1 Hits Gas Co. I Hearing Two Rooms Are Added to School I Status Quo
\ Newspaper Devoted Complete News. Pictures , ii,c Community Interest Presented l;n!r:v. tJf-arly Full Local Coverage 3nfcepenbent • leabet And Impartially Kacli Week XLV-NO. 6 Entered us Bttrnnd Class MntliT Published Kvery Th«r«d»T »t the Pom. Office, Woodbrlcluc, N, J. WOODBrtfDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 Qreen Bir«t. Woodbrttff*. If. 1. PRICE EIGHT CENTS 1 Hits Fitzpatrick's Popularity Evi dencei by Flood of Letters Two Rooms Volunteer iemler Status Quo I Gas Co. Are Added Continues I Hearing To School In Colonija i. HculalioiiH Proven (|( 13 (llussrdoin* Approved iiil^o I pholiU (ouncirs • |n(.()i reel," Senator For School No. 17; to Action in Abolishing irlls Utility Board Break Ground Shorll Fiir niflrirt No.. 12 ..•.nnilllXiE — The objec- COLONIA -- Opponents of the WOODBRIDQB - Construction ,i ||lf> Town Committee to present system of an Independent ,,.',,,,, nf the EllMbethtown of the new Inman Avenue Schoo Fire Company In the former Fire n —School 17— will start around "ir,'i ,iril Ciiis Company for tai- District No. 12 i Inman Avenue ','.,1:,;^ i-at.es were filed Tues- April IS at a cost of $384,332. seel ion' were denied a summary >'„•' Tmvu^liip Attorney B. W Low bidders who received the JudKment Monday by Superior i, [nie the Public Utilftie: contracts are: William M. Conolly Court Judse Frank L Cleafy who r ft, Sons, aeneral construction, , . .ion said the action of the Woodbridge $248,778; Arrow Iron Works, struc .,•,„• vrntel In his persuasive Township Committee In abolishing tural steel. $4,998; R. 0.
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