Arxiv:2008.08079V2 [Math.FA] 29 Dec 2020 Hypergroups Is Not Required)

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Arxiv:2008.08079V2 [Math.FA] 29 Dec 2020 Hypergroups Is Not Required) HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF LITTLE q-LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS STEFAN KAHLER Abstract. Many classes of orthogonal polynomials satisfy a specific linearization prop- erty giving rise to a polynomial hypergroup structure, which offers an elegant and fruitful link to harmonic and functional analysis. From the opposite point of view, this allows regarding certain Banach algebras as L1-algebras, associated with underlying orthogonal polynomials or with the corresponding orthogonalization measures. The individual be- havior strongly depends on these underlying polynomials. We study the little q-Legendre polynomials, which are orthogonal with respect to a discrete measure. Their L1-algebras have been known to be not amenable but to satisfy some weaker properties like right character amenability. We will show that the L1-algebras associated with the little q- Legendre polynomials share the property that every element can be approximated by linear combinations of idempotents. This particularly implies that these L1-algebras are weakly amenable (i. e., every bounded derivation into the dual module is an inner deriva- tion), which is known to be shared by any L1-algebra of a locally compact group. As a crucial tool, we establish certain uniform boundedness properties of the characters. Our strategy relies on continued fractions, character estimations and asymptotic behavior. 1. Introduction 1.1. Motivation. One of the most famous results of mathematics, the ‘Banach–Tarski paradox’, states that any ball in d ≥ 3 dimensions can be split into a finite number of pieces in such a way that these pieces can be reassembled into two balls of the original size. It is also well-known that there is no analogue for d 2 f1; 2g, and the Banach–Tarski paradox heavily relies on the axiom of choice [37]. As soon as one accepts the axiom of choice, the paradox becomes no longer paradoxical at all; nevertheless, its proof can be regarded as an essential motivation for a large and important part of harmonic analysis, dealing with amenability and related concepts. Originally formulated for groups, in the 1970s amenability notions were extended to Banach algebras (where the link is provided by the group algebra L1(G) associated with a locally compact group G [11]). In this paper, we consider Banach algebras which come from orthogonal polynomials and can be regarded as L1-algebras of certain hypergroups. Our focus will clearly lie on aspects concerning orthogonal polynomials and Banach algebras, whereas the hypergroup structure appears just „in the background”; to make the paper more self-contained, and for the convenience of the reader, the relevant basics will be recalled below (preknowledge on arXiv:2008.08079v2 [math.FA] 29 Dec 2020 hypergroups is not required). Moreover, the Banach algebra operations under considera- tion can be formulated in a rather elementary way via polynomial expansions, avoiding Date: January 1, 2021. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 33D45; Secondary 40A15, 43A20, 43A62. Key words and phrases. Orthogonal polynomials, hypergroups, L1-algebras, weak amenability, little q- Legendre polynomials, continued fractions. The research was begun when the author was a guest at Technical University of Munich, and the author gratefully acknowledges support from the graduate program TopMath of the ENB (Elite Network of Bavaria) and the TopMath Graduate Center of TUM Graduate School at Technical University of Munich. The research was continued and completed at RWTH Aachen University. The graphics were made with Maple. 1 2 STEFAN KAHLER additional hypergroup notation. Roughly speaking, hypergroups generalize locally compact groups by allowing the convolution of two Dirac measures to be a probability measure which satisfies certain compatibility and non-degeneracy properties but does not have to be a Dirac measure again. The precise axioms can be found in [3]; they considerably simplify if the hypergroup is discrete [24], which will always be the case in this paper. The paper studies the class of little q-Legendre polynomials (Rn(x; q))n2N0 , whose defi- nition will be recalled below and which is interesting for several reasons: on the one hand, the orthogonalization measures are purely discrete, which makes these polynomials rather different from their limiting cases q ! 1 (which are just the well-known Legendre poly- nomials). On the other hand, the polynomials (or, more precisely, associated recurrence coefficients and operators) are accompanied by certain convergence and compactness prop- erties. We study the characters N0 ! C, n 7! Rn(x; q), where x lies in the support of the orthogonalization measure. Using methods from continued fractions, we show that the nontrivial characters satisfy certain uniform boundedness properties. These properties will enable us to show that the corresponding L1-algebras are spanned by their idempotents, which has important consequences concerning amenability properties. Besides their role in abstract harmonic analysis, certain amenability properties here correspond to very concrete properties of the derivatives of the polynomials (and are therefore interesting with respect to special functions). The study of amenability properties in the context of (polynomial or different) hypergroups is a fruitful field; recent publications deal with generalizations of Reiter’s condition [22] and with Følner type conditions [1], for instance. 1.2. Underlying setting and basics about polynomial hypergroups. We now give a more detailed description of the underlying setting. Let a0 > 0, b0 < 1, (an)n2N; (cn)n2N ⊆ (0; 1) and (bn)n2N ⊆ [0; 1) satisfy an + bn + cn = 1 (n 2 N0), where we set c0 := 0, and let the polynomials (Pn(x))n2N0 ⊆ R[x] satisfy the three-term recurrence relation P0(x) = 1, P1(x) = (x − b0)=a0, P1(x)Pn(x) = anPn+1(x) + bnPn(x) + cnPn−1(x)(n 2 N): (1.1) It is obvious that deg Pn(x) = n. Due to Favard’s theorem and well-known uniqueness results from the theory of orthogonal polynomials [4], (Pn(x))n2N0 is orthogonal w.r.t. a unique probability (Borel) measure µ on the real line which satisfies jsupp µj = 1, so Z Pm(x)Pn(x) dµ(x) 6= 0 , m = n: R Moreover, (Pn(x))n2N0 fulfills expansions of the form m+n X Pm(x)Pn(x) = g(m; n; k)Pk(x)(m; n 2 N0) k=jm−nj with g(m; n; jm − nj); g(m; n; m + n) 6= 0 [24]. Obviously, (Pn(x))n2N0 is normal- Pm+n ized by Pn(1) ≡ 1, so one always has k=jm−nj g(m; n; k) = 1. It is also well-known that the zeros of the Pn(x) are real and located in the interior of the convex hull of supp µ [4]. In the following, we always assume that the linearization coefficients g(m; n; k) are non- negative; according to the literature, we call this condition ‘property (P)’. Given a concrete orthogonal polynomial sequence, establishing or disproving property (P) can be very chal- lenging (see [8, 9] concerning Jacobi polynomials, for instance). Property (P) is crucial for the following link between special functions and harmonic and functional analysis: if one defines a convolution from N0 × N0 into the convex hull of the Dirac functions on N0 by HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF LITTLE q-LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS 3 Pm+n (m; n) 7! k=jm−nj g(m; n; k)δk, and if one combines this with the identity as involution N0 ! N0, then (Pn(x))n2N0 induces a commutative discrete hypergroup with unit element 1 0 on N0. These ‘polynomial hypergroups’ were introduced by Lasser [23] and are generally very different from groups or semigroups. Since property (P) is satisfied by many orthogonal polynomial sequences (Pn(x))n2N0 (and since the individual behavior strongly depends on (Pn(x))n2N0 ), there is an abundance of examples. Many concepts of harmonic analysis take a rather concrete form. As announced above, we briefly recall some basics and, if not stated otherwise, refer to [23, 24]. • If f : N0 ! C is an arbitrary function and if n 2 N0, then the translation Tnf : N0 ! C of f by n reads m+n X Tnf(m) = g(m; n; k)f(k): k=jm−nj If one normalizes the corresponding Haar measure (cf. equation (1.2) below) in such a way that f0g is mapped to 1, it is just the counting measure on N0 weighted by the values of the Haar function h : N0 ! [1; 1), 1 1 h(n) := = : g(n; n; 0) R P 2(x) dµ(x) R n h is also given via 1 an h(0) = 1; h(1) = ; h(n + 1) = h(n)(n 2 N): c1 cn+1 p For any p 2 [1; 1), let ` (h) := ff : N0 ! C : kfkp < 1g with kfkp := P1 p 1=p 1 1 p ( k=0 jf(k)j h(k)) . Furthermore, let ` (h) := ` . If p 2 [1; 1], f 2 ` (h) p 1 and n 2 N0, then Tnf 2 ` (h). Moreover, if f 2 ` (h) and n 2 N0, then 1 1 X X Tnf(k)h(k) = f(k)h(k): (1.2) k=0 k=0 • For f 2 `p(h) and g 2 `q(h) with p 2 [1; 1] and q := p=(p − 1) 2 [1; 1], the convolution f ∗ g : N0 ! C is defined by 1 X f ∗ g(n) := Tnf(k)g(k)h(k): k=0 This convolution is an extension of the hypergroup convolution (see above) and commutes, i.e., one has f ∗ g = g ∗ f 2 `1 [14, 24].2 If f 2 `1(h), then f ∗ g 2 `q(h) with kf ∗ gkq ≤ kfk1 kgkq. Together with k:k1, ∗ and complex conjugation, the set 1 1 ` (h) becomes a semisimple commutative Banach ∗-algebra with unit δ0, the ‘L - 1 algebra’ associated with (Pn(x))n2N0 . Acting via convolution, ` is the dual module of `1(h) [25, 28].3 • Let b X (N0) := z 2 C : sup jPn(z)j < 1 = z 2 C : max jPn(z)j = 1 n2 n2N0 N0 1δ with a subscript shall always denote the corresponding Dirac function.
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