32 FA15 Abstracts IP1 metric simple exclusion process and the KPZ equation. In Vector-Valued Nonsymmetric and Symmetric Jack addition, the experiments of Takeuchi and Sano will be and Macdonald Polynomials briefly discussed. For each partition τ of N there are irreducible representa- Craig A. Tracy tions of the symmetric group SN and the associated Hecke University of California, Davis algebra HN (q) on a real vector space Vτ whose basis is
[email protected] indexed by the set of reverse standard Young tableaux of shape τ. The talk concerns orthogonal bases of Vτ -valued polynomials of x ∈ RN . The bases consist of polyno- IP6 mials which are simultaneous eigenfunctions of commuta- Limits of Orthogonal Polynomials and Contrac- tive algebras of differential-difference operators, which are tions of Lie Algebras parametrized by κ and (q, t) respectively. These polynomi- als reduce to the ordinary Jack and Macdonald polynomials In this talk, I will discuss the connection between superin- when the partition has just one part (N). The polynomi- tegrable systems and classical systems of orthogonal poly- als are constructed by means of the Yang-Baxter graph. nomials in particular in the expansion coefficients between There is a natural bilinear form, which is positive-definite separable coordinate systems, related to representations of for certain ranges of parameter values depending on τ,and the (quadratic) symmetry algebras. This connection al- there are integral kernels related to the bilinear form for lows us to extend the Askey scheme of classical orthogonal the group case, of Gaussian and of torus type. The mate- polynomials and the limiting processes within the scheme.