Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes

ELAINE LARECY ing of the younger members of Congress." In By nominating the congressman and the 1927- eleven others-six representatives and six senators Joe Chatman, '276u,, and Mrs. Chatman (Fay -the magazine states the dozen are not neces- Naylor, '28ed) are the parents of a baby son _1910- sarily those who should be appointed but they born early in December at Norman . Mr. Chat- Chet Blankenship, 'l0pharm, resigned as man- are the caliber of men who might meet the re- man operates the Varsity Book Shop on Campus ager of the Edgemerc golf course in Oklahoma quirements on the basis of qualifications, record Corner near the University. City to accept a position with the Sperry and and intelligence. The proposed committee, For- Sterling B. (Dick) Jones, '271aw, became pre- Hutchinson Company in Tulsa. Former oper- tune states, would make a continuing, overall siding judge of the Oklahoma Criminal Court ator of a sporting goods store in , study of the war, confer with top officials, con- of Appeals on January 11 in a reorganization of Mr. Blankenship took over management of the duct investigations, consult and advise the presi- the state judiciary . Judge Jones was appointed golf course two years ago . Before going to dent . a member of the court in January, 1940 . and sporting Oklahoma City, he was a druggist Bat Shunatona, '271aw, Oklahoma City veteran goods merchant at Cushing for 25 years. -1925- Samuel A. McReynolds, '25fa, has resigned his football referee, was an official at the Sugar position as bandmaster in the High School at Bowl game in New Orleans New Year's Day. Picher, and is now making his home in Joplin, Prominent in Choctaw County civic affairs and Missouri . Prior to going to Picher, Mr. Me- '1928- civilian defense work is John A. Bryan, 'llba, is president of Reynolds was a teacher in Oklahoma City . Lt. Col . Walter J. Arnote, '281aw, and Mrs. Nelson merchant . Mr. Bryan Arnote (Jean Black, '346a) are the parents of the Hugo Rotary Club and the Choctaw Electric Balboa Little Theater in the Canal Zone, which also serves on the county Red is directed by Subert Turbyfill, '25fa, '266a, a baby daughter born recently at Norman . Colonel Co-operative . He '32ma, was awarded first place Arnote is stationed at Pine Camp, New York. Cross and U. S. O. hoards . in the National Play-Picture Contest sponsored by Row, Peterson Maurice V. Van Meter, Jr ., '28ba, '38ma, Okla- - and Company, of Evanston, Illinois . Announce- homa City, is a civilian mathematics instructor 1915- ment was made in the September-October issue at the Army Air School at Lincoln, Nebraska . Hirain hupson, '15ba, resigned his position as of Lagniappe, organ of the company . The win- postmaster at McAlester to resume editorship of ning picture, sent in by Mr . Turbyfill, showed a -1929- the McAlester Democrat early in November . In scene from the play Mollie O'Shatighnessey, a his personal column, "Talk in Type," Mr. Itrip- Western melodrama presented at the Little COUCH-BARKHOLZ : Miss Evlyn Couch, son commented on his return to newspaper work Theater. '296a, '38ni.ed, Norman, and Cpl . Robert W. I Barkholz, Detroit, Michigan, were married Oc- that "It is with particular pleasure that am - privileged to renew my allegiance to the pro- 1926- tober 17 at Norman . Corporal Barkholz, form- fession of my yesteryears ." He became post- KFNNB;.DY-SMI'T'H : Miss Mable Jean Kennedy erly in the postal department in Detroit, is at- master in January, 1936 . and I'vt . Denver I1 . Smith, '26ed, both of Okla- tending Officer Candidate School at Fort Sill . homa City, married Mrs . Barkholz is continuing her work as a teach- R. Keith Miller, '156a, Centralia, Illinois, died were December 7 at De- Mr. Miller had been in the Ridder, Louisiana. Mrs . Smith attended Mount cr at Pauls Valley . on December 18 . Carmel Academy in Wichita, Kansas . Private oil business for years, having worked in Tulsa, Frank D. Forrester, '29bus, Oklahoma City, is Centralia with the Shell Oil Smith was associated with Jenkins Music Com- associated with the DuPont Company at Pryor. Los Angeles, and in pany before entering Company. Mrs. Miller is the former Annie the service . Robert Shelton, '291aw, former Chickasha attor- Rowland, 196a. While attending the Univer- ney, has been appointed assistant United States dis- sity Mr. Miller was a member of Kappa Sigma trict attorney in Oklahoma City. Since last summer fraternity . Mr. Shelton has been assistant district attorney for the eastern Oklahoma district with offices _1919- in Muskogee . He succeeds W. W. Godlove, C. D. Reason, '19eng, Wichita, Kansas, is '321aw. manager of the Consolidated Gas Utilities Cor- WEBSTER-GRANGER : Miss Lucille Webster, poration . '29ba, Ada, and Lt. (jg) Donald C. Granger, -1920- San Diego, California, were married in the Elgin Groseclose, '20ba, former University bus- chapel of the Naval Training Station there on December 17 . Mrs. Granger is a member of iness professor and well known author, has been country of Alpha Phi sorority . Lieutenant Granger, a grad- appointed treasurer of the ancient of . Louis Iran, formerly known as Persia, where he once uate St University, was formerly a school . He expected to practicing dentist at Ada, and is now stationed taught in a mission at San Diego. leave for his new post in January as a member of a financial mission headed by A. C. Millspaugh -1930- of the Brookings Institute . In accepting the ap- pointment, Mr. Groseclose resigned as chief liaison Rev. Anson justice, '306a, and Mrs . Justice officer and economic adviser in the Bureau of (Nadeau Turner, '31ba), Atoka, are the parents Internal Revenue . During his three-year sojourn of a baby son, Paul David, born December 9. in Iran from 1920-23, the economist and writer gained background for his books Ararat, a prize- 1931 winning best-seller, The Persian journey, and the CORBIN-EVERETT : Miss Josephine Corbin, more recent The Firedralte. In Iran Mr. Grose- Anadarko, and Lt. Earl C. Everett, '316a, '34m. close will have headquarters at Teheran . For cd, Lexington, were married November 29 at the time being Mrs. Groseclose and their four Anadarko. Mrs. Everett is a graduate of Okla- daughters will remain in Washington, D. C. homa College for Women at Chickasha . Before Willis Storm, '206a, San Antonio, Texas, rep- ERNIE HOBERECHT, '4LJOURN her marriage she taught school at Anadarko . resented the University at the inauguration Oc- Journalist Ernie Hoberccht, '41journ, Wa- Lieutenant Everett, formerly principal of the tober 21 of Monroe G . Everett as president of tonga, last month arrived via ship at Pearl Anadarko High School, is stationed at Kelly Trinity University in San Antonio . Harbor where he was assigned by the gov- Field, Texas. The couple are at home in San ernment for defense work under Civil Ser- Antonio . -1924- vice authority. While in Al ohaland, Hob- FREEDLE-SCHEETZ: Miss Alice Elizabeth Mike Monroney, '246a, young Oklahoma con- erccht expects to send back dispatches to Freedle, '31ba, Oklahoma City, and Dr. George gressman, is suggested in the January issue of U. S. newspapers on the side and may even- F. Scheetz, South Charleston, Ohio, were mar- Fortune magazine as one of a joint congressional tually be assigned as foreign correspondent . ried December 9 in Oklahoma City. Doctor committee of twelve on the progress of the war . Bcfoic going into government service he was Scheetz, a graduate of Ohio State University Mr. Monroney, who is pictured in connection employed on the editorial statff of the Mem- with a degree in veterinary medicine, is sta- with a double-page spread discussing the need phis Press-Scimitar in "Tennessee and has tioned at Tinker Field, Oklahoma, with the for such a committee, is presented as "one of written numerous short stories and feature Army Veterinary Corps. He and Mrs . Scheetz the four most earnest, intelligent and hard-work- articles . are making their home in Oklahoma City.

36 SOONER MAGAZINE Mrs . Barker Shirley (Dorothy Manes, '31ba, '42m.ed) has been employed as junior High School mathematics instructor at Norman to suc- ceed Avalee Cox, '38-11, who has taken a po- sition at Central State College, Edmond . Dr. John R. Winston, '31bs, formerly associ- ated with the S. and W. Hospital at Temple, Texas, has gone into general practice there. -1932- BrUCC G. Carter, '32ma, Oklahoma City, re- signed as assistant regional administrator of the National Youth Administration effective Decem- ber 15 to join the armed service. He became head of the N. Y. A. in Oklahoma two years ago, later advancing to the regional position. KBtEIDER-FREELAND : Miss Catherine L. Kreider, Annville, Pennsylvania, and W. Merl Freeland, '32ba, formerly of Norman, were mar- ried November 21 at Annville . Mr. Freeland is professor of piano in the Lebanon Valley Col- lege Conservatory of Music at Annville where he and Mrs. Freeland have established a home. W. W. Godlove, '321aw, has resigned as as- sistant United States district attorney in Okla- homa City to enter private law practice at Law- ton. Mr. Godlove's work in the federal office has been largely in liquor cases, Selective Service violations and enemy alien matters. His resigna- tion was effective February 1. Classed as the first big role of his movie career is Van Heflin's portrayal of post-Civil War pres- ident Andrew Johnson in the recently released screen biography Tennessee Johnson. A Time magazine review, unusually generous in its lau- dations, says of the historical movie, "No more adult picture of Washington politics has come out of Hollywood ." For the frank dramatic pre- sentation of Washington politics and politicians of the era, Time gives chief credit to Lionel Barrymore, as Thaddeus Stevens, and Mr. Heflin, '32ba. Of his performance in the title role the reviewer wrote, "Van Heflin's job is a brilliant Hotel Oklahoma Biltnlore, Okla- tour de force." The actor, formerly of Okla- homa City, recently went into service as a lieu- llonla's modeP'n tower of comfort tenant at Camp San Luis Obispo, California. Ralph Hudson, '32ba, '33lib.sci, librarian for and service 1n the heart of ClOvtirn- the Oklahoma State Library in Oklahoma City, town Oklahoma C:ity.This perfect has been appointed state director of the Victory Book Campaign for 1943 . Sponsored by the example of fine hotel operation is Red Cross, the American Library Association and the U. S. O., the campaign was planned to col- truly, Oklahoma City's favorite lect books for men in the armed services . host. Home of Station KOAIA, JOHNSON-BAUGUSS : Miss Louise Johnson, '32ba, Ardmore, was married December 13 in Lawrenceville, Illinois, to Cpl . Vernon Wayne Bauguss . Mrs. Bauguss is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Corporal Bauguss is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin . The couple are living at Lawrenceville, near George Field, where Corporal Bauguss is sta- tioned. -1933- Edd G. Bartley, '33eng, formerly of Eldorado, Kansas, recently was appointed assistant division engineer of the National Supply Company in Tulsa. MEMO TO SOONERS : C. C. Buxton, Jr., '33geol, and Mrs. Buxton are the parents of -a baby son born December We can't have everything, in time of I1 at Shawnee. Mr. Buxton is manager of the war . But when it comes to food Shawnee Elevator Company. there's a lot in how you prepare it and how you serve it . Even under Allen Street, '33ba, has been appointed ad- wartime handicaps, the Biltmore ministrative assistant on the Oklahoma County Coffee Shop continues to give superior War Price and Rationing Board. He will serve food service . as information director to keep the public in- formed of developments in price and rationing regulations . Mr. Street is director of the Street and Draper Funeral Home in Oklahoma City. J. Forrest West, '33fa, head of the Music De- partment and Division of Fine Arts at Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, presented a concert at Anadarko on December 28 . Mr. West formerly was soloist with the Tulsa and Oklahoma Sym- phony Orchestras and head of the Music De- partment of Central State College at Edmond .


-1934- BRALY-CARTWRIGHT : Miss Roberta Braly, '341ib.sci, Ada, and Brant C. Cartwright, form- Airlines Official erly of Los Angeles, were married November 26 Last but not least . . . at Ada . Mrs. Cartwright is employed as as- sistant secretary in the office of A. Linscheid, president of East Central State College at Ada. Mr. Cartwright is employed at the McAlester Munitions Depot. Winston D. Harris, '34eng, formerly of Tulsa, is an aeronautical engineer with the Lockheed The Aggies1 Aircraft Corporation in Burbank, California . The Sooner basketball season will wind -1935- up with two top-notch cage battles with HIGH-BROACH : Miss Elizabeth High, Lon- oke, Arkansas, and Gordon Broach, '35eng, Cam- its traditional opponents the Oklahoma den, Arkansas, were married November 21 in Aggies. Meanwhile, there are other games Little Rock. Mrs. Broach attended Arkansas scheduled with outstanding teams of the State Teachers College at Conway . ERHARD-DUFF : Miss Mary Pearl Erhard, midlands, in Oklahoma, Kansas and Bastrop, Texas, and Capt . Kenneth Robert Duff, Missouri. Study the schedule and see what '35bs, Lawton, were married December 19 at Bastrop. Mrs. Duff, a member of Pi Beta Phi games are to be played close to your home sorority, attended Mount Vernon Seminary in town. Washington, D. C., and the University of Texas at Austin . Captain Duff, a graduate of Baylor University School of Medicine and member of February 8 Delta Tau Delta fraternity, is on duty with the Medical Corps at Camp Swift, Texas. State at . Iowa Norman Arlan Hale, '35eng, and Mrs. Hale (Wanda CARLENE ROBERTS, '34FA Garrison, '336s, '35ms) have chosen the name for their baby daughter born First woman ever to have been appointed February 10 Judith Brice Oc- to a junior executive position with any do- tober 25 . Mr. Hale is connected with a chemical mestic air transport industry in the United Naval Reserve Aviation Base corporation at Eldorado, Arkansas . States is Carlene Roberts, '34fa, Oklahoma Zoomers at Norman. Homer Heck, '35, former director of the City . As assistant to O. M. Mosier, vice campus radio station WNAD now with the president of American Airlines, Miss Roberts National Broadcasting Company in Chicago, has has charge of his office in Washington, D. C. February 13 been appointed director of the Vic and Sade Her routine duties involve public relation radio program, which recently won the National policies, real estate problems, lease negotia- Kansas State at Manhattan. Radio Editors award as the best daytime serial . tions for airports, the setting up of mechan- R. Ellis Smith, '35ms, is an associate physicist ics for moving employees and various minor February 15 at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory in Washing- assignments too numerous to mention . The ton, D. C. new executive, described in a feature article Missouri at Columbia. in Airlanes magazine as "blonde, gracious -1936- and charming," paid most of her expenses Harry H. Holloway, Jr., and Mrs. Holloway while attending the University by working February 19 (Suzanne Arnote, '36ba) are the parents of a as a stenographer. baby daughter born recently at Bartlesville. Mrs. Olathe, Kans. Pre-Flight Clippers Holloway was formerly a newspaperwoman in at Norman. Oklahoma City . ton, Texas late in December. Mrs. Brown Bill H. Borglund, '36journ, formerly of Mus- planned to remain in Oklahoma City until his training is completed . February 26 kogee, has been appointed sales manager of the N. E. A. newspaper syndicate for the midwestern Kansas at Lawrence. territory, with offices in Chicago . He was form- -1937- erly manager for the southwestern territory . Marguerite Burns, '37, Norman, has been as- Myron F. Buttram, '36bus, and Mrs. Buttram signed to Navasota, Texas, as a Civil Aeronautics March 1 (Joyce Marshall, '35ba) have chosen the name Authority communicator after completing a four- Nebraska at Norman . Elizabeth Brooke for their baby daughter born month course at Meacham Field, Fort Worth. recently in Oklahoma City . The course included intensive study of radio Edith Burns, '36ed, Norman, has been em- theory, instruments of communication and mete- March 4 ployed since September as a draftsman in the orology. mapping section of the U. S. Engineers office LOCKE-CULP: Miss Ruth Locke, Eufaula, and Oklahoma Aggies at Norman . in Tulsa. Miss Burns, who completed a special Joseph M. Culp, '371aw, Norman, were married drafting course given on the University campus December 20 in Oklahoma City. Mrs. Culp, a March 6 last summer, was formerly a school teacher at graduate of Oklahoma College for Women at Jenks. Chickasha, was home service director for the Missouri at Norman. Mrs. Sarah Sue Garr, '33-'36, Norman, was Oklahoma Natural Gas Company in Ardmore killed in a traffic accident January 2 when the before her marriage . Mr . Cull) is associated with the United March 11 automobile in which she was riding was struck States Department of Justice in by a passenger train in the south part of Okla- New York City, where he and Mrs. Culp have Oklahoma Aggies at Stillwater. homa City . Mrs . Garr, who was employed as a established a home. . . swing shift worker at the Douglas Aircraft plant Maurice W. Hankinson, '371aw, and Mrs. in Oklahoma City, was returning home to Nor- Hankinson (Jane Lomax, '37) have chosen the man with two other women when the accident name Hal Lomax for their baby son born De- occurred at 1 :14 a. m. Survivors include her cember 23 at Tyler, Texas. General Admission mother, Mrs. Nellie Morgan of Rush Springs, a McGIBONY-HARRISON : Miss Jacqueline Mc- five-year old daughter, Sarah Margaret, and a Gibony, Lawton, and Capt. J. James Harrison, Home Games sister, Mrs. Clark Long (Vera Morgan, '36ba) '37eng, formerly of Lindsay, were married No- of Norman . vember 29 in the Old Post Chapel at Fort Sill . McALENEY-BROWN : Miss Margrete Mc- Captain and Mrs. Harrison are living in Talla- 55C Aleney,'36ba,Oklahoma City, and Lt . Guy W. hassee, Florida, near his post of duty . Brown, Marshall, Arkansas, were married Decem- IIAYDEN-MALONE : Miss Beatrice Hayden, ber 17 in the Post Chapel at Fort Sill . Mrs. Brown '37ba, McAlester, and Bill G. Malone, '40-'41, ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT was formerly employed as a medical technologist Muskogee, were married November 26 at Mc- with the Army induction service. Lieutenant Alester . Mrs. Malone is a member of Kappa Brown was to report for flight training at Den- Alpha Theta sorority. Mr . Malone was awaiting


I i . I I I'I I I report for duty with the Army Air I~'I I I II I I I I orders to II I . ~llll I I II l,i lllllillllllllllllllll~lII~Iilll iIIII I I II Ilnil,l~illl II I.IILIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I~IIIIII I I IIIIIIII,IIIIIIIIII I I III Forces. Floyd Lochner, '37ed, and Mrs. Lochner (Ver- nice White, '386us) are the parents of a baby daughter Peggy LaRue born on November 6. Mr. Lochner is a specialist in the Navy Physical Fitness Corps, stationed at Norfolk, Virginia. KENNEY-RAFFERTY ; Miss Pauline Kenney, Oklahoma City, and Ensign Paul Rafferty, '376us, Chicago, were married recently in Oklahoma City. Mrs. Rafferty is a graduate of the St. Anthony School of Nursing in Oklahoma City. Ensign Rafferty, former employee of the Okla- homa Publishing Company, expected to be as- signed to active duty soon. GREGORY-RICH : Miss Edith Janelle Gregory, Wetumka, and Lt. Clarence T. Rich, '37, Asher, were married December 3 at Beggs. Mrs. Rich attended Oklahoma College for Women at Chickasha. Lieutenant Rich, who recently gradu- ated from Officer Candidate School at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, was stationed at Mitchel Field, New York. LESTER-SWANK : Miss Erma Inez Lester, Wewoka, and Fletcher B. Swank, Jr., '37journ, Norman, were married December 19 in Okla- homa City. Mrs. Swank is employed in the executive office of the President in Washington, D. C. Mr. Swank, now awaiting Army orders, was formerly employed in the Post Office De- partment there. Byron Vorheis, '376a, is a seismograph oper- ator for the Continental Oil Company at Oak- dale, Louisiana. Mrs Vessie B. West, Norman, mother of two alumni and prominent state writer, died recently in Oklahoma City following a long illness . Mrs. West was a member of the Oklahoma State Writers' Association and the Oklahoma Poetry Society. Survivors include a son, Capt . Bland West, '371aw, Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, and a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Phelan (Uarda West, '277ba, '30ma), Shawnee. Charles R. Westgate, '37ed, '40m .ed, former Tulsa school teacher, is employed as a foreman at the Alabama Ordnance Works. He and Mrs. Westgate (Eleanor Obert, '39ed) are living in Birmingham. -1938- DEAR FOLKS Betty Copmann Lynn, '38fa, has resigned as I received your letter the other day and, boy, it sure proofreader with the University Press in Norman and gone east to New York City. Succeeding was a treat. You know, we fellows out here literally Mrs . Lynn at the University Press was Elsie live for the days when we receive the mail, for it's Ragsdale, '38ed, former Guymon teacher. PEARSON-McCOLL : Miss Pearl Pearson, St. about our only tangible reminder of you folks back Joseph, Missouri, and Lt . James W. McColl, '38 home, whom we hold so dear in our hearts . law, Oklahoma City, were married on December 10. Mrs. McColl attended St. Mary's College at Notre Dame, Indiana, and the Vogue School of Of course, I can't tell you much about what's going on Fashion Art in Chicago. Lieutenant McColl, a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity, was on duty here, but I'm in the best physical condition I've ever at Fort Sill . been in. I'm with a bunch of swell fellows and we've all Capt. Mark G. Meister, '381aw, and Mrs. Meis- ter, Palacios, Texas, are the parents of a baby got one thought foremost in our minds-and that's to son Stuart born December 6. get this thing over with as quickly as possible. COLEMAN-PADEN : Miss Marion Coleman, San Antonio, Texas, and Maj. Bill W. Paden, '386a, formerly of Norman, were married De- Keep those letters coming. They are the best morale cember 28 at LaCrosse, . Major Paden builders we've got. is stationed near there at Camp McCoy. Lee Showen, '386s, is employed in the Wright Aeronautical Corporation Laboratories in Dayton, Take good care of yourselves. Ohio. SUHRE-SANDLER: Miss Frances Suhre, '38, Love, '41, Oklahoma City and Muskogee, was mar- ried to Sgt. Stanley Sandler, Los Angeles, on December 27 in Oklahoma City. Mrs. Sandler teaches in Capitol Hill Junior High School . Ser- geant Sandler is stationed at Will Rogers Field near Oklahoma City. TAGUE-WYND : Miss Doris Tague,'38fa,'39m. OKLAHOMA nATURAL ed, Lawton, and Robert E. Wynd, Chandler, were married December 12 at Lawton. The couple are living at Chandler where Mr. Wynd is rep- qla6 aw?a~ resentative of the Curtis Candy Company . Mrs. Don Weidman (Jerry Warner, '386a). I I . I Oklahoma City, has entered Red Crostraining Illllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllilnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'IIIIIIIIIIIiIIIViIII~IIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIHI Iilllllllllllllll II Illlllllllllllllif

39 FEBRUARY, 1943

in Washington, 'D. C., for recreational directors man . Mrs. Van Dusen, a member of Phi Beta of station hospitals . Upon completion of the Kappa scholastic fraternity, received her master's course, Mrs. Weidman will be assigned to a hos- degree from Northwestern University at Evans. pital where her duties will include planning of ton, Illinois . Ensign Van Dusen, a member of a rehabilitation program for convalescent soldiers. Beta Theta Pi fraternity, holds bachelor's and Prescription for WYATT-SELLERS : Miss Eloise Wyatt, '38he, master's degrees from the University of Florida, St. Louis, was married to Wayne C. Sellers, Dal- and a doctor of philosophy degree from North- las, on December 5. A member of Alpha Phi western . Before joining the Navy he was as- sorority, Mrs. Sellers was employed as a dietitian sistant professor of statistics at the University of Ailing Autos at Baylor Hospital in Dallas before her marriage . Florida and did government research work at Mr. Sellers is secretary of the Texas Newspaper Northwestern . Last month Ensign Van Dusen Publishers Association, with offices in Dallas, was awaiting orders to active duty. where the couple have established a home . Mary Linn Dobson, '40ms, Hooker, formerly If your automobile has rheumatic a school teacher at Kingfisher, has accepted a po- aches and pains, particularly on cold -1939- sition as teacher of physics and chemistry at Ernestine Brown, '39journ, formerly on the Woodward . mornings, there may be something staffs of the Duncan Eagle Ensign B. H. Harvey, '38-'40, and Mrs . Harvey and the Duncan (Norma pathological in the carbucitis or a Daily Banner, has been employed by the Okla- Ruth Whittington, '40-'41) are the par- ents of a baby daughter, Linda Ruth, born malfunction of the sparkpluggatis homa City Times. No- . C. R. Duckworth, '39bus, former accountant vember 15 at Oakland, California. At any rate, the layman usually is at Woodward, is minister of the Methodist KNIGHT-HEFLIN: Announcement has been made of the not capable of making an accurate Church at Kaw City. engagement of Miss Elizabeth Ann Richard M. Huff, '39law, has resigned his Knight, Oklahoma City, to Ensign James L. diagnosis of what ails a car, and we position with the Department of Justice in Wash- Heflin, '406us, Stillwater. The bride-elect is a suggest bringing the patient to the ington, D. C. to become an assistant state at- senior in the University. Ensign Heflin was sta- torney general in Oklahoma City . Before go- tioned in Washington, D. C. Mahaffay Hospital for Hurt Hacks ing to Washington Mr. Huff was employed by F. Philip Hiner, Jr ., '401ib.sci, formerly of and let one the State Corporation Commission. Norman, is employed as a government inspector of our expert Doctors of in Chicago . Mechanics KING-MAULDING : Miss Mozelle King, '396a, make an examination . Idabel, and Noel Maulding, Mount Vernon, Illi- HURLBUT-MAHONEY : Lt. Rosemary Hurl- nois, were married January 2 at Norman. Mrs. but, '40nurse, Meeker, member of the Army Maulding formerly taught school at Smithville, Nurses Corps, and Cadet Daniel R. Mahoney, Oklahoma. Mr . Maulding, who attended the Ithaca, New York, were married November 7 YOUR DEALER University of Illinois, is employed in defense in Houston, Texas. Lieutenant Mahoney was on work at Norman, where the couple have es- the staff of the Crippled Children's Hospital in tablished a home . Oklahoma City before entering the service. Cadet Lt. William L. Neill, Jr., '39bus, and Mrs. Neill Mahoney is in training at Ellington Field, Texas. have selected William Lawton III as the name for Frank Ivy, '40phys.ed, member of the Chi- the baby son born December 9 in Oklahoma cago Cardinals professional football team, was C. E. MAHAFFAY City. Lieutenant Neill is stationed at Camp on the all-star squad which played against the 126 North Porter, Norman Stewart, Georgia . champion Washington Redskins in Philadelphia Mrs. Leonard Greenup (Ruth Robinson, on December 27. He was assigned to right end. '39), former Oklahoma newspaperwoman who Mrs. E. Sims Wilson (Eleanor Lain, '401etters) joined the staff of the Buenos Aires Standard in is employed as an advertising copy writer in Argentina last June, has been named chief cable San Francisco. editor of the newspaper . Mrs. Greenup has been LEONHARDT-BANKS: Miss Henrietta Leon- in South America since 1940 . She was em- hardt, '40ba, and Lt . James Robert Banks, both "Everything ployed by the Rio de Janeiro News in Brazil and of Oklahoma City, were married there early in the Buenos Aires Herald before joining the staff January . Mrs. Banks is a member of Kappa for of the Standard, Argentina's oldest newspaper . Kappa Gamma sorority. Lieutenant Banks, a Hubert Markle Sparks, '39bus, is a flight in- graduate of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, structor with the Western Air Lines Ferry Com- Maryland, and the Submarine School at New Cleaning" mand in Salt Lake City, Utah . London, Connecticut, was on leave after a year's STANTON-FARRAR : Miss Eleanor Stanton, active duty in the Pacific. '396a, and Lt . (ig) William H. Farrar, both of Edwin A. Malone, '40phys, and Mrs. Malone National Disinfectant Arkansas City, Kansas, were married there on (Sara Lee, '40ba, '411ib.sci) have chosen the December 12. Mrs. Farrar is a member of Pi name Alan Edwin for their baby son born No- Company Beta Phi sorority . Lieutenant Farrar, who grad- vember 13 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . Mr. uated from Malone is associated with the Gulf Research and 2417 Commerce . the University of Texas at Austin, St Dallas completed training at the Navy Midshipmen's Development Corporation. School at Evanston, Illinois, and is now on ac- Fred McMillan, '406a, '42ms, and Mrs. Mc- tive duty . Millan have chosen the name Kenneth Lee for Lt. Edward Sturgeon, '391aw, and Mrs. Stur- their baby son born November 10 in Cambridge, geon are the parents of a baby son, Edward Massachusetts . Mr. McMillan is a physicist in Hal Muldrow, Jr. Al- the radiation laboratory '28 len, born recently at Norman . Lieutenant Stur- of the Massachusetts In- geon, former Guthrie lawyer, is stationed at Fort stitution of Technology. Insurance of all Kinds Lewis, Washington. Cecil Myers, '401aw, former Elk City attorney, Bonds Mrs. Thomas R. King (Louise has been appointed a department investigator Webb, '396a) with Security Natl . Bank Bldg . Norman is employed as a technician in a powder plant the Federal Bureau of Investigation and at Radford, Virginia . assigned to Quantico, Virginia, for training. Mr. Myers served in the State Legislature two terms -1940- from 1936 to 1940 . RUSSELL SMITH STUDIO James B. Beach, '40eng, is employed as an ELEY-RAMAGE : Miss Nancy Pauline Eley, airplane engineer in North Hollywood, Cali- Holdenville, and Hugh R. Ramage, Jr.,- '406us, "Where Photography is an Art" fornia. Wewoka, were married December 19 at Hold- Philip Bettler, '40ba, is employed in the ra- enville. Mr. Ramage is on duty with the Army 1271/2 E. Main Norman diation laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute Air Forces at St. Petersburg, Florida. of Technology at Cambridge . ROBINSON-HEATHMAN : Miss Constance Ned V. Brookes, '40eng, formerly of Vinita, Robinson, '40ed, Ponca City, was married on is associated with the Phillips Petroleum Com- November 24 in Tampa, Florida to Capt. E. H. pany at Borger, Texas. Heathman, who was stationed at Drew Field, Mrs. Howard Mead (Betty Buhl, '40journ) has Florida, with the Army Air Forces . Mrs. Heath- been employed as a station typist in the recruit- man teaches school at Wayne, Oklahoma. Cap- ing section of the Army Air Depot at San Ber- tain Heathman is a graduate of the University nardino, California. of Missouri at Columbia . DAVIS-VAN DUSEN: Miss Margaret E. Davis, ALMOND-STOUT : Miss Dorothy Almond, '40he, Norman, and Ensign Albert C. Van Dusen, Fort Stockton, Texas, and William P. Stout, '38- Tampa, Florida, were married January 3 at Nor- '40, Altus, were married November 15 at Fort


~ II I I - nlr 1 I I .I~I II 'I 'I I n '.I I " " II I I I I ' I I I "' I' I ' I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I . I I L,I I I II I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I,I II . Mrs . Stout is a graduate of Texas i I L J.III I I III I II I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 11,111111I I I I. I . I I I.I II I I I I II I III I I Stockton I I IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIhIIIIIIIIIIIJJI .III, L JL 1lUJ1l1lIJ III II J I,IIJIII II1I. J,1,IIII,I L LJII1J111 III I I, I  ,J, IIJ I .III .LL.I IJ,JIIIIIII I 1111111 I. I I,I IIIII I ILIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII.. .III I 111,11IIIIIIII~ State College for Women at Denton and formerly taught school at Fort Stockton . Mr. Stout, who took aviation training at the Spartan School of Aeronautics in Tulsa, is a flight instructor at Gibbs Field, Texas. '-' 1941 ALPERN-LEBOW : Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Shirley Alpern, '41ed, Oklahoma City, to Lt . Bert 1. Lebow, '41eng, Asbury Park, New Jersey. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Alpern, a member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority, teaches in Franklin Junior High School in Oklahoma City. Lieutenant Lebow, a member of Pi Lamb- da Phi fraternity, is with the Army Air Forces . MCCAIN-ANDRES : Miss Jean McCain, Tulsa, and George Andres, '39-'41, Norman, were mar- ried in Tulsa recently. Mrs . Andres is a student in the University and a member of Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. McCain, a radioman third class in the Navy, was stationed at Norman at the time of the marriage but expected to be trans- ferred soon. Frances DeVorss, '41bs, Norman, has accepted a position as laboratory technician in the Public Health Department in Minneapolis, Minnesota . She was formerly associated with a Detroit hos- pital. EDWARDS-FARIS : Miss Frances Edwards, New York City, and Lt. Sam R. Faris, '41chem, Oklahoma City, were married December 25 in New York. Mrs. Faris was attending Lincoln College in New York at the time of the mar- riage. Lieutenant Faris, a member of Phi Bcta Kappa scholastic fraternity, was working towards his doctor's degree at Columbia University when he entered military service. He is now stationed at the arsenal at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Mrs. Faris expected to join him there. HENSON-CAMERON : Miss Roberta Henson, '41soc.wk, Shawnee, and Alan Cameron, '40let- ters, Wagoner, were married December 4 at Okemah . Mrs. Cameron, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, has been employed as a social service worker at Okemah . Mr. Cameron, a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, expected to be called to duty with the Army Air Forces soon. JACKSON-COUNCIL : Miss Barbara Jean Jack- son, '41soc.wk, Norman, and Sgt. Garland C. Council, '41, Pampa, Texas, were married re- cently at Norman . Mrs . Council has returned to Sapulpa where she is a child welfare worker . Sergeant Council is on duty at the Flexible Gun- nery School at Fort Myers, Florida. Over a year after mailing, a copy of Sooner Magazine published in November, 1941, and sent to an alumnus in Chungking, China, returned to the Alumni Office last month marked "Service Suspended ." The magazine mailed to Ting Yih Ju, '41eng, evidently crossed paths with the ad- i. It's Grade A. dressee on its way west. Mr. Ju returned to the United States in December, 1941, according to

reports, and is now associated with the Uni- . It's Pasteurized . versal Trading Corporation in New York City. LONGMIRE-WILSON: Miss Mary Ann Long-

mire, '41ed, Pauls Valley, and Lt. (jg) John It's Homogenized. W. Wilson, Gainesville, Texas, were married 3. December 15 at Pauls Valley . Mrs. Wilson is a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Lieu- tenant Wilson, a graduate of Texas A . and M. 4. It's Dacro-Cap Protected. College, was on duty in New York. MANION-FARMER : Miss Dorothy Lee Man- It's Norman's SAFE MILK . ion, '41ba, Oklahoma City, and Lester A . Farm- 5 . er, '42bus, Ponca City, were married December 27 in Oklahoma City. Mrs . Farmer is a mem- ber of Delta Gamma sorority . She and Mr. Farmer will live in Belmont, Massachusetts, while he is a graduate student in the Harvard Uni- versity School of Business at Cambridge. GILT EDGE DAIRY STROM-MARTIN : Miss Clara Strom, Okla- homa City, and Lt. Ralph W. Martin, Jr., '39- '41, Cleveland, were married November 14 at Porter and Eufaula Phone 130 Norman, Oklahoma Miami Beach, Florida. Mrs . Martin, a graduate of Oklahoma A. and M. College at Stillwater, I I I I I was an employee of the National Aid Life In- . ~ I I I I I I

FEBRUARY, 1943 41

surance Company before her marriage . Lieu- tenant Martin is on duty with the Army Air Force at Miami Beach where the couple are We Salute living. DUNLAP-MULANAX : Miss Betty Jo Dunlap, Chickasha, and Lt. Robert V. Mulanax, '40-'41 November 28 a . El Reno, were married in the Post Chapel at Kelly Field, Texas. Mrs. Mul- Sooners in Service . anax attended Oklahoma College for Women at Chickasha . She and Lieutenant Mulanax will make their home in San Antonio . Annabelle Rouse, '411etters, assistant editor of APCO Tower the University Press staff for the last year, has Formerly Ramsey Tower resigned to accept a position as assistant in the The trade department of Henry Molt Publishing Corn- pan) , in New York City . Business Home Nancy Royal, '41journ, who has been em- ployed by the Noble Drilling Company since of Numerous graduation, was transferred from company head- Sooners quarters in Texas and Oklahoma to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. WOOD-STEWART : Miss Gloria Maxine Wood, Houston, 'Fexas, and Lt. Francis Stcwart, Salutes Jr., '41eng, Norman, were married in Houston recently. Mrs. Stewart is a graduate of Rice with Pride Institute there. Lieutenant Stewart, a member The of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, is stationed at Men of Camp Bowie, Texas, with an observation bat- Guadalcanal talion . lie and Mrs. Stcwart are making their home at Brownwood near Camp Bowie. Coral Sea Betty Williams, '41ed, Hobart, is employed as a clerk with American Airlines at La Guardia Midway Field, New York . She lives in Flushing, Long North Africa Island . Antone Worthley, '416us, former accountant Australia at Murray, Kentucky, has moved to Tulsa. In Service Camps -19421- Everywhere BLACK-KRITZ : Miss Bette Faye Black, '41- '42, Lawton, and Lt. Raymond H. Keitz, '42bus, Who Make Us Oklahoma City, were married December 26 in Oklahoma City. Mrs. Keitz is a member of Proud To Be Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Lieutenant Keitz, a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, is sta- AMERICANS tioned at Fort Sill . The couple are living at And Proud Lawton. Charlene Bock, '42cd, on the faculty of the To Honor Labcttc County Community High School at Alta- mont, Kansas, has been elected faculty repre- THEM sentative on the student council, chairman of the drama club and sponsor of the junior class there. Harwood C. Bowman, Jr., '421etters, is a stu- clent in Virginia Theological Seminary at Alex- andria, Virginia . Ensign William L. Boyd, '42eng, and Mrs . Boyd (Gwen Jones, '42ed), Kcyport, Washing- ton, are parents of a baby son Michael LeRoy. Mrs. George F. Saundcrs (Virginia C. Cam- been, '42ed) is employed at the Douglas Air- APCOWalter J . Stark,TOWERManager craft Company in Tulsa . Her husband, '41bus, is with the Quartermaster Corps at Fort Warren, First at Robinson OKLAHOMA CITY 2-0205 Wyoming . Blair H. Chan, '42eng, is employed in Mara- caibo, Venezuela in the exploitation department of the Caribbean Petroleum Company . Mr. Chan's home is in Port of Spain, Trinidad . COLVF.RT-DALE : Miss Sarah 1;'lien Colvert, '42ba, Ardmore, and Lt. F'. . E . Dale, '42ba, Nor- man, were married December 19 at Camp Liv- ingston, Louisiana . Mrs . Dale, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, has returned to the University where she is a graduate student in the School of Library Science. Lieutenant Dale, a member of Sigma Chi fraternity, is on duty at Camp Livingston . CULLEN-MILLER : Miss Maxine Cullen, '42fa, Woodward, was married to Sgt. Elden Miller, Pine Camp, New York, November 29 at Wood- ward . Mrs. Miller is continuing her work as teacher of speech and English in the Mutual High School . Marjorie Curtis, '42he, Norman, is employed at the Naval Aviation Maintenance Base south of Norman . Robert E. Day, '42eng, formerly of Fort Wayne, Indiana, has moved to Scotia, New York . Wilma R. Echols, '42bs, is a school teacher at Comanche .