UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA DEPARTMENTAL ACADEMIC PROFILE FACULTY PROFILE: Full name of the faculty member: DR PURBA CHATTOPADHYAY Designation: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Specialization: ECONOMETRICS AND STATISTICS Contact information: Department of Home Science, University of Calcutta, 20B, Judges Court Road, Kolkata 7000027, West Bengal, India Email:
[email protected] ;
[email protected] Phone no: +91-9433739418 1 of 11 Dr Purba Chattopadhyay Academic Qualifications: College/ University from which Degree Abbreviation of the degree was obtained Rabindra Bharati University BA (Economics) Rabindra Bharati University MA in Economics (specialization in Econometrics and statistics) Jadavpur University PhD UGC NET Qualified Substantive Position(s) held/holding: Assistant Professor (Economics) at Gobardanga Hindu College (2003-2013) Assistant Professor (Economics with Statistics) Department of Home Science (2013-Contd) Research interests: Household Food Security. Human Development Indices. Community Nutrition. Gender and Exclusion. Extension Education. Sustainable Development. Research Methodology & Statistical Application. Research guidance: Registered for Ph.D. - 01 candidate (joint supervisor with Professor Paromita Ghosh) in Human Development, Home Science. 01 enrolled in Human Development, Home Science. Projects: • UGC Sponsored Minor Research Project, 2011, Amount: INR 1,11,500/- Title: “A Study on Vending on Railways by Hawkers in Kolkata, West Bengal, UGC Order No. F.PHW-120/10-11 (ERO), dated 21.10.10 • UGC-UPE Major Research Project, 2018, Amount INR15, 00,000/- Title: “Adolescent mental Health: Prevalence of different Types of Problems and their Interventions”, Ref No: DPO/369/UPE II/Non Focs, dated 2.11.2018, Co-P.I • THE ASIATIC SOCIETY, Reproductive Health behaviour of women: A comparative Study Among the tribes of North East and Central India.