(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,921,361 B2 Cmiljanovic Et Al
USOO892.1361 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,921,361 B2 Cmiljanovic et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 30, 2014 (54) TRIAZINE, PYRIMIDINE AND PYRIDINE 409/04 (2013.01); C07D 413/04 (2013.01); ANALOGS AND THEIR USEAS C07D 413/14 (2013.01); C07D 417/04 THERAPEUTICAGENTS AND DAGNOSTIC (2013.01); C07D 417/14 (2013.01); C07D PROBES 491/048 (2013.01); C07D491/147 (2013.01); C07D 495/04 (2013.01); C07D 495/14 (2013.01); C07D498/04 (2013.01); C07D (75) Inventors: Vladimir Cmiljanovic, Basel (CH): 513/04 (2013.01); C07D 519/00 (2013.01) Natasa Cmiljanovic, Basel (CH); Bernd USPC .......................................... 514/232.2:544/83 Giese, Fribourg (CH); Matthias (58) Field of Classification Search Wymann, Bern (CH) None See application file for complete search history. (73) Assignee: University of Basel, Basel (CH) (56) References Cited (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S.C. 154(b) by 60 days. 5,489,591 A * 2/1996 Kobayashi et al. ........... 514,245 (21) Appl. No.: 13/128,436 7,173,029 B2 2/2007 Hayakawa et al. 8,217,036 B2 * 7/2012 Venkatesan et al. ....... 514,232.2 (22) PCT Filed: Nov. 10, 2009 2010 OO69629 A1 3/2010 Shimma et al. (86). PCT No.: PCT/B2O09/OOT404 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP 1864 665 A1 12/2007 S371 (c)(1), WO 2005/028444 A1 3, 2005 (2), (4) Date: Jul. 1, 2011 WO 2007 1271.75 A2 11/2007 WO 2008/O18426 A1 2, 2008 (87) PCT Pub.
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