Kale Middleton 1 in the Spoinohi

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Kale Middleton 1 in the Spoinohi MAGAZYN DLA UCZACYCH S14 JZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO r=j ILrJ 9150Z# )wtym8proc. VAT) Kale I Middleton .' T 1 in the spOINOhI www.diako.ir Zmiany w slownmiczkul. Aby zwiçkszy czyteffiok artyku}ów English Matters od tego numeru wprowadzamy w naszym s}owniczku numeracjç. I tak, tekst glOwny uIoouy jest w kolumnach, ktire u dolu strony sq numerowane (1, 2, 3, ...). Numery te odpowiednio znajdujq siq równie w slOwnic/kU przy pierwszym slOwku z danej kolumny. W przypadku gdy tumaczenia wyrnagajq slowa z wstpu artykulu lub ramki (która opcjonalnie pojawia siQ w niektOrych tekstach), w slowniczku s}ówka odpowiednio oznaczone sq 0" - dia wstpu i ,,R" - dia ramki. - StartUl sf: hispiracie I pomysf cl ins aw4W W I J. Tilt r- I www.diako.ir inside 3612012 —w This and That This & That PLonet Earth Treasure Hunting Peope and Lifestye 9 Maroon 5 ® 13 The Middletons in the Spotlight 17 Bob Marley: a Rasta Cinderella ® 21 My Capsule Is My Castle [uture ® 2H Spice up Your Employability! ® 29 Corporate Psycho Language 3 Varietas Delectat TraveL 38 It's a Man's World Kody OR. Skaj9c kd 0 R szybko, wygodnie I bee pod awanie henla hoi9gniesz p11k 9403 no swOjielafan kanndnkawy1 Aby pabrwt pliki MP3. wysfn000y na talofane a aparatew eel n stalowaA apIika, ktAra uonroelioja odseyfrowanie kodu. Odpooiodnri pognam mo2na ea darmo pobraA pod edn one: www.aolfale,eda.plfaeyteik ENGLISH Redektan ae000lae: Kanokta: Dalaleckleeny: MATTERS Redektonpnowedooe: hoer. 691446 2 18 Hanna 0eloeek-Z:adi ki IflA magaayrr die u ouoyth s:ojpzyka an gieiok:ego Fkegnonie MP3: Zoepa8: dwueoes:pozn:k Graham Crawford Maria Dasiewicz Dota peoeonety: Rodekeja Agnoeka Dudek A Richards 23 60-413P 20 ILd k MichelSO i61833 lk 22 redakcja@co1or`u1media.pI Marta McFarland pnaioanlf media. tel 6103303 28, S k no k 61 833 63 28 w 24 Daniel S dl GawO George Sandford clOt 833532900011 Zdjciooc oktadao: Art urzabonnki redakcja@oolo#alrood:apl Deed H8nh000lCepIieIP:oburcalF8lle1l Wpdaacca: •olorful uL Ledn:oka 23, 60-413Poznarfuolorlu8nodia p1 Dotyczdonasna:feao book. oeoiomatters MEDIA www.diako.ir Born to See the S'19 htsl The RngeL of the forth he Angel of the North is a contemporary pçp!pp/ge, known as the T 'Icon of England', which was erected in Gateshead, in the county of Tyne and Wear. It was made of weather resist- ant steel. The sculpture is 20 metres tall with a total yjpgypyn of 54 metres, which is greater than that of a Boeing 757. The Angel weighs 200 tonnes and currently is Britain's largest sculpture. The whole project cost 1 million pounds and took 4 years to complete. It can withstand ggjgg of 160 km/h. Interestingly, the sculp- ture was based on the artist's own body. contemporary I wspôlczesny weigh I wazyf sculpture I rzeibo to withstand I wytrzymaf to erect I wzrrieifwybudawoi tale I ocher Wiflg5pOfl I rozpitctiskrzydel ThePiHivers Museum The Rowing Stone r' eneral Augustus Pitt Rivers founded an T he Blowing Stone is a sarsen rock IJ archaeological museum, now called the I i' . I which produces a booming sound Pitt Rivers Museum, in 1884. The initial ./ when a person blows into one of its number of objects donated to the museum openings. The Stone is situated in amounted to approximately 20,000 items. Oxfordshire, near a town called Wan- Currently, it adds up to more than half a million exhibits. Unlike other museums, tage. The history behind the rock goes displays in the Pitt Rivers Museum are organized according to type, not cultural back to King Alfred. He is said to have or geographical areas. Permanent displays include, among other things: musical blown through one of its holes, which instruments, ppRggy boats, masks and costumes from North America as well as helped him summon his Saxon army magic objects. against the Vikings. General Pitt Rivers agreed to pass his collection on to the museum on condi- tion that museum staff would teach anthropology and archaeology to University tanner I piaskowiec students. That's why the descriptions of objects are thorough and the displays are In summon I wrywaf, rwufywaf crowded with exhibits, so that lecturers can access all of them while teaching p,raduate and undergraduate tdt approximately I okolo graduate "As fallible as human" opubikujemy exhibit I ekspooal www.diako.ir Did You hnow ... ? Slong in the 5poWght The electric chair was invented by a dentist. life of Riley - the good life, a comfortable existence 0 Fingernails grew faster when it's cold. The phrase was made popular in 1919 owing to Howard Pease's song My came is Kelly'. "Faith and my name is Kelly, Michael Kelly, In Tokyo you can buy toupee for dogs. but I'm living the life of Reilly just the same." mops and brooms — drunk - Birth control pills " Mop fairs or hiring fairs took place annually in the est taken by humans '- Country in the UK. During those fairs servants put them- work also for gorillas. selves up for hire. A servant, worker or craftsman wonl carry an item indicating the job they desired. Such fairs An ostrich has an eye were accompanied by drinking. bigger than its brain. gently Bentley! - a general exclamation of ygppainp, 'hang on', 'take it easy', 'not too fast' etc. The Oscar given to Edgar Bergen in 1938 was made The phrase was used for the first time in BBC radio's of wood. weekly comedy 'Take it from Here'. nineteen canteen - a very long time ago Donald Duck was banned in Finland because he floperoo - an extreme failure wore no pants. gabberlooney - one who talks too much see-saw - an up-and-down, uncertain relationship toupee I tupecik speed ILog - one who consistently ignores speed limits birth control pills pigulki untikancepcjne when driving ostrich I struk buckwheat crop - a marriage that takes place when the to ban I cakozek bride is already pregnant Buckwheat EiM faster than other grains. cabbage-head - a fool, a stupid person cockadoodle - nonsense, rubbish consumption stick - cigarette cool cat - a sophisticated, competent, 119ffigd abi person dumb ox—a large, stupid man Eli - Yale University; thus 'Elis', alumni of Yale Elihu Yale was the founder of the original Yale college. Cuuusell'o Dictionary of Slang, Jonathan Green, Cassell, 2004 broom I rointla lair I turf craftsman I rzernietlnik restraint I powfcrrtgliwuui Let's Twist Rgoin! "q= I hag I wrepra buckwheat I gryka I thought a thought. But the thought I thought to ripen I durzewni wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the rubbish I tu:bzduny thought I thought I thought had been the thought consumption I fa:suchnty I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much. unruffled I niewzrusznny www.indianchild.com/eontgue.tovister5.htm alumni I ubsnlwencr English Matters 3612012 www.diako.ir - Archaeology vs. However, there have always been There are different opinions on Pseudo-Archaeology people who do not have much respect whether non-professional archaeolo- What we know for sure is the fact for science or knowledge, instead hay- gists have the right to excavate ancient that Pntin is neither an archaeologist nor ing more respect for the money they treasures and sell them or pot them in a treasure hunter. But what is the differ- can earn by selling excavated artefacts, their own private collections. Some say ence between those two professions? When thinking about an archaeologist, s treasure hunting I pxlowaoie no skarby significantly I macotto we tend to imagine a middle-aged pro- Iodine I nurkorsaf to gather I gromadaif fessor wearing an old-fashioned suit to reappear I pojawiak sig pontwnre post I tu: dawn y. z przeszboici standing in the middle of some kind of depths I ttbrny to shape I ksztalttuai desert. However, archaeology differsyjg priceless I beocenny scientist I naukawioc jjjçyntl from that Indiana Jones-like ancient I starozytny to seem wydawaf siy image. The main idea behind the mis- apart from I poza item I rzecz, przedmixt sloe of archaeology is based on to explore I badat, odkrywaf, ekoplorowaf valuable I cenny ypyg knowledge of pgyp civilizations and run. I ktntra source I bridin events that have yipgpgd our world as we neither,..nor I aviani knowledge I wiedza see it now. Archaeologists are scientists, to tend to I mief tend encjq do, skianiaf sig ku a instead I w zamiun, zamiast They have been taught how to catalogue middle-aged I w i red nim wiets to earn I zanahiaf and analyse. What for us may seem an old-fashioned I starxmndny excavated I wydobyty unimportant old jggppy, for them may be however I jednakie artefact I urtefakt kultury matvrrolnej a valuable source of knowledge, to differ from I r6onie siq to excavate I wydubywti, wyktpywai English Matters 3612t12 www.diako.ir that non-professionals are a threat to who deliberately disobeys the law may the area of the English Channel. How- the scientific value of the artefacts, as be fined or even imprisoned. ever, there have been many controver- they are not educated enough to gggo- sies concerning their work. In 2007, the nize the value of their discoveries. On Marine Exploration and company excavated numerous artefacts the other hand, many archaeological UNESCO Supervision from the shipwreck of the Spanish frig- enterprises are underfunded and pri- When one finds an artefact in the ate Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes vate (often more affluent) enthusiasts soil, the owner of the land is usually that sank in 1804 near Gibraltar. Then may in fact have better equipment, the one who owns the right to it. But they transported them, without report- which, of course, does not always equal what happens when treasure is found ing the find to anyone, to America.
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    F R OStateLines S T B U R G S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y wwwfrostburgedu/news/statelineshtm For and about FSU people A publication of the FSU Office of Advancement Volume 34, Number 28, April 19, 2004 Copy deadline: noon Wednesday, 228 Hitchins or emedcalf@frostburg%edu Maroon 5 in Concert at Bobcat Arena FSU’s University Programming “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” “Last Call Council will present the pop band with Carson Daly” and “The Late “Maroon 5” at its annual Spring Show with Craig Kilborn.” Concert on Saturday, April 24, at 8 Singer/guitarist Adam Levine, p.m. in the FSU Physical Education guitarist Jesse Carmichael, bass Cordts Center Main Arena. player Mickey Madden and drummer “Maroon 5” released its hit Ryan Dusick comprise “Maroon 5.” single “Harder to Breathe” in the The band blends elements of funk fall of 2002 and by the summer of and blues influences into their rock 2003, it remained on multiple and roll songs. Formerly known as radio charts. The group’s latest “Kara’s Flowers,” members of the single, “This Love,” is popular in band have been friends since junior current radio airplay and the high school. They played their first song’s video is regularly featured show at The Whisky in Los Angeles in VH1’s Top 20 and MTV. Lately, back in 1995. “Maroon 5” was the musical guest Tickets are $17 for the general on NBC TV’s “The Tonight Show public. Local student discounts are with Jay Leno” and “Saturday available.
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