Joseph and Asenath
JOSEPH AND ASENATH. BY BERNHARD PICK. INTRODUCTION. THE romance of Joseph and Asenath is founded upon the words of Gen. xH. 45 : "And he gave him to wife, Asenath, the daughter of Poti-pherah, priest of On." Later Judaism took offence that Joseph should have married a heathen woman, and the assertion was therefore made that Asenath, whom Dinah bore to Shechem, was brought up by the wife of Poti-pherah, prince of Tanes.^ How- ever this may be, certain it is that this religious romance was once widely known. A fragment of a Greek text of this legend Fabricius published from a Codex Baroccianus in his Codex pseudepigraphns. Vol. H, 85-102 ; but the complete text according to four manuscripts was first published by Batiffol, Studia patristica, etudes d'ancienne littera- ture chretienne, fasc. 1-2, Paris, 1889-1890. pp. 1-87, and this is the one we follow. The Latin text, which was formerly the main source for the knowledge of the legend, is only an extract. It is printed in Vin- centius Belloracensis (13th century), SpecuJiun historiale, Vol. 1, lib. n, cap. 118-124, and reprinted in Fabricius, Codex pseudepi- graphns, I, 774-784. The complete Latin text from which this extract was taken, was discovered by James in two IMSS. of English origin (13th-14th century) at Cambridge, and is given in Batiffol's work, fasc. 2, pp. 89-115.- According to Batift'ol, the translation, like that of the "Testaments of XH Patriarchs," may have been ^ So the Targum Jonathan on Gen. xli. 45. In the Bible we read nothing of Dinah's daughter.
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