Merced 140 Roadside Safety Improvements On State Route 140 in Merced County 10-MER-140-2.3/49.0 EA 10-0Y130 and Project ID 1013000243 SCH Number 2019059129 Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared by the State of California Department of Transportation April 2020 General Information About This Document The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) prepared this Initial Study with Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed project in Merced County. Caltrans is the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The document tells you why the project is being proposed, what alternatives have been considered for the project, how the existing environment could be affected by the project, the potential impacts of each of the alternatives, and the proposed avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation measures. The Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration circulated to the public for 30 days between May 31, 2019, and June 29, 2019. Comments received during this period are included in Appendix C. If you would like a printed version or CD of this document, contact Cassidy Ellis by phone at 559-445-6481 or by email at
[email protected]. The document can also be downloaded at the following website: Printing this document: To save paper, this document has been set up for two- sided printing (to print the front and back of a page). Blank pages occur where needed throughout the document to maintain proper layout of the chapters and appendices. For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document can be made available in Braille, in large print, on audiocassette, or on computer disk.