Some Reservists Face Cml^Paper^
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Traffic Deaths- Idaho 1 9 6 0 ................ 1 1 6 , _ 1 9 6 -1_______ ^ l O U ____ Mogie Voll«yl i H 1 9 6 0 ............2 2 ................. I g lis h Idaho Teaclicrs Take Dri\ er Training Course p T ig h ten Some Reservists Up Belt Face CMl^Paper^ I LONDON. .luly 15 L^conscrvntivc.^jrovm-n. »nt 'variif^ii J lr itin h e jmliiy it ‘R Koinjr to _Say8;_Ci£5L_Ieiis&: In _ C lIir.\(;o, ,hily 1*) (/T)— 'i'lic Cliii-rifri Sim-Tinn'.'j .-<;iul'Imlny in i.u .Simdiiy pdi- I h e cco^, tioiis tlnii. I’resiileiit Ki-niH'cJy 1ms rt'jiclu'il a firm ilci’i.xii'ii In moliili/f .-iome ola- * tlm r. the oppnul- , mriits (if. Ilu- iirniod roscrvos to nicot llie Soviet llirojil n> licr'in. And in parti-.blnm cJJlrim^e, [ in tirlin. IC;iaL-;unI-\>iicpur>itlrt^‘y-iwlvowdow»->ti-l-he-tltA-ttird-rin —riii-iu~r~\v)ro~ ** Hnrolrt MB^llnfTa is permiUcil lo iiomo t<i tliis isnlnicd (nitp'’st of tlic woslcrn worid. Krdin reiU' ivei for t h e crisis. ,, c.illccl- ft tnrjw — L-nboi- riiled Ccrnimiy. refii.;— — r « * r HiiRh Onlir.Uell snld Koes were nnnriuj: in,at i ,t« r n mliHnki'. th e rcsDOU' , for nils iDfM-ciimmi oi oiu's fit Miirli’iUoldP#^my*^GiYeirfDi^ fled off on 10 the oilu-r nii- c.ini|) by . »tid oU'cf KoVitrmiiPiits. wlirn llii‘ book.s—bill ivu ilii- n - blame ll« lirrf. 'vhero con-; ci'iitl<>:i nuii'liiiii'ry—clo5cd down Hitioni Viive been (nvariililr. : fur »w wcvls-vHrt. ‘ViJt- w n \. Tuesday Space Ride f^e w n il'’S l>elirtU:htfnliiB iwrnl.1i- Ikiiro ln»t Snltirdiiy CfAF'i; CANAVl'HAL, July ilTr-'U, S, srlf'llIbLt toJny ciivf^ ft 'n5.ciib'_«7. wrrpmK ••A-oKny- to ino nntlon'.N iil»n icj lockpi It.^ si'i-oiid'hu- . Sflwyii Lloyd. I« a Thi- Siiii-TluiM jlory. H-rltloti ps:iiii^:iui inio Kp.»cc T uraliiy nbonrd n ciij)stilc nnmcd I Tory rnVy ni Jliiu’nr-^ i>y 'I'U om in 11. JfoA^ of cJie Sun- Tlmc^i \Vii>hlni!toti biircnu. *a1d :h n i ki-y inciiibtT.i of ciniKri'vs •liir L lful. Col. John n . Olenn. Jr„ or' ?j ^in^deleniilned Uuit dome, ;■ n!r force VlrBlM ..OrlM oni- wlll be Imrled 115 mile* up nnd f the pr«P»i irendJi in our; liuvo bii'n 'nilvlM'd o| ihc Ci.-illJll ■;3C(> inlU-.' (iviT Ilic Allantlc.o^ciU-Ifom lUH hiis'' ".vi'nei'porl USA." lomT <houl(i lie chnncvd.' he If iill Koi'ii ni plnnned. It will hr vlriiinlly a crirboii ropy of the ••I iliall recomniepil such liLiioric liifh t s by the firsi u . a , nr.ronaut. nni'j- Cnidr.-Alnn 'n »j I thlntc m^csiinry lo 13. Shi'|!nrd--oxci.'iJt-tlie sw in d nMronnut will have Ick* work lo do -'-■lit ,„.e this, linwevifr uiipopiilnr —luiUoi -•Innrtu.i will be involved. • aiul - inst-li ■ id • • The a*ironnul» nre rendy. ■ Grissom and Olenn. Imsy wllh Inten- itn noi nrrald to n.')c Uie rharlei Dethtefs, right forertound. % teacher at Minidoka Caxlleford high achool, and Glen Slietii. Twin KuIIk Juniiir hljh J.'hdi they will be ordered to <?ounly h i(h lehooi, m eaiure* Ihc nlRhl rlMon nf Lyle Jlrolch. »dionl. They are am onc Idaho learliem belnj riuallflrd ti> leach ictivp duly has been deferred i.lve iraltilni! for the past few wscks. tnperei off todft>' and w ent _ji people lo benr th e ncec.i* ou '•low-rcslduc". diets In prtpatftllon {or tlnivl pUi'McftV exam ina ] j biirtem or necepl V n t nec- (Immett hlth tchool, al the Idaho AutnmobU«-»uoclatinn «lrlT«r riilvn Ualninc In uchoDlo a* aulhnrlieil by the IS&l Malio leeli- lU Mr. KtHHvidy Ttcclvcs a training educators' course at Bol«e Junior college. In the back- tolled I'Diiiagon review this tions. One will be the m an to go, Mie other will be his "back-ttp." UT dlicIpllncA ^ “C' lalure. Testlnjc devlcex nuch a s tliexe will acquaint their students iround meaiurinc each other's reaelion timci are Wayne Waite, with personal physlral limitations. (Staff cneraTinc) week," R mh Anld. The machinery was rendy. Informed sources itnid the seven J i t not jusl sunlvol bu t also The Pre.sUltnt has nulhorlty to mllrs .of wlrlnK nrid myriad electronics'nboard llie bcll-.%haped u a»lnl(nancB of our position call up as ninny as one million "Liberty Bell 7" were "chccklnK out perfcclly." Flnnl Ic.ils on the I tn pregrcMlvc, ...... without nny action by "■ foot combination of rocket, cnpsule nnd escnpe lower will be tnisslc Induence In th e world." Man Testing n Mondny and Tuesday. - ' ________________________ 22JdahaEducator&EinishJntensiy^-c: uie ueiiilicr oili^k also appeared favorable! ^ •e tooport a* much ti.i It Im- ipokc-smnn replied I, til* pound BlerllnR h u t Missing itory. Members of congress nvnU- a r r nble at tlie cnpltnl"prort.«ed nt b n«nt irreks. □ Along Canal BOISE. July l5=Twenty-lwo nA'oclnUon driver education pro-1 in Idaho nre sponsored by Uie knowleddc of any such decLilon JNevada (Jrash Kills ~ n-otficlMly p e ir» the Idaiio educators Friday complei- nrrnn t« studenU In th e ir various Idnhu State Automobile a-v^oclik- by the Pre.ililent. ^ A •-J2.‘J8-to'-*2.82-ranRc; c d 'a 40-hDur Intensive course in Rchools under a curriculum c.iUvb- tlon. The dcfenf.e departm ent lini. .^ittonmment hns been forcm street. Wfui reported by hla wli driver troliUnt? Inatructlon a t llshed by the state dejvuUncnt Chief Iwttuclor for drlv- been wotWnR since early -Im I t buy pcwnd* extensively on the mi.vlnR on a trip on onu BoL'e Junior .eolleRe to qualify o( education. Such Instnictors er educator course nt Bolse..Kas week on ix review of rendlneu of Carey Man’s Bride ffliUiT exchnnses-In-order to .....n-Tiibber raft-down the low Ihclr schooLn for participation . be cniduatM of elthfir the Dr. John S„ Urlnub, Berkeley; conventlonnl forces which might CAREY, .luly 15—Kenneth Pcteraoh, Carey, rem ain cp (he pound nl this level. This line eannl n t 9 p.m. Bnturdny. In U)e driver education prosram courxe nt DJC or a slmlUir course prc.^ldent-elcct of Uic American (Contlniird nix I**se S> Column S). ed m critical condition in Elko General hospital Satur it rtsullrd In » severe drnln . ROUMMU told M icrW authorlMd by th e 1001 Idaho l « - nl Id.-ilio su ite collrse, n r be pro- Driver Education n.vvoclatlon. I) Uie gevemment's enld hnd dc[\utlcx Rou.ueau decided to tcs. Islnturc. vjoaily certified in order for Other liwtruclora nnd Iccturcrs day nit'ht following.n collision.that killed his bride b£ -------------- rd n m nc? tt.«rvcs. the rnfl and entered the canal Tlie l«ftcliera who completed Ihtlr schools lo reccIve relm- Included Chet Cooper, liead of Eager LDS severni dnyK nnd a KnnHRB man, and injured a FlorWa — ^ J to d nrevlouily had wnrnc from Uifl nlrport road. He told Uie concentrat«d one>wecIc course bursement Iroin'tho stale for audio vlsunl aids and driver edu- — imiucr.farmer. ruici.iuii,Peter.son, oo,33, whowuo waswua «iicn luuicroute to \-turuCarey n would be forced i her he would float It about one conducilnR driver education. cation at Idnho State collese; niiIc"it(jwnscreamr-Hfl~wttsnffear^ —Y -A lltl1 ^ -l-in Q P — -wJiefC-hG-and-hia-bride-planncd-to-'jTJako-thair-homi i und the upkeep of troops InR only iw lm m lns tru n lu . Call: former state safety director X o VO received seriouB injuriesr mostly on the head and ch^at. "o&ed ibratd-ln West Ger- Ho started shortly before dusk. H. (Safety) Davis who now Ills car and one driven by George Baldwin collided 89 3 u d tlMvhere. Mrs. noujiseau became worried operates a driver UiUnlnB school; Midwest Job miles north of Wells Friday —^^^ ^— when she did not hear from him SRt. Dnlc rcrcu-wn. Lcwlaton p6. Face on Barroom llco department, and K . E. Miller, MINNEAPOLIS. July 15 {JH—K 'afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth and notified' the Twin Falls MtenacK Pet«tson, .gaa Jose, BherlH's olJtce. ictnem) mnfiager of the Idaho German Girl buiiljPoor iSt«te ’ Automobile usodlT recreation counselors were teach Calif., married to Peterson a •• DflpuUes’ nnd volunteers began short time before at Elko, was seorchlns the canal banks. No Floor Is Cougar’s Course director ww Robert Joncs ing religion on the side haa,^- Bobio Junior collcfle. sulted in Withdrawing Uiem from killed along wJUi Mr. Baldjvln, Named Miss trace of Rousseau had W ichita, Kana. I Funds Being at flildnlRht Searchers contlnU' Dr. Urlaub described Idaho's the Minneapolis park board pro The face on the barroom floor in Burley could be that of Irlver training program enacted gram. Injured , but in fair condition e<i seourlnc the canal banks for was Eugene Houser, a S7-year- a trACo of the missing man. cougar. You'll lind Ute photo and story on page 10, the first page by the 1001 legislature &3 a slg- RIchnrd Jorgensen, assistant Universe’61 ' Draincrf'Fast ' The aherlff's depm-tment re of your excellent Sunday Feature SecUon. nlflcnnt forward step ond 'pre- recreation director In charge of old farmer from Panama City, Fin.