Salisbury Central Area Framework January 2020 Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design 19 Maltings Place 169 Tower Bridge Road London SE1 3JB Telephone 020 7089 2121
[email protected] ©TIBBALDS JANUARY 2020 Contents Foreword from Wiltshire Council and its Partners 2 Appendix 1: Global Warming and Climate Emergency Declaration 58 1 Executive Summary 4 Appendix 2: How the CAF relates to other documents 59 2 Introduction and Purpose of the CAF 9 Appendix 3: Planning Policy Summary 60 Purpose 9 National Planning Policy 60 Method 9 Local Planning Policy: Wiltshire Core Strategy 60 Relationship to other documents and strategies 10 Summary 61 3 About Salisbury: Context, Opportunities and Constraints 12 Strengths 13 Opportunities 13 Constraints 15 4 Objectives for the Central Area of Salisbury 18 5 Central Area-wide Initiatives 20 Creating people-friendly streets 20 Improving open space and the environment 26 Creating vibrancy 28 Bringing out the qualities 31 6 Identifying Character Areas and their role in the City 34 7 Conclusion 56 Note: Unless stated otherwise, quotes used within this CAF are taken from responses given either by: residents throughout the CAF’s development and consultation process; or taken from the baseline analysis undertaken in support of this CAF. ©TIBBALDS JANUARY 2020 Salisbury Central Area Framework 1 Foreword from Wiltshire Council and its Partners The Salisbury Central Area Framework These will make the most of Salisbury’s heritage, historic The transformation of Salisbury’s central area will be buildings, thriving cultural sector and beautiful landscape achieved through ongoing collaboration and partnership, (the CAF) provides a clear pathway towards setting; respond meaningfully to the impact of climate and by accepting and embracing change.