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INDEX f refers to photo; n to notes A Abused Abbey Theatre (Dublin), 77 children, 285 Aberrant behavior, 67n100, 103, 221 daughters, 27, 235, 238 Abortion, 102, 104–106, 117n141 mother, 151, 285 Abortionist, 102 power by Pelops, 340 Abu Ghraib, 29, 272, 275–277, 297 sisters, 235 Abuse. See also physical abuse; physical wife, 2, 132 and sexual abuse women, 6, 126, 128, 175, 199 domestic, 129, 174–176, 189, Abusive boyfriend, 236 194–195, 212n107 Abusive husband, 143, 203, 329–330 driven aggression, 205 Action films, 52 driven violence, 201 Action Opposing Violence against dysfunctionality and, 132 Women Campaign, 145 familial, 145 Actor injury, 20. See also fight family history of, 201 choreography fuels rage, 195 Acts intergenerational transmission of, of dominance, sublimated sexual, 132, 196 276 male-initiated, 23 of resistance, 92 power, 104 of retaliation, 190 revenging her father’s, 192 of stabbing, 116n109 sexual, 200 of violence, 230 signs of, 235 Addict, drug, 155, 205 spousal, 145, 197 Addicted to drugs, 205. See also drug(s) © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2017 365 N. Taylor Porter, Violent Women in Contemporary Theatres, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57006-8 366 INDEX Addiction(s) African-American (cont.) substance, 281 women boxers, 243 to violence, 58 women of color are viewed as more to violent TV, 54 savage, 128 “Adrenaline Junkies,” 282 young girls of color, demonization Adult(s) of, 220 children who view violent media young women, violent socialization resort to aggressive behavior as of, 284 young adults, 54 Agamemnon, 74, 201 subjectivity, 85 Agent Orange, 280 victimizing children, 236 Aggression violent shows and violent choices as denial of women’s, 56 adults, 53 emotional experience triggers, 55 women’s aggressive behavior as a “life-force,” 56 equaled men’s, 50 male and female aggression research, young women victimized by, 48–51 262n88 perpetrators rewarded for, 54 Adulterous affair and murder, 198 pop culture celebrates, 53–54 Adultery, 102, 142 verbal vs.
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