879 Part 134—Country of Origin Marking
U.S. Customs and Border Protection, DHS; Treasury Pt. 134 removal or obliteration of the name, Subpart A—General Provisions mark, or trademark by reason of which 134.1 Definitions. the articles were seized. 134.2 Additional duties. (b) Copyright violations. Articles for- 134.3 Delivery withheld until marked and feited for violation of the copyright redelivery ordered. laws shall be destroyed. 134.4 Penalties for removal, defacement, or (c) Articles bearing a counterfeit trade- alteration of marking. mark. Merchandise forfeited for viola- Subpart B—Articles Subject to Marking tion of the trademark laws shall be de- stroyed, unless it is determined that 134.11 Country of origin marking required. the merchandise is not unsafe or a haz- 134.12 Foreign articles reshipped from a U.S. possession. ard to health and the Commissioner of 134.13 Imported articles repacked or manip- Customs or his designee has the writ- ulated. ten consent of the U.S. trademark 134.14 Articles usually combined. owner, in which case the Commissioner of Customs or his designee may dispose Subpart C—Marking of Containers or of the merchandise, after obliteration Holders of the trademark, where feasible, by: 134.21 Special marking. (1) Delivery to any Federal, State, or 134.22 General rules for marking of con- local government agency that, in the tainers or holders. opinion of the Commissioner or his des- 134.23 Containers or holders designed for or capable of reuse. ignee, has established a need for the 134.24 Containers or holders not designed merchandise; or for or capable of reuse.
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