Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes
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Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes ELAINE LARECY ing of the younger members of Congress." In By nominating the Oklahoma congressman and the 1927- eleven others-six representatives and six senators Joe Chatman, '276u,, and Mrs. Chatman (Fay -the magazine states the dozen are not neces- Naylor, '28ed) are the parents of a baby son _1910- sarily those who should be appointed but they born early in December at Norman . Mr. Chat- Chet Blankenship, 'l0pharm, resigned as man- are the caliber of men who might meet the re- man operates the Varsity Book Shop on Campus ager of the Edgemerc golf course in Oklahoma quirements on the basis of qualifications, record Corner near the University. City to accept a position with the Sperry and and intelligence. The proposed committee, For- Sterling B. (Dick) Jones, '271aw, became pre- Hutchinson Company in Tulsa. Former oper- tune states, would make a continuing, overall siding judge of the Oklahoma Criminal Court ator of a sporting goods store in Oklahoma City, study of the war, confer with top officials, con- of Appeals on January 11 in a reorganization of Mr. Blankenship took over management of the duct investigations, consult and advise the presi- the state judiciary . Judge Jones was appointed golf course two years ago . Before going to dent . a member of the court in January, 1940 . and sporting Oklahoma City, he was a druggist Bat Shunatona, '271aw, Oklahoma City veteran goods merchant at Cushing for 25 years. -1925- Samuel A. McReynolds, '25fa, has resigned his football referee, was an official at the Sugar position as bandmaster in the High School at Bowl game in New Orleans New Year's Day. Picher, and is now making his home in Joplin, Prominent in Choctaw County civic affairs and Missouri . Prior to going to Picher, Mr. Me- '1928- civilian defense work is John A. Bryan, 'llba, is president of Reynolds was a teacher in Oklahoma City . Lt. Col . Walter J. Arnote, '281aw, and Mrs. Nelson merchant . Mr. Bryan Arnote (Jean Black, '346a) are the parents of the Hugo Rotary Club and the Choctaw Electric Balboa Little Theater in the Canal Zone, which also serves on the county Red is directed by Subert Turbyfill, '25fa, '266a, a baby daughter born recently at Norman . Colonel Co-operative . He '32ma, was awarded first place Arnote is stationed at Pine Camp, New York. Cross and U. S. O. hoards . in the National Play-Picture Contest sponsored by Row, Peterson Maurice V. Van Meter, Jr ., '28ba, '38ma, Okla- - and Company, of Evanston, Illinois . Announce- homa City, is a civilian mathematics instructor 1915- ment was made in the September-October issue at the Army Air School at Lincoln, Nebraska . Hirain hupson, '15ba, resigned his position as of Lagniappe, organ of the company . The win- postmaster at McAlester to resume editorship of ning picture, sent in by Mr . Turbyfill, showed a -1929- the McAlester Democrat early in November . In scene from the play Mollie O'Shatighnessey, a his personal column, "Talk in Type," Mr. Itrip- Western melodrama presented at the Little COUCH-BARKHOLZ : Miss Evlyn Couch, son commented on his return to newspaper work Theater. '296a, '38ni.ed, Norman, and Cpl . Robert W. I Barkholz, Detroit, Michigan, were married Oc- that "It is with particular pleasure that am - privileged to renew my allegiance to the pro- 1926- tober 17 at Norman . Corporal Barkholz, form- fession of my yesteryears ." He became post- KFNNB;.DY-SMI'T'H : Miss Mable Jean Kennedy erly in the postal department in Detroit, is at- master in January, 1936 . and I'vt . Denver I1 . Smith, '26ed, both of Okla- tending Officer Candidate School at Fort Sill . homa City, married Mrs . Barkholz is continuing her work as a teach- R. Keith Miller, '156a, Centralia, Illinois, died were December 7 at De- Mr. Miller had been in the Ridder, Louisiana. Mrs . Smith attended Mount cr at Pauls Valley . on December 18 . Carmel Academy in Wichita, Kansas . Private oil business for years, having worked in Tulsa, Frank D. Forrester, '29bus, Oklahoma City, is Centralia with the Shell Oil Smith was associated with Jenkins Music Com- associated with the DuPont Company at Pryor. Los Angeles, and in pany before entering Company. Mrs. Miller is the former Annie the service . Robert Shelton, '291aw, former Chickasha attor- Rowland, 196a. While attending the Univer- ney, has been appointed assistant United States dis- sity Mr. Miller was a member of Kappa Sigma trict attorney in Oklahoma City. Since last summer fraternity . Mr. Shelton has been assistant district attorney for the eastern Oklahoma district with offices _1919- in Muskogee . He succeeds W. W. Godlove, C. D. Reason, '19eng, Wichita, Kansas, is '321aw. manager of the Consolidated Gas Utilities Cor- WEBSTER-GRANGER : Miss Lucille Webster, poration . '29ba, Ada, and Lt. (jg) Donald C. Granger, -1920- San Diego, California, were married in the Elgin Groseclose, '20ba, former University bus- chapel of the Naval Training Station there on December 17 . Mrs. Granger is a member of iness professor and well known author, has been country of Alpha Phi sorority . Lieutenant Granger, a grad- appointed treasurer of the ancient of . Louis Iran, formerly known as Persia, where he once uate St University, was formerly a school . He expected to practicing dentist at Ada, and is now stationed taught in a mission at San Diego. leave for his new post in January as a member of a financial mission headed by A. C. Millspaugh -1930- of the Brookings Institute . In accepting the ap- pointment, Mr. Groseclose resigned as chief liaison Rev. Anson justice, '306a, and Mrs . Justice officer and economic adviser in the Bureau of (Nadeau Turner, '31ba), Atoka, are the parents Internal Revenue . During his three-year sojourn of a baby son, Paul David, born December 9. in Iran from 1920-23, the economist and writer gained background for his books Ararat, a prize- 1931 winning best-seller, The Persian journey, and the CORBIN-EVERETT : Miss Josephine Corbin, more recent The Firedralte. In Iran Mr. Grose- Anadarko, and Lt. Earl C. Everett, '316a, '34m. close will have headquarters at Teheran . For cd, Lexington, were married November 29 at the time being Mrs. Groseclose and their four Anadarko. Mrs. Everett is a graduate of Okla- daughters will remain in Washington, D. C. homa College for Women at Chickasha . Before Willis Storm, '206a, San Antonio, Texas, rep- ERNIE HOBERECHT, '4LJOURN her marriage she taught school at Anadarko . resented the University at the inauguration Oc- Journalist Ernie Hoberccht, '41journ, Wa- Lieutenant Everett, formerly principal of the tober 21 of Monroe G . Everett as president of tonga, last month arrived via ship at Pearl Anadarko High School, is stationed at Kelly Trinity University in San Antonio . Harbor where he was assigned by the gov- Field, Texas. The couple are at home in San ernment for defense work under Civil Ser- Antonio . -1924- vice authority. While in Al ohaland, Hob- FREEDLE-SCHEETZ: Miss Alice Elizabeth Mike Monroney, '246a, young Oklahoma con- erccht expects to send back dispatches to Freedle, '31ba, Oklahoma City, and Dr. George gressman, is suggested in the January issue of U. S. newspapers on the side and may even- F. Scheetz, South Charleston, Ohio, were mar- Fortune magazine as one of a joint congressional tually be assigned as foreign correspondent . ried December 9 in Oklahoma City. Doctor committee of twelve on the progress of the war . Bcfoic going into government service he was Scheetz, a graduate of Ohio State University Mr. Monroney, who is pictured in connection employed on the editorial statff of the Mem- with a degree in veterinary medicine, is sta- with a double-page spread discussing the need phis Press-Scimitar in "Tennessee and has tioned at Tinker Field, Oklahoma, with the for such a committee, is presented as "one of written numerous short stories and feature Army Veterinary Corps. He and Mrs . Scheetz the four most earnest, intelligent and hard-work- articles . are making their home in Oklahoma City. 36 SOONER MAGAZINE Mrs . Barker Shirley (Dorothy Manes, '31ba, '42m.ed) has been employed as junior High School mathematics instructor at Norman to suc- ceed Avalee Cox, '38-11, who has taken a po- sition at Central State College, Edmond . Dr. John R. Winston, '31bs, formerly associ- ated with the S. and W. Hospital at Temple, Texas, has gone into general practice there. -1932- BrUCC G. Carter, '32ma, Oklahoma City, re- signed as assistant regional administrator of the National Youth Administration effective Decem- ber 15 to join the armed service. He became head of the N. Y. A. in Oklahoma two years ago, later advancing to the regional position. KBtEIDER-FREELAND : Miss Catherine L. Kreider, Annville, Pennsylvania, and W. Merl Freeland, '32ba, formerly of Norman, were mar- ried November 21 at Annville . Mr. Freeland is professor of piano in the Lebanon Valley Col- lege Conservatory of Music at Annville where he and Mrs. Freeland have established a home. W. W. Godlove, '321aw, has resigned as as- sistant United States district attorney in Okla- homa City to enter private law practice at Law- ton. Mr. Godlove's work in the federal office has been largely in liquor cases, Selective Service violations and enemy alien matters. His resigna- tion was effective February 1. Classed as the first big role of his movie career is Van Heflin's portrayal of post-Civil War pres- ident Andrew Johnson in the recently released screen biography Tennessee Johnson. A Time magazine review, unusually generous in its lau- dations, says of the historical movie, "No more adult picture of Washington politics has come out of Hollywood ." For the frank dramatic pre- sentation of Washington politics and politicians of the era, Time gives chief credit to Lionel Barrymore, as Thaddeus Stevens, and Mr.