Gordon Re-Aff Irms
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W Gordon re-aff irms by Carolyn William8on enrichment of life. Gordon has been involved “Highline community COl- with the concept of HCC since Dr. Shirley Gordon held her lege is fortunate in that we 19s. At that time, as a High- first pressconference since havenot made students line School Districtstaff being appointedPresident of categorize themselvesas member, she began working HCC on Monday, April 18.academic or vocational, so we toward the planningand estab- -king towardthe future have a nice mix attracting lishmentof HCC. Since the she describedseveral areas of young students and those campuswas opened she has HCC development that are of seeking retraining andnew been Dean of Instruction,Vice special interest to her. She skills,” shesaid. Presidentand Acting Presi- dent of the College. alsoanswered questions from “Springenrollment is ahead the news~~r,radio and tele- of last year’s, With the comple- “Higbline has been my pro- fessional occupation for just vision reporterr, who gathered tion of the new building there to hear her speak. abeat Z years now,” she said. will be room for more stu- First On her list is the Predents. Many students now, Gordonwas bornand Feared in Bremerton.’Shewas sent buirding pmmwhich (and more in the future), will involvesconstruction of the - be paFt-time s~den~with graduated from Washington new library and remodelingof. some difftrent ud State Collegein Pullman with the e*w library B.S. and M.S. degrees in into a thosewho attend full-time. chemistry and a Ph.D. in The ord don is most interested in second is an evaluation of the meetbg those rids, chemistry andcommunityc01- existing programs; third is to lege administration. see how HCC is meetingthe An early question from the In 1974 she was selected to exist@” need8 of the Sur- floor raised the Droblem of complete an unexpired one- rounding communities. financing and thekition raise year term on the Commission “We have alot of communi- currently under consideration on Colleges, then in 1975 she ty work todo to makesure we in the State Legislature. was electedto a three-year e b underlint community in the “Too high a cost wouldbe a term on that samecommis- title,” Gordon said. dis8ervice to our state,” said sion. She believes that the com- Gordon. “As citizens we can To Gordon, the presidency L munity college should help all work together to keeptui- of HCCis the “realizationof a individualscontinuetheiredu- tion prices down so we don’t long-time dream. A distinct cation,increase competency price people out of the mar- honor,” she said. “Iam very THE NEW PRESIDENT...br. Shley Cordon was 011 the . and add to tbe dimension and ket,” she said. happy*” original planning committee for Ei8hMme College before the doom qmedin 1%1. .... Mayoral campaign focus of Royer address by Jerry Fritzmana statements for one reason and speak from the heart, Royer said, “A private shop- cannot be discussed rational- CharlesRoyer, known to only- to gain morevotes,” but people will accept it.” ping mall to be financed in ly.**He believes that busingis most Seattle-area residents as wenton to say that“to an Royer got intothe active end parr with more tax money essential toheal the “incredi- of politics after doing “hun- appropriated withouta vote of a news analyst onKING televi- extent, the press mirrors what ble disparity”that exists in sion for the past seven years happens in society.” dreds of commentaries, most the people.” learning levels at different and nowa candidatefor Mayor Idealism is hard to find any- concerning government,”dur- Busing’ school children to Seattle schools. Royer isPTSA of Seattle, spoke on “politics where these days, especially ing his tenure at KING. His achieve racial ‘&dance is, in President of Nathan Eckstein and the press” in the Lecture in the press. “No one in the basic feeling echoes that of Royer’s words, “an issue that (Continued on back page.) Hall April 22. press is willing tomake a 19thcentury American novelist James Fenimore Althoughhe’s new to the moral commitmentfor fear of being caught believing in Cooper who“read a bad novel, world of activepolitics, then quit his job to write Royer3 15 years of joumalis- something.’’ Royer refuted reports that because he thought he could ticexperience has included do better.” much reporting and comment- thepress is engaged in a ing on local and national poli- conspiracy. “The press is the The issue bringingRoyer tics. Royer resigned from mostdisorganized group themost press coverage at , KING December 31,1976 to around. They aren’t organized this early point in thecam- conduct a full-time campaign. enoughto get together for paign is theWestlake Mall During the lecture phase of lunch.” project.The former news his appearance here,Royer After spending 15 years in analyst isvehemently opposed recommendedthe book “To journalism,Royer feels that to thecurrent plan putforth by Be a Politician,” written by he is qualified tohold the ‘Mayor Wes Uhlman’s Depart- Stimson Bullitt, a former polit- highest office in a majorcity. ment of Community Develop ical candidate and member of “The press is a good training ment. the family that owns KING- ground for politicians.” With The department’s proposal TV. Royer called the recently this statement, Royer shifted includes demolition of present updatedwork (it waspub- thediscussion to his cam- businesses in the mall, and lishedoriginally in themid- paign, amove visibly ap- construction of a three-level fifties) “insightful, it works preciated by the audience of retail complex and an eight- from a background in the clas- about 80. story hotelatop an under- sics.” Honesty and truth are key ground parking garage. Also Royer saidthat there is ir words in Royer’scampaign included in the plan are two “pervasive feelingin the press spiel- “I’ve always felt that if movie houses,several restaur- that political candidates make you tell the truth, bearticulate antsand two public plazas comprising less total ‘people space’ than now exists. Royer fav0r.s a smallerscale downtown park as envisioned in the 1968 Forward Thrust Thunder Words................................................................... Page 2 electionwhich allocated Artsand Enterfainment....................................................... Pal).4 %1,750,000 “to provide for ac- Centertold............................................................................ Page8 quisitionand landscaping of Going to New Yolk ............................................................. Pa~lO severa’r small sitesin the cent- Labor candidate ................................................................ Paae 12 ral business district.” S~(1s................................................................................ pa^ 13 “The public park at West- ANALYZING THE NEWS...Charles Royercalled thepress lake has escalatedinto primar- “disorganized” during his April 22 appearance in the Lecture ily a commercial enterprise,” Hall. photo by John Luman c Power: Waste not, want not by Allan Latham closed for at least three hours. McDonalds. It will be afinancial disaster to Somehow I think that Governor Ray and me. Once again energy is becoming an issue City Light isn't taking a realistic look at the I wouldnot mind asurcharge on my that politicians and big business is growing energy problems that we are facing due to electric bill if some amount of sensibility ever concerned over. And once again it will the water shortage. returned to the rest of the consumers of be the residential consumer that will carry Can anyone here at Highline remember electric power, mainly big business. Iwould the burden of the shortages and problems. the last time that theMidway Drive-in's sign not mind driving through adarkened Seattle No matter how muchyou watchyour was turned off for the night? Just think I with the office buildings dark froma lack of television you must havc seen the ads that froze in a coldapartment over the winter so lights. The streets darkened from a lack of City Light has been running depicting Gov- that various passer-byers couldsee that the advertising signs turned off. ernor Ray and the president of City Light Midway Drive-in existed. I would not mind asking for a glass of t telling us that we are facing a serious power Now they want me to start turning off water in my favorite restaurant if the people shortage and that we must conserve. most of my lights and cutting back my heat in my apartments stoppedwashing their Most of these ads make methink of when so that Grandma's Cookies signcan shine all cars every time nature takes its way and a Governor Ray was telling us that President night. Somehow all these things don't make passing bird hits them square on the hood. Carter was foolish for trying to convince sense to me. We have to start taking somesensible Americans to coI1Senre electricity. Now steps if we expect our children'schildren to foolish Dixy has taken that stance herself. have enough powerto light their way The rest of the time that I seethese through school and heat their homes in commericial_sI think of the McDonaldssigns winter. all over the country that are litup all night We have to start developing other sources proclaiming that only McDonalds has sold ~ ~~ . ~~~ of power if we expectour nation to become over two billion hamburgers to the world. I energy independent. We put a man on the think of the Shakey%Pizza sign that stays lit They are talking about a surcharge on moon, but people in the midwest died from all night in Federal Way telling me that Itoo electric bills this summer to force us into lack of heat during last winter. Something is can get a pizza there whenever it opens. using less and paying more for what little we wrong. These must be important facts that we as get. The only problem with this logic is that Turning off mylights and cutting back my theburden-carrying consumersshould the main users of the massamounts of heat is not goingto affect the nationalsupply know because the power that we are being electric power is business.