JEWISH NATIONAL OKGANIZATIONS in the UNITED STATES an Asterisk (*) Indicates That Complete Information Was Not Procurable
300 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK JEWISH NATIONAL OKGANIZATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES An asterisk (*) indicates that complete information was not procurable. ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE Org. May, 1860. OFIICE : 150 Nassau, New York City AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE Org. NOT. 11, 1906 ; inc. Men. 16, 1911. OFFICE : 31 Union Square West, New York City For report, see pp. 362-406. AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Org. 1892. OFFICE : 38 Park Row, New York City Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting, Feb. 11-12, 1918, Philadelphia, Pa. Members, 390. Has issued twenty-six volumes of publications ana an index to publica- tions 1-20. Maintains a collection of books, manuscripts, and historical objects in its room in the building of the Jewish Theological Seminary, 531 W. 123d, N. Y. C. OFFICERS : Pres., Cyrus Adler. Phila., Pa.; Vice-Pres., Simon W. Rosen- dale, Albany, N. Y. ; David Philipson, Cincinnati, O. ; Julian W. Mack, Chicago, 111. ; Richard .1. H. Gottheil; Treas., N. Taylor Phillips ; Curator, Leon Hiihner ; Cor. Sec, Albert M. Friedenberg, 38 Park Row ; Rec. Sec, Samuel Oppenheim, N. Y. C. EXECDTIVE COUXCIL : The Officers, and Chas. J. Cohen. Phila., Pa.; Henry Cohen, Galveston, Tex. ; Herbert Friedenwald, N. Y. C.; Lee M. Fried- man, Boston, Mass. ; Jacob H. Hollander, Baltimore, Md. ; Max J. Kohler, L. Napoleon Levy, N. Y. C. ; Max L. Margolis, Phila., Pa. ; Alexander Marx, N. Y. C. ; A. S. W. Rosenbach, Mayer Sulzberger, Phila., Pa.; Simon Wolf, Washington, D. C.; Oscar S. Straus, N. Y. C, ex-offlcio, as past President of the Society. AMERICAN UNION OF ROUMANIAN JEWS Org. 1916. OFFICE : 44 7th, New York City Second Annual Convention, Dec.
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