Some Reservists Face Cml^Paper^

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Some Reservists Face Cml^Paper^ Traffic Deaths- Idaho 1 9 6 0 ................ 1 1 6 , _ 1 9 6 -1_______ ^ l O U ____ Mogie Voll«yl i H 1 9 6 0 ............2 2 ................. I g lis h Idaho Teaclicrs Take Dri\ er Training Course p T ig h ten Some Reservists Up Belt Face CMl^Paper^ I LONDON. .luly 15 L^conscrvntivc.^jrovm-n. »nt 'variif^ii J lr itin h e jmliiy it ‘R Koinjr to _Say8;_Ci£5L_Ieiis&: In _ C lIir.\(;o, ,hily 1*) (/T)— 'i'lic Cliii-rifri Sim-Tinn'.'j .-<;iul'Imlny in i.u .Simdiiy pdi- I h e cco^, tioiis tlnii. I’resiileiit Ki-niH'cJy 1ms rt'jiclu'il a firm ilci’i.xii'ii In moliili/f .-iome ola- * tlm r. the oppnul- , mriits (if. Ilu- iirniod roscrvos to nicot llie Soviet llirojil n> licr'in. And in parti-.blnm cJJlrim^e, [ in tirlin. IC;iaL-;unI-\>iicpur>itlrt^‘y-iwlvowdow»->ti-l-he-tltA-ttird-rin —riii-iu~r~\v)ro~ ** Hnrolrt MB^llnfTa is permiUcil lo iiomo t<i tliis isnlnicd (nitp'’st of tlic woslcrn worid. Krdin reiU' ivei for t h e crisis. ,, c.illccl- ft tnrjw — L-nboi- riiled Ccrnimiy. refii.;— — r « * r HiiRh Onlir.Uell snld Koes were nnnriuj: in,at i ,t« r n mliHnki'. th e rcsDOU' , for nils iDfM-ciimmi oi oiu's fit Miirli’iUoldP#^my*^GiYeirfDi^ fled off on 10 the oilu-r nii- c.ini|) by . »tid oU'cf KoVitrmiiPiits. wlirn llii‘ book.s—bill ivu ilii- n - blame ll« lirrf. 'vhero con-; ci'iitl<>:i nuii'liiiii'ry—clo5cd down Hitioni Viive been (nvariililr. : fur »w wcvls-vHrt. ‘ViJt- w n \. Tuesday Space Ride f^e w n il'’S l>elirtU:htfnliiB iwrnl.1i- Ikiiro ln»t Snltirdiiy CfAF'i; CANAVl'HAL, July ilTr-'U, S, srlf'llIbLt toJny ciivf^ ft 'n5.ciib'_«7. wrrpmK ••A-oKny- to ino nntlon'.N iil»n icj lockpi It.^ si'i-oiid'hu- . Sflwyii Lloyd. I« a Thi- Siiii-TluiM jlory. H-rltloti ps:iiii^:iui inio Kp.»cc T uraliiy nbonrd n ciij)stilc nnmcd I Tory rnVy ni Jliiu’nr-^ i>y 'I'U om in 11. JfoA^ of cJie Sun- Tlmc^i \Vii>hlni!toti biircnu. *a1d :h n i ki-y inciiibtT.i of ciniKri'vs •liir L lful. Col. John n . Olenn. Jr„ or' ?j ^in^deleniilned Uuit dome, ;■ n!r force VlrBlM ..OrlM oni- wlll be Imrled 115 mile* up nnd f the pr«P»i irendJi in our; liuvo bii'n 'nilvlM'd o| ihc Ci.-illJll ■;3C(> inlU-.' (iviT Ilic Allantlc.o^ciU-Ifom lUH hiis'' ".vi'nei'porl USA." lomT <houl(i lie chnncvd.' he If iill Koi'ii ni plnnned. It will hr vlriiinlly a crirboii ropy of the ••I iliall recomniepil such liLiioric liifh t s by the firsi u . a , nr.ronaut. nni'j- Cnidr.-Alnn 'n »j I thlntc m^csiinry lo 13. Shi'|!nrd--oxci.'iJt-tlie sw in d nMronnut will have Ick* work lo do -'-■lit ,„.e this, linwevifr uiipopiilnr —luiUoi -•Innrtu.i will be involved. • aiul - inst-li ■ id • • The a*ironnul» nre rendy. ■ Grissom and Olenn. Imsy wllh Inten- itn noi nrrald to n.')c Uie rharlei Dethtefs, right forertound. % teacher at Minidoka Caxlleford high achool, and Glen Slietii. Twin KuIIk Juniiir hljh J.'hdi they will be ordered to <?ounly h i(h lehooi, m eaiure* Ihc nlRhl rlMon nf Lyle Jlrolch. »dionl. They are am onc Idaho learliem belnj riuallflrd ti> leach ictivp duly has been deferred i.lve iraltilni! for the past few wscks. tnperei off todft>' and w ent _ji people lo benr th e ncec.i* ou '•low-rcslduc". diets In prtpatftllon {or tlnivl pUi'McftV exam ina­ ] j biirtem or necepl V n t nec- (Immett hlth tchool, al the Idaho AutnmobU«-»uoclatinn «lrlT«r riilvn Ualninc In uchoDlo a* aulhnrlieil by the IS&l Malio leeli- lU Mr. KtHHvidy Ttcclvcs a training educators' course at Bol«e Junior college. In the back- tolled I'Diiiagon review this tions. One will be the m an to go, Mie other will be his "back-ttp." UT dlicIpllncA ^ “C' lalure. Testlnjc devlcex nuch a s tliexe will acquaint their students iround meaiurinc each other's reaelion timci are Wayne Waite, with personal physlral limitations. (Staff cneraTinc) week," R mh Anld. The machinery was rendy. Informed sources itnid the seven J i t not jusl sunlvol bu t also The Pre.sUltnt has nulhorlty to mllrs .of wlrlnK nrid myriad electronics'nboard llie bcll-.%haped u a»lnl(nancB of our position call up as ninny as one million "Liberty Bell 7" were "chccklnK out perfcclly." Flnnl Ic.ils on the I tn pregrcMlvc, ...... without nny action by "■ foot combination of rocket, cnpsule nnd escnpe lower will be tnisslc Induence In th e world." Man Testing n Mondny and Tuesday. - ' ________________________ 22JdahaEducator&EinishJntensiy^-c: uie ueiiilicr oili^k also appeared favorable! ^ •e tooport a* much ti.i It Im- ipokc-smnn replied I, til* pound BlerllnR h u t Missing itory. Members of congress nvnU- a r r nble at tlie cnpltnl"prort.«ed nt b n«nt irreks. □ Along Canal BOISE. July l5=Twenty-lwo nA'oclnUon driver education pro-1 in Idaho nre sponsored by Uie knowleddc of any such decLilon JNevada (Jrash Kills ~ n-otficlMly p e ir» the Idaiio educators Friday complei- nrrnn t« studenU In th e ir various Idnhu State Automobile a-v^oclik- by the Pre.ililent. ^ A •-J2.‘J8-to'-*2.82-ranRc; c d 'a 40-hDur Intensive course in Rchools under a curriculum c.iUvb- tlon. The dcfenf.e departm ent lini. .^ittonmment hns been forcm street. Wfui reported by hla wli driver troliUnt? Inatructlon a t llshed by the state dejvuUncnt Chief Iwttuclor for drlv- been wotWnR since early -Im I t buy pcwnd* extensively on the mi.vlnR on a trip on onu BoL'e Junior .eolleRe to qualify o( education. Such Instnictors er educator course nt Bolse..Kas week on ix review of rendlneu of Carey Man’s Bride ffliUiT exchnnses-In-order to .....n-Tiibber raft-down the low Ihclr schooLn for participation . be cniduatM of elthfir the Dr. John S„ Urlnub, Berkeley; conventlonnl forces which might CAREY, .luly 15—Kenneth Pcteraoh, Carey, rem ain­ cp (he pound nl this level. This line eannl n t 9 p.m. Bnturdny. In U)e driver education prosram courxe nt DJC or a slmlUir course prc.^ldent-elcct of Uic American (Contlniird nix I**se S> Column S). ed m critical condition in Elko General hospital Satur­ it rtsullrd In » severe drnln . ROUMMU told M icrW authorlMd by th e 1001 Idaho l « - nl Id.-ilio su ite collrse, n r be pro- Driver Education n.vvoclatlon. I) Uie gevemment's enld hnd dc[\utlcx Rou.ueau decided to tcs. Islnturc. vjoaily certified in order for Other liwtruclora nnd Iccturcrs day nit'ht following.n collision.that killed his bride b£ -------------- rd n m nc? tt.«rvcs. the rnfl and entered the canal Tlie l«ftcliera who completed Ihtlr schools lo reccIve relm- Included Chet Cooper, liead of Eager LDS severni dnyK nnd a KnnHRB man, and injured a FlorWa — ^ J to d nrevlouily had wnrnc from Uifl nlrport road. He told Uie concentrat«d one>wecIc course bursement Iroin'tho stale for audio vlsunl aids and driver edu- — imiucr.farmer. ruici.iuii,Peter.son, oo,33, whowuo waswua «iicn luuicroute to \-turuCarey n would be forced i her he would float It about one conducilnR driver education. cation at Idnho State collese; niiIc"it(jwnscreamr-Hfl~wttsnffear^ —Y -A lltl1 ^ -l-in Q P — -wJiefC-hG-and-hia-bride-planncd-to-'jTJako-thair-homi i und the upkeep of troops InR only iw lm m lns tru n lu . Call: former state safety director X o VO received seriouB injuriesr mostly on the head and ch^at. "o&ed ibratd-ln West Ger- Ho started shortly before dusk. H. (Safety) Davis who now Ills car and one driven by George Baldwin collided 89 3 u d tlMvhere. Mrs. noujiseau became worried operates a driver UiUnlnB school; Midwest Job miles north of Wells Friday —^^^ ^— when she did not hear from him SRt. Dnlc rcrcu-wn. Lcwlaton p6. Face on Barroom llco department, and K . E. Miller, MINNEAPOLIS. July 15 {JH—K 'afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth and notified' the Twin Falls MtenacK Pet«tson, .gaa Jose, BherlH's olJtce. ictnem) mnfiager of the Idaho German Girl buiiljPoor iSt«te ’ Automobile usodlT recreation counselors were teach­ Calif., married to Peterson a •• DflpuUes’ nnd volunteers began short time before at Elko, was seorchlns the canal banks. No Floor Is Cougar’s Course director ww Robert Joncs ing religion on the side haa,^- Bobio Junior collcfle. sulted in Withdrawing Uiem from killed along wJUi Mr. Baldjvln, Named Miss trace of Rousseau had W ichita, Kana. I Funds Being at flildnlRht Searchers contlnU' Dr. Urlaub described Idaho's the Minneapolis park board pro­ The face on the barroom floor in Burley could be that of Irlver training program enacted gram. Injured , but in fair condition e<i seourlnc the canal banks for was Eugene Houser, a S7-year- a trACo of the missing man. cougar. You'll lind Ute photo and story on page 10, the first page by the 1001 legislature &3 a slg- RIchnrd Jorgensen, assistant Universe’61 ' Draincrf'Fast ' The aherlff's depm-tment re­ of your excellent Sunday Feature SecUon. nlflcnnt forward step ond 'pre- recreation director In charge of old farmer from Panama City, Fin.
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