Rfh Gala Programme
LEWLEWLEW ISHISHISH AMAMAM MUSMUSMUS ICICIC SUMSUMSUM MERMERMER GAGAGA LALALA Thursday 27 June 2019 - 7pm Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall #LMGala2019 Welcome to Southbank Centre. We hope you enjoy your visit. We have a Duty Manager available at all times. If you have any queries, please ask a member of staff for assistance. Eating, drinking and shopping? Enjoy fresh seasonal food for breakfast and lunch, coffee, teas and evening drinks with riverside views at Concrete Cafe, Queen Elizabeth Hall, and Riverside Terrace Cafe, Level 2, Royal Festival Hall. Visit our shops for products inspired by our artistic and cultural programme, iconic buildings and central London location. Explore across the site with Foyles, EAT, Giraffe, Strada, wagamama, YO! Sushi, Le Pain Quotidien, Las Iguanas, ping pong, Honest Burger, Côte Brasserie, Skylon, Topolski and Spiritland. If you wish to get in touch with us following your visit, please contact the Visitor Experience Team at Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX, phone us on 020 3879 9555, or email customer@southbankcentre.co.uk We look forward to seeing you again soon. and enjoyment: your comfort to note for A few points auditorium. a in the if there is not allowed is to the auditorium PHOTOGRAPHY admitted are only the LATECOMERS the performance. without break in the auditorium suitable in is not permitted Centre. video or RECORDING confiscate of Southbank right to prior consent the Centre reserves it in safekeeping Southbank and hold equipment off before sound has ended. switched performance should be until the WATCHES PAGERS AND MOBILES, begins. the performance A very warm welcome to Lewisham Music’ s 2019 Summer Gala at Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall.
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