Section-1 Plan Summary
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This plan was prepared in cooperation and with assistance from the following elected officials, staff, boards, and committees: Agawam Mayor Richard A. Cohen Agawam City Council Christopher C. Johnson, President Dennis J. Perry, Vice President George Bitzas Cecilia P. Calabrese Paul Cavallo James Cichetti Gina M. Letellier Joseph Mineo Donald Rheault Robert E. Rossi Anthony R. Suffriti Open Space and Recreation Plan Committee Shelby Hall Gibbons – Co-Chair Nick Pandolfi – Co-Chair Ted Dobek Jane Benerakis Sharon Roulier Jill Messick Louis Russo Chris Sparks John Decker Karl Stieg Deborah S. Dachos Office of Planning and Community Development Deborah S. Dachos: Director of Planning and Community Development Pamela Kerr: Administrative Assistant, Planning Department Conservation Commission Henry Kozloski-Chairman Sheryl Becker Jill Messick Magda Galiatsos S. Page Fallon Frank Meagher Mark Soticheck Agawam Recreation Department Christopher Sparks, Director Agawam Department of Public Works Agawam Department of Engineering TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 PAGE NUMBER Plan Summary 1 SECTION 2 Introduction 1 A. Statement of Purpose 1 B. Planning Process and Public Participation 2 SECTION 3 Community Setting 3 A. Regional Context 3 B. History of the Community 4 C. Population Characteristics 5 D. Growth and Development Patterns 6 1. Patterns and Trends 6 2. Infrastructure 8 a. Transportation System 8 b. Water Supply System 9 c. Sewer System 9 3. Long-Term Development Patterns 10 SECTION 4 Environmental Inventory and Analysis 12 A. Geology, Soils, and Topography 12 B. Landscape Character 13 C. Water Resources 13 D. Vegetation 14 E. Fisheries and Wildlife 15 F. Scenic Resources and Unique Environments 16 G. Environmental Challenges 20 H. Farmland 23 SECTION 5 Inventory of Lands of Conservation and Recreation Interest 23 SECTION 6 Community Vision A. Description of Process 28 B. Statement of Open Space and Recreation Goals 28 SECTION 7 Analysis of Needs 28 A. Summary of Resource Protection Needs 28 B. Summary of Community Needs 29 C. Management Needs, Potential Change of Use 34 SECTION 8 Goals and Objectives 35 SECTION 9 Five Year Action Plan 37 SECTION 10 ADA Self Evaluation 45 SECTION 11 Public Comments 48 SECTION 12 References 53 ATTACHMENTS 1. Public Hearing - Notice, Agenda, Minutes 2. Regional Context Map 3. Agawam Zoning Map 4. Soils Maps 5. Water Resources Map 6. Unique Features Map 7. Open Space and Recreation Inventory Sheets 8. Open Space and Recreation Inventory Map 9. Agawam Open Space and Recreation Survey 10. 2014 Five Year Action Plan Map 11. Newspaper Articles 12. ADA Access Self-Evaluation A. Self Evaluation B. Grievance Procedure C. Discrimination Complaint Form 13. Letters of Support 14. Environmental Justice Map 15. Chapter Lands 16. Agawam Wetlands and Floodplain Map Section-1 Plan Summary “Agawam is a place of tradition and opportunity. Convenient location, affordable land and buildings, and low tax rate allow us to build good lives for ourselves. People are attracted to buy a home or set up a business here. The highway system and near-by airport link us to the surrounding region’s opportunities, too. From Agawam’s rural past we’ve retained a sense of being a small town where friendly people with a wide range of incomes, know each other and participate in civic activities, school affairs and sports events. There are many recreational opportunities...This is a good place to raise a family in a nice neighborhood with lots of other children, and then enjoy retirement years. Agawam is a safe community with family values and schools. Looking around us we see a physical setting that still reminds us of Agawam’s traditional agricultural fields, historic homes, and village centers. Mountains, rivers, streams, and wetlands are also part of the sense of quiet open space that is so appealing.” (Coming Together for Consensus: A Working Statement of Goals and Objectives to Guide Agawam into the Future, October 27, 1993) Agawam’s 2014 Open Space and Recreation Plan, as did its predecessors, attempts to balance the community’s traditions and natural resources with the need to provide quality recreational facilities throughout the year for residents of all ages. The overriding goal in maintaining this sometimes difficult balance is to maintain and preserve our quality of life. Key to the drafting of the 2014 Plan was the extensive input received from Agawam residents. Section 2 - Introduction A. Statement of Purpose The purpose of this Open Space/Recreation Plan is to update the 2006 Open Space & Recreation Plan. This update identifies significant natural resources and locates areas in Town providing watershed protection, passive and active recreational opportunities and wildlife habitats. It will also serve as a guide for the preservation, acquisition, and development of open space to meet the Town’s current and future needs for recreation and conservation. By providing an updated inventory of existing conservation and recreation lands and making recommendations for the preservation of future parcels, it is hoped that this Plan will continue to provide the leadership necessary to make wise decisions which will affect the character and quality ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Agawam 2014 Open Space and Recreation Plan Page 1 of the community for generations to come. Only through increased community awareness of the sensitivity of the local environment, increased public conservation education and creative, environmentally responsible development, can Agawam achieve its goals. B. Planning Process and Public Participation The planning process, during the preparation of the Agawam 2014 Open Space and Recreation Plan, employed extensive public participation techniques to ensure maximum public input. The public participation process included: public meetings, a public forum, a public hearing, a public survey and extensive media coverage. Media coverage included use of three newspapers of general circulation: the Agawam Advertiser, the Reminder (a free publication) and the Springfield Republican. Agawam’s public access station and website were also used to solicit input and advertise public meetings. In addition, in order to reach the residents of North Agawam, Agawam’s Environmental Justice Neighborhood, who might not subscribe to local newspapers or have access to computers, 1,430 postcards were distributed to all students at Agawam’s four elementary schools (See Section 11) and public notices and surveys were available at the Public Library, Senior Center and Town Hall. Notification of the Public Forum was distributed to over 300 individuals representing Boards, Commissions, elected officials, athletic organizations and civic groups. Free food was also provided to all participants in the Public Forum. The Plan was prepared by the Office of Planning and Community Development in cooperation with the Agawam Open Space and Recreation Plan Committee appointed by Mayor Richard Cohen in August 2013. The Committee consists of the following members: Shelby Hall Gibbons – Co-Chair and Resident Nick Pandolfi – Co-Chair and Planning Board Ted Dobek – Resident Jane Benerakis – Resident Sharon Roulier – Resident Jill Messick – Conservation Commission Louis Russo – Community Preservation Committee Chris Sparks – Agawam Parks and Recreation Department John Decker – Agawam Department of Public Works Karl Stieg – Historical Commission Deborah Dachos – Department of Planning and Community Development The Committee met monthly reviewing the 2006 Plan, preparing a town-wide survey, and drafting portions of the 2014 Plan. All meetings were posted in the Town Clerk’s Office and on the Town’s exterior public information board. The Advisory Committee visited all public and private open space and recreation facilities and organized a public forum held on April 1, 2014. A summary of ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Agawam 2014 Open Space and Recreation Plan Page 2 the results of the Open Space and Recreation Survey and the public forum can be found in Section 7 – Analysis of Needs as well as in Section 9. Copies of media coverage including press releases and newspaper articles are found in Attachment 11. The Open Space and Recreation Survey was hosted on the Town of Agawam website and hard copies were available at the Agawam Town Hall, the Agawam Public Library and the Agawam Senior Center. Postcards were also distributed to all elementary and middle school students informing them and their parents of the availability of the survey on-line and in the above referenced locations. The April 1st public forum was attended by over 50 residents. Attendees included: elected officials, members of the Conservation Commission, Planning Board, Community Preservation Committee, Historical Commission, Cultural Council, Little League, Soccer Association and interested residents. Three break-out groups were formed and input was provided on three subjects: Opens Space and Recreation Goals and Objectives, Analysis of Existing Town-owned Facilities, and Future Investments in Town-owned Open Space and Recreation Facilities and Activities. A summary of the break-out session findings is included in Section 11. A public hearing was held on September 11, 2014 to present the 2014 Open Space and Recreation Plan. Minutes of the meeting and attendance sheet are found in Section 11. Section 3 - Community Setting A. Regional Context Agawam is the southernmost