Hello, Education Insiders! Every Friday Stand for Children Oklahoma will share with you what’s happening under the dome at 23rd and Lincoln in regard to critical K-12 education legislation. If you have any questions, please contact our operations coordinator, Amy Stinnett, at
[email protected], or Gwendolyn Caldwell, our government affairs director, at
[email protected]. If you’d like to add your voice for education this session and stand for what is right for Oklahoma children, please visit http://stand.org/oklahoma/ to see how you can help each child receive a world-class education! Speculation on a budget deal continues, and we are hearing an announcement could be made at any time. With only a few days left, it’s more important than ever to tell your lawmakers that Cuts Have Consequences by signing this petition. Our state leaders are contending with $611 million budget shortfall this year and scheduled tax reductions, which means cuts will have to be made. Our students simply cannot afford any more cuts. So please sign this petition today, then share it with your friends and family who agree education should be kept off the chopping block. If you can find five Oklahomans who also care about our students and will add their names to the petition, Oklahoma lawmakers will not be able to ignore the urgency and importance of this issue. There is power in numbers and if we stand together in this petition, lawmakers will hear us! There has been no public movement on the issue of third-grade reading and keeping the parent-teacher-school teams in place this week.