96 HOURS in BELGRADE Belgrade Fortress

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96 HOURS in BELGRADE Belgrade Fortress hours in 96Belgrade Tourist Organization of Belgrade Introduction The City Created by You Too. orn and raised in Belgrade, I am deeply Battached to my city; we have half a century of love story together, where I have been truly faithful. The most beautiful city in the world is my city. And why Belgrade is the most beautiful city in the world? It is not far from it. No urban night is like the night there with street after street, square after square you are wormed by the flame, loud talk, raw emotion and talkative possibilities, so while walking you will learn our silence set up and shot into the air. Here is our language which is in fact, many languages even poetry, for we have pulled down the stars to long forgotten ones, spoken when our world was our will. much younger. So if architecture limits where Great cities like Belgrade were always like you can walk, walker invents his path, therefore people, showing their varying personalities to speaking in the language of its own. the traveler. Depending on the city and on the There are cities that get by on their good looks, traveler, there might begin a mutual love or offer climate and scenery, views of mountains friendship. Only through travel can we know or oceans, rockbound or with palm trees; and where we belong or not, where we are loved. there are cities like Belgrade that have to work Develop an interest for Belgrade as you see for a living. Belgrade has its natural attractions: it; the people, things, literature, music – history, lake, island in the middle of the town, even a tradition and culture here are so rich, simply small mountain, an abundance of trees and throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls four distinct seasons for those who like variety and interesting people. Forget yourself. Become in their weather, everything but hurricanes and one of us, maybe just for 96 hours. Find the tsunami. Our struggle to survive on a crossroads difference you like. of civilizations and important roads, living on a “The moment one gives close attention to place everybody else would like to take and move anything, even a blade of grass it becomes a you out, our capability to adopt but also to fight mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent made us for what we are. Good spirited people world in itself. Every moment is a golden one for even in times of distress, resourceful and capable him who has the vision to recognize it as such”, to infect our optimism on others. Otherwise we Henry Miller once said. wouldn’ t survive. Fortunate thing is that now we Always, some great culture is dying to enrich use our talents predominantly on hospitality. the soil of new harvests, some civlization is Dear traveler, on these pages you will see crumbling to rubbish to be the hill of a more Belgrade through our eyes. This is our concept beautiful city, some race is spending itself that and construction. Feel free to make your own. a lower and more barbarous world may inherit Just remember this: Belgrade has capability to its stored treasure house. Belgrade has layers of provide something for everybody, only if it is history and scars of past times unveiled just for created by everybody. Including you. your eyes. Among other things Belgrade streets are made Miodrag Popović, to be walked. Our city is the language, handful of Director of teh Tourist Orgnization of Belgrade UVOD 03 04 Content. Introduction 02 Fortress: The Heart of the City 06 Museums and Galleries: Traces, Paintings 10 Sacral Geography 14 Buildings 20 Oases 24 Unusual Tours 28 A Sketch for Gastronomic Map 32 Nightlife 34 Great Concerts and Events 38 Sports Spectacles 40 Belgraders 42 Belgrade Crossword Puzzle 44 Thoughts on Belgrade 46 06 96 HOURS IN BELGRADE Belgrade Fortress The Heart of the City. he first landmark of Belgrade, the place where Tits most important face is reflected and where his heart is pounding the strongest, is certainly the confluence of the Sava and Danube, and the bul- warks of the Belgrade Fortress on the hill above. The history of this fortification is intertwined with events that have, in the past two millenniums, often influenced the fate of European peoples and states. Built on an important strategic position, where key Eurasian roads come together, the Belgrade For- tress has in all times been an important stronghold and fulcrum. For centuries, great conquering cam- paigns were initiated for it, great knights and spiri- tual leaders were consecrated in it, famous poets and painters, architects and scholars worked there. THE HEarT oF THE CiTy 07 The fortification of the “water cross” rests on many layers of culture and civilization, life and destiny, where the “fourth paradise river and thirty sixth land one come together”. Dura- tion and development were not a straight and uninterrupted line. Chronicles record over forty demolitions and rebuilding of the city. Systems of defense from various eras were created on the remains of older fortifications. The Belgrade Fortress summarizes in itself numerous manuscripts and styles of Eu- ropean military architecture. Above it all, as an eternal spell, there is the breathtaking view from the walls of the Belgrade Fortress. “In the old times, people used to call this place the Hill for Thinking. Wherever you look, you can see the end of the world from here”, says a Belgrade poet. Today, Belgrade can be better conquered with laughter and charm, humor and curiosity, cheerfulness and openness. We propose that you start such a campaign exactly by exploring the Belgrade Fortress and Kalemegdan Park, one of the most diverse areas of the city. To discover why Belgraders call this area the “Heart of the City” and why travelers from afar regard it as “one of the most beautiful view points in the world”. you can come here whenever it is convenient for you, but don’t miss the morning and sunset on the Belgrade Fortress. you may not remember the names of all gates, towers and churches, names of the people that the monuments are dedi- cated to and museum exhibits, but you will certainly remem- ber the standing sculpture with a sword in one and falcon in the other hand, facing West: The Belgrade Victor monument, one of the symbols of this city. If you include in your visit to the Fortress some of the pro- grams of visiting the underground passages, that puzzling maze the passages of which used to connect the fortress with the city streets, nearby forests and river banks, you will feel that this “city under the city” is still alive. 08 96 HOURS IN BELGRADE THE HEarT oF THE CiTy 09 Museums and Galleries Traces, Paintings. n Belgrade you will quickly realize that We suggest that, first, in the Museum of ni- Ipeople are right when they call it a city of kola Tesla, you take a look at the largest collec- culture. rich cultural offer of Belgrade mu- tion of documents in the world about life and seums, theaters, cinemas and concert halls work of the brilliant inventor of alternating cur- speaks volumes about this. Numerous histori- rent. The collection is under protection of the cal buildings, important by themselves, have UnESCo. you may learn about life and work become the home of Belgrade museums. Ex- of writer ivo andrić, Serbian nobel Prize win- hibitions in them present to us traces of sev- ner, in the memorial museum that carries his eral millenniums of life in this area of encoun- name. The Enlightenment and the development ter and intertwining of cultures, civilizations of education were presented at the Museum of and worlds. Vuk and Dositej, as well as in the Pedagogical TraCES, PainTinGS 11 Museum. Medieval Nebojša Tower, a dungeon In addition to other valuable exhibits, the during the Turkish occupation, is today turned National Museum keeps Miroslav’s Gospel – the into a modern museum space. oldest and most valuable preserved document you should also walk through permanent written in Cyrillic, from the ‘12th century. offi- interesting exhibitions of the Museum of Ap- cially recognized as the most beautiful Cyrillic plied Arts, Historical Museum of Serbia and manuscript in the world, this Gospel is included Ethnographic Museum. There are also rich in the UnESCo’s list “Memory of the World”. theme collections of the Car Museum, railway Testimony on creation, peaks and disap- Museum and aviation Museum. The Museum pearance of the neolithic Vinča culture, the of Natural Science, in its Gallery, exhibits inter- proved “first Europe”, can be see in the vicinity esting collections of plants and animals from of Belgrade, in the village of Vinča, on the right the times when Belgrade was “an island beach bank of the Danube, within the exhibition of in the Pannonian Sea”. the Museum of the City of Belgrade. 12 96 HOURS IN BELGRADE Belgrade also has about fifty art galleries, di- portal and salon in the style of Louis XV, were verse in their concept, with challenging and in- transferred from the artist’s studio in Vienna. spiring exhibitions. Do not miss to take a peek In the palace of Serbian Academy of Sciences in them, even if because of this you would have and arts, in one of the most magnificent build- to extend your stay or decide to come again. For ings of the elite Knez-Mihailova Street, there is example, you can make this tour: “Singidunum”, a gallery that organizes exhibitions of excep- “Kolarac”, Cultural Center of Belgrade, “Prog- tional artistic and historical significance. at ress”, “Chaos”, “Soul Workshop”, “Hexalab”..
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    CITY OF BELGRADE CITY ADMINISTRATION – SECRETARIAT FOR CULTURE PROGRAM OF COMPETITION for public contest and calling for international two-stage open competition for finding a conceptual solution for Stefan Nemanja Memorial at Savski Square in Belgrade September 2017 PROGRAM OF COMPETITION for public contest and calling for international two-stage open competition for finding a conceptual solution for Stefan Nemanja Memorial at Savski Square in Belgrade Competition Caller/Orderer City of Belgrade, City Administration – Secretariat for Culture www.beograd.rs 2 Content INTRODUCTION 1. THE GOAL AND THE OBJECTIVE OF THE COMPETITION 2. LOCATION DATA 2.1 The existing state 2.1.1 General characteristics of location 2.1.2 The existing state 2.1.3 The planned state 2.2 Natural characteristics - climate and green areas 2.3 History of location, architectural and cultural heritage 3. TASK OF THE COMPETITION 3.1 General guidelines 3.2 Position of the Memorial, spatial and dimensional limitations 3.3 Recommendations for attitude towards architectural and cultural heritage 3.4 Guidelines for the first and second stage of the competition 4. CRITERIA FOR WORK EVALUATION 5. RULES OF THE COMPETITION 5.1 Requirements for participation in the competition 5.2 Requirements for the implementation of the competition 5.3 Content of the competition work 5.4 Method of technical-design processing of the competition work 5.5 Content of competitors statement 5.6 Competition deadlines 5.7 Type and value of prizes 5.8 Jury 5.9 Legal and financial consequences for the type and amount of the prize and the conditions for the protection of copyrights as well as the transfer of property rights from the author to the investor.
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