Residential Handbook 2015–16 WELCOME Welcome to University of Pittsburgh on-campus housing! Whether you are living in a residence hall, apartment-style accommodation, or fraternity complex, you are one of over 7,900 undergraduate students residing on campus, and your comfort and satisfaction are very important to us. It is our priority to ensure that your time in on-campus housing is one of many positive and rewarding experiences here at Pitt. The purpose of this Handbook is not only to provide you with a comprehensive reference for living on campus, but also to advise you of the policies for residing in University housing. This Handbook is not, and does not, create a contract. Upon electronically signing your Housing and Dining Services Contract (Contract), you agreed to, among other things, abide by the policies, rules, and regulations set forth in this Handbook and any other official University publications, including, but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures. Communal campus living can be a great college experience, but with your decision to do so comes a responsibility to abide by the rules necessary for the safety and enjoyment of all. With your cooperation, this goal will be met. This Handbook is divided into two sections. The first section (Everyday Living) addresses matters specifically related to your occupancy of University housing. The second section (Resources and Services) provides other useful information pertaining to the University. Each section has been organized alphabetically for easy reference. If you have any questions or need any additional assistance, please feel free to contact Panther Central at 412-648-1100,
[email protected], or