Asociace obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu ČR

The Defence and Security Industry Association of the

Washingtonova 25 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic

Tel.: + 420 224 235 320 Fax: + 420 224 235 319

E-mail: [email protected] DSIA

ADHOG Advertising s.r.o. Aero trade a.s. AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s. ALFAVARIA Group s.r.o. ALLSAT s.r.o. Aon Central and Eastern Europe a.s. ARGUN s.r.o. ATS-TELCOM PRAHA a.s. AUDIOPRO s.r.o. AURA, s.r.o. AVEC CHEM s.r.o. AVIATION SERVICE, a.s. B.O.I.S. - FILTRY, spol. s r.o. BAE SYSTEMS (INTERNATIONAL) LTD BANZAI spol. s r.o. BESTIS s.r.o. Cetag, s.r.o. CEVRO Institut, o.p.s. Corpus Solutions a.s. Česká letecká servisní a.s. Česká zbrojovka a.s. Československá exportní spol. s r.o. DICOM, spol. s r.o. EGO Zlín, spol. s r.o. ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o. ERA, a.s. EuroNet.CZ spol. s r.o. EVPÚ Defence a.s. EXCALIBUR ARMY spol. s r.o. EXPLOSIA a.s. FENIX Protector s.r.o. Glomex MS, s.r.o. GORDIC spol. s r.o. Gumárny Zubří, akciová společnost GUMOTEX, akciová společnost ICZ a.s. Imex Group s.r.o. INNA s.r.o. INTERCOLOR, akciová společnost INTV, spol. s r.o. KARBOX s.r.o. Koutný spol. s r.o. KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. LOM PRAHA s.p. MAX MERLIN spol. s r.o. MEDIAP, spol. s r.o. Meopta Systems, s.r.o. MESIT holding a.s. Mighty Octopus s.r.o. MPI Group, s.r.o. MS Line, s.r.o.


MT Legal s.r.o. NAVIGA 4, s.r.o. NESS Czech s.r.o. Nová Mosilana a.s. OMNIPOL a.s. OPTOKON, a.s. ORITEST spol. s r.o. PAMA, spol. s r.o. Poličské strojírny a.s. PRAGA-Export s.r.o. PRAMACOM – HT, spol. s r.o. Pramacom Prague spol. s r.o. Progres Partners Advertising, spol. s r.o. První brněnská strojírna Velká Bíteš, a.s. RAMET a.s. Ray Service, a.s. RETIA, a.s. Robodrone Industries s.r.o. ROHDE & SCHWARZ - Praha, s.r.o. S.P.M. Liberec, s.r.o. Saab Technologies s.r.o. Sellier & Bellot a.s. SILK & PROGRESS, spol. s r.o. SINTEX, a.s. STAP a.s. STILL ČR spol. s r.o. STV GROUP a.s. SVITAP J.H.J. spol. s r.o. SVOS, spol. s r.o. SVS FEM s.r.o. SWORDFISH s.r.o. T-CZ, a.s. TATRA TRUCKS a.s. TENEO 3000 s.r.o. TESLA, akciová společnost TESLA V.T. - MIKROEL, s.r.o. Trade FIDES, a.s. TTC TELEKOMUNIKACE, s.r.o. Univerzita obrany VAKUFORM s.r.o. VARIEL, a.s. Veletrhy Brno, a.s. VIAVIS a.s. Vojenský technický ústav, s.p. Vojenský výzkumný ústav, s.p. VOP CZ, s.p. VOP Dolní Bousov, spol. s r.o. VOP GROUP, s.r.o. VR Group, a.s. Výzkumný ústav stavebních hmot, a.s. Zenit, spol. s r.o. ZEVETA Bojkovice, a.s.

 DSIA The Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic

Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA) associates Czech companies engaged in research, development, production, trade and marketing of the military and security equipment, material and services. It was founded in 1997 as a non-governmental, independent, apolitical, non-profit organization. Since its foundation it is a respected partner of the Czech Government, the Ministries of Industry and Trade, Defence, Interior and Foreign Affairs. With these institutions the DSIA signed a series of cooperation agreements.

It became an important partner and participant in the legis- lative processes. DSIA promotes business and commercial interests of its members in a dialogue with the Parliament, ministries, other government authorities. DSIA is a primary contact point for similar foreign institutions. It helps foreign firms to find suitable partners and vice-versa it helps the Czech firms to contact appropriate companies abroad.

DSIA supports pro-export efforts of its member companies and helps them to look for new markets. It also participates in shaping of the national pro-export policy and supports export interests of the DSIA members towards the state administration.

One of the DSIA tasks is to negotiate the state or EU support of main specialized domestic and foreign fairs. It helps the exhibitors to administrate the state support, to negotiate better prices and to boost their PR activities. DSIA actively supports research and development interests of the member companies and helps them to create specialized groups for complex solutions to meet specific tasks.

The Association became an indispensable intermediary for domestic and international cooperation. It provides exchange of information concerning tenders, supplies and demands between state organizations and the industry. The membership in the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) and cooperation with the European Defence Agency (EDA) allows the DSIA to be a part of discussions concerning future of the European defence and security in­

 dustry. It is engaged in the NIAG (NATO Industrial Advisory Group) activities. It also cooperates with NSPA (NATO Support Agency) and is active in programs like AEW&C, AGS and others. DSIA also organized training courses for member companies, using the EU funding. The programs included the area of quality, standardization and cataloging in the security sector and defence industry.

The Association cooperates with the publishing house MS Line on publishing a magazine called the Czech Defence Industry and Security Review which is a media platform for the Czech defence and security industry.

 AOBP Asociace obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu ČR

Asociace obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu České re­ publiky (AOBP) sdružuje firmy zabývající se výzkumem, vývojem, výrobou, obchodem a marketingem s obrannou a bezpečnostní technikou, materiálem a službami. Je nevlád- ní, nezávislou, nepolitickou, neziskovou a neobchodní orga- nizací, která byla založena v roce 1997. Již od svého zalo- žení je respektovaným a uznávaným partnerem vlády České republiky, ministerstev průmyslu a obchodu, obrany, vnitra a zahraničních věcí, s nimiž má podepsánu řadu dohod o spolupráci. AOBP se stala i důležitým partnerem a účast­ níkem legislativních procesů.

Asociace prosazuje podnikatelské a obchodní zájmy svých členů v dialogu s Parlamentem, ministerstvy a ostatními orgá- ny státní správy. Diskusí u „kulatého stolu“ či osobními jedná- ními s představiteli státní administrativy a zákonodárné moci se podílí na řešení problematiky českého obranně-bezpeč- nostního průmyslu jako celku. AOBP je základním kontakt- ním místem pro obdobné zahraniční instituce a pomáhá fir- mám z celého světa hledat v České republice vhodné part- nery. Obdobně pak slouží českých výrobcům při vyhledá- vání zahraničních společností vhodných pro průmyslovou spolupráci.

Podporuje úsilí firem českého obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu pronikat na zahraniční trhy. V rámci svého posta- vení se podílí na proexportní politice České republiky a snaží se působit na orgány státní správy při prosazování exportních zájmů svých členů.

Asociace prosazuje zařazení hlavních specializovaných vele- trhů v tuzemsku i zahraničí do seznamu akcí se státní nebo unijní podporou, pomáhá vystavujícím členům se zajištěním čerpání příslušné státní podpory, jedná o cenách, pomáhá s administrací a s publicitou a propagací. Asociace se aktivně podílí na podpoře výzkumných a vývojových aktivit členských podniků a napomáhá vytváření specializovaných skupin pro komplexní řešení jednotlivých úkolů.

Asociace se stala nepostradatelným zprostředkovatelem spo- lupráce na domácí a mezinárodní půdě. Zajišťuje výměnu

 informací o tendrech, veřejných zakázkách, nabídkách a po­ ptávkách mezi státními institucemi a průmyslem. V rámci členství v Evropské asociaci leteckého a obranného průmyslu (ASD) a činnosti v Evropské obranné agentuře (EDA) je AOBP zapojena do unijního dění. V NATO se AOBP anga- žuje v rámci Poradní skupiny pro průmysl (NIAG) a ­ pracuje s agenturou NSPA. Dále se podílí na konkrétních programech jako AEW & C, AGS a dalších. AOBP je také aktivní v oblasti vzdělávání, kde za pomoci evropských fondů organizovala školení v oblasti jakosti, standardizace a katalogizace v bezpečnostním sektoru a obranném prů­ myslu. Rovněž realizovala vzdělávací projekt ke zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti českého obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu.

Asociace spolupracuje s vydavatelstvím MS Line na vydávání časopisu Czech Defence Industry & Security Review, jenž je mediální platformou českého obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu.

Presentation of member companies


ADHOG Advertising s.r.o. ADDRESS: Za Poříčskou bránou 21, 186 00 Praha 8 PHONE: 224 829 138 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: ADHOG ADVERTISING Advertising Agency knows how to promote and develop your brand or product by seeking and finding successful (sometimes perhaps non-conventional ones) advertising solutions. The Agency’s phi­ losophy is: to achieve great results, the idea is much more important than the amount of funds expended. Clearly said: creativity for the benefit of the brand! The scope of the Agency’s services is broad, exactly corresponding with the meaning of the expression full service. Proposals and creating of advertising campaigns, conceptions of marketing and communication strategies, recording of radio and television commercials, creative and production organisation of promotions, all print production works, PR ser­ vices, web pages, advertising events, and tastings. Simply said, anything what can push your brand up to the top, and once it is already there, safely maintain its position. Unilever Europe, AVG Technologies CZ, Robert Half International, Charouz Group, Walmark, Mero ČR, a.s., AutoŠtangl, Pribina - Bongrain, Podravka, Pinko. – the companies already using the Agency’s services to their satisfaction.

AERO TRADE a.s. ADDRESS: Beranových 130, 199 04 Prague 9 PHONE: +420 283 102 811 FAX: +420 283 102 812 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - export and import of military and civil aircraft, engines and spare parts - provisioning of comprehensive logistics for Czech indigenous aircraft (L-39, L-410, Z-x42, x43) - deliveries of turnkey solutions for medium/small airports and ATC centres - marketing and sales of MESIT Group’s electronics - advisory and consulting services

AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s. ADDRESS: U Letiště 374, 250 70 Odolena Voda PHONE: +420 255 761 111 FAX: +420 255 763 233 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - development, production, testing, repairs, maintenance and upgrades of military training and combat aircraft, aircraft parts and tools, development and production of civil utility aircraft, aerostructures in production of heli­ copters and aircraft, foreign trade with military material, airport operation and air services, system integration, assembly, composite production and landing gear.


ALFAVARIA Group s.r.o. ADDRESS: Londýnská 78/21, 460 01 Liberec (plant) PHONE: +420 485 100 303 FAX: +420 485 103 812 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - producer and supplier of portable container or box body workshops – custom production for military or industrial use. Deliveries including professional tools and workshop equipment. Each container workhop is manufactured to order and according to customer needs and intended way and place of use. - supplier of industrtial brand name tools and workshop equipment into manufacturing plants and repair services; eg. hand, electric and pneumatic tools, precise joint fastening systems, professional workhop furniture, workshop trolleys. - supplier of specialized tools and accessories for repair and maintenance of military machinery, wheeled and tracked technics. - supplier of specialized coldworking technology for airplane repair and maintenance. - supplier of vehicle built-in systems; light weight aluminium fittings for commercial and service vehicles

ALLSAT s.r.o. ADDRESS: Českobrodská 516, 198 00 Praha 9 – Hostavice PHONE: +420 271 745 266, FAX: +420 271 745 542 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Import, sale, development, training and service of special surveillance pro­ ducts for government organizations.

Aon Central and Eastern Europe a.s. ADDRESS: Václavské nám. 832/19, 110 00 Praha 1 PHONE: +420 222 232 246 FAX: +420 274 815 441 E-MAIL: [email protected], [email protected] WEBSITE:, MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Insurance intermediation - Property insurance - Liability insurance - Credit insurance - Political risks insurance - Car fleets insurance - Cargo insurance - Construction insurance • Risk management consulting • Optimization of insurance / risk management costs • Claims handling • Employee benefits programs - Life insurance - Pension insurance Aon is a global organization with a worldwide network of 500 offices in 120 countries. Aon offices in CZ: Prague, Brno, Jihlava, Plzen, Olomouc.


ARGUN s.r.o. ADDRESS: Jana Krušinky 1723, 500 02 Hradec Králové PHONE: +420 495 537 088 FAX: +420 495 532 555 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Development, production and sale of ballistic and anti-riot products. • We are supplying bulletproof vests and helmets, additional armoring, anti-riot equipment (suits, helmets, gloves, shields) and full tactical gear.

ATS - TELCOM PRAHA, a.s. ADDRESS: Milíčova 533/14, 130 00 Praha 3 PHONE: +420 283 003 111 FAX: +420 283 003 600 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Telecommunication corporation specialized in design, installation and ser­ vice of large department and business telecommunication and transmission networks with integrated services in the Czech Republic and abroad, based on the technologies of companies Alcatel-Lucent, ERICSSON, LifeSize, HUAWEI and other world-known producers. Long-term experience in a deployment of complex security solution with the exclusivity of providing to selected state authorities of the Czech Republic products of Thales Norway AS and SECTRA Communications AB com­ panies. Project and building – up of object security systems and information transmission protection according to the National Security Authority Regulations of the Czech Republic. Warranty and after warranty services of installed technologies in the stand- by mode. Development of own products (e.g. hardened air-conditioned boxes). System integration, providing and development of ICT services, mainly for governmental sector.

AUDIOPRO s.r.o. ADDRESS: Lužná 591/4, 160 00 Prague 6 - Vokovice PHONE: +420 257 011 177 FAX: +420 572 011 170 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - Special covert communication systems and accessories, including hearing protection. - COFDM systems for sending video, covert systems including special co- vert cameras. - FUJINON – advanced professional binoculars for day and night obser- vation from the land as well as helicopter - SKB Cases - special multi-purpose transport boxes and rack systems for military, industry as well as civil use - Professional communication, conferencing, videoconferencing and pro­ fessional audio solutions.


AURA, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Úvoz 499/56, 602 00 Brno PHONE: +420 544 508 111 FAX: +420 544 508 112 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Information systems for military logistics. AURA develops and maintains the Information System for Logistics (ISL) for the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces of the Czech Republic. • Comprehensive services in the area of materiel and services codification in compliance with standards of the NATO Codification System (NCS), ISO 8000, ISO 22745 and OTD (Open Technical Dictionary). The services comprise of SW products (MC CATALOGUE), assistance with imple­ mentation of codification systems, data cleansing, training, consultations, codification and services of a certified codification agency. • AURA supports NCS College Courses. • E-procurement solutions using standardized description of purchased goods and services. • Content/document management system (CMS/DMS) specialised in defence standards. • Development of application software. • Systems integration and information technologies. • CBRN-Analysis system evaluating CBRN situation and ensuring early warning. Currently, AURA has implemented its logistics software in 12 countries.

AVEC CHEM s.r.o. ADDRESS: Starý Mateřov 124, 530 02 Pardubice PHONE / FAX: +420 466 303 037 GSM: +420 605 964 769 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: The company specializes in the development, production and sale of: - filter canisters for gas masks and PAPR - fire escape masks - collective filters for shelters - collective filters for vehicles - renovation and revisal of shelters - renovation of Filtering-ventilation devices The company has introduced the Quality Management System CSN EN ISO 9001:2009 in order to ensure quality and a high engineering level.

AVIATION SERVICE, a.s. ADDRESS: K letišti 1063/27, 161 00 Prague 6 PHONE: +420 234 624 111 FAX: +420 234 624 112 e-mail: [email protected] website: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Avionics and Special Systems Solution Supplier – sales, repair, maintenance, engineering, installation and executive aircraft handling. Bell Helicopter Customer Service Facility – spares sales, maintenance, repair and component overhaul and completion, customizing and delivery of new and refurbished aircraft.


B.O.I.S. - FILTRY, spol. s r.o. OFFICE ADDRESS: Staňkova 103/18, 602 00 Brno Plant and mailing address: Pražská 3, 678 01 Blansko PHONE: +420 516 410 560, FAX: +420 516 410 562 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - development, manufactoring and sale of - air-permeable NBS protective suit - multi-spectral camouflage systems (camoufalge nets, mobile camouflage and personal camouflage) - foreign trade in military materials (NBC protection and detection, ca­ mouflage systems, services)

BAE SYSTEMS (INTERNATIONAL) LTD ADDRESS: nám. Před bateriemi 18, 162 00 Prague 6 PHONE: +420 220 511 778 FAX: +420 220 511 174 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Delivery of Defence, Aerospace and Security Solutions

BANZAI spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Blahoslavova 10/293, 130 00 Prague 3 PHONE: +420 271 773 658 FAX: +420 271 771 208 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Export-Import-Services. Specialised trading activities involving trading with weapons, weapon systems and military products under the „Permission on foreign trade with military materiel No. R120507009“. Services involving weapons, weapon systems and military materiel - storage, repairs, transport, training to technical staff, special vehicles, etc. Export and import of weapons and relating products up to sale at public markets.

BESTIS s.r.o. ADDRESS: F. Čejky 427, 738 01 Frýdek-Místek PHONE: +420 558 622 322, +420 602 767 867 (Non-Stop) FAX: +420 558 439 877, +420 558 633 745 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: www. Founded: 1990, CEO’s name: Stanislav CHLEBEK MAIN ACTIVITIES: International trade with military equipment within the scope of the valid licence issued in accordance with Act No.38/1994 Coll. Manufacture, repair, modification, transportation, purchase, sale, lease, storage, disabling and destruction of arms and ammunition Management and Consultancy for Foreign Investors of Industrial Projects - SPECIAL PRODUCT: Mobile device for smelting explosive filling from ammu­ nition - COVERED BY EUROPEAN PATENT WORKING SPECIAL TERRITORY EXPERIENCE: India, Japan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq Working territory experience in Europe: Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovakia


Cetag, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Na Poříčí 1070/19, 110 00 Praha 1 PHONE: +420 234 697 927 FAX: +420 222 318 727 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Cetag is a leading by Czech Ministry of Justice certified institute and forensic science laboratory (crime lab) operating in field of cybernetics and infor­ mation technology. Cetag is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (forensic science laboratory), ISO/IEC 9001 (quality management), ISO/IEC 20000-1 (information technology) and ISO/IEC 27001 (information security). Cetag and its employees have access to classified national security information up to and including the level “secret”.

CEVRO Institut, o.p.s. ADDRESS: Jungmannova 17/28, 110 00 Prague 1 PHONE: +420 221 506 700 FAX: +420 221 506 709 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: The CEVRO Institute is a private university offering Bachelor and related higher education in the field of law, political science, security and economics. In the field of security, the CEVRO Institute offers a practically based Bachelor programme in Public administration – specialising in Security Practice tied to a Master’s programme in Security Studies and a post-graduate programme for managers MPA – Security and Crisis Management and an MBA – Management and cybernetics security. The CEVRO Institute organises professional seminars, conferences, educational and cultural events focusing on current security issues both domestically and internationally, while also performs research and scientific work, above all as part of the Centre for Transatlantic Studies (PTCR) and the Centre for Security Studies (CEBES).

Corpus Solutions a.s. ADDRESS: Na Vítězné pláni 1719/4, 140 00 Prague 4 PHONE: +420 241 020 333 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: You know more thanks to us! Our customer relationship is based on maximum understanding of their needs and high-level of expertise of the implementing team. We offer a solution that brings our customers a long-term contribution to their business. Our solutions contain innovative features and are based on state-of-art technology trends in the ICT industry. We have been operating on the ICT market since 1992 with great success and we are primarily an ICT company, based strictly on a Czech registered capital.


Česká letecká servisní a.s. ADDRESS: Mladoboleslavská ul. 197 21 Prague - Kbely PHONE: +420 286 019 311 FAX: +420 286 856 367 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: ■ Avionics upgrade programs ■ System solutions ■ Avionics integration ■ Engineering ■ Wiring harnesses production ■ Installations ■ Sales of avionics with technical support ■ Flight line maintenance

Česká zbrojovka a.s. ADDRESS: Svat. Čecha 1283, 687 27 Uherský Brod PHONE: +420 572 651 111 FAX: +420 572 633 665 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Česká zbrojovka a.s., founded in 1936, develops, manufactures, sells and services small arms especially designed for armed units, armed forces, police and specialist units; it performs the same functions for sporting and hunting usage. At the same time it also commercially completes and complements orders with accessories and material.

Československá exportní spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Jenečská 223/26, 161 00 Praha 6 PHONE: +420 220 562 022 FAX: +420 220 562 023 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Československá exportní (CZEX) was founded in 2004 as a subsidiary of TKC joint stock company. TKC has been active in the civil aviation business since 1995 on both Czech and foreign aerospace markets, providing business and technical solutions to a wide scope of clients. While TKC‘s business focus has been on the civilian aviation market, CZEX holds full licence for arms trade (Pursuant to Act. 38/1994 Coll., Arms Trade Act) for numerous countries on four continents. Major advantage we hold over competitors is a profound experience and knowledge of technical issues. Roman Sorejs, founder of both TKC and CZEX, graduated from Kiev Aviation Institute in 1987 and since that time has been involved in aerospace business. CZEX adheres to strict legislative arms trade regulations and upholds best business practices, believing that high integrity and transparency is the best investment in long term business growth. We will continue in our ultimate pursuit: Achieving excellence.


DICOM, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Sokolovská 573, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště PHONE: +420 572 522 833 FAX: +420 572 522 836 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Development and production of military tactical radios, communication systems and electronics.

EGO Zlín, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: U pekárny 438, 763 14 Zlín - Štípa PHONE: +420 577 100 031 FAX: +420 577 914 363 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: EGO Zlín, spol. s r.o. (Ltd.), a Czech company, established in 1992, has been becoming very early a highly regarded producer and distributor of systems used when dealing with critical situations (traffic accidents, environmental disasters, industrial disasters, occurrence of dangerous infections). The com­ pany deals mainly with special health care sector, integrated rescue services, civil defense, military health care, CBRN units and urgent medicine. We offer and supply to Defence Industry whole systems of protection in case of biological infection risk with use of negative pressure; decontamination systems developed according NATO Army needs for field conditions; mobile workplaces for urgent medical treatment as well as for long-term purposes and emergency products used by first aid responders. The company EGO Zlín is certified in accordance with ISO Standard EN ISO 9001 and each product is thoroughly and rigorously checked by product final inspection.

ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Dělnická 469, 530 03 Pardubice PHONE: +420 466 052 443-5 FAX: +420 466 670 423 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o., established in 1991, is the best Czech producer of active radar systems. The company scores worldwide in the area of Air Traffic Control and Air Defence, because it meets customers’ high requirements with these main products: - PAR-E – Digital Precision Approach Radar - RL-2000 - Airport Surveillance Radar - MSSR-1 - Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar - RPL-5M Radar set (PAR and ASR) - Microwave and IF parts - MTI, MTD signal processors - DVAZ (Radar video recorder/loggers)


ERA a.s. ADDRESS: Průmyslová 387, 530 03 Pardubice PHONE: +420 467 004 253, 466 670 698 FAX: +420 467 004 555 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: ERA a.s. is world leader in passive surveillance radar systems and supplier of next-generation surveillance and flight tracking solutions for the air traffic management, military, security and airport operations markets. ERA is able to produce its products in own production line as well as ship them and install on the site on the commercial base. ERA runs its own R&D programs on the innovations of existing Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA) multi­ lateration (in both – civil and military applications) and on Automated Depend Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). ERA offers the unique Passive ESM (Electronic Support Measures) Tracker (PET) VERA-NG – ideal for advanced border protection in covert mode. ERA covers by internal resources future multiposition radar technologies: Passive Coherent Location (PCL) and Multistatic Primary Surveillance Radar (MSPSR).

EuroNet.CZ, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Holečkova 907/47, 150 00 Prague 5 PHONE: +420 257 313 246 FAX: +420 257 313 247 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: One of our main activities is the production of reports and news broadcasts for radio and television or internet media. It spans from searching for the theme, through editorial and production preparation, to the shooting and postproduction process. A production of video documents of congresses, conferences and similar events from social, cultural, sports or corporate life. After all, we are a company coming from the heart of Europe - the Czech Republic. Another major activity is comprehensive services in the field of Public Relations. A small example: We prepare a press conference. We ensure the participation of journalists, create a video and an audio recording of a press conference, and we distribute the footage to media. Does this not suffice? Do you need a partner that can handle large events for thousands of visitors? Try us. In all modesty, we‘re simply good!

EVPÚ Defence a.s. ADDRESS: Jaktáře 1781, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště PHONE: +420 572 557 542 FAX: +420 572 550 050 E-MAIL: evpu WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: SPECIALIZATION: design, development, production of stationary and mobile monitoring and surveillance systems, biaxial manipulators, special CCD TV, low light and night vision cameras, sophisticated SW, other elements for protection of perimeter USERS: boarder guards, police CUSTOMERS: government, homeland security


EXCALIBUR ARMY spol. s.r.o. ADDRESS: Kodaňská 521/57, 10100 Praha 10 PHONE: +420 469 775 100 FAX: +420 469 775 101 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Military vehicles • Spare parts for military equipment • Service and Logistics • Arms • Ammunition • Modernization (DANA-M1 CZ, MGC-1, CZ30 gun) BUSINESS OFFER: • Offer spare parts for cars BMP, T-55, T-72 and other military equipment. • Sale of military equipment (tanks, BMP, OT, howitzers DANA, RM-70, BRDM-2 and other • Service and repair of military equipment - workshop, paint shop, a wide range of spare parts • Modernization and adaptation of military technology • Weapons and ammunition • Trade in military equipment and kits

Explosia a.s. ADDRESS: Semtín 107, 530 50 Pardubice PHONE: +420 466 825 500, FAX: +420 466 822 966 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - production of explosives and propellants - production of ammunition

FENIX Protector s.r.o. ADDRESS: Mokrovraty 30, 262 03 Nový Knín PHONE: +420 724568307 FAX: +420 318 593 641 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: FENIX Protector develop and produce the best tactical equipment for army, police and members of other security forces. We have experience with design and production of equipment for extreme conditions for more than 20 years. We are proud of being part of community of special forces operators, soldiers, policemen and other users of our equipment. We put all our effort into our work, because we know, that our customers have un­ compromising requirements for quality, reliability and that wise solutions make their daily dangerous mission easier. We listen to their needs and we are obliged for their willingness to help us with design of our products. Main Products: - Body Armours - TacticalBackpacks - Tactical Modular Systems - Pouches, Belts, Vest and more


Glomex MS, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Pomněnková 61, 106 00 Praha 10 PHONE: +420 222 541 719 FAX: +420 226 013 280 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: GLOMEX Military Supplies is one of the leading suppliers of products and services to the Police and Armed Forces of Central and Eastern Europe. Our main areas of activity are providing Special Forces, Air Forces & Police equipment including night vision, combat identification, reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles, pilot personal protection equipment, parachute systems and special aviation equipment. Since 1998, our marketing, engineering, maintenance and training specialists have worked in cooperation with manufacturers and designers around the world to provide the most up to date equipment and technologies. GLOMEX Military Supplies continually works with its partners in the long term support and maintenance of equipment that is currently in use by operating its own technical, maintenance and storage facility equipped to work with precision electronics including night vision devices and special aviation equipment.

GORDIC spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Erbenova 4, 586 01 Jihlava PHONE: +420 567 309 136 FAX: +420 567 307 343 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Designing software (especially ERP, Human Resource IS, DRMS, etc.), IT studies and analysis, management of projects, system integration, complex methodical support, users training, development of specialized programs, security of IT.

Gumárny Zubří, akciová společnost ADDRESS: Hamerská 9, 756 54 Zubří PHONE: +420 571 662 212 FAX: +420 571 662 299 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Member of Czech NBC Team. Development, manufacture and sale: - protective masks with accessories for civil and military use - technical rubber for: - automotive industry - engineering and building industry - general use - car mats - thermoplastics and TPE


GUMOTEX, akciová společnost ADDRESS: Mládežnická 3062/3a, 690 75 Břeclav PHONE: +420 519 314 111 FAX: +420 519 322 909 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: GUMOTEX, akciová společnost, has become a synonym for quality and a reliable partner with its rubber products and technical foams during its more than 60 years of activities on the international market. A wide portfolio of the company’s products find their application in the automotive industry, in the highly sophisticated area of air-filled systems, such as boats, special rescue systems, and other multifunctional air systems that are widely used in the furniture sector. We have been producing products for rescue systems especially inflatable tents, decontamination showers and life rafts, for almost 20 years in a.s. Gumotex. For a long time, we manufactured these products mainly for our foreign partners under their private labels however since 2008 we have been active on the market under our own brand GUMOTEX RESCUE SYSTEMS. The products of the GUMOTEX RESCUE SYSTEMS collection provide sophisticated, original and comprehensive solutions of equipment for rescue services. PRODUCT PORTFOLIO: INFLATABLE RESCUE TENTS A very wide range of inflatable tents for various applications by rescue teams Solutions for potential crisis situations - from accommodating people to the housing of vehicles DECONTAMINATION A wide range of inflatable decontamination showers, basins and inflatable tent with a built-in shower Comprehensive solutions for basic and mass decontamination WATER RESCUE An all-purpose rescue boat (UZC), Inflatable rescue walkway, Equipment for water rescue SPECIAL PRODUCTS Flood barriers, Rescue jumping cushion, Life rafts, Protective suit Sunit

ICZ a.s. ADDRESS: Na hřebenech II 1718/10, 147 00 Praha 4 PHONE: +420 222 271 111 FAX: +420 281 002 244 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: ICZ Security Services Portfolio: - Protection of Classified Information - Strategic Services - Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Development - Trusted Computing Platform Implementation - Network Security


Imex Group s.r.o. ADDRESS: Milíčova 1343/16, 702 00 Ostrava PHONE: +420 596 125 477 FAX: +420 596 122 202 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Imex Group s.r.o. is engaged in international business with military mate- rial. Its business activities are certified in accordance with the system of quality ISO 9001:2009. Approval according to Czech Military Standard No. 144/9-2010 since 2010. The company provides supplies of infantry weapons and APC, MBT as other equipment, inclusive its ammunition, supplies of aviation technology including spare parts, supplies of artillery ammunition, rockets for Air Force and rockets for air defense, supplies of anti-aircraft system incl. spare parts, supplies for Army and Police, outfit, weaponry incl. pyrotechnic devices. Imex Group s.r.o. also offers services and advice in the area of international trade with military material.“

INNA, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Šafaříkova 1576/2, 120 00 Prague 2 PHONE: +420 224 252 861 FAX: +420 224 252 861 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Air Force information systems concentrated on air traffic planning, pre-flight briefing, aeronautical information service, planning, registration and evaluation of air training, calculations and modelling of combat potentials.


INTERCOLOR, akciová společnost ADDRESS: Bílá Voda 100, 561 62 Červená Voda - Ústí nad Orlicí PHONE: +420 465 626 570, FAX: +420 465626219 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Dyeing and finishing of kniting and woven fabrics Printing of kniting and woven fabrics Printing of ribbons, straps and cuffs A line for coating of kniting and woven fabrics Special finishes - hydrophilic and hydrophobic finish - oleophobic finish - antistatic finish - flame retardand finish - antibacterial finish - antirepellent finish and many others Accredited - Laboratory for Spectral analyses - measuring spectral reflectances (185-2600 nm) - measuring of color ( CIELAB and CMC) - measuring water column - measuring abrasion Certificated exames Determination of color coordinates and color difference values - spec­ trophotometric camouflage materials ČSN EN ISO 105-J01, ČSN EN ISO 105-J03 Determination of resistance of fabrics by the Martindale abrasion method ČSN EN ISO 12947-2 Determination of permeability of fabrics ČSN EN ISO 9237 Determination of resistance to water penetration /water column/ - the test fabric water pressure ČSN EN 20811 Certificate ISO 9001:2008 For area of projects, development, dying, prin- ting, coating and treatment of textile materials granted by BUREAU VERITAS CZECH REPUBLIC ORGANIZATION.

INTV, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Jana Masaryka 252/6, 120 00 Praha 2 PHONE: +420 224 222 802 FAX: +420 224 222 826 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: INTV is a provider of wide range of satellite communication services in the Czech Republic. The company is able to provide the services in appropriate quality. Already in 2004, INTV obtained a quality certificate according to the norm ISO 9001:2001 and a similar certificate according to the norm NATO – AQAP 2130. Also, due to the nature of some of the customers and projects, INTV has been certified by the National Security Authority. Beside data services, INTV is a provider of internet access over satellite (KA-SAT), satellite Voice services (INMARSAT, IRIDIUM), TV play-out and uplink services. INTV operates and maintains a number of Ku band satellite uplink stations, located at a Teleport in the city of Prague.


KARBOX s.r.o. ADDRESS: Havlíčkova 648, 508 01 Hořice PHONE: +420 493 651 340 FAX: +420 493 621 144 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: KARBOX produces wide range of ISO container, shelters and box bodies with customized internal integrations: - kitchen, laundry, medical, workshops, command & control posts, ablution, offices, etc., - complex military camps, field hospitals, - expandable and foldable containers, - EMC/EMI shelters and armoured shelters, - container accessories. The company has been certified in accordance with ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 and ČOS 051622 (AQAP 2110) standard.

Koutný spol. s.r.o. ADDRESS: Okružní 4200, 796 01 Prostějov PHONE: +420 582 302 712 FAX: +420 582 302 710 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Koutný spol. s r.o. is a successful company with entirely Czech capital. Its future is built on the traditional manufacture of classics men’s clothing and also the production of professional clothing for government depart- ments and state administration institutions, requiring high quality supplied products.

KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. ADDRESS: náměstí Tomáše Bati 419, 391 02 Sezimovo Ústí PHONE: +420 381 632 201, FAX: +420 381 276 372 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: The company has a 75 year old tradition in the production and development of machine tools. The company has been awarded many appraisals for technical contributions in the development of machine tools in the Czech Republic.

LOM PRAHA s.p. ADDRESS: Tiskařská 8, 100 38 Prague 10 PHONE: +420 296 505 551 FAX: +420 296 505 610 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - Overhaul, repair and maintenance of aircraft and helicopters - Modernization and upgrade of aircraft and helicopters - Overhaul, repair and upgrade of aircraft engines and gearboxes - Production, overhaul, upgrade and maintenance of piston engines and propellers - Pilot and ground staff training, simulated tactical flight training - Development and production of flight simulators and trainers


MAX MERLIN spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Dlouhá 16/705, 110 00 Praha 1 - Staré Město PHONE: +420 286 853 438, FAX: +420 286 853 439 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Export & Import of Defence Equipment - Aircraft Equipment (Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-24, MiG-21, L-39, L-159) - Aircraft Armaments - Aircraft Bombs (Mk-82, Mk-82 Air, Mk-83, Mk-76, Mk-106, BDU-33) - Fuzes (M-904, M-905, FMU-139 A/B, B/C, DSU-33/B) - Ammunition and Missiles (S-5 /57 mm/, S-8 /80 mm, Ataka) - Land Defence Systems - Land Ammunition (20 mm, 30 mm Mk-239 TP-T) and Missiles (120 mm GRAD) - Weapons (30 mm Mk-44 Bushmaster cannon)

MEDIAP, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Loretánské náměstí 109/3, 118 00 Prague 1 PHONE: +420 577 220 591 FAX: +420 577 220 573 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Preparation of food rations including military nourishment and humanitarian packages Research and development in preparation of food rations including military nourishment and humanitarian packages Production of curative products, pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements: providing with primary and secondary packaging Distribution of curative products, pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements

Meopta Systems, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Kabelíkova 1, 750 02 Přerov PHONE: +420 581 242 712, 581 241 111 FAX: +420 581 242 222 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Meopta is a family-owned, international company with facilities in the Czech Republic and the United States. Founded in 1933 in Czechoslova- kia, Meopta is a leading partner and supplier to many of the world’s finest optical brands as well as manufacturer of its own Meopta branded products. In the Czech Republic, precision optical products are developed, manu­ factured and assembled to demanding standards in clean room environ- ments for semiconductor, aerospace and military industries, as well as for consumer markets. Meopta’s ability to completely design, engineer, manufacture and deliver complete optical-mechanical systems for armed forces units across the world make it a key player in the global market. Meopta: - offers a complete range of military optics - is a partner to all military units - is capable to make customized developments - continuously seeks closer communication with the end use


MESIT holding a.s. ADDRESS: Sokolovská 573, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště PHONE: +420 572 551 536 FAX: +420 572 551 547 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: MESIT holding a.s. is a capitally and technologically linked organization consisting of subsidiary companies and is occupied predominantly with the development and production of communication and navigation technolo- gies, aviation instrumentation, digital and analogue electronics for the army, police and for industrial applications • 60 years of production tradition • The main production programs are realized in: DICOM, spol. s r. o. – develops and manufactures a complete range of high quality products for voice and data communications, precise time and fre- quency equipment, special electronics; MESIT přístroje spol. s r. o. – develops and manufactures devices and preci- sion mechanics for civil aviation; military equipment; military ground equip- ment; transportation equipment and industrial applications; FIMES, a.s. – is a producer of high quality investment castings for aerospace, medical, optical and other industries. The company also offers injection molds for plastic, die casting and investment casting; MESIT PCB, spol. s r. o. – the leading Czech manufacturer of printed circuit boards; MESIT ronex, spol. s r. o. – the manufacturer of precision machined parts using CNC turning and milling technologies; MESIT povrchové ochrany, spol. s r. o. - many years’ experience in electro­ plating, chemical plating and wet painting for aviation and electronics industries; AIR ČENKOV, a.s. – specializes in solenoid air valves for automotive in­ dustry; AERO TRADE a. s. – focuses on export, import of aviation, simulation and military equipment, overhaul and modernization of aircraft. • quality system standards ISO 9001:2008 (ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009); system of environmental management 14001:2005; meets PART 21 and PART 145 regulations concerning civil aircraft instruments and AQAP 2110 re- gulations for special purposes; the Czech National Security Authorities certificate.

Mighty Octopus s.r.o. ADDRESS: Západní 448, 253 01Chýně PHONE: +420 605 295 966, +420 724 807 979 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Production, import and distribution of antifire powder, fire-extinguishing modules and firefighting systems • Designing, building and repairing of river/sea ships, vessels, barges, yachts etc. in the shipyard Decin • Designing and construction of any steel construction.


MPI Group s.r.o. ADDRESS: Holečkova 31, 150 95 Prague 5 PHONE: +420 257 310 918 FAX: +420 257 325 910 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - Export of Defence Equipment, specialising in Land Defence Systems, Land & Air Ammunitions and Missiles - Import of Defence Equipment, specialising in Land Defence Systems, Land & Air Ammunitions and Missiles - Environmentally friendly Disposal of Military Ammunitions - Creation of Research and Development/Industrial Collaborations between reputable foreign and Czech Research Institutes and Industrial Enterprises - Preparation & Registration of Offset Programs - Investment Activities in Defence and Aerospace Industry - Participation in some Modernization Programs

MS Line s.r.o. ADDRESS: Vykáň 82, 289 15 Kounice PHONE: +420 321 672 601 FAX: +420 321 672 601 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: MS Line, s.r.o. (Military System Line) is a Publishing house and Advertising agency in Defence and Aerospace area. MS Line publishes and distributes exclusive magazine Czech Defence Industry & Security REVIEW (CDAI/CDIS Review) and DCIS Review Special, IDET NEWS and ISET NEWS, as well as Cataloque of Association of the Defence Industry of the CR (ADI), defence books, companies’ profiles, provides special military consulting etc. IDET NEWS, published in English-Czech version, is particularly devoted to the support of the Czech defence industry, but it also includes news and acquisition from the world’s largest fairs addressing both defence and security issues. Exclusive Distribution Net: Parliament and Senator Committee for Defence and Security of the CR, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior, Military Office of President CR, Police authorities and Embassies, trade companies and business partners in CR and abroad is to the NATO and EU representatives.

MT Legal s.r.o. ADDRESS: Jakubská 121/1, 602 00 Brno PHONE: +420 542 210 351 ËžÒ À””¹””»””µ””ÀĴ FAX: +420 222 866 546 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www. MAIN ACTIVITIES: - we are a member of the Association for Public Contracts, the Czech Infrastructure Association (formerly the PPP Association), the Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic, the Czech Association of Providers of Energy Services, the Mining Union of the Czech Republic and the Czech Construction Law Society. - in 2014 we were awarded the highest award in the “Public Procurement Law Firm of the Year 2014” competition and in 2012 we were awarded the highest award “Regional Law Firm of the Year 2012”. Concurrently, MT Legal is also regularly ranked on the top positions among the Czech law firms specialized in the Public Procurement sector and in the area of Information Technology law.


NAVIGA 4, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Pobřežní 249/46, 186 00 Prague 8 PHONE: +420 224 815 557 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE:

MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Innovation of products and services • Funding of research and development • Project and program monitoring and evaluation • Communication strategy and analysis • Grant Advisory • 3D printing –technical advisory and services CUSTOMERS: • Industry, Business and Services • Energy and the environment • Banking and the Financial Sector • Public sector (state administration) • Municipalities

NESS Czech s.r.o. ADDRESS: V Parku 2335/20, 148 00 Prague 4 Subsidiaries in Brno and Ostrava PHONE: +420 244 026 400 FAX: +420 244 026 200 EMAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: We are a global partner in business processes and technologies. Our solutions and services cover all verticals and all of our clients’ business processes. We help them achieve their strategic goals, optimizing costs and effectiveness and improving speed and quality. Our services are built on long developed and proven competences and include outsourcing, nearshore and offshore delivery. The structure of our company, unique know how and technological partnerships serve to meet our customers goals, which is proven by the fact that 85 % of our customers are using our services on longterm or repeated basis. With 7800 employees in North America, Europe, Israel and India we have the necessary power and invention to realize your business and technological goals in over 20 countries. We leverage advantages of global know-how and expertise in technology and local business. We belong to the leaders in area business and IT services on the Czech market (TOP 4, IDC 2009). Our professional team of almost 600 IT experts in Prague, Brno and Ostrava is internally organized so as to be always close to our customers and meet their needs.

Nová Mosilana a.s. ADDRESS: Charbulova 150, 618 00 Brno PHONE: +420 548 136 111 FAX: +420 548 226 030 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: One of the most important producers of woolen fabrics - seasonal collection as well as special fabrics used by armed forces. Main clients for uniforms: Ministry of Defence Italy, Air France, Italian railways, Czech Army, Ministry of Defence Holland Since 1994 it is a part of international concern Marzotto Group, Italy. Certificates: CQS ISO 9001:2001 certificate, certificate Ecolabel, certificate Oeko-Tex Standard 100.


OMNIPOL a.s. ADDRESS: Nekázanka 880/11, 112 21 Prague 1 PHONE: +420 224 011 111 FAX: +420 224 012 241 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - export of products of the Czech defence and security industry including related services - export of electronic, security and aerospace equipment manufactured in the Czech Republic for military and civilian purposes including related services - re-export of military and aerospace equipment - import of special equipment and services for the Army of the Czech Republic and for units of the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior of the CR - export and re-export of machinery and technologies for industrial production - export and import of equipment and technologies for liquidation of environ- mental damages

OPTOKON, a.s. ADDRESS: Červený Kříž 250, 586 01 Jihlava PHONE: +420 564 040 111 FAX: +420 564 040 134 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: FIBER OPTIC SOLUTIONS OPTOKON a.s., a leading global designer and manufacturer of fiber optic network solutions specializes in the production of military tactical components for use in harsh environmental conditions. OPTOKON currently supplies the military forces of more than 20 countries with high quality military tactical components using unique Expanded Beam technology. Series components include: - Expanded Beam and ferrule technology MIL-DTL-83526 optical connectors - Hybrid Fiber & Copper connectors - Tactical cable with optical fibers - Ruggedized media converters - Ruggedized field switches - Light ruggedized field switches/switchboards - Cable drums for various cable lengths, storage and handling These ruggedized optical components were designed and implemented for use in NATO armed forces in response to the demand for an interconnect system that can successfully group terminations in a harsh environment. The components have suc- cessfully passed military testing and supplier approval for both NATo (Supplier code: 1583G) and non NATO nations. These innovative devices are used for installation of mobile commands with field LANs to ensure data communications at remote observer stations, for LAN field installations in crisis situations and for installation headquarters for expeditionary troops. The devices fully comply with STANAG 4290 requirements and all military standards for components used in harsh environmen- tal conditions. In addition to proving their unique and unassailable properties within European deployment, OPTOKON military tactical components have also demonstrated their full operational range in desert applications in the Middle East, in the Far East and within military applications and security systems in India, Vietnam and Japan. OPTOKON ruggedized fiber optic components can also be found fully deployed within heavy industry and petrochemical, mining and broadcasting optical networks. OPTOKON, a.s. is a major leader in the new professional section of the Defence Industry Association “C4/digitization of the battlefield”. The C4/digitization of the battlefield along with tactical systems covers the entire command and control section at a tactical level and these specialized sections are worthy of a professional partner in the modernization of the activities of the Army of the Czech Republic. In OPTOKON, a.s. is located the presentation, training and testing centre of the Defence Industry Association.


ORITEST spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Staropramenná 17, 150 00 Prague 5 PHONE: +420 257 311 639 FAX: +420 257 313 820 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Development, manufacturing and sale of CWA protection devices - simple individual detectors in a form of tube, strip, paper - detection kits - decontamination mixtures and solutions - detection methods - R&D on demand

PAMA, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: 1. máje 1000, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm PHONE: +420 571 654 130, FAX: +420 571 654 133 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Foreign trade in military equipment (export)

Poličské strojírny a.s. ADDRESS: Bořiny, Horní předměstí, 572 01 Polička PHONE: +420 461 751 111 FAX: +420 461 751 105 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - production and deliveries of technological units for storage, manipulation and distribution of fuels - disposal and demilitarization of outdated ammunition - production, sale and foreign trade with ammunition, weapons and ex­ plosives - modernization, completion, revision and testing of ammunition and weapons - production of mechanical parts of ammunition and weapons - training of workers dealing with manufacturing and processing of ex­ plosives, pyrotechnics - safe storage of ammunition and explosives


PRAGA – Export s.r.o. ADDRESS: U Císařské cesty 219 103 00 Praha 10 PHONE: +420 267 310 384 GSM: +420 604 222 959 E-MAIL: [email protected] MAIN ACTIVITIES: Development and production: - mechanical gearboxes for trucks and buses, - aircraft instruments, - axial piston pumps and motors, - hydraulic elements, filters and filter elements, - custum-made measuring equipment and special tools for gear production

PRAMACOM-HT, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Radčina 497/22, 161 00 Praha 6 PHONE: +420 220 199 520 FAX: +420 220 514 234 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: PRAMACOM-HT is involved into development, integration, delivery and service of opto-electronics and C4ISTAR systems for dismounted deployment. Development is primarily devoted to multi-spectral fusion in NIR, SWIR and LWIR bands. The company supplies systems integrating key technologies of ISTAR including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Main customer of the company is Army of the Czech Republic. Pramacom-HT company is ISO 9001/14001 certified.

Pramacom Prague, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Na Pískách 36, 160 00 Praha 6 PHONE: +420 220 561 622 FAX: +420 220 560 230 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Design, construction and service of the national digital network PEGAS for Czech Ministry of Interior, Czech Police and other members of integrated rescue system (IZS). Foreign trade in military materials (night vision obser­ vation devices, digital radio systems, satellite communication devices).


Progres Partners Advertising, s.r.o. FUTURE FORCES Exhibition & Conference ADDRESS: Opletalova 55, 110 00 Prague 1 PHONE: +420 224 213 905, +420 277 010 666 FAX: +420 224 218 312, +420 224 235 033 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: International exhibition of the latest and future defence & security techno­ logies held biennially in Prague. The philosophy behind FF is in compliance with the principal objectives and actual core tasks of the NATO and allied countries across the globe, namely the Connected Forces Initiative, Smart Defence, lessons learned from the latest operations, and facing future crises. - 12 - 15 October 2016, PRAGUE - Advanced and future technologies in defence & security – Land, Air, Sea, Cyberspace - Gathering place for military, government, industry, academia and R&D leaders across the globe - B2B and B2G meetings, wide networking programme - International experts and businessmen focused on soldier protection, equipment, training and simulation; CBRN Defence & Protection; Logistics; C4I; Weaponry; Unmanned, Autonomous and Automated Systems & Robotics - Current issues related to soldiers, Special Operation Forces, Police, Private Military Companies, Security Agents and Guards, Integrated Emergency Management System, Procurement and armament programmes, emerging technologies and business opportunities, lessons learned from operations and exercises - National and international organisations and institutions (NATO HQ, SACT, SHAPE, NSA, NAAG, NIAG, NSPA, NATO COEs, EDA, EUROPOL, INTERPOL, FBI, UN, AFCEA, IAEA, and other) - International workshops, a conference, panel discussions and seminars - Indoor and outdoor live demonstration areas - National expositions and pavilions - Tailored & Off-the-Shelf Packages for exhibitors - International professional media pool - UNESCO World Heritage Site

První brněnská strojírna Velká Bíteš, a. s. ADDRESS: Vlkovská 279, 595 12 Velká Bíteš PHONE: +420 566 822 111 FAX: +420 566 822 135 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: • Turbojet engines (TJ100, TJ 20) for UAV, UCAV, experimental airplanes and target drones, thrust up to 130 daN • Turboprop engine (TP100) for UAV, UCAV and small airplanes, Turboshaft engine (TS 100) for ultralight helicopter • Small gas turbines (APU) working as air generators for aircraft starting systems and as emergency power source for aircraft and helicopters (L39, L59, L159, MI-8, MI-17, K8, etc.) • Air conditioning systems (ECS) providing comfortable flight condition for pilots and passengers on different aircraft and helicopter (L39, L59, L159, MI-17, K8, etc.) • Cryogenics, GPU, main aircraft gearboxes, heat exchangers, air starting turbines etc. The company has been certifies in accordance with ISO 9001:2001 standard, ISO 14001:2004, AS 9100 and AS 9110, is holder of type certi­ ficates and customer certificates for its products.


RAMET a.s. ADDRESS: Letecká 1110, 686 04 Kunovice PHONE: +420 572 415 111 FAX: +420 572 415 250 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Development & production of: - passive and active radar systems - antenna systems of surveillance radars in S band - telecommunication antenna systems - single-phase switching power supplies

Ray service, a.s. ADDRESS: Huštěnovská 2022, 686 03 Staré Město PHONE: +420 572 434 311 FAX: +420 572 577 077 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - Cable harness assemblies for production and retrofit of airborne and ground systems. - System integration including EMI, EMP tasks. - Harness workshop - Supplies of high performance harness components like unmeltable, cross­ linked wires and cables and relevant devices. - Supplies of MIL spec. connectors and accessories, tooling and calibration.

RETIA, a.s. ADDRESS: Pražská 341, Zelené Předměstí, 530 02 Pardubice PHONE: +420 466 852 111 FAX: +420 466 852 133 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: We offer solution. Through years of experience in the development, production and implementation of electronic systems, we can say that we know what our customers really need. We can customize our solutions to our existing and prospective customers. Consequently we can do it also for you. Solution of Electronic defence systems. Our efforts are focused primarily on the development of new radar equipment and C4I, C3I systems, on modernization projects of radar and missile systems, including the integration of identification systems (IFF) to ensure more efficient utilization of existing military equipment in this case by the NATO standards. - command and control systém RACCOS - short range radar ReVISOR - early warning radar ReVEAL


Robodrone Industries s.r.o. ADDRESS: U Vodárny 3032/2a, 616 00 Brno PHONE: +420 602 374 822 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE:

MAIN ACTIVITIES: Robodrone develops and manufactures Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (com­ monly known as a “drone”), remotely controlled by an operator or flying autonomously by waypoints. Individual Robodrone models are six- to eight- propeller universal platforms with a 5 to 50kg payload capacity. Robodrones may operate across a broad range of scenarios, e.g. rescue missions, visual control of industrial and agricultural facilities or filming.

ROHDE & SCHWARZ - Praha, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Evropská 2590/33c, 160 00 Prague 6 PHONE: +420 224 311 232 FAX: +420 224 317 043 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - radiomonitoring & direction finding - tactical radiocommunications - global communications - air traffic & avionics communications - trunking radio - TETRA - measurement equipment - frequency planning software - data security in information and communication systems

S.P.M. Liberec s.r.o. ADDRESS: Čerchovská 15, 460 07 Liberec PHONE: +420 482 100 245 FAX: +420 485 100 616 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - Comprehensive technical development, design, manufacture, testing and service resources of military outfit equipment for army, security agencies and police - Production of 3 types of Modular Load-Carrying Systems, Ballistic Panel Carriers, Tactical and Ballistic Vests , Backpacks etc. - Used materials of the highest technical parameters and quality – strength, endurance and camouflage according to the latest trends. Especially we use materials like plastic buckles, edgings and straps with infra-red remissions - We are able to process all the technical materials (polyester, polyamide, non-flammable and special composite materials) for the production of special equipment and techniques in the fields: special military equipment, ballistic systems including ballistic protection, parachute equipment, anti-chemical protection equipment and sewn products for rescue and medical units - Long-lasting experience in the field of sewing and development - Product with emphasis on maximum finish quality – long durability and reliability - We have implemented hydratation system into our MLCS compatible with Camelbak company


Saab Technologies s.r.o. ADDRESS: Sokolovská 79/192, 186 00 Prague 8 PHONE: +420 234 703 811 FAX: +420 234 703 822 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions from military defence to civil security. With operations on every continent, Saab continuously develops, adapts and improves new techno- logy to meet customers’ changing needs. Saab is organised in five business areas: Aeronautics, Dynamics, Electronic Defence Systems, Security and Defence Solutions, Support and Services. Each business area is defined based on the products, solutions and services it provides. Aeronautics offers advanced airborne systems, related subsystems, Un­ manned Aerial Systems (UAS), aerostructures and services to defence customers and commercial aerospace industries worldwide. Aeronautics is also responsible for development, production, marketing, selling and supporting of the Gripen fighter. Dynamics offers ground combat weapons, missile systems, torpedoes, sensor systems, unmanned underwater vehicles and signature management systems for armed forces as well as remotely operated vehicles and security systems for the offshore industry and nuclear power plants. Electronic Defence Systems have created a unique competence in the area of radar and electronic warfare, and a product portfolio covering airborne, landbased and naval radar, electronic support measures and self-protection systems. Security and Defence Solutions offers C4ISR systems, Airborne Early Warning System, Civil Security systems and solutions, Training and simulation, as well as Telecom carrier and power solutions. Support and Services offers Integrated Support Solutions, Maintenance, Logistics and Technical Support, Field Facilities and Regional Aircraft Support.

Sellier & Bellot a.s. ADDRESS: Lidická 667, 258 13 Vlašim PHONE: +420 317 891 111 FAX: +420 317 892 489 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: The company Sellier & Bellot belongs among the oldest companies in the shooting and defense industry. Advanced technology throughout all ope­ rations guarantees quality of product portfolio, which includes production of ammunition for pistols and revolvers, rifles, shotguns and rimfires for hunting and sporting purposes. Integral parts of the assortment are products for Law Enforcement and military applications. Quality management establishes ISO 9001 and military standards accompanied by variety of specific certifications. Focus on research and development brings number of innovations like NONTOX primer mixture, lead-free projectiles or infra- red tracer bullets.


SILK & PROGRESS, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Moravská Chrastová 29, 569 04 Brněnec PHONE: +420 461 554 250 FAX: +420 461 523 313 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Manufacturer of special fabrics industrial textiles designed for production of: - uniforms for special conditions from polyester fabrics with nano membrane - equipment and accessories for army, police and other defendingbranches - functional wear for uniformed groups and branches - superior parachutes for most demanding customers emergency and reserve parachutes - deceleration parachutes

SINTEX, a.s. ADDRESS: Moravská 1078, 560 02 Česká Třebová PHONE: +420 465 569 975 FAX: +420 465 532 175 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: SINTEX, a.s. is a Czech company engaged in textile production at all production levels, ie. From yarn production, manufacturing knitwear and fabrics to finished articles of clothing. Apart from purely production programs and activities remains a key area of ​​the company as well as research and development, together with accredited textile laboratory.

STAP a.s. ADDRESS: Vilémov u Šluknova 103, 407 80 Vilémov u Šluknova PHONE: +420 412 315 500 FAX: +420 412 315 506 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: STAP a.s. – narrow fabrics manufacturer produces webbings, elastic tapes, cords, woven labels and badges, hook and loop fasteners and other tapes. The webbings can be one-coloured or with stripes, with simple patterns and inscriptions, with woven-in reflex tapes, with anti-skid rubber, with woven-in wire or in variable widths. The following finishes can be ap- plied: fire retardant, water repellent, soil repellent, antibacterial, mildew proof, non-abrasive, antistatic etc. We are able to print the webbings not with customers‘ logos only, but with camouflage patterns as well, suitable for any army (including the values of IR reflection). Thanks to our technology, we are able to cut webbings into individual pieces in such a way that their ends may not fray (ultrasonic cutting), including punching of holes of varied shapes and diameters, application of poppers and last but not least, varied types of confection (sewing the straps with a snap-hook or a clasp – collars, leads, fastening sets, safety components...).


STILL ČR spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Štěrboholská 102 102 19 Prague 10 - Hostivař PHONE: +420 274 001 411 FAX: +420 274 001 410 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: STILL is the leading supplier for intelligent control of intralogistics. Com- pany offers fork lift trucks, warehouse trucks, tight service network, racking systems, software solutions, financial services and further system solutions for your intralogistics.

STV GROUP a.s. ADDRESS: Hvězdova 1716/2b 140 78 Prague 4, Czech Republic PHONE: +420 274 012 204 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: · Spare parts and overhauls of land military vehicles · Military vehicles, armored and artillery systems · Aircraft and helicopters including spare parts and overhauls · Ammunition · Firearms · Ecological liquidation of military ammunition OUR OFFER: · T-55, T-72, BMP-1 and D-30 spare parts · T-72M1, T-55, RM-70, BMP-1, D-30 · Mi- 8/17/24 and L-39 · 7,62x39mm, 7,62x54mm, 100mm, 122mm, TB-7V · AKM, CZ Mod. 58, PKT, DShK, The most of the offered goods on the stock. Since 1994 STV GROUP a.s. has belonged to the most important companies operating in the European defence equipment market. The company is settled in Prague having its business premises and subsidiaries located strategically not only across the Czech Republic but also in other countries.

SVITAP J.H.J. spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Kijevská 8, 568 02 Svitavy PHONE: +420 461 568 148 FAX: +420 461 568 300 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: The company SVITAP J.H.J. spol. s.r.o. is a Czech textile company with an almost 150 years of tradition. Our products portfolio focuses mostly on producing and supplying technical textiles and technical confection. Our sales are handled by six divisions. Our company is the producer and supplier of the most important component for equipment production – the fabrics. We are able to provide our textiles with the necessary modifications and we are also able to provide the fabric with the printing according to the most strict parameters of required values of spectral (remission) curves. Apart from the production of military clothing textile we are ranked among the world’s producers of humanitarian and military tents. We are also the leading long-established Czech producer of halls. We produce and assembler prefabricated halls, warehouses, covered riding halls, sports halls and various other types of roof constructions.


SVOS, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Chrudimská 1663, 535 01 Přelouč PHONE: +420 466 955 743 FAX: +420 466 955 742 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: SVOS company offers wide range of armoured vehicles. Customers can select from abroad spectrum of vehicles that would be the most suitable solution for their safety and security. Svos production contains: Special Purpose Armoured Vehicles for army and police: - Armoured Personnel Carrier - Armoured Ambulance - Armoured Anti-riot vehicle - Armoured rocket carrier - Light Armoured Patrol Vehicles - Armourd Trucks - Armoured heavy-duty Cross-Country vehicle Civilian armoured vehicles: - Armoured Limousines - Armoured Cross Country Vehicles - Armoured carrier for prisoners - Armoured Cash-in-transit vehicle

SVS FEM s.r.o. ADDRESS: Škrochova 3886/42, 615 00 Brno PHONE: +420 543 254 554 FAX: +420 543 254 556 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: SVS FEM s.r.o. is more than 23 years of experiences with numerical simu­ lations. Some of the main interests in defense industry are: Simulation of a ballistic protection Simulation of a blast protection Simulation of drop tests Simulation of complete armored vehicles and their subassemblies Simulation of explosions As the ANSYS competence center SVS FEM s.r.o. provides all related services such as seminars, support, consulting and customization in addition to software sales. Proud holder of ISO 9001 (Lloyd/Nr.C-71404 in Nov.2004) and ISO 27001 certificate and member of engineering alliances namely: Technet Alliance, European Nuclear Society and NAFEMS partner.

SWORDFISH s.r.o. ADDRESS: Říčanská 1984/5, 101 00 Praha 10 PHONE: +420 270 004 641, FAX: +420 270 004 640, E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - Chartering, rail, road, air and sea freight forwarding - Transport of containers and conventional cargoes - Special and IMO transports - Shipping and transport consulting We are a member of Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping Group.


T-CZ, a.s. ADDRESS: Na Strži 28, 140 00 Praha 4 PHONE: +420 466 034 501 FAX: +420 466 034 503 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Currently, the company has been focusing and further developing its activities in the branches of RADIOLOCATION and RADIOCOMMU- NICATION technology. In these areas, T-CZ offers to its customers comprehensive services that are of highest professional standards. RADIOLOCATION branch covers the deliveries of Surveillance and Pre­ cision Approach Radar systems on turnkey basis, modernization of Airport Radar systems and other related activities, like Waveguides or Antennas production. RADIOCOMMUNICATION branch includes the development and pro­ duction of base and vehicle Radiostations and their integration into Radio systems. Important part of this branch is formed also by wide range of vehicle, base and special Antennas. ENGINEERING PRODUCTION is the complementary production branch used for production of T-CZ’s radiocommunication and radiolocation products and for customer’s manufacturing as per customer’s demand up to surface finishing of the parts.

TATRA TRUCKS a.s. ADDRESS: Areál Tatry 1450/1, 742 21 Kopřivnice PHONE: +420 556 491 111 FAX: +420 556 492 672 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Production of high mobility, heavy duty all-wheel-drive off-road trucks and chassis. TATRA is well-known for its original concept of chassis with a central backbone tube and independent suspension of half axles. Main features: - extremely high twist and bending resistance - protection of the drive line by the backbone tube - high speed and quick pass over obstacles in a rough terrain - low transfer of vibrations for crew and sensitive loads - exceptional off-road and cross-country mobility - exceptional ability of adaptation in extreme weather conditions - 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, 12x12 modular drive configuration - suitable for different kinds of special superstructures TATRA trucks are operated mostly as cargo trucks, troop and shelter carriers, hook loaders, container carriers, tank trucks and recovery vehicles. TATRA chassis are suitable also for tactical superstructures like rocket carriers, radar systems, howitzers or multi-purposed armoured wheeled vehicles.


TENEO 3000 s.r.o. ADDRESS: Hlavní 986, 468 41 Smržovka PHONE: +420 483 394 985 FAX: +420 483 394 145 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: TENEO 3000 s.r.o. is an independent medium-sized business based in the Czech Republic, focusing on mass production of connectors and connector parts. We designe and manufacture our own product range – electric connectors featuring high mechanical resilience and reliability essential e.g. for military orders. Individual types and their detailed characteristics can be found in the e-catalogue on our site. Additionally, we supply individual components according to the technical description and requirements by our clients, the majority of who also operate in the electrical engineering industry. We are able to cover very broad scope of machined parts orders, ranging from small series of complex workpieces to millions of parts produced by automated lines. Recently, the range of our services was bolstered by complete deliveries of cable rolls, offering added value to our customers. TENEO 3000 s.r.o is a global business with clients in Europe, America and Asia. Our occupation encompasses primarily production, but also business activities. We are predominantly export-oriented, utilizing the talent, potential and ingenuity of our Czech team.

TESLA, akciová společnost ADDRESS: Poděbradská 186/56 180 66 Prague 9 - Hloubětín PHONE: +420 266 107 686 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Development, production, servicing and engineering of: radio-relay equip­ ment designed for stationary and mobile (tactical) military telecommunica- tion network; TV and broadcast transmitters and antenna systems; security equipment; mobile, containerized technologies for water treatment and distribution of potable water.

TESLA V. T. - MIKROEL, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Nademlejnská 600, 198 00 Prague 9 PHONE: +420 281 861 345 FAX: +420 281 861 355 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Production of microwave power tubes and special products of vacuum electronics. - magnetrons for radar service - power klystron amplifiers for TV service (UHF) - xenon discharge tubes for illuminating of airfield landing strips - linear accelerator 4 MEV - ceramic vacuum tight bushings - special vacuum technology as brazing and welding and vacuum tight ceramics - metal connections


Trade FIDES, a.s. ADDRESS: Dornych 57, 617 00 Brno Branch Offices in: Prague, Ostrava, Plzeň, Hradec Králové, Ústí nad Labem PHONE: +420 545 536 111, FAX: +420 545 536 520 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - Security Alarm System (SAS), design, supplies, installation and service - Fire Alarm Systems (FAS), design, supplies, installation and service - LATIS Security Management Systems (SMS), represents a communication system capable of integrating information networks that use multiple data protocols, and interpretating various types of data in uniform fashion - Access Control Systems (ACS) with implementing modules of Attendance Registration and Catering - Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) - Structured Cable Systems - Perimeters - Low Voltage Transmissions - Construction

TTC TELEKOMUNIKACE, s.r.o. ADDRESS: Třebohostická 987/5, 100 00 Prague 10 PHONE: +420 234 052 366 FAX: +420 234 052 991 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Development and / or Distribution of Voice and Video multimedia appli­ cations and technologies for both military and civil applications; transmission and switching systems.

Univerzita obrany - University of Defence ADDRESS: Kounicova 156/65, 612 00 Brno PHONE: +420 973 442 554 FAX: +420 973 442 160 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: The University of Defence is an educational and scientific research centre focused on defence and security. It offers accredited studies in Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral degree programmes, specialised courses and collaboration in defence research.

VAKUFORM s.r.o. ADDRESS: U Tescomy 198, 760 01 Zlín PHONE: +420 577 211 676 FAX: +420 577 211 676 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: VAKUFORM s.r.o. ( Ltd.) is a Czech company, which is active in: - development, production and marketing of medical devices for urgent prehospital care; - development, production and marketing of devices for both civil and military sections of the Rescue System in the Czech Republic and abroad; - development, production and marketing of high frequency welded products; - development, production and marketing of sewing products. VAKUFORM® products has been using by eight NATO armies since 1997 and the total number of products with NSN is currently 41.


VARIEL, a.s. ADDRESS: Průmyslová 1034, 285 22 Zruč nad Sázavou PHONE: +420 327 536 111, FAX: +420 327 531 505 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - Research, development, designing, engineering and manufacturing of military containers for special purposes (such as sanitary cabins, cabins for patients, catering and food distribution points, drinking water reservoirs, septic tanks, refrigerators cabins, store cabins, laboratory cabins, office cabins, accommodation cabins, expandable containers, ballistic and NBC bullet proof army containers, medical points, surgery points, field hospitals etc.) The company holds ČSN EN ISO 9001, ČSN EN ISO 14001, ČSN OHSAS 18001 and ČOS 051622 (AQAP 2110) standard certificates. The company holds ČSN EN 15085-2 and ČSN EN ISO 3834-2 welding certificates. The company is accredited for manufacturing and repairs of ISO 1 containers, as well as for ISO 1 container testing (with respect to ČSN ISO 1496-1 standard)

Veletrhy Brno, a.s. (BVV Trade Fairs Brno) - IDET 2015 ADDRESS: BVV Trade Fairs Brno Výstaviště 1, 647 00 Brno PHONE: +420 541 152 944 FAX: +420 541 153 044 E-MAIL: [email protected], WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: IDET 2015 - 13th International Defence and Security Technologies Fair, Brno - Czech Republic, May 19.-21. 2015 - a prestigious show of defence and security technologies in a new NATO area - held under the auspices of official institutions of the Czech Republic - held concurrently with the PYROS/ISET International Fire Fighting Equipment, Security Technology and Services Fair and INTERPROTEC International Fair for Personal Protective Equipment, Health and Safety at Work - international supporting

VIAVIS a.s. ADDRESS: Obránců Míru 237/35, 703 00 Ostrava PHONE: +420 595 174 250, +420 604 297 782 FAX: +420 595 174 251 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: VIAVIS a.s. is an independent expert and consulting corporation focused on comprehensive protection of information. We deal mainly in industry, finance, energy and healthcare. Our three basic services are: - Information security – our security experts provide solutions of security problems and consultation on the comprehensive protection of infor­ mation, personal data, know-how, privacy and property. - Education - educational programs aimed at increasing safety awareness and skills, especially for employees - Consultation - services to reduce risk of selection, purchasing and de­ ployment information system


Vojenský technický ústav, s.p. (Military Technical Institute, s.e.) ADDRESS: Mladoboleslavská 944, 197 06 Praha 9 PHONE: +420 222 282 702 FAX: +420 284 817 086 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: The Military Technical Institute, s. e., offers its services in the field of defence research and development, innovation, prototype production, stand-alone and small-batch production and testing. Research and Development • Defence research and development project solution in the area of military techniques, aviation engineering, safety technique, C2, CIS, NEC capa­ bility implementation support, simulation and trainer technology, cyber technology, security technology • Weapons and weapon systems, reconnaissance means and systems, security, aiming and surveillance systems, ammunition and explosives • Workshop vehicles, trucks superstructures, antenna carriers, filter-venti­ lation appliance, power supplies, illuminative resources • Geographical and hydro-meteorological service mobile resources • Expert activity in groups of NATO • Expert collaboration with universities, research institutions, industry, and external partners Prototypes, stand-alone and small-batch production • Special buildings in different types of vehicles, containers, aircrafts and stationary equipments • Production communication and information modules, command and control sites, reconnaissance assets and systems, ammunition and compo­ nents for them, optical and optoelectronic elements of recon and weapon systems • Decomposition of ammunition, ammo elements and rockets • Warranty and post-warranty servicing of own products Testing • Accredited testing laboratories • Testing of weapons, ammunition, optoelectronics, ballistic endurance, rescue equipment and parachute equipment • Evaluation of flight data • Advisory and expert services Vojenský výzkumný ústav, s.p. ADDRESS: Veslařská 230, 637 00 Brno PHONE: +420 543 562 101 FAX: +420 543 562 100 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Research and Experimental Development especially in favour of national defence and security in areas of technical science related to higher-order innovations of namely ground technologies, materials and logistics in following areas of technical competence: - Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defence and other branches related to CBRN Protection of Troops; - Technology of Sensors, Electronic Warfare and Cyber Defence, Camouflage, Concealment and Deception; - Special Metallic and Non-metallic Materials, Technology of Surface Protection, Quality Systems and Logistic Technologies.


VOP CZ, s.p. ADDRESS: Dukelská 102, 742 42 Šenov u Nového Jičína PHONE: +420 556 783 201 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Research, development, modernization, production, repairs, testing, servi- ce, tracked and wheeled vehicles, armour technique, vintage equipment, reconnaissance and surveillance systems, grand robotic systems, NBC pro- tection means, safety technique, 3D scanner, command systems and dia- gnostics, special superstructures, engineering equipments.

VOP Dolní Bousov, spol.s.r.o. ADDRESS: Tovární 785, 29404 Dolní Bousov PHONE: +420 326 396 250 FAX: +420 326 396 250 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: In the area of security the main focus of the production programme is on flood protection. The company VOP Dolní Bousov offers a comprehensive solution in flood protection, be it in the area of planning (flood plans, digital flood plans, monitoring and warning, and notifying the population) or in its specific means of flood protection by using composite mobile flood protection barriers. The company offers original solutions for the protection of the population and their settlements, as well as solutions for the protection of entire territorial units and industrial compounds. The company produces also special security multipurpose barriers (de­ fending barbs) for the security of buildings (military and civilian) within rendition of services.

VOP GROUP, s.r.o., Český Těšín ADDRESS: Lípová 1128, 737 01 Český Těšín PHONE: +420 558 765 230 FAX: +420 558 711 163 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - development, production, modernization, installation and inbuilding of equipment, repairs and service support of army connecting and com­ munication technology to mobile vehicles and stationary workstations - repairs and service of HF communication - production of electronic and electrotechnic equipment - engineering production, locksmith production and production of switch­ boards - production of diesel aggregates 24 V, up to 250 A - car repair service and tire repair service - the company has been certificated in accordance with ČSN EN ISO 9001:2008, ČSN EN 14001:2004 and ČOS 051622 (AQAP 2110)


VR Group, a.s. ADDRESS: Tiskařská 270/8, 108 00 Praha 10 - Malešice PHONE: +420 296 505 736 FAX: +420 296 505 752 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: Design and realizing complex training and educational systems pursuant to individual goals and needs of a client. System integration and implementation of advanced technologies for mo­ delling and simulation, including development and production of simulators and their components. Technical support and assistance for operation of simulation facilities. Major portion of the production of company VR Group, a.s. in the Czech Republic focuses on supporting training of the Army of the Czech Republic. Holder of the certificates ISO 9001:2000 and AQAP 2110. Holder of certification NSA under reference 000641 for „Confidential“ level.

Výzkumný ústav stavebních hmot, a.s. ADDRESS: Hněvkovského 30/65, 617 00 Brno PHONE: +420 513 036 090 FAX: +420 543 216 029 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR BUILDING MATERIALS (VUSTAH) is Czech research and development organisation working more than 65 years in a sphere of building materials and related problematic covering also the research in field of blast and ballistic protection. Research institute’s activities are focused on research, development and production of both inorganic and organic bonded materials such as con­ cretes, aerated concretes, blast wave absorbing materials, laminates. All these materials and systems can be tailored to customer’s requirements. We are coordinator of the Centre of advanced materials and technologies for protection and safety enhancement. Within the centre we: - develop new advanced materials for application in blast and ballistic protection and use them for novel solutions for security of citizens, critical infrastructure and for defence industry - offer our knowledge and expertize for consulting services - offer services of our laboratory of analytical chemistry, ecotoxicology. physical chemistry, technology and radionuclides - provide numerical simulation tests for fast dynamic fenomenas - provide blast and ballistic tests - provide workshops and trainings to expand the knowledge and expertise in defence and security industry Our production in field of blast protection: - explosion resistant litter bins for several levels of blast load – certified products - explosion resistant transport container


ZENIT, spol. s r.o. ADDRESS: Radlická 138, 150 21 Prague 5 PHONE: +420 234 707 079 FAX: +420 234 707 089 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: • specialization on helicopters W-3A Sokol • spare parts for aviation technics • service, repairs and helicopters revisions arranging • new aviation systems development support and cooperation: - Air-condition for helicopters Mi-17/171 - Ground Power Unit for helicopters, especially for Mi-17/171, Mi-24/35

ZEVETA Bojkovice, a.s. ADDRESS: Tovární 532, 687 71 Bojkovice PHONE: +420 572 612 111 FAX: +420 572 641 426 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MAIN ACTIVITIES: - universal hand grenade-two function URG-86 - smoke grenades DGO-1, DGO-3, DG-81 - signal cartridge 26.5 mm - jamming cartridge 26.5 mm - jamming cartridge 1 x 1“ and 1 x 2“ - Flare - friction igniter - delaboration of munition - signal and illumination munition - hand grenades, reactive anti-tank grenades - smoke protection of equipment and personnel - strike means - imitation means - testing - defusing, liquidation of munition

46 DSIA S tat is t ics

Export realization of the military material from the Czech Republic within the years 2008 - 2013 (in € thousands)

Country/year 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Africa 19 168 22 745 22 660 10 808 17 156 Asia 66 162 0 266 38 254 49 734 44 180 Middle East 59 576 24 194 18 827 35 664 17 129 EU 88 736 108 890 73 553 86 553 70 823 Other European countries 16 512 15 313 14 024 18 525  758 USA 28 249 31 940 13 410 11 879 9 766 Canada, Central America, 3 307 2 764 1 955 3 286 1 735 Carribien South America 4 282 2 994 722 517 7 560 Total in € thousand 285 992 269 106 183 405 216 966 175 107

Structure of the Defence Industry in the Czech Republic

1) Aviation and associated equipment

2) Systems of command

11 % 3) Navigation and radiolocation systems 4 % 17 % 8 % 4) Armoured and other vehicles, their equipment 19 % 5 % 5) Weapons, fire control systems, ammunition 11 % 16 % 6) Engineering, chemical and health equipment 9 % 7) Research, development, repair and training

8) Equipment and appliances for security services

9) Trade and other activities

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