1 Santa Monica Democratic Club Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 2 July 2014 Contact Info: Presidents' Address Santa Monica Democratic Club by Jay Johnson and Maryanne Solomon P.O. Box 1052 Santa Monica, CA 90406 Election season is well underway! Our endorsed candidates were successful in the primary election and www.santamonicademocrats.com are now in the "top two" for the November runoff: Ben http://www.facebook.com/santamonicademocrats Allen for State Senate, Sheila Kuehl for Supervisor, Richard Bloom for Assembly, and most of the statewide offices as well. Subscribe to SMDemocraticClub-
[email protected] (just send a blank email) Now the battle shifts to November. Having Ted Lieu win, the only Democratic candidate for Congress, is Co-Presidents- Jay P. Johnson, Maryanne Solomon crucial to keep the district Democratic. The club will Vice President, Political Action- Jon Katz review the SM City Council, Rent Board, School Board, Vice President, Membership- Tom Peters and College Board candidates. We ask for your input Vice President, Programs- Peter Bradley during this endorsement process, as well as on the Vice President, Communication- Sion Roy issues and priorities that are important to you in this Treasurer- Steve Duron election season. We will certainly be calling on you to Recording secretary- Janine Bush help support the slate mailer, candidate events, Editor, newsletter- Sion Roy endorsement meetings and volunteer campaign efforts. Board of Directors at large- Ben Allen, Harriet We can’t take any of these offices for granted: just look Beck, Patricia Hoffman, Dolores Press, Genise to Eric Cantors' loss for an example. Locally, Schnitman, Rachel Sene, Dolly Sloan development and traffic are having candidates announce almost weekly.