6. Airport Facility and Service Objectives Analysis
6. AIRPORT FACILITY AND SERVICE OBJECTIVES ANALYSIS As part of the Georgia Statewide Aviation System Plan (GSASP), target objectives were established to enable airports to best fulfill their assigned level in the state airport system. Recommended levels for all system airports were identified in Chapter 5, Airport Roles. Facility and service objectives apply to airports in each of the following categories: Level I, Level II, and Level III. For this report, Level III airports have been separated into two categories, Commercial Service (Level III - Commercial Service) and General Aviation (Level III - General Aviation). Facility and service objectives are based on those established as part of the 2002 GSASP. They have been updated in some cases to reflect industry, technology, and regulatory changes. The facility and service adequacies and deficiencies identified in this chapter provide the foundation for final system recommendations, as well as for recommendations for individual study airports. It is possible that the recommendations from local airport master planning efforts could result in additional and/or different improvements other than those identified through this system plan. It is also worth noting that GSASP facility objectives reflect, by role, development that is considered desirable at each airport. It is possible that airport-specific conditions may justify development that exceeds an airport’s objectives identified in the GSASP. It is also possible that airport-specific conditions or constraints could prohibit an airport from achieving all of its GSASP-related objectives. Facility and service objectives for Georgia airports, by level, are presented in Table 6-1. This chapter analyzes and summarizes existing airside facilities, landside facilities, and services at 102 system airports.
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