The Generic Distinction of Pied Woodpeckers
THE GENERIC DISTINCTION OF PIED WOODPECKERS M. RALPH BROWNING, 170 JacksonCreek Drive, Jacksonville,Oregon 97530 ABSTRACT: The ten speciesof New World four-toedwoodpeckers (scalaris, nuttallii, pubescens, villosus, stricklandi, arizonae, borealis, albolarvatus, lignarius,and m ixtusand the two borealthree-toed species (arcticus and tridactylus), currentlycombined in the genusPicoides, differ, in additionto the numberof toes,in modificationsof the skull,ribs, the belly of the pubo-ischio-femoralismuscle, head plumage,and behavior. I recommendthat the genericname Dryobates be reinstituted for the New World four-toedwoodpeckers. There are three generalmorphological groups of pied woodpeckers,a groupof nine four-toedspecies of the New World, a groupof 22 four-toed speciesof the Old World, and a groupof two three-toedspecies straddling bothregions. ! referto thesegroups of piedwoodpeckers beyond as the New World,Old World,and three-toedgroups. The three-toedspecies have long beenin the genusPicoides Lac•p•de, 1799, but the four-toedgroups have been combinedat the genericlevel in differentways. All four-toedpied woodpeckerswere long includedin the genusDryobates Boie, 1826, later changed to Dendrocopos Koch, 1816 an earlier name (Voous 1947, A.O.U. 1947, Peters 1948). Despite the differencein number of toes, Dendrocoposwas combined with Picoidesbecause of generalsimilarities in anatomy (Delacour 1951, Short 1971a), plumage and behavior (Short 1974a), and vocalizations(Winkler and Short 1978). The A.O.U (1976) followedthis mergerof the genera.On the basisof skeletalcharacters Rea (1983) was skepticalof the merger,but he did not providedetails. On the otherhand, Ouellet(1977), concludingthat the two generadiffer in external morphologyand some behaviors and vocalizations, separated the Old World four-toedwoodpeckers in Dendrocoposand three-toedand New World four-toedwoodpeckers in Picoides.The A.O.U.
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