

il. OF THE






PLYMOUTH W. W. AVERY, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Corner of Court and North Streets, 1869.


In accordance with a vote of tlie town, tlie Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor, submit their Annual Eeport of Receipts and expenditures of the Town of Duxbury, for the year ending Feb. 18th, 1869 :

Account with the several School Districts. 1 Balance Assm't Rec'd Amount District. Balance Prudential Committee. from for from TOTAT.. of due. 1867. 18C8. School Orders 1No. Com. drawn* 1 Wm. J. Alden, $0.14: $227.93 30.00 258.07 $140.20 117.87 2 Micah A. Soule, 95.19 295.89 30.00 421.08 222.50 198.58 3 Perez Loring, 104.13 236.42 30.00 370.55 202.83 -167.72 4 Levi Ford, 11.55 250.58 30.00 292.13 190.25 101.88 5 Robert T.Raudall, 45.02 179.80 24.00 248.82 120.00 128.82 6 Henry T. Whiting, 24.14 145.82 20.00 189.96 129.55 60.41 7 Samuel Atwell, 21.78 205.29 26.00 253.07 94.86 158.21 8 Alden Cushman, 154.31 24.00 178.31 169.56 8.75 9 Augustus Weston, 9.67 100.50 18.00 128.17 60.00 68.17 10 Luther Sherman, 12.68 114.66 22.00 149.34 80.00 69.34 11 Augustus Graves, 20.05 185.46 24.00 229.51 166.50 63.01 12 Nathan C. Keen, 6.44 103.34 20.00 129.78 108.00 21.78

350.79 2,200.00 298.00 2848.79 1684.25 1164.54

GRAMMAR SCHOOL ACCOUNT. Cr. Balance due from 1867, $366.74 Balance Dr. and carried to School Committee's account, 48.46

1415.20 Dr. Amount of orders drawn, $415.20 4


Paid District No. 3, $15.00 " to the several Districts, 298.00 " School Committee, 4.79 Balance Dr. from Grammar School Account, 48.46 Balance to new account^ 111.92


Dr. Balance from 1867, $315.29 Keceived from Mass. School Fund, 1868, 162.88

$478.17 SETTLEMENT WITH LIQUOR AGENT. Cash and Liquor on hand at last settlement, $265.13 Liquor bought, 183.60 Liquor Book bought, 5.50

Agent's Salary, three months, _ . 10.00

$464.23 Liquor sold, $256.82 Cash and Liquor on hand, 207.41

$464.23 REPAIRS OF HIGHWAYS. Cr, Balance from 1867, $216.58 Appropriation for 1868, 300.00


Dr. Amount of orders drawn, $255.76 Balance to new account, 260.82

$516.58 5

XEW ROADS. « Cr. Balance from 1867, $104.50

" Dr. and carried to Repairs of Highways, .29


Dii. Orders drawn, $104.79 removing snow. Cr. Appropriation, 1868, $1,900.00 Overdrawn and carried to Town's debts, 33.19


Dr. Amount of orders drawn, $1,933.19 STATE AID ACCOUNT.

Paid Aid to the Soldiers and Sailors, and Families

of the slain, Feb. 1st, 1868, to Feb. 1st, 1869, . . $1,586.50

Due from State Jan. 1st, 1868, to Feb. 1st, 1869,. .$1,715.50


Paid Balance of Selectmens' and Assessors' bills, 1867, $78.03

" Services of Selectmen and Assessor bills, '68, 305.00

Stationery, printing tax bills, stamps, &c. . . 31.60 " School Committees' services, 86.50 School Committee for School Books, 234.68

*' Printing Selectmens' Reports, 94.50 " School Committees' Reports, 15.00

Amount carried forivardy $845.31

2 6 Amount brought forioard, $845.31 Paid Overwork on Highways, 264.81 (( Eemittances of Taxes, 293.49 (( Constable's Fees, &c 35.40 (C Repairs of Town House, Stove, &c 14.60 " of Engine House, 20.14

(( G. B. Standish, witnesses in Bradley case, . . 37.94

(( Sealing standard weights and measures, . . . 10.50 u 2.00 Henry C. Delano, appraising School Houses, 2.50 u Removing Snow, 1867, 3.30 Auditing Accounts, 8.00 (( Setting Fence at the Prior place, 3.00 (( Surveying Land and Deed, 2.00 <( Rent of Land for Engine House, 3.00 (( 5.10 n Stephen Jackson, damage to Carriage, 5.00 " (i George Bradford, " 15.00 a 20.65

i( Members of Engine Co., No. 1, 62.00 <( Josiah Peterson, Clerk, returning Births, Deaths, &c., 27.85 (( F. P. Sherman, Treasurer and Collector's Fees, * 210.13 Balance to New Account, 720.53

$2,612.25 ,CONTKA, Dr. Deficiency, Highways, 1867, $173.78 Unpaid Books, carried to Tax Bills, 133.86 Overlayings on Taxes, 707.77 Received from State Incorporate Tax, 1868, 1,339.99

" previous y'rs, 4.33 " " County Commissioners for License, 25.00

Amount carried forward, 2,384.37 7 Amount brought forivardy $2,384.73 Eeceived from K. B. Kennedy, per cent, on sales, 4.29

" Chesly Perkins, Liquor Agent, ... 207.41

. for old Plank and Post sold, 7.82 " xiugustus Weston, use of Town Hall, . . 8.00

$2,612.25 TOWN DEBTS. Dk. Balance from 1867, $6,529.82 Appropriation, 1868, 3,000.00 Keceived Eeimbursement, Family Aid, 2,300.00

$11,829.82 CONTIIA, Cr. Paid Bonds, Notes and Interest, $5,848.26 " Balance overdrawn from Snow Account, 33.19 " repairing Stage Road to Kings-

ton line, 23.33 " to New Account, 5.925.04



Amount of Tax Bills, 1868, $14,498.41

Uncollected Taxes of last year, 2,295.92

Cash on hand at last settlement, 4,583.59 Received Eeimbursement of State Aid, 1867, 2,300.00 Incorporate Stocks Tax, 1,344.32 From Liquor Agent, 207.41 " County Commissioners' Liquor License, 25.00 " E. B. Kennedy, per cent, on Liquor sold, 4.29 " C. H. Chandler, board of Alice Bonney and Mary P. Southworth, 242.00*

Amount carriedforicard, 25,500,94 8

Amount hroiight forward, $25,500.9^1: Received Mass. Scliool Fund, 162.88 " Augustus Weston, use of Town Hall, . . 8.00 Old Plank and Cedar Post sold 7.82 " Money hired for State Aid, 1,200.00


Contra, Cn. Paid State Tax, $2,360.00 " County Tax, 1,222.98 " Family Aid Orders, . 1,586.50 " Bonds, Notes and Interest, 5,848.26 " Selectmen's Orders, 6,777.03 " Overseers of the Poor Orders, 2,977.06 " Crows' Heads, 9.93 Uncollected Taxes, 231.93 Cash on hand, 5,865.95

$26,879.64 OUTSTANDING DEBTS OF THE TOWN. Unpaid Bonds, $12,100.00 Interest on Bonds to Feb. 18th, 1869, 217.80

Outstanding Notes & Interest to Feb. 18th, '69, 2,118.92

Due several School Districts Feb. 18th, 1869,. . 1,164.54 Due School Committee Account, 111.92



Due from State on Family Aid, from Jan. 1st, 1868, to Feb. 18th, 1869, $1,715.50 Cash in the hands of the Treasurer, 5,865.95 Uncollected Taxes, 231.93

' Indebtedness of the Town, 7,899.80

$15,713.18 9

Of tlie $12,100.00 outstanding Bonds, there is $2,000.00 which mature on the first day of May, 1869, together with

the interest due on $12,100.00 from Nov. 1st, 1868, to May

ist, 1869, of $363, making $2,363.00, which is expected to be met at that time from funds now in the Treasury.

There will be due Nov. 1st, 1869, the interest on the

$10,100.00 Bonds then outstanding, from May 1st, 1869,

• to Nov. 1st, 1869—$303.00, together with the $2,000.00

Bonds which mature May 1st, 1870, and the interest on

$10,000.00 Bonds from Nov. 1st, 1869, to May 1st, 1870— f303, making $2,303.00 to be provided for by assessment. The Selectmen would, therefore, recommend the follow- ing sums to defray the expenses of the Town the ensuing

year, viz :

District Schools, $2,200.00

Highways, . : 1,500.00 Support of Poor, 2,600.00 To meet the present indebtedness, 420.00 Town Debts, 3,000.00 Incidental Expenses, 1.000.00


All of which is most respectfully submitted, SAMUEL ATWELL, ELBKIDGE CHANDLER, THOMAS CHANDLER,

Feb. 22, 1869. The undersigned, being an Auditing Committee, chosen by the Town, March 1868, have examined the above Ac- j counts and find them correctly cast and properly vouched. GEO. W. FORD, JOHN S. LORING. 3 :


The Overseers of the Poor submit to the Town the following Eeport of the Expenses for Supporting the Poor in and out of the Almshouse EXPENSES OF THE ALMSHOUSE FOR THE YEAR ENDING

FEB. 18, 1869. Sam'l Atwell, keeping books, stationery, stamps, &c. $7.50 George Bradford, services, clerk of Overseers, 1867, 5.00 Overseers Poor services, and settling and making re- port, Feb. 1868, 30.00 N. Ford & Sons, goods for house, 895.12 Edward Holmes, coal " " 32.00 Willard Clark, tin ware " " 8.12

Augustus Weston, burial of Marcia Washburn, . . . 4.00 Judah Chandler, services superintendent to April, 1868, 270.34 Augustus Weston, butchering hogs, 7.00 Coal for house, 24.00 Bailey Gullifer, removing Wm. A. Standish, alms- house, 5.00 Samuel H. Gurdy, shoats and meat for house, 57.08 George Bradford, goods, " " .... 154.50 Samuel Williamson, potatoes, " 15.00 Gershom Bradford, meat " " .... 103.59 Isaac Sampson, hay, " " 12.00 Martin Freeman, " " " .... 6.00 Martin Freeman, coffin for Marcia Washburn, .... 6.50 Augustus Weston, teaming, 11.00 Elisha Delano,, .wood for almshouse, 27.50 Dura Wadsworth, " " " 38.50 E. B. Chandler, « " " 46.00

Amount carriedforivard, 1,765.75 % 11

Amount broughtforwardy $1,765.75 Samuel Atwell, removing Hannah Winslow to

almshouse, ; 3.50 Sylvanus Prior, teaming, 34.71 Harvey Soule, goods, 13.36 Ziba Hunt, turnips, 3.00 N. Ford & Sons, coal, 60.00 Charles H. Chandler, boards, 4.75

Julian Curtis, goods, * , , , . 32; 50

Andrew Stetson, shoemaking, * . . 3.18

Samuel Low, cow, ; 35.00 Augustus Weston, horse hire and butchering, 8.00 Josiah C. Crowell, services, superintendent, 167.00 Elbridge Chandler, services, board St. Charities, Plymouth, &c 9.50 Thomas Chandler, making reports, board St. Char-

ities, 3.00 Samuel Atwell, services, board St. Charities, Ply- mouth, engaging superintendent, &c 22^50 Wm. H. Myrick, repairing stove-pipe, &c 4.90

$2,170.60 Excess of Inventory of February 18, 1868, 53.04

Expenses in Alms House, $2417.56


Support, Samuel Stickney and wife, , . . . , $65.92 " Violetta Simmons, wood, 6.00 " Thomas L. Soule, 36.00 " Jonathan Glass, 36.25 William W. Gardner, ...... 15.00 " Joanna Keen, 82.10

Amount carriedforward, 241.27 12

Amount brought forivard, $241.27

Support, John Glover, , 8.00 . " Martha O. Jackson, Lunatic Hospital, Worcester, 193.22 Margaret Winsor, Lunatic Hospital, Taunton, 198.32 Luther T. Gardner, support Wid. Anderson, 39.24

"Wid. Stephen. Weston, wood, 9.50 Support, Avery Hodges, 56.13 Ichabod W. Chandler, support Arabella Chandler, 55.00 City Boston, supplies Charles H. Gardner's wife, 12.50

Joseph P. Bosworth, Jr., supplies, 20.20 Wid. Barton, " 28.75 City of .Charleston, support Walter E. and Anna C.White 35.86 Henry O. Winsor, supplies, 6.31

Wid. Betsey Peterson, supplies, .. 2.58 City of Lynn, supplies, Eliza Pride, 2.00

Town of Hanover, support Hannah Winslow, .... 35.00


- YEAR 1868.

Appropriation from the Town, $2,500.00 Received from C. H. Chandler, guardian of Alice Bonney and Mary P. Southworth, balance due, 1867, 242.00


Expenses in the .Almshouse, 2,117.56

out of . the Almshouse, 944.88 Overdrawn in 1867, paid from assessment of 1868, 364.80

$3,427.24 13

Appropriation from tlie town, $2,500.00 Receiyed from C. H. Chandler, guardian of Alice Bonney and Mary P. Soutliworth, due 1867, 242.00 Due from C. H. Chandler, 279.55 Indebtedness^ 420.19


Whole number of paupers now in Almshouse, . ... 17 Largest number at any one time, 18 Admitted during the year, 3 Discharged, 1

The average number supported in the Almshouse the past year has been fifteen and one quarter, and the ex- pense two dollars, eighty-eight cents, eight mills, for each person per week.


AGE. AGE. Peleg Sprague, 80 Nancy Alden, 84 Abner Stetson, 73 Olive Brewster, 80 Wm. A. Standish 71 Harriet Winslow, 79 Wm. H. Simmons, 65 Lois Brewster, 74 John Freeman, 53 Alice Bonney, 68 Joseph Prior, 72 Mary P. Southworth, 55 Bradford Holmes, 62 Betsey A. Churchill, 44 John Baker, 55 Susan B. Winsor, 37 George Stetson, 42


1 ton English hay, 3 bbls. apples, 942 lbs. pork, 135 bush, potatoes, 10 bush, beets, 25 bush, corn, 3 horse loads 35 bush, turnips, 140 lbs. butter, pumpkins, 6 doz. cabbages, 501 lbs. beef. 6 bush, beans. 12 bush, carrots,

4 14


THE FARM, FEB. 18, 1869.

3 bbls. flour, 18 lbs. soda, 1^ tons E. hay, 11 bush, meal, 175 " sugar, 1 ton salt hay, " 2 J bush, corn, 30 fine salt, 2| tons coal, 1 bag fine feed, 2 bush.coarse do. 2h cord oak wood 2 bush, beans, 25 empty barrels, 2" " pine, 25 lbs. tea, 1 lb. tobacco, IJ " pitch pine, 165 lbs. ham, 20 lights glass, 75 bush, potatoes, 50 " lard, 3^ m. shingles, 12 " smaU do. 300 " pork, lOOlt. boards, 17 " turnips, 300 " beef, grass seed, 20 posts, 54 " butter, ^ gross matches, 2J bush, carrots, 25 galls, molasses 1 cow, 3 " beets, 50 lbs. fish, 4 swine, 700 lbs. 3 doz. cabbages. 24 " soap. 22 fowls,

Amount $623.32 : —Being an excess of the amount of Feb. 18, 1868, of $53.04.

The Overseers deem it proper to say that the duties of the Superintendent, Mr. Orgwell and wife, in the general care of the Inmates and management of the Almshouse, have been performed satisfactory to the Board and ad- vantageous to the Town.

All which is most respectfully submitted,


Feb. 22, 1869. The undersigned, being an Auditing Committee, chosen by the Town, March, 1868, have examined the above Ac- counts and find them correctly cast and properly vouched. GEO. W. FOED, JOHN S. LOEING. DEATHS Begistered in Duxbury during the year 1868.


Jan. 19, JuJah Harlow, 56 23 Acute Bronchitis. Feb. 17, Ichabod Alden, 79 Old age. " 20, Eliza'h Southworth, 86 16 24, Nath'l Waterman, 59 Consumption. March 7, Judith Cushman, 73 Unknown, sudden. 8, Betsey Hodgkin, 79 25 Old age. April 2, Abraham Dawes, 80 Disease of kidneys. 6, Anna Weston, 79 Acute Bronchitis. 23, Winslow T. Delano, 47 Softening of brain. May 15, Emma G. Clark, 18 15 Carditis. 15, Jane F. Glover, 42 Consumption. 15, Joseph Freeman, 60 10 Phthisis. June 3, Mary Perry, 87 Old age. 4, Stephen Soule, 75 1 Marasmus. 5, Lydia S. Oldham, 19 18 Acute Phthisis. 6, Betsey Belknap, 86 Old age. 9, Weston Simmons, 85 [Paralysis. 13, Han'h P. Coggshall, 40 Tuberculosis, July 9, Henry Tisdale, [son 22 17 Phthisis. Aug. 18, Hannah A. Richard- 67 21 Phthisis. Sept. 2, Harry E. Prior, 2 Dysentery. 20, Barker Hunt, 66 Marasmus. 26, George Nickerson, 12 11 Typhoid Fever. 26,lEdward B. Weston, 66 22 Disease of Lungs. Octo. 6,|Myra Alden, 48 3 Sudden—obscure. 6, Alathea Soule, 81 18 Dropsy. 19, Geo. P. Richardson, 83 12 Hydrothoray. 19, Charles Soule, 86 Old age. 20, Judith Harlow, 46 25 Tubercular. 23, Sarah E. Partridge, 22 18 Acute Phthisis. Nov'r 5, Amanda F. Baker, 46 19 Phthisis. 7, Mary T. Bosworth, 61 Cancer. 15, Martin Church, 50 14 Insanity, suicide. 20, Franklin Bisbee, 68 25 Hydrothoray. 27, Sally Delano, 52 16 Disease of the brain. Dec'r 4, Lewis Simmons, 85 2 Old age. blood. ( 5, Henry Ready, 30 Consumption of the 5, Judith T. W^eston, 26 1 Consumption. 23, James Breheny, Age—three hours. 27, Sarah A. Holmes, 45 Ovarian Tumor. 11


Kegistered in Duxbury during the Year 1868.


Elb. H. Chandler, Duxbury, Josiah Moore, Feb'y 2, | Sylvia B. Atwell, Duxbury, of Duxbury. Chas. A. Nickols, Marshfield, Chase Taylor, 22, Caro. A. Crowell, Marshfield, of Duxbury. James H. Reed, Pembroke, Wm.R.Tisdale, Mar. 30, Mary J. Peterson, Duxbury, of Duxbury. Har. G. Freeman, Duxbury, T. P. Daggett, April 30, Caroline Hinckley Duxbury, of Pembroke. Thos. B. Delano, Hanson, Wm. R.Tisdale, May 2, -j Julia S. Drew, Duxbury, of Duxbury. G. T. Chandler, 2d Duxbury, Wm. R.Tisdale, 3, Selina J. Harrub, Kingston, of Duxbury. James B. Yinal, Duxbury, Wm. R.Tisdale, 25, Sarah L. Kirby, Duxbury, of Duxbury. Wm. PI. Weston, Duxbury, Eben'r Alden jr. June 22, Annie Y. Kirby, Duxbury, of Marshfield. Wm. G. Winsor, Duxbury, Eben'r Alden jr. 28, Mary Southworth, Duxbury, of Marshfield, John F. Whiting, Cambridge Wm.R.Tisdale, June 30, Mary S. Winsor, Duxbury, of Duxbury. Francis Ellison, Springfield Josiah Moore, 30, Ella P. Stetson, Duxbury, of Duxbury. A. Bailey, Kingston, Wm. R.Tisdale, July 4,' Ellen T. Phillips, Kingston, of Duxbury. Geo. L. Thomas, Hanson, Edwin D. Hall, Octo .16,] Julia W. Peterson, Duxbury, of Duxbury. Kirk H. Bancroft, Lowell, Wm. A. Stearns 27, j Jane Porter, Duxbury, of Amherst. Charles E. Briggs, Weymouth Chase Taylor, Nov'r l,i Angeline Lewis Duxbury, of Duxbury. Albert F. Eich, Boston, Bart. Otheman, 5 * H. L Cunningh'm Duxbury, of Duxbury. Eliphaz Prior, Duxbury, Eben'r Alden jr Esther J. Sears, Dennis, of Marshfield. Sam'l Atwell, Jr., Duxbury, T. M.Merriman, 25, Caro. H. Bartlett, Kingston, of Kingston. -j Benj. S. Jenkins, Plymouth, Bart. Otheman, Dec'r 6, Annie H. Delano, Duxbury, of Duxbury, Geo. W. Bradford Duxbury, Josiah Moore, 17, j i Ada Sears, Duxbury, of Duxbury. Edwin Hunt, Duxbury, Wm. R.Tisdale, Dec. 25, \ Chariot' M. Glass, Duxbury, of Duxbury. 17

Twenty-eight births liave been registered in Duxburj during the year 1868, of whom fifteen were males, and thirteen females.

Seventy-six dogs have been registered, for which $160.80 has been paid into the County Treasury for the year 1868.

The foregoing Bii-ths, Marriages, Deaths, &c., are a true copy from the records of Duxbury. Attest, JOSIAH PETEESON, Town Clerk of Duxbury.

DuxBUEY, Feb. 2, 1869.

. ..




I Real Personal Highway Unpaid Polls. Names. Estate. E state Arrears, Books.

William J. Alden, . .1 .500 44

Wm. J. Alden, jr. . .1

Asa Brewster, . . .1 1,050 .200

Joseph Brewster, . .1 ..700 Seth Bartlett, ...... 925

Andrew Burditt, . .1 ..750 ..240

Nathan Burgess, . .1 ..910 2,925 James K. Burgess, .1 39

Sanford Brown, . .1

Henry A. Baker, . .1 George H. Brown, .1 .575 Sam'l W. Coggshall, .1 Han'h P. Coggshall 784 Joshua Gushing, .1 1,300 George B. Gushing, .1 1,200 150 Joshua M. Gushing .1 Nathaniel Gushing, .1 ..850

Thos. B. Gushing, . .1 PelegGook, .1 1,500 706

Benj. O. Gummings, .1 . .600 Marinda W. Drew,. 1,895

Joshua E. Drew, . . . ..600

Samuel Delano, . . . ..400 . 1.02

Hiram Delano, ...... 475 105 ...76

Adelbert Delano,. . 115

Hiram T. Delano, . 275 Hiram T. Delano, 2d Weston Freeman, 1,400 Walter H. Freeman, . . ''';; 1


Real IPerson'r Highway' Unpaid ( Names. Polls. Tax. Estate. ' Estate. Arrears'. Books. I

Joshua S. Freeman, . . 1 39 .2.39 Charles H. Furness,;. .1 .2.00 George Fowle, ....[.. 1 .2.00

. . . David Goodspeed, | 1 1.70 .3.70

Jonathan Y. Gross, ! . . 1 1,125 200 18.81

Est. Nancy Glass,. .! ..260 .3.17 Hiram Hunt .2.00 j . Henry Holmes, . . . 2.00 George W. Holmes, 100! 3.27


Samuel Holmes, . . 83 2.83

John Holmes, . . 700 .500; .. ..17.22

Samuel W. Hunt, . 1,150 .350 25i.. 21.27

Charles E. Hunt, . . 2.00 George L. Higgins, 1,1501 .160! 15.. 18.63 . I....

Rufus Holmes, . . . . 1,200 . .70 L. 3.02 . .21.19 791' . . Kimball F. Harlow, 1,250 ! !.. 25.99

. Antonio Joseph, . . ..800^ 40 12.77

. Lyman Josselyn, . . ..825! 12.46

. Samuel H. Joice, . 2.68 .4.68 William Joice, 1,200 17.22 | Augu'ts O. LeonardJ 1,445 .310^ 24.19 Otis Morton, ..910 13.73 Edwin G. Metcalf,. ..575 150i 16i .9.77 Barthol'w Otheman, ..875 13.10 David L. Peterson, .275 .5.49

Chesley Perkins, . . . . .75 .2.95

Matilda Peterson, . . L . ..575!, .250 ,10.78

Est. Avery Richardsj . . ..9001 11.42

Charles A. Eogers ..500 , .8.34

Est.Gaius Sampson,!. . . 1,735 22.19 Studley Sampson, .... 1 l,025i 15.00

. . . George Sampson, ' . 1 ..850! ,12.78

Alfred Sampson, , .2.00 Alfred Sampson, jr.,|. .1 l,000i ,.4751 ,20.70

Frances P.Sampson,'. . . ..798 l,220i ,25.67

, . . . . Andrew Stetson, I 1 ..925| .13.73

. . Charles Sampson, ' . . 1 ..700! .10.88

George F. Sampson,' . . 1 2,900! 8001 3.28 .52.19

John Sampson . . 1 5001 . .8.34 j

Est. David Turner,.'. . . ..800 .10.14

Jonathan F. Turner,! . . 1 . .2.00

Wm. K. Turner, 1 . .2.00

Alden Winsor, 1 ..500! . .8.34 Eichard H. Winsor, 1 ..800i 47 .12.61 ....


Real Person'] Highway Unpaid Polls Tax, Names. | £) state. Estate. .^rrc^rs ^99^ 91^ 1 A AVm. G. Winsor, 1 9 nn 9 f\n Eichard A. Winsor, . .1 Est. M. Waterman, 1 QO^ 1 n QQ Haris'n Wadsworth, .'"l . . lUU 9 QQ Haml'n Wadswortli, . .1 Martin Winsor, Q 1^1 Geo. Winsor, 2d, 1 2,4C0 Q7 97 9 nn James E. Winsor, . ..1 Geo. S. Weston, 1 9 nn Edward W. Winsor, ..1 9 nn Alex'r Wadswortli, ..1 2,620 Lydia F. Waterman, 200 9 IKA QA Est. Lewis Winsor, . . ouu Augustus Winsor, 800 1 A Lewis Winsor, 1 1,137 ..400 91 an

James M. Weston, . ..1 ..475 ..225 10.87 Daniel L. Winsor,. 3,125 39.64

Bailey D. Winsor, . . .'l 1,200 ..200 19.76 Samuel A. Winsor, ..1 9 nn AO Q(K Edward B. Weston, . .1 ..970 1 inn OA no Est. Cnas. P.Weston ±,1UU . . oUU '.'.1 Charles H. AVeston, . .850 . .800 3.29 . .26.21

Calvin G. Winsor, . ..1 ..925 ..750 ....32 .23.56 Henry Wadswortli, ..1 2,520 ..300 73 ..38.65 John Wilde, 1 ..750 ..125 13.10 Est. D. Wadsworth, ..675 8 56 Charles Winsor, 125 .. .1.59 E.G. F. Wadsworth, ..1 39 ...2.39

District No. 2.

Jerusha W. Bailey, . .550 Exempted

Lewis M. Bailey, . . . ..1 1,550 107 .16 John Burns, ..1 ..900 675 3.43

Melzar Brewster, . . ..1 ..550 .25 Melzar Brewster, jr. ..1 ..375 32

Deborah Burgess, . 1,000 1.24 '.^1 Chas. E. Brewster,. . .525 415 .77 John W. Brewster, ..1 ..425 .80 .32

James Breheny, . . . ..1

George Bradford, . ..1 1,890 900 16 6 ..... 1


Real jPerson'l' Highway! Unpaid Polls I Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears.! Books. Tax. I

Thomas Chandler,. . . 760 .50 Est. James Curtis,. 2,260 175 Julian Curtis, .1 .39 George W. Curtis,. .1 975

"William Collins,. . . .1 ..450 ioi 4.02

Levi H. Cushing,. . 1 2,685 365

Seth C. Cushing, . . .1 4,113 600 1.90 Albert Delano,. ... .1 Lyman Drew, .1 Henry J. Dunster,. .1 ..421.... 54

Charles Delano,. . . .1 ..525 .75 1.13! Charles C. Delano, .1 105 ".950 George P. Freeman, .1 450 . .49 David H. Freeman,. .1 1,050 1.65 '48 George Faunce,. . . .1 ..3701 Est. George Faunce, .650! Charles Frost, .1 ..750 185 Bradford Freeman,. .1 ..850 1.89 Alonzo Frost, .1

Joseph Freeman,. . .1 250 Theo. P. Freeman,. .1 "William Freeman,. .1 James Hall, 1,100

Joseph W. Hunt,. . ..525 300 Edwin Hunt, 775

Wm. W. Holmes,. . 1,035 .60 172 Cassius Hunt, 775 Wadsworth Hunt,.. .300 Est. Henry A. Hunt, .900 .500 Kufus Holiday, ....

Chas. W. Hunt,. . . Thomas Hutchins,. 73 Henry Haverstock,.

Calvin Josselyn,. . . . 1,200 75 Wm. W. Jones, .... 39 25

Joseph H. Mack,. . 39

William Myrick, . . 1,130 105 Wm. T. Mack, 775

Thos. McNaught,. . 1.10

Albert C. Myrick, .

Sylvia C. Owen,. . . 600 Stephens. Peterson 39 ;;85 Rufus Pierce, ..550 James H. Peterson, ..425 92 ... Q 0


Real Person'l Highway Unpaid Polls Tax. Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books.

Luther Pierce, 260 .... X

William Prior, ..930 1,645 . . 1.10 ..35.75

. Geo. P. Peterson, . . . 1.26 3 26 Ifi 4-9 William Prior, Jr. . 10 94. on Briggs Peterson, . . . 1,305 ..380 James Perry, ..700 10 88 Wm. B. Peterson,.. .'.'ioo 3 27 Gilbert M. Peterson, .'^25 ..300 ..1.16 ... .25 ..11.33 Geo. P. Prior, 4-00 77.^ 1 .^7 18 97 Leander B. Pierce, 9 00 Geo. P. Richardson, f),215 20,923 ^4.fi ^8 Han'h A. Richards'n 1 798 91 87 .'.'575 9 44. 117^ Gilbert M. Eyder, . . . J. J.. 1 Geo. F. Ryder, ..625 1.84 ..11.77 Edgar J. Smith, 100 .... uo ^ 8*^ ^ 80 Nathan Sampson, . ..300 Harvey Soule, 1,315 1,675 4-0 0^ John Southworth,.. ..395 ^ 07 800 19 14- . . Edwin A. Soule,. . . . OKJKJ Est. Jas. Southworth 1 100 1 12 1 ^ 07 Charles Soule, 18 4-8 Elizabeth Sampson, ..120 1 Sylvanus Sampson,. 3,650 .. .75 49.23 ^'^ Stephen Soule, 1,145 .. .75 1 7 John A. Soule, 9 00 9 00 Edward F. Soule, . William Sears, 260 ^17 81 Salumeth W. Soule, 1,595 . .

Corindo AVinsor, . . . 1.44 2.00 Dura Wadsworth,.. 3,380 10746 181.11

Gam'l. Wadsworth, ..850 ..200 . . 1.63 ..17.58

Geo. M. Winslow, . 935 ..250 ..15.22 ...... I


District No. 3.

Person'l, Hijjhway Unpaid rp Polls I Names. ; Estate. Estate. I Arrears.' Books. Samuel Alden, 2,660;.. 515

John Armstrong,.. I 45

Sam'l W. Alden,.. . Gershom Bradford,. 2,245 3,350 i Hiram Bryant,. .... L.525 44 George H. Bailey,. ..400' .175 Charles H. Brown, 1,385 .438

Ichabod B arstow, . ..738! . .75

Henry B arstow,. . . Otis Bradford, ...50' 75 John Gushing, 1,565! George Chandler 2d Howard Chandler,. ..7251 200

Jerome Chandler, . . ..925 .75!.. L54 Rufus G. Chandler,. ..801 115.... 97

Levi Chandler, 1,218^ 500 . 2.53

Alonzo Chandler,...... 40 .50 ...45

David Chandler, Jr. i. .885; 475 98


Benj. B. Cushing, . . i 2,065^ 2.58 i 305 Est. Saml.Chandler,! 2,725, Wm. H. Cushing,.. 150 ...51 John. W. Cushing, .".'940' 195

James H. Dawes,. . ..290: Est. Allen Dawes,. 1,649' Est. Abrm. Dawes,. 1,035 ...80

Josephus Dawes,. . 2.350 8,100

Daniel Driscoll,. . . . .515 . . .80

Arnold Freeman,. . 1,850' . .215

Daniel P. Glass, . . 2,590j ..435 Eugene Glass, ...50

Stephen C. Glass, . '.'.io& John Glass, 1,095! 115

Horace W. Glass, . 125 George Graves, .... Thomas Glass, .130 .48 2.73

Joseph D. Geary, . . 1,038! .965 Est. Geo.Humphrey ..3001 37 Geo. L. Josselyn, 39 Harrison Loring,. 101551 2,341

Edgar F. Loring.. ..400 . .175!

Samuel Loring, . 7,667, 2,872|..1J.77

Perez Loring,. . . 2,6501 ..5651 1.50 .... 1


Real Person'] Highway Unpaid Tax. Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books.

. Martin Mullen, . .2.00

John McNauglit,. . ..350 . . . 6.44

Otis Peterson, . .850 . .235 17.95

Seth D. Kandall,. . . . .2.00 Robert Steele, 2.00 Andrew Sampson,.. ..900 13.41 Isaac Symes, 39 2,39

Daniel W. Symes, . 1,280 ...95 19.44

James O. Soule,. . . 4 23 James Soule, 1,750 ..250 27.89

Abrm. P. Simmons,. ..100 ..155 , . 5.17

James A. Simmons, . . .50 2.63

Est. Wm. Soule, . . . 755 , , 93 10.44

Wm. W. Simmons,. 39 . . 1.16 . . .3.55 ({42—500 Lucy B. Soule, Exempted 19

Edmund F. Simmons 1,220 . . .60 18.16

Isaac Torrey, ..915 . .125 96 16.28 George H. Torrey, 2.00 Peleg Wadsworth, 50 6 69 Ozro W. Woodward 1,350 19.12

Eden Wadsworth,. 1,660 . .150 24.82

Joshua Winsor, ...... 900 . . 1.51 . . 1.56 ..16.48 Joshua S. Weston, 1,500 19.02 Harvey D. Winsor, 39 2.39 Wm. E.Weston, .... 1,380 .. .45 ..20.07 ""95 .'73 James S. Weston, . ..450 . ..9.39

Edward Winsor, . . ...2.00

District No. 4.

Ebenezer Avery, 925,.. 175

Joseph P. Bosworth . . 1 900—500 Deborah Brewster,. . . . Exempted

James F. Blanchard . . 1 Albert Blanchard,. ... 1

Herbert A. Baker,. ... 1 . .475 Walter Baker, 1 1,525 .250 50 George Baker, 1 1,840 .385 Granville Baker,...... 1 ..750 35 Aaron Chandler 1 7 ......


Real Person'l Highway Unpaid Polls Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears.; Books.

Asa Chandler, . . ..240 .72 7^87 Joseph Chandler 2d 1,550 240 .75 Wniard E. Chandler

Elb. H. Chandler, . Elb. Chandler, 5,141 837 Wm. Chandler, .... 1,634 210

N. L. Chandler,. . . 3,685 760 Eli Chandler, ..957 125

Eben. Chandler,. . . . 13,28 200 Est. Nath. Chandler ..500 Francis A. Chandler Kchd. B. Chandler, 1,305 225

Horatio Chandler, . . .90 Otis Chandler, ...... 850 126 .215 Hiram Chandler,.. ..545 157 1.41 Hiram O. Chandler Calvin Chandler,. 750 160 2.05

John Cooper, 640 181 . .35 Geo. T. Chandler,.

Henry B. Chandler,. . ..60

George Chandler, . . 1,510 740

Wad. Chandler,. . . . 6,510 434 James Downey, .... Levi Ford, 1,290 247 1.10

Edward F. Frost,. .

George W. Frost, . . . 100 Benj. P. Ford, 1,240 il5 71 Elijah T. Ford, Ezra J. Ford, ..440 95 .35 Wm. W. Frost, ...... 307 John Gulifer, ..335 .25

Merlin Gardner,. . . 1,636 Luther T. Gardner,. ,.450 iio 2.15 Abraham P. Glass, ...65 48 Jonathan Glass, Jr., .235 2.i2 Merlin T. Gardner, ..77 Leander R. Gardner Luther B. Gardner Elihu S. Harriman, ..185 ,85 Samuel Harriman,. Daniel Lyons, 39 H. B. Maglauthlen,. 2,445 1,035

Danl.S.Maglauthlen . .850| ..165 Luther T. Philips,. ...25 ...


Real Person'!! Highway Unpaid Polls. Tax. Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books.

Augustus Philips, . . 77225 . . 1.75 .. .6.60

Josiali D. Randall,Jr ..500 ...25 . . 2.71 . . 11. o7 Josiali D. Randall, .. .75 ..175 5.17

Jason Randall, .. .85 . . l.yy . . .4.94 .'.'850 Nalium Sampson, . . ..285 16.90 Walter Southworth, 1 OA O OA Rufus Sampson, Jr. . . 1.80 . . .0.80

Rufus Sampson., . , 1,735 22.19

Eden Sampson, .... 1,275 ..172 . . 1.79 . .22.18 O AA Thomas Tevelvn,. . Otis White,...' ..200 A d A Danl. W. White,... 9 00 Judith White, 2,150 ..750 36.77

Nathan G. Whiting, ..650 . . 2.09 ..12.33 Almira White, 150 1 90 Est. N. Waterman, 1,730 ..175 24.09 Alden White, 3,303 41.84 Briggs T. Weston,. .. .2.00

District No. 5.

Thomas Alden, 1 1,575 555; Geo. L. Baker, 1 ..760 160 James Cooper 1 Martin Church, 1 .'.'925 95

Jacob Curtis, . . .30

N. L. Chandler, Jr., . .1 ..205 80 E. A. Chandler, 1 ..990! Proctor A. Damon, ... 1 39 25 Joshua O. Ford, 1 1,325 ..350

Albert Freeman, 1 . . .45 ..161 Peleg Ford, 1 6,845 3,475 John Glover, 1 80 John M. Grover, 275 34 John T. Hunt, 1 350 John H. Hunt, 1 Wm. Holmes, 1 3,410.. 325

Andrew Jones, 1 . .100 Benj. Howland, 1 .630 ., .50 Thomas Ingalls, 1 .750 Ziba Kingman, 1 .'.'250 ....


Real Person'l Highway Unpaid jPolls. Tax. Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books.

, , , , 50 5 57 16469 21140 579.08

3,475 . . .65 45.01 Alex. J. McDonald,. ..1 225

. . . Seth S. Magoun,. ..1 ...40 . .295 . . 6.43 Meaclian, David C. . .1 38 . . .2.38

Hiram Peterson, . . . 1 ..857 1.37 . . 14.15

Peterson . . Stephen F. ..1 . .550 . . 1.18 10.15

Stephen Peterson,. ..1 2,732 . .150 38.45 C\ f\f\ Alfred S. Peterson, ..1 . . .2.00

Isaac W. Peterson, . .310 8 80

.. .30 . ..60 2.95

Michael Kooney, . . . ..1 ..420 . . .25 7.70

. . .2.00 A A A Cf Deborah Eandall, . . . o25 40 1 A A Francis J. Kandall, ..1 . .565 .... 76 10.05

1 39 . . 1.25 . . .3.64 1 0 1 A Eobert T. Eandall, ..2 . . 250 . .485 13.19 2,612 ..35.29

. 325 . .4.12 George A. Simmons, ..1 2.00 875—500 Exempted 4.76 .250 28 95 Walter W. Simmons ..1 2.00 1 ..655 ..230 ..13.09

. Aaron Simmons, . . 1 ..550 .. .50 9 60

Peter S. Strang, . . . 1 42 .. .2.42 1 ..400 ..185 9 29

1 . ..2.00

District No. 6.

Benj. Alden, 5,429 1,800

Benj. Alden, Agt...... 50 James Alden,

Scott B. Belknap, . 1,225 ..299

William Bowen,...... 335 Charles E. Bishop, Thomas N. Bartlett, 2,100 2.60 Ichd. D. Chandler,. 705 ..540 SethD. Chandler,.. ..275 ..


Real Person'l Highway I Unpaid ry. Polls Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books. Thos. Chandler, 2d.. L.l ...75! Bailey Chandler, 1 ..200 ..445 Joseph Chandler, .... 1 ..550 ...50 M. S. Chandler, 1 3,076 ..465 Est. Sam'l Delano, ...... 500! ...37

Henry Delano, 1 . .350 ..100 William F. Hunt, 1 39 .83 Lebbeus Harris, 1 ..800 305

i Josej)h M. Harris,. . . . 1 150! John C. Lewis, 1 875 200 Henry H. Lewis, 1 39 Charles Prior, 1 ...50

S.Stillman Peterson, . . 1 1,143 ...87 Jabez Peterson, 1 ..958 ..230 Levi Simmons, 1 ..460 ..185| James Sonthworth, ... 1 ..600 ..155 Samuel P. Soule 1,028 Elijah F. Snell,...... 1 George L. Thomas, .L.l

James H. Winsor, ..L.l 485 . . 1.10 45 .|

Josiali T. Winsor, . . 1 . . 1 . .39

Henry O. Winsor, . . I . . . 225

. . . Henry T. Whiting, | 1 700 135 Geo. L. Whiting,.. .I..1 785 '62 George Watson,. ...!.. 1 450

William Watson...... 1 260 |

. . . . Seth Wadsworth, | 1 335 ioi

District No. 7.

Samuel Atwell, 1 1,429 ..919 31.80 Samuel Atwell, Jr.. ..1 2.00

Franklin Ames, ...... 135 George Atwell, ..1 ..300 16 6 56

Orson M. Arnold,. . 1 76 2,39

Franklin Bisbee, . . 1 1,550 ..775 ....39 31.48

Benj. F. Bisbee, . . . . 1 2 00 Hiram W. Barstow, ..1 1,325 ..400 23.87

William Barstow,. . 1 . .860 ..12.78

8 ....


Real Peison'l Polls. Highway Unpaid ~ Names, Estate. Estate. Arrears' Books.

' . I Dan'l W. Barstow,. .1 .80.. 320 1 ...7.07 39' Henry Chandler, . . . I . . 1 .2.39

Pelham Chandler, . . I . . 1 .415 .7.39 Geo. T. Chandler,.. .2.00

Henry L. CushmanJ . . 1 1,280' .25' 18.49 Ich. W. Chandler,.. I.. 1 ..3001 .5.80

Charles Cox, 1. .1 ..6251 .9.93

Edwin J. Chandler,.j . . 1 39 .2.39

. Joseph S. Delano, . ' 1 1,400 19.75

Otis Delano, L . 1 .2.00 l,515i Asa S. Delano,. . . .j. .1 325 25.46

Jndah Delano, . . 1 ..640 10.24 j .350i James F. Delano,. .... 1 . .6.44

. . . Geo. H. Davidson,. I 1 .2.00

. . 1 600 John Davis, | .9.61

Frank Fullerton,. . . .2.00

Joshua H. Ford,. . . 775| 96 .. ..10.79 Jonathan S. Ford,. 350 75'.. .7.19 Geo. W. Ford, 350 .6.44 Anna D. Ford, 1,4041. 17.70 ..608!, Almira Ford, J.. .7.61 1 Nathaniel Ford,. . ; 4,150 . .977|, .66.98 Est. James T. Ford 3,875 .49.14 Nathl. Ford & Sons 7,281 14400! 274.84

Abbie T. Harlow, . ..446j . .5.71

Jnlia M. Harlow,. . ..5591 . .6.97

Thomas Gorham,. . .500 . .8.34 Est. Samnel Hunt,. .600: .7.61 Melzar Hunt, .890: 13.41

Eufus Hathaway, . . I . . 1 .2.00

Est. Judah Harlow,! . . . 312. .200! 1.60. i.. .8.26

Briggs Harlow, . . 1 .820'. .809 .22.60 | Abigail Kent .745.. 140 1.12.. .12.53

Edmund Landers,.. .50 . .2.63 John J. Lewis, 1,185L 185 .19.12

Martin Oldham,...... 625 . . .9.93 Est. Lewis Peterson 1,836... 65| i.. 24.41

Dan'l B. Peterson,. .1 I i...2.00 Lewis Peterson, .... .1 1...2.00 ...i Wm. P. Peterson, . .1 I. ..2.00

Elijah Peterson,. . . .1 .730... 50,.. 1.32| ! 13.14

Alfred Peterson,. . . .1 ..7751 L12 1.. 11.83

Barzilla Peterson,.. ..900 ' !.. 12.53


i Geo. J. Peterson,...... 75' 1 1 95 ...... '


Real Person'l Highway Unpaid Names. Polls. Tax —=- Estate. j\rrc

Wm. H. Thomas,. . James Trask, .... 1,495 ..637 29.26 John F. Weston, 0 AA

Joseph Weston, . . 710 . . , 8.88

1 ft 1 0 A t 00 Eden Wins or,. . . 1,U4:U . . O.IO . . 41. 'zb Seth Weston, .... 260 1 7 0 AQ Est. Lewis Weston, 2,120 9 (^A 9A CTA 1 ^^0 Martha W. Weston . . . oO .... ol . . .6.1b Est. Geo. T.Whiting [ a AO 1 9Q A nci Hiram Weston,. . . . . 1 . .670 QQ 0 OA Henry Weston,. . . Est. Eden Weston, 1,700 9 A TO 1 1 QO 1 rr c\c\ Joseph Weston, Jr. . . ± . . . to 0 AA Wm. Woodward, . . Sally Woodward,. 00 Josiah Walker, Jr. 1±,uuuO^^O' 9o ein "2 A AT Thomas Weston, . . ..400 0 TO Wm. H. Weston,. . . 1 . . ±uo Oscar Weston, .... 1 00 Elias E. Weston,. ..320 43 455

Geo. P. Weston, . . "i 225 . ,4.85 Geo. Weston, ..1 ...25 2 32 Est. Melzar Weston, ..750 ...50 ....93 10.44

Wm. Wadsworth,. . . .1 2.00

Wyman T. Weston . .1 .. .2.00 i ..


District No. 8.

Real Person'l Hig-hway Polls, Unpaid rp Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books. John H. Avery, .... John Alden Jr 200 John W. Alden, .... Henry Alden, Dan'l W. Brewster, ..950

Wm. M. Brewster,. . ..30 Harvey Baker, 2,290 870 Harvey Baker, Agt 1,250

Samuel P. Briggs, . . 325 85 Ezra Briggs, Dan'l Bradford, .... 1,000 Alvin Baker, ..100 500 James Burgess, .... Ephriam Bradford, 750 George Bates, 650

James P. Bradley, . .

David Cusliman, . . 2,640 1,155 50.18 Harrison Chandler, .2.00

Alden Cushman,...... 990 99 Isaac W. Chandler, ..501 ..125 .03

Alden Chandler,. . . ..955 ..205 Benj. Cushman, .... 1,400 2,600 Est. Jos. Cushman, 1,150 C. S. Cushman, 1,453

Est.Henry Chandler . .100 ..12|, Hiram W. Chandler 1,425 2.161

George Cushman, . . 1,950 .275 . .96i John Cushman, ...... 200 .300

Martha D. Clapp, . .640 Wm. A. Drew, 39 Charles Delano, 2d 39 Est. Elijah Delano, 15,95

Sylvanus Drew, ...... 30

Henry M. Delano, . 39

Briggs B. Delano, . ..750

Wm. B. Drew, 2,600 .300 . . 3.98 Henry Drew, Lucy Drew, 800 Alfred Drew, .. .,.


Real Person']] Hig-hwayj Unpaid Names. .Polls Tax. Estate. Estate. Arrears, i Books. Est. Charles Drew, ..800

Est. Win. Ellison, . 2,525 3,000

A. P. Ellison, Adm'X|.. . ..882

Enoch Ereeman, . . . . . 1 39 i Eugene S. Freeman,!. -1 Amherst A. Erazar, .... 4,860

James H. Freeman, . . 1 Gershom Holmes, .... 2 ..650

Robert B. Kennedy, . . 1 ..150 John S. Loring, .... 4,503 2,110

Henry Peterson,...... 150

Henry Paulding, . . . ..525 . 3.22

Edwin Peterson,. . 1,000 Reuben Peterson, Ji ..300

William Paulding, . . ..1 3,295 5,250 Samuel S. Peterson, ..1 1,225 ..600

Est. Clark Peterson,j . . . 1,385 ..100 1.83

Reuben Peterson, . . i . . 1 2,057 ..240 Est. John Porter,. 1,850 ..360

Josiah Peterson,. 1,117 . . .40 Frank Pride

Wm. R. Porter, . .

Chas. H. Porter,. . . Obed Ripley, 50 Samuel E. Ripley, 2,635 Point Union Store, 1,3251. Thomas Soule, 1 1,658 .. .501. 31

Chas. Soule, 2d j.. 1 . .456

Daniel Sampson, . . . I . . 1

i Soule, . . . Nathan 1 1,201

Nelson Stetson, ...... 1 75 | I..925

Lot Soule, .1 . . i. I 160 75 Swift, Lot I I,0001

Soule, . . . ! Henry j 1,797;

! Wm. Simmons, . . 1 \ 1,2801 545 Wm. H. Simmons, 125

Gustavus Simmons,.! . . 1

Edwin Simmons, . . .2.00

Est.H. Sampson, . . 1,475 318 22.82 Est. Simeon Soule,. ..205 25 .2.79 Simeon Soule, ..1 ..163 48 .4.38 Nath'l Thomas, ...... 1 ..550 .8.97 Walter Thompson,. ..1 .. .30 .2.32

Nehemiah Thomas,. . .1 4521 .7.71

9 .. . .


Person'l llig-hway Unpaid Polls. ] Names. iS^SL. Estate. Arrears. Books. Wm. Turner, 1,175 ^775

Briggs Thomas, . . 2,140 8,443

Daniel Turner,. . . 1,055 . . .75 John B. Win slow, 1,575

George Winslow, 2,990 . .770 James Wilde, .... 2,100 5,770 James Wilcle,Ji^rcr 3,275 1,000

J. Wilde, Guard...... 791 1,250 Est. Nath'l Weston, 1,835

Jabez P. Weston, . . 39

John Weston. . . .60 .6 Bradford Weston,. 1,005 357 Gershom B. Weston ..455 100 1.32 Alden B. Weston, 2d ..712 1.29

Chas. S. Weston,. . .

Hiram Winsor, . .290 l,200i

Alden B. Weston, . 23707 9,431

District No. 9.

John Alden, !. .1 1,5751.. 6001 ! 1 29.58

. . . . 1 I Gamaliel Arnold,. ! ; j L. .2.00

. . . 1.83i. Mary A. Alden, i 1,475| .20.53

. . . . Thomas K. x4.mes, | 1 750i .11.51

Consider Burgess,. . . . 1 . . 640| 50; j .10.87

. Burgess,. . ! . .1 . Spencer .250i . .5.17 Nath'l A. Burgess,..! .1 1,616 .200' .25.15

Est.CharlesBurgessL . . ..300 . .3.80

Nathan Brewster, . . i . . 1 1.58 .3.58

Charles G. Burgess,| . . 1 .2.00

Est. G. Bradford,...... 1,465 18.70 i.. Est. N. C. Brewster,! . . . 3,447 .2001 ! 46.29 I

I Sumner Baker, . . 1 | 2.00

Franklin Bryant,. . . . . 1 j 2.00 E. H. Bradford, 500i 6.34 Judah Chandler, ..1 125' 3.59 Josiah Crowell, ..1 2.00 39i, Spencer Drew, . .1 .2.39

Alden Delano, I . . 1 ..575 .9.29 John Delano, Jr 1,715 445 29.58

i 500 Lavinia Eldridge, ..875 Exemptedl .4.76 JohnElHs,. l..300|, .5.80 ... .


Real Person'l Hig^hway Unpaid Polls Tax. Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books. Everett Eldridge,. 39 772.39

Robert Edgar, . . 315 40 . .4.52 Martin Freeman,. 875 100 .14.37

H. G. Freeman, . . 39 . .2.39 Barker Hunt, .... 1,633 385 27.37 Ziba Hunt, 1,890 .67 27.04

Oscar C. Hunt,. . . .2.00 George Louden,. ..340 .6.44

Josiali Moore,. . . 2,790 850 48.28

John G. Moore, . . .2.00

Sylvanus Prior, . 1,997 425 32.65

Geo. R. Ryder,. . ...25 .2.32 Est. M. Sampson, 1,160 14.58

Est. S. Southworth, . .350 43 .4.87 Hamilton E. Smith, 3,795 50.18 Fred. P. Sherman,. ..850 1.411 14.19 Samuel Stetson,.. 1,800 2.621 27.44

Henry Southworth, . .39! .2.39 Est. Wm. M. Smith, 2,775 945j |.. 47.24 i Est. Freeman Soule, 3,985 6,264! 1... 161. 130.13 Enoch Soule, ..250 4,251 !.. 59.06 Deborah Smith,. ..505 648 1.. 14.58

Otis Weston, . . 1 ..455 I. ..7.71 |

James Weston, i . . 1 ..875 13.10

Harrison G. Weston! . . 1 300 .5.80

Emma Whipple,. . . . . 275 34 .3.83 j

Augustus Weston,. . . . 1 7001 187 13.02 |

District No. 10.

Benjamin Boylston,. 1,065]

Est. Zelah Belknap,. ..572i ! .50 Daniel Baker, .... .1 1,100! ..170

Royal T. Brett, .1 . .530i Ora N. Belknap,. ..780 25 Peleg Cushman,. ^1 100 Briggs Cushman,. .1 1,910 ..215 Proctor Chandler, .1 1,100 ..325 Isaac Chandler, .... .1 1,500 ..100

Jesse Delano, ...... 1 1,200 . .750 .,.. ..,


Real jPerson'l Polls. Ilijrhwayl Unpaid Names. Estate. Estate. Tax. 1 \ Arrears. Books.

Herman H. Delano, . . 1 .2.00

. . . . Eufus B. Dorr, . . 1 1 1,626|..4:45! i.. L35 29.67

Nathan Dorr, L . . . ..50j ....06l . ..69 Wm. Easterbrook,...!. .1 .2.00

William Estns, j. .1 .2.00

Joseph Fish, |. . . L.670j I.. L32 .9.88


' Samuel H. Gurdy,. . . .1 i..950|l,5o0; 33.70 Harlow, 1,150 1.431 16.01 Mary [ Gideon T. Harlow, L.235 ..28 .3.13 Henry Harlow, :.235 28 .3.13 John Patridge, 65 .2.95

Bryant C. Pratt, . 39 .2.39 Eleazer Pratt, 45 .2.45

Calvin B. Paine, I.. 640 . . 1.20 11.44

Isaac M. Paine, ...... 1.07 .3.07 225i Elisha Peterson, . . 1,050.. 18.16 . Alonzo F. Peterson, 39 .2.39 Luther Sherman,. 1,900.. 724: 35.28

L. Sherman & Co... ..125 .... .1 .1.59 Peter A. Sennot, 1,570!.. .801.. 2.34 25 25.51

Lewis Simmons,. . .925'.. .50! 12.36 Lewis Simmons, Jr. 2,255 ..500! 29.90

Calvin Sampson, 3,985; !.. 5.18 55.90

Est. Jas. Simmons, 2,775 1 35.19 Joseph Sprague, 1,380.. 4101 24.51 Ezekiel Sprague, ..827!... 25!.. 1.44 14.22

George Tarr, . I I .2.00 Benjamin White,. 1,8201.. 480 31.16

. . . .4.06 Harriet Witherell, • • Exempted .81 1.35

Est. A. C. Witherell, . . 630 ..43 .8.36

Edward White, ...... 660 1.201... .9.44

District No. 11.

William Bradford,. . i , . 1 ..925 13.73

Peleg T. Brooks,. . .1. .1 1,275 ..160 20.07

P. T. Brooks & Co.|.. . 1,325 16.80

Abner C. Barrows,. . I . . 1 65 2 95 Philip Chandler, ...!.. 1 .750 ..293

Willard Clark, !. .1 . .43 ..395 7,70 Geo. P. Crocker,. ..j..l 21)0

Geo. W. Childs,...... 1 .. .75 . . 1.36 .. .4.31

Est. Samuel Delano! . . . 1,000 ..12.68 ......


T> ii„ Real Person'! Highway Unpaid ous.iI Names. 1 Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books..

Nath'l Delano, . . ..800 Nath'l Ellis, 755

Geo. A. Faunce, . ..875 Winfielcl S. Freeman ..240 .500.. 1.10 Zenas Faunce, 1,800 ..901 500 j Jeruslia Fannce, . . ..975 Exempted Samuel A. Frazar,. ...60 Wm. S. Frazar, 1,525 ..487

Jos. Goodspeed,. . . 45 Benj. Goodspeed,.. Augustus A. Graves ..775 Stephen N. Gifford 3,225 1,200 Allen Holmes, ..910 Hiram Holmes, 4.41 Geo. F. Nickerson,. 1,500 Elislia Holmes,

Wm. E. Holmes, . . Jabez Hatch, ..800

J. W. Hathaway, . . 1,155 40

William Harlow, . . John E. Hamilton, 16 John B. Hollis, 39 Est. Parker Jones,. ..900 ..382 S. H. Jackson, 1,200 Aaron Josselyn, .... 1.000 1,24

Samuel Knowles,. . ,

Sarah L. Kirby,...... 175 Nath'l P. Keen, .... 1,620 Est. Charles Latham 1,490 ..423

Charles Loring, . ..315 40 i\.lex. Lane, Jabez Keep, 1,11 C.& J. S.Loring,Trs. 2,000 1,326

Andrew Northey,. . . 100 5.46

Eben W . Paine, ....

Alfred Paulding, . . 1,000 1.44

Ral^ Patridge,. . . ..700 ..700 . 2.13 Allen Prior, 1,850 3,465 Eliphas Prior, Eliphas Prior, Trus. ..800 Geo. C. Prior, 3,000 ..420

Martin Peterson, . . ..350 53 Nehemiah Peterson,

Oscar Peterson,. . .

10 ...


Real Person'l Highwayi Unpaid Polls, Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books. Tax. Augustus Sampson, 1,475

E. P. Sampson . 1,001 634 Ichabod Sampson,. ..749

Erastus Sampson, . . 2,833!

Geo. T. Sampson, . . . 633; G. T. Sampson, Agt. ..633: Eden S. Sampson,. ..1 1,600.. 885 Eden Sampson, 2d. ..1 Horace E. Sampson ..1 Jacob Sprague, ..1 ..900 1,200

Joshua "W. Swift. . . ..2 1,325 Wm. Sheldon, ..1 3,025 360 S. L. Sprague, 6,655 H. L. Sampson, ..1

Sylvanus Shedd, . . ..1 James Thomas, ..1

Wm. -R. Tisdale,. . ..1 200 750' Hesekiah Turner,. . ..1 . 700 ..87 James B. Yinal, ...... 1 400

Henry G. Yinal,. . . ..1 504 Seth Wins or, ..1 ..800 Est. Isaac Winsor,. 1,850 .800 Geo. Winsor, ..700

Samuel Y/insor,. . . Spencer T. Winsor, l,675i 1,000 G. W. Witherell,... 1,000 ..535 Jane Winsor, 1,582 Jane Winsor, Admx. 3,603 Wm. Welsh, 1,350

District No. 12.

Benj. Barstow, 2,490 833 .44.16 A. P. Barstow, 1,027 .15.00 Henry W. Barstow, 2,035 ..300 .31.79 Lewis B. Barstow,. ..900 .13.41 Lewis Barstow, .... 1,957 .'.'ioo .31.80

Edgar H. Bailey,. . . .2.00 Chas. H. Chandler, 3,892 ..575 .60.74 C.H.Chandler & Co. ..400 1,125 .19.34

Thad. W. Chandler, . ..30 ..2.32 Elisha Delano, '5,770 3,797 125.63 ..


Reiil Person'l Highway Unpaid Polls. Names. Estate. Estate. Arrears. Books. Charles Estes,

Sprague Freeman, . 750 N. J. Freeman, Benj. Foster, ..800 Sumner H. Fernald, ..815 150 Bailey Gulifer, 1,425 1.63 Nalmm Keen, ..39

Nathan C* Keen.. . ..505 1.05 Joseph Lewis, 3,225 615 Jos. H. Lewis, ..125 300 76

Henry D. Osgood, . ..800

Roland G. Paine,. .

Eugene W. Paine, . Wm. J. Powell, Alfred Rogers, ...50 Wm. A. Rogers, 1,350

Geo. Simmons, ..350 ...65 . .90 Chas. H. Snell, .. .50 1.52 Charles Snell, .'.740

Geo. B. Standish,. . 3,225 875 G. Bailey Standish,.

Huldah Standish, . . 1,205 High St.Union Store 2,550 D.avid P. Walker,..

John Whitmarsh, . i',675 .. .50 Sam'l E. Whitmarsh ...50 Chas. H. Whitman,. . . .


Real Highway Names. Estate. Arrears. Tax.


Barnabas Davis, . . . 1,200 . 2.75 .17.97

John M. Doane, . . . 1,600 .20.29

Charles W. Perkins,. . .470 . .6.02


Solomon Alden, 60 ..06 .69


William Bourne, 130 16 .1.75

East Abington.

Horatio Baker, .25 ...32

Paul Baker, . . .25 ...32

Elijah Delano, .25 03 . . .35

Ezra Arnold, . 100 12 .1.39 . ..


Real Names. Estate. Arrears.


George Drew, .... ,40 06

Nathaniel Soule, . 40 06

. Jabez Soule, '. . . . 32 03 Lysander Howard, 32 03 Isaac Wood, ,28 03


Thomas Bailey, . .250 .31

Charles Adams, . .700 .87

Nathaniel Washburn,. . . . .140 .19 Richard Holmes .28 .03

Nathan Chandler, . .125

Edward Holmes, . .200 ..50 Est. Jabez Fuller, 1,050 1.34

John A. Chandler, ...20 . .03

James Foster, . .400 . .50

Christopher P. Drew,...... 320 ..12 Seth Drew, ..100 ..12

Timothy French, ..140J . .19

Est. Stephen Holmes, . . . .225 . .28 Ezra Mitchell ...75 ..09 John Faunce, ...25 ..03 Oliver Sampsoi;i, ...56 ..06

Nathaniel Waterman,...... 28 ..03

Ira Chandler, . .138 ..19 James Holmes, ...75 ..09

Est. , . .340 . .68

William Peterson, . .200 ..25

John Bearce, ...28 . .03

Baker Ford,. ...28 . .03

Joseph Stranger, ...25 . .03

Daniel Howland, . .100 ..12

Philemon W. Maglathlin, . .100 ..12

George Adams, . .100 ..06

John S. Chandler, . .120 ..16

Job W. Drew, Trustee, . . . .100 ..12 Ira Chandler, Jr 1,300 1.61

David Chandler, . .660 2.26

William H. Myrick, . .270

11 42

Real Highway] Names. Estate. Arrears. ^


aeorge H. HaU, 600 ..74 . .8.35

Edv/ard Sprague, . . . 100 ..12 . .1.39 |

I. John Chandler, ..225 ..28 . .3.13

' Ichabod Wadsworth, . . . 100 ..25 ..L52

Luke Wadsworth, 100 ..25j . .1.52

Mary Wadsworth,. ..450 ..68 . .6.39

Charles Sprague, ..300 ..37! . .4.17

Seth Sprague, . . .25 ..03 ....35

Harvey Sprague, ..100 ..12 . .1.39

Charles Sprague, Jr ..125 ..16 . .1.75

Nathaniel Simmons, . .657 ..81 . .9.05

Ezra Wright, . . .16 . .03 ....35

Lewis Taylor, . .800 1.12 .11.26

Alden Harlow, . .100 ..12 . .1.39 Est. Anthony Thomas, ..175 ..22 ..2.44

Luther Thomas, . .705 ..87 . .9.75

John Bourne, . .375 ..47 . .5.23

James Sprague, . . . 75 ..091 . .1.04

. .380 John Ford, ..47j . .5.23

Est. Eay Stevens, . . .50j . .061 . . . .69

Betsey ]3ourne, . . .501 ..06! ....69

Est. Otis Baker, . .250| ..31! . .3.48

David Carver, . .4001 . . 50! . .5.57 Est. Asa Hewitt, ...50 ..06! .. ..69

Est. Chandler Ford, . .325 ..401 . .4.52 Peleg Kent, 2,600 3.22 .37.19 Est. Nahum Packard 2,1201 2.64! .29.59

Est. Eleazer Harlow, . .350| ..431 . .4.87

Ezra Smith, . .425! ..53! . .5.92

John Sprague, . .3001 ..37 ..4.17

. .140! Charles P. Wright, ..19 . .2.09

James Baker, . .im ..16 . .L75

Joseph Sampson, ..2001 ..25 . .2.79

Est. Samuel Baker, . .500! ..99! . .7.33

StejDhen C. Sprague, . . . 125} ..03! . | .L62 Thomas AVhite, |....40 ....63

George M. Baker, i. . .100 . .12 . .1.39 !...125i Henry T. Croley, ..16 . .L75

! 700' Thomas B. Blackman, . . . ..87 ..9.75 Joseph Hewitt, 1,595 1.98i .22.27

Eliza Hewitt, |...415 ..531 . .5.92

!. John Baker, . .169 . .2.22 ..


Real Highway Names. Estate. Arrears. Hiram Butterfield, 7^240 :;7.'3i

Samuel Baker, . .600

Nancy R. Baker, . . ..175 Samuel Williamson, 1,000 1,24

Martin Kent, . .125 ..16 Henry Hatch, ..100 ..12


Simeon Chandler, ..325 ..40 Abel Keen, ...25 W. ElHs Chandler, ...73 ;;69

George F. Hatch, . .120 '.'.28. Mason Simmons, . .225: Nathan Shepard, 3,070 John Barker, 2,075 2.57 Est. Charles Church, ...80

Warren T. Whiting, . 545

George H, Church, . .150

Olive ChurchiU, . .400 Isaac Sampson, . .220 Alden T. Sampson, ...75

Joseph W. Magoun, , .450 Martin Bryant, ,..16

Horace Hall, , .440 Hiram Bandall, .400 David H. Foster, ..16 .03,.

Peleg R- Sampson, . .90 .25!. Henry Magoun, .150 .19!.

Ichabod AY. Peterson, I . . . 100 .12!.

Calvin Peterson, . . . .281. | 225 Elisha Est. R. Josselyn j. . .175 .31. Est. William Standish, I ... 600 ^37' Est. Alden Loring, j. . .300 Abijah Sampson, 700 Est. Joseph Ford, ..32 Thomas H. Sampson, ..94 Bailey D. Damon, .225 Meritt, Francis . .65 William Taylor, .450 Benj. Standish, Agt .9001. Est. George M. Witherell, ..501. 06' Isaac Curtis, .150i.

Abel Stetson, .1301. 161 ....


Real Highway Tax. Names. Estate. Arrears. '

Thomas Peterson, i .... 401 ...06 ..69 Est. Isaac Hatch, 165| ...22 2.44 Isaac Stetson, 45 ..63


Isaac Sturtevant, ' .... 32' .03 .35

Charles S. Morse, I . . . . 50i .12 .75


Bradford Barnes, .... 36; ..03 . ..66 |

' Ezekiel Eyder, . . . . 36i ..03l . ..66

Samuel Bradford, L . . . 48' ..06' ...69

Samuel Cole, Jr 24 . ..03' . ..35 Est. Charles Jackson,... .300.. ..37 .4.17

Samuel Barnes, 32| ..03i . ..35 |

James & Wm. Hall, I 25 . ..03! . ..35 Stafford Sturtevant, 64; ..09 .1.04


Est. OKver Bacon, ...515i....65 ..7.31


John O. Foy, .150 19l.. .2.09 09'.. Jesse & Herbert A. Chandler, 65 . .1.04

Lydia A. Bates, 615 . 78 . . .8.71 Elias Bichards, Guar 300i 37 .4.17


Sarah Pratt, '...450 .68 . . .6.39

North Bridgewater.

David HaU, 100| 12 1.39 Charlestown.


I. Nathaniel Bladen 1,500'. . 1.95L .20.97 Natick. ill

Charles L. Hosmer, , . . . .950 . . 1.25-. .13.30 :






School Year 1868-9.

TO APRIL 30, 1869.


. AVERY, BOOK AND JOB PRINTE Corner of Court and North Streets, 1869.



Fellow Citizens :

The School Committee, in compliance with the law

of the State, make their annual report of the progress of

our Public Schools for the past year, and their present


During the year, the Schools have been conducted much

after the old system, but we think, with some little im- provement. Owing to the scattered population of our Town, the Schools are necessarily so divided, that many of them are too small, both for the interest of the Scholar, and Teach-

er, whilst some few are crowded. This under the old Dis- trict system, was of course unavoidable, and could not well be remedied by your Committee. That system having now been abolished by act of Leg- islature, will throw the management of the Schools en- tirely upon the Committee, and, as a consequence, will much increase their labors. i




But this change will enable them in some cases, to make improvements, and perhaps to better distribute the Schol- ars throughout the several Districts, and dispense with some small Schools. Yet there are many difficulties in the way of a perfect system of arrangement, and we can see no way in which a radical change can be made, without incurring great ex- pense. As under a different system the present School Houses would be nearly useless. The Town having in- structed us to call the General District Committee togeth- er to consider the matter of Schools, and School Hous-

es, they may be able to devise some good plan for the fu-

ture, but we fear, that, until our Town awakes from its

slumbers, and becomes what it was in its palmy days, that the schools like every thing else must move on the old beaten track. We, however, are not of the number of those who would change our school system, for the sake of change merely, and of following the lead of more prosperous and popu-

lous Towns ; for we think some of the so-called reforms rather retard than advance the cause of education.

There is still much good in the old system of our fathers, as then both parents and children were obliged to make many sacrifices, and much exertion, to gain a fair education, and therefore they made the most of what few advantages they had.

With all due respect to the memory of the great re- former in our school system, "Horace Mann," we think he was too far in advance of our generation, to accom- plish the great good many suppose. But that the ten- dency has been to induce parents to trust too much to the scliool system, and the central power. Now, the impression seems to be, that 'tis only neces- sary to vote a good sum of money to sustain Schools, or move the old Sc/iool House, and that the education will come as a matter of course. Parents do not (with ex- ceptions of course,) see to it that their chUdren attend School as they should do, but rather indulge them in their natural desire for amusement, fearing perhaps, that they may over tax their active brains. We think that the five or six school hours per day for hve days in the week, and no study outside, and very lit- tle severe application in the School House will never in- jure their constitutions, or advance them to the front rank in life.

Parents should first lay the foundation, by forming hab- its m their chUdren of close attention to study, and in after years with the assistance of the capable teachers' we now have, a child will gain a good education, even in our Public Schools. We are induced to make these remarks partly from noticing so many marks on our School Kegis- ters, for absence in ; most cases probably, with no good rea- son. °

In regard to the Teachers of our Schools during the past year, we would say, that, with very few exceptions, they were competent and have done their work well • many of them having graduated from our own High Scliool, thus showing that we have means of education without going abroad. 6


At the commencement of the year we made an ar- rangement with the Trustees of Partridge Academy, whereby that institution would supply the place of the High School required by law to be kept in Town, and by the payment of a nominal sum, the Town would be free to all scholars qualified to enter such a School. We think that, so far, the arrangement has been of ad- vantage to all concerned. No more central location could probably be found, and by this arrangement the Town saved quite a large sum of money, that they would other- wise have been obliged to raise, and the Committee were thus enabled to appropriate a little surplus in the Treas- ury to extend the other Public Schools, one month each.

We omit the usual roll of honor, as it is very difficult to discriminate impartially in many cases, and in some injustice may be done deserving Scholars by omission.

With these brief and feeble remarks we close.

J. S. LOEING, ) JONA. S. FOED, V School Committee.


DuxBURY, April 30, 1869. 7


Amount of Books Eeceived— Of W. K. Tisdale, with per centage added, $49.84

E. S. Davis & Co., 301.12 W. B. Wait, 25.60 Sundry persons, 2.66 Percentage added, 36.03

Total, $414.15

Sales of Books for Cash, $142.96 " " " bills unpaid rendered Assessors, 194.19

Amount of Books on hand, invoiced at cost, 77.00

Total, $414.15

Book Agent, Dr. June 3, For Cash, Town Order, $100.00 April 13, " " " " 125.00 " Sales Books, 142.96

Total, $367.96 Cr.

By Cash paid E. S. Davis & Co. bills, $301.12 " " " W. B. Wait, " 25.60 " Sundry Persons, 2.56 " Agent's services & incidentals, 30.00 Balance in agent's hands, 8.68

Total, $367.96 J. P. BEADLEY, Book Agent. DuxBUBY, April 30, 1869. I I



Whole number of persons in Town, between 5 and 15 years of age,

May I St, 1868,-459.

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Duxbury Room