VOLUME 12, ISSUE 8 PO Box 75, North Waterboro, ME 04061 • 247-0273 •
[email protected] FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2014 FREE Dayton www.waterbororeporter.com LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Scout honored Recycling center, Limerick residents salary increases balk on land purchase on tap in Newfield BY ANN FISHER BY SHELLEY BURBANK in questions regarding the project.
[email protected] [email protected] In response, Selectwoman Wen- dy Thorne posted answers culled Residents of Newfield will de- Many Limerick residents in from what she called the “Oak cide at the polls Saturday, March attendance at a public hearing Point report, committee emails 8 whether to set aside funds to re- Feb. 19 voiced their concerns and common sense,” and posted place the recycling center build- about a proposed land purchase both questions and answers on the ing and, if so, where it should be that would be the next step toward town’s website. built. a new fire station/public safety Some residents thought the At town meeting that night, building. questions presented on the web- questions about conducting a re- The hearing was held to dis- site obscured the actual issues. valuation and an across-the-board cuss warrant articles that will ap- “I don’t think the sample ques- 5 percent raise for town employ- pear on a secret ballot for the an- tions represent the real issue,” said ees will be considered. nual town vote on March 7. The Stephen Malmude. “They were From left, Kathy, Jacob and Chris Boyden at the Eagle Scout dinner held The two-part referendum article regarding the $150,000 land easy to answer.