Letting in the Wolf: Lurking Challenge to Pluralism of the Chinese Media in by...... Chang Teck Peng HE THREAT to press freedom and pluralism of public Topinion in Malaysia may be attributed mainly to repressive media laws and media ownership by corporations owned by or linked to the ruling parties. The fact that it has taken its toll is obvious in the English and Malay mainstream media, especially with regard to TV and . The same threat exists for the Chinese media, however, it experiences it to a lesser degree since the ruling parties have often paid less attention to it. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic society with three main ethnic groups, namely, Malay, Chinese, and Indian, and numerous other ethnic minorities. It has a total population of 25.58 million and the ethnic composition is: 15.70 million (65.7 percent) are Bumiputra (Malays and other indigenous groups), 6.07 million (25.4 percent) are Chinese, 1.80 million (7.6 percent) are Indian, and the rest are other ethnic minorities. Nowadays, the scenario of the media industry is much different from the situation during and prior to the 1980s. Back then, most Chinese newspapers were run as family businesses and were faced with stiff competition and a limited market. The owner of Malaysia’s largest Chinese media group, Sin However, changes in the political Chew Media Corporation, , has a stake in atmosphere and the booming economy in its traditional competitor, Nanyang Press Holdings. the 1990s, have contributed to the growth of Oriental Daily News (Malaysia)

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Journalists from protest the move of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) to take over Nanyang Press Holdings and ’s role in the deal. Oriental Daily News (Malaysia) the Chinese media industry. Today, the two of the ruling parties and government are largest Chinese companies are allowed to have their writings published, public companies listed on the Kuala though their writings may sometimes be Lumpur Stock Exchange—Nanyang Press edited or censored. Holdings and Sin Chew Media Corporation, The “relative freedom” could be deemed listed in 1989 and 2004, respectively. as an advantage to the Chinese media and As of end-2003, Sin Chew Media the pluralism of public opinion in the Corporation is the market leader with the Chinese community. Nevertheless, the daily circulation of its two dailies (Sin Chew “relative freedom” is not intentional but Daily and Guang Ming Daily) totaling more comes as a result of its perceived lesser than 474,000 copies while Nanyang Press influence on the ups and downs of the Malay Holdings boasts a daily circulation of elites, the regime of the and 358,000 copies for its two dailies (Nanyang its leading party, United Malays National Siang Pau and China Press). Organisation (UMNO). Therefore, the UMNO elites would not and need not take The Chinese media’s too seriously the news coverage and “relative freedom” editorials in the Chinese media. The Chinese media enjoys “relative However, this is not to say that this freedom” in comparison to the English and “relative freedom” has not been infringed Malay media. upon. Key political events have caused these More room is “given” to the Chinese ruling parties to keep a keener eye on the media in reporting political issues which Chinese media. may not be published in the English and The first one relates to the dismissal of Malay media. The commentary section is as the Deputy Prime also a prominent part in the Chinese Minister and the ensuing Reformasi newspapers where writers who are critical movement. Since Anwar was dismissed

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The opposition leader, Lim Kit Siang, had Home Ministry as the beginning of a nightmare for the Chinese media. Ong is described the Chinese-educated and this enables him to read, monitor, and control the Chinese appointment of Ong newspapers in more effective ways. Moreover, he is able to respond immediately Kar Ting into the Home when contents in the Chinese newspapers are unfavorable to him or his party’s Ministry as the policies. Ong has become more “powerful” and beginning of a “influential” to editors of the Chinese media nightmare for the when he was appointed a full minister to Chinese media. from his portfolio and expelled from UMNO in September 1998, the Malay supporters of UMNO had broken up into two main factions: one remained in strong support of UMNO and Mahathir Mohammad while the other turned to support the opposition. The Chinese votes, therefore, played a vital role in deciding who would win the election. The outcome of the 1999 general election had proven this trend even as the ruling Barisan Nasional had to take the necessary steps to maintain the support of the Chinese community. The four Chinese dailies controlled by two media groups On the other hand, they were trying hard had joined hands to prevent Oriental Daily News from having to bar the influence of the Reformasi from access to the traditional distribution networks. spreading to the Chinese community, by Oriental Daily News (Malaysia) scrutinizing the large volume of news, the Ministry of Housing and Local views, and pictures about Reformasi that had Government in 1999 and later on elected as been published in the Chinese newspapers. the President of MCA in 2003. With his rise Hence, the influential Chinese newspapers to power, the interaction between the have come under strict monitoring by the Chinese media and Ong has become much government. closer and the Chinese media became more The second one concerns the rise of the careful in dealing with the issues that might present Malaysian Chinese Association be considered as unfavorable to MCA and (MCA) President, Ong Kar Ting, and his close Ong himself. linkage with Sin Chew Media Corporation. The MCA has strengthened its influence The tightened control over the Chinese on the Chinese media when one of its other media pratically began when Ong was members, Donald Lim, was appointed the appointed to the office of the Home Deputy Minister to the Ministry of Ministry, which is empowered by the 1984 Information in 2003. The Ministry runs the Printing Presses and Publications Act to state-owned broadcasting station, RTM. supervise the print media. Ong was Since his appointment, Lim has not only appointed as Parliamentary Secretary to the tried to oversee the running of the Chinese Home Ministry in 1991 and subsequently section of RTM, particularly the Mandarin promoted to be the Deputy Minister to the News section, but has also taken initiative same Ministry from 1995 until 1999. to establish a cross-media committee to The opposition leader, Lim Kit Siang, had standardize the use of Chinese terms in the described the appointment of Ong into the media.

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The third event has to do with MCA’s acquisition of the largest Chinese media The politically-motivated company, Nanyang Press Holdings, in 2001 and the birth of a new Chinese daily, the acquisition of the MCA Oriental Daily News in 2003. was supported by then Nanyang Press Holdings is in control of at least 17 publications, including the second Prime Minister and third largest Chinese dailies, China Press and . The politically- Mahathir Mohammad. motivated acquisition was supported by the then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad, in September 2002. But the newly born who had publicly condemned the 80-year- newspaper lived for only one day. It was old newspaper for its “pro-opposition” banned by the Home Ministry on the second stance that contributed to the defeat of the day of its publication. It had, however, Barisan Nasional in the state assembly managed to resume publication in January elections in 2000. 2003. MCA’s takeover of Nanyang Press On the other hand, the two largest Holdings was met with protests from the Chinese media groups had joined hands to Chinese community and “anti-takeover prevent Oriental Daily News from having movements” were launched by concerned access to the traditional distribution parties. networks, thus resulting in the paralysis of Columnists and regular contributors to the circulation of Oriental Daily News to the major Chinese newspapers played vital reach consumers. In turn, the Oriental Daily roles in these movements by launching what News had repeatedly revealed the tactics of they called the “Stop Writing Campaign”, sabotage taken by its rivals—including i.e. they agreed not to contribute their intimidating newspaper vendors who were articles to the four Chinese newspapers selling Oriental Daily News. Meanwhile, involved in the deal, namely Nanyang Siang features and articles criticizing the motives Pau, China Press, Sin Chew Daily, and Guang and the foreseeable harms of Tiong’s Ming Daily. The campaign also had led to intended domination of the Chinese media the establishment of the Writers’ Alliance as well as his ways of achieving it had been for Media Independence (WAMI). published from time to time. The campaign did not limit itself to Sin Chew Daily had its publishing permit targeting the take over, but also sought to revoked by the Home Ministry during a call the attention of the largest Chinese political crackdown in 1987. It had made newspaper, Sin Chew Daily, for its use of the experience to build up its unwillingness to publish statements and corporate image with the motto of “Integrity reports in protest against MCA’s proposed Above All” since the early 1990s. But now deal. it found itself the target of criticisms that The owner of Sin Chew Daily, Tiong Hiew were seen as damaging to its hard-earned King, was said to have been involved in the corporate image. deal. Though Tiong denied he had any Therefore, it was not surprising that Sin interest in the deal, his two companies were Chew Media Corporation would spare no listed in the annual reports of Nanyang Press efforts to counter attack its critics. However, Holdings as the 12th and 13th largest it was most unexpected that the media giant stakeholders in 2002 and 10th and 14th in would resort to collaboration with MCA in 2003 as well 2004. wiping out dissenters. In fact, MCA shared a similar interest as the declining circulation Political influence and the of Nanyang Siang Pau was expected to get Chinese media worse following the publication of Oriental Following the fall of Nanyang Press Daily News. Holdings into MCA’s hand, a new Chinese Subsequent developments revealed that daily, Oriental Daily News, had hit the street the two parties had worked in collusion,

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initially to deter the publication of Oriental Daily News and later on to suppress criticisms from the new print media and the independent writers. Sin Chew Daily‘s increased alliance with MCA in general and Ong in particular was exposed during MCA’s intra-party conflict in 2000 and became more obvious since Tiong became one of the major stakeholders in Nanyang Press Holdings, while Ong was elected to the party’s top post. Though not intentionally, the birth of Oriental Daily News caused the further shrinking of the space for news and views in the Chinese media industry. The Home Ministry was said to be involved in the plots to discriminate Oriental Daily News and the writers who took part in the “anti-takeover MCA’s proposal to takeover Nanyang Press Holdings was movements”. met with protests from the Chinese community. When Oriental Daily News started its Oriental Daily News (Malaysia) publication, the Home Ministry had again invited me to write a new column produced a blacklist of individuals who focusing on media critique. They were were not allowed to be employed by Oriental willing to “test the waters,” i.e. the column Daily News. Meanwhile, some writers who would continue if no “pressure” came from took part in the “Stop Writing Campaign” the Home Ministry. were banned from writing as columnists in This time, however, the problem did not the Oriental Daily News. Those blacklisted come from the two articles but from a TV were mostly hardcore members of WAMI news program featuring an interview with who were outspoken in criticizing Sin Chew me aired over the state-run TV2’s Mandarin Media Corporation and MCA. Some other News. writers were blacklisted later when their I was interviewed on the topic “Chinese writings were seen as having offended the dailies and their cultural role,” wherein I powers-that-be either in politics or in the had commented that Chinese newspaper media industry. conglomerates had generally intended to build up their corporate images by Personal testimony organizing various cultural activities. I myself had been a victim of this Though I did not specify any Chinese daily, “blacklisting” practice. the narrator had mentioned several Chinese Here is my story: When Oriental Daily newspapers and the cultural activities they News resumed publication on January 1, had organized. 2003, I was invited to be a columnist. After the first segment of the interview However, my column was unexpectedly was aired, the head of the Mandarin News banned after the publication of the fifth received a call from Deputy Information article despite the fact that I had been careful Minister Lim. Following the call, the second not to touch on the so-called “sensitive segment, which was scheduled to be aired issues”, nor did I criticize the power elites. the next day, was axed and the TV editor However, I did criticize the way the two who produced the feature was sacked. Chinese newspapers groups had attempted Previously, TV2 had also axed a special to block the distribution network of Oriental feature on the controversial acquisition of Daily News. This triggered the Home Office Nanyang Press Holdings. to “pressure” the editor to terminate the Afterwards, the editor of Oriental Daily column. News informed me that they had to remove A year later, Oriental Daily News once my column as they once again received

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“pressure” from the Home Ministry. The avoided by the mainstream media in column became the most short-lived column Malaysia. The mainstream media have no in my writing career—only two articles courage to publish views or articles were published before it was banned. criticizing the politicians who hold Moreover, two days after the news influential portfolios. For example, when feature was aired, Sin Chew Daily published the former authoritative Prime Minister an article written by its deputy editor in Mahathir Mohammad was in power, if an chief, to condemn TV2’s Mandarin News for article mentioned his name in a negative “misusing public facility to gain personal way, it would be replaced by some general interest” by throwing mud at Sin Chew Daily. term like “an Asian leader.” In worse cases, My experience is not an isolated case. the whole article will be archived. The Since its resumption, the Oriental Daily News situation remained the same after Abdullah has been the target of the Home Ministry Badawi had taken over as the new Prime and the Sin Chew Media Corporation. To Minister. survive, it has had to remain low-key by The mainstream media are also not rejecting writers who attack media allowed to carry unfavorable comments on monopoly in their articles. controversial policies or decisions of the There is no doubt that political influences government, issues causing “racial disputes” have been used to safeguard certain media or threatening “national security.” from being criticized. Discussions on issues Otherwise, the editors receive “pressure” like media monopoly, Tiong’s intention of from the Home Ministry. building a media empire, and the political While all these are nothing new in control over media ownership can now Malaysia and are realities to be faced in hardly find their ways into the Chinese media industry, the worrying trend today media, including the newspapers and is that the scope of these “forbidden areas” Mandarin news on TV. have expanded. It now includes topics While critiques on media monopoly and ranging from corporate takeovers to Tiong’s intention to dominate the Chinese business monopolies, such as the Chinese media industry had been eliminated, Sin media industry. Chew Daily had introduced a prominent new Another worrying phenomenon is that section called “Interaction Platform” the Chinese community has become more (Goutong Pingtai) on page three of its national tolerant of the compromising attitude of the edition. The new section published the so- Chinese media in addressing political called “letters to the editor” received from pressures and the monopoly in the Chinese its readers and the replies from its editorial media industry. Even if it is being dominated personnel. However, the main function of by a single media tycoon like Tiong, they the section appeared to be an initiative to rationalize that it is still owned by Chinese not only counter attack the critiques on and therefore, it is assumed that it is doing Tiong’s cross-ownership in Nanyang Press its part in safeguarding the interests of the Holdings, but most importantly, to Chinese community even as the company legitimize his intended domination of the sponsors a lot of cultural events. This, Chinese media industry. Among the unfortunately, has made many Chinese- “letters” published were those praising and Malaysians lukewarm when it comes to justifying Tiong’s ambitious move in fighting for press freedom in the Chinese “commanding” the Chinese media industry, community. as well as attacking those writers who had ...... criticized Tiong and Sin Chew Media Chang Teck Peng has been a journalist and Corporation but who now had no platform co-founder of the Malaysia-based volunteer to voice their opinions. group called Writers’ Alliance for Media Independence. He is also a founder of Media “Forbidden areas” Studies Department, New Era College, a There are many “forbidden areas” that community-funded higher learning institution have been informally set and carefully in Malaysia.

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