THE ROLE OF AUTHENTICITY IN FOOD TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN TWO HISTORIC CITIES IN MALAYSIA A COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY BETWEEN GEORGE TOWN, PENANG AND IPOH, PERAK MASTER THESIS BY ANNE PLADDET 2 Master thesis for the Master Leisure, Tourism and Environment Thesis code: GEO-80436 Author: Johanne Marrigje Pladdet Student number: 900307654090 Contact:
[email protected] Supervisor: dr. Arjaan Pellis Examiner: Prof. dr. René van der Duim Wageningen University and Research Department of Environmental Sciences Cultural Geography Chair Group August 2019 Disclaimer: This thesis is a student report produced as part of the Master Program Leisure, Tourism and Environment. It is not an official publication and the content does not represent an official position of Wageningen University and Research. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The journey of this master thesis started a long time ago, to be precise in March 2015. It has been a journey that I have enjoyed and hated at the same time, but after all I’m grateful for the whole journey because it taught me a lot about academics, food tourism in Malaysia and myself. Due to various reasons it has taken me a long time to finalize this thesis, therefore I’m really happy to be able to finally end this journey and see what is next for me after graduating from the master Leisure, Tourism and Environment at Wageningen University and Research. I would like to thank a few people who played a major role in finalizing this thesis. First, I would like to thank my two supervisors. In 2015 I started this project with dr. Meghann Ormond as my supervisor.