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CID Magazine CID - -

nual Publication 2076 Publication nual An | Police of magazine a a magazineofNepal Police |AnnualPublication 2076 Operations &CrimeInvestigation Department Police Headquarters Naxal, Kathamndu, Nepal æ lkl8tnfO{ Gofo, ck/fwLnfO{ ;hfo / cfd gfu/LsnfO{ ;'/Iffsf] e/f];f Æ CIDCID MAGAZINE 2076 | ANNUAL PUBLICATION

Message from the Chief of Operations & Crime Investigation Department

Operations and Crime Investigation Department is publishing its yearly CID Magazine, 2076. It will serve as a platform to showcase the important developments that have taken place in the field of crime investigation, the many activities that have taken place, in the field of investigation, prosecution, medico legal expertise, as well as the challenges being faced by our institution during the previous year.

Nepal Police is now in the cusp of change, a new National Criminal Code and the National Criminal Procedure Code has come into force displacing then Muluki Ain, its effective operation and implementation has been one of the major points of focus of our organization in effectively bringing about the criminal justice system uptodate with modern practices and societal needs.

The Operations and Crime Investigation Department has also focused its efforts and energy on meeting the challenges due to new types of crimes and need for modernization of the policing system. Recently established Human Trafficking Investigation Bureau, Central Cyber Bureau are some of the specialized investigative units which have come up and manning them and providing the right mix of training and experienced personnel for their effective day to day operation has been a challenge which Nepal Police is dealing with at present. Expanding the access to and capacity of Data Centers, enhancing Digital Forensic Lab and expanding capacity of Central Police Forensic Lab are also highlights of the year gone by. Digital sketch software, online police verification systems are some of the ongoing projects which will help to increase the efficiency of Nepal Police going forward. A more effective interaction with the community through Community Police Partnership programs will help to embed the concept of the rule of law in the society which is just now coming out of the shadow of the insurgence. The most daunting challenge ahead might be the allocation of resources as we move forward to a federal system of policing. Yet Nepal Police is preparing and has the will to follow the constitution and the laws of the land and will, I am sure, maintain its status as the foremost investigative organization of Nepal.

I look forward to showcasing our activities from the past year and the way forward.

Thule Rai Additional Inspector General of Police

Message from the CID Chief Respected Readers

Jay Nepal, Satya Sewa Surakshanam !

We are delighted to bring this annual issue of CID Magazine 2076 to all our beloved readers. I believe this magazine can deliver the same rational, rich understanding and information of crime story, counter measures, technology, analytical crime statistics and other aspects of investigation and policing that has been articulated and put forward. CID Magazine is the embodiment of practical journey of our fellow investigation officers during their years of policing and information relating to crime investigation activities and has over the years become an integral part of Nepal Police.

Nepal Police strives for preserving quality lives of people by thoroughly investigating criminal cases, seeking thoughtful solutions to crime and security issues and foster sense of security and confidence among the people. To fulfill this purpose police personnel are committed to serve with high standard of professionalism, passion, integrity, team work, accountability, ethics and honesty. CID Magazine reflects the efforts in diverse field of crime investigation carried on by Nepal Police. You will also enjoy reading about our specialized services, investigation management and current crime trends also.

Details of activities blended with pictures, facts and figures will satisfy your quest to learn about the interesting and challenging job of crime investigation. I am certain, going through this volume will also help reader understand his/her own responsibility as citizens of our society and voluntarily work towards crime prevention and result oriented investigations.

Let us join our hands together to make our society safer and crime free.

Let us uphold rule of law.

DIGP Pitambar Adhikari Chief : Editorial Team Operations and Crime Investigation Department

Vision Better and safer society with effective and efficient crime prevention and investigation. Goal To develop robust evidence based crime prevention and investigation procedure through the incorporation of intelligence and modern technology Editorial Team

From Right to Left 5. D.I.G.P. Pitambar Adhikari 1. Insp. Kamal Bajagai 6. S.S.P. Bhim Prasad Dhakal 2. Dy.S.P. Pravin Dhital 7. S.P. Jeevan Kumar Shrestha 3. S.P. Shiddhi Bikram Shah 8. Dy.S.P. Gaju Siddhi Bajracharya 4. S.S.P. Dibesh Lohani 9. A.S.I. Ram Krishna Adhikari Designed & Printed by ScanPrint - 01-5010801 (Om Pradhan - 98510-22542) Operations & Crime Investigation Department (Crime Investigation)

"Together Everyone Achieve More (TEAM)" Operations & Crime Investigation Department (Crime Investigation)

From Right to Left Front Line : SP Jeevan Kumar Shrestha, SP Shiddhi Bikram Shaha, SSP Bhim Prasad Dhakal, AIGP Thule Rai, DIGP Pitambar Adhikari, SSP Dilip Bahadur Basnet, SP Rabin Basnyat, SP Surendra Bahadur Gurung Mid Line : DySP Ganesh Bahadur Shrestha, DySP Dadhiram Neupane, DySP Kishor Kumar Shrestha, DySP Subash Khadka, DySP Hari Bahadur Oli, DySP Keshab Kumar Thebe, DySP Pravin Dhital, DySP Bhim Kiran Bogati, DySP Bishwa Raj Khadka, DySP Shyam Kumar Mandal Back Line : Insp Prakash Shrestha, Insp Madan K.C, Insp Ain Bahadur Malla, Insp Kamal Bajagai, Insp Upendra Kharel, Insp Guna Raj Budhathoki, Insp Bidhya Laxmi Shrestha, Insp Chanchala Shrestha, Insp Laxmi Khadka, Insp Dudhi Maya Lama, Insp Mukesh Tiwari Contents CID Overview 1 CID Highlights 7 Crime facts & figures 11 Specialized Services 22 Perspectives 38 Best Investigator 92 Success Stories 94 Public Voice 104

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cg';Gwfg zfvf vf]htnf; ;dGjo zfvf -k|x/L gfoa pk/LIfs_ -k|x/L gfoa pk/LIfs_ CID Overview CID Objectives

l To facilitate crime investigation units with better resources. l To formulate central policy for crime prevention and investigation. l To issue crime investigation policy directions and ensure the implementation of policies at all levels of investigative units and investigators. l To coordinate with the bodies of criminal justice system vis-à-vis national and international crime control agencies. l To ensure the best performance of INTERPOL related activities, including maintenance and exchange of criminal records at international level. l To perform human resource management activities including efficient deployment and appraisal of the crime investigation officers. l To develop human resource plan, conduct training programs and need analysis while identifying the areas of required skilled human resource and manage training programs. l To maintain a central database of all criminal cases, correlate with other agencies at national and international level by analyzing and formulating future plans and policies. l To investigate heinous crimes that affect more than one state and district areas of geographical boundaries, and facilitate inter-sectoral cooperation and coordination. l To investigate unresolved case by the subordinate units. l To investigate cases that fall under the jurisdiction of the central level. l To implement various programs to enhance effectiveness of rescue activities of the victim as well as arrange for public information sharing or information flow about crime situation, investigation provision etc. l To arrange for appropriate scientific and other resources including essential tools needed for crime investigation at national, state and district levels. l To help and implement Community Policing effectively.

2 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Nepal Police Police Headquarters

106 Area Police 74 Offices District Police Offices 2 Bureaus: NCB, CIB 18 Metropolitan Police Circles 7 Ward Police 3 Offices Metropolitan Police Ranges

210 Police units are authorized to file criminal charges 3 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Historical Background Crime investigation was institutionalized in 2017 BS, while the use of canines in crime Nepal with the establishment of the Criminal investigation began in 2026 BS, both of which Intelligence Bureau in 2008 BS (1952 AD). The are landmarks in the development of crime Police Act, 2012 BS. envisions the Nepal Police investigation institutions in Nepal. as a professional and effective mechanism for preventing crime and investigating criminal The Police Act 2012 BS (1955 AD), has entrusted offences, defining police role as an instrument Nepal Police with two major responsibilities : to prevent and investigate crime and maintain make it a capable instrument for preventing law and order. Although as an institution, and investigating crime and maintain law and Crime Investigation Department was named order. Maintaining law and order is a shared in 2022 BS, its present form as a department responsibility with other stakeholders, but was only initiated in 2049 BS. Application of crime investigation undoubtedly remains the forensics in evidence examination began in sole responsibility of Nepal Police.

4 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Ever since the establishment of the Central based crime investigation procedure through Intelligence Bureau in 2008 BS (1952 AD), the incorporation of intelligence and scientific Crime Investigation Department (CID) has technology. been working as a pivotal body for directing, supervising, monitoring, controlling, Recognizing the need, CID has been coordinating and supporting to reassure implementing an extensive Crime Action Plan the community of safety and security by (CAP) approved by the preventing and investigating crimes. since 2071 BS. The gradual implementation of CAP has been producing tangible results By making improvements in traditional by enhancing the resources and capacity working practices and patterns particularly in building for prevention and investigation of the prevention and investigation for crimes, crimes. CID steadfastly strives towards evidence

5 ANNUAL PUBLICATION CID Development Timeline 2014 AD l Use of Polygraph examination l DNA Profiling l Three year Crime prevention and Investigation Action Plan 2008 AD Establishment of Women & Children Service Directorate 2014 AD Three year Crime prevention and Investigation Action Plan 1992 AD l Establishment of Crime Investigation Department l Establishment of Narcotics Drug Control Law Enforcement Unit (NDCLEO) 2015 AD Establishment of Digital Forensics 1975 AD l Establishment of Basic functioning units for forensic l Establishment of Dog Training School 2017 AD l Establishment of Data Center l Automated Fingerprint identification System(AFIS) 1969 AD Use of Canine in Investigation

2017 AD l Use of Mobile Forensic Van

1962 AD Application of forensics fingerprint examination 2018 AD l Establishment of Cyber Investigation Bureau l Anti-Human Trafficking Bureau l Central Dog Training School upgraded to Canine Division 1951 AD Establishment of Central Intelligence Bureau 2019 AD Canine Division equipped with Fabricated Kennel fitted Van 6 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 CID Highlights

7 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Empowering Investigations

Canine friendly K9 van purchased for the first time in the history of Nepal Police.

Canine Division has welcomed four special breeds (Belgian Shepherd) to its family of sniffers. More on Page - 31 40 SOCO kit boxes (Basic Crime Scene Kit, Biological Evidence Collection Kit, Telecom Coordination Cell (TCC) has fingerprint kit and camera) processed 125199 telecom operational were added in the store of data working 24/7 throughout the year. investigating units. More on Page - 37

10 new polygraph examiners and four 10 modern investigative sophisticated polygraph interview rooms were rooms are added built with all vital to strengthen the equipment refurbished. investigative activities. Which makes 32 in total. More on Page - 33 8 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Dealing with special sector Crime

l on 29th Baisakh 2076, Cyber Bureau (CB) and Human Trafficking Investigation Bureau (HTIB) were inaugurated l CCB started its operations to deal with emerging Cyber issues and HTIB became the latest specialized investigative unit to address human trafficking issues. More on Page - 26

Capacitating Human Resource Enhancing l Specialized Training of different Forensics investigation sector have been endowed to 5061 police personnel, of which 101 were Capabilities trained abroad. l 232 personnel were trained to Deal Gender Based Violence and Counseling.

l Central Police Forensics Science Lab (CPFSL) upgraded its capabilities by adding sophisticated multipurpose high capacity equipment such as Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrum (GCMS), and High Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC). l Digital Forensics Lab (DFL) expanded its service by introducing new tool kit CCTV forensics, damaged hard drive forensics and Mobile device forensics toolkit and few others. More on Page - 32 9 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Paradigm shift in community policing Judgement l Memorandum of Understanding with the Local Execution Levels as the Major Partners l Formation of a nationwide partnership structure Nepal police arrested 2530 absconding criminals and made them appear l Wider community outreach before the court thereby recovering More on Page 40 fine worth 40,70,97,051 Rupees and imprisonment of 2459 years, 3 months and 11 days in the fiscal year 2075/76 (2018/19).

Major Events

Moving towards National Crime Information Center (NCIC)

l NCIC, an Electronic warehouse of Crime Data, introduces few more application software for exhibit tracking and Telecom operational data management system on its existing inventory (Crime Record System, Prisoner and visitors record system, Wanted/most l Second provincial conference of Government wanted absconded software, Missing/Found person Attorneys and Police Investigator was organized software, Unidentified dead bodies software and Loss in , Janakpur and Dhangadi in and found properties software. participation of Police investigators, Government l Continual enhancement of Data Center, which Attorneys, forensics experts and medico legal officer houses NCIC by adding more computing and storage representing all 7 provinces. capabilities. l One day workshop on Crime Action Plan (CAP) l Expansion of Automated Fingerprint Integrated Review was held in Kathmandu with stakeholders System (AFIS) at 33 investigation units in intend to in order to review and draw future plan. develop criminal fingerprint bank. l Joint Monitoring and evaluation exercise was l 36718 case files (Misils) have been uploaded on Case conducted in 26 major Investigative unit of Nepal File Digitization (CFD) Software system from 137 Police. investigative police units since CAP lunched. Crime facts & figures ljut % cf=j= sf] ck/fw a[l4 k|j[lQ / cfp“bf] # jif{sf] cg'dfg

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23 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Central Investigation Bureau

Introduction: Financial Crime: As per the decision of the Council of Ministers, Central • The arrest of Mr Gyanendra Purkuti, who was involved Investigation Bureau has been established to control the in financial crime on 02 Bhadra 2074 BS. heinous and organized crime by nature on 17 July 2010. The Central Investigation Bureau is formed with the • The arrest of Mr Bishnu prasad Dhital including 20 deputation of 172 police personnel. Central Investigation other on charge of making loss of Rs. 1,50,96,33,984 to Bureau (Establishment and Operation) 2070, Rule 3 also Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank on 02 Bhadra 2074 received separate legal recognition after being published in BS. the Nepal Gazette. • The arrest of Mr Bhim Prasad Chaudhari including 8 other on charge of making financial loss, fraud and illegal Objectives: financial transactions in different places of Morang and • To investigate heinous and organized crimes. Sunsari districts on 11 Falgun 2074 BS. • To investigate financial crimes, frauds and fraudulent, human trafficking cases and crimes related to wild life. Fraud Crime: • The arrest of Mr Pemba Dorje Sherpa including 6 other • To investigate the most sensitive cases of public interest, on charge of smuggling 15 kilograms of llegal gold on issues of multi-national crimes. 14 Bhadra 2074 BS. • To maintain justice, fundamental rights and human • The arrest of Mr Markus Kendler an Austrian citizen rights values and protection of the livelihoods of the on charge of sexual harassment and misbehave on 22 citizens. Bhadra 2074 BS from Hotel Nepalaya. • To investigate the recommended cases from other • The arrest of Mr Tulku Lama so called Rimboche investigation entities of Nepal Police due to lack of Chhulthin Dorje (Yonjan) on charge of provocation of technical expertise. religion and sexual misbehave to women on 05 Mansir 2074 BS. • To assist other police units in investigation. • The arrest of Pankaj Kumar Jha on charge of smuggling Kidneys to India on 14 Baishak 2075 BS. Achievements: Organized and Heinous Crimes: Human Trafficking: • The arrest of main culprit Mr. Dhanaraj Yonjun and • The arrest of Mr Pravin Giri including 2 others on Basanta Thebe with 9mm pistol, 8 round bullets, charge of human trafficking to Turkey reroute to Europe involved in murder of Sarad Gauchan, the then and fraud of Rs 8, 50,000 per person on 11 Falgun 2074 Chairman of Construction Entrepreneur Union on 30 BS. Kartik 2074 BS. • The arrest of Mr Ramesh Upreti on charge of supplying • The arrest of main culprits Mr Samir man Singh Basnet Nepalese girls to Delhi for forced prostitution on 28 and Shyam bahadur Golmi involved in the murder Baishak 2075 BS. He was also involved in blackmailing of Sarad Gauchan, Durga Tiwari, Dava Lama on 16 the girls by making illicit video contents. Mansir 2074 BS. • The arrest of Mr Jesan Sris on charge of smuggling • The arrest of Mr Manoj Pun, who was involved in Nepalese girls to Europe via India, Singapore, Malasiya, various murder cases like Sarad Gauchan, Durga Tiwari, Thailand, Nigeria for forced prostitution on 28 Baishak Basanta Paudel on 09 Falgun 2074 BS. 2075 BS. • The arrest of Mr Ram bahadur Darjee involved in rape and murder of a under aged girl on 19 Paush 2074 BS. Crime against Wild Life: The arrest of Mr Dava Lama on charge of smuggling wild animal organs like Rhino Horn, who has been sentenced for 11 years of imprisonment and one lakh penalty from the court.

24 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Narcotics Control Bureau Introduction: The Drug Control Law Enforcement Unit (Narcotics Control Enforcement Unit) was established on 28 May 1992. Upon the decision of the Government of Nepal the unit was upgraded and converted to Narcotics Control Bureau on 27 January 2013. The main tasks assigned are to control and investigate the crime related to drug, to control the trafficking of drugs across Nepal and to coordinate and cooperate with national & international organizations related to drug control.

Achievements: The following drugs are seized by the Bureau on the fiscal year 2075/76: Buprenorphine - 9636 Ampul, Diazepam- 9597 Ampul, Phenergan- 8882 Ampul, Nitrazepam-16484 tablet, Proxivan-288 capsule, Codin-41 bottles, brown sugar 225 grams, Charesh-33 kg and 19.8 grams, marijuana- 1 kg 326.4 grams, Amphetamine-9 grams. Total 154 persons were arrested (133 male, 9 female and 12 foreigner male).


Introduction: • Prepare capable police invstigators manpower to The Cyber Bureau was established under the Police withstand cybercrime. Headquarters as per the decision of Ministry of Home Affairs on 07 June 2018. The office was inaugurated on • Asist investigative units on cyber crime 12 May 2019. The Bureau operates under the Police investigation. Rules 2071 and the operation directives approved by • Act as a focal unit of cyber crime & cyber security the Inspector General of Police on 22 March 2019. domain.

Objectives: Achievements: • Coordinating with stakeholders and experts for Although Cyber Bureau has started its operations cybercrime investigation, cyber security awareness. since 22 March 2019, total 214 cyber crime cases are • Investigate cybercrime on critical infrastructure. investigated.

26 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Detective Training School Introduction Responsibilities: The Crime Investigation Wing under the National Police The main responsibilities are to analyze the field of crime Academy was established on 24 December 1996 with the investigation, identify the need for research and to refine purpose of the production of skilled manpower required and construct training curriculum, organize workshops, for crime control and investigation, production of scene seminars and symposiums as per the need to enhance the of crime officer (SOCO). Later it was reestablished with capacity of the investigating police. the name of Detective training School. Deputy Inspector General of Police heads at the School from 05 November Trained 32 groups consisting 762 police personnel in 26 2008. different subjects of crime investigation on the fiscal year 2075/76.

27 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Women, Children and Senior Citizen Services Directorate

Introduction: • Coordinate the rescue and rehabilitation of orphans and Women, Children and Senior Citizen Service Center helpless children; (WCSC) (formerly known as Women Cell) was established within Nepal police on 20 February 1996 as a pilot project • Keep records about the activities of the children's in four districts (Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Kaski and Morang) homes, and one at central level in Police Headquarters as governing • Monitor incidents of sexual violence, prepare their body. It was established with the purpose of conducting research progress reports and prepare necessary research on women and children issues. The office was directions and guidelines for sexual violence, upgraded by the deputation of Director of Women and Children Services headed by Deputy Inspector General of Police which comes under the Crime Investigation Achievements: Department. The Service center was renamed as the women, The following are the achievements made by the Directorate children and senior citizens Directorate on 18 June 2019 on the fiscal year 2075/76: deploying 1361 police personnel and expanding it services to 240 police units • New dedicated buildings for women, children and senior citizen service center was completed in 14 districts. Responsibilities: • Four day capacity enhancement training was conducted • To prepare and apply the central level policy and action for village level committee of gender violence control plan for investigation, prevention and control by network in 14 districts. keeping up-to-date, recording and analyzing criminal cases relating women, children and senior citizens. • Conducted awareness programs and orientation training on Gender violence. • Coordinate with government and non-governmental organizations. • Trained 680 personnel on the subjects of gender based violence.

28 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Anti Human Trafficking Bureau

Introduction: • Conduct various awareness programs, Coordinat with Anti Human Trafficking Bureau was established on 10 national and international organizations and security June 2018 with the objective of conducting a systematic agencies for information exchange. investigation of human trafficking crimes and investigating all types of labor trafficking in the organized and • Coordinate with various national organizations for the interdisciplinary forms of crime. The office was inaugurated rehabilitation of rescued persons. on 12 May 2019. Achievements: Responsibilities: • Rescued 179 (147 male and 32 Female) victims on 01 • Analyzing the changing character of human trafficking February 2019 from Manipur India who were taken and its Modus Operandi, set future work plan and for trafficking to different countries in the name of strategy. employment. • Prepare future strategy plans, anticipating problems that • Rescued 23 female victims from Mizorom India who may arise during investigation. were taken for trafficking to different countries in the name of employment.


INTERPOL - International Criminal Police Organization, well as missing and other police related matter. the world’s second largest international organization, was established in 1923, in Vienna, Austria. Nepal became • Liaise with INTERPOL headquarter and its different 100th member of INTERPOL on 27 September 1967. The project in the capacity building programs. chief (IGP) of Nepal Police is the Head of National Central Bureau (NCB). Achievements INTERPOL’s National Central Bureau (NCB) in • Thirteen Red Notices and 21 Diffusions have been Kathmandu is the crucial connection between Nepal police issued against criminals operating beyond borders in last and its worldwide counterparts for tracking fugitives, using fiscal year and till now the total number of valid RED INTERPOL’s global secure communication system called Notices is 31 and 35 valid Diffusions. I-24/7, where 24 hours duty is conducted by 24/7 officers • Six fugitives of different cases (gold smuggling, human under the close monitor of OIC of NCB to run day-to- trafficking and rape) were deported and arrested with day activities smoothly and effectively. NCB Kathmandu the co-ordination between NCB’s, and other concerned together working with its local and international agencies. counterparts has helped to arrest and deport Fugitives and control criminal matters. NCB Kathmandu is also focused • NCB Kathmandu co-hosted 3 training related to in development of Policing capabilities in different sectors counter terrorism, environmental crime, post blast i.e. Forensic, IP Crime, Terrorism, human trafficking, drugs Investigation scenario with the co-ordination of and Illicit Goods. INTERPOL projects, where more than 70 delegates from 38 countries participated including Nepal. Work Module & Responsibility: • NCB Kathmandu inserted 39,141 revoked passport data • NCB Kathmandu is responsible to issue different in INTERPOL SLTD Database (stolen and lost travel notices upon the request of the police unit and other document) in last fiscal year with the close collaboration law enforcement agencies. between NCB Kathmandu and Department of passport • Collect information of internationally wanted fugitives to control the misuse of the Travel Documents and the and subject of notices likely to visit Nepal. total number of SLTD inserted till now is 2,04,577.

• Operate international trainings and seminars under MOU (Establishment of MIND) criminal and investigative ground. MOU between NCB Kathmandu and Department of • NCB Kathmandu is responsible to share, respond and, Immigration was signed under the initiation of NCB co-ordinate in the matter of criminal investigation as Kathmandu for the betterment of the border security by using the three largest database of INTERPOL i.e. SLTD, SMV and TDAWN through MIND Device. These understandings between two LEAs have set new realm to control the illegal use of fake travel document and travel of internationally wanted fugitives.

Nepal & Dubai Police co-operation via INTERPOL nets Gold Smuggling Fugitives.

30 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Central Police Forensics Science Lab

Canine Division

Introduction: Achievements: Dog service currently known as "Canine Service" in Nepal The following numbers canine service provided the Division Police was started by sending five police officers led by in the fiscal year 2075/76: Sub Inspector Pratap Kumar Bantawa to Malaysia for dog training in 1970 in the history of Nepal Police. Dog Section • Searching of weapon and explosives - 4107 cases. was upgraded with 25 police personnel including the post • Searching of drugs - 2432 cases. of Inspector in 1988 AD. The Dog Section was renamed as Central Police Dog Training School in 1991 AD. Dog • Tracking the culprit - 39 persons service in Tribhuvan International Airport was started in 2008 AD by sending three dogs. Dog service in Biratnagar • Search and rescue – 29 persons with two dogs Airport and Mid Western Regional Police Office stationed at kohalpur was started in 2012 AD.

Responsibilities: • To prepare skilled dog handlers and trainers. • To assist investigators by deploying specialized dogs for various crime types. • Deployment of dog on demand for routine crime prevention activities. • To assist in search and rescue operations by providing specially trained dogs at times of natural disasters. • Recommend and introduce new and appropriate breeds of dogs. 31 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Hard Drive Cloud What we do ?


Social Media

Digital Forensics Lab

Introduction: Responsibilities: With the rapid development of Information Technology, • Computer (Hard drive) forensics increasing use of Digital Devices in criminal activities has led to the development of new tool of crime, generating • Mobile phone forensics complexity in crime investigation. Digital Forensics Lab • Network (Social media) forensics (DFL) under the Criminal Investigation Department was established on 10th December, 2015. This lab has • Video forensics examined 4423 digital evidences related to 992 different cases including cybercrime. • DVR/CCTV forensics • Cloud forensics 32 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Central Polygraph Unit

Introduction: • It was found that 1387 persons giving false statement According to Nepal Police Polygraph Guide, 2014 with the and 1146 true. aim of making crime investigation effective using the latest technology, Polygraph unit was established on 05 February • There were 188 putting their opinion and 43 have 2014. denial of examination. • 12 persons were not been able to. Objectives: • 125 accused have accepted the criminal acts. • To examine credibility by studying the changes in different body systems when a person speaks true or On fiscal year 2075/76 there were 588 Polygraph false. examinations were carried out resulting 302 false statement and 189 giving true statement. Likewise there were 39 Achievements: putting their opinion, 23 denial of examination and 12 • Polygraph examination was conducted for 2776 (379 persons were not been able to test. female and 2397 male) persons involved in 45 cases.

33 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Archives and Analysis Unit

An Archive and Analysis unit is responsible for maintaining all records related to crime investigation. It prepares various data reports on crime trend, crime pattern analysis which are eventually made available to Ministry of Home affairs and other agencies.

34 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Criminal Record System (CRS)

Criminal Record System (CRS) unit was established in Nepal Police crime investigation department to keep criminal records in computerized form in the year of 1999. The CRS database has been installed to keep the records of 27 Points report and 12 Points report of case files of Nepal Police investigative units. Police clearance report is being issued on the basis of the record in the database with the record verified to the national and international citizen. There is a plan to develop and expand the Criminal Database for effective implementation in crime prevention and investigation and to effectively manage criminal statistics. In the fiscal year 2075/76 records of 3539 convicted persons were uploaded in the database making total of 560774 involved in 428880 case files. The unit has verified 278238 persons against criminal database on fiscal year 2075/76. 35 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Police Clearance Unit

Police clearance units provides a police clearance certificate, Metropolitan Police Office Ranipokhari, Police Ranges when a person requests for non-criminal complacence. Bhaktapur and Lalitpur & Police Circles Maharajgung, Nepal police started issuing police clearance certificates Gausala & Kalimati. from 19 April 2012 AD. It started to provide the certificate from all five regional offices (now Province) since the year Total 249295 applications for police clearance certificates of 2015 AD. Police clearance request can be submitted processed on the fiscal year 2075/76. from Police Headquaters, all seven Province Police hoffices, Email address : [email protected].

36 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Telecommunications Coordination Cell (TCC)

The main tasks of the Telecommunication Coordination in 18 August 2014. Total of 125199 telecom operational unit is to coordinate with telecommunication and Internet data has been processed by this unit on the fiscal year service providers to obtain the telecom operational data 2075/76. needed during crime investigation. The unit is established


Perspectives Community-Police Partnership: A Paradigm Shift in Policing Approach

The visionary leadership of the Inspector General of Police international policing practices to face the emerging security Sarbendra Khanal perceived the need for a paradigm shift in challenges. This was followed by focused group discussions policing approach and adopted ‘Community-Police Partnership’ along with wider consultations with prominent personalities as major policing strategy to systemically organize and from both public and private spheres. The inception paper implement partnership between the police and the community was presented amid a gathering at the Police Headquarters, for establishing peaceful and secure society. The scope of the presided over by the honorable Minister for Home Affairs partnership broadly entails specific thematic issues of policing and participated by honorable members of National Planning and community security: Community Sensitization and Crime Commission and other prospective partners, including Home Prevention; Police-School Liaison Programs; Effective Security Secretary, Secretaries from concerned ministries and Mayors in Coordination on Local Level Service; Effective Mobilization Kathmandu valley, seeking their valuable feedback and inputs. of Police; Integrated Mobilization of Volunteers; Creative Support and Collaboration of Community in Arresting the Apparently with greater participation and consultation with Absconded Criminals; Information Exchange; Data Collection relevant institutions, the CPP Concept Paper was appropriately and Update; and Environmental Protection and Controlling documented and, on October 25, 2019, the Concept Paper the Exploitation of Natural Resources and Installment and was endorsed by Home Ministerial-level decision of the Expansion of Technical Security Devices Including CCTV; Government of Nepal. All the relevant ministries, including Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, This new concept encompasses shift in policing approach -firstly, Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen, Ministry from traditional community police approach to a more credible of Education, Science and Technology, and Ministry of Youth and structurally vibrant partnership between the community and Sports, agreed to embark on-board and contribute to the and the police, and secondly, expanding the community CPP partnership framework. This Concept Paper is designed police concept from the confines of limited urban realm to to institute strategic partnership between Nepal Police and each and every nook and cranny of the country—to meet the the Local Level, along with other concerned stakeholders, growing policing demands and satisfy the high expectations aimed at controlling crimes, raising public awareness against of the people. In order to bring that vision into perspective, social evils, and enhancing community safety and security. Community-Police Partnership (CPP) concept was drafted For strengthening community security, it aims at developing after intensive study, research and analysis of the past criminal comprehensive national partnership through the formation cases, involvement of various age categories (as suspects as well of committees at district, municipality, ward, tole and school as victims), influencing factors and environment, and ongoing levels. This will be a broad-based partnership among Nepal 40 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Police, Local Level, government agencies, community (police) 1. MoU and Committee Formation service centers, social and non-political institutions, women, Community-Police Partnership has succeeded to achieve children and youth related organizations, schools up to systemic progression in developing a sustaining mechanism at secondary level (up to grade 12) and prominent personalities the basic community level through local ownership. All local of the society. This partnership would serve as the catalyst to levels have signed the Memorandum of Understanding to drive local development through enhanced security and service implement the CPP as a key partner with the Nepal Police. delivery at the community level. Nepal Police has also broadened the partnership at the national level including the Tribhuvan University, Nepal Scout and This concept is built on the theme 'security is the prerequisite Nepal Red Cross Society. of development and development is the foundation for the secured society'. The local level has the responsibility of ensuring social justice, security, reconciliation, community Initial Impact education and awareness. Similarly, social institutions have Initial impact assessment of the Community-Police Partnership the responsibility of community security and social awareness, was carried out by independent experts after three months educational institutions have the responsibility of promoting of its launching. The assessment conducted by professionals competent and morally upright citizens and Nepal Police from diverse fields such as professors, prominent members of is responsible for investigating and controlling crimes. The the civil society, students, journalists etc covered all the seven Community-Police Partnership focusses on achieving national provinces and 77 districts. security envisioned by the Constitution by creating “Free of Fear” society. CPP was formally launched on October 28, The study has demonstrated some encouraging initial impact 2018 and is reckoned as the most significant aspect in shaping of this partnership within the brief study period. The most the contemporary policing in Nepal. As the cornerstone of important finding the study has discovered is its nationwide CPP, institutionalization of partnership primarily between structure both at the horizontal and vertical levels. In this the community and the police—along with other partner brief period, a working partnership with all 753 local institutions, local governments, schools and media is taking governments has been developed by signing Memorandum of place at an unprecedented pace. Of the 753 local governments, Understanding and more than 21000 partnership committees all the local governments have signed Memorandum of have been formed across the country. The MoU has turned Understanding (MoU) with Nepal Police in order to control out to be a bridge between the two institutions for executing crime, raise public awareness and enhance community safety the collaboration. The partnership committees have been and security. Likewise, over fourteen thousand Community- instrumental in promoting community collaboration in Police Partnership Committees, as stipulated in the CPP identifying and solving the pressing security and social issues Concept Note, have been instituted across the country. in the community. Besides, regular interaction with the community has helped strengthen relationship between police Today, CPP is spontaneously gathering support and is gaining and the community through an enhanced community trust the necessary momentum. CPP Committees, as well as the over police. institutions involved in them, are showing signs of active partnership in organizing community-centric and school- The partnership has promoted citizens’ access to police in the centric programs and activities to enhance community safety event of security crises and related problems. In the meantime, and security through public awareness and other proactive local police has been regularly conducting community outreach community-based interventions. for sensitizing and raising awareness against critical security threats and burning social issues. This increased interaction, both positive and negative, has apparently expanded Key Achievements information channels to police culminating in greater arrests Within the short span of the implementation, CPP has of the fugitives and enhanced community cooperation in observed significant achievements in establishing the systemic crime investigation and prosecution. Awareness programs mechanisms of partnership at various spheres of the community are systematically conducted in schools and educational and has been instrumental in enhancing the community safety institutions across the country. Contents for awareness have awareness through various programs. Key achievements of the been developed on a range of topics including basic security, CPP are outlined as follows: emergency police services, crime/violence against women and children, crime prevention and community responsibility, 1. Memorandum of Understanding with the Local Levels as cyber security, basic laws, road safety and narcotic drugs. Local the Major Partners police is also delivering on any other relevant security issues. In 2. Formation of a nationwide partnership structure this brief period of its inception, more than 300,000 students, teachers and guardians have been imparted security awareness 3. Wider community outreach throughout the country. 41 ANNUAL PUBLICATION MoU Committee Formation Grand Total District Municipality Ward Tol School 753 77 745 6,213 6,808 7,240 21,083

2. Program Initiations Community Cleaning Community School- One day Anti- Public Grand orientation program Programs liaison with Ragging Audit total in Program Police Campaign Hospital 2,013 752 4,305 3,408 579 1,308 414 12,780

3. School Liaison Program Total Programs Students Teachers Guardians Grand Total 3,408 2,91,267 16,218 11,793 3,19,278

4. Community Patrol Patrols Distance Interaction Rescued Arrest, Under Patrolled (KM) during patrol Control 2,30,960 23,98,133 27,46,823 86,278 70,310

5. Population interacted through CPP Community Community School PSA Grand Total Patrol Program Programs Broadcastings 29,03,411 5,13,275 3,19,278 8,71,935 46,07,899

6. Others CCTV LED TV PSA Curriculum Trained Police Development Development Personnel 1,927 141 43 5 10,771

The Community-Police Partnership has also increased support are being provided to police offices across all provinces. police mobility and visibility both in rural and urban areas. As the partnership has the unlimited scope to go outside the At the same time, it has sensitized police personnel toward ambit of regular security matters, it has been instrumental in transforming the existing police patrol into a community patrol raising awareness on issues rooted to socio-cultural values and through meaningful interaction with the community members norms. Partnering with the social institutions, local government in course of patrolling. Regular interaction and collaboration and the community, local police has been conducting targeted with the community including academia has also brought awareness programs on social vices such as dowry system, about positive impact on police conduct and behavior. It has untouchability, chhaupadi , child marriage, child labor, raised accountability of police toward the citizens it serves both domestic violence among others. The effectiveness of this at institutional and individual level. program in communicating and sensitizing the larger populace has projected it to be an agent of social transformation and The partnership has resulted in greater commitment of the local a powerful mechanism to connect the State with the citizens. government, social institutions and myriad community actors making contribution at strengthening community security *Chhaupadi is the cultural practice mostly prevalent in the through resource contribution. Today, in the framework of far west Nepal in which girls or women lives in a shed outside community-police partnership, CCTV cameras are being home often in unsanitary and unhygienic conditions during installed and land, vehicles and several other constructive the period of menstruation. 42 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Background: “Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali” slogan can be seen metamorphosing into reality through developing and ensuring quality lives of Nepalese people. Living free from fear, threats, terror and insecurity is the primary need of any society. Violence and crime hinder development and thus set barriers to prosperous Nepal. Today, crime does not limit only at inter personal offences level. It propagates beyond borders and impacts the global neighborhoods. Use of sophisticated technology by the criminals has compounded the investigation process to further increase its complexity. In today’s globalized network, criminal networks operate in a way that the meticulous planning is executed in one part of the world and is perpetrated in another. Criminal acts happened somewhere may have effects spread elsewhere in the society. Some latent crimes of our society end up becoming the toughest job to investigators. Law enforcement agency has the sole responsibility to prevent and investigate all sorts from individual level to transnational organized crimes though there are many other stakeholders in investigation process.

As a principal Law Enforcement Agency, Nepal Police has been engaged in prevention and investigation of crimes Crime Action Plan (CAP): since its inception. Likewise, in other countries, Nepal Police is empowered by state to enforce the law, to protect Zooming on Potential the lives, liberty and possessions of citizens and to prevent crime and civil disorder. Policing thus typically refers to as Areas of Interventions maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. and Improvement Nepal Police has followed from a traditional primitive approach to present modern and human rights compliant investigation systems. As time passes, Nepal Police has adopted new systems and techniques of crime investigation to cope with the complexity of crime problem.

Crime threatens our safety and welfare. Crime is considered as a social issue because of its negative effect on the members of society irrespective of their social class. Our society decides what actions can be labelled as crime and what cannot. Crime is unbiased and irrespective of class or category. Needless to say, there are many crimes committed by the wealthy and powerful too. There will never be a society that is free from crime. Crime as understood through different perspectives are: DIG Pitambar Adhikari Operations and Crime l Sociologists prefer to explain crime as an anti-social Investigation Department behavior, offence against human relationship, violation (Crime Investigation) of laws, and violation of the well-being of the society. l Legal perspective emphasizes the definition, legal proceeding and punishments for an act of crime through criminal code. Crime is an intentional act or omission in violation of criminal law. There must be mental element

43 ANNUAL PUBLICATION (mens rea) and action (actus reus) to constitute a crime. CAP action areas: l “Crime is abnormal and deviational behavior” says the CAP has identified the following action areas: psychologist. Their concern is about human psychology 1. Institutional development, human resource management which results criminal behavior by individuals. and specialization of crime investigation services l In today’s organized crime context, the criminal rackets 2. Case file documentation and strengthening of are dependent on power structure and extended prosecution coordination networks. Some white collar criminals are also active in the society. Their influence exist in different sector of the 3. Criminal intelligence network development and state authorities. This type of crime is also considered as investigation the most complicated to solve. 4. Management of criminal database and networking 5. Strengthening of scientific investigation system 6. Development of witness protection planning and CAP: Inception creating conducive environment As urbanization grow, technological development excels, population explodes, uneven economic distribution 7. Effective cooperation and coordination with exists and as people tend to live in an open and global stakeholders neighborhood, crime rates increase and crime patterns 8. Enhancement of public awareness on crime prevention also keep changing. In this context, coping crime problem and investigation becomes very engaging governmental issue. 9. Strengthening community policing Turning the pages of history, establishment of Criminal 10. Reduction of Gender Based Violence Intelligence Bureau in 2008 BS is considered as the first 11. Capacity development of investigators foundation step in crime investigation field by the then Government. Promulgation of Police Act 2012 gave a 12. Development and expansion of international police legal framework for police personnel to work in crime coordination investigations. The Police Act 2012 has entrusted Nepal Implementation of CAP has contributed largely to enhance Police with two major responsibilities: make it a capable operational capacity of various investigation services and instrument for preventing and investigating crime and also helped modernizing the existing investigative units. maintain law and order and maintain law and order. Data Centre was inaugurated in Police HQ CID building Subsequently, Crime Investigation Department (CID) was last year which avails of data management and analytical established in 2022 BS to further specialize the challenging facilities with adequate space. This digital repository is a job of crime investigation. Nepal Police then gradually great asset of Nepal Police and has possibility of further data adopted various capacity enhancement measures both in sharing mechanism with other agencies when necessary. institutional and individual level. Similarly High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography System is installed in Central Forensic Lab. Establishing Among these developments, one comprehensive package of Digital Forensic Lab is another milestone in examination action plan was conceptualized in 2014 AD. CAP envisions facilities of digital evidences extracted in present digital a long term course of modernization and incorporation of era. Further, some success examples are: Scene of Crime scientific tools in investigation. CAP has comprehensively Officers(SOCO) are equipped with SOCO kit boxes, examined our shortcomings over the past years and proposed modern interview rooms have been constructed in various immediate/short-term/long-term measures to enhance DPOs, more Polygraphs experts are trained and equipped, the overall investigative capability of Nepal Police both in new canine sections were built in two provinces, exhibit institutional and individual level. The credit undoubtedly stores are constructed in various DPOs and Ranges, goes to the then CID Chief AIGP Surendra Shah who Women, Children and Senior Citizen Service Centers initiated a magnificent plan covering 12 prominent areas of are strengthened, modern and equipped SOCO van was enhancement. There is a detailed strategic three year action provided to Metropolitan Crime Branch, Narcotic Bureau plan where the first three year had 178 activities and the Satellite Offices were established in all provinces, Case File ongoing second three year plan has 87 activities. We have Digitalization(CFD) in 72 stations progressed significantly concluded first phase (three years) and the very first year this year and so on. Two new bureaus established this year of second phase. We are now in the second year of second are: Cyber Bureau ad Human Trafficking Bureau, both were phase. Timely review of the implementation of CAP was on high demand to curb crimes in their respective fields. held recently.

44 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Way Forward itself with facilities of storing, preserving and analyzing 1. Institutionalizing CAP is the main concern: Changes digital data. Networking with DIRS, CRS, AFIS, CFD, happen in our organizational context but change for and CCRS is progressing well to make it a rich resource. the sake of change and not acquiring normative value is A central integrated system is required as there is waste of resources. The change if accepted over the long duplication in various stakeholders. If agencies working run of time it builds environmental linkages. Series of in organized crime field like CIAA, DMLI, Forest commitment and promises are not so important unless Department, and Judiciary develop sharing system, it they are able to induce beliefs. The last four years of will work efficiently to the expected level. Nepal Police implementation have raised the confidence that CAP Data Center can be a suitable platform for related state was a very necessary intervention in our performance institutions to develop data sharing system. To govern system. CAP has to be institutionalized and should be the operation of Data Center, we need a central policy incorporated into the strategic plans of Nepal Police. and special operation procedures (SOP). Moving toward NCIC is the ultimate way forward. 2. Extension of specialized services: Five specialized bureaus of Nepal Police Special Bureau (SB), Central 5. Motivation and benefits to Investigators: There is a Investigation Bureau (CIB), Narcotic Control Bureau need to set up a system such that investigators get (NCB), Cyber Crime Control Bureau (CCB), Human crime investigation work accomplished with continued Trafficking Investigation Bureau (HTIB) are set up with patience, high motivation, courage and pride. In order especially trained personnel and are also equipped with to attract officers to crime investigation job which is modern technology and resources. As most of their a monotonous and time consuming, they need extra units are deployed in Kathmandu only, we need their incentives system. They work restlessly keeping their satellite units in the provinces. lives at risk to bring solutions to complicated crimes and of course it is heightening the organizational glory and 3. Access to new Technology: We are living in a digital pride. Time has come to re-energize them(investigators) era. Police investigators should have expanded access and ensure that appropriate measures are put on place. to Digital Technology. Digital technology enables police working efficiently and with great versatility in 6. International cooperation and collaboration: Current era different areas. Today’s police should be able use newest of globalization has produced an increased trans-national technology so that they can work with huge amounts criminal activities and scope of international policing is of information in the most compressed form and can also widened day by day. Technological advancement preserve, store, analyze, share, transmit and process when have shaped the nature and forms of international crime necessary. Together we should provide investigators and its control. Today’s police institutions are much necessary equipment and technology to cope with the engaged in transnational operations involving mutual diverse and complex nature of crime investigation job. cooperation among nations. International policing In this phase of CAP, most of our effort is focused in involve collaboration among police institutions of enhancement of technology in the investigation area. different nations, including temporary or permanent There is need to train the personnel in massive number bilateral and multilateral arrangements, in the form about this. To build major infrastructures, we need of investigative enforcement tasks, the sharing of significant budget investment. Only 10-15 percent of operational and organizational methods and techniques. proposed budget is allocated in CAP so far which is not As crimes do not limit within geographical territories sufficient to establish infrastructure of digital technology and Nepalese society continue to experience the adverse as proposed in the CAP. Besides these, we are enhancing consequences of increasing transnational crimes, Nepal other forensics services in considerably slow pace. Police has to exert its influence into international sphere Expansion of Automated Fingerprint Identification of policing. Nepal Police is the appropriate state agency System together with strengthening other branches of to fight against international crime professionally and CPFSL is an utmost need. This void made by the gap reduce crime related suffering of the huge numbers of in technology and its ease of accessibility in policing Nepalese abroad and within the country. This issue has left behind a feeling of inadequacy that is yet to be should be addressed by deputing police officers (police drawn interest upon. attaché) to various diplomatic missions of Nepal and increasing own roles in the Interpol network. 4. Central policy on data sharing: CAP envisages a robust system of data management and sharing. Last year Nepal police set a milestone in the data management by establishing Data Centre with in Police HQ premises. The repository of huge amount of crime data avails

45 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Crime Investigation in Developing Countries: Coordination and Collaboration of Investigators and Prosecutors

Yubaraj Sangroula, PhD1.

1. General Introduction: generating reasoning for appropriate indictment leading to The safety of a society, by way of getting all necessary the prosecution; and (d) the relation between the corpus arrangements for unfailing protection and preservation of delecti and the law is established, thus the authenticity, individual's liberty and rights relating to his/her person reasonability and validity of reason is confirmed. and property, is the fundamental goal of criminal justice, and for this reason it has been regarded as an indispensable The criminal justice system follows a 'systematically system of peace and order. In achieving this goal, criminal designed course of action in its operation', and this course justice system uses multi-pronged processes—investigation of action is guided by certain other inevitable principles. prosecution, and adjudication which exist as independent These principles are (a) the fairness in all aspects of jurisdictions but function as one 'integrated system.' The procedure; (b) the impartiality in attitude of applying final outcome appears in one of the two forms—i.e. either the procedures; and (c) the use of judicial mind while adopting suspect is declared 'guilty' or he/she is 'innocent'. Criminal decisions or interpreting findings. Failure to consider these justice system by application of this process, reaching to the principles will necessarily result in violation of the fair state of conviction and making the offender subjected to a trial. The principle of fairness and impartiality in criminal system of punishment, functions as an effective instrument proceeding are taken as two important attributes of the of 'deterring potential offenders' , thus guaranteeing an criminal justice system of a democratic society. These two effective system of preventing transgression in person or components represent ' the concept of rule of law' in the property of one individual by other individual2. context of criminal justice. The fairness and impartiality, in turn, require due attention for application or operation Looking from this pragmatic point of view3, the criminal of the several other principles relating the procedure, which justice system in a society, which generally holds the faith not only make the criminal justice system in that society on democratic function of State and affirms a deeply rooted properly functional but also makes its result duly credible 6 trust in principle of the inalienability of fundamental rights and trustworthy. These principles are (a) that the burden of individuals, resolutely and meticulously follows some of proof lies on the prosecutors and so that the charge must 7 principles as 'indispensable or inevitable' components be proved beyond reasonable doubt ; (b) that the right of for building a worthy criminal justice system4. These suspect to acquire adequate and competent legal defense 8 principles are (a) the corpus delicti5 is the primary fact and by professional representation is fully guaranteed , which 9 evidence for driving the process of justice to a dependable includes right to get interpreter in the case if he/she does conclusion, and the corpus delicti is identified by way of not understand the language in which the charge has been resorting to the process of scientific examination or inquest put forth; (c) no suspect can be pressed to confess that he/she of the crime scene; (b) the relation between corpus delecti has committed crime and thus use of coercion or deceptive and the offender is established by the scientific examination interrogation for extraction of confession renders the same 10 or scrutiny of the objects, exhibits or traces found in the as inadmissible evidence ; (d) a suspect must be presumed crime scene; (c) the analysis of evidences is carried out for innocent until the concerned judicial authority has declared

46 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 him/her guilty; and (e) no suspect can be charged twice in the capacity of ' the police officer', as a law enforcer, but the same crime, so that an arrest and detention made under as a 'researcher and scientist'. The power and function as a such circumstance will make such arrest and detention researcher is 'power and function' of the investigator under illegal and improper. the law, so that his position as a patrolling or law enforcing officer has nothing to with the power and function he/she is These principles plainly and adequately deny an argument, supposed to entertain as an investigating officer. The power which is so common in most developing countries, that and function of police officer as an investigator 'is a power 'criminal justice is a State's instrument to justify the coercive and function' associated with the realm of justice but not actions'. This looming misconception that 'criminal justice with the realm of law enforcement. system is an instrument of State for coercing citizens to abide by rules of law and order' is a central problem of the fairness The responsibility of 'proving the guilt' unequivocally and impartiality in the criminal proceeding in developing lies on the prosecutor, and the prosecutor, thus, has to countries. The misconception gives rise to the following discharge this responsibility beyond reasonable doubt. serious problems destroying the positive impression of the The responsibility is carried out with the strength of general public to the criminal justice system: 'evidence' that determine the 'nature of corpus delicti and 'the objective or factual relation between the corpus delicti The police machinery in the developing societies generally and the suspect'. Analogically speaking, the investigation takes criminal justice system as a 'police power' of the of crime, to look from this context, is an empirical State; hence, no rights can be claimed by suspects who research purported to generate data for the prosecution have been booked for suspicion of committing crimes. This of the offence. Explicably, an investigation is a part of the assumption of police machinery does give a false impression prosecution that generates evidence required for. Obviously, to the investigators that 'a suspect or accused' is an enemy the need of investigator working under the guidance of to the State. Such a psychology with investigator not only prosecutor is inevitable. The notion of thinking that an destroys the prospect of the fairness and impartiality in act of investigation is 'independent from prosecutors and, the investigation process, but also maligns the prospect rather, is an independent function of police institution' of suspect's human rights protection. This unwanted is thus a stumbling block in the success of prosecution in psychology is accountable to engendering host of problems many developing countries11. within the criminal justice system of developing countries. Most problems of torture are associated with this feigned 2. Efficient Collection of Evidences psychology. and Challenges in Developing The investigator becomes psychologically obsessed to Countries consider that 'the person who is a suspect or accused' is the The brief discourse, done herein before, emphatically matter of central importance in investigation. Explicably, highlights on the significance of evidence for successful the 'investigation of the fact and relevant evidence' does prosecution which conspicuously underlies its importance for not make the centerpiece of investigation works. The total the conviction of offenders and the protection of innocents. concentration of the investigator, therefore, is likely to be The importance of evidence in criminal proceeding is driven to extract confession, thus indiscreetly disorienting thus crucial not only because 'it helps the criminal justice the investigator from culling forensic, toxicological, and machinery to achieve conviction of offenders with proper serological and other material evidence. penal sanction but also because it prevents an innocent from being victimized'. Each of the aspect reinforces other In most developing countries, another saddening resolutely and, consequently, engenders a wider public psychology, which is based on the misconception too, is credulity to the system of administration of justice in that that the work of crime investigation is related to an inherent given society. Understandably, the efficiency in culling power of the police institution. This psychology brings a proper and concrete evidences enables the 'criminal justice notion of thinking in police that police officers must be system of a given society' to fulfill two major objectives as allowed to carry out investigation independently, i.e., a civilized society. Firstly, it achieves a goal of preserving without interference or guidance of any other institution. the safety of the given society by protecting innocents from This notion of thinking and belief is a greater source of being victimized. Secondly, it achieves goal of deterring argument on the part of the police investigator that 'the act potential offenders by punishing the wrong doers. These two of arrest, detention and interrogation' are exclusive privileges goals fairly adequately indicate to the types of 'evidence' the of the police institution. The truth is that a police officer, prosecutors are supposed to explore. It is also evident from when he/she is acting as an investigator, is not working in the goal of protecting an innocent that 'no evidence culled by the investigator' can be dubious, doubtful, or unreliable.

47 ANNUAL PUBLICATION The goal of convicting the offender also demands that the the offenders, to the mission of crime control, but the evidence the prosecutors have culled must be un-dubious, core objective of the function of the crime investigation un-doubtful and fully reliable. The efficiency relating to is to help in enhancing and fostering the course of fair evidence collection is thus philosophically related with the trial by generating adequate and reliable evidence for ultimate goal of the safety of the society the criminal justice the trustworthy and dependable prosecution of alleged system is to achieve about. offenders. However, the misconception looming large in the police institutions as well as the other stakeholders of 2.1. Some devastating challenges to the efficient collection the criminal justice system that 'the crime investigation of evidence in developing countries: The criminal justice is an inherent power and special privilege of the police systems in developing countries are, however, facing institution' poses a serious hindrance in fostering a serious challenges in order to smoothly achieve these necessary cooperation between the prosecutors and goals, mainly due to the 'lack clarity about the concept the investigators, specially for the purpose of collecting of criminal justice system itself'. Some misconceptions adequate, objective and reliable evidence. Owing to this discussed above do fairly adequately indicate to these misconception, the tendency of the crime investigators challenges. More detail discourse on some of them, to in developing countries to work in isolation of follow herein after, will make the understanding further prosecutors is a widespread problem. more tangible. The main challenge, however, is the Hence, what the tendency and claims generally found looming insensitivity in the concerned stakeholders among the crime investigators is that they should be of the criminal justice system in developing countries allowed to act, by all means and mechanisms, to investigate towards the need of transforming the criminal justice the criminal acts independently as a prerogative of the system from a coercive apparatus of the State into ‘human police officer or institution. With no doubt, the police rights protection machinery'. The tendency of refuting investigators, for the meaningful enforcement of criminal the principle among the stakeholders of the criminal justice system in any society, have a key role to play. The justice system in the developing countries is extensive. crime investigators are explicably placed in a key position to Owing to this insensitivity and the looming tendency of handle criminals, so that they have powers to arrest suspects, indifference to the modernization of the system among detain them and conduct interrogation. The investigator the stakeholders of the criminal justice the following can use innumerable techniques, methods and equipments problems are bound to arise, thus hindering the process to reveal the thread of criminal act. The responsibility of the of efficient collection of evidence: investigator to cull evidence for conviction of the accused a. Notional or theoretical misunderstanding about 'powers is thus vital and indispensable. But in no sense, it can be and privileges' concerning investigation of crime: It is established that his/her work will yield good result without a general understanding among the investigators, the coordination and cooperation of the prosecutor. prosecutors and the larger section of legal intelligentsia in the developing countries that the power of 'crime To realize this responsibility of the prime importance investigation' is inherently associated with policing in criminal justice, the crime investigators are supposed institution of the State, and as such the belief that to discharge the duties of (a) ascertaining facts and crime investigation is a crime control mechanism circumstances that are associated with, and relevant to, rather than an instrument of fair and impartial justice the act of crime, the corpus delicti, (b) apprehending is widespread. As a result, the tendency of using means suspects and obtain necessary information regarding the of coercive and deceptive interrogation, as an inevitable corpus delicti, (c) collating evidence, oral or documentary, instrument of crime investigation, for extracting or direct or circumstantial, that is so necessary or vital confession is phenomenally practiced in the developing for the prosecutors to discharge the onus of proof, (d) countries. The root cause of this tendency lies on the exercising the police power of the state in order to conduct misconception of the police institution that the function search and seizure for the purpose of collating evidence, of crime investigation is a function inherently associated and (e) preserving the witness and evidence to be used with the police power of the State. The resistance of by the prosecutors to ensure conviction of the offender, the police officers, who generally occupy the authority and prevent an innocent from being penalized. It is here concerning crime investigation, to take the 'function of necessary to consciously gauge the nature of works the crime investigation, as a tool of collecting evidence for investigator is supposed to carry out. Undoubtedly, the fair and impartial prosecution leading to adjudication certain power exercised by investigators is associated with of the offence', is implausibly stronger. Of course, the the 'police power of the State', which enables them legally function of crime investigation does contribute, as an encroach upon some freedoms or liberty of alleged suspects essential component of preventing crimes by locating or accused which in other circumstances is not allowed.

48 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Nevertheless, the power so used by investigators is neither investigators and prosecutors? The justification is self a 'power nor authority' belonging to the police institution, evident. The administration of criminal justice brings up an nor can it be exercised by an investigator by simply being offender to the notice of appropriate justice, thereby rules a police officer. The power essentially belongs to the out the prospect of random reprisal against people and an 'officer who is designated by law as the investigator of the innocent is being penalized. As already discussed before, crime'12. The misconception that 'crime investigation' is the administration of criminal justice functions within a a power of police officer is a 'key problem' behind many bound of concrete 'principles and normative standards'. faults and failures in achieving goal of collating effective and The suspect or accused is presumed to be innocent until meaningful evidences. he/she has been proved committing the offence beyond reasonable doubt. This principle requires the 'prosecutor' This said misconception is a deadly cause for massive to discharge resolute and absolute onus of proofs. Now it is failure of prosecution in Nepal and other developing evident why an investigator is so desperately obliged to work countries. This misconception emphasizes division of in collaboration with prosecutor while collecting evidence. function between 'investigator as a police and prosecutor In other words, the main reason behind the collaboration as an accusing lawyer of the State'. Hence, the investigation is to ensure that the prosecution is ensured founded on process is detached from prosecutorial supervision and 'un-dubious, un-doubtful and reliable' evidence. Who monitoring. As an outcome of the 'misconception', the is the investigator—a police officer generally—is then function of investigation is considered by the 'investigator' working for? He or she is definitely not working for his/her as a technical function of the police officers, so that the institution—the police department. He/she is working for engagement or involvement of the prosecutor is considered the sake of the prosecutor, who has a legal duty to charge not only unnecessary but also undesirable—the involvement the alleged person. This framework of the administration of of the prosecutor, in fact, is considered to be interference in criminal justice, in the societies that have opted to operate the function of investigation. This misconception is thus with adversarial system, demands that 'the investigator has a stumbling block in ways of effective investigation and to collate such evidences which are mandatory to prove the efficient collection of evidence. guilt of the offender'. Nothing more or less than that is required from the investigator. However, there are serious No need to explain that the investigation is a part of problems in this regard. The following instances of Nepal prosecution. To be precise, the necessity of investigation will illustrate the viciousness of the problem: may have no place if there is no prosecution is required. A meaningful prosecution is undoubtedly 'contingent' Section 6(2) of the State Cases Act, 1993, stipulates upon the successful accomplishment of the investigation the Government Attorney, who is to handle the case, to works. Accuracy of findings of the probe of corpus delicti, provide required instructions to the investigators, upon the examination of the pieces of evidence associated with he/she acquires the 'preliminary report on investigation'. and the legality thereof are certain important aspects of The preliminary report, in practice, however, contains no investigation. The accuracy of the findings of the probe of objective information on corpus delicti and other associated corpus deliciti is, undeniably and without any exception, facts, scene of crimes, and possible relevant evidences. This governed by the 'science, technology and technical skills report is submitted just for the sake of formality, and hence of the investigator, whereas the legality of evidences is asks for no kind of instruction from the prosecutor that is always protected and ensured by the unfailing supervision supposed to be carried out. The investigator instantaneously investigator prosecutors, instructions for obtaining credible takes up his/her work without any consultation in advance evidence and oversight of the fairness and impartiality with prosecutors, the government attorney. Obviously, of the prosecutor. The functional coordination between the process of collecting evidences starts without prior investigator and prosecutor during the entire process of the knowledge of what the prosecutor is looking for15. investigation is thus vital and relentless process. Any failure in coordination between these two authorities or agencies is Section 7(5) also stipulates the investigator to seek advice heavy for the society, as well as the liberty of individuals13. or instruction from the prosecutor in connection scene of The assertion here implies that ' the investigator during crime, which includes preparation of document such as the his/her14 performance is necessarily associated with the crime scene report, and concerning document or exhibit prosecutor, and is constantly guided by him/her'. This found in the crime scene. This practice is totally non- cooperation is however broken or not practiced in most existent too. It also shows that the investigation follows or of the developing countries, which constitutes one of the progresses in total indifference of prosecutor's concern or serious causes of miscarriage of justice. need16.

What are the rationales behind such cooperation behind Section 9(1) requires the police to record deposition of the

49 ANNUAL PUBLICATION suspect in presence of the prosecutor, but this provision is The investigator must bring about changes in attitude hardly followed in accordance with its true spirit, which by truly internalizing a principle that 'his/her role as an intends to prevent circumstances leading to misuse of investigator' is unquestionably related to the societal need the authority by the investigating officer. In almost cases, of delivering fair and impartial justice, but not the exercise the prosecutor gives its signature in the deposition falsely of coercive police power. An investigator of crime is an stating the deposition was recorded in presence of him/her. agent of criminal justice system but not a crime control or Some improvements in this regard are seen after series of patrolling police office. The crime investigator is an expert of sensitization training activities, yet the situation is still exploring and culling evidences that determines the corpus unchanged. delicti, 'modus operandi of crime as well as linkage between the modus operandi of the crime and the alleged offender'. Section 15(1) has a clear prohibition on detention beyond 24 hours of arrest except remand from the judicial authority The purpose or goal of the investigation is to procure evidence taking cognizance of the offence. However, the prosecutor for sustainable prosecution. The sustainable prosecution is hardly informed of process of remand. The investigator is that which is supported by unquestionable, authentic alone approaches the trial court, without any information and legitimate evidence. The responsibility of sustaining given to the prosecutor, for the remand17. the prosecution definitely lies on the prosecutors through evidence collated by the investigators. The prosecutor is thus Section 17(1) requires the investigating officer to submit an expert of knowing the vitality of the evidence and their the detailed case file, along with his/her opinion, to the legality. He/she has thus right and responsibility to instruct prosecutor once the process of investigation is considered the investigator on what kinds of evidence are required to completed by the investigating officer. The timeframe left sustain the claims put forth before the trial. for the prosecutor for the critical appraisals or understanding of the evidences is limited. Hence, the role of prosecutor It is now self evident that the 'investigator and prosecutor' concludes by preparing a charge-sheet and attaching the must work as a team rather than two independent documents or evidences submitted by the investigating institutions or officials. Their cooperation is necessary officer18. from the time the offence has taken place. The investigator is to collect evidence in accordance with the need of The existing success rate of prosecution, including those prosecuting the offence and sustaining it in the trial. For cases tried by Chief District Officer, an executive body, instance, a person is found allegedly killed by poisoning, which has jurisdiction to try cases of gangsterism or the prosecutor inevitably require contents of poison in the vandalism, is around 70 percent19. The chance of acquittal blood of the deceased as a proof that the death had occurred in such cases is very low. With this rate of failure in the by poisoning. The post-mortem report may have concrete court, we are forced to argue that either the criminal justice analysis of the cause of death if the autopsy-performer is system is letting considerably larger number of offenders go requested to the same. The prosecutor has to instruct the scot free, or is falling in trap of miscarriage of justice by investigator in this regard, and this would be possible placing a considerably larger number of innocent persons in if the prosecutor knows about details of the offence. The a state of unfounded prosecution. cooperation between investigator and prosecutor is thus the most fundamental modus-operandi for exploring proofs for What would result by absence of 'cooperation and sustaining the charge. coordination' between the crime investigators and prosecutors? The brief and candid answer would be The evidences collected by the investigator need to be 'miscarriage' of justice, and incessant rise of recidivism scientifically and logically analyzed by the prosecutor, and rate of crime. Ultimate victim of this situation is and here, again, the cooperation between the investigator 'human rights of people'. The situation generates vicious and prosecutor is mandatory. The prosecutor has to draw circumstance of human rights violation and deterioration reasoning for confirming the charge from evidences collected of the social safety respectively. The change in the situation by the investigator. The involvement of the prosecutor in is therefore not only desirable but also mandatory, provided investigation is thus not only advisable but inevitable. that the criminal justice system has to be able to address its benign goals. Building or fostering efficiency for the It now follows that 'the workable modus operandi' of the collection of evidence is thus a vital or key concern of reforms efficient evidence collection can only be developed by of criminal justice system in the developing countries, and ensuring the 'collaborative team work of the prosecutor this can be realized only by adopting the following strategic and investigator'. The so-called institutional autonomy reform initiatives: and independence between prosecutors and investigators

50 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 is a serious problem facing the criminal justice system of exploring and analyzing the evidences'20. The absence of the developing countries. The absence of collaboration and such cooperation thus can be identified as a serious problem joint efforts in exploration of evidence destroys the prospect affecting the efficiency in collection of evidences. of culling dependable proofs for sustainable prosecution. This situation can be illustrated by the following examples: b. Impact of exaggerated institutional autonomy versus individual professional accountability: In most An investigator may not necessarily be a lawyer or person developing countries, the institutional accountability is with legal expertise, and so he/she may not know the overridingly emphasized by both the 'investigator and procedural requirements of collecting evidences, thereby the prosecutor'. What it implies is that the 'investigator' committing a sever mistake concerning legality of the and 'prosecutors' emphasize the pride and prejudice evidence. Hence, prosecutor's involvement in investigation of their respective institutions. This attitude begets is mandatory for ensuring the legitimacy of the evidence. 'invisible but strong current of institutional competition In developing countries, one of serious reason for failure of for supremacy, if not rivalry, between the investigator the prosecution is the inadmissibility of the evidence caused and prosecutor. Both of them indulge in quest of by wrong procedure of applied for collecting evidence. 'institutional autonomy' rather than 'professional For instance, the collection of blood, semen, saliva, and participation or coordination' in performance. An other fluids are collected without fulfilling the scientific investigator considers him/her more a 'member of police procedures, thus rendering their legitimacy destroyed. This force' and the 'prosecutor' a lawyer. The notion that kind of mistake happens because investigator and his/her prosecutor is an agency of overseeing the investigation subordinates may not have knowledge about 'evidentiary is largely sidelined. On the other hand, the investigator value of the work they are doing'. feels more accountable to 'his institutional boss' rather than the prosecutor. The result is 'invisible tug of war' Investigator may have been psychologically and obsessively between two professionals. This attitudinal problem, influenced by the culpability or innocence of the suspect, which is crucially important in destroying the efficient and so the entire investigation process may be driven by modus operandi of the collection of evidence and thus his/her subjective belief. The evidences collected in such a resulting in failure of the prosecution, is largely caused situation may not have any relevance with the corpus delicti. by an misunderstanding about 'structure of the criminal justice system', because the most developing countries The difference of 'evidence and proof' is vital. Evidence is have transplanted the 'administration of criminal a particular, associated with fact of crime or available in the justice from the former colonial masters'. crime scene, document or exhibit'. It is an object or property of phenomenon. A proof is an evidentiary value of the evidence. The proof is a reasoning on which the argument In the adversarial model, each agency of criminal justice of prosecutor is to be founded on. The investigator may not system is supposed to function within a framework be aware of such reasoning underlying the evidence. The of 'institutional independence and functional prosecutor is an expert of drawing reasoning from evidence interdependence'. Nevertheless, the notion of institutional by 'comparing the property of evidence with law'. In independence cannot be considered as a license to function most developing countries' the prosecutor is insensitive of in isolation or disintegration of other agencies and disregard drawing 'proof for sustaining prosecution from' evidence. of the fundamental principles of justice. The institutional independence of each agency is understood as a guarantee To establish linkage between the actus rea and mens rea is to 'its administrative autonomy '. This doctrine implies that a vital function of the evidence, and this responsibility has the criminal justice system cannot stand as a disintegrated to be discharged by the prosecutor. The investigator may platform of various mutually unaccountable, scattered and not be concerned with need of linking such relation. The disintegrated sub-systems. While each institution functions investigator may be able to explore such evidences only by with its own designated authorities and responsibilities, the suggestion of the prosecutor. goal of all is to ensure fair and impartial dispensation of justice without jeopardizing the public safety. In developing Again, the instances discussed above abundantly shed countries, this doctrine is however largely upset by the light on the need of a joint work or collaboration of the attitude of overriding and exaggerated pride and prejudice prosecutor and investigator. This now lead us to conclude of criminal justice actors. that 'the vital aspect of efficient evidence collection' process lies on the 'active, engaged and cooperative participation The criminal justice system of an orderly and organized of the investigator and the prosecutor in the process of society is expected to function as 'a composite and fully

51 ANNUAL PUBLICATION integrated system'. Any attempt to exclude or undermine their respective functions which provides for a system of any one of the components is not only unimaginable but mutual control by each other. also disastrous to the credulity of the entire system. The failure of any agency in its mission of carrying out the Different agencies are linked together through a process of designated responsibility is bound to generate a state of actions in which one agency's "output" becomes the next mal-functioning the entire system21. The efficiency and agency's "input"25. The weapons seized and the reports effectiveness of the criminal justice system is thus necessarily of finger prints affixed on the weapon, for instance, are determined by an 'active and coordinated performance of "outputs" of the investigator's act, which becomes "input" all agencies'. No desired result of the administration of to the prosecutor, as the charge-sheet to be prepared by criminal justice system can be achieved without an active him/her should essentially be based on such evidences. and smooth functionality of all agencies22. The prosecutors cannot prosecute a person with evidence procured by themselves independently. The charge sheet, A well devised synchronism of functions of these various on the other hand, is the "output" of prosecutors, which agencies is a device to activate this multi-pronged system constitutes an "input" for trial courts. This functional towards it designated goal, and also forms a prerequisite framework of the system presents a scheme of tightly for systematic and smooth functioning of the system. knitted 'interdependence' between agencies and requires Thus, a functional criminal justice system is conceptually an unavoidable interrelationship among different agencies marked by two essentialities that (a) the functional involved. This scheme is important benchmark of the independence of every agency is undeniable, and (b) an successful criminal justice system. The interdependence active and meaningful oversight or monitoring of functions constitutes a system in itself, and as such it is entirely guided of that agency by others is also undeniable. Failure to by the need of objectively operationalizing the various ensure independence of, and coordination between, the aspects of work within the system; in any case it is not agencies of criminal justice system is bound to give rise to guided by motivation of control of one agency's function a state of abuse of power and hence lead ultimately to the by other26. miscarriage of justice. Inefficiency and corruption will be resulted as an outcome of failure to abide by 'principle of Of course, the framework for coordination between professional coordination'. Nepal's criminal justice system these institutions is fashioned and functionalized by is a unique example of such a situation. In such a situation, pre-determined laws and overall system of governance every agency is tantamount of endorsing the use of extra- adopted by the given society. In this context, various legal method in its performance. The need of kicking ass practical attributes such as the size and composition to keep people in order becomes a 'general rule' of belief. of the population, the historical contexts, the unique The brutal policing would then be phenomenal feature. topography, the economic development pattern, the This situation will intensify the social disorder, injustice and level of education, the functional capacity of agencies ultimately appears with characters of 'the criminalization etc. do play crucial roles in shaping the institutional of politics and politicization of crimes'. Disorder, fear, framework and psychology of the interagency coordination. and crime undermine social and economic institutions to Functional coordination of criminal justice agencies such an extent that families, schools, commerce and other 23 institutions cannot function smoothly . These various factors shaping the structure and psychology of the system are defined as dynamics of the criminal Some scholars have rightly argued that the criminal justice justice system. The overriding and exaggerated institutional system is not a system in its 'structural framework'. For or organizational pride and prejudice generates serious them, in a structural system in its true sense, the concerned obstacles in achieving goals of the criminal justice system. actors are explicitly directed to towards a particular 24 objective by some coherent centralized authority . In the The adopted typology of the criminal justice model also is criminal justice system, however, none of the agencies or an important factor for shaping the required framework of actors has authority to command others in their respective the coordination. It is why the model or framework of the institutional administration and works. It can thus be coordination adopted by countries with adversarial system argued that the criminal justice system is founded on a is different to that of countries adopting the inquisitorial theoretical notion that rejects existence of a vertical control one. When this framework is disregarded, the criminal mechanism. Every agency of the criminal justice system is justice system falls in a trap of chaos. associated with other horizontally, and, hence, functions with a scheme of horizontal control mechanism. Every c. Coherent function of the criminal justice system and agency is independent in its assigned functions, but is the professional responsibilities of investigators and guided by the indispensability of coordination between

52 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Justice and the laws Safety of the society and protection of individual from miscarriage of justice is final goal. Adjudication The adjudication is based on principle of osecutorial burden of proof and innocence of suspect

Facts, discoveries, Prosecution testimonials, The Charge observation reports, sheet based on crime scene details investigator's output and analysis thereof is input to the are outputs of investigation and inputs to the

prosecutors: The fundamental objectives of the criminal is found seriously suffering in developing countries mainly justice system as discussed earlier makes it clear that the due to tendencies of violating or disregarding fundamental 'criminal justice system' is not a coercive instrument principles of criminal justice and laws established by of State to inflict pains on people. It has specific goals the State. Arrest and detention without warrant, the to 'protect and preserve' human dignity and security. manipulation of evidences by cooking them or failing to Criminal justice system in this sense is not a 'law and explore evidence, the excessive indulgence on interrogation order' instrument of police department; rather it is an to extract confession, the practice of torture to press the 'instrument of State to ensure' safety of the society by suspect to confess, and the use of evidence without analysis criminalizing unacceptable behaviors, penalizing the are some examples of disregarding the value of fair and wrong-doers and deterring the potential offender'. These impartial justice. objectives have been fulfilled by the State by 'setting a fair and impartial system of trial'. The principle of 'fair and Investigators can indulge in using any legally possible means impartial trial' distributes powers to actors of criminal of obtaining evidence. State can use any amount of financial justice and rights to accused in a wisely defined 'scheme or human resources to procure evidence, and can use any of operation'. The scheme can be outlined as follows: type of expertise to sustain its findings. However, the Actors of criminal justice can curtail liberty of suspects State is expected to exercise this power by recognizing and as provided by the law. The suspect can be arrested and protecting the due process or procedural rights of suspects. detained subject to law. A lawfully carried out arrest and Unfortunately, the tendency of criminal justice actors in detention cannot be challenged in the court. However, the overlooking or violating the procedural rights of suspects arrest and detention is to be based on objective evidences, or accused is phenomenal. Torture is commonly used on but not on speculation or discretion of the arresting and developing countries as a legitimate too of extracting detaining agencies. This value of the criminal justice system confession.

53 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Prosecutors can apply charges subject to laws that can be on the given criminal act to prove the guilt of accused corroborated by evidence. They use resources as required by beyond reasonable doubt: Prosecutor has to have a quality of the need of sustaining the charge beyond reasonable doubt. a 'research analyst'. The evidence do not speak, they should However, the practice in developing countries is quite be made to speak by the prosecutor. Prosecutors are not frustrating. Accused have been charged without adequate 'fax machine' to receive documents from police and submit proofs and failure of such prosecution is bigger without any to the court. They are professional actors with capacity to kind of accountability. 'conduct methodological enquiry' of all evidences supplied by the investigators. While using these authorities and powers, the investigators and prosecutors are supposed to pay respect to the following Investigators and prosecutors are individually accountable to liberties or rights of accused: 'success and failure' of their works. It is not their institution is accountable for success of investigation and prosecution: a. Presumption of innocence- These agencies are obliged by Both these actors are responsible to 'collectively work for laws to treat suspects with full dignity of their physical burden of proof against suspect on behalf of the state'. The integrity and security of persons. The suspects ought punishment and reward is thus individual not institutional. not or cannot be treated like convicts. Therefore, no arrest, detention, interrogation and process of collating The prosecutor is a key agency in adversarial system. proofs can deprive of suspects of their rights to physical Hence, he/she should acquire ability to represent the State. integrity and security of persons27. The investigator has to coordinate himself/herself with prosecutor for acquiring reliable evidence and their legal b. Right against self-incrimination is respected without sustainability. exception. The most significant rationale behind right against self-incrimination is to prevent conviction of crime suspects based on confession as it is not only On top of all, the lack of appropriate forensic technology unreliable piece of evidence but also tantamount of is equally important challenge in the developing countries. torturous or deceptive interrogation28. This technology is expensive and unaffordable generally. The rapid changes of the societal structure, the system of c. Right to representation by lawyers- No suspect or governance and political instability, and lack of adequate accused can be denied of access to adequate legal research facilities are also serious challenges. However, defense. such challenges can be easily handled provided that the The respect to suspects' rights does automatically provide 'investigators and prosecutors' bring about changes in their an opportunity for investigators and prosecutors to 'best stereotyped institutional pride and prejudice and begin coordination' between them. The respect to right to silence working as a team. does limit scope of dependence on 'confession' as the basis of charge. Prosecutors have to lean back to investigators for 3. Initiatives for Enhancement of more dependable proofs of guilt, and thus it ensures their watchful attitude over the investigators. Balance 'power Preservation, Analysis and Use of of criminal justice actors and rights of suspect' theory is Evidences for Worthy Prosecution thus crucial for successful operation of the criminal justice and Fair and Impartial Trial system in any society. This theory is important to generate The foregone discussion argues that 'the major problem beliefs on prosecutors that: of the criminal justice system in developing countries is associated with 'evidence collection and analysis method'. Adequate and scientific investigation is a tool of 'effective The method is generally archaic, the confession-oriented, prosecution: Hence, the prosecutor has to legally guard the and stricken by abuse of power and torture. Most charge- proceedings of collating evidence and assist investigators sheets brought by the prosecutors are based on 'confession' legally in matters of search and seizure and ensuring legal extracted by use of deceptive interrogation or physical force. technicalities of the documents. Investigators are thus The use of mental torture is also a common tool of extracting part of the prosecution work. The investigator's opinion confession. The interest and inspiration of the investigator about, and interpretation and construction of evidence, is for exploring scientific evidence is not profoundly noticeable, a boon for prosecutors. The mutual collaboration between hence the emphasis lies on 'extraction' of confession. The investigators and prosecutors is thus a 'keystone' of a tendency that the confession is the conclusive evidence is successful prosecution. random among the investigators and prosecutors of the developing countries. The overriding emphasis and reliance The objective of investigation is to supply data for prosecutor on confession de-activates the investigators and prosecutors

54 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 of the developing countries to explore scientific evidence. on skills of collecting samples from the crime scene. More Equally true is the fact the 'the availability' of forensic number of the scene of crime officer makes it possible to facilities is scarcely limited. The evidences produced by reach the spot in time, so that many important traces can be forensic and other scientific means are also found tainted collected before they are destroyed by natural phenomena by several reasons. The protection of the scene of crime and such as rain, hot sun, or storms, fogs, dust and so on33. preservation of evidences is a serious problems as well as challenge in the developing countries. Some studies show Training is also necessary on enhancing the sensitivity of that the following problems are commonly encountered in the scene of crime officer to deliver the collected samples this regard: in time. It has learned in Nepal that a large number of such samples are destroyed by delay in delivery of the samples to a. Protection of the scene of crime and preservation of the laboratory34. the evidences: It is said that evidence that is lying on the ground loosely can be collected and catalogued by It is also necessary to clearly mark the 'types or categories' of using proper method of collection and preservation. sample collected from the scene of crime. It is also necessary Both the collection and preservation call for seriousness to mark them who actually these samples belong to—the on the part of the investigators and the use of proper accused or the victim. It was learned that it was another technology for collecting so that the properties of important area of mistake to be made by the scene of crime the evidence is not destroyed or tainted. The serious officer35. challenge in this regard in developing countries is associated with the level awareness of the public as well Each piece of evidence is to be given an individual as the police personnel. The invasion of the scene of identification mark or number so that it can be cross- crime by the flocks of public and security personnel is a matched against corresponding investigative report. It was serious problem, which not only contaminates the scene reportedly another area of mistake to be committed by the of crime but also destroys the traces of evidences left by scene of crime officer. Many samples were found collected the offender; the evidences such finger prints, the foot in different bags or tube and put into a bigger bag with one prints, the bodily liquid substances, the traces of threads identification number36. and hair and the other useful evidentiary marks to be found in the scene of crimes are either contaminated, Investigators in the developing countries also need an tainted or destroyed29. In such a situation, the scope elaborative training for marinating 'custody chain' of the of using forensic technology and DNA analysis of the forensic evidences. The custody chain is a document to be evidences to be found in the scene of crime is markedly filled out by the concerned officer who wishes to use or view low in developing countries30. Collection and the evidence. This is necessary to prevent loss of evidence preservation of evidences from the scene of the crime and/or cross contamination by individuals who should not is a serious challenge in developing countries. In Nepal, have contact with it37. for instance, numbers of samples collected are un- examinable for contamination during collection or delay in sending to the forensic laboratory31. Considering The area of the scene of the crime is to be photographed the types of problems, the following remedies are to as rule. The detail signs of injury such blood stains are be adopted in order for making service of the forensic marked properly. These photographs are crucial evidence science enhance of the quality of criminal justice: in the piecing together of an event so that investigators who are not able to visit the scene of crime can get detail Awareness training for grassroots police personnel is information of the situation. necessary for protecting the scene of crime and preservation of evidences and traces to be found there. It is found that the b. Information of the scene of crime to the prosecutor: grassroots police personnel needs to be educated about the As it has fairly been described the importance of authenticity and reliability of the evidences to be produced 'evidence' as a source of 'reasoning' already before, the by the use of forensic science. This initiative will prevent concentration of the investigating officer should be laid unwanted entry of the police personnel as well as the on procuring such a proof from the scene of crime that common people within the scene of crime. The equipments it will provide a strong reasoning to the prosecutor for and materials can be used for making the scene of the crime making him/her able to determine the nature of corpus preserved32. delicti and its meaningful relation with alleged offender. The prosecutor may be able to suggest the nature of Making provision of adequate number of the scene of proof required in that given crime. The communication crime officers is essential, followed by an intensive training between the investigating officer and the prosecutor is

55 ANNUAL PUBLICATION not only desirable but inevitable. From this point of 4. Conclusions: view, the prosecutor must take the lead in coordinating Considering from the wider perspective of the criminal with the investigating officer in the following matters as justice system in the developing countries, the scenario a necessary modus operandi for properly collecting and seems not very encouraging. One of the major problems preserving evidence from the scene of crime: is generated, in most countries in Asia, by the 'unplanned • Autopsy: The prosecutor must be able to say what transplantation' of the system of past colonial masters. India 39 exactly he/she wants the performing doctor to mention has been a glaring example . The stereotyped attitude of in the autopsy report. The prosecutor therefore must the State and its criminal justice agencies that the criminal clearly instruct the investigating officer, and who, in justice system is coercive apparatus of State for peace and turn, must visit the performing doctor to advice on their order in the society is viciously responsible for blocking the requirement. It is advisable for the investigating officer desired change in the system. The tendency of sticking in to give a detail perspective of the scene of the crime to conventional approach of investigation, which does not the doctor, and if possible, invite the doctor to visit the emphasize the cooperation and collaboration between the scene of the crime. In Nepal, for instance, the autopsy is investigating officer and the prosecutor that overridingly found largely undependable evidence because it fails to focuses on confession-oriented investigation system, is mention the details which are necessary for generating another obstacle in reforms of the criminal justice system reasoning for the prosecutor. The main reason is that in developing countries. These problems and challenges 'the dead body is dumped' in the hospital by the junior can largely be addressed by popularizing the use of forensic personnel who has no knowledge of investigation38. science in investigation. Hence, the developing countries must emphasize use of science and forensic technology in • DNA analysis: The prosecutor must be able to suggest dispensation of the criminal justice. to the scientists carrying out the analysis on his/her requirement. Scientific language is not common or comprehensible for all. As a matter of fact, the prosecutor End Notes 1 Professor in Kathmandu School of Law and Former Attorney General must require the scientists to make detail elaboration of Nepal. Email, [email protected] of their opinion by graphs, notation, narration, or 2 Robert Weisberg, "A Cannon of the Criminal Law, Stanford Public elucidation. Only such reports can be sustainably used Law and Legal Theory Working Paper Series, Stanford Law School, California, 2000, No.10, p. 4. Electronically available at http://papers. for generating the scientific reasoning. The importance ssrn.com/papers.taf?abstract_id=231952 of such elaboration is particularly important considering 3 Criminal justice system is considered more effective and functional if the absence of specialist expert prosecutors, judges and it is able to achieve its goal of bringing the offenders into the notice of defense attorneys. justice, and make no mistake by punishing an innocent person. The punishment to the offender is considered essential viewing the peace and tranquility in the society. Hence, no society cans the criminal • Custody Chain: Legality or legitimacy of 'custody justice system merely as a 'institution of state to exercise power to chain'—the document prepared by the scientist—must discipline the people'. For more philosophical deliberation See; Ibid be obtained by the prosecutor for two main reasons: one, 4 For critical observation in this regard See; Andrew Haplin, Definition to prevent any manipulation in evidence; another, to of in the Criminal Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland Oregon, 2004, pp.52-54. prepare for examination of expert witness in the court. 5 The phrase corpus delicti means the physical object upon which the The custody chain will be thus an important source of crime was committed, such as dead body, or the charred remains of a legality of the evidence. house. The corpus delicti can also be used to describe the evidence that proves that a crime has been committed. See; West's Encyclopedia of This modus operandi of collection, preservation and American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. examination of forensic evidence will ensure the following: 6 There are allegations that Anglo-American adversarial system has adopted pro-defendant procedures, and occasionally it is claimed that this system has increased the crime rate (See; Paul G. Cassell, a. Circumvention in the possibility of contamination or The Guilty & The “Innocent”: An Examination Of Alleged Cases of Wrongful Conviction from False Confessions, 22 HARV. J.L. & destruction of evidence. PUB. POL’Y 523 n.30 ,1999. However, a philosophical jusifictaion to this system is that 'the social cost of false or wrong conviction b. Prevention of the possibility of manipulation of is far greater than the provilegs given to the defendant facing the trial' For additional discourse in this regard See; Keith N. Hylton evidence, for ulterior motive by any person including and Vikramaditya S. Khanna, "Towards Economic Theory of Pro- the offender. defendant Criminal Procedure", Boston University School of Law, Working Paper Series Index, http://www.bu.edu/law'faculty/papers c. Establishment of the unchallengeable legitimacy of the 7 See; Emily Sherwin and Kevin M. Clermont, "A Comparative View evidence. Standards of Proof", University of San Diego School of Law, Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers 32, Winter 2000-2001. d. Establishing the accuracy and tangibility of the evidence. Electronically available at http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=285832 8 On critical importance of defense legal counsel in criminal trial, See; Collectively, these elements will guarantee the success of Margaret Etienne, "Declining Utility to Counsel in Federal Criminal prosecution, and thus avoid the miscarriage of justice. Court": An Emperical Study on the Role of Defense Attorney Advocacy under the Sentencing Guidelines", Illinois Public Law and

56 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Legal Theory Paper Series, Research Paper No. 03-10, 2003. Online 24 In countries that follow adversarial system, it is impossible to at http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=447600 fashion the criminal justice system on vertical structure. In this system, each actor is accountable to its own central authority, and works independently. The police department in Nepal, for instance, 9 Right to get interpreter is human rights under International Covenant is accountable to the Ministry of Home, and the prosecutors to the on Civil and Political Rights, 1966. Attorney General. The system of courts is virtually independent of the executive control. Each of them is responsible to other only because 10 Torture of any form has been prohibited by Convention against no action of one becomes meaningful without other’s existence. Torture as well as constitutions of the democratic countries. As such unacceptability of torture and similar practices have been emerged as 25 Mark. A. Moor, "The legitimation of Criminal Justice Policies and important principle of fair trial. Pratices" in Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1996- 1997; Vol. 1 Research Report 1997, National Institute of Justice USA, pp 49-50. 11 Much in this regard has been discussed in the article entitled " Comparative Survey of Investigation Systems in China, India, Japan 26 Ibid, p. 50. and Nepal: Some Challenges and Best Practices'. 27 See; Devlin Report to the Secretary of the State for Home Department (Departmental Committee on Evidence on Identification in Criminal Cases, 1996 H.C. 338, 1976.) UK. 12 For instance, State Cases Act, 1992 (2049) of Nepal specifically requires a police officer to be duly designated as an investigating officer 28 See; Laurie Magid, "Deceptive Police Interrogation Practices: How far before he/she takes charge of investigating officer. His/her authority of is Too Far": Villanova Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper investigation is generated by the 'State Cases Act, which underlies the Series No. 2001-1, p.1168. procedure of criminal proceeding. The authority of the investigating officer is, in no way, a power of police officer entrusted by the Police Act of the country. As the State Cases Act plainly provides that an act 29 See; Jayabishnu Nepali, Praman ra bidhi bigyan: sankalan, of investigation is to be carried out by a 'designated' police officer as samrakchan tatha parikchan ma aiparne samasya tatha chunautiharu 'investigator', no other police officers or the institution can interfere ( Evidences and Forensic Science: The Problems and Challenges to in the process of conducting enquiry or the process of evidence be Encountered while Collecting, Preserving and Examining) in collection. Being a police officer is, thus, not 'enough'. The prevailing Yubaraj Sangroula, et.al (eds.) Jurisprudence About DNA Analysis law in Nepal explicitly requires that the officer is to be recognized and Scientific Evidences, CeLRRd, 2070 B.S. (1913), Kathmandu, as an "investigator" by law itself. The proceeding of investigation is pp.64-65 thus valid only if such proceeding is carried out by the designated investigator. Similar provisions are found provided by the Criminal 30 See generally, Betty Layne Desportes, "Improving the Practices and Procedure Code of India, 1973. According to Section 204 (1b), to be Use of Forensic Science: A Policy Review; American Academy of read together with Section 87, the magistrate, taking cognizance of Forensic Sciences, 2008. Available online www.thejusticeproject.org, the offence, can issue a warrant for arrest of the suspect. The warrant visited 14th August, 2014. for arrest is a written order for arrest of the suspect. Such warrant is 31 See; Jivan Prasad Rijal, "DNA and its Specific Property" in in Yubaraj signed and issued by the magistrate, and addressed to the concerned Sangroula, et.al ( eds) Jurisprudence About DNA Analysis and police officer. Seemingly, the provision implies that the power of Scientific Evidences, CeLRRd, 2070 B.S. (2013), Kathmandu, pp.33- investigation carried out by the police officer is a 'power related to the 71. delivery of justice'. It is in no way a police power of the State. 32 In a forensic training for the crime investigators in Nepal, from 13 See; George L. Kelling, "Broken Windows and Police Discretion": A November 2013 to March 2014, it was learned that the preservation Search Report, National Institute of Justice; USA, 1999, pp. 1-45. of the crime scene would be problematic due to lack of essential Online available at ttp://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij> materials or mans such as ribbons, pillars and so on. The senior police 14 Some researches in Nepal, such as Baseline Survey of Criminal Justice officer engaged in the training as a resource person, however, suggested System, CeLRRd, 2002, the Comprehensive Analysis and Reforms that the 'plastic role or locally made organic ropes' could be used for of the Criminal Justice System of Nepal, CeLRRd, 1999, National this purpose considering their lasting nature. He thus suggested to Survey of Criminal Justice System, 2012 and dozens of research make a long plastic rope as part of the 'forensic kit-box' provided to articles contributed by experts have established that the 'coordination the scene of crime officer'. between investigator and prosecutor in Nepal is feeble giving rise to 33 See; Jayabishnu Nepali, Praman ra bidhi bigyan: sankalan, massive failure of prosecution. See, for ratio of success and failure samrakchan tatha parikchan ma aiparne samasya tatha chunautiharu of prosecution, the Annual Reports of the Office of the Attorney ( Evidences and Forensic Science: The Problems and Challenges to General. For the Fiscal Year of 2067 (2011) and 2068(2012) be Encountered while Collecting, Preserving and Examining) in 15 CeLRRd, Baseline Survey of the Criminal Justice System of Nepal, (a Yubaraj Sangroula, et.al ( eds.) Jurisprudence About DNA Analysis research report) Kathmandu, 2002. and Scientific Evidences, CeLRRd, 2070 B.S. (1913), Kathmandu, pp.56-65. 16 Yubaraj Sangroula, et.al, Jurisprudence in relation to DNA Analysis and Scientific Evidence, CeLRRd, 2070 (2014), Kathmandu, pp. 34 Ibid. 1-32. 35 Ibid. 17 CeLRRd, n. 15. 36 Ibid. 18 CeLRRd, Analysis and Reforms of the Criminal Justice System of 37 See; Jivan Prasad Rijal, "DNA and its Specific Property" in Yubaraj Nepal (a research report), Kathmandu, 1999. Sangroula, et.al ( eds) Jurisprudence About DNA Analysis and 19 Attorney General Office of Nepal and CeLRRd, Baseline Survey of Scientific Evidences, CeLRRd, 2070 B.S. (2013), Kathmandu, pp.33- the Criminal Justice System of Nepal (a research report), Kathmandu, 71. 2012. 38 For detail See; Yubaraj Sangroula, "Jurisprudential and Jurimetrics 20 Mark. A. Moor, "The legitimation of Criminal Justice Policies and Analysis of Florence Evidence" in Yubaraj Sangroula, et.al ( eds) Pratices" in Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1996- 1997; Vol. 1 Jurisprudence About DNA Analysis and Scientific Evidences, Research Report 1997, National Institute of Justice USA, pp 49-50. CeLRRd, 2070 B.S. (2013), Kathmandu, pp.1-22. 21 Haribansa Tripathi (Dr.) "The Adjudication Process in Criminal 39 For detail information in this regard See; Malimath Committee Justice System" (A Working Paper for National Workshop on Criminal Report. Justice System of Nepal, 10-12 June 1997); ILRR, Kathmandu, Nepal. 22 Ibid 23 George L. Kelling, "Boken Windows and Police Discetion": A Research Report; National Institute of Justice: USA, 1999, pp1-45. Online available at

57 ANNUAL PUBLICATION g]kfn k|x/Ldf kmf}hbf/L ;lx+tfx?sf] sfof{Gjog cj:yf k|=j=p= led k|;fb 9sfn k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no, sfo{ Pj+ ck/fw cg';Gwfg ljefu

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P]g, @)&$ sfof{Gjogdf cfPsf] 5 . lo ;+lxtfx?nfO{ tof/L ;fy} o; lgodfjnLsf] cg';"rLx¿df sfo{ljlw;Fu ;DalGwt ul//xFbf tTsflng ;dodf u7Lt kmf}hbf/L sfg"g ;'wf/ ljleGg km/d]6x¿sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . h;n] ubf{ pRr :tl/o sfo{bnn] ;+lxtfx¿sf] sfof{Gjo ;DaGwdf sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfnfO{ sfof{Gjogdf nu]/ cg';Gwfg / Jofks 5nkmn / ljdz{ u/]sf] lyof] . ljwflosL If]qdf cleof]hg k|efjsf/L agfpg] ;xh dfu{ k|fKt ePsf] 5 . klg lo ;+lxtfx¿sf] sfof{Gjogsf] ;DaGwdf Jofks rf;f] To;}u/L sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf !(& cg';f/ sfo{ljlw b]vfOPs} xf] . ;+lxtfx¿ sfof{Gjogdf hfFbf ;DalGwt ;+lxtf adf]lhd ;Dkfbg x'g] sfd sf/jfxLnfO{ ;/n, :ki6 If]qdf ;xhtfk"j{s sfof{Gjog x'g ;sf]; eGg] p2]Zon] / ;'—Jojl:yt ug{ ljleGg lgsfon] lgb]{lzsf agfpg @)&$ cflZjg #) ut] k|dfl0fs/0f eP/ sl/a Ps jif{ kl5 ;Sg] k|fjwfg ;d]t Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . @)&% efb| ! ut]af6 dfq sfof{Gjog ;'? ePsf] b]lvG5 . cyf{t ;+lxtfnfO{ sfof{Gjog ug]{ d'Vo lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] g]kfn k|x/L, ;/sf/L jsLn Pj+ cbfntx¿nfO{ ;Ifd @= ;+lxtfdf ePsf gof Joj:yfx¿ agfpg], ToxfF ePsf sd{rf/Lx¿sf] Joj:yfkg / Ifdtf g]kfn k|x/Ldf d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L ;+lxtfx¿ sfof{Gjogsf] clej[l4 ug]{, gful/sx?df ;r]tgf lbg], ;fwg ;|f]t cj:yf ;DaGwdf rrf{ ug{' cl3 ljz]iftM g]kfn k|x/Ln] Joj:yfkg ug]{ nufotsf sfo{x¿ pQm aLr cjlwdf s]xL sfof{Gjog ug{' kg]{ ck/fw ;+lxtf / sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfdf dfqfdf ePsf] b]lvG5 . ;fy} sfof{Gjo ;'? eO{;s]kl5 ePsf d'Vo—d'Vo gofF Joj:yfx¿ pNn]v ug{' ;fGble{s x'g klg cf—cfˆgf lgsfox¿df cg'udg, lg/LIf0f, ;dGjo, hfG5 . kmf}hbf/L s;"/ -;hfo lgwf{/0f tyf sfof{Gjog_ ;xsfo{, a}7s, ;Dd]ng, uf]i7L cflb u/]/ ;+lxtfdf ePsf P]g, @)&$ xfn cfkm}df gofF Joj:yf xf] . cbfntaf6 k|fjwfgx¿nfO{ cIf/; sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|of; g]kfn k|x/L, s}b ;hfo kfPsf JolQmx¿nfO{ ;fdflhs k'g:yfkg tyf ;/sf/L jsLn Pj+ cbfntx¿af6 eO{/x]sf] 5 . PsLs/0f ug]{ sfo{df ;xof]u k'of{pg u7g x'g] ljleGg ;ldltdf g]kfn k|x/L klg /xg] Joj:yf ul/Psf]df lo Joj:yf sfof{Gjogdf cfO{g;s]sf]n] xfnnfO{ o; P]gsf] sfof{Gjogsf ;Gbe{df d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf @)&$, d'n'sL sfof{Gjogsf] af/] oxfF rrf{ ul/Pg . kmf}hbf/L sfo{ljwL ;+lxtf, @)&$ df /x]sf c:k:6tf, ck'/f] Joj:yf, ug{'kg]{ yk Joj:yf ;d]tnfO{ dWo gh/ u/]/ d'n'sL ;+lxtf ;DaGwL s]xL g]kfn P]gnfO{ ;+zf]wg ug]{ d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf, @)&$ sf d'Vo gof P]g, @)&% oxL @)&^ j}zfv @ ut]af6 nfu" ePsf] 5 . Joj:yfx¿ M o; ;+zf]wgn] ljz]if u/]/ b]jfgL ;+lxtf, b]jfgL sfo{ljlw gful/ssf] k|ToIf ;/f]sf/ /fVg] em08} !^$ jif{ k'/fgf] ;+lxtf, d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf tyf d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L sfo{ljlw kmf}hbf/L sfg"gdf cfd"n kl/jt{g u/L ljut nfdf] ;+lxtfsf s]xL ljifox¿df ;+zf]wg u/]sf] 5 . ;+lxtfx¿ cjlw b]lv g]kfnsf] kmf}hbf/L sfg"gnfO{ ;+lxtfs/0f sfof{Gjogdf cfpg' k"j{ / sfof{Gjogdf cfO{;s]kl5 ug]{ k|of;nfO{ d"t{?k k|bfg u/]sf] of] ck/fw ;+lxtf ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿ aLr ePsf 5nkmn, cGt/s[of, uf]i7L, ;fdfGo sfg"g -General Law_ sf] ?kdf cfPsf] / 5'§f5'§} ;Dd]ng tyf sfo{qmdsf] k|ToIf lhDd]jf/L lnP/ a;]sf kl/R5]bdf s;"/sf] Joj:yf u/L ;f]xL kl/R5]bdf Ifltk'tL{ ;/sf/L jsLn, g]kfn k|x/L / cbfnt ;d]taf6 cfPsf tyf xbDofb ;DaGwL Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . ;'emfjsf cfwf/df of] klxnf] ;+zf]wg cfPsf] eGg ;lsG5 . o;}u/L sfo{ljlw ;+lxtf sfof{Gjogsf nflu cg';Gwfgsf] l alx|{If]qLo clwsf/ M bkmf @ df alx|{If]qLo clwsf/ ljifodf dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] k/fdz{ lnO{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|of]u ;DaGwL Joj:yf cg';f/ s;}n] g]kfn aflx/ lgod agfpg ;Sg]5 eGg] sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf !(^ sf] Joj:yf cg';f/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] @)&% ;fn efb| ! ut] cGo d'n'sdf P]gdf pNn]v eP cg';f/sf] s;"/ b]vL nfu" x'g] u/L kmf}hbf/L s;'/sf] cg';Gwfg ;DaGwL u/]df g]kfnleq g} s;"/ u/] ;/x dflgg] Joj:yf lgodfjnL @)&% nfu" u/]sf] 5 . o; lgodfjnLn] hfx]/L ;+lxtfdf 5 . b/vf:t ;gfvt u/fpg], hfx]/L b/vf:t btf{ gu/]df pkNnf] sfof{nodf btf{ ug]{, cg';Gwfg clwsf/L tf]Sg], l s;"/sf] juL{s/0f M bkmf # -u_ df s;"/ eGgfn] kqmfp k"hL{ hf/L, zf/Ll/s hfFr, e|dk"0f{ jf sfNklgs o; P]g jf sfg"g adf]lhd ;hfo x'g] sfd ;Demg' ;'rgf tfd]nLdf /fVg], lx/f;tdf /fVg cg'dlt dfUg], kg]{ egL kl/eflift u/]sf] . o; ;+lxtfdf h3Go lx/f;tdf /fv]sf] JolQmnfO{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] 5f8\g s;"/ -Heinous crime_ eGgfn] !) jif{ eGbf a9L ;Sg], w/f}6L, hdfgt, xflh/L hdfgL jf tf/]vdf 5f8\bfsf] s}b ;hfo x'g] s;'/, uDeL/ s;"/ -Serious crime_ k|s[of, >Jo—b[Zo ;+jfb -lel8of] sGk|m]G;_ sf] dfWodaf6 eGgfn] # b]lv !) jif{ ;Dd s}b ;hfo x'g] / ;+slnt k|df0fsf] clen]lvs/0f ug]{, zj kl/If0f vr{, ;fdfGo s;"/ -Normal crime_ eGgfn] # jif{ eGbf ef}lts k|df0f kl/If0f, kqmfp gu/L jf lx/f;tdf g/fvL sd s}b ;hfo x'g] s;'/nfO{ dfg]sf] 5 . cg';Gwfg ug]{, bzL ;gfvt u/fpg], z'q kl/rfng ug]{ 59 ANNUAL PUBLICATION l kmf}hbf/L Gofosf ;fdfGo l;4fGt M bkmf ^ b]lv l cleo'Qm;Fusf] ;f}bfjfhLsf] l;4fGt -Plea bkmf #@ ;Dd sfg"g adf]lhdsf] jfx]s s;"/ gx'g], Bargaining_ sf] k|of]u / ;hfodf 5'6 -bkmf sfg"g adf]lhd afx]s ;hfo gx'g], tYosf] e|ddf $&_ M s'g} s;"/bf/n] cfkm'n] u/]sf] s;"/ :jLsf/ kl/ u/]sf] s;"/ gx'g], Pp6} s;"/df bf]xf]/f] ;hfo u/L To:tf] s;"/sf ;DaGwdf k|df0f h'6fpg, cGo gx'g], :jR5 ;'g'jfO{af6 jl~rt gx'g], cfˆgf] lj?4 cleo'Qm jf To;sf] lu/f]x jf dltof/nfO{ kqmfp ;fIfL x'g s/ gnfUg], s;"/ k|dfl0ft geP ;Dd ug{ jf cg';Gwfg jf cleof]hg kIf jf cbfntnfO{ s;"/bf/ gdflgg], afnsn] u/]sf] sfd s;"/ gx'g], ;3fp k'¥ofPsf]df sfg"g adf]lhd x'g] ;hfosf] xf]; 7]ufg gePsf]n] u/]sf] sfd s;"/ gdflgg], a9Ldf krf; k|ltzt;Dd ;hfo 5'6 lbg ;lsg] d~h'/L lnO{ u/]sf] sfd s;"/ gx'g], enfO{sf nflu cleo'Qmsf] ;f}bfjfhL ;DaGwL gofF Joj:yfnfO{ ;+/Ifssf] d~h'/L lnO{ u/]sf] sfd s;"/ gx'g] cfbL cjnDag ul/Psf] 5 . kmf}hbf/L Gofosf ;fdfGo l;4fGtx¿nfO{ dxTjsf ;fy pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . l cGtl/d Ifltk"tL{sf] Joj:yf -bkmf $*_ M s'g} s;"/af6 kLl8t JolQm jf lghdf cfl>t JolQmnfO{ l ck/flws if8\oGq, pBf]u, b'?T;fxg / tTsfn pkrf/ u/fpg' kg]{ ePdf jf Ifltk"tL{ jf dltof/nfO{ s;"/ dflgg] M bkmf ## b]lv #^ ;Dd s'g} k|sf/sf] /fxt /sd lbg' k/]df To:tf] JolQmnfO{ ck/flws if8\oGq, pBf]u, b'?T;fxg / dltof/nfO{ cf}ifwf]krf/ u/fpg jf cGtl/d ?kdf Ifltk"tL{ jf s;"/ dfgL ;hfosf] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . /fxt /sd ltg{ cbfntn] cfb]z lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . l s;"/sf] uDeL/tf a9fpg] / 36fpg] cj:yf M bkmf #* df s;"/sf] uDeL/tf a9fpg] / bkmf #( df l d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf, @)&$ / d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L sfo{ljlw s;"/sf] uDeL/tf 36fpg] Joj:yfx¿ pNn]v 5 . ;+lxtf, @)&$ nfu" eP kZrft !# j6f sfg"gx¿ vf/]hL ePsf / #^ j6f sfg"gdf ;+zf]wg ePsf 5g\ . l ;hfosf] k|sf/ -bkmf $) / $!_ M ;j{:j x'g] u/L x'g] ;hfosf] k|fjwfgnfO{ x6fOPsf] 5 . ;hfonfO{ k|x/L -cg';Gwfg clws[t_ lj?4 ph'/L cfhLjg s}b -hLljt /x];Dd s}b_, hGds}b -@% cfpg ;Sg] sfg"gL JoJ:yfx¿ jif{ s}b_, s}b, hl/jfgf, s}b / hl/jfgf, Ifltk"lt{, l em'¶f k|df0f agfpg gx'g]M agfPdf % jif{;Dd s}b / hl/jfgf jf Ifltk"tL{ glt/] afktsf] s}b, s}bsf] %) xhf/;Dd hl/jfgf x'g]5 . -bkmf *(_ ;§f ;fd'bflos ;]jf -^ dlxgf eGbf sd s}b ;hfo ePsf]df_ elg pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . l em'¶f k|df0f agfpg / lbg gx'g]M o;f]u/]df ug]{ jf u/fpg]nfO{ @ jif{;Dd s}b / @) xhf/ ?k}of;Dd l PsLs[t s;"/ / k6s] s;"/bf/nfO{ yk ;hfo hl/jfgf x'g]5 . -bkmf ()_ -bkmf $#,$$_ M s'g} JolQmn] Pp6} jf/bftdf Ps eGbf a9L s;"/ u/]sf] jf leGg leGg jf/bftdf leGg leGg l em'¶f k|df0f jf k|df0f kq k|of]u ug{ gx'g]M o;f] s;"/ 7x/ ePdf To:tf] JolQmn] PsLs[t s;"/ u/]sf] u/]df # jif{;Dd s}b / #) xhf/ ?k}of;Dd hl/jfgf dflgg] / PsLs[t s;"/ ug]{ s;"/bf/nfO{ ;hfo ubf{ x'g]5 -bkmf (!_ clwstd ;hfo x'g] s;"/ afktsf] ;hfo / To:tf] l ablgotk"j{s cg';Gwfg jf cleof]hg ug{ gx'g]M ;hfosf] cfwf ;hfo yk u/L 8]9L ;hfo ug{'kg]{ o;f] u/]df ^ dlxgf;Dd s}b jf % xhf/ ?k}of;Dd Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . o;} u/L s'g} s;"/df ;hfo hl/jfgf jf b'j} ;hfo x'g]5 . -bkmf ((_ kfPsf] JolQmn] To:tf] ;hfo e'Qmfg u/]sf] jf dfkmL ePsf] kfFr jif{sf] cjlw k"/f gx'Fb} csf]{ h3Go jf l oftgf lbg gx'g]M o;f] u/]df % jif{;Dd s}b jf %) uDeL/ s;"/ u/]df lghnfO{ k6s] s;"/bf/ dflgg] xhf/;Dd hl/jfgf jf b'j} ;hfo x'g]5 . -bkmf !^&_ / k6s] s;"/bf/nfO{ lghn] kl5Nnf] k6s u/]sf] s;"/df x'g] ;hfosf] bf]Aa/;Dd ;hfo x'g] Joj:yf l ckdfghgs jf cdfgjLo Jojxf/ ug{ gx'g]M % ul/Psf] 5 . jif{;Dd s}b jf %) xhf/;Dd hl/jfgf jf b'j} ;hfo x'g]5 . -bkmf !^*_

60 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L sfo{ljlw ;+lxtf, lnO{ al9df @% lbg;Dd lx/f;tdf /fVg] cg'dlt lnO{ cg';Gwfg ug{ ;lsg] 5 . /fHo lj?4 ck/fw, @)&$ sf d'Vo gof Joj:yfx¿ M ljikmf]6s kbfy{, ckx/0f h:tf uDeL/ k|s[ltsf l hfx]/L b/vf:t jf s;"/sf] ;"rgf M lnlvt, ck/fwdf cg';Gwfg clwsf/L tyf ;/sf/L jsLn df}lvs, ljB'tLo dfWodaf6 hfx]/L b/vf:t k|fKt b'j}n] sf/0f ;lxtsf] k|ltj]bg k]z ul/ yk !% lbg ug{ ;lsg] tyf cg';"rL—@ adf]lhdsf s;"/sf] lx/f;tdf lng ;Sg] yk Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 t/ & ;"rgf ;DalGwt sfof{no jf clwsf/L ;dIf btf{ dlxgfsf] ue{jtL dlxnf, afnaflnsf / &% jif{sf ug{ tTsfn ;Dej gePdf To:tf] ;"rgf glhssf] a[4 a[4fnfO{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] s;"/sf] k|s[lt k|x/L sfof{nodf lbg ;lsg] / To:tf] ;"rgf x]/L sf/0f v'nfO{ krf{ v8f u/L tfl/vdf /fvL ;DalGwt k|x/L sfof{non] btf{ u/L sf/jfxLsf cg';Gwfg ug{ ;Sg] 5 . cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] nflu # lbgleq ;DaGwLt sfof{no jf clwsf/L s;"/sf] k|s[lt x]/L ;/sf/L jsLnsf] ;xdlt lnO{ ;dIf k7fpg'kg]{ 5 . jf tTsfn ;xdlt lng g;s]df sf/0f ;lxt krf{ l cg';Gwfg clws[t M slDtdf k|x/L gfoj lg/LIfs v8f u/L To:tf] JolQmnfO{ w/f}6, hdfgt lnO{ cg';Gwfg clws[t x'g]5 t/ /fHo lj?4sf jf dfyj/ JolQmsf] lhDdfdf xflh/ hdfgLdf jf ck/fw, Hofg ;DaGwL, ha/h:tL s/0fL, vf]6frng, tfl/vdf /fvL cg';Gwfg ug{ ;Sg] Joj:yf klg ablgotk"j{s O{nfh u/]sf], 8fFsf OTofbL ulDe/ ul/Psf] 5 . d'2fx¿df k|x/L lg/LIfsnfO{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/L l cleo'Qmsf] jofg -bkmf !^ / !&_ M ;/sf/L tf]Sg'kg]{ 5 . jsLn ;dIf cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] cleo'Qmsf] l cleo'Qmsf] kqmfp M s;"/ ubf{ ub}{sf] cj:yfdf jofg lng] 5 . afnaflnsf jf zf/Ll/s ?kdf s;"/bf/ km]nf k/]df k|x/Ln] tTsfn kqmfp ug]{ c;dy{ ePsf] JolQm;Fu ;f]wk'5 ubf{ lgh a;]s} 5 . cg';Gwfg clwsf/LnfO{ s;"/ ug]{ JolQm efUg 7fpFdf uO{ ;f]wk'5 ug{ ;Sg] 5 . pkl:yt x'g pDsg ;Sg] jf ;a"b k|df0f nf]k gi6 ug{ ;Sg] g;Sg] cleo'QmnfO{ Video Conference af6 aofg nfu]df h?/L kqmfp k"hL{af6 kqmfp u/L :jLs[ltsf] tyf ;f]wk'5 ug{ ;lsg] gofF Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . nflu d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug{'kg]{ -Hot l lx/f;tdf s'6lk6 tyf oftgf M lx/f;tdf lnPsf] Pursuit Rule_ 5 / cg';Gwfgsf] l;nl;nfdf s'g} JolQmnfO{ s'6lk6 oftgf lbPsf] kfOPdf pkrf/ JolQmnfO{ kqmfp ug{' k/]df d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/Lsf] u/fO{ lghnfO{ cGtl/d /fxt pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ cg'dlt lnO{ kqmfp ug{'kg]{ 5 . 5 . s'6lk6 jf oftgf lbg]nfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd l hfx]/L b/vf:t tfd]nLdf /fVg ;Sg] M e|dk"0f{, sf/jfxL ug{ cbfntn] cfb]z lbg ;Sg] 5 . em'¶f jf sfNklgs hfx]/L b/vf:t jf ;"rgfnfO{ l ljz]if1sf] /fo M zj k/LIf0f jf nfzhfFr jf cGo cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] tfd]nLdf /fVg dgfl;j b]v]df ;a'b k|df0f ;+sng ubf{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] sf/0f vf]nL ;fdfGotof # lbgleq ;/sf/L jsLn s;"/sf] ulDeo{tf x]/L ;DalGwt s'g} ljz]if1nfO{ ;dIf k7fpg' kg]{ 5 / ;/sf/L jsLnn] tfd]nLdf ;fydf lnO{ hfg ;Sg] 5 . d'2fsf] hl6ntf /fVg] jf yk cg';Gwfg ug{ cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg x]/L cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] d]l8sn af]8{ jf s'g} ;Sg] 5 . ljz]if1sf] af]8{ u7g ug{ l;kmfl/; u/]df g]kfn l cg';Gwfg 6f]nLsf] u7g M s;"/sf] uflDeo{tf x]/L ;/sf/n] To:tf] af]8{ u7g ug{ ;Sg] 5 . ljz]if1 ;DalGwt cg';Gwfg clwsf/Laf6 dfq cg';Gwfg u}/ ;/sf/L JolQm eP kfl/>dLs g]kfn ;/sf/n] x'g g;Sg] tfn's clwsf/L jf k|x/L dxflg/LIfsnfO{ Joj:yf ug]{ klg pNn]v 5 . nfu]df cg';Gwfg 6f]nL u7g ug{ ;Sg] Joj:yf l cg';Gwfg 8fo/L M cg';Gwfg ;DaGwdf u/]sf] ul/Psf] 5 . sfdsf] cg';"rL–!* adf]lhdsf] 8fo/L v8f ug{' l cleo'QmnfO{ lx/f;tdf lng] M cleo'QmnfO{ ;/sf/L kg]{ tyf ;f] 8fo/L ;/sf/L jsLn jf cbfntn] jsLn sfof{no dfkm{t d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/Lsf] cg'dlt cfjZostf cg';f/ lemsfO{ x]g{ ;Sg] 5 .

61 ANNUAL PUBLICATION l d'2f bfo/ gug]{ lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg] M d'2f grNg] sfof{no / @^ j6f lhNnf cg'udg tyf cGts{[of lg0f{o ePsf]df kLl8tnfO{ tTsfn ;"rgf lbg'kg]{ / eO{ ;s]sf] . of] qmd hf/L /x]sf] 5 . ;f]xL ldltaf6 xbDofb nfu" x'g] 5 . l ;+lxtf sfof{Gjog ug{ cfjZos hgzlQm ljsf;sf] l cleof]ukq ;DaGwL M yk k|df0faf6 cleo'QmnfO{ nflu #!,#^# hgf k|x/L sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ cg'lzIf0f yk dfubfjL ug{ k/]df -bkmf #^_ / cleof]ukqdf k|bfg ul/;lsPsf] 5 . gfd, y/, pd]/, 7]ufgf h:tf ;fdfGo q'6L ;Rofpg l xfn} dfq ;fO{a/ Ao"/f] / dfgj a]rlavg lgoGq0f k/]df -bkmf #&_ Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . Ao"/f]sf] :yfkgf ul/ sfd z'? ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy} l d'2fsf] cg';Gwfg tyf cleof]hg M d'2f btf{ ul/ cg';Gwfg ug]{ k|x/L OsfO{x¿sf] ;+Vof j[l4 ul/ xfn @!) k'of{O{Psf] 5 . — cg';"rL—!M k|x/Ln] cg';Gwfg u/L ;/sf/L jsLnn] cleof]ukqsf] ?kdf bfo/ ug]{ . l ;+lxtf / lgdodfjnLdf pNn]lvt 9fFrfx? tof/ ul/ ;f] cg';f/ sfof{Gjog ug{ dftxtnfO{ lgb]{z — cg';"rL—@M tf]s]sf] clwsf/Ln] cg';Gwfg u/L ul/Psf] 5 . ;/sf/L jsLnn] cleof]ukqsf] ?kdf bfo/ ug]{ . l ;+lxtfdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd lel8of] sGkm]/]G; ug]{ — cg';"rL—#M g]kfn ;/sf/, ;+j}wflgs lgsfo, k|0ffnL s]xL k|x/L sfof{nox¿df z'? e};s]sf] 5 . cbfnt jf ;fj{hlgs clwsf/Ln] ph'/L jf lgj]bgsf] ?kdf bfo/ ug]{ . l ljleGg ;dodf a}7s, 5nkmn, cGt/s[of tyf uf]i7Lx¿ ;+rfng e}/x]sf 5g\ . — cg';"rL—$M cGtu{tsf] d'2f xsb}of jf ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn] lkm/fb kqsf] ?kdf bfo/ ug{' kg]{ . l ;+lxtf sfof{Gjogs} ;]/f]km]/f]df @)&% ;fndf cg';Gwfgstf{ / cleof]hgstf{x¿sf] k|yd l yk cg';Gwfg tyf k|df0f k]z ug]{ bkmf !@#-@_ k|fb]lzs ;Dd]ng lj/f6gu/, a'6jn, g]kfnu+h / M s'g} cleo'Qmn] cbfntdf jofg ubf{ cg';Gwfg sf7df08f}df ;kmntfk"j{s ;DkGg ul/Psf] lyof] clwsf/L ;dIf u/]sf] eGbf km/s lhls/ lnPdf eg] @)&^ ;fndf hgsk'/, wgu9L / sf7df08f}df lghn] k]z u/]sf] k|df0f jf lhls/sf] ljifodf jfbL bf];|f] k|fb]lzs ;Dd]ngx¿ ;DkGg ul/Psf] . kIfn] k'gM cg';Gwfg u/L jf u/fO{ cbfntdf yk ;a'b k|df0f k]z ug{ dfu u/]df cbfntn] To:tf] $= ;+lxtf sfof{Gjogsf] jt{dfg yk ;a'b k|df0f k]z ug{ cg'dlt lbg ;Sg] 5 . cj:yf M l kLl8t jf ;fIfLsf] ;'/Iff / uf]kgLotf M ;fIfLnfO{ d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L ;+lxtf @)&$ nfu" eP kZrft k|x/L b}lgs e|d0f eQf tyf ;'/Iff lbg' kg]{, ;fIfL jf kLl8tsf] k|wfg sfof{no, k|b]z k|x/L sfof{nox¿, dxfgu/Lo k|x/L ;+/If0f ug{' kg]{ tyf kLl8t jf ;fIfLsf] kl/ro uf]Ko cfo'Qm sfof{no, ljleGg cg';Gwfg Ao"/f]x¿, ;+3Lo k|x/L /fVg ;lsg] Joj:yf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . OsfO{ sfof{nox¿, lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nox¿, O{nfsf k|x/L sfof{nox¿, j8f k|x/L sfof{nox¿ ;+lxtf sfof{Gjogsf] l cg';Gwfg clwsf/Lsf] k|lt/Iff M cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] nflu cfˆgf] P]ltxfl;s lhDd]jf/L / bfloTj 7fg]/ cxf]/fq c;n lgotn] u/]sf] sfd sf/jfxL pk/ s'g} sf/jfxL cf—cfˆgf] 7fpFaf6 cbfnt, ;/sf/L jsLn tyf ;/f]sf/jfnf x'g] 5}g, cbfntdf ph'/L btf{ ubf{ ljefuLo k|d'vsf] lgsfox¿;Fu cfjZos ;dGjo ub}{ ;+lxtf sfof{Gjogsf] nflu cuf8L al9/x]sf 5g\ . ;du|df g]kfn k|x/Ldf ;+lxtfx¿sf] lnlvt :jLs[lt k|:t't ug{' kg]{ 5 / bkmf !*( df ;du| sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yf pT;fxk|b /x]sf] b]lvG5 . xfn} jblgotk"0f{ cg';Gwfg/ cleof]hgsf] cg';Gwfg ug{ g]kfn k|x/Ln] sfof{Gjog cj:yfsf] sampling sf] nflu ;ldlt u7g x'g] Joj:yf klg /x]sf] 5 . dftxtsf d'2f rNg] k|x/L sfof{nosf k|d'v / cg';Gwfgdf ;+nUg k|x/L sd{rf/Lx¿ aLr 5nkmn u/L÷u/fO{ b]xfosf #= g]kfn k|x/Lsf] tkm{af6 ;+lxtf /fo ;'emfjx¿ ;+sng u/]sf] 5M sfof{Gjogdf ePsf k|of;x¿M l sfof{Gjogsf] ;DaGwdf & j6f ;+3Lo k|x/L OsfO{ l d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L ;+lxtfx¿ @)&%÷)%÷)! ut]b]lv nfu" eO{ sfof{Gjog eP kZrft s]lx sfg"gL tyf 62 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Jojxfl/s r'gf}tLx¿n] cg';Gwfgdf c;xhtf cg';f/sf] ;hfo w]/} ePsf] x'Fbf s;"/ ug]{ JolQmx¿ pTkGg u/]tf klg xfn;Dd sfof{Gjog cj:yf lg?T;flxt ag]sf]n] ck/fwdf sdL cfPsf] . ;Gtf]ifhgs g} /x]sf] . l ljleGg dfWoodx¿4f/f ;'rgf, hfx]/L cfpg] l kqmfp ug{ cg'dlt lng'kg]{ ePsf]n] s]xL emGeml6nf] u/]sf]n] xfn nfu" ePsf] d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf, cg'ej ul/Psf] . @)&$ ;/sf/L jlsn sfof{no, ;Ddflgt cbfnt ;d]t;Fu ;dGjo u/L sfof{Gjogdf ;xh agfpb} l Dofb yk ug{ lhNnf ;/sf/L jsLn sfof{no nluPsf] . dfkm{t ug{'kg]{ ePsf]n] a9L ;do / ;fwg ;|f]t a9L nfUg] u/]sf] . l cfTdxTof b'?T;fxg, /fHo lj?4sf ck/fw, of}g b'Jo{jxf/, ;fdflhs ck/fw, O{nfh ;DaGwL s;"/, l k|x/L rf}sLdf k|x/L ;xfos lg/LIfssf] b/aGbL ePsf ceb| Jojxf/ ;DaGwL s;"/ h:tf zLif{sdf d'2fx¿ sf/0f 36gf:yn d'r'Nsfdf sDtLdf k|x/L gfoj lg/LIfs btf{ u/L cg';Gwfg sfo{sf] yfngL ul/Psf] . / nfzhfFr d'r'Nsfdf k|x/L lg/LIfs bhf{sf] cg';Gwfg clws[t /xg'kg]{ ePsf]n] pQm bhf{x¿ kof{Kt gx'Fbf $=!= d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L sfo{ljlw ;+lxtf, sfof{Gjogdf ;d:of x'g] u/]sf] . @)&$ n] u/]sf] Joj:yf sfof{Gjog l d'n'sL P]g, @)@) k|lt:yfkg ub}{ cfPsf] d'n'sL ;DaGwdf M ck/fw ;+lxtf, @)&$ w]/} xb;Dd :ki6 / bfo/f d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L sfo{ljlw ;+lxtf, @)&$ n] Joj:yf ;d]t km/flsnf] ePsf] cg'ej ul/Psf] . u/]sf] lgDg bkmfx¿sf] sfof{Gjog ;DaGwdf d'2f btf{ tyf cg';Gwfg ug]{ k|x/L sfof{nox¿df btf{ ePsf l ;a} sd{rf/Ldf kof{Kt tflnd / 1fg gx'Fbf k|x/L s;"/x¿sf] l:ylt x]bf{ @)&% ;fn efb| ! ut]b]lv @)&^ sd{rf/LnfO{ sfo{ ug{ ;d:of klg /x]sf] . j}zfv d;fGt;Dd k|b]zut ?kdf lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf] b]lvG5M l cleo'Qm kqmfp ug]{ ;DaGwdf k"j{ :jLs[lt lnP/ ug{' tflnsfdf pNn]lvt tYof+sx¿sf] ljZn]if0f ubf{ # g+ kg]{ Joj:yf sltko cj:yfdf Jojxfl/s gePsf] . k|b]zn] tfd]nLdf /fVg] !%, w/f}6 hdfgtdf @^ / Plea Bargaining df s'g} g/x]sf], cGo k|b]zsf] cj:yf ;f] l k|To]s kl/R5]bdf s;"/ cg';f/sf] bkmfx¿ /flvPsf] eGbf klg Go"g /x]sf] b]lvG5 . g]kfn /fHoe/ ;"rgf x'Fbf s;"/sf] k|s[lt cg';f/ d'2f btf{ ug{ ;xh tfd]nL #! j6f, cleo'QmnfO{ w/f}6, hdfgt, tf/]vdf ePsf] . 5f8]sf] ;+Vof () j6f / Plea Bargaining ;+Vof !) j6f u/L sfg"gn] k|ltkfbg u/]sf] gljg sfo{k|0ffnLsf] pkof]u l d'n'sL P]g eGbf xfnsf] ;+lxtfn] NofPsf] s;"/ lj:tf/} x'Fb} u/]sf] b]lvG5 .

l;=g+ k|b]z ck/fwsf] ;"rgf tfd]nLdf /fv] cleo'QmnfO{ w/f}6,hdfgt, tf/]vdf Plea Bargaining sf] ;+Vof -bkmf !!_ 5f8]sf] ;+Vof -bkmf !%_ -bkmf##_ ! ! g+ k|b]z ^ !@ ^ @ @ g+ k|b]z % !* ! # # g+ k|b]z !% @^ — $ u08sL k|b]z — ( ! % % g+ k|b]z — ^ @ ^ s0ff{nL k|b]z — # — & ;'b'/ klZrd k|b]z ! * — * pkTosf ! % — ( CIB # # — hDdf #! () !)

63 ANNUAL PUBLICATION $=@= ;/sf/L jsLn / k|x/Lsf] ;+o'Qm k;f{, /f}tx6, dsjfgk'/, lrtjg, gjnk/f;L -;':tfk'j{_, gjnk/f;L -;':tf klZrd_, ?kGb]xL, slknj:t', bfª, cg'udg afFs], alb{of, s}nfnL, sGrgk'/, sf:sL, tgx'F / ndh'ª @)&% efb| ! ut] b]lv nfu" ePsf] d'n'sL ck/fw tyf lhNnfsf k|x/L OsfO{x¿df ut r}q !& ut]b]vL @# ut];Dd sfo{ljlw ;+lxtf, @)&$ sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yf dxfGofoflwjQmf sfof{nosf ;x—GofoflwjQmfx¿;Fu g]kfn / ck/fw lgoGq0f tyf cg';Gwfg sfo{of]hgf -CAP_ k|x/Lsf clws[tx¿af6 dfly pNn]lvt @^ lhNnfx¿sf] sfof{Gjogsf] l:ytL cg'udg ug{ emfkf, df]/ª, ;'g;/L, :ynut ;+o'Qm cg'udg ul/Psf] lyof] . h; cg';f/ pbok'/, ;Kt/L, l;/xf, wg'iff, dxf]Q/L, ;nf{xL, af/f, ;+lxtfx¿sf] sfof{Gjog cj:yf b]xfo adf]lhd kfOPsf] 5M qm= ;= ljj/0f d'2f ;+Vof ! ck/fwsf] if8oGqdf sf/jfxL -ck/fw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf ##_ $ @ ck/fwsf] pBf]udf sf/jfxL -ck/fw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf #$_ $!(

# ck/fwsf] b'¿T;fxgdf sf/jfxL -ck/fw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf #%_ $( $ s;"/sf] uDeL/tf a9fpg] cj:yfsf] dfubfjL -ck/fw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf #*_ !^ % s;"/sf] uDeL/tf 36fpg] cj:yfsf] dfubfjL -ck/fw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf #(_ ^) ^ alx|If]qLo If]qflwsf/sf] k|of]u u/] ÷ gu/]sf] -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf #)_ % & ljB'tLo dfWodaf6 k|fKt s;"/sf] ;"rgf btf{ -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf $-!__ ! * hfx]/L bvf{:t jf ;"rgf btf{ gu/]sf]df ph"/L k/]÷gk/]sf] -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf %_ @@ ( e|dk"0f{, em'Ýf jf sfNklgs ;"rgfnfO{ tfd]nLdf /fv]sf]÷ g/fv]sf] -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf !!_ * !) lx/f;tdf /x]sf] JolQmnfO{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] 5f8]sf] -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf !%_ ^@ !! 36gf:yn d'r'Nsf ubf{ /]vflrq0f ug]{ u/]sf]÷gu/]sf] -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf *-@_ #^! !@ ;hfodf 5'6sf] dfubfjL lnP÷glnPsf] -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf ##_ #) !# vf; lsl;dsf ;fgfltgf s;"/df d'2f bfo/ ug{ cfjZos gx'g] Joj:yfsf] sfof{Gjog -sfo{ljlw $ ;+lxtfsf] bkmf #$_ !$ cbfntdf d'2f bfo/ eO;s]kl5 ;/sf/L jsLnn] yk k|df0fx¿af6 cGo JolQm pk/ d'2f bfo/ ug{ * / d'2f bfo/ eO{ sfod ePsf] cleo'Qm pk/ yk bfjL lng ;lsg] Joj:yfsf] sfof{Gjog -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf #%_ !% cbfntdf Ps k6s bfo/ eO;s]sf] d'2fdf yk k|df0f km]nf k/]df klxn] lnPsf] dfubfjL ;+zf]wgsf ! nflu ;/sf/L jsLnn] cleof]u kq ;+zf]wg ug{ lgj]bg lbg ;Sg] Joj:yfsf] sfof{Gjog -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf !)(_ !^ >Ao b[Zo ;Djfb dfkm{t ;fIfL j'‰g ;lsg] Joj:yfsf] sfof{Gjog -sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] bkmf #^_ ! !& ck/fw ;+lxtf nfu" -@)&% ebf} ! ut]_ eP k5f8Lsf] s'n kqmfp ;+VofM !)@!* l cbfntaf6 kqmfp k"hL{ hf/L eO{ kqmfp ;+VofM #,@)$ l h?/L k|sfp k'hL{ lbO{ k|sfp ;+VofM @!,!$$

%= ;+lxtf sfof{Gjogdf b]lvPsf r'gf}tL / ;d:ofx¿ / ;dfwfgsf pkfox¿ M k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no, sfo{ Pj+ ck/fw cg';Gwfg ljefu dftxtdf /x]sf @!) j6f k|x/L sfof{nox¿ Pj+ cg'udg Pj+ ;'k/Lj]If0f lgsfox¿ ;d]taf6 k|fKt k[i7kf]if0f, ljleGg ;dodf ePsf 5nkmn, uf]i7L, cg'udg, olx jif{ ;DkGg k|fb]lzs ;Dd]ngx¿ ;d]tsf] cfwf/df sfof{Gjog txdf lgDg ;d:of tyf r'gf}tLx¿ klxrfg ePsf 5g\ M

64 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 sfo{ljlw ;+lxtf, @)&$ sfof{Gjogdf b]lvPsf r'gf}tL / ;dfwfgsf pkfox¿ M l;=g+= sfo{ljlw ;+lxtf sfof{Gjogdf b]lvPsf ;d:of / r'gf}tLx¿ ;dfwfgsf pkfox¿ s}= ! h?/L kqmfp k"hL{ :jLs[tL / kqmfp cg'dlt lngnfO{ d'2f x]g]{ lgsfo @$ ;}+ 306f v'nf x'g' kg]{ . ;d:of .

@ cbfntsf] kqmfp cg'dltn] dfq z+lst JolQmsf] vf]htnf; cbfntsf] cg'dlt ljgf :ki6 gfdy/ tyf kqmfp ug{' kg]{ ePsf] x'Fbf :ki6 jtg gv'n]sf] JolQmsf] gv'n]sf JolQmsf] vf]htnf; / kqmfp ug{ gfpFdf kqmfp cg'dlt lng g;lsPsf] x'Fbf To:tf z+lst kfpg] Joj:yf x'g' kg]{ . JolQmx¿nfO{ vf]htnf; / kqmfp u/L sfg'gL bfo/fdf Nofpg sl7gfO{ ePsf] . # ;Ddflgt cbfntaf6 kqmfp cg'dlt lng' kg]{ ePsf] x'Fbf ;Ddflgt cbfntaf6 kqmfp cg'dlt lbFbf cg';Gwfgdf uf]Kotf sfod x'g g;s]sf] klg cg'ej ePsf] . uf]Kotf sfod ug{ Wofg lbg'kg]{ . $ sfof{no k|d'v k|x/L lg/LIfs ePsf] sfof{nox¿df lgh sfof{no k|d'v labf uPsf] cj:yfdf lgldQ labf uPsf] cj:yfdf h3Go k|s[ltsf] ck/fwdf cg';Gwfg sfof{no k|d'v k|x/L gfoj lg/LIfs;DdnfO{ ug{ ;d:of b]lvPsf], cGo sfof{nosf] cg';Gwfg clws[t cg';Gwfg clws[t tf]lsPdf cg';Gwfg ug{ tf]Sbf cg';Gwfg txlssft k|efljt tyf ck'/f] x'g] . ;xh x'g] . % k|x/Ln] kqmfp k/]sf] cleo'Qmsf] tTsfn 3/ sf]7f ;a} 7fpFdf k|x/L gfoj lg/LIfs bhf{ gx'g] vfgtnf;L ug{ kfpg] Joj:yf ;+zf]wgdf cfPtfklg k|x/L x'Fbf o;df j[l4 ul/g' kg]{ . gfoj lg/LIfs bhf{ elgPsf] . ^ rf]/L ;DaGwL s;"/df a/fdb eO{ cfPsf] bzL tTsfn lkmtf{ rf]/L d'2fdf a/fdb eO{ cfPsf] bzL klxnf] gx'g] x'Fbf hfx]/L b/vf:t lbg O{Gsf/ ug]{ u/]sf] . k6s Dofb yk ubf{ d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L ;dIf k]z x'Fbfsf] avt g} bzL kLl8tnfO{ lbg] Joj:yf x'g' kg]{ . & dfgj a]rlavg tyf cf];f/—k;f/ s;"/df kLl8tnfO{ kLl8tn] ;Ddflgt cbfntsf] O{hnf; ;dIf ;Ddflgt cbfntdf pkl:yt u/fO{ dfggLo GofofwLzHo"af6 lbPsf] aofg g} ;fIfL askq ;d]tsf] kLl8tsf] aofg k|dfl0ft ePsf] cj:yfdf ;d]t kLl8tnfO{ k|df0fsf] ?kdf lng' pko'Qm x'g] . ;Ddflgt cbfntdf k6s—k6s pkl:yt u/fO{ askq u/fpFbf kLl8tx¿ Hostile x'g] u/]sf] . * ljleGg zLif{sdf d'2f btf{ ubf{ kLl8t, hfx]/jfnf kIf / hfx]/jfnf nufot ;/sf/L ;fIfL ujfxx¿ ;fIfL ujfxx¿ Hostile x'g] x'Fbf d'2fsf] cg';Gwfg sfo{df Hostile gx'g] jftfj/0f tof/ ug{' cfjZos . c;kmntf x'g] b]lvPsf] . ( a}lsª s;"/ d'2f pRr cbfntaf6 dfq rNg] sfg"gL lhNnf cbfntnfO{ a}lsª s;"/ d'2f x]g]{ k|fjwfg ePsf]n] d'2fsf] Dofb yk tyf k]zL y'g'jf pkl:yt clVtof/L lbO{g' kg]{ . vlr{nf] x'g] u/]sf] . !) ha/h:tL s/0fL d'2fx¿sf] xbDofb w]/} -! jif{_ ePsf]n] 36gfsf] ulDeo{tfnfO{ ljZn]if0f u/L sltko cj:yfx¿df kLl8tx¿n] afu]l{gª u/L nfdf] ;do xbDofbdf km]/abn ul/g' kg]{ . ;Dd ;d]t cfkm' cg's'n geP kZrft dfq d'2f btf{ u/fpg cfpg] / sltko cj:yfdf l/l;jLsf] sf/0f ;d]t hfx]/L kg{ cfpg] x'Fbf lgbf]{if dflg;x¿ kg{ ;Sg] ;Defjgf a9L /x]sf] . !! h3Go tyf uDeL/ k|s[ltsf 36gfx¿df k|x/L lg/LIfs k|x/L lg/LIfssf] b/jGbL ldnfg jf cfjZos v6fpg' kg]{ sfg'gL Joj:yf /x]sf], b'u{d tyf las6 Joj:yfkg ug{' kg]{ . :yfgdf 36gf 36]df tTsfn ;DjlGwt 36gf:yndf k|x/L lg/LIfs hfg'kg]{ cj:yf .

65 ANNUAL PUBLICATION !@ ljjfx ug]{ JolQmsf] pd]/ jL; jif{ gk'uL lax] ug{ gx'g] !* jif{ pd]/ k'u]sfnfO{ cfkm' v'zL ljjfx sfg"gL Joj:yf /x]sf], Aojxf/df aL; jif{ pd]/ gk'uL s]6f, ug{ 5'6 lbg] u/L sfg"g ;+zf]wg x'g' kg]{ s]6L cfkm'v';L lax] u/]/ efUg] / 5'§ofP/ nu] dg]{ ;Ddsf] b]lvG5 . wDsL lbg] u/]sf] . !# ljlwlj1fg k|of]uzfnf k7fO{Psf]df ef}lts ;a'bx¿sf] ljlw lj1fg k|of]uzfnfdf kl/If0fsf] nflu kl/If0f k|ltj]bg ;dodf gcfpFbf sfof{Gjogdf c;xh k7fPsf] gd'gf l56f] 5l/tf] ?kdf kl/If0f x'g] u/]sf] . ug]{ Joj:yf ldnfpg yk hgzlQm / ;fwg ;|f]t cfjZos .

ljlw lj1fg k|of]uzfnf k|b]z :t/;Dd lj:tf/ x'g'kg]{ . !$ s'g} klg d'4fdf CDR j}1flgs k|df0fsf] ?kdf x'g] x'Fbf CDR sf] nflu cbfntsf] :jLs[tL glnO{ o;sf] lglDt cbfntaf6 :jLs[lt lng'kg]{ Joj:yf ePsf]n] k|To]s d'4f rnfpg] OsfO{x¿n] dfu u/]sf] o; sfo{df ;do nfUg uO{ cleo'Qm tTsfn kqmfp ug{ avt lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nox¿af6 ljj/0f sl7gfO{ ePsf] . k|fKt u/L pknAw u/fpg] Joj:yfsf] nflu tTsfn pko'Qm sfg"gL Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ . !% zj k/LIf0f u/fpFbf ;a} 7fpFdf Forensic Expert gx'g' . k|To]s lhNnfx¿df Forensic Expert x'g'kg]{ . !^ km/f/ k|ltjfbLsf] xsdf tLgk':t] ljj/0f k|fKt gx'gfn] Dofb km/f/ /x]sf] k|ltjfbLsf] Plss[t ljj/0f tfd]nLdf ;d:of . tof/ ug]{ / gful/ssf] kl/ro v'Nn] ljj/0fsf] Data Base df k|x/Lsf] kx'Fr pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ . !& Mass Arrest ;DaGwdf d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L sfo{ljlwdf x'n, b+uf lgoGq0fsf nflu Preventive Joj:yf gePsf] . Measure sf] ?kdf Mass Arrest ug{'kg]{ ;DaGwdf P]gdf Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ . !* km};nfsf] hfgsf/L cg';Gwfg clws[tnfO{ gx'g] ePsf]n] km};nfsf] hfgsf/L cg';Gwfg clws[tnfO{ k6s] sfod ug{ / cGo cg';Gwfg sfo{df ;d:of x'g] cljnDj lbg] Joj:yf ul/g'kg]{ . u/]sf] . !( ck/fw cg';Gwfg sfo{df yk r'gf}tLx¿ tyf hf]lvd a9\b} ck/fw cg';Gwfg zfvfdf sfo{ ug]{ k|x/L uPsf] sf/0f cg';Gwfgdf sfo{ ug{ sd{rf/Lx¿ k|f]T;flxt sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ yk k|f]T;fxg, ;]jf ;'ljwf gx'g] u/]sf] . / k]zfut ;'/Iffsf] yk Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ . @) afnaflnsf ;DjGwL P]g, @)&% df lgu|fgL sIf lgdf{0f lgu|fgL sIf cljnDj jgfpg ah]6sf] gx'Gh]n afnaflnsfnfO{ 5'§} sIfdf /fVg'kg]{ sfg"gL Joj:yf Joj:yf ul/g'kg]{ . ePsf]df 5'§} sIfsf] cefjdf of] Joj:yf sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg ;d:of eO/x]sf] . @! ;+ul7t ck/fwsf] cleo'Qmx¿ lab]z uO{ n'lsl5kL a:g] MLA sf] k|s[ofnfO{ ;xh agfO{g' kg]{ . u/]sf] / MLA-Mutual Legal Assistant_sf] Process af6 kqmfp u/L g]kfn Nofpg] sfo{ emGeml6nf] tyf nfdf] ;do nfUg] ;d:of /x]sf] . @@ s'g} d'2fsf] cleo'QmnfO{ cbfntn] lgbf]{if 7x/fPdf lgh plrt Ifltk"lt{sf] Joj:yf x'g' kg]{ . JolQm h]ndf a;]sf] afkt Ifltk"tL{sf] Joj:yf gePsf] . @# a]jfl/;] nfzsf] xsdf slt ;do leq pQm nfz cGTo]i6L a]jfl/;] nfzsf] xsdf slt ;do leq -Dispose_ ug]{ eGg] sfg"gdf :ki6 Joj:yf gePsf] . cGTo]i6L -Dispose_ ug]{ eGg] sfg"gdf :ki6 x'g' kg]{ .

66 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 $=@= d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf, @)&$ sf] sfof{Gjogdf b]lvPsf r'gf}tL / ;dfwfgsf pkfox¿ M l;=g+ ;+lxtf sfof{Gjogsf ;d:of / r'gf}tLx¿ ;dfwfgsf pkfox¿ s}= ! ljB'tLo ck/fw ;DaGwL d'2f sf7df08f} lhNnf ljB'tLo ck/fw ;DaGwL d'2f x]g]{ clVtof/L slDtdf cbfntn] dfq x]g]{ Joj:yf ePsf]n] cGo lhNnfsf k|b]z :t/;Dd lj:tf/ ul/g' kg]{ . dflg;x¿ kLl8t x'Fbf Gofo kfpg sl7gfO{ . @ bkmf #$ -@_ df h'g s;"/sf] pBf]u ePsf] xf], To:tf] s;"/ sfod u/L ;hfo dfu bfaL ug{ ;d:of ePsf]n] s;"/ x'g c;Dej ePdf klg pBf]u u/]sf] dflgg] 5 . :ki6 sfg"gL Joj:yf x'g'kg]{ . # bkmf $$ cg';f/sf] h3Go / k6s] s;"/bf/nfO{ yk ;DalGwt cbfntaf6 ePsf] km};nfsf] k|ltlnkL ;hfo x'g] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . clgjfo{ ?kdf lhNnf ;/sf/L jlsn sfof{no dfkm{t cg';Gwfg ug]{ k|x/L sfof{nonfO{ lbg] Joj:yf x'g' kg]{ . $ bkmf $& cg';f/ ;hfo 5'6 lbg ;Sg] Joj:yfdf of] Joj:yf sfof{Gjogsf] nflu :ki6 sfo{ljlw a9Ldf %)Ü ;hfo 5'6 lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . / lgb]{lzsf x'g'kg]{ . % bkmf !!* df s;}n] cgflws[t ¿kdf k|j]z u/L s] s:tf] sfo{nfO{ ce› Jojxf/ elgg] xf] :ki6 kl/efiff s;}nfO{ klg ce› Jojxf/ ug]{, x}/fgL lbg] / pBf]u x'g' kg]{ . ug{ x'Fb}g eGg] Joj:yf /x]sf] . ^ bkmf @$$ -@_ -3_ adf]lhd # hgf eO{ ;fdfGo rf]/L ;fdfGo rf]/LnfO{ 8fsfdf n}hf+bf rsf]{ kg{ hfg] ePsf]n] u/]df klg 8fFsf d'4f rnfpg' kg]{ cj:yf /x]sf] . ck/fwsf] ulDe/tf cg';f/ Joj:yf ug{' plrt x'g] . & bkmf @*& cg';f/ rf]/Lsf] ;fdfg vl/b ug]{ JolQmnfO{ rf]/L ug]{ JolQmnfO{ eGbf al9 ;hfo x'g' Gofo ;+ut rf]/L ug]{ JolQmnfO{ eGbf a9L ;hfosf] Joj:yf gePsf]n] o;nfO{ ;+zf]wg ug{'kg]{ . u/]sf] . * bkmf *% cg';f/ /fi6«;]js pk/ sfddf jfwf lj/f]w cg';'rL— ! df yk ug{'kg]{ . u/]df cfkm} gfln; ug{' kg]{ Joj:yf /x]sf] .

bkmf ^^ /fi6« ;]jsnfO{ jfwf lj/f]w ug{ gx'g] .

bkmf !)* em'Sofgdf kf/L vfB kbfy{ ljqmL ljt/0f ug{ gx'g] .

bkmf !)( em'Sofgdf kf/L s'g} j:t' laqmL ljt/0f ug{ gx'g] .

bkmf #)^ j]OHhtL ug{ gx'g] -ljB'tLo jf cGo ;+rf/ dfWodaf6 j]OHhtL u/] u/fPdf_ ( ;jf/L tyf oftfoft Joj:yf P]gdf ePsf] ;+zf]wgn] ;f] ;DaGwdf lglZrt lbg tf]lsg gx'g] x'Fbf x6fpg' kg]{ . @! lbg kl5 d[To' ePdf s] ug]{ eGg] af/]df :ki6 gePsf]n] ;d:of ePsf] .

%= lgisif{ M sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfsf] cg';"rL—! df pNn]lvt ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfg tyf txlssft tf]lsPsf clws[t ;d]tsf] ;d'xaf6 x'g] / k|foM lhNnf l:yt k|x/L sfof{noaf6 x'g] x'Fbf pQm sfof{no cGtu{tsf k|x/L clws[t Pj+ sd{rf/Lsf] Joj:yfkg xfnnfO{ df}h'bf hgzlQmaf6} ug]{ / u/fpg' kg]{ ePsf]n] tflnd k|fKt sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ k"0f{sfnLg ?kdf ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf v6fpg

67 ANNUAL PUBLICATION tt\ lgsfosf k|d'vx¿sf] ;lqmotf dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 . ;+3Lo ;Gbe{ ;fdfu|L k|x/L OsfO{ sfof{nsf] Ifdtf clej[l4 u/L cg';Gwfgsf] l g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg lg/Gt/ cg'udg tyf d4t lng] lbg] sfo{nfO{ lj:tf/ ug]{ u/L k|x/L k|wfg sfof{noaf6 ck/fw lgoGq0f tyf l d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf, @)&$ cg';Gwfg sfo{of]hgf -Crime Action Plan, CAP_ nfu" eO/x]sf] / sfo{ Pj+ ck/fw cg';Gwfg ljefusf] /0fgLlts l d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L sfo{ljlw ;+lxtf, @)&$ sfo{of]hgf ;d]t nfu" x'g] qmddf 5 . l kmf}hbf/L s;"/ -;hfo lgwf{/0f tyf sfo{Gjog_ kmf}hbf/L ck/fw / sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfdf klxnf] ;+zf]wg ePtf P]g, @)&$ klg pQm ;+zf]wgn] dfq cg';Gwfgsf ljBdfg ;d:ofx¿ l s;"/sf] cg';Gwfg ;DaGwL lgodfjnL, @)&% ;dfwfg x'g ;Sb}g . To;}n] ;dofg's"n ;+zf]wg ub}{ cg';Gwfgstf{sf] Ifdtf / dgf]jn pRr u/fO{ sfg"gn] l d'n'sL ;+lxtf ;DaGwL s]xL g]kfn P]gnfO{ ;+zf]wg :yflkt u/]sf gljg cfofdx¿nfO{ sfof{Gjog ug{'kb{5 . ug]{ P]g, @)&% elgG5 æsfg"gnfO{ ts{n] lhTg / d]6\g ;Sb}gæ o;y{ sfof{Gjog g} o;sf] clek|fo xf] t/ cg';Gwfgstf{sf l dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{no / g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ;+o'Qm hl6ntf / ;Ldfx¿nfO{ ;xlhs/0f ug]{ u/L yk ;+zf]wg cg'udg k|ltj]bg, @)&% / kl/dfh{g jf sfo{ljlwnfO{ :ki6 x'g]u/L Joj:yf u/L k|df0fd'vL cg';Gwfg / cleof]hgåf/f ;+lxtfsf] sfof{Gjog l k|yd k|fb]lzs ;Dd]ng, @)&% sf] k|ltj]bg ug{'sf] ljsNk 5}g . l bf];|f] k|fb]lzs ;Dd]ng, @)&^ sf] k|ltj]bg s;"/ ;DaGwL lgodfjnL hf/L eO{ nfu" eO;s]sf] t/ l g]kfn k|x/Lsf dftxt sfof{noaf6 k|fKt hfx]/L o;af6 ;a} sfo{ljlw ;d]6\g g;s]sf]n] :ki6 ug{ cfjZos / k|ltj]bgx¿ . ljifo ;d]6L lgb]{lzsf jf sfo{ljlw cfpg] s'/fdf cfzfjfbL x'g ;lsG5 . xfdLn] ljZn]if0faf6 sdL sdhf]/Lsf] lr/kmf/ ug{' dfq geP/ cf—cfˆgf] txaf6 /rgfTds sfof{Gjogdf ;lqmotf a9fpg cfjZos 5 . ;d:of / r'gf}tLs} aLr w]/} cj;/ klg /x]sf x'G5g\ . o; n]v tof/ ug]{ k'j{;GWofdf dftxt lgsfoaf6 lnOPsf k[i7kf]if0fsf] ?kdf k|fKt ;d:of, r'gf}tL / ;dfwfgsf pkfo ;d]t o;df ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . pQm s'/fx¿sf] oyf]lrt ;Daf]wg afG5gLo b]lvG5, h;af6 k|df0fd"vL ck/fw cg';Gwfgaf6 kmf}hbf/L s;"/ :yflkt u/L cleof]hg ;kmn agfpg xfdL ;j} yk clek|]l/t x'g]5f}+ eGg] ck]Iff ug{ ;lsG5 .

68 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 d'n'sL ;+lxtf sfof{Gjogdf ;/f]sf/sf ljifox?

Zofds'df/ e§/fO{ ;xGofoflwjQmf, dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{no ljifo k|j]z u}/ Jofj;flos sfd u/]/ g]kfnsf] sfg"g k|0ffnL km]l/Psf] 5 . k'g/fjnf]sg ePsf] 5 . lxhf]sf Joj:yf kl/jt{g ePsf 5g\ . gofF dfGotf Jofj;flostfsf] bfjL ug{' x'“b}g d'n'sL ;+lxtf hf/L ePkl5 ljleGg sf]0faf6 l6sfl6Kk0fL :yflkt ug{' kg]{5 . lgSs} nfdf] k|oTg kl5 d'n'sL eP . cfnf]rgf / lj/f]w eP . Jofj;flostfsf] k|;+u p7fP/ ;+lxtfx? hf/L ePsf5g\ . gofF sfg"g ag];Fu} gofF t/+u klg lj/f]w eof] . :jefljs xf] ls s'g} klg u}/Jofj;flos klg cfPsf] 5 . sfg"gL j[Qdf o;sf] t/+u cem} a9L 5 . sfo{ u/]/ Jofj;flostfsf] bfjL ug{' x'Fb}g . xfdL ;fob sf]xL ;dy{s 5g\ . sf]xL cfnf]rs 5g\ . s;}nfO{ gfd o;}df sdhf]/ b]lvPsf 5f}+ . d'n'sL ;+lxtfn] cg';Gwfgdf dg kb}{g . s;}nfO{ sfg"gn] ;d]6]sf ljifo dg kb}{g . Jofj;flostfsf] ck]Iff /fv]sf] 5 . cleof]hgdf klg dg k/] klg gk/] klg of] g]kfnsf] sfg"g xf] . o;sf] Jofj;flostfsf] ck]Iff /fv]sf] 5 . ;fob Gofo ;Dkfbgdf sfof{Gjog x'g' kb{5 . nf]stflGqs d'n's xf] . cfnf]rgf / klg . o;sf stf{x?sf] 1fg, ;Lk / bIftfsf] ljsf;af6 lj/f]w ug{ kfOG5 . l6Kk0fL / ;dLIff ug{ kfOG5 . gldn]sf dfq ;+lxtfsf] dd{ cg';f/ sfof{Gjog x'g ;S5 . ;Eo s'/f cf}+Nofpg kfOG5 . lj/f]w ug{ kfP h:t} ;dy{g klg d'n'sn] cjnDag u/]sf c;n cEof;x?nfO{ xfdLn] klg ug{ kfOG5 . of] 5f]6f] cfn]vdf d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf cfTd;ft u/L gofF ;Eotf lgdf{0f ug{' kb{5 . / sfo{ljlw ;+lxtfnfO{ s]Gb|df /fvL gofF sfg"gx?sf] sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yfsf] af/]df ;+lIfKt ;dLIff ul/Psf] 5 . sfg"gn] ab\lgotsf] ;+/If0f ub}{g sfg"g c;n cEof;df s]lGb|t x'G5 . sfg"gn] s'g} klg sfg"g gof“ b[li6sf]0f k'/fgf] v/fj sfdsf] jsfnt ub}{g . s'g} klg c;n sfdnfO{ xfdL d'n'sL ;+lxtfsf Joj:yfnfO{ d'n'sL P]gsf] bl08t klg ub}{g . s'g} klg ;Eo ;dfhdf ab\lgotk"j{s cjwf/0ffaf6 cy{ nufpg] k|of; ul//x]sf 5f}+ . d'n'sL ul/Psf sfdsf] klg sfg"gL ;+/If0f x'g' kb{5 egL bfjL P]g;Fu t'ngf ul//x]sf 5f}+ . k'/fgf] dfGotf / Joj:yfdf ul/b}g . bfjL ul/Pklg :jLsf/ ul/b}g . lxhf]sf] sfg"gn] cEo:t eP/ xf]nf gofF Joj:yf xfdLnfO{ ljemfP em} ePsf] klg ab\lgotnfO{ sfg"gL dfg]sf] lyPg . cfh klg dfg]sf] 5 . s'g} g s'g} ?kdf gofF Joj:yfdf vf]6 b]vfP/ cfˆgf] 5}g / ef]ln klg dfGg] jfnf 5}g . ab\lgotsf] lj/f]w ug]{ k'/fgf] cg'ej / 1fgnfO{ ljlqm ug]{ k|of; ul//x]sf 5f}+ . xf]Og . ab\lgotk"j{s sfo{ gug]{ xf] . of] cg';Gwfgstf{nfO{ of] P]gsf] ck]Iff xf]Og . of] xfd|f] afWotf xf] . :jfy{sf] klg nfUg] lgod xf] . cleof]hgstf{nfO{ klg nfUg] lgod afWotf . k]zfsf] afWotf . cj :jfy{af6 aflx/ lg:sg' xf] / of] ljz]if1x?nfO{ klg nfUg] lgod xf] . v/fj kb{5 . o'un] vf]h]sf] kl/jt{gnfO{ cfTd;ft ug{' kb{5 . sfdnfO{ sfg"gn] slxNo} ;+/If0f ub}{g . s'g} klg cfj/0fn] gofF ljifon] NofPsf c;lhnf kIfnfO{ lrb}{ c;n lgotn] v/fj sfdsf] k|ltjfb ug{ ;Sb}g . sfof{Gjogdf n}hfg' kb{5 . cEof;n] g} ;+:sf/ ljsf; u/fpg] xf] . gofF cEof;af6 gofF ;F:sf/ a;fpg' kb{5 . sfg"g Ps cEof; cg]s d'n'sL ;+lxtfsf] sfof{Gjogdf Ps?ktf sfod ug{ hlt w]/} k|lzIf0f rnfPklg a'emfOdf ljljwtf sfod /Xof] .

69 ANNUAL PUBLICATION cEof;df ljljwtf /Xof] . cg';Gwfgdf klg ljljwtf km/d]6df ;xL ug]{ / ;xfos :t/sf sd{rf/Ln] klg ;xL b]lvof] . cleof]hgdf klg ljljwtf b]lvof] . Gofo ug]{ cEof; ljsf; eof] st} st} . ;/sf/L jsLnnfO{ ;Dkfbgdf klg ljljwtf b]lvof] . cj ;femf b[li6sf]0f Dofb yksf] cf}lrTotfsf] k/LIf0f ug{sf nflu hf]8]sf] xf] . ljsf; ug{' kb{5 . ;femf wf/0ff ljsf; ug{' kb{5 . cfˆgf] cg';Gwfgsf] k|ultsf] hfgsf/L kfpgsf nflu hf]8]sf] wf/0ff xf]Og sfg"gsf] dd{ cg';f/sf] Jojxf/ x'g' kb{5 . xf] . cg';Gwfgdf ePsf] k|ultsf cfwf/df y'gfdf /fVg' kg]{ gkg]{ lgSof}{n ug{sf nflu /flvPsf] xf] . t/ of] Joj:yf s]jn Dofb ykdf ;fIfL lsgf/f /flvP h:tf] eof] eg] kl/jt{gnfO{ lg:s[o kfg{ w]/} zlQm ck]lIft glthf lbg ;lsb}g . cfjZos kb}{g s'g} klg gofF cjwf/0ffnfO{ sfof{Gjogdf Nofpgsf nflu w]/} ;+Vof cfjZos kb{5 t/ To:tf] cjwf/0ffsf] lj/f]w s}b gx'g] d'2fdf cg';Gwfgdf klg ug{sf nflu k|ltlglw dfq eP k'U5 . lgZro g} kl/jt{gsf y'Gg' x'“b}g nflu sfg"g dfq gofF eP/ x'Fb}g . sfg"g dfq cfw'lgs b08 Joj:yfsf] k|d'v l;4fGt ;dfg'kfltstf xf] . sfg"gn] eP/ x'Fb}g . sfg"gn] ck]Iff /fv] adf]lhd sfo{ ug]{ kl/eflift u/]sf] s;"/sf] cg'kftdf b08sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] hgzlQmsf] bIftf ljsf; ug{' kb{5 . sfg"gn] ck]Iff u/] x'G5 . s'g} s;"/df s}b ;hfo g} x'Fb}g / hl/jfgf kof{Kt adf]lhdsf] k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f ul/g' kb{5 . sfg"gn] kl/sNkgf x'G5 eg] To:tf d'2fdf cfjZostf cg';f/ w/f}6L dfu u/] adf]lhdsf] Jojxf/ kl/jt{g x'g' kb{5 . ta dfq u/L y'gfdf g/fvL cg';Gwfg ug{' kg]{ sfg"gL Joj:yfnfO{ kl/jt{gn] ?kfGt/sf] emNsf] lbg ;S5 . sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg] pT;fx xfdLdf cfFpg afFsL g} /x]sf] b]lvPsf] 5 . l;4fGttM s}b gx'g] d'2fdf cg';Gwfgdf y'Gg' x'Fb}g . y'gfnfO{ lglj{sNk cj:yfdf dfq cEof; sf/0f gvf]nL dfG5] y'Gg' gx'g] ul/g' kb{5 . nf]stGqn] ;Lldt ;/sf/sf] jsfnt ub{5 . ;fj{hlgs lxtsf nflu ul/g] :jtGqtfsf] lgoGq0fsf nflu cfwf/ / sf/0f kof{Kt x'g' kb{5 . sfg"gn] :jtGqtfsf] lgoGq0fsf ;hfodf 5'6sf] cEof;df 8/fpg' kb}{g nflu ;/sf/nfO{ clwsf/ lbG5 . t/ ;/sf/ lhDd]jf/ sfg"gn] cg';Gwfgdf ;xof]u ug]{ k|ltjfbLnfO{ ;hfodf x'g' kb{5 . ;fj{hlgs ;'/Iff / ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] ;+/If0f 5'6sf] bfjL lng ;lsg] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . To:tf] bfjL ug{' kb{5 /fHon] . ;f] qmddf /fHon] j}olQms :jtGqtf ubf{ cg';Gwfgdf ;xof]u u/]sf] cfwf/ v'nfpg' kg]{ bfloTj lgoGq0f ug{ ;S5 . To;sf nflu cfwf/ / sf/0f vf]n]sf] cg';Gwfgstf{ / cleof]hgstf{;Fu /x]sf] x'G5 . cf}lrTo x'g' kb{5 . sfg"gn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] k|lqmof k"/f u/]sf] l;4 ug{ ;lsg] cj:yfdf To;sf] cEof; ug{ 8/fpg' x'g' kb{5 . sfg"gn] lbPsf] cg';Gwfg ug]{ clwsf/ / ;f] x'Fb}g . cf}lrTo sfod x'g g;Sg] cj:yfdf ;f] Joj:yf qmddf y'gfdf /fVg] Joj:yfsf] k|of]u ubf{ cf}lrTo l;4 cfslif{t klg x'g' x'Fb}g . of] j}olQm ;Gt'li6sf] ljifo ug{ ;Sg' kb{5 . hf] sf]xLn] p7fpg] k|Zgsf] ;Gtf]ifhgs xf]Og . ldl;n sfuh / k|df0fn] :yflkt u/]sf] x'g' kb{5 . hjfkm lbg tTk/ klg x'g' kb{5 . lgisif{ cg';Gwfgstf{ lgolGqt xf]Og xfdLeGbf cl3Nnf] k':tfsf] cgj/t of]ubfgnfO{ xfd|f ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfg ug]{ cg';Gwfgstf{ sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf cu|hx?n] lbPsf] lg/Gt/tfsf] kl/0ffd:j?k d'n'sL nflu :jtGq x'g' kb{5 . :jfoQ x'g' kb{5 . s'g} klg ck/fw ;+lxtf ;d]tsf gofF sfg"g cfPsf5g\ . ;dfhnfO{ ?kdf x:tIf]k x'g' x'Fb}g . cg';Gwfgstf{nfO{ cf}lrTok"0f{ ?kfGt/0f ug]{ / sfg"g k|0ffnLsf] cfw'lgsLs/0f ug]{ ?kdf dfu{bz{g ug{ ;lsG5 . sfg"gL clVtof/Lsf] ;Ldfdf p4]Zon] NofOPsf oL sfg"gx?n] cjnDag u/]sf l;4fGt /xL lgb]{zg ug{ ;lsG5 . o;sf] cy{ :jfoQtf / :jtGqtfdf / dfGotfx?nfO{ k|efjsf/L ?kdf sfof{Gjog u/L ;a} lgoGq0f xf]Og . k|efjsfl/tf clea[l4 ug]{ j}wflgs cfwf/ xf] . ;/f]sf/jfnfx?n] gofF k|0ffnLsf] ;F:yfut ljsf;df of]ubfg lbg' kg]{ cj:yf 5 . cj sfg"gdf /x]sf ;'wf/ ug{' kg]{ kIfnfO{ cf}+Nofpb} o;sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogdf ;/sf/L jsLn lsgf/fsf] ;fIfL xf]Og lqmofzLn x'g] k|lt:kwf{ u/f}+ . c;n sfdsf] c;n Oltxf; ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf kqmfp k/]sf] JolQmnfO{ Dofb yk ug{ aG5 . v/fj sfdsf] v/fa . ;a}nfO{ Oltxf;n] ;lDemof];\ n}+hfbf ;/sf/L jsLnn] klg ;xeflutf hgfpg kfpg' kg]{ eGg] cfsf+Iff x'G5 . Tof] cfsf+Iff k"/f ug{ l;h{gzLn / cfjfh ljut b]lv g} p7]sf] ljifo xf] . d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L /rgfTds ?kdf lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug{' ckl/xfo{ x'G5 . ;+lxtfn] Tof] ljifonfO{ ;Daf]wg uof]{ . t/ cEof;df

70 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Human Trafficking Condition in Nepal of human being for entertainment, hospitality, brick kiln, and garment industries, in agricultural and domestic work, street begging, and transplantation of organs.

Current Scenario of Human Trafficking in Nepal The Government of Nepal (GON) does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. The government demonstrated increasing efforts through increased trafficking investigations, prosecutions, and Insp. Subash Hamal convictions. GON of Nepal also established Anti Human Anti Human Trafficking Bureau Trafficking bureau to combat against human trafficking. Nepal Police including anti human trafficking bureau Human Trafficking is a social crime, sinful, oldest and one investigated and arrested several allegedly complicit officials. of the third most occurred crime in the world. Human trafficking is also a modern slavery and crime against Manpower agencies and Consultancies exploit Nepalese humanity. According to the law every human being have workers with attractive offers of overseas travel and job their right to live freely in the world but for various reason opportunities. A large proportion of Nepalese workers people being victim of this crime worldwide. Nepal is a under work overseas, many of whom are deceived about their development country and obviously Nepal being a source working, living conditions, facilities and salaries in and transit country of this crime. Firstly it was started from labor-receiving countries. Nepalese men continue to slavery system like “kamara Kamari” “Badhuwa” and later suffer exploitative living and working conditions in the on the modus operndi and purpose of this crime has been construction and other unskilled works. Nepalese workers changing accordingly with social, political and economic have to work inforced labor in private homes throughout scenario and structure. In context of Nepal firstly human Malaysia and the Gulf States. trafficking was started from trafficking of women for sexual exploitation to Indian brothels like Mumbai, Kolkata etc. As a sex trafficking in Nepal, Nepalese women are traded Nowadays the perspective of human trafficking growing to India, the Middle East, Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. as servants, dancer, sexual exploitation, prostitution, Some women experienced freedom of movement being sex tourism, pedophilia, child marriage, force marriage, restricted who went foreign Like China and South Korea domestic servant, bound labor, circus worker, removal of via false marriage. Nepalese women traded as a dancer, organs etc. In another world we can say it is illegal tread actor, house maid and various purposes.

71 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Trafficking Route Detail of Victim

Nepal Bus India (Delhi) Plane Russia Plane Spain (Madrid) Plane

 Delhi to Russia, russia to Madrid (Spain) Bolivia Border of landed in Bolivia by Plane Bus Mexcico & US  Bolivia to Peru by Bus.  Peru-Equador by Bus, Equador to colombia Peru On Foot by bus.  Colombia to Panama on foot & Boat. Bus Mexico  Panama to Costa Rica by bus/taxi.  Costa Rica to Nicaragua on foot. Ecuador Bus  Nicaragua to Hunduras by bus. Bus  Honduras to Guatemala by Bus/Taxi.  Guatemala to MExico by Bus/Taxi & Plane & Guatemala on foot to reach to the land of US Columbia On Foot + Boat Bus Honduras Bus Nicaragua Bus Costa rica Bus Panama City

1) Number of Trafficking cases in Nepal by state and district in Nepal Region FY 2016/17(73/74) No of Cases Percentage

EDR 33 14.53 MDR 39 17.18 WDR 38 16.74 MWDR 31 13.65 FWDR 19 8.37 VALLEY 55 24.22 BUREAU 12 5.28 Total 227 100

State FY 2017/18(74/75) FY 2018/19(75/76) No of Cases Percentage No of Cases Percentage

State 1 51 16.72 40 21.05 State 2 23 7.54 15 7.89 State 3 21 6.88 15 7.89 State 4 ( Gandaki) 6 1.96 5 2.63 State 5 91 29.83 33 17.36

72 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 State 6 (Karnali) 6 1.96 7 3.68 State 7 26 8.52 26 13.68 Valley 39 12.78 33 17.36 Bureau 42 13.77 16 8.42 Total 305 100 190 100

2) Number of trafficking cases registered by districts, FY 2018/19 total register case -190 Number of Cases Number of Districts Number of districts Total Cases Percentage Top 10 Districts Kathmandu -29 10 109 57.36 Kailali-13 Rupandehi-11 Jhapa-11 Kanchanpur-10 Sunsari-9 Morang -7 w.Nawalparasi-7 Ilam -6 Parsa-6 Last 10 districts Bara-1 10 10 5.26 Rautahat-1 Udayapur-1 Mahatori-1 Dhanusa-1 Siraha-1 Dhangadi-1 Kavre-1 Sindhupalchowk-1 Doti-1 No Cases Bhaktapur, Baglung, 26 0 0 E.Nawalparasi, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Tanahu, Manang, Mustang, Myagdi, Parbat, Palpa Gulmi, Pyuthan, Rolpa, RukumPurba, Dolpa, Jumla, Mugu, Humla, Kalikot, RukumPaschim, Jajarkot, Bajura, Bajang, Achham, Darchula

3) Number of trafficking cases registered in Nepal Police by Nepali months, FY 2018/19 Months Trafficking Cases Srawan 27 Bhadra 23 Aswin 19

73 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Kartik 10 Mangsir 16 Poush 20 Magh 17 Falgun 22 Chaitra 20 Baisakh 22 Jestha 53 Asar

4) Distribution of number of trafficking cases by modus operandi of trafficking, Nepal Police, FY 2016/17-2018/19 Modus Operandi FY 2016/17 FY 2017/18 FY 2018/19 No % No % No %

Using Medicine 2 0.64 9 1.64 1 0.675 Fake Marriage 5 1.60 18 3.29 2 1.351 Threats 1 0.32 31 5.67 7 4.72 Lure /Deception 73 23.47 385 70.51 108 72.97 Employment 58 10.62 10 6.75

Tour/Travel 206 66.23 37 6.77 20 13.51 Others 24 7.71

Total 311 100 546 100 148 100

Legal Provision in Nepal: (a) To take a person out of the country for the purpose of According to Human Trafficking and Transportation buying and selling, Control Act, 2064 (b) To take anyone from his /her home, place of residence or from a person by any means such as enticement, Acts considered as Human Trafficking and Transportation: inducement, misinformation, forgery, tricks, coercion, abduction, hostage, allurement, influence, threat, abuse (1) If anyone commits any of the following acts, that shall of power and by means of inducement, fear, threat or be deemed to have committed human trafficking: co-ercion to the guardian or custodian and keep him/her into ones custody or take to any place within Nepal or (a) To sell or purchase a person for any purpose, abroad or handover him/her to somebody else for the purpose of prostitution and exploitation. (b) To use someone into prostitution, with or without any benefit, The maximum amount of punishment under HTTCA, 2064 will be 20 years in prison and a fine of Rs 200,000 for (c) To extract human organ except otherwise determined selling or buying a human being. by law, (d) To go for in prostitution. Trends of Human Trafficking/ (2) If anyone commits any of the following acts, that shall Smuggling: be deemed to have committed human transportation: • Human Traffickers are using new ways in trafficking as an actors, dancers, Seminars participators and offers of

74 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 attractive foreign jobs and in the name of sports men. GON effort to combat with human • Traffickers involve themselves as an investors in dance trafficking: bar, night clubs and restaurants in Gulf and other Nepal Police is the one of anti-trafficking law enforcement African countries. agency. The government increased anti-trafficking law • Migrant Smuggling by using illegal way. (USA, Canada, enforcement efforts. GON enforce the HTTCA, 2007 Poland, Greece, Turkey, South Africa) (Human Trafficking & Transportation Control Act, 2007) which criminalized some forms of labor and sex trafficking. • Different Mobile apps are seen to be used. National Committee for Controlling Human Trafficking • Marries is also taken as a mean. (NCCHT) should drafted revisions to the HTTCA to bring the definition of human trafficking in line with international law. Although HTTCA doesn’t speak about Emerging Trends: compensation for victims. • Misuse of visit visa The government had standard training for labor, immigration, • Operated from outside countries judicial, law enforcement, and foreign employment officials • Use of Social Networking Apps that incorporated anti-trafficking training. During the reporting period, the police and judicial academies with the • Use of non-banking channels support of a foreign government, on combating trafficking • Targeted country – South Africa, Canada , USA, for police, prosecutors& NGO representatives,. Despite Europe, Turkey, these trainings, police lacked sophisticated investigative techniques and skills to interact in a victim-centered way • Dubai, Oman, Kuwait- (females) with trafficking survivors; these deficiencies subsequently undermined prosecution efforts.

Challenges: Thus Government of Nepal decide to establish Anti Human 1. Related to Investigation Trafficking Bureau. On 12th May 2019, the anti-human • Initial action taken in investigation are crucial to success trafficking bureau was inaugurated by Inspector General of Police Mr. SarbendraKhanal which located in Babarmahal, • Careful treatments of victims/witness testimony on Kathmandu. The head of the AHTB will be Senior which prosecution depends. Superintendent of Police and there will be wing within all • Victim Handling.(To convince) seven state. • Suspect as well as Victims across geographic boundaries. Our Strategies: • Use of social Media platform Firstly, we established to combat against human • Victim turning hostile trafficking cases. Identification of trend Co-ordination and Collaboration with various stake holders like government agencies, INGO’s, Shelter 2. Rescue &Rehabilation Homes, Rehabilitation Centers, court, office of attorney • Difficult to evacuate/rescue from foreign countries. general etc. • Not clearly defined and comes ultimately to police, but Collaboration with state level police units and cross we need Multiples sectoral approach. border police organizations. • Problem in Rehabilitation Collection, analyze, distribution and sharing of data from all over country and utilize all these information 3. Access to Victim in investigation of human trafficking. • Photo Change (PC) Development and implementation of policy and • Forged name and address procedure to combat human trafficking more efficiently • Illegal route / travel (No records) and effectively. Build up victim care arrangements. Enhanced ability to multi agency action at border and airports.

75 ANNUAL PUBLICATION ;fOa/ ck/fwM cg';Gwfg / r'gf}tL

k|=a=p= gljGb cof{n s]lGb|o ;fO{a/ Ao"/f] k[i7e"ld M ;S5 . cfˆg} bfh'efO, dlxnf ;fyL, lgs6td ;fyL, s]xL 6f9fsf ;fyL, cu|h, lzIfs–lzlIfsf jf t];|f] JolQm s]Gb|Lo ;fOa/ Jo"/f] :yfkgf, cf}lrToM ;d]t o; k|sf/sf] ;fOa/ ck/fwdf ;+nUg x'g ;S5g\ . ;"rgf k|ljlwdf a9\bf] ljsf; ;+u} ck/flws lqmofsnfkdf csf]{ tkm{ lgof]lht ?kdf 7"nf / 3fts ;fOa/ qmfOd k|ljlwsf] a9\bf] b'?kof]usf sf/0f ck/fwsf gofF—gofF ;d]t clxn] k|sfzdf cfPsf] kfOG5 . ljZjsf h'g;'s} z}nL / k|j[ltn] ck/fw cg';Gwfg sfo{df b]lvPsf s'gfaf6 k]g8«fOe, xf8{\8L:s tyf ;e{/sf] k|of]u u/L r'gf}tLx?sf] ;fdgf u/L jt{dfg / cfufdL lbgdf x'g ;Sg] OG6/g]6åf/f o:tf ck/fw x'g] u/]sf 5g\ . 8f6fx? rf]/L ck/fwx? x'g glbg tyf ck/fwsf] ;kmn cg';Gwfg ug]{ tyf lgu/fgLsf nflu malicious virus OG:6n ul/lbg] x]t'n] k|x/L ;+u7g leq /x]sf ;+oGqx?nfO{ ;dofg's'n u/]sf] sf/0f yk ;+s6 kg]{ u/]sf] 5 . kl/dfh{g tyf ;zQm agfpg ;fOa/ ck/fw cg';Gwfg, ;fOa/ ;'/Iff, ;fOa/ ck/fw ;r]tgf ;d]tsf] nflu g]kfn ;fOj/ ck/fwsf ljleGg k|s[lt cg'?k Od]n dfkm{t wDsL ;/sf/sf] lg0f{o adf]lhd k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no cGtu{t, lbg] / gub dfu ug]{, ;fdflhs ;~hfndf cGo JolQmsf] s]Gb|Lo ;fOa/ Ao"/f]sf] :yfkgf eO{ sfof{no ;+rfng eO{ t:jL/ k|of]u u/L k|f]kmfOn agfP/ a]OHht ug]{ tyf b'Mv /x]sf] 5 . lbg] h:tf ck/fw ePsf] kfOG5 . ljleGg lsl;dsf gUg t:jL/df JolQmsf] d'xf/ hf]8]/ ;fdflhs ;~hfndf clxn]sf] cj:yfdf ;"rgf k|ljlw;Fu} ;fOa/ ck/fw a9\bf] /fVg], km]s cfO8L agfO{ To;dfkm{t\ ;fdfg tyf gubsf] qmddf 5 . h;sf sf/0f o; ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfgdf gofF k|nf]eg b]vfO{ a}+sdf k};f hDdf ug{ nufO{ cgnfOg 7uL r'gf}tL ylkFbf] 5 . ug]{ 36gf klg eO/x]sf 5g\ . oL afx]s ;fOa/ ck/fwsf ;a} k|sf/x? g]kfndf s'g} g s'g} ?kdf b]lvPsf 5g\ . sDKo'6/, df]jfOn h:tf ljB'tLo pks/0f tyf o;sf] g]6js{sf] dfWodåf/f x'g] cfk/flws sfo{nfO{ ;fOa/ ck/fw ;fOa/ ck/fw vf;u/L ljleGg k|sf/ / :j?ksf x'G5g\ . elgG5 . o; cGtu{t OG6/g]6sf] k|of]u dfkm{t\ ul/g] rl/q ;fdflhs ;~hfn;Fu ;DalGwt, kfO/];L;Fu ;DalGwt, km]s xTof, of}ghGo tyf cGo lx+;f, cgflws[t ?kdf csf{sf] k|f]kmfOn, Od]naf6 wDsL, j]j;fO6 tyf Od]n kf;j8{ klxrfg k|of]u, OG6/g]6 k|m8 cyf{t\ wf]sfw8L, qm]l86 Xofs, ANofsd]lnª, lel8of], cl8of], Od]h, 6]S:6 tyf sf8{ tyf Psfp06sf] kf;j8{ rf]/L u/L ul/g] j}+lsª ;]jfdf cj/f]w o; ck/fwsf k|d'v k|sf/ x'g\ . o:tf s;'/, csf{sf] sDKo'6/ jf ljB'tLo pks/0f tyf g]6js{df ck/fw JolQmsf lj?4, ;DklQsf lj?4 / ;/sf/s} k'of{O{g] Iflt nufotsf cj}wflgs sfo{ kb{5g\ . lj?4 x'g] ub{5g\ .

;fOa/ ck/fwsf k|sf/ / k|s[lt M ;fOj/ ck/fwsf] cj:yf / sf/0f M ;fOj/ qmfOd cGo ck/fw eGbf leGg / gofF t/Lsfn] ;fOa/ ;DaGwL ;a}eGbf a9L ck/fw km];a's, 6\jL6/, x'g] u5{ . dgf]/~hgsf] ?kdf k|of]u ubf{ klg s'g} Anu, a}+lsª, Pl6Pd, a}+lsª l;:6d -Hacking_, Ransomware ;fdflhs ;~hfn, cgnfOg lel8of] tyf cGo OG6/g]6 nufot If]qdf x'g] u/]sf] 5 . ;fOj/ ;DaGwL ck/fw ;fO6af6 cghfgd} klg ;fOa/ qmfOd eO/x]sf] x'g

76 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 a9\g'sf] k|d'v sf/0f gful/sdf r]tgfsf] sdL g} dflgG5 . ;fOa/ ck/fw cg';Gwfg tyf k|ljlwaf/] cNk1fg t/ k|ljlwsf] a9\bf] k|of]u csf]{ sf/0f xf] . o:tf sf/0f w]/} x'g ;S5g\ . s]xL 1fg eP klg Go"lgs/0fdf kxn M ;fOa/ ck/fw x'g glbg, ePdf lgoGq0f ug{ tyf xf]l;of/L ckgfpg' eGbf nfk/afxL ug]{ k|j[lQ xfd|f] ;dfhdf cg';Gwfg u/L ck/fwLnfO{ sfg'gsf] bfo/fdf Nofpg g]kfn ljBdfg 5 . csf{]lt/ ck/fw ug]{ JolQmx? / ;+:yfsf] k|x/L ;lqmo 5 . o; qmddf ;"rgf ;+sng, kLl8t;Fu lqmofsnfk Pjd\ k};f sdfpg] p4]Zo k|d'v sf/0f xf] . ;dGjo, ;"rgf ljZn]if0f tyf k'i6L, k|x/L kl/rfng, yk ;fOj/ ck/fw Go"lgs/0fsf nflu ;dofg's"n sfg'gsf] ;"rgf tyf k|df0f ;+sng, 36gfsf] k'gM ljZn]if0f, ck/fwL cefjsf sf/0f o:tf ck/fwn] st} ck|ToIf k|f]T;fxg t kqmfp, 8s'd]G6];g / k"j{ ;r]tgftkm{ g]kfn k|x/L ;r]t kfPsf x}gg\, cfz+sf pAhG5 . /xL cg';Gwfgdf ;lqmo 5 . h;af6 ;fOj/ ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf ;kmntf k|fKt x'g] cfPsf] 5 . ;fOa/ ck/fw lgoGq0fdf r'gf}tL M l8lh6n l8efO;x?sf] a9\bf] k|of]u / dflg;sf] cfk/flws ;fOj/ ck/fw /f]Sg g]kfndf ljB'tLo sf/f]jf/ P]g, @)^# dfgl;stfdf sdL gcfPsf] sf/0f ;fOa/ ck/fw / o;n] sfof{Gjogdf NofOPsf] 5 . o; P]gn] sDKo'6/ ;DaGwL lgDtfPsf] hl6ntf ;d]t a9\bf] 5 . h;sf sf/0f r'gf}tL ck/fwsf d'4fnfO{ lsgf/f nufpg ;xh ePsf] 5 . emg\ emg\ ylkFbf] qmddf 5 . ;fOa/ ck/fw ;DaGwL 1fgsf] tyflk oltn] dfq} ;a} d'4fnfO{ ;d]6g g;Sg] ePsf]n] cefj, ;r]tgf tyf hfu?stfsf] cefj Pjd\ ljB'tLo kl/dfh{gsf] cjZostf b]lvG5 . sf/f]af/ P]g, @)^# sf ;Lldttfsf sf/0f yk r'gf}tLsf] cj:yf em]Ng' k/]sf] oyfy{ xfd|f] ;fd' 5 . gofF–gofF k|ljlwsf] cfudg, ;fOa/ ck/fw Go"lgs/0fdf pbfl;gtf, pk;+xf/ M ;"rgf k|ljlw Gofoflws/0f u7g x'g g;Sg', ;fdflhs k|rlnt sfg'g adf]lhd ;fOa/;+u ;DjlGwt s;"/sf] ;~hfnsf ;Dk{s sfof{no g]kfndf gx'g', sDK6o'/ ljlzli6s[t cg';Gwfg txlssft ug{, ;fOa/;Fu ;DalGwt k|of]ustf{ :jo+ddf ;r]tgfsf] sdL cflbn] ubf{ ;fOa/ d'2fsf] cleof]hg ug{, ;fO{a/;Fu ;DalGwt ck/fw ck/fw lgoGq0f tyf cg';Gwfgdf r'gf}tL ylkPsf 5g\ . Go"lgs/0f ug{ / s'g} k|x/L sfof{noaf6 eO/x]sf] jf x'g] o;sf ;fy} ;a} ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfo, ljlQo ;+3;+:yf, ;fOa/;+u ;DalGwt s;"/x?sf] cg';Gwfg, txlssftsf pBf]u, z}lIfs If]qsf ;fy} ;j{;fwf/0fdf ljB'tLo ck/fw sfo{df cfjZos ;xof]u, ;dGjo ug{, lgb]{zg lbg ;DaGwL ;]rtgf Pjd\ hfu?stfsf] cefj yk r'gf}tL aGg tyf ;fOa/ ;'/Iff tyf ;r]tgfsf sfo{qmd ;+rfngsf uPsf] 5 . lgldQ s]Gb|Lo :t/df s]Gb|Lo ;fOa/ Ao"/f]sf] :yfkgf u/L xfn sf7df08f} ef]6flx6L l:yt cfˆg} ejgjf6 sfof{no ;+rfng eO{/x]sf] 5 . ;fOa/ ck/fwaf6 ;'/lIft x'g] pkfo M s'g} klg ck/fw x'g'eGbf klxNo} To;af6 ;'/lIft x'g' jt{dfg cj:yfdf ljlQo If]q, P/nfOG; nufot ;/sf/L klxnf] pkfo xf] . cGo ck/fw eGbf ;fOa/ ck/fwaf6 If]qx? ;d]t ;fOa/ qmfOdsf] hf]lvddf /x]sf] kfOG5 . ;'/lIft x'g ;lhnf] klg 5 . ;fdfGo ;r]tgfn] klg 7"nf] ck/fwLx?sf] kx'Fraf6 aRg / arfpg g]kfn k|x/L k|ltj4 sfd ub{5 . cfˆgf] sDKo'6/df cflwsfl/s nfO;]G;jfnf 5 . tyflk of] g} k"0f{ lgsf;sf] pkfo eg] xf]Og . ;a} PlG6efO/; OG:6n ug]{, ;a} OG6/g]6 vftfx?df ;lhn} k|sf/sf ;fOa/ ck/fwaf6 aRg o;sf] ;+j]bgzLntfnfO{ cg'dfg ug{ g;lsg] kf;j8{ /fVg] / 5f]6f] ;dodf g} dWogh/ ub}{ dfly k|:t't ;'/Iffsf pkfo cjnDjg ug{' kl/jt{g ug]{, dxTjk"0f{ 8f6fx?sf] Aofsck /fVg], sDKo'6/ lgtfGt cfjZos b]lvG5 . cGonfO{ z]o/ gug]{, OG6/g]6 k|of]u u/]kl5 l8;sg]S6 ug]{ tyf ;'/lIft j]j;fO6af6 dfq cgnfOg ;lkª ug]{ ;fOa/ ck/fwk|lt ;r]tgfsf ;fy} of] ck/fw s] xf], k|d'v pkfo x'g\ . k]g8«fOe, d]df]/Lsf8{ h:tf l8efO;sf] sfg'gL ;hfo s] 5, sfg'g ljkl/tsf sfo{ u/] jf ;r]t hyfefjL k|of]u gug]{, z+sf:kb lnÍ jf rl/qxTof ug]{ geP s] s:tf] xfgL–gf]S;fgL 5 eGg]tkm{ ljz]if rf;f] /fVb} kf]i6sf] nfOs z]o/ jf 6\ofu gug]{, cfkm"n] :6f6; /fVbf lgodsf] kfngf x'g' ;fGble{s b]lvG5 . /fHo kIfaf6 ;do ;f]rljrf/ u/L /fVg], ljleGg k|nf]eg b]vfpFb} cfPsf] h;fk]If sfg'gsf] th{'df ug{'sf] ;fy} cg';Gwfg kIfnfO{ Od]n gvf]Ng] tyf pQ/ klg glbg], kf;j8{ lkgsf]8 jf ;an agfpg' ckl/xfo{ b]lvG5 . ;+If]kdf eGg' kbf{ ;fOa/ qm]l86sf8{ gDa/ ;f]lwPdf pQ/ glbg] ;'/Iffsf pkfo ck/fw lgoGq0fsf nflu /fHo kIfsf] ;fy} cfdgful/s x'g\ . kl/lrtnfO{ dfq} ;fyL agfpg], JolQmut hfgsf/L ;d]t plQs} pQ/bfoL, ;r]t / ;lqmo x'g cfjZos kf]i6 gug]{, s'/fsfgL ubf{ ;b}j ;fjwfg /xg] ePdf b]lvG5 . ;'/lIft x'g ;lsG5 .

77 ANNUAL PUBLICATION k'j{ k|=gf=p= s[i0f uf]kfn kg]? nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f Ao"/f] / o;n] lgjf{x u/]sf] e"ldsf

nfu" cf}ifw ck/fw ;Ël7t ¿kdf x'g] ;dfh Pj+ dfgjtf nfu" cf}ifw ck/fw ;Ël7t ¿kdf x'g] ;dfh Pj+ dfgjtf la?2sf] ck/fw xf] . AolQm, ;dfh / /fi6«nfO{ k|lts'n la?2sf] ck/fw xf] . AolQm, ;dfh / /fi6«nfO{ k|lts'n k|efj kfg]{ dfgj ;Eotfsf] zq' nfu" cf}ifw jt{dfg ;dodf k|efj kfg]{ dfgj ;Eotfsf] zq' nfu" cf}ifw jt{dfg ;dodf ljZj ;d"bfos} ;femf lrGtf / r'gf}tLsf] laifo ag]sf] 5 . ljZj ;d"bfos} ;femf lrGtf / r'gf}tLsf] laifo ag]sf] 5 . ljZjoflks/0f / a}1flgss/0fsf] dfWodaf6 ;fF3'l/Psf] ljZjoflks/0f / a}1flgss/0fsf] dfWodaf6 ;fF3'l/Psf] laZjdf nfu" cf}ifw b'j{\o;g / ca}w sf/f]af/sf] ;Ël7t laZjdf nfu" cf}ifw b'j{\o;g / ca}w sf/f]af/sf] ;Ël7t ;+~hfn tLa| ?kdf a[4L x'b} uPsf] kfO{G5 . o; ;d:ofaf6 ;+~hfn tLa| ?kdf a[4L x'b} uPsf] kfO{G5 . o; ;d:ofaf6 g]kfn ;d]t c5'tf] /xg ;s]sf] 5}g . nfu" kbfy{sf] ca}w g]kfn ;d]t c5'tf] /xg ;s]sf] 5}g . nfu" kbfy{sf] ca}w cf];f/k;f/, sf/f]af/ Pa+ cfk"lt{ lgoGq0f ug{ nfu" cf}ifw cf];f/k;f/, sf/f]af/ Pa+ cfk"lt{ lgoGq0f ug{ nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f Ao"/f] ;lxt zfvf sfof{nox? ;d]tn] laleGg lgoGq0f Ao"/f] ;lxt zfvf sfof{nox? ;d]tn] laleGg sfo{qmd ;~rfng u/L sfg"gL sf/af{xL ub}{ cfPsf]df cem} sfo{qmd ;~rfng u/L sfg"gL sf/af{xL ub}{ cfPsf]df cem} ljleGg sfo{qmd th{'df u/L zfvf sfof{nox?sf] la:tf/ ljleGg sfo{qmd th{'df u/L zfvf sfof{nox?sf] la:tf/ ;d]tnfO{ hf]8 lbb} lg/Gt/ sfg"gL sf/af{xLsf] k|lqmofnfO{ ;d]tnfO{ hf]8 lbb} lg/Gt/ sfg"gL sf/af{xLsf] k|lqmofnfO{ cufl8 a9fpg' kg]{ ckl/xfo{ b]lvG5 . cufl8 a9fpg' kg]{ ckl/xfo{ b]lvG5 .

78 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 g]kfnsf] kl/k|]Iodf x]bf{ nfu" cf}ifw -lgoGq0f_ P]g, @)## nfu"cf}ifwx?sf] cf];f/k;f/ / laqmLlat/0fdf a[l4 x'b} hf/L x'g' k'a{ The Age of the Hippy Tourism df ufFhf tyf uPsf] b]lvG5 . cfk"lt{ lgoGq0f / sfg"g sfof{Gjogsf] r/]zx¿ 7d]nsf xf]6nx¿df d"No;"rL /fvL laqmL lat/0f b[li6sf]0fdf g]kfndf nfu" cf}ifwsf] ck/fw -v]tL, pTkfbg, ul/GYof] tyf ufFhf r/]zsf] sf/f]af/sf] nflu cg'dtL kq k|zf]wg, lgsf;L, k}7f/L tyf b'¿kof]u_ nfO{ d"ntM tLg k|bfg ul/GYof] . ;dosf] dfu ;+u} o;nfO{ k|ltalGwt ug{ cfofdx¿df x]g{ ;lsG5 . klxnf] g]kfndf b'Jo{;g x'g] cfjZos 7fgL nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f P]g @)## hf/L kZrft nfu" cf}ifwnfO{ cj}w k}7f/L tyf laqmL—lat/0f, bf];|f] nfu" cf}ifwsf] v]tL, pTkfbg, cf];f/—k;f/, ;+~ro / g]kfnnfO{ la>fd laGb" agfO{ clGtd uGtJodf nfu" cf}ifw laqmLlat/0f cflb h:tf ck/fwsf] lgoGq0f tyf cg';Gwfg cf];f/k;f/, t];|f] g]kfndf hËnL tyf cj}w ¿kdf x'g] u/L ca}w sf/f]af/sf] lgoGq0f ug{ yflnof] . lbgfg'lbg ufFhf / clkmd h:tf nfu"cf}ifwsf] v]tL, pTkfbg, k|zf]wg, g]kfnsf] o'jf hgzlQmdf nfu" cf}ifw k|ltsf] df]x a9\b} b'j{\ e08f/0f tyf lgsf;L sfo{ cflb kb{5g\ . o;gLsf ;+Vof a[l2 x'g', ef/t;+usf] v'Nnf ;Ldfgfsf sf/0f nfu" cf}ifw sf/f]af/Lx?n] ef/taf6 g]kfndf cf}ifwhGo nfu" cf}ifw ck/fw cGo ck/fw eGbf lalzi6 laz]iftf lgolGqt nfu" kbf{y NofO{ laqmLlat/0f ug]{ sfo{df a[l2 x'g' af]s]sf] ck/fw xf] . of] ck/fw laZaAofkL / ;+ªul7t tyf ef/t, kfls:tfg, a|flhn, k]? nufotsf laleGg d'n's ;~hfnn] ;+Grfng u/]sf] x'G5 . nf=cf} ck/fw uf]Ko x'b} g]kfndf cfO{k'Ug] nfu"cf}ifw x]/f]O{g, clkmd tyf sf]lsg tl/sfn] sf/f]af/ x'g] ePsf]n] 36gf:ynsf] lglZrttf / g]kfnnfO{ la>fd laGb' -Transit Point_ agfO{ cGo t]>f gx'g], ck/fwsf] ;DaGwdf ;'rgf tyf hfx]/L sd} dfqfdf d'n'sdf k7fpg] h:tf ca}w sf/f]af/sf] a[l4 eP kZrft o:tf kg]{, cGo d'2fdf h:tf] lkl8t kIf / ;fIfLx? ;d]t sd ca}w sfo{nfO{ lgoGq0f ug{, l5d]sL d'n'ssf] ;/f]sf/jfnf pknAw x'g], n'sfpl5kfp ug{ ;lhnf] x'g], Ps eGbf lgsfo;+u ;dGjo / ;xsfo{nfO{ Aoal:yt agfpg, nfu" al9 txdf ck/fw x'g] x'Fbf d'Vo cfk/flws lu/f]xsf] cf}ifwsf] v]tL, pTkfbg, cf];f/—k;f/, ;+~ro / laqmLlat/0f ;'rgf ;d]t uf]Ko x'g] x'Fbf ck/fw lgoGq0f tyf sfg'g cflb h:tf ck/fwsf] lgoGq0f tyf cg';Gwfg u/L ca}w sfof{Gjgsf] nfuL r'gf}tLk"0f{ ag]sf] 5 . Ao"/f]sf] cfˆg} sf/f]af/sf] lgoGq0f ug]{ lhDd]jf/L tf]sL la=;= @)$(.)@.@% eag gx'g', cTofaZos ;|f]t;fwgsf] cefa, ;'/fsL vr{sf] ut] cyf{t 7th June 1992 df k|x/L al/i9 pk/LIfsn] g]t[Ta nfuL kof{Kt ah]6sf] cefa, Go"g hgzlQmsf] afah't klg ug]{ u/L nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f sfg'g sfof{Gjg O{sfO{ :yfkgf ca}w sf/f]af/sf] nfuL k|efasf/L cfk"lt{ lgoGq0f -Supply eof] . h;df ;dGao / ;xsfo{sf] nfuL u[x dGqfno, Control_ ug]{ sfo{df ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfo;Fu ;dGjo / eG;f/ laefu / dxfGoflwjQmf sfof{nosf] sd{rf/L ;d]t ;xsfo{ ub}{ nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f Ao"/f] cuf8L a9]sf] 5 . v6L ;+o'Qm ?kdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg ul/g yflnof] . g]kfndf pTkfbg x'g] ufFhf, r/]z / clkmd nufPt o;sf v]tL x'g] lhNnfx? dsjfgk'/, wflbª / o:tf lhNnfx?sf g]kfnsf] Ps :yfgaf6 csf]{ :yfgdf x'g ;Sg] nfu" cf}ifwsf] kxf8L / b'u{d If]qsf] ;fy} dWo klZrd If]qsf] b'u{d kxf8L ca}w sf/f]af/, g]kfnaf6 cGo d'n'sdf x'g ;Sg] k}7f/L e]ux?df nufpg] u/]sf] clkmd v]tLnfO{ ;d]t dWo gh/ tyf g]kfnleq x'g ;Sg] lgsf;L ;d]tnfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ /fvL k|To]s jif{ o;sf] km8fgL u/L nfu" cf}ifw clkmd v]lt lqe'ag ladfg:yn nufot sf7df08f} pkTosf aflx/sf gi6 ug{'sf] cnjf sRrf clkmd ;d]t a/fdb ug]{ sfo{df gfsfx? sfFs8le§f, la/f6gu/, la/u+~h, kf]v/f, e}/xjf, pNn]vlgo e"ldsf ;d]t nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f Ao"/f]n] lgjf{x g]kfnu+~h / dx]G›gu/df zfvf sfof{nox?sf] :yfkgf u/L ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 . To:t} x]/f]O{g, sf]lsg h:tf s8f nfu" cf}ifwsf] cf];f/k;f/ tyf laqmLlat/0fsf] sf/f]af/ vfnsf] nfu" cf}ifw -Hard drugs_ hf] g]kfndf -Transit lgoGq0f ug]{ e"ldsf nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f Ao"/f]n] lgaf{x ub}{ Point_ la>fd laGb' sf] ?kdf lelqG5g\ To:tf Drugs cfO{/x]sf] 5 . ;dosf] kl/at{g;+u} nfu" cf}ifw laqmLlat/0f x?nfO{ lgoGq0f, kqmfp tyf sfg"lg sf/{aflx ;d]t ug{sf / sf/f]af/df ePsf] a[l2, ck/fwsf] k|s[tL, ;+nUg cfk/flws nflu nfu" cf}ifw lgoGqg Ao"/f]n] /fli6«o tyf cGt/fli6«o lu/f]x tyf lab]zL d'n's ;+usf] ;xsfo{sf] cfaZostf lgsfo ;+u ;dGjo ;dembf/L u/L ;do—;dodf kqmfp cg'?k nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f sfg'g sfof{Gjg O{sfO{sf] u/L sfg"gL sf/af{xL ub}{ cfO{ /x]sf] 5 . :t/ pGgtL ub} k|x/L gfoj dxflgl/Ifssf] g]t[Tr /xg] u/L la=;+= @)^(.)*.!$ df nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f Ao"/f]df To:t} a|fpg ;'u/, lgolGqt cf}ifwL -Medical drugs_ kl/0ft ePsf] kfO{G5 vft, ofaf, cfO{;, h:tf gofF gofF Drugs sf] vf]lh sfo{nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbb} kqmfp ;d]t u/L sfg'gL sf/af{xL g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{ x]bf{ cf}ifwLhGo nfu"cf}ifw ufFhf, r/];, ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 . s]xL jif{ otf ljz]if u/L g]kfnL clkmd, x]/f]O{g tyf kl5Nnf] ;dodf cem} dgf]l2ks o'jf—o'jltx?n] lgolGqt nfu" cf}ifw -Medical drugs_ kbfy{x¿ a9L dfqfdf b'¿kof]u eO{ /x]sf] tYofªsn] sf] cTolws k|of]u ub}{ cfPsf] b]lvPsf]n] To;nfO{ b]vfpF5 . To:t} ufFhf, r/];, clkmd h:tf nfu"cf}ifwx? nlIt u/L cf}ifwL Joj:yf laefu sf] ;x sfo{df To:tf pTkfbg eO{ o:tf nfu" kbf{yx? / ;xfos /;fogx?h:tf lgolGqt cf}ifwL a]Rg] cf}iflw Aoj;foL / cf}iflw k;n]nfO{ 79 ANNUAL PUBLICATION nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f Ao'/f]af6 a/fdb ul/Psf] nfu"cf}ifwsf] lq—alif{o tYof° nf= cf}=÷ ufFhf r/]z v}/f] ;]tf] clkmd sf]lsg nf= cf} nf= cf}= ofaf vft PDkm]6fdfO{g cf= a= x]/f]O{g x]/f] PDk'n 6\ofAn]6 O{g @)^#.)^$ — !^=^@# #!# — — &=^&( !@!*) ^*!! :o"8f] — $ s]=hL= s]=hL= u|fd s]=hL= PDk'n 6ofAn]6 O{lkml8«g $&!=** s]=hL @)^$.)^% !^#=#() @%$ $^ u|fd — (=^%) $=^%* $!,#)$ $%*% 6\ $)u|fd !!=&*! @) u|fd s]=hL= s]=hL= s]=hL= s]=hL= PDk'n ofAn]6 s]=hL= @)^%.^^ !=#@^ #=(*% !%# — — — !&,%#@ !@,^(! ^*$ — ( u|fd s]=hL= s]=hL u|fd PDk'n 6ofAn]6 u|fd

;d]t sfg"gsf] bfo/fdf Nofpg'sf] ;fy} nf=cf}= sf] km/f/ / ;xsfo{ ug{ ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+l3o dxf;+lGwx? ePsf cleo'Qmx? kqmfp ug{ ;d]t N.C.B ;kmn ;d]t ePsf] 5g\ . o;df g]kfn kIf /fi6«sf] x}l;otn] nfu"cf}ifw tyf 5 eGbf cTo'lSQm gxf]nf . dgf]l2ks kbfy{;+u ;DalGwt ck/fw lgoGq0fdf g]kfnsf] cGt/fli6«o bfloTa x'g cfpF5 . g]kfnn] cg'df]bg u/]sf nfu" cf}ifwsf] ca}w v]tL, pTkfbg, cf];f/ -k;f/, ;+~ro, nfu"cf}ifw ;DaGwL dxf;lGwx? lgDg /x]sf 5g\ . laqmL lat/0f nufotsf] sf/f]af/ Pa+ cfk"lt{ lgoGq0f ug{ tyf u}x| sfg'gL ck/fw /f]syfd ug{ laleGg sfo{qmd dxf;lGw ;~rfng ug{' sfg'g sfof{Gaog ug]{ k|x/Lsf] lhDd]jf/L xf] . 1. UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 as mended laut s]xL aif{ otf cf}ifwLhGo nfu"cf}ifw ef/taf6 g]kfn by the protocol amending the single convention on Narcotic NofO{ laqmLlat/0f ug]{ sfo{df a[l2 ePsf] b]lvG5, h;n] drugs 1961. b'a{\o;gLsf] ;+Vof a9]sf] :jt l;2 x'G5 . g]kfnsf] dWo 2. UN Convention against illicit traffic in Narcotic Drugs and kxf8L e]udf ufFhf v]tLsf] ;fy;fy} clkmd v]tLsf] a[l2 tyf Psychotropic Substances,1988 kfls:tfg, a|flhn, k]? nufotsf d'n's x'b} g]kfn cfO{k'Ug] 3. UN Convention of Psychotropic Substances, 1971 x]/f]O{g tyf g]kfnnfO{ -Transit Point_ la>fd laGb' agfO{ 4. SAARC Convention of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic cGo d'n's k7fpg] sf]lsg, x]/f]O{g h:tf sfo{n] g]kfn Substances,1990. nfu"cf}ifwsf] nfuL r'gf}tLk"0f{ ca:yfdf /x]sf] b]lvG5 . nfu" cf}ifw lgoGq0f Ao'/f]af6 btf{ ePsf d'2f ;+Vof / kqmfp k/]sf AolQmx?sf] lq—alif{o t'nfgfTds tYofªs M nfu"cf}ifwsf] ca}w sf/f]af/ / b'a{\o;g laZaAofkL ;d:ofsf] ?kdf /x]sf]n] o;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ / ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf ;b:o /fi6«x? lar ;dGjo

80 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 Tracker Dog Ps ;+lIfK‍t kl/ro

Track eg]sf] ck/fw jf 36gf;Fu ;DalGwt cleo'Qm jf ;+lst JolQmn] k|of]u u/]sf] af6f] eGg] a'lemG5 / Tracking eg]sf] pQm af6f]nfO{ s's'/4f/f k5\ofpg] sfo{ xf] . ck/flwn] ck/fw ul/;s]kl5 jf/bft:yndf km]nf k/]sf] ;a'bdf ePsf] uGwnfO{ k5\ofpFb} ck/flw;Dd k'Ug] s's'/nfO{ ck/fwL vf]lh s's'/ cyf{t 6«ofs/ 8u -Tracker k|= gf=p= 8f= /fd rGb| ;Tofn Dog_ elgG5 . -s]gfOg dxfzfvf, dxf/fhuGh_

81 ANNUAL PUBLICATION 36gf ;Gbe{ s's'/n] s;/L ck/flwn] k|of]u ldlt @)&^÷)@÷@& ut] lh=:ofª\hf, le/sf]6 g=kf= ! ao/3f/L l:yt ao/3f/L ahf/sf] ;8s 5]pdf Ps %% u/]sf] af6f] k5\ofpg] / klxrfg ug]{ jif{sf] k'?ifsf] zj sf7 kmlg{r/ glhs} kfs{df e]l6Psf] ub{5 < elg k|x/LnfO{ va/ eP kZrft laxfg (M)) ah]sf] ;dodf dflg;sf] zl//df /x]sf sf]ifx? kl/jt{glzn x'G5 cyf{t uG8sL k|b]z k|x/L sfof{no, s's'/ zfvfaf6 6«ofs/ 8u If0f—If0fdf d[t x'g] / gofF sf]if aGg] k|s[of eO{/xG5 . 5fnf hË] lnO 36gf:yndf uO{ 36gf:yndf vl6Psf k|=gf=p= tLg txaf6 ag]sf] x'G5 / ;j}eGbf aflx/L txaf6 !-Ps_ gljg s[i0f e08f/L;+u ;dGjo u/L 36gf:ynsf] cjnf]sg ldg]6df $),)))-rfln; xhf/_ eGbf a9L d[t sf]ifx? ubf{ pQm JolQmnfO{ /ftsf] ;dodf xTof u/L kmlg{r/ zl// aflx/ jf xfjfdf v:b5 . lo d[t 5fnfsf sf]if glhs} kfs{df ;'tfP em}+ u/L /flvPsf] cj:yfdf km]nf k/]sf] -h;nfO{ Raft klg elgG5_ ;Fu} 5fnfdf /x]sf] u|lGyaf6 / oqftq 5l/Psf] cj:yfdf unaGbL, rKkn, e]l6Psf]; >fj klg ldl;P/ v:b5 . o;/L v;]sf sf]ifx?df >fj pQm 36gf:yn glhs}sf] kmlg{r/df / sf7sf] lr/k6df ldl;Pkl5 uGw -Scent_ pTkfbg x'G5 . h;/L Pp6f ;d]t /ut b]lvPsf] x'Fbf rKkn / unaGbLnfO ;a'b dfgL dflg;sf] D.N.A. tyf cf}F7f5fk csf]{ dflg;;Fu d]n vfb}g 6\ofs/ 8u hË]nfO{ 36gf:ynsf] ;a'bdf ePsf] uGw lbO{ To;}u/L Ps dflg;sf] uGw csf]{ dflg;sf] uGw;Fu d]n kl/rfng ubf{ s's'/n] pQm :yfgsf] j/k/ 3'Db} cGbflh vfb}g . ck/fwL vf]lh ug]{ s's'/df To:tf] v'lj x'G5 ls @)) ld= cufl8 al9 6«ofs lnPsf] . tTkZrft k'gM zj h'g uGw p;nfO{ lbO{G5 Tolx uGw lnb}F cleo'Qmn] k|of]u glhs} 36\gf:yndf /x]sf] /ut nfu]sf] lr/k6df ePsf] u/]sf] af6f] k5\ofpFb} ck/fwL n's]/ a;]sf] jf cleo'Qm uGw lbO{ kl/rfng ubf{ cGbfhL %)) ld= cuf8L klZrd /x]sf] :yfg;Dd k'¥ofO{ klxrfg ug{ d2t ub{5 . o;/L tkm{sf] ;8s af6f] x'b} 8fOdG8rf]sdf n]v axfb'/ ;'o{j+zL s's'/n] Tracking ug]{ qmddf ;w}F x'ax' cleo'Qmn] k|of]u a:g] 3/sf] glhs} k'u]sf] x'bf lhNnf ?kGb]xL, b]jbx u/]sf] af6f] gk5\ofpg klg ;Sb5 . lsgeg] xfjfsf] g=kf=!) 3/eO{ xfn lhNnf :ofª\hf, le/sf]6 g=kf=—)!, axfjn] ubf{ klg raft sf] uGwnfO{ bfFofafFof k'¥ofpg ao/3f/L 8fO{dG8rf]s a:b} cfPsf n]v axfb'/ ;'o{j+zLnfO{ ;Sb5 / s's'/n] htf htf uGw kfpF5 Tot} Tot} k5\ofpb} lgoGq0fdf lnO{ ;f]wk'5 ug]{ qmddf lghn] k'tnLahf/ g=kf= hfG5 . !# 3/ eO{ le//sf]6 g=kf=—!, ao/3f/Ldf dhb'/L ub}{ cfPsf %% jifL{o /fh]z clwsf/LnfO{ ldlt @)&^.)@.@^ ck/fwLn] ck/fw ubf{ hlt;'s} xf]l;of/L ckgfP tfklg ut] /ftsf] cGbflh !!M)) ah] kmlg{r/df ePsf] xyf}8f / jf/bft :yndf p;n] s]lx g s]lx ;a'b k|df0f 5f]8]sf] sf7sf] lr/k6n] 6fpsf] v'§f tyf zl//sf] ljleGg efudf x'G5 h:t}M— cf}F7f5fk, k}tfnfsf] 5fk, /ut, sk8f, tyf k|xf/ u/L xTof u/]sf] aofg lbO{ 36\gf l:jsf/ u/]sf] . 36gf 36fpg k|of]u ul/Psf] xltof/ jf cGo ;fdfgx? cflb . o:tf ;a'bx? p;n] gi6 jf ljgf; ug{ ;S5 of] t xfn;fn} g]kfn k|x/Ldf ;]jf/t k|x/L s's'/n] k|fKt t/ p;n] hlt;'s} xf]l;of/L ckgfPklg p;sf] zl//af6 u/]sf] ;kmntf Pp6f pbfx/0f dfq xf] . of] afx]s cGo lg:sg] raft / To;sf] uGwnfO{ lgZlrt ;do;Dd ljgf; y'k|} 36gfx? 5g h;df k|x/L s's'/n] ;kmntf xfFl;n jf gi6 ug{ ;Sb}g lsgls of] s;}n] b]Vg] u/L a;]sf] ul/ ck/fw cg';Gwfgsf] bfo/fnfO{ ;fF3'/f] agfO{ ck/flw x'b}g . of] Pp6f ck/fwL klxrfg ug]{ alnof] cfwf/ klg ;Dd k'Ug d2t k'{ofpFb} cfPsf] 5 . xf] . t;y{ o:tf] ;a'bsf] ;dodf g} ;b'kof]u ug{ ;s] ck/fwL efUg] / pDsg] ;Defjgf Hofb} sd x'G5 . ck/fwL vf]lh s's'/ / Olfactory Tracker Dog Cells n] ck/fwL klxrfg ug{ x/]s lrhj:t' tyf k|f0fLdf cf—cfˆg} lsl;dsf uGw x'G5 g;Sg] cj:yfx? s] s] x'g\ < h'g uGw dflg;sf] gfsn] ;lhn};Fu 5'6\ofpg ;Sb}g . s'g} klg ck/fwhGo 36gfx?df ;+nUg bf]ifLsf] klxrfg u/L uGw t xfdL dflg;n] klg yfxf kfp5f}+ t/ ;'Id tl/sfn] sfg'g cg';f/ bl08t ug{' k|x/Lsf] d'Vo p2]Zo /x]sf] x'G5 5'6\ofpg ;Sb}gf}F lsgls xfdLdf To:tf] uGw 5'6\ofpg eg] lgbf]{if JolQmnfO{ ;kmfO{ lbg' klg ck/fw cg';Gwfgsf] ;Sg] sf]if -Olfactory Cell_ sf] ;+Vof sd x'G5 . s's'/sf] Pp6f dxTjk'0f{ efu xf] . t;y{ lgbf]{if JolQm gkg{ / gfsdf cToflws ;+Vofdf ePsf] sniffing cells sf] sf/0fn] bf]ifL gplDspg elg ck/fwdf ;+nUg JolQmsf] klxrfg ubf{ g} dflg;sf] gfsn] 5'6\ofpg / klxrfg ug{ g;s]sf] ug{ g]kfn k|x/Ldf ;]jf/t k|x/L s's'/x?sf] klg plQs} uGw s's'/n] ;lhn} klxrfg ug{ ;Sb5 . of]ubfg / e'ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 . o;/L ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf vl6g] k|x/L s's'/x?sf] kl/rfngnfO{ k|efjsf/L t'Nofpg kl/rfng ug{' k'j{ / kl/rflnt x'bfsf] avt cfO{kg]{

82 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 ldlt @)&^÷)@÷@& ut] :ofª\hf 36gfdf kl/rflnt h+u] gfdsf] k|x/L s's'/ afwfx?sf] af/]df hfgsf/ x'g' cTofjZos x'G5 . lgDg @= 36gf:yndf e]l6Psf ;a'bnfO{ cGo JolQmn] 5'g' cj:yfdf Tracker Dog n] sfd ug{ ;Sb}g . jf ;dfTg', l 36gf 36]sf] @$ 306f eGbf klg a9L ;do #= ;dodf g} s's'/ kl/rfng gug{', ePsf] cj:yfdf . t/ An8 xfpG8 hftsf] s's'/n] $= ck/flwn] ;jf/L ;fwg k|of]u u/L km/f/ x'g', ck/fw;Fu ;DalGwt (^ 306f k'/fgf] ;a'bdf ;d]t sfd ug{ ;Sb5 %= unt ;a'bsf] k|of]u u/L s's'/ kl/rfng ug{', l ck/fwL;Fu ;DalGwt ;a'b k|df0f gePsf] jf gi6 ^= rsf]{ 3fd tyf ef/L dfqfdf jiff{ x'g', ePsf] cj:yfdf . &= le8ef8 a9L x'g', l 36gf 36] kZrft rsf]{ 3fd, aiff{, xfjf x'/L cflbn] o;/L, 6«ofs/ 8un] xTof jf xTof k|of;;Fu ;DalGwt 36gf:yn tyf ck/fwLn] k|of]u u/]sf] af6f]df k|fKt 36gfsf] ;a'bdf dfq sfd ug]{ xf]O{g . o;n] cGo s'g} x'g] cfk/fwL;Fu ;DalGwt uGwx?nfO{ gi6 kf/]sf] rf]/L, 8s}lt, n'6kf6 jf ckx/0f;Fu ;DalGwt 36gfsf] cj:yfdf . ;d]t cg';Gwfgdf d2t k'¥ofpFb5 . o;sf] nflu cleo'Qm, z+lst JolQm jf 36gfdf ;+nUg ePsf] JolQmsf] uGw / l ck/fwLn] efUbf ;jf/L ;fwgsf] k|of]u u/]sf] tyf ;a'bnfO{ cGo lgbf]{if JolQmn] hfg]/ jf ghfg]/ gfËf] xftn] vf]nfgfnf t/]sf] cj:yfdf . 5'g] rnfpg] ug{ x'Fb}g . ck/fwL vf]lh s's'/ kl/rfng ubf{ cfO{kg]{ afwfx? lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf 5g\M != 36gf:yn jf ;a'b c;'/lIft x'g',

83 ANNUAL PUBLICATION g]kfndf cfTdxTofM b'?T;fxgsf] ca:yf

k|=p= lz4L laqmd zfx k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no, sfo{ Pj+ c=c=laefu

84 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 kl/ro cfTdxTofsf] sf/0f oL g} x'g elg ls6fgL ug{ ;Sg] hGd k5L d[To' w|'a;To xf] . of] ;+;f/df sf]xL klg h}ljs ca:yf x'b}g . cfTdxTof ug]{ ljifo To; AolQmsf] zfl//Ls ?kdf cd/ 5}g . dflg;sf] d[To'nfO{ k|fs[lts d[To' / / dfgl;s Ifdtf, ;fdflhs kl/j]z, lzIff, kfl/jf/Ls ck|fs[lts d[To' u/L b'O{ efudf af8\g ;lsG5 . k|fs[lts jftfj/0f, k}t[s Oltxf; cflbdf e/ kb{5 . AolQmn] d[To' Tof] xf] h'g pd]/ k'u]/ /f]u nflu pkrf/sf] qmddf cfkm'nfO{ sdhf]/ 7fGg', lhjg afFRg lbUbf/ dxz'; ug{', x'g] d[To' ;d]tnfO{ a'lemG5 eg] To; eGbf afx]s b'3{6gfdf eljiok|lt gs/fTds ;f]r eO{ pbfl;g x'g', cfly{s cj:yf kl/ d[To' x'g', s;}n] xTof ul/ d[To' x'g', cfTdxTof ug{' sdhf]/ x'g', C0fsf] jf]emn] lyrLg', crfgs hflu/ hfg', ;d]tnfO{ ck|fs[lts d[To'sf] ?kdf lnO{G5 . cfTdxTofnfO{ a}aflxs lhjgdf lsrnf] x'g', >Ldfg\ >LdtL ljr /fd|f] lgtfGt JolQmut s'/fsf] ?kdf lnO{ s]xL ljsl;t d'n'sdf ;DaGw gx'g', k|]dL k|]dLsf ljr lj5f]8 x'g', cGt/ a}jflxs o;nfO{ JolQmsf] clwsf/sf] ?kdf :yflkt ug{'k5{ eGg] ;DaGw /xg', g;f]r]sf] kl/0ffd cfpg', cfˆgf efjgf cfjfh a]nfjvt p7\g] ;d]t u/]sf 5g\ . ljleGg dfWodaf6 ;'gfpg] JolQm gkfpg', ljZjf; u/]sfaf6 wf]sf kfpg' cfˆgf] lhjg cfkm} cGTo ug{' g} cfTdxTof xf] . dflg;n] cfbL dWo] s'g} Ps jf Ps eGbf a9L sf/0fjf6 dflg;n] s] sf/0fn] cfTdxTof u5{ eGg] ljifodf ljleGg ;dodf cfTdxTof ug{ ;S5g\ . vf]hd'ns cWoogx? ePsf eP klg log} sf/0f x'g\ elg Plsg eg] ug{ ;s]sf] kfO{b}g\ . cfTdxTofsf] sf/0f JolQm JolQmsf] afgL Jojxf/, zfl//Ls cj:yf, ;fdflhs kl/j]z cfbL ljleGg s'/fdf e/ kb{5 . g]kfndf cfTdxTofsf] ca:yf g]kfndf cfTdxTof lbgfg'lbg a9\b} uO{/x]sf] tYofÍn] b]vfpF5 . cf=a= @)&%÷@)&^ df g]kfn k|x/Ldf cfTdxTof u/]sf] d'4f %*!( 5 eg] ;f] eGbf cl3Nnf] cf=a= @)&$÷@)&% df %#!& hgfn] cfTdxTof u/]sf] kfO{G5 -lj:t[t rf6{ df_! . cfTdxTofsf] j[l4b/ ljZn]if0f ubf{ cf=a= @)&$÷@)&% df #=&&% /x]sf] lyof] eg] cf=a= @)&%÷@)&^ df j[l4b/ a9]/ (=$$% k'u]sf] b]lvG5 . cfTdxTof s] s;/L ubf{ /x]5g\ elg cf=a= @)&%÷@)&^ sf] tYofÍnfO{ ljZn]if0f ubf{ ;a}eGbf jl9 em'l08P/ $#!@ hgfn], ljif vfP/ !#@) hgfn], xfd kmfn]/ $* hgfn], kfgLdf xfd kmfn]/ #) hgfn], cfuf] nufP/ @$ hgfn], cfTdxTof cfTdxTof b'?T;fxgM u/]sf] kfO{G5 eg] cfTdxTof ug]{df k'?ifsf] ;+Vof #!!^, cfTdxTof b'?T;fxgsf] af/]df rrf{ ug{' cl3 b'?T;fxg s] dlxnfsf] ;+Vof @@#(, afns -!* aif{ eGbf sd pd]/sf_ xf]< a'‰g' h?/L x'G5. s'g} ck/fw ug{ s;}nfO{ zAbåf/f !(), aflnsf @)$ n] cfTdxTof u/]sf] b]lvG5 . g]kfnsf] jf lrGx k|of]u jf cGo s'g} k|sf/n] pS;fpg', k|]l/t ug{', s'n hg;+Vof # s/f]8nfO{ cfwf/ dfGg] xf] eg] k|lt ! k|nf]eg b]vfpg' jf nnsfg{' b'?T;fxg -Incitement_ nfvdf !(=#( hgfn] cfTdxTof u/]sf] b]vfpF5 . World xf] . To encourage or instigate somebody to commit Population Review sf cg';f/ ljZjdf ;a}eGbf j9L crime with an intention that he would act accordingly cfTdxTof Lithuania df cfTdxTof #!=( /x]sf] 5 eg] sd is the offence of incitement.# ;fdfGotof ck/fw x'g cfTdxTof x'g] b]zdf åGbu|:t d'n's O/fsdf # / l;l/ofdf ck/flws sfo{ -Act Reus_ / dg;fo -Menus Rea_ !=( x'g] u/]sf] tYofÍn] b]vfp5@ . x'g'kb{5, b'?T;fxgdf ck/fw ug]{ pS;fpg] sfo{ -Act

85 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Reus_ xf] eg] csf{ kIfn] ck/fw u/f];\ eGg] O{R5f /fVg' ca:yfdf cfTdxTof b'?T;fxgsf] @& lhNnfdf ^@ j6f -Menus Rea_ xf] . b'?T;fxg s;'/;+u ufFl;P/ ljljw d'4f g]kfn k|x/Ldf btf{ ePsf] b]lvG5^ . h;df ;a}eGbf ca:yf cfpg] u5{g\$ h;df b'?T;fxg bl08t x'g] s;'/ j9L sf7df08f} / s}nfnLdf */* j6f d'4f btf{ ePsf] 5 ug]{ b08jf6 d'Qm x'g] ca:yf, b'?T;fxgbftf cfkm'n] eg] lrtjgdf ^, afFs]df % / sf:sLdf $ j6f d'4f btf{ p:sfPsf] sfdsf] kl/0ffd k|lt pQ/bfloTj x'g], pS;fx6 ePsf 5g\ . btf{ ePsf ^@ j6f d'4fdf $* hgf dxLnf / dfly pS;fx6 ug]{, lgbf]{if ;xof]uLnfO{ sfddf nufpg], !# hgf k'?ifn] b'?T;fxg u/]sf] sf/0f cfTdxTof u/]sf] ;/]sf] dg;fo p?T;fxgdf klg nfu' x'g], s'g} AolQm bfaL u/L hfx]/L btf{ ePsf] 5. cfTdxTof b'?T;fxgsf ^@ gtf]sL ck/fw ug{ p:sfpg], b'?T;fxgbftfnfO{ a9L j6f d'4fdf b'?T;fxgjf6 g} cfTdxTof ePsf] xf] xf]O{g Tof] ;hfo / stf{nfO{ sd ;hfo x'g] ca:yf, pS;fpg]n] GofoLs lg/f]k0fsf] ljifo xf] t/ klg cfTdxTof b'?T;fxg Psyf]s ug{ pS;fpg] sfd ug]{n] csf]{ j'em]/ ck/fw ug]{, sfo{nfO{ ck/fw 3f]if0ff u/]sf] !! dlxgfdf ^@ j6f d'4f b'?T;fxg adf]lhd sfd ug{ c:jLsf/ ug]{ kb{5g\ . oL btf{ x'g'n] cfpFbf lbg o; k|s[ltsf d'4f cem} j9\g] ;+s]t pNn]lvt ca:yfdf b'?T;fxgbftf ;d]t s;'/bf/ eO{ b]vfPsf] 5 . kmf}hbf/L Gofo l;4fGtdf ;o ck/fwL 5'6] ;hfo efuL x'g] ub{5 . 5'6'g t/ Ps hgf lg/ck/fwL gk/f]; eGg] tkm{ ;r]t /xL cfTdxTof sf] sf/0f / b'?T;fxgdf km/s 5'6\ofO{ sf/0f / b'?T;fxg ljr Hofb} 7'nf] cGt/ 5 . sf/0fjf6 sfg'gL k|fawfgsf] uxg cWoog u/L bjfa, k|efjdf gk/L s'g} k|ltkmn b]lvG5 eg] s'g} ck]lIft kl/0ffd Nofpgsf] lgikIf cg';Gwfg ug]{ lhDd]jf/L cg';Gwfgstf{ k|x/Lsf] g} nflu s'g} sfo{ ug{ s;}nfO{ pS;fOG5 eg] Tof] b'?T;fxg xf] . lgikIf cg';Gwfg / k|efjsf/L cleof]hg x'g ;s] xf] . xfdL sFxf sltko cj:yfdf sf/0fnfO{ g} b'?T;fxgsf] dfq cfTdxTof b'?T;fxgnfO{ ck/fwLs sfo{ 3f]ifLt u/]sf] ?kdf a'‰g] u/LPsf] kfO{G5 . h:tf]sL >Ldfg >LdtL lar k|fawfg / ljwfoLsL dg;fo ;kmnLe't x'g]5 / cfpbf k};f gk'u]sf], cfkm'n] eg] cg'?k sfd ug{, 3'Dg gkfPsfn] lbgdf b'?T;fxgaf6 x'g] cfTdxTof b/df sdL cfpg]5 cfTdxTof u5{ eg] Tof] sf/0f xf] eg] ToxL cj:yfdf eGg] laZjf; ug{ ;lsG5 . >Ldfg >LdtLn] cfkm}n] jf cGo df£odaf6 u/] cfkm'nfO{ 5'6sf/f kfO{g] dg;fo lnO{ >Ldfg >LdtLn] cfTdxTof u/L End Notes dg{' g} pQd xf] egL eGg] jf eGg nufO{ b'?T;fxg lbg] ! k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no sfo{ P+j ck/fw cg';Gwfg sfo{ u/]df cfTdxTof b'?T;fxgsf] ck/fw u/]sf] dfGg ljefu, clen]v tyf ljZn]if0f zfvf ;lsG5 . @ www.worldpopulationreview=com/counties/sucide- g]kfndf klxnf] k6s d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf @)&$ nfu' rate-by-country,visited on 2019-07-05 1500 hours. eP kl5 b'?T;fxg tyf cfTdxTofsf] b'?T;fxgnfO{ ;/sf/jfbL kmf}hbf/L ck/fwsf] ?kdf Joj:yf ub}{ cg';'rL # Prof. Madhav Prasad Acharya Asst= Prof= Ganesh ! cGtu{tsf] k|x/L åf/f cg';Gwfg ul/g] ck/fwsf] ?kdf Bahadur Bhattarai, Criminal Jurisprudence,Nebula c+lusf/ u/]sf] 5 . d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf @)&$ sf] bkmf Printers, Kathmandu, 2009,P.85 !*% cfTdxTof ug{ b'?T;fxg lbg' gx'g]% elg s;}n] s;}nfO{ cfTdxTof ug{ b'?T;fxg lbg jf To:tf] sfd ug]{ $ k|f= dfwj k|;fb cfrfo{, clwjQmf j›L k|;fb e08f/L, ;Ddsf] kl/l:ytL v8f ug{ jf u/fpg x'b}g egL pQm sfo{ kmf}hbf/L sfg'gsf] ;ldIfTds ljj]rgf, e[s'6L ck/fw 3f]lift u/L s;'/ ug]{ JolQmnfO{ % jif{ ;Dd s}b / Ps]8]dL klAns]zg, k|b{zgLdfu{, sf7df08f}, @)^#, %) xhf/ ?k}of;Dd h/Ljfgf x'g] sfg'gL Aoj:yf u/]sf] k[i7 @$, @%, @^ 5 . To;} u/L cfTdxTof afx]s ck/fw ;+lxtfdf pNn]lvt cGo ck/fw s;'/ ug{ s;}n] s;}nfO{ pS;fPdf b'?T;fxg % d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf @)&$, d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L lbPsf] dflgg]5 elg d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf @)&$ sf] bkmf sfol{\jwL ;+lxtf @)&$ / kmf}hbf/L -s;'/ ;hfo #%-@_ df Joj:yf u/L ;f]xL ;xL+tfsf] #%-#_ -s_ df lgwf{/0f tyf sfo{Gjog_ P]g @)^$ , sfg'g lstfj b'?T;fxg lbP adf]lhd s;'/ eP :j+odn] s;'/ u/] ;/x Joj:yf ;ldtL, aa/dxn sf7df08f} , k[i7 ^( / s;'/ eO{ g;s]sf] ca:yfdf cfwf ;hfoF x'g] Joj:yf u/]sf] kfO{G5 . ^ k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no sfo{ P+j ck/fw cg';Gwfg ljefu, clen]v tyf ljZn]if0f zfvf @)&% efb| ! ut]jf6 d'n'sL ck/fw ;+lxtf @)&$, nfu' ePb]lv @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt ;Dd cfTdxTof u/]sf]

86 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 != kl/roM ;fdfGo cy{df ck/fw eGgfn] kmf}hbf/L sfg"gsf k|rlnt dfGotfx?sf] pNn+3g ug{' xf] . ck/fwnfO{ ;Eo ;dfhsf] sn+s dflgG5 . ck/fw ;dfh leq}jf6 pTklQ / ljsfz x'g] ePsfn] ck/fw / ck/fwL b'a} ;dfhsf pkh x'g . sfg"gn] ug{' eg]sf] sfo{ jf Jojxf/ gug{' / gug'{ eg]sf] sfo{ jf Jojxf/ ug{' nfO{ ck/fw dflgG5 . k|i6 sfg"gL Joj:yf geP ;Dd s'g} klg sfo{ jf Jojxf/ s;'/ jf ck/fw x'b}g . k|rlnt sfg'gdf ug{ x'Fb}g elg tf]lsPsf sfo{ jf Jojxf/ afx]s cGo sfo{ ubf{ s;'/ x'Fb}g . kmf}hbf/L sfg"gsf] ;j{dfGo l;4fGt "No crime without law, No punishment without law".

ck/fwsf cfly{s, /fhgLlts, ;fdflhs jf cGo p4]Zox? jf :j?kx? x'g ;S5g\ . h:t}M d'b|f lgd{nLs/0f, sDKo'6/ ck/fw -Cyber Crime_, 7uL, a}lsË 7uL -r]s, 9's'6L_, Corporate Fraud -nufgLstf{, sDklgsf] lxtsf] gfddf 7uL_, Insurance Fraud -uf]bfd, ;jf/L ;fwgdf cfkm} cfuf] nufO{ ladf 7uL_, g]6jls{Ë Joj;fo dfkm{t 7uL, af}l4s ;Dklt ;DjGwL ck/fw, hfnL gf]6 / d'b|f;Fu ;DalGwt ck/fw, e|i6frf/, dfga a]rlavg, nfu' cf}ifw, Jofkfl/s s/ 5ln, /fh:j r'xfj6, z]o/ ahf/;Fu ;DkQL ;DjlGwt u}/sfg'gL sfo{, cGo ;+ul7t ck/fwx? cflb . z'4Ls/0f @= ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f / d'b|f lgd{nLs/0f -Money Laundering_ ck/fwM ;fwf/0f cy{df ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f jf d'b|f lgd{nLs/0f eg]sf] cz'4 -sfnf]_ wgnfO{ z'4 wgdf ?kfGtl/t ug]{ cg';Gwfgdf sfo{ eGg] a'lemG5 . pTkltsf] b[i6Lsf]0faf6 >f]t gv'n]sf], ca}w t/Lsfn] cfh{g ul/Psf], s/sf] bfo/fdf g;d]l6Psf], k|x/Lsf] e'ldsf ck/flws t/Lsfn] cfh{g ul/Psf] / k|of]usf] b[i6Ln] uGtAo :ki6 gePsf] ;DktLnfO{ a}wflgs agfpg JolQm jf ;+u7gn] ckgfpg] s[ltd, k|s[of jf lawL g} d'b|f lgd{nLs/0f xf] . ca}w, ck/flws / u}/sfg"gL tl/sfjf6 hDdf u/]sf] cfonfO{ laleGg tl/sf/ dfWodx?sf] k|of]u u/L sfg"gL cfosf] ?kdf kl/jlt{t ug]{ sfo{ d'b|f lgd{nLs/0f xf] . of] Ps ljZjJofkL ;d:of / cGt/b]lzo ;+ul7t ck/fw xf] . ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf x'g;Sg] ljQLo nufgL ljZjAofkL ulDe/ ;d:ofsf] ?kdf b]lvb} cfPsf] ;Gbe{df hL—& /fi6«x? / o'/f]k]nL ;+3n] ;+o'Qm ?kdf ;g\ !(*( df cGt/;/sf/L lgsfosf] ?kdf cfk/flws sfo{af6 cflh{t ;DkltnfO{ lg?T;flxt ug]{ p4]Zosf ;fy ljlQo sf/jfxL sfo{bn (Financial Action Task Force) u7g u/]sf] kfO{G5 . sfo{bnsf] nIo / k|=p= k|sfz /fgfef6 p4]ZonfO{ cfTd;fy ub}{ lgdf{0f ePsf] Plzof k|zfGt ;DkQL z'4Ls/0f cg';Gwfg laefu If]qsf] ;d'x -Asia Pacific Group_ df ;g\ @))@ df g]kfn k'Nrf]s nlntk'/ ;b:o ag]sf] 5 .

87 ANNUAL PUBLICATION @=! ;DklQ z'4Ls/0fsf ;Defljt >f]t ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ;DaGwL s;"/ / cftÍjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL -Terrorist Financing_ ;DalGw s;'/sf] tyf r/0f x?M af/]df :ki6 pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f ck/fw cGo kmf}hbf/L ck/fw eGbf P]g @)^$ cg';f/ b]xfosf] s'g} sfo{ u/] u/fPdf ;DklQ leGg k|s[tLsf] cfly{s Pj+ ;+u7Lt ck/fw xf] . ck/flws z'4Ls/0f ;DaGwL s;"/ x'g] pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . sfo{ ul/ sdfPsf] /sdnfO{ hDdf ul/ cfosf] >f]tnfO{ n'sfpg] / :j?k abNg] sfo{ ul/ tx ldnfg ul/ k'gM Plss[t ul/ a}wflgs :j?k lbO{ lgoldt lalQo If]qdf s_ ;DklQsf] u}/sfg"gL ;|f]t n'sfpg] jf 5Ng] jf s;"/df k|j]z u/fpg] sfo{ ub{5g\ . ca}w wgnfO{ a}w cfodf ;+nUg JolQmnfO{ sfg"gL sf/jfxLaf6 arfpg ;xof]u ?kfGt/0f ug]{ sfo{ b]xfosf r/0fdf ub{5g\ . ug]{ p2]Zon] s;"/af6 k|fKt ;DklQ xf] eGg] yfxf kfpFbf kfpFb} jf ljZjf; ug{' kg]{ dgfl;a cfwf/ x'Fbf != Collection -/sd hDdf ug]{_ – u}/ sfg'gL x'Fb} To:tf] ;DklQ s'g} klg k|sf/n] ¿kfGt/0f jf t/Lsf cjnDag u/L /sd ;+u|x ug]{ . x:tfGt/0f ug]{, of] r/0fdf cg';Gwfgstf{n] s;'/bf/n] ;DklQ ;+sng v_ s;"/af6 k|fKt ;DklQ xf] eGg] yfxf kfpFbf kfpFb} ubf{ ckgfPsf] u}/ sfg'gL tl/sf / ;Da4 s;'/ -k|l8s]6 jf ljZjf; ug{' kg]{ dgfl;a cfwf/ x'Fbf x'Fb} ckm]G;_ s] lyof] elg kQf nufpg'kg]{ x'G5 . To:tf] ;DklQsf] ;xL k|s[lt, ;|f]t, :yfg, lg;{u -Disposition_, sf/f]af/ -Movement_, :jfldTj jf @= Placement -?kfGt/0f_ – ca}w wgnfO{ cfly{s ;f] ;DklQ pk/sf] clwsf/ n'sfpg], 5Ng] jf abNg], ultlalwdf k|j]z u/fpg] . u_ s;"/af6 k|fKt ;DklQ xf] eGg] hfgL hfgL jf ljZjf; of] r/0fdf cg';Gwfgstf{n] s;'/bf/n] 7'nf] /sdnfO{ ug{' kg]{ dgfl;a cfwf/ x'Fbf x'Fb} To:tf] ;DklQ k|fKt v08Ls/0f ub}{ laleGg a}+s tyf lalQo ;+:yfdf hDdf ug]{, ug]{, k|of]u ug]{ jf wf/0f ug]{, lemSg], :yfgfGt/0f ug]{, d'b|f kl/jt{g ug]{, cfˆgf] /sd 3_ s'g} JolQmn] pNn]lvt s'g} sfo{sf] if8oGq, d2t, c? s;}sf] vftfdf :yfGt/0f u/]sf]/ hDdf u/]sf], nufgL b'?T;fxg, ;xhLs/0f, dt;Nnfx jf pBf]u ug{ jf u/]sf] cfbL cj:yf kQf nufpg'kg]{ x'G5 . ;Da4tf jf ;xeflutf hgfpg jf dltof/ ePdf .

#= Layering -txldnfg_ — Jofj;foLs sf/f]jf/df s'g} klg cft+ssf/L sfo{df jf cft+ssf/L JolQm jf k'gM nufgL . cft+ssf/L ;+u7gn] k"0f{ jf cf+lzs ?kdf k|of]u ug]{ u/L of] r/0fdf cg';Gwfgstf{n] s;'/bf/n] u}/ sfg'gL cfonfO{ k|ToIf jf k/f]If ?kn] k|bfg ul/Psf] ;Dklt jf sf]if, xft To;sf] >f]taf6 6f9f k'of{pg] sfo{x? h:t}M z]o/, l8a]Gr/ xltof/ lgdf{0f, cf];f/ k;f/ / k|of]udf ul/g] nufgLnfO{ vl/b lalqm, sfuhL sDkgL v8f ug]{, b]z leq jf aflx/ cft+ssf/L lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL elgG5 . ;DklQ cfkm' / cfkmGtsf gfddf a}+s vftfdf /sd hDdf ug]{, z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f P]g @)^$ sf] bkmf $ cg';f/ b]xfosf] cl:tTjdf g} g/x]sf a:t' tyf ;]jfdf e'QmfgL lbPsf] s'g} sfo{ u/] u/fPdf cftÍjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo b]vfpg] nufotsf lqmofsnfkx? kQf nufpg'kg]{ x'G5 . nufgL -Terrorist Financing_ ;DaGwL s;"/ x'g] pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . $= Integration -Plss[t_ — ca}w /sd a}w /sddf Plss[t . s_ s'g} JolQmn] cft+ssf/L sfo{df jf cft+ssf/L JolQm of] r/0fdf cg';Gwfgstf{n] s;'/bf/n] laleGg lgsfo / jf cft+ssf/L ;Ë7gn] k"0f{ jf cf+lzs ?kdf k|of]u O{sfO{x?df 5l/P/ /x]sf /sdnfO{ ;d]6]/ a}wflgs If]qdf ug]{ jf ug{ ;Sg] s'/f yfxf kfpFbf kfpFb} u}/sfg"gL nufgL u/]sf], a}w / ca}w ;DkltnfO{ Ps} 7fpdf ld;fPsf], dg;fon] :j]R5f k"j{s s'g} klg dfWodaf6 k|ToIf jf cfDbfgLsf s[lqd >f]t b]vfpg] h:t}M 3/ hUuf, Jofkf/, ck|ToIf ?kdf ;DklQ jf sf]if pknAw u/fpg] jf Joj;fo, uxgf, ;+:yfut If]qdf nufgL u/L a9L cfDbfgL ;Íng ug]{ . jf s[lqd gfkmf b]vfP/ ;f]xL adf]lhd s/ lt/] h:tf] klg ug]{ sfo{x? kQf nufpg' kg]{ x'G5 . v_ s'g} JolQmn] cft+ssf/L sfo{ ug{sf] nflu jf cft+ssf/L JolQm jf cft+ssf/L ;Ë7gnfO{ k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf s'g} klg dfWodaf6 ef}lts ;xof]u jf @=@ ;DkQL z'4Ls/0f ;DaGwL gLltut ;fwg ;|f]t pknAw u/fpg jf ;f]sf] if8\oGq ug]{ . tyf sfg"gL Joj:yf ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f -dgL nfp08/LË_ lgjf/0f P]g @)^$ df 88 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 @=# ;Da4 s;"/ -Predicate Offence_ @&= kmd{, ;fem]bf/L, sDkgL jf ;+3 ;+:yf ;DaGwL, ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f P]g @)^$ df s;'/bf/n] ca}w @*= 3/, hUuf / ;DklQ ;DaGwL, / u}/sfg'gL ;DklQ cfh{g ubf{ u/]sf / ug{ ;Sg] ;Da4 @(= lr¶f, h'jf jf rGbf ;DaGwL, s;"/ -Predicate Offence_ sf af/]df P]gsf] cg';'rLdf #)= gful/stf, cWofudg jf /fxbfgL ;DaGwL, lgDgfg';f/ pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . #!= cftÍjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL ;DaGwL s;"/, != ;Ël7t cfk/flws ;d"x / u}/sfg"gL jf w'Tof{Ok"j{ssf] #@= g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L c;"nL -Racketeering_ df ;xefuL x'g] ;DaGwL, tf]lslbPsf] cGo s'g} s;"/, @= ljWj+;fTds sfo{ nufot cftÍjfb ;DaGwL, ##= dfly plNnlvt s;"/ dflgg] s'g} sfo{ ljb]zdf #= h'g;'s} k|sf/sf] dfgj a]rlavg tyf cf];f/k;f/ eP u/]sf] / To:tf] sfo{ ;DalGwt d'n'ssf] sfg"g ;DaGwL, adf]lhd ;d]t ck/fw dflgg] /x]5 eg] To:tf] s;"/ . $= afn of}g zf]if0f nufot h'g;'s} k|sf/sf] of}g zf]if0f ;DaGwL, %= nfu" cf}ifw tyf dgf]åLks kbfy{sf] u}/sfg"gL cf];f/ @=$ ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f s;'/sf] cg';Gwfg k;f/ ;DaGwL, k4tLM ^= xftxltof/ v/vhfgfsf] u}/sfg"gL cf];f/k;f/ s_ ph'/L jf ;'rgf lbg] tl/sfM ;DaGwL, l ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f s;'/sf] ph'/L jf ;"rgf lnlvt jf &= rf]/L ul/Psf] jf cGo j:t'sf] u}/sfg"gL cf];f/k;f/ df}lvs ?kdf hf] ;'s}n] pknAw tYo k|df0f ;lxt ;DaGwL, lbg ;lsg] . *= e|i6frf/ tyf 3'; ;DaGwL, l df}lvs ph'/LnnfO{ klg lnlvt ?k lbO{ btf{ ul/g] . (= 7uL ;DaGwL, lst]{ ;DaGwL, l ph'/Lstf{n] cfˆgf] gfd 7]ufgf uf]Ko /fVg rfx]df !)= vf]6f l;Ssf jf d'b|f ;DaGwL, s'g} uf]Ko ;+s]t /fvL btf{ ul/g] . !!= gSsnL j:t'sf] pTkfbg tyf pTkfbgsf] u}/sfg"gL l s;}n] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf k|ltlnlk jf rf]/L -Piracy of Product_ ;DaGwL, ljQLo nufgL ;DaGwL s;'/ u/]sf], ug{ nfu]sf] !@= jftfj/0f ljgfz ;DaGwL, jf ul//x]sf] ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f cg';Gwfg ljefusf] !#= Hofg lng] tyf cËeË ;DaGwL, s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ s'g} Joxf]/fn] yfxf x'g cfPdf ;f] !$= ckx/0f, u}/sfg"gL y'gf jf z/L/ aGws ;DaGwL, Joxf]/fnfO{ klg ph'/Lsf] ?kdf btf{ ul/g] Joj:yf !%= rf]/L jf 8s}tL ;DaGwL, t:s/L -eG;f/, cGtz'Ns /x]sf] 5. tyf s/ ;lxt_ ;DaGwL, v_ k|f/lDes hf“ra'em ug]{M !^= s/ -k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ;d]t_ ;DaGwL, l P]gsf] bkmf !# adf]lhd ph'/L jf bkmf !) adf]lhd !&= cfk/flws nfe -Extortion_ ;DaGwL, ljlQo hfgsf/L O{sfO{af6 ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f cg';Gwfg !*= ;fd'lb|s 8s}tL -Piracy_ ;DaGwL, ljefudf k|fKt ph'/L jf ;"rgfsf ;DaGwdf ljefusf] !(= lwtf]kq jf sdf]l8l6h ahf/nfO{ k|lts"n k|efj kfg]{ k|d'vn] cfkm}F jf pko'Qm ;do lbO{ dftxtsf] s'g} -Market Manipulation_ jf leqL sf/f]af/ -Insider clws[tnfO{ v6fO{ k|f/flDes hfFra'em u/fpg] Joj:yf Trading_ ;DaGwL, /x]sf] 5 . @)= k|frLg :df/s ;+/If0f ;DaGwL, u_ cg';Gwfg ug]{ M @!= jg, /fli6«o lgs'~h tyf jGohGt' ;+/If0f ;DaGwL, l P]gsf] bkmf !$ cg';f/sf] k|f/lDes hfFra'emaf6 s'g} @@= d'b|f, a}+lsË, ljQLo, ljb]zL ljlgd]o, ljlgd]o ph'/L jf ;"rgfsf ;DaGwdf cg';Gwfg ug{'kg]{ b]lvPdf clwsf/kq, aLdf jf ;xsf/L;Fu ;DaGwL, P]gsf] bkmf !% cg';f/ ljefusf k|d'vn] cg';Gwfg @#= sfnf]ahf/, pkef]Qmf ;+/If0f, k|lt:kwf{ jf cfk"tL{ clws[t lgo'Qm ug]{ jf tf]Sg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . ;DaGwL, ;+o'Qm cg';Gwfg 6f]nL u7g ug{ ;lsg] M @$= lgjf{rg ;DaGwL, l ljefusf] s'g} clws[t jf cGo ;/sf/L clws[t @%= ;~rf/, k|zf/0f, lj1fkg ;DaGwL, jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] s'g} clws[tnfO{ cg';Gwfg @^= oftfoft Joj;fo, lzIff, :jf:Yo, cf}ifwL jf j}b]lzs clws[t tf]Sg ;lsg] tyf d'2fsf] k|s[lt cg';f/ /f]huf/ 7uL ;DaGwL, s'g} lgsfonfO{ g} cg';Gwfgsf] sfo{ ;'Dkg ;lsg] 89 ANNUAL PUBLICATION Joj:yf ;d]t /x]sf] 5 eg] cfjZostfg';f/ s'g} l s'g} /fi6«;]js jf ;"rs ;+:yfsf] kbflwsf/L jf d'2fsf ;DaGwdf ;+o'Qm cg';Gwfg 6f]nL u7g ug{ sd{rf/LnfO{ pNn]lvt ;hfodf yk !) k|ltzt ;lsg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . ;hfo x'g] . 3_ d'2fsf] cleof]hg ug]{M l sfg"gL JolQmnfO{ s;"/sf] ufDeLo{tfsf l P]gsf] kl/R5]b # cg';f/ ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cfwf/df x'g] ;hfox?M cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL ;DaGwL t z'4Ls/0f ul/Psf] ;DklQsf] % u'0ff;Dd hl/jfgf s;'/df cg';Gwfg ug]{ If]qflwsf/ ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f ug]{ . cg';Gwfg ljefunfO{ /x]sf] 5 . t cjlw tf]sL ;fj{hlgs vl/bdf lgif]w ug]{ . l P]gsf] bkmf !% adf]lhd cg';Gwfg clws[tsf] k|ltj]bg t cjlw tf]sL pTkfbg jf ;]jfsf] vl/b ug{ /f]s cg';f/ d'2f bfo/ ug{'kg]{ b]lvPdf ljefusf k|d'vn] nufpg] . d'2f rNg] jf grNg] lg0f{osf nflu ;/sf/L jsLn t xfgL gf]S;fgLsf] Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg] . sfof{nodf n]vL k7fpg] / d'2f rNg] lg0f{o e} cfPdf t Ohfhtkq jf cg'dltkq vf/]h ug]{ . ljz]if cbfntdf ;DalGwt cg';Gwfg clws[taf6 d'2f t To:tf] sfg"gL JolQmnfO{ vf/]h ug]{ . bfo/ x'g] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . t dfly n]lvP afx]s s;}n] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t l xbDofbM ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ;DaGwL d'2f bfo/ ug{ ag]sf] lgod pNn‹g u/]df lauf] v'n]sf]df lauf] hkmt s'g} xbDofb gx'g] sfg"gL Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . u/L ljuf] adf]lhdsf] hl/afgf / ljuf] gv'n]sf]df ?= l ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ;DaGwL d'2fdf y'g'jf ePdf () !) nfv;Dd hl/afgf x'g] . lbg ;Dd y'gfdf /fvL cg';Gwfg ug{ ;lsg] Joj:yf l k|df0f n'sfpg] jf gi6 ug]{nfO{ x'g] ;hfoM /x]sf] 5 . t ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cftÍjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ª_ k|lt/Iff / ax; k}/jL ;DaGwL Joj:yfM ljQLo nufgL ;DaGwL s;"/ dflgg] sfd sf/afxL;Fu l ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ;DaGwL d'2f ;/sf/jfbL x'g] / pQm ;DalGwt k|df0f n'sfpg] jf gi6 ug]{ JolQmnfO{ d'2f ljz]if cbfntdf bfo/ x'g] / d'2fsf] k|lt/Iff s;"/sf] dfqf cg';f/ ! dlxgfb]lv # dlxgf;Dd ax; k}/jL ljz]if ;/sf/L jsLn sfof{noaf6 x'g] s}b jf ?= %) xhf/b]lv ?= ! nfv;Dd hl/afgf Joj:yf /x]sf] 5. jf b'j} ;hfo x'g] / To:tf] sfo{ ug{ ;xof]u ug]{nfO{ l ljz]if cbfntaf6 ePsf] km};nf pk/ k'g/fj]bg ;f] ;hfosf] cfwf ;hfo x'g] . ug{' k/]df dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{noaf6 ;jf]{Rr l afwf lj/f]w ug]{nfO{ ;hfoM cbfntdf k'g/fj]bg bfo/ x'g] / d'2fsf] k|lt/Iff, t o; P]g cGtu{tsf] cg';Gwfg ;DaGwL sfd sf/afxLdf jx; k}/jL dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{noaf6 x'g] s;}n] afwf lj/f]w u/]df lghnfO{ cg';Gwfg clws[tsf] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5. k|ltj]bgsf] cfwf/df d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/Ln] ^ dlxgf;Dd r_ b08 ;hfosf] Joj:yfM s}b jf ?= % xhf/;Dd hl/afgf jf b'j} ;hfo ug{ l JolQmnfO{ s;"/sf] ufDeLo{tfsf cfwf/df x'g] ;Sg] . ;hfox?M l x}/fgL jf em0em6 lbg]nfO{ ;hfoM t ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ;DaGwL s;"/ ug]{ / ;f]sf] if8oGq t s;}n] ph"/L lbg' kg]{ dgfl;a sf/0f geO{ s;}nfO{ ug]{ JolQmnfO{ lauf]sf] bf]Aa/ hl/jfgf / s;"/sf] s'g} lsl;dsf] xflg gf]S;gL k'of{pg] jf b'Mv, x}/fgL ufDeLo{ x]/L @ jif{b]lv !) jif{;Dd s}b x'g] / cGo jf em0em6 lbg] lgotn] em'§f ph"/L lbPsf] k|dfl0ft s;"/ ug]{ JolQmnfO{ plNnlvt ;hfosf] cfwf ;hfo ePdf cg';Gwfg clws[tsf] k|ltj]bgsf cfwf/df d'2f x'g] . x]g]{ clwsf/Ln] To:tf] JolQmnfO{ ?= !) xhf/;Dd l cftÍjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL ;DaGwL s;"/ hl/jfgf ug{ ;Sg] . ug]{ JolQmnfO{ ljuf] v'n]sf]df ljuf]sf] % u'0ff / ljuf] l ;DklQ jf ;fwg hkmt x'g]M gv'n]sf]df ?= ! s/f]8;Dd hl/jfgf x'g] / s;"/sf] t ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ufDeLo{tf x]/L # jif{b]lv @) jif{;Dd s}b x'g] . ljlQo nufgL ;DalGw s;'/ k|dfl0ft ePdf s;'/;+u l cGo s;"/ ug]{ JolQmnfO{ plNnlvt ;hfosf] cfwf ;DalGwt hf] ;'s}sf] gfd, ef]u :jfldTj jf :jfy{ ;hfo x'g] . /x]sf] ;DklQ ;fwg hkmt x'g] .

90 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 5 . ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfgdf s;'/bf/n] @=% ;DkQL z'4Ls/0f ;DaGwL cGo s] s:tf] ;Da4 s;"/ -Predicate Offence_ ul/ u}/ sfg'gL cfo cfh{g u/]sf] lyof] eGg] laifo :ki6 v'nfO{ gLltut tyf sfg"gL Joj:yf k|df0f ;lxt cbfntdf k]z ug{'kg]{ x'G5 . g]kfn k|x/Ln] l ;k'b{uL P]g, @)&), btf{ ul/ cg';Gwfg ug]{ ck/flws 36gfx?sf] sl/j l kf/:kl/s sfg"gL ;xfotf P]g, @)&), ;Q/L k|ltzt d'4fdf ck/fwsf] d'n sf/0f cfly{s sf/0f l s;"/hGo ;DklQ tyf ;fwg -/f]Ssf, lgoGq0f / b]lvPsf] ;Gbe{df cg';Gwfgstf{n] x/]s d'4f cg';Gwfg hkmt_ P]g, @)&), ubf{ ;DalGwt d'4fsf] cg';Gwfg ;Fu;Fu} u}/sfg'gL l ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f -dgL nfp08l/Ë_ lgjf/0f tj/af6 k|fKt u/]sf] s;'/bf/sf] ;Dkltdf ;d]t z+sfsf] lgodfjnL, @)&#, gh/n] b[i6L k'¥ofO{ k|fKt k|df0f ;lxt yk cg';Gwfgsf nflu ;Dklt z'l4s/0f cg';Gwfg laefudf k7fpFbf ;du| l kf/:kl/s sfg"gL ;xfotf lgodfjnL, @)&), cfly{s ck/fw lgoGq0f ug{ ;xof]u k'Ub5 . l ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f -dgL nfp08l/Ë\_ lgjf/0f -;"lrs[t JolQm, ;d"x jf ;Ë7gsf] ;DklQ jf sf]if /f]Ssf_ ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf cg';Gwfg lgodfjnL, @)&), clwsf/Ln] sltko s;'/bf/x?sf] uf]Ko ?kdf :yflgo k|x/L l ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cftÍjfbL lqmofsnfkdf sfof{nox? dfkm{t ;'rgfx? dfu]sf] cj:yfdf ;DalGwt ljQLo nufgL lgjf/0f /0fgLlt tyf sfo{of]hgf clws[tn] To;nfO{ ulDe/tfk'j{s lnO{ ;Tok'0f{, oyfy{ @)^*—@)&#, / kl5;Dd km/s gkg]{ tl/sfaf6 a'lem l56f] dfWoda6 l g]kfn kIf /fi6« ePsf ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3 / ;fs{ k7fpg' kb{5 . l9nf] ul/ / kl/If0f gu/L k7fOPsf] cGt/utsf dxf;lGwx?, ;'rgfn] s;'/bf/nfO{ cg'lrt nfe k'Ug hfg] s'/fnfO{ ulDe/tfk'j{s lng'kb{5 . ;Dklt z'l4s/0f;Fu ;DalGwt l ljQLo sf/jfxL sfo{bn -Financial Action Task Force d'4fsf cleo'Qmx? kqmfp k/]df :ynut?kdf tTsfn -FATF_ sf dfkb08, lg0f{o, ;'emfj Pj+ lgb]{zgx¿ k|fKtx'g ;Sg] k|df0fx?, -hf] kl5 vf]Hbf gi6 e};S5g\ jf tyf Plzof k|zfGt If]q ;d"x -Asia Pacific Group cleo'Qmsf] tkm{af6 gi6 u/fO{g ;S5g_ a/fdbL d'r'Nsf on Money Laundering_ sf lg0f{o, ;'emfj Pj+ nufotsf sfuhftx? sfg'g ;Ddt ?kdf ;+sng u/L lgb]{zgx¿ . Chain of Custody ;d]t sfod x'g] ul/ k7fPdf ;Dklt l cfjlws of]hgf, jflif{s ah]6 tyf sfo{qmd, z'4Ls/0f cg';Gwfg laefusf] cg';Gwfg clwsf/Laf6 l cGo ;Da4 s;"/;+u ;DalGwt sfg"gx¿ . cg';Gwfg kZrft cbfntdf d'4f bfo/ ubf{ s;'/bf/n] ;hfo kfpg] ;Defjgf a9L /xG5 . o;sf ;fy;fy} ;do ;dodf ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f cg';Gwfg laefu / ;DalGwt #= ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f ck/fw k|x/L sfof{nosf sd{rf/Lx? lar ;Dks{ / ;dGjo ;d]t cg';Gwfgdf k|x/Lsf] e'ldsfM x'g' h?/L x'G5 . g]kfn k|x/Lsf] cfly{s ck/fw lgoGq0fdf lgs} 7'nf] of]ubfg /xFb} cfPsf] 5 . s]lGb|o cg';Gwfg Ao'/f]n] o;sf] o;/L /fHosf laleGg lgsfox? hf] ck/fwd'Qm / ;'/lIft g]t[TjbfoL e'ldsf v]Nb} cfPsf] 5 . g]kfn k|x/Lsf cGo ;dfh lgdf{0f ug{ nflu k/]sf 5g, pgLx? ;a}n] cfk;df O{sfO{x?n] ;d]t sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf] bf}/fgdf k|rlnt sfg'g ;xsfo{ u/L cuf8L a9]df ck/fw /xLt /fi6« lgdf{0f eO{ adf]lhd cg';Gwfg ug{ clwsf/ k|fKt ck/fwx?df ;+nUg ;d'Gt /fi6« / ;'vL g]kfnLsf] /fli6«o sfo{gLltnfO{ jf:tjd} JolQmx? nufot cGo lgsfosf] cg';Gwfg clwsf/If]qdf d't{?k lbg ;lsg] s'/fdf s'g} b'O{ dt gxf]nf . kg]{ ck/flws s[ofsnfkx?df ;+nUg cleo'Qmx?nfO{ ;d]t lgoGq0fdf lnO{ ;DalGwt lgsfox?nfO{ lhDdf nufpb} cfO{/x]sf 5g\ . ;Gbe{ ;fdfu|LM != ;DklQ z'l4s/0f -dgL nfp08l/ª_ lgjf/0f P]g ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f ck/fw o:tf] ck/fw xf] h;df @)^$ clwsf+zsf] h/Lof sfg'gn] g]kfn k|x/Ln] cg';Gwfg ug]{ @= ;DklQ z'l4s/0f -dgL nfp08l/ª_ lgjf/0f u/L lhDd]jf/L lbPsf] If]q leq kb{5g\ . ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgodfjnL @)&# lgjf/0f P]g @)^$ df s;'/bf/n] ca}w / u}/sfg'gL ;DklQ #= Anti-Money Laundering Journal cfh{g ubf{ u/]sf / ug{ ;Sg] ;Da4 s;"/ -Predicate Offence_ sf af/]df P]gsf] cg';'rLdf pNn]v ul/Psf]

91 ANNUAL PUBLICATION @)&% ;fnsf] pTs[i6 cg';Gwfgstf{ k|=;=lg= sdn a:ofn l ldlt @)&$.)%.@) ut] lt= g= kf= — % dfj{n ˆofS6«Ldf uf]ln rnfO{ km/f/ /x]sf] 36gf ;DaGwdf tTsfn klZrd If]qLo k|x/L sfof{no kf]v/faf6 ;kmn cg';Gwfg u/L lghnfO{ kfNkfaf6 kqmfp ug{df ;xof]u . l ldlt @)&$.!@.)! ut] kf]v/f d= g= kf= !& jf6 ;fdflhs ;+hfn dfkm{t tkfO{sf] gfddf lr¶f k/]sf] 5 s]xL k};f s/sf] nflu ltg{' k5{ k7fO{ lbg' eGb} 7lu ug]{ % hgf AolQmx?nfO{ kqmfp u/L lh= k|= sf= sf:sLnfO{ a'emfO{Psf] . l ldlt @)&%.)@.!) ut] lhNnf df]/ª ;'gjifL{ gu/kflnsf jf8 g+= * jf6 ;fdflhs ;+hfn dfkm{t tkfO{sf] gfddf lr¶f k/]sf] 5 s]xL k};f s/sf] nflu ltg{' k5{ k7fO{ lbg' eGb} 7lu ug]{ ^ hgf AolQmx?nfO{ gub ? $,%&,))) -rf/nfv ;GtfpGg xhf/_ ;lxt kqmfp u/L lh= k|= sf= sf:sLnfO{ a'emfO{Psf] . l ldlt @)&%.)#.!@ ut] kf]v/fsf] n]s;fO{8nfO{ cfwf/ If]q agfP/ World cup football 2018 sf] ;§]afhL -Betting_ df ;DnUg AoQmLx?nfO{ gub ?= #,@(,)@).– -tLg nfv pGglt; xhf/ la; ?k}Fof dfq_ kqmfp u/L lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no sf:sLdf a'emfO{Psf] . l ldlt @)&%.)$.!^ ut] lhNnf sf:sL kf]v/f n]vgfy dxfgu/kflnsf af6 n'sfO{ 5'kfO{ u/L /fv]sf] cj:yfdf @ yfg lrt'jfsf] 5fnf ;lxt kqmfp u/L lhNnf jg sfof{no sf:sLnfO{ a'emfO{Psf] .

Success Stories cfkm\g} 5f]/Låf/f sG6«ofs lsn/ k|of]u u/L cfdfsf] xTof — dxfgu/Lo ck/fw dxfzfvf, 6]s' .

lhNnf l;Gw'kfNrf]s O{Gb|fjtL ufpFkflnsf—% :yfoL 3/ klxn] cfkm';Fu} Pp6} ufd]{G6df sfd ug]{ ch{'g s'df/ eGg] ePsL jif{-^! sL ;fljqL e§/fO{sf >Ldfgn] sfG5L ef]nf s'df/;Fu b'jO{af6} kmf]gdf ;Dks{ u/L cfkm' g]kfn >LdtL -;f}tf_ NofP kl5 lgh ;flaqL e§/fO{ 5f]/L ;lxt cfpFb} u/]sf] / Pp6f /fd|f] sfd cfPsf] 5 k};f /fd|f] eQmk'/df cfO{ sf]7f lnO{ a:g yfn]sf] . cfˆgL sfG5L cfpF5 eGbf ef]nf s'df/n] ltdL g]kfn cfPk5L ;Nnfx 5f]/L O{Zj/L e§/fO{n] ;ft jif{ cuf8L cGt/hflto ljjfx u/f}+nf eg]sf] . g]kfn cfPk5L lghx? sn+sLdf e]6 eO{ u]sf] / Ps jif{ cufl8 rfFu'gf/fo0f gkf—& jfF;jf/Ldf cfˆgf] ;Dk'0f{ of]hgf ;'gfPkl5 ef]nf s'df/n] 7fpF / 3/ agfO{ a:b} cfPsL . lghsf >Ldfg Do'lhs lel8of] / dflg; x]/]kl5 dfq lg0f{o lbg] eg]kl5 csf]{ lbg 7fpF / lkmNd lgdf{0f If]qdf sfd ug{'sf ;fy} l;gfd+undf xf]6n dfG5] x]g{ ;flaqLsf] 3/ Pl/ofdf uP ef]nfn] cfkm'n] pQm Joj;fo ;d]t ;+rfng ub{y] . ;fwf/0f n]vk9dfq ug{ sfd ug{ g;Sg] atfP kl5 b'j} hgf ;Nnfx u/L ef/t hfGg] O{Zj/L e§/fO{ ufd]{G6df l;nfO{ a'gfO{sf] sfd ug{ hfg] / pt}af6 sG6«ofs lsn/ dufpg] ;xdtL eof] / yflng\ . sfddf hfg yfn]kl5 lghsf] Jojxf/df s]xL b'j}hgf ef/t tkm{ uP . ldlt @)&^÷)#÷!$ ut] ef/taf6 kl/jt{g cfPsf] sf/0f O{Zj/Lsf >Ldfgn] ;f;' ;flaqL df]xDdb gf};fbn] cfˆg} dfdfsf] 5f]/f df]xDdb /lx;nfO{ e§/fO{nfO{ 3/df cfO{ al;lbg cg'/f]w u/]k5L ;flaqL ?=@ nfv ef/lto ?k}ofF lbg] / ch{'g s'df/ eGg] ef]nf cfˆg} 5f]/L O{Zj/L e§f/fO{sf] 3/df cfO{ a:g yflng\ . s'df/nfO{ ?=% nfv lbg] ;xdtLdf sf7df08f}+ lnP/ cfO{ 3/sf] /]vb]v tyf lghsf] $ jlif{o 5f]/fnfO{ ljBfno sf]6]Zj/sf] u]i6xfp;df a;] . ef]lnkN6 ldlt @)&^÷)#÷!% n}hfg] / Nofpg] sfd cfdf ;fljqL e§/fO{n] ug]{ ePsf ut] laxfg c+= )(M#) ah] ltg}hgf ;flaqL e§/fO{ a:g] sf/0f lgh O{Zj/L km';{lbln eO{g\ . ufd]{G6df sfd ug]{ 3/lt/ nfu] 3/df k'Ubf ;flaqL e§/fO{ / O{Zj/L e§/fO{sf] lznlznfdf lgh O{Zj/L e§/fO{sf] lhNnf l;/fx sNof0fk'/ rf/ jlif{o 5f]/fdfq 3/df lyP . gf};fbnfO{ cfˆgf] 3/df gu/kflnsf—$ :yfoL 3/ eO{ ;f]xL ufd]{G6df sfd ug]{ b]v]k5L ;flaqLn] d]/f] 5f]/Lsf] 3/jf/ jaf{b ug]{ eO{; eg]/ jif{—@# sf] df]xDdb gf};fb;Fu lrghfg eO{ s]xL ;do ufnL ub}{ s'rf]n] ;d]t xflgg\ . gf};fbn] cfkm'n] nu]sf] kl5 lghx?sf] lrghfg k|]d ;DaGwdf kl/0ft x'g k'Uof] . k};f lkmtf{ ug{ cfPsf] eg] s'/f u/] kl5 ;flaqL s]xL O{Zj/L / gf};fb larsf] k|]d ;DaGwsf af/]df cfdf ;flaqL zfGt eO{g\ / s]xL ;do kl5 gftLnfO{ :s'n k7fpFg' 5 e§/fO{nfO{ hfgsf/L e};s] kl5 5f]/Lsf] 3/ lau|g] 8/n] elg tof/Ldf nflug\, gf};fb klg ;fyLsf] sf]7faf6 k};f 5f]/L / gf};fb b'a}nfO{ ;DemfO{g / gf};fbnfO{ ?= ! nfv lnP/ cfpF5" elg aflx/ lg:Sof] . 3/df ;flaqL afx]s ?k}ofF ;fk6L lbO{ j}b]lzs /f]huf/Lsf] nfuL b'jO{ k7fO{ sf]xL klg 5}gg\ eGg] Plsg ePk5L c+= !)M#) ah] k'gM lbO{g t/ lghx? ljrdf Facebook tyf Whats up df gf};fb nufotsf ltg}hgf ;flaqLsf] 3/ uP lgh knªdf lg/Gt/ ;Dks{ eO{ g} /Xof] . k|]ddf dflg; cGwf] x'G5 al;/x]sf] cj:yfdf gf};fbn] ;flaqLsf] d'v y"Gof], ef]nf eGg] g]kfnL pvfg h:t} O{Zj/Ln] cfˆgf] ;DaGw n'sfpgsf] s'df/n] xft ;dfTof] / df]xDdb /lx;n] rSs'n] 3fF6L /]6L nfuL cfdf ;flaqLnfO{ 7]ufg nufpg -xTof ug{_ hlt klg ;flaqLsf] xTof u¥of] . k};f vr{ ug{ tof/ /x]sf] / >LdfgnfO{ ;d]t cg's'n ;do ldnfO{ xTof ug{ tof/ /x]sf] s'/f gf};fbnfO{ eg]k5L lgh xTof kZrft\ cg';Gwfgsf] lznlznfdf df]xDdb gf};fbsf] gf};fb b'jO{df g} ePsf] a]nfdf cfdfsf] xTof ug]{ of]hgf ;+nUgtf x'g ;S5 eGg] ;'rgfsf cfwf/df lghnfO{ ag]sf] / cfdfsf] xTof gx'Fbf ;Dd g]kfn cfP kgL Ps wflbªsf] uh'/Laf6 kqmfp ul/ lghs} ;xof]udf df]xDdb csfl{\ar kmf]g ;Dks{ gug]{ ;xdtL ePsf] . O{Zj/L ;Fusf] /lx; / ch{'g s'df/ eGg] ef]nf s'df/nfO{ dsjfgk'/sf] k|]d ;DaGw / of]hgf cg';f/ lgh gf};fb Ps dlxgfdf x]6f}+8faf6 kqmfp ul/ ;f]wk'5 u/] kZrft\ pQm 36gfsf] g} g]kfn kms]{/ cfPsf] / ldlt @)&^÷)#÷!$ / !% ut] d'Vo of]hgfsf/ d[tssL 5f]/L O{Zj/L e§/fO{ x'g\ eGg] s'/f cfkm'x? 3/df gx'g] ePsf sf/0f ;f]xL lbgdf xTof ul/ v'n]sf] 5 . !* ut] e]6L ;xdtL cg';f/sf] k};f lbg] of]hgf ePsf] .

96 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 ckx/0fdf k/]sf ;ftjif]{ ef/tLo afnssf] g]kfn k|x/Låf/f ;s'zn p2f/ — lh= k|= sf= emfkf . lj=;+= @)&% d+l;/ @% ut] -O=;+= @)!* l8;]Da/ ^ tfl/v_ sf 7DofpF5f}+ eg]kl5 ckx/0fsf/LnfO{ kqmfp ug]{ of]hgf aGof] . lbg ef/t laxf/ /fHo ;'kf}n lhNnf u|fd kGrfot lszgk'/ of]hgf d'tfljs ckxl/t afnssf sfsf cJb'n cf]xfjnfO{ blIf0f yfgf ls;gk'/ j:g] sIff @ df cWoog/t & jifL{o pQm df]jfOn gDj/df ;Dks{ ug{ nufO{ …xfdL k};f lnP/ dxkm'h cfnd cfˆgL dfjnL xh'/cfdfsf] 3/ 5]pdf v]Nb} uf}/Lu+h rf]sdf cfPsf 5f}+, tkfO{+ cfpg'xf];\Ú eGg nufO{ k|x/L u/]sf] cj:yfdf df]6/;fO{sndf cfPsf @ hgf ckx/0fsf/Ln] 6f]nL rf]slt/ nfUof] . sl/a !) ldg]6df ab|L ofbj uf}/Lu+h afnsnfO{ v]nf}gf lbO{ df]6/;fO{sndf a;, xfdL ltd|f] sfsf rf]sdf cfPkl5 tTsfn k|x/Ln] lgoGq0fdf lnO{ vfgtnf;L xf], ltd|f] 3/ k¥oflbG5'' egL ckx/0f u/] . cg';Gwfgkl5 v'Ng ubf{ ev{/ s'/f u/]sf] df]jfOn gDj/ ePsf] df]jfOn j/fdb cfPcg';f/ ckx/0f ug]{x¿ lkm/f}tL dfUg] of]hgf agfPsf eof] . lghnfO{ yk cg';Gwfgsf] nflu lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no ckx/0fsf/L dWo]sf lbjfgu+h kf]= km'nsfxL yfgf /f3f]k'/sf emfkf nluof] . ToxfF yk ;f]wk'5sf] qmddf lghn] afnsnfO{ df]= lbn;fb / sl/of gfdsf JolQmx¿ lyP . pgLx¿dWo] uf}/Lu+h ufpFkflnsf—$ a:g] >Lk|;fb u'8L dnfxfsf] 3/df df]= lbn;fbn] df]6/;fOsn rnfO{ sl/ofn] afnsnfO{ aLrdf /fv]sf] s'/f jtfPkl5 k|x/L 6f]nL sbduf5Llt/ nfUof] . /fv]/ ;dftL glhs}sf] ;8sdf lghx¿sf dltof/ ;fyLn] s'/L/fv]sf] uf8L;Dd k¥ofP' . uf8Ldf lyP k|tfku+h kf]= k|tfku+h ;f]wk'5 u/L kQf nufO{ >Lk|;fb u'8L dnfxfsf] 3/df k'Ubf yfgf k|tfku+h a:g] holszf]/ s'df/ / d]8\jf kf]= k|tfku+h pgL j|; ul//x]sf] cj:yfdf km]nf k/] . lghnfO{ afns yfgf k|tfku+h a:g] l/t]z s'df/, tL @ hgfn] of]hgf d'tfljs sxfF /fv]sf] 5f}, eg ;j yfxf e};Sof] cj efUg ;Sb}gf} afnsnfO{ uf8Ldf /fv]/ laxf/sf] hf]lsxf6 eGg] :yfg;Dd eGbf cfkm"nfO{ s]xL yfxf gePsf] jtfP . k|x/LnfO{ jb|L k¥ofP' . hxfF ckx/0fsf/L ;d"xsf g]kfnL ;Dks{ emfkf lhNnf ofbjn] k7fPsf], pgL klg kqmfp k/L;s] eg]kl5 pgn] uf}/Lu+h ufpFkflnsf—^ vh'/uf5L a:g] $& jifL{o ab|L ofbj cfkm"nfO{ j›L e]6fOlbg'xf];\ eg] . To;kl5 dnfxfnfO{ klg yk / uf}/Lu+h ufpFkflnsf—$ sbduf5L a:g] #! jifL{o lj§' eGg] cg';Gwfgsf nflu kqmfp ul/of] . k|x/L sfof{nodf j›L ofbj >Lk|;fb u'8L dnfxf lacf/ #& )$#$ gDa/sf] sfnf] kN;/ / >Lk|;fb u'8Lsf] e]6 kZrft ;j} vQd eO;Sof] afns sxfF lnO{ klxn]b]lv g} t}gfy lyP . 5 elGbg'k¥of] eGbf afns bds gu/kflnsf l:yt b]p/fnL xf]6nsf] sf]7f gDa/ !)& df >Lk|;fb u'8L dnfxfsL >LdtL ckx/0fkl5 pgLx¿n] afnsnfO{ g]kfnL gful/ssf] xftdf @$ jifL{of c~h'b]jL d'lvofn] jGws agfO{ /fv]sf] v'Ng cfof] . lbPsf] s'/f kLl8t kIfaf6 g]kfn k|x/LnfO{ hfgsf/L x'g tTsfn O{nfsf k|x/L sfof{no bdssf k|x/L gfoj pk/LIfs cfof] . ckx/0fsf/L dWo]sf lbn;fb, holszf]/ / l/t]z Zofdn ;'JjfnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fPkl5 pQm sfof{nosf] 6f]nLn] s'df/nfO{ ef/tLo k|x/Ln] kqmfp ug{ ;kmn ePkl5 kqmfp afnsnfO{ dlxnfsf] ;fyaf6 ;s'zn p4f/ ug{ ;kmn eof] . k/]sf JolQmx¿af6} afns g]kfndf /x]sf] v'n]sf] ;d]t kLl8tn] hfgsf/L lbP . oxL ;"rgfsf] cfwf/df cg';Gwfg cleo'Qm ab|L ofbjsf cg';f/ pgLx¿n] afnsnfO{ hf]sLxf6af6 g]kfnlt/ df]l8of] . lbn;fb / g]kfndf /x]sf pgsf ;xof]uL sfnf] kN;/df /fvL >Lk|;fb u'8Lsf] 3/df /fv]sf] / !% nfv aLrsf] s'/fsfgL / CDR x]bf{ g]kfnsf] bds / uf}/Lu+h ef/tLo ?k}ofF lkm/f}tL /sd dfu u/]sf] v'Ng cfof] . @)!* Pl/of b]lvPkl5 kLl8t kIfn] tTsfnLg @ gDj/ k|b]z k|x/L l8;]Da/ * tfl/vdf afnsnfO{ uf}/Lu+h $ sbduf5Laf6 k|d'v k|x/L gfoj dxflg/LIfs xl/axfb'/ kfn;+u ;xof]u bdssf] b]p/fnL xf]6ndf /fvL cfkm" lbgx'F e]6\g hfg] u/]sf] dfu]sf /x]5g\ . k|x/L gfoj dxflg/LIfs xl/axfb'/ kfnaf6 a›Ln] jtfP . ;f]xL cg';f/sf] sn l86]n / nf]s]zg k5\ofpb} lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no emfkfsf tTsfnLg k|d'v k|x/L pk/LIfs g]kfn k|x/Ln] k'/f ;'emj'em / cfjZos ;fjwfgL ckgfpFb} ledk|;fb 9sfn / k|x/L gfoj pk/LIfs Zofdn ;'JjfnfO{ afnsnfO{ ;s'zn p4f/ ug{ g]kfn k|x/L ;kmn ePsf] ;xof]u ug{ cfb]z ePsf] /x]5 . xf] . k};fsf] k|nf]egdf k/L ck/fwsf] af6f] /f]h]sf a›L ofbj, >Lk|;fb u'8L dnfxf / c~h'b]jL d'lvofnfO{ d'n'sL ck/fw cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf lbn;fbsf] g]kfnL ;xof]uLsf] df]jfon ;+lxtf @)&$ sf] kl/R5]b !& ckx/0f z/L/ jGws ;DjGwL gDj/ / lghn] lbn;fb;+u u/]sf] s'/fsfgLsf] kmf]g /]sl8{ª s;'/df d'4f rnfO{ xfn lghx? emfkf lhNnf cbfntsf] ;'Gg] sfd eof] . pQm /]sl8{ª ;'Ggf;fy @ hgf k|x/L cfb]zn] k'k{Ifsf nflu lhNnf sf/fuf/ emfkfdf /flvPsf] 5 . sd{rf/Ln] of] cfjfh t ab|L ofbjsf] xf] xfdL /fd|f];+u afnsnfO{ lghsf cfkmGtsf] lhDdf nufO{ ef/t k7fOPsf] 5 .

97 ANNUAL PUBLICATION dfofsf] ljt08fdf h]nsf] af; — d=g=k|= kl/;/, nlntk'/ nlntk'/ lhNnf nlntk'/ dxfgu/kflnsf—@ ;fg]kfl:yt xftkft Pj+ n5f/k5f/ ;d]tsf] cj:yf cfpF5 . cleif]sn] /]l8oG6 :s'ndf cWoog/t ljkf;f >]i7 -gfd kl/jlt{t_ s[i0fsf] df]6/;fO{snsf] P]gf ;d]t km'6fpg k'Ub5 . / ;f]xL :s'ndf ;+u} k9\g] cleif]s zfxLaLrdf sIff & b]lv lrghfg Pj+ lxdlrd /xFb} cfpF5 . pgLx¿ b'j}hgf ;f] kZrft 36gfn] pu| ?k ln+b} hfG5 . s[i0f tfdfª / sIff !) df k'Ubf cfk;L ;DaGw w]/} glhs k'uL;s]sf] cleif]s zfxLn] cf—cfˆgf] u|'kdf ;fyLx?nfO{ cfj4 u/fpFb} x'G5 . lghx¿ aLrsf] dfofk|]dsf] ;DaGw emflËb} uO/x]sf] hfG5g\ . cGttM s[i0f tfdfªsf] kIfdf d's]z dxh{g, lk|td x'G5 . pgLx¿ b'j}hgf / pgLx¿;+u} k9\g] s[i0f tfdfª, r'8fn, ;'hg ;f]8f/L, lbzfGt yfkf du/, ;fu/ zfxL, s'df/ lk|td r'8fn ;d]tn] P;=O{=O{= kf; ePkZrft nugv]nl:yt tfdfª ;d]tsf] ;d"x tof/ x'G5 . cleif]s zfxL kIfdf cS;la|h O{G6/g]zgn sn]hdf sIff !! df egf{ eO{ k9\g] cg;n zfSo, ;ljg v8\uL, laho zfxL, k[YjLdfg zfSo, ;Nnfx u/L egf{ x'G5g\ . sIff !! sf] ld86d{b]lv ljkf;f ?k]g v8\uL ;d]tsf] ;d"x tof/ x'G5 . s[i0f tfdfªsf] / cleif]saLr emflËb} uPsf] dfof k|]ddf cleif]sn] csf]{ df]6;fO{snsf] P]gf km'6fPsf] tyf s[i0f tyf cleif]s b'j}n] s]6L;+u ;DaGw j9fPkl5 Tof] ;DaGw ToxL 6'lËg] cj:yf k|]ldsfsf] ?kdf ln+b} cfPsL ljkf;fsf] ljifonfO{ lnP/ l;h{gf x'G5 . o;n] pgLx¿aLr afblajfb a9\5 / r/d pgLx?aLr of]hgfj4 tl/sfn] @)&^ a}zfv @) ut] a]n'sf pTsif{sf] ?k lnG5 . pgLx¿sf] k|]d ;DaGw la5f]8df sl/a !*M#) ah] nlntk'/ dxfgu/kflnsf j8f gDa/ # kl/0ft x'G5 . / $ sf] l;dfgfdf lgdf{0fflwg ca:yfdf /x]sf] ;]G6d]l/h uNnL af6f]df b'j} kIfaLr …UofªkmfO{6Ú tyf s'6fs'6sf] ljkf;f / cleif]ssf] j|]sck ePkZrft ;f] sf] kmfO{bf cj:yf l;h{gf x'G5 . s'6fs'6df s[i0fsf] u|'kn] cleif]ssf] lng pgLx¿s} ;fyL s[i0f tfdfª ;kmn x'g k'U5 . s[i0f u|'ksf cg;n zfSonfO{ nfQfd'Ssf ;d]tn] xfgL s'6lk6 / ljkf;f cfk;df k|]dhfndf k5{g\ . s[i0fn] o;cl3sL ub{5g\ eg] d's]z dxh{gn] jf]sL NofPsf] rSs'n] 5ftL / cfˆgL k|]ldsf ;d]tnfO{ kG5fpFb} ljkf;f;+usf] dfofk|]ddf 9f8df ;d]t k|xf/ u5{g\ . kmn:j?k cg;n zfSonfO{ /dfpFb} hfG5 . k'j{k|]ldsfnfO{ cfˆg} ;fyLn] dfofhfndf uDeL/ 3fOt] agfO{ e'OFdf 9fn]kZrft pgsf] 3fprf]6af6 kf/L lghx¿aLrsf] dfof ;DaGw k|uf9 x'Fb} uPsf] s'/f /ut aUg yfN5 . s[i0f tfdfª kIfsf ;j} dflg;x? efuL cleif]snfO{ c;Xo x'G5 . kmn:j?k s[i0f / cleif]saLrsf] hfG5g\ . 3fOt] cg;nnfO{ pgsf u|'ksf dflg;x?n] ;fyLTj ;d]tdf j|]s nfUb} hfG5 . cGttM pgLx¿aLr pkrf/sf] nflu ;'d]? c:ktfn k'Nrf]s n}hfG5g\ . cGttM jf]nrfn ;d]t jGb x'G5 . pkrf/sf] qmddf pgsf] d[To' ePsf] c:ktfnn] 3f]if0ff ub{5 . o;/L ;fyLsf] jrfj6 ug]{ axfgfdf unt ;+utsf] oBlk cleif]sn] ljkf;f;+u cfˆgf] dfofk|]d oyfjt sf/0f snsnfpFbf] Pj+ e/e/fpFbf] pd]/sf @) jifL{o /x]sf] b]vfpFb} s[i0f tfdfª;+usf] k|]d ;DaGw 5fl8lbg cg;n zfSosf] cgfxsdf Hofg hfg k'Ub5 . ljkf;fnfO{ cfu|x ub{5 . cfkm" x'Fbfx'Fb} cs}{ s]6L;+u k|]d ;DaGw j9fPsf]df cfkm"nfO{ c;Xo ePsf]n] cleif]s;+usf] ;f] 36gfkZrft cfˆgf] 5f]/f cg;n zfSonfO{ s[i0f ;DaGwdf cfkm" /xL/xg g;Sg] ljkf;fn] jtfpFl5g\ . cGttM tfdfª, lk|td r'8fn, ;'hg ;f]8f/L, d's]z dxh{g, lbzfGt cleif]sn] cfˆgL csL{ k|]ldsf;+u ljjfb eO{ cfkm"x?aLrsf] yfkf, ;fu/ zfxL, s'df/ tfdfªnufotsf JolQmx¿sf] ;DaGw cGTo eO;s]sf] x'Fbf ljkf;fnfO{ cfkm};+u k|]d x'nan eO{ ;'lgof]lht 9+un] Hofg;d]t lng] of]hgf agfO{ ;DaGwdf /xg'k5{ eGb5 . Ptf s[i0f tfdfªsf] dfofn] z/L/sf] ljleGg efudf wfl/nf] Pj+ hf]lvdL xltof/n] pGdfb ePsL ljkf;fnfO{ cleif]ssf] s'/fn] s'g} k|efj xfgL, /f]kL st{Jo u/L df/]sf]n] xb};Ddsf] sfg'gL sf/jfxL kfb}{g . ljkf;fn] cleif]snfO{ ;fyLsf] ?kdf a:g] eP a;, u/LkfpF elg d[tssf jfj' g/]Gb| zfSosf] hfx]/L b/vf:t xf]Og eg] cfkm';+u jf]Nb} gjf]n eGg ;d]t kl5 klb{gg\ . kb{5 . k|x/Ln] cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf lghx?dWo]sf s[i0f o:t}df @)&^ a}zfv !( ut] ljkf;fsf b'O{ k|]dLx¿ s[i0f tfdfª, lk|td r'8fn, ;'hg ;f]8f/L / d's]z dxh{gnfO{ / cleif]saLr nlntk'/ s'k08f]ndf e]6 x'Fbf afblajfb eO{ @)&^ a}zfv @) ut], lbzfGt yfkfnfO{ a}zfv @! ut] /

98 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 ;fu/ zfxL, s'df/ tfdfªnfO{ @)&^ h]7 !@ ut] kqmfp bf}8b} cfPkZrft b'j} kIfsfaLr sl/a &÷* ldg]6 xftkft, ug{ ;kmn x'G5 . kqmfp k/]sfdWo]sf d'Vo cleo'Qm s[i0f s'6lk6 Pj+ bf]xf]/f] xfgfxfg ePkl5 cleif]ssf] Pshgf tfdfªn] clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/L ;dIf jofg ubf{ @)&^ ;fyL cg;n zfSo 3fOt] eO{ hldgdf n8]kl5 cfkm"x? a}zfv !( ut] lk|td r'8fn, ;'hg ;f]8f/L / cfkm" ;d]t df]6/;fO{sndf r9L efuL uPsf]df 3fOt] ePsf cg;nsf] eO{ nlntk'/ s'k08f]nl:yt /fd bfO{sf] dMd Sofkm]df pkrf/sf] qmddf d[To' x'g uPsf] elg jofg ub{5g\ . a;L vfhfgf:tf ul//x]sf] ca:yfdf cleif]s cfO{ laleGg ;f]xL Joxf]/f ;dly{t x'g] u/L cGo kqmfp k/]sf cGo ufnLunf}h u/]kl5 b'a}aLr egfeg ePsf], cleif]sn] jflx/ JolQmx? ;d]tn] jofg ub{5g\ . k|x/Ln] cg';Gwfgsf] lg:sL s[i0fsf] df]6/;fO{snsf] n'lsËnf; efFlrlbPsf] qmddf cGo ;j'bx? ;d]t ;+sng u/L ;DalGwt lhNnf / a}zfv @) ut] lbp;f] sl/a !$M#) ah]sf] ;dodf ;/sf/L jlsn sfof{no nlntk'/dfkm{t nlntk'/ lhNnf cleif]snfO{ kmf]g u/L df]6/;fO{snsf] n'lsËnf; jgfO{ b] cbfntdf cleof]ukq ;lxt kqmfp k|ltjfbLx¿nfO{ k]z eGbf cleif]sn] x]b}{ hf, c? s]—s] efFlrlbG5' elg wSsLk"0f{ ub{5 . nlntk'/ lhNnf cbfntsf] @)&^ h]7 !& ut]sf] efiff k|of]u u/L, cfˆgf] Pl/of nlntk'/ bdsnrf]sdf cfb]zfg';f/ kqmfp k|ltjfbLx? ;fu/ zfxL, s'df/ tfdfª, cfO{h elg af]nfPsf]n] cfkm"n] cfˆgf] UofËsf ;fu/ zfxL, lk|td r'8fn, ;'hg ;f]8f/L, lbzfGt yfkf, d's]z dxh{g s'df/ tfdfª, lk|td r'8fn, ;'hg ;f]8f/L, lbzfGt yfkf, / s[i0f tfdfª;d]tnfO{ k'k{Ifsf] nflu sf/fuf/ sfof{no d's]z dxh{g / cfkm" ;d]t & hgfaLr ;Nnfx eO{ rSs' gVv' nlntk'/df y'gfdf k7fO{G5 . k|:t't d'4f xfn;Dd ;d]t lnO{ nlntk'/ bdsnrf]s glhs} /x]sf] ;]G6d]l/hsf] ljrf/fwLg cj:yfdf /x]sf]n] k|:t't 36gfdf ;+nUgx¿nfO{ uNnL ;8sdf k'Ubf cleif]s ge]6]kl5 kmf]g ubf{ …a;L /fv s] slt ;hfoF tf]lsO{ s] slt ;do sf/fuf/ sfof{nosf] xfdLx? cfpFb} 5f}+Ú eg]sf] / s]xL ;dodf g} cleif]s nufot rf/3]/fleq j:g'kg]{ xf] < ;f] eg] x]g{ jfFsL 5 . ;d"xsf sl/a !@÷!% hgf s]6fx? xftdf df]6/;fO{snsf] x]Nd]6, /8 ;d]tsf ;fdfgx? lnO{ xfdLx¿ ePsf] :yfgdf k|]ld ;+u ldn]/ >Ldfg\ sf] xTof — k|= lg= dfwj ljZjsdf{ O{= k|= sf= kmN6'8], s}nfnL @)&^ ;fn c;f/ dlxgf ;dfKtLlt/ lyof] . @# ut] k|x/LnfO{ eGof] eg] cfkm}nfO{ kf] h]n xfN5g\ sL eGg] 8/n] lbpF;f]lt/ l;dl;d] kfgL kl//x]sf] lyof] . O{nfsf k|x/L ;fdfg lsGg] axfgf agfO{ af:tljs s'/f gelg cfˆgf] sfof{no kmN6'8] s}nfnLdf sfo{/t ;Dk'0f{ k|x/L ;fyLx¿ 3/lt/ nfu] . t/ cfˆgf] dgdf ePsf] jf:tljs s'/f lgoldt 8\o"6Ldf Ao:t lyof}+ . sf]xL ;fyLx¿ gful/s k|x/LnfO{ eGg g;Sbf pgsf] dgdf pQm 36gfn] /ftlbg ;xfotf sIfdf al; enfs';f/L ul//x]sf lyof}+ . o;}j]nf lk/f]nL /Xof] . o} s'/f dgdf v]nL/xFbf g t ef]s nfUYof] Pshgf dflg; sfof{nosf] d'nu]6df cfP . u]6df 8\o"6L g t lgGb|f g} . cGttM ca k|x/Ln] h]n xfn] klg xfn'g\ sdf08/n] sxfFaf6 cfpg'eof] xf]nf bfO{ Û s] sfdn] elg dg 9'Ss agfO{ pgL km]l/ csf]{ lbg @$ ut]sf] j]n'sL cfpg'eof] elg ;f]wk'5 u/] . ToxfF k|ltIffnodf xfd|f ^ ah]lt/ k|x/L sfof{no cfP . r'/] ufpFkflnsf j8f gDj/ ;fyLx¿ a;]sf 5g\, xh'/ klg ToxLF uP/ a:g'xf];\ eg] . ^ d• ufpFdf dflg; df/]/ vf8ndf k'/]sf] 5 ls eGg] z+sf t/ lt dflg;n] l7s} 5 ;/, d]/f] kmN6'8] ahf/df clnslt 5 eg]/ pgn] O{nfsf k|x/L sfof{no kmN6'8], s}nfnLdf 3/fo;L ;fdfg lsgd]n ug{'kg]{ sfd 5 ;/, d s'g} df}lvs va/ u/] . ;d:ofn] cfPsf] xf]Og, x'G5 ;/ d hfG5', elg uP . pQm ;"rgf k|fKt ePkl5 tTsfn lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no t/ pgL k|x/LnfO{ ck/fw 36gfsf] jf:tljs ;"rgf lbg s}nfnLsf k|d'vnfO{ l/kf]l6{ª u/L k|x/L lg/LIfssf] cfPsf /x]5g\ . pgn] ;f]r] ls cfkm"n] yfxf kfPsf] s'/f sdf08df ;ft hgfsf] 6f]nL vl6 uof}F . d• k'Ubf cFWof/f]

99 ANNUAL PUBLICATION eO;s]sf] lyof] . /ftsf] sl/j )*M)) alh;s]sf] lyof] . nfnaxfb'/ / sNkgfnfO{ k'gM ;f]wk'5 ul/of] . jf:tljstf ufpF ;'g;fg lyof] . htftt} ;f]nf/sf aQLx¿ aln/x]sf s] xf] < ePsf] s] xf] < sf] x'g\ dg]{ JolQm elg ;f]Wbf lyP . dbg axfb'/ -kl/jlt{t gfd_n] eg] cg';f/sf] af6f] sNkgfn] elgg, …;/ Û d]/f] ;'?sf] laafx 88]Nw'/fsf] k5\ofpFb} pQm ufpF eGbf dfly le/fnf] hldg;Dd k'Uof}+ . s]6f;+u ePsf] xf] . pgL hj/h:tL s/0fL d'2fdf 88]Nw'/f vf]nfsf] lsgf/df sNkgf nfdfsf] xl/of] l6gn] 5fPsf] 3/ h]ndf 5g\ . pgnfO{ d}n] rf/ jif{;Dd s'/]+ . hlt s'/] b]Vof}+ . To;kl5 k|x/L 6f]nL vf]nf 5]p lsgf/df x'g;S5 klg d]/f] >Ldfg\ cfpg] s'g} 6'Ëf] gePkl5 d clxn] d/]sf] eGg] z+sfsf] cfwf/df sNkgf nfdfsf] 3/ eGbf tn !)) dfG5];+u efu]sL x'F . pgsf] 3/ u'NdL xf] . cGo jtg s]xL ld6/ k'j{-klZrd vf]nfsf] lsgf/ h+undf uO{ ;a}hgfn] yfxf 5}g . d]/f] pm bf];|f] >Ldfg\ xf] . p;sf] gfpF sdn vf]hL ub}{ uof}F . s'Fj/ xf] . d]/f] k]6df p;sf] cf7 dlxgfsf] ue{ 5 . d}n] p;nfO{ klg 5f]8]/ nfnaxfb'/ nfdf;Fu lajfx u/]sf] sl/a vf]hL ug]{ qmddf s]xL lrh j:t' s'x]sf] h:tf] uGw cfPsf] tLg dlxgf hlt eO;Sof] . d}n] p;nfO{ 5f]l8;s]+ .Ú 7fpFlt/ cufl8 a9\b} hfFbf vf]nfsf] lsgf/df kmNbfsf] ?vsf] km]bdf df6f] vg]sf] h:tf] b]lvof] . o;f] k|s[lt x]bf{ lsg df/]/ vf]nfdf df6f]df uf8\g'eof] elg ;f]w]kl5 pgn] st{Jo u/L df/]/ uf8]sf] x'g;S5 eGg] z+sf nfUof] . To; elgg\, …@)&^ c;f/ @@ ut] ljxfg $÷% ah]sf] ;dodf kZrft vf8n glhs} 3/ ePsL sNkgf nfdfsf] 3/df xfdL b'j}hgf ;'lt/x]sf lyof}+ . 9f]sf v'Nn} lyof] . pHofnf] k'Uof}F . t/ ToxfF sf]xL klg lyPgg\ . ;f]wvf]h ubf{ pgL ePsf] lyPg . sdn /S;L vfP/ cFWof/f]df xlNnb} ;/f;/ dfOtL3/lt/ l5g\ eGg] a'lemof] . clg pgsf] dfOtL3/tkm{ uO{ sf]7fleq cfof] . xfdL b'j}hgf Ao'Flem;s]sf lyof}+ . d pgnfO{ e]l6of] . sNkgfnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lnP/ ;f]wk'5 ubf{ ;'t]sf] 5]pdf cfP/ /S;Lsf] ;'/df t]/f] k]6df d]/f] cf7 36gf ePsf] 7fpFaf6 nf; vf]nf lsgf/df uf8]sf] s'/fdf dlxgfsf] aRrf 5 . d tFnfO{ nu]/ hfG5' eGb} d]/f] xft z+sf:kb Aoaxf/ ul/g\ . clg pgnfO{ vf8n;Dd nu]/ tfGg nfUof] . d}n] p7]/ p;sf] ufnfdf Ps yKk8 xfg]+ . ;a} s'/f a'‰bf pgsf] s'/faf6 cfˆg} >Ldfg -nfn axfb'/ To;kl5 d]/f] clxn]sf nf]Ug] nfnaxfb'/ klg p7]/ xfdL nfdf_ klg ;+nUg ePh:tf] z+sf ePkl5 pgnfO{ xfdL;Fu} tLg}hgf n5f/k5f/ ub}{ sf]7f aflx/ cfof}+ . nfnaxfb'/n] /fvL tkfO{+sf] >Ldfg sxfF x'g'x'G5 elg ;f]wk'5 ul/of] . bfp/fsf] lrk{6 ;dft]/ sdnsf] 6fpsf]df xfg] . To;kl5 pgn] >Ldfg 8f]6L lhNnfsf] d]nvf]nftkm{ kfgL 6\ofÍLsf] sdn e'OFdf 9n]/ a]xf]; eP . clg xfdL b'j}hgfn] tfg]/ sfddf hfg'ePsf] 5 eg]kl5 s]xL 6f]nL d]nvf]nftkm{ 3/ eGbf @÷# u/f tn ds}af/Ldf nUof}+ . nfnaxfb'/n] nfnaxfb'/ nfdf -ldng_sf] vf]hLtkm{ nfUof] . vf]hL ub}{ sf]bfnf]n] sdnsf] 6fpsf]df $÷% rf]6L ltvf] efun] xfg]/ hfFbf uf]Ko ;"rgfsf cfwf/df nfnaxfb'/ 3/b]lv % lsld df/]kl5 b'j}hgfn] tfg]/ vf]nfdf nlu vf8n vg]/ k'/]sf 6f9f 8f]6L lhNnfsf] d]nvf]nf eGg] :yfgsf] Pp6f xf]6ndf xf}+ . olt ubf{;Dd ljxfgsf] !) alh;s]sf] lyof] .Ú gf:tf vfg nflu/x]sf] cj:yfdf km]nf kf/L kqmfp ug{ k|x/L ;kmn eof] . ;f]wk'5sf] qmddf pgLx¿s} ldn]dtf]df xfn b'a}hgf cleo'Qm lhNnf cbfnt s}nfnLsf] cfb]zn] cfˆg} 3/df df/]/ 3/af6 !)) ld6/ 6f9f vf]nfsf] 5]p cfˆgf] ck/fwsf] kZrftfk ub}{ k"k{Ifsf] nfuL y'gfdf lsgf/df uf8]sf] elg jofg lbP . @)&^ c;f/ @$ ut] sf/fuf/df lbg sf6\b} 5g\ . /flt k|x/L ;xfos lg/LIfssf] sdf08df kfFrhgfsf] k|x/L 6f]nL nfz uf8]sf] 7fpF ;'/lIft ug{ vl6of] . gSsnL ef/tLo d'b|fsf] sf/f]jf/df o'g'; cG;f/Lsf] d'4fsf] cg';Gwfg — k|= lg= a'l4 ;'j]bL d=g=k|= k/L;/, sf7df8f}+ . ldlt @)&^ ;fn h]7 !) ut] lbpF;f] sl/a !@ cj:yfdf Ps–csf{df ckl/lrth:tf b]lvGy] . pgLx? ah]sf] ;dodf lqe'jg cGt/f{li6«o ljdfg:ynl:yt cfudg ljdfg:yndf cf]n]{/ 6ld{gntkm{ cfpgf;fy ljdfg:ynl:yt 6ld{gndf s]lx kfls:tfgL gful/sx? cfP . stf/sf] k|x/LnfO{ Pp6f dxTjk"0f{ vj/ k|fKt eof], tLg hgf bf]xfaf6 sf7df08f}Fsf nflu cfPsf pgLx? ;'?jftL kfls:tfgL gful/sn] stf/ Po/j]hdfkm{t ef/L kl/df0fdf

100 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 gSsnL ef/tLo ?k}ofF g]kfn leq\ofpFb} 5g\ . ;"rgf k|fKt kfls:tfgLn] klg pQm 6\ofu cfˆgf] gePsf] k|ltlqmof x'gf;fy ljdfg:yn k|x/L, ljz]if Jo"/f], dxfgu/Lo k|x/L lbP . hlt;'s} OGsf/L aofg lbPklg To;nfO{ tYo / kl/;/, uf}zfnf j[Q nufotsf ;j} k|x/L sfof{no tTsfn k|df0f ;lxt :yflkt ug{'kg]{ r'gf}tL xfdL ;fd" /x]sf] lyof] . kl/rflnt x'G5g\ . ;dfg p4]Zosf nflu cfPsf ePtfklg To;sf] cfwf/df xfdLn] pQm kfls:tfgL gful/sx?sf] j]Unfj]Un} ?kdf k|:t't ePsf kfls:tfgL gful/sx? ha 6«fen lxl:6« vf]Hg yfNof}F h;sf cfwf/df pgLx? sl/a ljdfg:ynsf] PS;/] d]l;gdf cfˆgf] nu]h r]shfFrsf Ps dlxgf klxn] klg sf7df08f}F cfP/ 7d]n l:yt Ps nflu cfP ta k|x/L ljZj:t eof] ls k|fKt ePsf ;"rgf xf]6ndf tLg lbg a;]/ kms]{sf] v'Nof] h'g s'/f ;d]t ;xL lyof] . PS;/] d]l;gn] b'Oj6f nu]hdf ef/L dfqfdf pgLx?n] em'6 af]ln/x]sf lyP . ;a} em'6sf] cfwf/df tLg ef/tLo ?k}ofF h:tf] b]lvg] gf]6x? /x]sf] b]vfof] / hgf kfls:tfgLnfO{ 5'§f5'§} /fv]/ ;f]wk'5 ubf{ rfFlx To;kl5 pQm nu]hx? s;n] k|fKt u5{, lgu/fgL ug{ pgLx?n] cfkm"x?n] g} pQm gf]6x? NofPsf] / kfls:tfgsf] yflnof] . cf]lxb eGg] JolQmn] lqe'jg cGt/fli6{«o ljdfg:ynsf] B2 u]6;Dd k'¥ofpg'kg]{ / ToxfF ;DalGwt JolQm cfFkm} l/l;e Pp6f nu]h k|fKt ug{sf nflu Pshgf j[4 kfls:tfgL ug{ cfpg] s'/f atfPsf] / ;f] jfkt cfkm"x?nfO{ %)–%) gful/s cfP / csf]{ nu]h k|flKtsf nflu Pshgf kfls:tfgL xhf/ ?k}ofF lbPsf] atfP . yk cg';Gwfg ub}{ hfFbf gflbof dlxnf cfO{g hf] s]lx x8a8fPsf] h:tf] b]lvPkl5 pgnfO{ cgj/ / gfl;/ pl4g el/ofsf] ?kdf cfPsf] / df]xDdb ;xof]u ug{ csf{ cwj}F;] kfls:tfgL gful/s cfP / pQm cVt/ pgLx?sf] ufO{8 tyf ln8/sf] ?kdf cfPsf] v'Nof] nu]h l/l;e ul/ To;df nufOPsf] 6\ofu Roft]/ kmfn] . . xfdLn] ljdfg:ynaf6 pQm lbgsf] l;l;l6eL km'6]h gSsnL d'b|f lnP/ cfPsf kfls:tfgL gful/sx? klxrfg dufP/ cg';Gwfg u¥of}F . l;l;l6eL km'6]hdf pQm tLg ePtfklg cj g]kfndf pQm d'b|fsf] sf/f]jf/ ug]{ JolQm hgf kfls:tfgL gful/sx?n] nu]hx? lnP/ cfPsf], klxrfg ug]{ r'gf}tL k|x/L;fd" plePsf] lyof] . tTsfn df]xDdb cVt/n] 6\ofu Roft]/ kmfn]sf], gfl;/sf] jl/kl/ agfOPsf] /0fgLlt cg'?k lgh j[4 kfls:tfgL gful/snfO{ o'g'; cG;f/L / ;f]x]n vfgx? 3'd]sf] nufotsf b[Zox? nu]h af]s]/ aflx/ hfg nufOof] . kfls:tfgaf6 nu]h b]lvof] . l;l;l6eL km'6]hn] xfd|f] cg';GwfgnfO{ jf:tjd} k7fpg] JolQmn] ljdfg:yndf /x]sf] B2 u]6df uP/ pleg w]/} ;xof]u u¥of] . xfd|f] cg';Gwfgn] d"t{?k lnFb} ubf{ o'g'; lgb]{zg lbP/ k7fPsf lyP, ;f]xL adf]lhd lghnfO{ B2 cG;f/Ln] eg] ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf] r'k nfUg] clwsf/sf] u]6df uP/ pleg nufOof] . pgL plePsf] s]lx ;dokl5 k|of]u u/] / xfd|f ;a} ;jfnx?df Right to Silence k|of]u klxn] klg gSsnL ef/tLo d'b|fsf] s;"/df ;hfo kfPsf u/] . pgn] s]lx gaf]n] klg xfdLn] ;+sng u/]sf k|df0fx? o'g'; cG;f/L ljdfg:yn kl/;/df B2 u]6 glhs b]lvP cG;f/L lj?4 af]ln/x]sf lyP . cG;f/Ln] k|of]u u/]sf] / k|x/Ln] lghsf] lgu/fgL /fVg yfNof] . lgh kfls:tfgL df]jfOnsf] km/]lG;s l/kf]6{df p;n] kfls:tfgL gful/s;Fu gful/s;Fu glhlsg vf]h] klg k|x/Ln] yfxf kfPsf] ;'OFsf] gSsnL ef/tLo d'b|fsf] ;DaGwdf u/]sf] s'/fsfgLsf] cl8of] kfP/ o'g'; cG;f/L lj:tf/} ljdfg:ynaf6 jflxl/g yfn] / k|fKt ug{ ;kmn eof}F . h;sf cfwf/df kfls:tfgsf] cf]lxb k|x/Ln] tTsfn cG;f/L ;lxt lghsf] ;fnf ;f]x]n vfg / eGg] JolQm;Fu vf]6f d'b|f k7fpgsf nflu ;Demf}tf u/]sf] / 8«fO{e/ ;'bg /fgfef6nfO{ lgoGq0fdf lnof] . k|x/Ln] kqmfp ;f]xL cg'?k kfls:tfgL gful/sn] gflbof cgj/, df]xDdb u/]sf kfls:tfgL gful/sx? #* aifL{o gflbof cgj/, %! cVt/ / gfl;/ pl4gsf] ;fydf b'Oj6f ;'6s]zdf & aifL{o df]xDdb cVt/ / ^& alif{o gfl;/ pl4g ;lxt s/f]8 ^& nfv a/fa/sf] gSsnL ef/tLo ?k}ofF k7fPsf] / cG;f/Lsf] l6dnfO{ dxfgu/Lo k|x/L kl/;/ sf7df08f}Fdf ;f] gSsnL d'b|f l/l;e ug{sf nflu o'g'; cG;f/L, ;f]x]n nluof] . vfg / ;'hg /fgfef6 ljdfg:yndf uPsf] s'/f ;–k|df0f k'li6 ug{ dxfgu/Lo k|x/L kl/;/ ;kmn eof] . xfdLn] To;kl5 tTsfn xfdLn] lghx?;Fu df}lvs ?kdf ;f]wk'5 ;+sng u/]sf] k|df0f, ljleGg JolQmx?n] ul/lbPsf] 36gf ;'? u¥of}F . ;f]wk'5sf] qmddf o'g'; cG;f/Ln] pQm ljj/0f sfuh, cleo'Qmx?sf] aofg ;lxtsf] cleof]u 36gfdf cfˆgf] s'g} ;+nUgtf g/x]sf], cfkm" Pshgf stf/L kqsf cfwf/df ;Ddflgt sf7df08f} lhNnf cbfntn] gLh ;fyLnfO{ lngsf] nflu Po/kf]6{ uPsf] eGg] df}lvs aofg ^ hgf k|ltjfbLx?nfO{ k'k{Ifsf nflu sf/fuf/ rnfg ug]{ lbO/x] eg] j[4 kfls:tfgL gful/s afx]ssf cGo b'O{hgf km};nf u/]sf] 5 .

101 ANNUAL PUBLICATION ;fd"lxs ha/h:tL s/0fL kZrft\ xTof k|s/0fsf] ;kmn cg';Gwfg — lh= k|= sf= df]/ª cfˆg} 3/df ;'t]sL df]/ª lj/f6gu/ dxfgu/kflnsf 3/tkm{ hfFb} u/]sL ?kdtLnfO{ b'j}hgfn] ;dftL, d'v y'gL, j8f gDa/ * an'jfxL a:g] /fdk|;fb bf;sL !) jifL{of PsfGt vfnL rp/df nuL kfn}kfnf] ha/h:tL s/0fL u/L, gfaflnsf 5f]/L ?kdtL bf; @)&% df3 !@ ut] /flt ;'t]sf] df/L af]s]/ l;+l3of vf]nfsf] lsgf/df nu]/ d[tsn] nufPsf] 7fpFdf geO{ x/fPsf] x'Fbf vf]htnf; u/LkfpF egL /fdk|;fb n'uf vf]nL ;f]xL :yfgsf] kmf]xf]/ kmfNg] 7fpFdf n'sfO{ gUg bf;n] k|x/L sfof{nodf x'lnof lgj]bg lbP . vf]htnf;sf] cj:yfdf ?dtLsf] zjnfO{ vf]nfdf aufPsf] xf] egL ;fljtL qmddf cfkmGt / :yfgLon] gfaflnsfsf] zj :yfgLo l;+l3of aofg lbP . tTsfn lghx?nfO{ ;fydf nuL lghx?n] g} vf]nfdf km]nf k/]sf] hfgsf/L lbP . va/ k|fKt x'gf;fy eg] b]vfP adf]lhdsf] :yfgaf6 kx]+nf] /ªsf] k]G6L, kx]+nf] tTsfn k|x/L gfoj pk/LIfs s[i0f v8\sfsf] g]t[Tjdf vl6 /ªsf] s'yf{, lkÍ sn/sf] nfdf] afx'nf ePsf] hDk/ / kx]+nf] uPsf] k|x/L 6f]nLn] l;+l3of vf]nfsf] lar efudf cl8\s/x]sf] /ªsf] ;'?jfn ;d]t km]nf k¥of] . d[tssf a'af /fdk|;fbn] d[ts zjnfO{ cfkmGtx?n] kfgL aflx/ lgsfn]sf] cj:yfdf pQm sk8fx? 5f]/L ?kdtL x/fpFbfsf] cj:yfdf nufPsf km]nf kf{of] . sk8fx? x'g\ egL 36gf:yndf g} x]/L, lrg]/ ;gfvt u/] . pQm sk8fx? /Ltk"j{s a/fdb u/L NofO{ cleo'Qmx? d[tssf] d'vaf6 /ut au]sf], of}gfË jl/kl/ /ut hd]sf] df]xdb / rGb' pk/ d[tssf] a'af /fdk|;fbn] lbPsf] ls6fgL / 3fF6Ldf lgn8fdx? b]lvPsf] lyof] . aflnsfsf] nfzhfFr hfx]/L b/vf:t, cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf kqmfp k/L cfPsf d'r'Nsf nufot k|f/lDes cg';Gwfg ;d]tsf] k|s[ofx? cleo'Qmx?n] clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/L ;dIf jofg ubf{ k'/f u/L zj kf]i6df6{dsf] nflu ljlk sf]O/fnf :jf:Yo lghx? kqmfp kbf{sf] cj:yfdf atfPs} s'/fx? :jt::km"t{ lj1fg k|lti7fg 3f]kf w/fg k7fOof] . 36gf:yn Pl/of, ?kdf v'nfOlbP . ;fy} jf/bft kZrft\ b'j}hgf cf—cfˆgf] d[tssf] 3/ glhs}sf] vfnL rf}/ ;d]t z+sf:kb If]qdf 3/df cfO{ ;'t]sf] / ef]lnkN6 ljxfg} k'gM pQm vf]nfdf st} Jofks vf]htnf; tyf cg';Gwfg ug]{ qmddf aflnsfn] zj c8\s]sf] 5 ls egL x]g{ hfFbf zj kmfn]sf] 7fpFb]lv nufpg] u/]sf] /ftf] /ªsf] ROXY n]lvPsf] ! hf]/ rKkn / s]xL tn vf]nfsf] lardf zj cl8\s/x]sf] b]v]/ cfkm}+n] 7]nL xl/of] /ªsf] 6f]kL km]nf k/L a/fdb ul/of] . Jofks ?kdf k'gM aufOlbPsf] atfP . cfkm"x¿ b'O{hgf afx]s 36gfdf cleo'Qmx?sf] vf]htnf; tyf ck/fwsf] uxg, ;'Id Pj+ cGo sf]xL s;}sf] ;+nUgtf 5}g egL df]xdbn] :ki6 ?kdf j:t'lgi7 cg';Gwfg z'? ul/Ps} cj:yfdf 36gfaf/] tYo clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/L ;dIf aofg lbP . csf{ cleo'Qm s'/f v'Ng cfof] . rGb' dxtf]n] ;d]t ;fljtL Joxf]/f v'nfO{ n]vfOlbP .

:yfgLo;Fu ;f]wk'5 ubf{, a'‰bf ;f]xL 7fpF a:g] d[tssf cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf a'lemPsf 36\gf:yn j/k/ a:g] /fh' l5d]sL @% jifL{o e'§' eGg] df]xdb cAaf; cG;f/Ln] aflnsf d'lvof / ;lnd cG;f/L 36gf ePsf] /flt sl/a @)M)) x/fPs} lbgsf] a]n'sf d[tssf] l5d]sL @% jifL{of dGh' b]jL ah]sf] ;dodf lbzf ug{ egL l;+l3of vf]nfdf hfg] qmddf bf;nfO{ pgsf >Ldfg\ 3/df gePsf] df}sfdf @ j6f a|]8rk lghx?n] k|ltjfbLx?dWo]sf df]xdb cAaf; cG;f/LnfO{ NofO{ vfOxfNg' egL lbPsf]df tL dlxnfn] a|]8rksf] lardf l;+l3of vf]nfaf6 cfpFb} u/]sf] b]vL lghnfO{ af]nfpFbf ;]tf] w'nf] kbfy{ nufPsf] b]v]kl5 cAaf;s} alxgLnfO{ ;f]xL ;d]t gaf]nL lx+8]sf] eGg] ;d]t Joxf]/f cfˆgf] 36\gf ljj/0f a]nf eGg, b]vfpg vf]Hbf cAaf;n] pgsf] xftaf6 a|]8rk sfuhdf v'nfO{ n]vfOlbP . 36\gf ;DaGwdf ;lxb df]xdb, vf];]/ cfkm}+n] vfPsf] v'Ng cfof] . a|]8rk vf]:g] qmddf ;'luof d'lvof, l;tf b]jL bf; ;d]tsf dflg;x?;Fu a|]8rk leqaf6 ;]tf] w'nf] kbfy{ e'OFdf v;]sf], w'nf] xfn]sf] a'lemPsf], lj=lk= sf]O/fnf :jf:Yo lj1fg k|lti7fg 3f]kf a|]8rk cAaf;n] s/ ub}{ vfg lbPsf] s'/fdf z+sf nflu/x]s} w/fgaf6 k|fKt d[ts ?kdtL bf;sf] zj k/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf cj:yfdf k|x/Ln] dGh'b]jLnfO{ ;d]t ;f]wk'5 u¥of] . dGh'sf] Cause of death is combined effect of throttling and aofgkl5 vf]htnf;sf] qmddf @)&% df3 !* ut] lbpF;f] smothering. Findings consistent with sexual assault are df]xdb / pgL;Fu} /x]sf rGb's'df/ eGg] rGb' dxtf]nfO{ ;f]xL present eGg] pNn]v ePsf] / tfn's s]G›Lo k|x/L ljlw lj1fg ufpFdf km]nf kf/L lgoGq0fdf lng vf]Hbf lghx? b'j}hgf k|of]uzfnf sf7df8f}+af6 k|fKt d[ts ?kdtL bf;sf] z/L/af6 efUg] k|of; u/] . tTkZrft z+sf nfuL tTsfn lgoGq0fdf lgsflnPsf] :jfa l:6s k/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf Human Semen, lnO{ 36gfaf/]df ;f]wk'5 tyf k|f/lDes cg';Gwfg ug]{ qmddf Human blood/Human sperm cells detect pNn]v ePsf] df]xdb / rGb'n] @)&% df3 !@ ut] /flt sl/a @)M)) ah]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . ;dodf cfˆg} 3/ glhs af6f]df PSn} lx+8\b} l5d]sLsf]

102 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf cleo'Qmx?dWo] df]xdbn] jf/bftcl3 ;flatL ePsf] x'Fbf lghx?n] g} pQm jf/bft 36fPsf] a]n'sf dGh'b]jLnfO{ em'SofP/ a|]8rkdf gfO6«f];gsf] w'nf] tYo ;Da4 k|df0fx?af6 k'li6 x'g cfPsf] 5 . cg';Gwfg ld;fO{ v'jfpg] / gzf nfu]kl5 PsfGt :yfgdf nlu s/0fL kZrft\ lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no df]/ªaf6 @)&% kmfu'g !@ ug]{ p2]Zon] a|]8rk vfg lbPsf] egL oyfy{ Joxf]/fsf] jofg ut] ldl;n lhNnf ;/sf/L jlsn sfof{no df]/ªdf k]z lbPsf 5g\ . lghx?n] atfP cg';f/ g} d[ts ?kdtL ul/Psf]df pQm sfof{noaf6 kmfu'g !$ ut] df]/ª lhNnf bf;n] 36gf x'Fbfsf] cj:yfdf nufPsf sk8fx? a/fdb cbfntdf cleof]ukq;fy ldl;n / cleo'Qmx? k]z x'Fbf ePsf] / ;gfvt ;d]t tTsfn ePsf]n] ;f]xL hl/ofsf] pQm cbfntsf] kmfu'g !% ut]sf] cfb]zn] lgh cleo'Qmx? k'jf{g'dfg u/L lgh cleo'Qmx?nfO{ cg';Gwfgsf] bfo/fdf df]xdb cAaf; cG;f/L / rGb' dxtf]nfO{ tTsfn k'k{Ifsf] NofO{ k|f/lDes cg';Gwfgs} qmddf pNn]lvt jf/bftsf] nflu sf/fuf/ sfof{no df]/ªdf k7fOPsf] 5 . ;DaGwdf 36\gfsf] oyfy{ Joxf]/f ;d]t cleo'Qmx?n] v'nfO{ nIdL g]kfnLsf] xTofsf] ;kmn cg';Gwfg — lh= k|= sf= sf:sL ldlt @)&^ c;f/ ! ut]b]lv d]/L >LdtL x/fO/x]sL 5g\ xf]6ndf /fv]/ ef]lnkN6 ss{n] h+undf uO{ of]hgf cg';f/ eGb} kf]v/f dxfgu/kflnsf !% a:g] /d]z g]kfnLn] To;sf] ;+ho, lrt/+hg / tLghgf ef/tLo gful/sx?n] ef8fdf ef]lnkN6 lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no sf:sLdf cfP/ lgj]bg lbP . lnPsf] sf/åf/f c;f/ ! ut] /d]z / nIdL hfg' eGbf klxn] >LdtL x/fPsf]n] vf]hLlbg cfu|x ub}{ pgn] cfkmGtx?nfO{ g} h+undf n'sL a;] . ;+ho zdf{n] Aoj:yf u/]sf] :s'6/df ;Dks{ u/L lanf}gf klg u/] . lga]bg k|fKt x'gf;fy k|x/L /d]zn] nIdLnfO{ pQm h+undf nu]/ b'a}hgf cf}iflw vf]Hb} lgs} rgfvf] eof] . x/fPsL elgPsL pgsL >LdtL @& jifL{of h+unsf] tnlt/ hfFb} ubf{ n's]/ a;]sf tLghgf ef/tLon] nIdL g]kfnLsf] vf]hL sfo{df k|x/L ;lqmotfsf;fy h'6\of] . nIdL kl/of/nfO{ lgoGq0fdf lnO{ d'v y'g]/ /d]z;d]tsf] o; ;+j]bgzLn cj:yfdf /ftlbg gegL k|x/L vf]h tyf ;xof]udf wfl/nf] xltof/n] 3fF6L /]6L xTof u/L nfz h+undf cg';Gwfgdf vl6of], t/ s'g} ;'OFsf];Dd kfpg ;s]g . o:t} g} 5f]8]sf] k|x/L cg';Gwfgaf6 v'Ng cfof] . ca:yfdf nIdLs} >Ldfg /d]zn] a]nfa]nfdf k|x/L sfof{no cfO{ cfkmGt;d]t hDdf u/L >LdtL vf]hLlbg lg/Gt/ bjfa 36gfkZrft /d]zn] :s'6/sf] l8sLdf /fv]sf] % nfv ?k}ofF lbO/x] . t/ p;sf] Aoaxf/ / cg'xf/sf] efje+uL x]bf{ /d]zs} gub ck/fwdf ;+nUg # hgf ef/tLo gful/snfO{ lbPsf] ultlalw z+sf:kb b]lvof] . k|x/Ln] 36gf ;DaGwdf /d]zs} / afFsL $ nfv ?k}ofF kl5 lbg] ;xdtL ePkl5 pgLx¿ lgu|fgL tyf pg} pk/ s]lGb|t u/L cg';Gwfg z'? u¥of] . ;f]xL lbg ef/ttkm{ uPsf] /d]zn] k|x/L ;dIf :jLsf/ u/] . lg/Gt/sf] cg';Gwfg tyf tYox?sf] laZn]if0f ub}{ ;f]wk'5 ug]{qmddf /d]zn] c;f/ @% ut] cfkm}n] >LdtLsf] xTof xTof u/]/ kms]{ nuQ} cfkm"dfly z+sf gxf];\ egL cfkmGtx?nfO{ u/fPsf] :jLsf/ u¥of] . ;Dks{ u/L >LdtL x/fPsf] hfgsf/L u/fpFb} lanf}gf u/]sf] / lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no sf:sLdf >LdtL x/fPsf]n] vf]lhlbg /d]zn] cfkm}n] xTof u/fPsf] :jLsf/ ugf{;fy 36gf ;DaGwL cfkm}n] lgj]bg lbPsf] v'Ng cfof] . cgfjZos bjfa / pgs} n's]sf tYox¿ qmdzM v'Nb} uP . xTof ug]{ of]hgf agfPkl5 z+sf:kb ultljlwn] cfkm}n] >LdtLsf] xTof u/fPsf] /x:o p;n] >LdtLsf] v'§fdf ePsf] 3fp lgsf] kfg]{ cf}iflw vf]Hg v'Nof] . ck/fw :jLsf/ u/L 36gf:yn ;d]t b]vfPkl5 nIdL h+unlt/ hfg] axfgf agfPsf] b]lvof] . dfg]{ of]hgf cg';f/ g]kfnLsf] s+sfn km]nf k¥of] . lj1 cg';Gwfg clws[tsf] kf]v/f dxfgu/kflnsf j8f gDa/ @@ l:yt ss{n] h+undf ;'emj'em, kl/l:ylt ljZn]if0f / ;'Id cg';Gwfgsf] sf/0f nu]/ !) nfv ?k}ofF lbg] zt{df ef/tLo lsn/x?sf] k|of]u o;k|sf/sf] clt hl6n 36gfsf] l5§} / ;kmn cg';Gwfg u/L wfl/nf] xltof/n] 3fF6L /]6L xTof u/]sf] v'Ng cfof] . x'g ;Sof] . o; ck/fwdf cGo JolQmx¿sf] klg ;+nUgtf b]lvof] . >LdtLsf] xTof ug{'sf] sf/0faf/] yk cg';Gwfg ug]{ qmddf xTof of]hgf agfPkl5 /d]z g]kfnLn] ef]hk'/ 3/ eO{ kf]v/fdf ;fnL gftf kg]{ cg' kl/of/;+u /d]zsf] k|]d ;DaGw / ladf df]afon k;n ;+rfng u/L a:g] ;+ho zdf{nfO{ /fd|f] /sd /sd /x]sf] yfxf x'g cfof] . >LdtL nIdL cs}{ s]6f;+u cfpF5 Pshgf dlxnfsf] xTof ug{'k¥of] elg ;Nnfx u/]kl5 nfu]sf] elg z+sf eP kZrft >LdtLsf] ! s/f]8 ?k}ofFsf] ;+ho zdf{n] csf{ ;fyL ;nf{xL 3/ eO{ kf]v/fdf df]afon ladf+s /sd /fvL ladf u/]sf] / xTof kZrft ladf /sd lng] k;n ;+rfng u/]/ a;]sf lrt/+hgs'df/ ;fx dfkm{t # hgf vfg] p2]Zon] xTof u/]sf] k|x/L cg';Gwfgaf6 v'Ng cfPsf] ef/tLo gful/s lemsfPsf] v'Ng cfof] . /d]zn] ;+honfO{ 5 . o; xTofsf08df ;+nUg rf/ hgfnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lnO{ clu|d ! nfv ?k}ofF lbPsf] / ef/taf6 cfPsf tLghgf ;+ul7t ck/fwdf cg';Gwfg eO/x]sf] 5 . AolQmnfO{ ;+ho zdf{n] @)&^ h]7 #) ut] kf]v/fs} Pp6f 103 ANNUAL PUBLICATION

Public Voice gd:sf/, o; jif{ lj/f6gu/df cfPsf] af9L / 8'jfgsf lk8Ltsf] p2f/ sfo{df g]kfn k|x/Lsf] 7"nf] of]ubfg /xsf] 5 . k|x/Lsf] ;xsfo{df dxfgu/kflnsfn] lj/f6gu/df xhf/ kl/jf/nfO{ p4f/ uof]{+ / /fxt, k'g:yfkgfsf] nfuL eLd :s"ndf Joj:yfkg u/]sf lyof} . zflGt ;'/Iffsf] ;jfndf tyf cGo sfddf xfdLn] clxn] :yfgLo tx;Fu k|x/Lsf] ;fem]bf/Ldf ljleGg sfo{qmdx? u/]sf 5f} .clxn] /fgLdf nfu"cf}ifw lj?4sf] awareness center :yfkgf u/]/ ;xsfo{ ul//fv]sf 5f} . ToxfF nfu'cf}ifw k|of]ustf{x? / l;dfdf lx8\g]x?nfO{ klg cfjZos k/fdz{ lbg] / nfu"cf}ifw k|of]ustf{nfO{ k'g:yfkgf s]Gb|df /flv k'g{:yfkgf ug]{ dxfgu/kflnsfsf] sfo{qmd 5 . eLd k/fh'nL, uf]Ot ;d'xn] dnfO{ g} nlIft u/L ad k|xf/ uof]{, o;df xfd|f] w]/} Iflt eof] t/ d]o/ dfgjLo Iflt x'g kfPg . k|x/Ln] cg';Gwfg u/L cleo'Qmx?nfO{ kqmfp u/L sfg"gL lj/f6gu/ dxfgu/kflnsf s73/fdf lnP/ cfof] . csf]{ Pp6f 36gfdf security guard nfO{ c1ft ;d"xn] df/]sf] 36gf lyof] . To;df tTsfn k|x/Ln] CCTV sf] ;xof]udf cg';Gwfg u/L t'?Gt bf]ifLx?nfO{ sf/afxL u/]sf] lyof] . To:t} Pp6f aflnsf anfTsf/ u/]sf] 36gf klg k|x/Ln] cg';Gwfg ul/ kQf nufof] . olb ;fFrf] ?kdf cg';Gwfgdf nfUg] xf] eg] g]kfn k|x/Ln] s'g} klg 36gfsf bf]ifLnfO{ sfg"gsf] s73/fdf pEofpg ;S5 eGg] s'/f lj/f6gu/sf] of] 36gfn] b]vfp5, b[i6fGt klg 5 . df]/ªsf] k|x/Ln] h;/L sfd ul//x]sf] 5 , d ;/fxgf ub{5' . clxn] ;Dd k|x/Ln] u/]sf lqmofsnfkx?df xfdL ;Gt'i6 5f} . cem} yk k|efasf/Ltfsf ;fy cuf8L a9\g' k5{ eGg] s'/f d /fVg rfxG5' . cfufdL lbgdf of] ljZjf; sfod /fVb} df]/ª k|x/L cuf8L a9f]; eGg] rfxG5' .

b]zdf ljs[lt lj+;+utL Go"lgs/0f u/L cdgrog sfod ug{ !!)) eGbf a9L k|s[tLsf d'2f x]g{'kg]{ bfloTj ePsf] g]kfn k|x/Ln] ;To ;]jf ;'/If0fd‌sf] d'n dGqsf ;fy pNn]vgLo / k|z+;lgo zflGt ;'/Iff axfn ug{ dxTjk'0f{ e'ldsf lgjf{x u/]sf] 5 . ;d'bfo k|x/L ;fem]bf/L sfo{qmd cg';f/ o; lhNnfdf klg tNnf]tx ;Dd ;ldlt u7g tyf kl/rfng ul/ ;dfhdf JofKt ljs[tL lj+;+utL x6fpg ;j} ;+3 ;+:yf, cfdf ;d'x, 6f]n ljsf; ;+:yf, ljleGg Sna, ljBfnox? ;+usf] ;xsfo{df ljeLGg ls;Ldsf hgr]tgf d'ns sfo{x? ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . x/ k|x/ ufFp gu/L 6f]n 6f]ndf g]kfn k|x/L eGg] gf/fnfO{ :yflgo hgtf / g]kfn ;f]dgfy af:tf]nf k|x/Lsf] ;+o'Qm ;xefuLtfdf d"t{?k lbg] h'g k|of; ePsf] cWoIf 5 ;f] sfo{sf nfuL d nufPt ;Dk"0f{ ;fd'bflos kl/jf/sf] ;fd'bflos ;]jf Pj+ ;fd'bflos tkm{af6 g]kfn k|x/LnfO{ awfO{ lbg rfxG5' tyf cfufld k|x/L ;]jf lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldlt sf:sL . lbgdf cem a9L hf]; hfFu/sf ;fy hgtfsf] ;]jfdf ;dlk{t x'g]5 eGg] cfzf AoQm ub{5' .

106 CID MAGAZINE - 2076 nf]s/fh k/fh'nL ;x–GofoflwjQmf pRr ;/sf/L jsLn sfof{no kf6g . ck/fw cg';Gwfg Ps hl6n, sl7g / r'gf}tLk"0f{ sfo{ xf] . d'n'sL kmf}hbf/L sfo{ljlw ;+lxtf, @)&$ sf] cg';"rL ! df ;dfj]z ePsf kmf}hbf/L ck/fwx?sf] cg';Gwfg ug]{ sfo{ g]kfn k|x/Lsf] xf] . Jofj;foLs / k|fljlws 6Lsf/fd e§/fO{ k|s[ltsf] of] lhDd]jf/LnfO{ g]kfn k|x/Ln] s'zntfk"j{s ;+ljwfgljb\ Pjd jxg ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 . j}1flgs / j:t'lgi7 cg';Gwfg k'j{ pkfWoIf g]kfn af/ Pzf]l;Pzg g} ;/sf/jfbL kmf}hbf/L d'2fsf] cleof]hg / GofoLs sf/jfxLsf] d"n cfwf/ xf] . j:t'lgi7 k|df0fsf] cefj x'+bf ;+ljwfg adf]lhd :yflkt / sfg"g adf]lhd clwsf/ k|fKt x'+b} klg cleof]u kq bfo/ x'g] u/]sf] egL cg';Gwfg / g]kfn k|x/L b]zsf] zflGt ;'/Iff / cdg rog sfod cleof]hg kIf pk/ nfUg] u/]sf] cf/f]knfO{ lrg{ ck/fw ug]{ k|d'v bfloTj ePsf] ;+u7g xf] . zflGt ;'/Iffsf] cg';Gwfg / cleof]hg ubf{ cg';Gwfgstf{ k|x/L / k|jGw / ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfg of] ;+u7gsf] df}lns sfg"gL cleof]hgstf{ ;/sf/L jsLnn] Jofj;foLs / k|efjsf/L st{Jo xf] . ;+j}wflgs ;jf]{Rrtf / sfg"gsf] zf;g sfod ?kdf ;dGjo / ;xsfo{ ub}{ sfg"gL ?kdf q'l6 gx'g] u/L ug]{ ;+j}wflgs pb]ZonfO{ sfo{ ?k lbg k|x/L ;+u7gsf] j:t'lgi7 / j}1flgs k|df0f ;+sng ug]{ tk{m ce}m Wofg dxTjk'0f{ e'ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 . ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfg u/L s]Gb|Lt ug{'kg]{ cfjZostf 5 . d'4fsf] cleof]hg ug{ ;/sf/L jsLn ;dIf cfˆgf] /fo k|ltj]bg lbg] e'ldsf lgjf{x ug{sf nflu of]Uo, bIf, cg'elj / ljifo lj1 k|x/Lx?sf] cfjZostf /xG5 .

ljut s]lx jif{ b]lv ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfg sfo{df g]kfn k|x/Ln] cfw'lgs k|ljlw / 1fgsf] pkof]u ub}{ cfO{ /x]sf] 5 . t/ klg r]tgf, ;fdflhs ljsf; , k|ljlw ljZjJoflks/0fsf] k|efjn] ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfgdf lbgxF' gofF gofF r'gf}ltx? ylkb} uPsf] kl/k|]Ifdf ck/fw cg';Gwfgsf] sfo{nfO{ cem ljZj;lgo / k|efjsfl/ jgfpg g]kfn k|x/Ln] tbg'?ksf] dfgljo >f]t / k|ljlwsf] ljsf; ug{ h?/L 5 . o;sf cZj]Zj/ k|;fb ofbj nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn k|x/LnfO{ cem >f]t ;fwg d]o/, l;/xf gu/kflnsf o'Qm jgfpg cfjZos b]lvG5 . ck/fwsf] k|efjsf/L cg';Gwfg g} zflGt ;'/Iff / cdg rogsf] k'j{ zt{ xf] . o; jif{ c;f/ @^ ut] cfPsf] clj/n jiff{sf] sf/0f cfPsf] af9Ln] l;/xf gu/kflnsfsf] j8f g+= ^, !@ / !& 8'jfgdf kf/]sf] lyof] . /ftsf] ;dodf cfPsf] af9Lsf] ;d]t k/jfx gu/L lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no l;/fxsf k|x/L pk/LIfs nufot g]kfn k|x/Lsf sd{rf/Lx? 8'jfg If]qdf /x]sf JolQm tyf ;fdfgx?sf] p2f/ ul/ hgwgsf] Iflt x'gaf6 hf]ufpg' ePsf] 5 . To;} ul/ d';x/ a:tLsf kLl8tx?nfO{ ;d]t p4f/ ug{' eof] . g]kfn k|x/L /ft el/ vl6O{ 7"nf] af9Laf6 x'g ;Sg] 7"nf] hgwgsf] Ifltaf6 hf]ufpg' ePsf]df pxfFx?nfO{ d w]/} w]/} wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . 107 ANNUAL PUBLICATION t'n;L eQm k|hfklt ;'o{ljgfos g=kf= ^, r'gb]jL eQmk'/ . slj/ u'?ª d]/f] >LdtL lahoZj/L k|hfkltnfO{ xTof ul/k m/f/ /x]sf cleo'Qm b]jL /dg clwsf/LnfO{ lg/Gt/ vf]h tnf;sf] k|of; :j?k 36gf 36]sf] !( jif{ kl5 kqmfp ug{ ;kmn gd:sf/, d slj/ u'?ª, d[ts 5qdfg u'?ªsf] ePsf]df g]kfn k|x/L ;+u7gnfO{ d w]/} w]/} wGojfb lbg efO{, d]/f] 3/ ;f]n'v'Da' lhNnf dfs'g ufpFkflnsf rfxG5' . o;/L 36gf 36]sf] nfdf] ;do kl5 klg ck/fwL xf] . d]/f] bfh' 5qdfg u'?ª / lw/h eGg] df]ltwg kqmfp kgf{n] hgdfg;df k|x/Lsf] pkl:ylt ;w} lg/Gt/ 5 /fO{ ldn]/ a+u'/ kmfd{ ;+rfng u/]sf] lyP, pQm / e}/xG5 eGg] ;Gb]z uPsf] dx;'; u/]sf] 5' . kmf/fd ;+rfngsf] qmddf @)&% ;fn ebf} # ut]sf] lbg pxfFx? lar ljjfb e} emu8f ePsf] lyof] . To;} qmddf df]ltwg /fO{n] d]/f] bfh' 5qdfg u'?ªnfO{ a+u'/ dfg]{ 3g / afF;sf] k|of]u u/L xTof u/]sf] /x]5 . pQm 36gf ePsf] nfdf] ;do;Dd klg xTof/fsf] af/]df kQf nfu]sf] lyPg . xfdLn] d]/f] bfh'nfO{ dfg]{ xTof/f kQf nfU5, ck/fwLnfO{ sfg"gL bfo/fdf Nofpg ;lsG5 eGg] cfzf dfl/;s]sf lyof} . t/ g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ck/fw dxfzfvfn] lg/Gt/ cg';Gwfg ul/ 36gf ePsf] (÷!) dlxgf kl5 pQm 36gfdf ;+nUg JolQm kQf nufO{ ck/fwLnfO{ sfg"gL b08 lbg / xfdL kLl8t kIfnfO{ Gofo lbg ;kmn ePsf]df xfdL kLl8t kIfsf] tkm{af6 g]kfn lai0f' bfxfn k|x/LnfO{ leqL cfTdf b]lv wGojfb lbg rfxG5f} . j8f cWoIf, 3f]/fxL pk–dxfgu/kflnsf—% h:tf];'s} 36gf klg g]kfn k|x/Ln] cg';Gwfg ul/ ldlt @)&^.)!.)@ ut] laxfg c+= )&=#) ah]sf] ;dodf kQf nufpg ;S5 / kLl8tnfO{ Gofo lbnfpF5 lhNnf bfª 3f]/fxL pk—dxfgu/kflnsf j8f g+= )% wgf{ eGg]df d ljZj:t 5' . l;l;k'/df P]=P]= a:g] e'kfn sfdLnfO{ 3fF6L / lnªudf afFwL qm'/ oftgf lbO{ df/]sf] h3Go ck/fwdf ;+nUg JolQmnfO{ k|x/Ln] s;/L kQf nufO{ sfg"gL bfo/fdf Nofpnf eGg] d ;d]tnfO{ rf;f]sf] laifo lyof], k|x/L cxf]/fq vl6O{ pQm 36gfsf] ;kmn cg';Gwfg u/L 36gfdf ;+nUgnfO{ tTsfn} kqmfp u/L sfg"gL bfo/fdf NofO{ lkl8tnfO{ Gofo lbnfpg]] sfo{ u/]sf] 5 . o:tf lsl;dsf ck/flws 36gfx?sf] ;kmn cg';Gwfg ug{ g]kfn k|x/L ;Ifd /x]sf] s'/fdf d nufot ;Dk"0f{ j8fjf;Lx? cf:yfjfg / k'0f{ ljZji7 5f}+ .

108 CID MAGAZINE - 2076