DEROZIO MEMORIAL COLLEGE Rajarhat Road, P.O.: R-Gopalpur, Kolkata – 700 136 West Bengal Phone: +91 033 2519-6050 Email:
[email protected] Website: RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT (RAR) 2015 [ASSESSMENT CYCLE II] FOR SUBMISSION TO NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL NAGARBHAVI, BANGALORE - 560072 Subject Page PREFACE 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 SWOC ANALYSIS OF THE COLLEGE 16 FUTURE PLANS OF THE COLLEGE 17 PROFILE OF THE COLLEGE 18 CRITERION-WISE INPUTS Criterion I : Curricular Aspects 30 Criterion II : Teaching, Learning and Evaluation 42 Criterion III : Research, Consultancy and Extension 67 Criterion IV : Infrastructure and Learning Resources 91 Criterion V : Student Support and Progression 110 Criterion VI : Governance, Leadership and Management 125 Criterion VII : Innovations and Best Practices 159 Post Accreditation (1st Cycle) Initiatives 165 EVALUATIVE REPORTS OF THE DEPARTMENTS Arts Departments 169 Science Departments 229 Commerce Department 271 Library 282 ANNEXURES Annexure I: Declaration by the Principal 289 Annexure II: Compliance Certificate 291 Annexure III: 2(f) and 12(B) Certificate 293 Annexure IV: University Affiliation Certificate 295 Annexure V: 2(f) and 12(B) Certificate (Transfer of University) 297 Annexure VI: NAAC Certificate of Accreditation 299 Annexure VII: NAAC Quality Profile 301 Annexure VIII: NAAC Peer Team Report 303 Annexure IX: Last UGC Grant Received 319 Annexure X: Photo Gallery 322 1 PREFACE HENRY LOUIS VIVIAN DEROZIO Henry Louis Vivian Derozio (18th April 1809 --- 26th December 1831) was a fiery Indian teacher and poet. In May 1826, at the age of 27, he was appointed teacher in English Literature and History at the newly set up Hindu College, Calcutta.