United Nations CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Conference of the Parties to the Distr.: Limited 30 January 2008 United Nations English/French/Spanish Convention against Corruption

Second session Nusa Dua, 28 January to 01 February 2008


States Parties


Fatbardh KADILLI, Adviser to the Prime Minister for Anti-Corruption Issues, Council of Ministers, Head of Delegation

Petrika JORGJI, Counsellor, UN Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Hamza YAHIA CHERIF, Ambassadeur d'Algérie en Indonésie, Chef de la Délégation

Nabil HATALI, Chargé de Mission à la Présidence de la République

Abdelmadjid AMGHAR, Président de la Cellule de Traitement du Renseignement Financier

Mokhtar LAKHDARI, Directeur des Affaires Pénales et des Mesures de Grâce, Ministère de la Justice

Tahar ABDELLAOUI, Directeur de la Coopération Judicaire et Juridique, Ministère de la Justice

Aziez EL AFANI, Commissaire Divisionnaire, Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale

Narcedine MAROUK, Chargé d'Etudes et de Synthèse, Ministère de la Justice

Abdelouahab OSMANE, Sous Directeur des Affaires Sociales et Culturelles Internationales, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

Zohra ZERARA, Premier Sécretaire près la Mission Permanente d'Algérie à Vienne

Ammar HADJAR, Secrétaire Diplomatique près l'Ambassade d'Algérie à Jakarta


Guilliermina C. DA COSTA PRATA, Vice-Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice, Head of Delegation

Henrique DOS SANTOS, Vice Attorney-General, Alternate Head of Delegation

Virgilio MARQUES DE FARIA, Director, Division for International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alternate Head of Delegation

Fidelino Loy de Jesus FIGUEIREDO, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Angola to the United Nations (Vienna), Alternate Head of Delegation

This document contans all information on participation received by the UNODC Secretariat up to 28 January 2008, and is for information purposes only. Delegates are kindly requested to submit any changes in writing to the Registration Officer at the Registration Desk. The final list of participants will be posted on the UNODC official web site at: http//www.unod.org/unodc/en/treaties/CAC/CAC-COSP-session2.html CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Flavio DE CARVALHO FONSECA, Ambassador of the Republic of Angola (Jakarta), Alternate Head of Delegation

Mário DE AZEVEDO CONSTANTINO, Minister Counsellor, Division for International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Carlos BURITY DA SILVA, Director, Office of Studies, Information and Analysis, Ministry of Interior

Eduardo CERQUEIRA, Director, National Department of Crime Investigation

Ramos DA CRUZ, Head, Office of the Vice Minister of Justice

Dulce GOMES, First Secretary, Advisor to the Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Angola (Vienna)

Carlos CRUZ LEMOS SARDINHA DIAS, First Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Angola (Singapore)

Noel CHAN, Embassy of the Republic of Angola (Singapore)

Simao MATEUS, International Affairs and Cooperation Directorate, Ministry of Home Affairs


Mauricio ALICE, Consejero, Dirección de Consejería Legal del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto


Anthony John Andrew COLES, Director (Legislation), Funding and Assets of Crime Section, Attorney-General's Department, Head of Delegation

Sonja Edith LITZ, Director, Governance and Anti-Corruption Unit, AusAID, Alternate Head of Delegation

Terance NUNN, AFPLO, Australian Consulate-General (Bali), Alternate Head of Delegation

Murray Craig PROCTOR, Deputy Director General, Program Enabling Division and Ambassador on HIV/AIDS, AusAID, Alternate Head of Delegation

Peter Guinn SCOTT, Director, Sanctions and Transnational Crime Section, Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Alternate Head of Delegation

Kathleen Alana WALKER, Counsellor (Customs), Embassy of Australia (Jakarta), Alternate Head of Delegation

Nerida DALTON, First Secretary (Development Cooperation), Embassy of Australia (Jakarta)

Michael Benjamin KACHEL, Second Secretary (Political), Australian Embassy (Jakarta)

Rebekah Ruth Anne KILPATRICK, Senior Policy Adviser, Transnational Crime (Domestic) Policy Section, Attorney-General's Department

Joanna May PERRENS, DPS Anti-corruption, Embassy of Australia (Jakarta)

Nicola ROSENBLUM, Second Secretary (Political), Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Nicholas Patrick SELLARS, Senior Policy Adviser, Australian commission for Law Enforcement Integrity


Thomas STELZER, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Martin KREUTNER, Advisor, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Alternate Head of Delegation 2 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Maria Angela HOLZMANN, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations (Vienna)

Gerlinde WAMBACHER, Advisor, Federal Ministry of the Interior


Ramiz RZAYEV, Chairman of the Supreme Court, Head of Delegation

Namiq ASKAROV, Deputy Prosecutor General, Alternate Head of Delegation

Bakhtiyar ALIYEV, Member of Parliament

Kamran ALIYEV, Head, Anti-Corruption Department, Prosecutor's Office

Elchin NASIBOV, Head, Legislative General Department's Administrative and Military Acts Division, Ministry of Justice

Sayyad KARIMOV, Head, Administrative and Military Legislation Department of the Parliament

Vusal HUSEYNOV, Leading Adviser, Department on Work with Law Enforcement Bodies, Office of the President

Erkin ALIKHANOV, Leading Adviser in International Relations, Legal and Information Supply Division, Supreme Court

Farhad ISAYEV, Third Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Jakarta)


Abdul Hasan Manzoor MANNAN, Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission, Head of Delegation

A.F.M MOSTAFA, Director General, Anti-Corruption Commission , Alternate Head of Delegation

Nasreen BEGUM, Joint Secretary (Drafting) Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs

Humayun FARHAD, Deputy Secretary (Drafting) Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs

Iqbal AHMED, Assistant Secretary (UN-2), Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Manzoor HASAN, Director, Institute of Governance Studies, BRAC University, Bangladesh

Tahmina RAHMAN, Research Coordinator, IGS

Saiful BHUIYAN, Research Associate, Institute of Governance Studies, BRAC University, Bangladesh

Nazma RAHMAN, Administrative Officer, Embassy of Bangladesh (Jakarta)

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Francis LOKOSSA, Directeur des Affaires Juridiques et des Droits de l'Homme, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de l'Integration Africaine, de la Francophonie et des Béninois de l'Extérieur de la République, Chef de la Délégation

Fortuné Luc Olivier GUEZO, Directeur de la Législation, de la Codification et des Sceaux, Ministère de la Justice, de la Législation et des Droits de l'Homme

Edouard Alexandre DAGBA, Inspecteur d'Etat en service à l'Inspection Générale d'Etat à la Présidence de la République

Jean Baptiste ELIAS, Président de l'Observatoire de Lutte contre la Corruption

Bachirou Victor ADECHOKAN, Rapporteur Adjoint de l'Observatoire de Lutte contre la Corruption

Bénoit Assouan DEGLA, Député à l'Assmblée Nationale, Membre de la Commission des Lois

Onésime MADODE, Procureur de la République, Membre élu de l'Observatoire de Lutte contre la Corruption


Horacio BAZOBERRY, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the International Organizations (Vienna)


Julio Cezar ZELNER CONCALVES, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations (Vienna)

Luiz Augusto FRAGA NAVARRO DE BRITO FILHO, Vice-Minister, General Controller's Office

Virginia TONIATTI, General Coordinator Against Transnational Crime, Ministry of External Relations

Luis Alexandre IANSEN SANT'ANA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations (Vienna)

Arnaldo SILVEIRA, Deputy Director, Department of Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation, Ministry of Justice

Ana Maria BELLOTO, General Coordinator of Asset Recovery, Department of Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation, Ministry of Justice

Danielle Aleixo REIS DO VALLE SOUZA, General Attorney's Office


Miglena TACHEVA, Minister of Justice, Head of Delegation

Galina ZAHAROVA, Member of the Supreme Judicial Council

Chavdar ZHECHEV, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria to the United Nations and other International Organizations (Vienna)

Emilena POPOVA, Director, International Law Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Tzvety ROMANSKA, Chief Expert, International Law Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Milena PETKOVA, Junior Expert, International Cooperation and European Integration Directorate, Ministry of Justice

Burkina Faso 4 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Zakalia KOTE, Ministre de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux, Chef de délégation

Beatrice DAMIBA, Ambassadeur, Représentante Permanente à Vienne

Alphonse Malobaly TRAORE, Président de la Haute Autorité de Coordination de la Lutte Contre la Corruption

Hilaire SOULAMA, Directeur des Affaires Juridiques et consultaires, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération

Ambroise W. TIEMTORE, Membre de la Haute Autorité de Coordination de la Lutte Contre la Corruption


Martin NIVYABANDI, Ministre à La Présidence chargé de la Bonne Gouvernance, de la Privatisation, de l'Inspection Générale de l'Etat et de l'Administration Locale, Chef de la Délégation

Léonidas HAVYARIMANA, Conseiller au Cabinet Chargé du Programme de gouvernance et de lutte contre la corruption


CHHOEUY ROEUN, Deputy Secretary General, Vice Chairman of Anti Corruption Unit , Chef de la Délégation

CHHAY SAVUTH, Head of Investigation Section (ACU)

CHANN SEREYVATH, Deputy Head of Investigation Section (ACU)

NGUONPHAN SOPHEA, Deputy Chief of Office (ACU)


Michael KIVEN LANGWA TCHIN, Chef de la Délégation

Dieudonné OYONO, Professeur

Dieudonné MASSI GAMS

Stephanie Clarence Epse Meyongo BILOUNGA

Polycarp Loyu SUWUN

Nke Dominique JOSE, Administrateur Civil, Chargé d'Etudes à la Cellule des Accords et Conventions, Division des Affaires Juridiques, Ministère des Finances

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Marie GERVAIS-VIDRICAIRE, Ambassador, Head of Delegation

Jennifer IRISH, Deputy Director, International Crime and Terrorism (Head of International Crime and Drugs), Department for Foreign Affairs

Wayne WATSON, Deputy Commissioner, Public Service Integrity Office

Paul SAINT-DENIS, Senior Counsel, Department of Justice

Doug BREITHAUPT, Senior Counsel, Department of Justice

Shaukat HASSON, Senior Policy Advisor, Canadian International Development Agency

Hanya SOLIMAN, Legal Advsior, Criminal Law Division, Department of Foreign Affairs

David PIMM, International Corruption and Crime Policy Advisor, Public Safety

Renaldy MARTIN, Program Officer (Development), Embassy of Canada (Jakarta)


Juan Cristóbal GONZÁLEZ SEPÚLVEDA, Jefe de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación Ministerio de Justicia, Jefe de la Delegación

Patricia ARRIAGADA VILLOUTA, Jefa de la División de Auditorías Administrativas Contraloría General de la República

Ana María MORALES PEILLARD, Jefa (S) de la División de Defensa Social, Ministerio de Justicia

Sebastián HAMEL RIVAS, Jefe de la Unidad de Auditorías Especiales Contraloría General de la República

Álvaro GUZMÁN SCHRADER, Tercer Secretario, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


Dawei WU, Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation

Wanxiang QU, Vice Minister, Ministry of Supervision, Deputy Head, National Bureau of Corruption Prevention , Alternate Head of Delegation

Hong XU, Deputy Diector-General, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Advisor

Songjiang GUO, Deputy Director-General Commissioner, General Office, National Bureau of Corruption Prevention, Advisor

Yuntao GAO, Deputy Director-General, Department of International Cooperation, The Supreme People's Procurate, Advisor

Dong WANG, Deputy Director-General, Legislation Office, Foreign Affairs Commission, National People's Congress, Advisor

Lixiao TIAN, Director, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Advisor

Yuguang WANG, Deputy Director, Department of Policies, Laws and Regulations, Ministry of Supervision, Advisor

Luan JIA, Deputy Director, General Office, National Bureau of Corruption Prevention, Advisor

Ning WANG, Deputy Director, Department of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Supervision, Advisor

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Yaojun ZHANG, Second Secretary, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Advisor

Guangming DENG, Procurator, Department of International Cooperation, The Supreme People's Procurate, Advisor

Kejia XIAO, Procurator, Department of International Cooperation, The Supreme People's Procurate, Advisor

Yajun WAN, Attaché, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Advisor

Juan SUN, Attaché, Department of Interpretation and Translation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Advisor

Rupeng LIU, Official, General Office, Ministry of Supervision, Advisor

Deng GUANGMING, Liasion Officer, International Cooperation Department

Jian YANG, Counsellor, Asian Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Jun YU, Third Secretary, Asian Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Shikun WANG, Attaché, Embassy of the People's Republic of China (Jakarta)


Mónica Patricia RUEDA RODRÍGUEZ, Asesora del Programa Presidencial para la Transparencia y Lucha contra la Corrupción


Gordan MARKOTIC, Assistant Minister of Justice, Head of Delegation

Aleksandar BROZ, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia (Jakarta)

Sanja KASELJ, Junior Counsellor, Directorate for Mutual Legal Assistance, Cooperation and Human Rights, Department for International Cooperation


Gladys Maria BEJERANO PORTELA, Ministra de Auditoría y Control, Jefe de la Delegación

Jorge P. LEÓN CRUZ, Embajador de Cuba en Indonesia, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Rafael Paulino PINO BECQUER, Vicefiscal General de la República

Mercedes LÓPEZ MARRERO, Vicepresidente del Banco Nacional

Mayra NIEVES ESCOBAR, Agregado de protocolo de la Embajada de Cuba en Indonesia, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Fidel GALDURRALDE ALFONSO, Especialista en Organismos Internacionales y en Colaboración Bilateral del Ministerio de Auditoría y Control

Jorge BODES TORRES, Asesor del Ministro de Justicia, Ministerio de Justicia


Alessandra GIRALDI, Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Head of Delegation

Dominican Republic 7 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Ramón BENITO FERNÁNDEZ ANGELES, Secretario del Episcopado Dominicano, Jefe de la Delegación

Julio Simón CASTAÑOS ZOUAIN, Encargado de la Sección de Seguimiento y Articulación de las Convenciones contra la Corrupción de la Dirección Nacional de Persecución de la Corrupción Administrativa


Patricia Adelina ZAMBRANO VILLACÍS, Directora de Asesoría Jurídica

Carlos ORTIZ G, Presidente de la Subcomisión de Asuntos Internacionales de la Comisión de Control Civico de la Corrupción

Manuel GARCIA JAÉN, Vicepresidente de la Comisión de Control Civico de la Corrupción


Abdel Meguid MAHMOUD, Prosecutor General, Head of Delegation

Borhan AMR ALLAH, Assistant Minister of Justice, International and Cultural Cooperation

Boulos FAHMY, Assistant Minister of Justice, Administrative and Financial Development

Ehab EL-ORABY, President, Central Administration for Legal Research, Administrative Control Authority

Ayman ELGAMMAL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations (Vienna)

Sherif ISSA, Counsellor, Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs

Ahmed Mahmoud Ali EL-DEMIRY, Deputy Prosecutor General, Prosecutor General's Office

Abdel Megeed Mahmoud ABDEL MEGEED, Attorney-General

Borhan Mohamed TAWHID AMRALLAH, Assistant Minister of Justice

Bouls Fahmy ISKANDAR, Assistant Minister of Justice

Ehab Ahmed Ahmed FARID ELORABY, Head, Department of Legal Research, Administrative Control Authority

Ahmed Mohamed ALI EL DEMIRI, Attorney, Ministry of Justice

El Salvador

Mario Alberto TENORIO, Viceministro de Gobernación, Jefe de la Delegación

María DEL PILAR ESCOBAR DE AMAYA, Directora de Estudios Jurídicos Internacionales, Dirección General de Asuntos Jurídicos y Derechos Humanos, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Francisco Rodolfo GARAY PINEDA, Director Jurídico, Ministerio de Gobernación

Andrés AMAYA FLORES, Jefe Unidad Especializada Delitos de Corrupción, Fiscalía General de la República


Tuija BRAX, Minister of Justice, Head of Delegation

Antti KOISTINEN, Ambassador of Finland to Indonesia, Alternate Head of Delegation

Ilari RANTAKARI, Ambassador, Helsinki Process on Globalisation and Democracy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs 8 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Matti JOUTSEN, Director, International Unit, Ministry of Justice

Kirsi PIMIÄ, Special Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Justice

Johanna JOKINEN-GAVIDIA, Advisor, Democracy and Good Governance, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Kaarle J. LEHMUS, Inspector General of Police, Police Department, Ministry of the Interior

Martti ANTOLA, Adviser for Global Governance, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Riitta GERLANDER, Second Secretary, Embassy of Finland (Jakarta)

Astrid GEISOR-GOMAN, Ministerial Counsellor, Ministry of Justice

Juha ELOMAA, Detective Sergeant, Security Police


Jean-Pierre VIDON, Ambassadeur chargé de la lutte contre la criminalité organisée, Chef de la Délégation

Michel BARRAU, Magistrat, Chef du Service Central de Prévention de la Corruption, Adjoint au Chef de la délégation

Luc BRIARD, Direction Générale de la Coopération Internationale et du Développement du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes

Xavier COUSQUER, Service des Affaires européennes et Internationales du Ministère de la Justice

Solène DUBOIS, Magistrat, Direction des affaires criminelles et des Grâces du Ministère de la Justice

Patricia DUFOUR, Magistrat, Service Central de Prévention de la Corruption

Hubert ANCELIN, Attaché de Sécurité Intérieure de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie

François LEGUE, Direction des Affaires économiques du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes

Raphaël TRAPP, Direction des Nations Unies et des Organisations Internationales du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes

Valérie TURCEY, Magistrat, Conseiller Juridique de la Représentation Permanente de la France auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies à Vienne

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Theophilus CODJOE, Executive Director, Serious Fraud Office

Emily ADDO-OKYIRIEH, Principal State Attorney

Benjamin BOTWE, Executive Secretary, Narcotics Control Board

Ambrose P. DERY, Minister of State, Head of Delegation

Estelle APPIAH, Director, Attorney General's Department

Emily Addo OKYEREH, Principal State Attorney, Attorney General's Department

Samuel NERQUAYE-TETTEH, Principal State Attorney, Attorney-General's Department

Alfred ASIAMA SAMPONG, Principal State Attorney, Attorney General's Department

Daniel DORMELOVLO, Controller and Accountant, Attorney-General's Department


Sylvia WOHLERS DE MEIE, Representante Alterno, Mision Permanente de Guatemala ante la Organización de las Naciones Unidas y Otro Organismos Internacionales (Viena)


Octávio ALVES, Conseiller juridique de la Ministre des Affaires Etrangères

Alfredo C. GOMES LOPES, Directeur Général des Affaires Juridiques et Consulaires du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères


Judit FAZEKAS LÉVAY, State Secretary, Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement, Head of Delegation

Borbála GARAI, Counsellor, Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement


Hendarman SUPANDJI, Attorney General, Head of Delegation

Antasari AZHAR, Chairman, Corruption Eradication Commission, Alternate Head of Delegation

Yunus HUSEIN, Head, Indonesian Transaction Report and Analysis Centre, Alternate Head of Delegation

N. HASSAN WIRAJUDA, Minister for Foreign Affairs

Andi M. MATTALATA, Minister for Law and Human Rights

Taufiq EFFENDI, State Minister for Empowerment Apparatus

Paskah SUZETTA, State Minister for National Development Planning, Head, National Development Planning Agency

Jenderal SUTANTO, General, Chief, Indonesian National Police

Anwar NASUTION, Chairman, Audit Board

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Adnan Buyung NASUTION, Member, Presidential Advisory Council on Legal Affairs

Muchtar ARIFIN, Vice Attorney General, Attorney-General's Office

Eddy PRATOMO, Director-General for Legal and Treaties Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs

Rezlan Ishar JENIE, Director-General, Multilateral Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs

Triyono WIBOWO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

BURHANUDDIN, Director, Legal Remedy and Execution, Attorney General's Office

Untung Udji SANTOSO, Deputy Attorney General for Civil and Administrative Law, Attorney-General's Office

Tasdik KINANTO, Secretary for State Ministry of Empowerment Apparatus

Gunawan HADISUSILO, Deputy for Supervision, State Ministry of Empowerment Apparatus

Mochamad JASIN, Vice Chairman, Corruption Eradication Commission

Haryono UMAR, Vice Chairman, Corruption Eradication Commission

Chandra M. HAMZAH, Vice Chairman, Corruption Eradication Commission

Bibit Samad RIANTO, Vice Chairman, Corruption Eradication Commission

Syamsudin Manan SINAGA, Director-General for General Administrative Law, Department of Law and Human Rights

Abdul Wahid MASRU, Director-General for Laws and Regulations, Department of Law and Human Rights

Romli ATMASASMITA, Advisor to the State Minister for National Development Planning, Head, National Development Planning Agency

I Dewa Putu RAI, Deputy for Political Law and Defense, National Development and Planning Agency

Arif Havas OEGROSENO, Director for Political, Security and Territorial Treaties, Department of Foreign Affairs

Damos Dumoli AGUSMAN, Director, Economic, Social-Cultural Treaties, Department of Foreign Affairs

Mulya WIRANA, Secretary, Directorate General of Legal and Treaties Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs

Desra PERCAYA, Director, International Security and Disarmament, Department of Foreign Affairs

Budi BOWOLEKSONO, Secretary, Directorate General of Multilateral Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs

Yohanes Kristiarto Soeryo LEGOWO, Head, Bureau of the Minister, Department of Foreign Affairs

Prijatni SAWADI, Director, International Law, Department of Law and Human Rights

Suharijono A.R., Director, Law and Regulation Planning, Department of Law and Human Rights

Wicipto SETIADI, Director, Law and Regulation Harmonization, Department of Law and Human Rights

Diani SADIAWATI, Director, Law and Human Rights, National Development Planning Agency

Lukman SUKARMA, Assistant Deputy, Observation and Evaluation of Corruption Eradication

Muhammad SALIM, Director, Investigation, Office of the Deputy Attorney General on Special Crimes

Dachmer MUNTHE, Director, Civil Law, Office of the Attorney General on Civil and Administrative Law

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Yoseph Suardi SABDA, State Attorney, Office of the Attorney General on civil and Administrative Law

Mohammad AMARI, Head, Law Bureau for the Deputy Attorney General, Attorney-General's Office

H. Bambang Hendarso DANURI, Police Commissioner, General, Head, Crime Investigation Department, Indonesian National Police

Jose RIZAL, Police Brigadier, Director III, Criminal Act of Corruption, Indonesian National Police

Iskandar HASAN, Police Brigadier, Secretary NCB-Interpol, Indonesian National Police

WALUYO, Deputy for Prevention, Corruption Eradication Commission

Syamsa ARDISASMITA, Deputy for Information and Data, Corruption Eradication Commission

GUNADI, Deputy Head, Research, Analysis and Compliance, Indonesian Transaction Report and Analysis Centre

Ade RAHARDJA, Director, Investigation, Corruption Eradication Commission

Feri WIBISONO, Director for Investigation, Corruption Eradication Commission

SUJANARKO, Director, Network Development and Cooperation between Institutions, Corruption Eradication Centre

Tri PRIYO, Director, Cooperation between Institutions, Indonesian Transaction Report and Analysis Centre

SOEPOMO, Director for Other Assets of the State, Department of Finance

Amien SUNARYADI, Special Advisor, Corruption Eradication Commission

Mirza NURHIDAYAT, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs

Sulaiman SYARIF, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs

Risma INDRIYANI, Official, Department of Law and Human Rights

Jan S. MARINGKA, Official, Attorney-General's Office

Timbul SITUMORANG, Second Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Washington)

Spica Alphanya TUTUHATUNEWA, Second Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Vienna)

Cahyo R. MUZHAR, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs

Lalu M. IQBAL, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs

Andhika CHRISNAYUDHANTO, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs

Elsa MIRANDA, Third Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Vienna)

Shanti DAMAYANTI, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs

Andy ARON, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs

Lily SAVITRI, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs

Rama Anom KURNIAWAN, Official, Department of Foreign Affairs

M. Yusfidli AEDHYAKSANA, Official, Office of the Attorney General

Danang Suryo WIBOWO, Official, Office of the Attorney General

J.A. SUMAMPOUW, Police High Commissioner, Indonesian National Police 12 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Pambudi PAMUNGKAS, Police High Commissioner, Indonesian National Police

Abdul HAKIM, Police High Commissioner, Indonesian National Police

Anas YUSUF, Police High Commissioner, Indonesian National Police

Dadang SUTRASNO, Police Commissioner, NCB-Interpol, Indonesian National Police

Giri SUPRAPDIONO, Official, Corruption Eradication Commission

Garda T. PARIPURNA, Official, Indonesian Transaction Report and Analysis Centre

Said IMRAN, Official, Indonesian Transaction Report and Analysis Centre

Didi WIDAYADI, Head, Financial and Development Supervisory Board

Theo L. SAMBUAGA, Head, Commission I, Indonesian Parliament

Trimedya PANJAITAN, Head, Commission III, Indonesian Parliament

Andreano ERWIN

FITRI RIYANTI, Secretariat of Directorate General, Law and Legal Affairs

Marcus SILANO, Member of Parliament

Sidarto DANUSUBROTO, Member of Parliament

SURADJI, Indonesian Development Auditory Board

Mohammad YUSUF, Indonesian Development Auditory Board


Muhyieddeen TOUQ, Head of Delegation

Mohammad ADEINAT, Member of the Anti-Corruption Commission

Mohammad KRAYMEEN, Director of the Anti-Corruption Directorate

Youssef MASARWEH, Legal Advisor to the General Intelligence Department

Ammar AL-HUSSEINI, Director of International Relations, Minister of Justice

Adnan AL LAHASEH, Head of the Anti-Money-Laundering Unit, Central Bank of Jordan

Zeina AL MUKHEIMER, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Jordan (Vienna)


Dorothy N. ANGOTE, CBS, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Head of Delegation

Julius K. KANDIE, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kenya to the United Nations (Vienna)

John Kithome K. TUTA, Deputy Chief Legal Officer, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs

John G. MAKUMI, Director of Administration, Office of the President, Provisional Administration and Internal Security

Francis KIMEMIA, Deputy Secretary in Charge of Reforms and Capacity Building, Office of the President 13 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Jeremiah IKIAO, Chief Inspector, Police Department, Police Headquarters

Dorcas ODUOR, Deputy Chief State Counsel, State Law Office

Alexander M. MUTETI, State Counsel I, State Law Office

Aaron RINGERA, Justice, Director, Chief Executive, Anti-Corruption Commission

Fatuma SICHALE, Deputy Director, Anti-Corruption Commission

Jesee WACHANGA, Principal Attorney, Anti-Corruption Commission

Ken MWIGE, Principal Attorney, Anti-Corruption Commission

Regina MURIUKI, Attorney, Anti-Corruption Commission


Bader Abdullah AL-MESAD, Attorney General

Faisal Sulaiman Ali AL-MUSAILEEM, Ambassador

Bader Khaled Hamad AL-HADLAK, Chancellor, Court of Appeal

Hamad Muhammad ABDURRAZAQ AL-MEDAIRES, Judge, Omni Court

Zakaria Abdullah AL-ANSARI, Director, Directorate for International Relations

Homoud AL-FADHLI, Diplomatic Attaché, Embassy of the State of Kuwait (Jakarta)

Salahadeen AL-SHAMMARI, Member of the Board of Directors, Transparency's Society

Nabeel AL-BUAIJAN, Inspector, Directorate for Information and International Relations





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Inese GAIKA, Head, International Cooperation Division, Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, Head of Delegation

Anete STIPNIECE, Senior Desk Officer, International Law Division, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Mpeo MAHASE-MOILOA, Minister of Justice, Human Rights and the Correctional Service, Law and Constitutional Affairs, Head of Delegation

Leaba THETSANE, Director of Public Prosecutions, Alternate Head of Delegation

Borotho MATSOSO, Director General, Directorate of Corruption and Economic Offences

Litelu RAMOKHORO, Director, Public Education and Corruption Prevention, Directorate of Corruption and Economic Offences

Malefetsane MOSEME, Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Abdel Salam Bashir ELTOUMI, General People's Committee for Justice, Head of Delegation

Abdalla Bashir QADDOURA, General People's Committee for Finance

Abdalla Miloud CHAABAN, General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation

Suleiman Gheith AHMAD, General People's Committee, Department of Legal Affairs


Valdemaras SARAPINAS, Chancellor, Head of Delegation

Algimantas VALANTINAS, Prosecutor General, Alternate Head of Delegation

Stanislovas LIUTKEVICIUS, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Interior

Vytas RIMKUS, Director, Department of Corruption Prevention, Special Investigation Service

Nerijus GENYS, Head, Division of Economic Analysis, Department of Economic and Finance, Office of the Government

Mindaugas SILKAUSKAS, Deputy Director, Department of International Law, Ministry of Justice


Marc UNGEHEUER, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire

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Patrick Yves Noel RAFOLISY, Secrétaire Exécutif du Comité pour la Sauvegarde de l'Intégrité

René RAMAROZATOVO, Directeur Général du Bureau Indépendant Anti-Corruption

Seheno Malala RAKOTONDRAINIBE, Directeur Territorial du Bureau Indépendant Anti-Corruption


Alex E. NAMPOTA, Director, Anti-Corruption Bureau

Wezi KAYIRA, Director of Public Prosecutions, Ministry of Justice

Larry NITA, Senior State Advocate, Ministry of Justice

Mabvuto B. KATEMULA, Principal Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Aishath Azima SHAKOOR, Attorney General, Head of Delegation

Lubna Mohamed ZAHIR HUSSAIN, Executive Director, Attorney General's Office

Moosa ALIM, Assistant State Attorney, Attorney General's Office


Anil KUMAR UJOODHA, Director-General, Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC)


Guillermo Alejandro HERNÁNDEZ SALMERÓN, Director General Adjunto para Temas Globales, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Jefe de la Delegación

José Manuel DEL PERPETUO SOCORRO SUÁREZ Y DE OVANDO, Agregado Legal, Embajada de México en Estados Unidos de América, Procuraduria General de la República

Miguel Guillermo Aragón LAGUNAS, Titular de la Unidad Especializada en Investigación de Delitos Cometidos por Servidores Públicos y Contra la Administración de Justicia de la Procuraduría General de la República

Carlos Alberto PERALTA GÓMEZ, Secretario Técnico, Dirección General del Sistema de Administración y Enajenación de Bienes, Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público

Guillaume MICHEL, Segundo Secretario, Embajada de México en Austria

André Marie Joseph GHISLA CUISSET, Asesor de la Subprocuraduria Juridica y de Asuntos Internacionales, Procuraduría General de la República

16 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Chimgee SANGARAGCHAA, Commissioner General, Independent Authority against Corruption (IAAC)

Gungaa BADARCH, Head, Administration Department, Independent Authority against Corruption (IAAC)

Shatarbal RADNAASED, Head, Prevention and Public Awareness Department, Independent Authority against Corruption (IAAC)


Igor LUKSIC, Minister of Finance, Head of Delegation

Vesna RATKOVIC, Director, Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative

Predrag STAMATOVIC, Minister Adviser for Privatization, Analytics and Organizational Issues

Ana NIKOLIC, Senior Adviser, Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative


Mohammed ABBOU, Ministre délégué auprès du Premier Ministre chargé de la Modernisation des Secteurs Publics, Chef de la Délégation

Azzeddine DIOURI, Secrétaire Général du Ministère délégué auprès du Premier Ministre chargé de la Modernisation des Secteurs Publics

Moulay Abderrahmane DRISS ALAMI, Ambassadeur de Sa Majesté le Roi (Jakarta)

Rabha ZEIDGUY, Directrice de la Modernisation de l'Administration, Ministère délégué chargé de la Modernisation des Secteurs Publics

Abdallah HAMMOUD, Président de Chambre à la Cour Suprême et Conseiller au Cabinet de Monsieur le Ministre de la Justice

Brahim RHARIB, Adjoint au Directeur des Affaires Administratives et Générales, chargé du pôle modernisation, Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances

Abdelkrim SETTI, Responsable de l'Unité Centrale des Affaires Juridiques au Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances

Rachid MELLIANI, Chef de la Division de la Stratégie et de la Communication à la Trésorerie Générale du Royaume, Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances

Khalid EL YACOUBI, Chef de Service de la Promotion de l'Ethique, Ministère délégué chargé de la Modernisation des Secteurs Publics

Driss EL MHOUAR, Ministre Plénipotentiaire auprès de l'Ambassade du Royaume du Maroc (Jakarta)

17 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Uutoni NUJOMA, Deputy Minister of Justice, Head of Delegation

Paulus NOA, Director, Anti-Corruption Commission

Ono-Robby NANGOLO, Principal Legal Officer, Ministry of Justice

Penda NAANDA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia to the United Nations Organizations (Vienna)


Cornelis DE JONG, Advisor on Human Rights and Peace Building, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation

Alain ANCION, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the United Nations (Vienna), Alternate Head of Delegation

Evert VAN DER STEEG, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, Ministry of Justice

Alexander KOFMAN, First Secretary, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Jakarta)


Michael KAASE AANDOAKAA SAN, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Head of Delegation

Biodun OWOSENI, Ambassador, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Abdul Ter KOHOL, Federal Ministry of Justice

Ummuna H. ORJIAKO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Olawale MAIYEGUN, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Johnson Terna YAJI, Federal Ministry of Justice

J. BALOGUN, Federal Ministry of Justice

Emmanual AKOMAYE, Secretary, EFCC

Simeon OGUNTIMEHIN, Chief, Commissioner ICPC

Sam SABA, Secretary, Code of Conduct Bureau

Ibrahim T. ADAMU, Code of Conduct Bureau

Siyanbola MALOMO, Nigeria Extractive Industries, Transparency Initiative

Stan IKIE RERRI, Nigeria Extractive Industries, Transparency Initiative

Lilian EKEANYANWU, Nigeria Extractive Industries, Transparency Initiative

Uche IGWE, Nigeria Extractive Industries, Transparency Initiative

K.L. EKEDEDE, Chargé d'affaires, Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations (Vienna)

Dare OGUNTUYI, Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations (Vienna)

Abdulaziz DANKANO, Embassy of Nigeria (Jakarta)

S.U. JIBRILLA, Embassy of Nigeria (Jakarta)

18 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Håkon GULBRANDSEN, Deputy Minister of International Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation

Helle KLEM, Assistant Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alternate Head of Delegation

Narve SOLHEIM, Senior Adviser, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mari SKÅRE, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mette KOTTMANN, Councellor, Royal Norwegian Embassy (Jakarta)

Trond H.G. RUDI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Norway to the International Organizations (Vienna)

Lene KNAPSTAD, Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Atte ROALDSØY, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Justice and the Police

Eva JOLY, Special Advisor, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

Jannicke BAIN, Senior Adviser, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation


Nawid AHSAN, Chairman of National Accountability Bureau, Head of Delegation

Amjad MAHMOOD, Additional Director of National Accountability Bureau

Sajid BILAL, First Secretary of the Embassy of Pakistan (Vienna)

Ahmad Hayat LAK, Legal Consultation of National Accountability Bureau

Sajid Mehmood QAZI, Deputy Secretary of Ministry of Narcotics Control

Asma FATIMA, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Mercedes DE LEON MENDIZABAL, Fiscal Primera Anticorrupción

Papua New Guinea

Christopher S. MERO, Ambassador


Rómulo ACURIO, Ministro Consejero

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Edgardo J. ANGARA, Senator, Head of Delegation

Maria Merceditas N. GUTIERREZ, Ombudsman

Linglingay F. LACANLALE, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations (Vienna)

Constancia DE GUZMAN, Chairperson, Presidential Anti-Graft Commission

Jaime D. JACOB, Commissioner, Presidential Anti-Graft Commission

Ricardo V. PARAS III, Chief State Counsel, Department of Justice

Vicente S. AQUINO, Executive Director, Anti- Council

Maria Rosario C. AGUINALDO, Director, Department of Foreign Affairs

Josel Francisco IGNACIO, Second Secretary, Alternate Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vienna)

Nina P. CAINGLET, Second Secretary, Embassy of the Philippines (Jakarta)

Jaime S. BAUTISTA, Presidential Commission on Good Government

Anthony A LEWIS, Presidential Anti Graft Commission

Juan Edgardo M. ANGARA, Congressman, House of Representatives

Anna Rosaline M. ANGARA, Legislative Staff, Senate

Carlos V. TIENZO, Administrative Assistant and Protocol Officer, Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines (Jakarta)

Rosalyn D. MARTINEZ, Executive Assistant VI, Office of the Ombudsman


Tomasz LUKASZUK, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Republic of Indonesia, Head of Delegation

Agnieszka STAWIARZ, Prosecutor, Division of International Cooperation and European Law, Ministry of Justice

Dominika KROIS, Alternate Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations (Vienna)


Joáo Tiago SILVEIRA, Secretary of State of Justice, Head of Delegation

Joaquim Rafael Caimoto DUARTE, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office (Vienna)

Pedro Do Carmo FERNANDO, Assistant National Director, Criminal Investigation Police, Ministry of Justice

António DELICADO, Coordinator for the European Union/ Criminal Justice, Ministry of Justice

Helena FAZENDA, Deputy Attorney-General, Central Department for Investigation and Action on Criminal Matters

Maria Do Carmo COSTA, Office for International Affairs, Ministry of Justice

Helena BICHO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Portugal (Vienna)

Ines MARINHO, Consultant, Office for International Affairs, Ministry of Justice

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Ali Mehsin A.R. FETAIS, Attorney-General, Head of Delegation

Khalid Ali AL-MOHANNADI, Director, Attorney-General's Office

Mohammed Raed AL-BANALI, Deputy Prosecutor, Attorney-General's Office

Firas Sabbar AHMED, Director of Public Relations, Attorney-General's Office

Yousef Saif BOHINDI, Chief, Information Section, Attorney-General's Office

Khalifa Abdullah AL-NOAIMI, Brigadier General, Director of the Rayan Security Department, Ministry of Interior

Jassim AL-SULAITI, Colonel, Office of the Minister of State for Interior Affairs, Ministry of Interior

Minahi Khalid AL-HAJRI, Director, Department of Preventive Security, Ministry of Interior

Nassir Misfur AL-QAHTANI, Captain, Department of Criminal Research, Ministry of Interior

Ebrahim Hashim AL-SADA, Expert, Office of the Director, Accounting Diwan

Mozah Mohammed AL-SULAITI, Director, Technical Office, Accounting Diwan

Kushnin SUBRAMANIAN, Expert, Office of the Director, Accounting Diwan

Mohammed Abdul KHALIQ AL-EMADI, First Reviser, Control Department, Economic Sector, Accounting Diwan

Khawlah Abdullah AL-KAABI, Reviser, Control Department, Economic Sector, Accounting Diwan

Najat Mahdi AL-KHALAF, Legal Expert, Ministry of Justice

Rashid Mohammed A.M. HAIDAN, Assistant to the Attorney General


Razvan Horatiu RADU, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation

Anca JURMA, Chief Prosecutor, Head, Division of International Relations, National Anti-Corruption Directorate, Alternate Head of Delegation

Doina DOROFTEI, Third Secretary, Department for International Law and Treaties, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mirela NEGRUTIU, Counsellor of the Chief Prosecutor, National Anti-Corruption Directorate

Russian Federation

Anatoliy E. SAFONOV, Special Representative of the President on Issues of International Cooperation in Combating Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime , Head of Delegation

Viktor J. GRIN, Deputy Prosecutor General

Vladimir V. ANDREEV, Deputy Director, Department on New Challenges and Threats, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mikhail I. GRISHANKOV, First Deputy Chairman, Committee on Security Issues, State Duma

Oleg F. PLOKHOY, Deputy Head, Directorate on Staff and State Award Issues

Oleg F. KONOVALOV, Senior Councilor, Directorate of the President on Staff and State Award Issues, Department on Staff Policy in Law Enforcement Bodies

21 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Anna V. PODJAPOLSKAYA, Head, Department on the State Financial Control of the Audit Activity and Accounting, Ministry of Finance

Juriy A. KOKOV, First Deputy Director, Department on Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism, Ministry of Interior

Pavel V. IVLIEV, Deputy Director, Department on International Law and Cooperation, Ministry of Justice

Tatyana A. POLYAKOVA, Deputy Director, Department on Constitutional Legislation and Legislation on Security Issues, Ministry of Justice

Sergey M. TARASENKO, Head of Section, Department on Challenges and Threats, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sergey B. SIDORENKO, Head of Section, Department on International Law and Cooperation, Ministry of Interior

Timur R. EYVAZOV, Head of Section, Department on Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sergey V. BELOUSOV, Head of Section, Department on Administration, Organization and Control, Ministry of Justice

Stanislav A. SMOLYAR, Head of Section, Legal Department, Service (Rosfinmonitoring)

Viktor I. KOBYLYAKOV, Head of Section, Legal Department, Financial Intelligence Service (Rosfinmonitoring)

Vladimir A. BUYANOVSKIY, Deputy Head of Section, Organizational and Analytical Department,

Oleg P. SIDOROV, Deputy Head of Section, Legal Department, Federal Security Service

Nadejda M. PHILIPPOVA, Councilor, Legal Department, Ministry of Finance

Aslan S. YUSUFOV, Senior Prosecutor, Department on Anticorruption Legislation Oversight, Office of the Prosecutor General

Anatoliy G. NORCHENKO, Senior Consultant, Department , Federal Security Service

Ekaterina A. TYURINA, Consultant, Department on International Law and Cooperation, Ministry of Justice

Vladimir I. TROFIMENKO, First Secretary, Embassy of the Russian Federation (Jakarta)

Ivan A. VOLODIN, Second Secretary, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alla B. NANIEVA, Third Secretary, Department on New Challenges and Threats, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Andrey I. DMITRICHENKO, Third Secretary, Embassy of the Russian Federation (Jakarta)


Zoran KAZAZOVIC, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Indonesia

Sierra Leone

Abdul TEJAN COLE, Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission

22 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Ronald KAKAŠ, Head, International Cooperation Section, Bureau of the Fight against Corruption, Ministry of Interior

Peter HOLÁSEK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to the Republic of Indonesia

South Africa

G.J. FRASER-MOLEKETI, Minister for Public Service and Administration, Head of Delegation

Susan SHABANGU, Deputy Minister for Safety and Security, Alternate Head of Delegation

Brigitte Sylvia MABANDLA, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Alternate Head of Delegation

Richard Michael LEVIN, Professor, Director-General, Department of Public service and Administration, Alternate Head of Delegation

Ellen Nelly KORNEGAY, Deputy Director General Governance, Department of Public Service and Administration, Alternate Head of Delegation

Griffiths MANDLENKOSI MANDLENKOSI MEMELA, Ambassador of South Africa to Indonesia (Jakarta)

William Andrew HOFMAYER, Deputy National Director, Public Prosecutions, Head, Asset Forfeiture Unit

John NDABA MAKHUBELE, Chief Director, International Relations, Department of Justice

Tumelo Faith GOPANE, Director, Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation, Department of Public Service and Administration

Sybrand GERHARDUS NEL, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions

Vanessa LERATO PHALA, Director, Anti-Corruption Policy, Department of Public Service and Administration

Ronel VAN WYK, Senior Superintendent, Commercial Investigation Unit, South African Police Service

Nomusa Pearl ZONDI, Assistant to the Minister for the Department of Public Service and Administration

Johannes Wilhelmus KLOPPER, First Secretary, Embassy of South Africa (Jakarta)

Matlhaba Andrew MOGADINGWANE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations (Vienna)

Gugu NCONGWANE, Office of the Minister of Justice

Isake NKUNKWANA, Department of Justice, Legal Administration Officer

Nothando Kay SIYABONGA, Department of Public Service and Administration

Nondumiso TRISELDA ZULU, Personal Assistant to the Deputy Minister

Lizwe Evelyn NTSHINGA, Section Head, Policing, Standard and Monitoring, Organized Crime South African Police Service

Noxolo TOKWANA, Senior State Advocate, National Prosecuting Authority

Sandiswa Sigret NKULA, Senior State Advocate, National Prosecuting Authority

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Aurora BERNÁLDEZ DICENTA, Embajadora de España (Yakarta)

Pilar MELERO TEJERINA, Fiscal de la Fiscalía General del Estado

Ignacio BAYLINA RUIZ, Consejero Técnico de la Representación Permanente de España ante los Organismos Internacionales con sede en Viena, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación

Ana PEYRO LLOPIS, Asesora del Secretario de Estado de Justicia, Ministerio de Justicia

José Maria DE LAS CUEVAS CARRETERO, Teniente del Cuerpo de la Guardia Civil, Ministerio del Interior

Francisco Javier GONZÁLEZ IBAÑEZ, Inspector del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía, Ministerio del Interior

Sri Lanka

Ameer ISMAIL, Justice, Chairman, Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption

D.P.J. DE LIVERA, Deputy Solicitor General, Attorney General's Department


Brigitta NYGREN, Ambassador, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation

Ann Marie BOLIN PENNEGÅRD, Ambassador, Embassy of Sweden to the Republic of Indonesia, Alternate Head of Delegation

Mats BORGENVALL, Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Jörgen FROTZLER, Counsellor, Swedish Embassy/Permanent Mission of Sweden ( Vienna )


Sherkon SALIMOV, Director of the Agency of State Financial Control and Fight Against Corruption

Sirozhidin NUROV, Head of Hetlon Department of Agency, State Financial Control and Fight Against Corruption

Trinidad and Tobago

Norton JACK, Senior Legal Adviser, Ministry of the Attorney General, Head of Delegation

Kelvin GLENROY WOODLEY, Assistant Commissioner of Police


Ahmet ERTAY, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Tuvan HÓBEK, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Murat YASAR, Senior Superintendent, General Directorate of Security, Ministry of Interior

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James Nsaba BUTURO, Minister of State for Ethnics & Integrity, Head of Delegation


Linda Lillian MUGISHA TUMUSIIME, Director, Legal Services, Directorate for Ethics and integrity, Office of the President

Bangirana GODFREY

Balimwoyo MOSES

Katotyo William WILBER

United Arab Emirates

Mohammed Nakhaeira AL DHAHERI, Minister of Justice, Head of Delegation

Abdul Rahim Yousef AL AWADI, Assistant Under Secretary, International Cooperation and Planning Department, Ministry of Justice

Mohammed AL KAMALI, Director, Institute of Training and Judicial Studies

Abdulla Yousef AL SHAMSI, President, Al-Sharjah Federal Appeal Court, Ministry of Justice

Saeed Hilal AL ZAABI, Judge, Dubai Courts

Khaled Ameen AL ZAROUNI, Chief Public Prosecutor, Dubai Public Prosecution

Hassan Mohammad AL HAMADI, Prosecuting Attorney, Abu Dhabi Judiciary Department

Mohamed Ahemd AL ZUDDEI, First Lieutenant, Ministry of Interior

Yousef Rashid AL SHARHAN, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates (Jakarta)

Khalid Amin AL ZAROUNI, Assistant Head of Prosecution, Dubai Court

Abdalla Hamdan AL NAQBI, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mohammad Ahmad AL ZEYODI, Ministry of Interior

Saeed Ali LOUTAH, General Headquarters, Dubai Police

Abu Baker Saeed Salem Al Masadi AL HAMEERI, Manager, Office of the Minister of Justice

Safwan Abdul Kader AL HABRA, Public General Relations Officer

Sultan Ibrahim AL JUWAIED, Advocate General, Federal Public Prosecution

25 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

David ROBERTS, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Head of Delegation

Nigel DICKERSON, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Alison CROCKET, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna)

Sarah COOKE, Head, Aid Effectiveness and Accountability, Department for International Development

Piers HARRISON, Senior Governance Advisor, Department for International Development

Nimesh JANI, Attorney General's Office

Chester BROWN, Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Anna HODGSON, Crown Prosecution Service

Anthony PRESTON, Third Secretary, Global Issues, British Embassy (Jakarta)

Natalia DOMENIE, PA/Chancery, British Embassy (Jakarta)

United Republic of Tanzania

Ramadhan Abdallah SHABAN, Minister of State and Good Governance, Head of Delegation

Stephen IHEMA, Commissioner, Ethics Secretariat

Lilian MASHAKA, Deputy Director General, Prevention and Combating Corruption Bureau

Mathias N.C. CHITUNCHI, Assistant Coordinator, Good Governance, Office of the President

Mwinyiussi Abdallah HASSAN, Director of Good Governance, Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar

Mary MOSHA, Director of Community Education, Prevention and Combating Corruption Bureau

Alex MFUNGO, Director of Integration, Prevention and Combating Corruption Bureau

Juventus BAITU, Personal Assistant to the Director General, Prevention and Combating Corruption Bureau

Immaculate Peter NGWALLE, Director of Administration and Personnel, Prime Minister's Office

Mosi MBENA, Accountant, Prime Minister's Office

United States of America

Elizabeth VERVILLE, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, US Department of State, Head of Delegation

John BRANDOLINO, Senior Advisor, Permanent Mission of the of America to the International Organizations (Vienna), Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Department of State, Alternate Head of Delegation

Peter AINSWORTH, Deputy Chief for Litigation, Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division, Department of Justice

Curtis S. CHIN, Ambassador, U.S. Executive Director, Asian Development Bank

Daniel CLAMAN, Senior Trial Attorney and Acting Assistant Chief, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, Criminal Division, Department of Justice

26 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Christine CLINE, Foreign Affairs Officer, Office of Policy, Planning and Coordination, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law

Elizabeth HART, Senior Anti-Corruption Advisor, Office of Democracy and Governance, U.S. Agency for International Development

Jane LEY, Deputy Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics

Robert LEVENTHAL, Foreign Affairs Officer, Office Enforcement of Anti-Crime Programs, Bureau of International Narcotics and Affairs, Department of State

Colleen NEVILLE, Foreign Affairs Officer, Office of Technical Specialized Agencies, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State

Virginia PRUGH, Attorney, Office of Law Enforcement and Intelligence, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State


Adolfo PÉREZ PIERA, Presidente de la Junta Asesora en Materia Económico Financiera del Estado


Mohsen Ali Abdullah AL BAHR, Member of Parliament

Obeid Awad AL-HOMER, Board Member, Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption (SNACC)

Yassin Abdo Saeed NOMAN, Board Member, Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption (SNACC)

Khalid Mohammed ABDUL MAJEED, Board member of the Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption (SNACC)

Mohammed Hamed DOUGHAISH, Deputy President, Financial, Administrative and Technical Affairs Sector, Central Organization for Control and Auditing, COCA

Hussain Sheikh BARAJA'A, General Director, Legal Affairs Department, Central Organization for Control and Auditing, COCA

Ahmed Ali AL HAMDANI, National Coordinator for Yemen-German Project for Anti-Corruption, Presidential Office

Ateka Ali HAMZA, General Director, Department of Financial and Administrative Control for Government Bodies, Presidential Office of the Republic

Abdulmalik Mohsen AL RYAMI, General Director, Control and Inspection Department, Ministry of Justice

Sae'ed AL-YAMANI, Public Fund Prosecutor, Al-Mukala Governorate Branch, General Prosecutor's Office

Khalid ABDULAZIZ, Board Member, Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption (SNACC)

27 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Nixon M. BANDA, Director-General, Anti-Corruption Commission

Mwape Dancewell BOWA, Director, Legal and Prosecutions, Anti-Corruption Commission

Zondwayo SOKO, Chief Investigations Officer

Agness Kayobo NG'ANDU, Director, Prevention and Education, Anti-Corruption Commission

Encyla Tina SINJELA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia (Geneva)


Eric Abdulman HARID, Chairperson, Anti-Corruption Commission

M. RUSHWAYA, Principal Director, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Monopolies Department

Signatory/observer States


Wahid MONAWAR, Chargé d'Affaires a.i., Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna)


Anwar AL-ANSARI, Acting Director of Audit, Ministry of Finance

Ali Abdulla AL-JOWDER, Captain, Anti Economic Crime Directorate (AECD), Ministry of Interior

Walid Abdulla ALDOWEESAN, Captian, Ministry of Interior


Cristina FUNES-NOPPEN, Ambassadeur et Representant Permanent de la Belgique auprès de l'ONU (Vienne), Chef de la Délégation

Carine PETIT, Conseiller d'Ambassade, Direction d'Appui à la Politique - Gouvernance, Adjoint au Chef de la délégation

Sibille DE CARTIER, Conseiller, Représentation Permanente de la Belgique (Vienne)

Tina SCHOLIERS, Attaché, Direction générale des Affaires consultaires, Service de la coopération judiciaire internationale

Céline ROMIJN, Attaché, Direction générale des Affaires consulaires, service de la Coopération judiciaire internationale

Paul LAMBERT, Premier Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Ambassade belge à Jakarta

Brunei Darussalam

Pengiran Kashmirnan bin Pengiran Hj TAHIR, Director, Anti Corruption Bureau

Ang Swee KIANG, Acting Senior Assistant Director, Anti Corruption Bureau

Mohd. Yusof bin DPS Hj. Abd RAHMAN, Senior Special Investigator

Nabil Daraina BADARUDDIN, Deputy Senior Counsel, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Criminal Justice Division, Attorney General's Chambers 28 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Czech Republic

Pavel REZÁC, Ambassador, Embassy of the (Jakarta)

Jirí VOBIŠ, Counsellor, Embassy of the Czech Republic (Jakarta)

European Community

Wolfgang HETZER

Michael MERKER, Policy Officer, Unit Fight against Organized Crime, Law Enforcement and Customs Cooperation, Directorate General Justice, Liberty and Security (JLS)

Franz-Herman BRÜNER, Director general, European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)

Paul Lachal ROBERTS, Adviser, Cooperation with International Organizations, European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)

Martin PRIBORSKY, Policy Officer, Unit Legislation and Legal Affairs, European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)

Dariusz KARNOWSKI, Counsellor, EC Delegation (Vienna), Directorate General External Relations (RELEX)


Peter GOTTWALD, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Bernhard TRAUTNER, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Alternate Head of Delegation

Sigrid JACOBY, Federal Ministry of Justice, Alternate Head of Delegation

Martina HACKLEBERG, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Germany (Vienna), Alternate Head of Delegation

Dedo GEINITZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) mbH, (German Technical Cooperation)

Johanna Beate WYSLUCH, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) mbH, (German Technical Cooperation)

Renate Evelyn SOEBAGIO, Assistant, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Charalambos CHRISTOPOULOS, Ambassador of Greece (Jakarta)

Leandros RAKINTZIS, Inspector General of Public Administration, Ministry of Interior

Georgios KOROVESIS, Special Inspector of Public Administration, Ministry of Interior

Constantinos BAKOURIS, Chairman, Transparency International Greece, Advisor to the delegation


Amos DUROSIER, Directeur général de l'ULCC

29 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Satyanand MISHRA, Secretary (Personnel)

Vijay SHANKER, Director, Central Bureau of Investigation

K. RAMASUBBAN, Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission

K. MOHANDAS, Special Secretary, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance

Sudhir NATH, Director, Enforcement Directorate

Awanish TIWARI, Deputy Director, Indian Cultural Centre, Bali

Ida Ayu KRISHNA, Official, Indian Cultural Centre (Bali)

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Hossein PANAHI AZAR, Director-General, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation

Mohammad GHARANI, Director-General, Inspection and Monitoring Organization, Tehran Province

Ali HAJIGHOLAM SARYAZDI, Counsellor, Alternate Permanent Representative to the United Nations at Vienna and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Vienna)

Seyed Ali MOUSAVI, Expert, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


John GARY, Crime Division, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Head of Delegation

Gerry HAYES, Assistant Principal, Crime Division, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform

John O'MAHONEY, Chief Superintendent, Chief Bureau Officer, Criminal Assets Bureau

Niamh NEYLON, Adviser to the Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of Ireland (Vienna)


Esther EFRAT-SMILG, Deputy Legal Advisor and Director of Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation

Yael WEINER, Department for International Agreements and Litigations, Ministry of Justice


Angelo Gabriele DE CEGLIE, Permanent Representative of Italy to the International Organizations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Alessandro AZZONI, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Italy to the International Organizations (Vienna)

Fabrizio GANDINI, Ministry of Justice

Elena STANIZZI, High Commissioner for the Prevention of and Fight against Corruption and other Forms of Illicit Activity within the Public Administration

Luigi DIODATI, Counsellor, Embassy of Italy to Indonesia (Jakarta)

Giuseppe CONFESSA, Honorary Consul of Italy to Bali 30 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Justin FELICE, Assistant Commissioner of Police

Dirk HARRISON, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions


Shigeki SUMI, Deputy Permanent Representative, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations (Vienna)

Satoko IKEDA, Attorney, International Affairs Division, Criminal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice

Katsutoshi ISHIKAWA, First Secretary, International Affairs Division, Criminal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice

Rieko MOTOUCHI, Officer, International Organized Crime Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Bounpone SANGSOMSAK, Central Control Committee, State Inspection Authority


Katja GEY, Counsellor, Office for Foreign Affairs


Abu Kassim MOHAMED, Deputy Director General, Anti-Corruption Agency, Head of Delegation

HAN CHEE RULL, Senior Assistant Commissioner 1, Anti-Corruption Agency of Malaysia, Alternate Head of Delegation

TAN KANG SAI, Assistant Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Agency of Malaysia

Abdul Razak BIN HAMZAH, Anti-Corruption Agency of Malaysia

Ahmad Sabri MOHAMED, Senior Superintendent, Anti-Corruption Agency of Malaysia

Zulfikri ABDUL MANAF, Senior superintendent, Anti-Corruption Agency of Malaysia

Zainal ADAM, Senior Superintendent, Anti-Corruption Agency of Malaysia

Ahmad Nizam ISMAIL, Superintendent, Anti-Corruption Agency

Mohd Norhisyam Mohd YUSOF, Second Secretary, Embassy of Malaysia (Jakarta)

Republic of Korea

Song-Won JEON, Public Prosecutor International Cooperation Team, Ministry of Justice

Mi Young KANG, Assistant Director, International Cooperation Team, Independent Commission Against Corruption

Ji Hye MOON, Third Secretary, Multilateral Treaties Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

31 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Saudi Arabia

Saleh AL AGEEL, Adviser at the Ministry of Justice

Mohamed ALBAKR, Adviser at the Control and Investigation Board

Abdulrahman ALJOMAAH, First Secretary, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ahmad Ali A. KATTOUAH, Political and Economic Affairs Officer, Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Jakarta)


Mathew JOSEPH, Senior State Counsel, Attorney-General's Chambers

Yeow Cheng TIN, Head of Investigation, Corrupt Practices and Investigation Bureau

Jean KUA, State Counsel, Attorney-General's Chambers

Jacob Anthony CHEW, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Omer Ahmed MOHAMED, General Legal Counsel


Anton THALMANN, Ambassadeur, Secrétaire d'Etat adjoint, Département fédéral des affaires étrangères

Bernard JAGGY, chef, Section des affaires économique, Division politique V, Département fédéral des affaires étrangères

Anne LUGON-MOULIN, chef adjoint, Section gouvernance, Département fédéral des affaires étrangères

Andrea CANDRIAN, chef adjoint, Unité droit pénal international, Office fédéral de la justice, Département fédéral de justice et police

Pierre-Yves MORIER, Direction du droit international public, Département fédéral des affaires étrangères

Christian COQUOZ, Procureur fédéral, Ministère public de la Confédération

David BEST, Conseiller, Mission permanente de la Suisse auprès des Nations Unies et des organisations internationales (Vienne)

Roman BUSCH, Conseiller, Ambassade de Suisse (Djakarta)

Syrian Arab Republic

Wissam AJEEB, Diplomatic Attaché, Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic (Jakarta)

32 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Tongthong CHANDRANSU, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Alternate Head of Delegation

Pakdee POTHISIRI, Commissioner, National Counter Corruption Commission, Head of Delegation

Wanlop YUTIDHAMMADAMRONG, Director, International Affairs Bureau, National Counter Corruption Commission

Chairat KHANITTABUTR, Director, Law and Regulation Bureau

Piyatida CHONGUDOMLIUK, National Counter Corruption Officer, International Affairs Bureau

Ruenvadee SUWANMONGKOL, Director, Legal Affairs Bureau, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice

Jiraporn ANKINANDANA, Legal Officer, Legal Affairs Bureau, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice

Chatchawal HORAYANGKURA, Diplomatic Officer, Treaty Division, Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Sebastiao Dias XIMENES

Jesuina Maria R. ABEL, Office of the Ombudsman

Fransisco CARVALHO, Inspector General

Longuinos MONTERO

Vicente Brito FERNANDES, Prosecutor, Office of the General Prosecutor


Marcos Ximenes DE CASTRO, Office of the General Prosecutor


Faysal GOUIA, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to Indonesia



Kasovskiy VADYM

Butenko LIUBOV


Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Maria Virginia MEZONES, Encargada de Negocios a.i. de la Embajada de la Replúbica Bolivariana de Venezuela en Indonesia

33 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Viet Nam

NGUYEN VAN SAN, Vice Minister, Deputy Inspector General, Government Inspectorate, Head of Delegation

NGUYEN THE BINH, Head, Department for Investigation of Complicated Corruption Cases, Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption

TRAN HUU HUNG, Principal Inspector, Department for Socio-Economic Inspection, Government Inspectorate

DANG TRUONG GIANG, Principal Inspector, Anti-Corruption Bureau, Government Inspectorate

NGUYEN THI HUONG GIANG, Expert, Department for International Cooperation, Government Inspectorate

Observer States

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Mukongo NGAY, Premier Conseiller et Conseiller Juridique, Mission Permanente de la Republique Democratique du Congo Auprès des Nations Unies (New York)

Equatorial Guinea

Don José OLO OBONO, Fiscal General de la Republica

Don Juan Bautista NVO MANGUE, Director General de Derechos Humanos


Marie-Saine FIRDAUS, Attorney General and Secretary of State for Justice, Head of Delegation

Naceesay SALLAH-WADDA, High Court Judge

Bubacarr SANKAREH, Auditor General

Benedict JAMMEH, Inspector General of Police

Ebrima Sama CORR, Acting Director, Policy Analysis Unit, Office of the President

Holy See

Frans Hendra WINARTA


Falih Abdulkadir AL-HAYALI, Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq (Jakarta)


Victor ZMETER, Ambassador of Lebanon (Jakarta)


Khamis Salim AL-KHALILI, Assistant to the Public Prosecutor, Head of Delegation

Abdullah Nasser AL-NEDABI, State Audit Institution

Mohammed Khalfan Manin AL DUGAISHI, Colonel, Royal Oman Police

34 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Fariz MEHDAWI, Ambassador of the Palestine National Authority to Indonesia (Jakarta)

Mahmoud ABUALRUB, President of State Audit and Administration Control Bureau

United Nations Secretariat

United Nations Office of Legal Affairs (UNOLA)

Warda HENNING, Associate Legal Officer, Office of Legal Affairs UN Headquarters

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Leik BOONWAAT, Representative, UNODC Regional Office (Lao People's Democratic Republic)

Richard PHILIPPART, Associate Expert, UNODC Regional Office (Lao People's Democratic Republic)

Stuart GILMAN, Head, Global Programme Against Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Unit

Simone MONASEBIAN, Chief, UNODC New York

Anna KENNEDY, Criminal Justice Associate, UNODC New York

United Nations Programmes and Funds

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

Ross NOBLE, Senior Administrative Officer

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Robert ASHE, UNHCR Regional Representative in Indonesia

The Special Court for Sierra Leone

Stephen J. RAPP, Prosecutor

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Olav KJORVEN, Director, UNDP Bureau for Development Policy

Phil MATSHEZA, Policy Advisor on Anti-Corruption

Jonathan NG, Quality Assurance and Audit Advisor, Directorate of Management

Patrick KEULEERS, Senior Regional Advisor, Democratic Governance Public Administration Reform and Anti- Corruption, UNDP Regional Centre, Bangkok

Omar NORMAN, UNDP Regional Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Nabeel SALIE, UNDP Regional Center in Colombo, Sri Lanka

35 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Anuradha RAJIVAN, UNDP Regional Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Mas Achmad SANTOSA, Adviser for Human Rights, Legal and Justice Sector Reform, UNDP Indonesia

Arkan EL SEBLANI, Legal Specialist, Programme on Governance in the Arab Region

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat)

Sandra BAFFOE-BONNIE, Legal Officer

World Food Programme

Adan Bashir KHAN, Director and Inspector General

United Nations bodies and institutes of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme network

United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI)

Shintaro NAITO, Professor

Ikuo KOSAKA, Officer

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)

Sandro CALVANI, Director

Andrea Rachele FIORE, Consultant, Justice Reform Unit

Institute for Security Studies (ISS)

Hennie VAN VUUREN, Head, Corruption and Governance Programme

Basel Institute on Governance

Gretta FENNER, Director

Alan BACARESE, Senior Anti-Corruption Officer

Hari MULUKUTLA, Chief Information Officer, International Center for Asset Recovery

United Nations Regional Commissions

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

Okey ONYEJEKWE, Director, Governance and Public Administration Division

36 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations system

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Deborah SIEGEL, Senior Counsel

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Amine KHENE, Assistant Director-General for Administration

World Bank

Ngozi OKONJO-IWEALA, Managing Director

Danny LEIPZIGER, Vice President

Scott WHITE, Deputy General Counsel

Latifah MERICAN, Program Director

Sanjay PRADHAN, Sector Director

Randi RYTERMAN, Sector Manager

Richard MESSICK, Senior Public Sector Specialist, Public Sector Governance Group

Theodore GREENBERG, Senior Public Sector Specialist

Muhamad AL-ARIF, Communications Officer

Victor DUMAS SILVA, Consultant

Joachim VON AMSBERG, Country Director, Indonesia (EACIF)

Joel HELLMAN, Senior Advisor (EACIF)

Vishnu JUWONO, Consultant (EASPR)

Dayu AMURWATI, Consultant (EACIF)

Hadianto WIRAJUDA, Consultant (EACIF)


Vera L. SONGWE, Economist

Intergovernmental organizations

African Development Bank

Eddie R. OUKO, Director

Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)

Wafik Z. KAMIL, Secretary General

37 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Liqun JIN, Vice President, Operations

Kathleen M. MOKTAN, Director, Capacity Development and Governance Division, Regional and Sustainable Development Department

Clare WEE, Director, Integrity Division, Office of the Auditor General

Council of (CoE)

Wolfgang RAU, Executive Secretary, Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

Laura SANZ-LEVIA, Administrator, Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

Council of the European Union

Hans G. NILSSON, Head, Division of Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Customs Cooperation Council (World Customs Organization)

Yoko ODASHIMA, Deputy Head, Asia Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building

Inter-American Development Bank

Xavier COMAS, Chief, Institutional Capacity of the State Division

International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)

Rainer BÜHRER, Assistant Director

League of Arab States

Mohamed REDOUANE BEN KHADRA, Legal Adviser to the Secretary-General, Head, Legal Department HQ (Cairo)

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Mark PIETH, Chairman, OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions

Patrick MOULETTE, Head, Anti-Corruption Division

Christine URIARTE, General Counsel, Monitoring, OECD Anti-Corruption Division

János BERTÓK, Principal Administrator, Innovation and Integrity, OECD Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate

Bathylle MISSIKA, Administrator, DAC Network on Governance (GOVNET), OECD Development Cooperation Directorate (DCD)

World Customs Organization (WCO)

Michel DANET, Secretary-General

38 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Other organizations

Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC)

Abdel AZIZ OMARI, Member of Parliament, Morocco

Hasnaa MANSOUR, Programme Coordinator, ARPAC Secretariat

Gaelle KIBRANIAN, Programme Manager, ARPAC Secretariat

Azmi SHUAIBI, Member of Parliament, Palestine

Ghassan MOUKHEIBER, Member of Parliament, Lebanon

Khalil GEBARA, Executive Director, ARPAC Secretariat

Naser AL SANE, Member of Parliament, Kuwait

Mohammed AL MOQATEI, Member of Parliament, Kuwait

John Glass WILLIAMS, Member of Parliament, Canada

Martin ULRICH, Executive Secretary, GOPAC Secretariat

Meaghan CAMPBELL, Programme Consultant, GOPAC Secretariat

Zahir SWAPON, Former Member of Parliament, Bangladesh

G. M. QUADER, Former Member of Parliament, Bangladesh

Kubanychbek OMURALIEV, Executive Director, Kyrzeg Parliament

Gwen LUBINDA, Member of Parliament, Zambia

Lazarus CHOTA, Member of Parliament, Zambia, Vice Chair of the APNAC

Josephine LIMATA, Member of Parliament, Zambia

Grace NJAPAU, Member of Parliament, Zambia

Florian MIMA, Deputy Minister of Finance, Albania

Alfredo ASTI, Member of Parliament, Uruguay

Hebert CLAVIJO QUIRQUE, Member of Parliament, Uruguay

Richard CHARAMELO, Member of Parliament, Uruguay

Josephine CARLOS CARDOSO, Member of Parliament, Uruguay

Leonard DEMI, Member of Parliament, Albania

Augustine RUZINDANA, Member of Parliament, Uganda, Chair of the APNAC

Cesar CAMACHO, Senator, Mexico

Cesar JAUREGUI, Senator (Mexico)

Virginia VIEDNAS, Member of Parliament, Romania

39 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Elsie SIMPAMBA, Desk Officer, APNAC Secretariat, Zambia

Paulina BIERNACKA, Consultant in Strengthening Parliament, USA

Cipriana PEREIRRA, Head, Sub-Commission for Anti-Corruption, Timor L'Este

Manuel TILMAN, Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Affairs, Timor L'Este

Natalino Dos Santos NASCIMENTO, Member of Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Legislation, Timor L'Este

Fernando GUSMAO, Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Legislation

Antonio VITOR, Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)

Charoen KATHAWONGS, Member of Parliament

Marwan BATUBARA, Senator, Indonesian Parliament

Bunyamin BURA, Senator, Indonesian Parliament

Rusli RACHMAN, Senator, Indonesian Parliament

Laode IDA, Senator, Indonesian Parliament

International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA)

Eduardo VETERE, Vice President

Jean AU YEUNG LUI MIU KWAN, Assistant Director, Corruption Prevention, ICAC, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China

HO IOC SAN, Chief of Cabinet of CCAC, the Macao Special Administrative Region of China

Kavai VU, Advisor of CCAC, the Macao Special Administrative Region of China

Chio IEK, Adviser, Public Prosecutions Office of the Special Administrative Region of Macao

Annie CHAN WAI CHAO, Technician, Public Prosecutions Office of the Special Administrative Region of Macau

Daniel SO, Principal Investigator, Operations Department, ICAC, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Hailong LI, Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Zhuomin LEI, Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Heng LIU, Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Weidong YU, Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Zhimin LIU, Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Ming XU, Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Xiaoman LI, Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Ruiming QIU, Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Jiezhu HAN, Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Zhaohua ZHU, Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

40 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Weili CHEN, Deputy Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Weiguo FU, Deputy Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Weimin XIE, Deputy Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Guixun BIN, Deputy Director, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Dongfang XIONG, Prosecutor, Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Nikos PASSAS, Professor, Northeastern University, College of Criminal Justice (USA)

U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre (U4)

Odd-Helge FJELDSTAD, Director

Hannes HECHLER, Project Coordinator

Karen HUSSMANN, Independent Consultant

UN Global Compact

CHU KI JU, Ambassador, UN Global Compact Korea Network

Olajobi MAKINWA, UN Global Compact (New York)

Chulki JU, Secretary General, UNGC Korea Network

Jeff PAINE, Regional Government Engagement Program Manager, Asia Pacific Region, World Wide Public Sector, Microsoft

Non-governmental organizations

American Bar Association (ABA)

John Andrew BONAME, Regional Anti-Corruption Advisor for the Asia Region

Caritas Internationalis

Lesley-Anne KNIGHT, Secretary-General

Karin KEIL, Representative to the UN System, Caritas Internationalis Austria

George GELBER, Head of Public Policy, Official Overseas Development and Relief Agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales (CAFOD)

Christian Aid

Babatunde OLUGBOJI


Bamidele JOHNSON

41 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2




Humanus International

Dieudonné ZOGNONG, President HR, President, Cameroon Coalition for the International Criminal Court, Member ISC, NGO process of the Community of Democracies, Member, Steering Committee, African Democracy Forum


International Association of Prosecutors (IAP)

Elizabeth HOWE, General Counsel, Member of the Crown Prosecution Service of England and Wales, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Kent, England

International Chamber of Commerce

David LYMAN, Chairman, Chief Values Officer

International Council of Women (ICW)


Hadriani Uli Tiur Ida SILALAHI

International Council on Human Rights Policy (ICHRP)


International Federation of Non-governmental Organizations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse (IFNGO)

Nuno Maria Roque JORGE, President

International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)





Siti Khoirun NIKMAH


Cristianto WIBISONO

Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA)

42 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Shineui CHOI

Muslim World League (MWL)

Fahad AL-HARBI, Director, Muslim World League Office in Indonesia

Public Services International (PSI)

Svend ROBINSON, Public Services Advocacy Officer

Transparency International (TI)

Lee CHONG SAN, Deputy President

Huguette LABELLE, Chair of the TI Board of Directors

Sion ASSIDON, Member of TI Board of Directors

Devendra Raj PANDAY, Member of the TI Board of Directors

Faisal AFAHAD, TI Kuwait

Victor ALISTAR, TI Romania

Julieta ARIAS, Poder Ciudadano, Argentina

Konstantinos BAKOURIS, TI Greece

Jan BORGEN, TI Norway



Roberto COURTNEY, TI Nicaragua

Dolly ESPANOL, TI Philippines


Djilali HADJADJ, TI Algeria

Kamal HOSSAIN, TI Bangladesh

Lisa KARANJA, TI Kenya

Paul KANANURA, TI Rwanda

Joseph KOMAKOMA, TI Zambia

Amalia KOSTANYAN, TI Armenia

Todung Mulya LUBIS, Chair, TI Indonesia

Rizal MALIK, Executive Director, TI Indonesia

Manfred MARROQUIN, TI Guatemala

Sergeij MURAVJOV, TI Lithuania

43 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Megat NAJMUDDIN, TI Malaysia

Rukshana NANAYAKKARA, Deputy Executive Director, TI Sri Lanka

Anita RAHMAN, TI Indonesia

Jan RICHTER, TI Germany

Manar SALEM, TI Palestine

Danfred TITUS, TI South Africa

Toru UMEDA, TI Japan

Florian VERNAZ, TI Indonesia


Codru VRABIE, TI Romania

Rezki WIBOWO, Deputy Executive Director, TI Indonesia

Iftekhar ZAMAN, TI Bangladesh

Christiaan POORTMAN, Global Programmes Director, TI-S

Pascal FABIE, Regional Director, Asia-Pacific, TI-S

Fritz HEIMANN, TI Senior Advisor


Gillian DELL, TI-S







Ahmed EL SAWY, TI Egypt


Michael C.M. SUKUR, TI Indonesia

Victor SETIWAN, TI Indonesia

Nita GUNARTI, TI Indonesia

Faisal A. ALFAHAD, TI Kuwait

Mercio JUVINAL DOS REIS, TI - Timor L' Este

Colin Stuart JOSEPH, TI UK

Rosela L. CAYCO, TI Philippines 44 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Abu HASSAN, TI Indonesia


Susanne TAM, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Expert, TI Israel

Women's Right to Education Programme (WREP)


Cindy Dooshima AKULA


Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (Loving the Nation's Children Foundation) (YCAB)

Veronica COLONDAM, Chief Executive Officer

Antonius RIVA SETIAWAN, Community Director



Other relevant non-governmental organizations

Abuja Children and Youth International Association of Nigeria



Jumbo Adeyemi CHICHI

Juliet A. NYIRO

Arab Organization for International Cooperation

Hanan YOUSSEF, Executive Chairman

Asociación Civil por la Igualgad y la Justicia

Leslie MACCOLMAN, Program Development Coordinator

Blossom Nigeria Projects (BNP)

Elizabeth Akpevwe OGHORO, CEO

Business for Integrity and Stability of Our Nation (BISYON 2020)

Maria Lourdes A. ARCENAS, Trustee, Executive Director

Imelda M. NICOLAS, Chairperson, Management Committee 45 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Purificacion W. GONZALEZ, Member, Management Committee

Suzette P. PIDO, Member, Management Committee

Ma. Della P. VERA, Member, Management Committee

Centennial Force Foundation Inc.


Rogelio TOMOL



Centre for European Constitutional Law

Xenophon CONTIADES, President, Scientific Director

Maria MOUSHOUTI, Executive Director, Director of International Projects

Forum Solidaridad Peru

Inés Arias NAVARRO

Human Rights Trust of Southern Africa (SAHRIT)

Yvonne CHIBIYA, Programme Manager, Ethics and Anti-Corruption

IBON Foundation INC.

Susana G. CRUZ, Advocacy Officer on Anti-Corruption

Maria Theresa NERA-LAURON, Head, International Department

Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW)

Teten Supriatna MASDUKI

Johanes Danang WIDOJOKO

Emerson YUNTHO





Inter-American Bar Association

Richard WERKSMAN 46 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Angel A. BRUNO

International Center on Nonviolent Conflict

Berel RODAL, Vice Chair

Shaazka BEYERLE, Senior Advisor

Kemitraan Bagi Pembaruan Tata Perintahan Partnership for Governance Reform (KEMILRAAN)

Mohamad SOBARY, Executive Director

Dadang TRISASONGKO, National Advisor, Anti-Corruption







Korean Pact on Anti-Corruption and Transparency (K-PACT)

Geo-Sung KIM, Standing Executive Officer

Kuwait Economic Society (KES)




Mohammed AL-MUQATA'A

Mauritius Council of Social Services (MACOSS)

Manda BOOLELL, Chairperson

Namibia Institute for Democracy

Theunis KEULDER, Director

Pact Cambodia

Barisoth SEK, Director, Mainstreaming Anti-Corruption for Equity

People Center for Development and Peace (PDP- Center)

47 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

Kim Eng YONG, President

Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK)

Annie ENRIQUEZ GERON, General Secretary

Transparency and Accountability Network (TAN)

Vincent T. LAZATIN, Executive Director

UNICORN - Global Unions Anti-Corruption Network (UNICORN)

Peters ADEYEMI, Member (Nigeria)

Tijah BOLTON, Member (Nigeria)

Kristine DREW, Member (UK)

Káorly GYÖRGY, Member (Hungary)

Tchiko MOURAD, Member (Algeria)

Alvin Sindinga MOSIOMA, Member (Kenya)

Su-Wern YEOH, Member (Malaysia)

Firmansyah ARFIN, Member (Indonesia)

Muhammad Yayat AFIANTO, Member (Indonesia)

ARSIL, Member (Indonesia)

Jasper CUMMEH, Member (Liberia)

Abeya EL BANHAWY, Member (Egypt)

Engi EL HADDAD, Member (Egypt)

FULTHONI, Member (Indonesia)

HERMAWANTO, Member (Indonesia)

Hasril HERTANTO, Member (Indonesia)

Bothaina KAMEL, Member (Egypt)

Timer MANURUNG, Member (Indonesia)

Ronald ROFIANDRI, Member (Indonesia)






48 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2


Christophorus HARNO

Zero Corruption Coalition

Hauwa Kulu KAZEEM

Ahmed Salemkaan KOSON

Esike Onajite EBRUKE

Lilian Chinnelo AKUBOR


Stella Ngozi MUKOLU

Elder Emeka OGAZI

Special Events

Artists for Integrity

Terry GEORGE, Director, Writer and Producer

David LISS, Author

Jim CLANCY, International Anchor CNN

Eric WAINAINA, Musician

Cesar LOPEZ, Singer

Business Coalition: The UN Convention against Corruption as a New Market Force

LU YOUQING, Vice President, Chinalco


YANG NING, Chinalco

Y.W. JUNARDY, Indonesia Marketing Association (IMA)

Andreas POHLMANN, Chief Compliance Officer, Siemens

Wisudaningsih PUIRWANDANI, Indonesia Business Links

Juan Carlos CAPUÑAY, Executive Director, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

Michael PEDERSEN, Global Leadership Fellow, World Economic Forum, Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (WEF/PACI)

Soji APAMPA, Executive Director, Convention on Business Integrity

Michael KENNEDY, Head, Law Firm (USA)

Heiko HUENSCH 49 CAC/COSP/2008/INF/2

High level Workshop on Making and Responding to Mutual Legal Assistance Requests, organized by the World Bank and UNODC

Abu Kassim BIN MOHAMED, Director General, Anti-Corruption Agency (Malaysia)

Lecture under the auspices of the President of the Conference: "Holistic Approach to Eradicating Corruption" (By invitation)


StAR Workshop (StAR)

Mohammed AL-MOQATEI, Attorney at Law, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Kuwait University YUYFIDLI, Legal Bureau, Office of the Attorney General (Indonesia)