Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Scrapbooks Peaks Island Archives 4-1954 Hilda Shute Scrapbook, No. 1, part 2 : April 1954 - July 1955 Hilda Shute Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_scrapbook Recommended Citation Shute, Hilda, "Hilda Shute Scrapbook, No. 1, part 2 : April 1954 - July 1955" (1954). Scrapbooks. 3. http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_scrapbook/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Peaks Island Archives at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Scrapbooks by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ~npoy, Jan. 31, 1955 13 ~~~ •. niATh'E, SaTlJRDAY, JANU~%~{19; ~;·_ 1 Pe.£!:ks Island !Miss Ruih Stt1rgis, Bel~v:e~ Group Hali; jPHS Teacher, Dies llttre Mi.s Ruth Leighton s,urgis, · Winter Meeli ng ror 35 }·enrs an &ntlfsh teacher Robert F. St.i!Ungs. vioe prcs in l'ortlond :fflgll school, died idenL of Trefethen.Evergr~n lhi.s JJ10ro\ng in a loe.(L.J Dllraiug Jmprovrment A~"50CiAtion. 50-ned horne alter an \11.ness of more as mt..ster or ce.rcrnonies t\t thC f,han a ·year. annu~t mid-winter gct-tosctnl!f Miss Sture;!r. who was made and d~_nn.er held in \he J..a.fa.ye:tt,~ he;id ·ot the £ntltsh d.ap:'LrtlP.ent Hotel Sal.ul'd_ay evening. at the locnl high scllool ir\.J942, M)-. Sk.Utings re$d R't"Cetlngs ht\.d bee'r1 on to.we or a.Qscncc b~· from Robert F .