Traffic Deaths- Idaho 1 9 6 0 ...... 1 1 6 , _ 1 9 6 -1______^ l O U ____ Mogie Voll«yl i H 1 9 6 0 ...... 2 2


I g lis h Idaho Teaclicrs Take Dri\ er Training Course p T ig h ten Some Reservists Up Belt Face CMl^Paper^ I LONDON. .luly 15 L^conscrvntivc.^jrovm-n. »nt 'variif^ii J lr itin h e jmliiy it ‘R Koinjr to _Say8;_Ci£5L_Ieiis&: In _ C lIir.\(;o, ,hily 1*) (/T)— 'i'lic Cliii-rifri Sim-Tinn'.'j .-<;iul'Imlny in i.u .Simdiiy pdi- I h e cco^, tioiis tlnii. I’resiileiit Ki-niH'cJy 1ms rt'jiclu'il a firm ilci’i.xii'ii In moliili/f .-iome ola- * tlm r. the oppnul- , mriits (if. Ilu- iirniod roscrvos to nicot llie Soviet llirojil n> licr'in. And in parti-.blnm cJJlrim^e, [ in tirlin. IC;iaL-;unI-\>iicpur>itlrt^‘y-iwlvowdow»->ti-l-he-tltA-ttird-rin —riii-iu~r~\v)ro~ ** Hnrolrt MB^llnfTa is permiUcil lo iiomo t:i nuii'liiiii'ry—clo5cd down Hitioni Viive been (nvariililr. : fur »w wcvls-vHrt. ‘ViJt- w n \. Tuesday Space Ride f^e w n il'’S l>elirtU:htfnliiB iwrnl.1i- Ikiiro ln»t Snltirdiiy CfAF'i; CANAVl'HAL, July ilTr-'U, S, srlf'llIbLt toJny ciivf^ ft 'n5.ciib'_«7. wrrpmK ••A-oKny- to ino nntlon'.N iil»n icj lockpi It.^ si'i-oiid'hu- . Sflwyii Lloyd. I« a Thi- Siiii-TluiM jlory. H-rltloti ps:iiii^:iui inio Kp.»cc T uraliiy nbonrd n ciij)stilc nnmcd I Tory rnVy ni Jliiu’nr-^ i>y 'I'U om in 11. JfoA^ of cJie Sun- Tlmc^i \Vii>hlni!toti biircnu. *a1d :h n i ki-y inciiibtT.i of ciniKri'vs •liir L lful. Col. John n . Olenn. Jr„ or' ?j ^in^deleniilned Uuit dome, ;■ n!r force VlrBlM ..OrlM oni- wlll be Imrled 115 mile* up nnd f the pr«P»i irendJi in our; liuvo bii'n 'nilvlM'd o| ihc Ci.-illJll ■;3C(> inlU-.' (iviT Ilic Allantlc.o^ciU-Ifom lUH hiis'' ".vi'nei'porl USA." lomT leach ictivp duly has been deferred i.lve iraltilni! for the past few wscks. tnperei off todft>' and w ent _ji people lo benr th e ncec.i* ou '•low-rcslduc". diets In prtpatftllon {or tlnivl pUi'McftV exam ina­ ] j biirtem or necepl V n t nec- (Immett hlth tchool, al the Idaho AutnmobU«-»uoclatinn «lrlT«r riilvn Ualninc In uchoDlo a* aulhnrlieil by the IS&l Malio leeli- lU Mr. KtHHvidy Ttcclvcs a training educators' course at Bol«e Junior college. In the back- tolled I'Diiiagon review this tions. One will be the m an to go, Mie other will be his "back-ttp." UT dlicIpllncA ^ “C' lalure. Testlnjc devlcex nuch a s tliexe will acquaint their students iround meaiurinc each other's reaelion timci are Wayne Waite, with personal physlral limitations. (Staff cneraTinc) week," R mh Anld. The machinery was rendy. Informed sources itnid the seven J i t not jusl sunlvol bu t also The Pre.sUltnt has nulhorlty to mllrs .of wlrlnK nrid myriad electronics'nboard llie bcll-.%haped u a»lnl(nancB of our position call up as ninny as one million "Liberty Bell 7" were "chccklnK out perfcclly." Flnnl Ic.ils on the I tn pregrcMlvc, ...... without nny action by "■ foot combination of rocket, cnpsule nnd escnpe lower will be tnisslc Induence In th e world." Man Testing n Mondny and Tuesday. - ' ______22JdahaEducator&EinishJntensiy^-c: uie ueiiilicr oili^k also appeared favorable! ^ •e tooport a* much ti.i It Im- ipokc-smnn replied I, til* pound BlerllnR h u t Missing itory. Members of congress nvnU- a r r nble at tlie cnpltnl"prort.«ed nt b n«nt irreks. □ Along Canal BOISE. July l5=Twenty-lwo nA'oclnUon driver education pro-1 in Idaho nre sponsored by Uie knowleddc of any such decLilon JNevada (Jrash Kills ~ n-otficlMly p e ir» the Idaiio educators Friday complei- nrrnn t« studenU In th e ir various Idnhu State Automobile a-v^oclik- by the Pre.ililent. ^ A •-J2.‘J8-to'-*2.82-ranRc; c d 'a 40-hDur Intensive course in Rchools under a curriculum c.iUvb- tlon. The dcfenf.e departm ent lini. .^ittonmment hns been forcm street. Wfui reported by hla wli driver troliUnt? Inatructlon a t llshed by the state dejvuUncnt Chief Iwttuclor for drlv- been wotWnR since early -Im I t buy pcwnd* extensively on the mi.vlnR on a trip on onu BoL'e Junior .eolleRe to qualify o( education. Such Instnictors er educator course nt Bolse..Kas week on ix review of rendlneu of Carey Man’s Bride ffliUiT exchnnses-In-order to .....n-Tiibber raft-down the low Ihclr schooLn for participation . be cniduatM of elthfir the Dr. John S„ Urlnub, Berkeley; conventlonnl forces which might CAREY, .luly 15—Kenneth Pcteraoh, Carey, rem ain­ cp (he pound nl this level. This line eannl n t 9 p.m. Bnturdny. In U)e driver education prosram courxe nt DJC or a slmlUir course prc.^ldent-elcct of Uic American (Contlniird nix I**se S> Column S). ed m critical condition in Elko General hospital Satur­ it rtsullrd In » severe drnln . . . ROUMMU told M icrW authorlMd by th e 1001 Idaho l « - nl Id.-ilio su ite collrse, n r be pro- Driver Education n.vvoclatlon. I) Uie gevemment's enld hnd dc[\utlcx Rou.ueau decided to tcs. Islnturc. vjoaily certified in order for Other liwtruclora nnd Iccturcrs day nit'ht following.n collision.that killed his bride b£ ------rd n m nc? tt.«rvcs. the rnfl and entered the canal Tlie l«ftcliera who completed Ihtlr schools lo reccIve relm- Included Chet Cooper, liead of Eager LDS severni dnyK nnd a KnnHRB man, and injured a FlorWa — ^ J to d nrevlouily had wnrnc from Uifl nlrport road. He told Uie concentrat«d one>wecIc course bursement Iroin'tho stale for audio vlsunl aids and driver edu- — imiucr.farmer. ruici.iuii,Peter.son, oo, 33, whowuo waswua «ii cn luuic route to \-turu Carey n would be forced i her he would float It about one conducilnR driver education. cation at Idnho State collese; niiIc"it(jwnscreamr-Hfl~wttsnffear^ —Y -A lltl1 ^ -l-in Q P — -wJiefC-hG-and-hia-bride-planncd-to-'jTJako-thair-homi i und the upkeep of troops InR only iw lm m lns tru n lu . Call: former state safety director X o VO received seriouB injuriesr mostly on the head and ch^at. "o&ed ibratd-ln West Ger- Ho started shortly before dusk. H. (Safety) Davis who now Ills car and one driven by George Baldwin collided 89 3 u d tlMvhere. Mrs. noujiseau became worried operates a driver UiUnlnB school; Midwest Job miles north of Wells Friday —^^^ ^— when she did not hear from him SRt. Dnlc rcrcu-wn. Lcwlaton p6. Face on Barroom llco department, and K . E. Miller, MINNEAPOLIS. July 15 {JH—K 'afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth and notified' the Twin Falls MtenacK Pet«tson, .gaa Jose, BherlH's olJtce. ictnem) mnfiager of the Idaho German Girl buiiljPoor iSt«te ’ Automobile usodlT recreation counselors were teach­ Calif., married to Peterson a •• DflpuUes’ nnd volunteers began short time before at Elko, was seorchlns the canal banks. No Floor Is Cougar’s Course director ww Robert Joncs ing religion on the side haa,^- Bobio Junior collcfle. sulted in Withdrawing Uiem from killed along wJUi Mr. Baldjvln, Named Miss trace of Rousseau had W ichita, Kana. I Funds Being at flildnlRht Searchers contlnU' Dr. Urlaub described Idaho's the Minneapolis park board pro­ The face on the barroom floor in Burley could be that of Irlver training program enacted gram. Injured , but in fair condition ee-made-Monday.-Farmcrs-Bnd flah- of most of'tKe so-men and two Baldwln'B-cor. »-d,runnJn)r $30.91851.-or near- Hospital nttendanta do not an- Inch blond from Stuttgart, .Ger­ » per cent alienjl of IMO's m issing m an wax n o t found. ermen will find the story of vital interest to them. Then you'll women were terminated Thurs­ many, tonight became M lu Uni- find an Interesting story of Burley's "meter maW* and another of day through mutual agreement. Uclpate surgery for Peterson, but^ -Jir. mm reduce expenditures, U.N. Debate._ Terse of 1061 in latcmatlonal joslln field. both“on pase 19. Oh'yes, don'i miiw the 'beer'cnn It stemmed from complaints of said he will be hospitalized for gompnMHnn nylm fc y4rl« tr nm jrippfdxJmatflly $9,000 m onthly .-rHe harTegalaed-con- 1 — ti.. -tat.jrf looi. te-atay stoiy.on. pBgc_lS______i ______—------47 naUona. t rexp!airied unem- steel bail, successfully ro d e ___ Victim Listed paied treaty to bar nuclear wenp' Jorgensen_addcd.J,'*o_when_th'e broke .lntp_»_blB-Krin, jn i t . b o t h J n P alls county-lA the-101*foot.Horseshoe falls to- BOISE,-July IS Cfl----- Sen, L-aq-Repeats ^------lats-wlnler-antl day-«nd-Mld-hft-’/or-love'' porta funds for a soil and join, they would say 'Okay, fine, leaded toward Uie fro n t of th e ir w in*. In ndditloftv fuel, and. to "Integrate" the giant cat* TS^T'air^ow go nhead Hnd Join'." stage. .«icil,nou»lnK and clothlni; re-, aracU moisture rcoetireli center at Claims About “^'la Pall* htvvo been approv- He said It closely bordered Tears welled in her eyes imd indiRcnt*. cost' N athan Boya. 30, I J w Vo:V. ------, a park board ordinance forbld- "'t^n ir tha first two, H by aenate-hou.10 conferee.i. ------nL thft.lC tli.grnprnl a i. dlnn-relljiloua-lnstruotlonT—■------JKawaitStatete^:^^ - In fair condltfon In Dee aembly opening Sept. 10. This is ' However. . a church offlclnl, crowd. tac \he first six months of drop and escape unharmed. committee on (iRrlculturol ap- tantam ount to WBurUiR full-scale Elder John Madsen, Mlnneapolla.- She had to stoop over for U n- , thB poor fund ha.1 spent "1 did It to imeRrate the falls.'’i proprlaUon.1 added *30,000 for . Ital, Ogden, where h e is r e PremiL- _____ - ...... - ...... operaUng Uie Northwest Hy­ covering from a bullet wound con.tideraUon by the U. N. mem- denied that the collese-age mls- da Bement, SairLalco-CltyrDUP. % nn Avernite of $22.* NlnRarn park 'commission police' ■' slonnrle.i, most of them from the hla threat to take over Kuwait going Miss Universe, to put ths nthly. D urlns the first quoted Boya. "I'm a Negro and drology laboratory projqtl, In the abdomen Incurred during The United States, In addlU on ...... renewed, today took Uie cheera with offlpcs In BolV! and a. in Ogden grocery store holdup crown on her head. Ei™ 4il'!.M E-rooUunl deilverod-a-noto-ln-Moaoow-Bc- of-thoosanda-of-lraquia-who-BC' _ . new intemauonal contest ^t^TO,7C3,7fl, «n averftRe of heldTiUinon lil Reynolds creelT Ogden merchanLi have spear­ cuslne Uie Soviet Union of try- claimed, him-rthe..conqueror of In lt,_wns towed, to.lhe Canadint in Owj-hee cjpunty- headed a-fund.ralsliiR drive-to w inner (3CH-23-3B) >' ' g :io~sabota«e trenty negoUa- Impcrlallam." a lime. stnpleaa evening sown .ilde of th e Niagara rlvei pay medical and other expenses iA.i~Uint have been ROlnfr on ic . An estimated 10,000 Iraqis approxim ately 30 per the pluntte. Boya was ai.. of Olllesple, a grocery clerk, and with a loose flltlng skirt %nd Geneva for nearly threo years. trooped through Baghdad’s full, length gloves.. S h e w 0 r e PS »liesd or the 1000 fiRUrea. h e opened ,the iiatch a n d waved Ross MarUne*. 20. who helped Solon Dislikes : buraiiiff heot for three houra In to thousands stunned spK- Member of FPC BoUi weatem powers declared rhinestone earrings. »ai3.- Olllesple In his ntie m p t'to catch their willingness to continue the a second straight day of noisy, •ttelMl'npproprlntlon calls tato'rs, the bandits. Marlines' aulo waj Wilderness Bill colocful celetrfttions comtneno- , Rosemarie 'Frankland, -Wl'a'i • talks In Geneva, even though an Walea, Uie youngeat of the rc- oJ ttH .700. Both He WA.1' Inken' into custody b) Is Found Dead punctured by scVeral bulleu dur- Impa.ise haa been renched. They BOISE July IS l«v-The wilder- ratlng Uie third anniversary of ^ »Pproprinllona Include a park police and held on a charge ■WASlnNQTON, July 15 im — Intf the hlRh-spced Tuej. ne» blit approved by the senate Kasjemls July 14 military coup. jnainlnc IS «lrla, flnlahed as first !"» re.wrve. of , tllesftl entry. mnde clear thelr'oplnion Uiat if runner-up. . , , - Frederick Stueck. 55, member of day nlRht but He was n o t hurt. tlie Soviet Union pemlsu in ita Interior' oommittce thU week The simmering Kuwait criala May of this year. 'I'm happy i did U. It' the federal power A federal fuglUve w arrant locks up three million acres of A drlua GardlazabeI.'Mlaa Ar- ' Crow dreu- im \ Irticr prcrent stand Uie only hope for never far in the background t hlngl'.ye always wanted to do.' ' • :-UieTasut U ~ltlo deniolSlrato'rs'irondre'd Jimiled 16 B7“ p ^ so n s Boya told investlgalors when Hi tonight with a ho.« conneoled to and the FBI began scnrchlnR e bofoTQ the united Na. Sen. Henry Dw-orsliak, R., Ida., up. and third runner-up wna. r P » r fund m edical « a s taken to a ho.%plUi for the revolution Uiat ended In the exhaust pipe. Police detcc Saturday for David Harper. 31. tions. said lodo)-. death for King Faisal ond Pre- A rietta Dobson, Mias England. . The letter Infon...^ '1 chcc£-up. He 1 lives said It was a case of suicide. Salt Lake City, nn ex-convlct Dworshak aald in a message mler Nurt fi«ld and nevered Mlaa.USA'captured fourth run- revealed The b(^y v m found by Stu- wanted -by the ' Itary Ues w ith Britain, jHulilOi'i. of the c a r (itnriding 1 s-equlpped w ith a snor- gayge. “ttach^ to their home, ...... h’ta*______anniversary cheBagh- of -rral need.- medical steeled himself w ith a safely quotedMrs. Stueok as’sayinR her val E. Allen, who hns been ar­ Pace 2—Five speeders cited dad M ilitary college last night. The story on the coroner's In- nw would be Rlwn these belt for Ute ride. husband had been in "good spir­ rested. are accuwd o( the Tuea- in Twin Fulls radar check; Dworshak also reported . .. . ReltetaUng his tlalni lhaV K u­ Phm p p ln es- office is Investigating and at- criy direction away from Buhl. resldeniA wcplaliis airport com- aell 0 . Lutsen and H. L. A county-wide, one-mill levy wins Times-News ■tourney, mlasion ChaltTnan'W arren Barry, would proTlda an addlUonal «i3,. tempUng to IdenUfy the airplane. ' A Buhl city policeman reported! U. S. track team b reak t Uiree Cedarholm wtre present at the Ronald Pierce. broUier of the ...... — the airplane "aboutl world records. .> providlnp some $38,000-for alr^ meeUnff. Larsen said Uie county — .Coupled with Uie additional part opemUon and maintenance, attorney had been asked to In- nJured girl, aald Mis* Pierce yaa t was a small ci^t. Pap 17 — Arnold Palmer, tiding-"Lucky.-L..* * - — a-tralning- Jet.-fVlBlr ..ilow erer, the nlrport _eommla- .resUgn to. Jegal. aapecla. o f, county » Up of 6U t« Chester BowJet QuarterhorM.'jnare, into Uia po­ athe south, and tuming-veit Wlni British Opea'cliataplon-' aion has received woM from W est financing and to .rqwrt to the fiolent - funds. to ~ finance . ther tato cellar behind the Pierce resi- '•h ip ...... ', ...... Coast Airlines . Uiat Uie present V------... . . ^ jwoa^aa possible. needed ru m tay atrengthenlns denea when th« accident occurred !Kf must be lengthened from A T tport la expeeicd' 'Within. ft uid.tha..extnt.uOO ieet'-tor-lat^ . Lleet to 7.^ ;f e e L h y .lP « . a t nlnnmrt f/ » Plrine In New slipped which Ume full Jet service aald the g i^ p dlscuase'dl • ------’"■’“ ^ n T ilao ra i* -' talie_pa*tl,3 headed for.HyanaU Port after lated;--^------

“ “ i“ *o” ' “‘‘nf»lMUf'h«vlngto,se* th#President.' rears, her isroU aUKD^Y, TOLY 18, m,., PAGE TWO TIMES-NKWS, TW IN I?A^XS,< IDAHO Jerome Qass -Weather,-Temperatures: Twin FaUs News in Brief |5 ^ Pushing Seen .7T] FlBtd ' for UnUeenjed —------Dog. 4New(jinimal- Of’41 Seeks ^yPolicein Eslltla...... In Amy... Robert. nBaker . k . . ___ wearlni_ «... MAGIC VALLEY—M mUt clemr io in j «nd tomorrow, cxeepl ^ _jaU)Tlu-d Ma«-Stockton., Twin Buster,Von. Filer, ^as floed lint Mn, PtollU S,‘i i-„" fai- «nme aftfm oon clondlneM jtnd'a chance of ItoUlcd thunder- Sio tor harborlflg an unUeeosed dO B _w hen.,he_appcare^ CTlday Law Methods Ing friend . . william Bmf.C “Missing'Diao]iitornu »««r hliher raoantaiiii. Uttte ten)p*riilure clian*e;-nileh ~Radar-Gheeka^“'^»;r“i;"^^^^ crossins Second street t>oth days tW to IM ; fow tonight SO (o CS. The low frlday fleht F t. Ord. Calif. jn Ttt-ln Falls police'court. Van StW V A LL S yrJuly 15 Ifl — Officer Tim QusJii cscch ^ JSnOMB. July JS—1119 Je -|^ ,7 R /th e 'hrslj*H»lurir»r~>0l)*»nd^h6 Tp.m!'Saturday'lempe'ra- /Twin PWla pollcc. Itslns radar was cited Wednesday by Twin Tho Idaho Bar association to­ Falls Dogcatcher W illiam Dye. o n paper work . . . Mr * “ rome hlRh Mhool claw of 19« m . iiarometer: 2WJ. Mother to Itwpiul day reiterated Its determination M rs. Vincent Smazal dlv:uv,i^ ' Ja lo-lnu to contact WJIma Boyd i------r • . . for speeding In the 200 b^k Mr*. JenT Twln-FalU. a court official noted, after he to push through the legislature was warned repeatedly to obtain results of political meetinc "•* I and nobert Tewler, two cla.M n o h T H IDAHO—Partly cloudy io:!ay thfouelJ tomorrnv.- wllh|Oi eecona avenue Bouth. Two ,eporta ih a t her mother. Mw. funds for a study and adoption T om D ltter telling friend m c m b tn . jiayj M rs. DaJe Cole*)* chance o t UolaCeii ia u aliernoon r>y i-yDlDS ihundfrshovirrM o'her drivers were cited l o r p j,„ i Meadow. Hempton. Nebr.. A license for the animal. Van of new rules for criminal pro­ formerly‘reslded a t 440 Van Bur- c t . . . Mr. .and Mrs. h .v o ' p i m an, aeneraj chairm an for lhc;iK ,u, day*, l.llllp tem perature chanue. Jtish bnih days as to foo; 1 breriitinR the bailc »|«cd. law m j , i„ [j,e Aurora hMpllal, Aurora. cedure. terson enjoying baseball clJiM reunion nc*t Saturday and I lev, tonlcht 60 to 05. - ..... i raeini; down the too block of a frac' en street. Twin Falls, and kept Sunday. | - • I fa'cond avenue west. Iiured leg. the dog there. Jay Bates. Rigby, chairman of C atherine Montgomery excii'*- I the resolutions committee, said about arrival of friend from She nnlfd (hat they ire.-thfi, s e w YOllK. July 13 apf—T ho'U , K. »f»ther Im rrau repnrled the; Driver* clWd In t h e - r a d a r ••the.flMt resolution for revision Oregon . . . U rry McKay only two clMiimatea who ha v ejj,jj,j,„ t tem perature reenrdcd ynle rd a y wa» IIS at Dlylhe. Calif, checlc are Jam es C. InRall*. 18, Corrrellon Farhed Car Hit of the code was made In 1958 and T he Armour Packing com. Approxlmfttely $40 damnges to VBUghn B rauer eating lunch not been contacted and iM havejThe low ihU morning ,wai 1103 Alder drive, Twin Fall*, we still are trying to get the Beverly Hill and friend driti,,: been notified. • . | , « w,' upcedlns J8 miles Per hour In pany's-Hansen pUnt will kill •!.. the lelt front door of a-properly I _Beveral members who wrre In/V.V'"" 500 head of cattlf and B.OOO parked 1050 Plym outh s u tio n - legislature to appropriate the dow n,M ain avenue . . . Sr.nd-J I n JS*mlle tone; B rent Stewart. fund*.- Hem pleman and son .dl«,LMi„.-| WfMme-cl«!Wlnit-tlld-net-t(my,-J Falls Chamber of Commerce. Matliewi. 30. Cascade, backed In- Marcus J. W are. Lewiston, take Mrs. James Danner excited aiiu' I McSpnden, K, Myrrs, D. Conner,' td J t at 8:05 p.m . Friday. No c lu - over as president of the Idaho new record album . . . I Dale Owen-i. Nrll llu lrl,'J a c k ouit. 2o7\,oule 27^ 1err»p' I P 4on luiicrfti hotne._ n ight in Sacred H eart hospiuj I Is Fined and ...... under the direction the naval training center, San fourth miles cast of Twin Falls Funeral servlecs for H erbert R. Diego, Calif. McDonald, sr.. were held Satur­ here. • ■ o t the O dd Fellows. Concluding ALBION—Funeral service* for on the sugar factory road. All riuss will be I n tl»e Hnlley tcm e- Ai-tists Plans registered nurses are welcome day a t the -White chapel w ith The 71-yeor-old lieutenant sot- Fred C. Kasar will be held at Appear In Court ,and are asked to bring th e ir own the Rev. D. E. A cku officiating. em or's recovery-from an emet- Goes to Jail tefy. Friends may m JI «t tfie Me- . Two men were ftned 125 each geney six-hour operation for i _ Qoldrlck funeral home Sunday 3 p.m. Mondny nt the Albion' table service. BolcSst and organist was Mrs. Jerry W. Ilafcr, 50, route 3, LD3 ward clinpel with Bishop Lake Session whm they appeared In Twin NellJe Oetrom. , . blood clot on his right lea tiu I .T^k-ln Fftiu. Wft* fined »30. *en* evening and Monday until time Falls police court Saturday and of gervices. Leo Bell offlclatlns. Concludlnij uNivEnsrrv o p i d a h o . Pallbearers were Herbert M. not been going well,-hospiui I --Miicod-to-fHta-Uay»..ln-Jail-and rites - will- l>e held- a t- U>o-Alblori Moscow, July IS (SpeclaDrrrCne pleaded guilty to public Intoxlea- McDonald, Vernon Skeen, F ra n ­ officials said. F , Milaned 35 demerlU whth he BU ilL — Funeral service* for Mtiaonlc ccmelery. FrIencU ni of the most unusual woikshopA of tlon.-They;are-Emle- Whiteford, MondayRlte^ cis -M .'M eDonald, Coleman F. ■Tonight. ftttendanU said Otcr-1 Appeared TOday fn T » ln FalLt Oscar M. Everson will be held call Sunday afternoon nrtd e\ the Ifnlverslty of rdaho's lOOt 43, 073 Second avenue south, and Watkins, Rudy Williamson and low “hos shown no mo'rked im- L police court. He pleaded RUllty nt 3 Pin. Monday ot the First nInR nnd Mondny m orning a t t summei^school will m eet for Its E. M. Chaffin. 38, 313 Fou rth BUI Hamilton. provement." The elderly Idshg I tn drlvln^r 43 miles an hour In Presbyterian church, Buhl, with Mcculloch funernl home, nnd avenue eaat. ■ ...... held a t official's condlUon. w a s u»-1 as>mlle xone. flnnl week-long *esslon Monday Planned for the Rev. Jo h n N. Mnclnt&ih. pas- the Hnunr home from noon u nt Payette lake. changed from this morning. «hn I nfflylnHwff fnnrliirilng rites til time of services. ■^'le three'-weck a rt' .1, S^odenU Reglilered he first was Usted In crlila] I explained Uio Jail sentence v t •WorlMhw Five Twin Falls students reg' condition, officials said. ' imposed because H afer -'hftii _ Fred Hi Htwed-for-thfr-fall-sflmm i'r nt ;Doctors-»ald ,th«-4 .. record of previous traffic» from as ta r away as Wisconsin, AI^IOM, July 15 — Funeroi Balsa Junior eolleRe. They moved successfully but D retlnl which reveal* complete contempt will beam classes tn McCall M on­ Larry Bennett. Roger MIchener, service* for Fred 0. Hagar, 73 day under the direction of uni­ Dunne llasmussen. Dale Wills, For Filer Post had a setback u his recovc;' Magic Valley Hospitals versity a rt Professors Mnry K irk­ will be held a t 3 p jn . Monday at from the effects of'the long o| and Judy Worthington. Classes the Albion LDS w ard chapel FILER, July 15 — Patricia Joe o f recklcM drlvlnir, maklnir . . wood and Alfred Dunn. More Ward. Twin Foils, has been of­ eratlon Thursday night. than 30 artists .are expected to a t the college begla Sept. 30. K-Jth Bishop Leo Dell o/flclntJnff Improper turn and, on three oc> Magic Valley Memorial St. Benedict’s, Jcroriic Mr. Hagar died at.the Sa\t fered a contract to teach high * p•: Mrs. Donald Merldlth. Haaelton: McMillan, both. Jerome. I t Is sponsored by th e university’s corps recruit depot, San Dlego, ed with an auto driven by W. M. H b was Cassia county's oldast pany for $13.35 per ton and the PfelKer Is one. ot four ti n m M ia s R o department of art a\td archltec- ^ r l n e r and was a mem ber of El hauling contract of Anderst and -B lnsleton,-fl9,1030 Highland ave­ Mrj«. Ilermnn KHim.-Jerome, chiefs In 10-western sUto. nue. caaitnit $100 dnmago to the Wrc «ieh-yei»f fer-three weeto, Korsh Shrine. He Son Of )i per to n ._ ___ nnd Kevlit M e»lnRer, Dietrich. each In a different Idaho .beauty ber of Albion lodge No. 14. AF Interested persons met with einslBton car, offlcera re n iu T ii s Gas War ACADEAtY TEACHER. __ Witnesses reported th e ...... — spot. . and AM. and received hU 50*year ‘ ■■ ...... itlDS n u m b»^ f'W enth‘cf*'*cSr'ThUr*^ Blm< .-IIL- A (tauahu-r wn* bom to Mr. membership pin In April. Me was KIMBEnLY. July 15 -U till.1 day to Twin Falb police.- When BISMISSED and Mrs. b'ajlotf llernnndeznniJ ir-member-of—ths-Burley-Elks relton. and a son was born to Boise area for some Ume~lfor tfiey contacted Burfey to Identf- JOra.. G ene SmoUwood, Robert spread U> Ta in Falls. lodge No. 13M, i f th a car owrier, offlcera there M artin, Addle MuUlns, Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Oal# Bunn, Wen. Training Surviving besides h is widow dell. Back In April, oil service Woman Stabbed i Q t o r m a d Twin Fall* .police Bain. M n. George Nwbltt. Ge- -for regular to 3741 nnd M n. LoVon :??llUama, 25. 005 Twin Falls pollct farousht nnd daughter, Charles R. Hem- VWUnif hours nro from 3 to good features ot tho idolto pro- 33J). respectively. Some sta ­ I Wash., nnd two slstersi Mra ton university and vUltcd wlthi Weather* bock to Twin Falls into plemon, Carl Haney and Atrs. 11 nun. [Minnie Cartwright. Seattle, nnd Fourth avenue west, apparently ^ and 7 10 8 p.m. tion owners said Mobil and wounded In a knife scuffle at the Friday and he appeared Satur- Hccter Factor and son. all Twin ADMITTED Tho tMchers who took the Shell stations were the first iMr^. Clora C ureton Clark, day In police court. FalU: ChRrles Wygal. Mildred course n t Boise wero Introduced Marysville. Cnllf. • St. Regis bar. 319 Shoshone stre et France.i Rno M atthews n to cut. south, wos reported In "fairly ■ JohA L. Anderson, 63, MuT' Schenkel nnd Mrs. Orover O. Curtis Wilcox, both nupert. to such driver testing and train­ Saturdtitf, prices were re­ I Ornveslde rites will be con­ t&ugh. was cited for talluro U. Barton, Filer: Jennelle Ahim, DISMISSKtJ ing devlcvs ns a night sight me- ducted by tho Albion Mnsonlc good'* condlUon a t Magic Valley yield the ritht c l way after ho ported on regular gns rang­ 'Temorlal hospital Saturdi Llndti J e a a Ifolt, Xfra. WtUUun Mr*. LftVon Priest, D. Lind irr. pcelphcnil vJsloa /ipparalus, ing all tho way from JOJJ to llodge fit .th e - Albion JJasonIc -« a a . lnvoIvedJn-&.two-car. coUl> -Wrleht-*nd_Ronald_Woll,_nll Onrnrr, Joyce Hcslcy. Mrs. Da­ depth perception dovlce, reocUon j cemetery. She underwent surgery ... ilo n five miles east of Hansen or 33.9, .with premium gns three33.9, three abdominal wound late Frldny, » Buhl: John Lundy. Muhough: vid L. Lee. CurtU Wilcox nnd time m eter,-coloi— i-lslon—ta t7 lo four CMts liigher m each highway 90 a t B:16 p,m. Thura- Carl Fields, Corral: William Roth steadiness meter. Ubrtiry m ate­ hospital spokesman said. SU te patiotm an B. O. Oscnr Mnl, all Rupert. Patt«r»on, Hailey: Iteraohel rials, motion pictures and film morning nt the McCulloch fu- ' Jack .Williams, alios Jack M es- Jtardlng reported Anderson's car Schmidt. Kimberly: Lew U R. strips. Some of .Uicao dcvicca wUl slck. 38. her husband, was Jailed ~colUded-wlth-nn-«uto- Tienil-home-nnd-at“the-Ha«nr ...... ,-Oakley, and_ Mra, bo aied In Idaho high school hoine from noon until time of for flvo days nhen'he'*appear«d Fred W. Orlfflihs,-‘n.-Loveland, =Eooi=:EM nds_ In police court 'Saturday on a Colo. Daro#Be to both cars was acquaint them with tlielr person­ —Reserwists- - ...... rintoxiefttlon''chorge':------eitlmater&t 1390. (From Page One) eons wero born Snlurday to ilMloner Larsen, revealed al physical Umltatlons which (From Fsge.One) Police, are Invutlgatlnc ' the Ronald U Moore. 31, Burley. Mr. and Mr*. Bennie Abbott, Je­ mny -require ex tra caution' be­ needed to Implement nny possibility thnt tho m an Injured WM fined I2S In Burley police pendlttiro of approxim ately rome, otid the Rev. and Afrs. ), or $23,150 monthly. The hind the wheel. nmv« decided upon b y Kennedy. Burley Lists his wife during a disturbance at Donkld^erldlthr— re4lUCAt«r«: TttotTo retugee refugee counts in'Berlin In'Berlin ,' rn i .-rii tho bar around 0:15 pjn. Friday. per hour la a Lor­ Daught.^_were born Saturday to WM diirlnp Mnv nnd qulred. l o t _ ___ jmjTork.onfljiftjl ry Mai, ai, Burley, was flned-0 appropriation of ot automobile onglnes...... ^ M r^d-^TDrRrTlllery; Places in Event slons and dutches to teach the communists are about to close employe wa.i M tting u p - a .... DuenA Halverson. Rupert; Paul $169200 avnllnble for th e In-st six the Berlin escape hatch. second, and Donald Lusk and JEROME. July 1&-The Jerome teociien wliat mokes an auwmo- when the cnr Ignited. Weeds and H a n y UJfht U . th ln l • ' I $1495 Pickett. MurtnuBh. and Mrs. months. There were widespread reports dry grass surroundJns the car Future Farmer* of America A breakdofl,-n of poor fund Such devices wUl be East-west winners were Mrs. I' Judging team placed In several Rayola VMde*. B»irle>-. also burned nnd threatened to p is n n s s E u pcn.ic.'. the appropriations nnd lucd by the educators In tlielr L. H. VonRlper and Mrs. Harvey < -|-o«te*orlei»-H*t-U»*-at»t*-Juds • • • • t-ihetr_youtii; Ignite other cars on th e lot. Hurlebaus, first; Mrs. H. C. C a ll' .i_eontest*_ln Moscow, reporUs Car-C students. Del BuHerfieU dlsent CXPCIWC.V S30.203.90 spent. Other reports, stiii unconfirm­ ...TircroiiiBomfMonarl ; ter Luther, adviser. ------ippropfl.i[od. fiJtO W def- t'Dr complellnA-tlie-oourse. Uie tniek Vtts called to U>e-Cmwford ond Mrs. A,, D. McMahon and I James.Van Zanto was tint tn teitcliers recclvo college credits ed. claimed that communist po­ Funke and Mrs, Shirley PovU ...... dleal expciuie.i. $53338-05 lice are supping up their spot Snlvnge company In Heybum Mrs. Guy Towle,'third. Soldering, and, 14th in acetylene rpcnl, $43,000 npproprlnted. $10.- Iroiiv both Boise Junior oolleKe where one of the cam In the lot —welding. Charles Chambers plac­ sen, nil Burley: Dale McFurland, checks on trains Utat may be car­ 330,06 deficit: federal dl.i'.rlbu- and tlio University of Idaho ex. rying refugees. had caught fire. Cause of this ed seventh In tool reconditioning Heybum, and Mrs. Lou Etta tension Service. Christiansen. Paul. tlon cxpciues, $499.40 spent. $500 Early next week the-'Dnlied fire wan not known and damnge And are welding. A typical rc-.ictlon to Uie train.. ns confined to one'vehlcle. ___ Edgar Simmons was 18th In a m T iis npproprlated. f-0 cents baliiuce: S tates will give R a u la a firm -A - daughter-waa-bom-to.Mr, Indigent burials. $ spent, Ing received .at Boise was voiced hnnds-off-Berlin notice, about Before the rural crew could es-opi and'O ham bers'w ai 33rd-of $4;000 nwroprUUedrsrjra.'lo bal­ by-Qrovcr Nvwmnn of Minidoka 144 conlestAnU In Uvestock Judg­ and M rs. Nicky Lopex. Burley. thrce_weeks later than orlRlnally return to tho station, a third ance: county honpltal. $28,138.48 County high school. R u p m ; planned.'■Qie delay mny'Soften nrb~broke-out-tn-a-19597Ford. ing. The tewn placed eighth In n iio said ho was nOM,- nwaro th a t --u llry Judging. spent.. $80,000 npproprlat«l. $51.- ^he Impact ot the warning Tho car backflrtd and the car- Califorhia-FlieE— BOW+-b«lnt>ep{— ------Dcmo'ts tuUe _dfivlng had -bur*lor-l«nlt«l.-Th«M>wn»r-drov*. $iaj86.70 ?ppnt. $35,000 appro, Jur/i HisJnlj’ a in a tu r ot iuck. Af n time when western offi­ tho vehicle over to the curb nt hot been announcedr ^ le group ••1 had figured this course was participated In livestock, dairy printed. *10,713.24 balance: di­ cials say allied .unity Is of vital the Intersection of Onklcy be comforting, inspiring _BroducU, crops, farm mechanics Wins Air Derby rect a.i.'Litnncc, $80 .ipent, $.'(,000 JiU't another U’Chnlcnl rcQUlrc- Importance, the difficulty which nue and MalO'Strcet. Tliere u-os annroprlateil. ?4.020 b-a I ■ lor tiiichers . . . tlw t 1 nl- the western powers had In ngree- damage to tlie car because of

was nam ed winner of the Pow...... ••Uut now I rtalUe .th a t U« Top U.S. offlclnls.sny thnt ... •Al’i’KAU VDir der*Puff decby. money «0.00o ftpp.-Qpri.!j'‘Ml>'r m an-learn proper driv- tually the UnlUd State.i, Britain. •BURLEY-. July 15—Phillip G. Fined at Filer It was the sixth win for the ated. $20,000 balance. i !'« . teaching France and \yest Germany are W alker. 10, Burley, was fined $5 FILER. July 15 — Three drlv^ Long Beach. Calif., resident In The conunliilon pxptalnedi‘“ii"' . . solidly united on preserving basic by Burlejf Police Judge John B. ■ crs were tlned this week by the 15-year history of the tran.s- tund^ can be tran-ifmwl from! Tlic practices western rights In Berlin, Bowen for a noisy muffler. La- Justice of Uie Peace K em T h u r­ continental air raee for women. one sccUon of the, poor fund,to ‘U»Inipnaslve port of U>e In- even at the risk of an East-West Mont Andersqn, 19.-Burley, re­ m an {or violation of the m otor However, tlils was the first time another. This has been done in ••‘‘fuc'uf U-uIuIjik course wiu military showdown. ceived a ' suspended fihe from vehicle act. ie w on flying alone. prior years. iwliiicU out by Newman's cliw- They are described as equally Judge Bowen for a noisy muffler Jack T. Tetter. Kimberly. Mrs. Bera finished Ihe San . During the first six monllu of delfrmltjed to protect their rights condition It be rpjalrcd. Tlned 13 for having no atencll Dlego-to-Atlantlc City Uek yes- of nccess from West Germany to I tfrdttV. >. little - - 1901. approximately 032 pfr cent -* - red-encircled West Beriln. But in ' Buhl. iS. failure to display li­ hour befw e the twice-extended aoiue ot fleteH W rters hcre-t here- cense, and Henry P. Honsteln end of the race. -■ 1* concorn about tlic delays nnd. Flier, »15. fictitious dl^U y of 11- However, it took compuier op. TjrsrTT half of Ihe year. In lOSO. the look In tho car t« see . . . and fru stra tio n s encountered.In, Organ Music AvoifobTo for All Service* ' cense. Honsteln also was fined eratlons^all. nlght„ to compleie ihey’ll find six se at beltA prop- translntlng an nccord on basic f.i-: 110-for failure to appear. tabulaQona the stnre.i. nnd the commission (pent 48.3 per cent of sues Into action as the Berlin; PRAYER tlj»*i6ney budficted for the year fxly InstaUed. one for each of us Our chnpel Is equipped w ith a ricbl? toned results were not mtkde orriclsl In tlie lamllj-.- crUis develops. organ, and the services or a highly skilled until a fte r a meetina o f ::ie during .the firjit six month.i, ne- RE 3-2440 eordmg i j county rccord-i, Alie'ndlng tlie course from. organist are available for aU tuneroU, If^ lots today. MsKlc Valley w<;re Charles D eth- USE TIMES-NEWSWAfh* ADs! Tlie lirpcjt Increase In. ex- desired. Music m ay be selected by *acb p«TWr-vU-ln the medical wctlon. lefx..Cover Newman and 0 .inlel For the first six monthV ot this Zohner. all Minidoka County family. , { / • Authors Article the poor fund spent $53,- high school: Glen Sheen. Twin tTNJVZSlSnY OP IDAHO. 338.05, already $10,338.05 ahead FaUs Junior high school; R obert July 15 — Kenneth E. Olbson. of the year's appropriation. In Sherman. Kimberly high school: head o t Oio T^i ln Fills libacMo. CHAR HOUSE the first six monUw of J9C0. Oenild L Dlffcndaffer, flartey ry of the United States depart- medical expensM cosj .the'poor Junfor hlRh. and Wa>iie J. W aite, m en t o f apncuUure en-.oaio!oey fund $26,143^2, leaving’ a bal- Cnstlefonl. ^eifnoldi researcn division. Is coauthor of ance of $13,856,18,for the second a section on l»ecu, vinucs and I half. Commissioner Larsen noted N O W OPEN FUNERAL CHAf EL seed,crop# tn the 19ci yearbook ln_ .Mny, th a t /nrdicnl WJl! In- Rug ond Furniture of ogrlcuUure. recently publLv^jed' crraied 'S h n rp lr t n c e-w iliordi • Week doys . 6,A;M. {>y the department, of aarlcufture, Clsrk rc.i|gned late init year as: Cleaning ■ T he yearbook, titled’ ••Seedi,“ csunty-j>hy»lclaii.,and^OTe.,dOcfj AMPLE >ARKING'SPACE ' NoyTdoy#- - . ------without- _a presents deuiltd Intormatloh^n be„'.. blllins tlie .commksloni TROY NATIONAL lo-yaller traffla death producUon. proccMlng. trjUng. reclly ,for m cdlcal'earo for ln«J Loundry & Dry C Ic o n p ri ICLOSED SUNDAYS ■ ------,ti rfTCinnitinn~inrt~Tn»rfc«Uns;=}diB9nt*.- i a i im t. TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO ■ PAGE THREE NeM^Hardware Store Slated for Burley Opening. ftiW DAVi.l-A|l(lrlU,-«ll Klnn>erlv: Class of 1951 Ed Clail)orn. Coloriulo feivrlnw. Kimh^rly Group" _ J i r lUtUiLiULdi—lVciiwiU-JCorii. -Has-Reiinion1 Mr.s. WHrri-n .M urlna-I^Holds^-H-Meet ’ ...... \UHiiit.iln V ie w ., KIMUEftU-V C n.iJ; Ml:,, nii-k v Snuii nl|>p('i^ -l-H 'cliii> At Kiiiiberlv Mr.v Iloli i Miivv ^tllil'liccl ih n r ini Inm-N n..,i n... ••Mnvjrili Piirci'll. C.;lil«i'll; Mr;.. Hiw u|iriiiii OiirliiK n m rci- K IM nKItl.V, July IS - -i-hr ""lic it isiminoiu- Snt-- M'Hnl.iv i\l ilic luiiur nf Mr-i KlinlH'ilv hi^ij school cliis« . Hoi) I’uicpll unvi^Viii' vociiiiiiii iiiul bi'nislitflloii Till- ciit.sN lu\iiir>' niid pivphn'v ri'ad lo (II,• i:, cln-.sniaicV uuif_55.Biiby’s‘Rites ...... - Held their hii;,b.i:i(U and «lvi-.s wlu) H l'l’l-::r, July l-'i ...... ITU i>ri'M-iu, .M im r. i,«- i.;iuia .M.irtitiez. in- I.«-lioi,s w,.ro rtMil from r.^irv ‘laiiiilitrr ot Mr, mid Mr- Cnii[j, S.inlile. Uvie Mc‘. I M.ii llnw. vine lii-Kl ,C;in\-. OMfV. .Ain., and Mi,In iliO U\i- iBoiinir Orovo H-'Jiry. aj.-it I’l'M ‘;;nii'i.'.y l>y i!ir Ucv. Kr.m- .Mli-h. i''*' OIlriM'nil, Ilf (111! Hiirii.y l.ll- ...... iirded lo AIUti ! Olliolii; rliiirrh. Stapp_f..i._ifpi„ff • marrli-d Hie- , ''.-rn July-3-at-Mini-.- shorlr«t iinjc; sa m Briickrnliri- M«nuiil,il liii.'.iulnl anil dic'd ry. whD tnivpied Ilip Ioiikmi “ "■ I'ritiiiv in mnn-: mil nivrr«-inr.h;u:iii»-u.,.' lirr imryiu. maM ohlldrwi. and Mr.i. .Miirli’nc iind m.sIci,-.. Ihrt'i- Slairy \Vl,,.f|,T r s . Ilie mi-mbci i.irci-di-(l hn. mnrrli'd (iic->)ii« time. A Inmily picnic was held Sun- , d.-vy In. Hannon park, Tw jnj'nii.v ' e Riilph D, Sm ith wii,i barn on tSitukB »nnual Pioneer Dnys land shopping cenler In Uio 3200 PrlzM to be Riven away durlnu March 0. 1007. on a farm In Twin will bo he ld.July 24- block o t O verland Avenue, will bo the wci-K tnelude a Schwinn bi­ compifitinn of plaiw for Kimber­ ly 4-H Achievement day July 27 FalN' county. At the urc of 17 held M onday. LhrotiRh Saturday, cycle and n Coleman campatove. he left th e area and Joined the * ,S ^ 2 n ir tJi8 event will be hecordlnir to Leslie V. Morsan, ' ' 0^1 announced S.aHirdny Prep rorJ-ry.ffo-round rides nJid Donald Yout*, Tw in PalLi cl.... navy. M r. Sm ith ,scr\'ed two, . iIm pMm marfttlton "Pony owner. tree sno-cnni-.s will bo Riven away j-enrs aboard the baltleslilp Weiit . l i S relay m cc from Burley Tlio hardware store vaa for-' ty 4-U extcnalon asent. Demon- and the store will make key.< lo strniions.m ust. be Riven a t VlrRinla and spent ^everl*l yei -?S 5 ef Jiiy 2S and an ICA tnerly..located In iho 1300-blMk ord?*^ -Blinrpen • knives' a n d ” per- in the merchant marine. '«nSaW oJuly24. of O verland Rvctiue. MjnallT* unHcla and key ca.n'.^ nchlovement day to bo cliRlble for Ot $150 will be Riven ilie county fair. Leaders should Survivors Include Mrs, Smith, Morcan, ,-Mnrr-AnnlnRer; — tetm —uvcstatv—clul) .member ihc furniture, floor covertnR; Lott ^ M irie, -^vlrinf: a n d lishtlnR; will be r c .^ n s lb le for tlie care of T haxtan PalntinR and Dec- lijs aiiimnl and Ills own equip­ S t u«w l» donated ment and clennlng area. a tbi Oakley •wlmmlnB pool oratinif; Korb plumbinR and heatlnif. and Idaho Neon Sign ^^scellRneo^s pro jecu will be ^thlU rtn’i race will bo held company. witerixl In tlw whool bulldlMK It 1OJ0 ajn. on the Cassia atnke Springdale Has The .itore’s neon sIrh hallway and home economics fllenei' • aisilecu ...... E v ^ s , Visitors

Leonaxd B«iuuiand vWte^ ...... nil be »erved nt lRrorm.illon Fum lihed hy contact ono of the leaders tit luka Relief society In the daufthtcr ChrLntlne. Blackfoot, la:cliar;!e of-tl^a stylo revue. and M r. luid M rs. Lowell Be*sl- Twin Falls Credit and cih ifotalloa hall. ' Adjuatmenl Bureau PlttlnR and sliowlng of asrlcul- * ptfKle from Oakley hlith atrand. Debbla Bfrckstrand tural p.roject.1 will bcRin a t 10:30 fKv'i u Oakley elemenlnry Cathcrj-n Colo ntlcnded a ____ nan. n t th e football field. MImcI- reunion nt Shelly. They returned Wairrinir DtWit ^ IT lU b e h e ld a t 1:30 p.m.; ...... 'V. 1‘fic, ta W, I . IrfwVhurt. laneoai thxijtMtsrsueinuTwccdir iht iuth toiiuals‘'Littlo Suck* homo Monday. bug.1 and eJectrlcal projects will tn0*niln vin be held nt 2:30 M r. a n d Mr*., OeorRo N. Vlc^ a.."- '• bo JudRod find evaluated nt 1 pjn. BA-aiotcbtU saniB under the tor. YuAlt. Calif., M rs. Nolen Auliw «h»rffr (o Tiirlvr W«t*on. and homo economics demoaitrn- Atnetioa ot (he slake MIA at Victor a n d M rs. P aul Victor. boUi tiotvi and_cTO luntlon,ot-cxhlblu — t30-pn.-on'Uie- hlBh-»chooI T>vin-PiU!a.-vlaltod'-«1th-Trlend3 will boRln « t 8:30 a.m. j tn e A uxl Jake Pope's ICA a t tl)o R elief AOclety work meet* Lunch nrranRcmenta will be! t m t a ledM vllt be held at In* Tuesday.' Klor.n« M. Dwr«r to' Jot»ph II, mado by tl)o Individual clubs. I ps. ' TIio Victora were residents ot ------Tbt-Utt.'t-Buekaroo-n 'Inp-to-OaJI- ~ t t c o d u e n :t a i i ^ forrila. -BTOLEY. July 15-Lewis Mos- Mr. tind Mr.s. Arthur Tost and CIo*f» q, KilwiiriJi to J. i/. Ilnliln. VUb. ind Vxal cootestanbi u Mr. and Mrs. Thomas-E. Dnyley so, 60,.Burley, nnd John WeaUt- xnn cU tM under eompeclntt went to Yoat, Utah, Wednesday ;u1^'i'l^n, T»iln ers, 36, Burley, wero ei^h fined ■ la ihiiiiBd, tunbaek ridlns, calf to attend Rrnvcalde aervlces for '<;r. Jr.. lo Klnrrne» M. ■SIO u. nnd -I... sentenced .-i. «... *1 lo_ .. 10 days In mpiV sod ealf ftdJat. Winner* a relaUve of the Yosfa, wui b* (ilflUe to eompelo a t the ■ ihow SNAKE RIVER • :k. n«rl.Trr lo U.Mn 0. flr»nii' . n a Foay &qireu' i rathon .... 2 lllock ■ Whil* «nil C>l«h>n C-JI win begin at 8 pjn. July aS ■.d.llllnn. Twin K.II., r ». i*»i CrnlhU C«nw»r lo Cllnt r«Tio«r, hBolfT. niere will bo ot least f tIttCtM ♦ w n L r>i Morton, Lot 2 Illnek 7S. -I>| ’JJt.WO: leeood. HOO, and third, Murk U KnuII to CI.r.i m*n, tio. P>rt 7 John.. •lAn. ntir. rlia-Bnfl-|50- -A nn.-M . ChidiJiwV toTl.TnTcUiiTL. !-*Tsnlca-K>'Uie Co*.nt. Lnl» ». 4 lirack »0. Twin (Vlli. VrrI K Uollrl.1. to 8.m Kr.ui, Lots 3 Itlotk ( Whli* ond'Curthun G II kJitlllon, Twin K«M. . fctolio^n entertnc-tho race, 8lncl«lr. jl^lnlnr cn m p an r (o « » r t U ny Adams, UNIon-.' ■ K.OOO. Lon Jl. II, UNloiv ■;

content for.locoT __ ’.U f i i - I ,-„ 1.M0 !.«{._ -insnSlSi-S'.'SSS^.Tlir,: Vlsllanw arena, fol- J. Tump.... Twin Fall! tounly. 'SlAV*imoiUUon ofP.-"- Jake ‘’J' Pope'* «nnl Rftftiin«-rro;i.«i :__~1.4J0 !.«». e ~'*~?^t~rj'w}n ftS; j|dlIrl.lon,,Twln r«U» touni>..' tS-£. Oakley ,„Twlti r»II« T»I« «nd tAhI el Comtnerce. Cassia -iKKsSSf-i;,,. •ofiVftIL*' «'*'« Student Slated W«i«rmiiit»i* rn«rti n tlfj . . ■ - h S S "ludent win ••

A7PGA.H8 IN COURT Of Idaho-. extewlSS BURLEY. July IS—W altw. Bault. 64, Heybum. woa fined $35 ond sontenceit to 10 days In the city Jail by B urley Police JudRo John* E. Bowen for Intoxication. |leTra8-iirrcstedT>yli Burley ^ -


^earin^Aid. Available Xoday

everywhere... 5WITCH T0 SUN V T f GLASSES IN SECONDS... Sonotone “Sovereign 4 3 0 ” eyjSglasi, .• NhMring aid combines smnit styling ; all.ncw better hearing fea- \tures. Enjoy sensitive telephone I “pickup’l(ho]dthephoneiike I everyone eise),AutomaticVol- i time C ontrol nn d stereo 0>ia- : ““raO hearing. Qarity, power

^ Q N O T q e FALLS SUNDAY. JULY 16. igc^ -\lMES-NEWS, TWIN F^L S, IDAHO TUCKEf^31AT10NAL Townof NewBui^E^^ “WASH GT O Nirl "ByTETEiraDSpN- W ASaiNCFTON' Thvna*/ iMU* e( U

  • ««««fi-r«lhef»-th n n . th e. been ' rehablUtaled in' eouipi i ^ and the epidemic. proteaalonal pollMcal type. He neglected th e local » to a nbUceable aad aut« organliatlons. In bygone days, Reno was known a« the When a pnaldentlal candidal* lose* by ooly riivnren capital Qf.the_natlon-andJLgI»l lia.OOO-(ai>d-tho-ecunt-ln-i«v»raJ-BUta»-Ja-aUU- _Bo_hOK_dldJt-iCl_that_«aya l_ItJac«lJ.xhausUoiLofJu.caiit_l The Iwson to be learned is how AprU. Affaln ih»' enjoys a brisk trade. But It’s Just as easy aiupecU In » total rat« ot 60 cUUloa, th e fault sta te of New Y ork w td Its «f. lle« wlth the-party organln’JoD^ rallure to stim­ to preveot U from happeolns -to get a divorce In Idaho, ior Instance. elsewhere. foeted manletpalltiee cane lo tfci ulate Interest and activity at the local leveli. rescue w ith a three million dollif •Residence rcQulremenls of six w eeks Neither Elsenhoirer nor Mortoa made -that ‘nis New Karen haa been In am ount to no more than a nice vocation. program of abatem ent on looi attempt, and Nixon could not do It alone. trouble (or years. It sustained property taxea . and assumpuoo ...... And with such acceptable grounds for di­ ' Uor*.on*a aueceswr, Itep; ‘WUlam Z . MlUer. heavy looM from the ConnecU- of passenger station opcratln: vorce 03 '‘mental cruelty,” It takes no New York. J r l h e kind o( practical poUUcol - ' cut rlrer Hoods ot IMS. Repairs costs outside or New York Clir, ------great legal miuiuuveilng to-get th e- ‘ redenOy suaraoteed in return xor this, the ner decree with a of trouble. lloans. ' state transportation ortlce hu I ' As R matter of fact, the divorce busi­ the right to impoae suuidftrdi ot I Ttien la IMS the CoonecUcut service ‘ ness Is so lucrative that states have gono wcll-pubtlclted and admired flRures who will to i^ U cfr a n d New to great length to.slmpllfy the rules, thus draw biff crowds between now and 1 M 2 -I0 a ^ .throughway were 'opened. For. Blaenbower. NLwn, Ileckefelter aod Ooldwater. miles this superhighway runs attractlhg"moro of the ptx-week vorloty of - O n ‘iM Z>emocratJo aide, only P rtaldent Ken­ right alon^de New Haven nedy coa match tium. And be could surier rnm , residents. trades. It Is known as "the Chi- If It can’t make the grade Judge Pfaff might welJ have gone far­ **too much exposure" In a purely jwllUcal de- nese______w»Il.“. I prevenU t ...... batlhc contest. tf th e N ew .H areti c a n t rtcr- ther'to point out to his brother attorneys any new Industries from building ganlze and get a rehabUltaUoa alonsalda t^e railroad right o( p la n working, th e n th e aliem». • th a t lawyers as a gnmp must accept their ^^Wbat U tb e present atatus o f Adlal S . S l«r- way. share of the blame for the farce that] tlve will be more and more t«i. ■ttafttCI’" Inqulrea Mrs. K. Richmond; Va. That, pluf tbe reoeasloa and em m cn t o p e ra tto n ,. . divorce h&« become. Attorneys ano>y»elf g n a w e r: I n a le tte r too long to publish. Mr*. lab,of btulneaa-.thal.roUed.over Already~Oiaa~new' bousing »ci former associates who have graduated ■K; L. rtrc^ reports.,*Jiat .our.ambaa»ador-to. ithe free. the United NaUoniLJlfia.J}££aau—impepular-et- jctlon. sp------• - -■ WBQUhslon, aioag witQ Allen W. Dulles, CIA rlson A. s H mlUlon doUan for reverse the,trend toward easier and easier director. By August, IPOO, New Havea had I divorces. And they ore In an exceptionally M an: ...... - ...... , ._j-year emergency equipmat I barely enough cash to meet lu loans. K ev H aren m ay be slili [1 In Stevenson's U.N. performance. Rlgbt- MARQUIS CHILPS WRITES ON IS mUlloo dollar weekly pay- I good spot to lead the way toward more to g e t some of th a t. B ut this d( wronsly.. they think he leans toward a rd L * - Ecnslblo divorce laws. policy ot appeasement. not help it pay toterat o Moreover, attorneys and court attend­ They resented his rather reallstio augRestlon P o t bonds. ants quite frequently old efforts to con­ that CommunUt China may yet be admitted WASHINGTON I n October, New Yortc O or. Another 60 million dollan o!l Nelson Rockefeller saw that the new housing a ct money mtty be I ceal divorces for tho convenience of their to the U>f. They objected fiercely to his vote In the process he threatens to ------cUentsr-Foi^many-ycanirl^has-bccn-gcns. for A U.N., InvestlcAtlon of FortURuese rule In Shots W ASHINOTON— A compoimdl |.preelpltat«-the-wai'-4w-«aFs-iw road's commuter serricee iiad to usedfw planning rehabllltoitaL 1 coioity of Ahgola.~on~th«t~Ttir 1 to sign a defense piact w ith North U appeara tbat'the old'rule ofi As Judge Pfaff put It, “If th e homo and (Twin Palls) thumb that you can affordi Income and two or'three poiui 1 Korea, although, normally thei children to educate, plus a | family im lt are the bulwai;jc of our clvlll- communUt regime in divided XCo- a house two-and-one-balf-ttme* your-annual In-i I pendent nged relative, mlgbl U! r nUon>_thcriJglderoEeitA-ftPA.gontaBt.ous 1 .VIEWS OF OTHERS [ifford-the-*as,000-bonse:— ;— is more dangerous than was th e Soviets who supplied mil­ come is out. ifi conversion. As we recall It, the world. And for the wishful think­ itary material to the communist you are making Next figure that reganiless ot munlkt conspiracy In undenhlxiing our 'numbers are being suhttltuted as er that hope can be jacked up Viet M lnh In tb e lr InfUUaUon of »SW» a y e a r , o th e r obligations, one*fl(Us ol free way of life.” Judge Pfaff is in a posl- a prto a system w ith enoUier notch to envisage a clash ttOt you will confirm your annual take-home pay will tfon to know. He’s presiding Judge of the which each phone user will be between Russia and China that there Is a slim 'be needed to pay local taxes, lh» able to d)al his own long dis­ will neulmllie tho ...... I n Europe Moscow amorUaUon and interest oa consolidated domestic relations and eon- to hftvo the choice of seeing « local erent in per­ Inate only because Moscow'# eco- chance that you son or walehlnff it on a screen. The local black­ tance phone calls at some time th rea t to tho Weat. will find A su it­ ,your mortgage, plus home Insuc- cUiatlon courts of the superior court of In the no t too distant future. O ff­ Tho reality would seem to have, nomic And mUIlary power Is sol out, however; must be considered a minor Irrita­ ' ' ' Dissident tacUoos able sia.soo Los'Angeles county. tion compored to the major arro«anco now tin­ hand. tbat^ about the best we ttle rtsembl home. Exiwct that It will cost a t^ der consldemtlon by some promoters In conneo- can do. immer fant If you gross .ne per cent ot the cost of your Perhaps Judge Pfaff’s‘office points to- y a deep and increas- z' ward one solution to the divorce disease tlon with football bowl games. of Khrushcher'a Interpretation I $90,000 A year. It hom e to pay utility bUU and »J KnTENS FOR KIDS DEI-T. Ingly bitter rivalry between Pei­ U debatable If the very least another-one ptr and epidemic. R ather than toughen the If tho Idea is approred. people in Loa Angeles , Pot Shou: ping and MoKow oyer leadership W M arx to t - Leninist doctrine. ^ not only will be unablo to see a telecast of the B ut Since th e European satellite*: you can Afford f t * n« i cen t for average maintenance. ----- .-xUvorce-laws, compulsory, attem pts jit.rex |__We_have_threo_houscbroken a.S13S,000-homs-at-today's m (These costa could-be higher-y Roso-bowl-butVul-lina-thB'Cotton,-OrMi«B-and l Uttens to give away. For these the rival Ideotogloi-pcaceful co­ are OBpendent on-Moscow-when conciliation might provide part of the an- , S ugar bowls m issing u well. T he sam e super- I • ----- .w - 1.. can the showdown comes the dissent ,tentm ee costs and In view j your bouse Is old. not weU InT existence versus the IneritabUlty tax bite out ot your earn lated, o r In need ot costly > Bwer. .Other factors thot would tend to iJilAckout will apply^, In lc a lla s, M iami New — oLjrat-itlththe_capltaltoLP------Is suppressed in faror of the har------■fMiicTthe;aiTbre«'Tato-wmild-be-ellralna=-J|-Orl,ean^-ln-othcrVortir-you-go-to-Toar-looil- —of the two centers. bowl enno or you don't tee any bowl gome at a-year man to keep up-wlU tlon of such silly grounds as "mental OUR BULLETIN BOARD But because this rivalry country club set In the (IS all. “It la ray personal belief." said Stuart W., Jutt Ponied, Buhl-Nope, they pels prem ier Khrushchev to show Often folks have bought a cruelty," whatever that is. A'-sultable Patton, TV-radio chairman of tho Orange bo4vll Albania, thafhas dared to — . , house neighborhood can b linezpenslve home farther aw*r weren't even related. YouH go on that he can get what he want« difficult as i t is for th e S9.000- waiting period along with compulsory at­ cotmnltUci last week, -that the blackout systm short ot A shooting war. at In Moscow abd Join Peiping In the| 'from their work only to fW hearing from tho one. The other h a rd "w ar Is Inevitable" Un& Tlte i i-year m u to swing the »13W tempts at recondilatloh would help. must be adopted within five years. Television, one may hare done a little work his demand on Berlin, the net that the expected saving «u There Is no doubt th at easy dlvoyce has which has been ot vast benefit to bowl gamee, In that line, but he didn't have effect Is to enhance the danger Chinese are said eaten away In commuting cotti is DOW becoming a menace. But the bowl people • ■ • • Jhat-di » e n t. banla's nithlra dictator. 2 _K _the_two.>__ _Dtduct.alL!>f_theae_«Ml«Jrffl — t)fenir'great*lacurrln-^ndermlnlng-fam- Hoxa, w ith 130 million doUaW ot are concerncd"afiout'thT^W I5-^imsrinTuai I t ? ______He must ptove to all the mem- your annual income rule is out, your n e t Income and see when ^:=llyjUteJft:AmcricarJCsaLP«PP?«j^J»Jdadr A-blacKout.^ ber» of-the-tloc-thar-hl«“w ar 1» ngrlculture-produce dcaplU Chi­ how-should- you-flgure?.. lyou-standc—6ee-how-nuoh n* M rrpatlon and'all other boul promoters had FAMOUS LAST UNIE •“ the right way and that by flexing na's dire shortAges. List all of your current ex-|'m ains -for "keeping up w ith lb vocate use of New York’s stringent dl- As limited, as Is the power of Torofl law. ^ c h recognizes only one damn well better be concerned about tho reae- ‘. . , D en'l look new, b e t moi his military musclcs and making penses and project exp ~ — Items such as ytH Uon la a plan so clearly baaed on greed. The than half of im U geocr imperious demands he will pre- this primitive country H never­ the future. work, entertainment and Bwnma for -dWorce,'but Nevada. Idaho theless appeaw t<>-be a thorn in orer-all avera«e attendance at the four big GENTLEMAN IN TIIE I vail and communism will tri- KiiTUshchev's-slde.-One-proof-ls clpatlon In local club^ctlvltla I ------iand-Biany-other-«tatcs..are-tooJffir_to------FOURTS-BOW------I ■umph-withmit'Tiuclear-w.— Follow each slcp*'carefulty sb.'| lirard the-otttn^«trgg>e;------r ------foreign minister of ...... might weU be able to maks tbelri afford. • It's high tBne tta^ saying is c h a n '^ Albania’s hated neighbor, to visit | ' tack to'."Marry In* haste and repent at Moscow w llh full booors. Ob'— leisure” Instead of “Marry in hastd and ' EAST OER.MANY IS A PACT Henry McLemore And AlbanlA have c o n c e n t r ^ ^ mvoreeTastartmnrtirotr ... T h a W>ininn ftf of British their propaganda attacks on Yu- pele absolutely clear. Wo have no intention or A botUe ^vm egw ror'Ctew - World Corners ROME. llAly — Whenever I, l^^w nrtSlon of Marshal mto , whatever of sacrificing Weat Berlin. We will never reply to a reader who U planning | bars of soap, and th e tMltom DECONTA^IINATION 4.ab*Ddonltiocommunl*iuj:et4_»'lio_ia-askiaft. that there are way* to achieve a-provldlng-s ~ ‘-USTb~do‘an'yaucirifiIng? A ll------‘ Bodollsm-otli— “■— ‘ ^ know what to bring with him, I dox comniunlsm of Mescow V r i Foreign News Analyst always head the list with paper Jn. the early evening of July| Rctnmel becomes almost * been taken with the opening of bids on a wrong with that? Not alt store* have these bags., ^ A^meeting of 30 so-called neu­ 17,' 1M1, on a rood In Normandy,, slcal act of tragic fAle.** B ast'G erm any Is a fncl—U la there. T o recog' |ns bad o s they new disposal plant'and the neccssary e spider trals Is to be bekt in Belgrade In two Allied dive bombers swept ln| For the generals had dk tru n k sewers to go with It. Indications nlzo the fnct-.would not endanger West Berlin I expeoalvp.—jro b ^ y i 8eptember-At the caU-of-Tllo. at low level to strafe a-OermMi the best-men-to- iead-the n any more than It Is endangered Indeed. II ib* they a re m ade These neutrals Include most ot would, bo Rommel. Of Rcoa are th at construction of the Sewerage wo are shreni-d, even a firmer arrangem ent for _ lot of money. Bo m oat store.-i cCRunand car racing for tbe shel- 1 stores at home the Aslan a n d African, power* te r of A n o o ^ own pooltlon, th e Author ta]>; p lan t will sta rt In the near futtire and ex- ita safety could bo made a condition c' put one's pur- iUseTihect.i ot newspaper, or tta- that both Russia and China * groVb of trees. , . . (HlUer’s) blind refmal ^ -cavation-lor'Sewer-llnes-wlll'StaTf after nlUon'.-That'would' satisfy the Ruaslans; clfasta ln. They sue paper or any paper avoJl- wooing. One leader a o t l v e . . aatlsry Uie Berliners; It would eatlsfy Britain. lable. T hat single ac>i evacuate the A frika Korps are absolutelyj bringing about this meeting U Uon alm ost harvest this fall. Then sometime next The only objectors would be Dr. Adenauer and unavailable In Tills Li usually shaped Into Inflexible position In all mlUlvfl Prw ldent G am al Abdel Naaser, actly 17 yeara , problems convinced Rommel lt> fl year Twin Falls will dump the last of-'Its those who, like him, do not want B ut Germany Europe, end are small, shaky. Insecure comu- United Arab jepubllc. who has 'to be recognised at nlL ■coplas. "try txmv^wtlng a pound ago may hA--- ,All Avenues of reason were c) ' raw sewage into Rock creek. '' twice a* im por- been quarreling with Khrushchev c h a n g - • ----- Thft nftw ril«r»BaL8y8tem_wiiLD0 a oig T h ^^^ax ^t^^ is could mean the permanent tant os the usu- 'ot rice from store to home In n despite the fac t th a t Moscow •'It .became of primary t i*lly-reeo*nmcnd, frM lle oornuoODla. filled to the portonce to him th a t Oens* milestone In tbe history and progress of So It could. And- what U so wrong with that ed “brl-- * brim and not'cloUaTSiniJlotWy ahould-not tw de*troyed-and:i»f, Twin Falls. The event also is going to be either? Certainly the British people, who fought longs,” such as soap, drip-dry at the bottom. One leave# a trail rifloed In a batUe .whldi-«^ a big'factor in future recreational use of - war to render the Germans harmless, are not socks, enare bicycle cUtis, a mon- easy to follow as a kld’a paper m inuiry calculaUro indicated -B • ------c y Q r 1sd~extfasn&vmg erwai. tTd'6f tinriBrgc5t~8twB?nrs5ii______H itler'* _____ tlon for the creek. Undoubtedly, the city HOUSE TOO CROWDED NOW iicopiA, ^ so Is nour. I never iroa"«nuBguitPi-iHg-tti. we b a v e m America. A t home, ____ the British called "the Des­ , ..-here a action will spur demand^ for elimination Adding seats (to the house of rcpi^ntallvu) packaging Is so wonderful that have bought «uiy water, b u t I am ed th e t______.. In no way affccti the" balance a m o n g ^ e state*. jre It would be n-rapped In the ert Pox," out of respect for his of other sources of Rock creek pollu­ it b a nuisance. £\'erything Is Moscow. — brllUAnt tActlcs la th e Afrlc* I* dining room table, through P tion. It simply dilutes the power of each memt>er aod w r« jp « l too well, too alr-tlghUy, une.waj-. Eggs are. and 1-wish Bach side Is trying to convince hospital where h e gradually m akes Uie house more crowded, confudng and too securely. Opening alm&tt had an omelet made of all the the neutrato that It has the right Following an indefinite period of “de­ Tbe 'dive bcmbaa* first straf­ covered and on to his hc#n# ^ unwieldy. The house Is a legltlatlre body, not a anything Ules the patience, Sg» this ' family has lost li path to the Ci Stnttgart for f ' contamination,” Rock creek and areas perm anent hoche for Ute pollUcaily favored. I t breaks the finger nails and testa transit. I t would be m uch blggei —the Chinese with their' theais ing run woonded Rommel's drlv- immediately adjacent to it might play a - time to squelch the enlarg«nent schemes. the Ingenuity. than second base at Yankee sta- th a t form er colonlol peoples must e r « a d *ent th e e*r BpUmlng o u t P I n B e p te m ^ , ...---- .. o t oontrol Into a - tree stump., family learned they were^ big role in future recreational develop­ The opposite is true over here. line up against the West and be waUh of the gestapo. W Hie deportment atore bag* an 'prepared to Join In on Inevitable Rommel, hurled from the carl ments such os fishing and parks. Packaging is In Its Infancy, and I more dellcata and yielding th e im pact, Jtjy unconscious I warned Rommel that When Rock creek waters dOL______the problem Is not how to open I war, the Soviets arguing for a . '; safe again, it would.make a great stream kct3.'The department store .... I .wlnl of_his face crushed and his Skull Ipll'^ln the tanb i prised uj recently when he said he approved ot It from store to home without give way under the p r^ u n of _ tr»ctured.T iHlUcr.--...... to xieserv'e for fishing by children only. having It spill all over creation. the struggle. . Certainly it presents enough area to. ac­ the plan for chonRlng the'color of U. S. bills bow Ue. o r A Ue clip or a pair By Inviting Popovlc to thel _JIow. of the The clioMUC came at n o o ^ from uniform green to various bright hues. StoreA ha\-e begs, of course, or ot aborts. K rem lin Khrushchev surely knewi rio altr And yeara-long reset itober 14. a m t . f " commodate all the youngsters In Tn'ln Then he told us why. "the dollar, like the at least what they call bogs. The solution, of court dwtt^and Kme*t “ They have the same shape as that he would Infuriate the Chi­ of Dr. Richard A. Davis of the, Falls, besides being so conveniently lo­ spinning wheel, the ew e r's bench and the hur­ carry a strong bog. and as they nese. who continually denounce Unlveralty of Pehnsylvanla sdiool 'at Rommel'* home and ta ricane lamp, has tiecome worthleu. Uke thtin. oitrs, and are ot the .same size, orq Invariably bright in color, th6 treasonous revisionism of tho hlm.dlrectly. . j cated. ■ but there the similarity stops. I of medldne, can be toki for the - Other than the fishing possibilities, use It may (u well be made dMoraUre.‘'.^tlanta they edd much to a man’s ap­ Yugoslavs. B u t he m ust also have first time the full account of Ho was given ConsUtutlon. don't have & Inbomtory, so 1 pearance when he has to do the hoped to exert some influence on never hate been able to break Rommel'sj^ u g^^caljilstoiy. peopto'k court »ndj;h«ng*^ of Rockcreek canyon as the site of a city shopplng.'Bther that, or a vast the conference ot Aslan-Atrlcan suicide by poison. WamedW*' park has been mentioned in the past, but PART OF T i n MACHINE down a paper bag in Eui straw t*g about the size of The purpose of the admlnlstraUon omnibus determine what Ifa made ... clothes hamper.. For historians It 1* ImportMtl never gained seriotu consideration be- for Ranmer* link with the O er-' hU-wUe and *on. be , _ *■ cause of extreme pollution. Such propos­ farm bill appears to be to hate the nation's food you don't need a laboratory to Most itaUan men. when called Chinese foreign minister. Mar­ produced by docile, licensed, and properly man- break doi>-n a bag. n to do the shopping, use a man generals' plot against. Hit­ shal Chen Yl. and news stories ler. als might merit new attention when the anged farmers who would look to the political To look at It U enough. Just brief case. This often leads hi Pravda have denied any dlf- stream has been flushed of ail pollution. machlae rather than Uie consumer markets for stand off and stare at one., not strangers to bfellere th a t alt Ro- ftren^ betweeh the two com­ A« Davl* move* Into h is • • Thera is little doubt that Idaho will determ ination of farm Income. T h a t would make neceasarlly hard, and In two ire either lawTcrs, munist capitals. The effort to jcoimt, he note*: them part ot the machine.—TallahaMcc, F1a_ three aeoonds the sides will ______officials, spies or paper over the cracks Is one ot ‘T h e th ir d week o f July. 1M4, noUDed s . t « l i l W " '• have a compulsory law barring oontam -, Dwnocrat. - ^ . Inatlon of streams- at somb -time in the executives of tome sort. woA not only • crltlcal'one from There-are Tio'two’WBys "about the' mllltaiy Btaad^lntrbut'lf the • future.'The fact-that.Twln Palls dld not STILL A QUESTION’ There's no heed to stare when —^l\e t«-o most im portant iterhs allied high command oould hare wait to be forced into its sewerage plant is ruhlng I* -n true test of patience. However, it purchase—even a'* package of I to brt;)jr to Europe' are paper ■looked on th e other tide o t the to the credit of the city and Its residents: h a s never been salLifactorlly establbhed w h eth er. pln»-ls placed In It. Then. wlth- ibags and money. I^-suggest-a j L la-that.flI-the-fUhr-hl*rwtfe,-Oon- -out-any-help-from-the-outalder I desen-orTso-bigsTTreinitUirfa lcr*tJ.jyASh,.Hf:ald.-‘ ------' ^auj lu lt||i>ith~T3irIwitanauTtbcy:—r — ; — ...... tdTOMttiiauiotrdrAaoir TIMES-NEW S, T\yiN SALLS. IDA H o' PAGEnVB t-Notes. Winnei:s Picked for Faim Bureiiu-XSmtesK- Realtors-Gathepi! FoPHSle^eet SHOSHONE. Jillv- 15-lnfrr- uMt nV>- oh Wool Kjrnct' mill hum dced.i \vn5 kivi-h R V P T i i i r i D Pay llitm bcri-ol. Uio' Norlli Biilr Hrnl* -ARE-VOU'TIRED-OF'WEARING~AN’b T D r~ ~ b(Kiul iln^ wrflc nt IiKh!iii>- llnilc-v FASHIONED TRUSS THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN iriloii r.Mv. Ttt'n rntU .T iilr DISCARDED WITH THE HORSE AND BUGGY? nnd .runipnciy. nni. iiin'vi U»“ S.,^^lnn«ri of tlie ng- uprnliri, • tiMi IijH a lia» Ire ulrap* llu l Irrllair ninl rhaf» .i. I ii' ti lien' iiic'n)b lli.K ili.f»ii‘l liiilil niiir lirrtih* nauOiis llip hrrnU (n hf- '^’liFhmftrketlng of wool iind wuck.. wall Wnyiii- lliuuiMtu. l.irsrr nilO 11 nin(r>il| in m April 1. Ooiuliiii; Ki'iiiu-lli Ciniy wuv ii ^ llial li,u n kiiiili lli;il lirr^r. Ini„ ilir hertilal nprnlni 31, JD6I. ii>-«l I'l ilir Krinii>- .■aii.liij II to lirniiiir larerr ihe county-for Thr m-M nii-ctiiiz will be Iirld — K> <»*«•• Auk. 13 nl KCICilUlll. A .'ll^iikrr STRANGULATION CAFT OCCUR ATi ANY t Tme" *i?« • AMHSwitoas for I pay* nt»ce wUl l«- be filed by Mny :. pit'Nriit. ■ , • . WITH AN IMPROPERLY HELD HERNIA ®?“ S o m wool, the raw. of )5 47.0 pw cent -of the I’lOUMJTS ISSl'KI) SIIpsiipNE,-aJlI.v'15=DlllUliiur &*.M« » > 0^y received. ThU b Ilcod l(ii- II in'i*' ri'inotlpl lifr homr nncl A1- y IT i.s w inis i.s Tin: hmm vs;ii .•;\viM>iiN»i. voU KtTKI) I’.S’DHI ANV NnilMAl. c 'o n d ith is. w * r •l-Oti<>ji.-cel,V£tLonQ.for.rjciii>>-l^ n-Ac-riv»:...L'.'iti:i; woiitm_a uattTWe, clliiRAim Ui.^ialllnc ul>eH(ai >.U1> ^Sed.eJRhl o f live ontoata MII.I.Ai; N A KKW l'NKl'MAT«'w>l>K.Si>II>.\. • S « UKV.TS • SO STHM'S * Nt» n rc K i.E 8 *SrftK4^ of one cent per TRY TIMES-NEWS WANT APS

    irf'g-s.,yfg£ IronfifeiROi^Et Na-OBLlCA5:iON-TO-BU g g l^ n T K t lv lU e s on wool WORN AND APPROVED BY DOCTORS *itaSr^h«IPprocnun, ouUior- Rent A New HOTEL ROGERSON, TWIN FALLS — M W ih'enatloniU' »-ool-nct.- Is . For Ono Doy Only, Mon., July 17th Sw ' oot br the Amerwan SrsSuSHi a $2.50 per Wiek Hours: 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. ■ ^ peducUOM from PW - Winners of Ibe Twin Falli county talk meet and Ulent-flnd Fll»r, tali (ipprovod b y ^ - “ ionteil, »pon»ored by tbe Twin Fall* countr F»rm Bureau. Friday Judy ThL...... Wilson-Boi'es AbboH* Surgtcof Appfianc« Co. • Sim In I --- nl»ht at the FHtr high school. a«. t,n m Wt. P»tricla DUrkrV, iStalt pholo-enrravlni) ^ IncenUve level for shorn E42 S. nm adw ay. Suite 813, Arcade Ittdg. Loa AngclM lOfll m tir. Appliance _ ^ { x the curemt 1001 m u - Twin Falli — Iluhl — Jerom e ^ retf. ooverlns morkBtinjfs Slides on Nepail USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS FOR RESULTS 1. IMJ. through SSjjjI. 1»0 - « ccata^per TallcMeet and Talent Find “Sth*»wM iM th# prevloiu Shown for Club pa. SHOSHONE. July IS -S lld es of Nepnl were shown by Ted Down­ Winners Chosen in County ing. Boise, at the. Wednesday W inners of th e Twin FnlLi: •M's - Bondage o r Freedom.’ .Papers Filed in -oon meeting of the Rotary club. cdunty nnnuni talk meet nnd tnl-' Winners In the talent find wert He-spent time there as an en­ ent find. «pon.iored by the Twin Pnirlcla Dlerker nnd Judy Thur- ^ Spouse’s Estate gineer on a hlRhu-ny being built Palls County Farm Bureau, were mnn. both Filer. Alternates In by India and Nepal. Jack Miles chosen Fridny night nt the Filer the t.ilcnt find were Jean Mat- um Ann* J. Krueger, route 1, Introduced Uie s u u t. Junior hlRti school. ililwcn. Filer, nnd Jon WelLi, rtabBSTwed ft peUUon In T»'ln Pre. hon« ot will be In chifrge of different The general aaiembly will start Judga .Charles Seoggln. -u u y Asa M Oxm and Susan parts of entertainment a t B;30 a.m.. vflth k brenk'for VJKbca AalU Stnde, p m ld e n t, lunch at noon followed by ai half- • There wlir be a pre-sentence 'tnddcd m onbcra and class from .ia:" ' inveatleatlon nnd sentencing has . —:cuftgs... w Wl nrB c CsnventioirPi the aftert^oop for ijto »uh a window. THo i S b . ____ organists and chor­ Mfflfl^ TWE-TIM E^tesaveinoiiHHic^ tduaed a ftmlly plcnlo and Made at Parley isters. and. th e ntake ^oard. • < ; • . M arlon Voorheea, Bolse. cxecu- Mrs. Oeorge Haney, presi Uve oecretaiT of the Idaho 6Ut« of the atnko Primary board, i____ H» next aeetlnc will be a t B oard of R ealtors, wo* a gueat there a re 300 Prim ary officers at-*-«pooUl-luncheon-for-tbe and teochers.jfldJ.S57-U3S.Prl. JollaisoiM he miHfefoivyDiir - w r a s .— T w in Ptalla B oard of IKftllors mary children In the 13 wards septonbtf'^M nvenU on pUUiniog and two branobes-of-the Twin eommltt*e at the Rogerson hotel Fnlln stake, w hich InclUdM all of Tw in n i U county. Tour truck doUicre are loortk a lohole' SummcT*s the e e o ^ t o .^ t extra soSeaffB fteai New President rviday. 'Other gueata preaent «ire Cliet lo t morfi-^t ■ i/oiir C h eiJi^t dealer's your dollart 0 0 the trucla bijilt to giye yon extra ’ ^ c k e i ^ ^ Jamlaon.-vioe-presldent'of-the —^—m—jniIc8-of ilG a - o f- hhauIlligTlVilh a tlllB o n V ifli Jndepcndent'fttmt lnri<*TM»tiH«>ti»riiV»m* Stts^ wouthwcwt Idaho district, .a n d — -right-now!-Firsf-offfTjoir(fet-trhead~ jiuiiaioD^ i/iicvroi' I Keep _ soisff _ _ t^ tu i& d i i^raiSBTife^iiU Ju^ Wally V/eJEer and W llliunl costs Thursday in*Jerome Justice start on savina 6eeauae summer's the Balaen 4-K club at * t i t , sUta board dlrectois. o f miles longer because fa r leas dcsfnctiT a j a r • ^ t BwUn* It th# homo ot court for iaJlure to register, Ver- saving seasoju Then, with a harder . l « Qtroand. club UaOet. gal b a II, Jerome, wna fined U and shake are trasBsuitcd ihro^s^ tha trade." oa«f offloen elected a re Rob- and oosta In Justlee court for working, easier riding Chevy iruek, overwldth load-of hw. —Chevy TF.S-truckB-york-hj — l/otdre.8etio^v^veri/-m il€-you~haul;— ^ where other trucks have to be -pi }«»_Llnooln, reporter, and _AndpJinally,-at4r4ide‘in-iimeryou^an- — with, Chevy's wide choicc of thrifly 6 an d hardy -g -0:«™ eati«r-d«H expect an extra dividend- because of V8 power, you can tailor your truck exactly to acUrtUe* and Chevy'jt traditionally higher resale “ J«m ionR -K tn piaim ed your job. So .how tan you jnisa-tspedaUy now •««n»u announced that Twin value. W hat coidi be better?------dufing-the sumojcr aavinfi: seasont----- ;------

    J^^kcndaU reported “^ ,enc« at Uie iumi— 5 ? ? ? ^ . InsU-' gtttha tlnlreraltT of KanMa. 4 ^ CHEVROLET TRUCKS SUNDAY, JULY 18, nji PAGE SEC TIMES-NEWS.-TWIN f a l l s , IDAHO ■ pla n s a. J2-foot wood-In-^. S@ia^ Permits^oug^ detached garage at l i i -.New-QfficersTiistalledsbypBtg lfe;^ ; “EotoO- Oni Construction;aueet, EsU m sted co st Is tcoo,— ■-Lather Moore.- Buhl. appUed-at APP£iU H IN COURT- ^nggested’ty ■ “ city hall for a building pcr- BURLEY. July 15-Bleln- a za-- -by 4a-foot - ...... wood.. Chadw lch. 23, Burley, nn-j W'l Glub Leader _ - by 3B-1 . nnd sentenced ta f \, BORLEV. July 15 r* tached garage at 2£S Came; dw .i each In the city jau by 3u-. JetiMn. newly Inaallfd PfW irot ■eet. Estim ated coil Is tM.COO. Icy Police Judge John E, Doati of the Burley Lloni elttS.*ur~**- loyd Ireland. Twin .PolU. np- on charscs of Intosienuon e i U»at the Lions cluM or ■ for a permli .to^remodet.a -BObcrtJSlson. 30. Bllllms. Mnr.i' it-ft pou to pin to M ,pl 'fram e, single famlly''dwell- Tippeared before Judne Boarii oi ftl ihe nexl Uons club In- In'g. B tim a ted cost Is tl.QOO. a charge of IntosicaUon nnd ■»« tem fttloM l eonrentlon. It - hT Hendrix, Twin Falls. perm itted to leave town,- ' ported during the «lubj rrtd*y ■ luncheon jneetlnj - Roy'a. “Most *UW» had pin* ropr«- MnUn«-.UMlr~.itate_Pind ..g m them to other de1ea«ie* ,-a Initalllnc i June 23. Don Norton Is c h a lm a n lit by a' large vah truck ap- Eichange club dnrlnc lt« Thundsy noon luncheon mcctlnr> iItm eer and Dewalne Jensen, Ray JenMn and Gerald Bryan were in- of t h e publlihlng committee. jroaching oh a sharp curve. He n«m* (at* to U m n JloJbrock, center, »Jce preildent, and Klehard ■(alled ai board of conlrol tnemben. (Staff photo-engraving) Cllvo Holland Is chairman of the :ftlled U> the truck driver to book sales commlCCee at (he fair. ^ -k -k -k -it **** top but the driver evidently did tliclr bin. A report wa^ made from the 101 hear him nnd tried to poa 3 Men Sought on The ftulo In wlilch th e 'th r e e committee for ihe calf presenU- rhomas. IBM Pontlao sedan. The were jlrlvliig had an Ohio license, tlon to a 4-U or FFA boy dur- >Ack end of the truck struck the Lyle Morton Installed Head BDOOB, It was reported the men Ing the fair. rhomna ear, causing Fraud Charges had been soen In the same car Wendell Bailey was a guest of •nately MM dam age to . . .. ----- Of-ExchaDgeClubatBurley- AatlULCallfornlftJIcenjic.jwmfjer Dr. a. R. FaUtroUier. Boys, ldc._frQnt_ftnd^hood^ Thomoa- not reported to police. whom the club•^^eI^fa^lfflrac^to nr almoet wm shovetl Uie American Legion Boy*' state. mkment. toirwM -initM i«rBn>ra!«nrof SUftr=IBWl...... irnrrniir iici ■ ' riC N IC Sl.ATBO th# Burley Exchaneo club Thurs­ heard a t th e next The three are iiccused of de­ meeting. day n o o n d u rln j the club'a day noon in Nelson't cafe. Lar­ frauding a n Innkei JERO.ME. July 15—Mra. RObs aien Kunsu, vice praildent, .-Juncheoa-meeUflE- In Netooa'i ry, Morton, Lo# Angeles,_Callf., Falls police report. tlpdcgraff liAA nunouiiccd tliat presided during the meeting. care. was a suest ot .the nrv presi­ A police officer said thrco men Uie annual M tuourl plenic will dent. BItOTIlER DIES OtheRf installed were James Jn Umt auto spent eight days bo hcJd a t 12:30 pj». July 23, In iroibrook, vice preildent; Rich- at tlie Orlffg's Motor court, 13I SHOSHONE, July J5 - J-ft*. • o n t'a a r r ln . eecreUry-tfeRBUrer. Fourlh~av6nue-s6UthrT&e7rarc Uie_«>uUi M c U o a j)£ -th tJ« c u n c Gilbert-Sweat-hu^ecelved-word and Dowftlne Jenaen. Ray Jensea accused of leaving the motel city pork. AU Inlercated Arsons of the' death of her brother. Har­ and Oerald Biyan. board ot Burle^Vet^i^aiis early Saturday without paying cordially Invited to attend. ry Ackenna^ Uo1 member*. Howard-Batea,-liulalllnB-of- Plan to Expand flcer, v,’as featured^Axalter. "The ■BURLEV, Ju ly is ^ A es-foot m otto, ‘UDlty for wrvlce.'* de< addition to the Veterans ot For- A GREAT. FIRST. RUN notea Uiat tho EKchange clubJa elgn Warn building Is expected compcsed ot individuals who. to bTgln In th e near future, iF " -EXCtaSIVE!- ^M6tor**Vllr^Liiiiited-Engageinent-See-lt-Navi± 7 tKroiigh'cloeo aojualntanco and was announced Thursday eve­ aasoclaUon. are united In a bond ning durlns the meeting of the - o f fcUo'fl.'ahlp. and a common V rw auxUlary. cauao ot serving U »lr fellow- T lie nddltlon will contain a new m en." he rtoted. kitchen, lounge room and lArger "Such unity, which aa ttL dance haU. Membera ot tlu VFW i ^ 0 ifjRhest tJTXi W cltUsen- ^owed_ft^d ^ ^ n e d thV plau ----MIU V4 Alb concluded. nunJ- V F\v iam i auxnlafy picnic Bates led the membera In the wlll'be held nt l pjn. Aug. 13 at , club tnotto^before Installing the the East pork. . Mrs. Walter Smythe. president It was feported that a t&pfl rc; of.the.auxiliary ___was.honored . cording produced by the, Bell with a blrthdiiy cake In nbser* vanco of her birthday annlvet* —HmrsebaclrRid^ ••S': ( Picnic Is Slated ’ T he fourth annual "horsebftclc rider* picnic* will be held Sun* day, July 23 w ith directors Dt the ------TtotiUer RiauiKclubhoaUnrthB _flvenL...... - — ------,J. Frank Henry, Kimberly, who originated tho picnic, will bo In. charge of the two-hour ride. Rlden are asked to meet at

    ■ The ride wlTf b«ln aV a, «tr power, are. from left, «'llllam < Tl« commander; C. E. Hall. Bol«, cot * * * * * Officers Installed at Parley Home Economics GcmVetsWill Teacher Piciied ALBION. July l ^ M r s . R.i- Get $703,120 for Ail- Force Association netle Johti.sion. York, Nebr.,.wlll InslAlIed Friday htu no Intentions of competing be the new h o m e economics ec'onomlcMly'wllh'Jree countries Itachcf III MnRlc Valley Chrl.:- In Dividends wine. "oa. WB know It." tinn colk'h'e w h i l e Mrs. Nell c o n t e s t p r i z e ... This 1910 Model T rcpllcj), will be given t6 tlic w inner of n "Pot-0*GoW' contest cur­ i;*lid^d«nt non-profit or- In 1057, when ho was In Rus­ Tliomas,' departm ent head. Is on BOISE. July 15 (Special) — rently beinB conducted at Prudentiul Sfivinpg and Loim Association in Burley. The miniature nuto will ro “ £u^-prom ote ulr power, sia, nndclUfe said blcycle-n .were leave. < Payment of special GI la'iur- to tho person who cornea to truesaing: tho number of silver tlollars in th e “pot of gold" at tho end of seltlnfT for $300 each, and In Mrs. ’Tliomns b finishing re ­ nnce dlvldjfid checioi amounting the rainbow in tho Prudential window. Tho contest closes on .luly 81st.—Adv. “teuilrt*irt C. E. Hnll. Bolic. lOSO they still wero as high as to }703,120 to some 17.384 Idoho quirements for her doctor’s dc- * * * * *-*** ..' *.** * ^ .* •*- '> WUUam Clftlbom, «50. . . . ■ 8TM, veterans U expected to be com- ?^tl^first vice commantler: '•Ivan couldn't afford one." the M rs.’ Johti!iion is a graduate Pleird by early AurusI. Loryn tSwunihy, Twin Foils, see* speaker said, "but the same bi­ ot Abilene C hrtsilan colleee, Ab­ E. Kopan. manaRcr of the Ido­ eobmandtr: Read cycle W0.1 selling In India for ilene, Tex., and did graduate ho veiernns administration ^laB oU e. Mcrelary. and <30." ------•' work (It Colorado S ta te univer­ ter. announces, f iS iii K»lm. Boise, trew urcr. Re pointed out that Khrush' sity. She has lought five years Payment of the-dividend was ISuScuibomwero reelecled. chev waa willing to toko a tre­ In York public aehooU. where reconimendcd by John S- Olea- Model T Replica is Prize L M M the business BCwSon ol mendous 10.1S on bicycles, tractors «o». }r.. adm inistrator of veter- ■ — iwj«tog*—w«o ■nnd—tmrer~i«i«r(fn~pFoauccd CO ot AFA In merchandLie he cold .In .oU^er I actuarial study ordered by TBtdeaergciinc ------I lip f ccimthrlia wo can prdouee Ju st a s Rood Febniar>'.— yfrmttdTlth. ^ cheap as other countrlu." Kopan said th a t pnymenLi In-PrH deiTtia fs^ e ntesfr ^ Jtffltt m u ,. Idaho air MUdclUte .said he personalfy would be made auiom atlcally and ^■w.,1 r ir d . a pcrmnncnt th a t Inquiries f r o m veterans Some lucky pefton in tho Minl-Cnssia area will find ot the board o( dlrectora lid not believe tho Russlan5 will Practice Session that there ia a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow endafie In an active nuclear would only result In delayed pay­ a lh« ATA In the near future. ments. when he becomca the o\^c!^pf ji,ModeLT repUca.that Gifts, Stamps Available^ _ "flut-we-havo-bcen-ln. World Slated for Band —Ho-aUo-slaled-that-both-the actunlly runsliK e a real car, as the re.Hult of a 'W ENDEU;, July IS’’— Prank rcRular and special dlvldenda are a \ conTttUoa has been held WM i n for the p a st 16 years." he Webster, director o f music In now being sponaorcd by the Prudential Savings and slated, "an d for th e i» s i 15 years primarily a refund to veteran To Prudential Depositors Is-WttFUli. boiled by thcloenl tlie-,Wendell nchools, announced p6llcy holders as part of their Loan office In Burley. ‘ Biadnn. U i^ Valley air force we have been losing." that practice for a summer band —Hc.oddcd-tlxat.-tho-Russians premium .paymtnta._Hc-POlnted -Officials - at - the -Prudential cholco of a-Colemon plenls Jug, ' -^^ av -co m m a nd e d-by will tjc -h c w e o c h M on d a y 'a n d out. that tlie refunds are Officials al'the Burley office SavlnRS and Loan Association 34-plcce melmac set. electric Owterancbler. n'ould become cnRitgcd In nuclear Frldo}' from 8 to 0 pjn. ot the of Prudential announced .that war only when they believe they made possible largely bccause In Burley announced this week coffee maker or 32.plece set of • T tw m ihfM wjuimrons in hlRh school band room starting ...... ratft Tl»e p r lrj.h a a a gQ.Inch whffl- i-ngatn avail* chtira; -----lbH>F(^r«ll>vA««<^uact«i:s . .Iders continue.^ to be much base, three horse power euRlne able for savings made with the In sttM. t t a ?tlU oxiO. Idaho •Tljen they won’t hesltoto awoy to the person who guesses Deposits of % \sm oT'roore o f- T h » c ellgSbte fo r prwcUce In­ lower thon the ratdi upon which operates Ja^t like a car. Tlie firm. fcr the.cholee of a G. E. steam 7H!l drop the bomb," he sold. clude the seventh and ciRhth or closest to tho num ber of silver Durlnjr tho banquet tho Twin the premiums. wero -established vehicle Is safe-sound-solldly built To show appreclotion to lhelr and dry Iron, Sportsman iLan- Durtni tb banquet Junior high band, h ig h Achool by law. . dollars contained In the "Pot-O- miuiy customers. Pruden'.lal Is clibt It Uu TUrt club .... Falls squadron, commanded by n d will even haul two adults." tem, four-pound Dacron slwplnR students, former graduates and T he special paym ents will be Gold'' currently on display at the atialn giving Gold S trik e stam ps bag or small electrle akllle*,. a ot tbe uso:!iUoa in d sueats Ocorgo Porschlcr. won the trophy an}' one In tlie com m unity who Features ot tho car Include i for being the most active during m ade to some 4.500.000 World Prudential window. Entries may or a choice of m arty lovely RlfU a. E. toaster, Coleman cooler or m t uijed 10 la m »nd teach desires to partlclpat«. war ir veterans holding natlon- steel frame, rugged Flberglas to new accounts or additions dur- Uu (nU itoBt cmkiunlsm ' ' tho past year. L. Jnmc.i Kouinlk be made at any time. The dead­ Coleman camp stove vlil bs waa master of ceremonies. Qen* at MTvJcc VKt. Inauranco poUclcS; body, mechanical brakes, for­ lug July. I Riven for $2,000 or more and «a Mtln xala-Xst'about 2CO.OOO WoNd war line for fntrlea In.the..contest Tlie gift list mngea-from key -«CBDCT-ftco»d doraWoUon.- eral Trail mado the trophy pros* ward, seiitral and revone gears, deposits of S3j00 or more will I veterans who have government Is 4 p in , Ju ly 31, cases to deluxe O. E. clock ra­ Tou m t light soriiethln« entatlon. Board Business bring a large G. E. skillet, knlfs life Insurance. Of the total $230.- red spoked wheels and brass col- dios. sharpener or G. E. c an Opener. ;ea d c « BadeiUnd." 0 . W. At Filer Routine 000.000 dividend, about $103,000.- Officials explained th a t only A key case or card and photo IC7) JUdcIUre.tonser KnUe and 000 will be paid on NSLI policies one entry may be made per per- wallet will be given with dc- G ifts to be presented for (3.000 M weaker u d vorld traveler, ' FILER, Ju ly 15-.m on VOSLZ poU- soiv M id.that.ftU.chUdrea making posltA ot S50.or-m oce,-aad-per- or m ore. Include a 4fi-pleca tnol— . > Udttainnp. Road Hazai'd ness was conducted by the Filer made by McDonough’ Power mao set. G. E. floor'polbticr or city councU at their meeting this cles. a guess m ust be Accompanied by sotis depositing |1 0 0 or more Equipm ent, Inc.. of McOonouRh, may havo their choice of b 0. £. portable mixer. A deposit wedc. w hich Included presenting a parent. In th e event of a tie, of <4,000 or moro' will bring an bUla io r paym ent a n d bearing the TRY TnigS-NEWS WANT ADS Ga.. has n normal speed of up to Scheaffer pen or pencil, road Is Reported th e w inner wlU ^ named by electrlo food blender or'M-plece t*M«[urer'» ■rcporfC' atlas or key ehalti. aifts avail- July le^lmw-Annls; drawing lota. .gCt-OfJiaart.palnted rhini, and— xry. _AptrdprIaUons bill No.-2J*'wa* reaij-and-«l^{«t--No ------■many“ Rdur& o r'e n io y m e n t li oDi ot Uu m ala thlSRa to lecreallon council, warned Flier Tl\6 count orTJuly■ 31'w K r^ fer pen and pencil set or salad lor radio or II by 9 foot um­ ) It cris ttachlns communism waa given a t the h earing ...... other, paved areas. Klwanls club m em bers of dan* mill levy for tho goneral fund certified by Newell Nelson, certi­ set. ' ------brella tent oro-offcred ror |9,000 u4 111 laaUlalloM in schools, Rcrous road conditions on the Officials stressed th a t _ _.. A O. E, clock, glass bowl set or or more. •ftaof the reasons we are In for tho city of Filer. •• fied public accbuntant, who will Cr>'stal springs grade, during the erlfy the winner. PrudenUal of- added bonus, the winner wlU water pitcher and tumblers are Officials also streased that _ flu BDfortUDste position wo are dub^s recen t noon luncheon CARPET have-»25-added-to-hls-itccount-lf pfferta-for-deposlt*“ or“ lJOO“oi' ad1d~6trikTslam ps Will be given ------APPEAR-LN-COUftT------Iclals also pointed out th a t the BURLEY. July l^Tliree.pcr- he Is a saver wl’ii prudential at and depcalts ^^^»l,OOO^or in lieu of the gifts if ths cus- ,p^Uol (ie.tnilh-to-be.taught —Ifo noted th a t-fa llln s Tocks wtaner-aeed-not-be-pTcs«nt^at thB“ U m e-of thB-conleBt:=-AdT: is ewsehooli.' he noted. Mns appeared before Burley Po­ tomer~d«lrea?i-Adir. ' the road recently were caused by lice Judge Jo h n E. Bon'en on a Bi told the sroup th a t Itussla seepage w ater and added th a t the PRICES! kHfllTery far behind IhLt coun- charge of vaRroncy. H arry WIN road Is too narrow a t present and Ham Starr. « , Burley, and Ross ‘Drivd.Out and 5aue” th a t widening tho ro ad probobly Ivan Howell,’’37. D enver, were re- wouldJpcr^ASfl th e iia z a rd of rock slides. leascdto leave; to 5i’n"and'Wllllam W A crUns while In •“ iftaro plagued w ith «i than rebuilding prwnt -^BrBtod-ihBt.-ln-tia^-Muntry Id. He urgM m em bers to keep cent of the population s In mind at the coming elec­ Plus Fun 5orthe Whole Family F J ^ wot* than tnouRh food tion of highway commlaslonen. As a th a n k you for your valued T O hHussia 50 per— cent ------— of the I. Mpmbe ra wero urged to a tte n ^ i-«an fra tw e n D U jin o thirbiwDccuB' aiT n a if s m p rtn g s : Ing Gold Strike SUap« or your WIN-THIS-T[Ni:IZZIl choice of m any lovely gifts to new accounts or additions during 2 «*»or 40yeawa«0," he held Tuesday evening.-Aug. I, July. Enter T o ^ y in __ preceding the lomual raia aate. _AyX0MATIC STEREO HI-FI -^beeaus* tho nusslans are Eldoa in a a s ,'‘n»com a,' Wash.; ...... $50.00 ormoro.. « In ■omo-thlnBsdoc'sn't w erlln TroW il, Portland; Ore.: K Sy CASE or CARD

    north of 8hosho;)e. T h e building will be used for' a m eeting place fes No Protest (or t h e ...... • D«ftl channel stereo ampliOsr • M aulitd dual speaker stereo sound systems In removable yenniUciita = w Ilir« « t« U fC n rA V fo n ia tfr4 ^ e d reeort-etratTp ^ onnexatlon of -the • Attractive two-tone dccoratpr colors district ‘‘"'hwaytmlthod Member Reports Many other* to chooso from. Full line of EMERSON On 4-H Meeting TVi, Traniitlor Rodioi, Intorcomt, Boby Tendar* I .FILER.. July 1ft - nhflrlM ond Service fa go with them. A larvka doctor wtth Bierer, who attended the rfc«nt more then 20 yoars eIec(ronk experience, 13th yeor :’||p ‘S3RS^ 4-K club congre.Vi a t Moscow, in TV ond Sfereo Hi-Fi. Buy where you know you ;e»'Guaranteed Sorvicel Call Joo'» Economy TV for Sherrill Houser. ^ vice on Your TV. Leaders and.JunJor leaders re­ ported. Miles V otrubek. leader, :5|.rCluI?WiU announced & meeting a t his home Jt a pja.-July 37 for a daliy fitting and ahowlng demonstra­ ^ ae in Events tion for younger members. Plans were mado for a hay ride, swlnynlng pa rty a n d potluck dinner a t B anbury’* Ju ly 20. Mr*. Hauser serred refreahmenUk ATTENDS CAMP ' . . SHMHONE, - OfiM William Eden 1« a ttendm s re- serve officers training camp n . Lewis. W ash, fo r alx w«ks or field tm lnlng. J t t wUl receive yTiOmJrtliiraraB a, second lltui In arm y flra n re c^rps at' the conclusion of tho trsln- tag.

    TRY HM EB-N SW S W ANT a d s : SUNDAY, JULY 16, tofli _PAGE EIGHT TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Idaho BMllnK Nawi lllttirt« odcad » ll«r ridallty Bankari «di*4------B wa« ItadlBr-hlttrr-for iJi . 1. ai»»# v « .b i. tK. li... y u Cary Cravvni. Ilek Cbkka 1M« with CoI*«b UInc tad Rkk ioM .w m ta*dlBC ilKjStSiisf;bltura for •IB taklnf.lh* win aad Carma Cai---- ,/-te*«r-Jwc»-T*»aB-wa. ‘ and nr*c BtmuKma th«-Io*«. Randr S£j>#i"SSrviiE llt*r for th* wlaB*ra. 'n'TMvaa .PIunb*ra odgad -• .IKrIlio"'* mil* M». ran and P a ^ -- C riamr* hlankad ('ll>r V. ___Crvdll Splt/lr*a } .| wlik ...... Iba CIrla. Dxinit J'nundi *1 lfe« naun4 I MtCandltM daklnr Ita win aad Koo**^ta* . I'outid. dmiW.rt fr,up-Jlm«-r ind-t^rfT t '•nr t ^ n t and Urry Plf* »arh alncl*d f< a , ? r;i.'!•.■< fliV K -ri;; th« nno(*n «nd RU» H»l(i ii»4« t ktf«. Fr«l tlaWwl acorod Ik EaiKrn loai lihltlay U b( and BhalHn CockraB I for th* Tlek*ra. CobdI* Honl- lh» MuikHwrt, D*pot Oflll Yank*** hlankad flowla* or tb* Bpilfir**. . W«> «. ■ ' ' waft laadinc bltura for Iht wlan.ra. (omary look tb* kiaa. Diana ll*.*i> taklof (he ^ MiUK<>faA»(hc'.P.and Jonaa mada’Ih* onlf llrnWi at Ih* movAd for ------nm.. WayUf Wrin.. RESULTS llll!ha‘'Drewn*"d«br»d' ind; '««« »•., I'awr Urfmitr*. for IK* Kafla.. 'hlta Bol. J’annr ; I, »'l|.r KId.llir ir.nktn.;dtan>OBd * n*ktp_ t ^ th* Wa.^tkSu ii:5ir,M...‘? * f .r t h ; & ‘ . alBfln and a dnubl. (or tha It.nv W.ll. airoth*r» tromp.^ -- % .«l*a *0««1 Idaho Dowlini Kar«B WalMB. Diana illona and S IllUtri »-T wllh Dan Olmataad Cliaa-Upi IM r.i..” '/. S 2 : .» . ' Ml', UklOI ‘ Illtttra 11-10 wllb. Jf" HUl*' ~ 1190 9.m.« XMX Inc iKa win and Rarr rhalpt Ih* . hr Ibo CoI.U«._ti .• Uodrrn TraOnr sr th* RunUri. J„ lh« bral hllltr for Iht Ckan.Upi. r for lb* wlnn*ra. Ch*ryl Warntr w Conttrutlloti K.r< (iatllnui* Cane d>(*al*d Fraatr * laadlnc hliur for lha HHt««. Mln«f M»tac Wrlntari dafaalad Hat Iluit- Il«nnatta CokrUtr Kid* riiut*l Hm TuM^ir »mn. «I(M * (iiirilnn llani'n waa iht .drom* Panlhar* J«-1 wllh Jaanl W a.M.i liroiiR linntMra <•. Cbirtrr i n and I'raiton I’ond th* loa>. Crook* I'am JnnM, tflu a m l !«!»» 7T» Ek s X f t t tb* Uuiitn. Tlumb.rt »■. Klml«rlr I Uopol CHII-YanliMa Ual P.nnT M.r’’ - « th*' lMdln»‘ h'll**r".for"rhi ,n *iuf6I*d anit ifnfWI'n/'Wi.----- Truckara. riijtM-for tit* Wrtiw .rt. JaaU, Kaoou pm, lll-OM I>Miro7»»» *1. U>«»i—.. wii IM «llh tl>» Krail.r tahltl istlrra, • M HImmona alnilad twka fo «hfrt> 1 p.«M Ti«r« tnd In and lllll Matid^nbaU tb* l«ai. 1...... Val|«r Kpu'llnr Krarn Im I Karknrr *lnfialr rap-Wpa routad^DaB Tn»t ComtU «•. lutliiu* Cir>IU flpll- ka«n mad* l»o alncl*f and doublad irVh.^anVw. and Ua>« HeClimondi «Bd‘lor Iht rrp-Un. D.n’ la Vound, ...... t l>lp*rt d*l*al*d Vat Ur 8««l Xluu*»; <0;S0 a.m., Kim- Int llratM »•» «llh I.** Pn >«rlr nri.f* «•.* CrtriU Itpll- laklnr i , .In and T..rr Ulll*r Ih tIfM I t >14 p m.. V>tn ThomM rii>«b.r> * l^nnlnc ilniM t>lf* a«i Itaaihnal t.*ai** »•. K»«»t»«n Shop niinli. i r lir* t’Uxrt and Dour lUI Vrllf II'oih*r« downad Sun Valtar JKawn RomUr* m. DPOK D»- i(« [l»>Irra 14.1. D«nnr Tbaiir - (irorvn. _ Fm Wm l-MfM rkvrrSMa-isa-!;:

    ...... — •.m„ SIMllhr----- ___ Thnrp* and lllll PtUra I Ka.hllt«r for Wondarlkh. niin>or»lMn «•. Tolninn Tnirkcri i I hllllns fnr lha - ...... ' Mir >iol 8MU h*al ram p.m. T7l»(»hpki>l Union Hor. ... Wllrr Il'UK Wlldeau trtmplad iranm ‘ " ilfisl* for II...... - ...... ]»-l with Paul <:ib*oi> I* AKtIf Cirri* T*«». « p.m.. KMtllty rnnitruxlon iliilldntfra |iu| wllh tUnIt I ivprra i)*(«al*d Motor V .... and Da>* Say th* Io« tlink B»d Bn» »•. I^unlrr C»bbl- alk. Wtlr Wkkam waa th* I aln>l*P*n and ...... AUn Ilro»*r lrtpl*d for lb* Slufxra. mil TUaon. Cralr 8«(UnUr> and M«tt| •tnntat (lor* Glint* vt, FIrat Swurllr llt*r for Iba Wlld)p*n blank*d OIbw A«r»n-Crp d»»fi»d Wh DprilM n . WrtjU C titH aiU nn. d lf mouDdror ih* MatarkiTa. Si*** lluttar •taad C*ltl* nuiUan (n • BO-hllKr fiwnd fouri 10:t0 a.m. pMlfk m U ptol T)cm Dav* ]lunt*r (Ot piub*d by Lm To*. Jim Aatorqula took llwAor* «.'I)nubI» II IloM, dUmond flo for th* onir Tll*r hit. (our; Ji» p.m.. Twln V»II* Ilcv*r>« KI.IX llrarA »all«|a 1> p.m. Melrnrix U*< rl lion lllll tit* tiiai. Uarr ' " h{tl«r..f«r_lh«.lJrkTa.-ltiUDi lulWri *nd„,D«nnli .Drowo . wart lha ri*Bko,.a!B»kd.,BB4.fcoBnrf4..ftt_lht JLU^jyOJiW INGL • adlnr l>lit*ra for Ih* l’li>wbo>i. Oary • -,3i-s w r."« .-c3 .- .a;.: Ilnwa mad* th« only bit for th* C o- Rrlll YaBk»a d.f*«lad T dlamimd Kf»J «nd 8utn>1r 1.MIB* Walk*. Wblia Hox «>1 In a ■>»...... Tfttrt Tl. >'lnl AKUrltr dlif a«>nl*4 Ilallanr* b«ra. ' d> Twr* wat crMlllr.1 pluhad t r Tim AortB. Douf lr>. . r*« W** t.*a(ii»^ I. Yank**>. •oal —• UrClmnana waa DoMhnai l ^ ia o saveW5o%«: •r Chanrr KMda filrrllnr J~alrr DIa—"d .... ^Tibli p W'* '*0, Ih* IraKltic " ' hpnS 7>■poc^*p^l^e*^ I Wall*. Ilralh«ra Q*ar Jammar* wat> ehln*” T«. Wrir't Caia MiuUnii. dl»> lopad rartalan laundry S t-t with' Bond t«nlmr*r«. 14>9 LISTED ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF ITEMS ON SALE!. «.<>' vlnnliia- ...... a pllrhri m/to'F Jon s v took Ih* Io>a. Uadlna 1illt*n /or Ih*

    __ ami Jiin 'Inclnl anit ilouhlnl lhr*« llnxa nw i^ W l^lowliort 4-0...... th* Ini Ko> and Jeff Swop* alndad for Ikh waa «t*dll*d with .... -... ---- ...... Hcwnbara awamf ' " ‘Iralat. _ ...... Itandr Call look Ih* loaa. Caty llalbtrt Sanltia Yank**> vi. MlihIr ...... ' Arrtle Cirri* Taaoa IrtmelH ' Ftlli •ln(l*d twkt'fop lb* rUwlio)*.r . . Thomai DiimUra 11*4 wllti llut^ Duct *4.«^^J»M^ Slmaon Sun V*ll»ytlla«* lluitar* •dttd W*l*. Pumit 14>lt with Don Raon Ukinc tb* MaJ*r Uan_a ' win and Tarry V.mon tho loat. Wayn* Rarrotl-alnfka-lwtao-ior-lha-Elura ‘tualart. V*fnoB’ alnflaI3, O K>ra l*-0 with Xanl D i----- cnilh w.aa Ifadlni hlU*r tor _ :r*dll*d_wllh th* win and Itonnlc H;".'.-.’.? rVW.?S;'r,i;- r.i- th* Iota. Davt'VanCnitlin Hat' Men's Jacket Boys'Jackets Greatly Reduce doublad (or Ih* SpllBltra. SItr* _____ Boys' Pants p9nr L*M«* 'a and C. walkad twk* nlayln* for lha Cowbor*. Nylon jackets in sizes 8 to 18. Just in ftp f (U*. and iroma riumbln* WkVa'm makin'c 'aia hit* for lb* Glanii . -Jt F*d*ral Ha».t» trDmp*d B.rth’a Uptrtd Jcani. npn* Tl. U ’a Oaalioua* T.ana. d lf n d Jim Coueh, l.arn- Iloja. and MIk* DoukI* II Dom tramplad Twin Fakona IM with T .rrr Hanion takint Broketi tlMi In tnond (««rs lOllO OlmitoaH Caltl* Bw®i*« *a«b iat«i»« four h(ta /o ..*rrr*c> tliHllf Ownaf* M-I*. h* win and Lynn Owtna tha lota. Art Reff. UektiM. A V a Boys’ sports coats in small sizes. Sorty, C il .(IsitUn y*. Prpot ntlll Yank***. dl»- Turn*r maib (oar Bomaruna a n d __ 'and.nbark alnilad for tha Sairart. $ 1 . 9 0 ti.ot.4 n»«J IM p.m.. Vallflf flportlait Torn W** Laan* •loubi** for th* noya. J. 0. Ilryanl lary Malono ilntlad and bomtr«l (r- $3.98 net. ? l l V not an colore, R eg.'$10.95 ...... v Q ntsTW t*. r*nnr Wl» Oolt. dUa>on3 doublad twic* for th* Op«nar«, Wrar'a c&fa Muaunn «ruah*d r«*d "id^^F ow tr KllowatU odrtd BDP^r Sfju’KES'.s"!-" 1.1 flupplr «*ol*r Tt«*ra IM . Ui ' flbtlkr*. l-t with JahB Hull at th* oddi nad« mad* thr** bom*runt < mounji for ' ' ' tha Uoatanti. Ituaa Chi waa tha laadlBc bltt«r (or ' JlSlltd?©*?"^h^^lnnAa and Deu* RotU BUY NOW FOR BACK TO SCHOOL AND SAVE 2 0 % TO 4 0 % ! bl^on^fo •Ib iM for t^* a h * l^ . ______br ^Btrr*Cobbl*r« tl'-':! wfth Tammy ___ OdIb UprltMdafaat^ Kd'rri Alt*n taHlnr thr** alniln and |l»b Rarvka XnlshU IM I. Paul Clark • KoraraoB Coff** Shop niaBt* drf*al*d Was NOW SmMiIO p.nw ^ Cat>p* klltln* Ihra* dmiblx for th* .111* and Truit ComaU H-t with Grant Dlamon4**rt. HIk* B«ulr** and Qarr Glmondt Ukinc tb* win and Alan WaU ORemembcr, This Is Our Own Stock! Men’s SPORT SHIRTS. AA ■11 i'' Marth war* U>* latdin* hliura — ko ilnil*d tWk*; doublad and'b«;^rr^ kn- tha lot*. Caty ftHmutaan tripltd .Sraall,.n»edlum, U rg ^_ .. 52.98 ^ C&khlar* vie*, doubled and hom*r*d twka for Girls' Sweoters 'Girls'Blouses DMtknat taa« a.n TrpoiraphUal 6o«h«r» « • » . Ilandy “ liiiT —^oraLS' KNOTiMLjr|ornixLL' All M «.-A dr. M *fir - rattoraoB tot four blla and SaU Vampir** f«r*lt*4 i •nd colon. tlte nnte. 'Good size ran R C V-'...... $1.98 M Coirbart ta. vr*1la Ur«lb*t* (...... TltertalloB d*parlm«nt ilrla* aotlball ■ • »•?. •>'« ‘"t Wllrr 'Wlld. Shubarh. Tanka**. dlam< .daho Tow.r U w[|b win plfcrhar. Lrt.^ WoBdrrlJfk M ilnw ...... 5iJlUa?2'lJtt^aaVBi. MEN’S DRESS SHOES. Broken sizes. Sizes 32 to 38 ...... $3.98 ^ 'Oloior «•. Wall* Ur^tb*ra &ar /am-| Htallloni Is on* ilail* br Dan Cr*u. dl._.^nd..«,^ Reg., to $11.95.;______lara. dlaaosd twa. 1 p.m. ilaz.Tnxra .Heott CI7'!*P a«r*d -■ ^ 5 Men’s N at’l. Adv. CORDS 0 p.m. Wtdnaadajr, CHILDREN’S KEDETTES. Ojie group .... $7.95 .Limited quM til^ Reg. $3.98': $2-50 JUST IN-TJME-FQR *’BACK-TO.SCHOOL" TO PlES’-HEEESrBroken- _JVas_N OW ------H e g n Good selection .... Girls’ BLOUSES $ 1 . 2 0 I MEN’S-6” WORK SHOES. Good size range. Reg. $11.95 ...... -L-ADIES*-OXPOHDSj-Onfr-«rouj»-In-A^ ^ narrow widths. Reg. lo $6.95 ______^ * MANT ITEM SaN LADIES* DEtTT. INCLVD- 1 / 1 Buy while M e c tio n I t Good INO BUF6, GOWNS. nAlF.SLIFS, FJ'S, ALL V O BELTS, AND ALL MOXINEBY. _BEDDCED.__/ A . NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS - ALL SALES CASH pURING SALE!

    • baaics TYear «r>3ivcM 1 Only^Fine Quality MINK f 0 BARGAIN t a b l e s TRIMMED COAT. Reg. $89.95 ...... ^nIy^-ALL4V£ATHERX0ATS ------_ One heipe. one black. Re«r. S22.9.-i . MANY ITEMS ADDED DAIUY FOR THIS SALE ~BEOTT¥Tnrrs~ MEN'S ITEMS SACRIFICED! BUY NOW LADIES* BRAS Count Down ACADEMY AND SAVE! & GIRDLES OV£R THE SAVIOR DRUG STORE +S’MVORIC-SHOES^in —Convenient P*rWn« In .tha Re»r— CREPE SOLE. Reg. $13.95 . Boy's Sport Co»t«. One -O n e 'p o o p t U d l f — SVTTi NATL, ADV. ALL-WOOL WHIPi fW “ P- - t i m not All *lM«. Perrttanents CORD PANTS. Reg. $15.95 ____...... B «f. » U J5 ____^ 9 7 lUr. VM -witli Hoircut,------SPORT COATS. LIMITED Shampoo and Wovt Entire Stock of M e n 't, Womcn'i and Chiidnn'i QUANTITY. Reg. $32.50 ...... W«or Roduced STORE OPEN DAILY 9 :00 A.M . TO 5:30 P.M.]

    More Days'Til • Haireutting • Hair Styling .^_^Tinting,\by.advahcH atudenta__ GATEWAY TOGGERY RE 3 .6 3 4 2 . 135 M A IN W . 150 South Rail , . _J.hpshone. • ~^Phone~TU'6-2l3 f ' j n L V M . m ■ -TIMES-NEWS, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO. PAGE NINE I f piieF^^ e a ’s 10 Scholarships Sthool lijiii »12,000; clcctrlc. $160,000: police, K“ 'SSTwoVehiclesAre Board Approves .J1.000:. {ire. JIOO; recreation, »l,- MadeeAyaUaWe Cniiyoi;alde uchool. nnd three .000; irriKHilon, $7,000; su e e u . A public hearing on the mill , uNivBBsmr OP id a h o . .■fvdiiii u rad o tcftchers n t U n-’’ Razed by Flames TIejT)urn Budget $0,000; K-'»rl).ARc.,$l.a00. nnd.c levy in jc l 'for 6 p jn. July M a t Airs Jerbine ilnRenl. $13,500. Moscow. July 15—Ten acholar- I coin .vhool. HEYHUUN.July 15—The budc- the vlilaRe hall. Tlie levy U gen­ In Lincoln Area et for.lOiii was approved by vil- An ordlnnnce was passed to eral fund. 20 m llU r recreation^ ahlpa, K «th » m each, hare been pay Planned Ainiexatiou ■SHOSHONE. July lJ_Flre»'(ie.‘ la w IriHtce* this w e e k ;...... cate portions of’streets W. X, Y one mill; fln>. nn«< mlH".:nrf ' nwdo avBttable by Mveril-power. *tro>-ed two -vehlclM hero tWs The to ta l npproprlnllon w m • - « « . July P'lin* compftnles to Uie Unlvewlty -JmOM E-Juiris=M cmbfr/. of Corn Report Is week. and 18, all in Uie Stale a'ddltlon J.JI Achievement day flW rlcl'No. 1611 SJ08.400. O rneral fund tolnled portion on Ulver road In Idaho agricultural englMerlnR J^iool l«»rd have ill.y:U.vv!d p ro b -1 A 1054 Chevrolet plcKup. own­ ______U.«!K TOtES.NEWS WANT AD9 ' ‘^Sno.ujeed S iturday by d e p artm e n t to aid In booallsiR Made to Grange ed by lice Coleman, Wii.i destroy­ «'*u^tt.T ^>e Appleton 1 niC H riE L D . July 15 — Ext- ed when h e wni drlvlnK near the •mounced SHurday by Pro- and FMU City school dlstrlci.v i Cottonwood'ranch norih of Sho­ T lir i«ii (ll.nrlcw were' ilw- si-iip Alexander reported on clean iSS^,ss»S'3; head 'o f ttiui • eiiltlvntlon, ni--«- recent shone w ith n curito of wood posts lent or jw'Iculturiil and beehive.^. durlns-ihr hH tPBiMMuremu-- mccilti; of the IHchtletd OrnnRr, nn^l it Id le r was rend from W. J, Caubu of the 'fire is unknown, ' i ='•*■ wno«!\i«iPrt ■n\e other vthJelc dcsUoyed \ EAST SIDE FIRST OF WEEK economics exhlb- ^ h o o l iiw new lo be Joliird lo ■|':xii|U'r. Dover. former ..■as a 1052 Mercury owned by i in pflylna reslstraUon iee» for inc nearer,I cIiia* a dljMrlct. i Ulcliiield OrnnRB member, Qene Coffman. The Shoiihone \ .feSJ-S-SSSS: the Bclected studen^a.. Winners ■Tlir Api)1(tnii dliiirlct h iu An!' Mffl Euifene Alexander fire crew wm. callcd, but could i will be ulecud on the basis or vftlualioti or MSGJOa in lpc:urcr and rcndincs were Riven not,*nvo. th e car. • . • \ Jciomc- cmmty iind *415,130-in !»' l.tiida Akins, D. E, Wilcox. Cnu-te or the fire cmild not be i written sUtement. scholanlilp GD0(;iiiif foiimy. Kalis c ity ?c1kkii Mr.', Max Dehr, .Mrs, Rex ritivel determ ined, but npp.-vrently l t | % I and need. Students llvlnjr In U« dh irlct hns »3D0,4jH vnluullo!!. «i;inil II. E, Powell. Anna Crnne, wns from a Minrt circuit In t h e | S I Jicrvlco aroia. or Woshlnjiton Si:pi, K:ir:p Sch:;cffcr m e tV lih Spn::ii«i. W ash., plivyed Ilie pi- wirlnR. T h e car was porlced l n |K ■?’S «!tW »m ' atmon.u;»- W oter Power conipany. IdiUio uie bo-iril. which accepted ihc I front of the Coffmnn reMdence. I J f * ^ ^ 1 pjn. «wn« economic* S P I C I A t S ! r_e.ilBniUlcn of Ji-rry H ann aiC lOiop ImtruclorTSclufcfrer njrod ' ^ S U . - e d by evftjufttlon or tUftt viicaiiclM atlll exist 'for * t S i i i t 9:30 ».m. and fc prac- fitting and ahowlng equipment, XttCinW D—liT-reaponsible-for Announcement! New Location cleaning ll« own area and »lrnw ^WjSffiSStnOMM 4-H club. A will bo tumlshed by club. Sefttonic ' ^ »n> bfl held a t TKe Low Offices of ,11 <-H membcra n t- ° ° ^ ii7^rn hHng fm lt ■ m m m A W ^^^V rri^inlc intx to FOR YOUR NEEDS IN T“n(RSMER“Wdl7ATKERr~' ~STUD£BAkER £ J r ! r « »I*> Uf8*000.00 STOCK CANTAtOUPE

    I 5 - '^79 ‘Nev«Mn5chubacWs50=yiariiiitoJ7JiaM.yj9iLbilQiLflblfiJto_s!talkJn_and_soYe_ao-much-oir^in«4®welry- When you see the price tags you won*t belieYe your-eyes.,, even barter than buying ^hole- jtlelf l And 4 _ the best _ a. A. part_ ^ .Aot & ^all II ^there's ^ A ^ITTIftill plenty I .• u m ^at f. __merchandise_____L _ ZZ J : _ _ to I Z choosis ^from.__ Come ” ! *in today-and ■ J ______t ___see. foryourje!fl~^ SUNDAY, JULY 16,15,,- PAGE TEN TIMES-NEWS,- TWIN FALLS, IDAHO E m le PjflS’roT the proj high sch'ool hookup. 28 Air Defense Former Resident School Plan Leonard Lehr; • Colorado, waa iReportMade hired as high school principal, Of Area Dies at and Mrt. Annette Eolon will be ' Areas Available Is Given at sophomore and Junior Ensllaii Sfft. Pmnlc Kaaper.'Tuin Of Water m army recruiter, repoa* i >,m JP California Home teacher. Vacancle.1 now Include a -hUh-*ihooL£Q!ll»*’i I’*?" arm y- a ir defem .. e...... e=m:inna. ru. Publicity Given WENDELL. July is — .'■Il'S:' —^Board "Meet jchool loslal atudles. fdurth'griia(r:29-«netro^hUn arew Police and Judges Charged Jerome Ai-ea Knthrlno Rudolph Fe:;:ner, B-, ft WENDELL. July 15 — O rchard and first grade teachers. (O'" wnlUled youns men To;Horse Showf KINtBERLY. J u l y IS A requeat from the departm ent IRR m th e arm y prosr.^m m J mi, With Law Enforcement Job ‘ Kimberly Oranse nerlcul- r M W c j ' t . 1X?"'- ■ ------C lU es-lncluacd'In tlif I,.. ;; . t«r^ chairman, reported on the men’A b f. - lh^« h Appreciated! barn Feb. 20.1 O r ^ t d Valley k Iioo| thU fall a re rs a re New Yorl-; c i-'v J 1810 In Rumnnin. She came to; and nlHeventh nnd eighth firade building also wa» approved, Mc,: Norfolk. Va,; Philndehh^ Commlllecs >hecl - - otHclnb ^On%eh‘i‘irof''tiie'Twin F a lls c o n g e r.w .’durlnii .. .v eonier. iBWs we now lave. (Oi If pruent the United StniM with her ciiii mnrrlcd to Chrbt jchool district No. 232. Ing year. Hot luneh coota will bejjv{o.: Cleveland nnfl C iicUim i; L people—Uie police otdccrs . . . Munrely In the lap of the city .MiiXie Valley We.itcrn lU^ eonyibutlon to the buWlns F'sHncr In LJRcn «t:niy._N._^D. a-m h,. Hvn tfnrhP-^ nt hired fol* t«B .Orchard Valleylo.: Detroit. Ml:h,: Bo» I onil . . . Uio police Jud«e.v commlMloners. ' nor«,>1,miUuu c2mEl=^to2L ““““‘"*;Th:y moved to BUcKlcot inJDU ij'o4:id dJ^niMool.iasglfV.?^^^ wnS '■' “'S| Unle.*.t these tun aroup,! net- Tliere sre t* o ways to culUvnte .eelc.cnO- ' “oirk., W men McLey and Jcremc In »35. and to Cali;ornia:^,^i„„td_durlnjt _a receiu meet;! more.—M d.j- wn»nm5tc a .~ -ijj^ B And coopernte, yon mlRht M.well a healthy rt'ppct for law nnd WlihDut your Interest before rnlloff :vca ...... ,,nK u. Thi V c h o O l . 'b o a r t r M r a , ; ; '------PllMbnr^lt.Fliuburgli. Pn : Rhrrv.-,,.. Pa.; Shreveport u ’ ■ not bother, nboiit Itiw enforce­ order, Flrrt. by tenchlns It at and duriMK the fcliow. we would, groupa’i Jfer hu'.band dlfd In im and,A jy„^ lUmen will teach gratles 1 A u'tln, Tex.: Chlcaso, ill,; (3,^ ' ment nt nit. Without the offlerrn lioinr nnd rj-cond, but those peo­ not have be:n a.^"■'/u«*=«'ui succcwful n-Vbooth at the Twin Falls countvcounty [“On. John Fecxncr. Fec^uicr. Qiea OleJ m In iJJv throinhn,roinh three and Mrs, •>Picnic Planned Ind,: M lnntsoolis olid si. to brln» In the offenders, the ple rc’poiwlble ff,r U-k- enforce* ine commitice wm ..„..__rt;uracf .'urun »m Minn., e n d Mil-.vaukct, Wm jutlrpfi nro awlrjut—nollilnn to m cni UtklnR prompt und pa\liive this kliia of coo-reratlcn ‘and raeh G rnnse family cne prsduet S’’?'’.-” ^ «-x. By Burley ElFss do. W ithout th e ftwlfl and pd Hctlon, • tiu n k you for It. to lain *vrfor mthe e o.omlj:oih. . IiTftfel Fic.ncr.------i.' , Alb.rt n r..l.ncrj t...... l- ,,nc .,k. , ,,nn; t i .;RLEY, i ---- July, 15-T he Dtirlcy VISIT rARENTS tlvo coopernllon of police JudttM, J . UlLI. IVAN D. SKINNER a n n u rl picnic wjll be heldM '’e Elks lodge will .. 1 Its annual there li liitle polht'ln the olllcern. ------“ (ruI)IItUy'aia(rmaH)" WENDELUiNDELU July IS - Mr, »ai I r~TTw[irPi(iLiV at 'i p,m, Sunday ai nBrmVl'ncn“ :-»»".«‘^“n‘'‘‘^^*'^'*"7.-^i^:!inr'a-<:equnt6-(:urrtculum“wm -te famtly-plcnJe-from- . - - - 7-7 ‘Ocrfllcl-JneobTon-nnii-rj^-J dolnc tlirlr work. p.irk In Tw in Fails. I t will be u I o^errd. The dtatrlet will nrran*:: Sunday a t the Burley m unicipal Why-lhcn nre m mnny fhic.i _• ■ , rotluck and e.teh e.tch I family Li a.V.irdlMf-’'- i c l " ? . I for tran*;or:rtilon for tho;e riu -'g o lf course. ■ • ■ • ■nri-Jx n to i.Mrj . XlllJc ,.f,i,mg -m m ‘;-ln s tru ctfcn '‘^ arbfein>d bacf will h r trrv c J punch. Fal’J. 'a n d Mr-v C.xrrle OroUi.i' A bat will pick studenLt. u p 11 nnd rclrcshmenui will be free. ^Et1uahzatlbn^tor-Taxes-I^^Kr"S^3°^; Each family I* asked to bring a sentence Is piu;.sed. then cns*'* T T C l -» T ■■ 1 • T TtyT .stcmbera votrrf voted to rabe the MWm. CMi.: mr.. “ '"MNlVsiS Bp'rtn',rin’ThVmiri’i™i ually set aside? We m ight as well ren t to $B during Uie sum- George Ph..T» Itt Falls, a n d . ^ the students will walk down salad or dessert. There will be nil do as wo please, since Uie U. 3. Urged by Jerome Man m onths and tlO during Uie n the retijm trip. prirjss for boating, golf, races likelihood of being punLihed wlnt;r. and horse shoes. Tho problem of flmg racing In R o b a t Kcrvlcr, the poet, once A emurd.iy Evcntns . 'M ri Chrlstin> Rleli, both Lodi.' i'UFcr''L'or. w m present onU tut ..iild,■•There arc iitranac thlniu clc. "Wlint.'s Wj-oiia V/llh _OjiC 0-grandchildrcn.aQd ed hot lunch funds of the former Twin Falls U a local problem. Tiixm,” cninpares the different Wo don't need U> call In nny ex­ (lone In the m idnight niin." but 4D grandchildren. Ofchard"‘Viilley common ichooi COLONIAL perts from out 6t town. Wc can limre are nUntiRtr thlnen tSont mcDioan o! tflXAtlon exMilns In FUnerat «rvlcei "ere eontiuei-. dUtrlet No. 13 over to ’th e new • ja’ ls nroblem oarftclves. right her<5 In the good old U.8 ,A. country today, A m an with ed Ju:y 3 -at the Oeorge U district. He explained that the WE STOCK SWIMMING CONCRETE u id we must...... - • ' )b-CHEMICAI 20 billion dollnrii to uo to the Incomc of $1,000, derived, from FILER. July 15 — Mr. nnd Flowers. No^th Sacramento. Con­ win operate w ith two kltchen.1. Tlio formula. Isn’t nltoaethcr moon and give millions to n a- wagc.i, pays fJBO In taxe.i. Tlie slmplp, bul'lt's basic. (1) All piu-- .Mrs. Oave Andrews and family, cluding rltfe> were held a t East eoncrote nood. tloiu combined debt Is lc.\i same ■ f of .have tallor-tiiche and dorti, Cindy . one. and although - they prob- Yes. these kids have had n Hull, a collar, and Kathle Hel- ’ frecht dentonstrated how to sew ...... 't a t y e '• - iost-wonderfiil-vn«AUon.-buU« by pinches fronT tho two hand' day off is often followed by an ausdein won Uje whlte-elephant. TtUSaWEEKTONCYl some drivers. Language can off day. I feor Uiat now the fun Mrs, Wayne Bauer, guesf aomeUmea prove a barrier, bul 1.1 over, and they should be get­ speaker, gave an Informative tall Bomehow.. they managed to get ting back on tho stick, they won't n poise and chann.' Just ONE WEEK to me^t .our quota! Huge shipment of ERiciDAIRE th eir IQeni, ncrou In every be worth shooting for the rest O uesu were Mrs. Robert Ull- country,, of the summer. Even at that, it lan. Patty UHman, Mrs. Gene . ^ appliances IN COLORaswell as white, ALL SALE PRICEDl ' . A y own daughter, Sharon, ha; will be right nice to have them Hull, Mrs. Jack Helfrecht. Mrs ------sent -*ome- speolflo-' &taurlce^Iartruft.' M rs __H o y Dlnke.Mce a n d Mrs. M, R. Van- aavleln. Alt tho (;>rlA are to bring a loaf of nut bread to be Judged by Mlu Florence'-Schulta at their Man Will Earri Wage in T.Fi, next'm eeU ng”JU iy 20. Btit Won’t Bring His Family Speakers Listed . Editor, Tlmea-Ne«-«: _ os noisy ----- T he shocking accident last F ri­ andmco nround tow n...... AtXDS-Service day. July.7, finally brought to gonir flgtitB every nfght of Che DIETRICH, July 13 — Bfshop — ...... - - ...... — • - t has year, Is tho place I want to raise nnd Mrs. SUley Cheney’ and b«en going on In Tw in Palis .for my fam ily. I ’ll earn my wages May Hunter, all Gooding, were ftt least a year, to my personal hero, but I'm afraid most ot It guest speakers at the Sunday knowledge. wltl bo spent ebiewhere. In a evening services held at the Die­ I have worked here for just a quiet Tillage where I can live In trich LDS church. The-subject 7ear, and was about to move my peace with my • family, even as genealogy. family to Twin FalU, but the though only on weekends, and YouUi talks were given by Con­ e re n t last FVIday n ight has where the ,police keep~out the nie Knowles, Pete cage and'II- changed my mind. ^ ’ toughs from Twin Palls, leon'Cooper.- ' ., .— rdon‘t.UUnt.lhnt a-.totra.where P H IL IP P . PUOHNER. A_duet waj-sung by Gay Ann l^nyoD-^lUaj. ralsa children to "drag" Main, (Twin Falls) “Special Note” by Minister Is GivenllegS^ding^Youlli ' Editor. Tlmes-News; . A fl^ ^ a l not< -to youtlx -Irom

    I t will be so (Mwy to forget' oil ental advice, you ...... too soon that a youth’s life U oaplng police nrrest again and -Rono-in-rt purposoleas-trflffedy. again. So it Is up to you, youthl Sure, >'ou are doing plenty of And oomehow I havr enough thinking right nowi But next confidence In you to believe tiuit week? N ext m onth? youth will find nnd provide the City council legislation, .^llce soluUon. May Ood (uldc. in^lre action and parental advice might and may Re bless you as you be the solution. But we believe work out this, problon. fh.po U It hflti-r a._mnr

    TR U C irrA N E------^ ~1>R0NE re 3-1373 I TIMES-NEWS; TWIN PALLS, IDAHO Shirley Mason, Ddvis Exchange ■ Vows in Chapel' BUHL. Jiily -i:,-.s’iirley Ann 1\ m onth. She Is i ■e:c pl iyrd hy Mr,. Ada lluflluii.l member i-f Kappa Alpha Thcli or(:nlU.^■. .siif lu'ccniiiijnled Mr.vj sorurlly; Alpha lola. mu. .vinK. ’'n ie ; s:c fr.-\tcriii!y. Alpha Lambdi Wcciain;: Prayor." n u l nho fiir-1 Deftii, hriimraiy scholastic sor. nii.iccJ. t,ic;'.’.;i(;und music for: orlty. ii:ul Spiir.s. a sfrviee hon. P".i° r.-' ?,he-i;ave_fl.' orar5-.—MlM-MorKanrwno"was i a m ICorinihi- piano, major, received a sehol' a rsir •____• Thp liriiiB^n Tmtfrwivvii music scholarships by h e r taih<-r, «ns i.uircd In » from the univcrsiiy. Minister Leads while. prliicm , sij-ied- Rown' et Her fiance was sraduatcd from crystnllire over i.rldol taffein, the univrtMiy this year as faahloned «Hh n Sabrina neck­ Rcolovy • major. He received . Club Devotions line rerinb.-ntflprfd wllh lace and; -m\-r-Krninnraklp-amr“wM i)v r-OURI.BYi-duly—»• poarU,.firH-l!iy-pmnrint6w?rS?n rcclDlnii...... I>fn. ' nationalntiiionfti selepre■."pi..,Vrf. MucUer conducted fiorcrt rifK.r ifn rlli .skjri ended Inl a .s.sof, (.•liaujl.lrjJii...... , - ...... ril.R R , .Jtily 15-M r. and Mrs. A coTonc'. cruMi t^icrusle.-l with nitnh-.K hplrt In th e Burley 7.1o» Olenn w . Davis announce tiio cryslallltic- tlov.trs relcA-ied her ...... " ’ ‘ ' 'nn.iRpmi'nt of i»-r dsuRhter, Shouldfr IptlCti. vril »f liminn ------c i y a r r r ------She c:irrk'(l .a cre.'cent moon- Sept. 11 In liolsc'and'Willi*'* •'•t«di'lnR the two i-tler, sun of Mr. and'M rs. Olcn'n shnpcd iirrny of pink chryaan. •e u Mupe-vi-ar ourTdutvl''''l''f« of Christ. Mrs. W. llM tctler. all Filer. thcm unis cnclrclMR a w hite or- (trcrn tapers encircled a‘. the was alflllated with the'Theta ^ * « '“>«««» “.c business nn Aug. nua. n symbol,of her sorority, base with an array of while net Mrs. Reynolds Chi fraienilly nnd waa an hon- ''“••ttinR. centered with three white bells u n m m n i>lil I3cin, adorned wlUj and llly-of-the-valley flanked • Mrs. Melvin w ollers-reported Ml'.s RugR was gra'dunted from . nnd sprnya o f lUy o( the volley.' white upt bows nnd cascadlnRlllic eakf. six mls^ilonar^' calls were made by The eake waq set on a mirror Sets Art' Party Filer high Achool In lOCO nnd a t­ Marjorie Bobo I pink sailn ft'-rciiincrs. I__Ileccpilon assistnnLi who cut her and Mra. Donald Rehwnlt. tended Coitoy college, Nevada, nnd -surroundccl with Ivy and • As n token .of BcnOment she lunU served the cakc nnd poured RICHFIELD. Ju ly i:. - Mr*. Mrs. Davis S preler nnd - Mrs. Mo. /tanked on cach sldeircftt, T h u r s d a y Uie. federal ttvlBtloh agency, S a lt BuDdiy tiurtioon. July yellow belli nnd a‘ miniature all sisters of the brldcKroom. and Quests will see'a prtviei. -. R eed wiw voted In as a new so­ U ko City, • M aaw Luthenn church of the briae. attended as maid Mrs. Keith Christensen nnd Mrs. her art exhibitions. An open throuRij Sunduy.-^i'ero Mrs. Ar- bridal bouquet nnd cnndlca In of- honor, S»udro; Dowd and cial member a t llie Hoj-al Nelgh- n\M \i MueUer, M «i. Donald R eh- » • MttPjwic crystal cnndelnbra Arnold Mason. house lor th e public will DeRin lodKc mcctint: held Tupaday SdiiahW otW r.tnd Mra. Judy Jones were bridesmaids, W cdntsilay-dnd continue ilirouRh w alt mid Mra. Em m anuel Maler. TWO WIN ritIZE3 table’decorntlons. Patty Jo Burley. Vlrglola God- ■nine, at th e Woodmart holl. Roll call.was answered.byJtlv* JJURLEY. July 1&—Price.i wera ^ tobiL nier. uid Benno and Deborah Mason, niece of the •he rest of the week. T lie cake wn-i cut and served bride, was a Junior bridesmaid. bold nnd Mrs. James Lunto pre- Mri[. Hoie WLseman was Chair­ >R a Blblo ion by Mrs. Warren Mohrland S S a n ^ M r .w d Mrs. D ied- by Mrs. Mary.Snyder.'Woodbum .Mdcd a t tbe g ift table. Mrs. Mrs. Reynolds has been paint- m an of the invpstlgaUng com- All were drtsscd in Identical mg as a hobby U»e past 14 years Oursu were Mrs. Melvin Do- and Mrs. Dan Hansen during tho m Oeltn. Birt^nfleJh, W est Ore., nunt o( the bride, nnd Mrs nichard Stearns registered the m liiee. MKK bridge club meeting Tues­ pastel (treen dacron street-lennth She prefcra lantlsciipcs lor var­ um. and Mrs. Eldon Woltera. ! ^ , TOb c»ndlcllsht rites Lou Svehlak. Twin Fnlls. Mrs 125 wedding guests. Darrel Bul­ LfLter.i were received and read day evening at Mrs. Charlea «Krf«iK> by U»o Rev. C arl gowns faaliloned w ith a scoop­ iety but will exhibit many pnlnt- Frank Pohanka, Twin Falls ed neckline, cap sleeves nnd lull lock. Poca',eIto, furnished back­ from Alice: P.irvln. Homedale, Hendricks' home. A guest p r i» M t d « a ilm r dccorateU served tlie punch nnd Mrs. Loii ground music during the recep­ InRs of anim al life, Jnchidlng an sUitu aupervLw, nnd Mrs. Ruby waa given Mrs. W illard R arp- h thlle bMkeH of daialea. Dumfeld, Hansen, presided sklr'3 caught :a the waistline Alaskan moose, coastal scenes lUll; visiting a t soap lAke, Words j&^opic with Inrge self mntchlnit bows. tion. sw r.' The club will m eet In g ud dilpUnlum sod sold th e silver colfee service. Wn.ih., nnd Mra. Irene Johnson, White net hats nathered Into _ R>r the trip to Columbus. Oa.. Point August at the homo of Itlrs. _MMJleubctt_Ucnnun_wfls_ln a — iiJiunbcr—llvl “ " in r T u r n iiH is e r :------JJfJsg-BT^ntwtnea-thB c n a arse rs e col...... th e reccptlon...... a.isbtcd.h w hlto^im ion' clrcular crow'hTTied ------Wa-Mi. .Tiilw 1K-_Wni-r1v ^ by Mw. Paul Saenaer, Mrs. Ar w llh a while bow, compllmenied belRtt sheath afternoon dress j All the ofi the white orchid corsage ...... inner sentinel and - ta U th e .m escorted down and Mrs. Oordon Schroeder. of tulle. i...... ^ d wlUiball completed 18 oil palniinKs, p a » - Mrs. Leo Roberts was pro tcm. Ing held a t th e home, of MrX. Socially Correct ,5U)naiW-wtth-irhlte-«itin —m n cCT ■■' THurmnn—TegtBtered pinlc-rosebutto.—satln^-bowa and from her bridnl-bouquet. The ing the ,100 m ark lit pictures she couple will tnake >.hclr hom e a t The group was reminded of the Dorothy Reynolds. Mrs. Forrest m uditnr< or holly.-- ■ • • Euests at a table covered wlUr white satin streamers. The at­ has painted slnca starting her Joint district Royal Neighbor Armstrong and .Mrs, Ida Pate lace cloth and centered with .. tendants' hats and bouquets Fon Bcnning, Colurhbus, Oa., ’’obby. wert assistant hostesses. ttHK»A t«vn oi ChantlUy where the bridegroom Is station­ picnic to be held ai the. Twin a m tall* »hlch festured^a tnlnlature bridal couple. Gifts fashioned by tho bride's Mrs. Reynolds Issues a.cordla falb Idaho Power park, Sunday. Mrs. c. O. Chotfleld present- m o'.her. ed w ith Uie army. WEDDING aSged seeUlDS and bracelet werb displayed by Mra. Irvin .wclcome__io_ftll_lntcrested-por- AU-m«miwrs-and-thelr-famllles ed-the-deTotlonsonOod'sword "INVITATIONS'and ‘ ^'i!ttTa*d*e«=lnyBe sraduatcd from Malta, and Harwood Doering, Mountain Homo; rrance- B fttt'rf llcrwtd hetdbanfl. Ftler blBti school and fntn the American Fnlls, were ushers. Btna Christensen, Me .bride's M onlid i- mytr."..accompanled-at •«mn by Mrs. Vernon Lns- th e ir' 35th weddUi® anniversary ' I t wos 'decomted'tn the hrlde's yho.|il«.pI»yed.thewflddinB 8 u n ^ n f a fftmlly d ln n e ra t the Mlors_or_green_ond_wlillfi-and ^Nelr «Qn»ln»law nnd trim m prt wlth-whlt»-rosefl-*.oueh» SUNDAY, JU tY IS, ijji PAGE TWELVE .TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FM,LS. IDAHO. ______of ttai gmauate of tho ui and- daughters. Z ephyr Cove, Washington nnd h«s Uught ta Family Meets West Coast Rite Nev.: Mr, and M rs. Leonard Twin rails, Seattle nnd Lake New Officers'of Sp-Journey Club Are Installed Washington schools. S h e .'v o s T»’o so n s‘and ia<, Justice, brfither and sister-ln-law and their fnmlli« of ^ Weds Johnston, of the bride. BoUe: Mr. nnd Mrs. also an International exchange teacher to England, under Pul- I. Weaver. 'Tu'm. Paiu V:.?*-'* Paul Johnsion. parents of the l u i w ee k jit the brlght sponsorship. . HagermanMiss brfflegroom, Sunnyslde. Wash.: for a family reunion li i,.? ' HAOBRMAN. July l a - Billie Mr. and Mrs.' Hal Johnston, Johnsion is a graduate of first time they had bcci, brother and sister-ln-law of the Washtns*.on'State university at for six yeiri- . • Ice'Justice. dauRhter of Mr. nnd bridegroom. LaCrosse. W ash.: Mr#.-Anhur-Ju*Uce.-Hn8ermnn. Pullmnn and Is nn Inspector with F a m i l y member* Charles'Jonnstonr brother-of • the nnd' Raymond P. Johnsion. son th e ':...... -vcre-twD-foncJam'S a • "lunnyslde. Wash.: tlon In Seattle. nnd family, L.mM,tcr p* ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnsw n . Robert D. Wilson, They are at home at 821 83rd Sunnyslde. 'Wash, were united In mnrrlsBc June 17 by the Rev. nnd daughters. Portland. Ore. nvenue northeast. D eJlevuc. lantfl. Gn,; u o d^uihtc-^ \y Others were from Ellensburg. Wash. ‘ Dorothy Booth, nna lam’il y ^ Miller C. Lovett, Ellensburs, ¥ ¥ . ¥ Wn»h., In the Sander Memorial Wash.. Portland, Ore.. and Sno- Anielc*. nnrt Mr«, ciWl chapcI of the University Temple nomish.-Wnsh.------SHOP "nMES-NBWS...... ana family. - Kctchum nf- Methodist church, Seattle The new Mrs. Johnsion Is CLASSIFIED ADS grandehildrcn abo were p - f ^ The orRanl**.. W alter Elc- llenBcr, played the wedding miisic...... ' . diven In marrisRe by her folhsr. the bride wore a while. fnRoied lawn.-»treei-lenRth Rown wjih n bou/fant skirt, oval neck­ line and three quarlcr-length sleeves. H er h a t w as-O clo v er blossom-brown with: Iridescent beads. She earned n bouque*. of

    hospital. Tacoma, was brides­ maid. She wore a field flower cotton with a mou Rreen mallne hai. She carried yellow daisies *Bd-lvy.-i— ------ISnrry K. Mnler, Renton, Wash., served a* best m an, and Jam es D. Wolf and Bob Poss, also Itenton, ncted ns ushers. The mother of the bride wor? ..~eOTton~»heath of brw iid ed -lBV=- ender and chose white accessor­ Piano Students Bridge flayers ies. T he mother of the bride­ Persons Urged Social Events groom wore a blflek rnyon sheath ujflk black and white accessories, To Hear Talk The SyrlnRa Home Improve­ Of Burley Mon M eet in Burley flic h wore a pinjc m ent club will m eet n t 3 p.m . HEYBURN. July 15 — Mrs. sage. In Boise Area TuMday at the home of MrJ<. Present Recital Mlnnetta Pullman entertained A TfcepWon was held In P res­ All nreii itarden club member* Helen Krepslk. Dorothy Moxon BimLEY. July 15-Plano siu- the Burley BrldRo club members ton parlor of the church nfter the and cnmcra club membern Are w in be aJUlntanC hontess. lentrt o f Rotwrt D. JfambJen pre* At « dessert bridge parly a t her ceremony. . . . urdcd to attend 'XiRht nnd color itrnli'd a recital'Tue.ree-tlered w hite cake, QoiM Junior coIIeRQ auditorium day at the Balrdltorlum on Blup -ecltal were Onice Delliston. sor lopped w ith n wedding, couple. n t B p.m. ThiirwJay. of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnvlcl M. BelilS' ter Hobtcn. low. nnd Mrs. Ches­ Lakes boulevard north. Old nnd ter MauBhn getting the game The bnso of the coke was circled 8uItner

    den. grandmother o4^o teacher, ohcoumRing n greater degree .. wns a special guest. ■WOTM to Meet excellcnce Ip thom'astery of their . 'Mnr. Keen presided a t the tea . JBBOME. July IS -T h e Women pieces." table which was centered w ith. of the Moose will meet Wednes- TRY T;MES-NEWS WANT ADS Mrs. nobext N. Hamblen. Os- arrangem ent of w hits daisies. . Tho refreshment committee

    No. 400 (Not aiiown) 'Huitlsomely "styletfTtnOO'S~'Zlbelln»' (Cashmere nnd Wool Blend.] Milium lined, single brensted,' wlUx' 3 -button' closing. Collar nnd pocket flaps have hand-sUtched detail, p u sh -u p sleeves. Colors: Black — Bel«e — 'J Q TIMES-NEWS. Twiff FALI^, IDAHO . United in Temple Rite

    C n rth o m . -Duk LoveUnd was m u te r or f^Miss l-o v elan d - ecremonles lor the reception program. The Unity orchestrn ■ \Hed to Jensen pUH-td music. O ther num bera In LUb Ritual: and Dorothy Norton. tocdI solo­ spamoDAtB: July 1 6 -l^ e ists; Lorry Wardle, trumpet solo accom panied by Mrs. Edna .SyssM nro? W ardle, and DEAnn T urner, read- For the wedding trip to CaU- g r r 's’irs.i;: fornln, the new Mrs. Jensen S J a S f f . M d AHfn ^ chanRcd to n black and white • 0? Alton striped dress with red accessories. rSta.-BUffcJ'. - The couple will live In Burley. ■ ^ ^ 4tnt Winitm KlUpack of- . The bride was graduated from Declo hitih school and the brlde- srcom'was graduated frotn'Bilr* ^fCQg WCTO llODOTCd ley hlRh school and attended the ■*• .I'!» . nctoueo tbB n e s t evening technical trade school In Salt ! ^VBortnrtUlc LDS church Lake City. SjSoun^dicOTtlons Included Amons the out-of-town guests zfhMTU oD tvo small arches ere Mr. and »4ri. Almy FeW - S * niDkJsh-Ufcnder U ftcta an. OftUey, and M r. and Mrs. Eddie noltm an' Malta.- O ther guests were from Fountain Oreen, Tooele. Nephl and Salt Lake iBwutoiiSur," City, Utah, and Rezburff and beU» Kearta. Pem a g S id the Mchea. Relatives of the couple attend' . wM attired In

    SteSflDi lon« Illy point Item «al *WKP “ ■ coUd vlUi nUn ribbon trloi. T im ol pcwu held the .Ttil And she cor* Declo's Society rw twU3il^5 lji‘«

    DOllbCUtL* DECLO, July 15-airs. Norraan ,Wood, president of the Declo_Re- lief aoclcty, presided Tucsdoy ______ta « c ta nornlng-at—M i-oll-day-wurk tn-ilm dno with . scallopcd neetlng. • itm ta i Vme bodice acnllops. ■• “ I Lbvclnnd, Mrs. Wood reported on th e ln.« that more first old kit conUlnera ...... ^ b d te s s e s ld*iUlcfti could be purchased.-She added to m tm of hooor'/i dress, tiiat the Reller society was tak­ e all 1ftV-' ing orders for }-east*tn th e vac- uum-pficked contalneri and that Rrlndera could also bo p u r- S r f f l d S t o ^ £!;“« “ orgoniaiUon.

    State ind Tunera Barney, iMra._MerleiMatthewi’ Uattal trlni, Salt Lake City, charge of the work which « rt ll8*er gUli. They wore pink ed of cutUng and sewing rag rugs ttbfokterf cri m a over p lnlc and band u-ork on artlclea w hich wlll-be uaed-for Ihe faU-basaar. ^ — f Mix Bttney, Salt Lake, City, ' Mra.-Bmma Preston uned u best man. Ushers were some--linen- handkeru...... ,flo Pwlif, Joet Anderson. Bill which she had crocheted edging. [Criflbora aod olen Loveland, jr. T he music wa» directed by Mrs. " W PW Uia reejptlon th e brlde’a Don Whipple and Mrs. Merle B«litr wDr# a beige meah dress Matthew! at the piano. Prayer bdja accessories. T he bride- was by Mm. Laura Ho«. P « i mother aelected a blue ¥ * ¥ u l wMta embroidered c>'elet n re «lth white acceasorlea. Church Group Bott w eomgcs of a alngle ';ephanotls. Holds Me'etin — .V.™, u.o uilde'a white, FILER, July I S -M n . F. E. Al- M CTtr pink covcrcd table was bln, and Mrs. Earl Lohr were In ito -ttee d wedding cake baked charge of dcvotiona'and program o l decmted by B etty W alker. at the July meeting of the Wom- an'«-Socletyor'ChrisUah”SmieT ~1 the Melliu Jb t lamrcfl. ' ?*„•* alnlature toldnl couple. ■Oueals Included Mrs. A. 4.mirror, tho cake Pond, Boise; Mrs, T . E. C art- ™ “ nwndfd by flowers. ney, Twin FalLi; Mrs. n . W. :^«J^nankrtrettchraiasraf ncraT-Tnd-MnT-arahtrHiir^ ® oto- A bouquet o f flowers .. Washington. Mrs. Pond on the plftno. Tho talked to tho group on "My Life was carried o u t with Extras." on the girt table Mra. Edgar Vincent and Mrs. “^l^ture hearta on the re- E; A. Becm presented several or- _--Jn6hupe and Lea Peeples oMlst- S il" ! Yvonne Blake, Connie Bandra Mannlilg, D i. Mcmbera are to bring Chrlst- ««mnjton and Linda John- m os.^ts for Alaaka to the next meeting, which will be a brcak- ;^*«B »fnB y s a lt Lake City, fost at B ajn. on Aug. s at the the 27rweddlng guests home of Mi*, n . l . Larson. f e th e girts wore Sfs Mrs. C. T . Dean and M n . W. 6 “ ^ ,M«e Loveland W. Edn-ards served on the tea J?*_ Chambtrlln and Nmiinr


    S p a in t* . _ 6 ^ , — r e g u l a r 7.97 G^Ion—

    E a e l l • ■SUNDAY, J ^ y 16, i58( ‘ TIJIES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO -pagbfodeteen pjra wcio uuoB ana Judged l. the allJ fo r «- Inr pro«r»m by applyma more nom to a t the CaasJa county fair, posted Saturday with Tn-ln Falls chemical earlier and by com- PlansPicnic AUK. 3 throush S. Rave the lead­ M r.andM rs.l.T. iPele) Creed police by Richard auley.-.Mrr. MnllUia 1» enrolled for'the^ ' To Grangers mendns our chair moMin* pro- en pointers on how the girls ere awarded pins for 25 years Albert Weitencr, Ada Torbett. J. answered r "’•‘r term ns a trradu&ie stujf:* g rn m .b elcro the mow g e u too of O range metnbeiahlp durlnR R, Boblnson. Ohiftk Mingo. Projects.” Kansas university. U-A-cr-V should exhibit their articles, gans. j ___ : heavy. We hope by thia opera- For 4-H Unit vaj announced ^Ivxt Mm. Ed the Wedheadny nijht meeting of James R. Osnner. J. B. ______-- decrease th e louea below -Twln-Palls-Orangc. Tirc.'COttam.—Albert-Peterso».‘£^„r>-. Joanna Peak and Mar-, ~OnrFafm~BiIl r-# n d —DBOU>f-July-lB—The-Oaas|(* JEROME, July Ifr-C krroll WII- CO u n ty - 4-K picnic will be Sulion will a-uUt Mrs. Olllfsple Mr. and Mrs, Creed first mov- Ray McFarland and Dennis Voll- lenj club-members will I For Ail Your Needs i comb, mansBer Noi^'Blde held AUR. 11 a t,th e Albion vliiase In ihe home economic.^ division ed to Twin JfllW »bout 20 years ' ncr. . ^ , .1 hold a slumber party and picnic, park It announced durlni; n the fair! Mm. Uiwrence ago. when they- tran.iferred to Jlarold Putrler posted a »2 jujy 21 nt the home of Mrs. ‘ Canftl campany. reporu that T h e posBlblllty 0( lennlns w ater deliveries are runnlnR m cetlns of th e CaAila county Tliom pson^'lll help in Uie hoa'vc- the Twin- PalU orssnliallon. bond for Improper-porklng andjgrma Peak, leader. About M per cent In the Jerome. borrowlnir aome addlUonal wnt East'End 4*n council Wedne.-ula>' hold artA exhibit: Mern.i Voyce. Resolution committeeman. Ar­ ,Mi« o u t n . n bona lor doublo DRY Wendell and DIIm area. _ iri»o belne explored a t the cvenlnB nt th e home o f Mrs. 4>H cloihlnit dlvL'lan: Bonnle chie Poe. outlined the various parking. , .... met at tlie home of Barbara prexent time. Austin WaUcr,-council president. \Vclkor, 4-U foods dlvUlon: Mrs. resolutions rccelvcd from t h e Friday.,overtime,parking bonds Horn.- A demonstration on ciit- 'Dellverla at Ihe'beginnlns'ot were posted by Loren Cralg. Dora -Cards will be In the mail by n a y Parker. Elba, rcportfd on Auslin W alker, ludulni: of 4>It state OranRe, The group voted In tins a pattern ,wns given by Bet- CLEANING 't h e allxaUon seaMin. Juno 19. home eeonomlcs proji'cls. iind Wlldmon. KUX Radio and Tele­ Tews and Glory Jackson. wd-e around 7S per cent, but duo the end of thU week to each the first meetlns of the .Builders favor of the resolution for water WhC7i you icanl it! With Matthevis. 4.II hcnllh way ruhta. and for the eradica­ vision ■ station. Joseph Spena= Ilelplne Hnnnnhs club to eonUnued hlnh temperaturw w ater user Jtlvmit hU loU l alio. club, which wM held reccnUy nt b&uer. Thomas Conant. B e r t Aa. i/ou want it ~~ -«l_two _weelu,_the Salmon pork. Mary Joyce «&«■ pmjccU. tion of trash ’fish In Idaho wn- the home of K atherine PaRdaRa., CftUon,-waUr_u»cd._ar ' - Jt..wn3..iepQftfd_ U iat-i-4-a Ifochel. JameA Ham lton, Wayne Demonstrations liwluded "how to demand hai increased and manjr to.,hla_crcdU,_Jv“lf'‘ uyrMorc Koii. KIM 4-H clu b n rp o rtw l nt ter3.-The-rcaolullon- consemlng irmorr-equrse-wh tch -ft-aa ■ tauglu -dayllsht.-savlna-UmC-lQr_nortli= Dates, edw nrd ' Cooper. U. M- makc_lxlce' treats“ — by— Heldl xarniefi“lAve-(fone'ia~nw-per unJed to contact this otllce if tliomason. Margarcl Rcval and cent delivery. Wllcomb.note*. reeenlly a t Moscow. She told Idaho was tabled. -- - Forbes: ••HowTo-msurft-Jcnrclrr they fill'd errors In these com* Pct^rl.Bean. book" by Bnrbiiru Buhler. and He explained' that, bajied c puiallonn and th e m atter will be hl«hllRhU» of ncUvltie* of Uic members fcU It did not deal with 4 -n conBrfcw a n d urijed nil 4-11 •'How to dust" by Ann, Freeman. th e above figures, the pr_e»enl gfirffcted.'' Wllcomb naiii. Cooked-rhubarb and-bakeJ. qDi-- Aupplj ahould Iasi (hroush Au- cJu»~jn«7:beni—to-flttend ...... iu » t.______' KETURNH TO ItlCIIFIEI.n year. . "=We expecl’to W aliloTamalfe —Thccouncll-vot'ed-lhAt-Utc niC IIT IE L D , July 19— Mrs, ii-irt i-nicr th ree of the moM C. li. Duel, lo n n er Aplos, Calif, 20 per cent over tho and Btandlnc projcsU'of each 'oria-fourth aero loot per 'jhare re.5ldent. arrived th u week t(- In the dW rlet f.-ilr. to bs.heJd . ollocaled a t iho pre»ent time. make her homo In Richfield. She fU’st weelc of Scplem ber In Je- wart a -form er realdent here and wIIPlIV6 Ikt ihfl“ BherTwnn“ Coff^ irim enls.


    m ~ r HAMBURGER or HOTDOG M i ^ c a r e

    1 E Q B 5 for nurses!, dietitians! beauticians! waitresses! ij

    preferred fabrics: regular or permftncntcly puckcred Dncron* poly- CHter * Dacron" polycstcr-atid-cotton poplin' • cotton broadcloth. syle?: .step-in; ‘‘zlp-up, unap-front,- button-front----- 8tyle.s • flared sWrts • full skirts • roomy carry-aU pockts. - T TOILET slzea for everyone: juniors', misses’, also half sizes in groupl ^ •Reg. T. M, D uPon^ 4 + TISSUE -Buy severnl uniforms and just say, '■Chnrgi! jt" on Scnra Kcvolvine C IU R G E ACCOUNT

    Satisfaction guaranteed , Free Parkin? ■+ - 8 ~Rsiisrr8 9 c ionc)rback^i3 “ CooirEaByShopjiinir- - 4 -^X TiinlLT 16.1061 t im e s -n e w s , t w i n , f a l l s . id a h o ?AGE FITTEBN Drives Itt 5 Runs Liston Advs Forgiveness FaMs Rallies to "f^leiVIagi^Vcilley 5-1 ilrn VnlU-y Country club.i. A 30- oiiin McCall smashed a three-run hom er In the top of llie iiinili nntl di-nve in nil Bill Johnston hnle pro'ftni will run in con- ■^iS^Fftlls’ runs as the Russets ciime'from behind nnd nnn>r(l the Mncic VnU luiictlnn with th e » « .« » to u r-' Perry Signs rflftoys 5-4 Saturday night. The victory maintained Idaho I'alls’ maslcrv To Defend Utah nry for ilie. first two day*. K0.V01.ULU. July 15 tT>-MttX ’ Oi>liu»i('n, now a pro a t Scott.^- Perry, former »n.r Riioril at U tah Cowboya in Jaycea park. Dunnir the Bcnson. the Riissci^ taken aik Stale. ha.i l)cun Ufmed by the H««i«ions on the Cowboys’ fierd.* They have split five.nnd.fiv,. nf. Tdnhn Golfing Title (blp. Arit., Jom.i a Held th a t Itawnil Chlpf,'( nt the new AmerU SALT LAKE CrrYTjuly 15 TOmn'y J"’ can ba.'ckettMl lengue. ofiSrS------r Z ------— ------_ F«;«. Tlio two clubs meet —Billy...... jnhnMon...... , the formn r m r r " * - Dick Limdahl, Zell Eaton nid A1 GclljrrRcr. Tlie 25-yi;.ir-oia perry, called Provo Rolfrr wiio won laat yenr-j, -■ ;M "x,.the -MftKlclan.'-^.la th o - M s Edge Cubs 2-1 tllle, -Will- rtelend* h ‘,r. . Imirth 4uun.i iibyer sj^g^nfd by tho crown—111—the—Utnh—cpen—golf- -^vlrd-bflirman'Cletff'Doyer-of -chlprs.' tournainrni, ' Ihe YniiKfM h as hnd IpAi.than Perry wm notrd in colleRS for T lie nifpt aiarls next Tlnim.- three years of m inor league ba*®- day at tlir Onkrldge-and-Hid- hun — hla ball-lundlliig-Biid'hlt-.37a- Ta Raise Loop E M pef cent of Ms noor shot. jtj Vnlled Preta Intcnutlonal M.. rineJnnati Reds pulled six sramca in fro n t in the J . -...... _-n,eCin«nn^^ Ssvturdny Joey Jay pitched ^ - T a 2-W ctor y ovcy th& Chicago Cubs.' JHy'B vle- M i his 13th of the season a s against only four !!L— ______defeats. It also was the r 2 0 th-gamoaho-Red»-havo Tlystery won by one run. They have lost .u .in „ .. le'rthanded 10 on e -ru n -d e c isio n s...... opened theRu*- Mond&y ntRttt.- For seven Innings, the B M during.ihs night, gave the Coflitwys-Uie lead.-wIth-R-lend;orf tnncajlncfr-June-S-and-tho-aimt SifeaksPaslF TialUnir-lcfthnnder-to- piteh~ft lnmetJa-Uio-fourth-f«»me.------Suspension3feea^esii= complete mune at the Collseun The Co«,-boy.i wrapped up their since m o . scoring in'the sixth inning. Vic 'The Phll.._. . Baron, with one aw ay, aingled Pocatello 3-1 six Innings, took Juat bcJore Sanders lilt hU sec­ Liston Unemployed OBUT PALia. Mont.. J i seventh on » doublP by Ruben ond homer. Tliat one was the longest the S-foot, 10-Inch dyna­ PHILADELPHIA, July 15 (UPl)—Charles (Sonny) 4 , IP - BCiumpftW D iet ^ r - Amara and singles by Charlie Li.ston'H Pennsylvania suHpension.eaused a chain reac­ pitcher's «luel to- Smith and Short. mo nn* clouted th is yenr. I t TwTInrUoe Oreal to m. Jimmie Davenport and Jose cleored the flagpole In dead cen- tion today which left the top heavyweight contender jfpiawf'IrtffUB bwebiiU vlc- Pagan collected three hlU eoch terileld and Upered off grad­ without n ring in which to fight in tho United States. helping Mike McCormick and ually until It hit far out near the Li.ston’a employment problem bogiin ye.sterdiiy when the Chiefs •wlmmlng pool fence. th e S ^ n FronclBCQ Ql&nts to an But Idaho Fftiu the Pcnnsvlvnnia-athlctL * • ' • the-PittabuiBh

    thrciror~THYrPIratM*^IgKnilti7 — ...... mlddle-ofi ___ ... lethitDtM uiil ViUcnUn scored Tom McCraw sliced another shot The National Boxing aasoela- belted hb 11th homer for the tlon. coverlnR 47“ siates, quickly e n aU Uter on Joe A]ii‘a acaaon In the fourth Inning.' into centerfleld. Champion of co(Od«iL Curt F)ood hit a bases-loaded With 1.100 fans urging him on. backed up the action of Its HoUUo jSW^er Curt ShelcTi pinch double to tuoch off an Qlbson Rietidltd lo g e t H lcto on PcnnsyhanSa member. David Ott. eight-run eighth Inning rally atrlkea and then got Iztjulcrtlo to N*BA president, said In Cleve- foul out to the catcher. Ho got Canada Open Umt.gave-tbe-St.Xouls.Cardlna1s Innd U}at_the_2S;ypar;old_Ll-Mon ta « icortat punelL •• ' ia-4 victory over the MUwau- iwo'strikw^iTd'a ball on Mc­ would n o t Ret a In NBA WINNIPEG. July 15 (^R ook­ ASUr Mt the first nine Call before JtcColl lowered Uie territory while the ban ie pro Jacky Cuplt. Loiigvtcw. « Dravca. • boom. T.H1 h»l)w< donii J a . o t —Tho.lanlnff,-tho-R«dblrds-b!«. -Tex,— flhotr-a-ateady-J-oTW ipar to. m UcLauchlin mpped n geat ot the season, started The Cowboys tried to ra llr in T he-picture alao was gloomy 71 today and won the'Conadlan 1 ^ 4 T*o nO u loaded the against D o n M cM ahon u d con* the laat of the ninth when Sand- for big Sonny in California, New Open golf championship with a tmued-flgnftiaLJohnnj'-JUitonem. eta singled and Joo SUnnet lived York and Ma.wnchusetta, whlcli 72-holc total of 2 7 0 ,...... on mi L'iiurtjurthimmncnrdlcd: - ______-_ C u ^ t, form er Joe Cunningham started It «l. rhrbi;Mi.»,V»IJy kbrh rbl HeUatfJa’i 6Nble In the with fc one-out single and Carl At Sncramcnto. - ...... (Alnr a t tlie University of Hous­ s d t Innbi KSKd Seutrough 8awnb»kl a n d Alex O ra m m u O|sholclrlb s Dougins Hnyden of tha>Callfor- to n ^ 0 turned pro Ia.U fall, woi pvlti) U» usaA Qrtit FolU run. walked to load'the bases. Flood's nuffrfr . n ia athletic : commission.' iiald. hi/'''first tournament title b; 'SciARivh hid ilntled.- T h e blow b ro u g h t In two runs and •XUton hajn.'t goir a prayer" of playing the ratn-so((ened Nlak. otber Bectritfnawne In the sent M cM fthonr now 1*4, U> the ' t nkvaenr rf 4. ( getting a license to box In that wft Country club course In 10- iliUi wlKa Ctdw Ct^M tjutl showers. ; I 6'V->j»nnab* < state. undct PM for lh« lout round*. liafM Kal* lecond bue. went KS.K! I 0 ftl.llubMhlf j t . . A spokesman for tho New Cuplt's brother and golf teach­ Antonelll w u touched for Red McCIKt P * I S 0 Stinnrt l( I 0 o 0 1« ihM oa > to.UiQ out- ehoendlenst'« one • ru n single •S«r»f I > S OlRIUon p a 0 0 0 York AthlcUc- commission aald er. 34-ytar-old Buster "C^up 11, m *ol Kond on EdtUs Beed'A ond Don Taussig's two-run dou­ IlMktrp 0 > 0 0 bCurkndli 1 f - - that since the state hnd a work* Fort Smith, Ark„‘started the day noUIeeftr. ble. Ho then walked Bill White ing agreement with the Penn­ only one stroke belUnd Jacky sylvania commission any pos­ " :T V ‘! md Ken Boyer unloaded his 13th a—^tnicx out lor MeCUikr In llli; but faded to a 75 and finished lomerun (or the Cards' final sible future application for a Lis­ w ith 'a 72-hole total of .275____ three ton license would not bo granted W ithout ‘•serious eonsldemtlon.*’ A t 275, Buster shored th a ru n - " T h e Ma»aat:HuictM boxing com ­ ittiHi mission said It will meet next Nlchols, .Midland, Tex, Flnster- Bonus Ba]^y— weck-to-detcrmlnn"TPhethcr' W wald closed with a ffl and Nichols iilSiir honor the Pennsjlvanla ban. GO on the par 3S-34—70 course, I ; •: "5 ■; Considering tho conditions at T hcro was a 'tle a t 370 between Gets Second home, an European tour would Johnny Pott, Shreveport, La., ° ‘Kr»r-ul‘ iS c U .v / {ShiVallr >1 frown on such a move. is.ts'r.'v '. — Pitcher W ade Blaslngtune. the "Wo can’t forbid Mr. Liston to **W> 1f*T I 4 ? tlOO.OOO Milwaukee Braves bonus go abrood." state commissioner Jockey 6t«vs Brooks ranks star, Tvon hls'second victory to­ ViW I SH s Alfred M. Klein said. fourth on the lUt of all-time night when Boise downed Bill­ aw rse Kate, Uston's newly. riders In the United States. ings c-3. InsUillcd ■^clean''-mnnaRer, could Blaslngam o struck out elitht shed no light on plans toernatioiia l battera__nnd _yJelded_only_one Rotlatlons -kcep-1 1 lig h ter earned n m -[n P l y i n g tAe dU» was under orders from Liston's o i i l r I Braves. He-he attorney, M orton WUlkin, to keep with Bo|.«,_ '- ‘-•llp -^ ------A three-run »ftt\ inning'gftvc niriimww SsMieIa3Zi=5 BolMxtho-vIbtoiy.-lfr-’atoried-irHh' Uuie v«n»r------oi: 400 oi«- ,. ray. N,Y» July 15 m a walk by Mario Dies and a aln- * -r* »Uiinii»in. B»«»iiilll«r. Alkn. would wuu last. He (old the boxer, «ne of America's gle by Rafael Oomes. Both went however, that It would be lifted to aecond "” d third Jiwhen—you—have—rehaW lltated- A mi »■ " '“ ry ovtr fVcnch- youraelf and shown you have re­ Then Ty, Clnyton hit to'The’Tn- ' :b->.'w*lt, n«ron. Wwrn>r 2. Fully 8 t»n. BUIIngs got a pair of ...... 80 out th e seventh Inning w hen Chrla Redskins, Rams SwHy 05 the p«ce Silces. Defeats c f t “ «."»>jopoly held on singled a n d w ent to third hasfl af~Oiil]un\'■ dropped Bee Lindsey’s long fly )r centerfleld ___ ANGELES, J u ly 16 (WB- Molenda^or” for a two-boso. error. Knig then Twt> pro football squads — thi Free Gifts or Gold Strike Stcini|is scored on an Infield out and Washington Redskins and Uii Los Angeles Ram s brave thi been Held. Craig seegm lller singled Lindsey Pnblinx Title FOR ADDITIONS TO SAVINGS DURING JULY • ptmihi»m California ■ Sofe far slotont In ; '« 100,00 o r M o re '...... !.....W«U*t- T w i i in the coming week to start

    iflirLwilb_£*_w«_bolfl- ___L5M.W_or.JH<^ — - ~.-.CBllety.Set=Catfeiijyar»er^.-SeqtoM M r«JUt ■ 1.000.M or Mor fellow collegian Jol « ply ribi. The Uie Redlands university train. li00.00 ft kUxett»—O-E Stm m * a d B17 lfon.-C anee H alw r . c|unp Monday and the vet- lenda. D etroit. only Grain Bln with vtrtlcol Sikes, becoming only the th ird WOO.M « r B a d lo ~ T(______Clmnn erans'ore due to show up TliUrs- corrugoled walls. Eotltr l» Saiilij •r«rrtnriobor btcau» •!“ ------ftOOO.<»-« ■ Set irith-Chot - ikBasekll— KnalMit ( 0 \ anWt\n coach Bin M cPeak a to the champion- 10,000.00 0 opens camp a t O ccidental col­ - -_ event'r ------faw tr bellt. Smoolher floor |2^r Drowns S '" i: i i lege Tuesday. McPeak. a t 34.' Is tory, rallied from ond wofli prtvtnH lodglnp mJrVi Pp 0 0 0 « the youngeat head cooch In the deficit, won three of tho last lour «r eggt ond lorvot. NaUonal FooUjoll league. H o suo- holes In the morning and broke j S r S ! ! ! ! ceeda Mike Nixon who w as llred fo r lunch all even wlUi the 190- by owner Oonrpw Mnn Dound D etroit Tech Junior. Prlte rookin signed by both ^ I ’ho ai-ycar-oia '^kld I ... squads will be missing for a S pringdale, Ark., who toted his i m ^ P ^ R l n lake during while until offer the Aug..4 own bag throughout Uie woek- 5% iS.'^m ing party. ^ oll-stM- g u n e In Chicago. long tournament, went three up r. ^ HowHn. JloWntOB. Smmlllff. on thq front aide In the after­ K»r«». Cullum. PO-A.^I>* *Mt. The Rams and Redskins meet ««ttnpiiny- Olllnn n r ll. LOD—Ubli« 7. llllln ‘ Aug. 11 « t the Coliseum In their noon, trim m ing .two su-okcs off 5 Crops to Pay! Iflth-annual-preseason~“charily par-at-Rftckham-ffolf-courae.—T- gome. SUces won th e lOth when Mo- lenda hit Into thorough, loat ll 4tau„^.^«;W hour later. when h e h it over Uie green‘and CLEMON'i W “ h - Boe. won Uie 13th. a par three hole, Coach Suspended with a par. .The two compeUtors, FEED STORE both appearing in Uie J ^ b llc ' . EX-FUIXBACK DIES Links event for the first time, Whltey Lockman has been iUIed halved th e next two holes a n d It GOODIMG „ ALTOONA. Pa.. Ju ly 15 W - 175-and'suspended three ‘ Steve Loch, 40, w ho played fulU and Ilret baseman Wllllo ... vfia all over. hack for the PllUtouTgh Steclert Sikes wpB medalist hononi In Covey tis e d »50 by -th e N ational tho ao-holo qualifying Monday In lMB-47. died yesUrday of • league president W arren GUea. h e art a ttac k . TWo Duko unirer- The action- resulted from a and Tuesday with a five-under- EARL SORENSON «ty star joined the KaUonal rhubarb during Thursday's game p a r score of 135. Ho was four u n ­ f e ^ " l c e s . wui. bo held ^ tb o ll league -with tha Chletgo with the Pittsburgh Pirates. The der par In the elghUi nj^tclfplay TW IN FALLS Cardinals 1^ io<3. pair allegedly shoved- traiplr^ round. Jjany.Jgenion’ dur‘— — *' — L_L r E _ 3 ^ U ^ ------Yogi B e rra o f tha V inkeea led which o ccu rred when Venzoa ■ St. John's University of New American leuue eatchen .in called: a ball h it over , th e rig h t Y ork ha> been playing .baskett)*!! a Wa n t ADS putouta. algbt tUnea.- fleld>(enoo by MoOorey XouL for.M ;eara. SUNbAY, 16, ii|5i TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO PAGE SKTEBN MRS. IJNDHJEM COPS WOMEN’S TOURNEY Vifttn^IsSecondTT S. TRACK t M: B e r n I In Magic Valley Woitifin.Golf Qiampions Display Tropliies ^Sprinters Spark Meet for Champ Men Into Lead ...... JEROM E,-July-ir> — Mrs.-Marlon .IJndhjem, Twin J ■'"'FattH ratrScloto'h^M om l fitrnjffHl"TJWM:NowB-Mn}nc •; 0ver-Russiansi Valley women’s amnlcur' «olf tlllp ycRterdoy. Mrs. ' - 'UmJhJcmrivho-ahot-n courHe roconl of-76-to.opcn t h e MOSCOW. July 15 (UPD— The liRhtninp Iors of two-clftv m eet Thurrtduy, K hnt an 81 over t h e lin al 18 track (juecn and Villnnova-Hnlv(t»iiF- ■------holes to claim victory by " stars anti Paul Drayton gave Anieria's famed sprinters three world records today bn' Iho 'ir,i TlnitPtl Stnto3^RiissLa_Jrack meet lK>fn» TOiOflO-fans a t Lenin .sta-. dium. The U. S. m en’s team won »>«i' of the 11 evenU. acor- Inu onf-two nwcep* In five of London Seeks I" 1hc¥ ir tfr tnge~.ft~(H -5«-leait-irr •' f r p m r A t c le men'.^ competition. VanSalsTin Dy tA R R V JIOVEY But. despite the brilliance, of Tha continual reof»ftnla»iloh MLvi Rudolph, the Soviet women ftUileUc confercncca .on the won Ihree out ot five events and Boxing Rom’ collego level Is b w d on one tiljo look a lo-polnt lend. 31-21. thlnK — money. T here nre few Alilioush the meets tire being LONDON. July 15 ifl - D«i«. AurprUei when » eon(crcnce, Korcd sccnrfttcly. Soviet ncw.i- lives InvestlRallng a cnmp’n:> Ruch os the Sky­ papcrj were expected to combine by American boxing prair.o;;. line, epUu up. the >;ore.i nnd cinim n dfnw Sam Silverman dlscla'tvd for most of U»em the first day of the snmes. • they have inlcrvlcwed tlip Mt,.. nre rumoreil and Butid arid Drayton were the top ste r boss of a London btiiir.j freely predicted nrnle stars for th e United SCntcs. synd/caJe. » lontc time In; flnlslilnu one,-tw o. In the 100- Sllyiirman snld y e ite rd a r^ . *dvance. p- meltr dash ami then returning to fore hc^flew home to ^a^ion hj Titere woj s .j spnrk Hie U. S. in e n 'i 400.meter was attacked by foijj>''men f«|, durptlBO or two, - dn-'h And (lien returning to spnrk Wednesday whun.htf loft a e.-er than winning the net dlvlMon. ' ■ M n. Marlon Uodbjcn.-aeeond Hgbt, dl^tlajv the two perma* , thelp own. The tournament waa climaxed n'ent tnpblea »he won Friday .In UUnc ber aeeond conaecuttve Scotland Yard detective} ttu with a luncheon followed by 'nm»«.Newa Magie Valley women’a amamateur ateur aolf golf title. Tom 01*01- James Sinclair, rijht, plaee'4 second to Mrs. Undhjem. The etent women's 400-meter relay team trying to find out whether thi ____of propa- ...... w u.nlsV ed a t thq Jerom e Country club. '< Staf( photo-engravlnc) from behind to win th a t event attack waS' organized by a Lx- (Mida put out from the ichooU - • • • • • ■- tha traTeUnt trophy which ------*------— --«ord-of-44J don-betUn8-flang-bo«-who-*«. that ara forming ~ —“w -league.------said to have "not been-i titfth, Arizona and'the others to - the aouth followed the exact pat- who brolte her own m ark fn the _ tem of the old Pacific Const ci women's discus throw w ith a feruice a few'y'ean'ago. h«av« -of .97.43-meters.Ciaa.lieet. . *^e now have an alignment li . inches), -IDAHO PALLS. July 16- in addlUon to the 100 meters. -Dlck-Trall^Bon-of-Mr—and- ■the_U.8, team scored one, t ^ Winners Are Mrs. Glenn Trail, Tw in Falls, sweeps In U « men's compcHtlon and Steve Budge, son ot Mr. In polo vault wlUi Jo h n UcUcs and 1itt«.-RuIon Budge. Bur- and Venn- W adjrawUi, IJJC shol- Reported for bcrtha In tho Ida- pul wlUa'Oary Oubncr and Jay Junior Chamber of Silvester, ihc 400-meter run with ¥anfcs=Rally4o=Mp4\3iite=So3L==l ||E i eoltz^tqurnament- Ulls W Illlamn-and-Adolph-plum- Northwest_ Urge monetary retuma are •jrtir,-|in(PtnB— '— ------eBATTLB. July 15 tR-A pected for each conference two boys, who placed' jerry Slcbert and Jim Dupree. comer to-Pacific Northwest Ooa game." third nnd fourth, rcspecUve- Tli6.Yanka.took first and th ird In assoclaUon plojr end a four-Ua Utah State brought It right out ly. In Uie m eet, will be cllglblo the llO-metef Hurdles w ith Haj— AilKRlCAN LXACUb' champion won th e women's ssj Into the open Monday when It 9-8; Maris Gets 35th Homerun to corapeto In the national JouM and Pran W ashington. mcn'« cFonns today. peUUoned for tnembershlp In the At Uio end of th e first five Jayceo tournament In Denver M arianna 6 - a b I e , Arcadl I arising out ot »*ain<>«;* - next month. events ot the today, Clcte Boyer’s double nnd Tony Kubck’s ainple in th e 10th Inninj? pave New Yorlt Trail, who will bo a senior Russia's •5rtirl Kotenko led with Oftllf.. beat P a t Leaser Martw. Skyllfls ft 9-8 uphill victory over the Chicago White Sox Saturday and kept the Yankees 4,070 polnUi to 4.053 for Pete tie, Tacomo. 3 and f to wla tbi ntTwln-Fnlls high schbai this women’s di ' ' ' Utah State president Saryl WuhlKflOB ____ s» 4* . clinRinR to th e ir th ree percentage-point American league lead over Detroit. The Sox fall, prepared for Uio event iterman, Santa Barbara. Callt.. Chase, in the petition for mem­ SI. M I got 13 hits, including four homeruns, but still fell short of the persistent Ynn- by winning the Tw.-ln Polls 3.915 for Dave Edstrom, Portland. bership.-said, “I hare been au- iSS city golf championship cotII- Ore., and 3.003 lo r Russla'a Yuri thorlied to apply In behaJf of '“■•“ ““te s .-* :.------kees. The Yankees, * er this week. Budge, who will DJachkov. Favorite Vassily Kuz- tHo a.', also BeatUc. », Clrr.Ui.4 I (II lai pounded their” w f ln n te r n n 8-8 run by dropping a ^ « l o down ■ Opening day events went al­ 3-and-l to take the-Uile.___ " u n i to guarantee members of the IrSS...... - ...... Uie rlshU leld line. school-golf team. M lw Oable, a newcomer to « ii tie with two runs in the top of most exactly as expected, and the ' sew oonfeiwee . . . that we wlU Innlnnl Buddy Hewitt, Idnho Palls, meet the“ »lnlmum—guarnntce Ty Cobb Is the ninth. Only a great catch . -W lUt MtUsone on U>lrd. Schil­ blrdied.lhe last.two general predictions still are for a Northwest, won t h e East! which. U ettAbUshed. whatever Chku* S. ClMlRMiri by Al Sm ith on a bases-loaded ling drove a.liner Just over the win th e Slate tlUo w ith a 144 narrow tr5,-wln"ln-thB-mcn‘a Provlnes Open in Kingston, OiR .the amount may be .. SI. LowU «. MIlMukM 1 drive by John Blanchard pre­ frnnUc clutch of Jerry Adair In­ total. He nosod o u t Uie de­ event and a lopsided Soviet vic­ two weeks ago. She wm never h ^ rhll4d«]ph[« 7. !>• I trouble against Mrs.- HarboU How much plainer can th e re*' Said “Poor” vented the Yankee.1 from going to right. fending cham pion. Tom tory In women's competition. niuhumh- rf«i»«iwg * ' I. front in the ninth. Bd SAdowskt slammed a tle-^ KutchlnRS. Boise, who was PNOA winner in 1053 a ' ■*“ •on bar and naUonal amateur cl ATLANTA. July 15 W- — Ty RoRfr Marla., .continuing hi* breaking—hom erun off reliever two strokes behind at 14G. WATIOVAL LBAOtlK . Cobb, former baseball sur who assault on Babe Ruth's record GaldweU Miss Is In 1DS5. athlatleiT^a-cors. was re­ the third Inning for a 30-samc momln« round w ith 70, two on one. But there la no need ...... a 0-5 victory over the Cle...... Fifth in Tourney women’s par. nnd tlie aftemw th a pubUo about how the InsUtu* ported In poor condition today lead 'over Ruth who didn't hit Indians. \ LEESBURG. Ind., July 15 W In Bnory university hospital. No. 3S until th e loath game round wiUi a n Mrs. Har‘ ' tlooa eempare or Indians' -outfielder Don DU- •^Former Idaho amateur golf cut the edge to 1 up on Uie eren about traveling expcnsea. The QeorglA Peach, w ho thrill' AUK. 5. lO r. Tucker Wins LDS champion S h irley Englehom Kl b aj^alJ fan s w ith h is moffle Inrd tied th e gnino a t S-S In the Miss Oable gat a birdie o S i tha gat«« are targe enough to Larry Osiwme, pressed InM eighth with a lead-off solo ho^n- holds fifth plnee. Jn (he $0,000 20th and won the 30th with ■. coTcr all expentea and atUl build bat and base nmnlng for nearly service as an emergency per* Senior Golf Title Tlppeeanoe Open tournam ent fac­ a,quarter of a century, entered when Mrs. Harbottlo mlwd —the-athletle-treaaury,-travel^ former, belted a. towering elghth- SALT LAKE.01TY, July IS HI ing Sunday's final 18 holes. flvc-foowr. '. aot eoMldercd too great a-deUlL ■ mtMiM s. riiubg^h' the Kdspltavagnln'about-a-month Los Angeles had gone ahead innlng homerun nnd Ilftcd-the ---Veteran RoyJTuckcr. Salt.Lake —Tlictplaj'crspauscdin-lhe.tour.- _aiven.-a_fomier_Walkct_i ■etty rled-tv-Utah -swsop-yaitarday .. .re m o th .^ Utle i a 'ia BUdlum. Only football U able to ailments. Uie Minnesota Twin*. In Uie LDS a li^ h u rc h golf tour^ Mi.w ] 40. bear tht coat ot the athleUo - The 74-year-old baseball bnjics and Billy M organ singled nament. r-nje-OnlTOTltrof ‘ Osborne's first homer landed off reliever Bobby Locke. der-had-been-ln-falr-con n"the'uppcT'C«iterfleld-bleftoU- Tucker won the senior men's ------1 about $uaj009 p er year. Kamu CItr *•». W-fhlBMlm* -'L ew —Knwjase,—Kanflna-Oliy'n ■titJe'tt’itn'R-aa-hoJff-totjii-of-Ha. CI««Und 7. W Anctin I until today. He h ad a n uncom­ rs 400 feet from home plate. It Student feea aceotml for a good fortable night aim a spokMmnn S13S,000' bonut pitcher, went He had rounds of 71-77. Roy Duf- _to_bcsl needed. n > o rtm n jttJh g rjm c i;ftwu>aUT>icfc« w m~.h8'is-mwonaclougutt:TimP!t-~ enabled—Jim—Bunnlnc down-lo-lils-llfth-«rftlBhl-do- -fln, S a lt Lnkc.Clty..took-thc Jun,-. _ 01vaft never va.-< behind, j up tha rest. Few, if aoy, major ri:cm o-caA^^*OTir-^ Cnmlta-PR9Rtftl-ln-*-tlftht^plt«h- Cobb, a native o t Royston. On:, Tcanurtho-AVaahhigton-Scnix loratiirwitincirfina'Erv-pcHr- Mary Lena FauiK, sea island; Storey wos'ctwoibn hUniccQ h u divided his tim e in recent £ a lU . ■ the way, olvan wa.t-three o hreak-even and baseball and .Tho hefty ;irs t biucmnn wn.i In Dick Donovan. vetcrnn's tltlo wlUi 161. trade haTcn‘t a chance; .to IS years between Oeorgla and Cali­ ’Hed for third wlUi 110a are Jo­ ---- with 74 In tr------' Detroit's lineup only because of Kraawc. 18-year-old right­ Tucker's M onum ent Park West ann Prentice, Birmingham. Ala. It itaoda to reason that'basket* fornia where ho haa extensive business Interests. slugging Nonn Co.-ih’.Hooi.—In- hander, w ent tlireo full Innlng-i team, which also Included Gary and Marlene H agge, DelRay baU. wlth.^ gymnasium holding (Uid «•&* roughed up for tijrec Wllmnrlh and Perry Lane, USE T7MES-NEWB WANT Al 8,000 peraona. c a n t picic up the fecUoii. Beseh, Fla. Boston edged Baltim ore 3-1 runs ood five hits. Art Dltmar, the team tlUe w ith 460. money a JO.OOO capaclty footboU Bob Shaw and Norm B w fol­ aUdlum can. Vaulter Honored -.i.Uic foiir^iU'ptChlnR-ol acni< “ lUchard McKean, S a lt Lake flail t«ka Cllr ». flan P*n« • Conic}- and rookie Chuck S hil­ lowed him to tho mound. City, was second lo Tucker and For th a t reason, th e Unlve: rortland «, Sm k '* * LOS ANOELES. jilly IS IUn> — Hpahan. S, Vatirouvvr t ling's clutch Mngle. Donovan blanked Uio A's ... third place was sliared by Utah of Idaho, although woefully TMOOift •. nawall 2 Ron Morris, who pole vaulted two derm anned, wUl travel back to Indies higher than he had ever ' Conley, U)e C-foot, 8>lncli one hit for Uie .'Ux Innings State university basketball coach GROWERS .West Point to play Army this before In his career In capturing rlRhthander who never let. up and retired 20 of Uie last 21 bat­ LodCll Anderson, Logan, and Ce­ . faU. W in. lose or draw th e Van- WINS RODEO the National Amateur Athletic though he trtvUeil from th e first ters ho foccd. ' ' cil Bohn, S alt Lake City. irt-*uanntee -B P O K A JiE ,-w aah; July-I5 W - union ohamplonshlp.thls, Inning, b a le d Dick HjiU on Uio BULLETIN rannlng.lnto five figures. Buay Peth, Bow. Wash., won day WAS named Southern 'Cal­ strensUrorTi-tM.'tf^run-iSprlsnlg And fo r th a t sam e reason. If all-round champion honors today ifornia athlete of the month for In the se\-enth. Idaho has any Inkling of a well- as the I3th Annual Diamond June by the Helms athleUc foun­ Vic W ertz tied th e score will) FinST BBCttJIITV HANK OK TH’IS FAMJl rounded conference affiliation In Spurs - TOdeo closed. dation'. plnchlilt sacrifice fly nfier Pete T-ln f-all. In Ih* HlaU .( Idah. ml Ih. cIom at bu.ln*- Juti* J ASSKTH the future. It had better pass I. C»h. t>alane«« with oHift lianlii, anil (aih li>ma In procni.nt l a j L l i i s L ______Most Sought Atter of All Athletes Pest Control NEW YdRKrCNEA>=AwaihErictninrK—Thur-mejm •out- Inary—jtlaysrs- ow B y_ttm n_ihi A U -A m V lcrhlith school basket­ growing football. Wh>-, football malor'baseOnll-lengtics.- ball squad Is rcm ln d fu tn h a t In no-Ionger—Is—being played—In —Seholasllc-mflKnzinM' formerly onp'otatoesrsugarbeef 9- more recent years these lads many tectlon.i. announced Its All-America high have become the most sought of “Basketball has become the school squad olphabetlcally, but use ORCHARD^ b r a n d aU athletes. more glamorous game In high lists the sinndoutx nccord- The next -. .. Drixialu SUnnett,^ ^ ^ Haskell Cohen of the profes- school and m any colleges. The to helRht.'now tho major aloa&l Ml totnl of 30. ''Chria Krug, U abouU.S feet. 3 sonallty kid. selected by sports .... ~ B r f l w l i r l Inches and weighs 30S pounds. •'Wherew-an Inside lineman throughout the land, Li headed Oenerally tha conversation went There are several reasons why In football k rarclj- heard of and by 0-Joot. 11-lnch Reggie H ard­ Hcro’a really powerful, fhst-acting peat contwll. I like this. th e ' recrulUng o f - Iiigh i^ o o l csnt be seen or Identified, spec­ ing Of Detroit Eastern and Has­ ',11 ' Orchard Brand £ndrin£M-1.6-einul8ijSabloconccn‘ T stars has b ^ m e even more fev- tators get a close-up of all the kell TIson o f Geneva. III. Tlib 21. 0lf.»r U»bltlclri ertsh In basketball than It Is In basketball ’ combaunts. m ore shortest member Is 5-foot, I 0 !s - ,,, . . Irate containing 1.6 pounds of endrin per gallon- I football.-T-Manyr-wiall—colleges ltichvRandy-Bmbry.-Owen*bord.::':-^"'l-tl:«. ‘rOTAI. LIAIII SU nnett: "If I go which make no attempt to field often than noi^, undef~Vr]gh't -kills Colorado-Potato Bcotlo,-Flca-Bcetle,.LcajMf ■ your head's going crawn thi lights. Where the football player ...... • . . J . , Capital I Common il> .per, Aphids, Cabbage Looper and Cutworms on F third bastilne'on th e n e x t pitch.* team s m vastly costhfr footbaU U lost in the shuffle, the. bas­ ’Hie 6-foot, 4.|nch VanArs ^Th# first plU h was on th e m- stick out In basketbaJT ketball star Is an Individual per­ twins, Dick and T w n .-in d lan a- t “h^hMf.'rpro'fli'i'IT potatoes. . . Sugar Beet-Webwona dasiifar Tho iMuketball coach has ... sonality. polls Manual furnish an unusual TOTAL CAriTAl- V Apply as air or ground spray. Protect yotir otjs I Krug: “Rad 'you'worrled a lit' _iore than flvejplayers going for touch. Handsome lads and' first him a t oi>i tim e, so the scout can "W hat college athlete was glv- and (tilrd academically, in a I. ACCOU.NTS ... ------I See your Orchard Brand dealer now-for I tie, didn't we?" » more publicity last season • SUnnett: "I was worried but U1 afford to make a mistake. The graduating class of more than EM-1.6 and for a ll your agricultural chemical neeofc r not as much as you.. This bat average IruUtuUon has no more than Jet^ Lucas. Ohio State' 100,. they a rc sought by evcrj- II. Ai>f|> I'lr-Uf-l <'r • can go as fast a s the baU."'v than eight or 10 basketball schol­ Olymplo basketball ace, for ex Big Ten ln.stltu(lon and many Orchard Brand-tho right product for every p tti 1 K rug; ‘■Put down th a t- bat. arships a s against 35 or 30 In Mnple? outside of th a t r&pld circuit...... t MUe^ man, and. well' see about fooUwU, -w here thfc^ character ‘'The football season Is con­ I f U interesting to note Uiat • illder_haa numbers on his side fined to nine weeks. The basket- HunUncton. W. Va.: Portsmouih. Id l i n T f o b ' b a o iy lf lir n jy a SUiinrtt: (gripping the "baT « ball-»tft»n-lastT-three:Bnain- 0;7Tind^Ajhlana,-Xrrarr-rtelth- •/ mistake • here and half months. W hen It Is conrlud- In 50 m llcj of rsch oUier on Die Jl. WMUtKN J.AH.*IK.V» • t h « ^ ° l t there. ed, the player h as somewhere to banks ot Uie Ohio river and all [ g e n e r a l CHEMICAL" ^ ^ e r tu p o n , SUnnett fUed' "Basketball Is outdra«,’lng foot­ go. ‘nie high school'.boy goe^ to boasted state champions. - P .o r B o s 1468, Yakima, Wssb.-^ to rig h t Held. ball la hiKh schools tbroughcut eollese, the college stlckout to As pointed out In the fore- »U hee, the counir>'.“ reminds Cosclir one of three professional lencuM. ig. bnskelBall Is anyUilng but « an offkrr cn f-olf t-fjamnioiiHhii) -airoke^the'frnrnc-ninririn by which he lost it lust yoai-.'Plnvinir'iii thu ' ' BaroiiE^ill Remember 1961 as -'^Ktmertook-the4(aid-on..the.thu:d-xound-thiajttonuuitJvvlia.>-he-K)iot-tt-thrccj- f*'®’ . t <12^7—69. Then, pinyinjr in sunshine, he held onli«-Xlrst.eoutract-for «G-.lf,_72. 'I'liuL Kuvc th i‘ m .lphlllie xcouL 'W illiam . Mnnrnn Ing which, lie cnme to b a t 33 3l-yriir.oM-i>nInier n tolnl of times and had nine hl'u, five Victory Wlioop -av-evL-n.|i,ir for Uie 12 holes-, L- the Qrorglii league In 10S8. He nmj-battcti-ln nnd a J13. After and a ont'-mrokc edRe over little. 01 Die A p p aln c^ u n n ^ ie ^ 'e^ o r ...... winrinaTorsas. . becinnc the father of five game where he hit 500 In 10 Clirlillf ODonnor. the Irish He celebrnied h er birth by*R0lnB tlmr.i- at bnt. Ho finished, the Ryder cuppci, nnd Nell Colca. n €•0 th a t iilKht but th a t was one year wlili Olcnn of tlie New Oftld EiiKllslminn.' tied for third oCJiU 5>3Qr_i\l8htoJoM,he_Co«- _York;peni«ylVftnla J e a g.u e.but— -plnce-wttlnir^rRfttcs-orSBe-win^ boys. IJarbn ha.i bloomed to such ‘ -inw action in only 14 games. H# a s im c back of them cnme dr- an exii'ni Uiai he's, been hit J04 in tliat porlod with nine fcndinc clmmplon Kel NftRle of Ing the "tt>oU of iRnorance" for hlt.i.ln ttnics a t bnt, Auntrftlla. who beat Palm er out the Cowboys In five out of six , Hts llhst lumicrun came'in bes last yenr, and Erio Brown of RBinw. ScoUiuicl. M0I11C.1 of tlio Three I league In H avlnc Ju.058.' In : sen.ion with Tampa of th e Plor-- champioii Oufy Player. South Af- e iiiuii_llictc.-8ca.ion he estob- I ; Ida S late IcnEue, where h e hit rlca, ttux forcpd lu withdraw after iishcd a rccord that wouldn't lii- • I 531 and had five homers. p oylniilivc iiolc.1 today becaa'c tftle mnnnpcr Jnak PhllUps of nn u p u i He wn* \ Lnsi aciwon. Boron w en t the ;o«M hnvo a .catcher lillllnB entire scn.ion with Bakersfield eight alrokM off tlie lead at the i30' and handling tlie younti time. and got into 12 gnmcs — his best pitchers like a ' catcher . wllh In organlr-cd biwebaii. He h it JIO PftuI- Runy.m. the -w...-.- much more experience. . .In IM at bntj and had only two cnnmploii and the only aurvlvlnR "I like to throw to Vic," said Amerlenn-ln the field other than one Cowboy hurlcr. "Darry rull- Palmer, had rounds of_7S and 13 ''! A fter a rAtlicr slow s ta r t this' erton Li a cood catcher, nnd-I ex- .leason. Baron .began, to bloom. - today for a total of 2D8. poct him to bccome Teo"Bood A* tt turned oiitT Palmer Two weeks ago he hit .a hot in another year or two. B ut right streak and soared up to J 60 In the M.£i20 Iirit mDney.oa theJflUi now-Vlc-ha.i th a t experience.-You hole of the morning round and hitting 'but generally has- been Jim .^faniltall. aan IranciKco Clnnls. eraihei headon with Pl- KO out 01) the mound and take around the J25 m ark. H e wos R cm. whose second j^lace finish rntr third baseman Dan lloatt (behind :Manhail) ilurln- (he lev- the sign he gives you without .330 going Into Saturday's game. wna worth J2.800, lost It on the enth inning of game m San FranclMo. Hoak, who was knocked (luestlon. He studies the hitters . -VIC UAKON- •tirn!. hole ot loday’s ploy. So far he has 11 h lu . 31 oX which out, still bung onto the ball for an unassisted force out. The play and knows Just what to throw to have been for extra bases. Baron, TralllnK' Hrc# and A rthur Hen- began when Olanta* Har\ey. Kuenn drilled a sharp grounder lo* each one. And he's a good tar­ ha.1 14 doubles, tme triple arid 13 nlns of aoutlj Africa by a stroke Hunk as M anhall came itormlng In from second base. Hie Giants get." U.S. Tennis homeruns.'4U*'iotal of 40 runs- ^ HJ to M2 — starting today's won 2 to 1. (AP wlrephoto)______- Vic was bom In Marsteller, Pa., batted-ln Is fourth high for the play. Palmer started out bril­ ind now calLi Madera, Pa., home. club behind the big three of John liantly. Despite ttfe steady drls- He Is of Slav descent and is Team Sweeps Shockley. Bob Sanders and R ich -' tle and strong winds, he carded rouKh and reody as they cor ie Allen. four birdies on the front nine and Jla. -...... -that-put-' TraiUGlaimsJCity- baseball players. lV o ”'o T d e 'r lo.1t. PastiEcnador

    JU^ecov«ry-«n tha par.^lv«rMO- yard IBth hole. Jmiior-TGolf-Grown - son and the other decided he His drive was poor, going over 0:1. J:2,; conQuejt„or_Ecuo; Dick Trail, who will be n ^senior in Twin FallsJiiRh. didn’t-llke-the-trarel-and-qult— a-hlll-io the-left-and-his-vlew of vie grnduftted from Moihan- dor's Miguel Olvera and Eduardo BchoortTii.s fall, won the Twin Falls cit^. junior golf ' Z uleta In Uie doubles today to after one year. the green was hidden. Ho pitched ]n Valley high school In 10S7 Right now, baseball Is the only out of tlie rough onto the fairway championship this .week by droppinjr craasmnte David catapult the UnIM ^ tM Jnto after lettering In baseball, foot- thlng-Vlc“want3-to-do=-thaf»nd-" ^ ^ id-2jn_Uie-finalfl._Tr«il-went-under-pni-to ball~nnd“ ^'restllngr~Ro played the AmerlcnJi »nc final of the D avlscup ReltlnK.hla.llnliook.atJ:ls young - carried Uio ball within five yords claim the title Driscoll and the new champion American Legion junior baseball daughter. of the out of bounds fence on the ( in«U FilBtr, Latrobe, P a., )e ii out b whoop after ilnklnr nnd 'Icdjils high schooLteam Jn -right.-He-jiras-ln-doep-bushcs.— dosed -th o -m a tc h -o u t- on hitting with a .400 average his ~ kW ntU *u of KTcrtil which carrfed him to th e BrtU ih Optn~ best-of-five series and made Satnfday. (NEa (cicphoto)______"I had to hit through a hole in the ICth hole. He was two senior year. thc-bushes.-off-of-thlclc-scrub.'" 10,00.0-Tr.out- under. par-at-U)o-Ume,-Trall- Sunday's two singles contests Just .. - - •• ceeds Allen Sanderw a - formality. Dr.DaydsHas- ployed the shot that really mat­ clly junior cnampion, tered in the championship lUce PlantedTn In the consolation Inacket,f KerrStables Eead^inBlue Cowboys Move up in this one." Jerry >y_Qu»tiwa-Rlng.-Waah.. ' xloscd-to-salmon-llshtni —Scores—■ Mr8.--Ed-HaTper*t-?l4-r Salt Flat S| POOATELLd, July 10 M'-^an (H ). 1,-runk |W ). . . • e ntry of O n-and-O n and ITorky Doml,.r» r I.EAninU m er on top, sevtn rounds to two, U'ound up aeventh ®nd eighth. *2*»1 n •■■■II*. •»«! mo*. C< Anduizo, Boise, the top winner with-one-even. Judse Johnny nOK"fi^^niMaa Badc«»li) *(*“ Trials Are Set :t«, Mlar motorcycles, • l«R WAJ-mW LE------3t Rlrl tennis stAra are matchecj rt). Karbart (I), Mlnoao (U), Undla ...... n-T«iimMn-rilut>iirth, I r^M ^ n * champion Der^n surged ahead In the last elshth Slnunoni. Itl. w«m«n Ofie* Orwr. IM: puncher.'never landed his'Sun­ ' may have to be called off Dallas. wllltSt o( A mUa nnd v o n the tSS.BOO M(h trmtel) iir»iw Mcdrud. Poca- ...... :t_ Jab s_ an d ,h ard — Sun.,JulY-16_ ulorlx, owned by 0»den PhlpjB teUo, a i of 44 m atches; Beth ‘**’’‘*<1 aocond to Dm . and tnUnied by- BS-year-otd Sun* BOWLADnOMl Tom linson. Boise, 42 of 04: ^ t h y - jmerelle was cut on the right ny Jim Fltxalmmons. outlasted Merrlgao, Boise, 40 of M: Marian cheekbone-in the third round SSSmffi::! - . Baldpate. a M-1 ahot, to win by Dudt ,.K - ...... Schrler, Boise. M of 13; Judy when he was decked. In the a nose. Beau Prinoe, the fator- i'laa tWCMlad Tm -U an .l-l>. HI Vftn Paepeghen, Boise, SO of-e4; fifth the 34-year-old New York­ HELP WANTEDI Ue, was th ird . drfratad I Soota *■«. Tm tw««* Janice Mltteider, ff er had two. more cuts, over and Baldpato took the lead at the 04 a n d S to d ra 'Russell. •Boise, 44 under the left eye. start of the‘H 4^Ue test for'3* of 08. ' , : - .Rocky out loon with 1 TURNACE in s t a l l e r s • and- yoar-cWs and atajed wit ta front ______punches to taZe the alxth to ___ _ 1 Dsdj, m . Jllib but Fullmer resumed hU mas- w u i H ltU ns Away too): over at Tm Lmtm. SU...... _____ •• BUI Bruton, Detroit Tigers, Is _SHEp:-M ETAL: WORKERS ' Uio eighth pole...... ------•aria*, t Soda.-14»«. Kith ku< ono df sl».playor8 to lead off a tetful-Jabblnjr-»ad-long-range ‘*5}£D.n.a*_Mll-.»k« IMIa Mriaa, T n Laav^liM l. punching to the seventh. SI. Oorar (IS). I M l Hlttln* Away, 'runntos as ^frorld se rlerg am # with a bome- -Goaded by his aaconds to open "!”« g p i.'a.g '’ entry with Royal • Record, »'« nia* 4sd UUa.dafMUd Harr J ru,n. ^ ______iilek ^alt«r, baseball ... Call GENE MILDREN at EAsi4-U 02 timed In 3:03 4-6 o rc r a aloppy K s , St. John's In Ner^ York. -has. ^ c k . a o d paid »8.70. I5J0. and compiled a winning record of 133 (Ddyi) or EAst M 676 Niglits^. lharni ■nd'sbarrat iafaatad aoJ I mcr to “come on." But Don * - dined the bait ahd~ continued victories against only -M losses ■m m ^IhTila i f S S S H S rtnntnff p a iie m o i jana iiSiS . SUNDAY.-JULY 16,

    ^Ri#ES=EFFE€Tl^ WE INVITE YOU TO DROl> GUT AND SEE OUR GROWING SHOPPING CENTER Something new is beingiadded each week. . more and more . businesses are opening to se'rve you better here at your • ONE STOP.SHOPPING CENTER in Lynwood.'

    Located at Blue Lakes North and Filer Avenue. Five lovoljr, veraolile ilyles so you pan lit any spot and your decorating need . .. tables* designed with loving, o ld - fashioned cabinet-maker care for detail. . and scaled to. lit'inlo today'* homes. We've turned tricks, too, to give you your choice at this loature pricol COME AS YOU ARE WATCH .THIS PAPER fo r the NO NEED t o GRAND OPEN! DRESS UP TO ______Announcement of =SHOP AlEljri » OBE

    ___MflQC VqIIcv*! Newett end Ftneit FURNITURE and APPUIANCE-STORE------XARGEi ROQ/S/^Y::: PARKING LOT - Opening-Dqtes-July-28-49 3 0 -

    Y0UR CHOtCEl . . .Attrc i, —InJhe Ever-Growing KINGS Lynwood Shopping Cenfer •prlnkling tyttam—^13,800. Termi. LYNWOOD SHOPPING CENTER Magic Valle/s Largest Variety Store

    —TVi taviU Tonr UiUnft «tm wU] put forth treiT affort t« five MtlifacllaD— W« Invit* You to v iiit Ui a t 630 Blue Lakei North »-Phen» RE J>5336 for Appointmontt— from Penny-Wise!

    GEM STATE REALTY JERGEN'S COCONUT no hem* lik* th* on* you own." CASTILE SHAMPOO C ut- Up ■ ■ ■ Pen - Regdv STEWING

    'stoff os salesman. After many years h.n!np«; hp will ... 6 9 c IJX)jb^bag™JU14Ji ‘ In This Section Mjjld Valley . . . As Your Minister Sees II . Tdnlif. ,^ i . Ar<.Camping...... MlMn?ic Viilley Portrait .> . FuTuiiv r.miifs , 'SUNDAY - :?^liirTlay»tnff Piay* Important^rnportant Role in Community ♦ » Mcl«V Maiii. The Mogic Volley Ncwspopcr Serving Nine Irrigotcd Counties FEATURE SECTION

    . t w i n FALM._IDAHO^SUNDAY,:.IUtA-16rr»61- Joslin Field H arises Many Airline Passcn«ers ‘Mountain Lion” in Barroom? Gould Happen in Burley Area Aft fl r. Srriir Tt Is 11' piii llviii;: ;iiKi [iinlnR room. Ii l!> dnik, rvrri)! fnr (lonr Uni}>. A liilddlc-.iui'd nini). c'lAcI 111 liniLNO robe her lip In |iin I'lirlor.t, alts ncnr ilic lump riMdiin; n book. Sin* frfqiiL'iUly i:l.tni'r.i n t ft lA r jif l-and llicn I'fiiirn' 10 liiT nn iiimoyrd c.xijrc.- J a c iL Jh e -tU :md' a ...... lu rd jrs tliroUKli iiir door, He stop.' tt'hcii he >fi> ilir. «oman. iicn ^:nnd.<

    MAN. nVavMliii! .'lisliily. with Mlly w n llf.'' 1111111., dnrlliiKr WONfAN. ‘Slixppmn ilir book ,,vnin.i BU M i,...: ■ MAN. .My Blveii iiitmr l.< Frpd. , WOMAN. To m r lli.u nicims BUM! . .• MAN, D.-»rl)ilK. I . . . WO.MAN. Shm ll|)> ...... till- DiroaA tlie twok nl 1i*n,. He diick.i i

    WO.MAN- Sllcncel \Vhri<> imve you brcti? A* If I jlldii'i know. MAN. rve been woikliii: on t nrvv ihrory ot mniJu'iiiiiiles I hnvp Ihiit Involvr.f a IntiiUv np3io,ich 10 llic nrosrt'.'.>ilvi: rrpi, illiimeirlcnlly oppiwd- to U\v . WOMAN. MnlcriipUnK* . You m r:in you've been drlnkliiR, laM u« penons who to be ireii nn the field at one lime. Many rtclonal liutliieMimen MAN. Well, yc.i. (H es odds ^ 12,1 catnmcrclal alrlineii'B t Jniilln ficlil each year. A vs*t use liie rarllltlcn. It U cnitimiin for bimlnenmeii from the ilr traffic paMw'throuch the city airport each day. area to mert In tho coffee nhop nr Inbliy and conduct Imilnesi, linnlly' But wlin Rood cou^ni • > Hmw_(L_day_lt_|!i_po«i.lbIe_for_thrtc_«lrllncti___ Uifn_fJi_Eji_lfl_aflolheE_alrj)orU-i:jtaJt_pliou>.casravlneJ______WOMAN. T lia sf loiinm’ nr,-e airport—and lie usually plays Bolf. Farmers, Anglers Await Decision Wood3 say.i he believes th a t .. bag of golf clubs Is becoming a neccssary part ot a pilot'.'* travel- Ins kit. He estimates the aver- ace amount ot money spent In On Draining of Magic Reservoir 'Twin PitlLi during an overnlRht An Irrlsatlon water decision ra'.e th a t would leave 3,800 cemed. considerable coi I tha following s u te - «toy Li from «5 to »50 per air­ feet of water by Sunday cra ft. • . mornlnR, enough to lasf. only — The-number>^-flylnR-bualneU‘ l£lUUlL Id therecent years. At Joslln fieldId therecent ..._ of the BlK Wood lUver Canal doubt as to practicability,of Ing with no bag limits. The de­ travelers are forced to hold their company will check at the res- moving th e coffer dam In front cision W04 made to salvage as saleA conferences either In (he ervolc-Monday on feaslblllyr of of the Intake,” Orleve said, ex­ many fish as possible-in event lobby o r • •3n” the*~Te!tiiurnnt: removing the coffer dam ' plaining ' more (ia^lems ' hn(' th(T coffer dam were removed, •Wwds believes It would bene* •• .ttih-ln. ot the coffer dam Is practical. . ..I't be posslbli killed-last fall. It wail planned erles: and-reared to flngerllng It will provide possibly onother dragline close enouRh to ^ ib size by spring. day of water for farmers, but coffer-dam because ot deep mud "Since U w u 'Impossible last U.S.Findiu" fish remalFili^K' In Mnglo left by receding water. Posslbli- fall to predie'.'what the wat^^ lty-of-blatUng-l»as-bcan-dlyftrd>. it hn.s Y ‘d-b>.b'~ Leon Grieve, manoRcr of the cd because debris m i g h t be Iclzcd for planting fish In .the Ing spring, a maximum, allot­ Beer Can Is Big Wood River Canal company, waslied Into needle valves or reservoir during a dry year. ment ot two and one-half million reporUd.only-0,000-Bcre feet of emergency gate. A n d Grieve; In an effort to set forth the egRs was ordered for Maglo res­ water remnlnlng In Magic . notes a doubt has arisen as to reason of the fish and game de­ ervoir. BigProljlem ervolr as of Wednesday morn- how m uch v<>ter mlRlit be avalU partment conecrnlng monage- "By the first of April the fin- InR.,Water hn< been used at tl>e able by removing the dam. ment of the reservoir, Stacy Oeb- gerllngs were large enough to b« WASHINO'TON, lu ly 15 Ifl — of 1,538 acre feet per day, So far as fishermen are c hnrds, fishery biologist. Jerome, (C>r

    B ut now comes the word th a t th e oppalllnj .created by these people nnd other lltter- bug»—can toucrs are Just part if the tribe—Is coitilnR -under tmck in IDSl from ft new quar- T. Dashing like Herculcs Into the Augean atable.i Is The Advertis­ ing Council with plans for. iw o-year' eampalgn. 'Tne~councll, wtilcir'Urts ------l'*® ' ‘f** «>“ ««■ « * ld >n M ajJe' Valley.'makea out * flekei to, p « * e n t io effective public scrvlee work for «0^met«M In Burley. She haa been warklni a. a higher education, the United Na­ r In the montli. . (SUff> tions. mental health an^ Infan- Ule- paralyilt progranw. will unite with the Keep America Beautiful—orjnintatlon;— whieh has been worklns since 1953 for the. eradication of l«ie>77. ^ nio problem, deiplte alt-\h«T ►irley Now Has -Meter has been done—and tlicre haa been m u ch -h o s grown m oun­ tain-high. Ei^ry year the population U lam er, the beckoning highway BimLEY.Maid’ to Patrol Parking aystem longer, the work week 'vlll bo know n as a m eter maid. Tills Is the first Job nsAoclated shorter. The chances for out­ Her beat Is anywhere the «0 with law enforcement .she has door recreation ore belter. parklne, m etera. In Burley are ever had. She says she la some­ As a result. Keep America what erpbarrassed .ftt'belns the B eautiful summarlxes: annr, ‘0 keep , Mrs. H orn sta rted work the first one In the valley to hold 1. In one year close to- 600 «Td->!2^ firstflr«t -»of 'IhV------then such a Job. She. explains ahe hoa Amer)cst}»_arOlilcd and near- ly 14,000 aerlouslylnjured as a jjewfl.^ ^ ■ •••7— c a r . •..y <«c»CfB_imQ.-Xn0.i8SI'Jme p arking UckeU In Bur- •friends and people on tlie atree!*. result of cars strlking or swerv­ Icy has been h er lob. I t U a »ft- She saya ahe applied for the ing to' avoid Utter ^ Jo's Of utl““f ^ h o has the or: Jny a weefc Job and she worM Job becaw^ It 1< an outdoor Job that enable* .her to.Bovo about *V^*Moro thsn_80 million dol- PoUcewomuj, but from e « jn . to 6 pjn. with an hour out_ Son. "The blood of Jesus Christ ter, ftnd HCi children, while the ------Perfection^ His Bon cleanseth us from all tAILEY, July 15 - Sev,,. Business and profeulonal men M k tr«ttleeran- er«uui-iH -aU aw ance, remj^nded show up the e v ir th a t l i ' In ley and nearby clilci. fttitndM' Bolte the {^1 o t ISOT ju it a t the otheri)eople7^..we.*lorlfy_aod continue sinning, and being Im- time the prominent eutern law- Charch) U)at; tber«'IS work to be ubne . . . . . ------oerfectr In-r-Corinthians H)tl9 ft.4t«ftk.dlnner,held ni iht iw The Scriptural baj^U for what around the house, or that he c re e k lodge in sun Vallty. je r waa iryln* the m urder ca« they are„and how good we are? the inspired writer appears o( Idaho'! Oovemor steunen' follows U lound In I'c o rtn lh ian s cannot have the family somewhat shocked by. this very Speaking at the dinner 6:19-30. “W hat? know ye not "Know ye not that your body bcrs. The banki'had sone broke U the temple o f,ih e Holy G host Idea. "What? don't you know Miss Hawk, llbrarlsn ai "n *’ and tlmw were really hard, ih a t your body Is th e temple of your body Is .the temple of the force, school in Labrador ' Thompion boushC a root b«er, (he R o lr ah o ic —ye are not your own? For ye re bought w ith a price." Holy Ghost? you are the dwell­ ©f h er experiences ’tht;: atand 'ln Muth BoUe. Later he which la In you,,..,, somehow unale with accepted ing place .of Ood," If JDod. can­ MlM Hawk will leave nexi which ye have patiem s of dolfi* th ln is: We Here is the answer. We belong •e-nol‘perfec^-not-one-of-ua. .o-Ood.-Only-whcn-we. Uve In not llnd a home In you, some- ■for Z nglandrw here-she wiirj,; of Ood, and ye thuTg serlbus Is wrong, n o f w ith a-almllar-posltlon.-^------^ As m uch as we would llko'to the way th a t shows we are His. n o t y God. but with the person In Mm. Rom an Kinney, who U, I' n? For y» avoid the a nsw er,Jhere U only will we actually . be glorifying God. This is tha only way we whom Ood should dwell. We lived tn th o Aleutian IslMidj He had h e ard of the e bouah*. with one answer. Since "We are cannot put the blame for this bouRht with a price." the price Will find the solution to our Alaska with her husbnnd w try up around Burley. T he rail* price: there­ wronf on Ood. He has already so o .fo r-Il-y ca rs, aUo told road was there now and the pn> fore Blorify Ood of God's Son. Jesus, blame can own lmperfectlens.'Jt Is the only be t)laced_on one persbn. and w ay we can learn to live with done His sh are,.and more. In life ln« h e far'north. She exhibit pera were full of news about the In your body, e d several beautiful and xinb'j mly on one p«r»onri cannot ' le Imperfection of those around giving Jesus Christ Into death area, so we m ide'up our minds and In your for our benefiL Then who Is sam ples of the handiwork of ih to RO there. My husband spirit, w hich ay. “Everybody else ‘ ' ‘ ' *iliU U also stated by Holy lo blame? _ native Aleutes, Indiana and £iu. March 4. 1SO0. and I arrived O o d ’i It" or “I'm sullty an. .... moes. .. . April 8 a t Minidoka. why not go on sinning." Neither ficrlpture. The Apostle Paul said. ■'•They-flrst rented a little "For-I-kno*^ that in me (that All those present a t the mtn are we - to • say, -i'Let-iu-go -on Ing slgned-fc.sympathy catd u room house ' across the track* vile community of Twin Palls sinning all the more that the is, In my flesh,) d w elleth 'n o MeetmgHeldby H er hull' gooil thlD ft for to will U present be sent to Mrs. Lleuru Lwt, w lth-m eu-but-;hnw tn, nfE fJM Filfir FFA Board Ooodlng. reUrlng state' ___ with Johnny Brubaker a' that, which Is good I find not. FILER, July 15—Plans for en­ ------... streclfl. People were quick forgiveness." D r. Nelson of the First Secunl the location where the-bank now to place the blame for this In­ Ood's word says. “For ye are F^r the good th a t I would I tering the state farili safety con­ stands on Main street, the re- do not; but the evil which I corporation. S a lt Lake City, r ' cident—on someone else. ■ Pew bought with a price, therefore test were made daring a meet- be guest speaker at the Aupi calU. stop to think that what hap­ glorify Ood In your body, and would not, th a t I do." (Romans mg of the Flier Future Fanners "We sot an 80>Mre-bome- 1:18-10.) meeting to be held In the Cer once w hen h a w u In need of water, he pricked up his ears and stopped. .He • must have heard and amelled that eprlnjf w aU r Ion* before we arrived, at the Bprlnss." she as­ serts. -MiSfelC-V-ALLE^ 8b« itopg^ in TWIN FALLS

    ' >innBbaclc. biit It sounded cr»«T back In J une. UPOfl, when m y hus­ band and I took auch a t a ^ w 'r t . LuptoWTCClKTtirFtnJoagB.- Za.” declares Mra. Cers Thompaon, who celebrated her 85th birth- "I was a sorrowtul old gal (utc your distance wbllo you wort _____ ^they were in for;* Mra. Thomp- and thereby avoided much fom- sold by (he group and the money ~*on says.'^ •rar6rThVTlllle-brlgHt:«7ed'w(>: Five pieces-knile, fork, spoon, flipper and btisting brush— Youth Ranch n w RUPERT^ ■ -Aiiotfler inTOffB C tH ttc u -irei i all brisht'st^ess steclrall 'with-hniig-up thongs on-long— xem tm bets. w hen they finally ping from an Iowa poper an­ t'lnpV.HnWhMtunfwl- arrived tn Iowa a little boy look­ nouncing their arrival. in her memory Is when Dr. Jo­ ed St her outfit and said. "Look seph - Fremstad got the fir l One of their dlsco^orts f r ^ threo-seated Ford car In Burley. ______..j* and it makes . bugs, so they always carried In­ This alert little woman lives skirt, and she un-buttons It sect powder. The little children alone a t 317 E ast IS tlf street. "I and aheli got ponts." that she had been so anxious to am Just a bachelor and argue They took their time and when see didn’t rememlxr her, a with myself more than anyone • they would come to a pretty spot, else.'* she admits. would stop and rest. By the time Bhe was bom Ju n e . 19, .1870, • -they had become a curiosity and Colorado. of four children. H er m other died people would gather around at was on imd of typhoid and pneumonia when settlements. When they neared “things were pretty tough." They she was 11 years old and her the Iowa, line. It got oven worse, received a letter from their father look the children to Ar­ "we began planning our stops friends, 'the Jacksons, inviting kansas to live w ith their grand* ' In the country Instead of the them to spend the rest ot the parents. After her boby sister towns," th e says. winter wllh them at Clarks. died, the chldren went baek to When they were In western Nebr., so they did and ended up Iowa "to keep house for pa." Her Nebraska their dogs hod "Just by buying one of those 9retty fnther w m a horse lover, toe To introduce you to worn ou t their feet.*^ They sold and owned a well-known mile- the bloodhniind to a N»ym rf/vlnr andthen had the old shepherd dog shipped bade to Iowa. Their to lowa In tho spring to get Uielr - . and got married horses he passed the home of when she was IB. Mrs. Thompson family keot him tied up after has no children. "I'm so thank­ be arrived. He wasn’t used to tbe Oerman woman who had be­ NEWTDtLEir being Ued up and by some stroke friended thm . Of their own ac- ful for the wonderful frl>nds I cwd have. Parents should teach their filjt L'_" on ih/* llnr nnd Uir projrct fompleird Int* thli fall. T. n, Rdflch. idnho Power pres* Idem. 51(1(1 R new p,irk being dr-__ -veloped-bj-lt*.ihn'piiwcr near ih« iipppr-end-nf Oxbow‘s-con.itant- - level reservoir now U open-for pubhc iiAC. Nnmrrt Tor the lata d.-\y to l)C held Ju ly 2(1 ...... Fred McCormlek. an idiiho Poki­ Housing Site IncAl liiKh school nthlctlc firlit er enBlnecr who rilrecied Brown- nnd the croup approved pur- li'e con.itriicilon. the park Li lo­ chnMni; 200 Jnvom for the par* cated «i the mouth of-Wlldhorse Report Made tlrlpntlnR club members. creek. -BUHliEY, July is-iiie Burley Lyip Evnns, reported ...... SorapllmlitL club. lii>UI lix anmml Four major recreaUon areas picnic n t the ealm on pnrk. Qi'Ullry brldRc dedlcntloh scrvlcrn iilready have been developed on At Buhl Meet held mcnlh. He noted (he the. Brownlee re.iervoir, Includlnit The new offlccm ___ event, jiponnorcd Jointly by the one bum by Idaho Power about clinrge of the ouHhr. They - . OUHU July IS — John local chnmber nnd tlic cliy of three miles nl>ove the dam. Mr.'. Fred Sherrod, prrsldrni: Bnrlcer'. prr.'tdent of the Buhl IlAKcrmon, wns very aucces.iful. Recreation areas nlso are plan- Mr*, nnlpti T hornton, viec presi­ Econowlc DtvriopiiiMit a n d Jjn T l« McietnTy, Uoyrt Byrne,'w n* neil by the company on the re*- dent: Mri. QeralU Bryan, corrs- provcment corporation, reported InMnictcd to u-rlte a Icltcr to ervoir lo be formed by Hells Can­ *pom}in[t secretary: Vlvirn Od- the corporntlon Li m the proce.vt Ant Ocncrnl Jo h n K. Walsh yon dam, third project In Its ney. rccordlnu secrctnry; Mr».-E. •Of sccurhiK n site for exprcMiInc thnnks for the 2Sth $164,000,000 development. Tha C. Stephenson, ircnsurir, and P. -unlt-hou«.inKT( It«edR- riylnr tenrlee, Jo*lln Held, load one of the TOM airplanes wlUi borate, Tile next meeting will be at the pointed out tickets lor the event w#s presented nt the last meet- By Poultry Unit PHA approval for the subdivi­ InR of the Sarnh An^le circle or nBTln alnr* alrplanea on lUndbr baaU at the field, ready io flchl (nrett firei In the home o f Dixie Colttr*. Roll call McCALL, Ju ly 15 (OTII — The sion. arc on sale at th« Teen*o youth <. bcder’* MrTice, In % two-rear period, hat iprajed and duited a -lolal of 102J83 acrei o( ■111 bt. "Who would you chocae rnnirr Uie Methodist church a t tha •Idsho-pontti7-fecl£nittomeeleet:= —Barktr-notetl-tJiB-fubdlvlsltni a«*^-tot»»-trf-flM13-gallent-of-Hqold-»prar-wat-dropprfr-plinr-ltU0(r-wiunflr-ar-auiC- SOwircnls u~ybu couTd cKooie Bob McManaman. chairman of i (142S ftllens of nixed boraU and bentonlla fire retardani were dropped - on ranifl and ed Oernld P ra d er of Pocntello will be zoned properly and all Mra. Warren Stroud had charge anyone?" ____ utlim ea.aiirh lii, Htwt. ilBhtlng. the-6[)ortorama hHrt-hpr.^-Mon. day. reported the event wax very on-hore;-. paving , and sewer hookups will bert Smith presented the pro­ l.Cnnnla.Rol be made available before lots are succeMful nnd some 400 persons gram. Judy Thurman gave .* T he Ooodlng V ariety club Directors nomed are Rudolph sold. Barker pointed out there ------served a t the fish Iry. • demonstration by Reece Dixon humorous reading and relaUd Wllllckc, Pocatello; Dean lUclcs. *omt of her txperlences as a re­ Increased Activity at Joslin Field. , on how to make a Wiling Jar. Rexburu: R«ld Merrill, Eagle; available in Bul|). cent delegate to Syrlnga OIrU' Several of the boys goye a report Oene Hull, Twin Palls: Roy Tut- John Crawford, chnmber pres­ Stale, on 4-H camp, John Bradley help­ Ue, _N am pa,_and_John_B crtle. ident,.called.* - Mr«.-Mnrvln-o«-wlll-b#-hoi.- ed the'members with thelr'Jiidg- Twin FalLi. nunl West-End 4-H achievement TRY TIME3-NEWS WANT AD3 tess to tha July 20 meeting. -IndiGates-Imp&r-tanGeGf-Flying-Here Ing. Th^ next meeting will be at (rrcB raca 19) of operations a dny mean.i th a t who own airplanes is also ...... the home of John Bradley. Ct Qs ccomualty to eventual- a tremendous number of per­ prciilv c ’ JlKure. T liere arc about Demonstration^ at the South­ ti baU s KBSU conference room sons aie the airport a year. For 60 private airplanes based at the w est Llvestoclc' club were given —1« ih» w-al-theM-mcn------example. It-was^tlm atcd -that airport -and--an--undetermined by K ath y Strickland on how lo 1 tnllK ccnnt taken in ' the 13JOO pftvcnucrs boarded number .icattered throufihout the care for your calf’s hair; Ricky pH Dsitma hou' much the your animal TMO and about U.SOO left the on Indlvfdual ranches nnd farms. ready to'show, end Lalne Meyer. L in n tt ^ (land- fliRhlX M Tw in PaWs. W cil CoMt Wooto uttmatcs there aie abouv preparing your helter to milk. I Ina u l ulMtfi) dally during airlines has 3500 rilRhta Into 200 licensed pilots In the Magic Jolene gove a report of 1 OBI nnl. Ibli Includes olr- Twin Palls annually. The n valley area. 4-H camp. The next meeting will I ]l«, laUnffut, local and mlll- ber of poMcnser.i u.Mnti the com­ These pllota and their nlf- be Ju ly 20 nt th e Trosper home. b u rtlm n . t mercial alrllne.1 Increased by plancs will consume a tremendous Roll call will be a 4-H project. Indian Valley nTia (fi« nuniifr of ixuuenR- about 1.000 over the. previous amount of supplies during the m tJio me IM commercial nir- year. • year. At joslln field alone, 110. ilm lacluded. tUls num ber Tlio number of prirato pilots 000 gallons of gas and 2<,000 Diane Bailey Is * * * ranchers say Picked as Queen Executive Finishes Business Trip

    * “ '•taiiim .1 MM >nd lUs,. (5UI1. Pboto-««i.>lM) • “• SUNDAY, JULY 16, iggj^ PA6B TWENTT-TWO' - . TIME^NEWS. TWIN FA^LLS, IDAHO TraUers, Campers Extend Campout Activities BuU’s Qass Too Big for House Pet Now Of’41 Holds Its Reunion - BiniU July IJ-The Buhl high school.clAM of 1841 claerved r 30-rnr reunion here with » din' ner-dACce in d lamJIy poUuck picnic. Eome 83 eluunkles. their hua- bftnda. wlvc* »nd sue*u »ttendeO the dinner and dance «t the B bnd R cftle. Former lenchert Slven ipeelal recosnlUon' «n Lois Jane Rudr. Mrs. Helen Beo: SCO, Mrs. Luelle C onnd »nc M n. Rose Wilson, all Buhl. FVftnk Sumner. Ssn Jose; Calif. WM master ot ceremonies, r o r

    (R athbunl Haywsrd. Calif., wom­ an with the most gray hair; John Carlson. Twin rails, bale'.est; -Wlllara-Jlathbun^oldest-chlld and flrit grandchild, and Jack Pritchard,’ man WiU> .the .most gray hair. , ' ' ' lr.v Marian (Wll»qn> Oavln. . inford, Cotin., received the prize for traveliii? the farthhest. _fiome_UQ.persons attendel.thc fiimlly picnic in Die Buhl city park. ForrcKt BrUtow. Qoodlng, was generftl- chftlrmnn. OUicr commlltee members were Denny Patrick, Mr.v T ed.P ence, Mrs. ______factor*, for rittalns and hunting Don Neumann. Mrs, Jam es Mc­ T/plcal ot such camiranl acllTlUea it IhU acene In Arthur. Mrs. Fred Kambrlch, Mrs. John Conover, banquet a r- Ball ehildrto, now take; to ttaa hUU for » «eek*«nd or a..fort« came departinent pbat»-«taft enpaTlng) ------nents, nnd Mr. and Mrs Jalos. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pred JTsek MasoB. B uley. bolds hU hand n e ar tb e fence th a t enolosea-“Uoey." bU pet mooe. JeromeClass Uln Hon. Tho lion, new weighs »S or tM pounds, eonii^rably bigger than the Uttle <,k rangements. r Mason, and la this f HasReunibn Mrs. Howard Hudson ___ Camping on Fishing-Hunting Outings JEROME. July 16 — Thirty chame of accommodaUons; Mrs. on the reasons for doing this nnd ..lembers of Jerome high school Patrick, memorlam: Mr. and Mrs H r JIM liUMDIBD Mrving lor him the bcAt of both William Melser. Mr. and M rs Idaho Fl«h and- Gan* worlds. , - - . • that. In th e hUls. U'a easy to get ctnss of 1931 held a class re­ union in Jerome. .Cccll Dennis, mi Boise; class his­ Lion on Floor of Barrqom Is Unusual D epartoeot Many Idaho famUIn count tht Idea acnss that the natural tory and program: Mr. and Mrs world u. the h o ^ of .wlldUfe A dinner wna held Soturday M M t people enjoy goliMt back wcek>end cam ping trips i Rfttrlek. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pence tAjMiture for a week-end. week venture for all handa, for rening lb Woods cafe. Snter- lA lnm ent' Included n duct by dance; Mr. and Mrs. Pred K am ­ Sight, but It Could Happen in Burleji or even a fortnight In the hope t r artd the baby, for the ••little’ brlch. Mr. sind Mrs. D ennb. M r for when they entered a bnr. But-, _ sliort time. Por a while tx th a t flihln* or hunUng wiU be kldn nnd their teen>a«ed siblings. ...Is approach Is Tcry success­ Shirley Humphries nnd Wllma (From Pago 19) B ingham . They snnu sonRs or and Mrs. Melser and Kenneth " H u e y in- th e post, but not kept him In town, b u t the o: unexoelted off the benton tnck. And for Dad. who has been saTed ful, a n d children willingly take Briggs. i m m h»gomlBT a roaebuah t e n d . t heir sh a re ' of responalblUty. the 30‘s, and CsUicrlne ^ m e i since he came outgrew h b basem ent hoei peal of roughlnc It u nder cODdl- ftao pitches ' lo to •Hner*-ls-. e th a t M argaret V an orm nn ployed the the bttso of Mason's stool, nnd firm dbllke for dogs. Wlitn ■Qon«_ranglM_ttpnLJnlidly_un- • • - -SitUftttOnr Rot-to-Uie-sli ...... -settled—to- .ptlmlUvely ..russcd. hLast-Rites-Honor- fnnrf dPT-fPg their taoiM go off In *11 direc­ farnily group earnin' ll s u comp. i, Rciitleinon. siunllcr) Mason would let him b u ilt-a . cyclone fence pea fee tion* from that point onward. Whether house trailer, lent, or With tongue-in-cheek, some Mrs. RiiiU Ostler Bumhnm “George Aldridge pick-up Ifljck vnJt, It Mrres to gave the Jnvpcatlon and Ollbcr AlUiowth his trip* to h b favor- room the bur at will, but now him In tlie country. A t ft pto«e to get Mway irom sportsm en bemoan Uute they . IIAaev, ‘July 15 — Punera lie keeps hfni ori a cJialn. lie Is pcr/ectly liappy la ha U aU. Idaho has plenty o f elbo*,- exclude dam pn^, dust, Insects— don't fish and hunt tliese days Brewer gnve the welcome ad­ lt« bor. Uie Oosb club, are grow­ services were held for George H ing more Infrequent, lie still Once In a while he'wlU let him , as long as Mason keeps hh room Mnkl secnlc splendor—«ame and storms; tu much OA they used to do—not dress. I t was reported th a t two Aldridge a t a p m . Thursday-a AnoUier cftmpln* nocesslty members of the class. Orace mannges lo drop in occasionally play shuffleboard. Tlte big cot supplied wlUt four or five poundi 3.300.00 (icrcs of ■ w ith th e wile a n d kiddles along the.McOoldrlck chapcl.herii.wlU] pUys differently than most p li­ of meat o day. llieM-days-ls-an-lce-bor-ot^two. Bur*QtnehoWlhey"dd'nofseem aieason-ana-J«eic-Orcre,-have andJnect-wtthold-frlends. Mason One Is for freah milk and fruit: died. the Rev. W. D. Ellway, pastor started taking the - young lion ers. Hb stands on thVlward aI ~Maawnook8"atnils'petril{hr most of It Is to fly to & moun- to mind the change too much. of Emmanuel ^Iseopol church one end and swats at the pucks ond says Uiat ono bf these (U}i ■ r landlwc strip , al- tile other for e«gs, meats and Special ffuesU Included H there when he was just a cub In all trutli. the ancient pleas- officiating. and tho animal made many with botli paws. ThU bn't con­ lie will have lo find him a host ■ers ptiek vegetables. re* of camping, hunUng nnd Moln Shous, Boise, who wn:< su­ High on the list of essentials perintendent of schoob In 1931 Mrs.' Prank Gclskey was soloist friends. sidered good style by purbts. but In a good too. W hen this happen fishing have been ausmenled and u-fls acconipnnlod by Mrs. Recently. Mason pu t the big no ono hn.1 pressed the Issue. they will m bs him a t tlie Out • th ro u g h -slia rln g and toAchlnR nnd M rs. W illiam Peters, a tench theoe: . . . . ------. Richard Slaulier_at_the_organ. cat.ln.hb.plckup.truck.and haul- ...Ntason-lifts-had-the-cttt-for Airs.—Cleon S a v ls-. a n d ^M rs, l^>ldin« table and chairs, cook- A picnic WM ‘held Sunday In ed-l)lm -from .hb,wann_pcn_to ovcT-a-ycar.^c.and tlirce.himt; the city park for members an< Wayne Culp were la clurge of the air-condlUoned bar. -Huey*' Ing friends. Ben Eldredge. Twin Mexico has more paved hlith OTemlght eamp-out .tmder the Intc and eating utensils, wooden flower armngements. stars along a selgbborlng pood box to serro as camp pantry, their families. Address . booki seemed thankful. He met old Palb, and Bill nnd Jake Bruescli, ways ttian any other Latin Amti- Pallbearers were Earl Wall. mends and scuffled with them. Almo, c a u sh l him nnd a Utter or newtoy woods, some Bdnmeo sleeping bags and extra blankets. were given to each member ai Joseph W. PuM ,------lean, nation. Construction Ice p tm n tn y u neodod to avold both parenU aleep favors. The feeling was that "Huey" mate In the hllb northwest of year increased the country's G d U ^ . f o r experience# ■which . ______bag, with the young­ A^ea Teacher to plays & Uttle rougher than he Almo. Ho only weighed 30 pounds mileage to 30S.S30, of whlcl i&ar be ' aom ow hat' leas th a n est child between them. used to. then. 10.120 miles aro paved. Newer custotnen Cerent pleMBBt on th e whole. W ide w la tlo n s In Move to Nampa Hay Burns The Utter, mate was sold and * -y Boy Bcouts and novlees OAKLE7.-Julr IS—Sam Ban­ ___!jfueyj:_S-«tUB'iM t-they_. lothowoodi-ur-roti^-lt.- OOODINO, July IS - A truck- ; ner. -who has been agriculture load of hay burned Wednesdoy ____.» make outdoor Uvlnir oa elevaUona.-Sometimes iU-cqulp- OoUey high KbooT allernoon about seven miles sn o o tb a s poesible. a s well as jtTHMwy drtif exhUeratlns. ped oampers «lt down to a break­ for the part two yean, wlU move north of Ooodlng when a wheel fast w ithout eggs because the - ) Mampc. on the truck belonging to Da­ ete^i^oo the bare graund ______errlea- wero frosen aolid. Before moving lo Oakley he vis Brothers, Inc... Bobe, rubbed —Oreen-graas. while not yet a ta«ght-elght-years-nt--St.—Da­ on-Uie-truck-bed-and-frloUon-4g> boyi. Tor others an air mattress portable commodity, adds ao vid. Arlr. and was graduated n lte d ' the truck. alWMTs makes tb ln c s .eeem from UlAh SlAlo AgrlcuUuml Pire Chief Joo-BftumRnrtner hrlcbter loos before sunup. ooUece. Logon, In 1DS3, He re- ond seven firemen nnswered the ' h is m asters degree In edu- alarm a t 1:30 p jn . and a t 3 p.m. — a t the University of Arl- were recalled back when the haro dust Bereral Inches a in I960. load of hay started to burn again that is conJtanUy atlrred up by tb « b ll^ howeit f , azkd thore's can and trailers, lienee, it may nothing like a UtUe gas cam p be better to find a place with store to restore the aer«nlty of Krnss even though it has fewer the "Inner" m aa when he's cold, eonvenlencea. wot. tired and hungry. Irrespective of pJsce. tiiLi tn ity Ditto for gasoline lantern and -I “togethemeu" without maud- ■undry other camping easentlnls. In sentlm enU llly. Somewhero,- indeed much of the fun of a Mmehow, ocnethlng usu ally baclcwoods trek'lies In •• • brings » kind .of tion and planning, sltuntlooi which w —th e —iircftt— day creature comfort of Iho trip rests there, too. — rood.-ctotWngr®ooklnrTitcni —iltorftm-ald-kltr-beddlngr-port* able shelter,flAltlnff tackle—these a n all items that need careful planning long beforo tho car Is

    will be JflTOlyrd In th e cam p- out, and" their ago ^ u p ln g s . One ot the most remarkable facts ot modem living Is that romping, as a prcrequlalU to suc­ cessful fishing and hunting, no • longer is for men only. Today's —n«wly-«nsnarcd_bftchelop_-no longer must choose between hb outdoor pursuits and family life rjOlYW .M Sl ■TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO PAGE TWENTY-THREE- Coffer Dam Holds Back Portion of Water in Magic Reservoir IMAGIC VALLEY PORTRAIT Otto Florence, jr., Has Had Active Role-in-T.-F^Gommunity’s Affairs ''For the l:iAi 15 yenrs. Otto F16reiice. Jc.. has been one of the rlilr.<-iu in varloiix' Mmmimiiy liieludltii: ih i', Chambrr n; c.immerce. sshsol : octlvlt;r.« iina .cliurch work. He also 1>U>.S n 1

    tinned l.-i jyork lu-everv-depari.. nient and became general m an-! f.Rcr, hM-pr.-dcnt title, In 1041. Tnere he_Di-erMcs the'*Tvork of tlie c'omp.\ny« 55 employes. u t Mtked In W» n*uitlr cowed by w*ter. The icmo j, siaiio wa* raised thU lumnier (bat the eorifr dam w.iuld bo removed and the retrrvolr »hli ii lower lecUon of (he reMrvolr. The .lam ran drained enmpletel)-, to tiipply farmm wilh needed water. In the acmtnniinylne He hn.n bern a member of Uie ot- photontaph. A iroup of. fitherraen nHrd» n.i n,e article Kaho tUli anil came offlcfili aotHne rhy the rwervolr wai reatoeked. chnmb.T since he returned to ilitoiim lh»l held hick » portion of llio waler ihal.remalneil. The |uiMlUllliy la»t »pr;nB. ib.ewari-Stayiier pholtv-maff encraTltiil . . Twm itlier World war II. *■■■*■ * * * * * , * * In the lale I0«'.i he served ------.______Uic-secon[Lchalrman-of tlio n t..- and how th e oldesl tecn*nce l}'-ff>rmed Agricultural 'dlvl.ilon Ai-ea Student daugliter of the family told her ef the chamber, a-dlvlslon de- Anglers, Farmers Await Decision on thni most of the dancrx were so slKiied to brlnK the mprchant-i old ilmt "few of the people re­ and fanners lOMtiier for the bet- Is ‘Homesick’ member how they wcni," Tliere tenncnt of the 'entire Pending Drainage of Magic Reservoir was .lome folk danclni; nnil mod­ ■Willie he was chairman,' the ern d.inelng. division spon.iori’d the Soutliern _ (h e m .T U » - J W - 10 Ik* ft faJfijJatod—ou t pood— Duringjiily4 ••I had a tim e usinc m y '(rood Idaho Bean promotion week. ind wcrt bCRlnnlng tp rl.^k, PrMffiiiii'jiy ihe coffer dam Swedish' on the young men with Florence served a^ a director ot S r i ibi h»Wierles. The wiiler dieted earlier, and further plant­ will bs removed And llie reservoir DURLEY. July l5-"BelnB In whom I danced.” tho ehiunbcr In 1D50 luid 1900. u a on the ing was then canceled. The toul drained eomiilciely. If only. 0.000 another country on tiie Fourth MLis Nielsen wrote V hit she SShtd dld;»t «ppear Xwor- numtxr of (locorUngs planted In pounds lire v>hit(tedr-we will atlll of July makes me {eallu-hDW had ,a tinrd. tlme bccnmlng. ad­ He served na a' school tnislee ^ttcdd-W B plant-Ma«lo or the resenrolr was-one tm'd one* break even on our orlglnarinvest- much the American wiiy of life justed to U>o strenuous pliyslcal until this-year and has been “SSdttijJon topUint Uie fourth million, or a. total-welght mcnt." means to me. and that at nil exercise. active in cliurch work, a s a member of St. Edward's church, biwKl e fish have been In Uic when a reservoir dries up and tile sum m er the family live.i In thaft natives atUndtnirr undertoken many volunteer Jobs tended one semester and was Turnec and daughter have-re* Ttoticjt. tb«y couU no t i ^ r b reservoir, minus natural mortal­ a fi.Hi population Is iM t. their cottage on the lake. The “1 sal behind tlirce American In tills line. Currently, he Is on Uicn drafUxl in lo ^ ie army. He turned from a two-week trip to jn tf tbi two uid one»half m il- girls have a cottage to them­ couples and really got a. kick Los Angeles where both attended Ua Ibh tcbcduled for Magic. ity, .wo might expect to have at •At >lie same tim e tho f a m - the swine advisory committee of spent two years as a- cryptog­ least 100.000 pounds of llsh in .. dependent upon. Uie water selves. -••• ot them." tile University of Idaho extension rap h er w ith tlie arm y air corps. a epecial Uainlng school of daoc- •4. TM m«l important Xactor, tho reaervoir as a result of our She. told of a terrible thunder- service. 1^. Mrs. Turner has a dancing ig n m . w* Iha eoMer ilain la feels a direct economic loss when It was his Job to encode and de- liis-crops-do-not-mature-beoauM s ‘'Orm_ an d _ w hat_«_hard_tlm B -Ho-nlflo-ls-a-dlreetor-of-the code-messogee.- 'iiS fc r Uj*-cotltt-timncl-whlch •lie had sleeping because the dog of a lack of water. Both portlen Damageto Car Idaho council of the NaUonal ■When Florence returned to M r' a n d M n. LT A. OUlette MdibidElCDt COO to 1,100 K re was under her, bed. ‘'Jt was really have had Mr. and Mn- Harry •UrtrfnJtr.Whtn the decision end up tho unfortunate victims Livestock ond M eat board, an or- Tw in P alls after th e w ar he e rlei would be *100,000. o^a long-tenn dry situation. frightened." ganliaUon to promote meat and Dick. Newberry. Ore, and Mr. «1 to puot the r««rvolr, TJie Burley girl keeps a dally In Crash Listed m arried th e former Mary Alice ••In’ piahting irrigatioi JEROME. July IS—Jerome po­ meat producU. and Mrs. Janes Jerett, Beddloc, ttcn m eto7 Indlettlon th a t 'In each InstaiKe tlint we record of her acUvlUes and Buchanan. He-hod-ncnown her voirs, tiio fish and game . faced with a reservoir whicli lice reported that a 105i .Chev­ But tho_prjtnn!2atloa.that Jifts Um Rlitt dial would n o t be re* malls-her-dlary-to-her-parents. from-lhe-tlmethcy-were-ln-thB Mr. and Mn. Lester Bogg. “ mo^lTbUirooId luiTO p tw ld e d m cnt-ls-cognlant-of-tho-lact «jpear« a cert4lntyt0'B0'dry,'we rolet. belonging to Richard Mu­ ..smanded much of. his time In first grade. They have five chil­ She sends them periodically by tlie past eight years Is the West­ Nompa, were overnight guesU at lor flJh BUrrlvnl.- that the ownership and-prlmt}ry are-Rlways liopeful“*to th e last airm ail. noz. received tlSO dfunago In an dren—Uiree girls and two boys. accident at 12:10 p.m. Tuesday ern Slates Meat Packers asso­ the home of Mrs. Hogg's mother, Br n!« t buTler net (which drop of water' Uut sometiow Mrs. Julia Ballard. WUlUUlM JBSI 2S. 1961} to uici» will provide - 'Tlie .first time It cost her so west Flfth'avenue. ciation, an organisation of BOO fishing Is good—during* dry years means whereby a t le ast a por­ muclr that she has been writing Police wild ft 10J3. Chevrolet independent meat packer* In 11 Btr. and Mn. Carl Huntington km Ush Ina mlsnUng out and three children. Twenty-nine (hmthtUtomel, It wwi felt flah move out of tho reservoira tion of tlie fishery resource can smaller and on both sides of the dump truck, driven by Richard western stotes and serves on tha Three Are Fined Uut l&e boftcf the fUh could anrf In some ftre loet en­ t>e carried on through toward a paper ever since." hera mother ElorrletA, backed'Into tho car. executive advisory committee of Palms, Calif., and-'his parents, says. Tliere was no damage to the tlie aosoclauoa This work en- In Burley Court Mr. ond Mra. Qeorge Huntington, t» nfdr ^ b tht renervolr. tirely. At the time M^glc waa head start for tlio loUowing Burley, were dinner guests on -{anted_thl^ • liW ictU lii ICr^o-eltatlons-were-lssued.— lalls-muoh-traYtlrTlie-dlrcciors 3tIRCEYrJuiy 15-Three per­ least four times a year sons appeared before Burley Jus­ Tuesday at the home of Mr. and CUU. COMMITXEn In Ban Francisco, and twice a tice of tho Peace Alfred Crane Mra. CllffoTd Sutton. Mr. and Mn, Don pounded raw fish. It tasted fine, aO O D lN O . Ju ly 15 — A 10- year',the Idaho members meet “ 0 ^ d f > n « d - o n ^ VlolBtlma.ftf BeerGan Is Insignifieant Object, but b u t tt felt terrlblB s a d T T o u n d year-old'Ooodlng girl ^ com­ within tho s t a t e . ------th e m o to r vehlcle.act. tumed-home-lrom-Tooele.-Utah.— It h a rd to swallow," she mitted to the sUte Industrial "Theto volunteer acUvlUu take where they had taken their They were Faustlne Torboris, daughter. Carolyn, to spend two fessed. school at St. Anthony for_on much time and norenoe credits 2urley. t2 and-coats rear —ehe-mBntloned-lhit-flhe- unSetennlned period of (fine for hi5-broihBr5rTMn>roductlon view m irro r on the right aide of ^ I t Is CreatingJLarge Sized-Probl^ Joyed most of their foods end being delinquent and Ihcorrlglble. mana*erj'Pranlc..sale8 and credit manager, and Harry Whitmore, trucJc:-O uy McAlister, R« {Froa Paie ID) American scenery. The el trash into tt and the next especially their, w onderful She appeared before Probate 15 a n d costa for-driving wil____ — Bstt b« ipeu( each- year highway network will open more time you st^ ot a service sta­ cheeses. Their standard of liv­ Judge Jomoi P. Gossett Wednes­ plant superintendent, with op­ mud flaps, and Oene YamagaU, Jo d a a b iilin n alone.' Count* of It to th e public view, w e m ust tion or picnic table you can ing Is high, and-onythlng you day morning. erating tlie plant so efficiently Jerome, ta and costs for failure n maooQi more go to clean not let theee new highways be- empty It.' can buy in our country, you (hat h e Is a b le -to devote the *) display plates. buy in Sweden, she writes. lime to th e work. -_ter Ihoutbtleis citUens who Hne trash alloys.’' More than 13^ million lltter- OfflclaU of Seattle's Century AU three were cited by sUte A view from tho form was pro­ ■'Stockholm ' ai exposition, scheduled to open Plorence wos bom in Venice. Uteul teacbu, itreets, porks bngs are given away each year Oallf.. In 1024, where his fa ­ police officers. ud tiu couotrytldo Itself. vided by Edward P. Holier, an by busiwas and service groups. and Is beautiful at nidht with all A pril 21. 1003, predict a total • tlaw'i a heslth menace, too. official of the NftUonal Orange. There are more than 50 types on the lights on the harbor.'' attendance of lo million. The ther was working In « m eat m ar­ “fWroere vigorously resent the the markfet. says. exposition will run for ket. W hen ho «-as a year old lOUr cretta breeding places tlie family moved to Twin Palb. I* dlittie-ctrrylng Insects'and nulssAce of having bottles and Yet there are still millions .. She tells of attendlng-»-dance m onths: ndcDti. cons.thrown Into the fields along drivers who Just roll down the -r^-Amertea-Beautlful-was the~ro«d-wher«--they damage window-aad chuck the stuff out: .fmdttlprlmuily by leaders In traeUtr tires, or Interfere with The question is. how do you edu­ ^ i ^ r l e i - whMo ------cate them In good manners? MlsBourt may Itave h it on GABEFKEE SUMMER effectlTe-punlshmenp^hom! ly ore sentenced to clean ___mile of roadside. In person. ,._“JX>a't.be_*.etm,boU.'L-rAn- Officers report-there nle doesn't litter any more," and. peaters. "Oon't be » litter .bugger, be a mmmmswTS ARTICLES-FILED n SS P® P'^ltl^ newspa- There's a -horrid little Insect cartons, chewing gum leering out of pooters, the litter* BOISE, July X6 (D?D—Articles ATTIHESTONl _elgMette packages, bug. 3f incorporation were filed with

    r*® '*«Hft'lhg 0 ^ .by th e eam palgners. Is capltallMUon,-IIOO.OOO. In co rp ­ S 2 “ «M highways, parks and Utterbag.... orators are William N. Lott. byways and picnic This Is ft sort of Inslde-thc'car Charles Park. J, Keith Lott and wastebasket, 'i^cm.drop your — Charles Dairy, all Ruper*.. the rtport that people look upon the TUES;/JULY 18fh, 2 p.m. S,*!* *wni of free advtr- -J°^t-the very Mea. — rA^^REzYO^j: “ONECOMPtETE- O-Kelli, coun- fci associa- GET YOUl? CAR READY NOWI «iW of thing at alii They're WILLING? !P eonseloua n{ .public rela- / Align R*podcFrwi» ' s riM iiton HOUSE of FURNITURE f r ' Fr»n»«wt . W W hw l Beetlngs V A dlw t Brakes CJ^»w-tTtipca-fcnd =Washer;=Dryer7=Picino,-^edar—thest—Koelamg^tlairs/^ To pQint Your New H6me • ' I Turner of the Occasional Chairs, TV Set, Vacuum Cleaner; Chest of laJSlSS^^wtothlBhwaya. / Tertiottary A d iu * tf» w l« 8 Inspect I J*r a num* To Cover Your Down Payment’ f^ondlnipMlCablN Drawers, Desk, TV TraVs, China Clo^t, Table and-

    _ * InipKt > tn^patfPowf ■Chairs, I ronin^B oard, Odd Chairs, Cpffefe Table, Power-- y Cooling Syftwn Y IfoM U nlt Mower, Record Player, Bed, Springs, Saw Horses, Work IF SO Bench,. Fishing Rods, Sled, Ladder, Dog House, Card Visir Our Fiirnished~ -Alnfifs Work irden-Teols;-Rtig=and=PQdf Model Home OYER 35;:CAIIT0NS, BOXES, BARRELS— Many, Mpny Other Items of Unknown Merchondlsa ■h ■ s ^ S S ~TT Wh & MALTA, BUR«Y / Phons OR 8.8707 J ep togtip rtyerti y x l Totilon » o f Ad{vittnenl Ar*. Nor Inclined ; - ^ .TERMS: CASH

    Op«n: 1:00 to 7:00^p.m. tues.-Sal'. *'** the *yslem NORTHWEST. CONSTRUCTION WJUlBERG'Sir^" COMPANY S A li COMDUCTED B Y s' • ;____ _ 410 Moin AveTSouth' SERVING SOUTHERN IDAHO ~ MESSERSMItH AUCTION SERVICE ^ ~>OR''OVER-/ -Phone lRE:35|jf »:NOJt^ONS^<5M :tS^^NO^^DVANe6rSHeW ^^I65l . .. . ' proud Of

    I TIMES-NEWA TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Dan'l Hate Times-News Comics Reading Fun tor the Entire Family

    Crossword □□ □□□□ DQOQ HCl □□□□ □□□□ Puzzle □□ .□□anaQasQ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ACK08S 31.InteUeet □ □□□□taannE! •].Qookof ■ SS.Simuel'f an aa ana □□□, the Bible mentor ' □ ia □ □ □ □ a a a a 8,rTiend:rr; 34.EMten> University mm □□□ □□□□□ 8.Maa>- Day Planned •ri bulte il»».M NEW yonK, July 15 H\—New'CO lo 35 per cent above eoinpftrn. , JEROME. July 15 — D r, J. qj^gWeefc pm sus.ot-a. rtanut.lrmpo of bw.51;iblr -iiiVv.-uicc data, for Mny nnd jWoodiWn Creed, Tw in Pulls, anil rflmmctrlil Iiulli IT.I0-1R.M ;. con) ncM Bhi-ncr-jiHtinp durliiR Itie'Junc, ixiiu faUly CQod nmnUi.V spoke lo members of the Jerome • n.t choir* vralrn :t.Sfk-K.Oa; ttimIIuri In West End Rotary club on medclne a n d .ml looj .lock .1«r. MMOO lb. ».5tU week throiu-li ft .•...■i,v%nnl haie of I .i,,„„^rv-Junc production \vm BUHL, July 15 — Kiniil plnns healili. He was Introduced by Dr. sum m er ulowdoiu W«i». ' up i,i ,„.r cen t from Die pvccotU «r aU on folrly »mnn for th e nniiuni WMt-PliuJ ■n-U L. Nohcr, * Shwp It.AOO: flaiichlrr Umbt SO M aitly. !ii.T c,.me Iron* Uie ,„ontW . when *leelmak. fichlevemem dny. .spoiwiirpd by Wall Street-. l.tO: tliuthUr a an ilftd ri {rt«nv M ff. nii,\ nmo lndw»trlM,:,,„ ^ doldruni*. V erm iio iT e invve a brief t^ilk *lrfor-»--iiu*talnoi the Wesi-l^Md 4-H U .iders- 1 Ihe Rotnry mnRarine and en- ■ - mW ihofcr’i M^nO*"ibr%’l«««rt>'V*'r and In auhmim mft* ofrwnah-i , nntiom Sponsors co«nc-!l nnd the Buhl eourase«l mnnber* lo read it- ■ l> » ^ J^ iif-o•OB a the th« «t«lc mar InKtoii on i:n;n« Iri employment , ^ S S o ^ laniU rhnir* IncluiUnc aomt prln<«{ a n d producilnn tvctWHy g e n tr.i“ '''i » ' au».o». Chnmbop-Of CommcrtT. to be CJt.N, Shci>liiTd stnted th e Ro- >hnn Kn. iwh< >M05 l^b. K.BO-ld.M held, July 2(1 nrtla/loc.inrB h- ta ry picnic u schedulW for J u ­ ally. I AlthniiKh production wiw tiw school aihleitc^-fU-ld, have been ly 25. Ij>rr>- FlemlnR will serve » « l • lb. Enrminismi; word on Mle« imd P'Tlni; nil m the Indunto' ne.-trcd announced by R.-vy C.irtrc, Rcn- the menl, an.r>A. proflw ronin from American T c l-,!lif end of 1081 m odel tuiv' hec- Hoc., 1-rrt.w. >andr.1 i ililiII» tlaarfr eml chnlnmvn ln ciinfKe of ar- Dr..;RoScrt Wllli(inui..newly Itv- ■ •■ W S S oul'orarly n»ll ihr«h.f: •OKt 2.--tn hl«h»r: boll ephoiu- i Inlcrrt;vlioii^\ 5\oMnt» M ochints pnmlnyp Inyolts, th e wxlea picture iieetlni:. Oilier offlcet ...... 300 lU. U.IO-K.OO. Tlie proRmm ^^1II bedn At 0 COrpoinUiiii, Uii I’nrjl and o lliiT ,« n ''b rlt;h l. • ond will liidiuu. varloiw liuilnllcd nt the ln«t meetlnR. In­ Intlaiirj’ Mlwcilirr.''. ' . ] TiiniDvi-r by deuti'rs In June. dcmoatlmtlons. a potluck picnic clude Tom Mfthan. ' first vice DraVKH. Julr^lJ^^A.r-t'SOA) - pre.n «U>ro for thej ii •irailr: alauitMrr Jock Keiineclv. directors. ilrrn .HKHlIfUr civilr* civ I.M&>l.7iS 111. RU-sli of nrdcrs tor future delivery i ociicrni Motors snld lllc month iiilnutf talent prrdvninilon that bulk «h«l« I.100-1.M0 ll>. r.tmSy l»rw»iu-rt nvtclmtn—firiiH„..., inB i,— -'- cvcnintf Oue.’ii.' Iiieludi'd Ray H llblrt »iimnblv iivir ...... h'slSjrrfr^... . th e nRflcuP I ««nwentl. ’more v-..- riiim an<<'utility roiri I4.SD-K.TS: -Mojiien who. R ener.’i'!!"’,'^ ^ '''!* ’^ aurRe In tlie l.-utt b(* n ■ ■ Calif,. i>nrt Ed Koester, Ooodlng. 1L.M wJlh »a«8ln(f volume than iiUlllr bull* l».0(MI,00: «toek«rm an’ a wideAoclor o t th e ' ” 1?'®- m ..ptreiid n t i d lfr« looil anil fbolcf BIJ-W economy. ' 'iinia ihe first one-Uilrd of Julyl Sm llh and W. D. Churchm an ■ W » price *tnicturc. m ain- |^^ ^^ W 1.00j^i[n^_*nJ (hole* halfti line mL-wellnneous projecui a t riBurrs for the holldfty-aliort-l^"'' I”'“*c‘P<'l Ford'.Motor ‘ if all p ro je c ts Wtroducpil Roland McGowan. ened-Pmirrh-af-3iily-i»cck OakliUnl.,Calif. The .-lutomakera and ilie Unit, ■ , a S . M U n , . • lauiiliUr ...... fleciwl n 7,fi [>fr_rcnt cut In ...... practice Judging cmuprtt. 10:15 ^hU« »sreeln(C th a t such inwrr; frr-Vr Umli* eo In x r; aUusblrr put from the prrcedfnit week lo, ed Miif) W orkers—iinlon~bi(r. a.m.; llvr.^tock fIttlnR showing, tlefory, Ifndcr. lihd Jo n e 'S o u th - • rrlni'Umba. fbnlct |i li770,000 in a \ A Mx.week low. Ki'inpd to supplant wnKB c^ii. I p,m.: tractor opprntnrs con­ • Ick, Junior leader. . " ^ N could prove .-prema- 90-ia lb, 10,3(1.19,10; tir iS S le s i optlmlsBo aourccs • But Iron Arc, n trade publlcft , lracl.% expiring soon. test .a t 2:30 p.m., and a pig Cooky Cookers. Mrs. B. .. ■ ml «rlmp. I9.00-10.3S.'cS/i; Tlin lAlkA proceedMl In a Ren. scrftjnble contest, John.ion and Mrs. ChnrlM Con­ ^ « a o i « J ranit Colorailoa of t<______Uon, reportPd orders for A um tl S^aSi tdvcrtUcd rally may Ifull and ullllly >wn thorn 1-1 P<-In orally hopeful atmosphere, niid' In th e. home rconomlM dlvl- rad, lendfrs; Northvlew Mechan- '2.S0-I.10; (rf.1>r lamba airaJ and cbolci lc.i. Honirr Willrird. leader, and CO.X lb. 12,10-14jl0. I Mn-1 ordering by nuiomtwi sur. [sloii, entering of nil projcct-i and |Ue.Mc(l they were not expecting i Charles Wllbrd, Junior leader; *llh ine Kovernmenfa Inveatl- lln ii—llarniira and cllU fliMtlr homo economic.^ practice Judging Rye, Soybean contcsi will be held from 0 a,m. nilm ble, Needle, 'n T lircad, Mrs. ^ of U'e cchanBcs *o"s0 h%h«^‘‘'ba7riiiS"lnd*7ll‘.' - - ■Joe Potucck, leader. ^ ipoculatlte urRcs anU i)rir:i3 IK ix.itn.iii,oo: No. i In W ashington, unotflclivl iir. lo 0:15 a.m.: Judplng and eval- Siw cningovcr t^c Inter- lb.- to>rt 12.e0-is.1t. u rw Mibject to loter' udjununeni Ufttliig homo economics cxhlblt-i. S i fltuaUon. Jioekfl were Price Routed put the economy’s Rro.« natlonii: 10:15 a.m., and home economi denion.«ratlona a t 10:30 n.m. 2^U t It from the outact OODfTK. Jnly” s"AWI{!DA)—CatlTa ! product for the April-June nunr- !^M Ur hMn when the late l,«M: alaufhlar al*CT»'and ller a t $512 billion, seven billion At noon, club members ai /ailr; cowa tlrady to 80 |nw» • fnnim»iTlal- H.»M«,«0! eult»n mea.'nires th e nation's .toial out- mOTOd up ;ODO per 1.1.m).U,00: utility and «omm>rclaI bulli ... Chicago board P'lt of ROods a n d servlets.. Juice tor the drink and tliclr owr table flcrvlee.- tf«n May. several mtvjor trade. Even better news emerntd from ” 000 Ilf f*’!'®' uS** iV ttm o * The style reviie and presents' tria were, h it by aeaaonaj anil cbo'ira tnO-109 lli, y>arilne aloekar OUier Rrnln* mo.i{-oatB-off -»i. Increase—In footory employment. abnui tiaaily; looa alaadr In <0 lowar; up «4: rye off 5 to 7«4: soybci . .^foreover. th e averace work illes needed (o cttre for ant- K V .fr. !!:S off 5 to 3’i, nnd drummed lard week lengUiened to 40,1 hours, jlOiilU,2t.| 13 to 25 poln-j lower. I bo furnLihed by each In-I taaj*il.li7 American,copper t< 12.US: aprlnc alauchur lamba a gain of .4. and avernee blue lual member. Members are, I ulcs opersiUnir in Umt jnwarj alauihtar *wf» ataady; Weather end a USDA report collar WBRcs In manufucturlns |osked not to bring straw, U l7 8.7 per eent -further 1 1001 crop production a.5 ot rose to $04.24, up » IJ4 trom n July 1 were the moln forccs in Tlie welcome address from the serena ot th e red montli earlier and a new all-tlm* I Chamber of Commerce will be Ulaii rani?a larr\ba n,<; tradlntr. hiRh.- m.ttaw,______,_, ______T.SO: bull *nie cron liven’ at noon. Committees as- SrtlrR...... ; - - . . . Ib, nall'loK enthuatosm BOOil and ehoka (O-OO Ib. natlvn 706.000. th e ran k s of Job-seekers, Include Jobn-CniwtOKl, ffS n tHo' tee lim it thares, but th e eon- i:,B(l.l).40! alaushlar rmn cult' ''I In wheat, com and oats because J-clnforced by newly gjtidualctl o t cuts In Acreace nnd outpui chamber: Mrs. Gary GrlndsUiff, tafrf eaptusls th e . Soviet Is. iharn hlRh Acliool and college student-i, homo economics chairman; Jock i^ n f <0 t&aoned planes ad> estlmoles. Rye and soybeans losi l-KTOund, however.-on larRer'flK' stood o t ft troubllnit level of 6.- HIU. livestock chairm an; Sally n«ly »fteled mlssllle a n d re- CinCACO, July'*IS° (AP-TJSDA)—I 580.000, including 000,000 persom Baughman, hom o economics b:(d«ltcu0slc'lssucs. m any of rn)»wlni ure.t than had been- expected by the trade. out-of- work 37 weeks or longer. stratlons; Florence jtUURl? under duress from .economlca_Judg- enJiltaiei" ...... 'harrnwi and kIIu ataady to IS lewar. west continued to spur demand ued ft six-month climb, Florldo ... Judy Graybeal and Jane ■Tbe Dn-Jooa 90 Industrial •upI'lr,l«0;JM ,1b. walihU 1^60 ISouthwlck, style dress revue; l»««r. 6«l No. - • was beyond savlnR. ment tire sales. ■ W illard will have charge Comparative gloom persisted Ir trocWr operators contest: ' Gall V^nne tot the period am ount- Export commitments vied with McArthur, livestock Judging con­ ■ 10IW M ibMta composed beneficial rain in the midwest Uio.27 billion dollar osseLt rail­ as factors in the corn market. test; nil Junior leaders, clean-up iilimTOtothe prior holl- •laara- SO-I.OO hichar will road industry, as vltjil freight of grounds; l^rry Askew, re­ di7' n d ■Uh U » 0 ^ 0 ]asl Britain, Spain and Argentina trftfflo sagged—parUy because ol freshment stand; Don Thomp- spmdlga^yOi^^ n«f 'and balowtt*»dr:7ifl'fallr-*0-^>oirar. boughtjoy_er_twQ_mllllQn buahebi *o"»=P»Si*i-.l«Ml-Ooth#no-Pat- Wr u* m n n m e s s lv e week, rick and Deena Owens, talent Am n i tb» narkd's ^ o st ac- Latoit retail tmde_and dcpnrt- show. ______. . -tlt«-toot-dlmlw-U-J>olht“ o'h ■ t00-t.«04 ,1b. strength- based'on'tho”droughL. jm cnt store'shles dfttft lacked any Partlelpatlng West - End 4-H Hiuu.:XbartlsLs-have Local .and. eooimUslon-house led sparkle, although June.oftlvity clubs.and their leaders will In­ bttspnltlnf Its technical. AcUon IjSM lU, moat pr'ima ar buying In both, feed grains, with rhnira and crima l.lOC>-UOO..... ilia,islsi zz.: ■as bftrely ahcod of May. clude Cedar Draw Uvestock «aJ (i» mnpany wm awarded long selling on the advances. In New York, the stock markel club, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cartee , itoWjmllltanr contracts during rASiB’i&ass-sil Cereal house also bought oats. p u t on ft' lackluster pcrform anct and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Orlnd- "yo„pricea.rfiiched nry h lg - -ftttet^ft-8purt-rthe_veck before; slftffi-leadcrs.-and-L arry Askew, ulirtin, which wmo- annlysts Iho season on Monday along and In Washington a congr®^ Ed Dahlqulst. David Hendrix, and mliad cboka and rrlma l.OO^t.lOO with futures In tlie Canadian ^^JortlttfpeculaUvo glam- slonal com m ittee appro\-cd S7S0,- Kathy Hicks, Don Thompson, » a Tin. of a recent mcTBer m arket. JoAnn Olson, Judy M athews, WjTOt-nnked second" most I n BddlUon to the crop report OOO'to beef up an Inquiry already under way Into securities tnid. Junior leaders. ^ « ( t K on 2MJ0O shares. >lc« halfan 2!,0»-2S,00 and aavai and,good growing weather, soy. Three Creek 4-H club with I w {^kweTby BeUilehem hl(b «hok« and mlitj chnic* a beans were affected by a grow­ Ing practices. Sales on the slock exchange Mrs. Noy Brackett. Rogerson.j e W v 1«. Brunswick orr 4 and ing belief that there will bi leader, and BeUiene Patrick and I W«f4H,iheiMitwo on un- enough cash beans to meet the ils w e e k totaled 14.844.700 shares compared with 11.004,700 Ruby Brackett, Jufilor leaders; t»nnli!» toBiment In a demand before the fall han-est. Lucerne Happy Lassies, Mrs, pKut^nnsncW ioumoL ■a 32.0t.:t.0(>. Liquidation was heavy in the lose week. Bond sales on th e ex- Prank Karel, Mrs. Leonard Vitek, Hhf«]>-«etnpar«d Friday laat wrak change totaled $31,712,000 poi ralW Aircraft anil aUBbtar aprins lamla oMnad tba w* July 03 traders evened up hold- leaden; Sunnyslde Llvcdtoek “ w k « paced their section alaadr haala but dacllnxi moaiir value this week against $2S,7IK),- ilub. P rank SouUiwlclc a n d Mr*. of and 3«4. re- l^ ii^ I**?' (laoibtar ahaap aold n.« ""‘'"I000 th e week before, James McArthur, leaders, and Wrtitlf, Amenu the other de- Briefly ftrdund the busine.u Gall McArthur, Jano Southwlck, tews, utton lost 7. Cle. *ne—A T and T reported earn­ Junior leaders, and Valve Litters, »»H . Ztnlth 8',4 and Texas with Juic ofl* or o o ing of $320 million for Uie three Iwmitnt* 7>4. Pack Trip Slides Charles Conrad, CosUeford, lead- ^howntoGroi ?nonjh.i_end«l...... aarly JtJIu ...... , -U iB Y . July 15 - Colo.c>; g « Of leu. Motara charted » ory council ot the V . 8 . depart­ Johnson. William W att, leaders; wirae. fcftturmu Pord slides of ft pack trip into the ^ w to o th wJldem e« area wbre ment of'cpmmerce severed gov- Sunset Uvestock, Jack HUl, lead­ 5 « Wd chri«!e> down 1. emmonUkl Ues and reorffanired er; CosUeford Pen Pals, Loren ijowed some sUal>Ie *ow n to members of the Burley tClwanls club during the as are accompanied Bnw Young, chalmwn th o Rev. W oodrow Wooley ot- & ^ « e h f « d e r >y ft cash aw ard In recoRnltlon of i cket sales for the annlial Cas- fioifttlng. g.brou6ht from |ia th e ir efficiency contribution lo; ilft county fair queen's dance Olorme Dudio’ song, a solo I w e p a y Aug_2.ftt-th#-Doolo-hlffh school aiid Mrs-ataaley-FiiUUps.playal *.«‘icr~hmbs'’;iero ...Andcraon, loquJ j i gjmnaslum, reported that "Hap- th o organ. “ W ■well finance officer, hoi. ™ iy" Boufburg would fur- Fftllbeorers were Chuck Jonee, »lth -other markets ployed by the bureau for 15 years, music for the donee. The W illiam Pohlm an, Ed King, H. 'ountn-. F\«ir loads His award wn* In recognition ol !

    The next meeting will be held at a pjn. PHday at the home of M n . MlUer. i r s . ’r . a ? - Much of tho soil of the Domln* lean Republic ‘Is to fertUe that sugar cane .will grow from the with no lirpil on-9>-a to camp fence posU - someUmes turn NAUGAHYDE »1 o r 0 0 , 0 0 0 J^vinFaUs Markets COVII r o m o w n . M , . . Reg. 8.95 yd. each dollar earns 3% car loingasf fwmttvn, _ ^ ^ «efai« aH., wllh ri>* flnail 121.00.23 «t| <»VbriHt,fB*t*rl«(. All (alar*. *I2, iMAIiORBfU PtOMPTLT ritU S FIRST SECURITY BANK of htWM l ull( D B IV E OXfT AND BAyg* SCHUBSCTTS O m t NonharM IkOM Jij ' IBM K IK B EB LT BOAD ■SUSDAY. JULY16.135^ ■TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO p a g e t w e n t y -s i x

    Buiinetfl OppoituniKet beneath this b a n n e r are t h e WORtDi?JKT b a r g ain s CAKf.iT'-sa-r.g-wa tor . . . . oT iT.,; m ini Market Place K>K HAI'K Oil TJtAUCi llaln(>o« of In KlmUrlr. F.mnint rrrntU*. Xln- Magic Valley C«U>r . ^ _ 8TOJIAOB_ f ... __ Inek.r_. pl.nC : TIMES-NBWS, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO ' PAGE .TWENTY-SEVEN Market Place beneath this banner are the WORLD'S best bargains of . Magic Valley \';wiCLS- PINE USED CARS '

    _Rodio 'end Mutic ...... »r.l iSeir frl«nil»- Autos For Solo - Autoi For Sole Autos For Solo- Autos-For Solo- -ft:: i9r,n RAJinLER $1 2 0 5 Hcovy Eauipment MID-SUMMER ■W IRTHLIN'S 'KLfXTIlIC rtSCB pcu. I#« ««h. »U)aMuuiu;. t.V' n.Vt'. mllw w».t nt Soilh l’«rk. _ ■ I. I'^rmenl 41J. CoiUkcI icI VALUES i'AltiT 1 M"rnln»iidetlrli». fonltlnrr. Cnl(’« r*lnt Star., GOOD TRADEALLOWANCES M.ln W.i'Uh. :______tV'.l IIAHIII.KII 4 n»ir B B T rE R OUARANTBE W E N E E D — , ^'jsa-TiViisnKuVi'iui'' LOWER PRICES. : LATE-M ODEL and Trailer* Knuliip^. I.Ikr Srw. iiS' MILLEa SALES A .l CONniTtnM USED- CARS! _ {•Lw liitil ol(lMnobllc.< Left ior.7 I'ORO 51295 in . . . for tlie BEST \>. r.iuntrr !Ut ll(hl . I im.r. .ait of 1,1.1ft.’. B L A I R ’S n ‘5i^JiLliliii Jul/.-m»nu»l------• >k'ii wrrckln* r.r.l h.i ' 4. lit: Klnil>«rlr li .tip. Wtl.r «o»M. Al>u 19" CUV.V. $1195 OLDSM OBILE ... ■nl. Itoi II. Conl«cl. Tn’ cmi TOU 8A1.K! r»nU lrtnt»J rounil. *[>111 ■nd .•Uhb.a poiu Ouir«nH»|i lo l**l losr, CHEVUOLKT5G19 ■ inr.7_()I,I).S $1495, ■GOOD ... CHEAP ...... Ilp.liip. hr.ler a*Bd ■ 1%G CllEVROLKT S029 . tiidlii. heater. Thl< r h»ilr«iii«i.< lVrfF.1 cirndltlon...... D ^r. V>, IWercllda. TUAXSPORTATION ^ r i i - M ,r s . iirtu...... -.... —1957'-BUiei«---= MAC terms P hone RE 3-8721 ------r ilutr tr.numl- 1957 CHEV. SIIGD ..:r. ,|.ik. n.w. »2."00 Spcclftl 4 door Imnliop. Power 4 H..T. V«, I'o.rrglUe. Wanmd to Buy ui>l. ;.p .iilirr irur Co., too Main. (i»xl. t1o\v, new lire*, loenl one own­ UnCikAVUX cn.«l. TV. ..I. «h^ 1957 CIIICV 512,' A U T O . C O . Its. to min rubUr bool vllh cam er cnr. Absolutely like new. r,tli..lrr, «nlrtcDl«r.l !v.«'er!llM‘''l’"!.-.'l‘ r"' ‘ - —l^ra*-Uiinv>‘^ - ' ’»'Ker,.UrljiK^' Sir»Hon m4v>f. MO. KlrLr ----- T ------SPAETH ------r *11 iillachmcnU, IJO. Agu* luns, x i. 1056 FORD; ■“ S879~ : flKtrle h o tv i >llh (>ni. >ln.».r ftlatli.n V ", lofdo- malic, puncr *tr«ln<. V ■ U S E D .11... h.ii,., . Bto. (7.ta Meb>^lu)n« IIE}-9U: or MOTOR CO.: . TW IN FALLS 1957 FORD S1199 1951 PLYM. • §395 . EA <-4324-Jerome FAlrlnne (00. : Do.>r lUnliui., ]ll( EQUIPM ENT CO. VOLlCSW AGENS atcerlrii:. 2>re till. *.nr. ' M cVEYS, Inc. OI.DS LARK CMC TKUCK tA N E WEST 1952 XASII $245 i n c o 3058 T-BIRD . 52.147- BE 3-1120 •leerlnr. 2 -door M d a n .- 0,000 ociunl — PICKUPS — yl’rul.mallc. in i V«.' ” miles. Locally • owned. 'C nn -cheek wlUi owner.. »M WII.I.YS VC-110, 4 wb"l “ : $1,000 - ‘ 1960 PLYMOUTH SI749 $1495 •Irlv., forward eonlrol, «f>wl 2 m»r. VI. Tofqurlllte. ,l8harp)_ -----»nrlnt.-tlrr*-and-p»lnt.------._.tllfautltul>.*ll«>W tInUh) -BETTEJR-BUYS- •i Ouur llar.lli.p. 9i« Koiin K.ioo, 4 »pr»il trana- “ BISe.OUNT!~ 1959 ( crllnilcr cniflnr. 1960 FALCON $1G99~ Radio, henlcr iind whUewnll 2 Duor Delu>* Triffl. I N B U H L tires. Locally owned. ' MANY m o r e ; 95( INTKUSATlONAt. H-tJO, 4 '61 OLDSM OBILE $1295 Super Ea Holiday Coupe. —PICKUPS-TRUGKS— FINE BUYS rKii, KU-i.'. •Power .itcerlng. power brnkcs. tiiucti RlnM. white w.ill ilres. Radio, healer a n d ' new tires. Beoutllal bluo liuldo and out. Local one owner. PICKUPS'and TRUCKS 1960 FORD ■ $1749 §1095 H Ton. Bl»1e.lde VI, » « .» put/ —TRUCKS — » aptnl. (Llk* new) |ik1E5tod kitifltr'i Ktan*:i. ■ ' Y O U R E E I IgTlJ MHl. I Ul AC-UO. t •p«cd'lran 1950 FORD • $1309 YOUREE TVln K»ii7 ' MOTOR CO. t «p*ed a»lr. (Vetr «l».n Si 30nC3BdB __ . t»rit Aiiiiiorizcd voikswnftcn Dealer m Mflln Ave. South - RE 3>8G11 1956 INTERN’TL $1399 K.MO. S*d'JUUbllA.TOlt. cmir %t»M. M * V - -mm-ltMlft A»»nnr ------KlHirlc. 441 U*la T^L Op«n rddar -USED CARS' 1959 FORD- -$2679 I twi> taem >'•(0(1, ( apre.t tranimlulan. ' t GLEN G. JENKINS -1M10t.M-fiurer-M-af.lin. Wrir- aila— Verjr_(ood U '_sraln_ . I liolk of 1U*m"wb. VA niiill.ped, Innou(b (or 4 nomi. 1310. ....V-...... -»IS»5 Home of I ull»Uwt«9>lll]r •)<><•. (r>ln».I t, Inc.. Twin Ttllt. F O R D S A L E S saSTii —OK— Mobile Homoi PICKUPS For Sell or Trodo AKIjCUX IIOMt trailer. ------ON SOUTH LINCOLN (Viulir icT aala or will trail* hDn« i'e or IlE _-S219 1»5« I^ G ^ ‘H-ioi7vi‘iM'» teX MAGIC VALLEY -MiiMHoadwit For S ale^ l 8rECTAI,t n-fost-uttd tr*il«r,-W«r — O K — C A R ! “ illlc and Tr»»flf»«. all modam “im JiJia'vrijrrG^Sdri:! “ H om T T fibno HE 3-0: , tin . C«ln’« Int.. TwlB r*l tnilltn. Trailer Sain, M O T O R S ■ Adillinn •" TRUCKS Ira Brooks, Manager ' Ml>&i07 lluhl (iMSil ■ .1961 IMPALA It MW. nr. a-83iB. 4-Door Hardtop. Demonatrn- ; “& ''v .r’^;.rKT.s2a tisn CMC Cabo>ir. V). lone wtrlr. ]039 CirKVr'?-TMi’ii^^'T.422»S 1961 CHEVROLET 1167 DODOK‘'va i;ton;"fri'i;;i'*J- UNION MOTORS 4. Door StaUon Wagon. VS mobile bomrt and travel trallen, C'-A -R-L-E:S-0-N ’-S motor. stAndard transmission Anfcluf, Naibua and lloln.Aero. .See and Uoted glau— •ulomatla watbinc ClareBc* at Uadc Valler Uoblle your friendly li}», 10> Park Av*i Ilocnet. 2\i mllra wnt of cltr "mlu. IMl'^VlD *^i!NI.''*£Spi*5. 14!’* $2895 I ^ iw or j iilZ JIOOK - ______ack ______I 14J SHARPEST wriniar wMh«r. 40* L »ad ]t puib- 1959 STUDEBAKER butua rania. tMtl cUaa. Itoral »or> FORD DEALER LARIC 4>Door Sedan. G-Cyl- m 'c a l n ’i. UbI* irpvwrKor, and itmMt D*w dan Inder, standard transmission. •Bport and chair. Pali Appllancf, .TW IN PALLS . Only—, I phcna RA 4-KIH. Jtronn. ■WE’RE HOME AGAIN r 19S8 CADILLAC EQUIPM ENT CO. WE NE!ED USED- S1095 I fU^*‘«Via]Jw.«»rCrunE Extended Deek Sedan. Power -— Truck-Lane-Wost----- 1 -C a h s -AH d j :r u c k s _ I M S J W r iA C liiMircr ami niux (ar„ a:..!; 1,1,1----1.__ 4-DQor._Powcr_ateerlng. brakes^ «li>: da»nu ami chair, t(l; pUt- hydramatlc, etc. The sharpbat ------GEP-GEPNER------^ ------1952-FORD------“*57- RAMBEERt $ — Hardtop Victoria. VS motor, 1295 tatm ruekor, i:>: walnut - ■ B A K E R tin t* . Il«>; t (oo<| oak chain. continue until the end of the 1951 MERCURY chlffoBlrr. ^-rliMalrt raait. Jlli* m onth. 1961 CORVAIR U S E D C A R S 3 • Door Sedan. Mercomatio new. plar’ twB, Ubr hiifr, pic- TRADER HORN transmission— . '56 CHRYSLER $995 rf-lon* Knolnim tll«. turM, mlrrort, b«ib, ,*ptlBfi and P anel. 0-ply w hite walls, pow- 4 Door Wlndwr Sedan.- SBAb TRAILER SALES ergllde, radio, heater, only (.000 $150 GOOD. miles. Kew $3.000-i 1951 CHEVROLET NEW t AddlaoB Ay*. W«l AS > -» « 4>Door Sedan. Powergllde— Orcailonal cbaira, Mg up; pt.lform BIRTHDAY ■$17!)5 (44 i (•pW« loam cuihloa . $ 2 4 9 5 $150 SPECIALS - ^ 8 - © f c B S ------^ 1 7 9 S - - r^-COMMERCIAXS^ 1958 FORD $1299 . (M.W. »ii:’ Iliwlntn run. 4-Door Hardtpp. Power steer- 1958 DODGE V, : wrnushl Iron chain and ‘-"“ . - u 'i r r 5 '\ ; r n i » ‘‘w75: log. brakes, hydramatlc. 1957 MERCURY* $1395 3-Ton Truck. V8 motor. 2- f. (J2.60: S-way lleor lamp*. >'urdor hardtop. »x«0’' plau mirror, spced axle. 8 5 5 x 3 0 tires. 14- -foot-gra'n bod ■ . _ ^ -;$ 1 4 9 5 ______:/66JIERGURY-^-.$895--.: aurlnz. (urnllur* rrpalrlnr. rcflr.- ^55BTiERCURY^?1299~ 1958 CHEVROLET lahlnc. SAII crrcn ilampi, t% - 4 t>oor Sport Sedan, lladlo, heater. 1958 EDSEL Wnk llnanclnx.’ . Ilnud Ilaei, fkm’iona r«l!ow and ^-Ton Long Wheelbase Pick* ■53 CHEVROLET $295* black paint and -bile wall tire*. >’otdor tcdan. tip. 0-Cyllnder motor. 4-speed HAYES FURNITURE ’59 RAM BLER 1958 OPEL $995 transmission— *53 FORD Wagon $250- 1954 BUICK .. $499 - • $1495 - -«-OMe-it*rdl*P.—IUdlo.-tMaUr,— -jr.u:lor_w.« -’51-PI,YM.-Wagon-$276_ ■— CMUirtfTo. Aii'v^r • ^ ^ c i o l Servieot «o*d lire*, : I - — -1959'FO R D ------^ ,UMBER NEEDS wblt*. S«« thla 1959 GOLrATH $895 a-Ton Truck. Wheelbase 1s giy riC TANK cleanin,. Call Cb ^ $ 1 ^ 5 Bhortened for mobile homes, IJIU n **''•« »'“» 0.111 Tall»r. IlK S.2104. — Cojnm ercials— lUlCARNEV UKITIU tanki Clfanad. rrpalrtJ anl 1953 CHEVROLET $299 VS motor. 3>speed o;de and IniUlM. Kr.* IntMcIl ------1958 VAUXHALL $795 SJ8X30 Urea. Only 37,000 rwldant. HE (.a08>. -SPECIAL- _ -ouguo Jackets a n d -- 1956 CHEV. $1095 -J950 FORD - «'85 each. t'ordor hardtop. ^ . H-Ton Pickup. V8 motor, 4- T»n Pfmta and ahlrta ’58 FORD $795 speed transmission and long 0«C I tor >mpl*{« B tt-<9 «aeh. FA 1RI.A N E 3-Door. Pordo- 1956 DeSOTO $795 wheelbase, wide box- OT*rbaul.. - m atle. See I t to Betiove I tl— Tuador bardlop. ' 1»J JKEI* 4 wheel'drl»* plckap. .1140 «tb Artnue Eaal. .$1595 >»M GMC ton pickup, CO. FOR COMPLETE. 1953-MERCURY . $299 1952 CHEVROLET lit! RUC 4 ton pickup. _ M Am. Bouih nEW 44t •* Door Hardtop MonUrer. Auto.,- 1952 CHEVR0LET.$95 l»t» DODOE rower Wa«0B. ^ lop. power' itMrlnr, power bntkn, malic tranamlMlnn.* radio, heatar^ -€H EA PIES — l«-Ton Truck. 4-Speed for­ llir JEEP 4 wheel drito pkko>. autonatlo IraBinlMlon. Quick aale. and Siren red and black paint.« ward. 7.50x30 tires . . . Top- tWi. «iU ir^ Aeenp. got. 1951 PACKARD Shapol— $95 . Cinder Blocks 1953.PONTIAC $299 ALWA-ra • Ge^ Ma^Un ' Por Sale B ILL ROWE 1953 PLYMOUTH •• $695 I960 GALAXIE I Dear M an. Standard irmntmb- J953JPiTMOUTH.„-L?95...... ALWAYS • Coo4 Deal'. _ • ■ 10c each ■lon, beaur. ceod tirea an - •--- Sharp J'5296' 1951 GMC «rwn. 1949 MERCURY $95 Pickup. .4>speed tn u u - TEItM fM Et*fyoB« , < door itdMv. V8 ■ engine. Ip B g .fiH E V ^ ^ E T $145 FordomaUo, radio, heater, 1950 PLYMOUTH $69' m ^ o n . Very good 0-ply tires. !I. Henry ProduM Rqdio ond M»»lc Riins real good- power ateerlns, 2/fiO actual 4 Door. Cheap inBiporUf- 8. 1«n,.n;. bom»_pbo.e* Jor^ ailn ^ BOB REESE- o* ~ n Corait It 1952 PONTIAC. . - $ 95 Leonard n.ber. 5495 miles. beauUful red imd-white RE-S-JOO llnlsh. This car b perfect. 1956 DODGE $599 ’ ^ too »kktr».^tild. beaUr and 1950 STUDE. Coupe $ 79 n c s-)»i- a ss-iiiT GLEN G. JENKINS M O T O R C O J SPAETH CHEVROLET I JTshljiB hip bools »r.N~WAUNEIl Uuj|o-(or prfcc »»■* Phone RE 3-1019 THEISEa^-M OT-ORS C -:A JI--L.E.S-0-N :-S Open xeenlnn ^ 0]<>m4 Baadara ^ O rU a ln Ave; East - - RB 9>n00 PONTlAO - OASILLAO •0M 0~ -150-3rdAvonuQ-East ' S A ‘4.4334— J m m e -• ^ ”“^& unday.- l.ul'ippPLBco.. ^ WtltiWOloUaB • «' coM^U. OMAO Terms JCeoay Uaeo ' ■ .K ^ .’OetUs . T r ■''> A... e«u(h B B M 441 «*-W. OBlr 17.00 down. IIJ* ptf LIN0OLN*MERCtniV-COl£Sr, n i Mala E u t W Open Srenlpp ;«*k. H A Y EIkUIc. 441 KalB OLDS l a r k ' a u a Low Down Payment Giant Siz«. 10c OFF

    7 3 c I B ear Cldws I facial TISSUE s s : 4 89e Economy Size, 30c OFF AD I (6 FOR 3 t3 ‘ J ^ COFFEE ..71c_2 .U 8 ,2.23

    Regular SlzeT A JA X ■■ - CLEANSER - 2 for 53c

    Ec'dnomySize. 20c OFF FLORIENT 89c