District Profile March 2012

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District Profile March 2012 ENVIRONMENT DIRECTORATE www.nwleics.gov.uk DISTRICT PROFILE Key Facts and Figures about the District LANDSCAPE CHARACTER Key Facts Within the District there are: The north and east of the District are vulnerable to flooding from the River Trent • Rich and varied heritage, 23 Scheduled Ancient Monuments and the River Soar. The south and west of which is reflected within the 634 buildings and other structures the District is at risk of flooding from the Districts landscape and built that have been Listed River Mease. Throughout North West environment 22 Conserva tion Areas des igna te d for LiLeices ters hire there are several other • The District comprises of their ‘special architectural or tributaries of the River Trent and the River both large tracts of rolling historic interest’ Soar which present a flood risk, most countryside and an notably the Gilwiskaw Brook and the industrial heritage in and The National Forest area covers Grace Dieu Brook (Source: NWLDC, around Coalville. half of the District and in 1991 2008). existing woodland cover within the There are currently 17 Sites of • Within North West National Forest area was around Leicestershire, one of the Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) within 6%, but by 2008 this had increased the District, of which 2 have further main drivers of tree planting to 18%. So far, 7 million trees have is the National Forest. designations: Charnwood Lodge is also been planted, making green 5,900 a National Nature Reserve, and the • The District’s recycling rate hectares (Source: National Forest, River Mease is a Special Area of had significantly improved 2008). Conservation. Combined, all of these over recent years. sites make up around 2% of the total There has been a dramatic land area of the District (Source: English • Only a small fraction of the improvement in the amount of District is protected through Nature, 2004). recycled waste within the District. In national or international designations for the 2002/03, 6% of waste was recycled, Nearly 80% of SSSIs are either in purposes of ecological this figure rose to 35% in 2007/08 FblFavourableor UfUnfavoura ble (i)(recovering) protection (species or (Source: NWLDC, 2011). condition (Source: AMR, 2010). habitat protection). Within the District there are five designated Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) where the levels of nitrogen dioxide are particularly high. ECONOMY Key Facts March 2011 figures show that NWL In 2007, the percentage of VAT business hasahighrateof unemployment registrations was 10.3% - higher than the East • Relatively healthy economy in compared to other Leicestershire Midlands (9.5%) and Great Britain (10.2%). The terms of job density Authorities but a lower rate compared to percentage of VAT deregistrations was 5.9%, • The number of economically National and Regional figures, as shown which was lower than the East Midlands (6.9%) active residents within the District in the table below. (Source: LSR Online, and Great Britain (7.3%) (Source: Nomis, 2007). 2011) is higher than both the East 63.1% of the district’s residents work in North Midlands and National figures. West Leicestershire, 8.2% in Charnwood, 5.8% Unemployment in Leicester, 3.8% in Nottingham and 3.3% in • Large proportion of the District’s Figures March Derby. Almost 60% of those who commute have workforce are employed in the 2011 (%) Transport and Communications managerial or professional jobs. NWLDC 2.7 sector compared to East The table below identified the employee Midlands and Great Britain’s UK 3.8 jobs by industry within the District. (source figures. East Midlands 3.6 Nomis 2008). • Relatively high unemployment Employee Jobs by North West East Great rates compared to other Local Leicestershire 2.3 Industry Leicestershire Midlands Britain Authorities in the County. County (%) (%) (%) Job Density in the District in 2008 Oadby & 2.3 Manufacturing 16.3 14.8 10.2 was 96% (where 100% is one job for Wigston Construction 6.6 5.2 4.8 every residen t of working age). This is Charnwood 2.4 higher than the Regional Figure of 75% Distribution, 21.6 23.3 23.4 Hinckley & 2.4 and the National Figure of 79% (source: Bosworth Hotels & Nomis 2010). Restaurants During the period October 2009 to Melton 2.1 Transpp&ort & 1668.8 555.5 558.8 StSeptem ber 2010 there were 49,000 Blaby 2.1 Communications (80.7%) people employed in NWL; higher than the Regional (71.2%) and Harborough 1.6 Finance, IT, Other 18.5 17.9 22.0 National (70.4%) figures. Business Activities Public 14.1 26.7 27.0 Administration, Education & Health Other Services 3.3 4.5 5.3 PEOPLE Key Facts The 2001 Census figure Overall, increases in population and changes in shows 2.6% of the District’s the demographic composition of the District will have • Increase in population in the population are Black or economic, environmental and social implications. In District, especially of older Minority Ethnic. Nationally addition, the increase in the number of older residents people the figure was 13% (Census will have implications for development planning within • Population has increased in the 2001, ONS). the District and increased provision will need to be last decade to just over 90,600 made for an aging population. • The biggest concentration of population is in Coalville • District’s population set to increase to around 110,000 by 2026 • In terms of population structure, older people are set to outbthtnumber the younger The table below highlights the future changes in population in future years. age structure of the District’s population. It identifies that older people are set to outnumber the younger In 2009 the District’s population was population in future years. estimated at 90,600 (ONS 2010). Age 2001 Census AgeProjected The District’s population has grown Figures (%) Population 2026 by 6% between the 2001 Census (%) and 2009, which is identical to the percentage increase in the County’s Under 16 19.7 Under 14 19.3 popu lation dringduring the same time (4th highest increase in the County), 16 to 19 4.2 15 to 19 6.0 (LSR Online based on ONS, 2010). 20 to 29 10.8 20 to 29 10.3 By 2026, the population is 30 to 59 44.2 30 to 59 43.6 anticipated to grow in number by 60 to 74 13.4 60-74 19 17.6 % to 110,000 (ONS, 2009). 75 and 7.6 75 and over 12.7 over SAFETY AND HEALTH The chart below shows an overall Key Facts In terms of deprivation, in 2010 North reduction in recorded crime within the West Leicestershire was ranked • Overall reduction in recorded district over the seven year period: nationally 200th of 354 Local Authorities offences from 2002/03 to 9000 in England (where 1 = most deprived 7704 7729 2008/09 8000 7564 6931 7168 7000 and 354 = least deprived) (Source: LSR 6120 ffences 6049 • In terms of total crime, North OO 6000 Online, 2011). 5000 West Leicestershire has the 4000 highest total crime rate of all 3000 Male life expectancy at birth is 77.5 2000 of the Leicestershire Districts 1000 years whilst female life expectancy at Number of Recorded 0 birth is 82.2 years. This is almost on par • North West Leicestershire is 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Year with the CtCounty (inc lu ding Rtld)Rutland) the most deprived Local figures of 78.5 years (male) and 82.2 (Source: NWL Partnership in Safer Communities Authority in the County years (female) (Source: LCC & Rutland (excluding Leicester City) Strategic Assessment Evidence Base 2007). PCT, 2007-08). • The health of people in North Within the County, 4 of 20 areas with The proportion of adults in North West Leicestershire is significantly high volumes of crime are West Leicestershire who are obese is generally similar to the within North West Leicestershire and the 25%; this is slightly higher than the England average District has a disproportionately higher England average of 24.2% (Source: total crime rate in ‘urban’ areas NWL Heath Profile, 2011). • Within the District injuries compared with other LiLeices ters hire and deaths from road districts (Source: NWLDC, 2007). The level of obesity in children accidents are higher than within the District (16.2%) is lower than average Between 2009-10 and 2010-11 there the national England Average of 18.7% has been an overall reduction of 23% in (Source: NWL Health Profile, 2011). Serious Acquisitive Crime (these crimes include burglary, robbery, theft of and In terms of life expectancy and from motor vehicles). Violent Crime has causes of death the incidents of road seen a 8% reduction, Criminal Damage injury and deaths within the District is is down by 14%, Thefts have seen a 59% which is much higher than the 13% reduction overall and Anti-social England average of 48.1% (Source: Behaviour has been reduced by 25% NWL Health Profile, 2011). (NWLDC, 2011). HOUSING Key Facts At the 2001 Census there were 35,394 households within the • Number of households set District with an average household to increase over the size of 2.40 (2001 Census). coming years Occupied households are set to • Housing affordability, increase to 45,000 by 2026 especially in the rural (Source: DCLG 2008 Population villages, remains a key Projections). Between 2004/05 and 2008/09, issue in the District 2,059 dwellings were built in the District. At the 2001 Census, 76.6% of Of these 232 were ‘affordable’ (Source: • HiithHouse prices in the households in NWL were owner- NWLDC, 2011). District are slowly occupied compared to 81.15% in increasing following the Leicestershire and 72% in the East Amount of new housing built on recession Midlands.
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