The IrIs MagazINe of The NaTure group of The rps Issue No. 117 Winter 2013-2014 Scarce Green Silverlines by Gianpiero Ferrari FRPS ISSN 1757-2991 David Osborn Phototours Yellowstone & The Tetons Join us next September for two weeks in the splendour of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. For more information email David at:
[email protected] or go to to view images from this and other tours. TToouurr scduhe le s2c14d: u0he le a2F 1lk4l: 0 and aFIslalkla nds nJad nuary pI-s l1 laancds e Jaavainu lalbe adBsir oryf - 1 Publication information Contents ‘TheIris’ispublishedbytheNatureGroupof theRPSthreetimesayear.Copyand 2 Editorial publicationdatesareasfollows: Spring Copydeadline20thDecember PublishedearlyMarch. 3 From the Chair Summer Copydeadline30thApril PublishedearlyJuly. 4 Speyside, one of Scotland’s great Wildlife havens Winter Copydeadline31stAugust byRichardRevelsFRPS PublishedearlyNovember. Allcontributionsshouldbesubmittedtothe Editor.Itemscoveringanyaspectofnature 8 Insects of Europe, an FRPS Panel photographyand/ornaturalhistoryare byGianpieroFerrariFRPS welcomed,includingreviewsonequipmentand relevantbooks.TheEditorcanbecontacted at:
[email protected] 12 Kingfishers of Oman Copyshouldbesentas.txtor.docfilesby byAndrewAdamsARPS emailoronCD.Pleasedonotsendhand writtencopy. 16 Field Meeting Report - Havergate Island Digitallycapturedphotographicimagesare preferredbutscannedtransparenciesarealso byDavidO’NeillLRPS acceptable.ImagesshouldbesuppliedonCD assRGBTifffiles,6”x4”at300ppi