References References listed are generally available in the published literature. Copies of unpublished documents not generally available to the public are held by Major Infrastructure Projects Office, Brisbane City Council and can be reviewed at the office by contacting: Major Infrastructure Projects Office Level 2, 171 Projects Office Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone: (07) 3403 7330 ABS, 2008. Sales of New Motor Vehicle. (Electronic Publication). cat. no. 9314.0.55.001. Australian Bureau of Statistics, viewed 16 August 2008,
[email protected]/DetailsPage/9314.0.55.001Apr%202007?OpenDocumen t. ABS, 2003. Motor Vehicle Census. Document 9309.0. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Adams, S. and Carroll, J., 2006. Portland Streetcar Development Oriented Transit, Office of Transportation and Streetcar Inc., Portland. Air Noise and Environment, 2005. Mt Coot-tha Quarry Dust Impact and Control Survey – Stage 2 Final Report. ANZECC, 2000. Australian and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality. vol. 1. (chapters 1-7). Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Canberra. Arendsen A., 2007. Alliance Contracting: Building for Sustainability, International conference on Engineering Sustainability, Western Australia, Australia, 31 October - 2nd of November. Arnold Dix, 2004. A review of electrostatic precipitators and NO2 cleaning technologies in the world. Brisbane City Council, Brisbane Arnold Dix, 2006. Air Cleaning Update Report. Brisbane City Council, Brisbane. Australasian Bat Society, 2001. Diet list for Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus. Australian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants, 2006. Hydrogeological Environmental Impact Assessment Airport Link Project. Consultancy Report G1312/C, Brisbane. Australian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants, 2006. Hydrogeological Environmental Impact Assessment North-South Bypass Tunnel.