Chesapeake Village Homeowners’ Association Meeting Date: January 8, 2019 Time: 7:30-9:30 p.m. Location: Northeast Community Center

Meeting called by: Richard Burch (Vice President) Type of meeting: Organizational Board: Monty Wood (Secretary), Tiffany Geare (At-Large) Absent: Jayson Frum (President), Mary Illian (Treasurer) Residents: 0


Agenda topic Call to Order, Roll Call | Presenter Richard Burch

The meeting was called to order and roll was taken. Three Board members were present — Richard Burch (Vice President), Monty Wood (Secretary), and Tiffany Geare (At-Large). Jayson Frum (President) and Mary Illian (Treasurer) were unable to attend.

Agenda topic Corrections/Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes | Presenter Monty Wood

The December 2018 meeting minutes were approved. They are posted on the Chesapeake Village HOA site at:

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Create agenda for next meeting, keep minutes of Monty Wood Continuous previous meeting

Post agenda and minutes from the previous meeting. Richard Burch Continuous

Agenda topic Role Assignments | Presenter Richard Burch

Positions are traditionally assigned after a Board of Directors election. However, because Mary and Jayson were absent, Richard recommended that Board positions be assigned in February when the entire Board can be present.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Assign Board positions Board February 2019

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Agenda topic Recurrent Business | Presenter Richard Burch

Fence work along the property line at 3116 Court is underway. Months of heavy rain and the removal of trees and shrubs on an adjoining property resulted in heavy erosion, and the fence began to fall. The contractor, Greener Visions, is installing a brick retaining wall to stop the erosion and protect the fence. A sinkhole has begun to form nearby at 3110 Lawrin Court, and the contractor agreed to fill it in with dirt from retaining wall construction. The rip rap near 3122 Lawrin Court is washing away, and Greener Visions is contracted to repair the drainage area. However, the contractor needs dryer weather to be able use his heavy machinery.

Pet waste stations have not been ordered, and that needs to be done soon. We want to get them installed by Greener Visions before spring. The stations will be placed in common areas at: 1. Cannoncade/Lawrin/ Chesapeake Village Boulevard circle 2. Whirlway Drive cul-de-sac 3. Intersection of Middle Ground Court and Drive 4. The southwest open section near 3164 Lawrin Court 5. Toward the Chesapeake Village Boulevard entrance 6. Either near 3429 Drive or between 3053 Lawrin Court/3079 Lawrin Court

The removal of vines from trees continues to be an issue, as is the space between Lane and the construction along the new North Calvert Woods development off Napa Drive. Rick Burch suggested a walkthrough with Greener Visions to get their opinion on the landscaping.

The Lane situation continues to be an issue. People park on the lane, trash trucks travel on it twice a week, and snow removal trucks plow it, but Silver Charm is a private street. However, we are not sure who owns it. The town, county, and state don’t own it, and the residents’ property line stops short of the lane. The residents signed an agreement to upkeep the road, but will that happen? Does Silver Charm Lane fall under common area, and is the HOA responsible for it? These are questions that need to be answered.

Many feel the overgrown weeds along the neighborhood entrance are not attractive. Some feel we should just let nature reclaim the land. Matt Marlowe of Greener Visions has given a $1,300 estimate to trim the trees and mow monthly. He says that mowing the steep hill too often will create ruts.

The Board reviewed some of the action items, and many are tabled until next month. One question is if we need a snow removal contractor for the common areas. Are we liable if we don’t clear the sidewalks? Should we hire someone to if HOA-owned land is usable? Should we set a date for the next village-wide block party? Should we power wash the entrance sign? Should we claim the right-of-way from the town of Chesapeake Beach?

There is a proposal that we present guest speakers with Certificates of Appreciation right after they speak at the annual homeowners meeting. All agreed that this was a good idea.

The annual luminaries event is scheduled for Saturday, December 14, 2019. We need to better communicate if Santa will travel down cul-de-sacs.

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Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Consider a date for the 2019 village-wide block party Board Continuous

Oversee contractor fixing fence near Lawrin Court Jayson Frum February 2019

Follow up with contractor about fixing drainage holes Richard Burch Continuous

Review “welcome packages” Board Continuous

Ask Greener Visions to power wash entrance sign Richard Burch February 2019

Create a newsletter to distribute to residents Monty Wood Spring 2019

Look into claiming right-of-way from the town Jayson Frum February 2019 at the circle

Determine if we are liable for clearing sidewalk snow Jayson Frum February 2019

Determine recipients for the welcome packages Richard Burch Continuous

Look into Calvert County HOA Forum Jayson Frum February 2019

Determine who owns Silver Charm Lane and who is Jayson Frum/ Continuous ultimately responsible for it Richard Burch

Agenda topic New Business | Presenter Around the Board

The Board would like to form several committees within the neighborhood. They are: Welcoming Committee, Landscaping Committee, Block Party Committee and a Green Team Committee. Tiffany Geare said she would send out feelers to the community to see if residents would like to step forward and chair these committees.

The Board would like to consider online voting for elections and other business. The first step is to keep updated contact information.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Look into online voting for HOA elections Board February 2019

Create committees and name a Chair for each Board/ Continuous Tiffany Geare

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Agenda topic President’s Report | Presenter Richard Burch (acting)

Even though the Board agreed to end the contract with American Community Management (ACM), the company still wants to do business with the HOA. There is a possibility that ACM could do resale packages and inspections. We could still contract with Homewise to do the resale packages.

Town business: The Fishing Creek Bridge construction near the Rod n Reel should be finished by June. The town is reviewing repair bids to repair the boardwalk. The Calvert County Commissioners selected North Beach as the site for a new county library: The Chesapeake Beach 2040 Vision Statement is now available at

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Determine who will do annual inspections Jayson Frum February 2019

Determine who will do resale packages Jayson Frum February 2019

Post Chesapeake Beach town updates on the HOA’s Richard Burch Continuous Facebook page and HOA website

Look into idea of purchasing Office 365 Jayson Frum Continuous

Talk to other HOA about pooling resources Jayson Frum Continous

Agenda topic Treasurer’s Report | Presenter Richard Burch

The 2019 budget was approved at a special Board meeting on December 23, 2018. Invoices for 2019 dues have been sent out. Three payments have been received so far.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Update the database containing the list of residence Board Continuous and their owners after each sale

Check to see if homeowners are paid up before Mary Illian Continuous ARC approvals

Deposit dues, keep track of who has paid or not Mary Illian January 2019

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Agenda topic Architectural Review Committee | Presenter Board

7532 Court request for a shed approved.

There has been a complaint about garbage and boat storage behind Court. It is possible that personal property is being stored on common area. There is also a complaint about a basketball hoop on the ground. Richard will talk to the homeowner.

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Draft individual letters to homeowners with serious Jayson Frum and Continuous ARC violations and send via certified mail Richard Burch

Investigate garbage and boat storage behind Donau Court Richard Burch February 2019

Talk to homeowner about fallen basketball hoop Richard Burch February 2019

Agenda topic Around the Board | Presenter Around the Board

Monty Wood talked about the next village newsletter. The newsletter could include news from the winter (luminaries, Best Beacon winners, retaining wall/rip rap repairs) and things coming up (annual inspections). He also mentioned that Windward Key HOA’s annual meeting is a breakfast buffet in Herrington Harbour – would this work for us? He also mentioned that some HOAs have limits on the percentage of homes that can be rentals. Is this something to think about, is it necessary, and can it be enforced?

Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Set a date for newsletter Board Continuous

Agenda topic Community Comments | Presenter Open Forum


Action Items Person responsible Deadline

Upload the Principal Office/Resident Agent forms Jayson Frum On hold to Dropbox


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Next meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2019, 7:30 p.m., at 3092 Lawrin Court.

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