Steeple Issue No 87 Village News June 2019 Steeple’s Steeple

For a village called “Steeple”, the church spire (or steeple) is a rather significant landmark. Some of the timber around Steeple’s belfry has deteriorated and this picture shows Church Architect Hilary Brightman doing a close up inspection.

Profit raised from the Vintage Vehicle Gathering on Sunday 18th August will help fund necessary repairs.

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Parish Council Elections

In our March issue, we encouraged readers to put up for election to Steeple Parish Council. In fact, only three nominations for the five vacancies were received by the due date, so there was no election and Kay Davey, Peter Marshall and Michael Pudney were ‘elected unopposed’.

“Three out of five” is the minimum number for council decisions (known as a quorum) so the council can still function provided that none of the three is absent for any reason. Clearly not a satisfactory situation so it was decided at the Council’s May meeting to seek candidates who might be co-opted to fill one of the vacant positions. Any adult who lives, works or owns property in the Parish of Steeple is eligible.

If you wish to be considered, please confirm your interest in writing to The Clerk to Steeple Parish Council, Julie Chandler, Jays, Road, Steeple, , CM0 7RT. Please give brief details of why you believe you can make a contribution to the Council, such as any prior experience of committee decision making and budgeting. You should confirm your availability for attending Council meetings, usually the fourth Wednesday evening of each month. In the event there are more than two valid applications, the three existing Council- lors will decide a selection process, with the objective of co-opting one or both of the new Councillors at the 24th July Council meeting. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 18th June.

At the time of the April Parish Council meeting it was already known that John Partridge did not intend to seek re-election. John had been a Steeple councillor for longer than anyone could remember and was Chairman until quite recently.

In earlier years, John mowed the Playing Field, greens and churchyards free-of-charge and represented Steeple at numerous outside events. His wit and wisdom were appreciated on many occasions. Councillors recorded their gratitude to John for his long and valuable service to our community. Page 3

Annual Parish Meeting and May Meeting of the Parish Council

In May, the usual Parish Council meeting is preceded, at 7pm, by the Annual Parish Meeting which is an opportunity for all organisations in the parish to report a summary of their activities. This year we were pleased to receive reports from the Parochial Church Council, Coffee, Cakes and Company Wednesday club and the newly formed Community Group. The Aylett’s Charity representative reported on continuing efforts to close the redundant Santander account.

At 7.30pm, the Parish Meeting was closed and the Parish Council Meeting opened. The first item was to elect a Chairman and Vice-chair from the three elected councillors. Peter Marshall agreed to serve as Chairman for one more year and Kay Davey became Vice-chair. As explained above, councillors then had to decide how to go about filling one or both of the vacancies.

The Councillors were disappointed to learn that Ms Julie Chandler had decided to give up her position of Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer as she needs to provide more time for her business and studies. In her short tenure of this office, Julie has greatly improved the Council’s budgeting and budget control procedures and has piloted through the adoption of Standing Orders, a Code of Practice and an Expenses procedure, all of which were long overdue. Councillors expressed their thanks to Julie and wished her every success in her studies. As explained below, a procedure is in place to find Julie’s successor.

Vacancy for Steeple Parish Council Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Our clerk will be leaving us shortly, therefore the above position will become vacant in August. Applicants must have proven administration, organisational and basic financial management skills. Microsoft Word and Excel skills are vital. The Clerk is responsible for taking Minutes and arranging Agenda for the Parish Council monthly meeting, correspondence, finances and maintaining the website. Home based, 17 hours per month. Please contact: Ms Julie Chandler, The Clerk to Steeple Parish Council Jays, Maldon Road, Steeple, Southminster,CM0 7RT Email: [email protected] Applications will close on 14th June 2019 Page 4

Highway Issues

In March we said that resurfacing of The Street eastwards from the Sun & Anchor was expected to start in April but, of course, it didn’t. County Councils Highways quickly revised that date to the autumn. In one sense the postponement is fortunate because we still lack agreement on what work will be done in the vicinity of the traditional wooden cottages, particularly those towards the eastern end of The Street.

For several years, Councillors have been concerned about reports from householders of structural deterioration due to dampness and pedestrian safety concerns relating to the very shallow kerbs. Both these are exacerbated by repeated resurfacing over several decades that has raised the surface of the carriageway. More recently, residents have been complaining about serious levels of vibration experienced every time a heavy vehicle passes, made worse by undulations in the surface, particularly around drain gratings.

Steeple Council has long argued that the best solution would be to significantly lower the road surface, together with improved drainage facilities, in the critical area. We were totally ignored until the middle of last year when our District Councillors and County Councillors started to put pressure on the Highways department. The Highways engineers do now understand the issues and have initiated proper investigations. From their core sampling they have concluded that no lowering of the carriageway is feasible although Councillors and some residents dispute this.

The engineers have conceded that more modern drainage facilities would carry away storm-water more quickly and could reduce the vibration issues but, to date, there’s no commitment to include these improvements in the autumn re-surfacing programme. Councillors will continue to push for a satisfactory outcome but are ever mindful of the risk of causing further delay.

Three local residents recently met with MP John Whittingdale to seek his assistance in getting effective action to properly resolve these issues. He committed to bring this to the attention of the Essex County Council Chief Executive but cautioned that full solutions might not be achievable in the short term.

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Tel: 01621 773933 Mobile: 07850 773933 E-mail:[email protected]

Essex Police If you see anything suspicious do not hesitate to call 101 or, if you think it’s an emergency, dial 999. Maldon Police are based at: Council Offices Princes Road, Maldon, CM9 5DL Open 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 4.30pm Friday Or Police Station, New Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1NF Page 6

Meetings of Steeple Parish Council

Meetings are normally held on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Committee Room of Steeple Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm.

Wednesday 26th June Wednesday 17th July No meeting in August Wednesday 18th September

The Council does not meet in August but any matters needing urgent attention are dealt with by direct communications between the Clerk and Councillors.

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings and can ask questions at the end of a meeting or when invited by the Chairman.

Letters to the Parish Council should be sent to: The Clerk to Steeple Parish Council, Jays, Maldon Road, Steeple, Southminster, CM0 7RT

The e-mail address is: [email protected] Council meeting agendas, minutes and certain other documents can be found at:

Mobile Library

The Mobile Library stops at the entrance to Garden Fields once every three weeks on a Thursday from 1.10 pm to 1.40 pm

Future visit dates: 6th June 27th June 18th July 8th August 29th August

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DENGIE & DISTRICT U3A U3A is a group of retired and semi-retired people who meet to share activities, learning, knowledge and skills which include Art, Wine Appreciation, Computing, Local History, Psychology, Walking, Reading and Dancing. Further details are available on our website which can be found by entering U3A into most search engines.

A monthly meeting for all members is held on the 2nd Monday of every month at Jack’s Centre, Burnham Road, Latchingdon at 2 pm. Entrance to these meetings is £2 for members, guests are free for the first visit.

Details of forthcoming meetings are as follows:

10th June 2019 – Marriage - For Better or Worse – Toni Neobard

For further information ring Roger Ware on 07989 188038 or email [email protected] Knightswood Day Care Centre - a place to find companionship, fun and laughter -

The Knightswood Centre at Hall Road, is managed by The Dengie Project Trust, a not-for-profit charity.

It provides day care and respite services for adults through to elderly people in the CM0, CM3 and CM9 postcode areas who are finding life difficult, perhaps because of dementia, a stroke, Parkinsons or aging.

At the Centre, people can enjoy mind and body stimulating activities or simply companionship. There’s also a Lend-a-hand Service to support people in their own homes. Day Care Centre Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm Closed on Sundays.

Phone: 01621 772 272 or 01621 774 532 Special Events in June and July: Thursday 13th June and Tuesday 9th July – Coffee Mornings Meet the staff, see the facilities, chat with clients. Sunday 23rd June, from 11am to 4pm – Summer Fayre

Please watch or phone the Centre for details of a Golf Day being planned for Tuesday 2nd July. Page 9

Down Hall Luncheon Club Lunch, Laugh and Linger 2019 2nd Tuesday of each month Join us for a two-course home cooked meal, a glass of wine and great company! Call to book a place, only £6.00 per person

The Down Hall Residential Home at Bradwell-on-Sea is home to several former Steeple residents. All are welcome to join the Luncheon Club (see above) Coffee Mornings on the last Friday of each month. ‘Knit and Natter’ Group on the third Thursday of each month. 'Tea Dance' every 2nd Thursday from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. For further information and details of future events, please call Louise on 01621 776509

Like ‘Steeple People’ FB page for village news and forthcoming events

Steeple Parish Council DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS Prompt and Reliable Service


Large Stock of New and Used Spare Parts

Please ring ALAN TAYLOR

01621 773709 or 07885 483595

Family run business established 25 years

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EQUESTRIAN CENTRE Riding School & Livery Yard


Also Jade's Tack Shop New and used riding gear 01621 928175 or 07981 878067

Café open Mon - Saturday 8am to 3pm

Elm Farm House, Maldon Rd, Burnham-on-Crouch CM0 8NT

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Steeple Playing Field - New Play Equipment Ideas Needed!

Steeple Parish Councillors recognise that the play equipment at our Playing Field is rather basic and could do with updating, and as such, the parish council has started the process of applying for an Essex County Council Community grant to help fund the project.

We would welcome feedback from villagers on what type of equipment you would prefer - should we be looking at Climbing Frames or Play Towers for the under 12s, or maybe Outdoor Gym equipment suitable for teens and adults?

Please let us know what YOU think is needed most for our village play area, send your ideas to the Parish Clerk, Julie Chandler, by email: [email protected] or telephone 01621 774404

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Services at St Lawrence & All Saints Church, Steeple

Because Steeple Church is closely linked with Southminster, worshippers have several choices. As well as 9.15 am at Steeple there are usually 8.00 am and 10.45 am services at St Leonard’s in Southminster. When there’s not a 9.15 am service at Steeple, the change is notified on the church door.

People of all ages and all denominations are welcome at all services. Family Services at Steeple are followed by a short, informal get-together, with free refreshments. If you are new to the village this is a great opportunity to meet people. Most services are conducted by our Vicar, Rev’d Peter Begley but for the second Sunday of each month it’s usually Rev’d Ken Dunstan. Some services are led by Reader Norman Pratt, often assisted by Jenny Pratt.

Services in June Sunday 2nd at 9.15 am Family Service Sunday 9th at 9.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 16th at 9.15 am Morning Prayer Sunday 23rd at 9.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 30th at 10.30 am Joint service at Southminster Christ Church (URC)

Services in July Sunday 7th at 9.15 am Family Service Sunday 14th at 9.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 21st at 9.15 am Morning Prayer Sunday 28th at 9.15 am Holy Communion

Services in August Sunday 4th at 9.15 am Family Service Sunday 11th at 9.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 18th at 9.15 am Morning Prayer Sunday 25th at 9.15 am Holy Communion

Services in September Sunday 1st at 9.15 am Family Service Sunday 8th at 9.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 15th at 9.15 am Morning Prayer Sunday 22nd at 9.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 29th at 10.30 am Joint Service

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Steeple Church Activities

Everyone at Steeple Church was sad to learn of the passing of our long serving friend, Don Hardy. We give thanks for his long and fruitful life but our thoughts and prayers are with Gladys and their family. Until quite recently, Don and Gladys were regular members of the Steeple congregation.

Steeple Village News owes a particular debt of gratitude to Don. Back in 1997, Daphne Parnham and Rev’d Laurie Blaney established the ground-rules which still guide this magazine. They realised that if it was to be relevant, it needed to reach every home in the parish which meant it had to be delivered free-of-charge. To make that possible, Steeple Parish Council agreed to provide small donations but the bulk of the funding was to come from advertisers. That’s where Don came in. He agreed to solicit the advertising, a role he performed with great diligence from Issue No.1 right through to Issue No.53 in December 2010. Many of the advertisers in today’s magazine were originally recruited by Don in the early days.

Steeple’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting was held on 17th March. Rhona Leech was re-appointed as a Churchwarden. She also continues as Secretary to the Parochial Church Council (PCC), the small group which manages the secular side of Steeple Church activities. We welcomed back Teresa Julien as Churchwarden, a position she had held previously. Peter Marshall continues as PCC Treasurer with responsibility for Steeple Village News business.

In our March issue we mentioned the recruitment of a new Church Architect. She’s Hilary Brightman and on the front page of this issue you can see her closely inspecting timber around the belfry. An architect’s specification is the first step in a long process to get essential repairs done before the weather damage becomes more serious. This is likely to be an expensive project, needing some external grant funding on top of ‘fund raising’ from events such as the Vintage Vehicle Gathering which will be on 18th August this year.

Steeple Church has only one stained glass window. It’s a memorial to the wife of a Victorian Vicar who we believe was instrumental in planning construction of the present church building. Unfortunately, the window is located in a corner where few people see it. Our new Architect is exploring the cost and feasibility or relocating it to a

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position immediately opposite the church door where it would be appreciated by everyone entering the church.

Many households suffered sharp increases in their electricity prices earlier this year. Steeple Church was also hit by a large increase but Vicar Peter Begley put us in touch with a church buying group. As a result, our electricity costs are now slightly lower than a year ago – it certainly pays to shop around!

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THE STAR INN Reservations: 01621 772646 Food served every day 12.00 ‐ 8.45 pm

2 course special at £8.95

Traditional Sunday Roast, 12.00 ‐ 4.45 pm

Fantastic choice of Lagers, Ciders & Real Ales

En suite accommodation available. Adult only Touring and camping site, with hook ups

Email: [email protected] Facebook: The Star Inn Steeple

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 SoŌ and hard landscaping

 Porƞolio So ofand customer hard landscaping recommenda Ɵons  Full service Porolio from of customer design recommenda to construcons Ɵon  Full service from design to construcon  PaƟos, decking, block paving  Paos, decking, block paving  Fencing, Fencing, gates gates and and pergolas pergolas  Water Waterfeatures, features, ponds, ponds, garden ligh lighng Ɵng  Tree lopping, winter pruning and felling  Tree lopping, winter pruning and felling  Turfing, planng and maintenance  Turfing, Grass plan andƟ nghedge and cu maintenanceng  Grass and hedge cuƫng

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Donald Hardy 26 Feb. 1928 – 24 May 2019

Donald Hardy was born 26th February 1928 in East where he lived with his parents, a sister and two brothers. When WW2 began in 1939, Don was evacuated first to Suffolk, then to Cornwall where he developed a life-long love of the countryside. In 1946, Don met Gladys, the beginning of a love story that was to last for 73 years. Don served his National Service as a Royal Marine Commando.

Don and Gladys married in 1951 and had three children, Graham, Janet and David. In 1961 the family moved to Redbridge where they lived for many happy years. Don worked as a printer for the Daily Express in Fleet Street. Their sons gave them eight grandchildren and now three great-grandchildren.

In 1984, two years before Don’s retirement, Don and Gladys moved to Steeple. They quickly became actively involved in church and community activities. Don later became a Churchwarden. Don and Gladys were inveterate travellers; all around the country by car and all over the world on cruises.

Earlier this year, ill health forced Don and Gladys to take a room at the Mansion House care home in Althorne where Don died on Friday 24th May, surrounded by his family. He is remembered as a wonderful, kind, generous and loving man who is now greatly missed by Gladys, the family and their many friends. We give thanks that he lived to such a great age and passed away so peacefully.

David Hardy

Don’s funeral will take place in Steeple Church at 2.00 pm on Monday 24th June. Page 23

Parish Pew Reflection

As I write this piece we are at the beginning of a time of Rogation: these few days before Ascension and a time of the year when we think about creation and all that has been made by God. When I looked around the churchyard I saw, in the base of a tree, a swarm of bees – very busy in the warmth of the sun and going about their business of creating a hive for the queen and a home for the larvae. These worker bees have a great importance in our eco-system in that they pollinate the crops, flowers and fruits of the garden and country- side and, although they may be considered a nuisance as they make their nests, we are absolutely reliant upon them for a great deal of the foods that we look forward to eating, and wouldn’t be able to without them. I contemplated these bees for a while and thought of the good that they do, as sometimes they get a really bad press! They were created for a function and for good use in our world. Some would say that they dislike bees (personally, I have a bit of difficulty getting my head around wasps!) while I have an admiration for their massive contribution to our gardens and fields; we are co-workers with them in producing foods to feed many people. So, as I stood at the base of the tree, in Rogationtide, I gave thanks that this little creature was there, setting about doing exactly what it was called to do.

Those thoughts stayed with me as I went about my day and how, in the background, creation keeps on multiplying and developing, doing the good that God had designed and intended from the beginning, the creatures cannot help themselves but fulfil what they were made for, whereas we human beings have free choice to decide what we would like to do: we can – as we have freewill - choose good or we could choose to do otherwise. The opposite of good is not necessarily bad: rather, it is us not doing what we were called to be and do. So, rather like a car that has no fuel – it is still a car that has the full potential to do all that it was designed to do - it is not a bad car, however it simply cannot fulfil what it was designed for until it has fuel.

Thank goodness that all that has been created does what it should – the seeds germinate and sprout; the trees grow, some are pollinated, and bear fruits; the crops develop and the animals grow to produce a variety of goods for us all to either use or enjoy. So, at this time of the year when we see the abundance round about us, let us pause for a moment and give thanks for the hidden ways that these crops grow,

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develop and are fertilised, and maybe we can choose to offer a prayer of thankfulness to God for the way that creation works, and how He, as our Creator and loving Father works, sometimes when we see only through our own eyes, in apparently hidden ways. Rev’d Peter

For villagers wishing to arrange a Wedding, Blessing, Baptism or Funeral Please contact Rev’d Peter Begley on 01621 772300 The Vicarage, Burnham Road, Southminster, CM0 7ES Steeple Parish Council

The next Parish Council Meeting will be:

Wednesday, 26th June at 7.30 pm Committee Room at Steeple Village Hall

See Agenda, Minutes, Steeple Village News at:

LIKE ‘Steeple People’ Facebook Page for Village news and events

Steeple Vintage Gathering Grange Farm Sunday 18th August

If you would like a stall at the Vintage Vehicle Gathering promoting your group or selling your produce or craft goods, please phone Peter on 07711 472 132

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Steeple Village Hall

For Village Hall bookings or other hall related enquiries, contact:

Email: [email protected]

Maggie Burton Chairman: 01621 773543 Brenda Woolnough Committee Member: 01621 774805 Jean Burbridge Committee Member: 01621 774296

Yoga is held on Tuesdays between 5.15 pm - 6.15 pm. In term time only. Please come along and join in the class.

Steeple Writer’s Group New members are always welcome to join, every second Wednesday in the month 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

Anglia Tai Chi Classes are on Tuesday evening 7.30pm - 9.30 pm and Friday afternoon 3.30pm -5.30pm. New members always welcome.

Steeple Carpet Bowls always welcome new members at their meeting on Monday Evening 7.30pm – 9.30pm. and Thursday afternoons 2.00pm – 4.00pm.

To Hire Steeple Village Hall

The hall is ideal for small parties seating up to 60 people. Monday to Friday Main Hall and kitchen £7.50 per hr Minimum Hire 2 hrs Committee Room and use of kitchen £9.00 for 2 hrs Minimum Hire

Saturday: £15.00 per hr. Min Hire 2 hrs (incl. Committee Room)

Sunday: £13.00 per hr. Min Hire 2 hrs (incl. Committee Room)

All enquiries please contact: Maggie Burton 01621 773543

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Pub Activities

The Star offers bar food all day, every day, Monday to Saturday, as well as their excellent Sunday lunches.

Glen and Lisa put details of future events on their Facebook page: The Star Inn Steeple

Forthcoming events at The Star:

Wednesday 26th June Quiz Night Saturday 20th July DJ Trevor aka The Cowboy Saturday 17th August Starfest

Quiz Night at the Star Inn is held on the last Wednesday of each month.


Steeple Village Hall Trust 100 Club Winners March 2019: April 2019: 1st £30.00 Robert Baker No.113 1st £30.00 C Murdock No.134 2nd £15.00 John Taylor No.127 2nd £15.00 Peter Cornwell No.57 3rd £10.00 Maggie Burton No.54 3rd £10.00 Marilyn Carr No.18

May 2019: To join the 100 Club for a chance 1st £30.00 Frances Wickens No.120 to win a cash prize, 2nd £15.00 John Burbridge No.05 please contact Maggie on 3rd £10.00 Mrs Rogers No.48 01621 773543

The 100 Club is a monthly draw organized by the committee of the Steeple Village Hall Trust, a registered charity. 50% of the money collected is paid out in prizes and the rest goes to help maintain the Village Hall.

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The Workshops, Loftmans Farm, Maldon Road, Southminster, Essex CM0 7RR T. 01621 774774 F. 01621 773818 VAT Registered. Established 15 years

The Workshops, Loftmans Farm, Maldon Road, Southminster, Essex CM0 7RR T. 01621 774774 F. 01621 773818 VAT Registered. Established 15 years

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“CUT & DRIED” HAIRDRESSERS Imperial Avenue, Ladies and Men’s Hairdressing

01621 743100 Opening times:

Monday & Tuesday 9.30 am - 5.00 pm Wednesday 10.00 am - 5.00 pm Thursday 10.00 am - 6.00 pm Friday & Saturday 9.30 am - 5.00 pm

Margaret and Kim Qualified Stylists at your service

To advertise in Steeple Village News, please contact: Peter Marshall on 07711 472132 email: [email protected]

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Planning Applications

18/01359/FUL requesting approval for building four houses on land that was originally used as burial ground either side of the former chapel in Batts Road was opposed by Steeple Councillors and subsequently Refused by Maldon District Council. (This superseded 18/00903/FUL which had been withdrawn.) The applicant went to Appeal but the government inspector upheld the planning refusal by MDC.

19/00007/FUL, submitted by Marconi Sailing Club, request- ed approval for a first floor steel balcony on the north side of their Clubhouse. This was supported by Steeple Councillors and subsequently Approved by Maldon District Council.

19/00285/COUPA requesting ‘change-of-use’ approval for converting three agricultural buildings at Gate Farm into residential units was supported by Steeple Councillors but was withdrawn by the applicant before being decided by Maldon District Council.

19/00320/HOUSE requesting approval for converting Jamina, The Street from a bungalow to a two storey dwelling was supported by Steeple Councillors and subsequently Approved by Maldon District Council.

19/00324/HOUSE requesting approval for converting Stansgate Abbey Lodge, Stansgate Road, from a bungalow to a two storey dwelling was supported by Steeple Councillors but has not yet been decided by Maldon District Council.

To find the latest status of any local Planning Application log onto and search for ‘Planning Applications’. You can then search one of the Application numbers above or by a Post Code.

See ‘Steeple People’ Facebook Page for Village news and events Page 38


Quick,efficient,friendly service Phone us first for very competitive rates Phone: 01621 773933 Mobile: 07850 773933 E-mail: [email protected]

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