs or calS' leeth. They have done shows' on breeding and grooming. The show is based lo­ MICHELLE MCCOY cally. One of her own calS. Jester, TV 29'S BIL-JAC BIRTHDAY "Chesler;" host's the . CAKE RECIPE lost-and-found segment of the 1 small bag of BII·Jac frozen show. This segment is a public dog food (thawed in refrigera­ service to the community. If you tor) have lost your pet or found an 1 box of BiI-Jac dog biscuits animal, send in a description and­ (medium) or picture to the show and they 1 container of cream cheese will air the infonnation to help (light) you find what you are looking for. 1 birthday candle .They. ,even have a cooking seg­ METHOD: Scoop the dog food ment on preparing homecooked into a large plastic container (a meals for your pels. Here is a large margarine bowl). pack like . recipe for a birthday 'cake for your brown sugar. dog. . Invcn container on a plate, re­ moving bowl. Now spread cream cheese on top of cake. . Take Bil-lac biscuits and spread cream cheese on one side. Place ~..~ -~ bisCuilS along side of cake.· (The t:'l';J;'., cream cheese helps them stay on) ,;. -', .".." .~ ,.~; Put candle in the middle of the • • - -'f,. ~,_ ~;~ , cake. Store in refrigerator. Recom­ - ",' ."i mende~ • .r:: _. _ ~ .,' 10 serve immedialely. , ~~.." -. 'j"'-"~'''' The BiI-Jac Pet. Talk Show is ;~',,'. ~~·'L ..-~':\' on Sunday mornings al 11:30 a.m. . - I on WAOH TV (Channel 29). If you arc unablc to watch Ihe show TIPPIE PRIESS RASCAL you may listen to it on your radio Owners: Sue and Michael Friess Owners: Mika and Diana Williams WJMP-AM (1520), Mogadore, Ohio Ravanna, Ohio "Specialuing In Veteri .,. 'i .' Prescription CompOU1 4~·: ' .. Have you veterinarian give us a <;;- f .~ ~ ~~ call ror your pel's special 1.. 1 compoundin2' needs. · .. liJur daily guide , ex-congresswoman to host locallY talk show Cleveland lawyer Stanley Tolliver and I People I fonner Rep. MaIy Rose Oakar begin hosting a weekly talk series, Speak Your Mind an TV, at 6 tonight on WAOH (Channel 29)/WAX (Channel 35). The taped one-hour program will look at Northeast Ohio issues.. .. Tamara Taylor will join Fox's Party ofFive in a recurring role beginning oct. 30. Taylor plays a rf.he Beacon Journal worker for an agency that collects restaurant W~dnesday, October 2, leftovers for the homeless. She falls for Charlie 1996 Page E5

Mary Rose Oakar

Local talk show to help you speakyour mind Former Rep. Mary Rose Dakar and Cleveland attor­ ney Stanley Tolliver will co­ host a weekly talk show, "Speak Your Mind on TV," starting at 6 p.m. tomorrow on WAX Channel 35 in Cleveland and WAOH Channel 29 in Akron. The show will feature guests and audience participation. Tap­ ings are scheduled for 6 THE TOLLIVER/OAKAR Show was taped last Tuesday evening at Slam p.m. Tuesday at Slam Jams Jams on Clifton BlVd. The show can be seen Wednesday evenings on in Lakewood. Channel 35 In Cleveland. (Call and Post Staff Photo)

PAGE 6A1fHE CALLAND POST/fHURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1996 Calli. Talk Video Show The Rev. Elvin H. Brown, to question periodic guests officially announced that the that might appear. first Black hosted Call-In Talk Brown indicated that he felt Video show will premier on truly blessed in that his career TV-29 WAlO on Sunday, has continued to grow after 37 June 21st from 10-11 a.m. years in broadcasting. Brown's Gospel Show (Sun­ Brown attributes his success day from 7-8 a.m.) on parent to knowing the Lord, Char­ station WNIRFM (100.1) and lene Brown, his sponsors and call in show (Sunday the loyal listeners he has devel­ from 9-10 a.m..WNIR) will oped over the years. Brown continue. Both the gospel made special note of the im­ show and call in talk radio portance of the Black Media show haveservedaveryspecial and in particular The Re­ need in the community. ~rter Newspaper. . Rev. Brown and the lady with Those persons wanting more .-::..:.__ the golden voice Charlene information may call'Rev. Brown have se(new standards Brown at 864-6989 or WNIR· for the industry. There was a at 673-2323. Thecallinlineon. time when the ratings books Sunday is still 673-1234. would not even consider look­ ing at the early Sunday mom- ! ing radio timewith a greatdeal of seriousness. If the radio programs continued to de­ velop at their current rate, Sunday morning will be taken as one of the most imponant times on radio. The fonnat ofthevideo show is similar to the Talk ofAkron /~ CaU-In Radio Show hosted by -i Brown. Callers will beable to give theiropinioDS on sUbjects ofinterest to them and be able :mxm Journal • l'Tw.ay, iipru 1~, l:J~b, ~age Jjl ,pecialoman with some special ideas '. I'". .' • .:1'1'.. .,,:.'c. 1 ". •. .¥._-,~ TV host Jones isri't a typical merna personality. He's an outdoors man with vision i 5ometimes, big boys cry because want to protect and preserve the Bring on the soap box, or micro­ ~ want to. outdoors and all it has given me Cor phone and camera. 50 it was the day the UttJe girl theIn." "Let's face it, let's be honest, ched up from her wheelchair, 'Thus, he preaches the thrill outdoors people are basically lazy :ged Steve Jones with her tiny rather than the kill of hunting, and when it comes to defending their 15 and said, "I love you." ifyou go fishing with him you'd bet­ pursuits," Jones said [t was to be another day in the ter leave the beeper and the hip- "I don't lmow what it's going to oC this host of The Huntin' and pocket phone take, but they'd better get off their 'Un' Show, seen Fridays, 6-7 Tom I· at home. behinds. They'd better write some I., on WAOH, Ch. 29, and ex­ Melody ''You hear letters and make some phone ding into the Cleveland marltet people speak calls." WAX, Ch. 35, on May 24. He spoke of his kinship with in­ fie would shoot some film at the S~I: dians over the years and how they uncapped Fishing Derby spon- , ::'1 have asked him, "Why do your pe0­ ed by the Goodyear Hunting and lieve they are ple have to destroy everything that !ling Club and be on his way. far more than is natural?" ~othing to it, not until the frail that I believe Jones does not have a printable d recognized him, told him how they are a way answer, but he does have a tear for ch joy she received from his of liCe," Jones those who ask him. w - bow be made her laugh, said. "I can't understand it, never He does have answers, though, gilt ber to catch more fish - will, when people say they don't Cor those who do not believe chil­ . Steve Jones Is the host of ''The Huntln' and F'1Sh1n' Show," which Is .... l then bugged him. have a good time unless they either dren should be exposed to guns. Fridays at 6 p.m. on Ch. 29. 'I felt that 1had been touched kill or catch something." "Ignorance is not bliss, no way," mangel," Jones said the other Don't get the wrong impression Jones said. In ()cb)ber '93, he launched the It is a learning as well as a Ding. , here. Listen, Jones can strut and . "Guns are a part of our ~ television show at the urging of sta­ teaching process Cor him, he em­ i\ man of remarkable passion spit with the best oC the outdoors and will remain so. It really comes tion owners BiD and Bob Klaus, phasized, saying, "Anybody who IsensitiviW, Steve Jones is 37, crowd. He'D have an extra helping down fo either teaching a child "who've always been good to me. professes to know it all about the 100gb he'd just as soon keep oC muskrat, thank you, at the wild about guns or risking the chance I'd also like to say that nobody in outdoors is a liar." t a secret from his huntin' and game dinners - and ifyou want to they will kill themselves learning,on this business bas had better cam­ He mentions his addiction to the lin' buddies. hunker down by a bonfire an rUght their own." etamen and producers." mysteries SWTOunding the Bigfoot 'When I was younger and the and teD lies while waiting ftr the Jones grew up in Brimfield and Jones bas had a wonderful time, creatures and swears he saw them IS were beginning to date, I was catfish to bite, he'D do that, too.. now lives in Portage County's Paris he said, and judging from the many in southern Ohio after being taken re interested in a lo-pound But, as he says, indeed preach­ TownIShip. phone calls he receives each week, to a "research area" by Bigfoot ex- ~emouth than a 12o-pound loud­ es, there is more to the outdoor ex­ He works Cor the Ohio Depart­ so have his viewers. perts. . , uth," be said 'perience than muddy boots and a ment of Transportation as a trans­ His guests have included enter­ Snicker ifyou will, Jones said. That's buntin' and fishin' talk. can of Skoal. portation teclmician. tainer Ted Nugent, who is tireless He knows what he knows, and he ~ stuff. ''We should be proud of what we Once upon a time, back in the in his defense of hunting, but most knows what others have told him. Now there is a wife, Michelle, do. rm fully against this business of largemouth VB. loudmouth days, he of the time he features local folks. ''The outdoors is a spiritual :> by the way bas caught a 40­ sneaking around and trying to'bide was a disc jockey and six years ago "Iwant viewers to have a thing with me, a utopia," Jones ~ mu.sIde, larger than any he our IoYe of hunting and fishing," began doing a ndo show for chance to listen to the views of oth­ said "My tife has been tremendous i caught, and three children. Jones said sportsmen on WNm with'Ben Ore­ ers, yet I want theIn to be able to because of the outdoor experience." "I do this show for three rea- Proud enough to stand up to pel, the current president of the present their views," Jones said Torn Melody is Beacon Journal IS, and the reasons are zachaIy, those who would put an end to Good,year Hunting and 'Fmhing "That's why we always go to the outdoor editor. He can be reached ldy and Jesse," Jones said. "I hunting and fishing. Club. phones during the show." at 330-996-3813. Regional Bands Star On "North Coast Rocks" by Brian Gomez

we've had country, blu... new "'That'. what I enjoy," ago, ....usU. stulr. 90 Lbla Baldwin InterjoclS. "I Ilk. to ...... Ian't just for rock bondi, find out who an artlat is, although rock II th. baae of it. because your music Ian't jlllll We wanl It to be for any local Influenced by oth.r musl•." artlall who do ~riglnal music.' "NCR' opent much 01 Lb. MUII.1ons can ..nd ble, IIImm.r YldeoLaPing localaclS bacqround, d.tal.. on whore at SCENE's "Rock N' Play" they're playing and even stage at 810sscm. Now that videos to "North Cout Rocb' th. show's boon on Lbo air in atCleveland-Akron Television, Cleveland for a fow mont!lll, P.O. Box 2170, Akron, OK IVAXlWAOK G.n.ra1 Manager 44309. SanUnl and Baldwin BUI Klaus wants NCR to shoot also mention th.ir E-mail more segroenLa at Cleveland addreuos on occaaion during clubs during this Call and win· th. show. TIl. local music ter. community has been respond­ "Wo're trying to keep a bal· ing. anc.," BaldwIn .xplalns. "BUI "Hall olr to the bands of. wanlS to Lak. il more into Northeast Ohio,' Santini Cleveland, now that Bloosom's .""Ialma. "They've been send­ done. 1 think w.'ll stUi do Ing us a 101 of intormallon at some shows rrom Akron, the station, or dropping It olr ·though." at Lb. Lenllne's stores. 'Ilmya "But there's more orilln&1 Tanya Baldwin gels E-maIl.lg.1 E-ma1J at musl. bands playing In WMMS Crom bands all th. Cleveland," Santini adds, 'and TtIe scene la a music they wanted someone In the time, IeWnc us know where more cluba t.hat olrer il, 80 .qulpm.nt store, and th. music busin.... and sohleOll. they're pll1ing. It took a whU. w.'ll have pl.nty more to room Ia IIlllMd wlLb an .ncy­ wlLb broadcsat .xperl.nce. to gel going, but now a lot of choose from. Wo want to k.ep clopedlc I'IlII&8 of keyboards. 1any& and ( knew each other bands are conLacllng ...Since doing now 1ocaI1ona." . In the midst of It all, a sales slnc. 1990, when I WII work­ 1ft added Lbe al8lIoD In Whll. most local bands r.p .xplalna a fow fwures of Ingat Rock 107 In Canton. SIIe a new synthesizer. He's often WII In Shadowpla,y, whl.h I'd int.rrupted by Lou Santini _n at clubs. A1J soon sa we and Tanya Baldwin, asking hoard each oLb.r waa interest­ questions Ilk. your average ed, It all sot worked oul It's finicky custom..... It could be someone on Lb. Inside, and your typlcallrarulacllon in th. someone on the outBide look· making, but it's nol Video­ Ing In. She's Ilk. PrInce, p"" graph.r Jar.d TurkoYl.h Ing 37 dlIf.renl InslnUnents, wea_ around the ...n., tap­ and I'm Lbo Idlot who wateheo ing anoLb.r impromptu seg­ her and goes, 'Whew!- ment of "North Coast Rocks," Tho pairing of Sanllnl and a weeIdy halt-hour show that BaldWIn gives Lbe show Lbe .0YeI'lI Northeast Ohio's origi­ twin penpeetMs of music ran nal mlJSk: scene. and musician. In Lbe segment "North Coast Rocks" aII'lI on new "",lhesIsers, SanIlnI Thul'llda,ys al 6:30 p.m. on Lb. wanlS to know about the CI.veland and Akron low­ sounds . and Baldwin aab power ILallons, WAX-TV96 and aboul Lbe price. Each MekIJ WAOH-TV29. "NCR" d.buted edition of"North Coast Rocb' on TV29 in AprU or 1996, and faatures a segment on music hit Cl....1and airwaves this InatrumenlS and oqulpmonl, put M.I,y when TV96 went on shot at one or Lentine', (Lbo Lb. air. "NCR" hosla Sanllnl, a ohow'a .r sponaor) I.... WMMB jock, and BaldwIn, a IIoIIa. Weeldy Intel'Ylewo wI1h LouSlntInI musician and slnc.r with local muolclans and various

Cleveland, we now reach a can't jusllty the cool of pr0­ potonlIaI audience of ....r one ducing a music video, IlllI1Y "The I mUllon holllOll, so 11'0 a nlco acta wlLb produced Yldeos bilgestllling look al ahol tor • band.' aINedy have received mulll­ And who are some or tho pl. aIrInp on "North Coast with Ihls show, lsi don'l acta tha1 stand out II memo­ Rocks." Th. "NCR' video rable faatures In the Ill-month library continual to grow, wanlilio be anyone style run of'North e-tRocks"! A however, thanks to • policy of unanlntoua .hol.. Is nm shooting a performanc. video 01 music. We'ye really con­ Owena, who w.nt from for th. acLa which appear on fronllng • local Judaa Priest the show. cenlraled on doing a wide cov.r band, to being ch....n to IlWe realize it's an expense replace Rob Halford as th. for bands to do a video/' range." new Priest lead singer. "He Santini say:s. '''ftaat's why we was so interesting, we have a camera crt;:w and a pro­ - Tanya Baldwin could've dontl a whole show 011 ducer Lo gu out and vilicllwJlc him," says BaJdwin. bands. \\o't' jlLSL t~1I the bands Santini, Baldwin and we have un, -Yuu teU us when Turkovich :Wirt tossing out a and whcl'c you're playillg, ;UllJ Down By Dawn. have been local musl. videos are staples few other memorable ones as we'll fit one or those nights with the show from the sLarl of the show. And whU. the they come to mind. Thd llloor, inw the scheduJl:.' We patdl "I hoard an ad on th. radio tltI. says "Rocks," th. boilS Jotr Varga, Blu. Taxi, the right into the sound board, so t.hat said ityou ha... any Ideas are ever IUl\y to cover other SpudmollILors ... th. audio's good. I don't think Cor a TV mUllo show, send kinds of local original music. "ThaI waa graat," Santini too many music shOWll around i< at reca1Js. "WIth the guys from the country are wIIllnc to doסthem in,' BaldwIn ""1S. "So I "Tho bIgeet thing 11o oent mine in, and It slIrted with thII ...... IIaIcIwlIl sap, the SpudmonslAlrs, we Lalkod t.hat for bands." from Lhero.' "Ia ( don't want II to be Ill)' about religious ta1th, vegewI. II's that attitude which 'And I heard from a trIeIod 0110 style or 1IlIIIIc. ~...reo!­ anIam IIld just all .- the mak. local musl.1ana Lb. wIlo saw sollleUllDC In Lbe Iy CCIIICOIIInW on doinC • _.11_one of IIQ' tavor1le raat stan each week on paper,' SanIlnI addI. "I heard wide I'IlII&8- Wo'" had rap, InlervIewa.• "North Coaal Rocks.'

• SCENE/Seplember 19-25. 1996 I 0 U- .. tllllS 1US* c u aLA 5 _. ._

CHANNEL CRAnER Actress leaving 'EK for boyfriend FROM STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS said, citing sources close to the CAT network, WAX Channel 3S Sherry Stringfield is shedding program. in Cleveland and WAOH Channel her white coat and stethoscope, Stringfield, who makes $70,000 29 in Akron. It will air every leaving NBC's hit series "ER" to an episode, is leaving the Los Wednesday through Dec. 18. spend more time with her boy­ Angeles-based show to be closer to her boyfriend in New York. She NEW MAGAZINE: CNN pre­ friend, the Daily News in New empts "World News" at 10 to­ York reported yesterday. also wants to have a more "nor­ mal" life, the paper said. String­ night and four consecutive The actress, who plays Dr. Su­ field has negotiated an exit deal Wednesdays for the debut of"The san Lewis, could be gone as early with the show's producer, Warner American Edge," a newsmaga­ as tomorrow's episode, the paper Bros., in which she has agreed not zine incorporating separate re­ to work in television for the next ported segments on a single 2% years, sources told the paper. theme. , In an episode last week, Dr. Tonight's program, "Playing Lewis said she planned to move the Odds," looks at unusual ways from , where "ER" is set, Americans are playing odds or to Phoenix, possibly setting the taking risks. It includes looks at stage for her departure. String­ the controversial new "sport" of field and Warner Bros. refused gloves-off, no-holds-barred fight­ comment, the News said. ing; hidden victims of tragedies caused by motorists taking risks TALK TO SANTA: Kids can at railway crossings; shark diving talk to the North Pole on "Talk to in open water; and casino gam­ Santa," a live, local 90-minute bling. Four new programs in the phone-in show that premieres at "Edge" series will appear every 7:30 tonight on the low-power four months. I I AI n I:1\ 0L n I:a: Dept. Storp , ...... RECORD-COURIER A Strong VOice In A GrowIng Areo fRIDAY. OlCIMIiI 13. '"' RAVENNA~nd, KfNT. 0010- 16hl YeUl. No 294 )~ CIN.S \ Kent, Stow holiday concerts to air on WAf-TV Abon's WAf-TV 29 his •• lows: • Oay", F"ls Hilh &0001 TIIIIQ Me eSllmalc:s and are nounced it will be fUlUriDa Iia Dec:e..... 13 choirs II 4:45 p.ro. subJ«1 10 dWIle based on aca..aI area hi&b sc:booI CIIriIaDIS CDI- • Copley Hip ScbooI band and • sa. VincaaI/Sl. Mary bind and lenlth of caa:h PfOiraln. cens from Monday, Dec. n 0IdIcsIraI1i 1 p.... cboirs II 8 pm. . Ihrouah Wednetda" Dec. 25. • Slow Hip ScbooI choirs .. 9 • KaM 1bcodore Roo$Cvell 'he concens will ranae in p.m. Hi'" ScbooI daoin and on:hesua lena'" fr.. ODe 10 dlrec hours • FirCSlOOC Hiah SChool binds .. 9:IS p•...... will faaarc dIoin. binds..... and on:hcm'. II II p.ro. on:hcIuu. In .... lDOIe IbID 1,000 Dec...... It shldcnas will be ~ in· • Kena Theodarc Roosevela Ihac conccns. choirs ..... on:haa'a .. 6 p.lO. . .•sa. Vinc:cDll$l. MIry ..... and Each h1lh school ooncen wall a:hoirs aa 8 p.m. be aelc:c:ast awicc, once on ~ilhcr • Cuyabop F..1s Hi'" School Dec. 23 or 24 ..... dacn IIlIn on choirs .. 9; IS p.... Chrisamas Day. DellI.,. 15 Cable subsaibas can walda abe • Copley Hi. ScbooI bIads farsa ...... WAf-TV 29 OIrisa- ..... ~... II a•. mas Music Special on W.... • Slow Hip SdIDoI dIoirs II I Clble Chund ]4 .... TCI Clble p.m. • Chlnncl 29. • FU'aIOIIC Hi'" SdIooI binds The CORCfd schedule is as 101- and ~.. , ..... -wr-u nllST WJJB ruE lOCAl. NEWS IH STOWAND IlUNROI: ,.A.U.5_.. STOW SEN y School choirs featured in TV concert 11Ie Slow·...... PIlls Hip ScbooI dIDim .. be .... " ..... rc-ed GD WAI·TV. c:t.I­ Ad 29_ in 0wiMnIII Q)IICCI1S Ibis 1DOIIIh. 1bc IocII c:bain ma, be ... OIl Dec. ZJ 1& 9 p .. on Dec. 2S II I pm. 1bc ..... 'WESTSIDE wiI ~ ccn:au IiuIn • II'C8 iii" IChooIs willa IIIOIe .... 1.000 ...... u. pM in dID­ .... cadlanl ...... pat«. ...-:cs. 1bc .. aa:a1 will be llele­ - EADER CIlII bolla days. IIId Ibe SUIioo WIII\S die .... limes .c .... Concerts will be broadcast lJI'O&iInIIe. 1be Slow-Munroe Falls cboiB havc beat ..lolled "ilb school Cbrislmas followiog d",les ",..d II Illes ('uyahuga Falls IIi,' ....OIinwcl' lWO boIn for IIIcir COOCCflS wiH be fcalwed on (estimates subJCt.1 10 d .....ge l. hu.rs, 9 I Sl)l~' . pafOlllllllCC. AboD'S WAI·TV 29 based 00 "'Llual lelllih ut the (1v~lbasi c.bIe subsaibcls aD WllCh December 23 Ibrouab 25. prOC1alllS) Day: W A)-TV 29 on WamICI' Cable 1ky will .a. f.om I·] ~r2.1: Copley "lib bands/ a..aind :w or TO CIibIc 0Ya. boulS in ICDllb and will Cupley lIigh Sl:huul urd)CSII~, II am. Ad 29. fealu.c cboi.s. bands a••d bands/ou:hcsll&s,7pm SIUW llaacb dloirs, Ipm. Ofcbauas wi'" ovcr 1,000 SlOW lI.gh Sd.oul lhuu'), hlt~slunc "Ilh bandsl salldcals panic:ipatiDa. Each 9pm IIIl.hOIl~. lpm hiP school cooc:a1 will be hreslu..c It.gh hall,hl I 'uy"huK" I: ",II S U'ah Idecas& IWice. Cable subscrib­ OU;hollib, 111'111 , hltll\, .. 4 \1"" Cd caD tunc in 10 Wamer (''hr~tl''ib .:n: St VIIIlCII.·St ~hl)' Cable CbaDDd 14 aDd Tel SI V.1Il ellt SI Md.)' h.lIllllLhulIS, lipm. Cable CIaaDDd 19 on the bantl/dlUIIS, KI'III ".. PLAIt DIA&.!R. MONDAY, NOVEMIEA 5, '9191010------1V gets out the vote specials

llen though It was caused by p m after a specIal edItIon of ';'lc competlll\e pressures ­ TOMFERAN World Today" at 6 p m meanlnl VIewers were leavlne .C·SP....."i. the publiC atTall'S EIn drO\'fS ior Independent stations network that IS prIvately iUMed b'. or cable - It was no great loss that the cable Industl"'/. startS ll~'e . the networks abandoned wall-to­ Electton :"Illht covera,e at 6 30 I\'all CO\'erage of midterm elections. p m IncluC1ed WIll be results and ,tost of the early evenIng specials reacttons from around the ('ountl"': conSisted of speculation. chItchat phone·ins from political reporteri . and fXlt·poli proJections. becau~e and vlewen. and live simulcas\S or polls hadnl even closed out WflSt news proarams from nve stilts With key Senate and tubematonal races. and barely were closed in the East folloWlnl"Entertalnment Tonllhe ~Ide from some backaround ortllnatine in Boston. . 1.05 after the news. IS scheduled to run Anlela. and Raleilb. N.C. storIes that enlaled a distinct an hour. mInority ofvlewers. It was pretty TOP HONOR: Ch.nnell thin Il'\let. Bill Shiel and Lou Ma,lio wilt "Factfinder" reporter TOIII Mlyer For tomorrows midterms. With report from Columbus and Alan was namld the nalional winner of Ihe obVIOUS pxception of C;.lN. the DePetro Will be In Lorain. the Unittel Press International ntttworks will concentrate most of • WJW Channel 8. which starts Broadcllt Award for Individual1. covera.e dunnl the 6 p.m. news. Achievement. K. placed in the th!lr efforts on specials at 9 or 10 Will have the lon.est prlmettme nrst I' 111. natton for "Hard to Swallow:' hiS But it still WIll be one of the coverale. 9-11 p.m.. as CBS pre­ "Newscenter 8" seril' on meat bluest days of the year for loca I emp\S its Tuesday movie. Local cut­ contamination and ,ovemment news operations as they lear up to Ins will air shortly after i:20. i:~ inspection. rO\' a bll slate of state and local and 10:20 p.m. "Newscenter 8 at U" Recipi.nt o( two national awards ballots. IS open-ended and likely to run PIIt and numerous ....lon.1 and local All will use on·screen crawls. mldni,hL honon (or Inveslilltive and Windows. squeezes and cutaways to Bob Cerminara and Martin leneral reportine ancl a I!'IdUlte of updalt resul\S throu.hout the S.vid,1 will report from Columbus. the Univentty o(lUinoia. Meyer evenln.. And all Will send starrers Mike Conway will cover (ssue 3 In jOined TV" in 1979 .fter reportin. to Columbus and LOrlln to stay on lorain and DenniS Kucinlch will for stations In :"Iuhville and top of the race for lovemor and the provide analYSIs. Decatur and Cham~I,n. III. votin, on Issue 3. • WUAB Channel 43 will have TONIGHT: "The Makin. of the • WKYC Channel 3. which starts updates before and dunnllts 8 p.m. PreSident, 1964:' an Emmy-wlnnln. coverale durlnl"The First Report" movie. "Misslnl in Action." and documentary ba.ed on the at5 p.m.. Will present a half·hour expects to have most results In time Theodore White book. IS the local specIal at 10 p.m. and join an for "The Ten O'Clock News:' whIch retrospective offerlnl on "Da\'ld L. :"IBC News special in pl'OlJ'llS at mi,ht run past Its usual hour. Wolper Presents" at pm. and 10:30. Aseeond local special will Mary Ann Herman and Jack mldnllht on A&E :"Ietwork ... i1r at 11:30, after Channel 3 News Manchall WIll report from "Rock the Vote.' an MTV electton at 11. Columbus and Barbara Soranno speCial. son of. IS at 8 p.m.... Tom Beres. Paul Orlousky and Will be In Lorlln. Prov\chnc Colleen Dewhunt IS bade as Jim Hool., will report (rom analysis Will be Jack DeSario. a ~'urphy's mom on "Murphy Brown" Columbu•• Jobn Herrincton will local lawyer who teaches politlC~al (9 p.m.. Channel 81 Robert provtde multi from Lorain and science at Mount Union Collele In Stone'~ "The Satelhte Sky" is an Dick Fealler will otrer analYSIS. Alliance. unnarrated, offbeat history of the • wtws Channel 5will start •WAXC Channel 23 in Akron dawn o(the space race. on''''' coyeraie dunnl"Live on Five." on Will start ~nodic updates at 730 AmerIcan Ell~rI('nce '19 l1.m Oil which ne\Y1 director John Ray saId pm.. carry the ABr speCial at 10 WVIZ rh:lnnttl 2S 10 P m on WF.Al) both Anthonv J rflebrt'ne Jr and and let "23 ~ewsday at II" run rhannel .a91 Cabll'~ Amtrlcan r.flOrg, V VOIIIO\ lch artt ~cn(,'clllled \lo\'le Classlc~ ~tan~ it "\'oun, to iippellr. An ABC' ~c\\"s election Fcstl\al·· itt i p m \\lIh Ra\'monc1 s~lal airs at 10 pm .. \Vlth local \ta~'''\ In "Alw Lln('l'Iln In '\lllllo:- rutaways as warranted. I e1iso at Ill. IOIlOWf'd h\' "\Ief't ,Jonn .. ~:ytwltness ~ews at 11" WIll be Uoe at 9 p nt ana tne 19-W "o~n ..nded:· probably running '!Iea\enl\'lht\'''' . I'. 'PI F,ont'" until about mldnlltlt ":"Illhtllne." :\tcG~e and 'tOIl~·. cit :1 e1l1t. ~ UiI":~. ~tJ­ \...UUIK.UWU.h4,;U 1\.'''&ln;LII • aL.\u l'lOlkbCU &;OIlIlIlCr &:1 iUl u::o.ue:lluiU ...... u...u .. U ...... IIUII " " IUIUIlI. uu/\.."I." ,II .....\.~ sentICes. Your decrease In ~hc zonina IIOtil another special coun· proval of CIllensions of completion and Mary Romansky both sucssc:d Al m Jul)' H IIIn:lIl1g. aud aller limes more for 11I1111 dales would have 10 come from thai Ibis proposed Cit WlllRg was ~lutI)'. said Dr. Su I.... any Olher cil mcclin. on July I. IUllhcl lllUIIUI may decide Cily Council. DOl bein. done solely for Ihe bell· lave d.re':IOI his cily has eva CilY law Direclor Donald Mar­ 10 VOle UIIOII Ihe '"OIIUSC41 ,wnan& lell, acline on • previous requeSl "I have DOl changed the inlent efil of MilSiein and Associales lhallge "We're now '" DUI overcharaina $J~ StalC ·dep....iKII hom council, rewrOle portions of of Ihe orieinal proposed urdi­ and lheir proposed milholl III olher illllUll, ~ouIl&:.1 ap' :s il so nobody ways it's doubk lhe proposed urdinance 10 inclllCle nancc," Mancil said. HI have dollar prOjeCl 1Il Shady Lake PiUk IllOvctl 1111 sewlld ICadlO& only the I herc in SUccu- Aboul one to' Sliffer standards required frana de­ simply clariflCICI some porlions and "1 wanl the people 10 know, pul~hasc 01 Wise School and the suenglhened oIbcrs. I havc also .nd especially Ihe IXC5S. Ibal lhe 11U1~ha!>C eOUnl)' resadellh 10 answer Pos­ velopers wislaina 10 build • com­ 01 lhe Neptune Waler binalion livina. wortin& lAd shop­ provided wilbin the ordinance • CR zonina is for lhe bellefil 01 Sysu:m. Cuun~:il Presldent Vir­ the akobol. dIU, JUI wlS Slopped tal heal...... pina environrr'COI wilbin Ibc cily. 'Ioop' sySlcm whereas council has the COlirc cily and DOl for M.I· gima Olssun vOled "no" on bolla lil hairwoman and •• bl laSl YCill' The chances included ..ire­ Ihe linal say ill whelhcr or DOl CR slein," ~eSli said. "We are WOIk­ OIlJllliUk:CS. wlud. lJIeycntcd lhe aa Dcnu. "lbis ua.mau· menu lhaI Ibc devclal* poll fi- zooma can be .rallled 10 • devel­ ina hard on Ibis malla 10 nae rcmallltlci ollouncil 10 ....ovc was ...... ~ lO 'CI illlo nallcial performance ... oper. and whether or DOl il is in cerwn lhaI il is nern lor lhe bUlh 1\~Ul'~ un iUl ancrae-r indudinc ""11\1) privalc mcclin, 1I0llai prug',UII\ wida Ibc cilY. ensuriIII dw: the bell illlaesl of lhe cily'" cilY·" ha~ls ('IIUIIl:II Will vOle ...... she said. oollae aclual ~ Ob. developer will campl_ CR local residelll Richud Sesso Residem Hill POSlOII s.ud. bmh MUC~ al Ib July K nacelinl. )fl WIS made on appruainllllel, .. I DOl or 10 havc The" -'III. I 16 millai. ,"" :rcahon Direclor IOrS, Of\.. UIIlII' under lirc from from ell._ .ukl I :rs aller Bouman Stow's July 4 parade to be televised till fundine 'rom il y could havc taae Cou...y. ,I 101 IIsinl an OUI- ~Ily DJ Bonnie HillJard over lIae stale, an antique calhOlJe, balOn groups, govenunena creased ilS 1Ik.1I11 gluup~ firm 10 SIIpply RecGld-COIIria ...U wriau leaders. clowns, mUSICians, ....hwy and mOle eiaht JUrs iY lAd spcciflCa­ Miss Libeny Belle. Casey F..dwiUtls, a IWI gradualc 01 SIOW­ 00 Half 01 Ihe I osed buildinl of Move over. Rose Bowl Par... 1bc Stow Jill, .. Parade has hil Mwvoc Falls Hilh School, Will be JOIIICtl by hcr &':oU'1 abotud &he mallliain lIac ~1·1 :ball f-eld .. cily the bi, time Ibis ye-. Miss Libeny Belle &loal. place lAd llae . 1bc muc:h-loulCld. lwo-hour-Iona SlOW parade will marc:h down Dave Waskowski, preside... o( lIac lily's p.uatle ~OIIUlIllIee, u.d maillllin them ... il would havc Kena RoM TbIIrsday and into people's livin, rooms via lClevision lelevisinl the parade w.1I lJIo",dc IM:opic who ~ilIUlOl be IIlCfe wllb a riod." tlcud f.- dw: c:ily 10 te for the firSllime in lhe ...... ·s12·year hiSiory. 1lIc ...... will 1_ sense of whal Slow is like. IteUlck s.utl saimIIed $2S.000 (rom 10 •.10. 10 12 noon lAd will uavel from SiOW-lCena Plaza 10 ibe momilla kicks off wilb • paoctdte breaklasl a. Flrsl au.lI.an over lhe ca:OUUIII icld ..ojecI inIO Holy Famil, Cbwc:h. Churc:h from 6:30 10 10 a.m. and 101l0w5 wilh lhc hreuilCkcr Run lhe Oull m..y I fOOl r-=c avina from lhe Holy Family p;trku.g 101 OIl a m. Ihu ."oidina dw: WAI·TV Channel 29 will be broadcastina bolb lhe Slow Parade 110 defeal of a..ellll" and the Fairlawn lwo of Ohio's Ia...... The lheme for Ihis year's parade .s "All ()kJ TUlIc Founh of biddina proc:c­ Parade. Northcasa last May iliad III . projccII COIIinI The SlOw plrade will be bosfed by TV 29's Michelle McCo, and Jllly:' Last year more than 50,000 people luacd KCIIl Hew (Of wlt"l .ye. 0 .....vina lhe lhe edilor of the Slow Sena'y. Tricia Marts. and will air in its has been billed as the oobi.leSi alld beSI" Jul)' 41Ja par adc .11 ..... adtJIJIUIl. I ~inccrin& fees. em.rely from .. 10 6 p.m. Thursday. NonheasI Ohio. dlUI4:ull 1 Members of lhe"SIOw Founh uf July l'iUadc ("UIlIIIIIIIl'C IIIdudc:~ lted cOllUDillee Warner Cable will air the parade on able channel 14; TCI will air lIae rWII 11, ...... vasion on channel 29_ Dave Waskowskl. presadcnl; Hob A111...,11. VI~C INl·~ldclll. KilIcn dlllOlaal • 1\11 ended voIunIccr Unusual enuies Ibis year include minialllfe horses" moRIICr InICb. Monbock. secrctary; Chuck Ubentloll. UCObUIC., 1-_lIell ('ouahhll; she saMl. few lhe c:ily. a sallile 10 ~aUon Dcsen Storm mili..y personnel and possibly. Susan Slliale; JllCly BlROw; Di....e Waskowskl. UliU.C Oab, Kclh PI....s fOi the lAd Sand, Dillon. 1ft. Ibe commill. milil., airplane nyover in the missina nUlll fOllllllimt. in IIonor 01 Roose; are JU\I lin, k c:osa aboIIl 56,000 to pul 011 llae parade Curl'malc SPOllsorS pa'a" 10 coneaa Joyce those miliwy men and women who _e savin& Ibcir COIIRII) .w.y ..... lIae M.. I rina for her pos­ from home. inclllCle Ualle Tika. Nonon Co, Malw Tools. HIIII Marholcr Clte,,­ naade abuul h.I.· " hclpinalbc c:ily At Icasa ISO lIOits, some Consisuna of .....Iople Clllricl of lheir roIeI. Audio-Technica. Darrow Road GliUl8c. (jOlIll)'cou 'l"uc iUld vOIers" Ilcul'~ lo'olUGlCCf worta own. have rCliSlercd to appear. 1bcy inclllCle noau...... Rubber Co., Goodyear Mold. Ihll MOIlbcdt Hc..")' iUltI olle ollac:r ...... we·.e \1.11 antique ew classic ars, monster PUCks, .. Ie8 20 nrc uuc:b 'rQID all IpOIlIGI who wishes 10 remain allurlymous. slaIes."

_.: ,"",,1I.1L"'11"} "JI.~ "I. UJ"""""~ &"'•••",at" ,epl~nl eve.yone In lhe ba'JainiR& lS6ue. whll:b ~ Ihe ullly ,~. we ICel b¥OHLeuw John Htili. spokc of his COlI­ Two bu~inessmen buildlRl o. IInui.., c..... 10 dtJlse the inle.sa:­ Clpllndlill fa~ilillCS in Copley Town­ lion of Minor aoad aDd SK 1,. He Protests public funds bail-out of Galewoy ~ip lI.ve asked I.USlCQ fur advICe ••ve tile .Mdie8CC a Iaistory 01 his In a lena 10 Gove.1IOI Georae lion in stale funds whit;h welc loaned "i__aIIt. ~adr ..ltd upIaIes ,q...... Kwe. JICID" dIoras ud ,.aatcd '"atlas witla "';"'&c'" IIlIIKJas A. l'IIUlsday's lelula. meet­ •equc:aas for bus .unaa.ourad voo.ovida IasI wc:ckend. stale Scaa­ 10 .he p1edcnssor of G.leway 10 OIl p" .... 101 aoy R.y (It-AlIon) plotated i,. Ifustees lIea.d ••dti'a.1 David 011 MitIOr a wo-w.y slop .1 build • domed stadium," noted illY. &hey'" .., dlcir _ .... l.evy .... i.lSlu...ce ... Ted It..· ..... ud CoOII Roeds 1 Ia.t 'UrIIIc. '*of public funds 10 SUppor1 • membe. of .be Hevdopmenl unde, a.trol," ltar -sea.ly. dies daaiIJe IIIcir aar.aII billies wida .. Move aM iIItcna:hoa, lite C1cvda...·s G.IeW.y ploject. Financi,. Advisoly Roald laponsi- Wile 1 -..:r w• .,. --.. 10 1M 0Iai0 EPA ova saaiea.y rac:iIitics. • 01 bridle .1Id 'COP- bIc fat lite loan. "This stale commit- . be used for -=II • ... levy's plojccI is • MCJIIIcUOfi ... III Rc.d bawca aeccaa news medII .eporu SUlJCSI menl of IS million sbould be lhe lamil 1 borad ue 10 lie 10 01 our C&poIWe 1U.dM6I'J11CC1" IlllprOYC rcplir e - S&:booI OIl aidlcwood aOid. for MiMI..o.,ae, Roeds. Gatew.y Us • S46-S44 million pp wlUch lOwnslUp .pprov.1s i" its r....aRB .... as sedi.... bail· 5I.Ut:lUlC. Wt « • IIritIIa aU uve WIIidl ClOUIIIy has already been .iven. EPA bas tuIcI tevy k out f,om stale aovelRfDCnl. -'-0 say Il.y said G.lew.y prtNilUlen a.e and sewaa.- daiied 'IM MiDorl uafIftOI have • sartila.y fkilily OIl·site lite 1easI. .Ilis plojc:d h.s not been lobbyUtc fuf .boul S2S DIIIIIOn via "No,.. 2 IqisIaa;ora COM irItcr1a:boa die tow'" bul mUSl be i. wilh .- Fai.lawn well .eceived in my dislrit;I." a.y • di...... 1 stale app'oPei.Uoi llUollllt d'dwe ·u. wil c.OfIIi.. 10 SlIfPOII • CGIOeIe ~.,cted ,. ~11""y sewer ac.OIliS .bc !d.ee. levy said "TIle Coliseum would become nUl yca.·s CI,ulal InllHolIClDeal ~on .~ ....s ..ied obuin lhe net:c:ssa,y mediaa for * Road/SR 21 • wllile c1epbao.1or Summil Counly lludael The ,e"lIlOinl mUlacy. llearly ucd. ·'1 co aq '0 intelJllCliOll. He InIIIc:a willIOI "I.eemcnb bu. I;aillilwn. Summit if lbe G••ew.y plojca we,e com· S20 million. would CtHnc IhlOtllh use f apirua ... .he H.lRdOw" ('.lUllly .nd AkfUn i1111 mU~I "I..~e pursue 'ClOfCn"1 01 plclc:d of Issue 2 funds aet:oldinc 10 the stale taa dolan . Road due 10 lad 01 DCipborlMMMl ~ T,,~cc 1'.Gldcna ~b.k W~k "We've ..hcady (OI&iven SS mil- prumoters' plans G.leway project. e.ou.ta it .... lo&clal. loid l.evy IICloIIauons .,e wntin...... WII" aU Ihlu e.....ia for Copley's .. In leJi5l••ive busilleSS. I.UJlUS oflhe Fa,,"wn sysacm Hc ploduc:.al .ptJloved purcMsc 01. OOIICfClC v..... • kllc. I.OIR Ulho EPA Iftdica.... lot wasac oil for InlG. acquiriaa Koontz to lead Fairlawn 4th of July parade lhe IOW_IP has been .Ilu&:ated • ,0Iad st,ipRB savices for die Molal­ pur.ion 01 lhe Illle's apacicy. but rOK ••g for 1611. ".Wac for 'wo FOf.1Ie secood yea•• M••1t K.oontz. prtal .eselve uml ,cl:clllly 'dulI'cd aJ.unaenlS. ~lIlIy wilb AIL.on. palaa ....1Ce.li •• InS.Dd 1192 ud Cleveland's WJW/TVls wglhcr­ "0111 SlIudi A'lIbl.. ulhe, IQC.VC mtDIlllt:ludc • means 01 paylllUl for Icasi"J • cellula. J*o-c for lite man, will Icad die Fourth 01 July UIlIIS htHn CUI"ey and 1:1..I..wlI••nd lhe SClvice delective bu.e.u •• SS•.90 pel parade f,om Fai.lawn Town Cenl.e PClc .rcnlulII hom Sea World In lta.adIes said he had planned lu morlIlt. OIl West Ma.kea Strect.o the .eview- addlllOO lhele will be Illcnly 01 old clp.lld hili Clncl;lnd-M.~~"lon Ute stand a. S M.... He will fa YOfilcs. fllc uocks, !,lIem,. IIWtfUC Advertisi.., ru. bid$ on seve.al Itoad bulldi... wllhuul addiRB .ny beforc lhe ....ade &:aIS. bands ...d hllh !dCPPC'~ ilems was .ptJloved Tltursdlly .....1 , sen !daff I~"A ove.NilRaled .he UK 01 II will Ad as efllClCC. lhe wOfbhop sessioo urlie. in lhe steps off 6#- ~llIla.y 1M v••ious wails. iI !>y!dCD\ N!!Cd un l'''lcnlllll week. IIitJs will be taken for lhe iat.oduc:in& Pe"luin 'fUm Sea Wu,ld In .ddilltln 1I~~ aill' ~Mf lao: lUuSI 0: IIlJIMf ,,~ lhele wal. be pleilly ,tid Ilvtl.iles d'illRaCC p1....an on Cliffside and tI' ~·,IIIL· ~)'~lcnl "I l'lllllprn....Il" 'u. lhe A IleW participiAl .ich", in lhe I.ucb. si.ens, .I.....UC ua~. binds Ocn~ D.ives. 10 he paid Ih'OOI11 fire ;ltId.:,1 11\4' rl'" Ih.. 11 .klll.·" 11111I parade will be C... EWo 01 lhe .nd hiah steppm Slille: 1~..tIC II fUI~, "N •dump ..uc:1I IlI:lnll~""1II L1cvcland C.valias. EIdo .nd bis liPOfl~1I 11I'''tIc. I" ,·I".Ilhl Ill....q,I,.: .'Iu u:pIItId lit .ue:hoo ItiI Ali ul Ihe Ihe ~y!dcm iI~Lnl family arc new Fairlawn .csidcntli. faulawn Clly Wunk:II'~ nub Will IIc h.lw 1;11 Illc LIII­ yeiu and '01 poilU ua.s 10 .eplaa IIl1e~ OIM. e....fIIS include Aklon's 1 \lelelilll~ l..wll !!C""CI wlIllld c,clIl....lly 1'" I~ will. uve. 125,000 fIIiles. have ftuat hotltNlIIllIlI WII. WaSILk 11I1d Ibndk~ lhe ;lIea Ihlll WAK.CnVlls IlCWS dira:lOf M.,k Vtllunlee.~ ••e wdulIIlC ""yURC ulUld he !!Clval b~ lhe !l ....1 II" JUlac 21 •• 7lOpii ...... f ....y. Juty S I...... I. WHIR M'W\ ,IIIC''''1 11I1.." 1..(iIOl Ih,' 1IiII1Idc elll ~"'nDd )4 .... Itl ~ ,b, 11.111 , .. I 1'·\ 'III..· ..Ibl·i 1l.'JU­ IIh Ilac IClC"lo" 1.U!den IlICelllll 'u l:tlnJu..t:llUn willt lite W~J' Silk .:umu aad (i",cy ....IIIIU.·".,lI. puh >ult)( 1Ibt-lli '111 ....nncl 29 I..uuw lhe lle..1 wOlk~ ~~NI 1.'II1e1 IIf Ihe U '.\"1 I 111111 ,h.· h", 'I.,""'" 11I111 1"1 ...1,1'" .1 1"111I.1111:11I 1.,·uJ.·, and W.llte. C.bIe. WAI-TV . ..,.... "lJ" 1 llllllll .. _. -_._------

( II I e a •a s I)

•t) C a •r ...--..... GeIrp V.....dl ... a tan at adere...... 1' .. ~, ceaew- ..... , • Candidates· and aides play rough ) in final of governorship debates c ...... Dl camp bIadId oat ..... tbat said lilt debate tt"-, V~.-o.·· tbat ee.--. dunDr ..ODdly', After * ..... VCI&iICMCb elf. Ii 'DIe_ wu.....,...ttw. tiIlIYIIId deba•• bad laid lit fa­ JIItcl .. bad IdDId tIat .. crI C VCIbIOYtCIl aCClMd Celellrnn. vand J"IPIIJ. taPIaI for .--. &lid aid be tI .. C*o aftlrM1 ..-.,l. 01 DOt ..W.·... Dot ,olq to ...... 1 ... upstt wtltIl lit tGUlld out Ii ...... _VI III .... out Houst lID '20." CUearw. I&Id S1e&DII' dlttDdld wtlat aPfl&l" \I ....., CCI i ...,u. III tIat adIIUIUI­ WtdMsday. Wbat be bad m.Dt IDUy wu lUI dIc:IIIoIl IIOl to II- l .... 01 Gov. JUcIIsrd F. C. 10 .y dIIrUII tIat ...., deta•• _ lilt clttatlt to lit tIlrY*Itd. .... ud Celea.-- lnadltd be akS. wu Ulat tIat IIlIUIII"I II)'Saf I cudIda. IftIIIIIW dUo , V-*Il 1&&... Ibould be ..revtlSwd·· after 1t ttr'lDtly tor a ..1tYIIed debatt t u._~.... JIIft. U pan ., a ....., kIoll at DOt~, .... 1ID 8CbIlOII ud taIil tor 0Sf 11 WIlDt bit wu ..,.., QrwIud. . __ IdIooI faMDdIlI1DOI'I eq. "You ..,. to rWII IDd tilt I caanr- _'f'! II psaat Ill...... rWII did DOt ca1I tor tall.... c ~ .. I ...... , WW'IIiIII BIt... tIat debate. aIdII lOt to lit .~," s.... akS, ,.. &lid VCII&DO¥ICII UI Il1IDd 1Dto AD III'I'UDBt WIi' lilt _ crI VCIiIlOYIdI IJIo appIU'ICI at lilt r ., tilt rte:b. 'Tn i_.Rt"" a camII'I b)I c:...... lid to Summit County GOP's aDDul r .. IDIIre 125.000 I ,.,. DOt VideoCIWII _...,. Ul. dtbate for Ultl1' 0In0tIIrt1St 011 W....y t111111 JIIllI* Wbo c:aJl IIIcrd II wrttlt I al Our lAdY of lilt ElIDI 011 w_ ~ as.OOO CbIcIl .t I flmd.raiIIl'." Vomovtctl·. Ii•. Wbo bad DOt Marlett Strwt til AlCi'OD, HI .... ClaIRm::II aid. brouIht I TV camera. ald It wu brllfly Illd th,n cirelllltld VCl&IlcMeh bred back. uDf&u' IlKalllf UIf TWO •• IIad amona UIf mort Ulan 500 JIIOPIf "I'VI alWays raJd tbIrt·, DO ."...a DOt to Yldto'AJIf UIf pro. prIItDI Dnloc:rauc or ~bbc.u way to t"IICbilp ceielnZlf 1Wftr'S SlId I"WI a 'OW'I"DIMJIt. but I "lht UltrI .... no llIell al!""!llfl\t ....). nd WT"OIlI ..I)·,'· VOIDCMeh AI 0Df POtllt. Ttm· Calf)' fI"om T ald "TOil)'. fOIl and Die. C. tIM VOlllOVICtl campalln call.cl lilt. Il.VI' bI.n dOIIlS: II til. hter Hams. a Ctlft1r'n2 off,· wnJIII .·ay .: clil a tIId name, alld .1 .nowr tJllllll' Ulf otIWT TWO debltes. polIl\. VOIDOVletl c.m~ man· Wbfrf Ulf callclldates faeld qU& aler CIIrt S\.tlnr. lWort at .-vir' COlIS tron: ,..pon'l':I Ulf ewv.. aJ CtI.breZIf Nffm .nd CIJ1td laDd CIry Club had ftI.mllr.s of WIT: uan tIIf aucb.TIC'f do \lit qu.-oOlWll Thr.t a1IO wu coaNIIon ~r Tblt IIlllnl surprlMl Th.r, '-""h.r til. dltIIt••.•• to tit wu I qlllluon a llOu I 1.,-1I0Iel t.l,Y1HCl 80UI WV1Z (CUM'] tr.... and VOlno\1eh', broth.r. 25) Ul OtvtlaJlCl alld WAI (0I&zI. VICUlr, liked celtlnZlf wbal UIf D.I 29) ID Akroe plaDIl.d to 'ownlOl'" oblllat.lOD wu to pro. broadcUt tilt debata. WV1Z at tct a tab)' til a moUllr', womb 11:30 l).iIl WtdD&Ida1 &lid WAI Atttr tM d.talt•. Celtbrnlt at 7 p.m. 1'tIlIrIlIIa)'. wu PtpPtrtd ...ltll quesuoas Botb ,ot a call at tbt IUt aboul WIIitUIer bt ..vend tIat .. IiUAUta IraIII lilt 0fvltiUd 00- Jllal of HOIlIt IW .2D, wtucb Qllb _. tilt fiG. .... JlI"OIIC'tY tuft from ... c.aar-CU9' ...... up-"'UI IIIOatMlll, 'nit VCI&IlO\'ICb TaIIl Wla..akS iii..WD1ICI ,",TESTS/DE


High school basketball televised Akron's new lelevision to broadcast local area 9am, SI. Vinc~;rt v!> SI Mary I CUIUd'Y l. Wdlelluo al slalion, WAI·TV 29 teams ahal advance 10 sec­ al North, fJecemb~r I, CuVa l.cllJ t- ~UIII"" Y ~. ClIy S~II~S announced II will broadcasl Ilonal, d,sllil;1 and regional hoga falls al Nordonl. !>~4,;ulld lOulhl ~I..yo" game high school baskelball compelliion. December 8, Green al Tall· I au!> al ~Pfll h:hlualy '5, gamesbeginniny December Jim Clark, sports in'orma­ madge December 15, C,IV Sell~s selllllli 'UI'lId 1. Games. 10 be aired will han dllector 01 Walsh col­ Springfield al Barberton pldVOn 9dlll~ 'l a" s al lipm include schools Irom Ihe lege, will be thepl.y-by·'play December 22; Kenl al SlOW f cbrual y ,~, Heverll-'''' ill City Series, Melro, Subur­ announcer, color an­ January 5, Buchlel al Cen­ Kelll a" s f etu".u y It) ... 1 ban and olher leagues A nounce, will be Mick tral Hower January 12, 9dfll, e.ly 5elles L ",UIlIt")Il­ tolal 01 16 regular season Morano. Walsh al Hoban January '9, slllp all s I ciUlla. y I I .11 games will be broadcast. The broadcasl schedule COpley at Norlon January noull. AUUblowll .11 Muy... Plans are also being made IS as loUows: Beginning at 26; C.uyahoga falls al SlOW 1I011~ I cbr Ud. y :.! J iI' 'J.1I11 CUYAHOGA FALLS

NEWS-PRESSl'~ t. Tigers featured twice on TV-29 hoop actio~ vey a couple or wecks <1&0 duro urday runnina around was com- Fuw plar1S 10 show MAC gdfllCS Norlh, Dec. I, , ...... relKoad· Iv lRHll DONIIS pleted. ' ...... ,. ., in, the tirrae orae of our aarnes have not: been 1I0lled 001 yel Oc­ u.sl at noon. was beinl Idcvised 00 a Salwday Garnes scleaed include schools UlIls ol MAC telcc4WS - when Cu,ahop F.1Is .t Nordanla, HoI 01 on Ihe heels ilS success· monq. The results or the sur­ hom &he Cily Sales, Meuo, Sub­ and If a decision 10 show the UK. I, 9 Lm., Roon. rul u.aulUlai football lelcasas, vcy wac arnuin,. TV 29 was urban and odter lealues.. A toW games IS readtaJ - wiU be lonh­ Gleen at TaI'made' Dec. IS, AkJoo's new lelevisim suUon, the atin& indcpaIdenI or Moo or 16 ,ep~ suson lames will COOIIII&. 9 a.IIl., noon. \VAI·TV 19, announced Wednes· area s&aIion and we were only be broadc:asL Plans are also un· Ahhoup WAI-TV 29 isn'l on Sprin,raeld .. Barbera.. Dec. llay, il wiU bfOllllk:ast hip school one point behind Cleveland's derway 10 twoadcasl local area all local cable sy~lem.s. KlilWi 11, 9 Lm., noen. NskClball lames belinnina De4:. Cbanncls 1 and S. lcams thai advance 10 SCClional, said. viewers can suU receive Ihe Kent al Stow, Jan. S,' •.m., I. "Once qain. our focus will be disarici and rClionai play. suuon by simply switdoo& lhe noon. 'Ille lames will noI be tele­ 00 local bappcninas,· Klaus said. Jim Oark IIld Wick Morano buuon 00 &he back or their I£levi­ Buchlel a. Cm....I·H••er, vised "livc- bul raaha 00 tape "We're 1IJin& to baIMce our mv­ will handle the play by play _MJ sions or video 'CUHders - Ihose JaR. 11, 9 Lm., noon. del..y - conIonnin, 10 Ohio Hi,h eraae so we can cover as many color respeaivdy. Both are cw- who aR hooked up 10 uble . 10 Walsh Hoban, Jan. 19, , ~hooI Alhk&ic Associalion rules a. area tarns as pouible and 10 o rcnaly the voices of WAI-TV 29's UHF (cable comes IQ VII") and L'R., noon. alainsl bve telecasts - usually on show some or Ihe uadiuooal rio bip school fOOlbail aamc of the hootin, up cither the old on·lOp­ ('ople, al NortOn, Jan. 1" , the Saturday followin, the Friday valries as well.· week. PrismIIic: Tele-r.oduaions of-house aerial (poillt ill lhe da· a.m., noon. Rial" lame. Accordin, 10 Klaus, the tcle· wiH.produce aile broadcasas. rcaion ol Brimfield. the uansmis­ l:u,ahOia .·alls al 51._ -nae response 10 our football c:asas are aimed .. people who for In IddiIion 10 the basketball sion IOMr is .. the inlocrsecuun 1, 9 Lm., noon. lames was lJancndous," WAJ-TV some ,eason an'l 10 10 the &eW..s, WAI-TV 29 is worItinl or 1·16 and Ohio 41) or USIRI a Waterloo a' Field, Feb. J 29 Vice r.aadcnI Bill Klaus said. lames, WOO'I 10 10 Ihe pmes or on cmyia& IOUmIIDaII aaion in small, ponable UHF indoor anten­ a.m., noon. ·We',e fillinl • void in broad· wbo .c inlcraacd in seci.., • odter __ spans like Mall.... III. Cil, Sa-ia "lnd round pIa,~ U5IinJ the communities needed. l*'iCuJar pmc apin. The deci­ 1lCCOI'din& 10 aa...... believe we'll be ~, aboul ,ame I, Feb. IS. S .ad • p.... weICk, for eaample. we Last sion 10 Idecas& Ihc lames 00 SII­ 11Ie IIIIiaa is IIso iD abc neao­ orae·haIf abc area cable systCIIIS Cil, Series 2nd nd pIa,o" showed • fOOlbill headcI wiple unla1 is ...... 00 • ancy c:on­ IiaIina ...... willa ... Mid within the RCIl' IWO months." lame 1, Feb. IS d II ..... wllb the IWO Cily Series playoff duaed by Ihc SIIIion wbic:b indi­ AaIaicIn ~ (KCIII SUIC KIJus said. "We need people to Ravenna at Keaa. feb. ", 9 the c~np;uUc:s ,ames ...... Revere play­ c:aICId IDOSI people prcfaed lite Uaiwnia,'J CIDIIfcr-.:c). ICJauJ c:all or write the uble LID., DOOn. 0« lame. SMlIIdly morninI aclccasa (over Slid. .... could ...... y provide 10 carry. us." Cit, Suies ChamploBSbip, 1be conamunities have been lire Friday llipa) belCH'.. area f_ willa • s-day double The complete bU)iI(kasa ~hcd· hb. 17, noon. ) p.m. .,rzy suwonave; Klaus Slid. weckald rou&inc JOI s&u1ed or balder ..... willa IMp dual llle: Noolslown a. Mopdore, hb. ~ - AltMUCIl condul:acd a ralil'ls sur· Sllurday afacmoon afau the SII- roIlDwed .., MAC Ilaap SL Vinc:enl-SL Mar, 411 H, 9 a.m., nOOR. .... l"U'Mlc, ul II...... ~I.... I> dl_IC ~ICw&:h· ..,.,t, C"I\"k~ Ilk ".uu of A ..ltl k..a .. ) htL.I'HC !I.•hlt Ilac r (the NI-1 I .a:c 'lUI l~V "'~I'pr:.1 -29 to show area H.S. grift games Iht" .lie .n m: ''''\'"0'' Itt 100 .:",h iu I, w:r: hrl,.. "' I h.t INuo,Jm I 1\ \U", HI ...... (fa. u"'NI~ll .'CuIOlr:nl ''II ' hr,r U.. I.lHu· ...... \hu\\ II .1M.' h U& .~ ~c AkIon'l pc"'cs, .c1CwlllOll 1IiI· lIP, SubulbM IIMI CMbc. IUluCI 1_ CI.k. 110" "IIum•••OR ,OOI.AlL el'O&Oc&1I sculOta l [ ta"" ... u., uI ... uon, WA.lY 19, NI -"cd A 'OIA! 01 14 I_I w,1 be ditC(1Of • WAlsh COllcIC.....11 lie N. s.., I' - w..... It...... - ••• .uMl the)' h ....c lMrll .. ht' h ...... ~In.u ..... II ..... woadcuc "'III IdlllOl lNo-.:uc .ncillden, IIlc Cia, Se· !he pll, lI,pliI, __c. ll1t , .. s..,u- R . (oluo __KC. w.1I lie "allted • - ,..... ,_..... 1_ bel..... s.· I1CI sen"r"'Ah IIMI (IuInpiOAlhip ..... s.. '" iii -, .... ,...... • .,., llldilr. Sept II. I'Wu .e allO bcull mAde 10 A la.e. dille. C1.k ., (O.".nll, IIlc L P(; A hoss sh'ps tlO\VII s. S.. Itt - ...... G.,.·... - ...." J 0_1 Ie_ted ""luCIe 1(1t""" lNo-.:uc local .n lcaml .... Ad· WOKC 01 W",,1t Cullc,e ll

• t WAI-TV (Channel 29) will be­ gin a IJ-game schedule of boys' basketball coverage Dec. 15 when it shows the previous night's Green-Tallmadge game at 9 a.m. Jim Clark and Mick Morano will be the station's announcers. The schedule includes the City Series semifinals and champIon­ ship game, and the station also plans to air tournament games involving area teams. The regulae-season broadcast schedule (ollows: OK. IS-Gren VI. TillmAdte. t iI.m.; n- Sprinltie!d VI. 8M'berlola. t iI.m. . J~.. I-Ke.' 100Hvet' VI. S'ow 9 iI.m.; 12­ BUCllltl VI. Ctnlrill-Hower. 'iI.m.; "-WAlIll VI. HobM. t iI.m.; lI-CIPIIY VI. Nor...., iI."'" F. I-Cuv.... Fils n. SIotW. ',.m.; '-WI­ 1,,100 VI. Field.' 1:11\;.15-(11, Seties .....,.,. gMWl. S...... ,.m.; 16-llvtMI VI. leal Roosevel, , I.m.; I1-Citr Witl c~. ftOOft; 21-looIIeown VI. MoIIdOIt, , I.m. ----- ...... - ..... _...... _- lIUllIQlI:> CApU:>t:U ~u Ult:: lI~lJauus Ij ",,"03. the first automobile radio in 1934. He • John T. Parsons. who invented virus. The vaccine has been given to "Not many Americans today also developed the popular Learjet the numerical control of machine millions of people. derstand technology," he said, . MEDINA/SUMMIT/PORTAG.E WATCH

TODAY IN BRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: Alzheimer's Summit County and TCl Cablevision of Ohio ChanO! Association of the Tri-County Area in Portage County. support group meeting, 7 p.m., Faith Davis, Gallagher - Terry Oblan United Methodist Church, 954 Eastland Ave., Akron. to debate tax hike Medina won't stop traffic during fire!! DINNER MEETING: Widows and AKRON MEDI Widowers under 65 dinner meeting, The debate over a proposed 0.5Ci' sales tax increase for Fires in Medina will no longer shut down the city. 6:30 p.m., Art's Place, 2225 State Rd., Summit County is headed for the airwaves. Beginning this week, the trafrlc lights in Medina w, Cuyahoga Falls. For information, call Summit County Executive Tim Davis will make his be automatically turned to red when Medina firefigh 929·5430. pitch for the tax from 11 to noon tomorrow during the are responding to calls. That practice was meant to allow the volunteer I HOME FRONT GATHERING: Bill Hall talk show on radio station WAKR-AM (1590). County Councilman Paul Gallagher, D-At Large, ofCuya­ fighters to get to the main fire station on the Pu: Women's Network Home Front Con· hoga Falls, will argue against the tax during the same Square and then to the fire safely without having to nection meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1050 time period Monday. gotiate traffic around the square. The old main sta: Pelee Dr., Akron. For information, Gallagher yesterday dismissed one report that he had was replaced last year by a new one built on the nj call 836-0265. ducked out on appearing with Davis on the program side of the city. "It is no longer necessary to put a major gridlock. HEALTH CLINIC: Planned Par­ Monday. He predicted the two would wind up on the drivin~ same programs before the air clears on the tax issue. confusion factor with the general public," WI enthood freellow-cost reproductive Mayor James S. Roberts In a memo thlS week to I health clinic, 3:30 to 7:30 p.m., Hu­ "I'm not dodging him, and he's not dodging me," Gal­ Chief Leland Codding and Police ChiefThomas Steyel man Services Center, 246 Northland lagher said, referring to Davis. "Why would I pass up be­ "Local residents who understand the meaning of Dr., Medina. For information or to ing on lhe same forum? You know me. I'd love it." lights were frustrated bl?cause of the major traffic tie-\ make an appointment. call 723·1300, Davis and Gallagher might get their first face-to-face and many of these people disobeyed and ran the Iigh 336-6651 or 225-7100. shots at each other during a television call·in program. Roberts wrote. "People from outside the city did not WAI Channel 29 station manager Bill Klaus said yes­ derstand and thought our traffic lights were malfunctl SUPPORT GROUP: Wadswortl teray his staff was trying to arrange to have the two ap­ ing and were equally frustrated," chapter of the American Red Cros pear together on the hour·long Newstalk 29 program City officials said they believed most cities did a\ Operation Desert Storm suppor hosted by Ken Jurek. The program invites viewers to call with the system years ago...It should have been done group for families and friends of mil with questions. fore," Medina police Lt. David Shows said. itary personnel, 7 p.m., 166 Main S1. The station can be seen on Warner Cable Channel 34 in -AndrewBem

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