October 2020 THE FOUNTAIN The Parish Magazine serving the communities of the Fountains Group, Aldfield Sawley & Winksley (Fountains Parish), , , , Grantley, , , Laverton, Mickley & Studley


The Rectory Kirkby Malzeard, HG4 3SL

Dear Friends,

These few weeks at the end of September and through October see our harvest celebrations and also our (much delayed) annual church meetings. They have a lot in common, especially in that they both remind us of how much we depend on each other.

Harvest reminds us how important our farmers and farm workers are, and also all those at any stage of the supply chain, processing and preparing food until it reaches the shelves and checkouts in our shops. We give thanks for everyone who is a part of that, as well as for all the varied food that we enjoy. We also pray for those who are not as fortunate as we are in these matters.

Our church meetings are similar. We remember all we’ve done in the past year and plan for the future, and that in turn reminds us of all those who have been a part of the church’s life. Some are 1

obvious, filling ‘up-front’ roles. Others work hard behind the scenes. Still others cannot be so active but are nonetheless valued and loved members of Christ’s body here. We need all, and give thanks for all.

Both these things carry echoes of St Paul’s famous picture (in 1 Corinthians 12) of the church as being like a physical body, with every varied part of it depending on all the others, and each one equally valuable in its own way. That, in turn, underlines the fact that all these good things and good people come ultimately from God. It is God’s world, God’s harvest, God who gives skills and talents and abilities. That’s true in the Church and it’s true in producing the harvest too. Let’s be thankful for his generous goodness.

Ian Kitchen

Verses to think about When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you. Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God… But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. Deuteronomy 8 verses 10, 11, 18 (New International Version)

Church of Services in Fountains Benefice October 2020 We will be holding short services of Holy Communion (sharing the bread only) on the following dates. We hope you can join us: Face coverings are currently obligatory at services Unfortunately, due to extreme problems with cluster flies, we have had to put services at Mickley on hold for this month. We intend to be back in full force next month!


Sunday 4 Oct 11.15 am Aldfield Church Wednesday 7 Oct 10.30 am Kirkby Malzeard Church Sunday 11 Oct 11.15 am Grewelthorpe Church Wednesday 14 Oct 10.30 am Sawley Church Sunday 18 Oct 11.15 am Winksley Church Wednesday 21 Oct 10.30 am Chapel of the Resurrection, Dallowgill Sunday 25 Oct 11.15 am Kirkby Malzeard Church CLOCKS CHANGE! 3.00 pm ‘Reflections’ service of contemplative prayer, Grewelthorpe Church Wednesday 28 Oct 10.30 am Aldfield Church

We also continue our Sunday morning Zoom services (and other services at home) at 10 am – please contact Revd. Ian Kitchen on 01765 650369 if you would like to join us.

Holy Communion at home is available for those who need it. If you have any questions about the services please contact Ian Kitchen.

Building faith It’s good to get into a healthy routine of spiritual development. We each have rhythms of loving, living and learning, and as Christians we believe that Christ should be at the heart of this. There are two initiatives at the moment to help us. Rhythm of Life involves taking stock of where we are now, making one or more practical commitments, participating with others if wished and reviewing our commitments periodically. It is very flexible. To give it a go, visit https://learning.leeds.anglican.org/RoL/

For a brief, twice-daily form of prayer and Bible reading, the Church of England has produced a booklet called Time to Pray, which is very helpful. It includes the service of Night Prayer, which is a comforting 3

and calming way to draw the day to a close. Copies are available from Ian Kitchen.

Annual Church Meetings The annual meetings for Kirkby Malzeard with Dallowgill parish will be held on 5th October at 7.30 in St Andrew’s church, and for Grewelthorpe on 7th October in St James’ church at 7.00 pm. Mickley’s meetings will take place at 7.00 on 28th October. The venue (or online arrangement) is yet to be finalised but will be advertised. Nomination forms are required beforehand for churchwardens.

Worship with us At the moment we are still sharing in a service of Morning Worship each week at 10.00 am, using the video-conferencing tool Zoom. If you'd like to join us, please contact Rev Ian Kitchen for more information ([email protected]). Even if you haven't used Zoom before, it isn't difficult and Ian will be able to help you sort it out. If you are not computer-savvy or you'd rather follow a service on your own we can let you have it via email or by paper through your letter box. A growing band of people are doing this at 10 am each week to build the sense that we are all worshipping together. Email or telephone Ian for more details: 01765 650369. Our new service of contemplative prayer begins this month. See details elsewhere in the magazine.

Bible study We are running a Bible study group by Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7.30. If you’d like to join us, or would be interested in a similar study at another time, let Ian know. We also begin a new discussion group this month. See details elsewhere in the magazine.

More technology The benefice Facebook page is called Fountains Benefice and is at https://www.facebook.com/fountains.benefice.7


Our website is called Fountains Group of Churches and can be found at http://fountainsgroupofchurches.co.uk/ Every church has another page on the web, through the site called achurchnearyou. From the page achurchnearyou.com you can put in a place name, or use the code for one of our churches: Aldfield 3366 Dallowgill 16890 Grewelthorpe 3211 Kirkby Malzeard 3377 Mickley 3261 Sawley 3367 Winksley 3368

You can find our daily reflections and prayers on all these sites. Please do explore them and see what is there.


Norman Tate – funeral 17th September, Stonefall Crematorium. Ian Kitchen took the service, ashes buried at Winksley church

Bill Richardson – funeral 1st October, Chapel of the Resurrection Dallowgill, Liz Jarvis took the service.

GodTalk A new discussion group starting up (for the time being on Zoom), aiming to focus on topics of religious and spiritual interest. Anyone welcome to join in and to share their views, or just to listen. Everyone free to disagree, and everyone’s views will be treated with respect.

First Sesssion: 7.30-9pm Monday 12th October. Topic: One Life: Live It? (Or might there be an afterlife?)

Contact: Liz Jarvis on 01765 620 508 (or [email protected]) Or Adrian Roberts on 01765 650 275 (or [email protected])


The Benefice Book Group We have been reading "The Shell Seekers" by Rosamunde Pilcher and a better antidote to the current situation could hardly be found. The plot has unexpected twists and turns and moves cleverly between past and present. Impossible to guess what is going to happen but though it is complex it is never confusing.

Rosamunde Pilcher is a past master of character drawing and descriptive writing. The characters provoked strong reactions and she perfectly evokes the atmosphere of living through WW2 both in blitz-torn London and in peaceful Devonshire. Put this one on your Library list. As one of the group said, "It is a book for keeps"

We are now embarking on "The Seven Sisters" by Lucinda Riley. Anne Carrick

Fountains Parish

Girlguiding Fountains

Anyone wishing to start Rainbows, Brownies or Guides can contact Anne Harrison on 01765 620346 for more details or follow this link https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter/


Whilst redecorating continues, the church will be out of action for a little while longer. We hope to be open again very soon and will report next month.

Bernice Ferguson 6


St James’ Church and the Methodist Church

Here in Grewelthorpe we have the benefit of being a joint Anglican and Methodist Church. After a few months of being without a Methodist minister, we are delighted to welcome the Reverend Ian Pruden and his wife Lis. We hope that they will be very happy and wish them well in their new surroundings.

Judith Beresford

Service of Reflection A service of music, readings, prayers and reflection St. James Church Grewelthorpe Sunday 25th. October 3pm Everyone is most welcome to join us for a short period of reflective worship. For further information, contact Liz 620508 or Adrian 650275. Please remember to wear a face covering in church.



The Hackfall Café The Hackfall Cafe, in the Village Hall, continues to operate on a takeaway basis, offering hot and cold drinks and a selection of cold snacks such as sandwich rolls, home-made tray bakes, fruit, crisps and cheese.

We are open on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm, but we will keep this under review, dependent on demand. Face coverings are not mandatory as long as customers remain outdoors to place their order and pay. If people come inside the building (if it is pouring with rain for example), then face coverings will need to be worn.

All our planning has been carried out following the Government’s rules regarding takeaway cafes. Our customers and staff can be assured that a full risk assessment has been undertaken and all the measures to satisfy safety guidelines in terms of social distancing and hygiene are in place. There is a limited amount of seating outside the Hall, but indoor seating is not available.

Village Hall Bookings Plans for the introduction of an upgrade to the Village Hall website, to include an online Hall Booking system, are progressing well and will soon be available. The upgrade will provide information on the Terms and Conditions of hire and the charges for the various facilities.

Having done a detailed assessment of the floorspace in the various rooms, we have produced a range of options which comply with the latest Government guidelines. We have a cleaning regime in operation specifically aimed at protection from Covid 19 and the procedures for entry and exit to the building are in place and are working well.

For those wishing to use the Hall and other facilities, we will need to know that a risk assessment, specific to the planned activity, has been completed and safeguards put in place to protect the hirer, the clients and other hall users.

If you would like more information or would like to discuss individual requirements, please phone Edward Threapleton on 01765 658744 or


email [email protected]

Following the ‘rule of 6’ announcement by the Government, we are pleased to say that some of the Village Hall activities are exempt from this ruling. Therefore the following classes will be running in the Autumn.

Pilates Mondays at 7.30pm Contact Elizabeth Botwright 07904 640399.

Yoga - Thursdays at 1.10pm Sarah Drew will be starting up her Yoga classes on Thursday 10th September at 1:10 pm in the Grewelthorpe Village Hall. For further details please e-mail Sarah.

Zumba Gold - To Be Decided Ladies! Have you ever tried Zumba? If not, would you like to? Zumba is a Latin inspired cardio dance workout to music, is great fun and music uplifting!! Zumba Gold is particularly suited to older ladies. It recreates the original moves at a lower intensity - but can still burn 600-800 calories per hour!! If you would be interested, please e-mail Christine at [email protected] we will try and get a class organised.

Kirkby Malzeard

Kirkby Malzeard CE Primary School

Our vision for the Federation of Kirkby Malzeard and St Nicholas C of E Schools

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ John 10:10 and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’ Philippians 2:15. To have the courage to act with kindness, patience, love and peace in all the communities they serve in.


School Update The beginning of the Autumn term has been all about settling back into school life and adopting new routines. Children raised funds for the Jeans for Genes charity at the end of September by coming to school in Jeans. They watched Youtube videos to gain an awareness as to how their donations would be helping others. Acorn Class had been decorated over the summer holidays with new furniture and resources bought with donations from the ‘Friends’.


Our learning…

• Acorn Class In maths the children have been learning how sorting, grouping and counting can help them with their understanding of numbers. The Children have all been working really hard to develop their problem solving and reasoning skills. • Oak Class This term the children are going to be exploring a wide range of topics. They will be spending lots of our time working on emotions and feelings using Zones of Regulation. In maths they will be securing place value and numbers skills. In RE we will be reflecting upon believing and thinking about what we can learn from sacred books. • Palm Class This term the children will study a variety of history and geography themes. The geography focus will be around map work and in history they will be learning about Explorers. In Science the children will continue to delve deeper into their scientific enquiry skills and study the topic of Living Things & Their Habitats. • Cedar Class The children are going to be flexing their Shakespearean acting muscles; creating play-scripts as part of our work on Shakespeare; harnessing prediction, comprehension and inference skills in reading; grappling with our reasoning and problem solving in maths; making more scientific discoveries through our work on Living Things and their Habitats; exploring beliefs around the world in RE; developing their work on our Christian Values and new behaviour policy

Collective worship this term is being held in the children’s classrooms . The theme has developed the children’s understanding of the Christian Values - Kindness, Patience, Peace and Love.

Fridays at 9.00AM . Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, at the time of going to press we are unsure if we will be able to able to welcome the community to our Celebration assemblies and Collective Worships each Friday. We will update our website once we have more guidance from the government.


Contacting us…If you would like to come and look around our school, please do email: [email protected] or call: 01765 658329. You can also learn more about the school on our website: http://www.kirkbymalzeard.n- yorks.sch.uk/


Oh No!

Just when we started to heave a big sigh of relief that the worst of Covid-19 was behind us, the rate of infections has started to rise again. The ‘Rule of 6’ has now been imposed; Social Distancing and Local Lockdowns will be the ‘new normal’ for whoever knows how long.

But this crisis, if anything, has shown us the value of ‘communities’ and brought us closer together - enjoying whatever social opportunities we can but continuing to help each other to get through. The old war slogan “Keep Calm and Carry on” has really come to the fore again!

And though so many people and businesses are suffering with seemingly no end in sight, life still goes on. People still need to socialise, to go out with friends and family. Not able to holiday abroad, people now enjoy a ‘Staycation’ and, with travelling anywhere being awkward, more people than ever are now enjoying meals, drinks and evenings-out closer to home.


This is why Kirkby Malzeard really needs a community pub. The name says it all – a pub that is bought by the community and refurbished by the community to serve that same community, is more caring than other establishments (perhaps owned by chains), where profit is the main driving force.

Who knows how many pubs will actually survive coronavirus – especially if more lockdowns and curfews are imposed upon the nation? Our early researches show that Community Pubs which are actually owned by the customers that drink there are better placed to survive and thrive. They tend to provide a wider range of services as requested by their local residents and by supporting organisations such as ‘More than a Pub’ and customers young and old feel safer and more comfortable there.

The campaign to save the Henry Jenkins for the village, though slowed by the pandemic and dependent on the result of the forthcoming planning appeal, is still ongoing. We continue to seek the sale of more Community Shares total which is now less than £20k short of the target and still climbing. The Associate Membership scheme for those who want to demonstrate their support but are unable or unwilling to purchase shares will be launched in the next couple of weeks - watch out for the leaflet through your letterbox! We continue to press the owner for a sale and as soon as the appeal process is over a renewed purchase bid will be placed on the table. And, perhaps most importantly of all, to prepare for a possible ‘no deal’ scenario, preliminary investigations into a possible Compulsory Purchase Order by Harrogate Borough Council have now already commenced.

So please do continue to follow our story. And, if you support the campaign, please join us as a full or associate member.

Finally, we are always happy to know what people think, so please do send us your thoughts and comments. (Contact details below)


Dave Robinson, Chairman, Henry Jenkins Community Pub Ltd

01765 658123 07860 396170 [email protected]


Autumn Feasting and Festivals in Mickley.

The challenge of getting in the harvest, this year 2020, played hard and so the better weather was much welcomed. This in turn meant both people and wildlife are in celebration despite mildew, blight and poor wheat yields and are enjoying the bumper apple and plum crops. While wildlife celebrates in groups and with flourish, Covid 19 provides us humans with ongoing reminders to stay safe and distant. Less so goldfinches, in flocks of 100 and more, taking to the fields and there harvesting efficiently the knapweed and ragwort seeds. Swirling in festive mode their bird cloud arrived to swing and climb merrily along stems and wildflower heads sampling the heady mix of seed. Early redwings and fieldfares arrived from Scandanavia to sample the rowan berries and blackberries. This all surprised the resident blackbirds who were tucking into elderberry juices and other berries. Peacock butterflies became giddy on “fermenting plum juice” on tops of trees along with the rousing chorus of hedgerow birds. They had returned, after moulting, in full song and excited at the apple wealth in tree and fields. Wasps too, thrilled at their creative coloured nests in dry field edges, seek those sweet and fruity tastes and scour the hedgerows and its “jam jar” fruits. Tree sparrows, coal, marsh, blue, long tail and great tit battle around the feeders and chatter frantically, fleeing as the young male sparrow hawk drops by for tapas! Other migrants are still here, both the migrant and southern dragonfly hawkers along with common damsel flies who buzz past in conjoined male and female fertility poses. Then a rare amazing sight, a hobby falcon flies through looking for a feast treat too, a dragonfly feed maybe to boost reserves, before heading to Africa for winter. All of them enjoy this delicious freedom to eat and travel before joining the migration festival 14

southwards. Sadly, we are left behind, cancelling our harvest village BBQ social distance event….and granting greater respect to nature, so that, like us, we can all stay safe and well.

Frances Cole – Church Warden

100 Club.

Sadly, due to Covid 19, we had to cancel the planned safe distanced Community BYO Harvest Lunch.

However due to wonderful support for the village lottery and the outdoor self- distancing events over the summer we have been able to donate £800 to the church and £800 to the village hall.

We are now in the process of compiling a calendar for 2021 using photos showing the Seasons, Nature, Life, Beauty and Fun taken in or around Mickley during the Covid lockdown. Thank you to everyone who has contributed photographs. The Calendar will be on sale soon.

Louise, Peter, Dot, Reg, Andrea and Adrian.

Acorn Stairlift

10 years old. Fits any typical curved staircase. Subject to survey. Price includes delivery and fitting by Acorn Engineer. £2300 (includes 3-month warranty) Quote ref: 36870 Contact Acorn on 0800 073 9793


The Grantley Birthday Treat - If you're free on your birthday, so are we!

Celebrate at The Grantley and have your main course and dessert on us. Birthday specials must be pre-booked for a party of four or more for one free birthday meal and will only be honoured on the day of your birthday (proof required).

The meal eaten by the birthday guest will be the meal given FREE.

The Grantley, High Grantley, Ripon, North HG4 3PJ Tel: 01765 620227 www.grantleyarms.com 16

Apex – Private Hire Franklin Hardscapes Local* Long Distance* Airports* Courier Paths – Patios – Driveways Stone & Brick walling Hedge and Tree Planting Fencing Trevor Kempster Turfing Well Cottage Gravelling Kirkby Malzeard

Contact Edward Franklin Ring Direct: 01765 658 067 Mob: 07970 308823 07814 982 043 Tel:01765 650491


Sarah Jones LEE & HOLMES Antiques, Arts & Curios FUNERAL DIRECTORS Selling antique & vintage furniture and A complete collectables, decorative items and Personal 24-hour service curiosities Now open Fridays 1.00-5.00pm Private Chapel of Rest at Saturday 10.00am-4.00pm Pateley Bridge and by appointment. Pre-payment Plans Available To make an appointment to look around the shop please ‘phone 01765 658201. An independent family run We also welcome enquiries if you have business serving the dale with quality antique & vintage items for sale. a caring and efficient service To make an appointment if you have an item For over 50 years to sell please ‘phone 07946 646985. For more information Tel: 01423 712062 e-mail [email protected] Mobile: 07802 176466 www. sarahjonesantiques.co.uk

Est. 1879 Tel. 01765 602294

F. LOWLEY & SON LTD 13 Low Skellgate, Ripon HG4 1BE ______

JOE DAWSON RIPON’S ONLY INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTOR Fully qualified electrician COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE Attention Day and Night Agricultural, Commercial and Domestic installations COMPLETE JOINERY SERVICE Domestic and Commercial ______TEL. 01765620643 MOB. 07870590996 After Office Hours Mr T E Bassitt Tel. 07702 998962


BLAKEY TREE SURGERY Dangerous Trees Dismantled Felling Pruning & Re – Shaping Crown Thinning & Lifting Stump Grinding TPO & Planning Applications

Fully Insured All Work to British Standards 3998 Fully Qualified & NPTC Trained

Hardwood Logs & Wood Chippings for Sale

For a Free Quote & Professional Service Call David Blakey: 01765 658029 Mobile: 07712 623178 Thorstad, Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon, HG4 3SH

KIRKBY MOTORS KIRKBY MALZEARD Family business, established 40 years Car Repairs and Servicing Servicing and repairs to cars and vans, including those still in warranty, following Good Garage Scheme, manufacturers or our own schedule. MOT testing including motorbikes Petrol and Diesel forecourt, pay at pump, open late 7 days Diagnostics using the latest Snap On and Crypton equipment. Tyres, batteries and exhausts supplied and fitted. Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm, Saturday by prior arrangement only. Call us on 01765 658468


Kirkby Fisheries KUTZ @ KIRKBY Opening Hours Main Street, Kirkby Malzeard Monday–Saturday (Next to Kirkby Motors) 11.30am-1.30pm & Ladies & Gentlemen’s 5.00-9.00pm Hairdressers To avoid delays order on 01765 658723. Closed Sunday & Monday Tuesday – Friday PIZZAS ALSO NOW AVAILABLE. 9.00am – 5.00pm Saturday Follow us on facebook 8.30am – 1.00pm Kirkbyfisheries. Tel 01765 650137 Mobile 07792 695318


And Painter & Decorator SECRET GARDEN CATTERY Tel: 01765 658761 30 years’ experience Mob: 07737 322335 Mrs J Morton Wilderbrook House Winksley Email:[email protected] Nr Ripon Call for a free estimate Brand New Facilities For details Ring: 01765 658733









(01765 if no code given)

APEX PRIVATE HIRE, (Trevor Kempster, Kirkby Malzeard) local /long distance airport /courier, mobile 07970 308823 650491 BLAKEY TREE SURGERY, Felling,pruning,thinning,logs,chippings,free quote 658029 BOGS HALL STABLES, Livery, tuition, BHS approved, rug cleaning. 658184 BULL GRAPHIC DESIGN, Logo design, websites, brochures, packaging 658022 CATERERS & CROCKERY HIRE, L Atkinson 620618 or 658545 CREATIVE NAILS BY CAROL, for all your nail requirements, 07736 544 446 or 609293 CURTAIN & BLIND MAKING SERVICE & ALTERATIONS, contact Carol Ayres 658898 DOG HOME BOARDING, the kinder alternative to kennels. Experienced carer, fully insured & HBC approved. Early booking advised. 650438 GARY CARSON, Painter & Decorator, call for a free estimate, 07737 322335 or 658761 HIGHSIDE BUTCHERS, Local lamb, beef and pork 658423 T & M.E JACKSON, Approved electrical contractors 658517 KIRKBY MALZEARD PRE-SCHOOL & TODDLER GROUP 658080 KIRKBY STORES, Open Mon-Sat 6am - 6.30pm Sun 7.00-10.30am 658305 J B LAMBERT & SON, Painter & Decorator 603928 LINDRICK LOGS, Local quality seasoned hardwood, prompt delivery 605248 LYNX FUELS, Domestic heating oil & agricultural fuels. Ring Andrew Storey 07970 249978 MOBILE FOOT CLINIC, Anna Smith, Kirkby Malzeard & Grewelthorpe 690830 MOBILE HAIRDRESSER Call Vanessa, all aspects of hairdressing,07861 734226 606417 N C R PLUMBING & HEATING, OFTEC, NAPIT, Trust Mark registered, plumbing, bathrooms, central heating, oil boilers, tanks, electricals 650410 RIPON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC, Various times Monday – Friday by appointment only. If you’re suffering from headaches, sciatica, back, leg, shoulder or arm pain or pins and needles, contact 609494 ROSELEA TEAROOM , Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10.00am – 3.30pm SIMON MERRIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, mobile 07711 343083 or 658640 SEA DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS SERVICE, for washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, & electric cookers mobile 07801 079911 or 689793 TILLY’S TAILS, Dog walking, pet sitting, tailored to meet your needs mob 07887 617294 TRACY JOHNSON, Mole control,gardens,paddocks,farmland,traditional method 620651 TOM WATSON JOINERY, All aspects of joinery. Good service guaranteed 07920 005140 J WEATHERHEAD & SON, Fencing contractor, all types of fencing supplied & erected, hedge planting undertaken 658508

Advertising enquiries please to Stuart Wakefield Tel 605697. e-mail [email protected] PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS & MENTION ‘THE FOUNTAIN’ WHEN CONTACTING THEM.


The next issue of The Fountain will be an on-line November edition. Material for this should be sent to the editor by 26th October, 2020 please:- Mrs Sharon Wood, West Farm, Galphay, Ripon HG4 3NJ Tel: 01765 658220, e-mail [email protected]

The Fountains Benefice Ministry Team

Priest in Charge Revd Ian Kitchen The Rectory, Ringbeck Road, Kirkby Malzeard HG4 3SL 01765 650369 [email protected] (Day off usually Friday)

Readers Mrs Liz Jarvis Mr Adrian Roberts Miss Anne Carrick 01765 620508 01765 650275 01765 601167

Administrator Please note new hours: e-mail Isabelle Munyard Thurs 9.30 am - 3.30 [email protected] pm