CID MAGAZINE 2072 kfFrf} M @)&@ -;g\ @)!%_ jflif{s k|sfzg CID MAGAZINE 2072





CID MAGAZINE 2072 kfFrf} M @)&@ -;g\ @)!%_ jflif{s k|sfzg



C R Y E I T D R IB G IL E IT NT Y • I N • DILIGENCE E CE PAL POLI ATION g]kfn k|x/Ln] cfˆgf Jojxf/ / cfˆgf sfdx?jf6 TIG D S EP E A Joj;flostfk"j{s sfg'gsf] ;kmn sfof{Gjog, lhDd]jf/L V R N T I M lgjf{xdf st{Jolgi7f, b]z / hgtfsf] ;]jfk|lt ;dk{0fefj E E M I N b]vfPsf] 5 . b]z leq dfq} xf]O{g b]z aflx/ klg cfˆgf] R T C CID st{Jokfngfdf ;b}a cg'zfl;t, Joj;flos Pjd\\ lgi7f k|bz{g

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CID Initiatives to Prevent ( oftgf / Ifltk"lt{ sfg"g sfof{Gjog / *! Crimes in ;'wf/sf Jofjxfl/s ;jfnx? Innovation in Policing for Effective !# ;Dklt z'4Ls/0f tyf o;sf] *& Crime Investigation sfg'gL Joj:yf A Conflict Sensitive Development Approach: !( ck/fw kLl8tsf] xs–;+j}wflgs ($ From Crime Prevention Perspective Aoj:yf / ;Da4 kIfsf]e"ldsf Criminal Investigation in Nepal: @$ Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking (* An Overview Problems in Nepal and Beyond ck/fw cj:yf laZn]if0f tyf ck/fw #! g]kfndf ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf !)# lgoGq0f / /f]syfd /0fgLlt ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf kf]lnu|fkmsf] k|of]u $! n}lËs lx+;flj?4sf] cleofg / xfd|f] ;/f]sf/ !)( ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf s's'/sf] k|of]u $% æckx/0fÆ Ps ;To 36gf !!$

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Fingerprint and Automated Fingerprint ^! cg';Gwfg 8fo/Lsf kfgfx?af6 !@^ Identification System (AFIS) DNA: A Gold Standard for Crime ^& Privacy, Human Dignity and !@( Investigation Role: A Common Citizen's Concern

Need For A National Policy Strategy For &! ;dflhs ;~hfnsf] o'udf k|x/L !#@ Drug Treatment And Rehabilitation In Nepal For The 21St Century ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf OG6/kf]nsf] && k|x/L–ldl8ofaLr Jofj;flos !#% e"ldsf / sfg"gL ckof{Kttf ;DaGw cfjZos cid mAGAZINE 6 cid mAGAZINE 7

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cid mAGAZINE 9

CID Initiatives to Prevent Crimes in Nepal

Surendra Shah Additional Inspector General of Police

The Crime Investigation Department skill development training focused to of Nepal Police was established in our investigators. 1992 AD (2049 BS) with the objec- tive to reassure the community of The CID in 2014 conducted a survey safety and security by preventing among the general public vis a vis and investigating crimes. The CID stakeholders of the criminal justice has been developing capacities to system to assess the areas of im- counter the newly posed challenges provement in the CID. All the stake- with the advancement of technology holders including civil society in the in today's world. It has been clear community were consulted on their through the past experience and re- expectations of the CID while the cent evolution that the same pace government lawyers and members of development could not meet the of the criminal justice system were upcoming challenges, unless we inquired about their recommenda- expedite and upgrade the technical tions for improving the functionality capacity of our people. Recogniz- of the CID. As a consequence of an ing the need, CID has introduced an in-depth survey, the CID came up extensive plan of action- the CAP with the Crime Action Plan, which will (Crime Action Plan) last year as ap- be implemented through a period of proved by the . three years. The gradual implementation of this Crime Action Plan (CAP) has pro- The Action Plan is based on the fol- duced some tangible results towards lowing 12 strategic policy areas: the enhancement of capacity of our 1. Institutional development, Human investigators. Though there is a long Resource management and spe- way to go before we attain the ex- cialization of Crime Investigation pected results, it has given us a clear Services direction for future reform. Almost 2. Case file documentation and all the investigation units around the strengthening of prosecution co- country are being gradually equipped ordination with the resources in addition to the cid mAGAZINE 10

3. Criminal intelligence network develop- 1020 police personnel went through a 3-day ment and investigation criminal investigation courses. In view of the 4. Management of criminal database and increase in number of crimes being commit- networking ted through the cyber world, 130 personnel 5. Strengthening of scientific investigation were trained to be deployed in the cyber- system crime cell unit. Another 130 police personnel 6. Development of witness protection plan- were trained for crime scene investigation ning and creating conducive environment and 132 police personnel were trained in 7. Effective coordination and cooperation CPA and heinous crime investigation. with stakeholders 8. Enhancement of Public awareness on The CID have also initiated a web based crime prevention and investigation online reporting system software which will 9. Strengthening Community Policing help in reaching out a larger number of the 10. Reduction of Gender Based Violence general public. The system makes the crime 11. Capacity Development of Investigators reports web-based, which makes it easier 12. Development and expansion of Interna- for the documents to be circulated in the tional Police co-ordinations investigative and intelligence network. The web based criminal database will also help As a part of human resource management the CID refer to and research crimes of the plans to be implemented, the we provided distant past. training to 735 police officers. The CID has also made a decision to assign officers to The CAP has also provided rooms for CID to the same department and region to improve solve crimes increasingly on the basis of evi- expertise amongst the officers. This strategy dence rather than witness reports. This is part will help the officers to specialize in individual of the strengthening of the scientific investi- functionalities that will result in a better over- gation system that we have focused more to all performance of the CID. undo the traditional approach of investigations. CID has developed a digital forensic laboratory We have also advanced our support system and also set up two more regional forensic by digitalizing the case file documents to laboratories in Biratnagar and Nepalgunj. CID make it web-based. This makes the required has also introduced the Automated Fingerprint documents easily accessible for other units Identification System (AFIS) to replace manual within the police organization. The support search and verification of fingerprints being system also enhances the coordination and used by Nepal Police until very recent. CID cooperation between the various stakehold- has also distributed polygraph machines to ers of the criminal justice system. Some of various regional police offices to facilitate the the documents are also available to the gen- criminal interrogations. eral public on the CID – Nepal website. However, the CAP has also focused to We have also expanded the central intelli- develop witness protection planning to gence network and have set up the timeline create a conducive environment for wit- to make human resources working in the nesses to help in investigation. A budget department by 10% of the total workforce in has been placed for witness protection to the organization in the next three years. Po- encourage witnesses to come forward in lice personnel have been given various train- helping victims receive the justice. Police ings to enhance their capacities at their du- officers have also been specially trained ties. 30 police officers went through a 7-day for witness interview as a part of the crime overall crime investigation training while investigation trainings. cid mAGAZINE 11

CID have developed and expanded their international police network. Dignitaries from the CID attended the 22nd Asian Regional Conference held at Singapore that was organized by Interpol.

Police officers have also been employed to The CID has also identified gender based improve the coordination and collaboration violence as an area of importance to reduce between the various stakeholders in the the overall crime rate. Research conduct- criminal justice system. These officers will ed by the CID has concluded that gender evaluate and analyze the communication based violence mainly is a result of domestic between CID, donor agencies, government problems between families. Therefore, ef- lawyers and investigators. The officers will forts have been made to increase notifica- then recommend changes and develop- tion of domestic violence in the early stages ments to maintain a better flow of informa- of family problems to help prevent more hei- tion as it is vital in crime solving scenarios. nous crimes. Rapes is another large portion of gender based violence which is consid- The CID has in the recent year also organ- ered to be very heinous. A large number of ized various programs to enhance public rape cases were found to be unreported, as awareness on crime prevention and inves- women victims chose not to report owing to tigation. Police officers from CID organized social taboo and cultural barriers. Approach- street plays and distributed brochures to ing to Police for a rape victim is also consid- increase awareness on the various kinds of ered to be difficult given the kind of mistrust fraud and crimes that are prevalent in the that exists. To tackle this problem, CID has society. The brochures also gave information been conducting awareness programs to about the process of investigation to build increase trust between women victims and trust between the public and police. Police by which they can have trust on the justice system. Officers have been specially Another aspect of crime investigation that deployed for the enhancement of women CID focused on is improving community and children welfare programs through the policing. Police need people's support for establishment of separate Women Cells in curbing crimes. The core elements of com- the district Police offices. munity policing are the consultation with people, get unanimous consent on develop- As a part of capacity development of inves- ing strategies and plans, gather cooperation tigators, police officers from the CID have for implementation, and ensure proper coor- been regularly evaluated to set up their pro- dination among the partners. It is a strategy fessional standard through a performance of strengthening the capacity of the police audit. The audit will help the CID in improving and community to jointly combat crimes. the deployment of their personnel to various This philosophy of modern policing calls crime investigations units in accordance with for Police that is people oriented, commu- the performances under right-man at the nity based, and proactive. In a nutshell, the right-place strategy. This will also encourage community policing is designed to control the police personnel to improve their skills crime through a collaborative efforts of mul- and performance. CID personnel have also ti-disciplinary approach. Various interactions been trained to investigate financial crimes. programs were conducted between the community and police to improve the Police We have recognized that with the advance- Community relations. ment in technology, crimes are increasingly cid mAGAZINE 12

being linked up on an international networks. ciation along with representatives from vari- Criminals are more easily able to commit ous ministries of the Nepal government. The crimes without physically being present in Chief Justice of Nepal Rt. Honorable Kalyan the crime scene. Therefore, CID has devel- Shrestha as the chief guest of the event in- oped and expanded the international po- augurated the conference. lice network. Dignitaries from the CID have recently attended the 22nd Asian Regional With all such activities and initiatives, the Conference held at Singapore that was or- past year has been evaluated as one of the ganized by Interpol. most successful years in the history of the CID in Nepal. The implementations of the As a part of expanding their international net- directives and strategic recommendations work and having identified human trafficking through the CAP have brought about un- as a major sector of concern for the crimes precedented progress and development in in Nepal, the CID organized an International the department. It is not only these develop- Conference on Responding Human Traffick- ments that have made this year most suc- ing and Transnational Organized Crime from cessful, but the solving of high profile crimi- the 6th to 8th October 2015 in . nal cases that remained unsolved for a long The participants of this conference included time. In this year alone, suspects of Judge dignitaries from the International Organiza- Rana Bahadur Bam's assassination, Jamim tions for Migration (IOM), United Nations Shah's murder and Father Gaffney's murder Office on Drugs and Crime, INTERPOL, the cases including much hyped Ranibari and Australian Embassy, the US Embassy – De- Badikhel cases were arrested and brought partment of Justice, The Asia Foundation to justice. There are several other cases that (TAF), police personnel from Bangladesh investigation has been able to solve owing to Police, Royal Malaysia Police and the repre- the continued efforts of CID to enhance the sentatives form Non Residential Nepal Asso- capacity of our investigations.  cid mAGAZINE 13

Innovation in Policing for Effective Crime investigation

Nawa Raj Silwal Deputy Inspector General

Direction to future Policing - Establish effective collaboration - Use of technology to curb the with the law enforcement agencies growing challenge of cybercrimes, in the region and beyond, organized crimes by hiring quality people to effectively utilize the pro- Innovation and Policing of tomorrow cess and scientific aids, Crime investigation is one of the core functions of the Police, and - Building capacity to fight the digital Police skills need to be updated threats and internet manipulations, and enhanced so as to be able to solve the complex crimes invented - Engage community in various by the criminals in recent times. community based programs in- cluding social networks to redefine Police has to go about changing the policing and bring people in the the way Policing has been hap- ambit in a manner that they own the pening in the society today. The police activities, emerging trend of new kind of crimes and the way of committing - Follow the transparent, account- crimes has posed enormous chal- able, professional integrity and neu- lenges to the Police organizations trality based approach, around the world. Policing every- where has been facing the chal- - Be accessible and strategic in lenges of emerging crimes that the better serving the community, world has not thought about in the past. Technological advancement - Understanding what is going and globalization are changing the wrong and what should we be do- world order. Terrorism as well as ing about it, transnational serious and organ- ized criminals are taking advantage - Bringing the private sector and of our increasingly interconnected academic institutions in addressing world. Cybercrime is developing the internal security challenges, into the biggest global threat today. cid mAGAZINE 14

Internet has invaded the lives of people in there are problems. However they need to such a magnificent way that they have kind be equipped with the modern apparatus of of become dependent to access the wealth policing to enable them to face and curb the of information which give them knowl- challenges of the modern complex crimes. edge and power. Buzz words like Internet Society will not be safe without efficient po- of Things, Big Data and Cloud Computing licing and state should pay heed to invest in are highlighting the profound changes. The the policing to transform it to be able to face same way, our societies have become more the future challenges. When the state invests vulnerable and the number of flashpoint ar- in procuring the necessary technology, hu- eas is growing. man resources can be replaced and that can even help reduce the cost in the long run. The demand for specialized criminalistics Smart Police will ensure smart policing in the expertise and technical equipment is rising society. Smart Police is built on the ground dramatically, for example to recover digital of knowledge, skill and professional integrity. evidence and trace the criminals in home and beyond. Public expectations as to the Trained human resources complemented with integrity, accountability, transparency and the technology can have capability to investi- neutrality of policing are increasing and obvi- gate all kind of complex cases to ensure the ously innovation in Policing revolves around justice to the victim by bringing to book the fully meeting these expectations. Policing perpetrators of crime. This promotes the prin- of tomorrow should effectively address the ciple of good governance in the country, pro- upcoming threats of growing digital friendly viding no room to the state of impunity. Thus world which is becoming a global town with capacity building of human resources is very the super connectivity in place. vital in Nepal Police. There has to be a sys- tem of gaining training and capacity building Creative approach: Smart Policing and by way of taking help from the foreign experts. Effective Investigation We can seek help from Interpol and other ex- There are growing challenges in the cyber perienced Law enforcement agencies in do- fields. Police work should fit for the future ing so. Complex crimes including cybercrime, and act as a driver for innovation. Therefore money laundering and asset flights are some Police institutions should resume dialogue of the serious crimes that need to be dealt with the research institutions in the public with the cooperation and coordination from and private sectors and build the capacity the other countries. We have to ensure better of the research unit within the organization. working relations with the other law enforce- These research institutions can help police ment agencies including Interpol, Europol and develop the technical apparatus and train similar other agencies that work for the col- people to make use of the technology that lective and common missions. We have to have become necessary in countering the start the era of cooperation with other agen- challenges today and in the coming future. cies in the light of common thrust of fighting Nepal Police has strong needs for research the crimes beyond borders. Criminal in one on a wide variety of complex organizational, society is a criminal the other society should investigational and operational challenges deal with. To conduct effective investigation for the purpose of providing a concise frame- to the cases of complex nature that have work for future policing. Indeed the police transnational character, there needs to be are the most visible face of the government a concerted effort from all countries con- in the country, offering services 24 hours a cerned. Intelligence sharing is one vital issue day and seven days a week, and encour- in helping succeed the crime investigation so aging citizens to call the Police whenever is the capacity building from the help from cid mAGAZINE 15

each other. Collective investigative efforts stantly changing. We have to establish a beyond borders can help ensure the crime think tank to constantly study the future of free world as envisioned by several countries Policing and propose tangible solutions to in the world. the challenges faced, and foresee the com- ing challenges and prepare accordingly. Nepal Police has incredibly dedicated groups of men and women in serving the Training and Capacity Building: We need society and making it safer and secured. To to provide training to the human resources ensure effective crime investigation we have in the use of modern technology of inves- to build a criminal databases, modern foren- tigation and retain them for the certain time sics, Intelligence collection and analysis and period. We should take assistance from the response teams that can work efficiently and other international agencies to help conduct with professional integrity. such trainings. We should also prepare the trainers pool so as to be able to continuously Investigation Management Model moderate the training and also update the Cybercrime: Policing the virtual world cre- skills as the challenges surmount. ates new operational, technical and legal challenges. Cybercrimes committed from Command and Coordination: At the CID one location can instantly touch victims headquarters there has to be a Command in the other countries. It is a relatively new and coordination center that can provide and fast growing environment and police in 24/7 support to any units seeking urgent countries like ours lacks expertise and tools investigative information while facing the to deal with it. hot pursuit crisis situation. It should also work as a supervising team to the local in- Counter-Terrorism: In recent years, the vestigative units and to mobilize the zonal scale and sophistication of international ter- supervisory teams to the field in an effec- rorist attacks have increased. The attack on tive manner. November 13, 2015 in Paris killing 129 peo- ple and injuring scores is one such example Fugitive Investigative Supports: We sup- that the world has to prepare to counter the port the neighboring countries and inter- ever growing terrorist threats in the days to national community to locate and arrest come. They often involve many countries, fugitives that are hiding in our territory. We threatening public safety and economic and share our knowledge and best practices as political stability and all require a global multi- and when asked by the Interpol and other jurisdictional response. concerned law enforcement agencies in the region and beyond. Organized and Emerging Crimes: Globali- zation and new technologies have presented CID Data Management: The Crime Investi- organized crime networks with immense op- gation Department is working on forming a portunities to exploit their victims and fund data center with all the criminal records from their activities, which span multiple crime around the country being stored in it. This areas. Strong and coordinated law enforce- will provide a picture of the crime situation in ment action is necessary to dismantle these the country and will also make available the complex networks. information of those involved in crimes and those who have already served the time in Innovation: Policing is by definition an evolv- the jail and their activities in the society af- ing area, our operating environment is con- ter being released from the jail. This will also cid mAGAZINE 16

provide the genuine information for further support of international community is pav- research and investment in the field of crime ing the way forward to build the capac- and society. ity of Nepal Police in all areas of corporate responsibilities. Crime Investigation is one Criminal Analysis: It is crucial to understand area of responsibility of Nepal Police, there the crime trend to carry out an intelligence are several other areas where we need to led approach of investigation. There has intervene and introduce reform in order to to be an operational and strategic analysis upgrade the service being provided to the done to study the crime situation in the so- society. Areas like recruitment, training and ciety and the trend that is developing. This capacity building, motivation and career de- will provide the way forward to draft the plan velopment, public order management, dis- and make investment accordingly to curb aster support management, traffic policing, the crimes and bring to justice those sus- Intelligence, community policing and special pects that are at large avoiding the arrest task force and anti-terrorists units are some from Police. of the major areas where we need to pay at- tention to develop and further professional- Special Projects: There are some very cru- ize the activities. Specialization and retention cial projects including the DFID supported of the work force to the assigned job for a MIPP in the Police reform and other agen- certain period of time is something we need cies like US Embassy support, UNICEF and to be very committed to. Reform in system, ADB support in the infrastructure and system structure and culture surely pave the way for reform of Nepal Police and Crime Investiga- better quality services to the community and tion Department. These projects are helping ensuring fair and free trail to the suspects support to reform the Policing and Crime guaranteeing the justice to the victims. investigation by updating the forensics and digital forensic capacity of Nepal Police. This Innovation as a Key to Counter the Chal- will enhance the capacity of investigators to lenges investigate the serious and transnational or- Administrative innovations involve changes ganized crimes. to department policies and procedures, such as new training or performance evaluations. Corporate Capabilities, Fundamental Ser- Technological innovations involve procuring vices: Overall development of Nepal Police new equipment or software, such as on- is possible by inducting quality man power officer cameras, facial recognition software, and use of modern technology. This en- or geographical crime analysis programs. deavor from within the country and in the Strategic innovations are philosophical in cid mAGAZINE 17

nature, focused on changing the underlying perts have advised that Leadership should objectives, activities, and means and ends take the initiatives to be immediately re- of policing work. Examples of strategic inno- sponsive to requests for improved working vations include community policing, law and conditions, support mistakes (within reason), order maintenance policing, and hotspot create an explicit mission with related perfor- policing. mance measures, broaden job categories, move people around, reward teams, not in- There are different types of innovation and dividuals, make the hierarchy as unimportant examples of potential challenges associated as possible, bring in functional units (budget, with some law enforcement innovations. procurement, finance, etc.), give everyone In general, programmatic, administrative, key information as quickly as possible, and and technological innovations are the easi- tell everyone about innovations that bring est, since they don’t represent a change to about results. the underlying methodology of police work. Strategic innovations, however, vary in diffi- There is a need of research in determining culty, depending on how far the innovation the mode of innovations and the way to is from the traditional model. Smart Polic- achieve those initiatives. Therefore robust ing Initiatives can be difficult to obtain if the research needs to be delivered in a way new strategy represents a major change. that equips officers with the knowledge This has to happen in a gradual manner with they need to take decisions on the basis enough space given to the workforce to ac- of what has been proved to be effective. commodate their mind set while embracing Nepal Police organization should equip the changes. the research unit because only research can give direction to a law enforcement Finally, a leadership organization about what works and what Leader is the key to any organization. The doesn’t. It will be able to tell how research leadership role in implementing the innova- will help determine the usefulness of the tion within the organisation is very crucial. innovation the organization is adopting. Successfully promoting innovation requires Nepal Police has thousands of wonderful buy-in throughout the organization. The men and women dedicated to the service frontline staff must believe that leadership of the nation, all we need is to craft the supports them; and second, the frontline policies to agree to the innovations and staff must understand the big picture, why make the resources available to attain the innovation is useful and important. Ex- them.  CID MAGAZINE 18 CID MAGAZINE 19

A Confl ict Sensitive Development Approach: From Crime Prevention Perspective

Sadhana Ghimire Bhetuwal

Background curity not only destroys the families Development is increasingly identi- of common people, but also stops fi ed as a legal right of people. Initial- people from accessing such servic- ly regarded as the third generation es and from living with dignity and of rights, the right to development security. Mainly, threat of reoccur- is now turning into one of the most rence of armed violence in the post important rights, mainly for those confl ict situation destroys the level who have been kept away from the of trust that people would have in fruits of development. Institutions the state mechanisms, those who and organizations are developing would be primarily responsible to projects, making plans, identifying bring about development in their strategies, and working hard in or- communities. der to benefi t people. It is progres- sively being realized that develop- Crime as a Result of Confl ict and ment cannot be fruitful if the results Violence are not sustainable. In South Asia,many countries are in one way or the other facing confl ict Besides development an aspiration, that has led to violence. Sometimes living free from fear, threats, terror this has impacted people’s lives and insecurity is the primary need severely causing massive displace- of people. Armed violence, abuse, ment, injuries and disabilities, death crimes lead the communities to in- and increased poverty. The funda- security resulting in various barriers mental issue now is that any further to their growth, towards develop- interventions, if not designed in a ment. In fact there are many ways confl ict sensitive manner, may es- that confl ict, violence and crime calate violence and further damage hinder development. In communi- of life, limbs and property. ties like Tharu in Bardia, or Dalits in Lamjung, for example,access to It is inevitable that a country pass- schools, markets, hospitals and so- ing through transitional phase faces cial security are challenging. Inse- various series of challenges in each cid mAGAZINE 20

and every steps of political development. some groups who claim themselves fighting Concurrently, failure of law and order; in- against anarchy and the system of ‘ruling by crease in different patterns of crimes in so- law’ instead of ‘rule of law’. They justify that ciety; and conditions of impunity increases food produced by one ethnic community is along with the unstable political situation. to be consumed by that particular commu- Nepal today is undergoing through such nity. This reminds me an Indian saying, “Jiski phase of instability, ideological conflict, and lathi Uski Bhains” which means “the buffalo socio-economic and legal disorder. Along is of the person who holds the stick”. Again with all these, organized crimes are also rap- this ultimately justifies ‘Might is Right’. idly increasing in a widespread manner. The Suffering Target Groups If we see the current trend of Nepalese conflict The Informal Sector Service Centre has re- settlement, people are being benefited be- corded ‘a total of 3,048 cases of violence cause now there is increasing hope towards against women in the year 2013. Of the re- peace and decreasing sense of fear of double ported cases, 1,569 women were subject- jeopardy1. However, on the other hand, some ed to domestic violence.’2 The patriarchal people are busy in creating new groups and norms and values is not only the root cause organizations to claim their demands from the of the gender difference but they simulta- government, which are based on the group neously help women to internalize the sub- interests either to be political, ethnic or reli- missiveness. As a result, women lack de- gious. The justification behind such claims or cisive role and power to assert themselves demands is the recently evolved revolution and and at the same time they are unable to its trends as their inspiration and they try to jus- fight against gender based discrimina- tify that the things they do are for the benefit of tions. The patriarchal values and practices people and their act or any offence is justified are manifested through orthodox religious because this is the just and reasonable peo- customs such as Chhaupadi and culture ple’s demand in Nepal. that further perpetuates gender discrimi- nation and inequality. Along with the cus- Today the crimes do not limit to individual of- tomary and societal rules and regulations, fences but the extents of crimes have been the State has equally played its part in enlarged up to political boundaries, in the the continuation of discrimination against name of valid demands of people. Killings, women through gender discriminatory rapes, looting, robbery, forceful eviction, laws. Even though several such laws have destruction of public property and so many been identified and revised, there is a void other crimes and being hidden behind politi- in knowledge regarding such laws among cal agendas and political goals. the women in the grassroots. Social and economic factors such as poverty, lack of Rapidly changing Nepalese society is education, unemployment and foreign em- changing towards state, where anarchy is ployment have further invited conflict. being decentralized instead of governance. Previously central level people were control- Nepal has had a long history of discrimina- ling the resources and means of produc- tion based on caste system. It worsened tion and now these things are controlled by after the caste-based hierarchy was insti-

1All most all villagers in rural Nepal were frequently being harassed both from the government military side and the rebellion military side. The gun power from both sides was making the villagers jeopardized economically, socially and politically: World Report 2013, Human Rights Watch,

2Post Report ‘3,000 VAW cases in 2013’ Kathmandu Post, March8, 2014 cid mAGAZINE 21

tutionalized in the Civil Code (Muluki Ain), expansions while those living outside such the first codified law of Nepal, in 1853. The administrative hubs in the Terai belt were Code openly discriminated against civilians demanding so. Widespread protests took on practical issues such as tax payment and place for months in those districts taking severity of punishment for crimes. This prac- lives of few protesters, injuring some secu- tice was abolished by the Civil Code 1963 rity personnel. Had the government took and further strengthened by the Constitution into consideration the conflict context, some of Nepal in 1990. However, the amendment lives would have saved. of these laws on papers didn’t bring much change in the social psyche. Caste-based Weak Access to Justice discrimination has been passed on from Because of so many confusions and less clar- generations to the generations, the younger ity in defining and understanding the relationship Nepal hasn’t been spared either. between crime and politics in Nepal, most Ne- pali citizens do not even try to access the formal Nepal was declared as an ‘untouchability-free justice mechanisms, except for serious cases. State’ in the Caste Based Discrimination and It is estimated that approximately 85 percent of Untouchability Act of 2011, and the National cases are resolved outside of the formal system.3 Dalit Commission was established in 2002 as Failure to appreciate the historic use of Nepal’s a result of emergence of Dalit rights movement judicial system to systematically discriminate and pressure from the movement as well as against its less powerful citizens and, therefore, national and international communities. De- the relevance of today’s efforts to build a trans- spite the amendments and formulations of parent and accountable judicial system is itself a laws discouraging CBD, the lack of govern- failure to understand the conflict and the need for mental monitoring mechanism for the regula- ongoing efforts for peace. tions and implementation of these laws along with the lack of interest to implement them has The Asia Foundation’s programme docu- also contributed to the continuity of the conflict ments explicitly state that ‘in response to the between Dalits and Non-Dalits. breakdown of traditional methods of dispute resolution in conflict-affected communities in Making a Decision is not Enough Nepal, the Foundation is helping to establish Sometime ago, the government made a new mechanisms of village-based conflict decision to set up a service centre of Inland management’. Revenue Office, Office of Land Survey and Land Reform, among others, in eight Tarai The Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence districts to provide service to people at and development was adopted for address- convenient places. There have been violent ing the need of reducing global burden of protests for and against the plans of service armed violence in order to sustain the devel- centre expansions in few Terai districts. The opment gains. With the spirit of making our government has planned to open up branch communities and the global communities offices of the District Land Revenue Office free form insecurity, terror and fear, the initia- and the Survey Department in different ar- tive was to safeguard people's right to food, eas of these districts to facilitate those living housing, employment and all other civil and outside the district headquarters. People in political rights by reducing use of violence for the district headquarters did not want such resolving conflicts.

3 House of Commons International Development Committee, “DfID’sProgramme in Nepal: Sixth Report of Session 2009-2010, Vol.1”, p.23. cid mAGAZINE 22

More than 100 states, which have joined the interaction between the context and the their hands for reduction of armed violence, interventions, and making sure the interven- have made agreements of taking meas- tions do not escalate further conflict and ures to prevent armed violence. Some of violence rather minimize the consequences the measures include prevention of conflict, of conflict and support peace, where people conflict resolution and reconciliation, peace could live a dignified life with safety. building and reconstruction; proliferation of small arms and ammunitions, DDR and con- Conflict Sensitivity trol in the use of such weapons; promotion The definition of conflict sensitivity used here and uplifting the respect for human rights is that of the ‘Conflict-Sensitive Approaches and justice; SSR and other institutional re- to Development, Humanitarian Assistance forms; and so on. and Peace building’ resource pack: Under this definition, conflict sensitivity is the ability In addition to all the described measures, of an organisation to: Conflict Sensitivity, is an important approach for preventing crime and sustaining peace. • Understand the context in which it oper- In order to understand the conflict context ates; and identifying the key change agents who • Understand the interaction between its could play a supportive role to bring about intervention and the context; and sustainable peace and end of violence, con- • Act upon the understanding of this inter- flict sensitive approach is a key. Besides, this action, in order to avoid negative impacts is a way of designing interventions that are and maximise positive impacts. flexible and more responsible towards com- The word ‘context’ refers to a conflict con- munities and their needs rather than value text to make the point that all socio-eco- guided and fixed in nature. Having a conflict nomic and political tensions, root causes sensitive approach thus entails of having and structural factors are relevant to conflict knowledge of the context, understanding sensitivity because they all have the potential cid mAGAZINE 23

to become violent. ‘Conflict’ is sometimes ing such, communities in Nepal would have erroneously confused with macro-political a maximized trust on the service delivery violence between two warring parties (as sector. with a civil war between a national govern- ment and a non-state actor). Why is conflict sensitivity important? Conflict sensitivity is important because This refers to the operating environment, it provides a way for the service providers which ranges from the micro to the macro along with the development, humanitarian level (e.g. Community, district/province, and peace building actors to: region(s), country, neighbouring countries). Context means a geographic or social • Minimize the efforts and use of resources environment where conflict exists, and is in solving crises, comprised of actors, causes, profile and • Improves the sustainability and quality of dynamics. service delivery, • Minimizes the risk of staffs and units from Conflict sensitive approach is to change potential conflict/violence, the way the programmes and actions are • Reduces harm to the beneficiaries, designed and implemented for strength- • Improves the confidence of service pro- ened social cohesion. This focuses on viders in their operating environment capacity development of people who lead, Support to justice provision in Nepal needs plan and deal with public affairs, and their to be made far more conflict sensitive by units in order to equip them with the tools understanding local power and conflict dy- and techniques for increasing their under- namics. By ensuring that available justice standing on how to use different tools for systems are capable of addressing the understanding the context better, how to grievances of Nepal’s most vulnerable, they do no harm and how to promote better contribute enormously to preventing the flar- people-government relationships. By do- ing up of further violent conflict.  cid mAGAZINE 24

Criminal Investigation in Nepal: An Overview

We are used to seeing Justice figured as a strong woman, bearing a sword, some- times crowned with sprigs of a plant – laurel or grain stalks – blindfolded perhaps, and surely bearing scales. Most of us, I would bet, assume that the scales merely reproduce the message of the blindfold: that justice is impartial, not a respecter of persons, which means it is blind to the social status of the people before it. The blind- fold is a late addition to the iconography of Justice. It dates from the early sixteenth century, whereas scales have been associated with Egyptian Maat, Greek Dike, and Roman Lady Aequitas for a couple of millennia longer than that.

William Ian Miller, EYE FOR AN EYE, Cambridge University Press

Rewati Raj Tripathee* 1. Concept of Criminal Investigation facts and/or circumstances, situa- Maintaining law and order in society tions, incidents and scenarios, ei- is the raison detant1 of a respon- ther related or not, for the purpose sible government. Maintenance of of rendering a conclusion of proof. law and order depend on enforce- When one investigates, he/she ment of law. Today Criminal investi- makes a systematic inquiry, closely gation has become one of the most analyzes and inspects while dis- complex areas of law enforcement, secting and scrutinizing informa- requiring highly trained professional tion. An investigation, therefore, with the required skills and experi- is based upon a complete and ence to build a case that may be whole evaluation and not conjec- successfully prosecuted. Crime is ture, speculation or supposition.2 regarded as the wrong against the Investigation is both an art and a society and the state as a whole. science; a collaboration of com- Therefore, the investigation and mon sense, judgment, intellect, prosecution of crime is carried out experience and an innate intuitive- on behalf of the state. ness along with a grasp of relative technical knowledge. The criminal An investigation is an examination, investigator must continually apply a study, a survey and a research of those skills, acquired through study

* Joint Government Attorney, Office of the Attorney General, the author holds LL.M,Constitutional Law (T.U.), MA Political Science (T.U.) Graduation in Civil Liberties (Shimane University, Japan) 1 National interest or an overriding concern, usually the interest of the country concerned that justifies an action 2 cid mAGAZINE 25

and experience, to the examination and observa- the violator to appear before a court so as to an- tion of the criminal and his behaviour, as well as his swer for his/her behaviour. Ultimately and probably social and physical environment. Criminal Investi- most important, is that the investigation, detection gation is the process of legally gathering evidence and apprehension of the criminal, effectually serves of a crime that has been or is being committed.3 In to curtail recidivism thereby reducing overall crime. most cases, when a crime is committed, officials have two primary concerns. They want to know The investigation is conducted to determine who committed the crime, and what the motive whether or not a crime is committed and if a crime was. The reason why a person breaks a law is has been committed, to determine who commit- called the motive.4 Criminal investigation involves ted the crime, and to gather enough evidence to the application of scientific method to the analysis present to a prosecutor for a trial. The ultimate goal of a crime scene. An investigation is an inquiry into of any criminal investigation is to determine, to the circumstances surrounding an allegation or inci- extent possible, the truth about how a crime oc- dent. A criminal investigation is an official effort to curred.7 Criminal investigators, as police officers, uncover information about a crime.5 hold enormous power in arresting a person, mak- ing search and seizure, collecting the samples for The investigation of crimes includes the collection, scientific test and recording the interviews of the protection, examination and analysis of evidences victim, suspect and the persons concerned. and facts by an authentic body for identifying the crime, its nature and the criminal involved in the The Investigation Process Seeks to Answer the commission of the crime. In other words, inves- Following Questions tigation is the process of documentation of the 1. Whether the crime has actually happened? scene of occurrence and finding out the facts and 2. If the crime has happened, what was the nature material evidence thereon and establishing logical of crime? Moreover, what were the tools used relationship between these evidences by the au- for committing the crime? thentic body. 3. Who were the victims of that crime? 4. What are the real evidences relating to that Investigation is a scientific examination about any crime? fact, event or condition which aims at finding out 5. Who are the suspects? the truth. It involves application of scientific method 6. Whether or not the accused is the offender in to the analysis of crime scene.6 However, the sci- fact? entific method is usually only practically employed in criminal investigation. The main purpose of investigation is not conviction but to unearth the truth. Therefore, it is said that 2. Goals of Criminal Investigation sometimes, an investigation, which leads to con- Criminal investigation is conducted primarily for the viction, may not be successful, however, some- prevention of crimes and maintaining law and order times an investigation, which leads to acquittal, is in society. The investigator tries to get and evalu- said to be successful. A successful investigation ate information about crime which may be used as is one in which the following statements are true: evidence. When crimes occur, Law Enforcement is • All available physical evidence is competently responsible to the community it serves and must handled, discharge its duty by immediately investigating • All witnesses are intelligently interviewed, such incidents. Ideally the investigation will cause • All suspects are effectively interrogated,

3 Michael F. Brown, Criminal Investigation: Law and Practice, 2nd ed. Butterworth-Heinemann 225 Wildwood Avenue, 2001, p. 3 4 Ibid 5 6 Brown, opcit. p. 24 7 Brown p. 3 cid mAGAZINE 26

• All leads are developed ogy, the study of blood; dactylography, the study • All documentation is comprehensively, clearly of fingerprints and ballistics; and the study of fire- and accurately completed arms and projectiles have proven invaluable in the identification and conviction of criminals. Recent 3. Qualities of Good Investigator breakthroughs in the study of deoxyribonucleic The criminal investigator must possess variety and acid i.e. DNA analysis, is the most exciting ad- range of skills not called for any other profession. vance in forensic science in recent memory. He must be emotionally stable, physically fit and self motivated. The investigator must have power Interviewing the victims and witnesses of a crime is to rational thinking; he/she should be able to ap- the final "I" of investigation. The skilful use of inter- ply deductive and inductive reasoning. It helps viewing techniques by trained investigator encour- him/her to relate seemingly unrelated parts. An- ages persons with knowledge of a crime to provide other important quality of a good investigator is that information to the police. the ability to critical thinking. He/she must be able to see the things not just to look. The things and 5. The Investigation Process fact surrounding the crime scene give sense if criti- Traditionally the investigation was based on “points cal thinking is applied. The investigator must allow to prove” philosophy. Now it has begun to move critical thinking to follow as facts are gathered and away from the “points to prove” philosophy to one hypothesis is synthesized. Another quality that the that stressed instead “seeking after the truth”. good investigator must possess is the analytical Whereas “points to prove” presupposes a crime thinking. He/she must be able to recognize the or crimes, an offender or offenders and a prosecu- evidences or potential loci. It is the investigator's tion case (that is, crime-solving), “seeking after the job to collect all the related evidences and it is the truth” tacitly acknowledges other possibilities such prosecutor's, and court's job to weigh the signifi- as “no crime” or the possibility of restorative justice cance and evidential value of collected evidences. outcomes for the victim. Seeking after the truth” The investigator must have not only an under- requires the investigator to explore those lines of standing of rules of evidences but also working enquiry that point towards the innocence of a sus- knowledge of foundation upon which all types of pect with as much vigour as they are inclined to evidences are ushered before the court. use to explore those that suggest guilt.9

4. Investigation and Use of Three 'I's 5.1 Approaching the Crime Scene and Protection According O'Hara criminal investigation is based of Evidences on the three 'I's Information, Instrumentation and The first and foremost step in the investigation Interviewing.8 Criminal investigation, indeed, the is the protection of the evidences. Investigators entire process of enforcing the law, is information should approach the crime scene investigation as based. It is the responsibility of the investigator to if it will be their only opportunity to preserve and know how to find and use all legitimate sources of recover these physical clues. "Locard's Exchange information available. Principle" states that every time someone enters an environment, something is added to and re- Instrumentation or forensic science is a second moved from it. This principle is sometimes present- major tool available to the investigator. Forensic ed as “every contact leaves a trace”. This contact scientists have developed an impressive array of applies to contact between individuals as well as techniques to help in the solution of crimes. Serol- between individuals and a physical environment.

8 Michael F. Brown, (2001), Criminal Investigation: Law and Practice, Butterworth-Heinemann 225 Wildwood Avenue, P. 10 9 Brown, op.cit. p. 14 cid mAGAZINE 27

Law enforcement investigators have to always as- during such an inquiry and physical clues, initially sume that physical evidence is left by the offender thought irrelevant, may become crucial to a suc- behind at every scene. However, the amount and cessful resolution of the case. It is recognized that nature of the evidence left will be largely dependent all crime scenes are unique. The judgment of the on the nature and circumstances of the crime. The investigator on the scene, with the assistance of physical evidences left include: other responders, such as the prosecutor, should • Biological material - blood, semen or saliva be given deference in the implementation of this- • Fibers guide. Every case is unique and therefore, it is im- • Paint chips possible to propose a single, step-by-step proce- • Glass dure to approach every type of situation. • Soil and vegetation • Accelerants Protection of the crime scene, taking of photog- • Fingerprints raphy and sketch of the crime scene, seizing the • Hair relevant things and their scientific examination, • Impression evidence – shoe prints, tire tracks or conducting autopsy, physical examination of the tool marks victim and the suspect, recording the statement • Fracture patterns – glass fragments or adhesive of the victim and the suspect, identification of real tape pieces evidence and the suspect come under investiga- • Narcotics tion of crime. Crime scene sketch is to aid the in- vestigator as well as the prosecutor and judge to Oftentimes, evidence tells a story and helps an in- understand how a crime occurred. Crime scene vestigator recreate the crime scene and establish sketches are the simplest yet most effective means the sequence of events. Physical evidence can to illustrate the relationship of significant items of corroborate statements from the victim, witness evidence to each other. and/or suspect. If these facts are analyzed and interpreted properly, physical evidence is more reli- Responding to a crime scene is a critical step in able than testimonial evidence. The real evidence the scientific investigation of a case. Unless the is objective whence the testimonial evidence is crime scene response is handled correctly, the in- more subjective in nature. It is because an indi- vestigation may be severely compromised. Investi- vidual’s perception of events and memory of what gators and crime scene specialists are responsible happened can be incomplete or inaccurate. Physi- for identifying, securing, collecting and preserving cal evidence is objective and when documented, the evidence that is submitted to the crime labora- collected and preserved properly may be the only tory. The investigator’s knowledge in crime scene way to reliably place or link someone with a crime documentation and the variety of methods for the scene. Physical evidence is therefore often referred collection and processing of all types of evidence to as the "silent witness. Therefore, the investigator is crucial. Additionally, many times the investiga- must have inner eyes to identify the possible loca- tor must make timely decisions whether to obtain tion of physical evidences in the crime scene and written consent or a search warrant, so that the its surrounding. Items of physical evidence are not evidence will be admissible and not subject to a always visible to the naked eye and may be eas- motion to suppress. ily overlooked. Therefore, a deliberate, methodical, disciplined approach to collection and preservation 5.2 Due Process of Law in Investigation of evidence is essential for successful investigation. Technical knowledge, skill and knowledge of law are essential for efficient investigation of crime. They should also consider other case information Only the evidences collected by following the due or statements from witnesses or suspects carefully process of law will be admissible in the court. in their objective assessment of the scene. Inves- Otherwise, the evidences collected through inves- tigations may change course a number of times tigation may not be admissible in the court and cid mAGAZINE 28

consequently it will be only the spent of scarce of the State Cases Act, or such crime is being oc- resources. Therefore, the investigation is not only curred or going to be occurred, it is his/her duty a technical subject; rather it is a legal subject as to make a necessary arrangement to prevent the well. Investigator must master techniques that will crime, not to let any evidence relating to the crime enable them to reach the ultimate goal in any in- disappear or destroy, and not to let the criminal vestigation i.e. to find the truth. Criminal law both escape or flee. In case of the possibility of crime substantive and procedural forms the basis of the to take place or evidence to disappear or destroy, criminal investigator's ability to act. or criminal to escape or flee if immediate action is not taken, then the Police personnel may, as per However, police officers sometimes view the law, necessity, go to the jurisdiction of the next Police particularly the law of criminal procedure, as a bar- Office and take necessary actions in this regard.12 rier to the successful investigation of crime. Michael F. Brown has presented very interesting analogy After the lodging of the FIR or the receiving of the by comparing the police officers who see criminal information about the crime, the concerned police procedural law as an obstacle to successful inves- office designates an investigation officer to com- tigation of crime to the foot soldier who looks the mand the investigation. The police office forwards sea as an obstacle to travel. He says "this attitude a preliminary report to the District Government At- is much like that of a foot soldier as he looks at the torney Office. Upon receiving such report the Gov- sea. To the soldier, a body of water is an obstacle ernment Attorney shall give necessary directions between him and where he needs to be. A sailor, relating to the investigation of the crime to the Po- on the other hand, looks at the sea as a road, an lice personnel undertaking the investigation. Sec- avenue, to take him where he wants to go. While tion 6 of the State Case Act, 1992 provides that the law, particularly criminal procedural law and the rules of evidence do restrict the actions of the "Before starting investigation of any crime as per investigator, they also provide guidance on what Section 7, the Police personnel undertaking the investigative techniques are acceptable in a demo- investigation shall forward the preliminary report cratic society. Once the investigator has mastered relating to the crime to the concerned Government criminal law, criminal procedure, and the rules of Attorney Office explaining the matters to be inves- evidence, he/she can sail the legal sea as well as tigated. prosecutors, defence attorneys and judges.8 (2) After receiving the preliminary report pursuant 5.3 The FIR and Preliminary Report to Sub-Section (1), the Government Attorney may The investigation process starts with the filing of the give necessary directions relating to the investiga- First Information Report or when the police official tion of the crime to the Police personnel undertak- gets the information of crime. Any person knowing ing the investigation." about the occurrence of crime may lodge the FIR in the concerned police office. If such police office re- The objective of forwarding preliminary report and fuses to register the FIR the informant may file such giving direction is to maintain continuous coopera- information to the concerned Chief District Officer tion and coordination between the investigation of the higher police office which shall forward such officer and prosecutor recognizing their speciali- information to the concerned police office for neces- zation. Investigator and prosecutor are the mem- sary action. In such case the concerned police office bers of the same crime control team and it is their registers the FIR and carries out investigation. common goal to book the offender. It is presumed that the police have the skill, capacity, techniques If any police personnel receives an information of and tools required for carrying out effective inves- the occurrence of a crime under the Schedule 1 tigation. The capacity of investigation means the

8 Brown, op.cit. p. 11 12 Ibid, Section 4 cid mAGAZINE 29

capacity to identify the evidence located in and and scientific way it is definitely more reliable than around the crime scene, collect the relevant evi- testimonial evidence. Testimonial evidence is more dences following the due process of law and the subjective in nature. An individual’s perception of capacity to build the strategy of further investiga- events and memory of what happened can be tion based on the preliminary information found in incomplete or inaccurate. Physical evidence is the crime scene as well as the capacity to send objective and when documented, collected and these evidence for scientific test necessary for preserved properly may be the only way to reliably making them admissible in the court. While col- place or link someone with a crime scene. Physical lecting evidence due process of law has to be fol- evidence is therefore often referred to as the "silent lowed. The prosecutor has the command in the witness."However, it is widely accepted that our in- legal process that is the process to be observed vestigation system is statement oriented. We lack while collecting evidences, the nature and types of trained investigating officers or scene of crime of- evidence admissible in the court and the approach ficers. These Officers have not been placed rightly of the court about the admissibility of evidences. to utilize their full capacity. The investigation has not been prioritized and the same police personnel The act of protection of crime scene, recognizing are employed in investigation and also in maintain- all relevant physical evidence, collection of material ing law and order. There are only two scientific labs evidences, documenting the conditions at a crime in the country which are insufficient for testing the scene is very vital in the criminal investigation. It evidence in time. The investigator has to forward includes taking the photograph of the crime scene the case file to the prosecutors' office without the and drawing a diagram or sketch of the scene. lab report. Because of these reasons the investiga- Generally the police officer of Assistant Sub-in- tion is statement oriented leading to failure of the spector level can carry out investigation. However, criminal cases. only the police officer of at least police Sub-inspec- tor can conduct the examination of the dead body. 6.2 Problem in Police-Prosecution Relationship After preparing the deed of the examination of the Police and prosecutors are commonly viewed as dead body the dead body is sent for conducting members of the same crime fighting team, but a autopsy. This examination is very crucial for the closer look reveals a more complex reality. Police determination of cause of death which also leads and prosecutors have varying perspectives on the to the successful conviction. law. To the police, the case is closed when the sus- pect is arrested, but the prosecutors stress that Equally important is the examination of the real evi- they often need additional information to win in the dences. Examination of real evidence includes the court.40 Inadequate or incomplete investigation is a examination of blood, test of viscera, DNA (Deoxy- common problem faced by the prosecutors every- ribonucleic acid),ballistic, explosive, cough, stool, where. The thoroughness of the police investiga- urine, hair, semen narcotic drugs, disputed docu- tion and the quality of their arrest directly affects ments, finger prints, foot prints. the likelihood of the prosecutor obtaining a con- viction.41 A survey indicated that 66 percent cited 6. Problems in Investigation inadequate police preparation of crime reports as 6.1 Statement Oriented Investigation a major problem in their office. Among commonly Real or physical evidence tested in the laboratory mentioned problems, names and addresses of tells a story and helps an investigator recreate the victim and witness have been lacking; full detail of crime scene and establish the sequence of events. how the crime was committed are missing; and vi- Scientific evidence can corroborate statements tal laboratory reports are not forwarded on time.42 from the victim, witness and suspect. If physical What it means is that the American Prosecutors evidence is collected properly and tested in proper face the problems similar to ours.

40 Neubauer, op.cit. p. 151 41 Ibid 42 Id. cid mAGAZINE 30

There is lack of coordination between the police and unless there is proper coordination between the prosecutors in the process of investigation of crime prosecutor and the police. and presenting witnesses in the court for giving testi- mony. First, the police can seek advice from prosecu- 6. 3 Lack of Professionalism in Investigators tors about any aspect of their work. Although there is It has been already discussed that the investigat- provision that the investigation officer has to provide ing officer should be criminal investigator must preliminary information to the prosecutor and seek possess variety and range of skills not called for necessary direction, such provision has not been ef- any other profession. The investigator must be a fectively implemented. Police forward the preliminary professional with a skill to investigate the case as report not for seeking direction that will be useful in well as the knowledge about the rules of evidence. the process of investigation but for fulfilling formality. It is not possible unless a separate investigation It may not be necessary seek advice prior to the start unit with trained manpower is established and the of, or during, an investigation in less serious cases, investigating police personnel are not deputed to however, it may be valuable to do this in the most other responsibility. serious and most complex of cases. Sometimes the advice may be about the legality of particular proce- 6. 4 Non Prioritization to the Work of Crime In- dures; sometimes about whether or not there is suf- vestigation ficient evidence to prosecute; sometimes about what The state has not given priority to the function of crime further investigation would be useful to construct a investigation. There is not separate investigating po- strong case. However, this provision has remained lice or specialized manpower in the police. If there are ineffective. The prosecutors also do not take this pro- some officers trained in criminal investigation they are vision seriously. There is also no provision about the not recognized and given responsibility as per their accountability if such direction is not complied with. qualification. The same police personnel are employed in investigation and also in maintaining law and order. There is a provision of Coordination Committee con- Because of this, the investigation does not get priority stituted as per the Stated Cases Rules to bring ef- since maintaining law and order gets priority. fectiveness in investigation and prosecution of State Cases by maintaining necessary co-ordination be- 7. Conclusion tween the organs involved in investigation and pros- Investigation and prosecutions are the most impor- ecution. However, the committee has not been ef- tant components of law enforcement. Prosecuting fective to maintain coordination between the police the suspect with strong, reliable and sufficient evi- and prosecutors. The committee has held very few dences may certainly lead to the conviction of the meetings which remained only a formality. accused and success of the criminal cases. It also help to ensure the rule of law ending the impunity. The success of case depends on the effective Moreover, the effective investigation and prosecution investigation and prosecution. It is possible only system help to create and maintain the confidence when the relationship between the prosecutor and of people toward the whole criminal justice system. police is cordial and they cooperate in the process The whole system must be seen as fair, just and le- of investigation and presentation of evidences. gitimate in the eyes of the victim, the accused and However, it has been felt that the relationship be- the outsider. There is no doubt that violation of law tween the investigating officials and the prosecu- must be booked, however, it must be done in a way tors is problematic. It may be because of the dif- that guarantees the rights of the accused which are ference in responsibility, expertise and approach to respected and protected. For this, the work of inves- the case. An investigation is successful if available tigation must be specialized and the professionalism physical evidence is competently handled, All wit- of the officials must be developed. The investigating nesses are intelligently interviewed, all suspects officers must be well equipped. The relationship be- are effectively interrogated and all documentation tween investigating officer and prosecutor must be is comprehensively, clearly and accurately com- cordial and both of them have to think that their only pleted. We cannot hope of effective investigation objective is to pursue justice. cid mAGAZINE 31 ck/fw cj:yf laZn]if0f tyf ck/fw lgoGq0f / /f]syfd /0fgLlt

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cfly{s jif{ @)&)÷&! / @)&!÷&@ sf] b]lvg'n] cem} w]/} dfgj a]rlavg tyf cf];f/k;f/ zLif{sut ck/fw tYof+s t'ngf ubf{ ha/h:tL nufot cGo ;+ul7t / cGt/b]zLo ck/fwx?nfO{ s/0fL, a}+lsª s;'/, jx'ljjfx, gful/stf, sfg"gL sf/jfxLsf] bfo/fdf Nofpg afFls /x]sf] tYo af]S;Lsf] cf/f]k 7uL, nfu' cf}ifwnufotsf ;xh ?kdf cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . cem lagfzsf/L ck/fwsf] j[l4 k|ltzt pRr /x]sf] 5 . To;} e'sDk @)&@ sf] k|efljt If]qx?df /x]sf dlxnf tyf u/L st{JoHofg, v'g 8fFsf, 8fFsf, dfgj afnaflnsfx?sf] ;fy} c3f]lift gfsfalGbsf] df/sf a]rlavg tyf cf];f/ k;f/, ckx/0fh:tf h3Go sf/0f b]ze/sf dlxnf tyf afnaflnsfx? yk lzsf/ ck/fwx? nufot cj}w xftxltof/ tyf x'g] cj:yf >[hgf ePsf] sf/0f dfgj a]rlavg tyf v/vhgf, laikmf]6s kbfy{ h:tf ck/fwx? cf];f/k;f/ ck/fw lgoGq0f yk r"gf}ltk"0f{ ePsf] 36]sf 5g\ . h3Go ck/fwx? dWo] ha/ h:tL s/0fL tyf 5 . To;} u/L 3/]n' lx+;fsf 36gfx? lbgk|ltlbg a9]sf] nfu' cf}ifw ck/fw ;a} eGbf a9L k|ltztdf j[l4 ePsf] ePtfklg cem} klg w]/} 36gfx? sf/jfxLsf] bfo/fdf 5 . To;} u/L a}+lsª s;'/, 7uL h:tf cfly{s ck/fwsf] cfpg ;s]sf] 5}g\ . cf=a= @)&!÷&@ df sf/jfxLsf] j[l4 b/ ;d]t pRr /x]sf] 5 . ljB'tLo s;"/ -;fO{j/ bfo/fdf cfPsf 36gfx? *,@^* df ;d]t sfg"gtM ck/fw_, dfgj a]rlavg tyf cf];f/ k;f/ / 3/]n' ldnfpg ;Sg] k|fjwfg, k'?if k|wfg ;dfh, k/Dk/f lx+;f tYof+ssf] lx;fan] 36]sf] b]lvG5 . tyf ;+s[lt, k|fo ;a} kLl8tx?sf] k/lge{/tf, kLl8t ;'/Iff tyf ;'/lIft cfjf; u[xsf] cefjsf sf/0f k"gM ;~rf/ k|ljlwsf] ›'Qf]Q/ lasf;;+u} O{G6/g]6 kL8ss} z/0fdf hfg' kg]{ cj:yfsf sf/0f cbfnt;Dd tyf ;fdflhs ;~hfnx? ;d]tsf] a9\bf] k'¥ofpg ;lsPsf] 5}g\ . k|of]usf] sf/0f gful/sx? ;+usf] cGt/lqmof tyf dLl8of dfkm{t ;fO{j/ ck/fw jf:tljstfdf rf]/L ck/fw cGtu{t cf=a= @)&!÷&@ df 8fFsf, a9]sf] a'lemPtf klg hgr]tgfsf] sld, ;fO{j/ ck/fw /xhgL, tyf ha/h:tL rf]/L 36]tfklg ;fwf/0f rf]/L x]g]{ Ps dfq cbfnt sf7df8f}+df dfq tf]lsPsf] tyf pRrb/df a9]sf] sf/0f ;du| rf]/L !^ k|ltztn] cg';Gwfg Ifdtfsf] ;Lldttfn] kLl8tsf] kx'Fr x'g j[l4 ePsf] 5 . hDdf rf]/L ck/fw !,#)( dWo] ;a} g;s]sf] sf/0f ;d]t jf:tljstfdf ;a} ck/flws eGbf a9L $^& cyjf #%=^* k|ltzt sf7df8f}+ 36gfx? sfg"gL sf/jfxLsf] bfo/fdf Nofpg ;lsPsf] pkTosfdf /x]sf] 5 h'g cf=a= @)&)÷&! sf] t'ngfdf 5}g\ . cf=a= @)&!÷&@ df dfgj a]rlavg tyf cf];f/ @^=%^ k|ltztn] j[l4 ePsf] 5 . ;a} eGbf a9L k;f/ ck/fw @=& k|ltztn] 36L !*! /x]tf klg j}b] dWodf~rndf #&=&$ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ @(@ j6f rf]/L lzs /f]huf/ ljefusf] tYof+s cg';f/ g]kfnsf] /f]huf/ ck/fw ePsf] 5 . To;} u/L klZrdf~rndf @)=*! j[l4 k|ltzt @=( dfq /x]sf], hg;+Vofsf] sl/j #) k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ !*) tyf dWo] klZrdf~rndf k|ltzt j]/f]huf/ jf cw{ j]/f]huf/ /x]sf], afifL{s sl/a *=!$ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ (# j6f rf]/Lsf 36gf rf/ nfv g]kfnLx? j}b]lzs /f]huf/sf] nflu hfg] tyf 36]sf] 5 eg] k'jf{~rn / ;'b"/klZrdf~rndf b}lgs !% ;o hgfn] j}lblzs /f]huf/sf] nflu b]z 5f8\g] qmdzM !!=## / !)=&! k|ltztn] 36L @@& u/]sf] a'lemPsf] tyf Dofl/h Jo"/f], 8fG; jf/, j}b]lzs / %) j6f rf]/L ck/fw ePsf] 5 . a9\bf] /f]huf/sf] gfddf laleGg b]zdf laz]iftM dlxnfx?nfO{ zx/Ls/0f;+u} Jo:t / Psn kl/jfl/s ;+/rgfdf nuL a]rlavg ug]{, of}g lx+;f ug]{, ha/h:tL a]Zofj[QL j[l4 tyf ;fdflhs 3'nd]n / ;'/Iff ;r]tgf tyf jf cGo sfddf nufpg], vfl8 d'n'sx?df sfd u/L ;fjwfgLdf sldsf sf/0f laz]iftM sf7df8f}+ pkTosf /x]sf o'jfx?nfO{ o"/f]k cd]l/sfsf] ;kgf nufot b]ze/sf zx/L If]qdf rf]/L ck/fw ;d]t b]vfO{ k|nf]egdf kf/L laleGg b]zdf k'¥ofO{ aGws ;'/Iff r'gf}ltsf] ?kdf /x]sf] 5 . agfO{ /sd c;'n ug]{ h:tf gofF gofF k|j[lQ cid mAGAZINE 36

rf]/L ck/fwsf] cj:yf

cf=a= @)&)÷&! df !#=!! k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ $,%)$ j6f cfTdxTofsf 36gf ePsf]df cf=a= @)&!÷&@ df #=*@ k|ltztn] sld cfO{ $,##@ /x]sf] 5 . h;dWo] dlxnf cf=a= @)&)÷&! sf] @!%$ af6 !!=!$ k|ltzt sld cfO{ !(!$ /x]sf] 5 eg] k'?if @#%) af6 $=!# k|ltzt sld cfO{ @@%# /x]sf] 5 . o;sf] cltl/Qm cf=a @)&!÷&@ df ($ hgf afns / *( hgf aflnsfn] ;d]t cfTdxTof u/]sf 5g\ . ctM cf=a= @)&!÷&@ df ;+VofTds ?kdf s]lx sld ePtfklg cfTdxTof yk ;+jb]glzn laifo aGb} uPsf] 5 . cid mAGAZINE 37

cf=a= @)&!÷&@ df cfTdxTofsf] cj:yf

$%))) $)))) #%))) #)))) )=*! @%))) @)))) !%))) !)))) %)) !)() ## #!)% !%=($ ) @$ $##@ ) ;+Vof –!^=^) #=!# *) –!))=)) &!=$# –#=*@ –%)) a[l4 k|ltZft ljif vfP/ cfuf] em"l08P/ xfd kmfn]/ s/]06 nfP/ xft xltof/ hDdf nufP/ cf}hf/jf6 cid mAGAZINE 38

cf=a= @)&)÷&! df hDdf @(,((^ hgf cleo'Qm dWo] *# k|ltzt kqmfp k/]sf 5g\ eg] cf=a= @)&!÷&@ df cleo'Qm kqmfp k|ltzt j[l4 eO{ *^ k|ltzt k'u]sf] 5 . o;n] cleo'Qm kqmfpsf] cj:yf pTs[i6 /x]sf] s'/f k'li6 u/]sf] 5 .

cleo'Qmsf] ljj/0fM cf=a= @)&)÷&( cleo'Qmsf] ljj/0fM cf=a= @)&)÷&( -hDdf ks|fp ;+Vof– @(,((^, d'4f ;+Vof– @&,@*^_ -hDdf ks|fp ;+Vof– ##,@$&, d'2f ;+Vof– @*,)&)_

$(*% $^() !&Ü !$Ü

ks|fp cleo'Qm ;+Vof ks|fp cleo'Qm ;+Vof @%)!! km/f/ cleo'Qm ;+Vof *#Ü km/f/ cleo'Qm ;+Vof @*%%& *(Ü cid mAGAZINE 39

ck/fw k|s[lt ljZn]0faf6 k|fKt pknAwLx?, nflu dhs'/ u[x dGqfno dfkm{t g]kfn lq-jifL{o ck/fw lgoGq0f tyf cg';Gwfg ;/sf/df k]z ul/g] tyf ck/fw /f]syfd sfo{of]hgf -CAP_ cGtu{t cf=a= /0fgLlt -Crime Prevention Strategy_ cGtu{t @)&)÷&! ul/Psf] sfo{sf] jflif{s ;ldIff, ;jf/L b'3{6gfnfO{ 6«flkms lgb]{zgfno dfkm{t ck/fw cg';Gwfg sfo{d'ns kl/If0f -Crime sfof{Gjog u/fpg'sf] ;fy} afFls ;a} ;d:of Investigation Performance Audit_–Pilot Project ;dfwfg /0fgLlt -Problem Solving Strategy_ af6 kQfnfu]sf tYox?, a[xQ cg'udgdf tyf ck/fw lgoGq0f / /f]syfd /0fgLlt b]lvPsf tYox?, cfdgful/s tyf -Crime Prevention Strategy_ cGtu{tsf e›enfßLx?sf] k|To]If tyf ck|To]If /fo sfo{qmd tyf lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ lq-jifL{o ;'emfjx? ;d]tnfO{ cWoog tyf ljZn]if0f u/L ck/fw lgoGq0f tyf cg';Gwfg sfo{of]hgfdf dlb/fM pTkfbg, cf];f/k;f/, lalqmlat/0f tyf ;dfj]z u/L nfu' ul/Psf] 5 . ;]jg, kfl/jfl/s snx÷3/]n' lx+;f / o'jf ju{sf] l;dfGtLs/0f tyf lxgtfaf]wsf] pQm sfo{of]hgfdf ;dfj]z u/L nfu' lg/fs/0fnfO{ ck/fwsf] d'Vo sf/s tTjx?sf] ul/Psf] ;d:of ;dfwfg /0fgLlt tyf ?kdf klxrfg u/L lt nlIft sfo{qmdsf ck/fw /f]syfd /0fgLltnfO{ ;d:of, ;d:ofsf] sf/0f, ;dfwfgsf lhNnfut ?kdf ck/fw k|s[lt ljZn]if0f u/L kIfx?, ;dfwfgsf /0fgLlt, k|d'v lgsfo, :yfgLo cfjZostf klxrfg ;d]tsf] ;xof]uL lgsfo tyf ck]lIft k|ltkmnnfO{ cfwf/df k|fyldstfdf /fvL :yfgLo gful/s tyf ;d]t ;dfj]z u/L ;d:of ;dfwfg ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfox?sf] ;+usf] ;dGjo, /0fgLlt -Problem Solving Strategy_ lasf; ;xsfo{ tyf ;xeflutfdf sfof{Gjogsf] ul/g'sf] ;fy} nfu'cf}ifw, ha/h:tLs/0fL, r/0fdf nlug] /0fgLlt /x]sf] 5 . lo dfgja]rlavg tyf cf];f/k;f/, rf]/L, cfly{s /0fgLltx?nfO{ k|efjsf/L ?kdf sfof{Gjog tyf laQLo ck/fw, ;+ul7t ck/fw, u/fO{ ck/fw lgoGq0f tyf cg';Gwfgdf ;fO{j/ ck/fw, ;jf/L b'3{6gf ;lxt cf7j6f k|efjsf/Ltf Nofpg'sf] ;fy} k|x/L / ck/fwnfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fvL lt nlIft cfdgful/s aLrsf] kx'Fr, ;DaGw, ;dGjo, ck/fw lgoGq0f tyf /f]syfdsf] nflu k|d'v ;xof]u / ;xsfo{nfO{ k|j4{g u/L hgljZjf; lgsfo, ;xof]uL lgsfox?, ck]lIft k|ltkmn, sfod ub}{ ljlwsf] zf;gnfO{ ;'lglZrt ;'rs ;lxt ;dfj]z u/L ck/fw /f]syfd ug]{ tyf zfGt, ;d'Ggt / ;Eo ;dfh lgdf{0f /0fgLlt -Crime Prevention Strategy_ lasf; tyf lasf;df 6]jf k'¥ofpg] ck]Iff ul/Psf] 5 . ul/Psf] 5 . pQm ;d:of ;dfwfg /0fgLlt -Problem Solving Strategy_ cGtu{t o'jfju{sf] >f]tM ck/fw tYof+s– k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no l;dfGtLs/0f tyf lxgtfaf]wsf] lg/fs/0fsf] ck/fw cg';Gwfg ljefu .  cid mAGAZINE 40 cid mAGAZINE 41 ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf kf]lnu|fkmsf] k|of]u

k|=lg= u0f]z axfb'/ >]i7

kl/ro cfkm'n] unt sfd u/]sf] cg'e"lt x'g ;To af]Ng' ;a} dflg;sf] wd{ dflgG5 yfNb5 ta p;df 8/ k}bf x'G5 . olb / of] dfgjdfqsf] g}lts lhDd]jf/L s;}n] ck/fw u/]sf] 5 eg] Tof] ck/fwsf] klg xf] t/ ;a} dflg;n] ;To g} af]N5 sf/0faf6 x'g] b08 ;hfoaf6 cfkm'nfO{ eGg] 5}g . vf;ul/ ha dflg; s'g} arfpg, ;dfhdf ePsf] cfˆgf] 5jLnfO{ ck/fwdf ;+nUg x'G5, To:tf lsl;dsf] lug{ glbg, cflb s'/fx?sf] nflu ck/fwsf] sf/0f x'g] ;hfojf6 cfkm"nfO{ laleGg arfpsf] pkfox? -Defensive jrfp ug{ em'7sf] ;fxf/f lng] ub{5 . Response_ ;f]Rg yfNb5 . h:sf] sf/0f ;fy} s'g} laz]if kl/:ylt jf cj:yfdf dflg;sf] zl//df laleGg /;folgs cfkm"nfO{ of]Uo ;flat ug{ klg cfkm"jf6 k|ltlqmofx? x'g uO{ p;df dfgl;s lautdf ePsf sdLsdhf]/Lx? n'sfpg tyf zfl//Ls k|efjx? kg{ yfNb5 cyf{t dflg;x? em'7 a]Ng] ub{5g\ . olx sf/0f zl//sf] laleGg k|0ffnLx? h:t}: /Qm s'g} JolQmn] af]n]sf] s'/f jf u/]sf ;~rf/ k|0ffnL, :jf; k|:jf; k|0ffnL, ultlalwx?sf] ;Totf dfyL z+sf nfu]df :gfo" k|0ffnLx?df ;fdfGo cj:yf To:sf] kl/If0f ug{ sf] lgldQ ;+;f/df eGbf km/s x'G5 . System Detection laeGg k|ljlwx?sf] cfljisf/ ePsf]5 . Theory cg';f/ o:tf lsl;dsf] zfl/l/s oLg} k|ljlwx¿ dWo kf]lnu|fkm dflg;n] km/skgf dfkg of]Uo x'G5 / o;nfO{ af]n]sf] s'/fsf] ;Totf kl/If0f ug]{ Ps ljz]if lsl;dsf] ;]G;/x?sf] k|of]u ul/ dxTjk"0f{ k|ljlw xf] . o;nfO{ a}1flgs dfkg ug{ ;lsG5 . kf]lnu|fkm k|0ffnLdf efiffdf em'7f] af]n]sf] kQf nufpg] oLg} ljz]if lsl;dsf ;]G;/x? h8fg dgf]zf/Ll/s k|ljlw -Psycho- ul/Psf] x'G5, o;nfO{ dflg;sf] zl//sf] physiological Detection_ elgG5 . ljleGg efudf nufO k|Zgx? ul/G5 . o;n] s;}n] em'7 af]nL cfˆgf] unt lqmofsnfkaf6 x'g] kl/0ffdaf6 cfkm'nfO{ ;fdfGo dflg;x?sf] a'emfOdf lgbf]{if arfpg vf]Hbf p:sf] z/L/df x'g] dflg;x? k|x/L jf kf]lnu|fkm d]l;gsf] leGg zf/Ll/s kl/jt{gx?nfO{ Ps};fy cufl8 8/fp5 / k/LIf0f kf; x'g ;Sb}g ax'u|fkmdf clen]vLs/0f ub{5 . t/ bf]ifL w]/} ck/fw ul/;s]sf dflg;x? 8/fpb}gg\ / kf]lnu|fkmdf kf; x'g ;S5 kf]lnu|fkmsf] l;4fGt eGg] e|d klg kfO{G5 . Othello Theory s'g} 36\gfdf ;+nUg JolQmnfO{ ha cg';f/ lgbf]{if dflg;x? klg ge{; x'g], cid mAGAZINE 42

lrlGtt x'g] x'g ;S5 t/ pgLx?sf] lrGtf eg]sf] pQm JolQmdf 5 jf 5}g egL hfFr ug{ klg cfˆgf] egfOnfO{ laZjf; gug]{ xf] sL eGg] tkm{ kf]lnu|fkmsf] kl/If0f ug{ ;lsg]5 . s]lG›t /xG5 gofF em'7 jf of]hgf agfpb}gg\ $= egf{ 5gf}6 eg] csf]{lt/ bf]ifL JolQmsf] 8/ cfkm' kqmfp s'g} klg ;+u7gn] cfˆgf] sd{rf/Lx? gofF egf{ kg]{, ;fdflhs ¿kdf alxisf/ x'g], hfuL/ hfg] ln+bf jf tf]lsPsf] s'g} kbdf sd{rf/L :yfoL, h:tf s'/fx?df x'G5 / k'/fgf] s'/fnfO{ 9fs5f]k c:yfoL jf s/f/df lgo'lQmsf nflu egf{ 5gf}6 ug{ gofF em'7f of]hgf agfpg s]lG›t x'G5 . ubf{ tf]lsPsf] dfkb08 jf k'j{ zt{ k'/f u/]sf] t;y{ kf]lnu|fkm kl/If0fsf] qmddf ;f]lwg] k|Zgx? 5 jf 5}g elg kl/If0f ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflu klg 36gf;Fu ;DalGwt tyf c;DalGwt b'a} kf]lnu|fkmsf] k|of]u x'g] ub{5 . lsl;dsf x'G5g\ . ha dflg; s'g} 36\gfdf ;+UnUg x'G5 p:sf] 36gf;Fu ;DalGwt k|Zgx?df sltko ljsl;t /fi6«x?df laut sl/a ;o aif{ a9L zfl/l/s k|ltlqmofx? -Oriental Response_ cufl8 b]lvg} ck/fw cg';Gwfg tyf cGo If]qdf b]lvg yfNb5 eg] lgbf]{if JoflQmx?sf] cGo ;xof]uL cf}hf/sf] ?kdf kf]lnu|fkmsf] k|of]u x'b} k|Zgx?df a9L zfl/l/s k|ltlqmof b]lvG5 . h'g cfPsf] 5, g]kfndf eg] xfn ck/fw cg';Gwfg / k|ltlqmofx?nfO{ t'ngfTds l;4fGt -Theory g]kfn k|x/Lsf] cfGtl/s sf/jfxL tyf cg';Gwfg, of Comparison_ sf] cfwf/df ljZn]if0f ul/ clVtof/ b'?kfof]u cg';Gwfg, /fhZj cg';Gwfg laz]if1x? lg:sif{df k'Ub5g . h:tf If]qdf dfq kf]lnu|fkmsf] k|of]u eO{/x]sf] 5 eg] ;z:q k|x/L ann] klg xfn} cfP/ cfˆgf] kf]lnu|fkmsf] k|of]u x'g] If]qx? ;+u7gsf] cfGtl/s sf/jfxL tyf cg';Gwfgsf] dflg;n] af]n]sf] s'/fsf] ;Totf kl/If0f ug{ nflu kf]lnu|fkm zfvf :yfkgf ul/ o;nfO{ k|of]udf kf]lnu|fkmnfO{ h'g;'s} cj:yfdf klg k|of]u ug{ NofPsf] 5 . ;lsg] ePtf klg o;sf] k|of]usf] d'Vo lgDg rf/ If]qx? 5g\ M ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf kf]lnu|fkm kl/If0fsf] != ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf cj:yf s'g} klg 36gfsf] cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf kqmfp g]kfn k|x/Ldf xfn;Dd b'O{j6f ;d"x ul/ !& hgf k/]sf] JolQm jf z+lst jf lkl8t jf ;fIfLx?n] k|x/L sd{rf/Lx?n] kf]lnu|fkm cfwf/e"t tflnd af]n]sf] s'/fx?sf] ;Totf kl/If0f ug{sf] nflu k|fKt u/]sf 5g\ . kf]lnu|fkm kl/Ifssf] ;+Vof kf]lnu|fkmsf] k|of]u ul/G5 . kf]lnu|fkmsf] ylkP;Fu} ;a} If]qLo k|x/L sfo{nox?df kf]lnu|fkm dfWodaf6 cg';GwfgnfO{ kl/0ffdd'vL agfpg], zfvfsf] la:tf/ ePsf]5 . kf]lnu|fkm kl/If0fsf] dfu cg';Gwfgsf] bfo/fnfO{ ;fF3'/f] agfpg], ug]{ sfof{nox?df g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ck/fw cg';Gwfg lgbf]{if JolQmsf] lgbf]{liftfsf] k'li6 ug]{, k|df0fx?sf] ug]{ sfof{nox? afx]s cGo lgsfox¿df clVtof/ klxrfg tyf cGo 36gf;Fu ;DalGwt ljljw b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u / /fhZj cg';Gwfg s'/fx? klxrfg ug{ ;lsG5 . ljefujf6 klg cg'/f]w eO{ cfPsf 5g\ . @= cfGtl/s sf/jfxL tyf cg';Gwfgdf ;+u7g leqsf s'g} sd{rf/Ln] ug]{ clgoldt g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf kf]lnu|fkm sfo{x?, e|i6frf/, lgodsf] pn+3g jf cGo s'g} kl/If0fsf] z'?jft ePb]lv xfn;Dd -@)&@.)^.!%_ cfr/0f ljk/Ltsf] sfo{ pk/ eO{/x]sf cfGtl/s hDdf ### d'4fx?df &^( hgf JolQmx?sf] cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf pQm JolQmn] af]n]sf] kf]lnu|fkm kl/If0f eO{;s]sf] 5 . h;dWo] k'?ifsf] s'/fx?sf] ;Totf kl/If0f ug{sf] nflu kf]lnu|fkm k|of]u ul/G5 . ;+Vof ^&% hgf 5, eg] dlxnfsf] ;+Vof ($ 5 . o;jf6 kf]lnu|fkm kl/If0f ePsf d'4fx? dWo] #= cGt/ PsfO ;?jf tyf lhDj]jf/L k|bfg s'g} ;+u7g leqsf] ;+a]bgzLn lsl;dsf] !)% eGbf a9L d'4fx?df kf]lnu|fkm kl/If0f s} lhDj]jf/L k|bfg ug{' kbf{ tf]lsPsf] dfkb08 dfWodjf6 z+lst JolQmx?nfO{ cleof]u nufpg adf]lhd lhDd]jf/L axg ug{ ;Sg] of]Uotf ;xh ePsf] 5 eg] afFsL d'4fx?sf] cg';Gwfgdf o;n] ;xof]uL e"ldsf lgjf{x u/]sf] 5 . kf]lnu|fkm cid mAGAZINE 43

kl/If0fsf] hDdf ;+Vof dWo] #)@ hgfn] dfq em'7 jf cGo s'g} s'/fsf] hfrF ul/Pdf ck/fw af]n]sf] kfO{Psf] 5 eg] $!$ hgfn] em'7 gaf]n]sf] ;DaGwL k|df0f pknAw x'g;S5 eGg] kfO{Psf] 5 ;fy} %# hgfsf] /fo lbg g;lsg] ljZjf; ug{ dgfl;a cfwf/ ePdf hfrF cj:yfdf kfO{Psf] 5 . u/fpg ;lsg]5 eGg] Joj:yf eP cg';f/ æcGo s'g} s'/fsf] hfFrdfÆ kf]lnu|fkm 36\gfsf] cfwf/df ljZn]if0f ubf{ ;a}eGbf a9L kl/If0fnfO{ ;d]t lng, ;fy} P]g sf] bkmf st{Jo Hofg d'4fsf #&% hgf z+lstx? dfyL !# cg';f/ ck/fw txsLsft ug]{ k|x/L kf]lnu|fkm kl/If0f ul/Psf] 5 eg] ;a}eGbf a9L sd{rf/Ln] cfjZos ;Dem]df ck/fw;Fu ck/fw :jLsf/ klg st{Jo Hofgdf g} ePsf] 5 . ;DalGwt s'g} s'/fsf] ;DaGwdf ljz]if1sf] To;}ul/ rf]/L, ;jf/L b'3{6gf, xftxltof/ v/vhgf, /fo lng ;Sg]5 eGg] Joj:yf eP cg';f/ e|i6«frf/, ha/h:tL s/0fL, ckx/0f h:tf 36\gfdf kf]lnu|fkm ljz]if1sf] /fo lng . a9L kf]lnu|fkm kl/If0fsf] dfu ePsf] b]lvG5 . ;f/f+z ;xof]uL sfg"gx¿ ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf kf]lnu|fkmsf] k|of]u s'g} JolQmn] af]n]sf] s'/fsf] laZjf;lgotf dfgjclwsf/ ;DjlGw /fli6«o cGt/fli6«o sfg'gsf] k/LIf0f ug{' k/]df kf]lnu|fkm k/LIf0f ug{ ;lsg]5 /Iff ug{ / lgbf]{if JolQmnfO{ sfg"gL emGem6af6 d'lQm eGg] lsl;dsf] sfg"gL Joa:yf xfn;Dd ePsf] lbnfpg Pp6f cf}hf/sf] ?kdf k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . b]lvb}g . g]kfn k|x/Ldf ækf]lnu|fkm lgb]l{\zsf kf]lnu|fkm k/LIf0fsf] xfn;Ddsf] glthfs} cfwf/df @)&)Æ nfu' eO{ sfof{Gjog eO{/x]sf]5 . laZn]if0f ug]{ xf] eg] klg k/LIf0f ul/Psf] z+lst tyflk g]kfndf k|rlnt ljleGg sfg"gx?sf] JolQmx? dWo] al9 glthf em'7 gaf]n]sf] ;+s]t k|fKt lgDgfg';f/ ;xof]u lng ;lsG5 ePsf] / ;f] glthfs} cfwf/df z+lst lgbf]{if klg != k|df0f P]g @)#! sf] bkmf @# cg';f/ x'g;Sg] tkm{ ;d]t cg';Gwfg ug{ cfwf/ aGg] x'Fbf cbfntn] sfg'g, lj1fg, snf, x:tfIf/ jf æ;o bf]ifL 5'6'g\ t/ Ps lgbf]{if gkm;f];\Æ eGg] NofKr]sf] ;DaGwdf /fo Plsg ug{' k/]df ;f] dfGotfnfO{ ;d]t cfTd;fy ug]{ jftfj/0f kf]lnu|fkm ;DalGw ljz]if1sf] /fo k|df0fdf lng x'G5 kl/If0fn] ug{ ;s]sf] 5 eg] em'7 af]n]sf] ;+s]t k|fKt eGg] Joj:yf eP cg';f/ kf]lnu|fkm k|ljlw x'g] z+lst JolQmx?sf] xsdf ;d]t cg';Gwfgsf] ælj1fgÆ ePsf]n] kf]lnu|fkm kl/Ifssf] bfo/f ;fF3'/f] kf/L ck/fw cg';GwfgnfO{ ;xh /fonfO{ ljz]if1sf] /fosf] ¿kdf lng . agfpg dxTjk"0f{ e'ldsf v]n]sf] 5 . sltko z+lst @= ;/sf/L d'4f ;DaGwL P]g, @)$( bkmf !@ JolQmn] kf]lnu|fkm k/LIf0fs} cj:yfdf cfkm"n] cg';f/ ck/fwsf] k|s[ltaf6 kqmfpdf k/]sf u/]sf] ck/fw ;d]t :jLsf/ ug]{ x'Fbf kf]lnu|fkm s} JolQmsf] /ut, jLo{ jf z/L/sf] s'g} c+u dfWoodaf6 cg';Gwfg ;kmn eO{/x]sf] 5 . 

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%) e|i6«frf/ t:s/ h=h=s 7uL ckx/0f cft+sjfb cfGtl/s=== cGo ) ;jf/L b'3{6\gf Hofg dfg]{ xf=x= v=v cid mAGAZINE 44 cid mAGAZINE 45 ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf s's'/sf] k|of]u

k|=gf=p= 8f= k|df]b/fh e§

ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf k|of]u x'g] s's'/nfO{ eg] o:tf] 6«ofsnfO{ Visible Track Tracker Dog elgG5 . ;kmn ck/fw elgG5 . cg';Gwfgsf] nflu ckgfO{g] ljleGg k|ljlwx?dWo] tfnLd k|fKt s's'/sf] k|of]u @= Sensory Track / Invisible Track Ps dxTjk"0f{ / ;an kIf xf] . o;n] -cfFvfn] b]Vg g;lsg]_M ck/fwLn] 36gf;Fu ;DalGwt xfd|f cfFvfn] b]Vg ck/fw ul/;s]kl5 efUg] qmddf g;lsg] ;"Id k|df0f / tYox?sf] klxrfg p;n] k|of]u u/]sf] af6f] hf] k|i6 u/L cg';Gwfgsf] bfo/fnfO{ ;fF3'/f] ?kdf cfFvfn] b]Vg ;lsFb}g eg] t'NofpFb5 eg] ck/fw / ck/fwLaLrsf] o:tf] k|sf/sf] 6«ofsnfO{ Sensory ;DaGw kQf nufO{ cg';Gwfg sfo{nfO{ Track / Invisible Track elgG5 . h'g ;kmn t'Nofpg cg';Gwfgstf{nfO{ 6«ofsnfO{ s's'/n] gfssf] ;xfotfn] dxTjk"0f{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpFb5 . t;y{ s'g} ;'3]/ kQf nufpFb5 . of] 6«ofs % klg 36gfx?sf] cg';Gwfg sfo{sf] nflu k|sf/sf] x'G5 . s's'/sf] cfjZostf dx;'; x'G5 eg] s_ Sjf/L 6«ofs -Query Track_M s's'/åf/f ul/g] cg';GwfgnfO{ klxnf] cleo'Qmn] k|of]u u/]sf] af6f]nfO{ k|fyldstf lbg' kb{5 . s's'/n] ;xL ?kdf k5\ofpFb} cleo'Qm;Dd k'Ug] 6«ofsnfO{ g} 6«ofs @ k|sf/sf x'G5g\ M Sjf/L 6«ofs elgG5 . !=Visible Track -cfFvfsf] dfWodaf6 v_ Aofs 6«ofs -Back Track_M k|ToIf b]Vg ;lsg]_ M ck/fwLn] ck/fw s's'/n] cleo'Qmn] ck/fw ug'{k"j{ ul/;s]kl5 efUg] qmddf p;n] k|of]u k|of]u u/]sf] af6f]nfO{ k5\ofpFb} u/]sf] af6f]df 5f]8]sf kb lrGxx? h'g hfG5 eg] o:tf] 6«ofsnfO{ g} s'/fx? xfdLn] k|i6 ?kdf b]Vg ;lsG5 Aofs 6«ofs elgG5 . cid mAGAZINE 46

u_ afp08 6«ofs -Bound Track_M of] 6«ofs k|foM kqmfp k/]sf 5g\ t/ s;}n] klg Tof] k|fKt k|lzIf0fsf] bf}/fgdf x'g] 6«ofs xf] . xfdLn] uGwo"Qm ;a't k|df0f d]/f] xf] elg :jLsf/ s's'/nfO{ ;w}F Ps} :yfgdf sfd u/fpFbf gu/]sf] ca:yfdf To; ef}lts ;a't k|df0fsf] o;df s's'/n] ;F'3]/ cufl8 a9\g'eGbf b]v]sf] uGw s's'/nfO{ ;'F3fO{ tL z+lst JolQmx?af6 e/df sfd ug]{ ub{5 eg] o:tf] 6«ofsnfO{ To; uGw;+u ldNbf] JolQmnfO{ klxrfg ug]{ afp08 6«ofs elgG5 . sfo{nfO{ Find out elgG5 . 3_ km/jf8{ 6«ofs -Forward Track_M cleo'Qm ck/fw u/L efUg] qmddf p;n] agfPsf] Searching: o; ljlw eg]sf] ck/fw;Fu ;DalGwt af6f]df cleo'Qmsf uGwsf s0fx? xfjfsf] z+lst JolQm kqmfp eO;s]sf,] t/ ck/fwF+u k|efjn] bfofFafFof 5l/Psf] x'G5 . ;f]xL ;DaGw /fVg] ;a't k|df0fx? 36gf:yn j/k/ 5l/Psf uGwsf s0fx?nfO{ s's'/n] bfFofafFof slxF st} n'sfO{ l5kfO{ /fv]sf] 5 eGg] nfu]df jf lhs\Hofs\df ;'F£b} cufl8 hfG5 eg] o:tf] z+sf ePdf o:tf tfnLd k|fKt s's'/x?nfO{ pQm 6«ofsnfO{ km/jf8{ 6«ofs elgG5 . z+lst JolQmsf] xftsf] uGw lbO{ pQm 36gf:yn ª_ 8fO{e/;g/L qm; 6«ofs -Diversionary cross j/k/sf] Pl/ofdf Search u/fO{ To:tf ;a't Track_M ck/fw ul/;s]kl5 efUg] qmddf k|df0fx?sf] kQf nufpg] sfo{nfO{ Searching cleo'Qmn] rf}af6f]x?sf] k|of]u u/]sf] 5 eg] elgG5 . ;f]xL af6f]nfO{ s's'/n] k5\ofpFb} hfG5 eg] o:tf] 6«ofsnfO{ g} 8fOe/;g/L qm; 6«ofs ctM s'g} klg 36gfsf] cg';Gwfg ug]{ qmddf elgG5 . olb s's'/ k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] cj:yfx? ;'/lIft 5 eGg] nfu]df ;j{k|yd s's'/sf] k|of]unfO{ ck/fw cg';Gwfg sfo{sf] nflu s's'/ klxnf] k|fyldstf lbg' kb{5 . g ls cGo k|of]u ul/g] ljlw k|ljlwx? k|of]u u/]kZrft s's'/sf] k|of]u Tracking: s'g} klg k|f0fL laz]ifdf cfkm\gf] 5'§} x'g uPdf 36gf:yndf ljBdfg ck/flw;Fu k|sf/sf] uGw /x]sf] x'G5 . To:t} dflg;df klg ;DalGwt uGw Disturb x'g uO{ s's'/n] ;xL cf–cfkmg} k|sf/sf 5'§} uGwx? /x]sf] x'G5 . h'g uGw k|fKt ug{ g;sL c;kmntf xft kg'{sf uGw Ps csf{df ldNb}g . s's'/åf/f cg';Gwfg ;fy} s's'/ k|of]usf] k|efjsfl/tfdf k|ZglrGx ul/g] cfwf/ eg]sf] ck/fwL;Fu ;DalGwt nfUg] ;Defjgf /xg] x'gfn] cg';Gwfgstf{n] uGw xf] . s's'/n] ck/fwL lrg]/ xf]Og p;nfO{ s's'/sf] dfu ug'{k"j{ s's'/sf] nflu cfjZos lbPsf] ;a't k|df0fsf] uGwsf] cfwf/df JolQmsf] kg]{ lgDg 36gf:ynsf] k|s[lt / cfwf/e"t klxrfg ug]{ xf] . dflg;sf] z/L/af6 xfd|f a'Fbf ;'/lIft 5g\ eGg] nfu]df dfq s's'/sf] cfFvfn] b]Vg g;lsg] cb[Zo uGwo'Qm s0fx? dfu ug'{ kb{5 . xfjfsf] dfWodaf6 km}ln/x]sf] x'G5 / dflg; lxF8bf To:tf uGwsf s0fx? af6f]df 6fFl;P/ ck/fw cg'';Gwfgdf s's'/sf] k|of]u ug{ /x]sf] x'G5 . s's'/nfO{ lbPsf] ;a't k|df0fsf] ;lsg] cj:yfx? uGwsf] cfwf/df ck/fwLn] k|of]u u/]sf] af6f]df • 36gf:yn k"0f{ ;'/lIft ePdf . 6fFl;P/ /x]sf ;"Id uGwx?nfO{ ;'F£b} / k5\ofpFb} • 36gf:yndf afXo tTjsf] k|j]z gePsf] s's'/ ck/fwL ePsf] :yfg;Dd k'uL ToxL cj:yfdf . uGw;Fu ldNbf] JolQmsf] klxrfg ug]{ sfo{nfO{ • z+lst JolQm eP kqmfp u/L ;'/lIft Tracking elgG5 . :yfgdf /flvPsf] cj:yfdf . • 36gf:yndf /x]sf k|To]s j:t'nfO{ Find out: o; lalw cGtu{t 36gf:yndf oyfl:yltdf /xg lbO{ s'g} ef}lts ;j't k|fKt x'g cfPsf] ;a't k|df0f klg ;'/lIft 5 k|df0fnfO{ afXo tTjaf6 Distrub gePsf] / 36gf;+u ;DalGwt ;+lst ck/flwx? klg cj:yfdf . cid mAGAZINE 47

• 36gf:yndf k|fKt kblrGx ;'/lIft ePdf . Tracker Dog k|of]u ug{ g;lsg] • 36gf 36]sf] ;dosf] hfgsf/L Plsg ePdf . cj:yfx? • 36gf:yn v'Nnf jf aGb s]xf] ;f] af/]  36gf 36]sf] nfdf] ;do cyf{t @$ 306f hfgsf/L ePdf . eGbf a9L ;do ePsf] cj:yfdf . • 36gf:yn v'Nnf ePdf 36gfkZrft  ck/fwL;Fu ;DalGwt ;a't k|df0f gePsf] rsf]{ 3fd, kfgL, xfjf / x'/Ln] c;/ gkf/]sf] jf gi6 ePsf] cj:yfdf . cj:yfdf .  36gf 36]kZrft jiff{, xfjf x'/L cflbn] • 36gf;Fu ;DalGwt ef}lts ;j't k|df0fx? ck/fwLn] k|of]u u/]sf] af6f]df k|fKt ug{ ;'/lIft 5g\ eGg] nfu]df . ;lsg] uGwx? gi6 ePsf] cj:yfdf .  ck/fwLn] ;jf/L ;fwgsf] k|of]u / o;/L dfly pNn]lvt a'Fbfx? ;'/lIft 5 vf]nfgfnf t/]sf] cj:yfdf . eGg] nfu]df dfq cg';Gwfg clws[tn] klxnf] k|fyldstf s's'/nfO{ lbP/ s's'/ Tracker Dog sf] k|of]u ubf{ unt dfu ug'{ kb{5 / 36gf:yndf s's'/ k'uL kl/0ffd k|fKt x'g] cj:yfx? ;s]kl5 s's'/;lxt 36gf:yndf k'u]sf] 8u  ck/fwL;Fu ;DalGwt g/x]sf] unt ;a't Xof08n/ ;lxtsf] l6dn] cfkmgf] s's'/nfO{ k|df0fsf] s's'/nfO{ uGw lbO{ s's'/ k|of]u lbOPsf] tflnd / k|fljlws 1fgsf] cfwf/df u/]df . 36gf:yndf k|fKt ;a't k|df0fdf ck/fwL;Fu  ck/fwL;Fu ;DalGwt ;a't k|df0f lgbf]{if ;DalGwt uGw df}h''bf 5 eGg] nfu]df dfq JolQmn] 5f]P rnfPsf] cj:yfdf . s's'/sf] k|of]u u/L cg';Gwfg sfo{nfO{ ;kmn  k|fljlws ?kn] cfjZos kg]{ ;xL ;a't t'Nofpg ;lsG5 . k|df0f lagf g} hgbafj / pkNnf] txsf] cfb]zsf] e/df s's'/ k|of]u u/]df . o;afx]s 36gf:ynsf] k|s[lt ef}lts ;a'b  hgr]tgfsf] cefjdf kLl8t kIfn] unt cflbsf] ljrf/ gu/L ha/h:tL s's'/sf] k|of]u hfgsf/L lbPdf . u/]df jf u/fPdf Psflt/ lgbf]{if JolQm kg]{ ;Defjgf /xG5 eg] csf]{lt/ k|x/Lsf] q'6Lk"0f{ cGtdf Tracking sfo{ eg]sf] Ps sl7g sfo{ cg';GwfgfTds sfo{nfO{ b]v]/ ck/fwLnfO{ xf] . t;y{ o;sf] ;kmntf k|ltzt eg]sf] u|fld0f xf};nf ldNb5 / ;xL kl/0ffd k|fKt geO{ O{nfsfdf &% k|ltzt / zx/L O{nfsfdf @% bf]wf/sf] l:ylt pAhg] ;Defjgf /xG5 . k|ltzt dfq xf] .  cid mAGAZINE 48

tflnd k|fKt s's'/af6 ePsf] ;kmn cg';Gwfg

k|=gf=p= lagf]b/fh v/]n c=c=ljefu ndh'ª lhNnfsf] ef]6]cf]8f/df @)&! ;fn eO;s]sf] lyof] . k|x/Lsf] s's'/ b]v]kl5 pkl:yt c;f]h !$ ut] $ hgfsf] ljeT; xTof ePsf] ;a}sf cfFvf Tot}lt/ df]l8P . s's'/n] s;/L kQf va/n] ef]6]cf]8f/ zf]sdf 8'a]sf] lyof] . xTofsf] nufpFbf] xf] jf kQf nfpg g;Sg] xf], o:t} o:t} ;dfrf/ ;'s]sf] v/df cfuf] nfu]em+} htftt} k|Zgx? lyP ;a}sf cfFvfdf . æHjfnfÆ gfd u/]sf] km}lng ;do nfu]g . ^) jifL{o j[4b]lv !@ jlif{o s's'/sf Xof08n/ k|=x= cof{nn] 36gf:ynsf] gfafnssf] Ps} lrxfg agfOPsf] xTof dfgjLo cjnf]sg ubf{ xTofdf k|of]u ePsf] 3/]n' wfl/nf] ;+a]bgfxLgtfsf] k/fsfi7f g} lyof] . ck/fwLn] xltof/ v'kf{ / bfp/fsf] lr/k6 36gf:yndf dfgjtf lal;{P/ bfgjLo :j?k wf/0f u/]sf] b]v]kl5 pmgsf] xf};nf a9\of] / tTsfn æHjfnfÆ lyof] pQm xTofdf . a]n'sL 3/sf ;a} kl/jf/ nfO{ pQm b'j} ;j'tsf] uGw ;'F£g nufP . ;j't cfk;df Psfsf/ eO{ vfgf vfP/ ;'t]sf xh'/a'af ;'F£g]ljlQs} æHjfnfÆ 36gf:ynaf6 s'b\g yfNof] . / gfltsf] Tof] /ft g} clGtd /ft xf]nf eGg] s;}n] 36gf:ynaf6 k"j{tkm{ /x]sf] d"n ;8s x'Fb} @) sNkgf;Dd u/]sf lyPgg\, t/ eOlbof] To:t} . ld6/cufl8 /x]sf] 8'F8] vf]nfdf k'u]/ æHjfnfÆ ^) jifL{o ch{'g /]UdL, pgs} 5f]/L #% jifL{of l/gf /f]lsof] . :yfgLoaf;L pT;'stfsf ;fy s's'/sf] l3ld/], !$ jifL{o Hof]tL /]UdL / l/gfsf] 5f]/f lqmofsnfk lgofnL /x]sf lyP . s's'/ jif{ !@ sf] ljsfz l3ld/]sf] laeT; xTof ePsf] ToxfFaf6 klg @)–@% ld6/ cufl8 /x]sf] lyof] Tof] /flt !! ah] . ufpmFel/sf dflg; Ps /fddl0f /]UdLsf] 3/ cfFugdf k'uL k'gM cfk;df k|Zg ub}{ lyP lsg / s;n] 36fof] xf]nf /f]lsof] . otf plt x]/]/ s's'/n] wf]P/ ;'sfO o:tf] 36gf < s'g lgb{oL xf]nf < cflb cflb . /fv]sf] n'ufnfO{ ;+s]t u¥of] . To;kl5 ToxfFaf6 klg c+bfhL %) ld6/ cufl8;Dd uP/ 36gfsf] hfgsf/L x'gf;fy Onfsf k|x/L sfof{no s's'/ kms]{/ cfO{ ;f]xL 3/df /x]sf /fddl0f ef]6]cf]8f/af6 /flt g} If]qLo k|x/L sfof{nodf /]UdLnfO{ kqmfp u¥of] . s's'/n] ;+s]t u/]sf] hfgsf/L k|fKt eof] / cg';Gwfgdf k|x/Lsf] sk8f cleo'Qmn] 36gf 36fpFbfsf] a]nf tflnd k|fKt s's'/ Nofpg;d]t cg'/f]w ul/Psf] k|of]u u/L wf]P/ ;'sfPsf lyP eg] 8'8}vf]nf, lyof] . If]qLo k|x/L sfof{no, kf]v/fsf k|d'v hxfF s's'/ /f]lsPsf] lyof] ToxfF cleo'Qmn] k|x/L gfoa dxflg/LIfs adaxfb'/ e08f/L klg xTofdf k|of]u ePsf] sk8f wf]O{ kvfnL pQm va/n] lrlGtt eO{ cg';Gwfgdf s'g} s;/ u/]sf lyP . s's'/n] /fddl0f /]UdLnfO{ kqmfpm afFsL g/fVg tTsfn s's'/ zfvf kf]v/fnfO{ u/]kZrft lgh cleo'QmnfO{ lnO{ Onfsf k|x/L 36gf:yn hfg cfb]z lbg'eof] . pQm zfvfdf sfof{nodf cfP/ lgh;Fu a;]/ cl3Nnf] lbg sfo{/t k|x/L gfoa lg/LIfs ljqmd axfb'/ /S;L lkPsf ;fyL / /S;L k;n] ;d]tnfO{ yfkfsf] g]t[Tjdf k|=x= v]d/fh cof{n / k|=x= ;Fu} /fvL k'gM æHjfnfÆ s's'/nfO{ ;'3fpFbf kbdaxfb'/ u'?ª tflnd k|fKt æHjfnfÆ gfd km]l/ klg æHjfnfÆn] lgh /]UdLnfO{ g} -find u/]sf] s's'/ ;fy lnO{ 36gfsf] ef]lnkN6 laxfg} out_ kqm]sf]n] lgh g} 36gfsf cleo'Qm x'g\ ndh'ªsf] ef]6]cf]8f/tkm{ k|:yfg u¥of] . elg Plsg ePsf] lyof] . cleo'Qmn] klg xTof cf/f]k :jLsf/] eg] :yfgLoaf;Ln] s's'/;lxtsf] cg';Gwfg 6f]nL laxfg &M#) ah] cg';Gwfgdf ;+nUg k|x/L tyf ljz]if ?kdf 36gf:yn k'Uof] . 36gf:yndf 7'nf] eL8 hDdf æHjfnfÆ gfd sf] s's'/nfO{ wGojfb lbP . 

-k|=gf=p= 8f= k|df]b/fh e§;+usf] s'/fsfgLdf cfwfl/t_ cid mAGAZINE 49 cid mAGAZINE 50 cid mAGAZINE 51

Digital Evidence and Forensics Process

A.M. Chandra Bahadur Dhami, Deputy Superintendent of Police Crime Investigation Department, Cyber Crime Coordination Cell (C4)

Dr. Edmond Locard, a pioneer in discover, investigate, preserve and forensic science formulated a prin- present to the court of law is known ciple commonly known as Locard’s as DIGITAL FORENSICS exchange principle (simply known as Locard's principle). This prin- Digital Evidence: Digital evidence is ciple holds that the perpetrator of the digital information that is stored a crime will bring something into or transmitted in a binary form and the crime scene and leave with may be used as an evidence in a something from it, and that both case. This includes not only com- can be used as forensic evidence. puters in the traditional sense but This principle is not only true with also all facets of crime where evi- the physical world crime scene but dence may be found in a digital or also true with the digital world crime binary form. scene. Sources of Digital Evidence: Tem- Digital Crime and almost all mod- porary/Existing/Deleted Files, Inter- ern crime often leave a digital trail net Browser and History Files, Log or digital foot print. Discovering and files, Metadata, Special system files preserving that evidence requires (registry etc.), Email archives, print- cautious methods as well as pro- er spools, Administrative settings, cedural and technical expertise, the Chat archives, Misnamed Files, En- evidence thus to be dealt is known crypted Files / Password Protected as DIGITAL EVIDENCE and the files, Steganography /hidden files, method as well as skills required to and so on. cid mAGAZINE 52

Digital or Cyber Forensics Process

Presenting in legally Identification Collection Preservation Examination Analysis      admissible manner

Digital or Cyber Forensics Types or Classification

Live Network Forensics Forensics

Digital Forensics Database Computer Forensics Forensics

Mobile Forensics cid mAGAZINE 53

Importance of Digital Evidence: As to- Digital or Cyber Forensics Types or Clas- day’s world is dependent on computers, sification: computer-related technologies and digital Technology is growing exponentially and dif- technologies rise every day, the role and, ferent types of equipment are used in those hence the importance of digital evidence is technology. The type of digital forensics is respectively growing also growing accordingly: Disk forensics, Network forensics, Wireless forensics, Da- Digital or Cyber Forensics: Digital foren- tabase Forensics, Mobile device forensics, sics is simply the application of digital inves- GPS forensics, Memory Forensics, E-mail tigation and analysis techniques in the inter- Forensics and so on. ests of determining potential legal evidence (Judd Robbins). Standing on the strength of Electron- ic Transaction Aact-2006 (commonly Forensic Computing is the process of iden- known as Cyber Law of Country), Nepal tifying, preserving, analyzing and presenting Police has established Cyber Crime In- digital evidence in a manner that is legally vestigation Units and Cyber Crime Co- acceptable” (Rodney McKemmish ). ordination Cell (C4) to combat digital or cybercrime. In order to tackle effectively Digital or Cyber Forensics Process: The the evolving digital crime by proper re- steps involved in the process of digital or covery and investigation of digital foot- cyber forensics are not different from those prints buried deep in digital devices, a of physical forensics as the techniques and digital forensic lab with in-house digital procedures used in the steps of cyber foren- forensic experts has been established at sics are shown in the following flow chart. Crime Investigation Department.  cid mAGAZINE 54 cid mAGAZINE 55 lrlsT;sLo lawLåf/f pd]/ kQf nufpg] cfwf/x?

8f= x/Lx/ j:TfL sfg'gL lrlsT;s, g]kfn

pd]/ ;d'x cg';f/ gful/ssf laleGg eGbf klg pd]/ cGbfh ug]{ -Age Estima- kmf}hbf/L tyf b]jfgL bfoLTjx? /fHosf tion_ egL eGg] ul/G5 . vf; u/L a9|\bf] sfg"gx?n] lgwf{/0f u/]sf x'G5g\ . ;a} pd]/ ;d'xdf -Growing Age_h:tf] cj:yfdf ;a} JolQmx?sf cfˆgf] pd]/ ue{sf] lzz', jfNosfn / jo:stf n]lvPsf j}wflgs sfuhft jf /]s8{x? tkm{ pGd'v pd]/ ;d'xdf eg] 5f]6f] gx'g klg ;Sg] ePsf]n] cg';Gwfgstf{ ;dofGt/ /fvL pd]/ ;DaGwL /fo jf cleof]hgstf{ jf cbfntaf6 ;d]t lbg ;lsG5 . @@–@% aif{ eGbf a9L ljjflbt JolQmsf] lrlsT;sLo hfFr u/fO{ pd]/ ePsf Joltmdf eg] bzf}+ aif{sf] pd]/ ;DalGw k|ltj]bg ;a'b k|df0fsf] ;dofGt/ dfq eGg ;lsG5 . ?kdf tof/ u/L lbg c:ktfn tyf :jf:YosdL{x?nfO{ cg'/f]3 ug]{ xfd|f] b]zdf k|rlnt laleGg P]g sfg"g ul/G5 . ;f]xL cg'?k lrlsT;sx?n] klg cg';f/ kmf}hbf/L bfoLTj lgwf{/0f cfjZos zfl/l/s tyf cGo ug{ / w]/} h;f] b]jfgL bfoLTj cg';GwfTds kl/If0fx? u/L pd]/ ;'? x'g] pd]/ a9\bf] cj:yfd} kg]{ ;DalGw /fo lbg' kg]{ x'G5 . t/ ePsfn] sl/a ! aif{sf] km/sdf /fo lrlsT;sLo hfFr jf cGo kl/If0faf6 lb+bf TotL 7"nf] hl6ntf pTkGg x'g] ;d]t pd]/ ljjfbdf k/]sf] JolQmsf] cj:yf b]lvb}g . t/ klg 7\ofSs} ls6fg pd]]/ olt aif{, olt dlxgf / olt lbg ug{ g;lsg] sf/0fn] ubf{ sltko lg0f{o egL ls6fg ug{sf] nflu kof{Kt cfwf/ x?df cGoyf klg x'g ;Sb5 . h:tf] x? eg] e]l6b}gg\ lgZrLt pd]/ ;d''xdf pbfx/0fsf] nflu !^ b]lv !& egL t Pp6f nfdf] ;do cGt/fn dfq k|ltj]bgdf /fo pNn]v ul/Psf] x'g lbg ;lsG5 eg] sltko pd]/ ;d'xdf ;Sb5 / To:tf] cj:yfnfO{ !^ gf3]5 sl/a ! aif{sf] ;do cGt/fndf To:tf] egL k"0f{ kmf}hbf/L bfoLTjsf] lg0f{o /fo lbg ;lsG5 . uef{j:yfsf] e|'0f tyf ePdf 7"nf] cGofo x'g hfG5 eg] !& lZfZf'df eg] xKtf b]lv ! dlxgf ;Ddsf] aif{df lx8\b} u/]sf] JolQmsf] xsdf dfq km/s kg]{ u/L /fo lbg ;lsG5 . z+sfsf] ;'lawfsf cfwf/df !^ gk'u]s} To;}n] o:tf] k|s[ofnfO{ pd]/ PsLg ug]{ xf] eGg] lg0f{on] sd ;hfo k/]sf] klg cid mAGAZINE 56

x'g ;Sb5 . laz]if1n] !^ k'u]sf] x'g klg ;Sb5 klg slt dlxgf k'u]/ slt z'? eof] eGg ;lsg] !^ df lx8\b} u/]sf] klg x'g ;Sb5 egL kfO{Psf g} eof] . nDafO{ afx]s ue{sf lzz'df b]lvg] c? nIf0fx?sf] cfwf/df eGg' kg]{ cj:yf /x]sf] vf; nIf0fx? klg x'G5g\ . h:tf] dlxgf k'u]sf] sf/0fn] ubf{ Gofod'tL{n] g} o:tf lg0f{ox?df lzz'df skfn @–# ;]= dL= nDafO{sf] x'G5 . ljj]s k'¥ofpg ;Sg' kb{5 . lhpdf e'jf h:tf] Lanugo Hair b]lvG5 . gË a9]/ cf}nfsf] 6'Kkf gf3]sf] x'G5 . s]6f aRrfdf b''a} pd]/ cGbfh ug]{ cfwf/x? s] s] x'g\ < c08 -Testis_x? c08sf]ifdf -Scrotum_em/]sf pd]/ ;DaGwL lrlsT;sLo hfFrdf lrlsT;sn] x'G5g\ h;nfO{ 5fd]/ kQf nufpg ;lsG5 . pQm JolQm s''g pd]/ ;dxdf kb{5 ;f] sf] cfwf/df ue{sf] pd]/df a9L e/ kg{ ;lsg] nIf0fx? nIf0fx?sf] cjnf]sg, vf]hL jf ljZn]if0f ug'{ laleGg x•Lx?df kfO{G5g\ h:sf] lj:t[t JofVof kb{5 . o:tf nIf0fx?nfO{ lgDg ;d''xdf alu{s/0f x•Lsf nIf0f cGt{ut u/LG5 . ug{ ;lsG5 . -v_ ao:stfsf nIf0fx? -s_ zfl/l/s cj:yf ha aRrf a9b} hfG5 p:sf] zl//df pd]/ em§ x]bf{ zl//sf] prfO{, tf}n / r]x/f s:tf] cg';f/ laleGg k|sf/sf /;x? lg:sg ;''? b]lvG5 ;f] sf] cfwf/df dflg;x?n] of] aRrf jf ub{5g\ h;nfO{ Hormon elgG5 . Hormon x?sf] JolQm otL aif{ eof] xf]nf egL cGbfh ug]{ ub{5g\ c;/n] ubf{ aRrf afnkg af6 jo:stkm{ hfg t/ of] ju{sf cfwf/x? jo:s jf jo:stf kf/ nfu]sf] cfdf afa'x?n] klg yfxf kfpg yfN5g\ . u/L ;s]sf] pd]/ ;d'xdf ;xL gx'g ;Sb5 . lgDg lnlvt nIf0fx?nfO{ jo:stfsf nIf0fdf sltko JolQmx?df ckafbsf cj:yfÙ h:tf] w]/} /fVg ;lsG5 . l56f] a9\g] / c:jfeflas ?kn] prfO{ tyf tf}n != s]6L aRrfdf dlxgfjf/L ;'? x'g] a9\g] -Gigantism_ pd]/ cg';f/ ga9\g] -Dwarf- @= aRrfsf] cfjfh wf]b|f] jf v;|f] x'g yfNg' ism_ klg x'g ;Sg] ePsf]n] zfl/l/s ?kdf x]/]/ #= 6fpsf] afx]s zl//sf cGo efudf /f}+x? dfq ul/g] pd]/sf] ;xL cGbfh gx'g] ;Defjgf knfpg yfNg', o:tf /f}+x? s]6f aRrfx?df a9L /xG5 . ue{df /x]sf] lzz'df eg] ue{sf] cg'xf/df bfx|L h'Ëfsf] ?kdf / s]6f s]6L pd]/ cg';f/ tf}n ;a}df Psgf; geP klg b'a}df sfvL / u'KtfËsf] efu -Pubic Area_ zl//sf] nDafO{df eg] vf;} km/s kb}{g . To;}n] df / s]6fdf 5ftLdf ;d]t knfpg ;'? Rule of Haases sf] cfwf/df gjhft lzz'sf] ub{5g\ . 6fpsf] b]lv s's{Rrf ;Ddsf] nDafO{sf cfwf/df olt $= 3fF6Lsf] Larynx s;}n] ?b|306L -Adam’s Apple_ dlxgfsf] ue{sf] lzz' xf] egL eGg ;lsG5 . o:sf] ;d]t eGg] ub{5g\ aflx/ lg:s]sf] b]lvg' . nflu lzz'sf] nDafO{ ;]=dL= df lnOG5 / @% ;]= %= s]6Lx?df 5ftLdf :tg a9\g' / :tgsf] 6'Kkf] dL= eGbf sd ePdf To:sf] ju{kmn -Square tyf To:sf] j/Lk/L uf9f /Ë b]lvg yfNg' . Root_ lnbf htL ;+Vof cfp5 TotL g} dlxggfsf] ^= hg]Gb|Lo -Reproductive Organs_ sf cËx?sf] ue{sf] pd]/ eGg ;lsG5 . h:tf] @% ;]=dL= eP cfsf/ 7"nf] x'g] / cGo s]xL kl/jt{gÙ h:tf] To:sf] ju{kmn % x'G5 , !^ ;]=dL= eP $ / ( ;]= s]6f dflg;sf] c08sf]if emf]nLg] cfbL . dL= eP # x'G5 . pNnLlvt # ,$ ,% eg]sf] ;f]xL dflxgfsf] ue{sf] xf] egL lx;fa lgsfNg ;lsG5 . dfyL pNn]lvt nIf0fx? klg olt g} aif{ obL @% ;]= dL= eGbf a9L 5 eg] To;nfO{ % k'Uof] jf k'u]g egL eGgsf nflu TotL e/kbf{ n] efu ug]{ / cfPsf] efukmn htL x'G5 TotL dflgb}gg\ o:sf] sf/0f oL nIf0fx? klg lgZlrt g} dxLgf egL eGbf uNtL x'b}g . dlxgf k''u]sf] ;dofGt/ -Time Interval_ df JolQm lkR5] km/s lzz'sf] nDafO{ cf};tdf %) ;]= dL= x'g] ub{5 . kg{ ;Sb5g\ . h:tf] s]6Lsf] /h:jnf klxnf] k6s obL %) ;]=dL= g} ePdf !) dlxgf, $% ePdf s;}sf] ( aif{d} ePsf] kfO{G5 eg] csL{ aRrLsf] ( dLxgf, $) ePdf * dlxgf egL ue{sf] pd]/ !@–!# aif{df dfq ;'? ePsf] e]l6G5 . Ps} afa' lx;fa u/LG5 . 7\ofSs} efu vfg] c+Ë gcfPdf cfdfsf b'O{ 5f]/fx?df Pp6fsf] !@ aif{d} bfx|L cid mAGAZINE 57

h'Ëfsf] /]vL a;]sf] b]lvG5 eg] csf]{sf] !$–!% aif{df pd|g ;'? ub{5 . ;'?df pd|g] bftFnfO{ Temorary dfq knfpg ;'? u/]sf] b]Vg ;lsG5 . To:t} s'g} jf Decidious bfFt eGg] ul/G5 . g]kfnLdf To:tf aRrLsf] !)–!! aif{df :tg 5ftLdf 7"nf] cfsf/sf] bftFnfO{ b'w] bfFt -Milk Teeth_ klg eGg] ul/G5 . b]lvbf csL{ aRrLdf !&–!* aif{ ;Dd klg TotL o:tf bfFtx?sf] ;+Vof @) x'G5 . aRrf sl/a @ 7"nf] cfsf/sf] gePsf] x'g ;Sb5 . cem s'g} aif{ b]lv ;f9] b'O{ aif{sf] x'bfF ;a}} @) j6f bfFtx? lgZlrt hftLx?df vf; u/L z'4 dËf]lnogx?df pd|L ;Sb5g\ . aRrf ^ aif{sf] x'Fbf ;Dd log} 6fpsf] afx]s zl//sf cGo efudf /f}+ slxNo} klg @) j6f bfFt dfq /x]sf x'G5g\ . ^ aif{sf] pd]/ gknfpg] ;d]t x'g ;Sb5 . t/ klg pd]/ ;DalGw kl5 cuf8Lsf] bfFtaf6 bfFt ;f6Lg] k|s[of ;'? hfFr ug]{ lrlsT;sn] o:tf nIf0fx? klg hfFr x'G5 . pTfm k|s[of !@ aif{sf] pd]/ ;Dd /xG5 . k|ltj]bgsf] Format df /fVg] u/]sf] kfO{G5 . To;}n] ^ aif{ b]lv !@ aif{ ;Dd b'w] bfFt / :yfO{ bfFt -Permanent Teeth_ x?sf] ld>[t :j?k -u_ bf”tdf kfO{g] nIf0fx? x'G5 o;nfO{ Mixed Dentition eGg] ul/G5 . of] Dffly pNn]lvt -s_ / -v_ ju{sf nIf0f eGbf bfFtsf] cj:yfdf hDdf bfFtsf] ;+Vof klg a9\b} hfG5 . ;"rgf Information vf; u/L afnafnLsfx?df pd]/ ;DalGw a9L e/kbf{ ;"rgf x'g\ . o:sf] nflu sltko JolTfmx?df a'l4 aËf/fsf] nflu bfFtsf] lrlsT;sn] s'g pd]/df s'g bfFt ;fF6Lg] xf] / slt Seed jf lap g} gePsf] klg x'g ;Sb5 / aif{df bfFtsf] hDdf ;+Vof slxn]sfxL klxn] pd|]sf] 5]psf] bfFt 7"nf] jf afËf] cfPsf] sf/0f 7fFp geP/ a'l4 aËf/f csf]{ Pp6f a'‰g} kg]{ s'/f s] xf] eg] bfFt pd|]sf] gb]lvg ;Sb5 . X–Ray u/]/ x]l/Pdf knfpg] / km'SnLg] k|s[of klg JolQm lkR5] s]xL To:tf] cj:yf kQf nfUg ;Sb5 . ld>[t bfFtsf] g s]xL km/s cj:o kb{5 . To;}n] ! – !!÷@ cj:yfdf b'w] jf :yfO{ s] xf] 5'§Øfpgsf] nflu aif{sf] cGt/fn leq lglZrt k|sf/sf] bfFt / bfFtsf] /Ë / To:sf] cfsf/ d'Vo cfwf/ x'g\ . lglZrt ;+Vof x'g] ePsf]n] o;sf] dfWodjf6 klg ;dfgfGt/ x'g] g} eof] . -3_ x8\8Ldf x'g] nIf0fx? aRrfx? sf] lasf;s]f s|ddf ;a} x•Lx? aRrfx?df pd]/ cg';f/ slt bfFt x'G5g\< s'/s'/] x•Laf6 s8f x•L x'Fb} hfG5g\ / ltgLx?sf] s]lx ckjfbsf cj:Yffdf afx]s aRrf hGd]kl5 cfsf/ klg 7"nf] x'Fb} hfG5 . lglZrt pd]/df k'u] ;a}h;f] aRrfdf ^ – & dlxgfsf] pd]/df bfFt kl5 x8\8Lsf] k"0f{ lasf; x'G5 / afFsL lhjge/L

pd]/ hDdf bfFt ^ dlxgf pd]/sf] aRrf s'g} bfFt 5}g @$ dlxgf b]lv #) dlxgf ;Dd @) bfFt – ;a} b'w] bfFt #) dlxgf b]lv &@ dlxgf ;Dd @) bfFt ;a} b'w] bfFt ^ aif{ b]lv !@ aif{ ;Dd @$ bfFt b'w] / :yfO{ bfFt !@ aif{ b]lv !$ aif{ ;Dd @%–@* bfFt ;a} :yfO{ bfFt !$ aif{ b]lv !& aif{ ;Dd @* bfFt ;a} :yfO{ bfFt !& aif{ b]lv @% aif{ ;Dd @* b]lv #@ -a'l4 aËf/f cfpg] ;do_ k'/} #@ gx'g klg ;Sb5g\ @% aif{ eGbf dfyLsf] pd]/ @* b]lv #@ bfFt cid mAGAZINE 58

Ps} gf;sf /xG5g\ . s'/s'/] x•L -Cartilage_ a9\bf] pd]/df w]/} k6ssf] X–Ray n] k|hgg\;Fu af6 x•L -Bone_ aGg] k|s[of uef{j:yfs} pd]/ ;DalGwt cFu tyf tGt' nfO{ gsf/fTds k|efj b]lv ;'? x'g yfN5 . uef{j:yfdf ;'? x'g] To:tf kfg{ ;Sg] ePsf]n] ;s] ;Dd sd X–Ray u/fpg' nIf0fx?nfO{ Ossification Center elGg5 . s'/s'/] kg]{ cfjZostf xf] . xf8sf] sg} Pp6f lglZrt :yfgdf ;fgf] laGb'sf] ?kdf x•Lsf tGt'x? aGg yfNb5g\ / tL rf/}lt/ s'g s'g x8\8Ldf slxn] Ossification a9\g yfN5g\ . t/ of] k|s[of ;w} e/L lg/Gt/ Center b]lvG5g\ < rln/xb}g . lglZrt pd]/df k'u] kl5 lglZrt != 5ftLsf] x•L Sternum x•Ldf a[l4 x'g] k|s[of /f]lsG5 . cGj]if0fx?af6  dflyNnf], efu % cf}+ dlxgfsf] ue{df s'g pd]/df s'g x•Ldf Ossification Center b]vf  aLrsf @ j6f 7fFpdf % cf}+ / ;ftf}+ dlxgfsf] kb{5 / slxn] x•L aGg] k|s[of /f]lsG5 eGg] kQf ue{df nufO{ ;lsPsf] 5 . X–Ray jf Ultrasound u/L  tNnf] b'O{ j6f 7fFpdf & cf}+ / bzf}+ dlxgfsf] lt nIf0fx? cjnf]sg ug{ ;lsg] ePsf] xF'bf of] ue{df au{sf nIf0fx?nfO{ a9L e/kbf]{ nIf0f sf ?kdf lng] ul/G5 . x•Lsf] a[l4 /f]lsg] k|s[ofdf b]lvg] @= k}tfnfsf] x•Lx? nIf0fx?nfO{ Epiphyseal Union egL gfdfs/0f  Calcaneum—% dlxgf k'u]sf] ue{sf] lzz' ul/Psf] 5 . t/ of] k|s[of klg Pp6f 36gf  Talus—& dlxgf k'u]sf] ue{sf] lzz' geP/ s]lx ;dofGt/sf] ePsf]n] olt aif{ olt  Cuboid—dlxgf k'u]sf] lzz'df b]lvg ;Sg] dlxgf egL ;a} JolQmx?df 5'6\Øfpg ;lsg] km/ssf] ?kdf gx'g] ePsf]n] Pp6f lglZrt #= 3'F8fsf] efusf] lt3|fsf] x•L tNnf] efu  (–!) dlxgfsf] ue{sf] lzz' ;dofjwL -Time Interval_ df ;a} JolQmx?df kfO{G5 eGg] tYosf cfwf/df sl/a ! aif{sf]  3'F8fsf] efusf] glnv'§fsf] dflyNnf] efu (– km/sdf dfq pd]/ ;DalGw /fo lbg ;lsg] !) dlxgfsf] ue{sf] lzz' x'G5 . of] Pp6f k|s[of ePsf]n] hf]8Lg ;'? s'g s'g x8\8Ldf slxn] Epiphyseal Union c´} gePsf] cj:yf, ev{/} ;'? ePsf] cj:yf, hf]8Lg] sfd cfwfpwL ePsf] cj:yf, hf]8Lg] ;'? / cGt x'G5 < != s'lxgfsf] X–Ray ubf{ b]lvg] kfv'/fsf] x•L sfd cGtdf k'u]sf] cj:yf / k"0f{ ?kdf hf]8LO{ sf] tNnf] efudf ePsf # j6f 7fFp ;s]sf] cj:yf sf km/s b]lvg] nIf0fx?sf] Humerus Medial Epicondyle, Lateral Epicondyle / x•Lsf] ;'Id ljZn]if0f u/L bfFt sf nIf0fx?nfO{ ;d]t tNnf] efu–!# aif{sf] pd]/df ;'? eO{–!% aif{df Coroboration ub}{ JolQmsf] pd]/ ;DalGw /fo k'/f x'g] . tNnf] kfv'/fsf] x•Lx? Radius / Ulna sf lbg] ul/G5 . x•Ldf b]lvg] pd]/ cg';f/sf dflyNnf efu !# aif{df ;'? eO{ !% aif{df k'/f x'g] . nIf0fx? vf; u/L Epiphyseal Union sf] nIf0f s]6L dflg;x?df s]6f df eGbf ^ dlxgf b]lv ! @= gf8L tyf xftsf] X–Ray ubf{ b]lvg] laleÌ aif{ ;Dd l56f] x'g] ub{5g\ . To;}n] lrlsT;sn] x•Lx? dWo] kfv'/fsf] x•Lsf] tNnf] efu Lower ;Gbe{ ;fdfu|L pkof]u ubf{ / nIf0fx?sf] end of Radius / Ulna !^ aif{df ;'? eO{ !* ljZn]if0f ubf{ of] tYonfO{ larf/ ug'{ kb{5 / aif{df k'/f x'g] cGo ;DalGwt Stakeholder n] klg of] tYo  Gff8Lsf] hf]gL{df ePsf] Pisiforme eÌ] x•L a'‰g' kb{5 . hfFr ul/g] JolQmnfO{ X–Ray ug'{ !!–!@ aif{df X–Ray df x•Lsf] ?kdf b]lvg] . kg]{ ePsf]n] ;s];Dd To:tf] x•Lx?sf] X–Ray  kGhfsf a'9L cf}+nf afx]s cGo $ j6f u/fpg' kb{5 h;af6 a9L ;"rgf -Information_ Metacarpal sf cf}+nf kl§sf] 6'Kkf Head of kfpg ;lsof]; / ;s];Dd Ps b]lv b'O{ k6s Four Metacarpal !% aif{df ;'? eO{ !&–!* ;Ddsf] Exposure df l;ldt x'g' kb{5 . ;Dddf k'/f x'g] . cid mAGAZINE 59

 cf}+nfsf ;fgf ;fgf x•Lx? Phalanges sf #= uef{j:yfsf] lzz'sf] pd]/ dlxgfdf lbg kGhf k§Lsf efu !% aif{df ;'? eO{ !&–!* ;lsG5 . df k'/f x'g] . $= aRrfx? / ao:s x'Fb} u/]sf] cj:yfdf bfFtsf] #= 5ftLsf] dfly k§L ;fO{8df x'g] x•Lx? l:ytL / x•Ldf kfOPsf nIf0fx? d'Vo Clavicle sf leqL efu @@ – @$ aif{ ;Dddf e/kbf{ cfwf/ x'g . o; ;d'xsf Joltmsf] hf]8LG5 . pd]/ ! aif{ ;Ddsf] ;dofGt/df lbg ;lsG5 . t/ s] cfwf/df ;f] /fo lbO{of] eGg] s'/f $= 5ftLsf] x•L Sternum sf laleÌ efux? k|ltj]bgd} :ki6 v'nfpg' kb{5 . Hf]f8Lg] s|d  dflyNnf] efu Manibrium Sterni d'Vo efu %= X-Ray df kfOPsf nIf0fx? pNn]v ubf{ pQm ;Fu hf]l8g pd]/ ^) — &) aif{ X-Ray sf] kl/rfoTds lrGx jf ;+s]t s]  d'Vo efusf laleÌ # efux? Ps cfk;df xf] ;f] ;d]t k|ltj]bgdf lbg' kb{5 h:n]ubf{ hf]8Lg ;'? x'g] !% aif{ b]vL @% aif{ kl5sf lbgdf cbfntdf ;d]t To:sf]  5ftLsf] x•Lsf] tNnf] efu Xiphysternum vertication sf] x'g ;Sb5 / k|ltj]bg j9L d'Vo efu ;Fu hf]8Lg] pd]/ $) aif{ k'u] kl5 ljZj:t x'G5 .

%= Pelvissf] laleGg x•Lx?df b]lvg] nIf0f ^= @)–@! Afif{ eGbf dflysf Joltmsf] pd]/ sf]  lt3|fsf] x•Lsf] u]8L a:g] hf]gL{ Acetabulum ;dofGt/ bzf} aif{sf] x'g;Sb5 lsg ls sf # j6} x•Lsf efux? hf]8Lg] pd]/ !% aif{ pd]/sf nflu e/kbf{ lglZrt nIf0fx? a9\bf] k'u]kl5 pd]/ gf3] kl5 k|fo Ps} lsl;dsf nIf0fx?  lxksf] x•L Ischial Tuborosity !^ aif{df b]vf nfdf] ;do ;Dd /xL /xG5 . k/L @) – @! aif{df k'/f hf]8LG5  k]6sf] ;fO8df ePsf x•L Illiac Crest !$ References aif{df b]vf kb{5 eg] @) – @! aif{df k'/f 1. Handbook of Forensic Medicine and Tacicol- hf]8LG5 ogy India PARAS V.V. Pillay 13´th Edition , pk;+xf/M 2003 != pd]/ ;DaGwL lrlsT;sLo hfFr k|ltj]bgdf 2. Principles of Forensic Medicine – Aperua ;DaGwLt Joltmsf] pd]/ olt aif{ , olt Nandi 1996 dlxgf / olt lbg eGg c;Dej 5 . 3. Schaefer M, Black SM & Scheuer L (2009). Juvenile osteology: a laboratory and field @= Pp6f lglZrt ;dofGt/ Time Range manual. Academic. or Interval df of] Joltmsf]pd]/ olt b]lv 4. The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and olt ;Dd xf] egL lbPsf] /fo j}1flgs xf] . Toxicology KSN Reddy and O.P. Murty India pbfx/0fsf] nflu !% b]lv !^ aif{ elgPsf] 5 33´rd Edition, 2014 eg] lgh !$ aif{ k'/f u/L ;s]sf] t/ !^ eg] 5. Anil Agrawal The Essential of Forensic Medi- k'/f u/L g;s]sf] egL a'‰g' kb{5 . cine and Toxicology India , 2014  cid mAGAZINE 60 cid mAGAZINE 61


Inspector Shikhar Raj Kunwar AFIS, Fingerprint, CPFSL

There is one biometric that has dot, bifurcation, ridge ending, en- been systematically used to closure, crossing over, etc. and col- make identifications for over 100 lectively called as ridge characteris- years. This is a biometric that has tics (Galton’s Details/Minutiae) and been measured, copied, exam- the design formed by these ridges ined extensively, that does not in the finger tips are differentiated change(Permanent) and is relatively into four types, Arch, Loop, Whorl easy to capture. This biometric, of and Composite. These four types course, is the fingerprint. A finger- of pattern are used to classify, re- print is a reproduction of the ridge cord and search the fingerprint. formation (raised portion) of a finger Together with the help of ridge on a surface either by natural secre- characteristics and pattern types, a tions from the sweat glands present fingerprint expert compares two or in friction ridge skin or they may be more fingerprints for individualiza- made by ink or other contaminants tion and identification of a person. transferred from the peaks of fric- tion skin ridges to any surface. It is The history of fingerprint can be a well-established truth that in na- dated back to 2000 B.C. Thumb- ture there are no two exactly iden- prints begin to be used on clay tical things. Forensic science has seals in China to “sign” documents proven that the likelihood of two hu- in 3rd Century B.C. Fingerprints man beings having the same finger- pattern, ridge characteristics, per- prints is infinitesimal, i.e. fingerprint manency and individuality of finger- is Unique, and it has been conclud- print and other related facts about ed that the process of fingerprinting fingerprint were discovered by dif- as a means of establishing personal ferent pioneers at different point identification is infallible. of time and are being used collec- tively today. The use of fingerprint The raised portion of friction skin, in criminal justice system came into the ridges, are of various form, like picture when in 1892 Juan Vucetich cid mAGAZINE 62

The history of Fingerprinting in Nepal is not so old. In 2019 B.S. an office was established in Hanumandhoka, Kathmandu in the name of “Rekha Sangralaya Upasakha”.

made the first criminal identification using fin- ology, uses digital imaging to capture a fin- gerprints when he matched the fingerprint gerprint, which then can be searched and of a female who murdered her two children. compared against a database of known Due to inexpensiveness, speedy result, high and unknown fingerprint records to help acceptance rate in court during trial, persis- determine the identity of an individual. AFIS tent, infallible, unique, accepted worldwide systems search databases for candidates as fact evidence makes the fingerprint as based on the image characteristics(ridges most popular evidence as compared to other end, bifurcation, the directions of ridge flow, person identification technology like DNA in and even dots). The AFIS system trans- forensic field. lates what a human sees as a picture, se- lects key features, searches these features The history of Fingerprinting in Nepal is not against a database, and produces the best so old. In 2019 B.S. an office was estab- match from the database. AFIS systems are lished in Hanumandhoka, Kathmandu in the amazingly fast. It takes only a few minutes name of “Rekha Sangralaya Upasakha”. On to capture the tenfinger images at a book- the later date, it was shifted to Nepal Police ing station. Within another few minutes, the Headquarters, Naxal. Then it was relocated booking officer can send the images and to Central Police Science Laboratory (CPF- arrest information to a central identification SL), Maharajgunj as “Fingerprint Bureau”. bureau. The center can determine the iden- Currently, Fingerprint Unit is functioning as tity and return the identity information and one of the unit of CPFSL, Samakhusi. criminal history file (known as a rap sheet) in a very little time. Identification is not affected Due to some drawbacks (relatively by the name, sex, or year of birth entered in slow,delayed search, miss filing, unable to the database. What affects the search is the search chance print with ten print record, clarity of the finger images and the clarity of human error, dependent on paper, etc.) of the images in the database. mature manual system, a new sophisticated computerize technology was introduced dur- The main function of AFIS is to create ing 1980’s in the fingerprint by the name of Criminal and Latent Database and to per- AFIS. Since, then many R&D is being going form Tenprint/Tenprint (TP/TP) search, on around the world to make the system Tenprint/Unsolved Latent Print (TP/ULP) more accurate, fast and user friendly. To Search, Latent Print/Tenprint (LP/TP) Search cope with the pace of technological develop- and Latent Print/Unsolved Latent Print ment in the field of Fingerprint, a need was (LP/ULP) Search. Other than this AFIS au- felt to have automation in Fingerprint Unit of tomatically coded the minutiae, delta and Nepal Police. As a result an AFIS, Morpho- core of the fingerprint/latent print, determine BIS (Safran Morpho, France), was acquired the ridge flow of the fingerprint, classify the in 2070 B.S. by the Nepal Police. pattern, sequence check of fingers, side- by-side comparison, image enhancement AFIS(Automated Fingerprint Identification tools for reduction of noises present in latent System), a biometric identification method- print, enter and retrieve demographic details cid mAGAZINE 63 cid mAGAZINE 64

of each record, charting and printing of two Other than migrating work, AFIS is also do- matched fingerprint for court report, etc. ing the disputed document cases, disaster victim identification, etc. The techniques and uses of fingerprint tech- nology have progressed dramatically since The latest generation of AFIS matchers and their first uses. What once was the sole do- coders, while state-of-the-art today, will be main of law enforcement; fingerprint tech- replaced by better, more accurate match- nology has influenced other government and ers and coders in the future. The same other sectors of society (access control to can be said for all the components of AFIS any vital facilities or computers, immigration, systems. Therefore, up-gradation and ex- passport, national ID, driving license, voter pansion of existing centrally based AFIS card, employee attendance, etc.). system of Nepal Police is must. Expansion and up-gradation of existing AFIS will lead to To gain clarity on the finger images the inked install the acquisition or enrolment stations and rolled finger images on a tenprint card to defined police unit and other vital access are gradually being replaced by electronic point like border, airport, etc. which will be images captured on live scan machines. integrated and linked with the central AFIS These images captured at 500 pixels per system via intranet or internet. This makes inch (ppi) or higher, are becoming a larger the enrolment work much reliable, qualitative percentage of the AFIS image database. and fast. The acquisition station will have an Electronic cards eliminate paper and ink optical Live Scanner, a PC with enrolment multiple entries of the same data during the software and a link with the Central System. booking and identification process and re- The acquisition station will enroll the tenprint, duce the error. which will ultimately be transferred electroni- cally and stored in central AFIS Database. If the captured image does not contain the Other than enrolling fingerprint, acquisition minutiae and other characteristics available, station can send the queries to the central the likelihood of making an identification in AFIS site for the background check (two fin- the future begins to diminish, particularly in a ger search facility and TP/TP search). latent print search. Suppose that instead of 95 minutiae captured in the first printing, only During enrolment process an automatic qual- 30 minutiae and image characteristics were ity check is performed to determine whether captured, and the captured image is not the the quality of the obtained image is sufficient complete nail to nail and smudged, but just for fingerprint expert and AFIS processing. the upper half of the finger. This partial print The live scan system automatically extracts image is added to the database and might fingerprint-matching features. This provides be enough to search tenprint but, however, an automatic and real-time quality assess- might not be enough for a latent print search ment of the fingerprint image throughout the as a result even the person record is in the enrolment process preventing unacceptable database but he/she would be missed and and low standard fingerprint images from no identification would be made. being entered into an AFIS System which ultimately affect the identification process The AFIS in Nepal Police is a recent phe- of the system. The operator can preview nomenon and is based centrally in Finger- captured images before accepting them. As print Unit, CPFSL only. The work of convert- soon as an issue is detected, a warning or ing the paper tenprint slips to digital image error message with adequate recommenda- and transferring to AFIS Database with the tion is displayed and the operator is prompt- help of Flatbed Scanner is on top speed. ed to correct the problem for example with cid mAGAZINE 65

the re-capture of the defected finger, fin- be advocates for its improvement and ulti- ger duplication, finger inversions, finger mately make successful identification. Simi- sequence error, etc. Without a complete larly, the equipment is new; the software is fingerprint and clear image, the opportu- state of the art, all the moving parts work nity for latent print identification diminishes as designed and function as expected but because the system could not extract fully after a few hundred cycles, the machines and accurately the image feature charac- may start to work just a little more slowly, teristics of minutiae, direction of ridge flow, may exhibit some degradation in accuracy pattern, etc. and throughput if the equipment is not main- tained and calibrated as recommended by The most common reason for a missed the manufacturer, problems in application identification is that the image and mi- software, or a computer microchip may fail, nutiae on the AFIS were of poor quality. etc. If proper maintenance is not performed, The problem came mostly with the paper it can lead to equipment failures that are ex- based tenprint cards where the quality pensive and time consuming to fix. As well of paper and ink is not up to standard as, importantly timely up-gradation (newer , over/less ink used, fingerprint taken by version, addition of other features like palm untrained manpower, negligence in tak- print, facial recognition,etc.) of the system is ing fingerprint (partial print, smudge/blur must so that we will be using most accurate, print, duplicate print, sequence error speedy and latest technology in fingerprint. prints, missing fingers, etc.) and not fol- Since, AFIS maintenance, support from ven- lowed the proper procedure to take fin- dor, up-gradation, expansion and training is gerprint. costly phenomenon, it must be included into yearly planning and budgeting of the Nepal AFIS systems are incredibly precise, and Police. For its long run operation, sustain- the databases can be searched in sec- ability and to full fill its installation objectives, onds, but their capabilities cannot be fully support and commitment from the Govern- utilized if the AFIS administrators and users ment, Nepal Police, CPFSL and other con- are not completely familiar with the system. cerned parties is very important. There is Therefore, the intense training and educa- no doubt that in future fully operational AFIS tion is must for the administrators and users plays crucial role, in Nepal, in the crime in- to explore the full capabilities of AFIS,and vestigation and person identification field.  cid mAGAZINE 66 cid mAGAZINE 67

DNA: A Gold Standard for Crime Investigation

DSP Rakesh Kumar Singh CPFSL, Samakhusi

Nepal Police has entered a new protein markers, typing is often era of crime investigation with the possible when serological mark- adoption and use of DNA profiling ers fail. technology in crime investigation. 4. DNA Profiling is often feasi- The DNA lab at Central Police Fo- ble from degraded very minute rensic Science laboratory (CPFSL) amount of biological material be- has been performing DNA test on cause of high sensitivity. various exhibits such as blood, se- 5. Species of origin and gender men, saliva, bones, teeth and hairs can be determined. with root for more than a year. It has 6. DNA Profiling leads to better already provided reports to con- administration of justice, cost- cerned crime investigation units re- effective in terms of investigation garding homicide, rape, and miss- time and resources saved and ing person cases. enhance public confidence in the justice system. DNA Profiling has enormous advan- tages over the conventional means Role of DNA lab after Earthquake: of personal identification. The April 25 earthquake neces- 1. Discrimination potential is very sitated the use of DNA evidence high. Individuals as close as sib- in identification process. The DNA lings (except monozygotic twins) team of CPFSL was deployed at can be identified. Department of Forensic Medicine, 2. DNA Profiling can be done from TUTH to work with Dead Body any biological material and is Management Team. The DNA team not restricted to any specific or- worked in coordination with Foren- gan/area of body, unlike dermal sic pathologists and the various for- fingerprints. eign forensic experts and collected 3. DNA molecule being more sta- a total of 112 DNA samples from ble than the blood groups and dead bodies and remains during cid mAGAZINE 68

April 28-June 21, 2015. Out of this figure, Table 1: Earthquake victims identified on the laboratory processed 53 DNA samples the basis of DNA profiling as the rest were identified based on other The success of DNA analysis depends on features. Out of 53 specimens, a total of 26 the condition and preservation of biologi- DNA specimens belonged to the remains cal evidences. Before we have good results recovered from Langtang Area. As remains of DNA analysis of evidences, it is critically recovered from Langtang Area were highly important that the evidences are collected decomposed, bones were taken for DNA by trained professionals. Equally important examination. is the type of collection device we use. It is of paramount importance that samples are During this period, the lab received a total collected in an optimal manner with devices of 16 DNA profiles of the missing persons which can: of the foreign nationals and their families to • YIELD efficient, high quality DNA for am- be compared with DNA profiles obtained plification from the samples of the remains recovered • FACILITATE automation, preservation, from Langtang Area. These profiles were and storage received from Interpol and embassies. A • MAINTAIN chain of custody and sample total of eight foreign nationals have been integrity identified so far (Table-1).

Nationality Ante-mortem data (DNA profiles) Number + Profiles of relatives French 5 4 Canadian 2 2 USA 3 1 Spanish 6 1 Total 16 8 CID MAGAZINE 69

CPFSL DNA team with Spanish team Bone ready to be drilled for powder Bone powder

Bone powder awaiting further treatment DNA analyst monitoring genotyping run

The success of DNA analysis depends on the condition and preservation of biological evidences. Before we have good results of DNA analysis of evidences, it is critically important that the evidences are collected by trained professionals. Equally important is the type of collection device we use. It is of paramount importance that samples are collected in an optimal manner with devices which can: • YIELD effi cient, high quality DNA for amplifi cation • FACILITATE automation, preservation, and storage • MAINTAIN chain of custody and sample integrity CID MAGAZINE 70

A Way Forward:

A dedicated evidence room Training to all 198 SOCOs for all 198 crime scene in- in DNA evidence collection vestigation units and preservation

Subsequent supply of DNA Enforcement of DNA col- collection devices to all lection guideline crime investigation units

DNA profi ling has risen like a new star in the horizon of crime investigation, Let us catch its shine before it is too late and be ready for tomorrow. cid mAGAZINE 71

Need for a National Policy Strategy for Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation in Nepal for the 21St Century

Rabi Raj Thapa1 Additional Inspector General of Police (Retd.) Armed Police Force, Nepal

There are uncountable non-govern- any treatment and rehabilitation mental treatment and rehabilitations center in Nepal. centers mushrooming each year. Many of such organizations have But all of these centers have nei- formed an alliance called Federation ther adequate infrastructure nor of Drug Demand Reduction (FDDR) they meet minimum required skills, in 2012. According to its Website resources or attitude as prescribed information there are more than 30 and stipulated by the Government NGOs affiliated FADF. According to of Nepal. Due to non-existent and FADF, there are more than 160 drug lax monitoring mechanism of the treatment and rehabilitation centers government the service of treat- created within last 3-10 years in Ne- ment and rehabilitating of drugs pal. Among these centers, there are have become a petty unhealthy around 60 centers concentrated in business of ex-abusers that is get- Kathmandu Valley only.2 ting out of hand day by day. The current provision of either prison or But unfortunately, most of the treat- the treatment & rehabilitation center ment and rehabilitation centers in has become a new source of ex- Nepal do not meet even the minimum ploitation of drug users and their criteria as prescribed by the Govern- families alike. The nexus of police ment of Nepal. This document Nepal arrest, coercion and brute forces ko lagu aushad prayogkartaharuko on the user and family is compelling lagi pradan garine punarsthapana helpless parents to get their children upcaarko mapdanda-2072, has and youths into substandard treat- clearly stipulated the bottom-line for ment and rehabilitation centers. At

1 Mr. Rabi Raj Thapa is the founder member and former chief of Narcotic Drug Control Law Enforcement Unit (NDCLEU); currently known as Narcotic Control Bureau. Director, Drug Advisory Program of the Co- lombo Plan Secretariat (CPDAP), 1996-2000) ;He was later transferred to the Armed Police Force. He got retirement as the Additional Inspector General of Armed Police Force in the year 2008.

2 cid mAGAZINE 72

the present moment, Government of Nepal of arrest, sub-standard treatment/ rehabili- has not developed any monitoring agency to tation back and forth. As a result, the most oversee the correct application and imple- unfortunate abuser goes through a painful mentation of its government guidelines. experience of coercion, bully, arrested and imprisonment again and again. These centers have become more of an in- carnation centers, privately run concentra- On the other hand there are many programs tion camp purely run by business motives run on international donation that is con- rather than a health and treatment service fined to Oral Substitution Programs (ORT) motives. only. Such problems of treatment and re- habilitation may not be enough to address According to FADF, approximately 4000 the problems of treatment and rehabilitation drug users are being provided with resi- as a whole. Besides,Methadone and other dential drug treatment services from these types of Oral Substitution Programs (ORT) centers every day. Approximately around have certain rules and procedures. For ex- 30,000 drug users have already received ample, there must be a compulsory Urine rehabilitation services from these centers till Test that is not properly practiced in Nepal. date. But FDR data does not indicate that In absence of strict adherence of Urine Test, all these initiatives are primarily focused on most of the drug user may tend to become Harm Reduction initiative which focuses and poly-drug (multiple drugs) users. Govern- addresses on only a part of the problem; ment Should have effective mechanism to reduce HIV prevalence rate among In- strictly monitor most of these programs in jecting Drug Users (IDU) by substitution drug terms of set standers such as, facilities to program known as Opioid Replacement be run by certified persons, the Drugs to be Therapy (ORT)3 taken in front of them and a periodic urine test to be done compulsorily for further ad- In Nepal, billions of dollars spent by inter- ministrations. national donor agencies like Global Fund and Save the Children in treatment and re- Donor driven project based programs can- habilitation program. But these funds are not be the solution of a long term drug use restricted only to the programs like Opioid and abuse prevention strategy of Nepal. Replacement Therapy or ORT programs. Many programs based on Oral Substitution Such programs may misguide the national Programs (ORT) have mushroomed in Ne- drug policy by replacing drug from types pal that have led our young generations to and methods of drug rather than help us- switch over their drug use and abuse from ers to abstain from drug itself. The most narcotic to pharmaceutical drugs. It may pathetic part is that the government has be right in terms of their health purpose of always been showing its inability have gov- preventing young Nepalese from infection of ernment budget and effective treatment HIV/AIDS, but the country should be more and rehabilitation program of its own. Ulti- concerned of the young generation to have mately, helpless parents and their commu- a healthy body and mind that is free of any nities have to bear the financial, physical types of drugs for any purpose. No drugs and psychological burden of their child to means a total freedom from abuse and mis- force their loved once in the vicious circle use of any kind of drugs. Donors- driven

3 Opioid replacement therapy(ORT)or opioid substitution therapy (OST) is a medical treatment that involves replacing an illegal opioid, such as heroin, with a longer acting but less euphoric opioid; Methadone or Buprenorphine are typically used and the drug is taken under medical supervision. Richard P Mattick et al.: National Evaluation of Pharmacotherapies for Opioid Depend- ence (NEPOD); Report of Results and Recommendation cid mAGAZINE 73

OTR program is neither a total drug-free For example, Obama Administration has program that provides total care and so- published “2014 National Drug Control Pol- lutions to the national endemic problem icy Strategy”. According to the statement, it of drugs and use, misuse or abuse of the says: substance. “The Obama Administration’s inaugural Na- tional Drug Control Strategy, published in 2010, Some recommendation for future plan charted a new course in our efforts to reduce of action illicit drug use and its consequences in the US – an approach that rejects the false choice be- DEVEPOL A COMPREHENSIVE DRUG tween an enforcement-centric “war on drugs” CONTROL POLICY STRATEGY - 2015 and drug legalization. Science has shown that a substance use disorder is not a moral failing The current drug policy of Nepal may be but rather a disease of the brain that can be taken as the remnants of United Nations prevented and treated. Informed by This basic Drug Control Policy Strategy of the Gov- understanding, the three Strategies that followed ernment of Nepal -1990. Since then there promoted a balance of evidence-based public has not been comprehensive work done health and safety initiative focusing on key areas that can be called as the development of such as substance use disorder prevention, treatment and recovery”.4 national drug control policy of Nepal.

is taken under medical supervision. Richard P Mattick et al.: National Evaluation of Pharmacotherapies for Opioid Dependencer (NEPOD); Report of Results and recommendation 4 cid mAGAZINE 74

Here, the US Government has sent a simple, concise and visible message of their national policy strategy to the whole world by publishing the following leaflets.


1) PREVENT drug use before it ever begins through education

2) EXPAND access to treatment for Americans struggling with addiction

3) REFORM our criminal justice system to break the cycle of drug use, crime, and incarceration while protecting public safety

4) SUPPORT Americans in recovery by lifting the stigma with those suffering or in recovery from substance use disorders

Drug policy is a public health issue, not just a criminal justice issue. SPREAD THE WORD #DrugPolicyReform

Therefore, Nepal also needs to review its present plan and policy and develop a new comprehensive drug policy encompassing all facets of drug and substance use by involving Supporting Agencies and developing a comprehensive and a pragmatic balanced strategy involving or at least with input from the concerned governments stakeholders, non-governmental partners, policy makers, community-based organizations, practitioners, and academics that can shape a new and balanced strategy.

For any Nepalese parents, teachers, community leaders, law enforcement officers, elected officials, ordinary citizens, and other concerned about the health and safety of our young people, government must develop a comprehensive strategy that not only informs but also can serve as a catalyst to spark positive change.

The National Drug Control Strategy must be able to guide national drug control strategy for anyone interested in learning what is being done-and what other work can be done- to prevent drug use, and provide care for those who are addicted. cid mAGAZINE 75

Immediate Plan of Actions 4. Reform Criminal Justice System The Government of Nepal can develop Reforms like the expansion of scope of spe- some immediate action-plans as follows be- cialized courts with special legal provision fore developing a national strategy : that transfer non-violent drug offenders into treatment instead of deciding them to put 1. Plan to Reform Drug Policy in prison. Reforms like smart diversion pro- This Strategy calls for drug policy reform grams that identify first time offenders who rooted in scientific research on addiction, have a substance use disorder and provide evidence-based prevention programs, in- them with community health services in- creased access to treatment, a historic stead of punishing them with jail sentence. emphasis on recovery, and criminal justice Reforms like reentry programs, which moti- reform. vate former offenders get back into society and support their recovery from addiction. 2. Develop Health Care Training program for professionals for early intervention before CONCLUSION: addiction develops - PREVENTION FIRST: Prevent use of drug The government must expand programs to before it begins. It can be more cost-effec- develop and produce trained health care tive. Through prevention, we can enable professionals to identify and treat problem- teens to avoid drugs in school, make our atic drug use before the condition becomes workplaces more productive. chronic. - ACCESS TO TREATMENT AND REHA- BILITATION: Expand access to treatment 3. Expanding access to treatment for people willing get rid of or struggling with Today, about one million people in Nepal addiction and support such people for their need treatment for a substance use disor- recovery. It can be done by der, but only few thousands fortunate people  Expanding access to treatment to all who receive the required treatment and rehabili- are in need. tation . This is not an extent of satisfaction.  Reducing prescription in drug abuse epi- Research shows that addiction is a disease demic from which people can recover. In fact, suc-  Focusing more on recovery cess rates for treating addictive disorders are roughly on par with recovery rates for Reform, rebalance, and renew our na- other chronic diseases such as diabetes, tional drug control policy to address the asthma, and hypertension. public health and safety challenges of the 21st century.  cid mAGAZINE 76 cid mAGAZINE 77

ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf OG6/kf]nsf] e"ldsf / sfg'gL ckof{Kttf

k|=lg= lai0f' k|;fb ;f]tL, k|=k|=sf=OG6/kf]n zfvf

OG6/kf]n ljZjsf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] k|x/L @)%$ ;fn;Dd U=A= Terminal sf] ;+u7g xf] . ;g\ !(@# df International dfWodaf6, lj=;=@)%^ ;fnb]lv @)^! Criminal Police Commission -ICPC_ sf] ;fn;Dd X-400 sf] dfWodaf6 / lj=;= :yfkgf cli6«ofsf] /fhwfgL leogfdf @)^! ;fnb]lv xfn;Dd I-24/7 -Router ePsf] lyof] . ;g\ !(%^ df International & Switch_ dfkm{t @$ ;}+ 306f ljZjAofkL Criminal Police Commission -ICPC_ sf] ?kdf k|x/L ;+rf/ k|0ffnL cGtu{t gfd kl/jt{g u/L International Criminal OG6/kf]nsf ;b:o /fi6«x?;Fu NCB Police Organization -ICPO_ – INTER- Kathmandu n] ;dGjo / ;"rgf cfbfg POL jf INTERPOL eg]/ lrlgof] . xfn k|bfg ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . o:tf ;"rgfx? ljZjsf !() /fi6«x? o;sf ;b:o /x]sf d[ts nf;sf] klxrfg ug{, x/fPsf 5g\ / o;sf] k|wfg sfof{no k|mfG;sf] dflg;x?sf] cGt/f{li6«o :t/df vf]hL lnof]gdf 5 . g]kfn O{G6/kf]nsf] !))cf}+ ug{, ck/fwLn] ck/fw ug{ k|of]u u/]sf ;b:o /fi6« xf] . ldlt @)@$ c;f]h !! xltof/, laikmf]6s k|bfy{ tyf vt/fhGo df hfkfgsf] So'6f]df ePsf] O{G6/kf]nsf] cGo lrha:t' n'sfPsf] :yfg, cfk/flws #^cf}+ dxf;efaf6 g]kfn OG6/kf]nsf] sfo{ljlw / ;Defljt vt/fsf] af/]df ;b:odf dgf]lgt ePsf] xf] . x/]s ;b:o hfgsf/L u/fpg hf/L ul/G5g\ . /fi6«df ljZjel/sf ;b:o /fi6«x?;Fu ;Dks{ ug{ Ps ;Dks{ s]G› :yfkgf ;fy} /fli6«o :t/df klg INTERPOL n] ul/Psf] x'G5, h;nfO{ NCB -National x/fPsf tyf rf]/L ePsf elg ;Dk"0f{ k|x/L Central Bureau_ elgG5 . OsfOx?df lga]bg k/]sf /fxbfgLx?sf] laj/0f INTERPOL sf] SLTD -Sto- OG6/kf]n g]kfnsf] Oltxf; x]bf{ o;n] len and Lost Travel Document_ Data- lj=;=@)$^ ;fnb]lv g} laleGg ;+rf/ base df lgoldt ?kdf btf{ ug]{ sfo{ dfWodx?af6 ;b:o /fi6«x?;Fu ;dGjo ;d]t ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . o; cGtu{t g]kfn tyf ;xsfo{ ub}{ cfPsf] b]lvG5 . lj=;= k|x/Ln] s]G›Lo /fxbfgL laefu, k//fi6« @)$^ ;fnb]lv @)%! ;fn;Dd Tele- dGqfnosf] ;dGjodf *%,!%) x/fPsf text sf] dfWodaf6, lj=;=@)%! ;fnb]lv tyf rf]/L ePsf /fxbfgLx?sf] Data cid mAGAZINE 78

k|lji6 u/L k|ls|ofut ?kdf sfd sf/jflx ;'rf? ljZjJofkL vf]hLsf nflu INTERPOL / UN ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 . n] ;+o'Qm ?kdf hf/L ug]{ gf]l6; .  Diffusion: jf/]G6 hf/L gePsf tyf INTERPOL n] st{Jo Hofg, ha/h:tL s/0fL, cg';Gwfgs} qmddf /x]sf km/f/ dfgj a]rlavg tyf cf];f/k;f/, cf+tsjfb, cleo'Qmx?sf] vf]hLsf nflu hf/L ul/g] nfu" cf}ifw, ;f+u7lgs ck/fw, j}b]lzs /f]huf/ kl/kq g} Diffusion xf] . ;DaGwL 7uL, a}+lsª 7uL, ;fO{j/ ck/fwh:tf  o;sf ;fy} xfn} ;DkGg OG6/kf]nsf] h3Go k|s[ltsf kmf}hbf/L ck/fw u/L cleo'Qm *$ cf}+ dxf;efn] cfk/flws sfo{af6 jf s}bL g]kfn ;/xb aflx/ km/f/ ePdf jf k|fKt ;DklQsf] klxrfg tyf a/fdb ug]{ n'lsl5kL a;]df To:tf km/f/ cleo'Qm jf k|of]hgfy{ Silver Notice hf/L ug{ ;lsg] u/L s}bLx?sf] lj?ådf cfjZostf cg';f/ Notice Silver Notice sf] k|lqmof z'? u/]sf] 5 . jf Diffusion hf/L u/L, To:tf cleo'Qmx?nfO{ kqmfp u/L g]kfn kmsf{pg] ;DaGwdf ljZjJofkLs/0f / ;+rf/sf] ljsf;;Fu} j[l4 ;DalGwt /fi6«;Fu ;dGjo ug]{sfd klg ub{5 . ePsf] ck/fwsf] /f]syfdsf] lglDt k|efjsf/L o;sf nflu INTERPOL n] lgDg adf]lhdsf * cg';Gwfgsf] ljZjJofkL If]qflwsf/x?sf] k|j]z k|sf/sf Notice / Diffusion hf/L ub{5 . ug{ pNn]lvt gf]l6;x? ck/fw cg';Gwfg ug]{  Red Notice: jf/]G6 hf/L ePsf km/f/ lgsfox?sf] cg'/f]wdf NCB dfkm{t INTERPOL cleo'Qmx?sf] vf]hLsf nflu hf/L ul/g] dxf;lrjfnoaf6 hf/L ug{ ;lsg] k|fjwfg /x]sf] gf]l6; xf]. 5 . ljutdf ePsf ;kmn k|of;;Fu} xfn}sf  Blue Notice: ck/fwLx?sf] k"j{ cfk/flws jif{df NCB sf7df8f}sf] kxn / ;lqmotfdf ultlalwaf/] hfgsf/L k|fKt ug{ hf/L ul/G5 . s'Voft ck/fwL /fh s'df/ k|hf, ;Gho :dfOnL  Green Notice: s'g} Ps :yfgdf Psk6s ck/fw nufot s]xL AolQmx?nfO{ g]kfn lemsfO{ sfg"gL u/L k'gM cGo :yfgdf To:t} k|s[tsf ck/fw sf/afxL ug]{ sfo{ ePsf] 5 . tyflk g]kfnsf] bf]xf]¥ofpg ;Sg] vt/gfs ck/fwLx?sf] af/]df ;Gbe{df sfg"gL ckof{Kttfsf] sf/0f lab]zL k"j{ hfgsf/L u/fpg hf/L ul/g] r]tfjgLd"ns e"ldaf6 km/f/ cleo'Qm g]kfn NofO{ sf/afxLsf] gf]l6; Green notice xf] . bfo/fdf Nofpg' cToGt sl7g sfo{ xf]. sfg'gL  Black Notice: ;gfvt gePsf d[t dfgj ckof{Kttfs} sf/0f Trace Out eO{ ;s]sf cem} nf;sf] klxrfgsf] nflu hf/L ul/g] gf]l6; xf] . s}of}+ cleo'Qmx? k|lqmofd} clNem/x]sf] ca:yf 5 .  Yellow Notice: x/fPsf] AolQmsf] cGt/f{li6«o s] s'g sfg'gsf] ckof{Kttfsf] sf/0f sl7gfO :t/df vf]hL sfo{sf] nflu hf/L ul/g] gf]l6; eO/x]sf] 5 eGg] ;Gbe{df oxfF s]xL rrf{ ug{ g} Yellow notice xf] . h?/L b]lvG5 .  Orange Notice: n'sfPsf xltof/, laikmf]6s kbfy{ tyf vt/fhGo lrha:t'af6 x'g ;Sg] INTERPOL sf] sfo{ k|s[lt x]bf{ o;sf] d'Vo ;Deflat vt/fsf] af/]df hfgsf/L u/fpg e"ldsf cGo /fi6«sf k|x/L;Fu ;dGjofTds hf/L ul/g] gf]l6; Orange notice xf] . e"ldsf lgefpg' g} xf] . h;df ljZjAofkL ?kdf  Purple Notice: ck/fwLn] ck/fw ug{ k|x/L ;+rf/ k|0ffnL cGtu{t OG6/kf]nsf ;b:o k|of]u u/]sf lrha:t', n'sfPsf] :yfg tyf /fi6«x?;Fu ;dGjo u/L ;"rgf cfbfg–k|bfg ug]{ cfk/flws sfo{ljlw -Modus Operandi_ sf] /x]tf klg Extradition, Transfer of criminal pro- af/]df hfgsf/L ug{ u/fpg hf/L ul/g] ceedings, Execution of foreignsentences, Rec- gf]l6; Purple notice xf] . ognition of criminaljudgments, Confiscation of  The INTERPOL-United Nations Secu- the proceeds from crime, Collection Evidences rity Council Special Notice: cGt/fli6«o nufotsf tdfd s'/fx?sf] sfof{Gjogsf lglDt cft+ssf/L ;+u7g Al-Qaida sf ;b:ox?sf] låkIfLo, ax'kILfo, jf If]qLo ;lGw;Demf}tf jf cid mAGAZINE 79

sfg'gL Aoj:yfsf] cfjZostf kb{5 jf egf}+ ljleGg d'n'sx?sf] cj:yf x]g]{ xf] eg] /fi6«x? cfkm"nfO{ cfjZos kg]{ cGt/f{li6«o sfg'gL If]qLotfsf cfwf/df, jf cGo s'g} klg cfwf/df Ps aftfj/0f /fHon] tof/ ug{' h?/L x'g hfG5, h'g csf{;Fu ;k'b{{{uLdf afFlwPsf] cj:yf kfOG5 . G-8 g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df ckof{Kt b]lvG5 . Country x?n] t'?Gt Ps csf{ b]zsf] cleo'Qm jf ck/fwLnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ug{' kg]{ kf/:kl/s sfg'gL /fHodf cGt/f{li6«o sfg'g s'g xb;Dd nfu' x'g] Aoj:yf u/]sf] 5 . To;}ul/ European Union df eGg] ;Gbe{df ljZjdf b'O{ j6f k|0ffnL laBdfg cfa4 /fi6«x?aLr klg of] cj:yf /x]sf] kfOG5 . t/ /x]sf] kfOG5 . xfd|f] h:tf] ljZjsf s'g} klg /fi6«;+u ;k'b{uLdf klg s_ Dualist Principle gafFlwPsf] / s'g} If]lqo jf dxfb]lzo ;+oGq dfkm{t v_ Monist Principle ;d]t Ps cfk;df ;k'b{uL dfkm{t cfbfgk|bfg ug]{ k|fjwfg klg gePsf] /fi6«n] ck/fwLs/0faf6 b]z / Dualist Principle cg';f/ s'g} klg cGt/f{li6«o ;dfhnfO{ d'Qm ug]{ sfo{ cfkm}df r'gf}ltk"0f{ /x]sf] sfg'gdf /fi6«n] dfGotf k|bfg u/L x:tfIf/ u/]tf 5 . ck/flwx? ljb]zL e"lddf v'n]cfd 3'ld/x]sf] klg nfu" ug{ clgjfo{ ?kdf /fli6«o sfg'gdf e]l6P klg g]kfndf NofP/ ;hfo ug{ ;Sg] sfg'gL ;dfj]z ug{'kg]{ x'G5, hasL Monist Principle cfwf/ xfdL;Fu 5}g . o:tf] ca:yfdf Gofo cGtu{t /fHo kIf ePsf] cGt/f{li6«o sfg'g :jtM dg]{ ;Defjgf Psflt/ /xG5 eg] csf]{ lt/ ck/fw /fli6«o sfg'g;/x dfGo x'G5 . xfd|f] ;Gbe{df kLl8tx?sf] /fHok|lt laZj;gLotfdf sdL cfpg s'g l;4fGt -Principle_ c+uLsf/ ug]{ eGg] k|i6 ;Sg] b]lvG5 . sfg'gLAoj:yf gePklg ;lGw P]g @)$& sf] bkmf ( df g]kfn jf g]kfn ;/sf/ kIf ePsf] s'g} ;'k'b{uL ;DaGwdf xfn;fn} ;fpbL c/]laofsf] ;lGwsf] s'/f k|rlnt sfg'g;Fu aflemPdf ;f] l/ofbaf6 g]kfnnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ul/Psf ;lGwsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu aflemPsf] xb;Dd k|rlnt dfggLo GofofwLz /0f axfb'/ adsf] xTofdf sfg'g cdfGo x'g]5, tT;DaGwdf ;lGwsf] Aoj:yf ;+nUg eujfg eGg] ;+ho :dfO{nLsf] g]kfn sfg'g;/x nfu" x'g]5 egL Aoj:yf u/]sf] ljifodf rrf{ u/f}+ . ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf dfggLo kfOG5 . cbfntn] km};nfsf] qmddf klg sltko GofofwLz /0f axfb'/ adsf] xTofdf ;+nUg d'4fx?df ;f]em} cGt/f{li6«o sfg'gsf] k|fawfgnfO{ eujfg eGg] ;+ho :dfO{nL ;fpbLdf ;jf/L c+uLsf/ u/L km};nf u/]sf] b]lvG5 . oL ;a} rfns k]zf u/]/ a;]sf] cg';Gwfgaf6 v'Ng cj:yfx?af6 s] lgisif{df k'Ug ;lsG5 eg] g]kfn cfP kl5 OG6/kf]nsf] cg'/f]wdf l/ofb k|x/Ln] p;nfO{ Monist Principle c+uLsf/ ug]{ /fi6«dWo]sf] Ps kqmfp u¥of] . tTkZrft Diplomatic Channel dfkm{t xf] / @)$^ ;fn kZrft g]kfn s}of+} cGt/f{li6«o oyflz3| sfg'gL k|s[of yfNg OG6/kf]ndfkm{t sfg'gsf] kIf ag]sf] 5 . olt x'Fbfx'Fb} klg kmf}hbf/L g]kfnnfO{ ;fpbL ;/sf/n] hfgsf/L u/fof] . ck/fwsf] lg/fs/0fdf ;f/e"t sfg'gsf] lx;fadf sfo{ljlw ?kdf ;k'b{uL P]g @)&) sf] bkmf ljZjAofkL ?kdf cGo /fi6«x?;Fusf] g]kfnsf] * / @) adf]lhdsf] sfg'gL k|s[of cufl8 ;DaGw cToGt ;fF3'/f] / cem eGg' kbf{ z"Gotfdf a9fPklg ;f/e"t ?kdf ;fpbL c/a;Fu g]kfnsf] /x]sf] cj:yf b]lvG5 . laZjsf !(^ b]zx?dWo] s'g}klg ;k'b{uL ;lGw gePsf] sf/0f p;nfO{ g]kfnsf] ;k'b{uL ;lGw ef/t;Fu dfq 5 . cGo ;dodf g]kfn Nofpg sl7g eof] . ;fpbL s'g} klg /fi6«;Fu g]kfnsf] ;k'b{uL ;lGw x'g ;s]sf] sfg'g cg';f/ cleo'QmnfO{ ^) lbg ;Dd k|x/L cj:yf 5}g . o;sf cnfjf kmf}hbf/L ck/fwsf] lx/f;tdf /fVbf klg xfd|f] sfg'gL ckof{Kttfsf] ;jfndf s'g} klg If]qLo ;lGw jf cGo s'g} sfg'gL sf/0f ;fpbL k|x/L;Fu df}lvs cg'/f]w ug'{ bfo/fdf cfpg] kf/:kfl/stfsf] afWosf/L cj:yf afx]s xfdL;Fu cGolasNk lyPg. t/klg ^) klg /x]sf] kfOFb}g . o;n] ;f/e"t ?kdf g]kfn lbg;Ddsf] l/ofb k|x/L;Fusf] lg/Gt/ ;Dks{af6 aflx/ /x]sf] cleo'QmnfO{ g]kfn leqfpg] s'g}klg ePsf] xfd|f] cgf}krfl/s ;DaGwsf] lgs6tfsf sfg'gL k|fjwfg / cfwf/ /x]sf] b]lvFb}g . ljZjsf sf/0f Riyadh INTERPOL sf clkm;/ s0f]{n cid mAGAZINE 80

cAb'Nnfn] klg O{:dfOnLsf] ck/fwL k[i7e"ldaf6 ;+ljwfg @)^# sf] wf/f *# adf]lhd Aoj:yflksf jflskm eO{ 36\gfk|lt lgs} uDeL/ ?kdf ;+;bsf] x}l;otdf ;+ljwfg ;efn] kf/:kl/s k|:t't eP . Pp6f /fi6« ;]js k|x/L clws[tsf] ;xfotf P]g @)&) hf/L u/]sf] 5 . of] P]gsf] kGhfaf6 xTof h:tf] uDeL/ ck/fwdf ;+nUg kl/R5]b–@ cGtu{t kf/:kfl/s sfg'gL ;xfotf AolQm 5'6\g] sfo{ ;fpbL clwsf/Lsf] lglDt k|fKt ug]{ cj:yf / ljifo cGtu{t bkmf # -!_ klg sd kL8fbfoL lyPg . oL ;a} cj:yfx?n] df g]kfn / ljb]zL /fHoaLr kf/:kfl/s sfg'gL ubf{ ljleGg sfg'gL c8\rgsf afah'b ;xfotf cfbfg k|bfg ug]{ ;DaGwdf låkIfLo ;fpbL clwsfl/x?n] xfd|f] cfu|xnfO{ gsfg{ ;lGw ePsf] /x]5 eg] g]kfn / To:tf] ljb]zL ;s]gg\ . o;sf ;fy} OG6/kf]n dxf;lrjfno /fHoaLr kf/:kl/s sfg'gL ;xfotf cfbfg dfkm{tsf] kmf}hbf/L ck/fw la?4sf] ;fd"lxs k|bfg ug{ ;lsg] 5 eGg] Aoj:yfaf6 låkIfLo pQ/bfloTj / k|lta4tfsf] Aojxfl/s ;lGw ePsf] cj:yfdf dfq sfg'gL sfo{ljlwsf] sfof{Gjogsf] cj:yfsf] lhDd]jf/L axg u/fpg] lglDt of] P]g hf/L ePsf] b]lvG5 . To;}u/L ;DaGwLsf] cfu|xn] klg ;fpbL clwsf/Lsf] ;k'b{uL ug{ ;lsg] s;"/sf] km/f/ cleo'Qm jf lglDt sfof{Gjog kIfdf g}lts bafa l;{hgf s;"/bf/nfO{ sfg'g adf]lhd ;k'b{uL ;DaGwL u/]sf] lyof] . cGttf]uTjf ;fpbL clwsf/Lsf] sf/afxL ug]{ ;DaGwdf g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ldqjt\ Aojxf/, ck/fwk|ltsf] P]Soa4tf / g]kfn ;+ljwfg @)^# sf] wf/f *# adf]lhd Aoj:yflksf k|x/Lsf ;Da4 lgsfox?sf] lg/Gt/sf] k|of; / ;+;bsf] x}l;otdf ;+ljwfg ;efn] ;k'b{uL P]g ljb]zL ;xkf7Lx?;Fusf] k]zfut dof{bfdf /xL @)&) agfPsf] 5 . o; P]gsf] nflu klg g]kfn ul/Psf] pRr ;dGjofTds e"ldsfsf] sf/0f / lab]zL /fHoaLr låkIfLo ;lGw ePsf] ca:yf Pp6f ck/fwdf ;+nUg AolQmnfO{ g]kfn NofO{ h?/L /x]sf] 5 . sfg'gsf] s73/fdf pEofO{ æck/fwL ;ft ;d'G› kf/L uPklg sfg'gsf] kGhfaf6 plDsg ;Sb}gÆ cfhsf] ldlt;Dd NCB sf7df8f}af6 cGo eGg] ;Gb]z lbg g]kfn k|x/L ;kmn eof] . o;n] gf]l6;x?sf] k|sfzgsf cnfjfg]kfndf ck/fw kLl8t kl/jf/ / ;dfhnfO{ Gofosf] cg"e"lt klg u/]/ km/f/ /x]sf !# hgfla?4 /]8 gf]l6; / u/fof] . ;fy} o;n] b08xLgtfdf caZo klg @! hgfla?4 l8ˆo"hg hf/L u/L ;s]sf] sdL NofPsf] dx;'; u/fpg'sf ;fy} ck/fwdf cj:yf 5 . dfga a]rljvg / nfu" cf}ifwh:tf ;+nUg x'g vf]Hg]x?nfO{ lg?T;fxL ug]{ agfof] . ck/fwx? lbgfg'lbg al9/x]sf] ;Gbe{df o; k|sf/sf cGt/b]zLo ck/fw lg/fs/0fsf nfuL of] ;Gbe{ oxfF sf]§ofpg'sf] sf/0f xfdLn] ;ldi6Lut ?kdf !() ;b:o /fi6«x? /x]sf] Monist Principle cuLsf/ u/]/ ;of+} OG6/kf]nsf] ;b:o /fi6« g]kfnn] k|zf;lgs cGt/f{li6«o sfg'gdf x:tfIf/ u/]klg xfdLnfO{ ?kdf cGo /fi6«x?;Fu ;dGjotyf kf/:kfl/s cTofjZos / ck/fw/lxt ;dfh lgdf{0f ug{ rflxg] ;DaGw la:tf/ Pj+ låkIfLo sfo{ut låkIfLo jf ax'kIfLo cGt/f{li6«o sfg'gx?sf] Pstfafx]s o:tf d'2fx? ;Daf]wg ug]{u/L aGg] cefj /x]sf] k|i6\ofpg' xf] . cfh ef/tafx]s efjL sfg'gsf] k|ltIff ug{'sf] lasNk 5}g . o;sf] ljZjsf s'g}klg /fi6«;Fu g]kfnsf] låkIfLo lglDt sDtLdf klg Go"gtd sfg'gL cfwf/x? jf ax'kIfLo ;lGw x'g ;s]sf] 5}g g t G-8 tTsfn :yflkt u/L ck/fw cg';Gwfg tyf Countries x?sf] h:tf] Mutual Legal Assis- k|x/L sf/afxLnfO{ cGt/f{li6«o :t/d} k|efjsf/L tance sf] j}wflgs cfwf/ xfdL;Fu 5 . Goflos agfpg MOU jf cGo s'g} ;dGjofTds k|s[ltsf sf/afxLsf ljifodf g]kfn / ljb]zL /fHoaLr kf/:kfl/s ;Demf}tf lgdf{0f ug{'kg]{ cfjZostf kf/:kfl/s sfg'gL ;xfotf cfbfg k|bfg ug]{ b]lvG5 .  ;DaGwdf sfg'gL Aoj:yf ug{ g]kfnsf] cGtl/d cid mAGAZINE 81 oftgf / Ifltk"lt{ sfg"g sfof{Gjog / ;'wf/sf Jofjxfl/s ;jfnx?

s[i0fhLjL l3ld/] ;x–GofoflwjQmf dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{no

!= k[i7e"ld M lhNnf cbfntsf] km};nfdf sfod ul/Psf] ljZjJofkL ?kdf oftgf h'g;'s} b[li6n] 5 eg] oftgf;DaGwL k|fdfl0fs ljj/0f, cdfgjLo, u}/sfg'gL, jlh{t / eT;{gfof]Uo hfFr;DaGwL sfuhft, k|df0fsf] ljBdfgtfsf] ljifo /lxcfPsf] 5 . ljleGg cGt/f{li6«o ljZn]if0f, lbOPsf] Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0fsf b:tfj]hx? oftgf /f]Sgdf nlIft /x]sf 5g\ cfwf/tkm{ df}g b]lvPsf] . t/, kof{Kt cfwf/ / g]kfndf klg oftgfnfO{ /f]Sg ;+j}wflgs / sf/0fljgf y'gfdf /flvPsf] / y'gfdf /fVbf / sfg'gL Joj:yfx? ljutb]lvg} x'Fb} tyf 5f8\bf;d]t zf/Ll/s hfFr u/fpg' cfP klg oftgfsf ljifodf ;fj{hlgs kg]{ k|s[of gk'¥ofO{ oftgf lbPsf] b]lvPsf]n] kbflwsf/Lsf]] ;+nUgtf, pkrf/, lgjf/s Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg] elg km};nf ePsf] b]lvG5 . gh/aGbsf] cj:yf;Fusf] tfbfTfDotf, Ifltk"lt{ / xbDofb h:tf ljifox? o; k"j{ k'g/fj]bs dgClif lwtfnlj?4 cGof}ntfaf6 lgb]{lzt x'Fb} cfPsf] kfOG5 . lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no, sf7df8f+} ;d]t lj= ;+= @)^^ ;fn r}q $ ut] k'g/fj]bg ePsf] Ifltk"lt{ d'2fdf k'g/fj]bg cbfnt cbfnt Onfdaf6 k'g/fj]bs k|=gf=p= tfl/0fL kf6gaf6 ldlt @)^$÷#÷@^ ut] ePsf] k|;fb nD;fnlj?4 lgj]bs njb]j 9'Ëfgf km};nfdf hgcfGbf]ng bjfpg] l;nl;nfdf ePsf] Ifltk"lt{ lbnfO{ kfpmF eGg] d'2fdf u}x|sfg'gL y'gfdf /flvPsf] cj:yfdf lhNnf cbfnt kfFry/af6 ?=#%))).– lgj]bsnfO{ k|x/L sfof{non] oftgf lbPg Ifltk"lt{ e/fO{ lbg] u/L ldlt @)^$÷%÷!@ xf]nf elg ljkIfLx?n] lnOPsf] k|ltpQ/ df ePsf] km};nfnfO{ ;b/ ug]{ u/L lg0f{o lhls/ ljZjf;of]Uo b]lvg cfPg elg ePsf] lyof] . k|x/Lsf] k|ltj]bgaf6 lhNnf ?=@@,))).– Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg] lg0f{o ePsf] k|zf;g sfof{no, kfFry/n] ;fj{hlgs kfOG5 . oL km};nfx?sf] cWoog ;d]taf6 ;'/Iff P]g adf]lhd gh/aGbdf /fVg] lx/f;t tyf oftgfsf] ljifo / ;f];Fu hf]l8g] cfb]z eO{ %) lbgkZrft 5fl8Psf] . lgh ;a} tYosf] ljZn]if0f, k|df0fsf] d"Nof+sg, 9'ËfgfnfO{ 5f8]sf] # dlxgf * lbgkZrft oftgf k|dfl0ft x'g'kg]{ gkg]{, oftgf / lghsf] lgj]bg k/]sf] ePtf klg oftgf tyf Ifltk"lt{ ;DaGwL P]gsf] bkmf %-!_ sf] xb- Ifltk"lt{ P]gsf] bkmf %-!_ sf] xbDofbnfO{ dfGotf Dofb, bkmf !! sf] laifonufotsf s'/fx?df glbO{ lgjf/s gh/aGb;DaGwL ;+j}wflgs s}og k|Zgx? l;h{gf ul/lbPaf6 cg';Gwfg, Joj:yf / ;+s6sfnsf] ;dflKt;DaGwL txlssft jf k'k{If;DaGwL sfo{df ;+nUg x'g] k|fjwfg ;d]tsf] cfwf/df xbDofbnfO{ lgsfox? nufot k|x/L k|zf;gsf] nflu of] cid mAGAZINE 82

ljifo uDeL/ / r'gf}tLk"0f{ ?kdf t]l;{b} cfPsf] JolQmnfO{ qf; b]vfpg] jf anhˆtL ug]{ h:tf 5 . o; ;Gbe{df o; k|:t'ltdf oftgf;DaGwL p2]Zox?sf] nflu jf s'g} lsl;dsf] e]befjdf cfwfl/t ljifosf cGt/f{li6«o b:tfj]h, /fli6«o ;+j} wflgs s'g} sf/0fsf nflu ;f] JolQmnfO{ hfgL hfgL lbOPsf] Joj:yf, sfg'gL Joj:yf, k|x/Lsf] e"ldsf tyf zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s s7f]/ kL8f jf si6 lbg] sfo{nfO{ bfloTj, Jojxf/df b]lvPsf ;d:of, ;d:of hgfpF5 . o;sf] wf/f !% cg';f/ oftgfaf6 lbOPsf] ;dfwfgsf nflu ;'emfj tyf pko'Qm lgisif{df aofgnfO{ k|df0fsf] ?k lbg ;lsFb}g . k'Ug] hdsf]{ ul/Psf] 5 . of] dxf;lGwsf] wf/f $ cg';f/ oftgfsf ;a} @= cGt/f{li6«o kl/j]z sfo{x?nfO{ kIf /fi6«n] cfkm\gf] kmf}hbf/L sfg'g oftgfnfO{ uDeL/ dfgjtflj?4sf] cGtu{t /fVg'kg]{ / o:tf s;"/x?nfO{ ltgLx?sf] ck/fw dflg ljleGg cGt/f{li6«o b:tfj]hx? tyf uDeL/ k|s[ltsf] ;d]t ljrf/ u/L pko'Qm b08 ;f] ;Gbe{df ul7t lgsfox?n] /f]syfd ;Gbe{df ;hfoaf6 b08gLo agfpg'kg]{ s'/fdf hf]8 lbG5 . pNn]v u/]sf 5g\ . ljz]iftM of] dfgj clwsf/;Fu wf/f !$ cg';f/ oftgfsf] sfo{af6 kLl8t JolQmn] ;DalGwt ljifo ePsfn] gful/s tyf /fhgLlts plrt tyf kof{Kt Ifltk"lt{ k|fKt ug{ ;S5 . clwsf/;DaGwL cGt/f{li6«o k|lt1fkq (ICCPR), oftgfsf] kmn:j?k kLl8t ePsf] JolQmsf] dfgj clwsf/;DaGwL ljZjJofkL 3f]if0ff -UDHR) d[To' ePdf p;sf cfl>tx?n] Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] nufotsf s}og cGt/f{li6«o b:tfj]hx? ;DalGwt clwsf/ 5 . wf/f !) n] sfg'g sfof{Gjog ug]{ eP klg oftgf tyf cGo qm'/ cdfgjLo jf ck- sd{rf/Lx?, lghfdtL jf ;}lgs, lrlsT;f sd{rf/L, dfghgs Jojxf/ jf b08lj?4 dxf;lGw, !(*$ ;fj{hlgs clwsf/L tyf s'g} k|sf/sf] kqmfp, y'gf dxTjk"0f{ b:tfj]hsf ?kdf /x]sf] 5 . g]kfnn] jf s}bdf k/]sf s'g} JolQmsf] y'gf, ;f]wk'5 jf o;nfO{ ;Dd]ng u/]sf] ;Gbe{df of] cle;lGwsf] pkrf/df ;+nUg x'g] cGo JolQmx?sf] tflnddf x}l;ot ;lGw P]gsf] bkmf ( adf]lhd g]kfnsf] oftgf lgif]w;DaGwL lzIff tyf hfgsf/L ;dfj]z sfg'g;/x nfu' x'g] dfq x}g g]kfnsf] sfg'g o; ug'{kg]{ s'/fdf hf]8 lbG5 . cle;lGwsf] k|fjwfg;Fu aflemg uPdf cle;lGw g} nfu" x'g] cj:yf /x]sf] 5 . o;n] ubf{ oftgfsf] #= ljBdfg ;+j}wflgs Joj:yf ljifo Hofb} ;+j]bgzLn 5 / sfg'g nfu" ug]{ lgsfo ;fljssf] g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg @)^# sf] efu tyf kbflwsf/Lsf] nflu x/xd]zf ;+j]bgzLn / # df df}lns xs cGtu{t wf/f @% df lgjf/s r'gf}tLk"0f{ aGb} uPsf] 5 . gh/aGb lj?4sf] xsaf/]df pNn]v ub}{ g]kfn /fHosf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf / cv08tf jf ;fj{hlgs s'g} klg JolQmnfO{ oftgf jf qm"/, cdfgjLo jf zflGt / Joj:yfdf tTsfn vnn kfg]{ kof{Kt ckdfghgs Jojxf/ jf b08 lbg gx'g] tyf o:tf] cfwf/ geO{ s;}nfO{ klg lgjf/s gh/aGbdf lqmofsnfkaf6 pgLx?sf] clwsf/sf] ;+/If0f / g/flvg] / lgjf/s gh/aGb /fv]df gh/aGb /x]sf] ;Da4{g ug]{ dxf;lGwnfO{ oftgf tyf cGo qm"/, JolQmn] sfg'gåf/f tf]lsP adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] cdfgjLo jf ckdfghgs Jojxf/ jf b08lj?4sf] s'/fsf] k|Tofe"lt ul/Psf]df g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ dxf;lGw elgG5 . of] dxf;lGw ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] sf] wf/f @# df g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns dxf;ef4f/f !) l8;]Dj/, !(*$ df kfl/t eO{ @^ cv08tf jf ;fj{hlgs zflGt / Joj:yfdf h"g, !(*& b]lv nfu" ePsf] xf] . of] dxf;lGwdf tTsfn vnn kg]{ kof{Kt cfwf/ geO{ s;}nfO{ klg ## wf/f 5g\ . of] dxf;lGwnfO{ g]kfnn] !$ d], lgjf/s gh/aGbdf g/flvg], lgjf/s gh/aGbdf !((! Dff lagf zt{ cg'df]bg u/]sf] lyof] . of] /x]sf] JolQmsf l:yltsf] af/]df lghsf] kl/jf/sf dxf;lGwsf] wf/f !-!_ cg';f/ …oftgfÚ eGg] zJbn] ;b:o jf glhssf] gft]bf/nfO{ sfg'g adf]lhd s'g} ;fj{hlgs clwsf/L jf ;fj{hlgs clwsf/Lsf] tTsfn hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{, lgjf/s gh/aGbdf Ifdtfsf] x}l;otsf] sfd ug]{ s'g} JolQmaf6 jf /fVg] clwsf/Ln] sfg'gljk/Lt jf ablgotk"j{s lghsf] ;xdlt jf df}g ;xdltaf6 s'g} JolQm jf s'g} JolQmnfO{ gh/aGbdf /fv]df To:tf] t];|f] JolQmaf6 hfgsf/L jf ;fljlt lng] jf t];|f] JolQmnfO{ sfg'g adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs x'g] cid mAGAZINE 83

pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . o;}u/L ;fljssf] Joj:yfnfO{ Ps k|lt ;DalGwt lhNnf cbfntdf k7fpg' kg]{ lg/Gt/tf lb+b} g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ sf] wf/f pNn]v u/]sf] 5 . kLl8t JolQmn] #% lbgleq y'gf @@ df oftgflj?4sf] xs cGtu{t kqmfp k/]sf] jf oftgf;DaGwL tyf dfu u/]sf] Ifltk"lt{ ljj/0f jf y'gfdf /x]sf] JolQmnfO{ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s vf]nL lhNnf cbfntdf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg], o:tf] oftgf lbOg] jf lgh;Fu lgd{d, cdfgjLo jf d'2fdf ;+lIfKt sfo{ljlw nfu' x'g], lhNnf cbfntn] ckdfghgs Jojxf/ ul/g] 5}g elg ;+j}wflgs ph'/L Joxf]/f 7Ls b]lvP ! nfv ?k}ofF;Dd g]kfn Uof/]06L ul/Psf] 5 . o:tf] sfo{ sfg"gåf/f b08gLo ;/sf/af6 e/fO{ lbg] lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg], jblgot x'g] / To:tf] Jojxf/ ul/Psf] JolQmnfO{ sfg'gn] lrtfO{ ph'/L lbPdf % xhf/;Dd h/Ljfgf x'g ;Sg] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhdsf] Ifltk"lt{ lbOg] s'/f ;d]t Joj:yf 5 eg] oftgf lbg] ;/sf/L sd{rf/LnfO{ ;f] wf/fdf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . ljefuLo ;hfo ug{ cfb]z lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . o:t} Ifltk"lt{sf] lgwf{/0f ubf{ Wofg lbg' kg]{ s'/f, pNn]lvt ;+j}wflgs Joj:yf adf]lhd lglZrt lg0f{o clGtd ePsf] ! jif{leq Ifltk"lt{ /sd kfpg cfwf/df dfq} gh/aGbdf /fVg ;lsg] / olb sfg'g k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L sxfF lgj]bg lbg'kg]{ Joj:yf ljk/Lt jf jblgotk"j{s /fv]df To:tf] gh/aGbdf 5 eg] o:tf] d'2fdf sfof{no k|d'vsf] cg'/f]wdf /flvPsf] JolQmn] Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] cj:yf /x]sf] 5 ;/sf/L jlsnn] k|lt/Iff ul/lbg ;Sg] k|fjwfg eg] s'g} klg JolQmnfO{ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s ?kdf ;d]t /x]sf] 5 . k|efj kg]{ u/L jf cdfgjLo, lgd{d, ckdfghgs ?kdf Jojxf/ ul/Pdf dfq} klg To:tf] sfo{ %= k|x/Lsf] e"ldsf tyf bfloTj oftgfhGo sfo{sf] ?kdf dflg To:tf] sfo{df pNn]lvt ;+j}wflgs tyf sfg'gL Joj:yfsf] plrt Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] s'/f pNn]v ul/Paf6 of] ;Gbe{df lgjf/s gh/aGbdf /fVg] ljifosf] p7fg xssf] ljifo Hofb} ;+j]bgzLn dflgPsf] 5 . ljz]ift tyf ;/sf/jfbL eO{ rnfpg] d'2fdf cg';Gwfg cg';Gwfgdf ;+nUg k|x/L nufotsf lgsfox? o; txlssft ;Gbe{df cleo'QmnfO{ y'gfdf /fVg], ;+j}wflgs xssf] ljifodf hfgsf/ / ;+j]bgzLn ;/sf/L jlsndfkm{t d'2f rnfpg], grnfpg] lg0f{o x'g} kg]{ x'G5 . u/fpg], d'2f rnfpg] ePdf cbfnt;dIf k]z ug{] / grnfpg] lg0f{o eO{ cfPdf 5f8\g];Ddsf] sfo{df $= sfg'gL Joj:yf k|x/Lsf] e"ldsf /xg] sfg'gL Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ sf] pNn]lvt Joj:yf o;/L cg';Gwfg, txlssft jf k"k{Ifsf] l;nl;nfdf cGtl/d ;+ljwfg @)^# sf] wf/f @^ / jf c? s'g} lsl;dsf] sfo{jfkt k|rlnt sfg'gsf] g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f !$-$_ sf] clwgdf /xL k|x/Ln] g} ;f] sfo{ ug'{kg]{ x'Fbf o:tf lg/Gt/tf xf] / of] Joj:yfnfO{ ;fy{s ?k lbgsf] JolQmsf] xsdf sfg'g;Ddt 9Ën] sfo{ ;Dkfbg nflu ;fljsb]lvg} oftgf / Ifltk"lt{ P]g, @)%# ug{df k|x/Lsf] lhDd]jf/L /x]sf] x'G5 . lgdf{0f eO{ nfu" eO{/x]sf] cj:yf 5 . o; P]gdf oftgf eGgfn] cg';Gwfg, txlssft jf k'k{Ifsf] ck/fw lgoGq0fsf l;nl;nfdf cg';Gwfg, l;nl;nfdf jf c? s'g} lsl;dn] y'gfdf /x]sf] txlssft, lx/f;t nufot d'2f rnfpg] JolQmnfO{ lbPsf] zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s oftgf grnfpg] /fo k|:t't ug]{;Ddsf ;Dk"0f{ ;Demg'k5{ / ;f] zJbn] lgh;Fu ul/Psf] lgd{d, sfo{df ;+nUg /xg] k|x/Lsf sfdsf/jfxL cdfgjLo jf ckdfghgs Jojxf/nfO{ ;d]t sfg'g;Ddt x'g'kg]{ x'G5 . k|s[ofut ?ksf hgfpF5 / kLl8t JolQm eGgfn] oftgf kfpg] JolQm sfdsf/afxL h:tf] ls kqmfp k"hL{, lx/f;tdf ;Demg' k5{ elgPsf] 5 . /flvPsf] hfgsf/L, 5f8\bfsf] hgfp, lx/f;tdf /fVbf / 5f8bf zf/Ll/s hfFrnufotsf o; P]gn] cg';Gwfg txlssft jf k"k{Ifsf] kIf / y'gfdf zf/Ll/s of dfgl;s ?kdf l;nl;nfdf jf c? s'g} lsl;dn] y'gfdf /x]sf] oftgfhGo cj:yfsf] l;h{gf x'g glbg], ckdfghGo s'g} klg JolQmnfO{ oftgf lbg gx'g], y'gfdf /fVbf Jojxf/ gx'g] s'/fsf] k|Tofe"lt ug'{ k|x/Lsf] / 5f8\bf zf/Ll/s hfFr u/fpg' kg]{, hfFr k|ltj]bg bfloTj x'G5 . o; cy{df ;+ljwfg / sfg'gk|lt cid mAGAZINE 84

dfq geO{ /fHo, hgtf / k|To]s JolQmk|lt ul/g] !! sf] laifo nufotsf s'/fx?df s}og k|Zgx? Go"gtd dfgjLo Jojxf/sf] bfloTj lgjf{xsf] cbfntsf pNn]lvt ;d]tsf s}og km};nfx?af6 ck]Iff k|x/L;Fu /flvPsf] kfOG5 . o:tf] gePdf l;h{gf ul/lbPaf6 cg';Gwfg, txlssft jf oftgf / Ifltk"lt{ P]g adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ e/fO{ k'k{If;DaGwL sfo{df ;+nUg x'g] lgsfox? nufot ;DalGwt kbflwsf/LnfO{ ljefuLo sf/afxL x'g k|x/L k|zf;gsf] nflu of] ljifo uDeL/ / r'gf}tLsf ;Sb5 . To;}n] lx/f;t, y'gfdf zf/Ll/s jf ?kdf t]l;{b} cfPsf] 5 . dfgl;s ?ksf s'g} klg lsl;dn] oftgf lbg gx'g] dfq x}g, lgd{d cdfgjLo jf ckdfghgs k|x/Ln] hlt;'s} /fd|f] Jojxf/ k|bz{g u/] klg d'2fdf Jojxf/ x'g glbg]df k|x/L ;ª\u7g / lhDd]jf/ k|efj kfg{s} nflu eg] klg jf oftgf lbPsf] eGg] k|x/L sd{rf/L ;ts{ / ;hu /xg'kg]{ x'G5 . o;} s'/f u/]kl5 d'2f lhTg ;lsG5 eGg] clek|fo /fvL u/L oftgf lbPsf] elg lgj]bg k/]sf] cj:yfdf oftgf lbPsf] eGg] k|j[lQ klg a9\bf] 5 . o;f] ;f] sf] sfg'gL tyf tYout k|ltjfb, k'g/fj]bg x'g'df dfly pNn]v ePem} oftgf glbPsf] s'/fnfO{ h:tf s'/fdf hfgsf/ agL k|lt/Iff;d]tsf] Jojxf/df k|ltjfb ug]{, b]vfpg], k'li6 ug]{, k|dfl0ft sfo{df ;/sf/L jlsn;Fu lgoldt ;dGjo / ug{ r'gf}tL lbg ;Sg] /fHosf] ;+oGq g} sdhf]/ ;xof]usf] cj:yfdf x/bd tof/ /xg' kb{5 . 5 eg] s]xL cj:yfdf ;+nUg sd{rf/Lx? k|lzlIft gx'g] ;d:of, s]xLdf c6]/L ug]{ k|j[lQ klg lhDd]jf/ ^= Jojxf/df b]lvPsf ;d:of b]lvG5 . o;}u/L lx/f;tdf lnFbf, /fVbf, 5f]8\bf ;+j}wflgs Joj:yfsf] ?kdf lgjf/s gh/aGb;DaGwL lbg'kg]{ sfg'g ;Ddt k"hL{ glbg], :jf:y k/LIf0f Joj:yf / oftgflj?4sf] k|fjwfg ;dflxt ePsf] gu/fpg], u/fP klg pNn]lvt sfuhft NofO{ nfdf] ;do eO{;s]sf] 5 . oftgflj?4sf] dxf;lGwdf ldl;n ;fd]n gul/lbg], ;DjlGwt sd{rf/L ;?jf g]kfnn] x:tfIf/ u/]sf] em08} @% jif{ eO{;s]sf] 5, eO{ uPkl5 csf{n] u/]sf] sfddf kl5 cfpg]n] oftgf / Ifltk"lt{;DaGwL sfg'gL Joj:yf ePsf] rf;f] glbg] ubf{ klg oftgf lbPsf] elg d'2f em08} @) jif{ eO{;s]sf] klg 5 . t/ oftgfsf] xfNg] / kLl8tsf] gfddf d'2f lhTg] cj:yfx? ;du| zf/Ll/s, dfgl;s / lgd{dtf kIfsf cnfjf a9\b} uPsf] b]lvG5 . cdfgjLo / ckdfgk"0f{ Jojxf/ klg oftgfleq k5{ eGg] s'/f cg';Gwfgdf ;+nUg s}og k|x/L tyf oL cj:yfx?sf] sf/0f oftgfsf] j[xt kl/efiffleq cGo sd{rf/Lx? cgle1 /xg] u/]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . k/]sf] dflg kIfn] d'2f xfNg] / cgfxsdf k|lt/Iffsf] xfd|f ;+j}wflgs tyf sfg'gL b:tfj]hx? Gfful/s cj:yfx? b]vf kb{5 . o:t} oftgf lbPsf] k|dfl0ft clwsf/sf] ;+/If0fsf nflu cToGt} ;"Id kIf;Fu x'g] kbflwsf/LnfO{ ljefuLo sf/afxLsf] ;hfo;Dd ;d]t ;+j]bgzLn eO{ ;dflxt ug{ Jofks bfo/f x'g t ;Qm5 g} . o;sf cnfjf ;f] bf]ifsf] efuL agfpFb} hfFbf ;d]t cg';Gwfg txlssft tyf lgl/x /fHo aGg'kg]{ / Joxf]g'{kg]{ Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd lx/f;t;DaGwL sfo{df ;+nUg lgsfox?, To;df Jooef/ /fHosf] yfKnf]df kg{ hfg' lglZrt ?kdf sfo{/t k|x/L, sd{rf/Lx? k|lzlIft x'g g;Sg] b'vMbfoL aGb5 . of] cj:yf /fHon] ef]Ub} hfg'k/]sf] Joj:yf /xg', To;sf] k|Tofe"lt x'g] vfnsf] ;+oGq 5 . cg';Gwfg, txlssft / lx/f;tdf /fVg] aGg g;Sg'af6 sfo{;Dkfbgsf /fd|f ;"rsx? ;d]t lhDd]jf/L kfPsf lgsfo / kbflwsf/L sd{rf/Lsf] Jojxf/df b]lvg' t stf xf] stf uDeL/ ck/fwdf c1fgtf, hjh{:tkg tyf x]nrqm\ofOFsf sf/0f ;+nUg Joltmx?nfO{ ;fdfGo ?kdf lx/f;tdf /fVbf p7fO{ o:tf d'2fx? kg]{ / d'2f kl/;s]kl5 klg jf aGbL;Fusf] Go"gtd ?ksf Jojxf/ ubf{ ;d]t k|lt/Iffsf nflu k"j{ tof/L gug]{, ;/sf/L oftgf lbof] eGg] cfnf]rgf ug]{ Jojxfl/s k|rng jlsnnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fO{ ;xof]u / ;dGjo tLj| ?kdf a9\bf] 5 . ug]{ jftfj/0f klg gagfpg] sf/0fn] oftgf / Ifltk"lt{;DaGwL ljifo Jojxf/df ;d:ofhgs / o;}u/L lx/f;t tyf oftgfsf] ljifo / r'gf}tLk"0f{ aGb} uO{/x]sf] 5 . ;f];Fu hf]l8g] ;a} tYosf] ljZn]if0f, k|df0fsf] d"Nof+sg, oftgf k|dfl0ft x'g'kg]{ gkg]{, oftgf / &= ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu s]xL ;'emfj Ifltk"lt{;DaGwL P]gsf] bkmf %-!_ sf] xbDofb, bkmf oftgflj?4df Joj:yf ePsf cGt/f{li6«o cid mAGAZINE 85

b:tfj]h, g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfgsf k|fjwfg -`_ sltko d'2fdf ljkIfL agfPsf lgsfon] tyf ljBdfg sfg'gL k|fjwfgsf ;Gbe{df lnlvt k|ltjfb g} gug]{ / lnlvt k|ltjfb u/] Jojxf/df b]lvPsf sl7gfOx? lgs} g} klg k|lt/Iffsf] nflu gn]Vg], n]v] klg d'2fdf r'gf}tLk"0f{ b]lvPsf 5g\ . oftgf zJbn] j]jf:tf u/L ;/sf/L jlsnsf] 6fpsf]df ;d]6]sf] j[xb kl/efiffsf] ;/f]km]/f]df b]lvPsf ;d:of y'kfg]{ k|j[lt b]lv+bf o:tf] gx'g] Joj:yf ;a} ;dfwfgsf nflu cg';Gwfg txlssft tyf lgsfon] ldnfpg] . lx/f;tdf /fVg] sfo{df ;+nUg k|x/L sd{rf/L -6_ s'g} klg sd{rf/Ln] u/]sf] unt sfo{sf] kl/0ffd tyf lgsfox?n] lgDg s'/fdf Wofg lbg' /fHon] Ifltk"lt{ ltg'{kg]{ x'Fbf cfkm\gf] unt cfjZos b]lvPsf] 5 M k|j[ltk|lt k|To]s sd{rf/L ;r]t /xg'kg]{ / -s_ oftgf / Ifltk"lt{ ljifosf g]kfnn] cg'df]bg dflyNnf] kbflwsf/L tyf lgsfon] o:tf sfo{df u/]sf cGt/f{li6«o b:tfj]h, ;+j}wflgs Joj:yf, lgu/fgL, ;'kl/j]If0f, lg/LIf0fdfkm{t unt oftgf / Ifltk"lt{ P]g, @)%# sf lqmofsnfk lgoGq0f ug]{ k|of; ug'{kg]{ / unt Joj:yf af/]df ;Da4 sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ ug]{ pk/ sf/afxL ug'{kg]{ . hfgsf/ u/fpg] / ;Da4 lgsfon] o; af/]sf] -7_ cg';Gwfg, txlssft tyf lx/f;t;DaGwL tflndsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg'kg]{ . sfd sf/afxLnfO{ ;xL 9Ëaf6 ;~rfng u/L -v_ ;/sf/L d'2f;DaGwL P]g, lgod, k|x/L P]g, lgod hgljZjf; agfpFb} n}hfg k|x/L sfof{nosf] nufot k|rlnt sfg'gn] tf]s]sf cg';Gwfg, lhDd]jf/L x'g] x'Fbf o:tf sfo{nfO{ b08 txlssft, lx/f;t;DaGwL sfd sf/afxLdf / k'/:sf/;Fu ;Da4 ub}{ n}hfg] . o;nfO{ y'gf jf lgoGq0fdf lnFbf, /fVbf, 5f8\bf k|rlnt a9'jf, ;'ljwf, ljb]z e|d0fnufotsf ;du| sfg'g adf]lhdsf] k|s[of k'¥ofO{ k"hL{ lbg] . j[lt ljsf;;Fu cfa4 ug'{kg]{ . -u_ s;}nfO{ lgoGq0fdf lnFbf / 5f8\bf clgjfo{ ?kdf -8_ oftgf lbPsf] elg lhNnf cbfntaf6 :jf:y k/LIf0f u/fpg] / ;f] sf] k|ltj]bg ;'/lIft Ifltk"lt{ lbnfpg] u/L km};nf ePdf ;f]pk/ tj/df clen]vLs/0f ug]{ . ;DalGwt lgsfon] k'g/fj]bg u/L k|lt/Iffsf] -3_ lgoGq0fdf lnOPsf JolQmk|ltsf] Jojxf/df nflu ;DalGwt ;/sf/L jlsnsxfF cg'/f]w k"0f{tof ;+od, w}o{tf / j'l4dtf ckgfpg] / ug]{ / tTkZrft ;dGjo, ;xof]u ug'{kg]{ . s'zntfk"j{s sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ . -ª_ zf/Ll/s / dfgl;s hfFr ul/Pkl5 ;f] k|ltj]bg *= lgisif{ cljnDj ! k|lt ;DalGwt lhNnf cbfntdf ;du|df oftgf eg]sf] dfgjtflj?4sf] k7fpg] . ck/fw ePsf] / oftgfsf] kl/efiffdf ckdfgk"0f{ -r_ s;}n] oftgf lbPsf] elg s;}sf] ph'/L k/]df Jojxf/ ;d]t kfl/Psf] kl/k|]Iodf cg';Gwfg, ;f] sf] xbDofb h:tf s'/fdf Vofn /fVg] / txlssft tyf lx/f;tdf /fVg], 5f8g];DaGwL cljnDa ;DalGwt lgsfon] ;f] sf] sf/0f sfo{x? ;+ljwfg tyf sfg'g ;Ddt x'g}kb{5, tyf k|ltjfbsf] nflu Wofg lbg'kg]{, cfGtl/s oftgf lbPsf] ;DaGwdf xbDofb / Ifltk"lt{;DaGwL 5fgljg ug]{ . Joj:yf sfg'gåf/f g} lgwf{l/t x'g] x'Fbf c:ki6 -5_ sf]xL kbflwsf/Ln] hfgLhfgL nfk/jfxL jf k|fjwfgx? Dffkm{t eGbf sfg'gåf/f lgwf{l/t jblgotk"j{s oftgf lbPsf] b]lvPdf unt ug]{ Joj:yfnfO{ g} ;a} lgsfon] dgg ug}{kg]{ x'G5 . pk/ 9fs5f]k gug]{, s;"/ cg';f/sf] sf/afxL ;se/ d'2f g} gkg]{ l:ylttkm{ cf–cfkm\gf sfd ug]{ . sf/afxLnfO{ ljZj;gLo agfpg], d'2f k/]df -h_ ph'/L jblgotk"j{s lbPsf] b]lvPdf ;f] sfg'g;Ddt 9+Ën] k|ltjfb ug]{, k|lt/Iffsf nflu ;GaGwL cfjZos k|df0f sfuhftx? ;+sng u/L tyf ;kmntfsf nflu cfk;L ;dGjo, r':t b'?:t agfpg] / ;f]] k|ltjfb k|ltpQ/ k]z ;xof]ufTds ?kdf sfo{ u/L ;dli6df cfkm\gf] ug{ ;/sf/L jlsn;Fu ;Dks{ ug]{ . b'isd{af6 /fHo;d]t kLl8t x'G5 eGg] dfgl;stf -em_ k|ltpQ/÷k|ltjfb k]z ul/;s]kl5 k|lt/Iffsf] /flv ;f] /f]Sg]tkm{ dgg u/L sfo{ ug{ ;Da4 nflu ;j} sfuhft, k|df0f ;+nUg /fvL ;/sf/L tyf ;+nUg k|x/L sd{rf/LnfO{ k|lzlIft ub}{ n}hfg' jsLnsxfF k7fpg] . cfjZos 5 .  cid mAGAZINE 86 cid mAGAZINE 87

;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf o;sf] sfg'gL Joj:yf

k|=gf=p= uf}td ld> ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f cg';Gwfg ljefu

;DklQ z'4Ls/0f (Money sfg'gL sf/afxLaf6 arfpg ;xof]u Laundering) sf] kl/ro ug]{ p2]Zon] s;"/af6 k|fKt ;DklQ u}/sfg'gL ?kdf cflh{t cfo jf sfnf] xf] eGg] yfxf kfpFbfkfpFb} jf ljZjf; wgnfO{ wf]O{ kvfnL z'4 agfpg] k|lqmofnfO{ ug{' kg]{ dgfl;a cfwf/ x'Fbfx'Fb} To:tf] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f elgG5 . ;DklQsf] ;DklQ s'g} klg k|sf/n] ¿kfGt/0f jf u}/sfg'gL ;|f]t n'sfpg] jf 5Ng] sfo{ x:tfGt/0f ug]{, g} ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f xf] . ;DklQsf] ;xL -v_ s;"/af6 k|fKt ;DklQ xf] eGg] k|s[lt, ;|f]t, :yfg, lg;{u :jfldTj jf yfxf kfpFbfkfpFb} jf ljZjf; ug{' kg]{ ;f] ;DklQpk/sf] clwsf/ n'sfpg], dgfl;a cfwf/ x'Fbfx'Fb} To:tf] ;DklQsf] 5Ng] jf abNg] sfo{nfO{ ;DklQ ;xL k|s[lt, ;|f]t, :yfg, lg;{u -Dispo- z'4Ls/0fsf] gfdn] lrlgG5. s;"/ sition_, sf/f]af/ -Movement_, :jfldTj u/L ;DklQ k|fKt ug]{, k|of]u ug]{ jf jf ;f] ;DklQpk/sf] clwsf/ n'sfpg], wf/0f ug]{ sfo{ ;d]t ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f 5Ng] jf abNg], jf xf]. ;Da4 s;"/ -Predicate Offence_ -u_ s;"/af6 k|fKt ;DklQ xf] eGg] sf] ;x–ck/fw -Secondary Offence_ hfgL hfgL jf ljZjf; ug{' kg]{ sf] ?kdf /xg] ck/fw ePsf]n] of] dgfl;a cfwf/ x'Fbfx'Fb} To:tf] ;DklQ Ps ax'cfoflds ljQLo ck/fw k|fKt ug]{, k|of]u ug]{ jf wf/0f ug]{ . xf] . -@_ s'g} JolQmn] pNn]lvt s'g} sfo{sf]  ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f P]g @)^$ if8oGq, d2t, b'?T;fxg, ;xhLs/0f, sf] bkmf # cg';f/M dt;Nnfx jf pBf]u ug{ jf ;Da4tf jf -!_ s'g} JolQmn] b]xfosf] s'g} sfo{ ug{ ;xeflutf hgfpg jf dltof/ x'g x'Fb}g . jf u/fpg x'Fb}gM -#_ s;}n] -!_ jf -@_ sf s'g} sfo{ -s_ ;DklQsf] u}/sfg'gL ;|f]t n'sfpg] u/]df ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f;DaGwL s;"/ jf 5Ng] jf s;"/df ;+nUg JolQmnfO{ x'g]5 . cid mAGAZINE 88

cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL • afn of}g zf]if0fnufot h'g;'s} k|sf/sf] of}g -Terrorist Financing_ sf] kl/ro zf]if0f;DaGwL, s'g} klg cft+ssf/L sfo{df jf cft+ssf/L • nfu"cf}ifw tyf dgf]åLks kbfy{sf] u}/sfg'gL JolQm jf cft+ssf/L ;+u7gn] k"0f{ jf cf+lzs cf];f/k;f/;DaGwL, ?kdf k|of]u ug]{ u/L k|ToIf jf k/f]If ?kn] • xftxltof/ v/vhfgfsf] u}/sfg'gL cf];f/ k|bfg ul/Psf] ;Dklt jf sf]if, xft xltof/ k;f/;DaGwL, lgdf{0f, cf];f/ k;f/ / k|of]udf ul/g] nufgLnfO{ • rf]/L ul/Psf] jf cGo j:t'sf] u}/sfg'gL cf];f/ cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL elgG5 . k;f/;DaGwL, • e|i6frf/ tyf 3';;DaGwL, • ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f P]g @)^$ sf] bkmf • 7uL;DaGwL, $ cg';f/M • lst]{;DaGwL, -s_ s'g} JolQmn] cft+ssf/L sfo{df jf • vf]6f l;Ssf jf d'›f;DaGwL, cft+ssf/L JolQm jf cft+ssf/L ;+u7gn] • gSsnL j:t'sf] pTkfbg tyf pTkfbgsf] u}/sfg'gL k"0f{ jf cf+lzs ?kdf k|of]u ug]{ jf ug{ ;Sg] k|ltlnlk jf rf]/L -Piracy of Product_ ;DaGwL, s'/f yfxf kfpFbfkfpFb} u}/sfg'gL dg;fon] • jftfj/0f ljgfz;DaGwL, :j]R5fk"j{s s'g} klg dfWodaf6 k|ToIf jf • Hofg lng] tyf cËeË;DaGwL, ck|ToIf ?kdf ;DklQ jf sf]if pknAw • ckx/0f, u}/sfg'gL y'gf jf z/L/ aGws;DaGwL, u/fpg jf ;Íng ug{ x'Fb}g . • rf]/L jf 8s}tL;DaGwL, -v_ s'g} JolQmn] cft+ssf/L sfo{ ug{sf] nflu jf • t:s/L -eG;f/, cGtz'Ns tyf s/;lxt_ ;DaGwL, cft+ssf/L JolQm jf cft+ssf/L ;+u7gnfO{ • s/ -k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf;d]t_ ;DaGwL, k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf s'g} klg dfWodaf6 • cfk/flws nfe -Extortion_ ;DaGwL, ef}lts ;xof]u jf ;fwg ;|f]t pknAw • ;fd'l›s 8s}tL -Piracy_ ;DaGwL, u/fpg jf ;f]sf] if8\oGq ug{ x'Fb}g . • lwtf]kq jf sdf]l8l6h ahf/nfO{ k|lts"n k|efj -u_ plNnlvt sfo{ u/]df To:tf] sfo{ cft+sjfbL kfg]{ -Market Manipulation_ jf leqL sf/f]af/ lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL;DaGwL s;"/ -InsiderTrading_ ;DaGwL, x'g]5 . • k|frLg :df/s ;+/If0f;DaGwL, • jg, /fli6«o lgs'~h tyf jGohGt' ;+/If0f;DaGwL, ;Da4 s;"/ -Predicate Offence_ sf] • d'›f, a}+lsË, ljQLo, ljb]zL ljlgdo, ljlgdo kl/ro clwsf/kq, aLdf jf ;xsf/L;Fu ;DaGwL, ;Da4 s;'/ eGgfn] ;DklQ cfh{g ug]{ p4]Zon] • sfnf]ahf/, pkef]Qmf ;+/If0f, k|lt:kwf{ jf ul/Psf ljleGg k|sf/sf kmf}hbf/L tyf b]jfgL cfk"lt{;DaGwL, k|s[ltsf ck/fwx? x'g\ . h'g ck/fw u/] jfkt • lgjf{rg ;DaGwL, cleo'QmnfO{ k|rlnt sfg'g cg';f/ sf/afxL • ;~rf/, k|zf/0f, lj1fkg;DaGwL, ug{sf ;fy} ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f P]g @)^$ • oftfoft Joj;fo, lzIff, :jf:Yo, cf}ifwL jf cg';f/ ;d]t sf/afxLsf] bfo/fdf NofOG5 . j}b]lzs /f]huf/ 7uL;DaGwL, • kmd{, ;fem]bf/L, sDkgL jf ;+3 ;+:yf;DaGwL, ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0f P]g @)^$ sf] • 3/, hUuf / ;DklQ;DaGwL, cg';'lr ! df pNn]v ePsf ;Da4 s;"/x? • lr¶f, h'jf jf rGbf;DaGwL, • ;+ul7t cfk/flws ;d"x / u}/sfg'gL jf • gful/stf, cWofudg jf /fxbfgL;DaGwL, w"Tof{OFk"j{ssf] c;"nL -Racketeering_ df • cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL;DaGwL ;xefuL x'g] ;DaGwL, s;"/, • ljWj+;fTds sfo{nufot cft+sjfb;DaGwL, • g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg • h'g;'s} k|sf/sf] dfgj a]rlavg tyf u/L tf]lslbPsf] cGo s'g} s;"/, cf];f/k;f/;DaGwL, • dfly plNnlvt s;"/ dflgg] s'g} sfo{ ljb]zdf eP cid mAGAZINE 89

u/]sf] / To:tf] sfo{ ;DalGwt d'n'ssf] sfg'g • ljQLo :yfloTjnfO{ gi6 kfg]{, adf]lhd ;d]t ck/fw dflgg] /x]5 eg] To:tf] • :yfloTj / k"jf{g'dfg ug{ g;lsg] jftfj/0f s;"/ . Nofpg], • cfly{s nufgLnfO{ b'?T;fxg ug]{, ;DklQ z'4Ls/0faf6 x'g] c;/M • k"FhL knfognfO{ a9fjf lbg], • ck/fw / ck/fwL zlQmzfnL aGg], • Jofkf/ 3f6f a9fpg], • lgodg, ;'k/Lj]If0f / sfg'gL sf/jfxLnfO{ • ljb]zL ljlgdo b'?kof]u a9fpg] / ljlgdo sdhf]/ agfpg], b/nfO{ cl:y/ kfg]{, • cfly{s tyf ljQLo kf/bzL{tf 36\g], • ;/sf/L ;+oGqk|lt ljZjf;sf] jftfj/0f u'Dg] .

ML Process

Integration The Money Placement Money is returned The initial entry into the economy Laundering of "dirty money" as legitimate cycle into the financial funds. The money system is now "clean".

Layering Consists of a series of transactions designed to conceal the orgin of the funds cid mAGAZINE 90

;DklQ z'4Ls/0fsf r/0f÷tl/sf • ;Íng -Collection_ • /sd /fVg] -Placement_ • /sdsf] txsLs/0f ug]{ -Layering_ • ;DklQ PsLs[t ug]{ -Integration_ pNn]lvt r/0f ;"qa4 ?kdf lgDgfg';f/ klg AofVof ug{ ;lsG5 .

;DklQ z'4Ls/0fsf] k|lqmof c_ ck/fw cf_ cfh{g O_ OGthfd O{_ O{nd p_ pkrf/ pm_ pmhf{zLn÷pkof]u÷pGd'lQm

;DklQ z'4Ls/0fsf ;DefJo If]qM ;'rs ;+:yfx? • e|i6frf/, • g]kfn /fi6 a}s ljlQo hfgsf/L O{sfO • cj}w xftxltof/sf] sf/f]jf/, • g]kfn k|x/L • dfgj t:s/L tyf cd'No j:t', hgfj/ / ax'd'No • dxfGofolwjQmfsf] sfof{no jg:kltsf] t:s/L, • cbfnt • ;Ldf t:s/L, • jfXo ;fem]bf/ lgsfo • cft+ssf/L sfo{ / cft+sjfbdf ePsf] ljQLo nufgL, • Jofkfl/s ;d'bfo • nfu' cf}ifw sf/f]jf/, • Jofkfl/s / cf}wf]lus ;+3–;+:yfx? • lr¶f 7uL, • cGo k]zfut ;d'bfox? • dflkmof ;~rfng, • cfd ;+rf/ dfWodx? • x'08L Jofkf/, • Sofl;gf], • ckx/0f / lkm/f}tL, • rf]/L / 8s}tL -Piracy_ •/fh:j 5nL, • s'g} klg u}/ sfg'gL sfo{ jf sfnf] wg ;]tf] kfg]{ h'g;'s} sfo{ cid mAGAZINE 91

;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0fdf cGt/f{li6«o -v_ Plzof k|zfGt If]q ;d"x (Asia Pacific ;fem]bf/ lgsfox? Group on Money Laundering-APG) -s_ ljQLo sf/jfxL sfo{bn - (Financial Action Plzof k|zfGt If]q ;d"xsf] :yfkgf ;g\ Task Force) (FATF) !((& df ePsf] xf] . h;sf] k|wfg sfof{no yfO{Nof08sf] a}ssdf /x]sf] 5 . ;b:o /fi6«x?n] ;g\ !(*( df :yfkgf ePsf] ljQLo sf/jfxL cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] dfkb08x?sf] kfngf u/]sf 5g\ sfo{bnsf] d'Vofno k|mfG;sf] k]l/;df /x]sf] 5|}gg\ egL d"NofÍg ug]{, l4kIfLo tyf ax'kIfLo 5 . h;df s'n #^ ;b:o /fi6«x? /x]sf 5g\ . ?kdf ;xfotf bftfx?;Fu tflnd / k|fljlws o;n] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f / cft+ssf/L ljQLo ;xfotfx? tf]lsPsf] If]qdf k'u]sf] 5, 5}g x]/L nufgL ug]{ sfo{nfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ d'n'sx?sf gk'u]df k'¥ofpg ;xof]u ug]{ , cGt/f{li6«o ?kdf sfg"gL, ljQLo / sfof{Gjog P+j lgodg ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f lgjf/0fdf ;xefuL / ;dGjo lgsfox?sf] ;+:yfut ;'wf/sf nflu ;xof]u ug]{, ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f / cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ;d]t k'¥of{pFb} cfPsf]5 . ljZjJofkL dfkb08 ljQLo nufgLdf b]vfkg]{ gjLg tf}/tl/sfsf] cWoog lgwf{/0f ug]{ sfo{sf cltl/Qm ;b:o /fi6«x?n] cg';Gwfg ug]{ / ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f / cftÍjfbL o;n] kfl/t u/]sf] $) l;kmfl/zx?sf] lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL /f]Sg cGt/fli6«o kfngf u/] gu/]sf] P+j ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f :t/df gLlt lgdf{0fdf ;xof]u ug]{ h:tf p4]Zox? tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL Plzof k|zfGt If]q ;d"xn] /fv]sf] kfOG5 . of] Pp6f lgjf/0fsf] ljZjJofkL k|j[lQ / tf}/tl/sfsf] If]qLo cGt/fli6«o ;+:yf xf] . o;df xfn $! ;b:o d"NofÍg ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . /fi6«x? /x]sf 5g\ .

g]kfndf ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f ;DjGwL ;+:yfut Joj:yf @)^* df ljefusf] :yfkgf dxflgb]{zssf] g]t[Tj @ j6f dxfzvf / !! zfvf lghfdtLtk{m &% / k|x/Ltkm{ $! :jLs[t b/jGbL ljefusf] sfof{no k'Nrf]s nlntk"/ cid mAGAZINE 92

@= g]kfndf ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f;DaGwL ljz]if cbfntdf d'2f bfo/ x'g] Joj:yf /x]sf] cg';Gwfg k|lqmof tyf sfg'gL Aoj:yf 5 . ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f;DaGwL d'2f bfo/ ug{ s'g} • ph'/L jf ;"rgf k|fKt ug]{M xbDofb gx'g] sfg'gL Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . ;DklQ P]gsf] bkmf !# cg';f/ ph'/L jf ;"rgf z'4Ls/0f;DaGwL d'2fdf y'g'jf ePdf () lnlvt jf df}lvs ?kdf lbg ;lsg]5. df}lvs lbg;Dd y'gfdf /fvL cg';Gwfg ug{ ;lsg] ph'/LnnfO{ klg lnlvt ?k lbO{ btf{ ul/g]5 . Joj:yf /x]sf]5 . ph'/Lstf{n] cfˆgf] gfd 7]ufgf uf]Ko /fVg rfx]df s'g} uf]Ko ;+s]t /fvL btf{ ul/g] Joj:yf - d'2fsf] k|lt/Iff / ax; k}/jL;DaGwL 5 . s;}n] ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL Joj:yfM lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL;DaGwL s;'/ ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f;DaGwL d'2f ;/sf/jfbL u/]sf], ug{ nfu]sf] jf ul//x]sf] ljefusf] s'g} x'g] / pQm d'2f ljz]if cbfntdf bfo/ x'g] sd{rf/LnfO{ s'g} Joxf]/fn] yfxf x'g cfPdf ;f] / d'2fsf] k|lt/Iff ax; k}/jL ljz]if ;/sf/L Joxf]/fnfO{ klg ph'/Lsf] ?kdf btf{ ug]{ Joj:yf jsLn sfof{noaf6 x'g] Joj:yf /x]sf]5 . ljz]if /x]sf] 5 . cbfntaf6 ePsf] km};nfpk/ k'g/fj]bg ug{' k/]df dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{noaf6 x'g] - k|f/lDes hfFra'em ug]{ / d'2fsf] k'g/fj]bg ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] P]gsf] bkmf !$ cg';f/ ljefudf k|fKt ph'/L If]qflwsf/leq kb{5 . d'2fsf] k|lt/Iff, jx; jf ;"rgfsf ;DaGwdf ljefusf] k|d'vn] k}/jL dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{noaf6 x'g] cfkm}F jf pko'Qm ;do lbO{ dftxtsf] s'g} Joj:yf 5 . clws[tnfO{ v6fO{ k|f/flDes hfFra'em u/fpg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . - b08 ;hfosf] Joj:yf -P]gsf] kl/R5]b & cg';f/_ - cg';Gwfg ug]{ • ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f;DaGwL s;"/ ug]{ / P]gsf] bkmf !$ cg';f/sf] k|f/flDes hfFra'emaf6 ;f]sf] if8oGq ug]{ JolQmnfO{ lauf]sf] bf]Aa/ s'g} ph'/L jf ;"rgfsf ;DaGwdf cg';Gwfg hl/jfgf / s;"/sf] ufDeLo{ x]/L @ jif{b]lv !) ug{'kg]{ b]lvPdf P]gsf] bkmf !% cg';f/ jif{;Dd s}b x'g] / cGo s;"/ ug]{ JolQmnfO{ ljefusf k|d'vn] cg';Gwfg clws[t lgo'Qm plNnlvt ;hfosf] cfwf ;hfo x'g] . ug]{ jf tf]Sg] Joj:yf 5 . ljefusf] s'g} • cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo clws[t jf cGo ;/sf/L clws[t jf ;fj{hlgs nufgL;DaGwL s;"/ ug]{ JolQmnfO{ ljuf] ;+:yfsf] s'g} clws[tnfO{ cg';Gwfg clws[t v'n]sf]df ljuf]sf] % u'0ff / ljuf] gv'n]sf]df tf]Sg ;lsg] tyf d'2fsf] k|s[lt cg';f/ s'g} ?= ! s/f]8;Dd hl/jfgf x'g] / s;"/sf] lgsfonfO{ g} cg';Gwfgsf] sfo{ ;'Dkg ;lsg] Joj:yf ufDeLo{ x]/L # jif{b]lv @) jif{;Dd s}b x'g] . ;d]t /x]sf]5 eg] cfjZostfg';f/ s'g} d'2fsf • cGo s;"/ ug]{ JolQmnfO{ plNnlvt ;hfosf] ;DaGwdf ;+o'Qm cg';Gwfg 6f]nL u7g ug{ cfwf ;hfo x'g] . ;lsg] Joj:yf 5 . - s'g} /fi6«;]js jf ;"rs ;+:yfsf] kbflwsf/L jf sd{rf/LnfO{ plNnlvt ;hfodf yk !) - d'2fsf] cleof]hg ug]{ k|ltzt ;hfo x'g] . P]gsf] kl/R5]b # cg';f/ ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL;DaGwL sfg'gL JolQmnfO{ s;"/sf] ufDeLo{sf s;'/df cg';Gwfg ug]{ If]qflwsf/ ljefunfO{ cfwf/df b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} ;hfo x'g] /x]sf] 5. P]gsf] bkmf !% adf]lhd cg';Gwfg • z'4Ls/0f ul/Psf] ;DklQsf] % u'0ff;Dd clws[tsf] k|ltj]bg cg';f/ d'2f bfo/ ug{'kg]{ hl/jfgf ug]{, b]lvPdf ljefusf k|d'vn] d'2f rNg] jf grNg] • cjlw tf]sL ;fj{hlgs vl/bdf lgif]w ug]{, lg0f{osf nflu ;/sf/L jsLn sfof{nodf • cjlw tf]sL pTkfbg jf ;]jfsf] vl/b ug{ n]vL k7fpg] / d'2f rNg] lg0f{o e} cfPdf /f]s nufpg], cid mAGAZINE 93

• xfgL gf]S;fgLsf] Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg], • cfb]z kfngf gug]{nfO{ x'g] ;hfoM ;DklQ • Ohfhtkq jf cg'dltkq vf/]h ug]{, To:tf] z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL lqmofsnfkdf sfg'gL JolQmnfO{ vf/]h ug]{, ljQLo nufgL;DaGwL s;"/sf] cg';Gwfgsf] dfly n]lvP afx]s s;}n] of] P]g jf o; P]g qmddf lbPsf] cfb]z kfngf gug]{ cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod pNn+3g u/]df lauf] v'n]sf]df AolQmnfO{ ljefusf] k|d'vn] kfFrnfv lauf] hkmt u/L ljuf] adf]lhdsf] hl/afgf / ljuf] ¿k}ofF;Dd hl/jfgf ug{ ;Sg], gv'n]sf]df ?= !) nfv;Dd hl/afgf x'g] . • afwf lj/f]w ug]{nfO{ ;hfoM o; • uf]kgLotf eË ug]{nfO{ ;hfoM ;"rgfsf] P]g cGtu{tsf] cg';Gwfg;DaGwL sfd uf]kgLotf sfod gug]{ jf cg';Gwfgsf] sf/afxLdf s;}n] afwf lj/f]w u/]df lghnfO{ qmddf uf]Kotf eË ug]{ JolQmnfO{ ! cg';Gwfg clws[tsf] k|ltj]bgsf] cfwf/df dlxgfb]lv # dlxgf;Dd s}b jf ?= ! d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/Ln] ^ dlxgf;Dd s}b jf nfv;Dd hl/jfgf jf b'j} ;hfo x'g], ?= % xhf/;Dd hl/afgf jf b'j} ;hfo ug{ • k|df0f n'sfpg] jf gi6 ug]{nfO{ x'g] ;Sg], ;hfoM ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f tyf cft+sjfbL • x}/fgL jf em0em6 lbg]nfO{ ;hfoM s;}n] lqmofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL;DaGwL s;"/ ph"/L lbg' kg]{ dgfl;a sf/0f geO{ s;}nfO{ dflgg] sfd sf/afxL;Fu ;DalGwt k|df0f s'g} lsl;dsf] xflg gf]S;gL k'¥ofpg] jf b'Mv, n'sfpg] jf gi6 ug]{ JolQmnfO{ s;"/sf] dfqf x}/fgL jf em0em6 lbg] lgotn] em'§f ph"/L cg';f/ ! dlxgfb]lv # dlxgf;Dd s}b jf lbPsf] k|dfl0ft ePdf cg';Gwfg clws[tsf] ?= %) xhf/b]lv ?= ! nfv;Dd hl/afgf k|ltj]bgsf cfwf/df d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/Ln] jf b'j} ;hfo x'g] / To:tf] sfo{ ug{ ;xof]u To:tf] JolQmnfO{ ?= !) xhf/;Dd hl/jfgf ug]{nfO{ ;f] ;hfosf] cfwf ;hfo x'g] . ug{ ;Sg] . 

#= ;DklQ z'4Ls/0f cg';Gwfg ljefusf] cg';Gwfg ;DjGwL k|ult ljj/0fM qm=;+= ljj/0f ;+Vof s}lkmot ! xfn;Dd k|fKt ph'/L &%! @)&!÷)&@ cf;f9 d;fGt;Ddsf] @ k|f/lDes hfFra'emdf nluPsf $)) # hDdf cg';Gwfgdf /x]sf @)! $ ljz]if cbfntdf cleof]hg kq btf{ ePsf @( % ljz]if cbfntaf6 km};nf ePsf !* ^ ljefusf] kIfdf km};nf ePsf !% & k'g/fj]bgsf nflu cg'dlt dfu ul/Psf ) * ljkIfL k'g/fj]bgdf uPsf] ! ( tfd]nLdf uPsf !@! cid mAGAZINE 94

ck/fw kLl8tsf] xs – ;+j}wflgs Joj:yf / ;Da4 kIfsf] e"ldsf

k|x/L gfoa pk/LIfs – gjLg lszf]/ k|wfg ;'=k=If]= k|x/L tflnd s]Gb|, lbkfon

kmf}hbf/L Gofodf ck/fwLn] ;hfo kfpg' eGg] ;Gbe{df s;'/ lkl8t P]g @)^* / kLl8tn] Gofo kfpg'nfO{ d"ne"t ?kdf sf] s;"/ lk8Ltsf] ;DaGwdf Joj:yf lnOg] ul/G5 o;y{ ck/fwLn] ;hfo ug{ ag]sf] ljw]os kf; x'g ;s] kLl8t kfpg] sfo{df /fHosf lgod, sfg'g JolQmsf] xs sfod x'g]5 / o;n] / sfof{Gjog u/fpg] kIfsf] e"ldsf cg';Gwfg sf/afxL Pj+ k|lqmofdf ;d]t /x]h:t} ck/fw / ck/fwLaf6 kLl8t ;xhtf NofO{ cGo ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfo JolQmnfO{ Gofo lbnfpg] ;Gbe{df klg ;d]tn] kLl8tnfO{ ;xfotf ug]{ Joj:yf ;f]xL s'/fn] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]Nb5 . x'g ;s]sf] v08df of] Jojxfl/s ?kdf g]kfndf xfnsf] ;+j}wflgs Joj:yf x'g' ;kmn x'g]5 . k"j{ ck/fw kLl8tnfO{ sfg'gL pkrf/ / Gofo lbnfpg] qmddf s]xL k|rlnt kmf}hbf/L Gofo k|zf;gdf ;+nUg P]g sfg'gn] dfq ;fdfGo pkrf/ / lgsfox?dWo] cg';Gwfg ug]{ lgsfo Ifltk"lt{sf] Joj:yf u/]sf] kfOG5 . xfn} k|x/L, cleof]hg ug]{ lgsfo ;/sf/L g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg ;efaf6 kfl/t ePsf] jlsn, Gofo ;Dkfbg ug]{ lgsfo ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f–@! n] ck/fw kLl8tsf] cbfnt ;a}nfO{ cf–cfˆgf] If]qflwsf/ xs clwsf/sf] ;+/If0fsf] Joj:yfn] tf]lsPsf] 5 . oL tLg} lgsfoaf6 cf– kLl8tnfO{ Gofo lbnfpg] ;Gbe{df cfˆgf] sfo{ :jtGq ?kdf ;DkGg ug]{ of] sf]z]9'Ëf ;fljt x'g ;S5 . tyf cGt/;DaGw sfod /fvL ;dGjo ;+ljwfgsf] df}lns xsdf o;sf] Joj:yf ub}{ cleo'QmnfO{ ;hfo / kLl8tnfO{ x'g' dfq} o;k|ltsf] ;kmntf eGg] cjZo Gofo lbnfpg ;lsG5 . h;af6 kLl8tn] xf]Og . lkl8tn] cfˆgf] s:tf s:tf cfTd;Gt'li6 dfq k|fKt ub}{g ls Goflos xs clwsf/sf] k|of]u ug{ kfpg] / xs k|lqmofk|lt klg pgLx?sf] ljZjf; a9g clwsf/ xgg\ eof] eg] s:tf] pkrf/ hfG5 . oxL k|lqmofsf] qmddf obfsbf kfpg] eGg] ;fy} s] s'g sfg'gn] ck/fw laleGg clwsf/jfbL ;+3, ;+:yfx?n] kLl8tsf] xssf] k|Tofe"lt / ;'/Iff ug]{ cf–cfˆgf] kIfaf6 jsfnt ug]{ qmddf cid mAGAZINE 95

kLl8tsf] eGbf ck/fwLsf] dfgj clwsf/df hf]8 g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg –@)&@ nfu' x'g'cl3 g} lbPsf] efg kg]{ lsl;dsf] cleJolQm k|:t'lt ubf{ g]kfn k|x/Ln] ck/fw kLl8tsf] xs ;+/If0f sltko cj:yfdf kLl8t cfkm"n] Gofo kfpg] ;DaGwdf cjnDag u/]sf] Joj:yf s'/fdf z+sf dfg]sf] cj:yf kfOG5 . kLl8tsf] g]kfn sfg'gåf/f lglb{i6 ck/fw cg';Gwfg / xs ;+/If0f / clwsf/sf] af/]df sd} rf;f] lgoGq0f ug{' ;fy} 3l6t ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfg /fVg], j]jf:tf ug]{ / ck/fwLnfO{ ;+/If0f ug]{, u/L kLl8tnfO{ Gofo lbnfO{ sfg'gL /fHosf] pDsfpg vf]Hg] h:tf unt k|j[ltn] ubf{ k|Tofe"lt u/fpg k|x/L lgodfjnL–@)&!sf] ;dfhdf b08xLgtfn] k|>o kfPsf] sf/0f lgod @!) cg';f/ g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ck/fw ;d]tn] ubf{ kLl8t kIf To:tf ck/fwLsf 8/sf cg';Gwfg lgb]{lzsf–@)&! hf/L u/L g]kfn sf/0f Gofosf] vf]hL ug{ ;DalGwt lgsfodf k|x/Lsf] cfˆg} k|of;n] ck/fw kLl8tsf] xs ph'/L ug{ lxrlsrfO{ /x]sf x'G5g . o;y{ klg ;+/If0f ;DaGwdf lgDgfg';f/ Aoj:yf u/]sf] 5 M xfnsf] ;+j}wflgs Aoj:yfn] kLl8tn] Gofo kfpg] qmddf pgLx?sf] xssf] ;+/If0f ug]{ sfo{sf kl/R5]b–!% ck/fw cg';Gwfg sfo{ljlw, nflu kLl8t d}qL jftfj/0f agfpg ;xof]u ug]{ kLl8t tyf ;fIfL ;+/If0f, kLl8t tyf ;fIfLsf] xF'bf jt{dfg ;+ljwfgsf] of] cj:d/0fLo kIf xf] . sfuh;DaGwL sfg'gL Joj:yf / k|x/L bfloTj lgDgfg';f/ Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«o kl/k|]IonfO{ cWoog ubf{ ck/fwsf] !%=! ck/fwsf] ;"rgf jf hfx]/L btf{ ubf{sf] cf/f]k nfu]sf jf s;"/bf/ 7x/ ePsfx?sf] cj:yfdf cWoog ug]{ ljifonfO{ dfq ck/fw Gofozf:qn] !%=@ kLl8tsf] p4f/sf] cj:yfdf clwsf+z Wofg lbg] u/]sf] kfOPsf] x'Fbf gofF !%=# dfgj a]rljvg d'2fdf kLl8tsf] aofg ljrf/wf/f cg';f/ ck/fw kLl8tx?sf] xs, k|dfl0ft ug{' kg]{ cj:yf ;fdflhs ;'/Iff tyf k'gM :yfkgf nufot !%=$ kLl8t tyf ;fIfL sfuh u/fpFbfsf] ljifodf cWoog ug{ ck/fw kLl8t Gofozf:qsf] cj:yf cjwf/0ffsf] ljsf; x'Fb} cfO/x]sf] xf] . ;g\ !%=% cË hfFrsf cj:yfdf -kLl8t dlxnf_ !($& df klxnf] k6s ck/fw sfg'gsf ljåfg !%=^ cbfntdf d'2f ;'g'jfOsf qmddf k|x/Ln] j]~hfldg d08]nzgn] ck/fw kLl8t zf:q lgjf{x ug{'kg]{ e"ldsf -Criminology_ zJbsf] k|of]u u/]sf lyP eg] !%=& kLl8t tyf ;fIfL / lghsf] kl/jf/sf] ljZjd} ;DejtM klxnf] k6s g]kfnsf] ;jf]{Rr ;'/Iff cbfntsf] km};nf jfbL g]kfn ;/sf/ / k|ltjfbL !%=* kLl8tnfO{ Ifltk"lt{ lbnfpg] ;DaGwdf ;'lgn nfdf /x]sf] ælhp df:g] a]Rg] d'2f” sf] @)^! ;fndf km};nf ub}{ ;jf]{Rrn] Doctrine b]xfosf sfg'gdf kLl8tn] ljuf] e/fO{ kfpg] of Victimology sf] l;4fGt :jLsf/ u/]sf] xf] . jf /fxt jf Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] Joj:yf /x]sfn] g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg–@)&@ sf] df}lns xsdf ck/fw kLl8tsf] xssf] Joj:yf tyf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] cg';Gwfgsf qmddf / /fo k|:t't ubf{ o; s'/fnfO{ Wofg lbg' kg]{ M @)^% l/6 g+=)^% -WH-))$# g+= clwjQmf dL/f 9'+ufgfsf] l/6 lgj]bgpk/ hf/L ePsf] k/dfb]z !%=( d'n'sL P]gdf ePsf] Joj:yf glh/sf] ?kdf :yflkt eO;s]sf] 5 . o;/L -s_ 7uLsf] dxnsf] $ g+= ck/fw kLl8tsf] kIfdf pbf/ eO{ pgLx?n] -v_ rf]/Lsf] dxnsf] !) / @! g+= Gofo kfPdf b08lxgtfsf] cj:yf x6\b} hfg] -u_ cfuf] nufpg]sf] dxnsf] !) g+= / ck/fw kLl8tdf l;lh{t cj:yfn] pgLx?sf] -3_ ckx/0f tyf z/L/ aGws lng]sf] dxnsf] !@ g+= hLjg lgjf{xsf nflu k'/f ug{' kg]{ bfloTj g} -ª_ s'6lk6sf] dxnsf] Joj:yf /fHosf] sNof0fsf/L l;¢fGt cg'?k /fHosf] -r_ lhp df:g] a]Rg]sf] dxnsf] # g+= cleefjsLo e"ldsf x'g' kb{5 . o;n] ubf{ -5_ ha/h:tL s/0fLsf] dxnsf] !) g+ pgLx?sf eljio ;'/lIft x'g] x'Fbf o; kIfdf -h_ dfgj a]rljvg tyf cf];f/k;f/ -lgoGq0f_ g]kfn ljZjd} pbfx/0fLo d'n's x'g]5 . P]g, @)^$sf] bkmf !& cid mAGAZINE 96

-em_ ;jf/L tyf oftfoft Joj:yf P]g, @)$( sf/0fx? k|d'v ?kdf b]lvPsf] 5 . o;sf ;fy} sf] bkmf !^# kLl8t JolQm cfkm";Fu vr{ cefj ePsf sf/0f -`_ ;fj{hlgs ck/fw -ck/fw / ;hfo_ P]g, cbfntdf askq ug{ hfg g;sL cem kLl8t @)@& sf] bkmf ^ ePsf] a'lemG5 . ;/sf/n] d'2f c;kmntfsf] -6_ j}b]lzs /f]huf/ P]g, @)^$ sf] bkmf #^ sf/0f cWoog ubf{ ;fIfLx? cbfntdf askq -7_ pkef]Qmf ;+/If0f P]g, @)%$ sf] bkmf @@ ug{ ghfg' klg /x]sf]n] ;fIfL ;+/If0fnfO{ -8_ jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g, @)%# sf] bkmf !& Wofgdf /fvL cbfntdf askq ug{ hfFbf -9_ 3/]n' lx+;f -s;"/ / ;hfo_ P]g, @)^$ sf] oftfoft vr{ tyf b}lgs e|d0f eQf lbg] bkmf ( / !) Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . of] kIfnfO{ pNn]vgLo sfo{sf] -0f_ /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u P]g, @)^* sf] ?kdf lng ;lsG5 / cfufdL lbgx?df ck/fw bkmf ( / !^ kLl8tnfO{ ;d]t ;xof]u Pj+ ;+/If0f ug{ o:tf -t_ afnaflnsf;DaGwL P]g, @)$* sf] bkmf %# sfo{qmdx? nfu' x'g] s'/fdf cfzfjfbL /xg -y_ n}lËs lx+;f lgjf/0f sf]if -;~rfng_ ;lsG5 . ;g\ !($* sf] dfgj clwsf/;DaGwL lgodfjnL, @)^& sf] lgod % 3f]if0ff kqdf oftgf kLl8taf/] Joj:yf ul/Psf], t/ ck/fw kLl8tsf] dfgj clwsf/sf] rf;f]sf] !%=!) cg';Gwfgsf qmddf kLl8tnfO{ hfgsf/L ljifo g} b]vfOPsf] 5}g . s'g} d'2f xTof 7x/]df u/fpg' kg]{ ljifosf ;DaGwdf ;d]t :ki6 kL8snfO{ ;j{:j;lxt hGds}b x'g] Joj:yf 5, Aoj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . t/ kLl8t eg] 6'x'/f] aGg hfG5 . p;sf] kfng kf]if0f, lzIff lbIff / hLljsf]kfh{g s;/L x'g g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ df ul/Psf] joj:yf M ;S5 eGg] s'/fdf s;}sf] Wofg hfg g;Sg'n] wf/f– @! ck/fw kLl8tsf] xs ck/fw kLl8tsf] kIfdf dfgj clwsf/sf If]qdf sfo{/t ljleGg ;+3, ;+:yf / :j+o /fHo;d]tsf] !_ ck/fw kLl8tnfO{ cfkm" kLl8t ePsf] d'4fsf] Wofg hfg' h?/L b]lvG5 . cg';Gwfg tyf sf/AffxL;DaGwL hfgsf/L kfpg] xs x'g]5 . ck/fw kLl8t ;xfotfsf r/0fx? If]qx? @_ ck/fw kLl8tnfO{ sfg'g adf]lhd ;dflhs != cg';Gwfg / cleof]hg k'g:yf{kg / Ifltk"lt{;lxtsf] Gofo kfpg] xs @= Gofo k|bfg ug]{ Gofono x'g]5 . #= kLl8tsf] cj:yf ;'wf/, k'gM:yfkgf / ;fdfhLs/0f ck/fw kLl8tsf ;d:ofx? xfnsf] g]kfnsf] sfg'gL Aoj:yfn] ck/fw ck/fw kLl8t ;xfotfsf nflu ;Da4 kLl8tn] sfg'g hfg]s} x'g' k5{ eGg] sfg'gL kIfx?sf] e"ldsf M ;f]r Pj+ dfGotf /x]sf] ck]Iff ub}{ ck/fwLnfO{ ck/fw kLl8tsf ljljw ;d:ofx? Pj+ pgLx?nfO{ ;hfo lbnfO{ cfkm"n] Gofo kfpg ;dodf g} ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] qmddf b]lvPsf r/0fx?sf] ph'/L ug{' kb{5 eGg] dg;fon] xbDofb nfu' cWoog / ljBdfg sfg'gL Joj:yfx?nfO{ dgg\ x'g] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . sltko cj:yfdf ubf{ pNn]lvt cf–cfkmgf] e"ldsf / bfloTj ;dodf g} hfx]/L lbg g;Sbf ck/fw kLl8t ;xh?kdf lgjf{x ug{ ;s]sf] v08df s]xL yk JolQm emg\ kLl8t ePsf cj:yfx? klg kfO{g] ;xfotf k'Ug hfG5 eg] ;/f]sf/jfnf ;Da4 u/]sf] 5 . To:t} ck/fw kLl8t JolQmn] k|x/Ldf kIfx?sf] ;dGjofTds e"ldsfn] cem ck/fw hfx]/L b/vf:t btf{ u/fO{ ;s]kZrft aofg ubf{ kLl8t JolQmx?nfO{ /fxt ldNg hfg] s'/fdf ladtL hfx]/Lsf] Joxf]/f ljk/Lt aofg u/L k6s k6s 5}g . ctM /fli6«o, cGt/f{li6«o kIf / ;/sf/;d]tn] aofg km]/]sf] cj:yf klg /xg] x'Fbf s;/L o:tf] cf–cfkmgf] e"ldsf lgjf{x u/L ;+ljwfgsf] df}lns xsdf Hostile x'g] sfo{ eof] elg jf:tljstftkm{ x]bf{ pNn]lvt ck/fw kLl8tsf] xsnfO{ ;+/If0f / ;Da4{g kLl8t nfO{ cfpg] wDsL, cfly{s k|nf]egsf ug{ yk P]g sfg'g lgdf{0f ug{' kg]{ h?/L b]lvG5 . cid mAGAZINE 97

s_ cg';Gwfg kIfsf] e"ldsfM ck/fw kLl8tn] kfpg] xssf] rnfpg ;xof]uL e"ldsf c:ktfnsf] /xG5 . pkrf/sf] k|rng u/fO{ kfpg] / Gofo lbnfpg] klxnf] v'8lsnf]sf] qmd ;+u} kLl8t AolQm 3fO{t] eO{ Hofgsf] vt/f ePdf ?kdf g]kfn k|x/L cGtu{t d'4f rNg] sfof{nodf kLl8t /]8qm;sf] ;xof]uåf/f /ut pknAw u/fO{ pkrf/df uO{ ck/fwsf] ;"rgf btf{ u/fO{ ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf yk ;xof]u k'of{pg] dfgjLo e"ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 . k|x/LnfO{ ;xof]u u/]df cfkm"n] Gofo kfpg] k|yd r/0fdf k'Ug ;Sg]5g\ . cg';Gwfg clws[tn] k|f/lDes k|lqmof z'? ª_ cGo ljljw kIfx?M ck/fw kLl8tnfO{ Gofo lbnfpg] ul/;s]kl5 ck/fwdf ;+nUg JolQmnfO{ kqmfp u/L d'2f qmddf k|rlnt sfg'gsf] clwgdf /xL cg';Gwfg ug]{ rnfpF5 . o;} qmddf cleo'QmnfO{ s;"/ k|dfl0ft ug{ lgsfo k|x/L;Fu ;dGjo ub}{ cw{ Goflos lgsfosf] ;j'b ;+sng / ;j'bsf] j/fdbL ug]{, ;'/Iff ug]{, ;a'b ?kdf sfo{ ug]{ ;DalGwt lhNnfsf] lhNnf k|;f;g k/LIf0f ug{ k7fpg], ;j'b ;gfvt u/fpg], dfGotf k|fKt sfof{non] kLl8tnfO{ Gofo ;Dkfbg ug{ Ifltk"lt{ c:ktfnaf6 kLl8tsf] z/L/, d[tssf] nfz hfFr u/fpg], pknAw u/fpg] sfo{df ;xof]u ug]{ cu|0fL e"ldsf cGo k|df0fsf] ;'/Iff ug]{, ljz]if1sf] /fo ;+sng ug]{, /fo /x]sf] x'G5 . ;lxtsf] k|ltj]bg ;/sf/L jlsn sfof{nodf k7fpg], ;fIfL k|:t't ug]{ nufotsf ;du| k|lqmof k"/f ug]{ ;fy} To:t} kLl8tsf] xs clwsf/ ;+/If0f ug{ /fHo / eP u/]sf cg';GwfgnfO{ c;/ gkg]{ u/L k|ult ljj/0f cGt/f{li6«o:t/af6 u7g ePsf ljleGg cfof]ux?, ck/fw kLl8tnfO{ pknJw u/fpg] / tTsfn kLl8tsf] clwsf/jfbL ;+3, ;+:yfx?nufot tTsfn :yfgLo :t/df ;'/Iff, /fxtsf] nflu :j:Yo pkrf/, d'2f rNbfsf dfgjLo ;xof]u ug]{ k/fdz{bftf ;+:yf, Sna, ;dflhs jvt;Dd a];xf/f ePdf kLl8tnfO{ s'g} ;xof]uL ;+3, ;+3 ;+:yf, lgz'Ns sfg'gL k/fdz{ ;]jf, pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+:yfdf ;fxf/f pknJw u/fO{ lbg] h:tf dfgjLo ;]jfdf ;+3, lzIf0f ;+:yfx?n] kLl8tnfO{ cfly{s, ef}lts ;xof]u ;dGjo u/L lbg] Joj:yf ug{ ;s]sf] v08df cg';Gwfg k|bfg ug]{, dgf]j}1flgs /fxt k|bfg ug]{ ;fy} ;dfhdf kIfn] k|z+;gLo e"ldsf k|fKt ug{ ;Sb5 . k'gM:yfkgf / k'gM;fdflhsLs/0f ug{ ;xof]u ug]{ sfo{df dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 . v_ ;/sf/L jlsnM ck/fw kLl8tsf] xs ;+/If0f ug{, cg';Gwfg ug]{ k|x/L sfof{nodf k/]sf] hfx]/L b/vf:t ;du| ?kdf ck/fw kLl8tsf] xs ;+/If0f ug{ l56f] / Pj+ d'2fsf] cg';Gwfgsf] k|lqmofdf yk cg';Gwfg 5l/tf] 9+un] /fHosf ljleGg c+u, ;/sf/L tyf u}/;/sf/L ug{ kg]{ eP lgb]{zg ug]{, cleof]u kq tof/ u/L lgsfo Pj+ ;+3 ;+:yf / AolQmsf k|of;x?sf] ;dGjofTds cbfntdf k]z ug]{, kLl8tnfO{ sfg'gL k/fdz{ lbg], e"ldsf /xg' lgtfGt cfjZos 5 . To;dWo] klg ck/fw ;fIfL / k|df0f k]z ug]{, k|lt/Iff jx; ug]{ / pQm kLl8tsf] xs lxtsf] ;+/If0f, ;Da4{g ug]{ k|ToIf sfo{df d'2fdf k'g/fj]bg ug]{ h:tf sfo{x? ;DkGg u/L ;+nUg /xg] ck/fw cg';Gwfg / ;'/Iffdf g]kfn k|x/L, d'2f kLl8tnfO{ ;xfotf Pj+ Gofo lbnfpg ;Sb5 . cleof]hg ug]{ ;/sf/L jlsn sfof{no / Gofo ;Dkfbg ug]{ cbfntsf] cToGt} dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /xg] x'G5 . ;fy} u_ cbfntM ;/sf/L jlsn sfof{noaf6 k]z x'g kLl8tn] Gofo kfpg] kIfdf k|Tofe"lt lbnfpg ck/fw cfPsf d'2fnfO{ cWoog u/L yk k|df0f ;+sng kLl8t;DaGwL P]g / kLl8t ;fIfL ;+/If0f;DaGwL P]g agfO{ ug{'kg]{ eP ;f] sfo{ ug]{ Joj:yf ug]{, d'4fsf] ;'g'jfO eO{ cfPsf q'6L sdL sdhf]/Lx?nfO{ x6fP/ kLl8tsf] ug]{,lg0f{o ug]{, kLl8tnfO{ Ifltk"lt{ lbnfpg cfˆgf] lk8fnfO{ ;Daf]wg u/L yk Gofo ;Dkfbg ug{ ;lsG5 . km};nf sfof{Gjog ug]{, h:tf sfo{ u/L kLl8tsf] xs ;+/If0f u/L ;xfotf Pj+ Gofo ;Dkfbg ug]{ lgsfosf] ;Gbe{ ;fdu|L ?kdf /x]sf] 5 . – g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ – Victimology Concept, Shankar Shrestha 3_ c:ktfnM tTsfn kLl8tsf] :jf:Yo k/LIf0f – d'n'sL P]g @)@)-afx|f}+_ ;+zf]wg ;lxt pkrf/sf ;fy} cleo'Qmsf] :jf:Yo k/LIf0f / k|x/L – ;=d'=;=P]g @)$( cg';Gwfgdf ;f]lwPsf ;jfnx?sf] k|dfl0fs hjfkm – ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] glh/ ;+u|x pknAw u/fP/ cleo'QmnfO{ sfg'g adf]lhd d'2f – s;"/ kLl8tsf] ;+/If0f ug{ ag]sf] ljw]os cid mAGAZINE 98

Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking Problems in Nepal and Beyond

Prof. Dr. Meen B. Poudyal Chhetri, Ph. D., Adjunct Professor Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia

1. Background on the youths. The large number of All over the world, rapidly chang- youths in jail on drug related charg- ing social and economic environ- es shows that drug abuse and illicit ments combined with increased trafficking have a negative impact availability and demand for drugs on the youths and social develop- has contributed to the acceleration ment aspect of many countries. of the drug abuse problem. Drug manufacture, distribution, traffick- 2. The Core Problems of Drug Abuse ing and use have adverse effects Drug abuse is a very big problem on health and well-being. The drug in all most all countries. The effects industry contributes to an upsurge of drug abuse can be physical, in crime, violence and corruption. mental and emotional. Drug abuse Destruction of individuals, families, problems can be frustrating and communities as well as the politi- difficult resulting into a situation full cal, cultural, social and economic of hopelessness and despair. Drug structures of a country are the con- addiction has so many dimensions sequences of drug abuse. It also that it disrupts many aspects of depletes human, natural and finan- an individual’s life making his/her cial resources. treatment and rehabilitation a diffi- cult task. It not only affects an indi- Young people are the most valuable vidual’s life – it affects all sectors of human resource of every country, society at all levels of development. as they contribute greatly to the work force. Due to the indulgence 3. Drug Situation in Nepal of the youths in drug addiction, Marijuana and its by products economic and social developments like hashish, ganja, bhang and of most countries are lagging be- charas1 have traditionally been hind and social security is at risk. used for medicinal purposes as It is obvious that drug abuse and il- well as playing a role in part of cul- licit trafficking have harmful impact tural and religious occasions for

1 Local names of the byproducts of marijuana cid mAGAZINE 99

hundreds of years in Nepal. Even today in cer- However, the reason for drug addiction varies from tain communities people that use marijuana on a person to person. regular basis are not considered addicted. How- ever, despite the majority of the Nepali people's In view of the drug abuse situation in Nepal, it is perceptions, since the early 1970s, drug addic- evident that Nepal also has not been spared by the tion has become a very serious problem through- global drug problem. Drug addiction has adversely out Nepal. Around this time, the “Hippies” began affected the values and beliefs of the Nepalese soci- to visit the country and introduced to the urban ety. Due to drug addiction, family relationships have and suburban youths the abuse of pharmaceuti- been negatively impacted. The spread and increased cal drugs, besides the traditional drug - marijua- incidence of HIV/AIDS and STDS have been another na. Since then the abuse of marijuana and hard adverse consequence of drug abuse. The drug han- drugs, especially heroin, has increased in popu- dlers and traffickers have not only destroyed the lives larity among the Nepalese youths. Nowadays, of drug addicts, but have also contributed to the de- the most abused drugs in Nepal are marijuana, cline of the economy of the country. heroin, hashish, methamphetamine, cough syr- up, Valium, LSD, alcohol, tobacco and Tidigesic 4. Mostly Abused Drugs in Nepal injections. Heroin and intravenous drug use has a) Cannabis increased significantly since the 1980s. In addi- Some people in some parts of the country illicitly tion, inhalants such as paint thinner and glue are cultivate cannabis. Such illicit cultivation has been also commonly abused by youths on the street. detected and eradicated by the law enforcement officials every year. Cannabis can also be found in As in many other countries, alcohol and tobacco some parts of the country growing wild, especially dependence has been found to be strongly asso- in high hills of mid-west, central and far western ciated with substance abuse. Tobacco is the most part of the country. Eradication of the wild grown prevalent substance in Nepal followed by alcohol cannabis is very difficult and expensive due to dif- and marijuana. The use of alcohol and abuse of ficult terrain of the country and undeveloped infra- other drugs have contributed violent behaviour of structures such as roads. the youths which is a major public health problem. It is evident that the relationship between alcohol b) Heroin and other drugs of abuse is very strong. Heroin is trafficked in Nepal from Myanmar, Thai- land and some other East Asian countries. Howev- The people of urban and sub-urban areas of Nepal er, it is not manufactured and processed in Nepal. are most affected by drug abuse. Addicted per- sons belong to all groups of society, regardless of c) Methaqualone their social, economic, religious and cultural back- Methaqualone is smuggled from India to Nepal ground. Unlike in other countries, especially the for domestic consumption as well as supply to youths of wealthy families of Nepal are indulged Europe, Africa and the USA. Methaqualone can in drug addiction. Some studies and interactive be found in dust form and is called brown sugar, programs have revealed that unemployment; in- which is of low quality. ability to cope with feelings, difficulty recognizing the consequences of behaviour, self-deception, d) Psychotropic Substances criminality, drug sub-culture, negative attitude, Psychotropic drugs like codeine based cough family problems, social skills deficits, psychological syrup, burpernorphine, diazepam, nitrazepam are problems, educational deficits, occupational/voca- the common psychotropic substances, which are tional deficits, depression, troubled relationships, smuggled from India to Nepal basically for domes- loneliness, curiosity, high income, peer pressure tic consumption. The use of psychotropic sub- and loss of interest in studies and jobs have been stances is increasing every year due to their low found to be the major causes of drug addiction. price and easy availability. cid mAGAZINE 100

e) Precursor Chemicals the drug paddlers often use false bottom of a bag Although precursor chemicals like sulphuric acid, or suitcase or conceal in various items like photo hydrochloric acid, acetic anhydride, ethylether, frame, idols and other personal effects. A number ephedrine etc. are being imported in Nepal for of times the carriers have been found with inhaled pharmaceutical purposes; unfortunately, such pre- drug capsules. cursors are also smuggled and used by the drug abusers. 6. Facts, Figures and Results of an Independent Study on Drug Abuse in Nepal 5. Illicit Drug Trafficking Pattern in Nepal Authentic data on drug abusers and the drug situ- Nepal lies between the Golden Triangle (Myanmar, ation in Nepal are lacking. Some unofficial surveys2 Thailand, China and Laos) and Golden Crescent have revealed that there are more than 100 thou- (Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran). Thus, often Nepal sand drug addicts in Nepal, where drug abuse and has been used as the transit route for drug traf- its trafficking over the last decade have become ficking by the drug dealers. In the past, drug law increasingly serious. The large numbers of drug enforcement officials have apprehended drug traf- addicts have been found to be between the ages fickers and confiscated significant amount of illicit of 16 to 20. drugs in transit destined to other countries from time to time. Some independent studies show that more than 90 percent of the total drug addicts in Nepal have Past records show that drug traffickers from Mi- started using drugs prior to the age of 16. The zoram, India and Myanmar smuggled heroin into abuse of drugs has led not only to drug addiction Nepal from the Golden Triangle through the land but also to the incidence of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B route of Nagaland and West Bengal of India to Ka- and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). karvitta, Nepal. Heroin had been found trafficked Heroin addicts and other intravenous drug users from Afghanistan via Queta and Karachi of Paki- (IDUs) have been found to be more vulnerable to stan to Tribhuvan International Airport of Nepal, contracting these diseases. Among 60 thousand which was destined to New York, USA. Some drug abusers, the number of IDUs is estimated to times the drug traffickers travel from Pakistan to be 20 thousand. Sixty eight percent of these IDUs Nepal via Jaiselmer, India using land route. Some are HIV positive and most of them are multi-drug Nepalese drug couriers have been found to be in- abusers. Among IDUs, alcohol use is often associ- volved in carrying heroin from Karachi and Lahore ated with unprotected sex. Consumption of alco- of Pakistan to Bangkok. Very often hashish is being hol and marijuana boost sexual activity and reduce smuggled from Nepal to India, Hong Kong, Thai- the use of condom. Before 1996, there were no re- land, Denmark, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, ports or records of HIV positive cases in Nepal, but USA and other West European countries. It is also by the end of the same year, 9 HIV positive cases found that drug traffickers supply cannabis resin to had been detected. In early 2003, 1940 HIV posi- Germany using land route up to Bombay, India and tive and AIDS cases have been recorded, though then they use sea route. Thailand based drug traf- these official figures are lower than the actual num- fickers use Nepalese nationals to smuggle hashish ber of infections due to the lack of testing abil- to Bangkok and thereafter they use other foreign ity and unwillingness of the patients.3 Among the nationals to smuggle it to Japan. known cases, 213 are intravenous drug users. The attitude and behaviour of drug abusers are conducive As far as the drug trafficking and supply routes to the spread of these dreaded diseases. They share used for local consumption in Nepal are con- needles with each other and hence the transmission cerned, the peddlers smuggle drugs from Siliguri, of HIV from one person to another is rapid. This situ- Raxaul, Nawatanawa, Kanpur, Gorakhpur, Rupa- ation demands thorough research on the problem on dia, Gonda and other parts of India to various ur- drug addiction and its supply to recommend effective ban and sub-urban areas of Nepal. It is found that measures to counter the problem.4

2 No formal survey has been carried out so far in Nepal. 3 Department of Health Services, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal. 4 National Centre for Aids and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal. cid mAGAZINE 101

7. Some Positive Features impact on other countries, by updating and mod- Although the problem of drug abuse is becom- ernizing the law enforcement capabilities of Nepal, ing complex in Nepal, some important features drug trafficking can be reduced in other countries like joint family system with strong family ties and as well. “Vipasyana”5 drug treatment program in some prisons of Nepal have been found very useful tools Finally, drug demand reduction, prevention, treatment to prevent youths from abusing drugs. “Vipasyana” and law enforcement policies and programs should is an ancient meditation technique derived form a be carried out simultaneously to counsel, treat and Hindu Epics called “Ajurved” which is one of the rehabilitate the drug abusers on the one hand and to four most ancient and most important epics in the control the supply of drugs on the other. Concerted world. Several thousand years later of its develop- efforts have to be made in this direction by govern- ment “Vipasyana” was revitalized by Gautam Bud- ments, societies and concerned individuals at all dha who is the profounder of Buddha religion. In levels to suppress the illicit manufacture, distribution, fact, “Vipasyana” helps to attain the highest spiritual trafficking and use of drugs, all over the world. As the goals of liberation with full motivation.“Vipasyana” problem of drug abuse is very diverse and complex; it treatment program and cultural lesson can be requires national, regional and international network- transformed from Nepal to other countries which ing and cooperation to tackle it. can help to reduce the number of addicts. Bibliography 8. Way Forward for the Treatment of the Drug 1. Ball, J.C., and Ross, A. “The Effectiveness of Methadone Abusers Treatment.” NY : Springer – Verlag, 1991. Substance abuse rehab or treatment programs are 2. Caulkins, J.P., “Do Drug Prohibition and Enforcement highly necessary to stop to the harm that drugs Work?” Lexington Institute, inflict on the abuser. For drug or alcohol abuse ArlingtonVA, March 2000. problems, it is recommended that a clinical evalu- 3. Cooper, J.R. “Ineffective Use of Psychoactive Drugs: ation should be made to choose the best method Methadone Treatment is no Exception.” JAMA Jan 8; 267 of treatment. Addiction treatment services include (2): 281 – 282, 1992. but are not limited to: 4. His Majesty’s Government of Nepal (HMG/N), “Narcotics 1. Initial Clinical Evaluation and Intake Drugs (Control) Act, 1976.” 2. Alcohol Detoxification Services 5. HMG/N, Ministry of Home(MOHA), “Narcotics Control 3. Medically Assisted Treatment Bulletin.” Year 12 No.1 (Jan.-Dec. 2002) 4. Individual Counselling and/or Group Therapy 6. HMG/N, MOHA, “Narcotics Control Bulletin.” Year 13 5. Recovery Skills Training and Relapse Prevention No.1 (Jan.-Dec. 2003) 6. Vipasyana etc. 7. HMG/N, MOHA, “Narcotics Control Bulletin.” Year 14 No.1 (Jan.-Dec. 2004) 9. Conclusion 8. HMG/N, MOHA, “The Control of Drug Abuse and Illicit The problems of narcotic drugs are very diverse Trafficking in Nepal, 2004.” and complex, they require national, regional and 9. HMG/N, Central Bureau of Statistics, “Statistical Year international networking and cooperation to com- Book of Nepal.” Year 2004. bat such dreaded evils. Research, improvements 10. Hooper, R. M.,“Attacking Prison-Based Substance in database, information flow, public awareness Abuse.” November/December 1997. raising programs, education, effective law enforce- 11. Institute for Social Research, Univ. of Michigan, “Monitor- ment, treatment, demand reduction and harm re- ing the Future.” December 2001. duction programs are very necessary to address 12. International Narcotics Control Board, “Precursors.” 2001. the drug abuse problem. As the drug trafficking 13. Lejuez, C. W., University of Maryland, “Under pattern of Nepal has a direct, as well as an indirect standing, Predicting and Treating Risk

5 “Vipasana” is a special program, which is based on theoretical learning, “Yoga” (meditation) and special kind of exercise based on the Hindu epics “Ved.” cid mAGAZINE 102

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;g\ !*@( df a]nfotsf tTsflng u[x dGqL ;/ ;]jfsf] af/]df sfnd rnfpg] n]vsx¿ Kappeler /f]j6{ lknn] nG8gdf dxfgul/o k|x/Lsf] :yfkgf ubf{ and Gaines -2011_ sf cg';f/ ;fd'bflos ;fd'bflos ( a'Fbfdf hf/L u/]sf lgb]{zgx¿ dWo] ;ftf} a'Fbfdf k|x/L ;]jfsf] ;kmn sfof{Gjogsf] nflu bz{g pNn]v ePsf] æ;d'bfosf] sNof0f / hgtfsf] ;'/Iffsf] -;f]rfO{_, /0fgLlt -;f]rfO{nfO{ Jojxf/df nfu' ug]{ ;Sg] lhDd]jf/L lnP/ k'0f{sflng ;dosf] nflu tnjdf of]hgf_, ;+u7g / dfgj>f]tsf] JoJyfkg, /0fgLltnfO{ vl6Psf] ;d'bfosf] ;b:o g} k|x/L xf] / hgtf g} k|x/L sfof{Gjog ug]{ sfo{qmd, ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfnfO{ x'g / k|x/L g} hgtf x'g eGg] P]ltxfl;s k/Dk/fnfO{ sf/ofGjog ug{ ;f+u7lgs ;'b[l9s/0f, k|x/L / hgtf sfod /fVg k|x/Ln] ;+w} hgtf;+u ;DaGw sfod ug{' larsf] Jofj;flos ;fem]bf/L / ck/fw / ck/fw;+u kb{5Æ eGg] jfSof+z g} jt{dfg k|x/L ;]jfsf] l;4flGts ;DalGwt ;d:ofx?sf] ;dfwfg h:tf clgjfo{ tTjx¿ cfwf/ :tDesf] ?kdf lnOG5 . ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfsf] x'g' cfj:os 5 . To:t} ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfsf af/]df snd rnfpg] n]vsx¿n] leGg leGg lsl;dn] ljifodf snd rnfpg] ljåfg åo Robert Trojanowicz / ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfsf] JofVof u/]sf 5g\ . ;fd'bflos Bonnie Bucqueroux n] ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfnfO{ ;kmn k|x/L ;]jf ljifosf Visionary n]vsx¿ Robert Tro- sfof{Gjogsf nflu b'/b[li6, g]t[Tj, kl/jt{g, ;fem]bf/L, janowicz / Bonnie Bucqueroux -1998_ n] ;fd'bflos ;d:of ;dfwfg, lgikIotf, lj:jf;, z;lQms/0f, ;]jf k|x/L ;]jfnfO{ kl/eflift u/] cg';f/ "Community Po- / pQ/bfloTj h:tf l;åfGtx¿ x'g' kg]{ cfj:ostf licing is a new philosophy and an organizational strat- cf}nfPsf 5g\ . egy that promote a new partnership between people and their police. It is based on the premise that both the g]kfndf k|x/L Joj:yfsf] cf}krf/Ls ;'?jft slxn] police and community must work together to identify, eof] eGg g;lsP klg lj=;+= @))& ;fn eGbf klxn] prioritize, and solve contemporary problems such as P]ltxfFl;s k|x/L Joa:yf sf]tjfnL, yfgf, rf}lsbf/L, crime, drugs, fear of crime, social and physical disor- cldgL, uf]Zjf/f cflb ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t lyof] . der, and overall neighborhood decay, with the goal of ;g\ !(#* df sf7df08f+}df 6«flkms lgoGq0fsf] sfd improving the overall quality of life in the area." ug{ /fdbnnfO{ v6fOPsf] lyof] . ;/sf/ lj/f]wL lqmofsnfkx¿ a9\b} hfFbf To;nfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ ;g\ dfly pNn]lvt kl/efiff cg';f/ ;fd'bflos k|x/L !($* k|x/Lsf] sfd ug]{ yk lhDd]jf/L lbOof] . lj=;+= ;]jfsf ;femf tTjx? lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf 5Gf\ . @))& ;fndf /f0ff zf;gsf] cGTo eP kZrft /Iff != ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf Ps gofF bz{g / k|x/L bn, d'lQm ;]gf, /fdbnsf] ;dfof]hgdf g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ;+u7gsf] /0fgLlt xf], :yfkgf ul/of] -Vaidhya, 1995_ . lj=;+= @))* ;fndf @= o;n] k|x/L / ;d'bfo aLr sfo{gLlts ;fem]bf/L g]kfn k|x/Lsf] k|wfg sfof{no :yfkgf / tf]/0f zD;]/ tyf ;DaGw :yfkgf ub{5, hj/fnfO{ k|yd k|x/L dxflg/LIfsf] ?kdf lgo'lQm #= o;n] ;dfhdf ePsf ck/fw ;+u ul/of] -Nepal Police, 2007_ . /fhf dx]G› jL/ljqmd ;DalGwt ;d:ofx¿– ;fdflhs ljs[ltx?, ;fdlhs zfx zlQmdf cfP kZrft pgn] k|x/Lsf] ;+/rgfnfO{ czflGt, ck/fwsf] 8/, / ck/fw -a]n}df klxrfg k'gu{7g u/L Jojl:yt ug{ ul7t k|x/L ;'wf/ cfof]usf] u/L ;dfwfg ug{ k|]l/t ub{5, / l;kmfl/zdf k|x/L P]g, @)!@ hf/L u/] k:rft g]kfndf $= ;'/lIft, zflGtk"0f{ / ;Eo ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f g} g]kfn k|x/L an gfdsf] k|x/L ;+u7gsf] ljlwjt ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfsf] clGtd nIo xf] . :yfkgf eof] -Khatri, 2013_ . dflysf] kl/efiff cg';f/ ;'/lIft / zflGtk'0f{ ;dfhsf] ;[hgfsf] nflu k|x/L / ;d'bflosf] ;fem]bf/Ldf g]kfn k|x/Lsf] lhDd]jf/L tyf st{Jo hgtfsf] hLp ;dfhdf ePsf ck/fw / ck/fw pGd'v ;d:ofx¿sf] / wgsf] ;'/Iff ug{' xf] To;}n] k|x/Lsf] sfdsf] If]q a]n}df klxrfg u/L ;dfwfg ug{' kb{5 eGg] Jofks / jx'cfoflds 5 . k|x/L P]g @)!@ n] d'Votof k|x/L ;+u7gsf] bz{g / /0fgLlt xf] . ;fd'bflos ck/fw /f]syfd / kmf}hbf/L ck/fw cg';Gwfg u/L k|x/L ;]jfn] k|lt–lqmofTds sfo{nfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ zflGt ;'/Iff tyf cdgr}g sfod ug]{ lhDdjf/L tyf k|fs–lqmoflzn sfo{nfO{ k|fyldstfdf /flv ;x– st{Jo tf]s]sf] 5 / g]kfn k|x/LnfO{ ;fwgsf] ?kdf lqmofTds z}lndf sfo{ ub{5 . ;fd'bflos k|x/L kl/eflift u/]sf] 5 . k|x/L P]g @)!@ k|f/De ePb]lv & cid mAGAZINE 105 k|x/LnfO{ b'Mvsf] ;fyL / glhssf] ldqsf] ?kdf u|x0f ug{' kg]{df Tosf] ljkl/t ?kdf lrlqt ul/Psf] oyfy{tf aLr k|x/Ln] hgtfsf] ;xof]u kfpg g;Sbf k|x/L cfˆgf] p2]Zodf ;kmn x'g ;s]sf] lyPg . k6s ;+zf]wg ePsf] 5 eg] k|x/L P]gnfO{ sfof{Gjog kZrft hgtfaf6 p7fOPsf ;d:ofx¿sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ug{ k|x/L lgodfjnL @)!%, @)##, @)$( hf/L ePsf] ;fwg>f]tsf] cefj / ;DalGwt lgsfosf] pbfl;gtf, lyof] eg] To;nfO{ k|lt:yfkg ub}{ k|x/L lgodfjnL dflyNnf] lgsfoaf6 c;xof]u, ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf @)&! hf/L e} sfof{Gjogdf /x]sf]5 . ;DaGwdf cjwf/0ff :ki6tfsf] cefj cflb sf/0faf6 o; sfo{qmdn] lg/Gt/tf kfpg ;s]g -Lama, 1983_ . g]kfn k|x/LnfO{ :yfkgf sfnb]lv g} ;Qf l6sL /xg lj/f]wLnfO{ bafpg] ;fwgsf] ?kdf k|of]u ul/Psf], lj=;= @)$& ;fn kZrft ax'blno Joj:yfsf] k|x/Ln] ug]{ eGbf km/s k|s[ltsf] sfddf nufOPsf], :yfkgf;+u} ck/fw /f]syfd, ck/fw cg';Gwfg, hgtfsf] eGbf g]tfsf] ;'/IffnfO{ k|fyldstfdf / zflGt;'/Iff tyf cdgr}g ug]{ sfo{df yk /flvPsf], s]xL k|x/Lsf] Jojxf/ ?vf] ;dfhsf] nflu r'gf}ltx¿ g]kfn k|x/L ;fd' k|:t't eP . g]kfn k|x/Ln] ckfRo, e|i6«frf/df ;+nUgtf, cfj:os eGbf a9L hgtf;+usf] ;xsfo{ / ;fem]bf/Ldf ck/fwsf] /f]syfd jnsf] k|of]u, kL8ssf] ;+/Ifsf] ?kdf sfd ug]{ cflb ub}{ ;d'bfodf zflGt tyf cdgr}g sfod ug{' kg]{ k|j[lQ / sfdsf/jfxLx¿n] ubf{ k|x/L hgtfaf6 6f9Lb} cfj:ostfnfO{ dx;'; u/L lj=;+= @)%! ;fn a}zfvdf uof] . k|x/LnfO{ b'Mvsf] ;fyL / glhssf] ldqsf] ?kdf sf7df08f}+sf] dxf/fhu+hdf g]kfn k|x/L / ;d'bfosf] u|x0f ug{' kg]{df Tosf] ljkl/t ?kdf lrlqt ul/Psf] ;xsfo{ / ;dGjodf ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›sf] oyfy{tf aLr k|x/Ln] hgtfsf] ;xof]u kfpg g;Sbf :yfkgf u/L Pilot Project sf] ?kdf sfo{ k|f/De ul/of] . k|x/L cfˆgf] p2]Zodf ;kmn x'g ;s]sf] lyPg . o; lj=;+= @)%@ ;fndf To;t} k|s[ltsf ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;Gbe{df, hgtf / k|x/L aLrsf] ;DaGwnfO{ ;'dw'/ ;]jf s]G›x¿ sf7df08f}sf] rfjlxn / gofF jfg]Zj/df agfpg, k|x/LnfO{ hgtfsf] ;]js / /Ifssf] ?kdf ;'? ul/of] -Khatri, 2013_ . xfn;Dd g]kfn e/L !*^ k|:t't ug{, kLl8t d}qL jftfj/0f ;[hgf ug{, cfˆgf ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›x¿ ;+rfngdf /x]sf 5g\ sldsdhf]/Lx?nfO{ ;'wf/ ub}{ ;fem]bf/L / ;dGjosf] eg] k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no b]lv lhNnf :t/;Dd (^ dfWodaf6 k|efjsf/L k|x/L ;]jf k|bfg ug{ tTsflng ;fd'bflos dxfzfvf / zfvfx¿ /x]sf 5g\ . g]kfn k|x/L dxflg/LIfs lbn axfb'/ nfdfsf] sfo{sfndf k|x/Ldf ;fd'bflos k|x/L sfo{sf] nflu k|=a=p= b]lv æ;fd'bflos ;]jfdf k|x/L æ3/b}nf] sfo{qmdsf] k|=h=;Dd @@& hgfsf] :jLs[t b/aGbL /x]sf] 5 eg] dfWoaf6 @)#( ;fn d+l;/df sf7df08f}+nfO{ !) k|=gf=p= b]lv k|=h=;Dd %)% hgf ;fd'bflos ;'/Iff ;]S6/df ljefhg u/L ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;'?jft dxfzfvf, zfvf, / ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›x¿df ul/of] . To;} jif{sf] kf}ifdf nlntk'/nfO{ & If]q / sfo{/t /x]sf 5g\ . eQmk'/nfO{ % If]qdf ljefhg u/L ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;+rfng ul/Psf] lyof] . k|To]s ;fd'bfos k|x/L g]kfn k|x/Ln] k|x/L P]g, @)!@, k|x/L lgodfjnL @)&!, ;]jf s]G›df k|x/L clws[tsf] sdf08df vl6Psf ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;+rfng lgb]{lzsf, @)^(, / ;+3 % hgf k|x/Lx? k|To]s dlxgfdf slDtdf @ k6s ;+:yf btf{ P]g, @)#$ cg';f/ btf{ ePsf] ljwfgsf] tf]lsPsf] ;]S6/sf hgtfsf] 3/b}nf]df k'uL pgLx¿sf sfg'gL cfwf/df ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfsf] ;+rfng ub}{ ;d:ofx¿ ;f]Wg] / l6kf]6 ug]{, ;Sg] ;d:of ;dfwfg cfPsf] 5 . ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;+rfng lgb]{lzsf, ug]{ / c¿ If]qsf ;d:ofx¿ ;DalGwt 7fpFdf k7fpg], @)^( cg';f/ lgDgfg';f/sf % efu -ck/fw /f]syfd ck/fw /f]syfdsf pkfoaf/] hfgsf/L lbg], ;'rgf lbg tyf lgoGq0f, hgr]tgfd'ns, ;fdflhs, hg:jf:Yo / hgtfnfO{ k|l/t ug]{ nufotsf sfdx¿ ub}{ hgtf;+u jftfj/0f / ljljw_ df sfo{qmdx¿nfO{ ljefhg u/L glhssf] ;DaGw ljsf; u/L ljZjf;sf] jftfj/0f To; cGtu{t ljleGg lqmofsnfkx¿ ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;[hgf ug]{ p2]Zon] k|f/De ul/Psf] ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;]jf s]G› tyf ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›x¿n] ;+rfng ub}{ s]xL ;do pT;fxsf ;fy cuf8L a9] klg s]xL ;do cfPsf 5g\ . cid mAGAZINE 106

cfw'lgs ;'rgf / k|ljlwsf] unt k|of]u, /xg', ck/fw /f]syfd ;DaGwL gLlt lgodsf] cefj ;fdflhs ;+hfnx¿sf] a9bf] k|of]u, afXo ;+:s[lt /xg', k|x/L ;+u7gdf k|efjsf/L /0fgLltsf] cefj, tyf /Lltl/jfhsf] b]vfl;vL, jftfj/0f tyf df};dsf] ePsf gLlt lgodsf] sfof{Gjog u/fpg g;lsPsf], kl/jt{g, unt ;+ut, k/Ljfl/s /]vb]vsf] cefj, tflndsf] cefj, sdf08 tyf /]vb]vdf c:ki6tf, :s'ndf ;fyLx¿lar unt xf]8afhL, slnnf] pd]/df ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;DaGwL sfo{qmd ;+rfngdf g} dfof k|]ddf km:g' cflb sf/0fn] !^ jif{ b]lv @% jif{ JolQmsf] OR5fdf e/ kg]{ cflb ef]Ub} cfPsf r'gf}ltx¿ pd]/ ;d'xsf laBfyL{ tyf o'jf ;d'xsf] a9L cg'kftdf x'g\ . pNn]lvt r'gf}ltx¿sf lar klg ;fd'bflos ck/fwdf ;+nUg /x]sf] tYonfO{ dgg u/L pgLx¿nfO{ k|x/L ;]jf s]G›x?af6 w]/} /fd|f sfdx¿ klg ePsf 5g\ . ck/fwaf6 6f9f /fVb} ;Eo gful/s aGg ;xof]u lj=;+= @)#( ;fndf ;'? ePsf] ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf k'of{pg], k|x/L sfo{df o'jfx?sf] ;xeflutf a9fpg], nfdf] ;do;Dd klg g]kfn k|x/L ;+u7gsf] tkm{af6 o'jfx? s} ;xeflutfdf laBfyL{ tyf o'jfx¿nfO{ cf}krfl/s ?kdf d'Nofs+g tyf k'g/fjnf]sg x'g ;fdflhs ljs[lt lj;+ult lj?å ljleGg sfo{qmdx¿ g;Sg' cfkm}df Ps r'gf}ltsf] ¿df /x]sf] lyof] . ;+rfng ug]{ p2]Zon] :s'n ;Dks{ sfo{qmdx¿ ;+rfng ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;+rfngdf b]lvPsf r'gf}ltx¿sf] ug{ afG5lgo b]lvPsf]n] k|x/L gful/s xft]dfnf] -Po- ;+af]wg ub}{ ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfnfO{ cem k|efjsf/L, lice Public Hand in Hand_ sfo{qmd cGtu{t zflGtb't j}1flgs / Jofks agfpgsf] nflu g]kfn k|x/Lsf] # sfo{qmd ug{ ut jif{ ;'g;/Ldf *! hgf, lrtjgdf (( aif]{ /0fgLlt @)&)÷)&@ n] ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfsf hgf, nlnt'/df &) hgf, sf:sLdf ^% hgf, afFs]df ljljw If]qx¿sf] ;jlns/0f ug{sf] nflu ljleGg sfo{ ^( hgf, s}nfnLdf *) hgf u/L $^$ hgf ljBfyL{ If]qx¿ tf]s]sf] 5 . To:t} lqjlif{o ck/fw lgoGq0f / lzIfsx¿nfO{ # lbg] k|lzIfs k|lzIf0f tflnd lbO{ tyf cg';Gwfg sfo{of]hgf @)&!÷)&@÷@)&# zflGtb't tof/ u/L :s'n ;Dks{ sfo{qmdx¿ ;+rfng / )&$ n] ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfsf] ;jlns/0fsf nflu ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . o; cfly{s jif{df sf7df08f+}df sfo{ of]hgf k|:t't u/]sf] 5 . ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf zflGtb't sfo{qmd nfu' x'g] sfo{qmd /xsf] 5 . ;DaGwL ;jlns/0f sfo{gLlts of]hgf cg';f/ ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;DaGwL s]G›Lo gLlt lgdf{0f ug{ ck/fw cg';Gwfg ljefuaf6 nfu' ul/Psf] lqjlif{o ;'emfj tyf ;Nnfx ;+sng nflu ldlt @)&@ h]i7 @* ck/fw lgoGq0f tyf cg';Gwfg sfo{of]hgf ut] b]lv @)&@ ciff9 !$ ut] ;Dd lj/f6gu/, x]6f}8f, @)&!÷)&$ cGtu{tsf zflGtb't, ;fd'bflos k|x/L sf7df08f}, kf]v/f, g]kfnu+h / wgu9Ldf ;fd'bflos ;]jf ;DaGwL ;jlns/0f of]hgf, ljleGg ;]ldgf/ / k|x/L ;]jf ;DaGwL If]qLo uf]i7Lx¿ ;DkGg ul/Psf] uf]i7Lx¿, cled'lvs/0f tflnd, dfgj>f]t Joj:yfkg, lyof] . ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;DaGwL If]qLo uf]i7Lsf n}+lus lx+;f lj?åsf sfo{qmd, ;]jf ljlzli6s/0f ;xefuLx¿sf] ?kdf k|To]s ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›af6 nufotsf sfo{qmdx¿sf] ;kmn sfof{Gjogn] ! hgf cWoIf jf kbflwsf/L / k|To]s ;fd'bflos ck/fwsf] j[låsf] k|j[lQ cfly{s jif{ @)&)÷)&! sf] k|x/L ;]jf s]G›af6 k|x/L OGrfh{ ! hgf / uf]i7L x'g] t'ngfdf cfly{s jif{ @)&!÷)&@ df !*=%! k|ltztn] If]qaf6 ;'/Iff lgsfosf k|d'v, ;/sf/L sfof{nosf 36]sf] b]lvG5 -k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no, ck/fw cg';Gwfg k|d'v tyf k|ltlglw, gful/s ;dfh, ;fd'bflos ljefu_ . ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›x?n] ;+rfng k|x/L ;]jfdf bVvn /fVg] JolQmx¿, sfg'g Joj;foL, u/]sf sfo{qmd tyf ultljlwx¿n] k|x/L / hgtf cflbsf] pkl:ytL / k'g/fa]bg cbfntsf dfggLo d'Vo larsf] b'/L sd ug{ ;xof]u k'of{Psf] 5 . GofofwLz tyf lhNnf GofofwLzsf] k|d'v cfltYotfdf ! lbg] uf]i7Lsf] cfof]hgf u/LPsf] lyof] . If]qLo ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;DalGw sfo{qmdx¿ ;+rfng uf]i7Lsf] qmddf uf]i7Lsf ;xefuLx¿;+u ;fd'bflos ubf{ k|efjsf/L gLlt tyf sfg'gsf] cefj, cfly{s k|x/L ;]jf ;DaGwL ljljw kIfx¿ ;d]6]/ tof/ tyf ;fwg>f]tsf] cefj, ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G› ul/Psf] k|ZgfjnLsf] dfWodaf6 ;a]{If0f ;d]t glhssf] k|x/L OsfO{sf] ;dfgGt/ OsfO{sf] ?kdf ul/Psf] lyof] . sfo{ ug{', glhssf] k|x/L sfof{non] cfˆgf] sdf08df ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›nfO{ g/fVg' jf /fVg ldlt @)&@ ciff9 @) ut] k|x/L k|wfg sfof{nodf grfxg', ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›df /fhgLlts k|efj s]G›Lo :t/sf] ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;DaGwL cid mAGAZINE 107

cGt/lqmof tyf 5nkmn sfo{qmd k|x/L v6fO{ slDtdf klg @ jif{ Ps} 7fpFdf /fVg' kb{5 . dxflg/LIfsHo"sf] cWoIftfdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] . k|x/L l8p6Lsf] bf]xf]/f]kg x6fpg' kb{5 . sfof{no k|d'v / ;]jf;+u ;/f]sf/ /fVg] ljz]if1x¿nfO{ cltyLsf] ?kdf ;fem]bf/x¿nfO{ klg clgjfo{ ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf lgDTofPsf] lyof] . ;f] 5nkmn tyf cGt/lqmof ;DaGwL tflndsf] Joj:yf ul/g' cfj:os 5 . sfo{qmdaf6 dxTjk'0f{ /fo, ;'emfj tyf ;Nnfx ;+sng  ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›M ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›x¿sf] ul/Psf] lyof] . g]kfndf ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfnfO{ s'g ;ldltsf] rog r'gfjaf6 x'G5 . o;n] ubf{ cfsf/ / vfsfdf n}hfg] elg tof/ ul/Psf] k|:tfjdfly /fhgLlts k|efj, rl/qxLg JolQmx¿sf] ;]jf s]G›df 5nkmn ug]{ p2]Zon] ck/fw cg';Gwfg ljefu, k|j]z, kb cf]u6\g] k|j[lQsf JolQmx¿sf] pkl:ylt ;fd'bflos ;'/Iff dxfzfvfåf/f k|x/L k|wfg sfof{nodf cflbn] ubf{ ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›x¿ k|efjsf/L x'g ldlt @)&@ ;fn sflt{s @@ ut] Ps lbg] 5nkmn ;s]sf 5}gg\ . r'gfjL k|s[ofsf] cj:yfsf] cGTo -Focused Group Discussion_ sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u/Lg' kb{5 . ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›sf ;ldltsf ul/Psf] lyof] / ;f] sfo{qmddf cfdGq0f ul/Psf kbflwsf/Lx¿n] u/]sf] sfdsf] ;xL d'Nof+sg x'g ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfsf ljz]if1x¿af6 dxTjk"0f{ ;Sof] eg] O{dfGbf/ JolQmx¿sf] pkl:ylt a9\5 . ;'emfj tyf ;Nnfx k|fKt ePsf lyP . sltko ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›x? gljs/0f ePsf 5}gg\ . ljgf gljs/0f g} ;+rfngdf 5g\ / s]xL If]qLo uf]i7L tyf s]lG›o cGt/lqmof tyf 5nkmn ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›x¿ lgis[o 5g\ . ;fd'bflos sfo{qmd, If]qLo uf]i7Lsf qmddf uf]i7Ldf ;xefuLx¿;+u ;]jf s]G›x¿sf] btf{ ug]{ k|s[of x6fpg' kb{5 . ul/Psf] ;j]{If0f / s]lG›o 5nkmn sfo{qmdaf6  ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›: ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfnfO{ cem k|efjsf/L, ;'b[9, Jofks ;]jf s]G›x¿ k|x/L OsfO{sf] ;dfgfGt/ OsfO{sf] / j}1flgs agfpg ;xefuLx¿ tyf cltyLx?af6 k|fKt ?kdf rn]sf 5g\ . glhssf] k|x/L sfof{nosf] x'g cfPsf /fo, ;Nnfx tyf ;'emfjx¿nfO{ lgDgfg';f/ sdf08df /fVg' kb{5 . cfly{s / ;fwg>f]tsf] nflu ;+If]kdf /flvPsf] 5 ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›df e/ kg{' kg]{ cj:yfsf] cGTo  ck/fw /f]syfd ;DaGwL /fli6«o gLlt tyf sfg'gsf] x'g' kb{5 . ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›x?nfO{ ;"rgf lgdf{0fM ck/fw cg';Gwfg / zflGt;'/Iff tyf s]G›, d]nldnfk s]G› / ;du|df k|To]s hgtfsf] cdgrogsf] nflu sfg'gL Joj:yf eP klg ck/fw cf:yfsf] s]G› agfpg ;DalGwt kIfsf] Wofg hfg' /f]syfd ;DaGwL sfg'gL Joj:yf gePsf]n] ck/fw h?/L 5 . /f]syfd k|efjsf/L x'g ;s]sf] 5}g\ . ;fd'bflos  ;fem]bf/L / ;dGjoM jt{dfg ;fem]bf/L ;+s'lrt k|x/L ;]jfnfO{ k|efjsf/L, Jofks, j]1flgs / ;'b[9 ;fem]bf/L xf] o;nfO{ lj:t[t agfOg' kb{5 . agfpgsf] nflu /fli6«o gLlt tyf sfg'gsf] lgdf{0f ;fem]bf/L :yfgLo ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] nflu x'g' ul/g' cfj:os 5 . cfj:os 5 .  cfly{s tyf ;fwg>f]tsf] Joj:yfM ;fd'bflos  lgoGq0fM ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›nfO{ s:n] k|x/L ;]jf ;+rfngsf] nflu clxn]sf] ;a}eGbf 7'nf] sdf08 / s06«f]n ug]{ b'ljwf 5, of] b'ljwf x6fpg' r'gf}lt eg]sf] cfly{s tyf ;fwg>f]tsf] cefj xf] . kb{5 . ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G› ;fgf] eGbf ;fgf] sfdsf]  k|x/L ;+u7gsf] ;+/rgf / Joj:yfkgM ;fd'bflos nflu klg ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]G›sf] ;ldltdf e/ k|x/L ;]jf k|efjsf/L ;+rfngsf] nflu k/Dk/fut kg{' kg]{ sf/0faf6 ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf s]G›sf ;+/rgfnfO{ kl/jt{g ug{' kb{5 . k|x/Lsf] cx|g v6g sfd sf/jfxLx¿ k|efjsf/L ?kdf, ljjfb/lxt, / /fd|f] / j}1flgs 5}Gf, egf{, tflnd, ;?jf, a9'jf, k|x/Lsf] p2]Zo cg'?k x'g ;s]sf 5}gg\ . ;fd'bflos d'Nof+sg, k'/:sf/, ;hfo, cflb Jofj;foLstfdf k|x/L ;]jfsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf] nflu cfly{s cfwfl/t x'g' kb{5 . ;fd'bflos k|x/Lsf] ;kmntf/ tyf ;fwg>f]tsf] e/kbf]{ Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . c;kmntf JolQmsf] OR5fdf eGbf ;+u7gsf]  tflnd k|fKt, lzlIft, bIf hgzlQmsf] Joj:yfM k|fyldstfdf kg{' kb{5 . k|x/L P]g @)!@ tyf ;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jfsf] nflu k|x/L hgzlQm sdL cGo P]gx¿n] g]kfn k|x/Lsf nflu tf]s]sf d'ne't 5 / ePsf] hgzlQmdf klg tflnd k|fKt hgzlQm sfo{x¿ ck/fw /f]syfd, kmf}hbf/L ck/fwsf] Go'g 5 . tflnd k|fKt, lzlIft / bIf k|x/L hgzlQm cg';Gwfg, / zflGt ;'/Iff tyf cdgrog sfo{sf] cid mAGAZINE 108

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n}l·s lx+;flj?4sf] cleofg / xfd|f] ;/f]sf/

k|=gf=lg= 3gaxfb'/ yfkf e"ldsf M ;/f]sf/jfnf ;/sf/L tyf u}/;/sf/L j}zfv @)&@ sf] ljgfzsf/L e"sDkaf6 ;+3;+:yf / gful/s ;dfh;d]tsf] k|efljt dlxnf, k'¿if / afnaflnsf ;/f]sf/sf] ljifo xf] . Pp6} lqkfnd'lg a:g'kg]{ afWofTds cj:yf cfOk¥of] . To;a]nf dlxnfdfly n}l·s lx+;f / xfd|f] ;dfh M of}g b'Jo{jxf/sf 36gf eP eGg] ;dfrf/ n}lËs lje]b ;dfh / ;+:s[ltn] l;h{gf k|sfzdf cfP . Pp6} lqkfnd'lg ;'t]sL u/]sf] dlxnf / k'¿ifaLrsf] km/skgf / dlxnfsf] 5]pdf cfP/ cfkm" lgbfPsf]] c;dfgtf xf] eg] lnËsf] cfwf/df ul/g] clego ub}{ dlxnfnfO{ k'?ifn] ;f:tL] lx+;f g} n}lËs lx+;f xf] . n}lËs ;jfndf lbPsf] 36gf klg ;'lgof] . oL / o:t} xfd|f] cfkm\g} ;fdflhs dfGotfx¿ 5g\ . ;–;fgf 36gf em§ x]bf{ ;fdfGo ePklg ;fy} xfd|f dfGotf ljZjkl/j]z eGbf dlxnf lx+;fsf] ;'¿jft oxL+af6 x'G5, k[ys klg 5g\ . ;dfhdf k|fs[lts rfx] Tof] ;fj{hlgs oftfoftdf ofqf jf h}ljs b[li6sf]0faf6 dlxnf jf ubf{ xf];\ jf Pp6} sfof{nodf sfd ubf{ k'¿ifsf] :yfg sfod x'Fb}g . o:tf] :yfg xf];\ jf 3/df x'g] ufnLunf}h xf];\ . ;DalGwt b]zdf ljBdfg ;fdflhs e"sDkn] hghLjg tx;gx; kf/]sf] sf/0faf6 lgwf{/0f ePsf] x'G5 . xfd|f] bogLo cj:yfdf ;d]t n}lËs lx+;fsf ;dfhdf dlxnfx¿sf] rf;f], ljrf/ / 36gf x'G5g\ eg] cGo ;fdfGo o:tf cg'ej k'¿ifsf hlQs} d"Nojfg 5g\ / ck/fwsf] cj:yf slt ljs/fn xf]nf < ltgnfO{ plQs} ;Ddfg;fy lnOg'k5{ k|Zg uDeL/ 5 . o:t} k'¿ifjfbL lrGtg eGg] dfGotf sfod ug{ cf}wL s7Lg / / Jojxf/sf] sf/0f dlxnfx¿n] lx+;f nfdf] ;do kv{g'k¥of] . o;} jftfj/0fn] Joxf]l//x]sf 5g\ . h;nfO{ ;dfhn] k'¿ifx¿af6 dlxnfx¿nfO{ ;lqmo¿kdf :jLsf/ u5{, t/ k"0f{tof lg/fs/0fsf bafpg], k|of]u ug]{ / b'¿kof]u nflu 86\g r§fgL c8\rgx¿ k|z:t ug]{ sfdn] k|>o kfPsf] Jojxf/d} b]vf 5g\ . ctPjM n}lËs lx+;flj?4sf] k¥of] . ;dfhdf dlxnfx¿sf] :yfg cleofgdf ;xefuL x'g' kLl8tsf] dfq k'¿ifx¿sf] eGbf leGg / c;dfg b]lvg] xf]Og /fHo, sfg'g sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|x/L, oyfy{tf xfd|f ;fd' pleof] . cGttM cid mAGAZINE 110

dlxnfsf ljifout cg'ej k'¿ifsf eGbf leGg ;'lgZrttf tyf lbuf] lasf;sf nflu n}lËs /xg] jf:tljstfaf6 ;dfhn] cfFvf lrlDnof] . ;dfgtf / dlxnf ;zQmLs/0fnfO{ ljZjJofkL o; ;Gbe{df k|ToIfjfb, k'¿ifkIfLo, j:t'ut / :t/d} lng] ul/G5 . g]kfnn] klg dlxnf;DaGwL cf}hfl/of¿kdf ljsl;t ePsf] dlxnfk|ltsf] cGt/f{li6«o ;lGwx¿df x:tfIf/ u/]sf] 5 . b[li6sf]0fn] dlxnfx¿sf] cfjfhsf] k|ltlglwTj g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ sf] k|:tfjgfdf n}lËs ug{;d]t ;s]g . h;sf sf/0f xfd|f] ;dfhdf lje]bsf] cGTo u/L ;fdflhs Gofo ;'lglZrt dlxnf lx+;fsf] ;'¿jft x'g k'Uof] . ug{ ;dtfd'ns ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f ug]{ ;ª\sNk ul/Psf] 5 . o;k|sf/ ;+ljwfg, xfn k|rlnt n}l·s lx+;fsf :j¿k M P]gsfg'g cflbn] lje]bsf] cGTosf nflu dfu{ lx+;fsf cg]s ¿k x'G5g\, h'g ;dfhdf oqtq k|z:t u/]sf] b]lvG5 . dlxnflj¿4 x'g] s'g} ;jq k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf¿kdf b]Vg, ef]Ug kfOG5 . klg lje]bnfO{ sfg"gdfkm{t b08gLo agfO{ ;du| ljZj ;d'bfo g} o:tf lx+;faf6 c5'tf] g]kfnn] cGt/f{li6«o k|ltj4tfnfO{ sfof{Gjogdf 5}g . ;dfhdf a:g] ;a} k'¿if, dlxnf afnaflnsf NofPsf] klg 5 . o;sf ;fy} /fhgLlts bn, kLl8t x'g] oyfy{ eP klg dlxnfx¿ g} n}lËs k|zf;g, /fli6«o dfgjclwsf/ cfof]u, ;+o'Qm lx+;faf6 a9L k|efljt x'g] jf:tljstfaf6 xfdL /fi6« ;ª\3nufotaf6 dlxnfdfly x'g] n}lËs cgle1 5}gf}+ . h'g xfd|f cg';Gwfg, k|ltj]bg / lje]b x'g glbg k|of;//t 5 . h;af6 tYofª\sx¿n] k'i6L ub}{ cfPsf 5g\ . dlxnfdflysf] n}lËs lje]bdf ;'wf/ x'g] cfzf k|an aGb} uPsf] 5 . n}lËs lx+;fsf :j¿k o'u;fk]If kl/jt{g x'Fb} uPsf] kfOG5 . z}lIfs pGglt, ;~rf/sf] n}l·s lx+;fsf sf/0f / ;dfwfg M lasf;, cfly{s lasf;, oftfoftsf] ;'ljwf n}lËs lx+;f a9\g'df ;DalGwt ;dfhsf] kl/j]z Pjd\\ ljZjJofkLs/0fsf sf/0f o:tf lx+;fsf] pQ/bfoL x'G5 . a9\bf] zx/Ls/0f, ¿9LjfbL :j?kdf kl/jt{g b]lvPsf] xf] . xfd|f] ;dfhsf] k/Dk/f, a]/f]huf/L, cfk;L ;dembf/Lsf] sdL, s'/Llt Pjd\\ cGwljZjf;n] dlxnflj¿4 lx+;fhGo ;fdflhs s'k|yf, cfly{s k|nf]eg, lzIffsf] 36gf x'g] u/]sf 5g\ . dlxnflj¿4 lx+;|s cefj, kfl/jfl/s a]d]n, k/lge{/tf cflb ¿kdf k|:t't x'g], ufnLunf}h ug]{, kf;ljs sf/0faf6 dlxnf lx+;fdf j[l4 ePsf] kfOG5 . oftgf lbg], cª\ueª\u agfOlbg] tyf Hofg} lng] klZrdL ;Eotf;Fu cfsif{0f tyf lgs6tf x'g k|s[ltsf 36gf;d]t x'g] u/]sf 5g\ . kfl/jfl/s vf]Hbfsf] kl/0ffdn] lx+;f v]Kg' k/]sf pbfx/0f klg lx+;f xfd|f] ;dfhdf w]/} jif{b]lv n'Kt /x]sf] 5, xfd|f ;fd' 5g\ . n}lËs e]befj / dlxnfnfO{ g} bf]if h;n] j}jflxs hf]8L dfq xf]Og afnaRrf lbg] k|j[lQn] klg pN6} lx+;f a9fpg d2t k'¥ofpg Pjd\\ a'9f}nL ;b:ox¿ ;d]tnfO{ c;/ k'u]sf] ;S5 . jfnljjfx, cgd]n ljjfx, ha/h:tL ljjfx b]lvG5 . dfgj j]rlavgh:tf] 3[l0ft / h3Go klg lx+;fsf sf/0f ag]sf 5g\ . ck/fwaf6 klg dlxnf g} kLl8t 5g\ . o;n] AolQmut :jtGqtf, ;fdflhs dof{bf u'Dg'sf dlxnfdfly x'g] ljb]eaf/] Aofks s'/f ;fy} dfgjclwsf/df ;d]t s'7f/f3ft p7\5g\ . dlxnf lzIff, tflnd, /f]huf/Lh:tf k'¥ofpF5 . dlxnfx?nfO{ zf/Ll/s, dfgl;s, dlxnf ;/f]sf/sf ljifodf /fHon] Gofo ug{ cfly{s / n}lËs ?kdf c;Qm agfpF5 . ;s] lx+;f Go"gLs/0fdf :jtM an k'U5 . ul/aL, :jf:Yo, dlxnf xs, lg0ff{os txdf kx'Fr, n}l·s lje]b / dfgjclwsf/ M dlxnfd}qL jftfj/0f, dfgjclwsf/ nufotsf lnËsf] cfwf/df lje]b u/L dlxnfnfO{ laifodf dlxnf ;zQmLs/0f x'g ;s] lx+;f :jtM xsclwsf/af6 al~rt ul/Psf ;jfnx¿ lg/fs/0f x'G5 . Gofo kfpg] dflg;sf] g};lu{s a]nfavt p7\g] u5{g\ . o:tf] gxf];\ eGgfsf vflt/ clwsf/ ePsf]n] j:t'lgi7 ck/fw cg';Gwfg u/L dlxnf ;zQmLs/0f, n}lËs d"n k|jfxLs/0fh:tf jf:tljs kLl8tnfO{ Gofo lbnfpg ;s] lx+;faf6 cleofg ;~rfng ul/G5g\ . dfgjclwsf/sf] pTkGg ;d:ofsf] :jtM ;dfwfg lg:sg] s'/fdf cid mAGAZINE 111

b'O{dt 5}g . k|efjsf/L cg';Gwfgaf6 g} ;'/lIft df ;f] cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ tyf ;d'Ggt ;dfh lgdf{0f eO{ sfg'gL zf;gsf] tf]lsPsf] 5 . pkwf/f ! sf] -3_ df n}lËs k|Tofe"lt x'g ;s] lx+;f cfkm} sfa'df cfpg] 5 . ;dfgtf, dlxnf ;zQmLs/0f tyf dlxnf;Fu ;DalGwt sfg'gL Joj:yfsf] cWoog, cg';Gwfg n}lËs lx+;f lgoGq0f ug{ cGt/f{li6«o:t/df u/L To:tf sfg'gdf ug'{kg]{ ;'wf/sf ;DaGwdf …dlxnfla?4sf ;a} k|sf/sf e]befj pGd"ng ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ l;kmfl/; ug]{ / ;f] sf] ug]{ dxf;lGw, !(&(Ú / …lhp df:g] a]Rg] tyf cg'udg ug]{ elgPsf] 5 . c?sf] j]Zofj[lQsf] zf]if0fsf] bdg;DaGwL dxf;lGw, !($(Ú nufotsf dxf;lGwx¿ ePsf To:t} ;f]xL pkwf/fsf] -r_ df dlxnf lx+;f jf 5g\ . h;n] /fHosf x/]s cª\udf dlxnfsf] kx'Fr ;fdflhs s'/Lltaf6 kLl8t ePsf] jf dlxnf k'¥ofpg, dlxnf ;zQmLs/0fdf 6]jf k'¥ofpg / clwsf/ k|of]u ug{ glbPsf] jf jl~rt u/]sf] dlxnfdfly x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf lje]bx¿ pGd'ng ljifodf s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yflj?4 d'2f bfo/ ug{ ;xof]uLl;4 ;fljt ePsf 5g\ . ctPjM ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf b]lvPdf sfg'gadf]lhd xfd|f cg';Gwfg, Jojxf/, b[li6sf]0f / k|lta4tf cbfntdf d'2f bfo/ ug{ ;DalGwt lgsfo o;}df s]lGb|t eO{ Jojxf/df nfu" x'g' jf~5gLo ;dIf l;kmfl/; ug]{ clwsf/ lbOPsf] 5 . x'g cfpF5 . o;}u/L o;} pkwf/fsf cGo a'Fbfx¿df klg dlxnf ;zlQms/0fsf ljifodf clwsf/ ;+ljwfgdf dlxnf xs lbOPsf] 5 . o;af6 dlxnf ;zQmLs/0fsf] g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ sf] wf/f #* df dlxnf ;fy} n}lËs lx+;f Go'lgs/0fdf 7f]; kl/0ffd xssf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5, h;df lgDg a'Fbfx¿ cfpg] lglZrt 5 . tyflk n}lËs lx+;flj?4 ;dfj]z 5g\ M ;j{k|yd dlxnf :jod\ ;r]t eO{ kfOnf cufl8 a9fpg' cfjZos 5 . o;kl5 != k|To]s dlxnfnfO{ n}lËs e]befj lagf ;dfg ;DalGwt lgsfon] Wofg lbg'kg]{ x'G5, cGoyf j+zLo xs x'g]5 . sfg'g lnlvtd\df dfq ;Lldt x'g klg ;S5 . @= k|To]s dlxnfnfO{ ;'/lIft dft[Tj / k|hgg :jf:Yo;DaGwL xs x'g]5 . r'gf}tL tyf ;d:of M #= dlxnflj?4 wfld{s, ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts n}lËs lje]b Go"gLs/0fsf nflu ljZjsf cGo k/Dk/f, k|rng jf cGo s'g} cfwf/df d'n'sdf eGbf xfd|f] b]zdf cem} a9L r'gf}tL zf/Ll/s, dfgl;s, of}ghGo, dgf]j}1flgs 5g\ . n}lËs lx+;f uDeL/ k|s[ltsf] ;fdflhs jf cGo s'g} lsl;dsf] lx+;fhGo sfo{ ck/fw ePsf]n] lkl8tn] cfkm\gf] kL/dsf{ v'n]/ jf zf]if0f ul/g] 5}g . To:tf] sfo{ sfg'g aflx/ Nofpg] jftfj/0f l;h{gf ug{ r'gf}tL adf]lhd b08gLo x'g]5 / kLl8tnfO{ sfg'g 5 . k'?ifk|wfg ;dfhsf] cjz]if cem} afFsL adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs x'g]5 . 5 . sfg'g sfof{Gjog ug{ ef}uf]lns hl6ntf $= /fHosf ;a} lgsfodf dlxnfnfO{ ;dfg'kflts tuf/f] aG5 . k|ljlwsf] lasf;sf] ;xL ;b'kof]u ;dfj]zL l;4fGtsf] cfwf/df ;xefuL x'g] ug{ ;lsPsf] 5}g . ef}lts ;fwg;|f]tsf] sdL xs x'g]5 . 5 . ;/sf/L tyf u}/;/sf/L ;ª3 ;+:yfaLr %= dlxnfnfO{ lzIff, :jf:Yo, /f]huf/L / cfk;L ;xof]u, ;dGjo / ;~hfnsf] cefj ;fdflhs ;'/Iffdf ;sf/fTds lje]bsf b]lvG5 . csf]{lt/ ck/fwLnfO{ /fhgLlts ;+/If0f cfwf/df ljz]if cj;/ k|fKt ug]{ xs x'g] 5 . x'g] u/]sf pbfx/0f klg 5g\ . cg';Gwfgsf ^= ;DklQ tyf kfl/jfl/s dfldnfdf bDktLsf] nflu 5'§} hgzlQmsf] cefj ljBdfg 5 eg] ;dfg xs x'g]5 . sdhf]/ / b'ljwfhgs sfg'gL Joj:yf / hl6n cbfntL k|s[ofn] r'gf}tL a9fPsf] 5 . j}1flgs o;}u/L ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f @%@ df /fli6«o dlxnf tyf j:t'ut k|df0f ;ª\sng ug{ r'gf}tL cfof]u /xg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . wf/f @%# 5g\ . of}ghGo ck/fw ljz]if dxTjsf] ePsf]n] cid mAGAZINE 112

dlxnf lx+;fsf] cg';Gwfgdf klg tYo 36gf / j:t'l:yltsf] j}1flgs k/LIf0f u/L oyfy{tf kQf nufpg' cg';Gwfgstf{sf] st{Jo x'g cfpF5 . ck/fw;”u ;DalGwt tYox¿ ;+sng, ;+/If0f / k/LIf0fnufotsf sfo{ cg';Gwfgdf kb{5g\ .

cg';Gwfgstf{sf] 1fg, s'zntf / Ifdtf clej[l4 Go"gLs/0f ug{ / 3l6t ck/fw Pjd\\ To;df ;+nUg ug{ cfjZos 5 . ;fy} r'gf}tL ;dfwfgsf nflu JolQmsfaf/]df cg';Gwfg txlssft u/L sfg'gL tf/] xf]6ndf ul/g] uf]i7L, ;]ldgf/sf] ;Gb]z bfo/fdf Nofpg /fHo k|oTgzLn /xg'k5{ . ;sf/fTds eP klg kLl8t kIf;Dd k'Ug ;s]sf] cj:yf b]lv+b}g . oBlk g]kfn k|x/L r'gf}tLsf] n}lËs lx+;f;DaGwL sfg'g sfof{Gjog ug]{ ;fdgf ug{ x/bd tof/ /xFb} cfkm\gf] bfloTj k|d'v lgsfosf ?kdf g]kfn ;/sf/, cbfnt, lgjf{xdf r's]sf] 5}g . /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]u, ;/sf/L jsLn, lhNnf k|zf;g, dlxnf ljsf; sfof{no kb{5g\ . To:t} n}l·s lx+;f / ck/fw cg';Gwfg cGo ;DalGwt lgsfox¿df gful/s ;dfh, ;dfhdf n}lËs lx+;f Pjd\\ dlxnflj¿4 jf/ P;f]l;o;g, u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf / ;~rf/ x'g] lx+;f, of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/sf] /f]syfd / dfWod kb{5g\ . ;a} lgsfo;Fu ;dGjo x'g 3l6t ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfg ug]{ lhDd]jf/L ;s]df cg';Gwfgkl5 kLl8tn] Gofo kfpg] sfg'gtM g]kfn k|x/Lsf] /x]sf] 5 . o:tf cj:yf /xG5 . lx+;fhGo Pjd\\ ;+j]bgzLn 36gfsf] /f]syfd, ;kmn cg';Gwfgsf] bfloTj lgjf{x ug{ n}l·s lx+;f Go"gLs/0fdf g]kfn k|x/L g]kfn k|x/L sl6a4 /x]sf] 5 . ;'/lIft / k|rlnt sfg'g sfof{Gjogsf] k|d'v lgsfo dlxnfd}qL jftfj/0f l;h{gf ug{, lx+;fhGo g]kfn k|x/Ln] dlxnf clwsf/ ;+/If0f / n}lËs lqmofsnfksf] Go'lgs/0fsf nflu ;dfhdf ;dfgtf sfod ug{ dxTTjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x ;r]tgf km}nfpg] sfddf dlxnf k|x/L clwstd ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . g]kfn k|x/Ln] Gofosf ;xefuL u/fpg] ;+u7gsf] gLlt /x]sf] 5 . nflu ;xh kx'Fr ;'lglZrt ub}{ n}lËs lx+;f o;} p2]Zo k"lt{sf nflu dlxnf k|x/Lsf] Ifdtf /f]syfd / cGTosf nflu ;ª\u7gsf] tNnf] clej[l4 / dgf]an pRr /fVb} Jofj;flos PsfO;Dd n}lËs lje]bdf z"Go ;xglzntfaf/] bIftf clej[l4 ug]{tkm{ g]kfn k|x/Lsf kfOnf lgb]{zg lbPsf] 5 . ;ª\u7gleq tyf k|x/L sfo{ s]lGb|t 5g\ . ;Dkfbgdf dlxnflj¿4 x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf lje]b cGTo ug{ cem} k|efjsf/L tyf k|0ffnLut ¿kdf sfg'gsf] pNnª\3g u/L ul/Psf ;sf/fTds jf sfo{ ug'{kg]{ cfjZostfnfO{ dx;'; u/L k|x/L gsf/fTds sd{ jf /fHolj¿4sf s;"/x¿ ck/fw k|wfg sfof{non] g]kfn k|x/Lsf] n}lËs gLlt, x'g\, h;nfO{ b08gLo dflgG5 . o:tf ck/fw / @)^( hf/L u/]sf] 5 . h;cg';f/ cjnDag To;df ;+nUg ck/fwL kQf nufpg] p4]Zon] ul/g] k|d'v gLltx¿ o;k|sf/ 5g\ M cflwsfl/s lgsfoaf6 ul/g] r/0fa4 sfo{ ck/fw cg';Gwfg xf] . dlxnf lx+;fsf] cg';Gwfgdf klg tYo != g]kfn k|x/Lsf ljleGg k|x/L sfof{nox¿ jf 36gf / j:t'l:yltsf] j}1flgs k/LIf0f u/L oyfy{tf aflx/ x'g;Sg] dlxnf lx+;flj¿4df z"Go kQf nufpg' cg';Gwfgstf{sf] st{Jo x'g cfpF5 . ;xglzntf ckgfpg] . ck/fw;Fu ;DalGwt tYox¿ ;+sng, ;+/If0f / @= dlxnf k|x/Lx¿nfO{ ;ª\u7gsf] d"nwf/df k/LIf0fnufotsf sfo{ cg';Gwfgdf kb{5g\ . ;a'b ;dflxt ug{sf nflu ;f+u7lgs ¿kd} ;dfgtf k|df0f ;+sng, k/LIf0f u/L clen]v /fv]/ 36gfaf/] / ;dtfsf] l;4fGt cg'¿k sfo{ ug]{ . la:t[t hfgsf/L xfl;n u/L lgisif{df k'Ug] sfdn] #= ef}lts ;+/rgfx¿nfO{ qmdzM dlxnfd}qL g} cg';GwfgnfO{ ;kmn t'NofpF5 . ck/fw/lxt agfpFb} n}hfg] . ;dfhsf] kl/sNkgf c;Dej eP klg ck/fw $= sfdsf] jftfj/0fnfO{ dlxnfd}qL agfpg] . cid mAGAZINE 113

%= dlxnf k|x/L sd{rf/Lsf] Ifdtf clejl4sf dGqfno / @)%& ;fndf dlxnf lasf; nflu tflnddf ;'wf/ ug]{ / j[lQljsf;sf] laefusf] :yfkgf u/]sf] 5 . xfn gofF Joj:yf ug]{ . ;+ljwfgn] dlxnf xs / /fli6«o dlxnf ^= ;/sf/L tyf u}/;/sf/L ;fem]bf/x¿;Fu cfof]usf] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . dlxnflj?4sf] ;xsfo{ u/L n}lËs ;dfgtf;DaGwL ;r]tgf d'2fnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ …n}lËs lx+;flj?4sf] km}nfpg] . jif{ ;g\ @)!)Ú 3f]if0ff ul/Psf] lyof] . &= n}lËs lx+;fsf] ;+j]bgzLntfnfO{ b[li6ut u/L otf sfg'g sfof{Gjog ug]{ g]kfn k|x/L ljz]if kl/rfng gLlt canDag ug]{ . /, dlxnfd}qL jftfj/0f l;h{gf ug{ sl6a4 *= n}lËs c;dfgtfsf] klxrfg ug]{ tyf gLlt 5 . tyflk k|x/Lsf] PSnf] k|of; k|of{Kt x'g Pjd\\ sfo{qmdx¿dfkm{t ;Daf]wg ug]{ . ;Qm}g . o;sf nflu /fHosf ;a} ;+oGq, k|rlnt P]g sfg"g tyf gLlt, xfd|f k/Dk/f, oL gLltx¿nfO{ ;kf]6{ ug{ ljleGg sfo{gLltx¿sf] ;+:s[lt / ;f]+rdf gofF b[li6sf]0f cfjZos Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . h;sf] k|x/L PsfOx¿af6 5 . d'n'sdf hgtfsf k|ltlglwåf/f hf/L sfof{Gjog eP gePsf] lg/Gt/ cg'udg / ul/Psf] klxnf] ;+ljwfg cfPsf] / /fi6«klt, d"Nofª\sg ug]{ Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy} gLlt ;efd'vh:tf ul/dfdo kbdf dlxnfsf] tyf sfo{gLlt, lqmofsnfk, ;dofjlw, lhDd]jf/ pkl:yltn] cfufdL lbgdf n}lËs lx+;fsf PsfO, ;xof]uL PsfO, ;"rs / cg'udg tyf af/]df u'gf;f z"Godf k'Ub} ;fdflhs Gofo / d"Nofª\sg PsfOsf] Joj:yf u/L k|efjsf/L ;dfj]zLd"ns ;dfh lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsg] cfzf sfo{of]hgf sfof{Gjog ug]{ Joj:yf ul/Psf] ug{ ;lsG5 . 5 . gofF ;+ljwfgdf Joj:yf ePcg'?k / ca aGg] sfg'g cg'?k g]kfn k|x/Ln] gofF 9+un] cGTodf, k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no, ck/fw cg';Gwfg cfkm\gf] st{Jo kfngf ubf{ cem} k|efjsfl/tf ljefuaf6 jflif{s?kdf k|sfzg x'g] …l;cfO8L cfpg] lglZrt 5 . k|x/L sfo{nfO{ d"t{¿k Dofu]lhgÚ ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf g]kfn k|x/Lsf] lbg k|x/Lsf] Psn k|of; lgZro klg ck'/f] k|lta4tf sfof{Gjog u/fpg e"ldsf v]Ng] Pp6f x'G5 . o;sf nflu gful/s ;dfh, ;/f]sf/jfnf kf6f] xf], lglb{i6 ;dod} nIodf 6]Sg ;kmntf ;/sf/L tyf u}/;/sf/L ;+3;+:yf Pjd\\ ;DalGwt ldnf];\ eGg] sfdgf ub{5' . kIfsf] ;xof]u, ;b\efj, ;xsfo{ / k|lta4tfsf] vfFrf] /xG5 . /, sfof{Gjog kIfdf k|x/Ln] plrt ;Gbe{ ;fdu|L ;dGjo ug'{ dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 . != g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@ M g]kfn ;/sf/, sfg'g lstfa Joj:yf ;ldlt . pk;+xf/ @= g]kfn k|x/Lsf] n}lËs gLlt @)^(, k|sfzs M n}lËs lje]b cfw'lgs jf kL5l8Psf], wgL jf k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no gS;fn . ul/a ;a} ;dfhdf ljBdfg 5 . k|Zg w]/} #= ck/fw cg';Gwfg tyf cleof]hgdf jf yf]/} dfqfdf eGg] dfq xf] . g]kfndf cem} k|efjsfl/tf, k|sfzs M dxfGofoflwaQmfsf] klg ;fdflhs kl/j]z / sfo{:yn dlxnfd}qL sfof{no, o'gfO6]8 :6];g OlG:6Ro'6 ckm aGg ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . lnËsf cfwf/df x'g] lk; g]kfn . c;dfg Jojxf/ / lx+;f ;xg'kg]{ afWotfsf] $= ;fdflhs ;+:yf / k|lqmofx¿sf] ljZn]if0f M sf/0f dlxnfsf] cj:yfdf cfzftLt ;'wf/ x'g k|f=8f= kbdnfn b]asf]6f / g]qs'df/ cf]emf, g;s]sf] xf] eGbf clt;of]lQm gxf]nf . kLl8tnfO{ lbJo b]p/fnL k|sfzg . cfjZos ;xof]u ub}{ kLl8td}qL jftfj/0f %= k|x/L å}dfl;s k|sfzgsf ljleGg c+sx¿, tof/ u/L lgzªsf]r / lgw{Ss ph'/L ug]{ tyf k|sfzs M k|x/L k|wfg sfof{no, hg;Dks{ sfg"gL n8fOF n8\g] jftfj/0f tof/ ug'{kg]{ zfvf . cj:yf cem} 5 . o;sfnflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] ^= ljleGg b}lgs klqsfx? / g]kfn ;fKtflxs .  @)%@ ;fndf dlxnf tyf ;dfh sNof0f cid mAGAZINE 114

‘ckx/0f’ Ps ;To 36gf

k|=gf=p= 1fg]G›k|;fb km'ofn, s]G›Lo cg';Gwfg Jo"/f]

s]G›Lo cg';Gwfg Jo"/f], lkn/–#, cfˆg} 3f]8fdf ;jf/ x'Fb} pxL l;/xf, nxfgtkm{ sfo{ sIfdf k'/fgf d'2fsf] ldl;n ljr/0f ul//xFbf crfgs lzjbofnsf] cWoog ul//x]sf] a]nf crfgs 6]andf efO u'¿bofn dxtf]sf] ckx/0f /flvPsf] df]jfO{nsf] æl/ªÆ aHbf d]/f] 36gf tyf cg';Gwfg k|s[of d]/f] Psfu|tf e+u eof] . gDa/ gx]/L cfkm"n] dfg;k6ndf s'g} rnlrqsf] æ/LnÆ æx]Nnf]Æ eGg gkfpFb} pt}af6 cfjfh hf]8]em}+ u/L o;/L PsfPs 3'Dg cfof] æ1fg]G› ;/ gd:sf/ Û d l;/xf yfNof] . nxfgaf6 lzjbofn dxtf] .Æ clejfbg kmsf{pFb} d}n] xfn va/ a'‰g] k|oTg @)&! ;fn sflQs #) ut] laxfg u/] . lzjbofnn] xfn va/ ;a} 7Ls} nxfg–#, c:ktfn rf]s 5]p5fpsf ePsf] hfgsf/L u/fpFb} s'/f yk] æc¿ lrof k;nx?df /ftLaf6 u'?bofn vf;} s]xL 5}g, 3/df ;a} hgf a;]sf] dxtf] a]kQf ePsf] / cem} ;Dks{ a]nf ;/sf] rrf{ rNof] To;}n] ;Dem]/ gePsf] s'/f rrf{sf] ljifo alg;s]sf] s] s;f] 5 ;Grf] lj;Grf] a'‰g dfq lyof] . l;/fxf lhNnf nfxfg g=kf= # kmf]g u/]sf], ælahLÆ x'g'x'G5 xf]nf d a:g] emd]nL dxtf]sf] 5f]/f jif{ #% æsG6\ofsÆ ub}{ u5{' lg x} ;/ .Æ d}n] sf] u'?bofn dxtf]n] cfˆgf] sf]=! klg 5f]6f] s'/fsfgL ;Fu} wGojfb lbFb} r= ^^$! g+a/sf] 6f6f ;'df] uf8Ldf kmf]g s6fP . @)&! sflQs @( ut] c+= !^M#) ah] O{6x/L hfg]] b'O{ hgf ckl/lrt cfˆgf] Jofj;flos hLjgsf] Pp6f k];]Gh/ lnO{ O{+6x/Ltkm{ uPsf] / sfo{sfn latfP/ nxfgaf6 ;¿jf k'gM ef8fdf O{+6x/Laf6 dflg;x? ePsf] %–^ dlxgfkl5 :yfgLojf;Ln] lnO{ l;/xftkm{ cfpg] qmddf ;Kt/L ;lDemP/ kmf]g u/L æ;Grf]÷lj;Grf]Æ lhNnfsf] kG;]/f uf=la=;= –& ;f]lwlbFbf d leqleq v'zL x'Fb} cfkm"nfO{ l:yt cdfxf rf]sglhs k"j{ uf}/jflGjt dx;'; ul//x]sf] lyPF . klZrd /fhdfu{d} uf8L cnkq Tolts}df ;Demgfsf jfo'k+vL sNkgfsf] 5f8L rfns u'?bofn dxtf] PsfPs cid mAGAZINE 115

;Dks{laxLg ePsf] s'/f PSsfg, b'O{ sfg x'Fb} hfg] a:g] s'g} z+sf gu/L rt'/fgGbnfO{ Tof] k"/} …efO{/nÚ alg;s]sf] lyof] . :yfgLo Pkm=Pd= uf8L ;d]t lnO{ cfpg eg]kl5 cf]d k|sfz tyf 5fkfx?df 5\ofk\ 5\ofk\tL . / rt'/fgGbn] b'O{ j6} uf8Lx? lnO{ nxfg cfP5g, To;kl5 xfdL ;a} k'gM 36gf ePsf] æ1fg]G› ;/, u'?bofnsf] ckx/0f ePsf] xf] < :yfgtkm{ vf]Hg eGb} nfUof}+ . k|x/L xfdL l8=P;=lk= ;fÚa clxn];Dd s] kQf nfUof] <Æ ;a} eP/ clxn];Dd vf]Hbf klg s]xL a'‰g o:tf cg]sf}+ k|Zgx? df]afO{n kmf]g / e]6]hlt g;s]kl5 O{=k|=sf= s8f]/agfdf lgj]bg lbP/ ;a}n] dk|lt ug{ yfn] . /ftL Ps ah] k|fKt xfdL oxfF cfPsf xf}+ . nf} g l8=P;=lk= ;fÚa, u'?bofn x/fPsf] ck'i6 va/ / To;kl5 tkfO{+x? nfu]kl5 d]/f] efOsf] Hofg aRg ePsf] k|x/L 6f]nL kl/rfng ;fy} lh=k|=sf= ;S5 . æ/fdbofnn] g]kfn k|x/Lk|lt e/f];f l;/xf, ;Kt/L, O{=k|=sf= s8f]/agf, O{=k|=sf= b]vfO{ /xFbf c?n] df}g ;dy{g ul//x]sf lyP . sNof0fk'/ clg ef/tLo ;dsIfLx?;Fu ;d]t ;dGjo eO/x]sf] egL d ;a}nfO{ cfZj:t u'?bofn a]kQf ePsf] xKtf lbg lalt;Sbf klg agfpg] k|oTg uy]{+ . s'g} cQf]kQf] lyPg . pQm 36gf ;DaGwdf :yfgLo af;Lx?n] ljleGg vfn] l6Kk0fL ug{ yfn]sf lyP . ;fFem kg{ nfu]sf] lyof], u'?bofnsf] h]7f] bfh' sf]xL ckx/0f ePsf] eP t lkm/f}tL dfuL xfNy] /fdbofn dxtf] s]xL :yfgLo e› enfbdL lg < eGy] eg] sf]xL cfk;L kfl/jfl/s ljjfbsf tyf cfkmGtx? ;d]t O{=k|=sf= nxfgdf k|j]z sf/0f kl/jf/af6} p;nfO{ st} k7fPsf] cg'dfg ug{'eof] . ;a}sf] cg'xf/ dnLg lyof] . Tolt uy]{ . k]zfn] ef8fdf uf8L rnfpg] rfnssf] a]nf;Dd O{=k|=sf= s8f]/agf tyf O{=k|=sf= ?kdf u'?bofn lrlgP klg k|z:t hUuf hldg sNof0fk'/ ;Kt/Lsf k|x/L lg/LIfsx¿ pQm ePsf]n] u'?bofnsf] afj' emd]nL dxtf] cfly{s 36gfsf] af/]df ;"rgf cfbfg k|bfg tyf ;dGjo lx;fan] ;DkGg / k|ltli7t dflgGy] . pQm s'/f ug{ cfO{;Sg' ePsf] lyof] . xfdL k|fKt ePsf yfxf kfpg] AolQmx?af6} lghsf] ckx/0f ePsf] ;"rgf tyf cGo kIfaf6 ljZn]if0f ul//x]sf x'g;Sg] w]/}n] atfpg yfn]sf lyP . o;/L lyof}+ . /fdbofn bfO eSsflgb}+ af]Ng yfNg'eof] . 36gf yk hl6n aGb} uPkl5 c~rn k|x/L æ1fg]G› ;/ Û d]/f] efOsf] kSs} ckx/0f g} ePsf] sfof{no, ;u/dfyfn] lh=k|=sf= ;Kt/Ldf sfo{/t x'g'k5{, lxhf] rf/ kfFr ah]lt/ Kof;]Gh/ lnP/ tTsflng k|=gf=p= s]bf/ 9sfnsf] ;+of]hsTjdf O{+6x/L uPsf] / O{+6x/Laf6 c? Kof;]Gh/ O{=k|=sf= sNof0fk'/, O{=k|=sf= s/f]8agfsf lnP/ cfpFb} 5' egL af6f]af6 dflxnf] efO k|=lg=x? tyf O{=k|=sf= nxfg k|d'vsf] lzabofnnfO{ kmf]g u/]sf] /x]5 . x]g{'g nxfg x}l;otn] d ;d]t ;b:o /x]sf] cg';Gwfg cfO{ gk'uL ;Kt/L cdfxfaf6} efO ufoa eof] . 6f]nL u7g u¥of] . k|flalws ;xof]usf lgldQ æ/fdbofn eSsflgFb} ubf{ d}n] ;f]w]F æu'?bofn If]qLo cg';Gwfg ;d"x -RIT_ sf] 6f]nL;d]t a]kQf ePsf] tkfO{+x?n] slt a]nf yfxf nxfg cfOk'Uof] . b'a} lhNnfsf k|x/Lx?sf] ;+o'Qm kfpg'eof] <æuD5fn] cfFz' k'5\b} /fdbofnn] k|of; tyf ef/tLo ;dsIfLx?;Fusf] ;dGjodf yKb} uP æd]/f] ;f8" efO rt'/fgGb dxtf]n] cf]d cg';GwfgnfO{ uDeL/tfk"j{s cl3 a9fOof] . k|sfznfO{ ;d]t ;fy} lnO{ PDa'n]G;df Pp6f 36gfsf ;DaGwdf b]Vg], ;'Gg], hfGg], a'‰g] la/fdL la/f6gu/ c:ktfn lxhf] /ftL kms{+b} elgPsf cg]sf}+ AolQmx?nfO{ e]6\g] ;f]wk'5 ug]{ /x]5g\, /ftL c+= !)M$) ah] cdfxf k'nglhs sfo{nfO{ lta|tf lbO{of] . cg';Gwfgsf] sdfG8 u'?bofnsf] ^^$! g+j/sf] ;'df] kfls{ª nfO{6 kf]i6 g} O{=k|=sf= nxfgdf v8f eof] . kLl8t cg ePsf], Sof;]6 alh/x]sf] cj:yfdf /x]5, u'?bofnsf] df]afOnaf6 clGtd sn sflQs @ uf8Ldf sf]xL gb]v]kl5 ql;t x'Fb} u'?bofnsf] ( ut]sf] @)M!^ ;Dddfq x'g' / @)M@& af6 g+a/df kmf]g ubf{ gnfu]kl5 t'?Gt efO df]afOn ;Dks{ laR5]b -detached_ x'g'n] klg lzjbofnnfO{ kmf]g u/L hfgsf/L u/fP5 . u'? bofnsf] ckx/0f g} ePsf] x'g;Sg] k|f/lDes u'?bofn slxn]sflxF Tolts} ;fyLefOsf] lt/ cg';Gwfgaf6 ;d]t b]lvPsf] lyof] . cid mAGAZINE 116

@$ gf]e]Da/ @)!$ sf] /ftL Pp6f ef/tLo kl/jf/sf] O{R5fljkl/t dx]G› dxtf]nfO{ tTsfn gDa/af6 u'?bofnsf] h]7f] bfh' /fdbofnnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lng ;lsPg . lzabofn dxtf] klg kmf]g u/L u'?bofnsf] ckx/0f cfkm"x?n] u/]sf] cfˆgf] efOnfO{ ckx/0f d'Qm u/fpg elg k|To]s / lhpFb} lkmtf{ lng Ps s/f]8 ef/tLo ?k}ofF lbg lgh dx]G› dxtf];Fu} ef/t dw'jgL / ;'kf}n 7Ls kfg{' eGg] kmf]g cfPsf] hfgsf/L kLl8t lhNnfsf ljleGg efudf lxFl8/x]sf] ;"rgf k|fKt kl/jf/af6 t'?Gt} k|fKt eof] . xfdL cg';Gwfgdf eO/x]s} lyof] . vl6Psf k|x/Lx?sf lglDt pQm ;"rgf cGof]ntf aLrdf knfPsf] cfzfsf] ls/0fem}+ eof] . If]qLo b'O{ xKtfeGbf a9L ;do lalt;Sbf klg u'?bofn cg';Gwfg ;d"xsf] k|fljlws ;xof]u / ef/tLo ckx/0f d'Qm gx'Fbf cg';Gwfg sf/afxLsf xfd|f k|x/L;Fu ;dGjo ub}{ pQm kmf]g u/L k};f ;f/f k|oTg / k|utL cf]em]ndf k/]h:tf] ePsf] dfu ug]{ tyf wDsL lbg] ;d"xdWo]sf] lhNnf lyof] . kLl8t kl/jf/ tyf :yfgLoaf;Lx? ca ;Kt/L km'NsfxL–& a:g] df]xDdb ckmhn eGg] cfZjf;geGbf klg kl/0ffd rfxGy] . xfd|f k'/fgf JolQmnfO{ lgoGq0fdf lng k|x/L ;kmn eof] . t/ pQ/x?n] gofF k|Zgx?sf] ;Daf]wg ug{ ;ls/x]sf] la8Dagf yk cg';Gwfg tyf ;f]wk'5af6 lgh lyPg . To;}n] lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no, ;Kt/Lsf] ckmhnnufot ef/t 8'a/af]gf a:g] gf};fb ljz]if cg'/f]wdf g]kfn k|x/Lsf] s]G›Lo cg';Gwfg cfnd / df]xDdb hfls/ eO{ kLl8t kl/jf/n] Ao"/f] -l;=cfO{=la=_ af6 k|=lg= ch{'g s]=zL= ;xof]u tyf ;"rgfsf] nflu eg]/ lbPsf] g]t[Tjsf] rf/ ;b:oLo 6f]nL ldlt @)&!.)*.@@ kLl8tsf] bfh' /fdbofnsf] df]afOn gDa/df df O{nfsf k|x/L sfof{no nxfg cfOk'Uof] . æk};f emfg]{Æ p2]Zon] dfq} kmf]g ug]{ u/]sf] v'Ng 36gfsf] ;kmn cg';Gwfg ug{ pT;fxsf ;fy cfof] . pQm tYoaf6 Pp6f uf]/]6f]df cl3 a9]sf] cfPsf] l;=cfO{=la= 6f]nL;Fu 36gfsf] ;DaGwdf cg';Gwfg k|s[of aLr}df cndlnof] . 5f]6f] s'/fsfgL tyf hfgsf/LkZrft tTsfn nfluof] ;Kt/Lsf] cdfxfl:yt 36gf:yntkm{ . lbgx? laTb} uP . 36gf emg\ /x:odo aGb} hxfFaf6 @$ lbg cufl8 u'?bofn ckx/0fdf uof] . k|x/Lsf] cg';Gwfg tTk/tf ;fy} nufjk"0f{ k/]sf lyP . 36gf:ynsf] k|f/lDes k|fljlws cWoog sf/afxL clg ;s[otfsf sf/0f s;}n] cf}+nf tyf cjnf]sg u/L xfdL kmls{of}+ k'gM nxfg tkm{ . g78\ofP klg lgs} l9nf eO;s]sf]n] cg';Gwfgdf yk r'gf}tL cfO{/x]sf] lyof] . ckxl/t a]n'sLsf] vfgfkl5 l;=cfO{=la= 6f]nL, lh=k|=sf= AolQmsf] ;'/Iffsf] klg TolQs} lrGtf . kLl8t ;Kt/Lsf tTsfnLg k|=gf=p= s]bf/ 9sfn, JolQmsf] gDa/ k|of]u u/L kLl8tsf] dflxnf If]qLo cg';Gwfg ;d"xsf k|=gf=lg= x]d/fh bfh' lzj bofn dxtf]sf] df]afO{n gDa/df cf]nL ;fy} d;d]t Ps cnu sf]7fdf a;L ckx/0fsf/Lx?n] kmf]g u/L ?= ! s/f]8 lkm/f}tL xfn;Dd cg';Gwfgsf qmddf ;+sng ePsf dfu ub}{ pQm /sd lnO{ ef/tsf] a]u';/fo cfpg' ;"rgf tyf sfuhftx? lgkmg gfkmg u/L gq u'?bofnsf] Hofg /xGg egL k6s–k6s va/sf laofF slgsf 5'6\ofpg ;+o'Qm k|oTg dWo/ftdf kmf]g ug{ yfn] . k|x/L cg';Gwfgsf uof}{+ . s]xLa]/sf] ljZn]if0fkl5 l;=cfO{=la= af6 s]xL k|flalws kIfx?n] u'?bofnsf] ckx/0fdf vl6Psf k|=lg= ch{'g s]=;L=n] eGg' eof] æcf]xf] kLl8ts} dfdf gftf kg]{ ef/t, dw'agL sfd t w]/} eO;s]sf] /x]5 s]xL xf]nf h:tf] 5 .Æ lhNnf 8'a/af]gf 3/ ePsf dx]G› dxtf] tyf Nofk6knfO{ cfkm"glhs ;fb}{ b'uf{ ;=O{= ;fÚa lghs} lgs6:y JolQmx?sf] ;+nUgtf /x]sf]tkm{ n] k'gM yKg'eof] æ;"rgfx?nfO{ 3f]n3fn kf/]/ z+s]t ul//x]sf] lyof] . t/ kLl8t kl/jf/ / lgh xfdL ;a} nfuL kg]{ xf] eg] l/hN6 cfpF5 .Æ dx]G› dxtf]aLr kfl/jfl/s 3lgi6 gftf ;DaGw xfdL ;a}df Ps lsl;dsf] cfzf knfPem}+ eof] . ePsf] / ef/tLo O{nfsfaf6 ;s'zn ckx/0f ca ug{' kg]{ cg';Gwfg of]hgf tof/ agfof}+ . d'Qm u/fpg lgh dx]G› dxtf]sf] ;xof]u v'n]sf tYox?nfO{ xfdL -Key members_ df dfq ckl/xfo{ /x]sf] kLl8t kl/jf/sf] Psf]xf]/f] a'emfO{ ;Lldt /fvL uf]Ko 9+un] kl/0ffd d'vL cg';Gwfg /x]sf] kfOPsf]n] yk k|df0fx?sf] cefjdf lkl8t cl3 a9fpg] lgwf] eof] . cid mAGAZINE 117

pknAw ;|f]t ;fwg tyf cfw'lgs k|fljlws 6f]nL cfjZos ;f]wk'5df h'6\of] eg] csf]{ kIfx?sf] e/k'/ pkof]u u/L 3lge"t cg';Gwfg 6f]nL lg/Gt/ ;Dks{df /xg] u/L of]hgf cg'?k ub}{ hfFbf u'?bofnsf] ckx/0f k]z]j/ ef/tLo k|x/L;Fu ;dGjo u/L cfjZos ck/fwLx?sf] ;d"xn] of]hgfa4 9+uaf6 u/]sf] sf/afxLsf] nflu ef/ttkm{ k|:yfg u¥of] . xfd|f] / ef/tLo tyf g]kfnL cfk/flws lu/f]xsf] ;"rgfsf] cfwf/df csf{ ckx/0fsf/L jL/]G› ;+nUgtf /x]sf] v'Ng cfof] . l;=cfO{=la= af6 dxtf]nfO{ ;d]t ef/tLo k|x/Ln] lgoGq0fdf vl6Psf] 6f]nLsf] sfdk|ltsf] nufj tyf ;dk{0f lnof] . otf k|x/Lsf] cg';GwfgfTds cGt/jftf{ cg's/0fLo lyof] . Pp6} p2]Zodf s]lG›t ;fd"lxs / ;+slnt tYo k|df0fx?sf ;fd' dx]G› dxtf]sf] efjgfdf xfdL slxn] ef/tsf] nf}sfxf yfgf, axfgfafhL w]/}a]/ l6Sg ;s]g . cGttf]uTjf slxn] nfndlgof yfgf k'Uof}+ . slxn] v]t af/L ;flat x'Fb} p;n] s'/f vf]Nof] æu'?bofnsf] x'Fb} gfsf uf}+8fdf /ftel/ s'l//xof}+ . xfd|f] kl/jf/ cfly{s ?kn] ;DkGg ePsf] / ev{/ dfq cg';Gwfgaf6 d'Vo z+lst JolQm 7xl/Psf hUuf laqmL u/L gub k};f;d]t ePsf] yfxf ckxl/t kLl8t JolQmsf] dfdf dx]G› dxtf]sf] kfPsf]n] s]xL ef/tLo / s]xL g]kfnsf cfk/flws ef/t dw'jgLsf rlr{t cfk/flws lu/f]x æ/fw] lu/f]xsf JolQmx?;Fu ;Dks{ u/L cl3Nnf] lbg ;d"xÆ, ækjg ;d"xÆ ;Fu lgs6td ;DaGw sflt{s @* ut] g} nxfgdf e]6 eO{ ;Nnfx /x]sf] a'lemof] . t/ kLl8t kl/jf/ Tof] s'/f tyf of]hgf agfO{ lkm/f}tL /sd lng] p2]Zon] dfGg tof/ lyPg . dx]G› dxtf]sf] k[i7e"ldaf/] efGhfsf] ckx/0f u/]sf xf}+ .Æ v'Ng cfPsf yk ck|ToIf a'‰g vf]Hbf lzjbofn dxtf] km]l/ pxL s'/fx?sf] cfwf/df ckxl/t u'?bofnnfO{ aGws kf/fdf eGb} lyP ædx]G› dfdfaf6 o:tf] sfd agfO{ /fv]sf] :yfgsf] klxrfg eP;Fu} xfdL x'g} ;Sb}g .Æ @)&!.)(.)! ut] /ftL k'gM nfUof}+ ef/ttkm{ . cGttM ef/tsf] ;'kf}n lhNnfl:yt s'l/jg eGg] ;+sng ePsf tYo tyf laB'tLo k|df0fx? -Dig- :yfgaf6 ef/tLo k|x/Lsf] ;xof]udf @)&!.) ital evidence_ af6 o:tf] uDeL/ ck/fwdf lgh (.)@ ut] )@M)) ah] u'?bofn dxtf]nfO{ ;s'zn dx]G› dxtf], lghs} efO jL/]G› dxtf];d]tsf] d'Qm u/fO{ nxfgtkm{ kmls{of}+ . xfdL cg';Gwfgdf k|ToIf ;+nUgtf /x]sf] / lkm/f}tL dfu ug{ vl6Psf k|x/Lx?nfO{ o'4 lht]sf] h:tf] cg'e"lt k|of]u eO/x]sf] kLl8tsf] g]kfnL l;d l;dfjtL{ eO/x]sf] lyof] . x]b}{ l67 nfUbf] b]lvg] u'?bofn O{nfsfsf] ef/tLo e"ldaf6 k|of]u ePsf] s'/f cem} yy{/L sfFlk/x]sf lyP . pgnfO{ ;fGTjgf k'li6 eof] . xfdLnfO{ Ps vfnsf] ;kmntf lbFb} s'/f ub}{ xfdL nxfg # l:yt u'? bofnsf] ldn]sf] cg'e"lt eof] . aGb sf]7fleq xfdLn] Ps 3/ cfOk'Uof}+ . pHofnf] x'g} nflu;s]sf] lyof] . cfk;df xft ldnfpFb} ubf{ k|=gf=p= s]bf/ 9sfn u'?bofnsf afj' emd]nL dxtf] xftel/ km"nsf ;/n] d'v vf]Ng' eof] æs:tf] s+z dfdf /x]5 .Æ dfnf lnP/ 9f]sfd} ple/xg' ePsf] lyof] . xif{sf xfdL ;a} ;Gt'li6sf] xfF;f] xfF:of}+ . cfFz' emfb}{ klxn] u'?bofnnfO{, To;kl5 qmdzM xfdLx?nfO{ km"nsf dfnf nufO{ lbg'eof] clg ca xfd|f] klxnf] k|fyldstf dx]G› dxtf]nfO{ dnfO{ RofKk c+sdfn u/L eGg' eof] ætkfO{+x? lgoGq0fdf lng' g} lyof] . lsgeg] p;nfO{ eujfg x'g'x'G5 .Æ lgoGq0fdf glnO{ c? ;+nUg AolQmx?sf] af/] a'‰g sl7g lyof] . Psflt/ ef/tdf a:g] dx]G› Ps lbg laxfg d cfˆgf] sfof{no O{=k|=sf= dxtf] / jL/]G› dxtf]nfO{ lgoGq0fdf lng Tolt nxfgaf6 k"j{tkm{ lxF8b} hfFb} lyPF, nxfg #, ;lhnf] lyPg eg] csf]{lt/ ef/tLo e"lddf c:ktfn rf]s 5]p5fpsf lrof k;nx?df aGws agfO{ /flvPsf u'?bofnsf] ;s'zn d'Qm ckx/0fs} rrf{ rln/x]sf] lyof] . Ps hgfn] eGb} ug]{ s'/f Tolts} r'gf}tLk"0f{ lyof] . cflv/ xfd|f] lyP æcflv/ k|x/Ln] ;kmntf kfP/} 5f]8\of] .Æ tftf] cg';Gwfg /0fgLlt adf]lhd 36gf cg';Gwfgdf lrofsf] 3'6sL lgNb} csf{n] af]Nof] æof] o'udf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg elg dx]G› dxtf]nfO{ g]kfn klg s+z dfdfx? x'Fbf/x]5g\ x} .Æ d cfˆg} af6f] k|j]z u/fOof] / tTsfn lgoGq0fdf lnO{ Pp6f cl3 al9/x]F======al9/x]F======.  cid mAGAZINE 118 cid mAGAZINE 119 a8Lv]n 36gf æPs /x:oÆ

k|=gf=p= lbks /]UdL lkn/ – ! k|d'v dxfgu/Lo ck/fw dxfzfvf, 6]s' sf7df08f}

jf:tljs gfd lx/fnfn eP klg efg' cfzfdf pgsf] glhs x'g vf]Hy] . gu/sf]6Lsf gfdn] a9L kl/lrt lyP ufpF3/df cfjZos k/]sf] a]nfdf ufpF3/df pgL . ;fdfGo cfly{s k};f ;/;fk6L lbg] / ;d:of k/]sf cj:yf ePtf klg /fi6« a}+ssf] JolQmx?nfO{ ;xof]u ul/lbg] sf/0fn] sfof{no ;xof]uLsf] hflu/] ePsf ubf{ pgsf] s;};Fu l/;O{jL / a}/efj sf/0f ufpF3/df s]xL a]Un} zfg, dfg lyPg . ;a};Fu ld7f] af]Ng], em}–emu8f / O{Hht lyof] pgsf] . x]bf{ hlt ;'Gb/ gug]{ / ;xof]uL efjgf ePsfn] klg lyof] Tof] eGbf a9L lyof] pgsf] jfs\ ;a}sf lk|o lyP pgL . hlt ;'s} ?k rft'o{ h:tf] ;'s} JolQmnfO{ klg cfˆgf] / u'0fn] ;DkGg ePtf klg dfG5] af]nLsf] k|efjn] jzdf kfg{ ;Sg] v'aL cflv/ dfG5] g} xf] . p;sf s]xL lyof] pgdf . sfof{nodf klg cGo g s]xL sdL sdhf]/L / cju'0fx? sfof{no ;xof]uLeGbf pgsf] a9L cjZo x'G5g\ . log} cju'0fdWo] efg' g} km"lt{kmflt{ lyof] . xflsdx? klg gu/sf]6Lsf] klg Pp6f cju'0f lyof] c?nfO{ eGbf pg}nfO{ a9L lj:jf; k/:qLk|ltsf] cfzlQm ;fob oxL ub{y] . To;}n] t tNnf] bhf{sf] sd{rf/L cfzlQmsf] sf/0f pgLdfq geO{ eP klg cfˆgf] jfs\ rft'o{ tyf sfo{ pgsf] % hgfsf] ;'Gb/ kl/jf/sf] s'zntfsf sf/0f xflsdx?nfO{ v';L jLeT; xTof x'g k'u]sf] lyof] . kf/L b'O{ rf/ hgf cfkmGtx?nfO{ ;d]t cfkm"n] sfd ug]{ a}+sdf hflu/ nlntk'/ lhNnf al8v]n uflj; nufpg ;kmn ePsf lyP pgL . ;fob j8f g+=–^ v]nufpF -xfn uf]bfj/L oxL sf/0fn] xf]nf ufpFsf a]/f]huf/ gu/kflnsf *_ df a:Yof]] efg' o'jfx? pgsf] kl5 nfUy] / eg]sf] klg gu/sf]6Lsf] kl/jf/ . 3/df jif{–#) dfGy] st} cfkm"nfO{ klg hflu/ nufO{ sL >LdtL wgs'df/L gu/sf]6L, jif{– b]nfls eGg] cfzf lnP/ . cem pgsf] !# sf] 5f]/f /ljG› gu/sf]6L,jif{–!) ws km'sfP/ vr{ ug]{ afgLn] ufpFsf sL 5f]/L n'/L gu/sf]6L / jif{–* sL cNnf/] s]6fx? hfF8 /S;L vfg kfOg] 5f]/L 6's'nL gu/sf]6L u/L % hgfsf] cid mAGAZINE 120

kl/jf/ lyof] . b'O{j6f 5f]/Lx?sf] ljjfx eO{ cf– eof] . clt cdfgjLo / jLeT; xTofn] cfˆgf 3/df uO;s]sf lyP . af/Lsf sfGnfdf ufpFdf qf; / sf]nfxnsf] jftfj/0f l;h{gf 9sdSs km'n]sf ;okqL / dvdnL km"nx?n] ePsf] lyof] . s;n] / lsg o;/L qm'/ tl/sfn] al8v]n v]nufpFdf klg ;bf em}+ @)^) ;fnsf] slnnf afn–aflnsf;lxt % hgfsf] Pp6} lrxfg ljhofbzdLsf] cfudgsf] ;"rgf lbO{ /x]sf] agfof] < k|Zg cg'Ql/t lyof] . dflg;x? lyof] . b;}+sf] cfudg;Fu} dflg;x?sf] Ao:ttf 36gfsf] ljifonfO{ lnP/ ljleGg c8\sn ul//x]sf klg emg a9L /x]sf] lyof] . sf]xL lsgd]ndf lyP . s;}n] efg' gu/sf]6Lsf] rl/qsf sf/0f Jo:t lyP eg] sf]xL 3/df /+u nufpgdf Jo:t xTof ePsf] x'g ;Sg] cg'dfg nufO{/x]sf lyP lyP . ;a}nfO{ cf–cfˆgf] sfdsf] r6f/f] lyof] . eg] s;}n] cfly{s sf/0fn] xTof ePsf] x'g ;Sg] jftfj/0f Psbd /+uLg / ;'Gb/ ePsf] k|tLt s'/f uy]{ . sf]xL /fhg}lts sf/0fn] xTof ePsf] x'GYof] . 7f]s'jf uy]{ eg] sf]xL kfl/jfl/s O{jLsf sf/0fn] xTof ePsf] x'g' k5{ egL bfjf uy]{ . k|x/L klg ldlt @)^) ;fn c;f]h !^ ut] b;}+sf] cf7f}+ log} s'/fx?nfO{ cfwf/ dfgL cfˆgf] cg';Gwfg lbg cyf{t dxfci6dLsf] lbg lyof] a8Lv]n k|s[of cufl8 a9fO/x]sf] lyof] . k|x/Lsf v]nufpFsf gu/sf]6L / kx/L ;d]t ( hgfsf] nflu Pp6f 7'nf] lhDd]jf/L / r'gf}tL ag]sf] kl/jf/n] u'7Laf6 ;+sng u/]sf] $%))÷– df lyof] al8v]n 36\gf . tTsflng lhNnf k|x/L Pp6f /fFuf] vl/b u/L g]jf/L k/Dk/f cg';f/ sfof{no, nlntk'/ / pkTosfsf ck/fwx?sf] s'rL ef]h vfg] lg0f{o u/] . /fFuf] lsGg] cg';Gwfgsf] lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] pkTosf ck/fw lhDdf efg' gu/sf]6Lsf cfˆg} h]7fg rG› cg';Gwfg zfvf -xfnsf] ck/fw dxfzfvf_ sf] axfb'/ kx/LnfO{ lbOof] . lsg eg] pgL /fFuf ;+o'Qm cg';Gwfg 6f]nL 36\gf:yndf kl/rflnt sf6\g ufpFd} sxlnPsf JolQm lyP . ufpFdf lyof] . k|x/Ln] 36\gf:ynaf6 36\gf;Fu ;DalGwt /fFuf sf6\g' k/]df pg}nfO{ af]nfpg] ul/GYof] . s'g}klg ef}lts ;a'b a/fdb ug{ ;s]sf] lyPg . ;f]xL lbg laxfg efg' gu/sf]6LsL >LdtL wg ck/fwLn] 36\gf olt ;'lgof]lht / rnfvLk"0f{ s'df/L gu/sf]6L b;}+ vr{ h'6fpg cfkm"n] 3/df tl/sfn] u/]sf] lyof] sL k|x/L g} x}/fg / ylst kfn]sf] nf]sn s'v'/f a]Rg laxfg} nugv]n lyof] . Ps lbg b'O{ lbg ub}{ 36\gf 36]sf] nfdf] uPsL lyO{g\ . 3/df >Ldfgn] /fFufsf] df;' ;do lalt;Sbf ;d]t k|x/Ln] s'g} 7f]; / e/kbf]{ NofPsf xf]nfg\, k]6el/ vfpFnf elg pgL ef]s} ;"rgf km]nf kfg{ ;s]sf] lyPg . cfPsL lyOg\ . rG› axfb'/n] /fFuf lsg]/ NofO{ cfˆg} cfdfsf] 3/df sf6L gf} kl/jf/nfO{ efu oBkL ck/fw dxfzfvfsf] k|fyldstfdf lyof] nufO{ ljt/0f u/] / ToxL /ftL ca]/;Dd efg' al8v]n 36\gf Ps g Pslbg ck/fwLnfO{ sfg'gsf] gu/sf]6L nufotsf JolQmx?;+u} a;L hf+8 s73/fdf pEofpg] p4]Zo lnP/ k|x/L lg/Gt/ /S;L ;]jg u/L gfrufg u/L /dfO{nf] u/], efg' cg';Gwfgdf nflu g} /Xof] . 36\gfkZrft\ gu/sf]6L efOsf] 3/df uO{ ef]hdf ;xefuL eO{ ljleGg ldltdf nlntk'/ k|x/Laf6 !! hgf cfˆgf] 3/lt/ nfu] . efg' gu/sf]6L cfˆgf] 3/df cg';Gwfg clws[tx? tyf % j6f cg';Gwfg uO{ vfgf vfO{ c+=@@M)) ah] lt/ ;–kl/jf/ ;ldltx? ;d]t u7g u/L pQm 36\gfsf] lg/Gt/ ;'t]s} cj:yfdf pgsf] % hgfsf] kl/jf/sf] 3f+6L cg';Gwfg x'+b} lyof] eg] g]kfn k|x/Lsf] s]G›Lo /]6]/ jLeT; tl/sfn] ;fd"lxs xTof ul/of] . cg';Gwfg Ao"/f]n] klg a8Lv]n 36\gfnfO{ ;"Id 36\gfsf] ;"rgf k|fKt x'gf;fy k|x/L 36\gf:yndf tl/sfn] cg';Gwfg ul//x]sf] lyof] . k'Uof], nf;hfFr k|s[lt d'r'Nsf, 36\gf:yn d'r'Nsf nufotsf sfg'gL k|s[of ;DkGg u/L 36\gf 36]sf] !@ jif{ kl5 pkTosfdf x'g] ;Dk"0f{ nf; kf]i6df6{dsf nflu kf6g c:ktfn k'¥ofO{ ck/fwx?sf] cg';Gwfgsf] lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] 36gfsf] cg';Gwfg ug{ k|x/L 6f]nL kl/rflnt dxfgu/Lo ck/fw dxfzfvf To;df klg h3Go cid mAGAZINE 121

ck/fwsf] cg';Gwfg ug]{ lkn/sf ?kdf :yflkt ePsf] yfxf kfPkl5 bfp af]sL tNnf] tnfdf lkn/ –! df sfo{/t ;Dk"0f{ k|x/L sd{rf/Lx?n] eml/ blIf0ftkm{sf] sf]7fdf hfFbf pQm sf]7fdf klxnf ul/Psf cg';Gwfgx?sf] ;'Id cWoog, lah'nL aQL anL/x]sf] lyof] . vf6df alxgL 36gfkl5sf 36gfsf] cg';Gwfgdf ;+nUg wgs'df/L gu/sf]6L, HjfFO{ lx/fnfn eGg] efg' clws[tx? ;Fusf] ;dGjo tyf lg/Gt/ gu/sf]6L / efGhL 6's'nL gu/sf]6L ;'lt/x]sf] cg';GwfgkZrft\ 36gfdf ;+nUg cleo'Qm b]v] pgLx? ;'lt/x]s} 7fpFdf uO{ kfn}kfnf] rG› axfb'/ kx/LnfO{ ldlt @)&@.)%.)# ut] alxgL, HjfFO{ / efGhL 6's'nL gu/sf]6LnfO{ kqmfp u/]kl5 dfq ax'rlr{t al8v]n 36gfsf] df/ xfGg] tl/sfn] 3fF6Ldf bfpn] k|xf/ u/L jf:tljs /x:o v'n]sf] xf] . k/:qLk|ltsf] xTof u/L sf]7fsf] blIf0ftkm{sf] 9f]sf vf]nL cfzlQmsf sf/0f cfˆg} >LdtL wg s'df/L xTofdf k|of]u ePsf] bfp;d]t af]sL aflx/ gu/sf]6Lsf] ;xf]b/ bfh' rG› axfb'/ kx/LsL lg:s] . pQm bfp efg' gu/sf]9Lsf] 3/eGbf >LdtL e'G6L eGg] ;'o{ s'df/L kx/L ;d]tnfO{ s]xL k/ k'j{tkm{sf] afF;sf] emfFudf kmfnL lu2] b[i6L nfpg 5f8]gg\ lgh efg' gu/sf]6Ln] . glhs} /x]sf] vf]nfdf uO{ cfkm"n] nufPsf] ltg} ;"o{ s'df/L;Fusf] cg}lts ;DaGw aGof] ;a} sk8f vf]nfdf aufO{ 3/af6 klxnf g} efg' gu/sf]6Lsf] % hgf kl/jf/sf] xTofsf] cfkm";Fu nu]sf] sk8f nufO{ nlntk'/s} k|d'v sf/0f . cfˆgL >LdtL;Fu cfˆg} alxgL n]n]sf] sfe|] eGg] :yfg tkm{ dfdfsf] >f2df HjfOsf] cg}lts ;DaGw tyf ufpF 3/df rn]sf] uPsf] atfP cleo'Qm rG› axfb'/ kx/Ln] . xNnf tyf rG› axfb'/ kx/LsL >LdtL ;'o{ s'df/L kx/L / alxgL wg s'df/L gu/sf]6L aLr xfn lghsf b'O{ efO{ 5f]/fdWo] sfG5f] 5f]/fsf] a]nfa]nfdf x'g] emu8f aGof] al8v]n 36gfsf] 6«flkms b'3{6gfdf d[To' ePsf] / st{Jo Hofg d'Vo sf/0f h;n] cfˆg} ;xf]b/ alxgL,HjfO tyf d'2fdf sf/fuf/af6 5'6]sf] h]7f] 5f]/f sfn] eGg] slnnf efGhfefGhL ;d]tnfO{ Ps} lrxfg agfP d's]z kx/Ln] lbPsf] x}/fgL ;xg g;sL cfkm' a:b} lgh rG› axfb'/ kx/Ln] . /fFuf sf6\g] afgL cfPsf] al8v]n v]nufpF 5f8]/ ljut # jif{b]lv k/]sf] xftn] cfkmGt klg eg]g / pQm ljeT; eQmk'/ rfFu'gf/fo0f emf}v]ndf a:b} cfPsf lyP tyf clt qm'/ 36gf 36\of] . ldlt @)^).)^.!^ rG› axfb'/ kx/L . ck/fw dxfzfvfsf] k|x/Ln] ut] ef]h;Fu} /S;L;d]t ;]jg u/L cleo'Qm eQmk'/af6} kqmfp u/]k5L z'?df pgL 5Ss rG› axfb'/ kx/L cfˆg} kl/jf/;Fu} ;'t]sf] t/ k/L] 36gf cfk"mn] 36fPsf] :jLsf/ u/] pgn] . k'/fgf] emu8fsf] kL8fnfO{ ;xg g;sL alxgL klxnf 36gf 36\bfsf ;dodf klg k|x/Ln] kqmfp HjfFO{nfO{ l;WofpF5' elg /ftsf] c+=@$M)) ah] u/]sf] t/ To; ;dodf cfkm';Fu pd]/ / an 3/ kl/jf/n] yfx gkfpg] u/L rG› axfb'/n] ePsfn] / c:jLsf/ u/]sf e/df cfkm';Fu} vfnL v'§fd}, sfnf] l5/ld/] ;6{ / sfnf] xfkm kqmfp k/]sf cGo JolQmx?n] pGd'lQm kfPsf] kfO{G6 nufO{ Knfli6ssf] emf]nfdf ! hf]/ ;6{ atfP rG› axfb'/ kx/Ln] . clxn] k'gM k|x/Ln] kfO{G6 af]sL alxgL HjfFO{sf] 3/ tkm{ uP . 3/sf] kqmfp u/]sf] / cfkm" klg zf/Ll/s / dfgl;s d"n 9f]sf aGb lyof] pgL 6\jfO{n]6sf] 5fgfdfly ?kdf sdhf]/ eO{ xLgtfaf]w ;d]t ePsf]n] r9]/ 3/df k|j]z u/] . d[ts efg' gu/sf]6Lsf] 36gfsf] jf:tljstf k|x/L;dIf atfPsf], h;n] 3/df ;w}+ h;f] /fVg] u/]sf] df;' sf6\g] bfp cfˆgf] dg xNsf ePsf] atfP lgh rG› axfb'/ e¥ofªsf] 5]pdf km]nf kf/L l;w}+ alxgLHjfFO{ ;'Tg] kx/Ln] . u/]sf] dflyNnf] tnfsf] sf]7ftkm{ uO{ alxgLHjfFO{ elg b'j} xftn] vf6df ;'lt/x]sf JolQmx?nfO{ 36gf 36]sf] !@ jif{kl5 o;/L Pp6f h3Go 3fF6Ldf bfpn] df/ xfGg] tl/sfn] Ps Ps Pj+ ax'rlr{t xTof sf08sf] ;kmn cg';Gwfg k6s k|xf/ u/]+ pgn] . k|xf/ ul/;s] kl5 x]bf{ u/L ck/fwdf ;+nUg JolQmnfO{ sfg'gL bfo/fdf efGhf /ljG› gu/sf]6L / efGhL n'/L gu/sf]6L Nofpg k|x/L ;kmn eof] .  cid mAGAZINE 122

!@ jif{ k'/fgf] /fgLaf/L xTofsf08df g]kfn k|x/Lsf] cg';Gwfg

k|= lg= blw/fd Gof}kfg

!@ jif{ cufl8 xTof ePsf] 36gfdf ;+nUg cg';Gwfgsf] nflu k|x/L 6f]nL 36gf:yn JolQmx?nfO{ sfg'gL bfo/fdf Nofpg k'lu;s]sf] lyof] . g]kfn k|x/L ;kmn x'g'n] dflysf] egfOnfO{ jf:tjd} rl/tfy{ ul/lbPsf] 5 . ck/fw / sf7df8f+} dxfgu/kflnsf j8f g+ # cjl:yt ck/fwL xd];f ;dfhdf l5k]/ /xg ;Sb}g . uLtf v8\sfsf] rf/ tn] /ftf] 3/sf] jl/kl/ ck/fw sd{sf] kmn cGTodf tLtf] g} eP/ dflg;x?sf] eL8 hDdf x'g z'? eO;s]sf] lg:sG5 / b'isd{n] lgDTofPsf] cfgGb lyof] . u]6 vf]nL klZrdtkm{sf] 9f]sfaf6 Ifl0fs /xG5 . ck/fw zlQmn] h:tf];'s} lj:tf/} k|j]z ubf{ ljeT; Pjd\\ eofgs bDe u/]tfklg ck/fw hlxNo} ck/fw g} b[Zo b]lvof] . ;f]xL 3/sf] klxnf] tnfdf sxlnG5, sfg'gL zlQmeGbf dfly sf]xL sf7df8f}+ lhNnf tTsflng wd{:ynL uf= klg sbflk /xg ;Sb}g eGg] b[i6fGt;d]t lj= ;= – @ 3/ eO{ /fgLaf/Ldf a:g] jif{ ;f] ;kmntfn] k'i6L ul/lbPsf] 5 . #^ sf] x]dGt s'df/ >]i7sf] z/L/ e'Odf /QmfDd] cj:yfdf b]lvof], ;Fu} hf]l8Psf] 36gf ljj/0f lsr]gdf k|j]z ubf{ lghsf] >LdtL sNkgf ldlt @)%( c;f/ #! ut] laxfg eGg] c~hnL >]i7sf] klg z/L/sf] ljleGg sl/j ^M#) ah]lt/ tTsflng efudf wfl/nf] xltof/n] k|xf/ eO{ e'OFdf pkTosf k|x/L sfof{no, /fgLkf]v/Ldf kmf]g n8]sf] cj:yfdf b]lvof] . dfgjtflj?4sf] cfof] –æ/fgLaf/Lsf] cf;/f ;'wf/ s]G› Pp6f qm'/ Pjd\\ sfo/ 36gfsf] b[io lyof], cufl8kl§sf] 3/df 7'nf] 36gf eof], /Qmfd} Tof] . dflg;n] afFRg kfpg] ljZjJoflk eP/ dflg; nl8/x]sf 5Gf\Æ . va/ lbg]sf] Go'gtd clwsf/sf] 3fF6L lgdf]l7Psf] lyof] cfjfhaf6 g} k|li6GYof] ls 36gf uDeL/ clg bof / :g]xsf] pkxf; u/]sf] ;f] b[Zo xf] . t'?Gt k|x/L sG6«f]ndf /x]sf k|x/Ln] b]Vbf hf] sf]xL efjljJxn ePsf] ;lhn} dftxtsf ;DalGwt k|x/L o'lg6x?nfO{ b]Vg ;lsGYof] . 36gfsf] af/]df hfgsf/L u/fof] / tTsflng ck/fw dxfzfvf, xg'dfg9f]sfaf6 ælogLx?sf] ;ft jifL{of cg'isf -gfd Pp6f cg';Gwfg 6f]nL;d]t 36gf:yntkm{ kl/jt{g_ gfd u/]sL Ps 5f]/L klg k7fof] . va/ kfPsf] sl/j cfwf 306fleq lyOGf=–eL8af6} s;}n] eGof] . tTsfn sf]7f cid mAGAZINE 123

jl/kl/ vf]Hbf st} e]l6Pg, z+sf nfu]/ aflx/af6} :yfkgfsfnb]lv g} /fli6«o tyf ;fj{hlgs r's'n nfu]sf] toilet vf]n]/ x]bf{ a]xf]z eO{ 9n]sf] rf;f];Fu ;DalGwt /x]sf ;Dj]bgzLn s]zx?df cj:yfdf lgh aflnsf e]l6Og\ . hLjg d/0fsf] CIB n] pNn]Vo ;kmntf xft kfb}{ cfPsf] lyof] . bf]iffFwdf /x]sfnfO{ tTsfn p4f/ ug{' dfgjLo @)&) >fj0f ! ut] hf/L ePsf] s]G›Lo cg';Gwfg wd{ / k|x/Lsf] k|d'v lhDd]jf/L ePsf]n] k|ydtM Jo"/f] -:yfkgf / sfo{ ;~rfng_ lgodfjnL, aflnsfnfO{ tTsfn sflGt afn c:ktfn k7fpg] @)&) n] s]G›Lo cg';Gwfg Jo"/f]nfO{ k|x/Lsf] sfo{ eof] . cg';Gwfg k4lt dha't agfpg :ki6 ?kdf g} dfu{ bz{g u/]sf] lyof] . k|x/L k|wfg sfo{no, k|x/L qm'/tfsf] klg Pp6f ;Ldf x'G5 eGy], ck/fwsf] dxflg/LIfssf] k|ToIf dftxtdf /xg] ;fj{hlgs klg Pp6f sf/0f x'G5 eGy] t/ of] 36gfdf rf;f]df /x]sf h3Go, uDeL/ tyf ;+ul7t b'j} lrhn] ;Ldf gf3]sf] cfef; x'GYof] . >]i7 k|s[ltsf ;+j]bgzLn 36gfx?sf] cg';Gwfgsf] bDktLsf] h'g lx;fan] ljeT; xTof ul/Psf] nflu ljz]if clwsf/ ;lxt g]kfnsf] s'g} klg lyof], Tof] ;fob} aofg ug{ ;lsPnf . Tof]eGbf :yfgdf uO{ cg';Gwfg ug{ ;Sg] clwsf/ ;f] a9LTof] cjf]w, lgZrn, lgisk6 ;ft aifL{of lgodfjnLn] k|bfg u/]kZrft CIB n] uDeL/ tyf aflnsfn] s;sf] s] kf] lauf/]sL lyOg\ xf]nf, ;+ul7t k|sf/sf ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf cfkm"nfO{ cfˆg} s'/f k|i6;Fu /fVg g;Sg]n] s;nfO{ kf] ;lqmo agfpFb} nu]sf] lyof] . b'j{rg ul/g\ xf]nf / < cfˆg} cfdfafa'sf] sfvdf n'6k'l6g] a]nf Tof] lgbf]{if cg'xf/n] s;nfO{ kf] l;=cfO{=la=n] cGo ljleGg ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf laemfPsf] xf]nf / < qmdz M ;kmntf xfl;n u/];Fu} k|fKt cg'ej / laBdfg k|ljlwsf] ;xfotfaf6xfl;n cg';Gwfg ljj/0f u/]sf] cfTdljZjf;sf] cfwf/df ;'Nemg g;s]sf 36gf:ynsf] ;'Id lg/LIf0f / jl/kl/ hDdf 36\gfx?sf] cg';GwfgnfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fvL ePsf] dflg;x?sf] egfOaf6 sf]xL k]z]j/ /fgLaf/Ldf ePsf] 36\gfsf] cg';Gwfgdf ;d]t ck/fwLn] 36gf 36fPsf] xf] eGg] 7Dofpg ufx|f] cfkm"nfO{ ;lqmo agfof] . x'b}g lyof] . To;dfly u'h'd'Hh a:tL, Psflaxfg}, pHofn} cj:yfdf lgw{Ss eP/ h'g lx;fan] s;/L k"/f eof] cg';Gwfg 36gf 36fOPsf] lyof] Tof] jf:tjd} k|x/LnfO{ elgG5 – !@ jif{df au]sf] vf]nf klg 7f8f] r'gf}tL lbPsf] ;lhn} cfFsng x'GYof] . kms{G5 . t/ !@ jif{ k'/fgf] 36gfdf ;+nUg cem} 36gfdf h'g lx;fan] xltof/ k|of]u eof], ePsf JolQmx?nfO{ kQf nufO{ sfg'gL bfo/fdf h;/L cjf]w aflnsfnfO{ lgd{dtfk"j{s k|xf/ Nofpg' sd r'gf}ltk"0f{ lyPg . 36gf:yndf ul/of] To;nfO{ ;dod} sfg'gL bfo/fdf Nofpg e]l6Psf k|ToIf k|df0f, k|ToIfbzL{sf] egfO g;s] oL xftx?af6 o:tf yk ck/fwx? 36\g] / tTsflng ;dodf :yflkt kl/l:ylthGo ;+efjgf clws ePsf]n] l;+uf] k|x/L ;+u7gn] k|df0fx?sf] cfwf/df dfq} lgrf]8df k'Ug uDeL/tfk"j{s lnof] . ;xh lyPg . 36gf / 36gf:ynn] :yflkt u/]sf] ;DaGwsf cfwf/df cg';Gwfg 6f]nLsf] /fgLaf/L 36gf cg';Gwfgdf s]Gb|Lo lgisif{ lyof]– æof]hgfa4 9+un] k]z]j/ cg';Gwfg Jo"/f] -CIB_ ck/fwLx?sf] ;+nUgtfdf 36gf 36fOPsf]Æ @)^& ;fn >fj0f ! ut] s]G›Lo cg';Gwfg -Cold blooded murder_ . ;f]xL sf/0fn] k]z]j/ Jo"/f]sf] :yfkgf ePkZrft g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ck/fwLx?sf] vf]hL Pjd\\ klxrfg ug]{ s]G›Lo :t/df g} cg';Gwfg ug]{ u/L klxnf] k6s qmddf Psftkm{ ;f]xL ;dodf 36]sf p:t} k|x/L o'lg6sf] :yfkgf eof] . ck/fw cg';Gwfg k|s[ltsf 36gfx?sf] cWoog ljZn]if0f g} k|x/Lsf] d]?b08 ePsf]n] klg CIB sf] -Modus Operandi_ ul/of] eg] csf]{tkm{ :yfkgfn] g]kfn k|x/LnfO{ /fi6«n] ;'Dk]sf] ljleGg cfk/flws ;d"xsf] k|f]kmfO{n tof/ lhDd]jf/L k"/f ug{ c? ;xhtf k|bfg u/]sf] lyof] . ug]{ sfd ;d]t yflnof] . cid mAGAZINE 124

/fgLaf/L 36gf 36]sf] sl/a bz dlxgfkl5 sf7df8f+}sf] uf]n9'+ufdf ePsf] xTofdf ;+nUg ePsf] 36gfdf ;Ddflgt cbfntsf] cfb]zdf sl/j bz jif{sf] h]nhLjg e'Qmfg u/L @)^( ;fndf l/xf ePsf k|d]z rf}xfgn] hf]/kf6L If]qnfO{ cfwf/ If]q agfO{ Ampiz café gfds /]i6'/]06 ;~rfng u/]sf lyP .

ljleGg ck/flws ;d"xx?sf] ;"rgf ;+sng ;fdfv';Ldf /x]sf] ;fN;f 8fG; af/ ;~rfng k|of]hgfy{ y'k|} ;'/fsLx? ;d]t kl/rflnt u/]sf dg/fhn] ;fdfv';LnfO{ g} cfwf/ If]q eP . oL b'O{6} sf]0faf6 cg';GwfgnfO{ cufl8 agfO{ cfk/flws lqmoffsnfkx?df ;+nUg /x]sf] a9fpg] qmddf y'k|} cfk/flws ;d"xdf ;+nUg ljleGg k|x/L sfo{nodf /x]sf clen]vaf6 dflg;x?sf ;"rgf cfpFy] / Tof] ;'rgfnfO{ klg b]lvof] . st{Ao Hofg, Hofg dfg]{ pBf]u, tTsfn e]l6Psf k|df0fx? / k|ToIfbzL{x?n] ;fj{hlgs ck/fw, k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ldfly tTsfn v'nfO{lbPsf x'lnofsf] cfwf/df verify xftkftnufot ljleGg d'4fx? v]k]sf u'?ª u/fpg] sfo{x? eP . ;f]xL qmddf o:tf b'O{ slxn] cfˆg} gfddf /x]sf] Suzuki Grand Vi- JolQmx?sf] gfddf ;'/fs k|fKt eof] ls ;a} tara df x'O{lsGy] t slxn] df]6/;fOsn / sf]0fx?af6 lghx?sf] ;+nUgtfsf] af/]df cWoog :s'6Ldf 8'Ny] . cFw]/Lvf]nf /f]8f9'+uf ;Knfo;{, ubf{ 7\ofSs} d]n vfg] b]lvof] . tL b'O{ JolQmx? hg/n d]l8sn lSnlgs, u'd'vf]nf xfO8«f]kfj/ lyP, lhNnf bf]nvf vf/] uf= lj= ;= ^ 3/ nufot ljleGg Joj;fodf nufgL u/]sf u'?ª eO{ sf= d= g= kf –@( ;fdfv';Ldf a:g] /fqLsflng hLjgdf a9L ;lqmo lyP . jif{ #$ sf dg/fh u'?ª / lhNnf /fd]5fk km'nf;L uf= lj= ;= @ 3/ eO{ sf7df8f+} /fgLaf/L 36gf 36]sf] sl/a bz dlxgfkl5 hf]/kf6L–# gofF a:tL a:g] jif{ @^ sf k|d]z sf7df8f+}sf] uf]n9'+ufdf ePsf] xTofdf ;+nUg rf}xfg . tTsfn 36gf:yndf e]l6Psf k|df0f, ePsf] 36gfdf ;Ddflgt cbfntsf] cfb]zdf lghx?sf] cfk/flws k[i7e"ld / k|ToIfbzL{n] sl/j bz jif{sf] h]nhLjg e'Qmfg u/L @)^( ;f]xL ;dodf v'nfOlbPsf x'lnofsf] cfwf/df ;fndf l/xf ePsf k|d]z rf}xfgn] hf]/kf6L u'?ª / rf}xfgg} 36gfdf ;+nUg ePsf] oy]i6 If]qnfO{ cfwf/ If]q agfO{ Ampiz café gfds cfwf/x? e]l6of] . contract killer sf] /]i6'/]06 ;~rfng u/]sf lyP . cfˆgf] k'/fgf] ?kdf sfd ug]{ oL b'O{ JolQmx?nfO{ ljleGg gfdaf6 cfk/flws clen]v tof/ ePkZrft sf]0fx?af6 cWoog ubf{ cg';Gwfg 6f]nLn] cfkm"nfO{ 5'§} JolQm / klxrfg lbnfpg] x]t'n] logLx?s} ;+nUgtfdf ;f] 36gf 36fPsf] gfd;d]t kl/jt{g u/L k|d]z k'gsf] gfddf lgisif{ lgsfNof] . kmn:j?k ldlt @)&! gful/stf agfO{ 8fnL df};d af/ nufot kmfNu'0f @( ut] sf7df8f+}af6 dg/fh u'?ª ljleGg Joj;fo kf6{g/l;kdf ;~rfng u/]sf / k|d]z rf}xfg kqmfp k/] . rf}xfg klg /fqLsflng Joj;fodf ;lqmo /x]sf] k|x/L 6f]nLn] e]6\of] . s;/L kqmfp k/] cleo'Qmx? @)%* ;fndf lgs} ;fdfGo cj:yfdf sf7df8f+} ;fwf/0f n]vk9 dfq} u/]sf oL b'O{ JolQmx?sf] cfO{ z'?jftL lbgx?df afpG;/sf] ?kdf sfd cfk/flws clen]v, cfly{s x}l;ot / lghx?sf] ug]{ dg/fh u'?ªsf] s/f]8f} ;DklQsf] cfly{s ultljlwsf] ljZn]if0f u/L lghx?nfO{ kqmfp x}l;ot b]Vbf crDd nfUbf] lyof] . lg/Gt/ ug{ @)&! kmfNu'0f @( ut] b'O{ 6f]nLu7g u/L b'O{ dlxgf eGbf a9L oL b'j}sf ultljlwx? Pp6f ;fdfv';L If]qdf / csf]{ hf]/kf6L If]qdf lgofln/x]sf k|x/Lx?sf] gh/df lghx?sf] kl/rflnt eof] . Pp6fnfO{ kqmfp u/]sf] va/ ultljlwaf6 u'?ª / rf}xfg yk z+sf:kb csf]{n] kfpg] lalQs} efUg;Sg] ;ef+jgfnfO{ ?kdf lrq0f ePsf lyP . dWogh/ /fVb} Ps} lbg Ps} ;dodf kqmfp ug]{ cid mAGAZINE 125

/0fgLltlnP/ d}bfgdf plqPsf] 6f]nLn] cGttM ;f]xL x'g\ . k|x/Lsf] Jofj;flos s'zntf, st{Jolgi7f lbg ;fdfv';Laf6 dg/fh u'?ª / hf]/kf6Laf6 / d]x]gtsf] kmn g} /fgLjf/L 36gfsf] ;kmn k|d]z rf}xfgnfO{ kqmfp u¥of]{ . cg';Gwfgsf cfwf/x? x'g\Æ . logLx?sf] kqmfp;Fu} ck/fw / cfk/flwsf] Pp6f /fgLaf/L 36gfsf] kLl8t :j= c~hnL >]i7sf >[+vnf tf]l8of] . ljleGg cfk/flws 36gfsf efO 1fg]G› k|wfg eGg'x'G5 – æ!@ jif{kl5 d]/L k[i7e"lddf x's]{sf JolQmx?nfO{ sfg'gL s7\3/fdf lbbLlegfh'sf] xTof/fx? kQf nufO{ g]kfn k|x/Ln] pEofpg'dfq} geO{ h:tf];'s} hl6n Pjd\\ h3Go xfdL kLl8tx?sf] k'/fgf] 3fpdf dnd nufpg k|s[ltsf ck/fwsf] klg cg';Gwfg ug{ g]kfn k|x/L ;kmn ePsf] 5 . xfdLnfO{ cGoGt v';L nfu]sf] ;an / ;Ifd 5 eGg] logLx?;Dd k'Ug'n] phfu/ 5 ls, OR5fzlQm ePdf h:tf];'s} k'/fgf] 36gf g} u5{ . lsg gxf];\ sfg'gL /fHodf bf]ifLx? efUg pDsg gkfpFbf /x]5g\ . o; 36gfdf ;+nUgx? kqmfp nfdf] ;do cufl8sf] ck/fw xfn cfP/ cg';Gwfg ug{ vl6g' ePsf] CIB sf] 6f]nLnfO{ Åbob]lv ug{ ;kmn CIB sf lgb]{zs k|= gf= d= lg x]dGt dNn wGoafb lbg rfxfG5' . ;fy}+ of] ;kmntfn] d 7s'/L 36gfaf/] k|lts[of lbb} eGg'x'G5 æCIB df h:tf kLl8tx?nfO{ l9nf] rfF8f] Gofo ldNg] cfzf cfPkZrft d}n] k'/fgf hl6n Pjd\\ h3Go k|s[ltsf hufPsf] s'/f klg v'nfpg rfxG5'Æ . 36gfx?nfO{ k|fyfldstfdf /fvL ;f]xL cg'?k 6f]nL kl/rfng u/]sf] lyPF . ;f]xL qmddf ;jf]{Rrsf cGTodf === tTsflng GofowL; /0f axfb'/ adsf] xTofdf ck/fw sd{ u/]kl5 To;sf] b'ikl/0ffd klg ef]Ug} ;+nUgx?sf] klxrfg u/L kqmfp u/]kl5 yk k|]/0ff k5{ . Ps If0fsf] ck/fwn] h'lge/ lk/f]N5 . / pT;fx ldNof] . To;kl5 lj:t[t sfo{ of]hgf;lxt ck/fw / ck/fwLx?sf] ;do s]xL If0fsf nflu cGo s]zx?sf] cg';Gwfgdf nfUof}+ . nufj, cg'zf;g cg's"n xf]nf, t/ To; k5fl8 ljho eg] ;Tosf] / lg/Gt/tf eGg] lrh g} cg';Gwfgsf d'Vo s8L g} x'G5, l9nf] rfF8f] ck/fwdf ;n+Ug JolQmx? x'g, h;nfO{ k|of]u u/]kZrft x/]s c;Dej sfo{ sfg'gL bfo/fdf cfO{ 5f8\5g\ eGg] /fgLaf/L ;Defjgfdf kl/0ft x'G5 . /fgLjf/L 36gfsf] ;kmn xTofsf08sf] cg';Gwfgn] klg k'i6L u5{ .  cg';Gwfg k5fl8sf] k|d'v sf/0fx? klg oL g} cid mAGAZINE 126

cg';Gwfg 8fo/Lsf kfgfx?af6

k|=j=p= lzj nfld5fg]

d cfˆg} 3/df labfsf] k'm;{b dgfpFb} 7"nf] ;d:of lyof] . cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf s/];f af/Ldf sfpnL t/sf/L v]tLdf cfjZos kg]{ tyf ;xfos l;4 x'g] tYo uf]8d]n / kfgL xfNb} lyP . 3/df 5f]/fn] lrha:t' slx+st} j/k/ e]l6Pg . o'jtL clkm;af6 $@^!&)& af6 kmf]g cfof] cfk}mn] cfTdxTof u/]sf] tk{m z+sf ug{ elg hfgsf/L u/fP kZrft t'?Gt ;f] ldNg] cfwf/ gx'Fbf cg]s z+sf–pkz+sf xL gDa/df kmf]g ubf{ k|x/L lg/LIfs ug'{ kg]{ cj:yfn] xTofsf] sf/0f kQf gf/fo0f e08f/Ln] kmf]g /]:kf]G; u/L nf} nufpg' emg} r'gf}tLsf] laifo aGg k'Uof] . ;/ t'?Gt} clkm; cfpg' k¥of] d'8\v' o; lardf tTsflng cg';Gwfg zfvfsf gfufh'{g h+undf nfz 5 elg Ps hgf k|d'v k|=p= s[i0f a:g]tnfO{ 36gfsf] lzsf/Laf6 hfgsf/L k|fKt ePsf] 5 hfgsf/L u/fP cg';f/ jxfF klg s] elg va/ u/] . d df]6/ ;fO{snaf6 lx a]/df 36\gf:yn k'Ug' eof] / jxfFn] 36gf:yn hfFb} u5'{ tkfO{x? SOCO sf] klg 36gf:ynsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;'kl/j]If0f clkm;/ cGo bIf k|x/L sd{rf/L ;fyLx? u/L tTsflng k|x/L dxflg/LIfs cRo't cfpg';\ elg ;Nnfx ldnfP . sl/a s[i0f v/]nnfO{ hfx]/ ug'{ eof] . k|x/L !$M$% ah] ;Dddf ;a} hgf uf]n9'+uf dxflg/LIfsaf6 sf7df08f}+ pkTosf uf=la=;=j8f g+= ^ d'8\v' e~HofËsf] h:tf] dxfgu/df o:tf] lbgbxf8} nfz h+undf k'luof] . h+undf s]lxa]/ cuf8L k]mnf kg'{ cToGt c;fdfGo / ;+a]bgzLn tTsflng pkTosf ck/fw cg';Gwfg 36gf ePsf]n] xTof/fsf] tTsfn vf]hL zfvfdf kmf]g u/L 36gfsf] hfgsf/L ug{ nflu kg'{ eGg] lgb]{zg ePsf] s'/f u/fpg] lzsf/L nufot :yflgo JolQmx? xfldnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg' eof] . cnkq nfz /x]sf] d'8\v' h+unsf] eL/df tdf;f x]/L/x]sf lyP . cg';Gwfg 6f]nLnfO{ cg';Gwfgsf] l;nl;nfdf d[ts o'jtL of}gk]zfdf d]/f] ;fydf tTsfnLg k|=gf=lg= cf]d nfu]sf] xf] ls jf of}gsdL{agfO{ of}g axfb'/ s'jF/, dx]Gb| yfkf, lbn axfb'/ zf]if0f u/L ck/fwLn] s'g} xf]6n nh ;'a]bL nufotsf] l6dn] pQm h+undf lghL 3/ jf h+uns} 5]pdf slx+st} x]bf{ Knfli6ssf] 7"nf] emf]nf leq ;]tf] of}g cfgGb lnO{ o; h+unsf] PsfGtdf tGgfdf kf]sf] kf/]sf] sfnf] ;ldh nufPsf] NofO{ kmfn]sf] t xf]O{g eGg] tk{m klg lgj{:q cj:yfdf sl/a @) aif{sL ;f]Rg afWo t'Nofof] . ToxL cfz+sfdf Ps o'jtLsf] nfz b]lvof] . cg';Gwfg /fhwfgLsf xf]6n / nhx? 5fkf 6f]nLnfO{ Tof] o'jtLsf] nfz ;gfvt ug'{ dfl/of] . of}gk]zfdf ;+nUg /x]sf tLg cid mAGAZINE 127

;oeGbf a9L z+lst of}gsdL{nfO{ xg'dfg9f]sfsf] kfn]sf] / plg la/f6gu/ af;L /x]sf] v'Ng cfof] . tTsflng s]/sf/ zfvfdf ;f]wk'5 ul/ ;Sbf lasf; l;Gxf klg z'?df la/f6gu/df a;L kl5 ;d]t o'jtLsf] nfz ;gfvt / xTof/fsf] ;'O{sf] sf7df08f}+ afkmndf cfO{ ef]6]axfn l:yt la=Pn= nfUg;s]sf] lyPg . cGttM cg';Gwfg zfvf k|d'v, zdf{sf] cfd|kfnL Sof6/LËdf d'Vo Joj:yfkssf] cg';Gwfg 6f]nL k|d'v / ;xfos ;b:o larsf] ?kdf sfd ug{ yfn] . plg cfyL{s ?kdf ;DkGg ;/–;Nnfxaf6 ;dfrf/ dfWodsf] ;xof]u lng] /x]sf] yfxf eof] . cfk'mn] z'?sf] cj:yfdf klxnf] s'/fdf dt}So /xg uof] . lajfx sf7df08f}+sf] clDasf k'/L;+u u/]sf]df ;Gtfg eO{ ;s]kl5 clDasf k'/L a]kQf ePsf] o:t}df cg';Gwfg 6f]nL / cg';Gwfg zfvfsf atfP tt\kZrft @)$& ;fndf ldgf s'jF/ eGg] gj cfuGt's k|d'v tTsflng k|=p= sNof0f csL{ o'jtL;+u lajfx u/]sf] / lajfx u/]sf] s]xL ltldlN;gf 36\gf 36]sf] s]xL lbg kl5 kmfNu'g ;do kZrft ldgf klg a]kQf ePsf] atfP . lszf]/ qof]bzLsf lbg @! ut] kg]{ dxflzj/fqL d]nf cj:yf / cfyL{s ?kdf ;DkGg lasf; l;GxfnfO{ eg{ kz'ktL dlGb/df cfpg] ltyf{n' eQmhgsf] PSn} ;Gt eP/ a:g ;Sg] cj:yf cfPg / cfˆg} ;'/Iffy{ kz'ktL ;'/Iff lzla/df vl6O{ sfdu/L/x] wd{k'qL k|tL nf]eLg yfNof] . nf]e la:tf/} psfnf] sf lyP . ToxL ;dodf cg';Gwfg zfvfsf l8p6L nflu wd{k'qL;+u cj}w ;DaGwdf ?kfGt/Lt ePsf] clkm;/af6 d'8\v'df e]6LPsf] o'jtLsf] nfz d]/f] s'/f k|x/L ;dIf JoQm u/] . p;n] s/ann] alxgLsf] xf] eGg] z+sf nfU5 elg tf/f cfrfo{ zfl//Ls ;DaGw /fvL kltkTgL h:t} Jojxf/ gfd u/]sf] dlxnfn] kmf]g u/]sL 5g\ eGg] va/ ePsf] b]lvof] eg] aflx/ eg] s;}n] ;f]wL xfn]df k|fKt eof] . vj/ k|fKt x'gf;fy kz'ktL lzla/ u/LasL 5f]/L uf]dfnfO{ wd{k'qLs} ;+1f lbO{ kl/ af6 xg'dfg9f]sf cfO{ cg';Gwfg 6f]nLn] o'jtLsf] ro u/fpg yfNof] . o;} lar ;f]xL aif{sf] ;fpg lbbL elgg] tf/f cfrfo{nfO{ xg'dfg9f]sfdf cfpg !# ut] uf]df cd]/Lsf uPsL lyO{g . cd]/Lsfdf cg'/f]w ubf{ jxfF xtf;Lb} xg'dfg9f]sfdf cfO{ sfd kfO{ pt} /dfpg yfn]sL lyO{g / lgh pt} k'lug . tt\kZrft plg;+usf] s'/fsfgLsf] cfwf/ a:g] xf] sL eGg] 56\k6fx6\af6 u|l;t eO{ k6s df jxfF dNn xf]6ndf sfo{/t /x]sf] / d'8\v'df kmfn] k6s lasf; l;Gxfn] kmf]g u/L/x]sf] cg';Gwfgaf6 sf] o'jtL cfˆg} alxgL uf]df ePsf] atfO{g . pgn] b]lvof] . lasf;sf] kf/Ljf/Ls ;'qsf cg';f/ w]/} cvaf/df 5flkPsf] d[tssf] t:aL/sf cfwf/ s/an u/] cg';f/ uf]df ;f]xL aif{sf] 36gf x'g' df kQfnufPsf] atfO{g\ . ;f/f a[tfGt ;'gL;s] s]xL lbg cl3 dfu !) ut] dfq cd]/Lsfaf6 kl5 n]vs nufot cg';Gwfg 6f]nL lgs} pT;flxt sf7df08f}+ cfPsf] a'lemof] . t/ uf]dfn] cfk'mn] eP . pgn] eg]cg';f/ u/La kl/jf/sf] ;b:o cd]/Lsfdf /xFbf a:bf lkm/f]h vfF eGg] o'js;+u alxgL sf7df08f}+ afkmn l:yt lasf; l;Gxfsf] ;DaGw /x]sf] atfO{;s]sL lyO{g / ;fy} lasf;n] ;fydf wd{k'qLsf] ?kdf a;]sL lyOg . cg';Gwfg cfk'm;+u zfl//Ls ;Dks{ ug{ vf]Hbf O{Gsf/ 6f]nLaf6 lgh lasf; l;Gxf elgg] JolQmsf] 3/ u/L cs}{ s]6L vf]hL lbg] cf:jf;g klg lbO{g . /ftsf] !)M)) ah] 3]/f xfNg] sfd eof] . o:t} tyfkL gf}hjfg lasf; Tolts} r'k nfUg ;s]g / df lgh lasf; l;Gxf nfO{ k]mnf kfbf{ lgh dlb/f ha/h:tL ?kdf df3 @) ut] zfl//Ls ;Dks{ ;]jg u/L a;]sf] e]l6of] . k|x/L cg';Gwfg 6f]nL u¥of] o:t}df 36gf ePsf] lbg df3 @! ut] cfPsf xf}+ elg eg]kl5 l;Gxfsf] gzf plqPsf] /ftL !!M)) ah] lt/ cd]/Lsfaf6 lkm/f]h vfFsf] cg'ej u/Lof] . cg';Gwfg 6f]nLn] wd{ lktf elgg] kmf]g cfof] . lkm/f]h vfF;+u kltkTgLsf] ;DaGw eP l;Gxf;lxt p;sf 5f]/f 5f]/LnfO{ klg ;f]wk'5sf] h:t} t/Lsfn] ukmufkm ePsf] s'/f k|ToIf ?kdf nflu x'gdfg9f]sfdf Nofof] . cfˆgf] sf]7fdf a;L Nof08 nfO{g kmf]gaf6 dlb/f lkpFb} lasf;n] ;'gL a:of] . o;/L cfk'maf6 6f9f 36gfsf d'Vo kfq lasf; l;Gxf;+u cToGt /xL uf]df ca cs}{sL eO{;s]sL x'g\ sL eGg] ;+a]bgzLn eO{ ;f]wk'5 tyf cg';Gwfg ul/of] . z+sfsf] ;fy ;fy} æs;sf] kmf]g cfPsf] xf]Æ elg d[tssL lbbL tf/fn] atfP cg';f/ g} lasf;n] uf]dfnfO{ ;f]Wbf ætnfO{ s] dtnaÆ elg csf]{ sf]7fdf z'?df d[ts uf]df cfrfo{nfO{ wd{k'qLsf] ?kdf ;'Tg uPsf] cj:yfdf lasf;n] klg l/;sf] cid mAGAZINE 128

emf]sdf uf]dfnfO{ tyfgfd ufnL u/L 9f]sf ubf{ lghn] atfP cg';f/ clDasf x/fPsf] geO{ 9s\9SofP . uf]df aflx/ lg:s] kl5 dlb/f ;]jgaf6 lghn] df/]/} a]kQf agfPsf] x'g ;S5 eGg] tk{m pQ]lht lasf;n] 3fF6L lyr] . uf]dfs} sf]7fdf s/La k|x/Ln] ;lhn} cg'dfg u/L;s]sf] lyof] . o;} @ 306f;Dd 3D;f3D;L rNof] . caf]w o'jtL uf] qmddf lgh;+u yk cg';Gwfg / b]z e/sf dfsf] s]xL l;k gnfuL lghsf] xTofePsf] a'lemg k|x/L sfof{nox?df ;gfvt gePsf] a]jf/L;] cfof] / ;f]xL cg';f/sf] lasf;;+usf] / kl/l:ytL nfzsf] ;DaGwdf ;'Id cg';Gwfg yfNof] . o;} hGo cj:yfaf6 36gfsf] af:tljstf v'Ng cfof] . qmddf PSsf;L l;Gw'kfNrf]s k|x/L sfof{noaf6 ;gfvt gePsf] dlxnfsf] nfzsf] ;DaGwdf o;/L tTsfn l/; yfDg g;sL of}g Kof; ca hfgsf/L k|fKt eof] . pQm hfgsf/LnfO{ ulx/LP/ d]6\g gkfO{g] eof], 9f]sf aGb eof] eGg] cj:yfdf a'e\mg] qmddf pQm nfz;+u} l6=le=sf] vf]n klg k'uL cfj]udf cfP/ uf]dfsf] xTof u/L;s] kfO{Psf]n] k|x/LnfO{ af:tljstfsf] glhs k'Ug kl5 lasf;nfO{ /fte/L lgGb|f nfUg] s'/} ePg . ;lhnf] eof] . l6=le=sf] vf]nsf] gDa/ )!()#))#&! h;/L x'G5 ca nfznfO{ s;/L l5kfpg] bafpg] / lasf;sf] 3/df df}h'bf /x]sf] @) O{lGrsf] eGg] WofpGgdf dfq} lasf; nfUof] . o;sf 6]lnlehgsf] g+= 7\ofSs} ldNg uof] . To;kl5 nflu sfd ug]{ ;xof]uLnfO{ uf]df cd]/Lsf hfg clDasfsf] s'/f To:t} xf] l6=le=sf] vf]n vf]O{ elg nfu]sL 5g Po/kf]6{ ;Dd hfg k¥of] 6\S;L NofO{lbg k|Zg /fVbf lasf; k'gM cr]t x'g uof] . k|x/Lsf] s8f k¥of] elg c¥xfof] . t/ 6\ofS;L sxL+ k]mnf gk/] / ;'Id cg';Gwfgaf6 @)$^ ;fn sflQ{s @( kl5 laxfg ;a]/} )&M)) ah] lt/ cfk}mn] sfd ut] lasf; l;Gxf sf7df08f}+sf] nug 6f]n l:yt ug]{ cfd|kfnL Sof6/LËdf vfgf j;f/k;f/df 8]/fdf a:bf clDasfsf] k/k'?if;+u ;Dks{ /x]sf] k|of]u x'g] af=c=`=^@%( g+=sf] 6f6f df]afO{n z+s}z+sfdf lasf;n] clDasf dfyL hf]/ h'n'd lemsfof] . Sof6/LËd} k|of]u x'g] ;]tf] tGgfn] u/L clDasfnfO{ df/L cfˆg} ;fydf /x]sf] pQm nfznfO{ kf]sf] kf/L sf]7faf6 tn ;Dd NofO{ l6=eL=sf] vf]ndf /fvL h'6sf] af]/fdf KoflsË u/L 36gf:yn d'8\v' ;Dd nuL rfnsnfO{ yfx} glbO{ sf7df08f}+ ;'Gwf/fx'Fb} 6\ofS;Ldf /fvL rfnsnfO{ dnfO{ lk;fa nfUof] oxfF Ps l5g /f]s elg cf]l/oG6 DofUg];fO{6sf] xflsdnfO{ l6=le=lbg' 5 cfb]z lbof] . hf8f] df};d x':;' nfu]sf] pQm h+undf elg axfgf u/L l;Gw'kfNrf]s vf8L rf}/ l:yt s;}n] yfx} gkfpg] u/L uf8Lsf] k5f8L uO{ nfznfO{ ef]6]sf]zLsf] k'nd'gL kmfn]sf] cg';Gwfgaf6 k'i6L h+unsf] eL/df nuL kmfn]sf /x]5g\ . To;/L x'g cfof] . tTsflng cj:yfdf l;Gw'kfNrf]s nfznfO{ kmfln;s]kl5 s]xL lbgdf kqklqsfx?df lhNnf /fDr] l:yt ef]6]sf]zL gbLdf Ps hgf sfnf] a]jf/L;] nfzsf] ;DaGwdf ;dfrf/ k|sflzt sfnf] dflg;n] 7"nf] kfs]6 kmfn]sf] eGg] ;Ddsf] ePkl5 cfˆgf] gfddf ePsf] ;DklQ klxnf] >LdtL rZdlbt ujfxn] atfPsf] k|x/LnfO{ hfgsf/L eO{ clDasf k'/Lsf] 5f]/f gfafns cldtsf] gfddf vf]nL x]bf{ a]jf/L;] nf; elg cg';Gwfgs}qmddf u/fO{ cfk'm cfTdxTof ug]{ ;Ddsf] r]i6fdf k'u] ;gfvt x'g g;sL larf/flwg cj:yfdf /x]sf] sf] ;d]t cg';Gwfgstf{ ;dIf pgn] v'nf;f xTof k|s/0f * aif{ kl5 aNn ;'NemguO lasf;n] u/] . To:t} d[tssL lbbL tf/f cfrfo{ nufot g} laleGg kl/l:ytLaf6 xTof u/]sf] v'Ng cfO{ 5/l5d]sLx?af6 ;f]wgL x'Fbf cd]/Lsfdf pkrf/ Double murdar case kbf{kmf; ePsf] lyof] . u/fO{/x]/ a;]sf] elg lasf;n] 9fF6\g] u/]sf] klg v'Ng cfof] . o;/L k|x/Lsf] ;kmn cg';Gwfgaf6 @÷@ j6f xTofdf ;+nUg cleo'QmnfO{ sfg'gL bfo/fdf lasf;sf] ck/fw sfo{lawL lghsf] lhjg pEofpg ;kmn ePsf] g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ;j{q k|z+;f z}nL cfyL{s Ifdtf cfbL ;d]tnfO{ larf/ u/L ePsf] 36gf d]/f] Jofj;flos lhjgsf] Pp6f l5d]sL / clDasf k'/L klxnf] >LdtLsf] dfO{tL dxTjk"0f{ If0fsf ?kdf ;bf ofbu/ /lx/xg] 5 . gftfuf]tf ;d]t;+usf] ;'rgf cf+sng tk{m larf/ cid mAGAZINE 129

Privacy, Human dignity and Police Role: a common citizen's concern

Yubaraj Ghimire Editor in-chief, Annapurna Post

Accused in criminal cases being in 1951. The same practice with paraded through public places, or without much variation contin- and covering their faces with hand- ues in Nepal, although never colo- kerchief is still something very com- nized by the British . And it clearly monly seen especially, in course of violates the principle of justice , hu- early stage of investigation by the man rights and human dignity , and Police. This was a practice that grossly influences the final judicial British began in India when they verdict. Our society still has a mind- colonized it, and subsequently the set that any one arrested or put in Independent India chose to follow. custody is a ‘criminal’ or guilty long before the prosecution begins and Britain is now a far more advanced the court applies its mind bases on country, providing financial and evidences and gives its ruling. technical assistance to other coun- tries for modernization of police Let us first examine some cases the force committed to human rights way they are handled. and advanced investigation pro- cedure. But the legacy and prac- A police official calling media peo- tices it left in its erstwhile colonies ple and photographers to publi- remain. cise the arrest of certain ‘wanted’ people, with ‘I am criminal’, ‘I am Nepal police imitated the practices a murderer’ and ‘I am a thief’ like of Indian policing and practices confessional statement stuck on when it set up its own police sys- their chest. The same people are tem assigning it the role of a law- paraded –something known as TI enforcing organ , as conceptual- parade--, and the impression the ized in modern states, way back public around gathers is that they cid mAGAZINE 130

are actually the criminals. Naturally the tes- because s/he can afford to hire best and the timony these people might give before the expensive lawyers while the poorer ones court , or statement before the police , will who can not spend enough in their defense. be against the accused , clearly based on Although it requires the state to provide the their impression after they saw the people in lawyers to the accused if they want, the handcuff, and with those confessional state- quality and commitment of the legal advise ments stuck on them. they get would be far less than what the richer can afford to. Media shows scant respect for the privacy and right to a fair trial of the ‘suspect’ or the This in fact, calls for a massive overhaul and accused and flashes their photographs as reorientation in the approach of the state to- ‘criminals’ already vitiating the public mind wards ensuring the right to defense in the and influencing the court verdict. court to those who can not afford to hire lawyers. Absence of such a facility or denial Even in the event of the courts declaring of right atmosphere for self defense will lead some of these suspects non-guilty or inno- to denial of justice to a citizen in need. That cent in the crimes they were arrested and will reduce the faith of the people in justice tried, the ‘stigma’ of guilty sticks , and even system as well as judiciary, and by extension, the innocent ones look for going back to the a political system called ‘ Democracy’. After jails as they are looked down upon by the all, Democracy loses all meanings when the society as ‘guilty or criminal’ and some how rights, dignity and privacy of a citizen are not unwanted people. protected.

This calls for a serious examination and re- Preventing Crime is no doubt one principal forms in our policing and investigation, our duty of the Police. Advancement of technol- prosecution system and our judicial system . ogy has helped both the criminals and the A review of the media practice is another re- Police in preventive and investigating opera- lated issue that should be linked with it. Civic tions. But Police needs to adopt only the education and inclusion of the text in school legally permissible methods on both occa- curriculum explaining the basic difference sions. That is why ‘CCTV ‘ being in operation between detention, trial and judicial verdict are notified to the public. But in Nepal, large declaring some one guilty are part of the jus- number of private houses and restaurants tice system , but have different meanings. have put up CCTV without notifying it. Ne- pal is not the exception. Only few months The Jurisprudence clearly states that ‘a per- ago, an Indian minister complained that a son is innocent till proved guilty’. That also noted ‘fashion House’ had CCTV installed means an accused is entitled to fair trial, and clandestinely with little respect for the pri- all the legal assistance by the state if s/he is vacy of the customers. Having these CCTV not in a position to afford to it. In fact, this for detecting possible crimes and criminals is where the biggest threat or fault of our is understandable, but are these restaurant justice system lies. A rich person facing the owners or business people entitled / au- same charge may get acquitted by the court thorized to possess details or activities, and cid mAGAZINE 131

private conversation of unsuspecting cus- and public figures had been tapped during tomers ? Have they got the permission from his tenure. Hegde denied any role in it, but the government ? why do not they do notify owned the moral responsibility for an inci- about CCTV having been installed there? An dent that took place under his department. infringement upon privacy or their possible But unfortunately, ethics and morality have misuse constitute crimes. And no business almost become alien aspect of our public life. can be conducted at the cost of core values A direct nexus between criminals and politi- of democracy. Telephone tapping and that cians is visible. Corruption has become an of internet constitute similar invasion into integral part of public life of our leaders, but privacy and rights of the citizens. It consti- impunity they exercise, protects them from tutes a bigger question for the police as the the law and norms of accountability. This organization is meant to protect laws of the is what causes bigger threat to the core land and all the rights of a citizens guaran- values of democracy. Personal freedom, teed under the constitution. right to privacy, right not to be vilified etc have almost been taken away from us. Big Although telephone tapping are kept secret, workshops and seminar, with experts on there are specific conditions in which such security and policing will continue to talk activities are allowed. Threat to the security about how to make Nepal police modern, of the state or interstate criminal gangs ac- efficient and committed to human rights , tivities may allow such acts, but responsible all very very necessary features since we authorities on behalf of the state have to share the same uniform values and re- sanction it in advance so that there is clear sponsibility as the law enforcing agency as accountability in terms of infringement of in most advances countries of the world. the right to privacy. In other words, such an Legal and Human rights experts and ac- act can not be carried by the state or any tivists will suggest what all laws have be- one on its behalf for personal vendetta or come redundant. harassment. Julian Assange of Wikileaks fame stood firm against the mighty Ameri- A truly law enforcing agency will get the can state exposing various acts directed support of the law abiding people which against issues of larger freedom while Ed- is necessary in a lawful state. For that po- ward Snowden, a former contractor for the lice needs to earn the trust of the ordinary CIA, exposed that the U S National security people through its actions, activities and agency was indulging in extensive internet conduct. For that it must respect the dignity surveillance and wire tapping of interna- and privacy of its people, especially who can tional figures including German Chancellor not speak and protest, Doing away with the Angela Merkel, something that may have practice of parading accused as ‘criminals’, caused serious problem in the bilateral rela- and a stiff resistance to the wire tapping tions. Nearer Home , Ramakrishna Hegde, with malafide intent, and letting undeclared resigned as the Chief Minister of Karnataka , CCTV catching innocent peoples activities after an investigation report revealed that tel- could be a good beginning. Small beginning ephones of some of the opposition leaders sometimes bring big dividends.  cid mAGAZINE 132

;fdflhs ;~hfnsf] o'udf k|x/L

u'0f/fh n'OF6]n! ;Dkfbs, gful/s /fli6«o b}lgs

cd]l/sfsf] Go"of]s{ k|x/L -PgjfOlk8L_n] 6«]lG8ª x'g k'Uof] . l6\j6/ k|of]ustf{x¿n] ;fdflhs ;~hfndf cfˆgf] 5lj lj:tf/sf ;j{;fwf/0fsf] z/L/ 5fDg] qmddf sf/ ag]6df lglDt l6\j6/ k|of]ustf{x¿nfO{ dfOPgjfOlk8L lyr]sf, s'g}df ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ e"Odf lyr]/ Xof;6\ofu /fv]/ /fd|f tl:j/x¿ k|sflzt /flvPsf jf em'N6'ª v]nfpFb} ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ ug{ cfu|x u¥of] . k|x/Lsf] klxnf] l6\j6df k|x/Ln] lnP/ lx8]sf tl:j/ ;fj{hlgs u/]sf cfu|x u/]sf] s]xL 306fd} …Aofs kmfo/Ú u/] lyP . k|foM oL tl:j/x¿ Joj;flos kmf]6f] kl5 To;nfO{ lkmtf{ lng' k/]sf] lyof] . u|fkm/x¿sf / cvaf/df 5flkO;s]sf lyP . klxnf] l6\j6df elgPsf] lyof]– …s] tkfO{+;Fu /fHosf] k|x/Lk|lt ;a} gful/ssf] b[li6 kl//x] PgjfOlk8Lsf] s'g} ;b:o;Fu lvr]sf] tl:j/ sf] x'G5 eGg] pbfx/0f klg xf] . k|x/Lsf] 5 < xfdLnfO{ PgjfOlk8L Xof;6\ofu;Fu} cfqmfds Jojxf/ a]nfa]nfdf cfnf]rgfsf] 6\ofu ug'{xf];\ . o;nfO{ xfdL xfd|f] km];a'sdf ljifo x'G5 . t/, sfg'g / Joj:yf /fd|/L klg ;dfj]z ug{ ;lsg]5 .Ú sfof{Gjog gePsf] xfd|f]h:tf] d'n'sdf k|x/L ;fx|} g/d / gd| eof] eg] klg ;d:of pT- of] l6\j6;Fu} b'O{hgf k|x/Lsf] aLrdf kGg x'g ;Sg] /x]5 . /fhgLltsf gfddf x'g] xfFl;/x]sf Pshgf cd]l/sL gful/ssf] u/]sf ck/fwdf sltko a]nfdf k|x/Ln] /fd|/L tl:j/ k|sflzt x'gf;fy cd]l/sL k|x/Lsf] e"ldsf v]Ng g;Sg] l:ylt klg cfpF5 . cfqmfds Jojxf/n] el/Psf tl:j/;lxtsf l6\j6 dfOPgjfOlk8L Xof;6\ofudf xfd|f] cfˆg} pbfx/0f x]g]{ xf] eg] k~rfotL ;fj{hlgs x'g yfn] . k|x/Lsf] p2]Zo ljgf zf;gsf a]nf Pp6} xjNbf/n] l;+u} ufpFnfO{ ;]G;/ ;~rf/sf lglDt v'nf d~r k|bfg ug'{ lgoGq0fdf /fVg ;Sy] eg] clxn] ;of}+sf] lyof] . t/, PgjfOlk8Ln] eg]h:tf] ;a}lt/ ;+Vofdf v6fpFbf klg l:ylt lgoGq0fdf o:tf /f]rs tl:j/ dfq lyPgg\ . /fVg g;lsPsf cg'ej 5g\ . cfw'lgs ;dfhdf gful/s cg]sg clwsf/af6 klxnf] l6\j6 ;fj{hlgs ePsf] ef]lnkN6} ;';lHht 5 . To;}n] /fHon] an k|of]u ubf{ of] ;+;f/el/sf] cfOPgjfOlk8L Xof;6\ofu klg oL ;a} ljifodf Wofg k'¥ofpg' kg]{ x'G5 . cid mAGAZINE 133

k|hftGq gePsf ;dfhdf eg] ;'/Iff lgosfx¿nfO{ 6«flkms cg'zf;g sfod ug{] sfddf k|ToIf÷k/f]If?kdf a9L clwsf/ x'g ;S5 . t}klg ;'/Iff lgsfon] u/]sf an k'¥ofpFb} cfPsf] 5 . k|x/LnfO{ 6«flkms Joj:yf sfdsf] hlxNo} hjfkmb]xL x'g'kg]{ cj:yf /xG5 . ug{ c;lhnf] k/]sf] klg ldl8ofdf Tof]a]nf /fd|};Fu pNn]v lyof] . k|hftGq k'g:yf{kgf ePkl5 g]kfn k|x/Ln] cfkm"nfO{ qmdzM kl/jt{g ub}{ cfPsf] b]lvG5 . Tof] a]nf xfdLn] kl5Nnf s]xL jif{df g]kfnL af]nLrfnLdf Pp6f gofF b]v]sf] v}/f] sk8f nufPsf k|x/L Ps lsl;dn] cft+ssf zAb k|j]z u/]sf] 5– dfk;] . dfbs kbfy{ ;]jg u/]/ 5fofFh:tf lyP . lj:tf/} o;n] cfˆgf] kl/wfg / kl/ro b'a} ;jf/L rnfpg]lj?4sf] sf/jfxL g]kfn k|x/Lsf] ;a} kl/jt{g ub}{ uPsf] b]lvG5 . k|x/LnfO{ la:tf/} ;d'bfo;Fu eGbf ;kmn cleofg xf] . /flt dfk;] u/]sf ;jf/L ldnfP/ /fVg] sfd klg ePsf 5g\ . xf]Og eg] k|x/L rfnsx¿af6 ;j{;fwf/0fsf] hLjg hlxNo} hf]lvddf qm"/ zf;gsf] Pp6f c+uh:tf dfq lyP . lyof] . tL cfkm}+ hf]lvddf t ky]{ g} ;Fu} ltgn] c?sf] hLjg;d]t cK7\of/f]df kf/]sf lyP . @)$^ kl5sf / To;cl3 klg k|To]s bzsh:tf] x'g] u'0f/fh n'OF6]n! cfGbf]ngsf] ;fdgf g]kfn k|x/Ln] ug'{ k/]sf] 5 . To;n] dfk;]lj?4sf] …z"Go ;xgzLntfÚsf] gLltn] g]kfndf cfGbf]ngsf] nuQ} k|x/L hlxNo} cnf]slk|o klg aGg' s'g} klg sfg'g sfof{Gjog x'g ;Sb}g eGg] e|d klg ;Dkfbs, gful/s /fli6«o b}lgs kg]{ cj:yf cfpF5 . ljz]ifu/L cfGbf]ngsf/L kIfn] lrl/Psf] 5 . g]kfnL ;dfh klg cGo ljslzt ;dfhh:t} To;nfO{ dg k/fpFb}g . cfGbf]ngaf6 zf;g;Qfdf sfg'gsf] kfngf ug{ rfxG5 eGg] b]lvG5 . o;sf ;fy} cfPsf JolQmx¿;Fu ef]ln ug'{kg]{ Jojxf/nfO{ ;d]t nfdf] ;do;Dd g]kfnL ;dfhdf eO/x]sf cfGbf]ng, cfhsf] k|x/Ln] Wofg lbg' kg]{ x'G5 . k|foM /fhgLlts lx+;f / pynk'ynn] klg sfg'g / cg'zf;gsf] ck]Iff k|s[ltsf cfGbf]ngx¿ /fhgLlts jftf{af6} ldN5g\ . gful/sn] u/]sf] b]lvG5 . t/, of] kl/l:yltnfO{ k|x/Ln] /fd|};Fu tfnd]n ldnfpFb} cfPsf b]lvG5 . k|x/Ln] dfk;]lj?4sf] sf/jfxL ;kmn kf/]h:t} ;fj{hlgs oftfoft If]qdf b]lvPsf las[lt ;dfKt @)$^ sf] cfGbf]ng ;kmn ePkl5 klg s]xL kfg{] cleofg klg rnfof] eg] To;n] p;sf] 5lj k|x/Lx¿nfO{ …d08n]Ú eg]/ s'6Ls'6L dfl/Psf] b'Mvb b[Zo c? /fd|f] x'g]5 . ljz]if u/L ;fj{hlgs oftfoft clxn] klg cfFvfdf emnemnL x'G5 . ;'/Iff lgsfodf If]qdf l;l08s]6sf gsf/fTds k|efj b]lvG5g\ . ;jf/L ;]jf u/]s} gfddf dfl/g' kg]{ cj:yf cfpg'h:tf] b'Mvb ;fwgsf] cj:yf v/fa 5, ;/;kmfO 5}g / o;df c? s] x'g ;S5 / < k|foM eL8sf] o:tf] dfgl;stf ;+nUg JolQmx¿sf] ;Eo Jojxf/ tyf plrt kf]zfssf] x'G5 . eL8df x'Fbf klg ljj]s x/fpg' x'Gg eGg] Joj:yf ;d]t b]lvGg . o;sf ;fy} k|To]s ;fj{hlgs ;dfhdf lzIff / r]tgfsf] :t/ lj:tf/ x'Fb} hfg' ;jf/L ;fwgdf x'g'kg]{ Go'gtd Joj:yfnfO{ k|x/Ln] cfjZos 5 . ;'lglZrt u¥of] eg] ;j{;fwf/0fn] hoho ug]{5g\ . hgcfGbf]ng @)^@÷^# sf] ;kmntfkl5 klg k|x/L /fi6«sf] b]vfpg] cg'xf/ klg xf] . ;j{;fwf/0fn] k|x/LnfO{ sfg'g sfof{Gjogdf lgs} sl7gfO ePsf] lyof] . o;}nfO{ ;a}eGbf glhsaf6 x]5{g\ . ;j{;fwf/0fsf] kx'Fr Tof] a]nfdf 6«flkms Joj:yfkg ;d]t cToGt} sdhf]/ ;Lw} 7"nf sfof{no, xflsd / dGqLx¿;Dddf x'Fb}g . aGg k'Uof] . bz jif{ nfdf ;z:q ultljlwaf6 v'nf tn ;8s / :yfgLo :t/df sfd ug]{ k|x/Lsf] Jojxf/n] /fhgLltdf cfOk'u]sf] g]skf -Pdfcf]jfbL_ ;dy{s / ;j{;fwf/0fsf] dgdf /fHok|lt /fd|f] jf g/fd|f] efjgf cGo ;j{;fwf/0fn] ;d]t 6«flkms lgod pNn+3g u/]sf agfpg e"ldsf v]N5 . cem jfXo b]zaf6 3'Dg cfpg] lyP . k|x/Ln] ltgnfO{ s'g} sf/jfxL ug{ g;s]sf] k|i6} ko{6sn] klg ;a}eGbf klxn] b]Vg] k|x/LnfO{ g} xf] . b]lvGYof] . 7"nf uf8Lx¿n] ;d]t Tof] a]nf cfkm"v';L k|x/L;Fusf] e]6 jf cGt/lqmof ltgsf lglDt hlxNo} aLr ;8sdf pEofPsf] b]lvGYof] . Pp6f ;Demgfsf] sf];]nL aGg ;S5 . lj:tf/} of] cj:yf klg ;dfwfg x'Fb} uof] . k|x/Ln] kl5Nnf] k6s dw]; cfGbf]ngsf qmddf /fHon] 6\ofS;Lsf ld6/ laufg]{nfO{ sf/afxL ug{ ;d]t g;Sg] cfkm"nfO{ x]k]sf] eGg] wf/0ff cfO/x]sf 5g\ . k|x/Ln] cj:yf lyof] . t/, k|x/LnfO{ ljz]if u/L ldl8ofn] cfˆgf] af]nLdf ;'wf/ Nofpg ;Sof] eg] cfwfeGbf a9L cid mAGAZINE 134

u'gf;f] t olQs} ;dfKt eP/ hfG5 . Tof] lsg klg b'jf{Ro xf]Og . k|x/Ln] dL7f] af]lnlbFbf ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ eGg ;lsG5 eg] klxn] klxn] sf7df8f}+d} klg k|x/Lsf] kSs} klg /dfOnf] cg'ej x'G5 . To;}u/L ;j{;fwf/0fn] ?vf] af]nL ;'Gbf w]/}nfO{ lbSs nfUYof] . klg 8\o'6Ldf vl6Psf k|x/L;Fu ldhfl;nf] Jojxf/ ub}{ ltgsf sfdnfO{ ;lhnf] kfl/lbP eg] ;'gdfly ;'uGw eg]h:t} dw]; cfGbf]ngsf qmddf klg k|x/Lsf P;P;kL nId0f x'G5 . k|x/L xfd|} ;'/Iffsf lglDt v6]sf x'G5g\ eGg] Gof}kfg]nufotsf k|x/L sd{rf/L qm"/tfk"j{s dfl/g' efjgf /xg' /fd|f] x'G5 . k/]sf] 5 . k|x/Ln] cfkm"nfO{ ;+oldt /fVbf /fVb} of] 36gf ePsf] 5 . Toltdfq xf]Og ;d'bfon] o;/L of] ;dodf k|x/L hlxNo} ;j{;fwf/0fsf] cg'udgdf dfl/xfNnfg eGg] ;f]r agfpg] / tbg's"nsf] tof/L 5g\ . klxn]klxn] ;Lldt k|];sf ultljlwdfly Wofg ug]{ sfd klg x'g g;s]sf] k|i6 5 . lbP k'UYof] eg] OG6/g]6sf] of] o'udf x/]s gful/s Pp6f kqsf/h:tf] ePsf] 5 . k|To]s JolQmsf xftdf cr]n t sf7df8f}+df k|x/Ln] ;fFlRrs} dL7f] af]n]sf] :df6{kmf]g 5 . To;n] x/]s JolQmnfO{ tl:j/, lel8of] ;'lgG5 . t}klg k|foM uf8Ldf lx8\g] / k}bndf lx8\g] / cfjfh ;+sng ug]{ ;'ljwf lbPsf] 5 . ;+sng dfq aLrsf] Jojxf/df cGt/ eg] cjZo} b]lvG5 . cflv/ xf]Og To;nfO{ ;j{hlgs ug{ ;Sg] Pp6f k|hftflGqs k|x/Lh:tf /fHosf lgsfo oL ul/an] ;d]t lt/]sf] zlQm klg 5 . s/af6} rNg] x'g\ . ctM k|x/Ln] k|To]s ;j{;fwf/0f gful/s;Fu ;dfg Jojxf/ ug{ ;Sof] eg] lgZro klg To;}n] xfdLdfly xhf/f}+ cfFvf kl//x]sf 5g\ eGg] ;f]r To;n] ;sf/fTds ;Gb]z lbG5 . agfP/ k|x/Ln] sfd ug'{kg]{ cj:yf 5 . PgjfOlk8Lsf] l6\j6/ k|of]usf] cfnf]sdf g]kfn k|x/Ln] e"sDksf] o;sf] dtna of] xf]Og ls k|x/L ;w}F n'q'Ss nuQ} ;'? u/]sf] l6\j6/ / km];a'ssf] k|of]u eg] lgs} k/]/ lx8\g' k5{ . lgod sfg'gsf] kfngfdf vx|f] nf]slk|o x'g k'Uof] . g]kfn k|x/Lsf] of] k|of]u ;kmn / kg eof] eg] ;j{;fwf/0f cfkm}+ To;sf lglDt tTk/ /fd|f] ePsf]df ;fdflhs ;~hfn / ;fj{hlgs ;~rf/ x'G5g\ . ctM lgoddf lx8\g] gful/snfO{ ul/g] /fd|f] dfWodn] ;d]t k|z+;f u/]sf lyP . of] cfˆg} k|of]usf Jojxf/ / lgod kfngf gug]{k|ltsf] s7f]/ Jojxf/ b'a} cfwf/df klg g]kfn k|x/Ln] cfkm"nfO{ rgfvf] /fVg' cfjZos x'G5 . s7f]/ Jojxf/sf] cy{ b'Jo{jxf/ / kg]{ cj:yf 5 .  cid mAGAZINE 135 k|x/L–ldl8ofaLr Jofj;flos ;DaGw cfjZos

xl/axfb'/ yfkf -;dfrf/ ;Dkfbs, sflGtk'/ b}lgs_

blIf0f Pl;ofoL d'n'ssf ldl8of / kf7s– ;"rgfsf] klxnf] / k|d'v ;|f]t k|x/L–;+oGq x'g] ;|f]tf b'j} nfdf] ;dob]lv kmf]/ ;L–P;af6 x'Fbf :jfefljs ?kdf ldl8ofsdL{ / k|x/LaLr k|efljt 5g\ .kf7s–;|f]tfsf ?lrsf ljifodf æ;"rgf–;DaGwÆ x'G5 g} . :jefljs ?kdf ldl8ofsf] Wofg / vf]h s]lGb|t x'G5g\ . ToxLsf/0f kqsfl/tfsf lglDtkmf]/ ;L– g]kfndf dfq xf]Og, ljZje/ g} æck/fw P; cfsif{s d;nf dflgG5–ck/fw, l;g]df, ;dfrf/Æ clws a9L kl9g]dWo]df k5{ . k|x/L lqms]6, ;]nLa|]6L clg ;]S; . cem /fhgLlt clwsf/L;Fusf ;Dks{ / ;DaGwaf6 To:tf klg w]/} xb;Dd ck/fwsd{;Fu} hf]l8Pkl5 k|s[ltsf æPS;SnLo'l;eÆ ;dfrf/ k|fKt ;w}Fel/ rf;f]d} kg'{ c:jfefljs xf]Og . ug{ ;lsg] x'Fbf ;~rf/sdL{x? klg ;DaGw /fhgLlts z'4Ls/0fdfxf}nsf] cefj;Fu} ufF:g pT;flxt x'G5g\ . cfk/flws 36gfsf cg]s lqmofsd{df ;+nUg ck/fwLx? ;d]t k|j[lQaf/] hfgsf/L u/fpFbf ;dfh ;r]t x'g /fhgLltdf k|j]z ug{] xf]8 rln/x]sf] 5 . k'U5 eg] ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ To:tf vt/fgfs ck/fw / /fhgLlt 5'6\ofpg g;lsg] qmd;Fu ck/fwx?af6 aRg] cj;/ ldN5 . To:tf ldl8ofsdL{sf] ck/fw / ck/fwsdL{x? ;"rgf k|jfx lglDt ljZje/ cfd;~rf/ k|lt kx/]bf/L clws a9\b}5 . dfWodx?nfO{ pko'Qm dflgG5 . ck/fwsd{sf] lgoGq0f / ck/fw ;~rf/sdL{ eg]sf ;"rgfsf v]tL ug{] k]zfwdL{ sdL{nfO{ sf/afxL–;hfo+f] bfo/f;Dd k'¥ofpg] x'g\ . pgLx?df ;w}F gofF/ klxnf] ;"rgf d"ne"t bfloTj ;'/Iff ;+oGqsf] xf] . k|flKtsf] df]x x'G5 . ck/fwsd{df ;+nUgx? x/]s vfn] ck/fwsd{ lgoGq0f u/L kqmfp k/]sf] ;"rgfx? kf7ssf lglDt ?lrs/ cfdgful/snfO{ zflGt–;'/Iffsf] k|Tofe"t ljifo dflgG5 . To:tf ;"rgf k|x/Laf6} u/fpg] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsfdf /xG5– k|x/L ;+slnt x'G5 .To;sf/0f klg ;~rf/sdL{x? ;+oGq . ptf, ck/fwsd{df ;+nUgx?sf] ;w}Fel/ k|x/L;Fu Jofj;flos ;DaGw :yflkt kbf{kmf; ug'{ / To:tf s"sd{ x'g Go"gLs/0f ug{ rflx/x]sf x'G5g\ . km/s–km/s ldl8of u/L ;dfhnfO{ ;'/lIft t'Nofpg] rfxgfdf xfp;sf ;~rf/sdL{x? aLr s;/L c?eGbf x'G5g\– ;~rf/sdL{x? . ck/fw;DaGwL km/s 9+un] kf7s÷>f]tf;fd' k|:t't x'g] eGg] cid mAGAZINE 136

k|lt:kwf{ rln/x]sf] x'G5 . 36gfsf] ;"rgf l56f]k|flKtsf] 5g\ . ptf gful/s bdgsf 36gf ;fj{hlgs ug{] qmddf df]xdf /xg] ;~rf/sdL{n] k|x/L–;+oGq ;"rgfsf] klxnf] ldl8ofsdL{ / ;'/Iff ;+oGqaLr c;xh ;DaGw l;h{gf ;|f]t x'g\ eGg] tYo a'em]sf x'G5g\ . gePsf xf]Ogg\ . ;'/Iff bdgsf ljs[lt–lj;+ultx? aflx/ NofPkl5 ;'/Iff ;+oGqn] ldl8ofsdL{x?nfO{ g]kfnsf] sfg'g–lgodn] x/]s lsl;dsf ck/fw zq'sf] ?kdf x]g{] k|j[lQ klg 5 . Go"gLs/0fdf k|x/Lsf] ;+nUgtf Jofks t'NofPsf] 5 . /fHolj?4sf] ck/fwb]lv d'n'sL P]gdf Jojl:yt Hofg, /fhgLltsdL{x?n] cfk\mgf] cg'lrt k|efj la:tf/ ug{] ha/h:tL s/0fL x'Fb} rf]/L–ks]6df/L;Ddsf ck/fwdf 8g–u'G8f kfNg], ltgaf6 wDSofpg nufpg]b]lv cy{ ;+nUg kqmfp ug{], aofg lng] / d'2f rnfpg] cfwf/ ;+sngsf] dfWod ;d]t a9fPkl5 ck/fwsf bfo/fx? l;h{gf ug{] sfd k|x/Laf6 x'G5 . cyf{t\, x/]s 36gfsf] vt/fgfs xF'b} uPsf 5g\ . To:tf ck/fwdf ;+nUg k|f/lDes r/0fsf 5fgljgdf dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x /fhgLltsdL{x?sf]bjfj–k|efj tyf 8g–u'G8f k|j[lQ ug{] sfd k|x/Laf6} x'G5 . clg ;~rf/sdL{x? klg Go"gLs/0fdf k|x/L / ;~rf/sdL{x?sf] /rgfTds k|f/lDes r/0fs} lqmofsnfk ;fj{hlgs ug{ a9L pBt ;xsfo{ x''g' cfjZos 5 . lsgeg], cfk"m ;+/lIft 8g– x'G5g\, To;sf/0f 5fgljgsf tYox? aflx/ Nofpg] u'G8f ;dft]kl5 k|efjzfnL g]tfx? ljrlnt x'g k'U5g\ . clws rfxgfdf ;~rfsdL{x? x'G5g\ . To;kl5 ltgn] sf/afxLdf ;+nUg k|x/Lsf] eljio g}tn–dflykfg{ ;Sg] vt/f plQs} /xG5 . To;df ha/h:tL wd{ kl/jt{g u/fpg] xf];\ of cGo wd{ vnn ldl8ofsdL{x?;Fu ;xsfo{ u/L /fhgLltsdL{sf] v/fa kfg{]x?nfO{ sf/afxL rnfpg]b]lv dfgj a]rljvgsf dg;fo / bjfj ;fj{hlgs ug{] xf] eg] k|efjzfnLx?sf] 36gfdf ;+nUgx?nfO{ sf/afxL rnfpg] bfloTj klg k|efj:jtM Go"g ug{ ;lsG5 . k|x/Lsf] xf] . k|x/Ls} cfFs8fsf cg'?k %@ k|sf/sf ck/fwsd{ ;DaGwL sfg'g sfof{Gjogsf ;Gbe{df h;/L cfw'lgsLs/0f;Fu} ck/fwsf km/s–km/s ?k / k|x/Lsf] e"ldsf /xG5 . cem cfw'lgsLs/0f;Fu} z}nL b]vfk/]sf 5g\, To;/L g} ;~rf/sf If]qdf Jofks ck/fwsf ?kx? la:tfl/t x'Fb} uPsf 5g\ . ;"rgf– kl/jt{g x'F+b}5g\ . k|ljlwdf b]vfk/]sf] tLj|t/ ljsf;F+u} k|ljlwsf] ljsl;t ?k / z}nL;Fu} P6LPd sf8{ ldl8of ?k km]l/Fb}5, k|lt:kwf{sf km/s–km/s z}nL b'?kof]u u/L a}+lsª s;"/sf 36gfx? a9]sf 5g\ b]vfk/]sf 5g\ . g]kfnL kqsfl/tfn] l;;f o'u kf/ gu/]sf] eg] km];a's–6\jL6/af6 s;}nfO{ t;f{pg]b]lv ufnL– b'O{ bzs gk'Ub} cgnfOg hgf{lnHddf hDb}5 . oltv]/ a]OHhtL ug{] z}nL x'ls{/x]sf 5g\ . ltgnfO{ kqmfp u/L cfsif{s tj/df km:6fpFbf] 5– cgnfOg hgf{lnHd . sf/afxLsf] bfo/fdf k'¥ofpg] bfloTj klg k|x/Lsf] xf] . h;nfO{ cfhef]ln Go" d]l8of elgG5 . Tolt cltl/Qm g]kfnL ;dfh ljB'tLo ck/fwsf] ulx/fO{ a'em\b}5 cgnfOg hgf{lnHdnfO{ ;d]t r'gf}tL lbg] u/L eg] Od]nn] h]n k'¥ofPsf] b[Zo klg s}b ub{}5 . ;f]l;on d]l8ofcyf{t\, ;fdflhs ;Ghfnsf cg]sg ?k b]vfkl//x]sf 5g\ . ljZjsf] ax'dt ;fdflhs /fHoleq x'g] x/]s vfn] ck/fwsd{ lgoGq0fb]lv ;Ghfndf /dfpFb}5g\ . kqsfl/tfaf/] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L /fhgLlts pyn–k'ynaf6 arfpg zf;sLo kIfn] g/fVg]x? ;d]t Anu kqsfl/tfdf ;+nUg 5g\ . ;'/Iff ;+oGqnfO{ g} k|of]u u5{ . zf;sLo rfxgf k|of]u ug{] qmddf sltko a]nf ;'/IffsdL{x? kqsfl/tfsf] jf:tljs bfloTj eg]sf] cToGt} abgfd x'g k'u]sf 5g\ . ;'/IffsdL{x? cfk\mgf] ;fjwfgLk"j{s tYo ;+sng ug{], To;sf] hfFr u/L OR5f eGbf klg zf;sLo rfxgf k"/f ug'{kg{] afWotfsf ;r]tk"j{s k|:t't ug{' xf] . h'g jf:tljs, ;Gt'lnt, sf/0f bdg gLlt clVtof/ ug{ k'U5g\ . ToxL v]ndf ljZj;gLo x'g'k5{ . To;sf lglDt ;|f]taf6 k|fKt ;'/Iff ;+oGq abgfd ePsf 36gf xfd|f ;fd' cgluGtL ;"rgfnfO{ lnlvt of df}lvs k|df0fx? vf]Hg], cid mAGAZINE 137

k[i7e"ld /fVg], To; ;DaGwdf s'g} ;fj{hlgs To;sf/0f ;"rgf lbg] qmddf k|x/L clwsf/Lx? /]s8{x? cfPsf 5g\ ls egL a'em\g'kg{] x'G5 . cyf{t\, klg OdfGbf/ / Jofj;flos wd{leq} /xg' cfjZos ;~rf/sdL{x?sf] d"ne"t bfloTj eg]sf] ;To–tYo x'G5 . k|x/L ;+oGqn] s] a'e\mg' cfjZos 5 eg] k|:t't ug'{ xf] . ;~rf/sdL{ eg]sf zq' of ldq' b'j} xf]Ogg\ . ;"rgf ;Dk|]if0fsf qmddf sltko a]nf ;~rf/sdL{x? cfk\mgf] cfd;~rf/ dfWoddfkm{t\ 7'nf] ;d'bfodf Ps} k6s ldqh:tf] nfUg ;S5 eg] clns cfnf]rgfTds z}nL ;"rgf of ;Gb]z k|jfx ug{ ;lsg] x'Fbf /fHosf ckgfPsf] v08df zq'sf] lsQfdf plePsf] x/]s ;+oGqn] ldl8of;Fu lgs6 ;DaGw /fVg kfpg'x'G5 . cgf}krfl/s z}nLdf ldq b]lvPklg vf]H5g\ . k|x/L ;+oGq klg cfk\mgf] ;"rgf k|jfx ug{] Joj;flos wd{ lgjf{x ubf{sf avt ltgn] jf:tljs tYo dfdnfdf /fHosf cGo ;+oGqeGbf a9L k|efjsf/L aflx/ NofOlbg] x'Fbf c;xh cj:yf l;h{gf x'g ;S5 . b]lvG5 . ck/fwsf 36gfsf ;"rgfx? k|jfx ug{] dfdnfdf k|x/L ;+oGq cu|;/ g} b]lvG5– cfkm}n] csf{lt/ ;~rf/sdL{x? z+sf;lxt lx+l8/x]sf x'G5g\ . a'n]l6g k|sflzt ug{]b]lv ;dod} k|]; lj1lKt hf/L sltko a]nf o:tf] ;d]t z+sf u5{g\, tkfO{+ lsg ;"rgf ug{]df k|x/L cl3Nnf] k+lQmdf k5{ . lbFb} x'g'x'G5 < st} k|x/L clwsf/Lsf] ;]lna|]6L aGg] rfxgf xf] of s;}nfO{ l;Wofpg] v]ndf ;+nUg ePsf] cfz+sf ;d]t ptf x/]sh;f] ldl8of xfp;n] ck/fw–;'/Iff ug{ ;S5g\ . e|i6, cg}lts / unt lqmofsnfkdf ;+nUg dfdnf x]g{] u/L la6 l/kf]6{/ lgwf{/0f u/]sf 5g\ . ePsf] e]6]sf] v08df s;}nfO{ afFsL 5f8\b}gg\ . ltgnfO{ h;n] ck/fwsf 36gfdf cfwfl/t /x]/ ;dfrf/ afFsL 5f8\g]x? kqsf/sf] sf]6Ldf kb{}gg\ . To;sf/0f ;Dk|]if0f ug{]b]lv k|x/L ;+oGqleqsf /fd|f–g/fd|f b'j} klg eGg] ul/G5, Jofj;flos kqsf/x? s'g} klg kIfnfO{ s]nfpg] u5{g\ . k|x/Lsf pkNnf clwsf/Lx?df lgsfo jf clwsf/Lsf zq' of ldq' b'j} x'Fb}gg\ . ;~rf/sdL{;Fu ulx/f] ;DaGw /fVg] rfxgf a9]sf] 5 . cyf{t\ k|x/L clwsf/Lx?n] ldl8of zlQm cg'e"t u/L ;'/Iff ;+oGqsf clwsf/Lx?df cfd;~rf/ dfWod;Fu ;DaGw la:tf/df pT;flxt ePsf x'g\ . OdfGbf/ / ljZjfl;nf] tj/df k|:t't x'g] z}nL ljsl;t ug'{k5{ . s'g} klg 36gfsf] ;"rgf n'sfpg ldl8ofdf c;n / ;fx;L k|x/L clwsf/Lsf] ?kdf vf]lhFbfsf avt ;'/Iff ;+oGq / ;~rf/sdL{x?aLr :yflkt x'g ;s]sf] v08df l56f] a9'jf, cfsif{s 7fpFdf c;lhnf] jftfj/0f lgdf{0f x'g k'U5 . ckf/bzL{ kf]l:6ª, ljb]z e|d0fb]lv o"Pgsf] cfsif{s hflu/df k'Ug lqmofsnfk;Fu} ;'/Iff ;+oGq abgfdL x'g]b]lv ;+s6sf] ;lsg] cfFsng a9\bf] 5 . ljutdf bdgsf/L k|x/L cj:yf cfpg ;S5 . 36gfsf ;"rgfx? ;dod} / lrlqt ug{] k|rngaf6 ;]lna]|6L k|x/Ldf ?kfGtl/t ;xh ?kdf pknAw u/fpg] xf] eg] æxNnfn]Æ jf:tljs ePsf b[Zon] klg Totflt/ a9L pT;flxt u/]sf] ?k wf/0f ug{] cj;/ kfpFb}g . csf{lt/ d'n'ssf] a[xQ/ x'g'k5{ . ;Fu} pkNnf k|x/L clws[tx?df l;h{gfTds lxt, :jfy{ / ck/fwsd{ Go"gLs/0fsf ;jfndf ;'/Iff z}nL leq\ofpFb} ldl8ofb]lv cfddflg;sf] rf;f] a9fpg] ;+oGqnfO{ ;~rf/ If]qn] ;3fO/x]sf] x'G5 eGg] a'e\mg'k5{ . cEof; klg a9]sf] 5 . of] ;sf/fTds kf6f] xf] . t/ k|x/L clwsf/Lx?n] of] a'e\mg'k5{ ls v/fa lgotaf6 ;'/Iff ;+oGq / ;~rf/sdL{ b'j}n] kf/bzL{, Jofj;flos ldl8of k|of]u ug{ vf]h]df s'g} a]nf Sofl/P/ wd{;+s6df / ;dGjodf cfwfl/t /x]/ cl3 a9\g' /fHosf lglDt kg{ ;S5 . lsgeg], slxn]sfxLF ldl8ofn] kl/l:yltnfO{ lxts/ x'g]5 . JolQmut jf cGo k|s[ltsf] :jfy{ xfjL Psbd} rsf{Olbg ;S5g\ . Jofj;flos eGbf km/s /x\of] eg] b'j} lgsfosf lglDt cz'e–;DaGw l;h{gf x'g] p2]Zo af]s]sfx?n] b'?kof]u ug{] vt/f plQs} 5 . s]xL sf/0f aGg ;S5 . b'j} lgsfoaLr /fHosf a[xQ/ lxtsf v/fa / :jfy{d"ns lqmofsnfksf] df/df k|x/L ;+oGq lglDt ;xh, /rgfTds / Joj;flos ;DaGw x'g'k5{ . jf Jofj;flos ;~rf/sdL{x? kg{ ;S5g\ . To;n] dfq ;'/Iff ;+oGqsf] 5lj ;sf/fTds aG5 .  cid mAGAZINE 138

ck/fw cg';Gwfg ljefuaf6 jif{ e/L ePsf ljleGg ultljlwx? cid mAGAZINE 139

ljlw–lj1fg ;]jfsf] ;'b[9Ls/0f ;DjGwL uf]i7L

;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;DjGwL If]qLo uf]i7L, g]kfnu~h cid mAGAZINE 140

;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;DjGwL If]qLo uf]i7L, sf7\df08f}+

;fd'bflos k|x/L ;]jf ;DjGwL s]lGb|o uf]i7L, sf7\df08f}+ cid mAGAZINE 141

e'6fgL k|ltlglw d08n;+u e]63f6

r]tgfd'ns ¥ofnL cid mAGAZINE 142

zflGtb't sfo{qmddf ;xefuL ljwfyL{x? cid mAGAZINE 143 CID MAGAZINE 144




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